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  • CU Aerospace

Abstract and Figures

The CU Aerospace/VACCO Industries Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (PUC) was developed as a medium thrust, medium impulse thruster system to enable CubeSat orbital maneuvering, formation flying, and rendezvous. The 0.25U PUC casing is all-welded titanium, a n d comes fully integrated with all necessary propulsion subsystems, including controller, power processing unit, micro-cavity discharge thruster, propellant valves, heaters, sensors, and software. The unit is software-configurable to operate over a wide range of power, thrust, and impulse levels. System setpoints, system status, and firing telemetry are accessible and configurable through an RS422 serial interface. The baseline system fits within a compact 350 cm 3 volume (0.25U+"hockey puck"), with an 89 mm x 89 mm cross-section, leaving clearance for solar panels and magnetic torquers. PUC may be expanded from 0.25U to any desired length, providing significant potential for increased propellant capacity and ΔV capability, compared with the baseline 0.25U design. The 0.25U PUC draws 15 W when using a microcavity discharge (MCD) to heat the high-density, self-pressurizing liquid SO 2 propellant, coupled to an optimized micronozzle to provide 5 mN thrust at 70 s I sp , a 4 kg CubeSat ΔV of 48 m/s, and demonstrates negligible component wear a n d constant lifetime operations. A dedicated propellant heater provides for continuous operation below +5°C ambient temperature. Cold gas operation can be used for small impulse operations. On-orbit update of system parameters is provided, including thrust duration, plenum pressure, MCD power level temperature & fault set-points.
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62nd JANNAF Propulsion Meeting (7th Spacecraft Propulsion), Nashville, TN, 15 June, 2015
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release, distribution unlimited.
Work funded by AFRL/RQRS on contract FA9300-11-C-0007.
© Copyright by authors. Paper Tracking # 4059
D. L. Carroll1, J. M. Cardin2, R. L. Burton1, G. F. Benavides1, N. Hejmanowski, 1 C. Woodruff1, K. Bassett1,
D. King1, J. Laystrom-Woodard1, L. Richardson1, C. Day2, K. Hageman2, and R. Bhandari2
1CU Aerospace, Champaign, IL
2VACCO Industries, South El Monte, CA
The CU Aerospace/VACCO Industries Propulsion Unit for
CubeSats (PUC) was developed
as a medium thrust, medium impulse thruster system to enable CubeSat orbital maneuvering,
formation flying, and rendezvous. The 0.25U PUC casing is all-welded titanium, and comes
fully integrated with all
necessary propulsion subsystems, including controller,
power processing
unit, micro-cavity discharge thruster,
propellant valves, heaters, sensors, and software. The unit
is software-configurable to operate over a wide range
of power, thrust, and impulse levels.
System setpoints,
system status, and firing telemetry are accessible
and configurable through
an RS422 serial interface. The baseline system fits within a compact
350 cm3 volume
(0.25U+“hockey puck”), with an 89 mm x 89 mm cross-section, leaving clearance for solar
panels and magnetic torquers. PUC may be expanded from 0.25U to any desired length,
significant potential for increased propellant capacity and ΔV capability, compared with
baseline 0.25U design. The 0.25U PUC draws 15 W when using a microcavity discharge (MCD)
to heat the high-density, self-pressurizing liquid SO2
propellant, coupled to an optimized
micronozzle to provide 5 mN thrust at 70 s Isp, a 4 kg CubeSat ΔV of 48 m/s, and demonstrates
component wear and constant lifetime operations. A dedicated propellant heater
provides for continuous operation below +5°C ambient temperature. Cold gas operation can be used for
small impulse operations. On-orbit update of system parameters is provided, including thrust duration,
plenum pressure, MCD power level temperature & fault set-points.
An emerging trend in the field of space exploration is the development and deployment of low mass
satellites, commonly referred to as micro-, nano-, or femto-satellites. These satellites are seeing
increasing use as a low-cost alternative to more traditional large-scale spacecraft, a notable example
being the CubeSat standard, and eventually as components in a durable, redundant satellite network.
Nanosats are designed for a life of 1-2 years. They often have body-mounted solar panels, which makes
them severely power limited, with usable specific power P/m of ~1 watt per kg of satellite mass (note that
the Lockheed-Martin A2100 bus used for geosynchronous satellites has 4000 W capability and a launch
mass of ~3000 kg, so the 1 W/kg rule of thumb holds over a wide range of satellite masses). CubeSats
are also volume limited (1 liter per cube), placing a severe volume constraint on the propulsion system.
Nanosats are a low-cost, easily replaced approach to satellite constellations, and as such need to be
nimble. That is, orbital maneuvers need to be accomplished relatively quickly to minimize mission control
costs and maximize the usable satellite duty cycle of 1-2 years. Although rapid orbital maneuvering can
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always be accomplished by chemical propulsion, scaling down chemical systems to nanosat size (thrust
<< 1 Newton) has proved difficult for solid and liquid propulsion systems. Thus, one impediment to wide
implementation of nanosats is the lack of a highly compact, simple, and efficient propulsion system for
primary (orbital transfer, drag makeup, and maneuvering) and secondary (attitude and trajectory control)
applications. Advances at the University of Illinois in using microcavity plasma discharges for illumination
[Eden, 2005; Park, 2005] provide a possible solution to this problem in the form of a Microcavity
Discharge (MCD) thruster [Burton, 2009; Burton, 2010; Burton, 2012]. Unlike previous attempts at
microdischarge propulsion systems that failed because they operated in an arc mode, the MCD thruster
operates in a very low electrode erosion normal or abnormal glow discharge mode at high voltage and
low current. This new technology can revolutionize low-power electric propulsion for femto-, pico-, nano-,
micro- and even larger satellites to perform various mission tasks including orbit transfer, de-orbiting,
station-keeping, position, attitude and acceleration control, and structure control.
Our motivation for adapting MCD technology to the micropropulsion field is the expected system
benefits of high specific thrust, high thrust density, and high specific power with high propellant utilization
and a simple power processor. These aspects of MCD technology are desirable for a number of reasons.
First, an MCD thruster operates at the low power levels available on nanosatellites [Ghosh, 2010].
Additionally the MCD thruster is capable of generating higher thrust than other forms of electric propulsion
which increases the operational lifetime of a typical nanosatellite. For very small scale electrothermal
thrusters gas heating to temperatures in excess of 1000 K is possible with microdischarges. The
microdischarge gas temperature can be tuned to range from ambient values to high values by changing
the power input. The overall thruster efficiency is predicted to be greater than 60% using monatomic gas
propellants, and power scalability is straightforward over a wide range by operating large numbers of
abnormal glow discharges in parallel. Additionally, the service lifetime of the thruster is expected to be
long due to operation in the glow discharge mode and the capability of operating without auxiliary
Other advantages of the MCD thruster include:
1. Power is coupled via the normal or abnormal glow discharge, so electrodes remain relatively cool,
and heat loss is minimized.
