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Abstract and Figures

¬This study deals with the Thermodynamic evaluation of the use of Di-methyl ether refrigerants in household refrigeration systems which utilize R134a as a working fluid. A theoretical computational analysis was developed for R134a, Di-methyl ether (RE170) and the selected mixtures (R429A, R435A and R510A) in the standard refrigeration cycle ASHRAE, using the REFPROP 9.0 software. The results of computational simulations between the fluids were compared to find the evidence of the best alternative for R134a. In this sense, it is observed that the Di methyl ether reduced the levels of pressure on the condenser and evaporator. It also reduces the mass to be charged in the system. The use of these refrigerants reduces mass flow rate and increases refrigerating capacity of the system.
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A. Baskaran
, N. Manikandan
, V.P.Sureshkumar
Department of mechanical Engineering, P.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi – 642002.
This study deals with the Thermodynamic evaluation of the use of Di-methyl ether refrigerants in household
refrigeration systems which utilize R134a as a working fluid. A theoretical computational analysis was developed for R134a,
Di-methyl ether (RE170) and the selected mixtures (R429A, R435A and R510A) in the standard refrigeration cycle ASHRAE,
using the REFPROP 9.0 software. The results of computational simulations between the fluids were compared to find the
evidence of the best alternative for R134a. In this sense, it is observed that the Di methyl ether reduced the levels of pressure on
the condenser and evaporator. It also reduces the mass to be charged in the system. The use of these refrigerants reduces mass
flow rate and increases refrigerating capacity of the system.
Di methyl ether, R429A, R435A , R510A, Refrigerator
For the past half century, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have been used extensively in the field of refrigeration due to
their favorable characteristics. In particular, R12 has been predominantly used for small refrigeration units including
domestic refrigerator/freezers. Since the advent of the Montreal Protocol (1987) [1], as the R12 has high ODP and
GWP the refrigeration industry has been trying to find out the best substitutes for ozone depleting substances. For a
past decade, R134a has been used to replace R12 used in refrigerators and automobile air conditioners. R134a has
such favorable characteristics as zero ozone depleting potential (ODP), non-flammability, stability, and similar
vapour pressure to that of R12.In 1997, the Kyoto protocol was agreed by many nations calling for the reduction in
emissions of greenhouse gases including HFCs [2]. Since the Global warming potential (GWP) of R134a is
relatively high (GWP1300) and also expensive, the production and use of R134a will be terminated in the near
future. Now it is imperative to identify the alternative refrigerant with low GWP in accordance with the limit fixed
by EU Regulations [3].
Fatouh and El Kafafy [4] conducted a theoretical study about HC mixture (60% /40% R290/R600) as a possible
alternative for HFC -134a based domestic refrigerators under various climate conditions. Nicholascox [5] reported
that Di methyl ether (RE170, DME) makes a better refrigerant than R290 / R600a blends as it has no temperature
glide and doesn’t separate during leakage.
Valentinapostol et al. [6] conducted a thermodynamic study in vapor-compression refrigeration system for pure
substances and zoetrope mixtures, The results indicates that Di methyl ether can be used as alternative refrigerant for
R12 and R134a. B.M. Adamson [7] reported that the Di methyl ether (DME, C2H6O) possesses a range of desirable
properties as a replacement for R-134a. These include better heat transfer characteristics than R-134a, a
pressure/temperature relationship very close to R134a, compatibility with mineral oils, low cost and ready
availability. It is also highly environmentally friendly. (ODP =0; GWP =1; atmospheric lifetime = 6 days) DME is
compatible with most materials commonly found in refrigeration systems. al. [8-14] reported the performance of a vapor compression refrigeration system with Di methyl ether
and its blends. The results showed that the Di methyl ether and its blends have better performance when compared
with R134a.
