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Academic Publishers
Journal of Animal Health and Production
August 2017 | Volume 5 | Issue 4 | Page 127
Poultry is the 2nd largest industry of Pakistan, whose
play a key role in GDP of country (Hussain, et al.
2015). Poultry farming is widely adopted in Pakistan and
almost every farmstead keeps some poultry mainly for
consumption and cash sales. e science and technology
have contributed widely for the expansion of poultry in-
dustry and a number of strategies have been adopted to
enhance the poultry production (Al-Nasrawi, 2016; Agui-
he et al., 2017). In Pakistan, there are about 25000 poultry
farms, providing employment and income for livelihood
of fteen thousand people. In the country, there are about
400 hatcheries, 150 feed mills, 8.5 million broiler breeders,
0.428 million layer breeders and their feed consumption is
5.51 million metric tons per year (Anonyms, 2011; FAO,
e studies have declared that hatching egg quality and in-
cubation conditions signicantly inuence the post-hatch
performance of broilers (Almeida et al., 2006; Jabbar and
Yousaf, 2017; Yousaf et al., 2017). A number of incuba-
tion parameters are known to inuence hatchability in-
cluding the length of incubation, and storage temperature
(Tona, et al. 2003), incubator temperature (Yildirim et al.,
2004), position of eggs placement in tray (Van de Ven et
Research Article
Abstract | Incubation duration is most important factor to achieve standard hatchability, water loss and chick yield.
e current study was conducted to evaluate the exact duration of egg incubation and its eects on egg hatchability and
broiler’s performance at farm. Eggs from Ross-308 breeder ocks having age of 42-46 weeks and standard weight of
55-60g were divided into two experimental groups each consist of (n= 538,560) eggs. Group A was incubated for 506
hours (444h in setter and 62 h in hatcher) and hatch pulling was performed twice 1st after 494 h and remaining un-hatch
eggs were again shifted to hatchers for next 12 h for 2nd pulling (conventional method of hatch pulling in Pakistan). For
group B, hatch pulling was performed after 506 h (456 h in setter and 50 h in hatcher) and complete hatch pulling was
done only once. Eggs weight (54.9 ±0.6, 53.9±0.8)at transfer (from setter to hatcher), water loss at transfer (10.6±0.7,
11.67±0.7) and chick weight at day one (42.7±0.3, 41.6±0.3) were signicantly (P<0.05) dierent between group A
and B respectively. Similarly, hatchability percentage (85.16±1.02,85.56±1.02) and dead in shell (DIS) percentage(6.62
±1.5, 6.61±0.8)were also positively (P<0.05) changed in group A as compared to group B respectively. Mortality
(3.47±0.23, 2.28±0.06), weight gain (1955.66±25.02, 2001.33±24.33), feed intake (3260.51±13.47, 3245.02±18.03,)
and feed conservation ratio at day 35(1.716±0.03, 1.44±0.02) were also found signicantly (P<0.05) dierent in group
A than B respectively. ese, results indicated that incubation of eggs for 506 h along with single hatch pull is better
in terms of water loss, hatchability, DIS percentage and post-hatch performance of broilers.
Keywords | Broiler, Incubation duration, Hatchability, Post-hatch performance
AdnAn YousAf1, AdnAn JAbbAr1, ImdAd HussAIn LegHArI2*, muHAmmAd AbbAs3
Eect of Incubation Duration on Broiler Breeder Eggs Hatchability
and Post-Hatch Performance
Editor | Asghar Ali Kamboh, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan.
Received | March 19, 2017; Accepted | September 26, 2017; Published | October 30, 2017
*Correspondence | Imdad Hussain Leghari, Department of Poultry Husbandry, Sindh Agriculture University, 70060 Tandojam, Pakistan; Email: imdadleghari@
Citation | Adnan Y, Adnan J, Imdad HL, Abbas M (2017). Eect of incubation duration on broiler breeder eggs hatchability and post-hatch performance. J.
Anim. Health Prod. 5(4): 127-131.
