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Evaluating the 2016 One‐Year Seismic Hazard Model for the Central and Eastern United States Using Instrumental Ground‐Motion Data


Abstract and Figures

Hazard curves in probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) models are used to quantify seismic hazard by providing the annual rates of exceedance, the reciprocal of the return period, as a function of ground-motion levels. Beginning in 2016, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) started to produce one-year PSHA models for the central and eastern United States (CEUS) to account for the elevated seismicity in this region due to the wastewater injection. These models have much shorter return periods (99.5 years) compared to previous models (e.g., 2475 years for the 2014 model) and consider recent levels of induced seismicity in their construction. The nonstationarity in the level and location of wastewater injection, however, should lead to a change in the rate of induced seismicity, which makes any time-independent forecast challenging. We assess the 2016 seismic hazard model by comparing the model forecast with the observed ground motions during a one-year period. For this test, we use more than 18,000 instrumental strong-motion records observed during 2016 by 189 stations in the CEUS. We test the full model by considering the hazard curves in peak acceleration and spectral response acceleration for 1 and 5 Hz over the entire CEUS. Our results indicate that the observed hazard is generally consistent with that forecast by the model for peak ground acceleration (PGA) and 1 Hz (except at 5%g) and 5 Hz spectral accelerations. Although we find that the hazard model is consistent with observed ground motions, this does not necessarily validate the theories and assumptions used in the model development. Our results show that for mapped hazard level (1% probability of exceedance in one year) and using only one year of observation, the power of a statistical test will not be very high unless the actual hazard is grossly larger (> 6 times) or smaller (< 40%) than the forecast hazard. In other words, the data are still unlikely to reveal the inconsistency between the observed and forecasted hazards for one-year models with high confidence, due to the low amount of data at CEUS.
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Evaluating the 2016 One-Year Seismic Hazard
Model for the Central and Eastern United States
Using Instrumental Ground-Motion Data
by S. Mostafa Mousavi and Gregory C. Beroza
Hazard curves in probabilistic seismic hazard assessment
(PSHA) models are used to quantify seismic hazard by providing
the annual rates of exceedance, the reciprocal of the return
period, as a function of ground-motion levels. Beginning in
2016, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) started to produce
one-year PSHA models for the central and eastern United States
(CEUS) to account for the elevated seismicity in this region due
to the wastewater injection. These models have much shorter
return periods (99.5 years) compared to previous models (e.g.,
2475 years for the 2014 model) and consider recent levels of
induced seismicity in their construction. The nonstationarity
in the level and location of wastewater injection, however, should
lead to a change in the rate of induced seismicity, which makes
any time-independent forecast challenging. We assess the 2016
seismic hazard model by comparing the model forecast with the
observed ground motions during a one-year period. For this test,
we use more than 18,000 instrumental strong-motion records
observed during 2016 by 189 stations in the CEUS. We test
the full model by considering the hazard curves in peak accel-
eration and spectral response acceleration for 1 and 5 Hz over
the entire CEUS. Our results indicate that the observed hazard is
generally consistent with that forecast by the model for peak
ground acceleration (PGA) and 1 Hz (except at 5%g)and
5 Hz spectral accelerations. Although we find that the hazard
model is consistent with observed ground motions, this does not
necessarily validate the theories and assumptions used in the
model development. Our results show that for mapped hazard
level (1% probability of exceedance in one year) and using only
one year of observation, the power of a statistical test will not be
very high unless the actual hazard is grossly larger (>6times) or
smaller (<40%) than the forecast hazard. In other words, the
data are still unlikely to reveal the inconsistency between the
observed and forecasted hazards for one-year models with high
confidence, due to the low amount of data at CEUS.
A probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) model pro-
vides forecasts of locations, magnitudes, and rate of future
earthquakes and ground-motion exceedances in a specific
region (Cornell, 1968;McGuire, 1976). PSHA models are
widely used for establishing seismic building codes, risk assess-
ments, and other public policy applications (Petersen et al.,
2015); however, the difficulty of testing these models using
observed data has led to questions about the credibility of
PSHA forecasts (e.g., Stein et al., 2011,2012;Hanks et al.,
2012;Stirling, 2012;Frankel, 2013;Iervolino, 2013;Mulargia
et al., 2017).
There have been efforts to evaluate PSHA models using the
observations at different regions, including southern California
(Ward, 1995), Mexico City (Ordaz and Reyes, 1999), New
Zealand (Stirling and Petersen, 2006;Stirling and Gerstenberger,
2010), United States (Stirling and Petersen, 2006;Mak and
Schorlemmer, 2016), Italy (Albarello and D'Amico, 2008;Muc-
ciarelli et al.,2008;Nekrasova et al.,2014;Albarello et al., 2015;
Stein et al.,2015), Japan (Fujiwara et al.,2009;Miyazawa and
Mori, 2009;Brooks et al.,2016), Spain (Mezcua et al.,2013), as
well as France and Turkey (Tasan et al., 2014).
In 2016 and 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
produced a one-year PSHA model for the central and eastern
United States (CEUS; Petersen et al., 2016a,b,2017) to ac-
count for the elevated seismicity in this region attributed to the
wastewater injection. The 2016 model indicated a greater than
1% chance of occurrence of damaging ground shaking (0:12
peak ground acceleration [PGA]) near some areas of active-
induced seismicity in 2016 (3- to 10-fold higher than the 2014
model). The one-year models have much shorter return periods
(99.5 years) compared to the previous models (e.g., 2475 years
for the 2014 model) and consider both induced and natural
seismicity in their construction under the assumption of sta-
tionarity for a short time interval; however, the nonstationarity
in wastewater injection should lead to changes in the rate of
induced seismicity (Langenbruch and Zoback, 2016), which
makes any time-independent forecast challenging.
Recent PSHA tests for the United States have focused on
the long-term National Seismic Hazard models (Petersen et al.,
2014). Both Stirling and Petersen (2006) and Mak and Schor-
lemmer (2016) used microseismic intensity data to evaluate
long-term forecasts over the CEUS. Stirling and Petersen
doi: 10.1785/0220170226 Seismological Research Letters Volume XX, Number XX 2018 1
SRL Early Edition
(2006) used a site-specific approach, whereas Mak and Schor-
lemmer (2016) used an aggregated approach that evaluates the
model as a whole. Brooks et al. (2017) and White et al. (2017)
recently compared the hazard from the 2016 one-year model
and observed shaking in Oklahoma and its surrounding.
Brooks et al. (2017) used Did You Feel It?(DYFI) data
for 2016 and compared the fraction of sites at which the maxi-
mum ground motion exceeded the values on the seismic hazard
map (intensities associated with a fixed probability of exceed-
ance, one point in the hazard curves of the model) with the
fraction that has been forecasted by the model. The reported
shaking was used to test how well the hazard map performs
without adjustments for site conditions or clustering. On
the other hand, White et al. (2017) used the DYFI and instru-
mental (PGA) data for 20142015 and compared them with
the 2016 one-year hazard model for the same region, adjusting
for the declustering and site condition.