Ki-Jung al. [15] investigated both numerically and experimentally in an effort to replace R134a used in the
refrigeration system of domestic water purifiers. Test results show that the energy consumption and the compressor
discharge temperature of R429A is 28.9% and 13.40 C lower than that of R134a with50% of the refrigerant charge ,
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2018
ISSN NO: 2279-543X
Overall,R429Ais a new long term environmentally safe refrigerant, is a good alternative for R134a requiring little
change in the refrigeration system of the domestic water purifiers.
Choedaeseong, Dangsoo Jung [16]. presented an experimental study on the application of R435A (mixture of DME
and R152a) to replace R134a in domestic water purifiers. Test results show that the energy consumption and
discharge temperature was 12.7% and 3.7°C lower than that of R 134a
Ki-Jung Park/Yohan Lee/Dongsoo Jung [17] investigated both numerically and experimentally in an effort to
replace HFC134a used in the refrigeration system of domestic water purifiers. Test results show that the energy
consumption and the compressor discharge temperature of R510A is 22.3% and 3.70 C lower than that of R134a
with50% of the refrigerant charge , Overall, R510Ais a new long term environmentally safe refrigerant, is a good
alternative for R134a requiring little change in the refrigeration system of the domestic water purifiers.
A theoretical analysis is implemented for the use of R134a, Di methyl ether (RE170) and selected mixtures
(RE170/R600a/R152a 60%/30%/10%, RE170/R152a 80%/20% and RE170/R600a 88%/12%) in the ASHRAE
standard cycle (evaporation temperature: -23.3ºC, condensation temperature: 54.4°C, temperature of liquid and
suction: 32.2ºC) using the REFPROP 9.0 software [18]. The objective of the analysis is to identify refrigerants that
performed close to R134a. Figure 1 show the thermodynamic cycle model used in theoretical and computational
In order to simulate the vapor-compression refrigerator the following assumptions are necessary.
a) Steady state operation
b) No pressure loss occurs in the pipes
c) Gain or loss of heat is neglected
d) Compressor volumetric efficiency and isentropic efficiency of 75 % [4]
The properties of the selected refrigerants in this study are reported in Table1. [19] The model used here is
CYCLE_D developed by NIST [20]. The system simulated by CYCLE_D consists of a compressor, discharge line,
condenser, expansion device, evaporator, compressor suction line, and an optional suction line heat exchanger
(SLHX). Thermodynamic properties are regenerated through the Carnahan- Starling-DeSantis (CSD) equations of
state. The simulated cycle is outlined by 11 states corresponding to key locations in a real system as shown in Fig. 1.
These states are as follows: (1) Inlet to the shell of the hermetic compressor; (2) Cylinder inlet before the
compression process; (3) Cylinder outlet after the compression process; (4) Condenser inlet; (5) Saturated vapor in
the condenser; (6) Saturated liquid in the Condenser; (7) Condenser outlet; (8) inlet to the adiabatic expansion
device; (9) Expansion device outlet or evaporator inlet; (10) Saturated vapor in the evaporator and (11) Evaporator
Figure1. Real thermodynamic cycle of a household refrigerator
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2018
ISSN NO: 2279-543X
For drop-in acceptance of a working fluid in a refrigeration system that already exists, some important performance
characteristics should be considered. These are: operating pressure, volumetric cooling capacity, coefficient of
performance and compressor discharge temperature [4].The refrigerant must have a minimum number of essential
characteristics favorable, among which the most significant are: low density in the liquid phase, high latent heat of
