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Effects of Light Intensity on the Growth and Anthocyanin Content of Echeveria agavoides and E. marcus


Abstract and Figures

This study was conducted to determine the effects of light intensity on the growth and development as well as the anthocyanin content of two Echeveria species, namely Echeveria agavoides and E. marcus. Three light intensity levels (high, 150 μmol・m-2s-1; intermediate, 75 μmol・m-2s-1; and low, 35 μmol・m-2s-1) served as the treatments, which were replicated four times. The results revealed that the tallest and largest plants were those under low light conditions. It was observed that there was a decline as the light intensity increased, which is attributed to the coping mechanisms of plants to search for light sources, which has a similar effect to bolting or an increase in the node-to-node distance. CIELAB color values of L* and a* for both species were significantly affected by the light intensity, indicating changes in the lightness of hue and green-to-red color pigmentation in plants. These results were strongly reflected in those of the anthocyanin content analysis, where a direct increase in the concentration was observed with increasing light intensity. The results of the anthocyanin analysis were also supported by the histogram, smart segmentation images, as well as the ratio of red and green pigments found in the images. Thus, a high light intensity should be used to increase the quality and provide conducive growing conditions for both succulent species.
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Abstract This study was conducted to determine the
effects of light intensity on the growth and development as
well as the anthocyanin content of two
E. marcus
. Three light
intensity levels (high, 150 μmolm
; intermediate, 75
; and low, 35 μmolm
) served as the
treatments, which were replicated four times. The results
revealed that the tallest and largest plants were those under
low light conditions. It was observed that there was a
decline as the light intensity increased, which is attributed
to the coping mechanisms of plants to search for light
sources, which has a similar effect to bolting or an increase
in the node-to-node distance. CIELAB color values of L*
and a* for both species were significantly affected by the
light intensity, indicating changes in the lightness of hue and
green-to-red color pigmentation in plants. These results
were strongly reflected in those of the anthocyanin content
analysis, where a direct increase in the concentration was
observed with increasing light intensity. The results of the
anthocyanin analysis were also supported by the
histogram, smart segmentation images, as well as the ratio
of red and green pigments found in the images. Thus, a
high light intensity should be used to increase the quality
and provide conducive growing conditions for both
succulent species.
Additional key words: CAM plants, CIELAB, image
analysis, smart segmentation, succulents
Common to all plants, photosynthesis has been well studied
for its direct effect on growth, development including essential
physiological processes that translates to yield and quality of
agricultural produce for both horticultural and agronomic crops.
One of the main factors which affects photosynthesis is
light. Its presence, intensity, exposure and quality plays key
roles in the regulation of plant growth, survival and
adaptation (Naoya et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2003). Several
studies in that deal with light environments and conditions
have been numerous for several horticultural crops as in
hazelnut (Hampson et al. 1996), begonia (Jeong et al.
2009), shrubs (Stanton et al. 2010), tomato (Fan et al. 2013)
and pansy (Koksal et al. 2015) among others. According to
the studies of Jeong et al. (2009) and Vendrame et al.
(2004), the plant form, flowering, leaf size and its color for
herbaceous plant species are affected by light intensity.
Nowadays, the use of artificial light has been considerably
used for horticultural crops due to mass production and quality.
Thus, it has played a remarkable importance among
automation systems in green houses (Koksal et al. 2015).
Studies of Soh et al. (2015) have considered the use of LED
lights for some succulent species. Studies of Nam et al. (2016)
have also studied the effects of intensity but these were various
Crassulaceae species which were grown under hydroponic
systems of which the light was measured in lux values.
However, limited information is available for the effect of its
exposure and more importantly to its intensity. According to
*Corresponding author: Sang Yong Nam
Tel: +82-2-3399-1732
ORCID: htt
Flower Res. J. (2017) 25(4) : 262-269
DOI htt
ISSN 1225-5009(Print)
ISSN 2287-772X
Effects of Light Intensity on the Growth and
Content of Echeveria agavoides and E. marcus
Raisa Aone M. Cabahug
, Son Yil Soh
and Sang Yong Nam
1Department of Environmental Horticulture, Sahmyook University, Seoul 01795, Korea
2Natural Science Research Institute, Sahmyook University, Seoul 01795, Korea
Received 10 August 2017; Revised 25 September 2017; Accepted 19 October 2017
Copyright © 2017 by The Korean Society for Floricultural Science
Flower Res. J. (2017) 25(4) : 262-269 263
Low (2007), indoor plants are often classified on the light
necessary for growth they may be low (35 μmolm
medium (75 μmolm
) and high (150 μmolm
The popularity and demand of succulents have been
constantly rising due to its drought-tolerant and water-efficient
characteristics. Most of the Crassulaceae species that can be
found in the markets are green in color which have
differentiating rosette formation of its leaves (Nyffeler et al.
2008). Echeveria is considered as one of the popular genus
among the succulent plants. This genus is comprised of 140
species of which 95% of the total is endemic in Mexico (Meyran
and Lopez 2003; Vazquez et al. 2013). Echeveria species are
known for its capability to develop pink to reddish leaf edges
in certain environmental conditions (Fischer and Schaufler
1981). These pigmentation in plants are due to the presence
of anthocyanins (Lo Piero et al. 2005).
The proponents have hypothesized that light intensity is
regulates the development of these pigments in Echeveria
species as well as may affect the growth performance of
these plants which may change its leaf color and structure.
This study aimed to determine the effects of light intensity
on the growth, development and the anthocyanin content
of two succulent Echeveria species.
Materials and Methods
Planting materials
Echeveria agavoides and Echeveria marcus species were
procured from Kim Succulent Nursery, Anseong, South Korea.
