
Masculinity, Care and Stay-Behind Fathers: A Postsocialist Perspective

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Over the last two decades many studies have focused on female migrants’ transnational care practices, while those of stay-behind fathers have hardly been investigated. This chapter deals with masculinity, childcare and fatherhood of stay-behind male partners of female migrants from former socialist countries in Europe. A discussion of the particularities of gender regimes in socialist and postsocialist Europe will be followed by a presentation of three case studies on fatherhood and lone parenting. The article concludes with a discussion of “mothering fathers’” predicaments in a postsocialist situation.

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... A Fülöp-szigeteken például gyakori, hogy az apa teljesen kivonja magát a gyermekekkel való foglalkozás felelőssége alól (Parreñas, 2001), de a gyakorlat közép-európai kontextusban sem ismeretlen (Urbańska, 2016). A távol lévő anyának azonban nem kell teljesen lemondania korábbi feladatairól -az online kommunikációs technológiák segítségével könnyen képes koordinálni a családot, például ellenőrizheti a gyermek házi feladatát videotelefonon keresztül (Lutz, 2018). A munkamigráció következtében átalakult gondoskodás háztartáson belüli felosztása, valamint az anya és az apa szerepével kapcsolatos elvárások erősen függenek a kibocsátó ország társadalmi nemek-kel kapcsolatos normáitól (Parreñas, 2001;Lutz and Palenga-Möllenbeck, 2012). ...
... Lutz elemzi egy gyermekét egyedül nevelő lengyel apa esetét, amelyben a társadalmi elvárások következtében kialakult kettősség fedezhető fel. A férj különféle praktikákkal igyekszik fenntartani (férfi) munkatársai előtt a férfiasság látszatát, otthonában azonban elkötelezetten veszi magára a távol lévő anya szerepét és látja el a háztartási és gyermeknevelési feladatokat (Lutz, 2018). ...
... Urbańska (2016) szerint az anya migrációjával átalakuló férfi-női kapcsolat anyaságra való hatásáról ez idáig kevés szó esett a korábbi kutatásokban, holott a férj által kikényszerített migráció vizsgálatánál (azaz családon belüli bántalmazást megélt és attól menekülő nők esetében) fontos szempont lehet. Lutz továbbá felveti, hogy a külföldön munkát vállaló nők által hátrahagyott apák tapasztalataira szintén kevés figyelmet fordítanak az elemzések, így az további kutatást igényelhet (néhány kapcsolódó tanulmány: Kilkey et al., 2013;Souralová and Fialová, 2017;Lutz, 2018). ...
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A tanulmány a külföldi gondozói iparágban részt vevő nők és otthon maradt párjuk szemszögéből elemezi a családon belüli nemi szerepek, az ezekhez kapcsolódó értékek, vélemények alakulását. Az összesen 34 interjú anyagát tartalmazó elemzés különös hangsúlyt fektet a férfiak szempontjaira a migrációs helyzetben. A kvalitatív vizsgálat rávilágít arra, hogy az otthon maradt férfi családtagok és a munkamigrációban részt vevő nők között komoly feszültségek jelentkeznek a család pénzügyei körül, ami a férfiakat különféle alkalmazkodási stratégiák kialakítására sarkallja, nemi identitásukat is alakítva. Mindezek mellett amíg a férfiak megtapasztalják az otthonmaradás előnyeit, a munkavállalás miatt távol lévő nők gyermekük önállóságát emelik ki transznacionális gondozási kötelezettségeik kapcsán. Az elemzés rámutat a migráció és a nemi szerepfelfogások között fellelhető néhány összefüggésre, amely szerint a gondozói migrációban részt vevő nők emancipatorikus törekvései vagy ezek hiánya az életúttal szoros kapcsolatban áll.
... Továbbá a vonatkozó attitűdvizsgálatokból is azt látjuk, hogy -hasonlóan más posztszocialista országokhoz (Kosakowska-Berezecka et al. 2018, Lutz 2018) -Magyarországon is megjelenik ugyan az új típusú, gondoskodó apa normája, a gyermekével otthon maradó apa még ebbe a képbe is ritkán illeszkedik (Spéder 2011, Makay-Spéder 2018. ...
... Két okból döntöttünk az otthonlét alatt nem Magyarországon élő hét család mintánkban való megtartása mellett: egyrészt ezek a családok is Magyarországon, a magyar közegben szocializálódtak, tehát döntésüket alapvetően a magyarországi kontextusban hozták meg, továbbá többségük csak átmenetileg költözött külföldre.Lutz (2018) is arra mutat rá, hogy a posztszocialista térségből Nyugatra migráló és otthon lévő apák attitűdjeiben a kibocsátó térség "jelentős nyomokat hagy". Másrészt az interjúkból az derült ki, hogy a megkérdezettek döntésében szinte alig játszott szerepet, hogy az otthonlét alatt milyen jóléti ellátásban részesülnek, a munkahelyük megtartása m ...