vaporization, low specific volume in the vapor phase and low specific heat in the liquid phase. The volumetric
cooling capacity (Qvol) is a measure of the compressor size for the required operating conditions expresses the
effect of cooling obtained per 1m3 of refrigerant entering in compressor. It should be noted that, as the volumetric
cooling capacity increases, the size of compressor required is reduced. The pressure ratio (PR) is defined as the ratio
between the condensation pressure (Pcond) and evaporation pressure (Pevap). The condensation and evaporation
pressures are determined according to the condensation and evaporation temperatures, respectively. The coefficient
of performance (COP) relates the cooling capacity and power required and indicates the overall power consumption
for a desired load. High COP means low energy consumption for absorption of the same cooling capacity of space to
be refrigerated. In the cycle analysis, the same cooling capacity was applied to all simulations of refrigerants
considered. The cycle cooling capacity of 120 W was obtained by a 180L household refrigerator, provided by the
Table: 1. Properties of Investigated Refrigerants
S.No Refrigerant
mixture Composition (% mass f.) NBP
(C) GWP Molecular
3 R 429A
(60/30/10) -26.0 14 50.76 123.5 4.86
4 R 435A DME/R 152a (80/20) -26.1 <31 49.04 125.2 5.39
5 R 510A DME/R 600a (88/12) -25.2 <3 47.24 127.9 5.33
Table 2. Computational Parameters of Investigated Refrigerants (ASHRAE cycle)
Refrigerant R134a RE170 R429A R435A R510A
Condensation pressure @ 54.4ºC (kPa)
1469.8 1270.4 1253.3 1323.2 1261.1
Evaporation pressure @ -23.3ºC (kPa)
114.8 108.2 111.6 113.4 109.5
Pressure Difference(kPa)
1355 1162.2 1141.7 1209.8 1151.6
Pressure ratio
12.8 11.75 11.23 11.67 11.52
Refrigeration effect(Kj/Kg)
185.58 411.09 362.43 382.96 396.21
Volumetric cooling capacity(kJ/m3)
875.2 822.6 827.3 856.2 824
2.05 2.039 2.074 2.033 2.053
Refrigeration capacity(W)
120 120 120 120 120
Mass flow(kg/h)
2.3278 1.0509 1.192 1.128 1.0903
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2018
ISSN NO: 2279-543X
Discharge temperature(
139.5 163.2 145.4 162.3 156
Capillary tube inlet temperature (oC)
32.2 32.2 31.8 32.1 32.2
Suction specific volume (m3/kg)
0.212 0.5 0.438 0.447 0.481
Liquid specific heat (kJ/kgK)
1.4559 2.4084 2.3954 2.2997 2.4267
Liquid density (kg/m3)
1179.6 645.18 614.63 678.56 626.34
90.5 201.6 174.7 188.4 193
Applying the simulation on the thermo dynamic cycle showed in Fig.1 under predetermined conditions of operation
(ASHRAE cycle) and using software REFPROP 9.0 .The results were obtained and presented in Table 2.
Figure 2 shows that the variation of vapour density of the selected refrigerants which are lower than that of R134a
for the whole range of operating temperatures. This leads to reduction compressor work required. The reduction in
density is a more important factor than the latent heat of vaporization of the fluid.[21] The vapour densities under
the suction conditions of the mixtures and di methyl ether presents smaller than those of R134a, corresponding to a
less fluid charge required in the system in relation to R134a [4] As shown in figure 3, the R429A and R510A give
the lowest liquid densities, providing thereby reducing frictional losses in the system.[4]
- 5 0 - 4 0 - 3 0 - 2 0 - 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0
1 0
1 5
2 0
2 5
3 0
3 5
4 0
Vapour Density(kg/m
S a t u ra t io n T e m p e ra t u re (
C )
R 1 3 4 a
R E 1 7 0
R 4 2 9 A
R 4 3 5 A
R 5 1 0 A
Figure 2.Variation of Vapour density with saturation temperature.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2018
ISSN NO: 2279-543X
-5 0 -4 0 -3 0 -2 0 -10 0 1 0 20 30 4 0
Liquid Density(kg/m3)
S at ur a tio n Te m p e ra tu re (oC )
R 1 3 4 a
R E 1 7 0
R 4 2 9 A
R 4 3 5 A
R 5 1 0 A
Figure3.Variation of Liquid density with saturation temperature.