These species have a common trait which under unknown
conditions, their leaf margins will turn pinkish to red in color.
Young, healthy and disease-free succulents were chosen as
experimental plants which were around 60-days old and were
placed inside the greenhouse of Sahmyook University, Seoul,
South Korea.
Experimental design, treatments and growth
The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized
design with four replications with six plants per replication.
There was a total of seventy-two plants per species. Three
light intensity levels served as the factor which were high
(150 μmolm
), mid (75 μmolm
) and low (35 μmol
) intensity.
All experimental plants were placed inside three plant
growth chambers (KGC-175 VH, Koenic Ltd., South Korea).
The relative humidity was set at 65%. There was a 14 hours
light period and 10 hours dark period.
Hunter’s CIELAB
Color change was determined using the Hunter’s CIELAB
(Konica Minolta Spectrophotometer CM2600d) which makes
use of the L*a*b* color space to indicate lightness, hue and
saturation of colors. One leaf for each plant was tagged to
trace the color changes. The color value was measured
through two areas within the tagged leaf; margin of the top
and underside of the leaf.
Anthocyanin analysis
Modified quantitative method for anthocyanin (Fuleki and
Francis, 1968) was used in this study by gathering an inch
from the tip of the tagged leaves of succulent plants. One-gram
fresh-cut leaf samples were macerated using a mortar and pestle.
The macerated sample was added with 1 mL of 95% ethanol
and 1.5 N HCl (85 : 15) which served as the extracting solvent.
The mixed solution was transferred to a separate container.
Samples were then centrifuged at 13,000 rpm at 4°C using
the Micro Refrigerated Centrifuge Smart R17 (Hanil Science
Co. Ltd., Seoul, South Korea). This was then stored and
refrigerated overnight. Samples were placed in a microplate
which was then analyzed for a full-spectrum UV/Vis absorbance
at 535 nm using the Fluostar Optima Microplate Reader (BMG
Labtech, Ortenberg, Germany).
Statistical analysis
Data gathering was done every two weeks for a month.
Aside from the Hunter’s CIELAB and anthocyanin analysis,
growth and development parameters were also collected: plant
height and diameter. Statistical analyses were conducted using
Statistical Product and Service Solutions for Windows, version
264 Flower Res. J. (2017) 25(4) : 262-269
16.0 (SPSS Inc., Japan). The data were analyzed using analysis
of variance (ANOVA), and the differences between the means
were tested using Duncan’s multiple range test (P < 0.05).
Results and Discussion
Plant height and diameter
Results revealed that the use of light intensity levels have
highly affected the growth parameters of both Echeveria
species (Table 1).
The use of high light intensity gave the lowest plant
height for E. agavoides (44.07 mm) ad E. agavoides (47.84
mm). For E. agavoides, the tallest plants were found in
those grown under low light intensity (47.21 mm) and was
followed by mid light intensity (45.29 mm) which were
significantly different from each other. Comparable results
have been observed by those in E. marcus. The tallest
plants were found to be those grown under the low light
intensity (54.29 mm) which significantly did not differ from
those with mid light intensity (54.25 mm).
The plant diameter for both plant species have had the
same growth patterns in their height. Results showed that
diameter of plants for E. agavoides had higher values for
those under low light levels with 94.06 mm which did not
significantly differ from those grown in mid light intensity
with 89.35 mm. The shortest plants were observed from
those treated with high light intensities with 81.59 mm. For
E. marcus, the largest plants were recorded from those in
low light levels as well with 72.48 mm followed by mid
and high with 67.40 mm and 68.90 mm, respectively,
which did not significantly differ from each other.
This result is fairy different from the actual photosynthesis
theory wherein the higher exposure to light would provide
a higher growth rate compared to lower light exposures (Adams
and Early 2004). Long et al. (1994) have also reported that
plants grown under low light grown plants shown to be more
usually susceptible to photo inhibition compared to plants
grown under high light intensities.
However, results of the studies of Steinger et al. (2003)
and Zhang et al. (2003) also reported that low light levels
may lead the plants to increase in height and specific leaf
area (SLA) in order to adjust to various light conditions
which may change morphological and physiological aspects
including the leaf and stem organs. Studies of grasses
regarding shading and their growth rate revealed that it has
a facilitative effect increasing plasticity and has been
considered as an adaptive response which is responsible for
the widespread ability to decouple growth from source of
availability (Semchenko et al. 2012).
Hunter’s CIELAB
Table 2 shows the CIIELAB values of E. agavoides in
response to light intensities. Results shows that the use of
high intensity levels for L* value had the deeper lightness
with 38.96. This was followed by mid intensity level
(40.43) and low intensity level (43.54) for the top portion
of the leaves. This trend was also seen to be similar to
those of the bottom portion of the leaves.
For a* values, positive values indicate that the color is
more inclined to red hues, however negative values tend to
show green colors. Based on the above results on the a*
values for the top portion of the leaves, high intensities had
able 1. Average plant height and diameter (mm) of Echeveria species in response to light intensity.
Light intensity
Echeveria agavoides Echeveria marcus
Height Diameter Height Diameter
High 44.07 c
81.59 b 47.84 b 68.90 b
Mid 45.29 b 89.35 a 54.25 a 67.40 b
Low 47.21 a 94.06 a 54.29 a 72.48 a
** ** ** **
Mean separation within columns by Duncan’s multiple range test at P = 0.05.
NS, *, **, Nonsignificant, significant, highly significant at P = 0.05 and P= 0.01, respectively.
Flower Res. J. (2017) 25(4) : 262-269 265
given -1.03 which is much closer to the positive values
compared to mid and low intensities which had -2.85 and
-4.26, respectively, which did not significantly differ from
each other. This trend was also observed in the bottom
portion of the leaves which had more positive values. On
the other hand, b* values were not significantly affected by
the treatments.
