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Národná inventarizácia a monitoring lesov SR 2015-2016. Informácie, metódy, výsledky.



Vedecká monografia v 8. kapitolách zhŕňa základné informácie o Národnej inventarizácii a monitoringu lesov (NIML) v Slovenskej republike. Tá predstavuje nový systém zisťovania stavu lesa výberovými matematicko-štatistickými metódami oproti dovtedy uplatňovaným tradičným celoplošným taxačným metódam. Jedná sa o výsledky strategického projektu národného významu, vzhľadom na zistené parametre potrebné aj pre medzinárodné reporty (napr. Forest ressource assessment, State of Europe´s Forests a iné) možno povedať že ide o význam medzinárodný. Prvý cyklus NIML SR sa uskutočnil v rokoch 2005-2006, druhý v rokoch 2015-2016. Prezentujú sa ciele, koncepcia, metodika spracovania a najdôležitejšie výsledky druhého cyklu so zameraním na stav lesov a ich zmeny za 10 rokov. Pri zisťovaní sa použili prevažne objektívne metódy priameho merania a všedtky zistené výsledky sa uvádzajú aj s mierou presnosti ich zistenia (výberovou chybou). Osobitne sa prezentuje porovnanie najdôležitejších výsledkov (plocha lesov, zásoba dreva, zastúpenie drevín) s údajmi získanými sumarizáciou Programov starostlivosti o lesy (bývalé lesné hospodárske plány). Publikácia navyše prezentuje celú históriu a postupnosť realizácie NIML, organizáciu, riadenie a kontrolu prác, ako aj časové a finančné zhodnotenie projektu.Založením siete neviditeľne fixovaných IP sa vytvoril základ pre výberové matematicko-štatistické veľkoplošné zisťovanie stavu lesov. Realizáciou ďalších cyklov NIML v predpokladaných intervaloch 10 rokov sa získajú nezávislé údaje o skutočnom stave a vývoji lesov Slovenska.
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... The main objective of FMP differs from NFI, and a simple summing up of such data has several disadvantages (different methods of data acquisition, unknown final accuracy, varying updating, etc.). Thus, after the change of the political regime, sampling data acquisition started to be applied in the majority of post-communist countries, namely in Lithuania from the year 1998, in Estonia from 1999, in Slovenia and former Eastern Germany from 2000, in the Czech Republic from 2001, in Latvia from 2004, in Slovakia, Croatia, and Romania from 2006, in Russia from 2007, and in Poland from 2009(Šebeň 2017. ...
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We present the state and the development of forests on non-forest land in the area of the Czech Republic (CZ) and Slovakia (SK). The forests have a different origin, and are currently outside the interest of forest management, nor the whole forestry related legislation is applicable to them. The national forest inventory (NFI) was performed in CZ in the years 2001–2004 and 2011–2014, while in SK in the years 2005–2006 and 2015–2016. The NFI sampling was applied to all forests, i.e. to those growing on both forest and non-forest land. According to the NFI data, the current proportion of forests on non-forest land was not negligible, since in CZ it reached almost 10%, and in SK even more, 13%. While in CZ they were more evenly spatially distributed, in SK they occurred mainly in the central and eastern parts. Broadleaved tree species accounted for approximately two thirds of their growing stock. Their tree species composition was more diverse than the one on forest land. Carbon stock in tree (aboveground and belowground) biomass of forests on non-forest land was 28.5 ±1.6 million tons in CZ and 20.3 ±2.9 million tons in SK, which represented 7.7 ±0.4 % and 7.7 ±1.1% of the total tree biomass in CZ and SK, respectively. Hence, it is important to take the forests on non-forest land into account, to see their current state positively, to include them to other forests and to try to maximise the use of their functions by society.
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This study investigates the radial growth response of five key European forest tree species, i.e., Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies, Abies alba, Quercus petraea, and Pinus sylvestris, to dry years in the West Carpathians, Slovakia. Utilizing data from ICP Forests Level I plots, we identified species-specific growth declines, particularly in Pinus sylvestris and Fagus sylvatica, with milder radial growth declines for Quercus petraea and Picea abies. Abies alba exhibited a growth peak in the mid-2000s, followed by a decline in the end of the observed period. Elevation emerged as the only significant environmental predictor, explaining 3.5% of growth variability during dry periods, suggesting a potential mitigating effect. The scope of this study was limited by the complex interplay of ecological factors that influence tree growth, which vary across the ICP Forests Level I monitoring sites. Nonetheless, our findings enhance the understanding of species-specific growth responses and offer insights for the climate-smart management of temperate forests under changing conditions.
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The diversity of planted forest stands of the alien species Quercus rubra L. in Central Europe was studied. The northern red oak is a neophyte that has been cultivated in Europe since the seventeenth century as an ornamental as well as a useful tree. In 38 phytosociological relevés from Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic, we recorded a total of 223 vascular plant taxa, of which 10% were alien (with 9 invasive species). The stands were species-poor compared to the most native forests, with an average of 17 species per relevé, and most of the species had a low coverage value (around 5% on average). The representation of endangered species was very low, only three species were recorded. The dense canopy of Q. rubra and large cover of litter consisting mainly of fallen old red oak leaves affected the richness of the undergrowth. The mean cover of the tree layer was 84%, the mean cover of the shrub layer was 9% and the mean cover of the herb layer was 22%. The EuroVegChecklist Expert System assigned the relevés to five classes: Carpino-Fagetea sylvaticae , Alno glutinosae-Populetea albae , Rhamno-Prunetea , Epilobietea angustifolii and Robinietea .