-5 0 -4 0 -3 0 -2 0 -1 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 40
0 .0 0
0 .0 5
0 .1 0
0 .1 5
0 .2 0
0 .2 5
0 .3 0
0 .3 5
0 .4 0
0 .4 5
0 .5 0
0 .5 5
0 .6 0
0 .6 5
0 .7 0
0 .7 5
0 .8 0
0 .8 5
0 .9 0
Vapour Volume(m3/kg)
S a t u ra t io n T e m p e r a tu r e ( oC )
R 1 3 4 a
R E 1 70
R 4 2 9 A
R 4 3 5 A
R 5 1 0 A
Figure 4.Variation of vapour volume with saturation temperature.
Figure 4 shows the variation in the suction specific volume conditions of the compressor. It is observed that higher
values of specific volume in the compressor suction provides a higher volumetric cooling capacity, resulting in the
need for higher displacement of the compressor to the same cooling capacity of the system. It is observed that in
order to carry out a drop-in of refrigeration system, the substitute refrigerant must have similar volumetric cooling
capacity to the existing refrigerant so as not to be necessary to replace the compressor. In this study, it is observed
that the Di methyl ether shows the highest specific volume and R429A has lower value.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Review
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2018
ISSN NO: 2279-543X
Analysing the Table 2 can be noted that the latent heat of vaporization (refrigeration effect) of the R510A is about
twice that of R134a. However, due to the low specific volume of R134a in the suction, the volumetric cooling
capacity of the two fluids is nearly similar.
Di methyl ether and its blends are environmentally friendly; the use of these substances as refrigerants in domestic
refrigerators is very feasible. It is found from the thermodynamic analysis, the pressure level in the condenser and
evaporator are lower. The use of Di methyl ether and mixtures involving hydrocarbons provides a doubling of the
latent heat of vaporization compared to R134a. This factor leads to a reduction in charge mass (50%) of refrigerant
in the cooling system for a same capacity of the equipment. The coefficient of performance of the system with Di
methyl ether and mixtures (R510A and R429A) is having similar and higher values compared to R134a respectively.
In order to consolidate the di methyl ether and their mixtures as substitutes for R134a, the refrigeration industry
should focus its efforts on developing compressors suitable for volumetric cooling capacity of these alternative
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[2] Global Environmental Change Report, 1997.A brief analysis of the Kyoto protocol, IX (24).
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International Journal of Scientific Research and Review
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2018
ISSN NO: 2279-543X
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International Journal of Scientific Research and Review
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2018
ISSN NO: 2279-543X
... Many researchers conducted various experimental works in the domestic refrigerator to enhance the performance of the system with low GWP refrigerants and blend with R134a as a forthcoming alternative replacement in the refrigeration system 12-23 . Baskaran et al. [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35] examined the performance of several eco-friendly refrigerants and combinations with R134a as a prospective alternative replacement in various tests on a vapour compression refrigeration system. Tiwari et al. 36 used experimental and CFD analysis to compare the performance of capillary tubes with different refrigerants and tube diameters. ...
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The household heating and cooling system often use the capillary device. The use of the helical capillary eliminates the need for lightweight refrigeration devices in the system. Capillary pressure is noticeably affected by the capillary geometric parameters, such as length, mean diameter, and pitch. This paper is concerned with the effects of the capillary length on the performance of the system. Three separate length capillary tubes were used in the experiment. The data on R152a were studied under various conditions to assess the impact of varying the length. Maximum COP is obtained at an evaporator temperature of − 12 °C and capillary length of 3.65 m. The result is drawn that the system performance enhances when the capillary length is improved to 3.65 m when compared to 3.35 m and 3.96 m. As a result, as the capillary length increases up to a specific amount, the system's performance improves. The findings from the experiment were compared with those from the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis.
... All nanolubricants based on TiO 2 have been observed to reduce average power consumption. Baskaran et al. [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27] evaluated the performance of a vapour compression refrigeration device using a variety of different refrigerants (including refrigerant mixtures) and nanorefrigerants, and their findings were compared to those obtained by using R134a as a potential alternative replacement. An investigative test rig is indigenously created and manufactured to conduct the examinations. ...