2. The system incorporates capacitively-coupled and/or direct-coupled electrodes, minimizing
sheath loss and electrode ablation.
3. Electrode erosion is very low, because the ion sputtering erosion mechanism is significantly
reduced by operating in low current normal or abnormal glow discharge modes.
4. Low wall heat loss due to a wall area on the order of 0.1 1.0 mm2 per cavity.
5. Ionization fraction is <<1% and small resulting frozen flow losses.
6. No auxiliary systems are needed, e.g. neutralizer, heater, igniter.
7. Propellant is stored as a self-pressurizing liquid, and is evaporated to provide an operating
pressure is 0.1 1.0 atm, giving reasonable nozzle Reynolds numbers, low viscous losses, and
mN thrust levels [Bayt, 1999].
8. High stagnation temperatures are possible with the MCD (1500 K has been obtained with
Al/Al2O3 insulators), much higher than attainable with the resistojet, without the need for bulky,
inefficient thruster insulation.
9. The power processing unit (PPU) is comprised of a DC-AC inverter or pulsed DC power supply
with low mass ( 3 g/W), and with PPU efficiency exceeding 85%.
10. Throttleable by varying source pressure.
11. Very low thrust noise, making it a candidate for missions requiring extremely precise, low-noise
acceleration control.
12. Very low system mass and volume for use on low mass (<10 kg) satellites.
This paper reviews prior MCD thruster results, motivations for the technology, and presents
performance data taken with the CU Aerospace/VACCO 0.25U Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (PUC), a
robust system based upon MCD thruster technology.
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The early version of the MCD thruster [Burton, 2009; Burton, 2010], Figs. 1 and 2, is an
electrothermal thruster composed of a gaseous propellant supply and feed system, two or more Al/Al2O3
electrodes powered by a 50-500 kHz, 400-1600 V AC supply, a 100-200 µm diameter cavity in which the
discharge plasma is created, and a moderate Reynolds number micronozzle [Bayt, 1999]. The key
technology behind the MCD Thruster is the MEMs-scale plasma discharge. Over the past decade, it has
been found that low temperature plasma confined to a microcavity has several remarkable properties,
including specific power loadings (i.e., volumetric power deposition into the plasma) of up to ~1000
W/mm3 on a steady state basis, operating pressures of less than 100 Torr to above one atmosphere, and
electron temperatures of 3-6 eV. This region of the parameter space has not previously been accessible
to plasma science but it is already clear that these parameters open entirely new applications of plasma
Fig. 1. Schematic of original design of an MCD
electrothermal microthruster.
Fig. 2. Photograph of early stage development MCD
electrothermal microthruster with foil electrodes.
Inset shows unit in operation.
In early versions, the basic structure of the MCD thruster was composed of two or more electrodes
stacked in a ‘sandwich’ configuration with a microcavity drilled or etched through the stack. The
electrodes were created by growing an oxide layer on pure aluminum foils. The microcavity can be either
drilled using a commercially available micro drill bit, or created with a wet chemical etching process, for
cavities having characteristic dimensions as small as 10 µm. The foils were then aligned and connected
together using an epoxy resin, and then connected to a chemically etched nozzle. This effort was
supported by numerical modeling of the microdischarges [Sitaraman, 2010] to better understand the
dominant physical mechanisms.
Previously published work on the MCD thruster using gaseous propellants, typically argon, neon,
nitrogen, or a mixture thereof focused on power levels in the 1 5 W range [Burton, 2009; Burton, 2010;
de Chadenedes, 2010]. These studies included thrust estimates and thermal efficiency measurements.
The highest efficiency reached to date is 50%, with 60% predicted [de Chadenedes, 2010]. Lifetime
issues were prevalent in the early stage development MCD thrusters with the foil structure; the thin
insulation would typically develop microcracks during operation that would ultimately result in shorting and
arcing in the flowing system. As such, CU Aerospace used Internal Research and Development funds to
explore a modification of the MCD thruster that consisted of replacing the insulator with a more robust
oxide tube. With the implementation of the dielectric tube several configurations are possible for the
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electrodes for initiating and sustaining an alternating current normal or abnormal glow discharge [Burton,
An important question for nanosatellites is: what range of efficiency and specific impulse are
appropriate for a nanosat electric micropropulsion system? TRL 9 EP systems have flown with efficiency
η (%) and specific impulse Isp (s) including the pulsed plasma thruster (10%, 1000 s); the resistojet (50-
80%, 300 s); the Hall thruster (50%, 2000 s); and the ion thruster (70%, 3000 s). Other EP systems in
advanced development are the colloid thruster; and the FEEP thruster. Propulsion selection for nanosats
depends on the propulsion capability, expressed in terms of the maneuver time and the required orbital
maneuver expressed in terms of ΔV, and also on the mass and volume available for the propulsion
system on the nanosat.
Burton et al. [Burton, 2010] introduced an equation for a constrained maneuver time that showed ΔV
varying inversely with Ue; a priori, this is counterintuitive because high ΔV interplanetary missions typically
utilize high specific impulse systems. The conclusion is that, in order to minimize orbit transfer times,
more maneuver capability is available for propulsion systems with low exhaust velocity and specific
impulse. To insist incorrectly on a high specific impulse is to incur a long time to perform the maneuver or
to limit the ΔV capability of the nanosat.
Clearly, the maneuver time t is a fundamentally important parameter. The question then is what
maneuver time is appropriate? Because we are dealing with low-cost nanosats with limited design life (1-
2 years) in a rapid response environment, it is not useful to have maneuver times of weeks or months and
their associated delayed response, high mission control support costs and satellite downtimes. It is more
reasonable that the time to perform a maneuver should be measured in days. Figure 3 illustrates some
typical values of ΔV per day for a maneuverable nanosat, as a function of Isp. We assume that ηφ ~ 0.50
(where φ is the power fraction Pp/P,
defined in terms of the propulsive
power Pp, and the maximum nanosat
bus power P produced by the solar
panels), P/m ~ 1 W/kg, and that the
desired time for a single maneuver is
1.0 days.
As discussed by Burton et al.
[Burton, 2010], the “sweet spot” for
nanosat orbital maneuvers (shaded
region) appears to be in the 70400 s
range of Isp, where ΔV is relatively large
but the fuel fraction is reasonably small,
Fig. 3. For 50 s, typical of cold gas
thrusters, ΔV is high but fuel fraction is
too large. For 2000 s, assuming a 50%
efficient Hall thruster, the ΔV per day is
only 4.3 m/s; for 3000 s, assuming a
50% efficient ion thruster, the ΔV per
day is only 2.9 m/s; and for a 6000 s
FEEP thruster, the ΔV per day is only
1.5 m/s. These latter ΔV values are too
small to be useful in time-constrained
maneuvers. The colloid thruster could
eventually be considered assuming
significant improvements in efficiency
and system volume.
