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This article focuses our attention on utility of silica based aerogel as insulation materials in protective clothing especially for fire fighters at higher temperature. In past, aerogels were employed for insulation of buildings, aeronautics and aerospace applications. Later on, researchers determined the utility of aerogels as insulated substrate in protective clothing. Several investigations revealed insulation properties of aerogel at elevated temperature. There are several different types of aerogel but in this article, the main emphasis is on silica based aerogel because of its excellent insulation and outstanding flame proof properties along with thermal stability at raised temperature. By applying suitable coating techniques, aerogel can be impregnated into nonwoven substrates, which can be employed as thermal barriers resulting in enhancement of the protective capability of multilayered clothing at higher temperature. All these characteristics make aerogel a potential candidate to be used as insulation material in protective clothing at elevated temperature.
The discovery of silica based aerogels in 1930s by
Samuel Stephens Kistler was based on concept of
substituting the liquid phase with the gaseous phase
along with little amount of shrinkage and without
crumpling of gel solid network. Aerogels are smoked
like substrates having resemblance of hologram and
instead of appearing as solid material it looks like
projection. Aerogels are synthesized by Sol-Gel pro-
cess which is simple, cost effective and delivers high
quality substrates [2].
In this method, a chemical reaction was carried out in
a solution at low temperature to produce inorganic
network or creation of an amorphous structure from
the solution. The distinct feature of this reaction was
conversion from colloidal solution to di-or multiphase
gel. Silica based aerogels have 96 % of air and 4 %
of silicon dioxide, making silica based aerogels as
one of the lightest weight solid substrates [1]. A sol is
a colloidal suspension of solid particulates in an
aqueous medium in which range of dispersion phase
is from (1–1000 nm) [3]. Sol can be synthesized
either by condensation or dispersion of particulates.
Condensation occurs when nucleation development
of particulates approaches adequate size. However,
dispersion includes breaking of large particulates to
colloidal sizes. In case of gelatin process, a free flow-
ing sol is transformed into a three dimensional solid
structure encapsulating the solvent media. It was evi-
dent that liquid does not permit the solid structure to
crumple and solid structure does not allow the liquid
to move out. Figure 1 depicts the schematic diagram
of Sol-Gel process [3–4].
industria textila
2018, vol. 69, nr. 1
SIO2 aerogels and its application in firefighter protective clothing
Aerogeluri de SiO2și aplicațiile acestora la temperatură ridicată
Acest articol studiază utilitatea aerogelului pe bază de siliciu ca material de izolație în îmbrăcămintea de protecție
utilizată la temperaturi ridicate, în special pentru pompieri. În trecut, aerogelurile au fost utilizate pentru izolarea clădirilor,
în aplicații aeronautice și aerospațiale. Mai târziu, cercetătorii au determinat utilitatea aerogelilor ca substrat izolator în
îmbrăcămintea de protecție. Mai multe investigații au evidențiat proprietățile de izolare ale aerogelului la temperatură
ridicată. Există mai multe tipuri diferite de aerogel, dar în acest articol, accentul principal este pus pe aerogelul pe bază
de siliciu datorită capacității excelente de izolare și a proprietăților ignifuge, împreună cu stabilitatea termică la
temperaturi ridicate. Prin aplicarea unor tehnici adecvate de acoperire, aerogelul poate fi impregnat în substraturi
nețesute, care pot fi utilizate ca bariere termice, cu rezultate în îmbunătățirea capacității de protecție a îmbrăcămintei
multistratificate la temperaturi ridicate. Toate aceste caracteristici fac din aerogel un potențial candidat pentru a fi utilizat
ca material izolator în îmbrăcămintea de protecție la temperaturi ridicate.