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This study investigates the performance of nanorefrigerants (R134a-ZrO 2) in a domestic refrigerator at a concentration of 0.2 g/l without changing the components. Nanoparticles of ZrO 2 of 0.2 g/L concentration with particle size 1-10 nm and 140 g of R134a have been charged, and investigations were carried out. Energy consumption and pull-down tests were conducted to investigate the performance of the refrigerator. The performance parameters like refrigeration capacity, compressor power, discharge temperature, coefficient of performance, and energy consumption were investigated for the nanorefrigerant (R134a-ZrO 2), and the results were compared with base refrigerant R134a. The pull downtime, energy consumption, and discharge temperature are reduced with increased COP and compressor power when the system is operated with R134a-ZrO 2 nanorefrigerant. Also, the thermophysical properties of the nanorefrigerant (R134a-ZrO 2) are calculated and analyzed for the various volume fraction of nanoparticles.
... Hence, it is to be replaced by eco-friendly refrigerants [3,4]. Now, it is imperative to identify the alternative refrigerant with low GWP in accordance with the limit fixed by EU regulations [5]. Park and Jung [7] conducted an investigation of the energy efficiency of R430A in a domestic water purifier as a potential choice refrigerant to R134a. ...
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In this paper, various eco-friendly refrigerant mixtures R430A, R436A, R436B, R435A, and R510A used in vapour compression refrigeration systems are considered for this study. All of them have zero ODP and very low GWP. On the basis of exergy features, the efficiency of various working fluids in vapour compression refrigeration cycles was compared. The exergy efficiency of mixtures is evaluated for various evaporating temperatures ranging from -40°C to -5°C at a constant condensation temperature of 45°C. The variation of exergy is also analyzed for various condensation temperatures ranging from 25°C to 60°C at a constant evaporating temperature of -10°C. The exergy losses in various components are computed and presented in Grassmann diagrams for a cooling load of 1 kW. The results indicate that all the investigated alternative refrigerant mixtures have higher exergy efficiency than R134A. The maximum exergy performance is 39.72% observed for the mixture R435A at an evaporation temperature of -30°C, and this value is 9.89% higher than that of R134a.The results also show that the highest and lowest exergy losses have occurred in the compressor and evaporator.
... Then we can easily reset the timer relay circuit time for solenoid valve. The time setting is the value how time is open and how time is closed is manually resettable [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]. ...
In the field of agriculture, proper irrigation is critical, and it is well recognized that drip irrigation is both cost-effective and productive. In a traditional drip irrigation method, the farmer must keep track of the irrigation schedule, which varies depending on the crop. The irrigation will be automated as a result of the project. The use of low-cost sensors and simple circuitry makes this project a low-cost product that even a poor farmer can afford. This project is ideally adapted for locations where water is scarce and must be used sparingly. This project will make use of the ATMEGA328U controller. The microcontroller is attached to a 16×2 LCD display that shows the water level and moisture level. Individually set solenoid valves regulate the water flow to the area, and four pushbuttons are given to set the limits of water flow. The moisture and water levels are displays the LCD and Blynk mobile application by using of IoT module. The IoT module sends the data to mobile application. Four relays are provided for controlling three solenoid valves, which controls the flow of water to three different parts of the field.
... A. Baskaran et al analyzed the performance of a vapour compression refrigeration system with various eco-friendly refrigerants including HFC152a and their mixtures. The results were compared with R134a as possible alternative replacement [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. ...
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This paper presents the theoretical investigation of effects of sub-cooling on the performance of eco-friendly alternative refrigerants (R152a, RE170 (Dimethyl ether) in a domestic refrigeration system. The study was performed using a vapour compression system with the aim of 􀃶nding a drop-in replacement for R134a. An increase in sub-cooling effectiveness reduces the compressors power and increases the system refrigeration effect. Also, an increase in the degree of sub-cooling, reduces the refrigerant mass 􀃸ow rate, compressor power and increases both the refrigerating effect and coefficient of performance (COP) of the system. The comparison of the performance of R134a and the investigated alternative refrigerants showed that R152a and Dimethylether (DME) have the most similar performance characteristics to R134a with DME having better performance. These two refrigerants are the best replacements for R134a in a domestic refrigeration system.