Results for the CIELAB color values for E. marcus is
shown on Table 3 and had been found to have affected L*
and a* values alone.
Results showed that the use of high intensity of light
gave the deepest color hue with an L* value of 43.04 which
was followed by mid (47.77) and low (50.69) light intensity
levels, respectively. This was consistent for the top and
bottom portions of the leaves. Likewise, a* values had a
lower negative value indicating a hue closer to red for
those succulents grown under high light intensity and was
followed by mid and low intensity levels.
Anthocyanin analysis
The average anthocyanin content analysis showed that
Echeveria species were significantly affected using different
light intensities (Table 4).
High light intensity gave the highest value of 0.93 and
0.31 for E. agavoides and E. marcus, respectively. These
were significantly different from those of mid light intensity
which gave 0.55 (E. agavoides) and 0.25 (E. marcus), and
was followed by those of low light intensities 0.28 (E.
able 2. Average Hunter’s CILEAB values of E. agavoides in response to light intensity.
Light intensity
Top Bottom
L* a* b* L* a* b*
High 38.96 c
-1.03 a 10.36 38.88 b 4.18 a 10.96
Mid 40.43 b -2.85 b 8.88 38.95 b 0.76 b 10.48
Low 43.54 a -4.26 b 10.21 40.02 a 0.38 b 10.01
** ** ns ** * ns
Mean separation within columns by Duncan’s multiple range test at P = 0.05.
NS, *, **, Nonsignificant, significant, highly significant at P = 0.05 and P = 0.01, respectively.
able 3. Average Hunter’s CILEAB values of E. marcus in response to light intensity.
Light intensity
Top Bottom
L* a* b* L* a* b*
High 43.04 c
-1.78 b -1.78 48.17 b -2.99 b 18.03
Mid 47.77 b -3.35 a -3.35 49.04 a -3.12 a 17.77
Low 50.69 a -4.26 a -4.26 49.54 a -3.85 a 16.61
* * ns * * ns
Mean separation within columns by Duncan’s multiple range test at P = 0.05.
NS, *, **, Nonsignificant, significant, highly significant at P = 0.05 and P = 0.01, respectively.
able 4. Average anthocyanin content of Echeveria species in response to light intensity.
Light intensity levels Echeveria agavoides Echeveria marcus
High 0.93 a
0.31 a
Mid 0.55 b 0.25 b
Low 0.28 c 0.12 c
** **
Mean separation within columns by Duncan’s multiple range test at P = 0.05.
NS, *, **, Nonsignificant, significant, highly significant at P= 0.05 and P= 0.01, respectively.
266 Flower Res. J. (2017) 25(4) : 262-269
agavoides) and 0.12 (E. marcus).
According to studies of Rabino and Mancinelli (1986), light
can affect the production of anthocyanin in plants. There is
light-dependent anthocyanin production which occurs in the
plant that displays high irradiance reaction resulting to
photomorphogenic responses. Studies of Beckwith et al.
(2004) also had the same results for Pennisetum setaceum,
a purple pigmented ornamental grass which was when treated
to low-light environments appeared light purple or green
colors which resulted to lower aesthetic appeal.
Image analysis
Smart segmentation of images coupled with the original
images for light intensities and their corresponding histogram
results is presented on Fig. 1 for E. agavoides and Fig. 2
for E. marcus.
Based on the results of the smart segmentation (Table 5),
it was observed that the use of high intensity had more
pixels of red compared to mid and low intensities for E.
agavoides. However, for E. marcus, succulents grown
under mid and low intensities were not significantly
different from each other and had more or less no red
Light intensity Segmented image Histogram
High light intensity
Mid light intensity
Low light intensity
Fig. 1. Original image, processed segmentation image and histogram determining area ratio of green and red pigments of E. agavoide
in response to light intensity.
Flower Res. J. (2017) 25(4) : 262-269 267
Light intensity Segmented image Histogram
High light intensity
Mid light intensity
Low light intensity
Fig. 2. Original image, processed segmentation image and histogram determining area ratio of green and red pigments of E. marcus.
in response to light intensity.
able 5. Red and green pigment ratio using smart segmentation in response to different light intensities of Echeveria species.
Light intensity Green pixels Red pixels Total % Green % Red
E. agavoides
High 406.38 (±1.09)
973.35 (±5.33) 379.73 29.45 c
70.55 a
Mid 1422.73 (±3.31) 1581.50 (±1.15) 3004.23 47.36 b 52.64 b
Low 7790.75 (±1.12) 11.35 (±8.30) 7802.09 99.85 a 0.15 c
E. marcus
High 289.41 (±9.13) 7799.88 (±8.10) 8089.29 3.58 b 96.42 a
Mid 3561.95 (±5.96) 65.71 (±4.60) 3627.66 98.19 a 1.81 b
Low 10843.92 (±1.16) 0.00 (±0.00) 10843.92 100.00 a 0.00 b
Mean ± standard deviation.
Mean separation within columns by Duncan’s multiple range test at P= 0.05.
268 Flower Res. J. (2017) 25(4) : 262-269
pixels found in smart segmentation. This result is also
consistent with their histogram of images.
Increased red pigments or anthocyanin in higher light
intensity may be due to one of its function as a protective
shield to plants which is exposed to UV light such as
Cotinus coggygria (Shamir and Nissim 1997). These red
pigmentations contribute an important factor in increasing
its increase in marketability and consumer preference
(Shvarts et al. 1997).