In this study, we assess the 2016 one-year probabilistic seis-
mic hazard model fully (PGA, 1 and 5 Hz spectral accelerations
and for wider range of annual rate of exceedances) by compar-
ing the models forecast with instrumental ground-motion data
recorded during the one-year forecast period (2016) over entire
CEUS. We test the final model and its constituent submodels
by considering the hazard curves in peak acceleration and in
spectral acceleration at response periods of 1.0 and 0.2 s. The
goal is to evaluate the final output of the 2016 model as it is
presented (mean hazard curve). Exploring and understanding
the uncertainties of the models components and their impact
on the final output is not straightforward (e.g., Beauval and
Scotti, 2004;Tasan et al., 2014;Mousavi et al., 2018), especially
in the case of one-year models that comprise two submodels.
Both the quantity and quality of observations affect the per-
formance of the test. To compensate for the relatively low-ob-
served seismicity in CEUS, we use an aggregated approach to
include more data and increase the statistical power of the test.
To insure high-quality data, we use instrumental ground mo-
tions and pay particular attention to completeness, correlation,
and clustering of data. We also estimate the statistical power of
a test using 2016 instrumental data.
The 2016 model incorporates two equally weighted submodels
(the informed model and the adaptive model) that include
alternative earthquake inputs for catalog duration, smoothing
parameters, maximum magnitudes, and ground-motion models
(Petersen et al., 2016a). In the informed submodel, earthquakes
are classified as induced or natural, whereas there is no distinc-
tion in the adaptive submodel. The final results are presented
in forms of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral re-
sponse acceleration at 1 Hz (1 s) and 5 Hz (0.2 s) for a uniform
rock site condition (VS30 760 m=s). The model primarily
considers the seismicity rates of 2014 and 2015 as input data
(Petersen et al., 2016b).
To evaluate a model, we need a dataset that has not been
used directly in deriving it. In this study, we use a database of
instrumental ground motions compiled from Mw3events
that occurred from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016
in the CEUS (Gupta et al., 2017) to test the forecast. Figure 1
presents the distribution of recorded ground motions used in
this study. The stations recording these ground motions were
equipped with accelerometers, seismometers, or both. For sta-
tions having both accelerometer and seismometer instruments,
just the accelerometer data are used. For stations without
accelerometers, high-gain seismograms with sampling rates of
40 Hz and higher were collected and, after removing the trends
and mean, instrument responses were deconvolved to obtain
horizontal acceleration seismograms. The data were band-
passed filtered between 0.3 and 20 Hz, and only high-quality
traces (signal-to-noise ratio 2) were retained to compute the
RotD50 median ground-motion spectral amplitudes (Boore,
2010) and measured PGA and response spectral values (1 and
5 Hz). Most of the stations in the CEUS are on soft sediments
(VS30 <760 m=s), and out of 18,000 records only 1100
Figure 1. Magnitudes and distances of the considered ground
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Distance (km)
PGA (%g)
Shahjouei and Pezeshk (2016)
Atkinson (2015)
Figure 2. Observed peak ground acceleration (PGA) values for
all events (and magnitude range) in the dataset and the median
estimated accelerations using the ground-motion prediction
equation (GMPE) of Atkinson (2015) (magenta) and Shahjouei
and Pezashk (2016) (cyan).
2 Seismological Research Letters Volume XX, Number XX 2018
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have been recorded on very dense-soil or soft-rock sites. Hence,
observed ground-motion amplitudes were corrected to a nomi-
nal site condition of VS30 760 m=s(the site condition
considered in the 2016 model), using the approximate VS30
values of Wald and Allen (2007) and the site amplification
model of Seyhan and Stewart (2014).
In our analyses, we use data only from stations that com-
pletely reported all expected ground motion during 2016 that
was sufficiently high to be recorded by sensors. We checked the
completeness of data during the operational time of each
station using the catalog (Incorporated Research Institutions
for Seismology) of seismicity in 2016 and a ground-motion
prediction equation (GMPE). Atkinson (2015) proposed one
of the GMPEs that is used most commonly for small-to-
moderate events in CEUS. Gupta et al. (2017) studied this
GMPE using ground-motion data and concluded that,
although the Atkinsons equation provides a good fit at hypo-
central distances of less than 60 km, a scaled version of a
GMPE proposed by Shahjouei and Pezeshk (2016) better
captures the geometric spreading of ground motions at larger
distances for both induced and tectonic events (Fig. 2). Hence
in this study, we use a scaled version of the GMPE proposed by
Shahjouei and Pezeshk (2016) for all ground-motion estima-
tion. The final dataset includes just stations that recorded all
ground motions corresponding to the predicted PGA larger
than 0:001g. Our analysis indicates 189 out of 197 stations are
complete, resulting in a final database of more than 18,000
strong-motion records. The spatial distribution of earthquakes
and stations in the final dataset is presented in Figure 3.
Iervolino (2013) showed that for a meaningful test of seismic
hazard forecast at a site, one needs a time span of continuous
observation equal to 10 times the return period, assuming 10
observations are sufficient to get a good estimate of the return
frequency. Hence, in practice it is impossible to evaluate a
probabilistic seismic hazard forecast with observations (Beauval
et al., 2008). For this reason, site-specific approaches for testing
seismic hazard models (e.g., Ordaz and Reyes, 1999;Stirling
and Petersen, 2006;Stirling and Gerstenberger, 2010;Mezcua
et al., 2013) do not provide a powerful means of validation
(Mak et al., 2014).
An approach to overcome this shortage is to aggregate all
data available at different sites and test the performance of the
model for a region as a whole to increase the power of the test at
the cost of losing spatial resolution (e.g., Albarello and D'Amico,
2008;Tasan et al.,2014;Albarello et al., 2015;Mak and Schor-
lemmer, 2016). In our study, we follow this approach to com-
pensate for the problem of having a too-short observation time
window by aggregating all data and sampling in space.
In the aggregated approach, hazard curves are constructed
by summation of individual forecast or observed hazard curves
over multiple sites. Following Albarello and D'Amico (2008),
Tasan et al. (2014),andMak and Schorlemmer (2016),weex-
press aggregated hazard curves as the number of sites with ex-
ceedances (i.e., sites with at least one exceedance during the
observation period), instead of the number of ground-motion
exceedances, to eliminate the potential effect of aftershocks
and small earthquakes that are not included in the 2016 model.
