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Supplementary Material 1

Species micO micR
Balaena mysticetus 0.700 0.400 0.310 20000 LC V
Balaenoptera acutorostrata 0.756 1.000 -0.166 0.229 500000 LC NT
Balaenoptera bonaerensis 1.500 1.095 760000 DD CD
Balaenoptera borealis -0.259 0.157 20000 EN EN
Balaenoptera edeni 1.200 1.200 DD DD
Balaenoptera musculus 1.400 1.510 0.003 0.328 17000 EN EN
Balaenoptera physalus 1.130 0.202 0.484 50000 EN EN
Cephalorhynchus commersonii 0.400 100000 DD DD
Cephalorhynchus eutropia -0.739 1000 NT DD
Cephalorhynchus hectori 0.742 0.440 -0.418 -0.503 7400 EN V
Delphinapterus leucas 0.755 0.407 -0.082 0.174 250000 NT V
Delphinus delphis 1.650 0.523 0.434 4000000 LC LC
Eschrichtius robustus 1.665 -0.186 18000 LC CD
Eubalaena australis 2.710 1.504 -0.186 0.411 10000 LC V
Eubalaena glacialis 0.600 325 EN
Globicephala macrorhynchus 0.840 0.169 700000 DD CD
Globicephala melas 0.260 0.315 -0.357 0.000 1000000 DD DD
Grampus griseus 0.375 350000 LC DD
Hyperoodon ampullatus 0.140 0.150 -0.334 -0.167 40000 DD V
Kogia breviceps 2.520 DD LC
Lagenorhynchus acutus 0.891 0.920 0.222 0.288 200000 LC LC
Lagenorhynchus albirostris 0.560 -0.014 150000 LC LC
Lagenorhynchus obliquidens 0.013 1200000 LC LC
Lagenorhynchus obscurus 1.630 1.550 DD DD
Megaptera novaeangliae 2.899 2.079 0.000 0.325 80000 LC V
Mesoplodon bidens 0.006 DD DD
Orcaella heinsohni -0.349 8000 NT
Orcinus orca 0.503 0.238 -0.126 70000 DD CD
Phocoena phocoena 1.400 0.937 -0.156 0.661 800000 LC V
Phocoenoides dalli 1.297 1300000 LC CD
Physeter macrocephalus 0.380 0.300 -0.265 0.293 360000 V V
Pontoporia blainvillei 0.900 100000 V DD
Pseudorca crassidens 0.370 0.205 0.247 80000 DD LC
Sousa chinensis -0.225 NT
Stenella attenuata 1.053 0.693 0.671 4000000 LC CD
Stenella coeruleoalba 0.322 0.727 2500000 LC CD
Stenella frontalis 1.470 1.400 0.244 DD
Stenella longirostris 1.480 0.623 2000000 DD CD
Steno bredanensis 1.900 0.119 150000 LC DD
Tursiops aduncus 2.210 0.074 20000 DD
Tursiops australis -0.069
Tursiops truncatus 1.521 0.183 0.059 600000 LC DD
Family Hemisphere
Increasing 2 Yes Mysticeti Balaenidae 30 Northern 3
Stable 1 Yes Mysticeti Balaenopteridae 82 Both 5
1 Yes Mysticeti Balaenopteridae 92 Southern 4
2 Yes Mysticeti Balaenopteridae 139 Both 4
1 Yes Mysticeti Balaenopteridae 94 Both 3
Increasing 2 Yes Mysticeti Balaenopteridae 166 Both 5
2 Yes Mysticeti Balaenopteridae 166 Both 5
Decreasing 0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 28 Southern 4
Decreasing 0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 30 Southern 1
Decreasing 0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 10 Southern 1
0 No Odontoceti Monodontidae 39 Northern 3
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 114 Both 3
Stable 2 Yes Mysticeti Eschrichtiidae 52 Northern 2
Increasing 2 Yes Mysticeti Balaenidae 46 Southern 4
2 Yes Mysticeti Balaenidae 48 Northern 1
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 100 Both 3
1 Yes Odontoceti Delphinidae 97 Both 3
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 119 Both 3
2 Yes Odontoceti Ziphiidae 42 Northern 1
0 No Odontoceti Kogiidae 106 Both 3
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 42 Northern 1
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 39 Northern 1
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 42 Northern 1