... A. Baskaran et al analyzed the performance of a vapour compression refrigeration system with various eco-friendly refrigerants including HFC152a and their mixtures. The results were compared with R134a as possible alternative replacement [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. ...
This paper presents the theoretical investigation of effects of sub-cooling on the performance of eco-friendly alternative refrigerants (R152a, RE170 (Dimethyl ether) in a domestic refrigeration system. The study was performed using a vapour compression system with the aim of
Refrigeran R134a digunakan pada sistem AC mobil karena memiliki sifat termodinamika yang baik dan memiliki nilai ODP nol. Namun, nilai GWP pada R134a cukup besar yaitu 1300 yang dipengaruhi unsur fluor (F) yang dikandungnya. Sehingga besarnya nilai GWP yang dimiliki R134a berpotensi menyebabkan pemanasan global. DME (dimethyl-ether) dapat menjadi refrigeran alternatif untuk menggantikan R134a pada AC mobil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara putaran RPM kompresor dengan performansi AC mobil menggunakan refrigeran R134a dan DME. Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan cara pengambilan data secara langsung pada AC mobil di Laboratorium Tata Udara Jurusan Teknik Refrigerasi dan Tata Udara, Politeknik Negeri Bandung. Pengujian dilakukan dengan variasi putaran kompresor sebesar 1000 RPM, 1100 RPM, 1300 RPM dan 1500 RPM pada R134a atau DME. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah perbandingan variasi RPM menggunakan R134a dengan DME. Pada RPM tertinggi, R134a mempunyai nilai rasio kompresi dan daya motor lebih tinggi sebesar 11,78% dan 13,67% dibandingkan dengan DME. Akan tetapi, RE170 (DME) mempunyai nilai COP aktual, efisiensi refrigerasi, efek refrigerasi dan kerja spesifik kompresor yang lebih tinggi berturut-turut sebesar 38,85%, 33,31%, 166,65% dan 139,52% dibandingkan dengan R134a.
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Dimethyl ether (DME) and its blend of refrigerants (R429A, R435A, and R510A) are considered in this study's second law analysis as potential replacements for R134a. The performance of various refrigerants in a vapour compression refrigeration system is examined using the Design package CYCLE D. The software REFPROP 9.0 is used to extract all of the thermal and physical parameters of DME and its blend of refrigerants. The Second law performance parameters such as Efficiency Defects, Entropy generation and ExergyEfficiency are discussed. The refrigerants R429A and R510A are more energy efficient than R134a across a condensing temperature range of 30 to 55 °C at − 10 °C evaporation temperature. R134a was exceeded by R429A and R510A in terms of exergetic efficiency by 2.08 and 0.43%, respectively. In comparison to other losses in different components, the compressor's exergy loss is larger at 37–40% of the total exergy loss. By employing RE170 and its blends, the Vapour Compression Refrigeration System often performs better under the second law than R134a. The result shows that the efficiency defects in the compressor are the largest, followed by the condenser and evaporator. Thus, the design improvement of a compressor is of at most importance to improve the system performance by lowering the overall irreversibility.
The aim of this effort is to use friction stir processing to make an aluminium-based hybrid composite (FSP). Because of their high strength-to-weight ratio, aluminium alloys are widely used in the nautical, concrete, transportation, and aircraft industries. Friction strengthened metal matrix composites (PRMMC) is made from A6061 and its reinforcements B4C and SiCp particles. particles strengthened metal matrix composites (PRMMC) was produced by friction stir processing (FSP). The optical microscopy, hardness tests used to characterize the samples. The results indicated that the uniform distribution of SiCp/B4C elements in A6061 matrix by FSP process and heat treated this can be advance the mechanical possessions of samples. Therefore, pretending the mechanical performance of a prepared new specimen is very important to assess the protection of the plate.