We note that a nanosat propulsion system can operate from batteries. For a 5 kg, 5 W nanosat
operating for one day, the required energy is 432 kJ = 120 W-hr. Lithium-ion batteries of this size would
Fig. 3. Operating envelope for nanosat propulsion. Maneuver
time is one day, requiring high thrust and reducing specific
impulse to the electrothermal range.
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have a mass of about 1 kg, or 20% of the satellite mass, making battery operation possible, but requiring
a large fraction of the total nanosat mass. Batteries could be used in conjunction with photovoltaic cells
to increase power and decrease maneuver time, effectively providing φ > 1.
Unlike low power ion and Hall thrusters, which incur a large efficiency penalty from their neutralizers,
electrothermal thrusters in principle can operate at high efficiency at low Isp. The reason that ion and Hall
thrusters need high Isp to be efficient is that the exhaust is fully ionized, so that the kinetic energy of the
exhaust must be large compared to the energy required (ion cost) to ionize the xenon propellant. Low
power electrothermal thrusters on the other hand have no inherent requirement for highly ionized
propellant, which can be made sufficiently conductive with an ionization fraction of 10-310-6.
The conclusion from this discussion is that the best specific impulse range for nanosats is relatively
low, in a range favoring electrothermal thrusters, Fig. 3.
Propulsion performance is critically dependent on the propellant choice. A number of propellants
have been considered for CubeSats, including isobutane (C4H10), nitrous oxide (N2O), propane, ammonia,
hydrazine, peroxide, refrigerants (R134a), etc. [London, 2010]. CU Aerospace executed a study of 350
candidate propellants for the CubeSat/nanosatellite propulsion application, and down-selected to 8
candidates. Selection is based on the following criteria, Tables 1 and 2. Another common refrigerant
R236fa is also a potential candidate; while it has several differences to R134a (most notably molecular
weight and lower vapor pressure), it is overall similar to R134a in estimated total performance numbers
and is not discussed further in this paper. (Note that SO2 has also previously been denoted as EP-13.)
Table 1: Criteria for best candidate nanosatellite propellants.
Favorable for
Not favorable for
High liquid density ρ
max propellant mass and ΔV
Water, SO2, R134a
NH3, N2O, C4H10
High ρ x sound speed
max ΔV
H2O, N2H4, SO2, NH3, R134a
SF6, N2O, C4H10
Low heat of vaporization
low propellant heater power
SO2, R134a
H2O, N2H4, NH3
simplifies feed system
SO2, NH3, R134a
H2O, N2H4, N2O
Critical temperature >60°C
liquid between 0°C and 60°C
H2O, SO2, NH3, R134a
N2H4, SF6, N2O, C4H10
Low freezing point
liquid between 0°C and 60°C
SO2, NH3, R134a
H2O, N2H4
Compatible with materials
& electronics
Enables location of electronics
inside storage tank
R134a, C4H10, SO2
H2O, NH3
Overall Selection
Optimizes Propulsion System
SO2, R134a
H2O, N2H4, NH3, SF6,
N2O, C4H10
Because both cold and warm gas could be used, the primary selection criterion is the product ρa of
liquid density times sound speed at 300 K, or equivalently the product of liquid density and maximum cold
Isp, Table 2. A secondary criterion is the propellant heat of vaporization.
The third criterion is self-pressurization capability, which eliminates the need for a separate
pressurization system, saves mass and volume, and therefore increases propellant mass and impulse.
Propellants are selected with sufficient vapor pressure at 0ºC and modest pressure at 60ºC to avoid
excessive tank wall thickness and mass (note that thicker tank walls can significantly reduce propellant
volume in the small tank sizes necessitated for nanosatellites). Propellants with a critical temperature
below 60ºC (SF6, N2O, C4H10) are avoided because the initial tank fill must be low to avoid over-
pressurization at 60ºC.
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Table 2: Comparison of product of liquid density and 90% of maximum Isp at 500°C for nanosatellite
Isp at 500°C &
90% Nozzle Eff.
Density x Isp
Freezes @ 0°C, low vapor pressure
Toxic, Freezes @ 2°C
Manageable Low toxicity
High P @ 60°C, thick structure
Critical temperature < 60°C
Critical temperature < 60°C
Low liquid density, Tcritical < 60°C
The fourth criterion is materials compatibility with the feed system, thruster and with the control and
power electronics. While not strictly required, this capability gives the most volume-efficient way to
package electronics, inside the propellant tank, while providing waste heat to maintain propellant
pressure and temperature while evaporating. Testing studies performed by CU Aerospace have
identified materials that are compatible with R134a and SO2.
Finally, freezing is a concern for a tank temperature of 0ºC for H2O and N2H4, requiring that this risk
be mitigated by thermal management and propellant heating. These two propellants, despite high ρa, are
also contraindicated by high heat of vaporization and low self-pressurization. Because
nanosatellites/CubeSats are generally power limited, the additional heater power required during lengthy
LEO eclipse times could significantly impact these nanosatellites. Of the investigated propellants, the two
most appealing for the CubeSat operating temperature range of 0 60 °C are R134a and SO2. Note that
SO2 was a common refrigerant until the mid-1920’s when CFC-based refrigerants were introduced. With
the exception of its low toxicity, SO2 has excellent refrigerant characteristics and it is these characteristics
that also make it an excellent propellant that is compatible with the MCD thruster technology.
Experiments were performed with a conical thruster nozzle having a 0.015” (0.38 mm) throat just
downstream of the microcavity discharge region. The basic configuration tested is illustrated in Fig. 4, for
which the plenum, MCD, PPU, and nozzle were all in a compact test housing, Fig. 5. Thrust stand
measurements were performed by placing the compact test housing on a Watt linkage pendulum thrust
platform with non-intrusive wires and gas feed line. The thrust stand has a large amount of prior historical
usage [Wilson, 1997; Laystrom, 2003]. Windage effects [Whalen, 1987] were observed from gas
recirculation in the medium sized vacuum tank when background pressures were < 10-5 Torr, so thrust
stand measurements were taken with a background pressure of approximately 160 milli-Torr. As such,
measurements of thrust include a small correction (typically < 5%) for the background pressure.
Fvacuum =Fmeasured +P
measured Aexit
A photograph of the thruster in operation is shown in Fig. 6.
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Fig. 4. Schematic of basic robust prototype PUC thruster system. The components within the dashed region
were tested inside the test housing.
Fig. 5. Photograph of prototype PUC thruster in test
Fig. 6. Photograph of prototype PUC thruster in
operation using SO2.