ISSN (Online) | 2308-2801; ISSN (Print) | 2309-3331
Copyright © 2017 Yousaf et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, dis-
tribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
1Sadiq Poultry (Pvt) Limited, Chakri Hatchery Rawalpindi, Pakistan; 2Department of Poultry Husbandry, Sindh
Agriculture University, 70060 Tandojam, Pakistan; 3Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Sindh
Agriculture University Tandojam, Pakistan.
Academic Publishers
Journal of Animal Health and Production
August 2017 | Volume 5 | Issue 4 | Page 128
al., 2011a), turning and turning angle (Tona et al., 2005).
Moreover, gaseous exchange and CO2 concentration also
aect the hatchability parameters (Everaert et al., 2007).
e incubation period of chicken (Gallus gallus) embryo is
approximately (506 h) 21.08 days including drying down,
and the gap among rst to last chick hatch time is ap-
proximately 12 to 24 h. (Tong et al., 2013; Van de Ven et
al., 2011b). is time interval between rst and last chick
hatch is called “Hatch Window” (Molenaar et al., 2011).
Pulling of the chicks from hatchers is started when al-
most 90-95% chicks are complete dry ( Joseph and Moran,
2005). In commercial hatcheries incubation times of chick-
en is approximately 504 h (Almeida at el., 2006). However,
in some large hatcherieschicks pulling are extended up to
510 to 526 h (Laughlin at el., 2007). Whereas, in Pakistan,
traditional method of twice hatch pulling (rst at 494 h
and second at 506 h) is been used in hatcheries. Keeping in
view the above scenario, the current experiment was per-
formed to nd out the exact hatch time and its eects on
post-hatch performance of broilers.
experImentAL sIte
e study was carried out at Sadiq Poultry (Pvt) Limit-
ed, Chakri Hatchery Rawalpindi which is situated 5 km
from Chakri interchange on motorway (M2). e hatch-
ery contains latest heating ventilation and air conditioning
(HVAC) automation. is is the largest hatchery of South
Asia, which is producing best quality of chicks through
single stage incubation system (Avida G4, Chick Master,
seLectIon And HAndLIng of eggs
Eggs (weight 55-60 g) from broiler breeders (Ross-308,
45-50 weeks of age) were divided into two groups, such
as A for twice pulling (conventional method) and B single
pull. Each experimental group was consisting of n=538,560
eggs, which were graded upon their quality, Poor shell,
elongated and cracked eggs were removed, and only stand-
ardized eggs were set in the incubator machine (Advida
G4, Chick Master, USA) having capacity of 134,640 eggs.
ese eggs were collected from farm and stored at 20°C
and 75% relative humidity until used in hatching trial. Be-
fore trial, eggs were fumigated with 20 g KMnO4and 40ml
formalin (40%) mixed with 40 ml of water for 100ft3 area
for 15 minutes through automatic fumigation process pro-
vided by Chick Master.
IncubAtIon progrAm
e incubation experiment was done quadruplicate and in-
cludes (n=134,640) eggs in each experiment. Both groups
were pre-heated at 82oF for 5 hours inside incubators. Af-
ter completion of pre-warming the setter started automat-
ically and goes to the incubation stage prole (Ross prime
age recommended by Chicks Master USA). Group A was
incubated for 444 h in setter and group B was incubated
for 456 h in separate setter. e eggs were then shifted to
hatchers, the duration of incubation in hatchers was short
for A group (62 h) as compared to B group (50 h).
HAtcH puLLIng
Hatch pulling for both groups was dierent. For group A
hatch pulling was performed through conventional meth-
od of hatch pulling in Pakistan. First pull at 494 h (444
in setters and 50 h in hatchers. For second hatch pull the
remaining chicks and unhatched eggs were again shifted
to hatcher for next 12 h. After 12 h again pulling of un-
hatched eggs from group A was performed.
Group B was pulled out only one time after 506 h (456 h
in setters and 50 h in hatchers). Nothing was left behind
inside hatchers. Hatch pull out was performed through
shell separator (KUHL, USA).
