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Design, simulation and construction of a delay wire chamber

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Delay wire chamber (DWC) is a relatively inexpensive gaseous detector that enables tracking of charged particles with high resolution. Here, design and simulation of a DWC that is suitable for beam diagnostics measurements at low-energy accelerators are described. We report on the mechanical construction of such a chamber at the Kandilli Detector, Accelerator and Instrumentation Laboratory, and the tests performed with cosmic muons and radioactive sources.

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Tracking charged particles has a wide spectrum of applications in scientific and industrial projects. The Delay Wire Chamber (DWC) is a kind of gaseous detector which is a simpler form of the Multi Wire Proportional Chamber, and was developed by the Beam Instrumentation Group at CERN. It is preferred in accelerator and particle physics experiments because of its ease of use, affordability and durability, and it also provides decent position precision. In this work, we describe the working principles of the readout electronics of a new DWC that is being designed and constructed at our laboratory. Results from the simulation of the circuit and the constructed prototype will be presented.
Gaseous detectors with sense wires are still in use today in small experiments as well as modern ones as those at the LHC. This short note is about the construction of a small wire chamber with limited resources, which could be used both as an educational tool and also as a tracker in small experiments. The particular detector type selected for this work is the so called "Delay Wire Chamber": it has only two output channels per plane and can be made fully gas tight for educational operations. The design can be made with free software tools, and the construction can be achieved by relatively simple means.
The 15 year old blue Delay Wire Chambers are being requested more and more often for short term installations in CERN's secondary and tertiary beam lines. To meet the demand for this type of Multi Wire Proportional Chamber, the mechanics and the electronics, which had been very hard to maintain, have recently been modernised and the present description is meant to guide physicists in the use of these new Delay Wire Chambers.
In some kinds of experiments, the accurate localization of ionizing particles is essential. Multiwire proportional chambers and drift chambers, first developed in the late 1960's, are now routine tools in such applications. Although the structure of these detectors is very simple, our understanding of them has evolved rapidly in recent years, as has the variety of modes in which they have been operated. Here we shall consider briefly the operation of these detectors. Then we can proceed to a discussion of the latest developments, which aim to obtain information on the reaction products of the most complex high‐energy collisions, with the utmost accuracy and efficiency. (Detailed descriptions of the detectors and their properties can now be found abundantly in the literature, which is extensively reviewed in references 3 and 4.) These detectors, able to determine trajectory positions to better than 50 microns, now equip nearly every high‐energy physics experiment in which charged particles have to be localized.
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The Delay Wire Chamber Description
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  • G Vismara
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Istemihan on behalf of the Boun DWC team, Design, simulation and construction of a Wire Chamber electronics
Z. ˙ Istemihan on behalf of the Boun DWC team, Design, simulation and construction of a Wire Chamber electronics, AIP Conference Proceedings 1815, 130005 (2017). 070003-5
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S. Gurbuz et al., A wire chamber for educational purposes, arXiv:1409.0523 [physics.ins-det], Sep 2014.
  • G Turemen
G. Turemen et al., SPP Beamline Design and Beam Dynamics, Proceedings of the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'14), 15-20 June 2014, THPME050, p. 3338, arXiv:1406.3066 [physics.accph], Apr 2015.