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A kisgyermekes szülők munka-magánélet konfliktusának vizsgálatai gyakran magától értetődőnek tekintik, hogy ez inkább „női kérdés”. A karrier és a családi élet összehangolásának nehézségei azonban nemcsak az anyát érintik, hanem a család egészének működését is, vagyis az anya és az apa munkaerőpiaci döntései szorosan összefüggnek. Magyarországon a családtámogatási rendszer 1982 óta egyre bővülő körben lehetővé teszi, hogy az apák is három évig otthon maradjanak gyermekeikkel. A vonatkozó statisztikai adatok, melyek szerint igen kicsi azon apák aránya, akik igénybe veszik a gyermekgondozási támogatásokat, azonban azt mutatják, hogy a nemi szerepek változása mellett a magyar társadalomban a gyermekgondozás terheit továbbra is elsősorban a nők viselik. 31 otthon maradó apával készített mélyinterjún és párjukkal kitöltetett kérdőíven alapuló kvalitatív kutatásunkban arra a kérdésre keressük a választ, hogy az apák ilyen jellegű részvétele a gyermeknevelésben hogyan és milyen mértékben tudja enyhíteni a szülők munka-magánélet konfliktusát. Kutatási kérdésünket speciálisan az apa otthonlétének időszaka alatt, valamint mindkét szülő munkával kapcsolatos attitűdjének és munkaerőpiaci helyzetének kölcsönhatásában vizsgáltuk, majd ennek alapján kidolgoztunk egy, négy jellegzetes családi mintázatot leíró tipológiát.
... Nevertheless, men's emotion work in their fathering practices remained at the margins of academic debate (Cherry and Gerstein 2021;Gruson-Wood et al. 2022). Despite the abundance of research on men's engagement in fatherhood in Lithuania and other post-socialist countries (Pajumets and Hearn 2012;Maslauskaitė and Tereškinas 2017;Palenga-Möllenbeck and Lutz 2016), there has been little discussion of fathers' emotional capital (Lutz 2018). This article is one of the first attempts to fill this gap. ...
... It is possible to see from the above quotes that men's emotional capital and their ability to activate it in their interaction with children also determined their fathering style, which, in the case of the interviewed men, could be called involved fathering (Lutz 2018(Lutz , p. 1070). This finding is aligned with the results of the research on parenting styles that also points to the importance of emotional capital in intensive parenting (Lareau 2003;Mukherjee and Barn 2021). ...
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The article examines Lithuanian middle-class fathers’ uses of emotional capital to learn which patterns of emotional engagement with children they employ in their fathering. Emotional capital is defined, in the article, as a type of interpersonal resource that consists of emotion-based knowledge and emotion-management abilities that can lead to social benefits. The 24 in-depth interviews with 35- to 48-year-old fathers show that males believe they are emotionally prepared to cope with their children’s concerns and challenges. The use of emotional capital is an attempt to strengthen their standing as fathers and gain pleasure. Emotional capital is activated by fathers regulating negative emotions and using positive emotions to speak with their children and form friendship bonds. Emotion-based knowledge, management abilities, and capacities to feel provide fathers with a sense of authority and pride. Importantly, in the interviews, it is indicated that men and women have similar emotional resources. Compared to their female partners or wives, men generally consider themselves capable of skillfully enacting emotional capital in their interactions with children.
... The union is made fragile by separation, in the awareness that for him a new family life, more or less declared, can be realized, accepting it with fatalism and resignation. For men, since the function of emotional-affective care of children and their daily presence is less accentuated, the migratory experience psychologically and factually facilitates life in solitude [25]. So, such as the acceptance of jobs with atypical or extraordinary schedules to maximize the outcome of the project. ...
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The contribution is focused on the immigrant’s re-shaping identity in the integration process through the phenomena of the “doing family” or “to continue to be a family.” This analysis looks at the relationships between immigrants, the role of family in migration and integration processes, and the challenges of managing change when people from different cultures, values, and languages live together. The basic assumption is that immigrants who arrive in a foreign country continue their lives as protagonists of their lives, seeking their authentic identity through the government of their daily practices, oscillating between defending traditions, and pushing innovation, adhering to the life models of the host society.
... No contexto de separação familiar, a situação de crianças que permaneceram nos países de origem tem atraído enorme interesse de pesquisadores(as), tanto em países de origem como nos de destino nas últimas décadas. Estudos mostram que, embora homens sejam capaz de cuidar de crianças e realizar tarefas domésticas quando um membro da família migra (HOANG, YEOH, 2011;LUTZ, 2018;PINGOL, 2001), são geralmente as mulheres pertencentes à família extendida (avós, tias, primas) que se tornam a principal cuidadora da criança (AGUILAR, 2009;CARLING et al., 2012;DREBY, 2010;PARREÑAS, 2005;SAVE THE CHILDREN, 2006). Esta mulher é identificada pela Cuidadores(as) aparentemente controlam a mobilidade de meninas mais que a de meninos (PANTEA, 2012), não somente por causa de recortes de gênero presentes nas normas de seus países de origem, mas também devido à crença de que adolescentes deixados por seus pais nos países de origem podem se envolver em atividades delinquentes caso não recebam a adequada supervisão (SMITH, 2006). ...