In the laboratory the MCD thruster operates at constant mass flow rate and allows the static pressure
to increase as the total temperature increases. Knowing mass flow rate and the discharge coefficient CD
allows the total temperature of the discharge to be inferred from comparison between the pressure and
mass flow measurements:
where R is the gas constant, γ depends upon the total temperature,
, and the throat
pressure is given by:
p*=p02 /
( )
( )
Experimentally, a cold gas measurement was made followed by ignition of the MCD and a warm gas
measurement taken for the same mass flow rate. Since the mass flow rate and discharge coefficient are
experimentally fixed, an increase in line pressure (assumed to be the stagnation pressure since the
incoming flow Mach number is < 0.1) corresponds to a rise in discharge stagnation temperature by the
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above equations and can therefore be determined without the need for direct measurements other than
the pressure. Thus, neglecting a small correction due to variations in γ, T0 ~ p2, or
Measurement of the cold and warm pressures along with the assumption that the cold stagnation
temperature is room temperature provides an estimated total temperature in the discharge region
downstream of the discharge.
Cold and Warm Gas Performance Data
Plenum pressures using SO2 propellant are shown in Fig. 7, as well as estimated total temperatures
in the discharge region (using the above equation) just upstream of the throat, Fig. 8. Note that Fig. 8
shows that the total temperature decreases with mass flow for approximately a constant input power of 10
W, as the same amount of power is being deposited into a progressively larger amount of gas flow.
Fig. 7. Plenum pressure of prototype PUC thruster
operating in cold gas and warm gas modes.
Fig. 8. Estimated total temperature in discharge
region of prototype PUC thruster operating in cold
gas and warm gas modes (for approximately a
constant input power of 10 W).
Thrust stand measurements including the small correction for the windage effects are shown in Figs.
9 and 10. The nominal operating flow rate of 7.6 mg/s of propellant indicates a thrust of 3.5 mN and an
Isp of 46 s in cold gas mode, and a thrust of approximately 5.4 mN and an Isp of 72 s in warm gas MCD
discharge mode. This represents a significant 54% rise in thrust and specific impulse with the highly
compact MCD configuration. Cold gas performance was also tested at a much higher flow rate of 14.6
mg/s (not shown for brevity) and produced a thrust of 7.6 mN and an Isp of 52 s. Cold flow thrust stand
measurements were also performed with R134a (molecular weight = 102), and display a similar trend to
that of SO2 (molecular weight = 64), but with the anticipated reduced specific impulse (Section 4). Note
that R134a was found to be incompatible with the MCD warm fire operation due to dissociation of the
R134a molecules and subsequent plugging of the nozzle.
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Fig. 9. Measured thrust of prototype PUC thruster
operating in cold gas and warm gas modes.
Fig. 10. Measured specific impulse of prototype PUC
thruster operating in cold gas and warm gas modes.
Dissociation of the molecular propellant almost certainly plays some role in discharge inefficiencies.
The bond energy to dissociate the first O atom from the molecule is 5.676 eV [Takacs, 1978], which
corresponds to a power loss of 8.6 W for every 1 mg/s that has the first bond broken. Experiments have
not been performed to determine quantitatively the amount of bond dissociation occurring in these MCD
tests, but we estimate that it is < 5%, i.e. greater than 95% of the flow is undissociated.
Testing of the MCD was also performed for several different input powers to the PPU. Figure 11
illustrates the general rise in total temperature of the discharge flow as a function of the ratio of power
input to the PPU to the mass flow rate. A more limited set of thrust stand measurements was made for
higher specific powers that seemed the most promising, Fig. 12. To within experimental error, the
specific impulse was approximately a constant for specific powers in the range of 1.2 – 1.8 W/mg/s.
Fig. 11. Estimated total temperature in discharge
region of prototype PUC thruster operating in warm
gas mode as a function of the specific energy in the
discharge region.
Fig. 12. Measured specific impulse of prototype PUC
thruster operating in warm gas mode as a function of
the specific energy in the discharge region.
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To test the durability of the thruster system a 19-hour continuous test was performed, Figs. 13-16,
which exceeds the available tank propellant in the PUC system described in Section 4. The flow rate for
this test was held approximately constant at 7.9 mg/s. An earlier model of our PPU with slightly lower
efficiency was utilized in this 19-hour experiment, so performance is slightly decreased from that shown in
Figs. 7-10, but the differences are < 5%. Interestingly, the thrust performance increased with operational
time, possibly due to gradual heating of the entire test housing in which the gas flows into the discharge
region. Microscope investigation of the thruster after the 19-hour test showed no plugging or erosion of
the nozzle.
Fig. 13. Plenum pressure of prototype PUC thruster
operating in cold gas and warm gas modes during a
19-hour test.
Fig. 14. Estimated total temperature in discharge
region of prototype PUC thruster operating in warm
gas mode during a 19-hour test.
Fig. 15. Measured thrust of prototype PUC thruster
operating in cold gas and warm gas modes during a
19-hour test.
Fig. 16. Measured specific impulse of prototype PUC
thruster operating in cold gas and warm gas modes
during a 19-hour test.
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Discharge coefficients typically ranged from 0.84 0.90 for this nozzle, depending upon flow
conditions. Nozzle efficiencies typically ranged from 0.80 0.90, again depending upon flow conditions.
The CU Aerospace / VACCO Propulsion Unit for
CubeSats (PUC) is a complete high-
performance and
compact small-satellite propulsion solution, Fig. 17. The all-welded titanium
PUC comes fully integrated with all
necessary propulsion subsystems, including controller,
power processing unit, micro-cavity discharge thruster,
propellant valves, heaters, sensors, and
software. PUC
is software-configurable to operate over a wide range
of power, thrust, and
impulse levels. System set-points,
system status, and firing telemetry are all accessible
configurable through an RS422 serial interface.
Fig. 17. Photograph of 0.25U PUC flight system showing locations of MCD thruster,
propellant fill port, firmware update header and mounting holes in a welded titanium
structure. The propellant tank is included in the structure.
The baseline 0.25U system fits within a compact
350 cm3 volume (0.25U + “hockey
puck”), providing
outstanding performance for minimal CubeSat volume
and mass fraction. The
PUC’s 89 mm x 89 mm cross-section intentionally falls well under the CubeSat 100 mm x
100 mm specification, so as to
not interfere with other CubeSat subsystems such as solar
panels and magnetic torquers. For
increased performance, or to meet customer specific mission
requirements, the tank width may be
customized. The tank may additionally be expanded from
0.25U to any desired length, providing
significant potential for increased propellant capacity, i.e.
delta-V capability, compared with the
baseline 0.25U design.
The PUC achieves its high total impulse, low-volume capability by employing CU Aerospace
Micro-Cavity Discharge (MCD) propellant heating technology, high-density and self-pressurizing
propellants, and an optimized low-mass-flow nozzle. PUC MCD thrusters demonstrate
component wear during 0.25U life cycle testing, providing constant lifetime
operations. The
robust MCD components permit extensive warm firing beyond the 0.25U
operational life, allowing
for pre-flight testing and/or increases to the PUC’s propellant tankage
without impacting MCD
performance or reliability.
PUC system performance estimates are given in
Tables 3 and 4. The system envelope and dimensions are provided in Fig. 18 along with center of
gravity estimates. Other PUC system specification (mechanical, propellant, and electrical) are provided in
the Appendix.