This is in line with the PSHA results that usually are presented
as the probability that an acceleration level will be exceeded at
least onceover a time window; however, this approach follows
this assumption that the ground-motion exceedances at different
sites generated by one earthquake are stochastically independent,
and that data are uncorrelated. This assumption can be valid for
stations that are sufficiently apart. The choice of minimum in-
tersite distance for defining independent sites depends on the
ground-motion distance-decay rate and maximum earthquake
size in the population. Albarello and D'Amico (2008) used
50 km minimum intersite distance for Italy, Tasan et al. (2014)
used 10 km, and Mak and Schorlemmer (2016) used 50 km for
CEUS. In this study, we use 45 km, based on the decay of the
PGA values by distance (Fig. 2).
To account for the data correlation in our statistical com-
parison, we follow the approach used by Mak and Schorlemmer
(2016) and suppressed the correlation by discarding sites that
are too close to each other. In this procedure, a set of sites with
intersite distances of at least 45 km is selected in a random
process. To account for different combinations of independent
sites in the analysis, we repeated this process 500 times to gen-
erate 500 realizations of a set of independent sites. The number
of sites in each set ranges from 71 to 78 stations. The spatial
distribution of the independent sites for two different sets is
presented in Figure 4. The difference is mainly in Oklahoma
and the New Madrid Seismic Zone where denser seismic net-
works exist. The independency of sites was further constrained
by excluding multiple exceedances due to one earthquake.
The site-specific hazard curves in the one-year models are
presented as the annual rate of exceedance for different ground-
motion levels (e.g., PGA). For each set of independent sites, the
aggregate observed hazard is simply constructed by counting
the number of ground motions that exceeded different ground-
motion levels l
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;df1;323;289Hobs X
1j:oij l;1
in which Mis the number of stations in each independent set,
oij is the value of ground-motion jat site i,lrepresents the
ground-motion levels given by the hazard model, and 1()
is the indicator function that takes the value one when the
statement inside the bracket is true or zeros otherwise.
The expected number of sites with exceedance and the
corresponding aggregated forecast hazard is given by the
Poisson binomial distributed variable
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;df2;323;143Hfor X
in which Bpare independent Bernoulli distributed variables,
each having a different probability of success p.pis calculated
Seismological Research Letters Volume XX, Number XX 2018 3
SRL Early Edition
based on the Poisson distribution that is assumed in the
pobserving at l east one exceedance at
site iduring time interval t1eλi;3
in which λiis the annual rate of exceedance at site iobtained
from the PSHA model. To calculate the probability of observing
at least one exceedance at site iduring the observational period ti,
we compute the distribution function using Monte Carlo sim-
ulations similar to Tasa n et al. (2014), as illustrated in Figure 5.
Figure 3. (a) Locations of seismic stations used in this study, color coded based on their VS30; and (b) spatial distribution of earthquakes.
4 Seismological Research Letters Volume XX, Number XX 2018
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Figure 4. Spatial distribution of independent stations in (a,b) two different sets.
Seismological Research Letters Volume XX, Number XX 2018 5
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In this study, we used 5000 runs to sample the probability
distribution that describes the expected number of sites with
exceedance. A stability test (not shown in article) showed that
5000 runs are large enough to get stable results. To compare
the observed and forecast number of sites with exceedance, we
use the 5%95% forecast interval expressed by the 5% and 95%
quantiles of the probability distribution. The forecast would be
inaccurate if the observed hazard falls systematically outside
this interval.
The variation of aggregated observed and forecast hazards
as a function of the ground-motion level for a few sample sets
of independent sites is given in Figure 6. The observed hazard
during 2016 mostly falls within the forecast hazard interval at
all ground-motion levels for PGA and spectral accelerations
(Fig. 6ac). The aggregated hazard from the informed submo-
dels tends to be lower than the adaptive one, whereas the
hazard from the final model lies between the submodels. The
observed hazards for PGA and spectral accelerations (1 and
5 Hz) are mostly within the forecast intervals for the final
model and adaptive submodel.
Figure 6shows that the aggregated hazard obtained from
different sets of independent stations can be different, as
should be expected. For this reason, we present the observed
and forecast hazards at a few fixed ground-motion levels for
500 sets of independent stations obtained from Monte Carlo
sampling in Figure 7. A similar overall trend can be seen from
the Monte Carlo samples in which the observed hazard mostly
falls within the forecast intervals for PGA and 5 Hz, indicating
a good agreement between the observed and forecast hazards;
however, at 1 Hz, the observed hazard decreases. This migra-
tion of hazard level is partially (for >0:01g) captured by the
forecasts at 1 Hz (which is lower than the forecast PGA). The
GMPEs could cause the overestimation of the 1-Hz spectral
acceleration at lower ground-motion levels (Delavaud et al.,
2012). A similar pattern was observed for 1-Hz spectral accel-
eration in the 2014 model (Mak and Schorlemmer, 2016).
When comparing two quantities, the result of a statistical
test could be due to chance, and the chance increases if two
quantities are not significantly different with respect to the avail-
able data (Mak and Schorlemmer, 2016). One can quantitatively
estimate the resolving power of a PSHA test by calculating its
statistical power given the available data (Mak et al.,2014). The
Figure 5. The Monte Carlo sampling process for calculating Poisson binomial distribution at individual ground-motion level l. (a) Con-
structing the Poisson probability distribution using the annual rate of exceedance (λ) from the site-dependent model at each run to
estimate the number of exceedances (Nexc ) at each site, (b) sampling of the distribution and calculating number of sites with at least
one exceedance (Nsites) for each run, and (c) constructing the probability distribution for the number of sites with at least one exceed-
ance. Red circles on the final probability distribution (c) represent 5% and 95% quantiles.
6 Seismological Research Letters Volume XX, Number XX 2018
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Figure 6. The forecast and observed number of sites with exceedance for five random sets of independent sites for (a) PGA, and
(b) spectral acceleration (SA) at 1 Hz and (c) SA at 5 Hz.
Seismological Research Letters Volume XX, Number XX 2018 7
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Figure 7. Observed and forecast aggregated hazards for 500 Monte Carlo samples (sets of independent sites) at six different accel-
eration levels for (a) PGA, and (b) SA at 1 Hz and (c) SA at 5 Hz.
8 Seismological Research Letters Volume XX, Number XX 2018
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statistical power is defined as the probability that a testcan reveal
the misfits between two quantities knowing that they are
Figure 8shows the statistical power of the test for one
Monte Carlo sample. Assuming that the actual hazard
(Hact)isKtimes larger the forecast (Hfor), we calculate
act >q1α (for upper one-tail test) and
act <qα (for lower one-tail test), in which qis the quan-
tile function of the forecast hazard, and αis the probability of
having an incorrect rejection of the null hypothesis (i.e., the
probability of committing a type I error). The αvalues of 0.1,
0.05, or 0.01 are widely used. In this study, we use α0:05.