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A migração familiar filipina resulta em muitas crianças “deixadas para trás” aos cuidados de parentes, mas reunificações familiares subsequentes podem disparar ajustes emocionais na díade criança-cuidador(a). Partindo de trabalhos de campo etnográficos realizados na França, na Itália e nas Filipinas, este artigo visa lançar luz sobre essas mudanças. Examinando casos de migrantes da geração 1.5 na França e na Itália e seus parentes cuidadores que permaneceram nas Filipinas, este artigo descortina a natureza mutável e flexível dos cuidados infantis em famílias transnacionais filipinas e as dificuldades emocionais interligadas entre cuidadores, crianças e pais. A despeito destas, a relação cuidador(a)-criança perdura para além de fronteiras, ao mesmo tempo em que migrantes da geração 1.5 reconhecem os esforços de seus pais e cuidadores. (Open access:
... In the context of family separation, the situation of stay-behind children has enormously attracted scholarly interests in migrants' countries of origin and destination for the last decades. Studies show that although men are capable of taking care of children and domestic tasks when a family member migrates (HOANG, YEOH, 2011;LUTZ, 2018;PINGOL, 2001), it is usually a woman from the extended family (grandmother, aunt, cousin) who becomes the primary child caregiver (AGUILAR, 2009;CARLING et al., 2012;DREBY, 2010;PARREÑAS, 2005;SAVE THE CHILDREN, 2006). This woman is known in the literature by different names: "substitute caregivers" (SCHAPIRO, 2002), "other-mother" (SCHMALZBAUER, 2004), "middle-woman" (DREBY, 2010), "like a mother" (YARRIS, 2011) or "temporary mother" (FRESNOZA-FLOT, 2013). ...
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The Filipino parental migration results in many children “left behind” under the care of kin, but subsequent family reunification may trigger emotional adjustments in the child-caregiver dyad. Drawing from ethnographic fieldworks in France, Italy and the Philippines, this paper aims to shed light on these adjustments. Examining the case of 1.5-generation migrants in France and Italy and their stay-behind caregivers, this paper uncovers the mutable, flexible nature of child fosterage in Filipino transnational families and the interlinked emotional difficulties of caregivers, children and parents. Despite these, caregiver-child relation perdures across borders at the same time as 1.5-generation migrants acknowledge the efforts of their parents and caregivers. (Open access at
... (King et al., 2011;Pantea, 2012b). Paskutiniu metu imta atsižvelgti ir į vyrų patirtis atotolio šeimose (Lutz, 2018;Palenga-Möllenbeck ir Lutz, 2016;Tolstokorova, 2018), senelių ir anūkų transnacionalinius ryšius (Souralová, 2018;Vildaitė, 2014) bei vyresnio amžiaus asmenų įsitraukimą į anūkų priežiūrą migracijos kontekste (Pantea, 2012a). Šeiminiai ryšiai tarp užsienyje gyvenančių suaugusių vaikų ir kilmės šalyse likusių jų tėvų taip pat ima sulaukti kiek daugiau akademikų dėmesio. ...
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Atsižvelgiant į didelį Lietuvos gyventojų mobilumą, disertacijos tyrime siekta nustatyti, koks yra pagalbos senstantiems šeimos nariams potencialas Lietuvoje migracijos kontekste. Analizuota kartų solidarumo raiška ir pagalbos lūkesčiai reikšmingiems asmenims, siekiant įvertinti, ar ir kiek šeiminiai ir kiti asmeniniai ryšiai gali būti aktyvuojami priklausomai nuo geografinio atstumo ir atsiradusių arba kintančių tėvų priežiūros poreikių. Disertacijoje remtasi kartų solidarumo prieiga, ją derinant su asmeninių tinklų analizės ir konfigūracine perspektyvomis. Analizuojant kartų solidarumą ir reikšmingų asmenų tinklus, disertacijos tyrime nustatytas aukštas pagalbos senstantiems šeimos nariams potencialas Lietuvoje migracijos kontekste. Pagalbos potencialas atsiskleidė per keturis aspektus: tvirtas vertybines nuostatas dėl įsipareigojimų vyresnei kartai, šeiminių ryšių struktūros ir šių ryšių geografiją, artimu šeiminių ryšių pobūdžiu nepriklausomai nuo geografinio atstumo pasižyminčių kartų solidarumo tipų dominavimą Lietuvoje, reikšmingų asmenų pasitelkimo tėvų priežiūrai galimybes. Tyrimas taip pat atskleidė lyčių dimensijos svarbą kartų solidarumo raiškai ir didesnius pagalbos lūkesčius reikšmingų asmenų tinklų narėms moterims nei vyrams.