Cuvinte-cheie: aerogeluri, izolație termică, conductivitate termică, îmbrăcăminte de protecție
SIO2aerogels and its application in firefighter protective clothing
This article focuses our attention on utility of silica based aerogel as insulation materials in protective clothing especially
for fire fighters at higher temperature. In past, aerogels were employed for insulation of buildings, aeronautics and
aerospace applications. Later on, researchers determined the utility of aerogels as insulated substrate in protective
clothing. Several investigations revealed insulation properties of aerogel at elevated temperature. There are several
different types of aerogel but in this article, the main emphasis is on silica based aerogel because of its excellent
insulation and outstanding flame proof properties along with thermal stability at raised temperature. By applying suitable
coating techniques, aerogel can be impregnated into nonwoven substrates, which can be employed as thermal barriers
resulting in enhancement of the protective capability of multilayered clothing at higher temperature. All these
characteristics make aerogel a potential candidate to be used as insulation material in protective clothing at elevated
Keywords: aerogels, thermal insulation, thermal conductivity, protective clothing
Fig. 1. Process of Sol-Gel [3]
industria textila
2018, vol. 69, nr. 1
Three steps required for sol gel process are:
a. Formation of gel
b. Aging
c. Drying
Formation of gel
Mostly precursors utilized for sol-gel process are sili-
con alkoixdes which are available in high degree of
purity. However it is very difficult to purify potassium
silicate [4]. One of the most important precursors of
silica based aerogel is sodium meta-silicates and it
was primarily employed by Kistler for synthesizing sil-
ica aerogels [5].
Na2SiO3+ 2HCl + (x–1)H2O → SiO2· xH2O + 2NaCl
The preparatory materials for the sol-gel process
must be soluble in reaction medium and sufficiently
reactive to have contribution in the gel-creating pro-
cess. All of these preparatory substrates are
described by the existence of Si O polar covalent
bonds [6]. The covalent nature of the Si O bond is
adequate to allow distribution of Si O – Si ≡ angle
values creating a three dimensional structure in ran-
dom manner which resembles structure of silica
glass. Hydrolysis can be catalyzed via acid catalysis
or base catalysis. Acids like HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, HF,
oxalic, formic and acetic acid are employed for acid
catalysis. When pH of solution is less, the time peri-
od for gelatin formation is normally elongated [4].
According to Dieudonne et al. [7] base catalysis is a
simple procedure in which there is an easy formation
of network of uniform particles in the solution and the
subsequent pore volume is significantly enhanced.
During aging, a neck growth due to reprecipitation of
silica deliquesces from the surface of particle upon
necks between particles and smaller particles disso-
lute and conversion into bigger ones by precipitation
[8]. The purpose of this step is to mechanically rein-
force the weak solid skeleton generated during sol-
gel process [4].
In case of drying, the most commonly used method is
Super Critical Drying method. This method is gov-
erned by evacuation of pore liquid above the critical
temperature (Tc) and critical pressure (Pc). At this
instant, there is no liquid-vapor boundary and conse-
quently there is no capillary pressure. This procedure
is completed in three stages [9]: In first step, wet gel
along with appropriate quantity of solvent is set in an
autoclave by steadily elevating the temperature. This
will result in escalation of pressure. Temperature and
pressure of the concerned solvent are attuned to
acquire values above critical points. In second step,
the fluid is gradually expelled at constant temperature
causing decrease in pressure. In third step, the tem-
perature of vessel drops to room temperature once
ambient pressure is acquired. Figure 2 depicts auto-
clave for performing supercritical drying. Drying can
also takes place via ambient pressure drying and
freeze drying [10].
Structure of pore
Silica based aerogels are mostly mesoporous having
interlocked pore size with range from 5 to 100 nm.
The diameter of average pore is between 20 to
40 nm. Micropores having pore size less than 2 nm
becomes pertinent in aerogels produced under acidic
catalysis conditions [11]. The specific surface range
from 250 to 800 m2g–1 and can surpass 1000 m2g–1.