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In the present study, the possibility of using refrigerant blend of RE170 and R600a as alternative to the refrigerant R134a in domestic refrigerator working on Vapour Compression System has been assessed theoretically. R134a is currently used as the refrigerant in refrigerator replacing the ozone depleting refrigerant R12. Although R134a has no ozone depletion potential, it has relatively larger global warming potential (1300). For this reason the performance of refrigerant mixtures containing RE170 and R600a are measured. The performance characteristics of domestic refrigerator were studied over a wide range of evaporation temperatures (-30°C to 30°C) and condensation temperatures (30°C, 40°C, 50°C) for working fluids R134a and refrigerant mixtures RE170/R600a.This study has been carried out by comparing parameters such as pressure ratio, refrigerating effect, isentropic work, coefficient of performance, compressor power, volumetric cooling capacity discharge temperature and mass flow rate. The present study indicates a drop in replacement for R134a with blend (RE170/R 600a) with the mass fractions of 80%/20%.
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The parametric investigations of actual Vapour Compression Refrigeration (VCR) cycle in terms of Coefficient of Performance (COP), Exergy Destruction (ED) and exergetic efficiency of refrigerants R134a, R152a and RE170 have been predicted with the help of vapour compression cycle design software (CYCLE_D4.0). The present investigation has been carried out for evaporator and condenser temperatures in the range of-30°C to 10°C and 25°C to 50°C respectively. The overall efficiency defect in the refrigeration cycle working with RE170 is consistently better than those of R134a and R152a. It has also been found that at higher evaporating temperatures, the exergy losses are minimal for the refrigerants in the four components. The results indicate that COP and exergetic efficiency for RE170 are higher in comparison with R134a and R152a.
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In the present study, the possibility of using refrigerant blends of RE 170, R152a and R600a as alternative to the refrigerants R12 and R134a in domestic refrigerators working on Vapour Compression System has been assessed theoretically. R134a is currently used as the refrigerant in refrigerator replacing the ozone depleting refrigerant R12. Although R134a has no ozone depletion potential, it has relatively larger global warming potential (1300). For this reason performance of refrigerant mixtures containing R152a, RE170 and R600a are measured. The performance characteristics of domestic refrigerators were studied over a wide range of evaporation temperatures (-30°C to 30°C) and condensation temperatures (30°C, 40°C, 50°C) for various working fluids R12 R134a, refrigerants mixtures RE170/R152a and RE170/R600a.This study was carried out by comparing parameters such as pressure ratio, refrigerating effect, isentropic work, coefficient of performance, compressor power, volumetric cooling capacity discharge temperature and mass flow rate. The present study indicates a drop in replacement for R12 with blend RE170/R152 with the mass fractions of 50%/50%. Similarly R134a can be replaced with the blend (RE170/R 600a) with the mass fractions of 80%/20%.
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A performance analysis on a vapour compression refrigeration system with various eco-friendly refrigerants of HFC152a, HFC32, HC290, HC1270, HC600a and RE170 were done and their results were compared with R134a as possible alternative replacement. The results showed that the alternative refrigerants investigated in the analysis RE170, R152a and R600a have a slightly higher performance coefficient (COP) than R134a for the condensation temperature of 50⁰C and evaporating temperatures ranging between-30⁰C and 10⁰C.Refrigerant RE170 instead of R134a was found to be a replacement refrigerant among other alternatives. The effects of the main parameters of performance analysis such as refrigerant type, degree of sub cooling and super heating on the refrigerating effect, coefficient of performance and volumetric refrigeration capacity were also investigated for various evaporating temperatures.