... A szerző által említett, Nyugat-Európában dolgozó lengyel feleség végül a szomszédját kezdte alkalmazni, aki a későbbiekben rendszeresen járt a férj lakásába takarítani, főzni, mosni, mindemellett vigyázott a kisgyermekre is. Lutz szintén esettanulmányok segítségével mutatja be családos férfiak nemi identitásának alakulását(Lutz 2018). Az egyik eset szerint, a gyermekét egyedül nevelő apa úgy igyekszik megőrizni munkatársai előtt férfiasságát, hogy azt kommunikálja feléjük, bármikor felhagyhatna munkájával, hiszen külföldön dolgozó felesége jól keres. ...
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Az időskorúak népességen belüli arányának növekedése új kihívásokat állít a társadalmak elé. Az érintett országok intézményrendszere nem képes minden esetben olyan formában biztosítani az idősek és rászorulók gondozását, amely mind az érintetteknek, mind a közvetlen hozzátartozóik számára kedvező lenne. A megnövekedett szükségletre adott válaszok egyike a külföldi munkaerő bevonása a gondozási szektorba. Vizsgálatunk középpontjában az Ausztriát megcélzó, Dél-Baranyából induló házi idősgondozók munkavállalása áll. A kibocsátó térségben a rendszerváltást követően a foglalkoztatottság erőteljes csökkenése több tízezer ember életére gyakorolt közvetlen hatást Pécsen és környékén. Kutatásunkban arra vállalkozunk, hogy megvizsgáljuk az összefüggést az idősgondozók egykori pályája és a napjainkban megvalósuló külföldi munkavállalása között, emellett bemutatjuk az idősgondozói iparág intézményrendszerét. Az empirikus kutatás terepmunkán és kombinált interjútechnikán alapul, a jelen elemzés összesen 28 interjút foglal magában. A Kutatási jelentésben tárgyalt fő témakörök a következők: 1) migrációs motivációk és a migrációról szóló döntéshozatali mechanizmus, 2) migrációs narratívák, 3) a migráció következtében megváltozó családi viszonyok, 4) a Magyarországról induló idősgondozói intézményrendszert működtető szereplők és struktúrák, a gondozói munka jellemzői. Megállapítottuk, hogy előnyösebb helyzetbe kerülnek Ausztriában azok az idősgondozók, akik már otthon is a gondozás területén dolgoztak, és azok, akik erős etnikai településhálózattal rendelkeznek. A kérdezettek leggyakrabban az ellehetetlenülés narratívájában mesélték el migrációs történetüket, amely narratívatípus egyik lényegi eleme, hogy a migrációról szóló döntés családi stratégiaként születik meg.
... Although the decent work agenda undoubtedly represents an important broadening of purview for working rights (Fudge 2018), and the global care chain concept has provided a powerful metaphor for interrogating the relationship between migration and unpaid care in countries of origin (Parreñas 2000), the locus of academic and policymaking attention has remained fixed on the juncture between migrant workers and conditions of employment in countries of destination. Valuable studies into transnational families and care arrangements within migrant households exist (Lutz 2018;Yeoh 2009), but remain somewhat estranged from the broader policy debates around migration and decent work. Thus, while the decent work agenda articulates important standards for the employment of migrant workers, there remains a need for a holistic "decent care agenda" that recognizes and redistributes the unpaid care activities that are often disrupted by temporary labor migration. ...
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Domestic worker migration can profoundly reconfigure unpaid care arrangements within migrant households, often exacerbating gendered inequalities in providing and receiving care. While the International Labor Organization has led rights advocacy around migrant domestic work, there remains a dearth of attention to the relationship between feminized migration and unpaid care. In Sri Lanka, this policy space has been occupied by the Family Background Report: a series of regulations that reinforce maternal caregiving by restricting the migration of women with young children. An alternative “decent care” approach, involving investment in local care infrastructure, could yield multiple benefits while promoting a gender-inclusive decent work agenda.
... In some cases, fathers withdraw completely from caring for and about the children, especially after divorce or separation (Lutz and Palenga-Möllenbeck, 2012;Palenga-Möllenbeck and Lutz, 2016). There are, nevertheless, exceptional settings where a father as a single parent performs 'motherly' tasks, for which the grant of social recognition is often refused (Lutz, 2018). This pattern was also found in Solari's (2017) research about Ukrainian care migrants to Italy, although she emphasizes the high number of migrating grandmothers who left their country driven by the desire to provide financial support for their stay-behind children and/or grandchildren. ...