Thermal insulation, flame proof property
Silica based aerogels have very small portion of solid
silica (nearly 1–10%) due to which they have lesser
solid conductivity and thus exchange lesser thermal
energy [4]. At ambient pressure, temperature and rel-
ative humidity, silica based aerogels have very low
thermal conductivity of the order 0.015 W/mK which
is expressively lesser than thermal conductivity of air
(0.025 W/mK) under same circumstances [12]. Apart
from having thermal insulation property, silica aerogel
has remarkable flame proof property [13]. By means
of mass, Aerogel is 99.8% air making it least dense
man-made substrate [14]. Aerogel can abrogate all
three modes of heat transfer. Conductive heat trans-
fer is blocked because of gaseous structure of aero-
gel and thermal conductivity of gas is very low. The
gaseous structure of aerogel is derived from its porous
construction. Convective heat transfer is averted
because structure of aerogel does not allow circula-
tion of air. Infrared radiation that plays role in trans-
ference of heat can also be absorbed by aerogel. As
consequence, aerogel can function as outstanding
thermal insulator [15].
Sorption and entrapment properties
Aerogels can be utilized to adsorb some chemical
compounds i.e. waste water treatment for restricting
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of supercritical drying
autoclave [6]
industria textila
2018, vol. 69, nr. 1
radioactive waste or for filtration of gases. Silica
aerogels soaked with CaCl2, LiBr and MgCl2salts
have also been confirmed to absorb/adsorb water for
retention of heat at low temperature [16]. It was sug-
gested hollow silica aerogel droplets for inertial
entrapment of fluids, specifically blends of liquid deu-
terium and tritium, as the aim in fusion experimenta-
tion under very strong laser. Bacteria can also be
successfully entrapped in aerogels while remaining
Heat exchange equation illustrates transfer of heat in
porous substrates like aerogels [17].
q + F= r· c · (2)
This equation depicts law of conservation of energy
by balancing heat fluxes across interfaces of infinite
volume. In the above equation qis the heat flux den-
sity, r– the density and is the specific heat, Fthe
heat source and T– local temperature.
q= – k T(3)
kis three dimensional tensor of the thermal conduc-
tivity. This equation is the Fourier law which narrates
that heat flux density is proportional to local temper-
ature difference and describes the thermal conductiv-
ity k. The heat source Fexplains the impact of phase
changes or sorption phenomenon within an aerogel
associated with the discharge or intake of reaction
enthalpies and increase or decrease of thermal radi-
ation. Thermal radiation is explained by heat source
term in following way:
F= qr (4)
Here qris radiative heat flux density. In case of
isotropic aerogel and when heat exchange is depen-
dent only on local temperature difference:
1 T
DT= · (5)
Where ais the thermal diffusivity which is equal
to k /(r·c). In this situation, experimentally evalu-
ated thermal conductivity is characteristics of the
substrate. Where r·cis termed as volumetric
specific heat and is suitable for the situation of
nonstationary heat exchange where tempera-
ture and heat fluxes varies with time [12, 18].
At present the most common utility of aerogel prod-
ucts are in oil and gas pipelines, building insulations
along with aeronautics/aerospace and high tempera-
ture applications [19]. On commercial bases aerogel
is available asNanogelTM, which can be employed as
superinsulating filling substrates; however CABOT is
also supplying NanogelTM based components like
Thermal wrapTM and Compression packTM for special
applications like pipe in pipe and cryogenic insulation
systems. Apart from that, ASPEN company is provid-
ing blanket-based products for insulation of building
on commercial scale and also developing products
for utility in acute hot and cold climates (pyrogel and
cryogel) [18–19]. Novel advancements of aerogel sci-
ence have made it viable to create more flexible
aerogels in simplified ways. All these features make
aerogel favorable prospects to be utilized for enhanc-
ing thermal protection and thermal insulation in fire
fighter protective clothing.