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Table 3. Performance specifications of 0.25U PUC MCD thruster system in cold (14.6 mg/s flow rate) and
warm (7.6 mg/s flow rate) gas modes.
Table 4. Performance of 0.25U PUC MCD thruster system in cold (14.6 mg/s flow rate) and warm (7.6 mg/s
flow rate) gas modes as a function of CubeSat launch mass.
CubeSat Launch Mass
ΔV in Cold Gas Mode
ΔV in Warm Gas Mode
System Features
K Two operational modes:
K Warm gas mode for high specific impulse, large
total impulse manuevers.
K Cold gas mode for minimum or small total impulse manuvers.
K Highly configurable controller for on-orbit update
of system parameters, including:
K Thrust duration
K Plenum pressure (thrust)
K MCD power level (specific impulse)
K Temperature set-points
K Fault set-points
K System status packets for health monitoring
K Regular telemetry packets during operation
K Dedicated propellant heater for continous operation below +5°C ambient temperature.
K Propellant temperature sensor for closed-loop propellant temperature regulation.
K Propellant vaporizer ensuring 100% vapor delivered
from liquid storage.
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Fig. 18. Envelope and dimensions of the 0.25U PUC flight system including center
of gravity estimates.
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) characteristics:
K High mass density
K Self-pressurizing
K Non-flammable
K Chemically stable
K High critical temperature
K Low freezing point
K Low vapor pressure
K Commonly used refrigerant prior to the development of freons
The hardware is readily adaptable to a variety of propellant tank sizes to provide a family of possible
PUC systems, Fig. 19. Table 5 provides estimates of performance with the larger tank sizes for a 4 kg
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Fig. 19. Family of MCD PUC thruster systems with different propellant tank sizes (0.25U, 0.5U, and 1U sizes
are illustrated).
Table 5. Estimated performance of PUC MCD thruster systems for a 4 kg CubeSat launch mass in cold (14.6
mg/s flow rate) and warm (7.6 mg/s flow rate) gas modes as a function of PUC tank size.
PUC Size
ΔV in Cold Gas Mode
ΔV in Warm Gas Mode
Eight PUC flight systems were fabricated,
tested and delivered to the Air Force in 2014.
Acceptance testing of each of these systems was
performed. Plenum pressures using SO2 and
R134a propellants are shown in Fig. 20. Thrust
stand measurements with both of these
propellants (including the small correction for the
windage effects) are shown in Figs. 21 and 22.
As noted earlier, R134a was found to be
incompatible with the MCD warm fire operation
due to dissociation of the R134a molecules and
subsequent plugging of the nozzle, and was
therefore only tested in cold gas mode. Operation
of all units was within desired specifications.
We note that it should be possible to push the
performance to higher thrust and Isp in the warm
gas MCD discharge mode with continued
optimization of the geometry and electronics. Our
estimates are that a total temperature of 1200 K is
achievable for which we expect an Isp > 75 s.
Fig. 20. Plenum pressure of flight PUC thruster
operating in cold gas and warm gas modes with SO2
and in cold gas mode with R134a.
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Fig. 21. Measured thrust of flight PUC thruster
operating in cold gas and warm gas modes with SO2
and in cold gas mode with R134a.
Fig. 22. Measured specific impulse of flight PUC
thruster operating in cold gas and warm gas modes
with SO2 and in cold gas mode with R134a.
As nanosatellites become an increasingly utilized tool in space missions, the need for a compact and
efficient propulsion system becomes ever greater. The Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (PUC) thruster
system represents a bridge for the unique needs of the nanosatellite propulsion gap: MCD devices are
extremely compact, smaller than virtually any other propulsion system. MCD thrusters are capable of
operation in power-limited systems, and MCD thrusters are capable of providing the total impulse levels
necessary for nanosatellite missions when utilizing self-pressurizing liquid propellants.
Sulfur dioxide was chosen as an ideal propellant for CubeSats because of its excellent set of
characteristics that compensate for CubeSat limitations. Thrust stand measurements using SO2
propellant showed a thrust of approximately 4.5 mN and an Isp of 46 s in cold gas mode, and a thrust of
approximately 5.4 mN and an Isp of 70 s in warm gas MCD discharge mode. This represents a significant
>50% rise in performance with the highly compact MCD configuration as compared with cold gas
operation. The robust MCD thruster system was tested in a 19-hour experiment and demonstrated no
degradation in performance, and no erosion of the electrodes, insulator or nozzle. The PUC system
using MCD thruster technology, was fabricated, tested and delivered to the Air Force by the CU
Aerospace and VACCO Industries team and represents the first compact (< 0.75U), high total impulse
nanosatellite propulsion system. The PUC can be built as a family of thruster systems having a variety of
propellant tank sizes to meet the needs of different nanosatellite missions.
This work has been sponsored by the United States Air Force Research Laboratory/RQRS contract
number FA9300-11-C-0007. James Singleton and William Hargus served as Program Managers during
different phases of the project, and we would also like to acknowledge their timely and important technical
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release, distribution unlimited.
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DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release, distribution unlimited.
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for public release, distribution unlimited.
... CubeSat form factor, commercial propulsion systems generally encompass 1-1U+ of the CubeSat which enables an estimated performance of 50 -60 m/s of delta-V for the entire system [33][34][35][36]. ...
... The primary goal of MCD thrusters is to achieve performance levels of 1 mN per cavity with number of cavities varying from 4 -9+ by heating the temperature of the propellant by 1,000+ K with a 60 % efficiency and an ISP of 160 seconds for utilization in orbit transfer and maneuvers, as well as attitude and position or acceleration control within LEO [41,42]. The Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (PUC) developed by CU Aerospace and Vacco Industries is an MCD thruster designed for orbital maneuvering, formation flight as well as rendezvous [35]. PUC is configured in a 0.25U+ design and produces 5 mN of total thrust, with 70 seconds of ISP, providing 48 m/s of delta-V for a 4 kg CubeSat, and draws 15 Wdc of power [35,43]. ...
... The Propulsion Unit for CubeSats (PUC) developed by CU Aerospace and Vacco Industries is an MCD thruster designed for orbital maneuvering, formation flight as well as rendezvous [35]. PUC is configured in a 0.25U+ design and produces 5 mN of total thrust, with 70 seconds of ISP, providing 48 m/s of delta-V for a 4 kg CubeSat, and draws 15 Wdc of power [35,43]. Compared to resistojets, the PUC was able to achieve constant lifetime operations over a 19 hr test. ...