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... Conditions in the climate chamber were 12-h days, with approximately 250 µmol m −2 s −1 of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) at leaf height, 25/20°C day/night temperatures, and 20%-35% relative humidity. These conditions have been commonly used for adequate growth of succulent plants in climate chambers (e.g., Cabahug et al., 2017;Griffiths et al., 2008;Li et al., 2015). Plants were acclimated to these conditions for 3 months before the start of the experiment. ...
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Hydathodes are usually associated with water exudation in plants. However, foliar water uptake (FWU) through the hydathodes has long been suspected in the leaf-succulent genus Crassula (Crassulaceae), a highly diverse group in southern Africa, and, to our knowledge, no empirical observations exist in the literature that unequivocally link FWU to hydathodes in this genus. FWU is expected to be particularly beneficial on the arid western side of southern Africa, where up to 50% of Crassula species occur and where periodically high air humidity leads to fog and/or dew formation. To investigate if hydathode-mediated FWU is operational in different Crassula species, we used the apoplastic fluorescent tracer Lucifer Yellow in combination with different imaging techniques. Our images of dye-treated leaves confirm that hydathode-mediated FWU does indeed occur in Crassula and that it might be widespread across the genus. Hydathodes in Crassula serve as moisture-harvesting structures, besides their more common purpose of guttation, an adaptation that has likely played an important role in the evolutionary history of the genus. Our observations suggest that ability for FWU is independent of geographical distribution and not restricted to arid environments under fog influence, as FWU is also operational in Crassula species from the rather humid eastern side of southern Africa. Our observations point towards no apparent link between FWU ability and overall leaf surface wettability in Crassula. Instead, the hierarchically sculptured leaf surfaces of several Crassula species may facilitate FWU due to hydrophilic leaf surface microdomains, even in seemingly hydrophobic species. Overall, these results confirm the ecophysiological relevance of hydathode-mediated FWU in Crassula and reassert the importance of atmospheric humidity for some arid-adapted plant groups.
... Various photosynthetic parameters (F v /F m , Φ Do , ABS/RC, DI o /RC, PI ABS , and etc.) enable easy evaluation of plant photosynthetic performance, and its usefulness has been demonstrated in various studies 2022d;Park et al., 2023;Vosnjak et al., 2021). While the conventional methods of assessing plant growth parameters were based on measurements of plant sizes or biomass, recent studies have increasingly also utilized leaf color reading values (such as CIELAB, Hunter Lab, and RGB) and leaf pigments analyses (Cabahug et al., 2017;2019;Nam et al., 2016; as well as chlorophyll fluorescence analysis Oh et al., 2022;Yang et al., 2022) for assessing plants vitality. Therefore, in this study, we selected different Peperomia species and cultivars, P. obtusifolia, P. caperata cv. ...
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Peperomia, the commonly cultivated house plants, are known for their superior shade tolerance, and suitability as ornamental indoor plants. Here, the effects of different color temperatures of white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were experimentally investigated on Peperomia. Three white LEDs with different color temperatures of 3000, 4100, and 6500 K, respectively, were used in the cultivation of Peperomia species and cultivars namely: P. obtusifolia, P. caperata cv. Napoli Nights (‘Napoli Nights’), and P. caperata cv. Eden Rosso (‘Eden Rosso’) for experimental purposes. Results showed that the sizes of the plants P. obtusifolia and ‘Napoli Nights’ were optimal under 4100 and 6500 K white LEDs, whereas, ‘Eden Rosso’ exhibited optimal growth under 6500 K white LED. Compared to the other plants, P. obtusifolia exhibited superior biomass production under 4100 K white LED. Conversely, ‘Eden Rosso’ and ‘Napoli Nights’ had the highest biomass under 6500 and 3000 K white LEDs, respectively. Regarding the leaf color, L* and b* values demonstrated an inverse relationship with plant biomass, suggesting that leaves turn yellow when the growth of a plant is inhibited. Fv/Fm ranged from 0.77 to 0.81 across all treatments, and these values are generally acceptable. Compared to the other plants, P. obtusifolia and ‘Eden Rosso’ had higher ΦDo, ABS/RC, and DIo/RC under 6500 and 3000 K white LEDs, respectively, contradicting the results observed for plant sizes. In addition, PIABS values were higher for P. obtusifolia under 4100 and 6500 K white LEDs and the highest for ‘Eden Rosso’ under 6500 K white LED. In conclusion, P. obtusifolia can be cultivated under 4100-6500 K white LEDs, whereas, ‘Eden Rosso’ and ‘Napoli Nights’, under 6500 and 4100 K white LEDs, respectively.
... CAM 광 합성은 C 3 나 C 4 광합성에 비해 최대 5배의 수분 활용 효율을 나타내지만 (Drennan and Nobel, 2000), 많은 탄수화물 CIELAB는 원예분야에서 여러 방면으로 사용되며, 각각 명도(lightness)와 적색도, 황색도의 색 좌표를 나타내는 L * , a * , b * 로 표기한다. CIELAB는 엽채류의 품질 평가 (Kim et al., 2022;Lee et al., 2022d), 약용식물의 품질평가 (Lee et al., 2022b), 관상용 식물의 품질평가 (Cabahug et al., 2019;Cabahug et al., 2020;Cabahug et al., 2017;Shim et al., 2021) ...