Fire fighters are subjected to several threats with
respect to their working atmosphere. In addition to
numerous toxic ingredients in the surrounding atmo-
sphere, extreme radiant heat fluxes and hot flames
are probable hazards in fire extinguishing activity.
Thermal protective performance of fire fighter protec-
tive clothing is of huge significance to the lives of fire-
fighters [20].
The key purpose of fire fighter clothing is to decline
the rate of heat accumulation in human skin so as to
give time for the firefighter to respond and avert or
reduce skin burn injury [21]. Mostly fire fighter pro-
tective clothing comprised of three layers such as
exterior shell, middle layer and interior layer or two
layers like outer shell and inner layer with assembly
of moisture barrier and a thermal barrier as shown in
figure 3 [22]. The exterior layer averts body skin from
hazards of heat radiation or flame and intermediate
layer delivers execution of waterproof and heat insu-
lation. Mostly the aramid fibers are utilized for insula-
tion layer and PTFE membranes are employed as
breathable waterproofing layer. Jin et al. investigated
thermal protective behavior of nonwovens employed
with aerogels [21]. It can be noticed that specimen
coated with aerogels had greater LOI values than the
untreated specimen. This might be due the fact that
inorganic aerogel particles being attached on the sur-
face of specimen might enhance the flame retardant
characteristics [21]. For evaluation of effect of aero-
gel on thermal protective performance (TPP) of the
whole fire fighter garment, aerogel treated firefighter
clothing utilizing thermal liner in fighter protective gar-
ment was developed by Jin et al. [22]. Instrumented
manikin system under heat flux density of 84 kW/m2
with 8 second of exposure time was employed. For
aerogel treated fire fighter clothing, total burn injury
was 12.7% which was lesser than that of existing
Fig. 3. Configuration of fire fighter clothing assemblies [22]
garment which was 25.1% [22]. It was also witnessed
that aerogel impregnated sample when utilized next
to skin can absorb moisture and discharge it ambient
surrounding with great ease. Moreover there was
increase in the rate of moisture absorption when
aerogel impregnated layer was employed next to skin
[22]. Thus it was deduced that aerogel when coated
on textile substrate can enhance thermal resistance
of the fabric and delivers better thermal insulation
Aerogels are invented long time ago but its applica-
tion in daily life started a decade ago. The application
of aerogels for insulation at higher temperature is still
an open field and needs to be researched deeply. In
this report the application of aerogels specially for
insulation properties are discussed and will be a
basis for continuing research related to use for aero-
gels in firefighter clothing, fire protection buildings
and facade insulation. With extremely low thermal
conductivity and high porosity the aerogels have a
great future for the application for insulation at higher
temperature. Another open field of aerogels is also
comfort properties and could be a great application
for clothing for protection with comfort requirement.
The breathe ability of aerogels can play an important
role for the comfort and insulation application.
This study is supported under student grant scheme of
industria textila
2018, vol. 69, nr. 1
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1 Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Textile Engineering, Department of Clothing
Studentska 2, Husova, 1402/2, Liberec, Czech Republic
2 Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkey
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... The addition of PCM to firefighter clothing can effectively reduce burns due to the function of temperature regulation [17,18]. Low density, high porosity and a special three-dimensional nano-network structure of aerogels can also achieve thermal insulation equivalent to that of still air, thereby reducing burns [19]. Numerical simulations have been conducted by many researchers on the effect of PCM and aerogels on heat transfer in the fabric system [20]. ...
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Relevant studies in the fields of fire safety, occupational health and firefighter clothing were analyzed in this study to address the high injury rate among firefighters during fire rescue and the complexity of factors affecting skin burns. The findings indicate that the degree of skin burns in firefighters is primarily influenced by the heat source (heat flux, type), firefighter clothing (fabric, pattern) and the under-clothing air gap (thickness, characteristics). Since skin burns cannot be directly measured, internal skin heat transfer and burn prediction models are commonly employed to assess the impact of external factors on skin burns. These models can predict the safe working distance or time for firefighters. Investigating the influencing factors and prediction models of skin burns among firefighters holds significant value in enhancing operating procedures, optimizing firefighter clothing design and effectively preventing skin burns.