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This paper presents the analysis results of R429A, R430A, R431A and R435A as drop in substitute for R152a at various evaporating temperature with condenser temperature 30°C, 40°C and 50°C. A theoretical study of thermodynamic properties such as pressure, density, and specific volume, latent heat of vaporization compression index, and critical values are done. The theoretical performance of vapour compression refrigeration system with R152a, R429A, R430A, R431A and R435A was done and their results are compared. The effects of the main parameters of performance analysis such as refrigerating effect, compressor work, coefficient of performance, volumetric refrigerating capacity, discharge temperature, pressure ratio, condenser duty, compressor power, refrigerating mass flow are analyzed for various evaporating temperatures. The compressor power required for the refrigeration during analysis with R152a and its blends were observed. The results shows that the refrigerants R435A consumes 1.098% less compressor power than that of R152a.The COP, Refrigerating effect for R435A is 1.229%,32.198% higher than R152a respectively. The refrigerant mass flow is decreased by 24.353% while using R435A substitute to R152a. Other results obtained in the analysis show a positive indication of using R435A as refrigerant in vapour compression refrigeration system substitute to R152a.
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R-134a is currently used as the refrigerant in refrigerator replacing the ozone depleting refrigerant R-12. Although R-134a has no Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP), it has a relatively larger Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 1300. In an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, R-152a (difluoroethane) (GWP 130) and Hydrocarbons (GWP 20) are being considered as a replacement for R-134a. HC blend has a zero ODP and a negligible GWP. The only drawback of HC blend is the temperature glide. The drawbacks of using R-152a and HC blend with respect to GWP and temperature glide can be overcome by the refrigerant DME. The present paper presents the results of a thermodynamic study of new eco-friendly refrigerant blends of R-152a and DME. It was carried out for a single-stage vapor compression refrigeration system. These new refrigerants are generally azeotropic. Some of these new mixtures have better thermodynamic properties than those of pure R-152a. RefProp software has been used to determine the thermodynamic properties of the refrigerant blends. In this analysis, experimental validation of the new refrigerant mixture (60% DME + 40% R-152a) is carried out in domestic refrigerator. The results are better than those of R-152a and R-134a. © 2015 Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.
Two tables that summarize some selected physical, safety, and environmental data for old and current refrigerants as well as leading candidates are presented. The first table is sorted by refrigerant numbers, while the second is sorted by the normal boiling points of the refrigerants. The data in these tables are taken from the ARTI Refrigerant Database, which is an information system on alternative refrigerants, associated lubricants, and their uses in air conditioning and refrigeration. The database consolidates and facilitates access to property, compatibility, safety, environmental, application, and other data. It also provides an extensive bibliographic reference system.
The possibility of using hydrocarbon mixtures as working fluids to replace R134a in domestic refrigerators has been evaluated through a simulation analysis in the present work. The performance characteristics of domestic refrigerators were predicted over a wide range of evaporation temperatures (−35 to −10 °C) and condensation temperatures (40–60 °C) for various working fluids such as R134a, propane, commercial butane and propane/iso-butane/n-butane mixtures with various propane mass fractions. The performance characteristics of the considered domestic refrigerator were identified by the coefficient of performance (COP), volumetric cooling capacity, cooling capacity, condenser capacity, input power to compressor, discharge temperature, pressure ratio and refrigerant mass flow rate.
Cooling performance of R510A is examined both numerically and experimentally in an effort to replace HFC134a in the refrigeration system of domestic water purifiers. Although the use of HFC134a is currently dominant, it is being phased out in Europe and most developed countries due to its high potential contribution to global warming. To solve this problem, cycle simulation and experimental measurements are conducted with a new refrigerant mixture of 88%RE170/12%R600a using actual domestic water purifiers. This mixture has been recently numbered and listed as R510A by ASHRAE. Test results show that, due to the small internal volume of the refrigeration system of the domestic water purifiers, system performance with R510A is greatly influenced by the amount of charge. With the optimum charge amount of 20 to 21 g, approximately 50% that of HFC134a, the energy consumption of R510A is 22.3% lower than that of HFC134a. The compressor discharge temperature of R510A is 3.7°C lower than that of HFC134a at the optimum charge. Overall, R510A, a new, long term, and environmentally safe refrigerant, is a good alternative for HFC134a. Furthermore, it requires only minor changes in the refrigeration system of the domestic water purifiers. KeywordsAlternative refrigerants-Domestic water purifiers-Alternative refrigerants-R510A-HFC134a-Ozone depletion-Global warming