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Phedimus takesimensis is a succulent species indigenous to the Korean Peninsula and is found in Ulleungdo and Dokdo islands. It has potential medicinal properties; thus, it should be protected in South Korea. However, the optimal shading level for mass cultivation of P. takesimensis is unknown. In this study, we subjected P. takesimensis cv. Atlantis, a variegated leaf cultivar, to different shading levels (0, 35, 45, 60, 75, and 99%) and investigated its effect on the growth and leaf color of the plants. The results revealed that the potted plants grown under 45% shading exhibited the highest shoot length, width, and shoot fresh and dry weights. Moreover, the plants grown under 0-45% shading exhibited the highest root length and root fresh and dry weights. However, leaf length and width were higher in the plants grown under 35-60% shading, and the moisture content of the shoot and root was the highest in the plants grown under 60% and 75% shading, respectively. Chlorophyll content analysis revealed a subsequent increase as the shading level decreased; the L* and b* CIELAB values were higher as the shading levels increased. The CIE76 color difference (ΔE* ab) was the highest at 75% shading (ΔE* ab = 7.08) compared to that at 0% shading level. The plants that were grown under 0-45%, 60%, and 75% shading had the following RHS values: 147B and 148A; 147B and 148B; and 147C and 148B, respectively. This suggests that the leaves of the plants were relatively yellow at 60-75% shading. Thus, potted plants of P. takesimensis cv. Atlantis should be grown under 45% shading to attain a significant increase in plant size and improve leaf color.
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This study investigates the influence of different light qualities, including red, green, blue, purple, and white lights, on the growth, physiological activity, and ornamental characteristics of two Coleus cultivars. Emphasizing the importance of leveraging phenotypic plasticity in plants within controlled environments, using light quality is a practice prevalent in the ornamental industry. The research explores the varied responses of two Coleus cultivars to distinct light spectra. The key findings reveal the efficacy of red light in enhancing shoot and leaf parameters in C. ‘Highway Ruby’, while red and green light exhibit comparable effects on shoot width and leaf dimensions in C. ‘Wizard Jade’. White light-emitting diodes (LEDs), particularly with color temperatures of 4100 K and 6500 K, promote root length growth in the respective cultivars. Moreover, chlorophyll content and remote sensing vegetation indices, including chlorophyll content (SPAD units), the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the modified chlorophyll absorption ratio index (MCARI), and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI), along with the chlorophyll fluorescence, were significantly affected by light qualities, with distinct responses observed between the cultivars. In summary, this study highlights the transformative potential of LED technology in optimizing the growth and ornamental quality of foliage plants like Coleus, setting a benchmark for light quality conditions. By leveraging LED technology, producers and nursery growers access enhanced energy efficiency and unparalleled versatility, paving the way for significant advancements in plant growth, color intensity, and two-tone variations. This presents a distinct advantage over conventional production methods, offering a more sustainable and economically viable approach for increased plant reproduction and growth development. Likewise, the specific benefits derived from this study provide invaluable insights, enabling growers to strategically develop ornamental varieties that thrive under optimized light conditions and exhibit heightened visual appeal and market desirability.
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The genus Sempervivum plants are members of the Crassulaceae family that is widely distributed in Eurasia and North Africa. Various species in Sempervivum have shown the potential to be used as medicinal crops in several studies in the past. Nowadays, succulents under this genus have gained popularity as ornamental plants. To increase its ornamental value and determine proper cultivation practices, a basic investigation of indoor factors, especially on lighting conditions is deemed necessary. This study aims to determine the effects of types of LED light qualities on the growth and leaf color of S. ‘Black Top’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Black Top’) which could increase its market value. ‘Black Top’ were grown under three types of LED light qualities for indoor cultivation for 18 weeks. Results indicated that the tallest plants were grown under 3000 K white LED (peak 455, 600 nm) while the highest leaf length of plants was grown in purple LED (peak 450, 650 nm) treatments. Leaf width was not significantly affected by treatments. On the other hand, fresh weight was found to be highest under 6500 K white LED (peak 450, 545 nm), while dry weight was found that 3000 K white LED and 6500 K white LED had the same significance level. The highest chlorophyll content was taken from those grown under 6500 K white LED and the lowest in the purple LED, which suggests that balanced spectral distribution relatively produces increased chlorophyll content. In the analysis of CIELAB leaf color reading values, L* (color lightness) was found highest in the purple LED which suggests that if the spectrum was biased to one wavelength, it would produce unfavorable leaf color quality of ‘Black Top’. Based on these results, ‘Black Top’ are recommended to be grown under 3000 K and 6500 K white LED compared to purple LED to increase plant sizes and improve leaf color quality.
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Sedum album is a succulent species that has a creeping growth habit and blooms in groups in its native habitat. S. album is known to produce many flavonol glycoside compounds that are useful in the pharmaceutical industry. This succulent also has a high resistance to abiotic stressors and is thus widely used in green roof systems. Aside from its medical use, it has the potential as an ideal ornamental indoor plant due to its high vitality and unique appearance. However, in order to be utilized as an indoor plant, a suitable light quality for the succulent is deemed necessary. In this study, commercially available 3000, 4100, and 6500 K white T5 LEDs were used as artificial light sources to determine the growth and leaf color changes of S. album cv. Athoum. Results indicated that the plant sizes, i.e. shoot length, shoot width, ground cover, root length, and the number of branches, were significantly increased when grown under 4100 K white LED treatment. Likewise, the fresh weight and moisture content of plants increased in 4100 K white LED, however, the dry weight increased in 3000 K white LED. Among CIELAB color values, L* value (lightness), was highest in 4100 K white LED, which may be attributed to the expansion of cells due to the high moisture content of plants or the development of epicuticular waxes. The CIE76 color difference (ΔE* ab) was found highest between 4100 and 6500 K white LED treatments, with ΔE* ab = 5.51. Upon RHS values analysis, all treatment groups were determined to be in color groups N137A and 147A. Based on the results, it is recommended to use 4100 K white LED for the purpose of selling large-sized succulents or to improve its ornamental value. On the other hand, when extracting secondary metabolites for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use 4100 K white LED for fresh plants, and 3000 K white LED for dried by-products.