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One of the features of the global commodification of care is the outsourcing of care work to migrants. The aim of this article is to investigate theoretical responses to the incorporation of migrant care workers in transnational care arrangements. After a description of the scope of migrant care labour and the global care economy, the article summarizes the challenges posed by this empirical phenomenon and asks to what extent care migrations on a global scale have common denominators. The author discusses three topical concepts dealing with the impact of care migration for migrant caregivers and for their significant others who stay behind. The first is the Global Care Chain Concept, with its particular importance for transnational parenting; the second is the Care Circulation Concept. In different ways, both of them shed light on the contradictory characteristics of care migration. I then argue that the third concept, the theory of Transnational Social Inequality, is a necessary addition. By focusing on migrant care workers’ contradictory position, this concept aims at understanding the new features of asymmetrical resource distribution in their global manifestation. Taken together, these concepts are considered helpful tools to analyse the commonalities and differences of a large range of specific cases. Many examples used in this article are concerned with care migration in Europe.
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What psychosocial impacts does migrating without children have on parents? How do the reconfigurations of gendered dynamics in transnational families (TFs) affect the well‐being and subjectivities of mothers and fathers in the hosting and sending communities? Through this literature meta‐synthesis, we describe six main areas of concern for parents who migrate without their children: (a) migration and family roles; (b) affects; (c) negotiations of gender, subjectivity, and family expectations; (d) family cohesion, tensions, and arrangements; (e) communication and the digital relational space; and (f) narratives on family reunification. We discuss the ways in which these areas and processes interact with each other within and around TFs. This article contributes to theories on family transnationality and transnational parenting by identifying and discussing specific dynamics of change and possibilities of becoming, which will be helpful to professionals working with TFs and to migrant parents to understand and anticipate likely family challenges.
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Die Erforschung von Grenzen erfährt aktuell eine enorme Aufmerksamkeit. Das erste deutschsprachige Handbuch zum hochdynamischen Forschungsfeld der Grenzforschung stellt das interdisziplinäre Sachgebiet in seiner Breite dar und liefert somit eine aktuelle Bestimmung des Feldes. In über 30 Beiträgen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen werden zunächst die historischen, methodologischen sowie theoretischen Grundlagen der interdisziplinären Grenzforschung rekonstruiert, bevor ausgewählte konzeptionelle Perspektiven sowie zentrale Themengebiete vorgestellt werden. Der Band schließt mit einer Erweiterung der gegenwärtigen Diskussion um die Erforschung von Grenzen, indem neue theoretische Debatten sowie benachbarte Perspektiven eingebunden werden. Das Handbuch bietet damit sowohl einen fundierten Überblick, als auch einen detaillierten Einblick in die aktuelle Erforschung von Grenzen. Mit Beiträgen von Christian Banse, Chiara Brambilla, Claudia Bruns, Franck Düvell, Monika Eigmüller, Didier Fassin, Astrid M. Fellner, Dominik Gerst, Sarah Green, Goetz Herrmann, Sabine Hess, Concha Maria Höfler, Wolf-Fabian Hungerland, Martin Klatt, Maria Klessmann, Hannes Krämer, Sabine Lehner, Carolin Leutloff-Grandits, Christine Leuenberger, Gesa Lindemann, Sandro Mezzadra, Marie Müller-Koné, Thomas Nail, Brett Neilson, Marek Nekula, Jana Schäfer, Conrad Schetter, Larissa Schindler, Falko Schmieder, Matthias Schmidt-Sembdner, Markus Schroer, Alexandra Schwell, James Wesley Scott, Sebastian Teupe, Holger Pötzsch, Peter Ulrich, Andreas Vasilache, Bastian Vollmer, Béatrice von Hirschhausen, Christian Wille
This article presents a broad overview of the emerging field of scholarship on gender, migration and care work. The first section provides a rationale for linking the embodied intimate labor of sex workers and surrogate mothers to more traditional caregiving among nannies, nurses and eldercare aids. Through an intersectional optic on power and domination in care workers’ everyday lives, we highlight the ways in which love’s labor is lost and devalued in the sphere of the home as workplace, the family and community as employer, the state as labor recruiter, and the labor market as a site of ethnic boundaries and exclusions. Distinguishing different types of care and its institutional and geographic location matters in explaining current care in transition. Care work, in many domains, has become appropriated by markets. We consider how political, institutional, and cultural factors have shaped, and are reshaping, the ideas and norms of care in the context of transnational care worker migration. Too often, studies of gendered care migration fail to account for the differential impacts of state migration and care policies for women across class and social status within single country contexts. Care workers are beginning to challenge new forms of commodified care work. The final section explores how grassroots efforts to organize and advocate for the rights of domestic workers have evolved in countries in both the Global North and South.
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This article argues that, despite Poland's better situation during the economic crisis, the long-lasting rationalisation of permanent austerity overshadows and hinders any alternative solutions in the field of social policies. In this sense, the crisis that hurt the economies of many other countries represented a reference frame for adhering to the path of austerity policies in Poland. The neoliberal track in social and economic policies was accompanied by the strengthening of their conservative pillar: any slight improvements in family policies took a maternalist direction, with a well-paid maternity leave prolonged to one year without the same individual rights being granted to fathers. Finally, the crisis served as a background for the Catholic Church's attack on the category of "gender", an example of moral panic. The policy changes as well as the stronger anti-feminism in public discourse were in line with the institutional and ideological legacies of the period of transition, while the crisis served as a direct and indirect reference point for the actors behind these developments.
