This chapter reviewed the literature regarding technological solutions to prevent and intervene in cyberbullying incidents. Social media companies, Internet service providers, email service providers, instant-messaging apps, apps for cyberbullying, and other technological solutions were examined. We found that (a) parental control and filtering, (b) blocking an account, (c) removing the content, (d) reporting, (e) directing to online resources, and (f) safety centers were the most frequently used solutions to cyberbullying. The available technological solutions were mostly preventative. Moreover, bullying and harassment instead of cyberbullying seemed to be preferred as the technical term by the technology providers. No scientific evidence about effectiveness or ineffectiveness exists for any of the solutions provided by the current technological tools except for the online cyberbullying detection systems, the ReThink software, and a research study analyzing the impact of human face and a video film to enhance empathy for cyberbullying. Along with the recommendations for future research, findings are discussed in terms of their implications for technology-based cyberbullying solutions.