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There are about 20 known species of Hylotelephium distributed within Eurasia and North America. Some Hylotelephium species have been reported to have a potential medicinal effect and have been used to remove cadmium from soil. Additionally, various cultivars have been sold and used as ornamental plants for aesthetic purposes. Although Hylotelephium species are used as indoor plants and are considered high shade tolerance, literature to support this information is lacking. Hence, this study investigated the growth and leaf color response of Hylotelephium cultivars, namely H. telephium cv. Lajos and H. sieboldii cv. Mediovariegatum (hereinafter referred to as ‘Lajos’ and ‘Mediovariegatum’) are grown under various shading environments using polyethylene shade films. It was shown by the results of the analysis that the use of a 75% shading level significantly affected the highest plant size, including its shoot, root, and leaf parameters for both cultivars compared to other shading levels. For the fresh and dry weight, ‘Lajos’ favored a 45% shading level, while ‘Mediovariegatum’ favored a 75% shading level. The chlorophyll content in ‘Lajos’ showed the highest at 75% shading level, while ‘Mediovariegatum’ showed the highest values at 35% shading level. In the CIELAB analysis of the leaves, L* and b* values of ‘Lajos’ were highest at 99% shading level, which significantly differed from other shading levels indicating a more yellow tint and a lightness of leaf color. On the other hand, ‘Mediovariegatum’ had the highest L* and b* values at a 60% shading level. In the evaluation of the RHS values, 'Lajos' was evaluated as 146A and 147B at the shading levels from 0% to 75%. Therefore, the leaf color can be maintained uniformly in those shading levels. On the other hand, ‘Mediovariegatum’ was evaluated as 194A and 195A at the 0% shading level and 148A and 152A at the 99% shading level. If the light intensity is too high or too low, the distribution rate of the variegated pattern seems to have decreased. The conclusion is that ‘Lajos’ is recommended to be cultivated at shading levels between 45–75%, and ‘Mediovariegatum’ is recommended to be cultivated at a shading level of 75% after the above information was combined.
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Petrosedum rupestre is a succulent plant growing throughout Europe, except for Western Europe, and is one of the most preferred plants for rock gardens and green roof systems. P. rupestre has a beautiful blue appearance and may be used for medicinal purposes. This study was conducted to determine the optimal light conditions using white LEDs (light-emitting diodes) for indoor cultivation of P. rupestre and P. rupestre cv. Angelina (hereinafter referred to as ‘Angelina’) using three commercial white T5 LEDs with color temperatures of 3000, 4100, and 6500 K, respectively. Shoot length, fresh weight, moisture content, and CIELAB b* values increased under 3000 K white LED due to the relatively large ratio of red to blue wavelengths (approximately 3.3:1), whereas the CIELAB a* value decreased. The 4100 K white LED, in which the ratio of red to blue wavelength was lower by approximately 1.8:1, produced increased shoot width, plant ground cover, and number of branches. The RHS values of P. rupestre were N137D and 147A in the 3000 K white LED treatment, and ‘Angelina’ was evaluated as 146A and 148A in the same treatment, indicating that the leaf color was relatively yellow compared to other treatments. In the Pearson correlation coefficient, P. rupestre showed a positive correlation with fresh weight, and L* value was r = 0.510, and it was found that the more vigorous the plant growth, the higher the leaf lightness. Previous studies have shown that an increase in epicuticular waxes positively affects plant growth and development. Accordingly, epicuticular waxes on the surface of P. rupestre also seem to occur during vigorous plant growth. Taken together, the results suggest that 3000 K white LED is optimal for growing P. rupestre and ‘Angelina’ indoors, whereas 4100 K white LED is preferable for low growth with a creeping type.
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Plants under the genus Orostachys have been known as medicinal plants. This study deems to determine the growth and leaf color of Orostachys japonica and O. boehmeri when subjected to various LED light sources. A total of seven LED light treatments were used, i.e. red (630 nm), green (520 nm), blue (450 nm), purple (650 and 450 nm), 3000 K white (455, 600 nm), 4100 K white (455, 590 nm), and 6500 K white (450, 545 nm) LEDs. Results showed that O. japonica plants showed favorable growth under 4100 K white LED, while O. boehmeri plants had a positive growth response under white light LEDs (3000, 4100, and 6500 K). In leaf color analysis, the use of green LED showed the greatest change in CIELAB L * and b * values which were relatively higher compared to other treatments indicating that leaves turned yellowish. Further statistical analysis using Pearson’s correlation also suggested that there is a small negative association between dry weight and b * values of O. japonica, and a negative moderate association between plant weights (fresh and dry weight) and leaf color (L * and b * ) and positive association between said plant weights and a * color values of O. boehmeri. Therefore, it is recommended to cultivate O. japonica under 4100 K white LED and O. boehmeri under 3000, 4100, 6500 K white LEDs.
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When designing interior spaces, the use of indoor foliage plants is considered as an integral part of providing a wonderful ambiance owing to both their aesthetic and functional properties. Being indoors, these plants are subjected to continuous lighting conditions at high temperatures with varying light intensities, which affect their survival, growth, and leaf color quality. Hence, this study was conducted to investigate the influence of different light intensity levels (60, 120, and 180 μmol m-2 s-1) on the growth and leaf color of commonly used indoor foliage plants (Hoya carnosa f. variegata, Epipremnum aureum f. variegata, Rhapis excelsa, Hedera helix, Chamaedorea elegans, and Spathiphyllum wallisii) under high temperature and continuous lighting conditions. The results demonstrated that the growth parameters of the indoor foliage plants, after 4 weeks of treatment, were relatively better when grown under lower light intensity levels (60 and 120 μmol m-2 s-1) compared to when grown under a higher light intensity level (180 μmol m-2 s-1). The CIELAB L * and b * values of a majority of the indoor foliage plants increased proportionally with the light intensity level, indicating that under a higher light intensity, the leaves tend to express yellow tones. In addition, SPAD units decreased as the light intensity increased. Taken together, the results of this study indicate that indoor foliage plants are sensitive to light stress under high temperature and continuous lighting conditions; therefore, it is recommended to cultivate them under relatively low light conditions (60 and 120 μmol m-2 s-1).