The statistical power for the upper one-tail test represents
the probability for the test to reveal an underestimated hazard
forecast, whereas the power for the lower one-tail test addresses
the probability for the test to reveal an overestimated hazard
forecast. Figure 8shows that if the forecast is wrong (by a factor
of K) how likely the test will be able to reject it. A useful test
should have a high power (probability) of revealing inconsis-
tencies between the actual hazard and the forecast.
Figure 8shows that for the annual rate of exceedance of 2,
if the actual hazard (in terms of occurrence rate) is <0:9or
>1:45 times of the forecast hazard, the test will have a >90%
chance of rejecting the hazard model. Up to a one-year return
period, the lowest power at this return period (associated with
Hact 1:3Hfor) is still higher than 50%. The statistical power
decreases as the return period increases (annual rates get
smaller). We obtained very similar results using α0:01
and 0.1.
To check the possible influence of aftershocks on test re-
sults, we repeated the test for a declustered PGA dataset. We
use a declustered USGS catalog of seismicity (used in the 2017
one-year model) to identify acceleration records associated
with mainshocks. A total of 3190 strong-motion records on
92 stations from 122 mainshocks were identified in the dataset.
Results of the test and its statistical power are presented in
Figures 9and 10, respectively. The results are very similar to
the results without declustering, indicating no influence of
aftershocks on test results. However, considering the whole
dataset (without declustering) can result in a slightly higher
statistical power for smaller return periods.
We evaluated the one-year seismic hazard model of 2016 for
the CEUS using instrumental ground-motion data. We tested
the final model and its constituent submodels for PGA and
spectral accelerations at 1 and 5 Hz. Our results agree with
other studies (Brooks et al., 2017;White et al., 2017) and in-
dicate that the observed hazard generally agrees with model
forecasts for peak acceleration and spectral acceleration at 1 Hz
(except at 5%g) and 5 Hz. Although the test has relatively high
power for revealing differences between the observation and
forecast for most of the scenarios, its power is low for the re-
turn periods greater than 5 years (annual rates of exceedance
smaller than 0.2) using only one year of data. The aggregated
methods, such as used in this study, provide direct evidence to
evaluate a model as a whole but do not necessarily evaluate the
components of assumptions of the model (e.g., Schorlemmer
et al., 2007).
One-year hazard maps have shorter return periods to
represent the short-term seismic hazard than typical PSHA
maps; however, we find that, even for this hazard level (1%
probability of exceedance in one year), the power of the test
will not be very high unless the actual hazard is grossly larger
(>6times) or smaller (<40%) than the forecasted hazard. In
other words, the tests are unlikely to reveal an inconsistency
between the observed and forecast hazards with high confi-
dence at this hazard level. Therefore, for the one-year forecasts
(short-term seismic hazard prediction), the amount of data in
CEUS is still too small for almost any reasonable observation
to differ from the forecast in a statistical sense, even if the fore-
cast is moderately wrong (by a factor of smaller than 6). This is
not a problem of the test itself; rather, it is about a consequence
of the limited data for the region. We conclude that the seismic
hazard maps produced remain difficult to validate against data.
The hazard models are from
hazards/hazmaps/ (last accessed August 2017). Ground-
motion data were collected from Incorporated Research Insti-
tutions for Seismology (IRIS) Data Services (DS; http://ds.iris.
edu/ds/nodes/dmc/, last accessed May 2017). The facilities of
IRIS-DS, and specifically the IRIS Data Management Center,
were used for access to waveform, metadata, or products
required in this study. The IRIS-DS is funded through the
National Science Foundation (NSF) and specifically the GEO
Directorate through the Instrumentation and Facilities
Program of the NSF. S. M. Hoover, from the U.S. Geological
Figure 8. The statistical power of the test under different hy-
potheses (represented by the ratio of the true to the forecast rate,
K) for the test assuming α0:05 (the probability of committing a
type I error); contour intervals are 10%.
Seismological Research Letters Volume XX, Number XX 2018 9
SRL Early Edition
Survey (USGS) National Seismic Hazard program, provided
individual logic-tree branches of the one-year models. Figures 3
and 4were prepared using Generic Mapping Tools (Wessel
et al., 2013). Computations of statistical power were done us-
ing the package poibin (
poibin, last accessed October 2017) of R (,
last accessed October 2017). The declustred seismicity
catalog was obtained from the USGS National Seismic Hazard
program (
e4b01ccd54fb2587, last accessed October 2017). This study
was supported by the Stanford Center for Induced and Trig-
gered Seismicity.
Figure 9. Observed and forecast aggregated hazards for 500 Monte Carlo samples (sets of independent sites) at six different accel-
eration levels for declustered PGAs.
10 Seismological Research Letters Volume XX, Number XX 2018
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The authors are grateful to S. Mak for help and discussion on
calculating and interpreting the statistical power. The authors
thank Abhineet Gupta and Jack Baker for providing ground-
motion data and ground-motion prediction equations
(GMPEs). The authors would like to thank Mark Petersen,
Jack Baker, and William Ellsworth for discussions and com-
ments during this study. The authors thank Hilal Tasan and
an anonymous reviewer for insightful remarks and comments.
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S. Mostafa Mousavi
Gregory C. Beroza
Department of Geophysics
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305 U.S.A.
Published Online 21 February 2018
12 Seismological Research Letters Volume XX, Number XX 2018
SRL Early Edition
... A different view is taken from a growing number of efforts that have been dedicated to the scientific testing of NSHM and its components (Albarello et al., 2015;Albarello & D'Amico, 2008;Beauval et al., 2008;Brooks et al., 2016;Brooks et al., 2017;Mak & Schorlemmer, 2016;Mousavi & Beroza, 2018;Ordaz & Reyes, 1999;Stirling & Gerstenberger, 2010;Stirling & Petersen, 2006;Vanneste et al., 2018;White et al., 2017). Besides the goal of providing evidence on the performance of a model, which might ultimately replace or drive the subjective consensus on the NSHM modeling, this research has an aim of keeping PSHA in the scientific domain, which is rooted in the possibility to validate any model against independent data. ...
... The long forecasting time window (e.g., 50 years) limits the ability to make classical prospective tests (Jordan, 2006;Schorlemmer & Gerstenberger, 2007) to validate a NSHM, which necessitates, in each site, several 50-year time windows. Only recently, some pioneering prospective testing has been carried out on shorter time frames, such as for the 1-year NSHM for Oklahoma (Brooks et al., 2017;Mak & Schorlemmer, 2016;Mousavi & Beroza, 2018;Petersen et al., 2016;White et al., 2017). Although the prospective testing length is unavoidably limited, it is still possible to carry out retrospective tests that verify the consistency of NSHM with the available data. ...