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The paper presents actual information´s on the amount of wood from forests on non-forest lands in the Slovak Republic. Part of this wood is usable to supply the currently increased demand for firewood among inhabitants. These forests do not belong to the agriculture sector like all other forests, but to the environment sector, there is insufficient information about their structure, status and development. Practically the only one relevant source of information is the National Forest Inventory of the Slovak Republic, which was carried out in a survey sampling in 2005-2006 and 2015-2016. In this paper are presented the data from the second cycle: area, growing stocks, assortment structure or spatial distribution in the regions of Slovakia. Although the potential for firewood reaches several tens of millions m3 in standing stands, the real use depends on many factors and will, of course, be much lower. Also limiting is the fact that the dominant majority of these forests are owned by private persons. They can present different opinions to potential firewood harvest.
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Národné lesnícke centrum Lesnícky výskumný ústav Zvolen Odbor lesníckej politiky a ekonomiky a manažmentu lesa Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka SR Sekcia LH a spracovania dreva a Slovenská lesnícka spoločnosť, člen Zväzu slovenských vedecko-technických spoločností AKTUÁLNE OTÁZKY EKONOMIKY A POLITIKY LESNÉHO HOSPODÁRSTVA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Zborník prác z vedeckej konferencie Vydanie zborníka bolo podporené Agentúrou na podporu výskumu a vývoja na základe zmlúv APVV-17-0232, APVV-20-0294 a tiež kontraktom medzi MPRV SR a NLC na rok 2021 Zvolen 14. december 2021
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Národné lesnícke centrum Lesnícky výskumný ústav Zvolen Odbor lesníckej politiky, ekonomiky a manažmentu lesa Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka SR Sekcia LH a spracovania dreva a Slovenská lesnícka spoločnosť, člen Zväzu slovenských vedecko-technických spoločností AKTUÁLNE OTÁZKY EKONOMIKY A POLITIKY LESNÉHO HOSPODÁRSTVA SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY Zborník vedeckých prác z konferencie Vydanie zborníka bolo podporené Agentúrou na podporu výskumu a vývoja na základe zmlúv č. APVV-15-0487 a č.
The comprehensive performance of the Lesy ČR and Lesy SR forest enterprises was evaluated three decades after the separation of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Implementation of the overarching goal of sustainable forest management was studied using the criteria and indicators approach of the theory-based 3L Model. Quantitative and qualitative data, collected from 2016 to 2019 by means of surveys (face-to-face interviews and questionnaire), document analysis and observation, show similarities and differences between two enterprises that have completely different business models: concessions (Lesy ČR) vs. management by state organisation (Lesy SR). Both enterprises focus intensely on sustaining forest stands (rooted in strong state regulation), though guaranteeing sustainability within the state forest entrusted to the Lesy ČR entails great risk. Despite growing public pressures, both enterprises have a rather weak orientation toward non-market demand. In addition, their political role is weak and no great effort is devoted to innovation (new forest goods). Furthermore, the economic performance of the enterprises studied reveals a big difference: Lesy ČR generates an incomparably high profit, not only when measured against Lesy SR but also against other European state forest enterprises.
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Mountain spruce forests in Central Europe decline under storms and bark beetle calamities driven by climate change. A stabilisation by planting rare or missing tree species is expensive and requires funding. A funding policy should mitigate climate change and support biodiversity. The goal of this study was to identify a conversion strategy of even-aged spruce-dominated forest stands to uneven-aged mixed stands with spruce (Picea abies (L.) H.Karst.), beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), and fir (Abies alba Mill.). A simultaneous nonlinear optimisation of the number of planted trees and harvested trees per species and per period schedules stand treatments aiming to maximise the long-term financial outcome. Planting modelling extends a density-dependent stand-level matrix transition model based on diameter classes with an age-class-based model for artificial regeneration. An optimal conversion strategy was applied for five funding policy schemes, each for five initial states representing different stages of age and species composition typical for spruce forest conversion in the mountain zone of the Western Carpathians. Only 50% and higher funding of planting costs for the minor/missing fir and beech species facilitates a substantial increase of their shares in stand volume. Funding decreases the volume failure due to mortality. Funding increases the standing and harvested volume, which mitigates climate change by increasing the carbon sequestration. Funding causes unintended effects on ecosystem services by lowering harvest diameters, decreasing the volume of less profitable beech, and temporarily reducing the stand density aimed at supporting plantings and their diameter increments.
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Príspevok sa zaoberá problematikou súčasného triedenia lesných porastov podľa veku. Stanovenie veku lesných porastov s výnimkou jednorázovo umelo založených býva obvykle problematické. Veková štruktúra lesov Slovenska sa vyjadruje tradične prostredníctvom tzv. vekových stupňov alebo tried, ktoré zoskupujú porasty rovnakého veku v približne 10 alebo 20 ročných intervaloch. Aktuálna štruktúra sa porovnáva s tzv. normálnou. Táto filozofia bola vytvorená pre lesy vekových tried, manažované rúbaňovými hospodárskymi spôsobmi. Výskyt jedincov rôzneho veku na rovnakej ploche komplikuje jednoznačné stanovenie veku porastu. Výsledky Národnej inventarizácie a monitoringu lesov SR ukázali, že rovnoveké porasty s rozdielom veku stromov do 20 rokov tvoria zhruba polovicu lesov Slovenska, zvyšok sú rôznoveké. Rôzne spôsoby výpočtu vekovej štruktúry takýchto lesov môžu priniesť rôzne výsledky.
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