
Aggregated Preference Value Analysis of Small Satellite Launch Opportunities

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Due to the lack of matched dedicated small satellite launch vehicles, launch opportunities as a rideshare or piggyback using a highly reliable launch system has become increasingly important for small satellite developers. The objective of this paper is to provide an aggregated value method as a strategy for developers to evaluate launch opportunities, as well as an approach for the launchers to capture the market dynamics. Based on an up-to-date launch record, a reliable launch database for multi-attribute evaluation is established. Efforts are made to quantify the abstract and concrete attributes of launch systems. An aggregated preference value model is developed, translating different inherited capabilities of launch systems into integrated preference value as a reference for decision-making. The preference values of the launch opportunities of different launch vehicles are explored in a case study by the method proposed, and its feasibility and applicability for small satellite launch system evaluation tasks is validated.

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... The launch performance of a commercial launch vehicle system is inherently linked to parameters defining its characteristics. 15,16) According to the results of the previous analysis, the basic launch capability for future mainstream small satellite missions is to launch a small satellite into the LEO within an altitude of 1500 km. 17) Therefore, the transportation ability and the economic cost are measured by LEO payloads and the unit LEO price in this study. ...
... As for the availability, which presents the compatibility of the launch schedule between launchers and small satellite operators, a detailed analysis of this metric can be found in our previous research. 15,16) It has been shown that the sample mean launch cycle is preferred to indicate the level of availability of launch opportunities. ...
... A detailed derivation and explanation can be accessed from previous research. 15,16) Therefore, these five variables can be classified into two types: 1) Type-1: LEO unit cost and average launch cycle, and 2) Type-2: LEO payload capability, reliability, and total launch times. ...
In recent years, there has been a steady increase in the small satellite launch market. With the rapid development of novel launchers, for small satellite owners and operators, how to effectively and efficiently choose appropriate launch vehicles has become a major concern. Based on updated launch records, a reliable launch data source for multi-attribute evaluation and reclassification is established. Using a statistical classification process, active launch vehicles are classified into five representative-in-class launchers on the basis of their capabilities and performance. Unlike the previous categorisation based on payload ability, this method captures launch cost, technology maturity, reliability and availability of each category within the current launch vehicles in service. Moreover, representatives are selected as the baseline types for the high-level planning and designing of complex small satellite launch missions. The analysis indicates that this study provides a valid statistical classification and selection strategy of representative-in-class launch vehicles to support decision-making for rapid assessment on a large number of small satellite launch missions.
... The launch performance of a commercial launch vehicle system is clearly linked to the parameters defining its payload capability, affordability, reliability and availability. 13) According to results of the previous analysis, the basic launch capability for future mainstream small satellite missions is to launch a small satellite into the LEO with an semi-major axis(SMA) of 1500km. 10) Although the exclusion of the SSO and GTO data might affect the clustering results, it is considered more reasonable for the assessment of current launch vehicle systems for the small satellite launch missions. ...
... As for the reliability, two metrics, namely the total launch times and reliability are introduced to measure this performance characteristic. Detailed analysis on the availability in the previous research 13) has shown that the sample mean launch cycle is preferred to indicate the level of availability and the shorter the launch cycle is the more frequent the launch system is in action. ...
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In recent years, there have been a steady increase in the small satellite launch market. With the rapid development of novel launchers, for small satellite operators, how to effectively and efficiently choose appropriate launch vehicles has become the major concern. Based on the updated launch record, a reliable launch data source for multi-attribute evaluation and re-classification is established. Using a statistical classification process, current active launch vehicles are classified and reduced to four representative-in-class launchers on the basis of their capabilities and performance. Unlike previous categorisation based on payload ability, this method captures launch cost, technology maturity, reliability and availability of each category within the active launch vehicles. Moreover, representatives are selected as the baseline types for the high-level planning and designing of complex small satellite launch missions. A multi-attributes optimisation case study is conducted with the active launch vehicle database replaced by the representatives. Results have shown that this paper provides a valid statistical classification and selection strategy of representative-in-class launch vehicles to support decision making for rapid assessment on a large number of small satellite launch missions.
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As minaturisation of ever improving enabling technologies increase the capabilities of small satellites, the issue of commercially affordable access to Earth orbit becomes more significant. Whilst the current practice of multiple manifesting is dominant, the emergence of new small launch vehicles may instigate a transition to the dedicated launch of these small satellites. A brief review of the current range of launch vehicles is presented and available small satellite launch market projections briefly examined. The small launch vehicles currently in development are also outlined and their potential to drive the future small satellite launch market discussed.
Data for space launches and launch vehicles from 2000 to 2013 are analyzed to rate the relative capability and cost-effectiveness of launch vehicles for missions. The masses of mission payloads are used to determine the cost of payload mass delivered to low Earth and geosynchronous transfer orbits. These costs are higher due to wastage of launch vehicle capacity totaling 20.4% for the studied missions. A minimum cost scenario is then studied, where the lowest cost launch vehicle capable of performing a mission is used. In this scenario, the total price over the studied period for launches with complete data would be reduced from 44.2Bto44.2B to 33.4B, a savings of 24.5%. Usage is then compared with this scenario, and it is found that the cheapest launch vehicle capable of performing a mission is only used for 20.4% of studied missions.
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This article was published in the journal, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering [© IMechE / Professional Engineering Publishing] and is also available at: The assessment of mechanical systems is not an exact science and predictions can be subject to considerable uncertainty. In this paper the particular problems of mechanical system reliability assessment are discussed and a general methodology presented based on experience from availability studies carried out on offshore and onshore process plant.
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