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This study was conducted to determine the effects of supplementary lighting intensity and duration on selected Cassulaceae species grown in a hydroponic system. Five subfamilies in Crassulaceae with corresponding species were chosen as experimental units namely Sedeveria ‘Letizia ’, Sedum ‘Sun Red’, Crassula rupestris, Echeveria ‘Momotaro’, and Graptoveria opalina. Light duration (3 and 6 hours) and intensity (4,000 lux or 60 μmol • m−2 • s−1 and 8,000 lux or 120 μmol • m−2 • s−1), and their combinations served as factors which were replicated twice. Results revealed that the use of supplementary lighting using LED fixtures had influenced selected species under Crassulaceae. The use of three hours supplementary lighting under low light intensity had statistically similar results with those of the control S. letizia, C. rupestris and G. opalina in particular parameters. Meanwhile, succulents under six-hour with high intensity condition grew well, compared to species S. letizia, C. rupestris and E. ‘Momotaro,’ demonstrating that the data was significantly different. Interestingly, there were no statistical significant differences between species C. rupestris and the control regardless of change of variables (duration and intensity) in all parameters. S. letizia, acquired from an Italian collection (Sedum cuspidatum × Echeveria setosa var. ciliate), belongs to subfamily Sedoidae. Plants under this group are well-known for being in ‘splits’ or having another included within them (Fig. 1). They are drought tolerant species and leaf color may change depending on the shading or lighting (Lee and Kim 2008; Rowley 1978). Results of the analysis revealed that supplemental lighting significantly affected S. letizia height, diameter, and *b among parameters as shown on Table 1.
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Pansy (Viola cornuta) is a facultative long-day plant that flowers from October until March in Turkey. During the winter months, low light levels can limit plant growth and development. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) can provide supplemental lighting in greenhouses which produce same light intensity with less energy than conventional incandescent lighting. Light emitting diode technologies have enabled affordable and efficient light systems to be installed in greenhouses and plastic tunnels in the field. In this experiment we evaluated the effects of supplemental red-orange LED lightening on the growth and development of pansy cv. Blue Blotch grown in plastic tunnels. The energy, which LEDs are to consume, was provided through a solar panel system with the aim of drawing attention to the cleanliness of solar energy source. Five hours of supplement LED lighting was applied after dusk starting from November to February. Pansy growth and development parameters were compared with non-light supplied control plants. Supplemental LED lighting significantly increased plant biomass weight, flower number and leaves number at the rate of 52%, 72%, and 47%, respectively. Moreover, LED lighting increased plant growth rate (0.109 and 0.306 g of fresh weight), compared with the no light control. LED lighting, however, had no effect on length of stems, number of branches and the diameter of flowers. Thus, this study indicated that pansies are light limited during the winter months and supplemental LED lighting can significantly increase pansy growth and development. © 2015, Sociedade de Olericultura do Brasil. All rights reserved.
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. New guinea impatiens (Impatiens hawkeri) (NGI) 'Pure Beauty Rose' (PBR) and 'Paradise Orchid' (PO) were grown in full sun, 55% shade, or 73% shade and fertilized with a controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) [Nutricote Total 13-13-13 (13N-5.7P-10.8K), type 100] incorporated at rates of 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 lb/yard 3 of growing media (1.2, 2.4, 3.6, 4.7, 7.1, 9.5, 11.9, 14.2, 16.6, and 19.0 kg·m –3). Plant quality rating, shoot dry weight, and fl ower number were measured at harvest and substrate samples were collected to analyze fi nal substrate pH and electrical conduc-tivity (EC). For both cultivars, light intensity and fertilization rate interac-tions were different for shoot dry weight and fl ower number, but there was no difference in plant quality rat-ing between the light levels. Quality ratings of both PBR and PO plants increased as CRF rate increased to 12 to 16 lb/yard 3 above these levels quality was not improved. Shoot dry weight of PBR plants grown in full sun increased as CRF rate increased to 28 lb/yard 3 and then decreased, while shoot dry weight of plants grown with 55% and 73% shade increased as CRF rate increased to 20 and 16 lb/yard 3 , respectively, with no further increases. Shoot dry weight of PO plants grown in full sun and 55% shade increased as CRF rate increased to 28 and 24 lb/yard 3 , respectively, with no further increases, while shoot dry weight of plants grown with 73% shade increased as CRF rate increased to 24 lb/yard 3 and then decreased. Flower number of PBR plants grown in full sun, 55% shade, and 73% shade increased as CRF rate increased to 24 lb/yard 3 and then decreased. Flower number of PO plants grown in full sun increased as CRF rate increased to 28 lb/yard 3 and then decreased, while fl ower number of plants grown in 55% and 73% shade increased as CRF rate increased to 24 lb/yard 3 and then decreased.
In hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.), vigorous vegetative growth and traditional orchard practices that include little or no pruning combine to produce a dense, shady canopy. A study designed to quantify the effect of shade on reproduction and photosynthetic rate in this shade-tolerant species was undertaken to assess whether some degree of pruning might improve productivity. Shade cloth was used to exclude 30%, 47%, 63%, 73%, or 92% of ambient sunlight from whole 'Ennis' and 'Barcelona' trees from mid-May until harvest. Photosynthetic light response curves were obtained for leaves that had developed in full sunlight, deep inside the canopy of unshaded trees, or in 92% shade. Light-saturated net photosynthetic rates were 12.0, 6.1, and 9.3 µmol·m –2 ·s –1 of CO 2 and dark respiration rates were 2.0, 1.1, and 0.7 µmol·m –2 ·s –1 of CO 2 , respectively, for the three light regimes. Light-saturated photosynthetic rates of leaves from 30% or 63% shade differed little from the control (0% shade). Area per leaf increased by 49% and chlorophyll concentration (dry weight basis) by 157% as shading increased from 0% to 92%. Shading to 92% reduced specific leaf weight (68%), stomatal density (30%), light compensation point (69%), and dark respiration rate (63%) compared to controls. Female inflorescence density declined by about one-third and male inflorescence density by 64% to 74% in the most heavily shaded trees of both cultivars compared to controls. Shade was more detrimental to yield than flowering: yield per tree dropped by >80%, from 2.9 to 3.4 kg in full sun to 0.6 to 0.9 kg in 92% shade. Shade reduced yield primarily by decreasing nut number and secondarily by decreasing nut size. The incidence of several kernel defects increased as shade increased. Therefore, hazelnut leaves showed considerable capacity to adapt structurally and functionally to shade, but improving light penetration into the canopy would probably increase orchard productivity.
We used red light-emitting diodes (LEDs, R) and blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs, B) to obtain the different light intensities of uniform spectra and investigated the effects of different light intensities on growth and leaf development of young tomato plants. The results showed that fresh weight, dry weight, stem diameter and health index were superior in plants grown under 300, 450 and 550 μmol m−2 s−1. The energy efficiency was highest under 300 μmol m−2 s−1. When photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) increased from 50 to 550 μmol m−2 s−1, a decrease in the specific leaf area (SLA) was observed. Under 300 and 450 μmol m−2 s−1, the thickness of leaves, palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma were the bigger, and the stomatal frequency and stomatal area per unit leaf area were also higher. The highest net photosynthesis rate (Pn) was observed under 300 μmol m−2 s−1. Our results implied that, compared to other light treatments, 300 μmol m−2 s−1 was more suitable for the culture of young tomato plants and there was no substantial gain from a PPFD above 300 μmol m−2 s−1.
Cotinus coggygria cv. Royal Purple leaves change color from green to a dark wine-purple in response to high light intensities and low temperatures. In the present study, we examined the effect of UV light (300–400 nm) on pigmentation of C. coggygria leaves. The UV effect was examined by covering plants with three different polyethylene sheets that transmit different amounts of UV light. Since Cotinus are often grown under plastic covers, our work will determine the spectral properties of covers that will give the maximal anthocyanin pigmentation in leaves. We show that the UV light between 300–400 nm is crucial for accumulation of pigments in Cotinus foliage. Low temperatures, have no effect on the pigmentation if the plants are not exposed to UV light as well.
The Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center (OPGC) conserves begonia species. Limited cultural information is available concerning the effect of light intensity on the growth of begonia species other than cultivated hybrids in green- houses. The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of begonia species to different shade levels and to identify light intensities that favor the production and maintenance of quality begonia plants in greenhouses during summer. Plants of six begonia species, (Begonia albopicta, B. cucullata var. cucullata, B. echinosepala var. elongatifolia, B. holtonis, B. foliosa var. miniata, and B. 'Fuchsifoliosa' (B. fuchsioides x B. foliosa)), were grown in a greenhouse in Columbus, OH (lat. 40 N, long. 82.53 W) for 12 weeks (starting 23 July) either in full light (1000 - 1800 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 ) or shade-cloth tents providing three levels of shade (41, 62, and 76% of full sunlight in the greenhouse). Each plant was evaluated for the number of inflorescences, leaf greenness (SPAD readings), shoot length, leaf area, and shoot dry weight. Visual observa- tions of plant quality (chlorosis, necrosis, sunburn, deformed leaves, and plant mortality) were also recorded. Shade per- centage for optimal growth and quality of B. albopicta, B. echinosepala var. elongatifolia, B. holtonis, B. foliosa var. miniata, and B. 'Fuchsifoliosa' plants was 62% and 76 % for B. cucullata var. cucullata plants.
Plant morphogenesis is strongly affected by light quality. We evaluated the effects of localized blue light irradiation from light-emitting diodes (LED) on the leaf shape of geranium plants, which show epinasty under red light conditions. Geranium (Pelargonium zonale Ait.) plants with five or six true leaves were transplanted into a growth chamber containing a metal halide lamp (MH) or a red LED panel (R-LED) that irradiated light at an intensity of 100μmolm−2s−1. The fifth true leaves were then subjected to localized irradiation from small LED light sources.Under localized irradiation of blue light at a 50μmolm−2s−1 intensity level, the leaf epinasty index, was 20% lower than under localized red irradiation. The extent of the inhibition of leaf epinasty by blue LED irradiation depended on the light intensity. Blue light irradiation to the abaxial sides of leaves did not inhibit leaf epinasty under red irradiation. In response to blue light irradiation to the adaxial side of the fifth true leaf, the leaf angle reached 225° by the end of the experiment, which was larger than the angle reached under red irradiation. In fifth true leaves treated with localized blue irradiation for 6h during the daytime, the leaf epinasty level was higher than with blue light irradiation for 12h. The length of epidermal cells of the abaxial sides irradiated with blue light was 7–13% longer than under red irradiation in the absence of blue irradiation.These results suggest that in geranium, leaf epinasty is controlled by cell elongation in the abaxial epidermis triggered by blue light irradiation of the adaxial side of the leaf.