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Les vagues migratoires féminisées actuelles se caractérisent par une participation de plus en plus importante de mères seules soutiens de famille. De nombreuses mères issues de pays en développement d'Asie, d'Amérique du Sud et des Caraïbes viennent en effet travailler dans les pays développés (notamment dans le secteur de services à la personne) pour subvenir aux besoins de leur famille. Ce phénomène migratoire attire une attention sociale, politique et scientifique croissante dans les pays concernés, spécifiquement concernant la manière dont les mères migrantes parviennent à remplir leurs obligations maternelles malgré leur absence du foyer familial et les conséquences de cette absence sur leur époux et enfants restés au pays. Comment la migration de ces femmes reconfigure-t-elle le rapport de genre dans la famille ? De quelle façon les parents séparés par la migration s'efforcent-ils d'assurer leurs obligations familiales respectives ? Comment les enfants ressentent-ils cette parentalité dans le contexte migratoire ? Ce chapitre traitera de ces questions en nous basant sur les résultats de notre travail de terrain en France et aux Philippines dans le cadre de notre recherche doctorale, notamment des entretiens conduits avec 35 mères migrantes philippines et 40 membres de leur famille restés au pays. Notre enquête montre que la migration des mères de famille s'accompagne d'une renégociation continue des rôles parentaux et des intérêts individuels qui permet la reproduction sociale de la famille.
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Sociological approaches to social change have evolved in three typical forms: the discourse of progress in the period of classical sociology, the discourse of crisis characteristic for the middle of the XXth century, and the discourse of trauma, which seems to emerge at the end of XXth century. The concept of trauma, borrowed from medicine, suggests that change per se, irrespective of its content, but provided that it is sudden, comprehensive, fundamental and unexpected, may produce painful shock for social and particularly cultural tissue of a society. Paradoxically, this applies also to changes which are otherwise progressive, welcome, and intended by the people. Cultural trauma begins with disorganization of cultural rules and accompanying personal disorientation, culminating even in the loss of identity. This condition is made more grave by the traumatizing events or situations which occur as the effect of major change in areas other than culture, and affect the whole "lifeworld" of the people. The traumatic mood which spreads in a society is countered by various coping strategies. If they are successful trauma turns out into mobilizing force for human agency, and stimulates creative social becoming.
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In this article, we discuss a case study that deals with the care chain phenomenon and focuses on the question of how Poland and the Ukraine as sending countries and Poland as a receiving country are affected and deal with female migrant domestic workers. We look at the ways in which these women organize care replacement for their families left behind and at those families’ care strategies. As public discourse in both countries is reacting to the feminization of migration in a form that specifically questions the social citizenship obligations of these women, we also look at the media portrayal of the situation of nonmigrating children. Finally, we explore how different aspects of citizenship matter in transnational care work migration movements.
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Endast avhandlingens sammandrag. Pappersexemplaret av hela avhandlingen finns för läsesalsbruk i Statsvetenskapliga biblioteket (Unionsgatan 35). Dessa avhandlingar fjärrutlånas endast som microfiche. Abstract only. The paper copy of the whole thesis is available for reading room use at the Library of Social Sciences (Unioninkatu 35) . Microfiche copies of these theses are available for interlibrary loans. Vain tiivistelmä. Opinnäytteiden sidotut arkistokappaleet ovat luettavissa HY:n keskustakampuksen valtiotieteiden kirjastossa (Unioninkatu 35). Opinnäytteitä lainataan ainoastaan mikrokortteina kirjaston kaukopalvelun välityksellä Avhandlingen granskar familje- och sexuallivet i det socialistiska och postsocialistiska Ryssland. Den bygger på 47 självbiografier om kärlek och sexualitet insamlade i Sankt Petersburg år 1996 samt på en representativ survey från samma år. Självbiografierna analyseras med hjälp av erfarenhetens triad, såsom den utvecklats av Kirsti Määttänen utgående från C. S. Peirces texter. Boken beskriver liv och kärlek i tre generationer: den tystade generationen (född mellan 1920 och 1944), den personcentrerade generationen (1945-1965) och generationen som artikulerade sexualfrågor (1965- ). Avhandlingen visar att den ryska sexuella revolutionen skedde i två faser: under 1970-talet blev de sexuella beteendemönstren mångsidigare, medan sexualiteten artikulerades i offentligheten på 1980- och 1990-talen. Del I tecknar den sovjetiska dubbelförsörjande familjens typiska levnadsbana. Det dominerande familjemönstret kallas för utvidgat moderskap. Jämfört med västerländska modeller är utvidgat moderskap mindre bundet till biologiskt föräldraskap och kommersiella värden och mera auktoritärt och familjecentrerat. Detta mönster var i praktiken ofta starkare än de heterosexuella relationerna. Männens marginalisering i familjen uppfattades samtidigt som något problematiskt och smärtsamt. Den ryska vardagsmoralen beskrivs som konventionell snarare än traditionell. Del II omfattar fallstudier av sovjetiska sexuella subkulturer bland intelligentsian, arbetare och utslagna. Sensocialismen förbjöd sexualitet i alla offentliga sammanhang, medan dramatiskt olika sexkulturer utvecklades i den semi-offentliga sfären. Det manliga idealet i 1970-talets subkulturer betonade aggressivitet, självständighet och sexuella erövringar. Detta ideal spred sig under 1990-talet i och med övergången till kapitalism. Del III analyserar "mansfrågan" i dagens Ryssland. Den visar hur övergången till kapitalism påverkat familjelivet och splittrat den sovjetiska levnadsbanan. Fallstudierna omfattar hemmafruar och karriärkvinnor liksom utarmade eller framgångsrika unga män. Förändringarna i det postsocialistiska könssystemet har centrerat sig på män och maskulinitet och gett upphov till en situation av ängslig maskulinisering. I gengäld gäller en av de starkaste kontinuiteterna inställningen till moderskap.