The research presented provides an overview of a 1U+ form factor propulsion system design developed for the Cal Poly CubeSat Laboratory (CPCL). This design utilizes a Radiofrequency Electrothermal Thruster (RFET) called Pocket Rocket that can generate 9.30 m/s of delta-V with argon, and 20.2 ± 3 m/s of delta-V with xenon. Due to the demand for advanced mission capabilities in the CubeSat form factor, a need for micro-propulsion systems that can generate between 1 – 1500 m/s of delta-V are necessary. By 2019, Pocket Rocket had been developed to a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 5 and ground tested in a 1U CubeSat form factor that incorporated propellant storage, pressure regulation, RF power and thruster control, as well as two Pocket Rocket thrusters under vacuum, and showcased a thrust of 2.4 mN at a required 10 Wdc of power with Argon propellant. The design focused on ground testing of the thruster and did not incorporate all necessary components for operation of the thruster. Therefore in 2020, a 1U+ Propulsion Module that incorporates Pocket Rocket, the RF amplification PCB, a propellant tank, propellant regulation and delivery, as well as a DC-RF conversion with a PIB, that are all attached to a 2U customer CubeSat for a 3U+ overall form factor. This design was created to increase the TRL level of Pocket Rocket from 5 to 8 by demonstrating drag compensation in a 400 km orbit with a delta-V of 20 ± 3 m/s in the flight configuration. The 1U+ Propulsion Module design included interface and requirements definition, assembly instructions, Concept of Operations (ConOps), as well as structural and thermal analysis of the system. The 1U+ design enhances the capabilities of Pocket Rocket in a 1U+ form factor propulsion system and increases future mission capabilities as well as propulsion system heritage for the CPCL.
... From Figures 9-11 it can be observed that electrospray, radio frequency ion, Hall and pulsed plasma thrusters provide similar performance. RF ion thrusters feature the highest specific impulse due to their high operating efficiency (approximately 70% [61]) but offer a lower average thrust-to-power ratio. Hall thrusters on the other hand have a lower I sp than RF ion thrusters because of their lower thruster efficiency (approximately 50% [61]), however they possess higher average thrust-to-power ratio. ...
... RF ion thrusters feature the highest specific impulse due to their high operating efficiency (approximately 70% [61]) but offer a lower average thrust-to-power ratio. Hall thrusters on the other hand have a lower I sp than RF ion thrusters because of their lower thruster efficiency (approximately 50% [61]), however they possess higher average thrust-to-power ratio. Though RF ion and Hall thrusters have the highest specific impulse amongst electric engines, they consume a considerably larger amount of power mainly owing to complex design systems that include the series of grids, external cathode and RF ion power for RF ion thrusters; external cathode, induced magnetic and accelerating electric fields for Hall thrusters. ...
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CubeSats provide a cost effective means to perform scientific and technological studies in space. Due to their affordability, CubeSat technologies have been diversely studied and developed by educational institutions, companies and space organizations all over the world. The CubeSat technology that is surveyed in this paper is the propulsion system. A propulsion system is the primary mobility device of a spacecraft and helps with orbit modifications and attitude control. This paper provides an overview of micro-propulsion technologies that have been developed or are currently being developed for CubeSats. Some of the micro-propulsion technologies listed have also flown as secondary propulsion systems on larger spacecraft. Operating principles and key design considerations for each class of propulsion system are outlined. Finally, the performance factors of micro-propulsion systems have been summarized in terms of: first, a comparison of thrust and specific impulse for all propulsion systems; second, a comparison of power and specific impulse, as also thrust-to-power ratio and specific impulse for electric propulsion systems.
... Overall technical risk of the CHIPS thruster unit is low and has been substantially mitigated through testing on the NASA-funded Phase II SBIR project. Additionally, the TRL 7 PUC thruster systems [Carroll, 2015] already delivered to the Air Force by the CU Aerospace-VACCO team have validated many of the proposed technologies (valves, welds, materials compatibility, control boards, pressure vessel testing, etc.) through testing. ...
... Pricing of other warm gas systems is not readily available (so they are not listed here), but we estimate that CHIPS is the best value available in terms of total impulse density per unit cost, Table 4, and CHIPS utilizes the completely non-toxic green propellants R236fa/R134a. The primary advantage of the PUC system [Carroll, 2015] is the use of an extremely compact micro-cavity discharge (MCD) thruster that enables a large impulse density in a small 0.25U package, which would be unachievable with most other technologies; the downside of the MCD discharge is that it is not compatible with the hydrocarbon-based self-pressurizing refrigerants such as R236fa, so PUC could only be used in a cold-gas mode with such a refrigerant. * Volumetric Impulse (or Impulse Density) = total impulse of the system divided by the volume of the propulsion system. ...
Conference Paper
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The CubeSat High Impulse Propulsion System (CHIPS), under development by CU Aerospace with partner VACCO Industries, is a system targeted at CubeSat and micro-satellite platforms designed to enable mission operations beyond simple orbit maintenance, including significant altitude changes, formation flying, and proximity operations such as rendezvous and docking. CHIPS integrates primary propulsion, ACS and propellant storage into a single bolt-on module that is compatible with a variety of non-toxic, self-pressurizing liquid propellants. The primary propulsion system uses micro-resistojet technology developed by CU Aerospace to superheat the selected propellant before subsequent supersonic expansion through a micro-nozzle optimized for frozen-flow efficiency. A 1U design is estimated to be capable of providing 471 N-s total impulse at ~20 mN thrust using R236fa propellant, resulting in a volumetric impulse of 525 N-s/liter. The ACS is a cold gas, 4-thruster array to provide roll, pitch, yaw, and reverse thrust with a minimum impulse bit of 0.4 mN-s. A high-fidelity, fully-integrated engineering unit was extensively tested in cold and warm gas modes on the University of Illinois thrust stand under a range of conditions. This paper presents thrust and specific impulse data for the resistojet thruster using two different propellants. Resistojet data include cold and warm gas performance as a function of mass flow rate, plenum pressure, geometry, and input power. Presently the CHIPS prototype is TRL 5 as a result of a Phase II SBIR effort funded by NASA.
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This paper explores the wide-ranging topography of micro-propulsion systems that have been flown in different small satellite missions. CubeSats, known for their compact size and affordability, have gained popularity in the realm of space exploration. However, their limited propulsion capabilities have often been a constraint in achieving certain mission objectives. In response to this challenge, space propulsion experts have developed a wide spectrum of miniaturized propulsion systems tailored to CubeSats, each offering distinct advantages. This literature review provides a comprehensive analysis of these micro-propulsion systems, categorizing them into distinct families based on their primary energy sources. The review provides informative graphs illustrating propulsion performance metrics, serving as beneficial resources for mission planners and satellite designers when selecting the most suitable propulsion system for a particular mission requirement.
This chapter is about the electric propulsion (EP) for CubeSats, both state-of-the-art and future perspectives are discussed. An EP system can be defined as a thruster in which a gas is accelerated by means of electrical heating and/or electric and magnetic body forces. Provided that the thrust is generated employing electric power, which is limited on board of satellites, EP systems have two common characteristics: the thrust is low (,1 N) and the specific impulse is high (up to 10,000 s). Thus, the use of electric thrusters has a major impact on a space mission: maneuvers can be accomplished with relatively little propellant and systems can be operated, rather in a continuous or pulsed regime, for long durations (up to years). For these reasons, EP systems enable totally new mission scenarios not possible with chemical thrusters. EP subsystems include the power processing unit (PPU), propellant management, and thermal control. In this chapter, only high-level aspects of EP are analyzed. Discussions about tanks, pressure regulators, valves and sensors have not been included.
