New Butterflies for Iranian Fauna (I): Additions and corrections to the list given by Eckweiler & Hofmann (1980). — Journal of the Entomological Society of Iran 15: 53-63.
17 species of Rhopalocera are reported from Iran for the first time, belonging to suborder Rhopalocera, families Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae and Satyridae. Some are confirmations to previous records. Two individual forms of Danaus chrysippus L. (Danaidae) are firstly recorded from the country. Additional comments are also given.
Insects with 2 pairs of membranous wings; cross-veins few in number. The body, wings and appendages clothed with broad scales. Mandibles almost always vestigial or absent, and the principal mouthparts generally represented by a suctorial proboscis formed by the maxillae. Larvae eruciform, peripneustic, frequently with 8 pairs of limbs. Pupae usually adecticous and more or less obtect, and generally enclosed in a cocoon or an earthen cell; a few primitive forms decticous and exarate. Wing tracheation complete.
Taxonomic considerations on Brenthis mofidii Wyatt, ( 1968) and description of a new subspecies from Kurdistan: B. mofidii zobensis ssp. o. (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)
Jan 1993
R F Leestmans
Leestmans, R. & F. Carbooell, 1993. Taxonomic considerations on Brenthis mofidii
Wyatt, ( 1968) and description of a new subspecies from Kurdistan: B. mofidii
zobensis ssp. o. (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Linneallll Belgica, XIV(3): 119-134.
Uoe nouvelle sous~ de Melanargia galmhea L (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae)
Jan 1971
H Lcsac
Lcsac, H. De. 1971. Uoe nouvelle sous~ de Melanargia galmhea L (Nymphalidae,
Satyrinae). Alexaoor, VII: 156-157.
Contribution A la connaissance de la faune des Upidopttres de L ·Iran 92)
Jan 1970
H Et G Mirzayans
Mirzayans, H. et. G. Kalali, 1970. Contribution A la connaissance de la faune des
Upidopttres de L ·Iran 92). Ent. Phyt. Appliqies, 29: 15-23.
Les Upidopttres de la Transcaucasie (I)
Jan 1884
M Romanoff
Romanoff, M. 1884. Les Upidopttres de la Transcaucasie (I). Mim. Up. Romanoff, I.
P. 1-92.
The Macrolepidoptera of the world. I-IX
Jan 1905
A Seitz
Seitz, A, 1905-1913. The Macrolepidoptera of the world. I-IX.
Jan 1939
G Talbot
Talbot, G. 1939. Fauna of British India. Butterflies, Vol. I. London.
Jan 1974
G Talbot
Talbot, G. 1974. Fauna of British India. Butterflies, Vol. 11. London.
Eine neue Rasse von Brenthis hecate W. V. a us Iran
Jan 1968
C W Wyatt
Wyatt, C. W. 1968. Eine neue Rasse von Brenthis hecate W. V. a us Iran. Zeit. Wien.
Ent. Gu., Wien, 53: 29-30.