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 53 Southern 2
Increasing 2 Yes Mysticeti Balaenopteridae 170 Both 5
1 Yes Odontoceti Ziphiidae 50 Northern 1
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae Southern 2
1 Yes Odontoceti Delphinidae 167 Both 4
0 No Odontoceti Phocoenidae 61 Northern 3
0 No Odontoceti Phocoenidae 34 Northern 1
2 Yes Odontoceti Physeteridae 155 Both 4
Decreasing 0 No Odontoceti Pontoporiidae 23 Southern 1
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 112 Both 3
Decreasing 0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 72 Southern 2
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 82 Both 3
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 113 Both 3
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 81 Both 1
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 80 Both 3
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 89 Both 3
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 80 Both 2
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae Southern 2
0 No Odontoceti Delphinidae 120 Both 3
Habitat Temperature
Both Both Polar 19.8 52.3 100 1
Both Both Cosmopolitan 10.7 22.1 50 1
Both Both Polar 10.7 22.1 1
Both Both Cosmopolitan 19.5 23.3 50 2
Both Both Tropical/Temperate 15.6 18.4 1
Both Both Cosmopolitan 33.3 30.8 70 0.21 1
Both Both Cosmopolitan 27.1 25.9 80 0.49 1
Both Both Polar 1.74 12.7 18 2
Pacific Neritic Polar 14 2
Pacific Neritic Tropical/Temperate 1.53 13.5 20 2
Both Both Polar 4.9 16.4 50 2.2449 3
Both Both Cosmopolitan 2.7 14.8 4.2691 3
Pacific Neritic Cosmopolitan 15 22.9 40 0.58 1
Both Both Polar 17 28.8 70 2
Atlantic Both Tropical/Temperate 17 35.7 70 2
Both Oceanic Tropical/Temperate 7.2 23.5 63 3
Both Oceanic Polar 6.3 24 60 2.3771 3
Both Oceanic Cosmopolitan 3.83 19.6 30 4.0717 3
Atlantic Oceanic Polar 9.8 17.8 37 3
Both Oceanic Tropical/Temperate 3.5 12.1 1.7946 2
Atlantic Both Polar 2.82 15.8 17 2.2521 4
Atlantic Both Polar 3.1 18.1 3
Pacific Both Tropical/Temperate 2.5 21.2 40 5.2732 4
Both Neritic Tropical/Temperate 2.11 16.4 35 4.7257 4
Both Both Cosmopolitan 17 21.5 50 0.44 1
Atlantic Oceanic Polar 5.5 2
Pacific Neritic Tropical/Temperate 2
Both Both Cosmopolitan 9 25.7 90 2.5551 3
Both Neritic Polar 1.68 11.9 24 2.9584 2
Pacific Oceanic Tropical/Temperate 2.39 15.1 15 3.5544 2
Both Both Cosmopolitan 18.3 31.9 70 0.581 3
Atlantic Neritic Tropical/Temperate 11.9 1.6932 1
Both Both Tropical/Temperate 6 63 4.0298 3
Pacific Neritic Tropical/Temperate 2.79 20.4 40 3
Both Both Tropical/Temperate 2.57 23.1 46 4
Both Oceanic Tropical/Temperate 2.65 22.5 58 2.95 4
Atlantic Both Tropical/Temperate 2.29 18.3 3
Both Both Tropical/Temperate 2.35 13.7 20 3.2388 4
Both Both Tropical/Temperate 2.65 32 4.9738 3
Pacific Neritic Tropical/Temperate 2.6 21.1 40 2
Pacific Neritic Tropical/Temperate 3
Both Both Tropical/Temperate 3.8 21.2 50 4.0242 2
Social structure
Congregate Not matrilineal
Disperse Not matrilineal
Disperse Not matrilineal
Disperse Not matrilineal
Disperse Not matrilineal
Disperse Not matrilineal
Disperse Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Congregate Not matrilineal
Congregate Not matrilineal
Congregate Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Congregate Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal
Not matrilineal

File (1)

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