... The conversion of macroseismic intensity to, for example, PGA, or vice versa introduces a potential source of error (e.g., the test is not testing what is intended) that can lead to rejecting a NSHM just because the intensity conversion is incorrect. The paucity of data is also tackled by scientists trading time for space (Albarello & D'Amico, 2008;Allen et al., 2009;Brooks et al., 2016;Brooks et al., 2017;Mak & Schorlemmer, 2016;Mousavi & Beroza, 2018;Stirling & Gerstenberger, 2010;Vanneste et al., 2018;Ward, 1995;White et al., 2017); in statistical terms, this trading is based on the assumption that data collected at one site are exchangeable (Draper & Smith, 1992) with the data of other sites that are distant enough to be considered independent (Esposito & Iervolino, 2011). In this aggregated approach, the data set can be large enough to carry out some meaningful retrospective tests. ...
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Seismic hazard modeling is a multidisciplinary science that aims to forecast earthquake occurrence and its resultant ground shaking. Such models consist of a probabilistic framework that quantifies uncertainty across a complex system; typically, this includes at least two model components developed from Earth science: seismic source and ground motion models. Although there is no scientific prescription for the forecast length, the most common probabilistic seismic hazard analyses consider forecasting windows of 30 to 50 years, which are typically an engineering demand for building code purposes. These types of analyses are the topic of this review paper. Although the core methods and assumptions of seismic hazard modeling have largely remained unchanged for more than 50 years, we review the most recent initiatives, which face the difficult task of meeting both the increasingly sophisticated demands of society and keeping pace with advances in scientific understanding. A need for more accurate and spatially precise hazard forecasting must be balanced with increased quantification of uncertainty and new challenges such as moving from time‐independent hazard to forecasts that are time dependent and specific to the time period of interest. Meeting these challenges requires the development of science‐driven models, which integrate all information available, the adoption of proper mathematical frameworks to quantify the different types of uncertainties in the hazard model, and the development of a proper testing phase of the model to quantify its consistency and skill. We review the state of the art of the National Seismic Hazard Modeling and how the most innovative approaches try to address future challenges.
... Mak and Schorlemmer (2016) compared the predicted ground motions of four published versions of the US Geological Survey National Seismic Hazard Maps with the observed records since 2000. Mousavi and Beroza (2018) compared the forecasted PGA and 1 Hz and 5 Hz spectral accelerations from the 1-year PSHA model with more than 18,000 instrumental strong motion records observed by 189 stations across the central and eastern United States. ...
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A path for testing a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) map is presented in this paper via the evaluation of fortification benefit with two indices, economic benefit and safety benefit. The effect of fortification intensity on the vulnerability of the engineering structure is emphasized in the damage estimation of the evaluation. The expected losses and casualties are calculated based on the total areas in each of the five damage states with local parameters. The result of a case study of the 1990 PSHA map of China shows that the expected total reduction of loss from the damage to brick concrete and reinforced concrete buildings constructed during the in-service period of the map and damaged in the subsequent destructive earthquakes is RMB 216.5 billion. Thus the expected economic benefit is RMB 17.5 billion in comparison to the additional fortification cost of RMB 199.0 billion. The expected casualty reductions are 20,838 fewer deaths and 77,801 fewer serious injuries. This indicates that the implementation of the 1990 PSHA map has indeed played a beneficial role in earthquake disaster mitigation. The evaluation result of the marginal benefit of fortification, in terms of increasing or decreasing the fortification intensities by one degree further for the whole country, shows that the fortification level adopted in China is appropriate as a whole.
... However, DL methodologies have accelerated the development of more reliable and efficient algorithms for earthquake monitoring (Mousavi et al., 2020). AI-based earthquake monitoring methods can result in advancing seismic hazard safety in two folds: by empowering Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) systems (Bose et al., 2008) with faster and more reliable estimations of earthquake parameters and by providing more complete and precise earthquake catalogs used for improving long-term seismic hazard assessments (Mousavi and Beroza, 2018). ...
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In recent years, Earth system sciences are urgently calling for innovation on improving accuracy, enhancing model intelligence level, scaling up operation, and reducing costs in many subdomains amid the exponentially accumulated datasets and the promising artificial intelligence (AI) revolution in computer science. This paper presents work led by the NASA Earth Science Data Systems working group and ESIP machine learning cluster to give a comprehensive overview of AI in Earth sciences. It holistically introduces the current status, technology, use cases, challenges, and opportunities, and provides all the levels of AI practitioners in geosciences with an overall big picture and to “blow away the fog to get a clearer vision” about the future development of Earth AI. The paper covers all the major spheres in the Earth system and investigates representative AI research in each domain. Widely used AI algorithms and computing cyberinfrastructure are briefly introduced. The mandatory steps in a typical workflow of specializing AI to solve Earth scientific problems are decomposed and analyzed. Eventually, it concludes with the grand challenges and reveals the opportunities to give some guidance and pre-warnings on allocating resources wisely to achieve the ambitious Earth AI goals in the future.
... Owing to the length of the time window considered (50 years), seismologists cannot usually validate models using independent data, even though some efforts in this direction are ongoing, with some limitations, and usually using earthquakes from small to moderate magnitudes [e.g. Mak et al., 2014;Brooks et al, 2017;Mousavi and Beroza, 2018]. Most of the time, as for MPS19, only past data, which have been used more or less directly to build the hazard model, can be considered for testing [e.g. ...
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We describe the main structure and outcomes of the new probabilistic seismic hazard model for Italy, MPS19 [Modello di Pericolosità Sismica, 2019]. Besides to outline the probabilistic framework adopted, the multitude of new data that have been made available after the preparation of the previous MPS04, and the set of earthquake rate and ground motion models used, we give particular emphasis to the main novelties of the modeling and the MPS19 outcomes. Specifically, we (I) introduce a novel approach to estimate and to visualize the epistemic uncertainty over the whole country; (ii) assign weights to each model components (earthquake rate and ground motion models) according to a quantitative testing phase and structured experts’ elicitation sessions; (iii) test (retrospectively) the MPS19 outcomes with the horizontal peak ground acceleration observed in the last decades, and the macroseismic intensities of the last centuries; (iv) introduce a pioneering approach to build MPS19_cluster, which accounts for the effect of earthquakes that have been removed by declustering. Finally, to make the interpretation of MPS19 outcomes easier for a wide range of possible stakeholders, we represent the final result also in terms of probability to exceed 0.15 g in 50 years.
... Owing to the length of the time window considered (50 years), seismologists cannot usually validate models using independent data, even though some efforts in this direction are ongoing, with some limitations, and usually using earthquakes from small to moderate magnitudes [e.g. Mak et al., 2014;Brooks et al, 2017;Mousavi and Beroza, 2018]. Most of the time, as for MPS19, only past data, which have been used more or less directly to build the hazard model, can be considered for testing [e.g. ...