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In her article, "Gender, Literature, and Film in Contemporary East Central European Culture," Anikó Imre discusses gender, literature, and film in Hungary in the context of East Central European national cultures of the 1980s and 1990s. Anikó Imre analyzes the analogous gender structures that underlie both nation and literature in these transitional cultures. She challenges both social science studies of post-communist transitions and studies of East Central European literatures and cultures for their traditional neglect of gendered desire as a political factor. Thereby, Imre adopts a deconstructionist, feminist, and post-colonial approach to Hungarian "postmodernist" literature and film, which, similar to other East Central European cultures, combine an intense interest in the female and the feminine with the refusal of political commitment conveyed in poetic forms. Imre investigates the interrelationships among these features in order to point to a male intellectual culture emasculated by colonization, whose use of "poetic pornography" disguises an effort to defend patriarchal privileges threatened by the effects of the transition.
Gender, especially masculinity, is a perspective rarely applied in discourses on cinema of Eastern/Central Europe. Masculinities in Polish, Czech and Slovak Cinema exposes an English-speaking audience to a large proportion of this region’s cinema that previously remained unknown, focusing on the relationship between representation of masculinity and nationality in the films of two and later three countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia/the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The objective of the book is to discuss the main types of men populating Polish, Czech and Slovak films: that of soldier, father, heterosexual and homosexual lover, against a rich political, social and cultural background. Czech, Slovak and Polish cinema appear to provide excellent material for comparison as they were produced in neighbouring countries which for over forty years endured a similar political system – state socialism.
Fatherhood is on the political agenda in many countries, often cast in terms of crisis. One side of the policy debate focuses on fathers as deadbeat dads who do not provide financial support and care for their children. The other revolves around making men into active and engaged fathers. However, these policies are often at odds with the employers' reluctance to accommodate work schedules to fathers' needs. In Making Men into Fathers, prominent scholars in gender studies and the critical studies of men consider how varied institutional settings and policy logics around cash and care contour the possibilities and constraints for new models of fatherhood, determining the choices open to men. From different historical and societal perspectives, the authors provide insights into the studies of men as gendered subjects, including the role of transnational and global issues of fatherhood, and the emergence of men's movements, contesting and reimaging fatherhood.
Book synopsis: In this revised classic text, Segal's overview of theories of masculinity considers continuities and change in hegemonic notions of masculinity and focuses on competing male identities, exemplified in black, ethnic, gay and anti-sexist groups. The contrast in power and privilege across these groups has led many to speak of 'masculinity in crisis'.
This chapter analyses the experiences of men ‘at the bottom end’ of transnational care chains in Eastern Europe, addressing masculinity in the context of fatherhood in migrant families. It is analytically grounded in two case studies: one about Polish migrant men and one about Ukrainian and Polish stay-behind male partners of migrant women. The authors show how norms of masculinity and fatherhood influence the experiences of men in transnational families with both male and female migrants. They retrace how the observed gender orders, in particular the role model of the father, developed historically under socialism and during the post-1989 transformation.