... All this protective clothing is made with packed hybrid layers to protect the wearer against the external hazardous fluid or heat, these multilayers are impermeable and non-breathable which causes great discomfort and even body burns. There are contradictory results, which state the increase and decrease in heat protection due to the presence of moisture in the textile layers [9][10][11][12]. The radiation heat protection is the most important factor for this clothing and it will tested with Aerogels can provide better protection with a delay in the time for heat to reach the wearer. ...
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Protective clothing is made up of multiple layers of textile, which include thermal barrier, moisture barrier, chemical protection and heat radiation protection layers etc. This clothing is commonly used by workers working in the chemical industry, blast furnaces, glass industry, industrial boilers and many more. The ambient conditions for these workplaces are humid and hot in which the clothing is designed for the external protection of heat and fluids but the neglected issue is the internal heat and moisture accumulation. This makes the clothing extremely uncomfortable and significantly reduces the workability of the wearer. The multi-layered structure of this clothing causes the body moisture and heat to trap in between layers, which in extreme ambient conditions like working near the furnace or flash fire causes body burns, these “steam burns” are common and considered to be caused by the condensed moisture trapped in the layers of protective garment. This research aims to firstly investigate the moisture flow through hybrid textile layers and its effect on heat transfer and then secondly to see the impact of extreme radiation flux on the moisture flow inside the textile layers and improvement by using Aerogels.
... This simple approach may pave the potential way for practical applications. In addition to the aerogel composites prepared by using the organic binder, some inorganic substrates, such as attapulgite, ceramic fibers, glass fiber, carbon et al., could also be used to reinforce the silica aerogel structure [72], and the resultant aerogel composites could be used in the fabrication of protective clothing, endowing it with high-temperature stability and excellent thermal insulation property [73,74]. However, the use of inorganic aerogels to construct promising flexible coatings while reserving their natural characteristics still requires in-depth research. ...
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Aerogels are predominantly mesoporous, extremely lightweight, low density (∼ 0.003 g/cm3) and thermally insulating materials. Over the years, aerogels have gained increasing attention due to their extraordinary properties (light, heat, sound, electricity and force) and application potentials in varieties of fields. Several studies have been carried out regarding aerogel preparation and its applications in coatings on different substrates. In this review, an overview of aerogels preparation and their application progress in coatings of most common substrates is presented. Attention is paid to aerogel coatings of textiles, leather, and substrates other than leather and textiles for special functionalities that could address the application progress in coatings. This review will help to inspire scientists and engineers towards novel aerogel materials and technologies to boost the industrial fabrication of flexible advanced materials.
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Iridescent color-shift pigments have been used in some industrial applications, e.g., for cosmetics and packaging. To achieve environmental-friendly and lasting color, thin-film interference is used to generate structural color. By maximizing the refractive index (RI) difference between the thin films (i.e., using an ultralow RI film), super-iridescent structural color can be produced. While the lowest refractive index of a naturally occurring solid dielectric is close to 1.37 (i.e., MgF 2 ), we synthesized highly porous dielectric SiO 2 aerogel to achieve ultralow-RI ( n ~ 1.06) and demonstrated a high-refractive index/low-refractive index/absorber (HLA) trilayer structural color. The achieved structural color is highly iridescent and capable of tracing a near-closed loop in CIE color space. By tuning the refractive index, thickness, and geometry of the aerogel layer, we control the reflection dip’s shape, therefore producing a wide range of vivid and iridescent colors.