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We describe the main structure and outcomes of the new probabilistic seismic hazard model for Italy, MPS19 [Modello di Pericolosità Sismica, 2019]. Besides to outline the probabilistic framework adopted, the multitude of new data that have been made available after the preparation of the previous MPS04, and the set of earthquake rate and ground motion models used, we give particular emphasis to the main novelties of the modeling and the MPS19 outcomes. Specifically, we (i) introduce a novel approach to estimate and to visualize the epistemic uncertainty over the whole country; (ii) assign weights to each model components (earthquake rate and ground motion models) according to a quantitative testing phase and structured experts’ elicitation sessions; (iii) test (retrospectively) the MPS19 outcomes with the horizontal peak ground acceleration observed in the last decades, and the macroseismic intensities of the last centuries; (iv) introduce a pioneering approach to build MPS19_cluster, which accounts for the effect of earthquakes that have been removed by declustering. Finally, to make the interpretation of MPS19 outcomes easier for a wide range of possible stakeholders, we represent the final result also in terms of probability to exceed 0.15 g in 50 years.
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Evaluating the performance of probabilistic seismic hazard models against recorded data and their potential to forecast future earthquake ground shaking is an emerging research topic. In this study, we evaluate and test the results of the recently released 2020 European Seismic Hazard Model (ESHM20; Danciu et al., 2021a, 2024) against observations for several cities in Romania. The dataset consists of ground-shaking recordings and macroseismic observations that extend the observational time period to a few hundred years. The full distribution of the hazard curves, depicting the epistemic uncertainties in the hazard at the given location was considered, and the testing was performed for peak ground acceleration (PGA) values of 0.1 and 0.2 g. The results show consistency between ESHM20 and the ground motion observations for the cities located near the Vrancea intermediate-depth source (VRI) for both selected PGA levels. ESHM20's estimated values appear to be over the recorded VRI ground motions along the Carpathian Mountains and below those at the far-field locations outside the Carpathians yet inside the expected model variability. Some of these differences might be attributed to the uncertainties in data conversion, local site effects, or differences in the attenuation patterns of the ground motion models. Our analysis suggests that the observed exceedance rates for the selected PGA levels are consistent with ESHM20 estimates, but these results must be interpreted with caution given the limited time and spatial coverage of the observations.
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Seismic energy forecasting is critical for hazard preparedness, but current models have limits in accurately predicting seismic energy changes. This paper fills that gap by introducing a new ensemble random forest model designed specifically for seismic energy forecasting. Building on an existing paradigm, provided by Raghukanth et al. (2017), the global energy time series is decomposed into intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) using ensemble empirical mode decomposition for better representation. Following this approach, we split the data into stationary (IMF1) and non-stationary (sum of IMF2-IMF6) components for modeling. We acknowledge the inadequacy of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) in capturing seismic energy dynamics, notably in anticipating the final values of the time series. To address this restriction, the yearly seismic energy time series is also fed along with the stationary and non-stationary parts as inputs to the developed models. Here, we employed Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), Instance-Bases learning (IBk), Linear Regression (LR), and MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP) algorithms for the modelling. Furthermore, the five models discussed above were suitably employed in a novel regression-based ensemble random forest algorithm to arrive at the final predictions. The root mean square error (RMSE) obtained in the training and testing phases of the final model were 0.127 and 0.134, respectively. It was observed that the performance of the developed ensemble model was superior to those existing in literature (Raghukanth et al., 2017). Further, the developed algorithm was employed for the seismic energy prediction in the active Western Himalayan region for a comprehensively compiled catalogue and the mean forecasted seismic energy for year 2024 is 7.21 × 1014 J. This work is a pilot project that aims to create a forecast model for the release of seismic energy globally and further application at a regional level. The findings of our investigation demonstrate the possibility of the established method in the accurate seismological energy forecast, which can help with appropriate hazard preparedness.
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Evaluating the performance of probabilistic seismic hazard models against recorded data and their potential to forecast future earthquake’s ground shaking is an emerging research topic. In this study, we evaluate and test the results of the recently released European Seismic Hazard Model (ESHM20; Danciu et al., 2021) against observations for several cities in Romania. The dataset consists of ground shaking recordings and macroseismic observations, which extend the observational time-period to few hundred years. The full distribution of the hazard curves, depicting the epistemic uncertainties of the hazard at the given location was considered and the testing was done for peak ground acceleration (PGA) values i.e., 0.1 g and 0.2 g. The results show close agreement between the ESHM20 and the observations for the cities located near the Vrancea intermediate-depth source (VRI) for both selected PGA levels. ESHM20 appears to overestimate the VRI recorded ground motions along the Carpathian Mountain Range and underestimate those at the far-field locations outside the Carpathians. Some of these differences might be attributed to the uncertainties in data conversion, local site effects, or differences in the attenuation patterns of the ground motion models. Our analysis suggests that the observed exceedance rates for the selected PGA levels are consistent with ESHM20 estimates, but these results must be interpreted with caution given the limited time and spatial coverage of the observations.
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In response to the dramatic increase in earthquake rates in the central United States, the U.S Geological Survey began releasing 1 yr earthquake hazard models for induced earthquakes in 2016. Although these models have been shown to accurately forecast earthquake hazard, they rely purely on earthquake statistics because there was no precedent for forecasting induced earthquakes based upon wastewater injection data. Since the publication of these hazard models, multiple physics-based methods have been proposed to forecast earthquake rates using injection data. Here, we use one of these methods to generate earthquake hazard forecasts. Our earthquake hazard forecasts are more accurate than statistics-based hazard forecasts. These results imply that fluid injection data, where and when available, and the physical implications of fluid injection should be included in future induced earthquake hazard forecasts.
We use an epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) based approach to develop a regionally optimized background earthquake rates from ETAS (ROBERE) method for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment. ROBERE fits parameters to the full seismicity catalog for a region with maximum-likelihood estimation, including uncertainty. It then averages the earthquake rates over a suite of catalogs from which foreshocks and aftershocks have been removed using stochastic declustering while maintaining the same Gaussian smoothing currently used for the U.S. Geological Survey National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM). The NSHM currently determines these rates by smoothing a single catalog from which foreshocks and aftershocks have been removed using the method of Gardner and Knopoff (1974; hereafter, GK74). The parameters used in GK74 were determined from subjectively identified aftershock sequences, unlike ROBERE, in which both background rate and aftershock triggering parameters are objectively fitted. A major difference between the impacts of the two methods is GK74 significantly reduces the b-value, a critical value for seismic hazard analysis, whereas ROBERE maintains the original b-value from the full catalog. We apply these methods to the induced seismicity in Oklahoma and Kansas and tectonic activity in the San Francisco Bay Region. Using GK74 gives lower overall earthquake rates but estimates higher hazard due to the reduction in the b-value. ROBERE provides higher earthquake rates, at the magnitude of completeness, but lower hazard because it does not alter the b-value. We test two other declustering methods that produce results closer to ROBERE but do not use objectively fit parameters, include uncertainty, and may not work as well in other areas. We suggest adopting ROBERE for the NSHM so that our hazard estimates are based on an objective analysis, including uncertainty, and do not depend strongly on potentially biased b-values, which was never the goal of the existing methodology.