HAtcHerY AnALYses
Before transfer to hatchers egg’s water loss of both groups
was measured. Water loss was measured for group A after
444 h, while for group B after 456 h using following for-
Water Loss % = Full tray weight at Setting- Full Tray
Weight at Transfer x 100
Full tray weight at Setting- Empty Tray Wight
During transfer from setter to hatchers candling was per-
formed for eggs of both groups through candling tables
and results were enumerated in percentage.
Body weight of chicks was determined immediately after
hatching through electrical weight balance that was used
to estimate the chick yield using following formula. More-
over, grading of chicks was performed on conveyor, an au-
tomatic grading table. Only standardized chicks (having
shining eyes, soft legs and nose, healed naval and looking
healthy) were shifted to chick’s box after counting, while
under weight, weak, and unhealed naval chicks were re-
moved as per international standard.
Chick Yield % = Weight of chicks x 100
Egg weight
Dead in shell analysis was done to calculate the embryos
death during dierent stages of incubation. All DIS results
were calculated in percentages.
post-HAtcH fArmIng condItIons
After hatching n=56,000 (n=28,000 for each group) day
old chicks were sent to Sadiq broiler farm Khilari-Chakri,
Academic Publishers
Journal of Animal Health and Production
August 2017 | Volume 5 | Issue 4 | Page 129
Rawalpindi to evaluate the post-hatch performance. Envi-
ronmentally controlled vehicles (75 0F temperatures, 65%
humidity) were used to deliver the chicks to the broiler
farm. e chicks of both groups A and B were reared in the
farm under same housing conditions that includes availa-
bility of light (12L:12D; light from 0600 to1800h) along
with standardized conditions of temperature, humidity
and stocking density (Abel et al., 2014). During whole tri-
al period, chicks of both groups were oered water and
feed ad libitum. Sadiq feed was oered to both groups i.e.,
starter diets from 1 to 12 day (3020 Kcal ME/kg, 22% CP),
grower diets from 13 to 22 day (3185 Kcal ME/kg, 20%
CP) and nisher diets from 23 to 35 day of age (3230 Kcal
ME/kg, 18% CP). e diets were formulated according to
the recommendations of the NRC (1994) using windows
user-Friendly feed formulation (WUFFDA) software pro-
gram. Intake of feed and water was record daily, while body
weight and total feed consumed were recorded on week-
ly basis. After 35 days of trial period, chicks weight was
measured for both group.
stAtIstIcAL AnALYsIs
All data were analyzed by using Statistical Analysis Sys-
tem package software (SAS version 9.2, SAS Institute
Inc., Cary, NC, USA). All means were compared using
Duncan’s Multiple Range test and results were presented
as mean ± SEM (standard error of mean). Results were
considered signicant if exist (P< 0.05).
In Pakistan, one hatch pulling after 494 h is a common
practice that followed by a shifting of unhatched eggs to
same hatchers for next 12 h for second hatch pull. In cur-
rent study, we have used rst time in Pakistan single hatch
pull as per international standard (hatch pull only once af-
ter 506 h) ( Joseph and Moran, 2005).
As shown in Table 1, eggs weight of group A at transfer
(54.9 ±0.6) was signicantly higher (P<0.05) as compare
to group B (53.9±0.8) that probably due to less water loss
(P<0.05) in group A (10.6±0.7) than group B (11.67±0.7).
Chick weight of group A (42.7±0.3) was signicantly high
(P<0.05) as compared to chicks from group B (41.6±0.3).
e water loss from eggs is a major source of variation in
chick quality and weight at day one (Mortola and Gaon-
ac’h-Lovejoy, 2016). According to (Tong et al., 2013) wa-
ter loss for good quality chicks should be 11-12%,water
loss less than 11% causes as cites. So, group B which was
incubated for 456 h in setter showed better water loss at
Hatchability percentage was improved (P < 0.05) in group
B (85.56±1.02) as compared to group A (85.16±1.02),
while DIS percentage was found lower (P<0.05) in group
B (6.61±0.8) as compared to group A (6.62 ±1.5; Table
2). e DIS analysis also revealed that, lowest (P < 0.05)
percentage of embryo death was recorded in mid incuba-
tion period (8-14 d) as compared to early (0-7 d) and late
(15-21 d) stages of incubation (Figure 1). Proper water loss
helps to avoid dehydration during transport of chicks from
hatchery to farm ( Joseph and Moran, 2005). It has also
been suggested that pulling of chicks twice disturbs the
temperature and humidity for chicks which are under pro-
cess of hatching that results increased DIS (Van de Ven et
al., 2011a).