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In nature, many fibers with warmth‐retention properties, such as the hair of polar bears and rabbits, both have a hollow cross‐section structure. The static air in fiber cavities can effectively inhibit heat conduction and serve as an effective thermal insulator. In this work, the high‐performance heterocyclic para‐aramid polymer was selected as the spinning solution, and aerogel hollow fiber was prepared by coaxial wet spinning and freeze‐drying techniques. The effects of spinning solution concentration and lyophilized solvent on the micromorphology, mechanical properties, and specific surface area of heterocyclic para‐aramid aerogel hollow fiber (HPAAHF) were systematically studied. The produced HPAAHF possessed excellent mechanical properties (tensible strength ~3.85 MPa), high specific surface area (~ 260.90 m² g⁻¹), and lightweight advantages. The thermal conductivity of HPAAHF was only 0.0278 W m⁻¹ K⁻¹, indicating its excellent thermal insulation properties. The aerogel fabric exhibited outstanding flame retardancy properties, with a total heat release of only 0.7 MJ m⁻² in the cone calorimetric experiment, making it a self‐extinguishing fabric. In addition, phase change material was injected into the hollow structure to obtain aerogel‐phase change material composite fibers, which exhibited great energy storage prospects. As a result, the high‐performance heterocyclic para‐aramid polymer‐based aerogel hollow fiber was successfully prepared and had multifunctional applications in thermal insulation, flame retardancy, and heat energy storage fields.
As a new type of insulation material, aerogels are characterized by a high specific surface area, high porosity, low density and low thermal conductivity, which makes them a new alternative to the use of traditional insulation materials. In this paper, a simple method for preparing aerogel insulation materials is proposed. Specifically, SiO2/PI/AF (aramid fiber) aerogel composite fabrics were successfully obtained by combining coating technology and finishing processes to use tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) as the precursor, polyimide (PI) powder as the reinforcing agent, and nonwoven AF as the substrate. These composite fabrics were characterized using field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), tensile testing with an Instron 5967, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and thermal infrared imaging. The results show that the composite fabrics exhibited excellent performance and could effectively block heat transfer. Moreover, the thermal conductivity of the front decreased from 4.08 to 3.91 (W/cm·°C)×10⁻⁴. This work provides a novel method for the structural design of thermal insulation clothing.
Taking into consideration the requirements of anti-fire performance, safety protection and wearing comfort of firefighter clothing during anti-fire missions, the design of a novel interactive firefighter clothing with multiple functionalities is presented in the current paper. The conventional firefighter clothing has been redesigned from the perspectives of anti-fire functions and ergonomics. A safety protection clothing system has been developed involving hazardous gas detection, facilitated visual detection, positioning and vocal communication modules and a data interactive module. Objective evaluation tests have been carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed firefighter clothing in both functionality and comfort as compared with the conventional clothing. The results have been double validated by the subjective tests based on an analytic hierarchy process integrated fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The current research on firefighter clothing with multiple functionalities provides not only reference for the innovative design of firefighter clothing in the new era, but also, and more importantly a theoretical base for further study on more smart and comprehensive wearable systems for firefighting scenarios. Besides, the research framework and methodology of the current study could be instructive for the human-centered design of various products of diverse functionalities.
A simple impregnation method was employed to obtain functional cotton fabric based on a zinc oxide (ZnO) and cellulose nanocomposite. The cellulose nanofibril suspension was utilized to reduce the agglomeration of ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and bind them to the surface of the fiber. Scanning electron microscopy and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry were used to confirm the presence of ZnO NPs on the surface of the fiber. The treated cotton fabrics exhibited high ultraviolet protection factor values, which were still higher than 50 even after 30 standard washing cycles. Furthermore, the treated samples showed a modest antibacterial effect due to the presence of ZnO NPs. Meanwhile, the treated cotton fabrics showed a decrease (less than 30%) in air permeability.
