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Unpacking the Role of a Telecommuter’s Job in Their Performance: Examining Job Complexity, Problem Solving, Interdependence, and Social Support

Springer Nature
Journal of Business and Psychology
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Abstract and Figures

Despite telecommuting’s growing popularity, its implication for telecommuter job performance is a matter of on-going public debate. Moreover, empirical evidence that could address this issue is scarce and conflicting. This study therefore not only examines whether telecommuting impacts job performance, but also investigates characteristics of the telecommuter’s work that might help or hinder their ability to perform their job. Integrating work design research with theorizing about telecommuting, our theoretical framework proposes that two knowledge characteristics, namely job complexity and problem solving, and two social characteristics, specifically interdependence and social support, moderate the extent of telecommuting–job performance relationship. We test our framework using matched data from telecommuters and their supervisors (N = 273) in an organization with a voluntary telecommuting program. Findings indicate that for telecommuters who held complex jobs, for those in jobs involving low levels of interdependence and for those in jobs with low levels of social support, the extent of telecommuting had a positive association with job performance. Across all moderators considered, the extent of telecommuting’s association with job performance ranged from benign to positive; findings did not support negative associations between the extent of telecommuting and job performance regardless of the level of each moderator examined. These results suggest the need to investigate the extent of telecommuting as well as the nature of the telecommuter’s job when studying work outcomes such as job performance, and that more research is needed.
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Unpacking the Role of a Telecommuters Job in Their Performance:
Examining Job Complexity, Problem Solving, Interdependence,
and Social Support
Timothy D. Golden
&Ravi S. Gajendran
Published online: 12 February 2018
#Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
Despite telecommutings growing popularity, its implication for telecommuter job performance is a matter of on-going public
debate. Moreover, empirical evidence that could address this issue is scarce and conflicting. This study therefore not only
examines whether telecommuting impacts job performance, but also investigates characteristics of the telecommuters work that
might help or hinder their ability to perform their job. Integrating work design research with theorizing about telecommuting, our
theoretical framework proposes that two knowledge characteristics, namely job complexity and problem solving, and two social
characteristics, specifically interdependence and social support, moderate the extent of telecommutingjob performance rela-
tionship. We test our framework using matched data from telecommuters and their supervisors (N=273)inanorganizationwitha
voluntary telecommuting program. Findings indicate that for telecommuters who held complex jobs, for those in jobs involving
low levels of interdependence and for those in jobs with low levels of social support, the extent of telecommuting had a positive
association with job performance. Across all moderators considered, the extent of telecommutings association with job perfor-
mance ranged from benign to positive; findings did not support negative associations between the extent of telecommuting and
job performance regardless of the level of each moderator examined. These results suggest the need to investigate the extent of
telecommuting as well as the nature of the telecommuters job when studying work outcomes such as job performance, and that
more research is needed.
Keywords Tele comm utin g .Te lewo rk .Virtual work .Job performance .Work design research .Job characteristics
Telecommuting is a widely popular work mode that has been
experiencing rapid worldwide growth in Asia, India, Latin
America, and many other areas of the industrialized world
( 2016;Reaney2012). In the
USA alone, over 24% of the workforce uses some form of this
work arrangement (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016). Due to its
widespread adoption and its potential to impact workplace out-
comes, telecommuting has been the subject of significant high-
profile debate regarding its performance implications. Corporate
CEOs and other prominent organizational leaders have hotly
contested whether telecommuting helps or hurts employee per-
formance (Humer 2013;Swisher2013;Simons2017), with
widely publicized discourse from both supporters and detractors
(Bloom 2014; Guynn 2013;Isidore2017;Lynch2013).
While previous research addressing the implications of
telecommuting for job performance has shed important in-
sights, this research has tended to compare telecommuters to
non-telecommuters (Allen et al. 2015) utilizing self-ratings of
performance (DuBrin 1991;Hilletal.2003; Gajendran and
Harrison 2007). Indeed, prior meta-analytical evidence inves-
tigating telecommuter job performance has been based solely
on broad generalized assessments of those who Buse^
telecommuting (versus do not use telecommuting), rather than
more realistic assessments which investigate how the extent or
*Timothy D. Golden
Ravi S. Gajendran
Lally School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110
8th Street, Troy, NY 12180, USA
Department of Management and International Business, Florida
International University, Modesto A. Maidique Campus, 11200 S.W.
8th St, MANGO 472, Miami, FL 33199, USA
Journal of Business and Psychology (2019) 34:5569
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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Denna rapport ger en översikt av forskningen kring effekterna av distansarbete på både individers och företags produktivitet. Distansarbete kan ha både positiva och negativa effekter på produktiviteten. På individnivå syns en ökning av självrapporterad produktivitet under pandemin, särskilt i komplexa och självständiga yrken, medan vissa studier visar minskad produktivitet, särskilt i Japan och Kina. På företagsnivå är forskningen mer begränsad, men vissa studier visar positiva korrelationer mellan distansarbete och företagens finansiella prestationer, medan andra pekar på negativa effekter på organisationsprestationer. Viktiga faktorer som påverkar produktiviteten inkluderar arbetsmiljö, företagsstorlek, arbetsuppgifter, och individuella egenskaper som självbehärskning och livsstil.
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The chapter on work design and performance provides a review of the work characteristics that have been linked to performance outcomes such as proficiency, adaptivity, proactivity/creativity, and safety performance. Using Stephen Humphrey and colleagues' meta-analysis as a starting point, it provides an update on more recent research and broadens the perspective of relevant work characteristics. As linkage between work characteristics and performance, research on motivation, learning, and cognitive capacity is discussed. Recommendation for future research include a stronger focus on learning and cognitive capacity as explanations of how work design affects performance, incorporating a distinction of primary and secondary tasks into theorizing.
Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования психологического благополучия работников виртуальной организации. На основе анализа теоретических и прикладных работ «психологическое благополучие» определяется как «позитивное функционирование личности» (К. Рифф). Выдвинуто предположение о различии уровня психологического благополучия и его компонентов в зависимости от социально-демографических характеристик работников виртуальных организаций. Итоговую выборку составили работники виртуальных организаций (N=50, средний возраст 38.6 лет, средний стаж работы 14.3 лет). Применяемые методики: «Психологическое благополучие, К. Рифф», адаптация Жуковская Л.В., Трошихина Е.Г., 2011 г.), «Анкета общих данных дистанционных работников» (Спицына К.Р., 2021), математико-статистическая обработка эмпирических данных включает описательные статистики, проверку на нормальность распределения, корреляционный анализ, методы графического представления результатов статистического анализа. Все работники виртуальной организации имеют удовлетворительный уровень психологического благополучия, соответствующий средним значениям тестовых норм используемой методики. Сравнение групп выборки по социально-демографическим переменным позволило выделить фактор психологического благополучия работников виртуальных организаций: «профессиональный стаж» (p=0,025*). Статистически значимые различия шкал методики не обнаружены для групп с разным стажем по показателям «Компетентность», «Самопринятие». Таким образом, чувство управления средой, отношение к себе и своему прошлому в процессе получения профессионального стажа не меняется. Результаты исследования позволяют сделать вывод о влиянии профессиональной деятельности на общий уровень психологического благополучия человека в повседневной жизни, а также исследовать стратегии обеспечения позитивного функционирования личности в условиях виртуальной организации. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the psychological well-being of virtual organization workers. Based on the analysis of theoretical and applied works, «psychological well-being» is defined as «positive functioning» (C. Ryff). The difference in the level of psychological well-being and its components, depending on the socio-demographic characteristics of workers in virtual organizations is made. The final sample consisted of employees of virtual organizations (N = 50, average age 38.6 years, average work experience 14.3 years). Applied methods: «Psychological well-being, C. Ryff», adaptation Zhukovskaya L.V., Troshikhina E.G., 2011), «Questionnaire of general data of teleworkers» (Spitsyna K.R., 2021), mathematical and statistical processing of empirical data includes descriptive statistics, checking for normality of distribution, correlation analysis, methods of graphical presentation of the results of statistical analysis. All employees of the virtual organization have a satisfactory level of psychological well-being, corresponding to the average values of the test norms of the methodology used. Comparison of the sample groups by socio-demographic variables made it possible to reveal the factor of psychological well-being of employees of virtual organizations: «work experience» (p = 0.025*). Statistically significant differences in the scales of the method were not found for groups with different work experience in terms of «Competence», «Self-acceptance». Thus, the feeling of being in control of the environment, attitude towards oneself and one's past in the process of gaining professional experience does not change. The results of the study allow us to conclude about the influence of professional activity on the general level of psychological well-being of a person in everyday life, as well as to study strategies for ensuring the positive functioning of a person in a virtual organization.
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This meta-analysis investigated the correlation between attitudinal commitment and job performance for 3,630 employees obtained from 27 independent studies across various levels of employee tenure. Controlling for employee age and other nuisance variables, the authors found that tenure had a very strong nonlinear moderating effect on the commitment-performance correlation, with correlations tending to decrease exponentially with increasing tenure. These findings do not appear to be the result of differences across studies in terms of the type of performance measure (supervisory vs. self), type of tenure (job vs. organizational), or commitment measure (Organizational Commitment Questionnaire [L. W. Porter, R. M. Steers, R. T. Mowday, & P. V. Boulian, 1974] vs. other). The implications and future research directions of these results are discussed.
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Purpose We developed and tested an integrative model centering on the significance of trust as a basis for managers’ decisions about allowing versus prohibiting their employees to telework. We examined the importance of trust in relation to several other factors managers may consider in making telework decisions including coordination and communication, equity, and a desire to accommodate employees. Design/Methodology/Approach Study 1 was a policy capturing investigation of 71 respondents intended to document the relative importance and interactions among trust and these other theoretically based factors. Study 2 was a test of the full theoretical model based on the responses of 85 managers who reported on these considerations for the 191 employees about whom they make telework decisions. Findings Results from the two studies were largely consistent. Managers’ assessments of employees’ conscientiousness and trustworthiness were paramount in predicting telework allowance, with the other theoretically based considerations generally failing to attenuate the importance of those personal assessments. Implications Organizations wishing to increase the use of telework (e.g., by implementing manager telework training) must directly address managers’ mistrust as a factor underlying this resistance. Job-related and technological changes may not dampen the effects of mistrust. Originality To our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive and theoretically grounded assessment of the various considerations factoring into managers’ telework decisions.
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The aim of this chapter is to zoom in on the process through which organizations can improve the working conditions for their employees by offering them the opportunity to do so themselves. This process is called job crafting and can be seen as a specific form of proactive behaviour in which the employee initiates changes in the level of job demands and job resources to make their own job more meaningful, engaging and satisfying. Our basic premise is that job crafting can be used next to top-down approaches to improve jobs in order to overcome the inadequacies of job redesign approaches. Job crafting can also be used to respond to the complexity of contemporary jobs and to deal with the needs of the current workforce. Job crafting. Available from: [accessed May 04 2018].