More and more, fathers are deciding to stay at home and care for their children rather than work full-time outside of the home. More and more, Canadian families are lead by single fathers. Shining a spotlight on the lives of stay at home dads and single fathers, Do Men Mother? provides groundbreaking evidence of dramatic changes in mothering and fathering in Canada. Using evidence gathered in a four-year in-depth qualitative study, including interviews with over 100 fathers - from truck drivers to insurance salesmen, physicians to artists - Andrea Doucet illustrates how men are breaking the mold of traditional parenting models. Doucet’s research examines key questions such as: What leads fathers to trade earning for caring? How do fathers navigate through the ’maternal worlds’ of mothers and infants? Are men mothering or are they redefining fatherhood? Do Men Mother? illuminates fathers’ candid reflections on caring and the intricate social worlds that men and women inhabit as they ’love and let go’ of their children. In asking and unravelling the question ’do men mother,’ this study tells a compelling story about Canadian parents radically re-visioning child care and domestic responsibilities at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
Gender, especially masculinity, is a perspective rarely applied in discourses on cinema of Eastern/Central Europe. Masculinities in Polish, Czech and Slovak Cinema exposes an English-speaking audience to a large proportion of this region's cinema that previously remained unknown, focusing on the relationship between representation of masculinity and nationality in the films of two and later three countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia/the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The objective of the book is to discuss the main types of men populating Polish, Czech and Slovak films: that of soldier, father, heterosexual and homosexual lover, against a rich political, social and cultural background. Czech, Slovak and Polish cinema appear to provide excellent material for comparison as they were produced in neighbouring countries which for over forty years endured a similar political system - state socialism.
In this article, I examine the struggle of East European female migrants to reconcile their deeply held values about good mothering practices with the imperative of leaving their families to work abroad. Over the last 20 years, the concept of intensive motherhood has gained significant traction as an ideal and a norm, not only in Western care worker receiving countries, but also in post-socialist Eastern European migrant sending countries. This is surprising given that, during state socialism, the co-breadwinner model in combination with state support from cradle to grave was favored over the “bourgeois” male breadwinner and housewife model. With the case study of a Ukrainian shuttle migrant to Poland, I demonstrate that the emerging motherhood ideal has become a growing problem for circular migrants who leave their home, children, spouses and elderly parents behind. These workers are caught in dilemmas as the necessity of leaving their children behind to generate an income for their families is incompatible with an ideal of good motherhood that emphasizes the primacy of the mother–child bond, requires physical closeness, and condemns long absences from home.
The article explores the location of Central and Eastern Europe in transnational feminist studies. Despite the acknowledgement of the situatedness of knowledge, feminist theorising nevertheless seems to continue to be organised around a limited number of central axes and internalised progress narratives. The authors argue that there is a pressing need for theories which can approach the near absence of Central and Eastern European perspectives from transnational feminist theorising, and challenge the limited number of discursive tropes associated with post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe – especially that of a ‘lag’, where difference is translated into a temporal distance. Instead, the authors suggest that a more inclusive vision of transnational feminist studies can be achieved by applying the decolonial framework to the post-socialist context, as explicated in the work of Madina Tlostanova.
This study explored the relationships between maternal gatekeeping, mothers' perceptions of father competence, mothers' attitudes about the father role, and amount of father involvement. The sample consisted of 30 nonresidential and 72 residential fathers. The results of path analysis revealed that residential status of the father had a direct link to mothers' gatekeeping behavior. Father competence was indirectly and directly linked to amount of father involvement with children. Gatekeeping mediated the relationship between father competence and involvement. Maternal gatekeeping was causally linked to amount of father involvement.
In this article we focus on a group of fathers who use parental leave and how they include care-giving in their construction of masculinity. The fathers shape their own masculine form of care-work differently from the mothers’ interaction with the child. Both mothers and fathers, however, take part in the process of reproducing masculinity as the norm by giving masculine care higher status. Care-giving activities are adopted by the hegemonic form of masculinity with its strong connection to paid work.
Model “sovetskogo” otsovstva: diskursivnye predpisaniya
  • Z Chernova
The Flower Bridge [Documentary]. Bucharest: Europolis Films
  • T Ciulei
Geschlechterbeziehungen im (Post-)Sozialismus
  • É Fodor
Gender politics in Hungary: Autonomy and anti-feminism
  • J Goven
Care und Männlichkeit in modernen Gesellschaften: Grundlegende Überlegungen illustriert am Beispiel involvierter Vaterschaft
  • M Meuser
Fatherhood in postsocialist contexts: Lost in translations?
  • I Novikova
Publiczny dyskurs o współczesnym ojcostwie w Polsce
  • K Dzwonkowska-Godula
Images of fatherhood in Ukraine: Past and present
  • I Koshulap
Nieodpłatna prac kobiet: Mity, realia, perspektywy [Women’s Unpaid Work: Myths, Reality, Perspectives
  • A Titkow
  • D Duch-Krystoszek
  • B Budrowska
Sovetkie gendernye kontrakty i ikh transformatsyia v sovremennoi Rossii
  • E Zdravomyslova
  • Temkina
Gretchens rote Schwestern: Frauen in der DDR [Gretchen’s red sisters: Women in the GDR
  • J Menschik
Das Bild des Mannes: Zur Konstruktion Moderner Männlichkeit [The image of the man: On the construction of modern masculinity
  • G Mosse
The man question: Loves and lives in late 20th century Russia (Doctoral thesis Available (accessed 12
  • A Rotkirch