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Using tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) as the source of silica, fibre reinforced silica aerogels were synthesized via fast ambient pressure drying using methanol (MeOH), trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS), ammonium fluoride (NH 4 F), and hexane. The molar ratio of TEOS/MeOH/(COOH) 2 /NH 4 F was kept constant at 1 : 38 : 3.73 × 10 −5 : 0.023 and the gel was allowed to form inside the highly porous meta-aramid fibrous batting. The wet gel surface was chemically modified (silylation process) using various concentrations of TMCS in hexane in the range of 1 to 20% by volume. The fibre reinforced silica aerogel blanket was obtained subsequently through atmospheric pressure drying. The aerogel blanket samples were characterized by density, thermal conductivity, hydrophobicity (contact angle), and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The radiant heat resistance of the aerogel blankets was examined and compared with nonaerogel blankets. It has been observed that, compared to the ordinary nonaerogel blankets, the aerogel blankets showed a 58% increase in the estimated burn injury time and thus ensure a much better protection from heat and fire hazards. The effect of varying the concentration of TMCS on the estimated protection time has been examined. The improved thermal stability and the superior thermal insulation of the flexible aerogel blankets lead to applications being used for occupations that involve exposure to hazards of thermal radiation.
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The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of aerogel on Thermal Protective Performance (TPP) of fire fighter clothing. Specimens were treated by 5 wt% aerogel dispersed in acetone to obtain various add-on of aerogel and their TPP were evaluated by flame heat transmission test according to ISO 9151. The thermal degradation behavior, flame retardancy and water vapor permeability of aerogel treated specimens were also examined. Finally, the comparison of the burn injuries predicted by instrumented manikin testing of aerogel treated fire fighter clothing and existing fire fighter clothing were performed. The result showed that aerogel treated fire fighter clothing exhibited higher TPP than the existing firefighter clothing. This suggests that there application of aerogel in fire fighter clothing may be possible. © 2013 Binary Information Press & Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Society September 2013.
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This paper is the first in a series of studies on optimizing the performance of firefighter clothing, in respect of thermal comfort and skin protection from thermal injury that results from exposure to low-intensity thermal radiation. This paper focuses on the development of a heat transfer model suitable for predicting the temperature and heat flux in firefighter protective clothing exposed to low-intensity thermal radiation. The finite element method was used to evaluate the heat transfer by means of the Comsol Multiphysics ® package. The model results were compared to experimental results for the case typical of routine conditions with a commonly used three-layer protective clothing assembly. Model predictions of the temperature agreed well with experimental temperature. This model could be used as an aid in the design of candidate protective clothing systems, by evaluating the performance of protective clothing systems in various thermal environments. Key-words: heat transfer, firefighter protective clothing, numerical model
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Aerogels are highly porous structures prepared via a sol-gel process and supercritical drying technology. Among the classes of aerogels, silica aerogel exhibits the most remarkable physical properties, possessing lower density, thermal conductivity, refractive index, and dielectric constant than any solids. Its acoustical property is such that it can absorb the sound waves reducing speed to 100 m/s compared to 332 m/s for air. However, when it comes to commercialization, the result is not as expected. It seems that mass production, particularly in the aerospace industry, has dawdled behind. This paper highlights the evolution of aerogels in general and discusses the functions and significances of silica aerogel in previous astronautical applications. Future outer-space applications have been proposed as per the current research trend. Finally, the implementation of conventional silica aerogel in aeronautics is argued with an alternative known as Maerogel.
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The application of new selective water sorbents for storage of low temperature heat is analyzed. Values of energy storage ability E are measured by a DSC technique for more than fifteen samples of selective water sorbents based on silica gels, aluminas, carbon Sibunit and aerogels as host matrices and CaCl2, LiBr, MgCl2 as impregnated salts. E-values up to 8.4 kJ/g and 4.0 kJ/g are found for forced and naturally saturated sorbents, which are much higher than for common sorbents, like zeolites and unimpregnated silica gels. The temperature dependence of E gives an estimation of sensible and latent heat contributions as well as the average heat of water desorption and average specific heat of dry sorbents. A comparison between the SWSs and others materials proposed in literature is done.