The growing interest in small satellites (smallsats) is primarily a function of their affordability and versatility across a wide range of space mission applications. For these reasons, smallsats have found valuable applications in government, industry, and academic settings. The continued advancement of smallsats depends on the ability of the aerospace industry to supply affordable, reliable, and efficient miniaturized spacecraft thrusters. Choosing a suitable propulsion system for a smallsat mission involves tradeoffs between performance, cost, and reliability. This study compares the advertised performance of existing chemical, cold gas, and electric propulsion systems across two representative smallsat missions with the goal of providing mission-enabling information to the smallsat research community. Results show that electric propulsion systems are the top performers for both missions. The required wet mass for electrospray thrusters and pulsed plasma devices demonstrated low sensitivity to increasing orbit lifetime, increasing less than 0.5 kg over 15+ year increases in orbit lifetime, making them the top-performing systems in a low-impulse long-duration mission. Because of their characteristically high specific impulse, gridded ion thrusters emerged as the top-performing systems in a high-impulse interplanetary mission with delivered mass capability decreasing less than 25 kg for a delta-V increase of 2000 m/s.
Thesis The domain of nano/microsatellites has been irreversibly modified by the apparition of the CubeSat standard. The exponential growth of CubeSat launches during the past 20 years, combined with the growing interest of private companies and space agencies has confirmed the sustainability of a new approach to space missions: standardization, short release cycle and shared launches. This standard has paved the way to the democratization of subsystems available as "commercial off-the-shelf" (COTS). However, because of the drastic constraints imposed by the standard in terms of mass, volume and power, most CubeSats to date were launched in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). Among the limitations that this class of satellites still faces is the orbit control. It is expected to allow more flexibility to LEO missions and pave the way to interplanetary trajectories. This thesis aims to highlight the remaining discrepancies between the CubeSat philosophy and the complexity of the Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS), and tackle some of them. Current "commercial off-the-shelf" (COTS) approach tends to consider each subsystem individually, making it difficult to ensure performances at system level. For our concern, the distinction between the attitude control and the orbit control (ADCS/GNC) hides inherent mutual impacts. This work proposes a high-level approach based on identified representative cases, such as deorbiting from LEO, escaping Earth orbit or proximity operations. Thanks to a functional analysis, the fundamental links between the required subsystems for a successful orbital maneuver are emphasized. It results that the conventional approach tends to neglect the attitude control required to ensure the expected pointing during the maneuver, usually considered to be within the limits of the nondedicated ADCS. Classical performance indexes for propulsion systems are proved to be deficient, for instance focusing on the propellant mass at the expense of the dry mass of the system. They also omit the effects of the power and thermal requirements in terms of added mass, which sometimes result in unrealistic solutions at the CubeSat scale. The thrusters’ impact on the design of the ADCS is quantified through the development of an AOCS simulation environment. Important increases in maneuver duration and propellant consumption, even mission loss, are observed. They lead to propositions for ensure the success of expected orbital maneuvers. COTS propulsion systems’ classical description is revisited with an enhanced system performance index, taking into account the multiple implications of a thruster integration.
Advances in miniaturization using micromachining processes have led to propulsion systems small enough to consider the feasibility of carrying a large number of thrusters even on small spacecrafts such as Cubesats. Electrospray thrusters developed at the Space Propulsion Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are composed of a highly miniaturized emitter array attached to a tank structure. In terms of volume and mass, the thrusters are small compared to the tank and overall system. This feature makes it possible to envision a staging concept, in which multiple propulsion units are powered in succession, with staging of those that have depleted their propellant. As the satellite mission advances, such a staging operation reduces the spacecraft structural mass, leading to an increased total Δv capability compared to traditional mission designs. This work examines the impact of such an operational concept in the context of a Cubesat that is capable of raising its orbit from a geosynchronous orbit (GEO) to interplanetary space. While this concept can be applicable to missions of different interplanetary objects such as Near-earth-objects, a mission from GEO to lunar space is investigated in this work as an example. To fully assess the benefit of the staging concept, comparison to a more traditional mission approach is made. When comparing the staging method to a fixed structural spacecraft for a 3U Cubesat, the reduction of propellant mass and time of flight is 12.7% for a transfer from GEO to the Moon's Sphere of Influence.
There is a rapid progression toward spacecraft miniaturization due to the prospect of reduced launch costs, the requirement for satellite constellations, and the integration of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Satellite propulsion is required for increased mission flexibility and orbital debris mitigation, but down-scaling of such devices has proven non-trivial. Some electrostatic thrusters are both challenging and promising given their increase in performance with small geometry, but the relatively low thrust produced through ion acceleration limits their mission applicability. For this reason, it may be desirable to produce thrusters that are able operate across a wide range of specific impulses, depending on maneuver time, thrust bit requirements, and several other factors that influence propulsion system selection. At RAPPEL, a bimodal thruster that can operate at high specific impulse with electrospray propulsion or high thrust using cold gas expansion has been developed. Inevitably, such a propulsion system comes with complications related to performance characterization. A novel and economical data acquisition system has been established to measure the performance of both modes in high vacuum. For the cold gas mode, a torsional thrust balance was built in-house to measure thrust levels between 1−15mN, and can be easily modified for lower ranges. The natural frequency of the thrust stand was measured to be 5.6Hz. The vacuum system sustained pressures below 5mbar while the cold gas nozzle operated, and 1.3×10 ⁻⁵ mbar during electrospray operation. A 3-D printed linear cold gas nozzle was used to validate the thrust stand. Its thrust was close to 9mN at a mass flow rate of 20mg/s of nitrogen, producing a specific impulse of just under 45s. Due to the noise present in thrust stand measurements at the sub-mN force-level produced by electrosprays, the thrust stand was built to also accommodate a complementary ion beam current measurement system. The power processing unit, used to generate square-wave ±2500V signals using optodiodes, was built to operate a bipolar ionic liquid ion source (ILIS). The rise and fall times of the push/pull switch were close to 1ms and 30ms, respectively. The electrical power system used to operate the electrospray and measure its performance is examined in detail, followed by the results from validation of both data acquisition systems.