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Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) characterizes ground-motion hazard from earthquakes. Typically, the time horizon of a PSHA forecast is long, but in response to induced seismicity related to hydrocarbon development, the USGS developed one-year PSHA models. In this paper, we present a display of the variability in USGS hazard curves due to epistemic uncertainty in its informed submodel using a simple bootstrapping approach. We find that variability is highest in low-seismicity areas. On the other hand, areas of high seismic hazard, such as the New Madrid seismic zone or Oklahoma, exhibit relatively lower variability simply because of more available data and a better understanding of the seismicity. Comparing areas of high hazard, New Madrid, which has a history of large naturally occurring earthquakes, has lower forecast variability than Oklahoma, where the hazard is driven mainly by suspected induced earthquakes since 2009. Overall, the mean hazard obtained from bootstrapping is close to the published model, and variability increased in the 2017 one-year model relative to the 2016 model. Comparing the relative variations caused by individual logic-tree branches, we find that the highest hazard variation (as measured by the 95% confidence interval of bootstrapping samples) in the final model is associated with different ground-motion models and maximum magnitudes used in the logic tree, while the variability due to the smoothing distance is minimal. It should be pointed out that this study is not looking at the uncertainty in the hazard in general, but only as it is represented in the USGS one-year models.
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In this article, we evaluate the ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs) described by Atkinson (2015) and Shahjouei and Pezeshk (2016) with ground-motion data collected from the central and eastern United States (CEUS). The former GMPE was developed for small-To-moderate events at short hypocentral distances with application to induced earthquakes in eastern North America, using the ground-motion database developed by the Next Generation Attenuation-West2 (NGAWest2) project (Bozorgnia et al., 2014). The latter GMPE was developed for the central and eastern North America for the NGA-East project (Frankel, 2015). We compare spectral amplitudes from 46,178 ground-motion recordings at 1069 stations from 2873 earthquakes in the CEUS to the GMPEs. The ground-motion catalog is divided into potentially-induced and tectonic earthquakes using the classification scheme of Petersen et al. (2015), and their differences in geometric spreading are observed.We observe that the Atkinson (2015)GMPE is a good fit for ground motions at hypocentral distances of less than 60 km, and that the Shahjouei and Pezeshk (2016) GMPE captures the geometric spreading of ground motions at larger distances, for both induced and tectonic earthquakes.
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We produce a one-year 2017 seismic-hazard forecast for the central and eastern United States from induced and natural earthquakes that updates the 2016 one-year forecast; this map is intended to provide information to the public and to facilitate the development of induced seismicity forecasting models, methods, and data. The 2017 hazard model applies the same methodology and input logic tree as the 2016 forecast, but with an updated earthquake catalog. We also evaluate the 2016 seismic-hazard forecast to improve future assessments. The 2016 forecast indicated high seismic hazard (greater than 1% probability of potentially damaging ground shaking in one year) in five focus areas: Oklahoma-Kansas, the Raton basin (Colorado/New Mexico border), north Texas, north Arkansas, and the New Madrid Seismic Zone. During 2016, several damaging induced earthquakes occurred in Oklahoma within the highest hazard region of the 2016 forecast; all of the 21 moment magnitude (M) ≥4 and 3 M ≥5 earthquakes occurred within the highest hazard area in the 2016 forecast. Outside the Oklahoma-Kansas focus area, two earthquakes with M ≥4 occurred near Trinidad, Colorado (in the Raton basin focus area), but no earthquakes with M ≥2.7 were observed in the northTexas or north Arkansas focus areas. Several observations of damaging ground-shaking levels were also recorded in the highest hazard region of Oklahoma. The 2017 forecasted seismic rates are lower in regions of induced activity due to lower rates of earthquakes in 2016 compared with 2015, which may be related to decreased wastewater injection caused by regulatory actions or by a decrease in unconventional oil and gas production. Nevertheless, the 2017 forecasted hazard is still significantly elevated in Oklahoma compared to the hazard calculated from seismicity before 2009.
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Even though it has never been validated by objective testing, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) has been widely used for almost 50 years by governments and industry in applications with lives and property hanging in the balance, such as deciding safety criteria for nuclear power plants, making official national hazard maps, developing building code requirements, and determining earthquake insurance rates. PSHA rests on assumptions now known to conflict with earthquake physics; many damaging earthquakes, including the 1988 Spitak, Armenia, event and the 2011 Tohoku, Japan, event have occurred in regions relatively rated low-risk by PSHA hazard maps. No extant method, including PSHA, produces reliable estimates of seismic hazard. Earthquake hazard mitigation should be recognized to be inherently political, involving a tradeoff between uncertain costs and uncertain risks. Earthquake scientists, engineers, and risk managers can make important contributions to the hard problem of allocating limited resources wisely, but government officials and stakeholders must take responsibility for the risks of accidents due to natural events that exceed the adopted safety criteria.
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In response to the marked number of injection-induced earthquakes in north-central Oklahoma, regulators recently called for a 40% reduction in the volume of saltwater being injected in the seismically active areas. We present a calibrated statistical model that predicts that widely felt M ≥ 3 earthquakes in the affected areas, as well as the probability of potentially damaging larger events, should significantly decrease by the end of 2016 and approach historic levels within a few years. Aftershock sequences associated with relatively large magnitude earthquakes that occurred in the Fairview, Cherokee, and Pawnee areas in north-central Oklahoma in late 2015 and 2016 will delay the rate of seismicity decrease in those areas.