Sol-Gel Science: The Physics and Chemistry of Sol-Gel Processing presents the physical and chemical principles of the sol-gel process. The book emphasizes the science behind sol-gel processing with a chapter devoted to applications. The first chapter introduces basic terminology, provides a brief historical sketch, and identifies some excellent texts for background reading. Chapters 2 and 3 discuss the mechanisms of hydrolysis and condensation for nonsilicate and silicate systems. Chapter 4 deals with stabilization and gelation of sols. Chapter 5 reviews theories of gelation and examines the predicted and observed changes in the properties of a sol in the vicinity of the gel point. Chapter 6 describes the changes in structure and properties that occur during aging of a gel in its pore liquor (or some other liquid). The discussion of drying is divided into two parts, with the theory concentrated in Chapter 7 and the phenomenology in Chapter 8. The structure of dried gels is explored in Chapter 9. Chapter 10 shows the possibility of using the gel as a substrate for chemical reactions or of modifying the bulk composition of the resulting ceramic by performing a surface reaction (such as nitridation) on the gel. Chapter 11 reviews the theory and practice of sintering, describing the mechanisms that govern densification of amorphous and crystalline materials, and showing the advantages of avoiding crystallization before sintering is complete. The properties of gel-derived and conventional ceramics are discussed in Chapter 12. The preparation of films is such an important aspect of sol-gel technology that the fundamentals of film formation are treated at length in Chapter 13. Films and other applications are briefly reviewed in Chapter 14. Materials scientists and researchers in the field of sol-gel processing will find the book invaluable.
The experimental results on the effects of gel aging and molar ratio of Na2SiO3/H2O on monolithicity and physical properties of water–glass-based silica aerogels are presented. The aerogels were prepared by atmospheric pressure drying using a silylation process. The gel-aging period was varied from 1 to 96h. The percentage of volume shrinkage and hence the density and optical transmission of the aerogels increased with gel aging. The molar ratio of Na2SiO3/H2O was varied by a factor of 10, from 1.77×10−3 to 1.77×10−2. The bulk density, percentage of volume shrinkage and optical transmission decreased with an increase in the initial Na2SiO3/H2O molar ratio. The Na2SiO3 was passed through a cationic exchanger before preparation of the sol, in all cases. Silica aerogels were obtained with zero percentage of volume shrinkage and density as low as 0.150gcm−3 with a Na2SiO3/H2O molar ratio ⩾8.86×10−3. At this ratio, however, the percentage of optical transmission is reduced to 50% (at 750nm for a 0.8cm thick sample) and further decreases for higher molar ratios. The gelation time decreases with an increase in the Na2SiO3/H2O molar ratio. The aerogels were characterized by density, optical transmission and porosity measurements. The results are discussed by taking into account the hydrolysis and condensation reactions, syneresis effects and the bulk modulus of the gel network.
Aerogels are unique among solid materials. They have extremely low densities (up to 95% of their volume is air), large open pores, and a high inner surface area. This results in interesting physical properties, for example extremely low thermal conductivity and low sound velocity combined with high optical transparency. They are prepared from molecular precursors by sol-gel processing. The initially formed gels have a spongelike solid network filled with liquid. Special drying techniques must be applied to exchange the pore liquid with air while maintaining the filigrane solid network. Supercritical drying is most common. Supercritical drying is most common. However, recently developed methods allow removal of the liquid in a classical way after chemical modification of the inner surface of the gels. The structure of the gel network, and thus the physical properties of aerogels, decisively depend on the choice of the precursors and the chemical reaction parameters for preparing the gels. Therefore, the later material properties are predetermined at the beginning of the preparation process. In this review, connections between the underlying sol-gel chemistry, the structure of the gels, and the resulting properties of the materials will be shown, which are the basis for a chemical 'design' of aerogel properties.