Table 1: Eect of incubation duration on water loss, chicks
yield and chicks weight
Parameters Group A Group B
Egg Weight (g) Day 1st 60.2±0.7 60.1±0.8
Egg weight (g) at transfer 54.9 ±0.6 a 53.9±0.8 b
Chicks Weight (g) 42.7±0.3 a 41.6±0.3b
Water Loss (%) 10.6±0.7 b11.67±0.7 a
Chick Yield (%) 71.54±1.54 69.28±0.18
a-b denote dierence between group A and B at (P< 0.05)
Table 2: Eect of incubation duration on hatchability
Parameters Group A Group B
Hatchability (%) 85.16±1.02b 85.56±1.02a
Candling (%) 8.23±1.33 8.23±0.93
DIS (%)* 6.62 ±1.5 a 6.61±0.8 b
a-b denote dierence between group A and B at (P< 0.05)
* DIS: dead in shell
Figure 1: Dead in shell (DIS) analysis on weekly basis
a-c denote dierence in embryo death between early, mid
and late stage of incubation (P< 0.05)
Chicks from both groups were shifted to broiler farm into
separate houses and reared for up to 35 days to investigate
whether the incubation duration eects on post-hatch per-
Academic Publishers
Journal of Animal Health and Production
August 2017 | Volume 5 | Issue 4 | Page 130
formance of broilers. During trial period, mortality, feed
intake, weight gain and FCR were recorded and results
were presented in Table 3. Interestingly, the eect of 506
h incubation and single hatch pulling on broilers perfor-
mance was also found better as compared to incubation
of 506 hand twice hatch pulling. Feed conversion ratio
(FCR) was found signicantly better (P<0.05) in B group
(1.44±0.02) than A (1.716±0.03). Likewise, Weight gain
was improved (P<0.05) in B group (2001.33±24.33) as
compare to A (1955.66±25.02). Whereas, feed intake (g/
bird) was improved (P<0.05) in group A (3260.51±13.47)
than group B (3245.02±18.03) and mortality was reduced
signicantly (P<0.05) for B (2.28±0.06) as compare to A
group (3.47±0.23). e relationship of incubation length
and post-hatch performance is poorly understood ( Joseph
and Moran, 2005). However, these results are in agreement
with previous studies that declared that pulling of chicks
after whole incubation duration helps chicks grading and
improves post-hatch performance (Yousaf, 2016). On the
other hand, Joseph and Moran (2005), reported no eect
of prolonged holding of eggs in hatchers on post-hatch
performance of broilers.
Table 3: Eect of incubation duration on post hatch
performance of chicks
Parameters Group A Group B
Mortality (%) 3.47±0.23a2.28±0.06b
FCR 1.716±0.03a1.44±0.02b
Weight gain (g/bird) 1956.66±25.02b2001.33±24.33a
Feed in take (g/ bird) 3260.51±13.47a3245.02±18.03b
a-b denote dierence between group A and B at (P< 0.05)
In conclusion, the ndings of current study tended to show
that 506 h incubation along with single hatch pulling to
broiler breeder eggs provides better quality chicks and en-
hances the post-hatch performance. Hence, this method
of incubation could be replaced with traditional method
of hatch pulling at 494 h that followed by a shifting of
unhatched eggs to same hatchers for next 12 h for second
hatch pull.
e author’s are thankful to Director of Sadiq Poultry
(Pvt) limited Mr. Salman Sadiq for their full support and
encouragement during the whole period of research work.
e authors declare that they have no conict of interest
with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publica-
tions of this article.
All authors carry equal contribute in this study.
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