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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has produced a one‐year (2016) probabilistic seismic‐hazard assessment for the central and eastern United States (CEUS) that includes contributions from both induced and natural earthquakes that are constructed with probabilistic methods using alternative data and inputs. This hazard assessment builds on our 2016 final model (Petersen et al. , 2016) by adding sensitivity studies, illustrating hazard in new ways, incorporating new population data, and discussing potential improvements. The model considers short‐term seismic activity rates (primarily 2014–2015) and assumes that the activity rates will remain stationary over short time intervals. The final model considers different ways of categorizing induced and natural earthquakes by incorporating two equally weighted earthquake rate submodels that are composed of alternative earthquake inputs for catalog duration, smoothing parameters, maximum magnitudes, and ground‐motion models. These alternatives represent uncertainties on how we calculate earthquake occurrence and the diversity of opinion within the science community. In this article, we also test sensitivity to the minimum moment magnitude between M 4 and M 4.7 and the choice of applying a declustered catalog with b =1.0 rather than the full catalog with b =1.3. We incorporate two earthquake rate submodels: in the informed submodel we classify earthquakes as induced or natural, and in the adaptive submodel we do not differentiate. The alternative submodel hazard maps both depict high hazard and these are combined in the final model. Results depict several ground‐shaking measures as well as intensity and include maps showing a high‐hazard level (1% probability of exceedance in 1 year or greater). Ground motions reach 0.6 g horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA) in north‐central Oklahoma and southern Kansas, and about 0.2 g PGA in the Raton basin of Colorado and New Mexico, in central Arkansas, and in north‐central Texas near Dallas–Fort Worth. The chance of having levels of ground motions corresponding to modified Mercalli intensity (MMI) VI or greater earthquake shaking is 2%–12% per year in north‐central Oklahoma and southern Kansas and New Madrid similar to the chance of damage at sites in high‐hazard portions of California caused by natural earthquakes. Hazard is also significant in the Raton basin of Colorado/New Mexico; north‐central Arkansas; Dallas–Fort Worth, Texas; and in a few other areas. Hazard probabilities are much lower (by about half or more) for exceeding MMI VII or VIII. Hazard is 3‐ to 10‐fold higher near some areas of active‐induced earthquakes than in the 2014 USGS National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM), which did not consider induced earthquakes. This study in conjunction with the LandScan TM Database (2013) indicates that about 8 million people live in areas of active injection wells that have a greater than 1% chance of experiencing damaging ground shaking (MMI≥VI) in 2016. The final model has high uncertainty, and engineers, regulators, and industry should use these assessments cautiously to make informed decisions on mitigating the potential effects of induced and natural earthquakes.
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Confidence in scientific models accumulates by continuously validating the model’s predictions by observations. We compared the seismic-hazard forecasts of the four published versions of the U.S. Geological Survey National Seismic Hazard Maps with observed ground motions. A large dataset is necessary for a statistically meaningful comparison, and so our comparison was based on an aggregated approach such that the observations and the forecast in a region (California, and the central and eastern United States [CEUS]) were combined and compared as a whole. We used instrumental records in California and macroseismic intensity in the CEUS since 2000 as the observation, which was largely prospective to the hazard maps. We verified that the observed seismic hazard based on macroseismic intensity was consistent with that based on instrumental records, making model evaluation in the CEUS, for which instrumental records were almost nonexistent, viable. The observed hazard was found to be generally consistent with the forecasted one for peak ground acceleration ( PGA) in California and for both PGA and spectral acceleration at 1 s (SA1) in the CEUS. Forecasted hazard for SA1 for California appeared to be conservative. Recent versions of the hazard map were in better agreement with observations in California. Small earthquakes, as expected, were found to have insignificant impact on SA1. Induced earthquakes in the CEUS have increased the observed seismic hazard but did not invalidate the hazard model as a whole. We examined the resolving power of the test by computing its statistical power.
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An alternative hybrid empirical ground-motion model for central and eastern North America (CENA) is proposed. The new ground-motion model (GMM) is developed for the average horizontal components (RotD50) of peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and 5%-damped pseudospectral accelerations at 0.01–10 s spectral periods. Hybrid empirical estimates are derived using the regional modification factors between two regions (host and target), along with empirical GMMs from the host region. The regional adjustment factors are ratios of the intensity measures from the generated synthetics in the host (western North America [WNA]) and target (CENA) regions. In this study, the recent updated empirical GMMs developed by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center for the Next Generation Attenuation West2 (NGA-West2) project (Bozorgnia et al., 2014) are incorporated. We used a broadband simulation technique proposed by the authors (Shahjouei and Pezeshk, 2015a) to generate synthetics for both the WNA and CENA regions in which the high-frequency and low-frequency parts of synthetics are calculated through a stochastic finite-fault method and kinematic source models along with the deterministic wave propagation, respectively. The updated seismological and geological parameters are deployed in simulations. The new ground-motion model is developed, as part of the NGA-East research project, considering multiple shaking scenarios that characterize the magnitude in the M 5.0–8.0 range. The proposed GMM represents the level of ground shaking in the distance range of 2–1000 km and are developed for the reference rock site condition with VS30 = 3 km=s in CENA. The results are compared with some other existing models in the region. In addition, a comprehensive residual analysis is performed using the recorded earthquakes available in the NGA-East database.
The recent steep increase in seismicity rates in Oklahoma, southern Kansas, and other parts of the central United States led the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to develop, for the first time, a probabilistic seismic hazard forecast for one year (2016) that incorporates induced seismicity. In this study, we explore a process to ground-Truth the hazard model by comparing it with two databases of observations: modified Mercalli intensity (MMI) data from the "Did You Feel It?" (DYFI) system and peak ground acceleration (PGA) values from instrumental data. Because the 2016 hazard model was heavily based on earthquake catalogs from 2014 to 2015, this initial comparison utilized observations from these years. Annualized exceedance rates were calculated with the DYFI and instrumental data for direct comparison with the model. These comparisons required assessment of the options for converting hazard model results and instrumental data from PGA to MMI for comparison with the DYFI data. In addition, to account for known differences that affect the comparisons, the instrumental PGA and DYFI data were declustered, and the hazard model was adjusted for local site conditions. With these adjustments, examples at sites with the most data show reasonable agreement in the exceedance rates. However, the comparisons were complicated by the spatial and temporal completeness of the instrumental and DYFI observations. Furthermore, most of the DYFI responses are in the MMI II-IV range, whereas the hazard model is oriented toward forecasts at higher ground-motion intensities, usually above about MMI IV. Nevertheless, the study demonstrates some of the issues that arise in making these comparisons, thereby informing future efforts to ground-Truth and improve hazard modeling for induced-seismicity applications.
Seismicity in the central United States has dramatically increased since 2008, due in large part to the injection of wastewater produced by oil and gas extraction. In response to this phenomenon, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) created a one-year probabilistic hazard model and map for 2016 to portray the increased hazard posed to the central and eastern United States. Using the intensity of shaking reported to the "Did You Feel It?" (DYFI) system during 2016, we assessed the performance of this model using a metric that compared the fraction of sites at which the maximum shaking exceeded the mapped value to the fraction that had been expected. These fractions are similar for both the central and eastern United States as a whole, as well as for the region within this area with the highest amount of seismicity-Oklahoma and its surrounding area. We observe the greatest mismatch in northern Texas, with hazard overstated, presumably because lower oil and gas prices and regulatory action reduced the water injection volume relative to that of the previous year. We also assessed the model using a misfit metric that compares the spatial patterns of predicted and maximum observed shaking. This hazard map performs better by both metrics than other hazard maps we have studied. These results imply that such hazard maps can be valuable tools for policy makers and regulators in attempts to manage the seismic risks associated with unconventional oil and gas production.