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The microcavity discharge (MCD) thruster provides the high efficiency, low specific impulse performance needed for maneuvering and control of nanosatellites with masses of less than 10 kg. The MCD heats gaseous propellants to ~1500 K and accelerates the flow in a conventional nozzle of modest Reynolds number, achieving specific impulse in the range of 80 – 400 seconds. Importantly, the ~1 W MCD has a high specific thrust, ~ 1 mN/W, a level necessary for rapid response, low cost, 1-2 year nanosat missions. The thruster architecture is relatively simple as no auxiliary neutralizer or preheater is needed. Thruster warmup is sub-millisecond, compared to many minutes for resistojet microthrusters. Thruster footprint (mass and volume) is consistent with nanosat constraints. The AC-coupled microcavity discharge, developed by Eden and co-workers at the University of Illinois for purposes such as illumination, typically operates at 40 -100 kPa, with a typical cavity diameter of 100 micrometers. The discharge operates by Paschen breakdown in the abnormal glow regime (positive V-I slope) with ~10 -4 ionization, allowing stable, parallel cavity operation for power scaling. Addition of a conventional nozzle permits flow expansion into vacuum. Thrust stand measurements of thrust, mass flow rate and input power are presented, from which efficiency and specific impulse are extracted. Measurements are supported by numerical modeling. Efficiency is predicted to be high (>60%) due to low wall heat loss, low frozen flow loss, and good nozzle efficiency.
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Recent advances in the effort to demonstrate the propulsion capabilities of a microcavity discharge (MCD) thruster are discussed. The MCD thruster is being developed primarily through an experimental effort with support from computational modeling, and predicts an ultimate performance of 1 mN of thrust per cavity, a thrust efficiency exceeding 60%, and an argon specific impulse of 150 seconds. Because the MCD thruster has low specific mass and is scalable over a large number of cavities, successful implementation would ultimately result in an advanced propulsion system useful for primary (orbit transfer, maneuvering) and secondary (attitude, position and acceleration control) applications for a wide range of satellites. Experimental measurements are taken with MCD thrusters designed and fabricated according to parameters suggested by computational simulations. These measurements determine the stagnation temperature, from which specific impulse, thrust efficiency, heat loss and micronozzle efficiencies can be derived. Since the extremely small dimensions of the MCD thruster and fast oscillatory phenomena associated with AC excitation make experimental diagnostics of the device very difficult, a detailed first-principles computational model provides time-accurate solutions of the multi-species, multi-temperature, self-consistent plasma governing equations for discharge physics, coupled to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations for the bulk fluid flow through the MCD thruster. The computation employs a hybrid unstructured computational mesh for the MCD thruster geometry that represents both the solid dielectric structure that confines the flow and a separate mesh for the plasma and flow fields.
This work discusses the usage of a low-thrust micro-cavity discharge thruster on 3 kg cubesats. Based on a case study of a two-satellite system, the required trajectories, and control use is determined to allow the cubesats to recover from disturbances, and extended their usable lifetime by a factor of at least 10. The approach uses a direct transcription method that employs multiple-shooting of a 4th order Runge-Kutta forward-integration of the state and control defects. It also lays the groundwork for future study into problems regarding cubesat formation phasing with larger numbers of spacecraft.
Various trends in the spacecraft industry are driving the development of low-thrust propulsion systems. These may be needed for fine attitude control, or to reduce the mass of the propulsion system through the use of small lightweight components. The nozzle converts the stored energy in a pressurized gas into kinetic energy through an expansion. The nozzle efficiency is characterized by the amount of kinetic energy leaving the nozzle, and is governed by the exit velocity. Because of the increase in viscous losses as scale is reduced, it was feared that high Mach number supersonic flows could not be generated in microdevices. However, a scaling analysis indicates that the reduction in throat area can be offset by an increase in operating pressure to maintain a constant Reynolds number. Therefore, thrust can be decreased by reducing the nozzle scale, and viscous losses mitigated by running at higher chamber pressures. In order to operate a supersonic nozzle efficiently, the geometry must be contoured to guard against flow separation and reduce the boundary layer thickness at the throat. Deep Reactive Ion Etching enables extruded flow channels of arbitrary in-plane geometry to be created at scales an order of magnitude smaller than conventional machining. These channels are encapsulated by anodically bonding glass to the upper and lower surfaces. Testing indicates that 11.3 milliNewtons of thrust is generated for a nozzle with a 37 micron throat width, 308 microns deep, and a 16.9:1 expansion ratio. The exit velocity was 650 m/s, which
The heats of formation and bond dissociation energies of some simple sulfur- and halogen-containing molecules are derived from information found in the literature. These thermochemical quantities are useful in determining the energetically favorable reactions that may occur between the sulfur and halogen chemical cycles of the stratosphere.
Nanostructured Al2O3 films with mean pore diameters of 20 nm, 5–30 μm in thickness, and grown onto Al foil by a multiple step electrochemical process, provide a dielectric having superior properties for microplasma devices and arrays. Multilayer Al/nanoporous Al2O3 structures with a 100–300 μm diameter (dia.) cylindrical microcavity and an overall thickness of ∼ 200 μm are robust and operate in the abnormal glow mode for Ne or Ar/2–5% N2 mixture gas pressures (300 K) of 500–700 Torr. When driven with a sinusoidal ac waveform at frequencies of 5–20 kHz, small arrays (3×3→10×10) of 100 μm dia. devices operate in Ne at rms voltages and currents of ∼ 160–270 V and 0.4–4.5 mA, respectively. Arrays as large as 10×10 have been fabricated to date and generate azimuthally uniform discharges in each pixel without the need for external ballast. For an rms voltage of ∼ 275 V, 5×5 arrays of 100 μm dia. devices produce a luminance of 2700 cd m−2 in 600 Torr of Ne for a sinusoidal ac excitation frequency of 20 kHz.
An experimental study of low Reynolds number nozzle flow was performed. A brief comparison was made between some of the experimental performance data and performance predicted by a viscous flow code. The performance of 15, 20, and 25 deg conical nozzles, bell nozzles, and trumpet nozzles was evaluated with unheated nitrogen and hydrogen. The numerical analysis was applied to the conical nozzles only, using an existing viscous flow code that was based on a slender-channel approximation. Although the trumpet and 25 deg conical nozzles had slightly better performance at lower Reynolds numbers, it is unclear which nozzle is superior as all fell within the experimental error band. The numerical rssults were found to agree with experimental results for nitrogen and for some of the hydrogen data. Some code modification is recommended to improve confidence in the performance prediction.
Developments of the past several years in the technology of microcavity plasma devices having characteristic dimensions of 10-100 μm suggests their applicability to the next generation of active and passive displays. Two examples of device structures that are well suited for economically manufactured arrays of large active area are presented. Arrays as large as 500×500 (2.5·105) pixels of Si inverted pyramid microplasma devices, with emitting apertures of 50×50 μm2 and designed for AC or bipolar excitation, have been designed and operated successfully in the rare gases at pressures up to and beyond one atmosphere. Multilayer Al/nanostructured Al2O3 microplasma devices having 100-300 μm diam. cylindrical microcavities are robust and operate in the abnormal glow mode for rare gas or Ar/2-5% N2 mixture pressures of 500-700 torr. Grown by a wet chemical process, the nanoporous Al2O3 dielectric yields a lightweight, flexible structure that produces intense visible or ultraviolet emission when driven by sinusoidal AC or bipolar voltage waveforms.