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With the development of technology it has become necessary to construct new infrastructures. It may have a certain effect on the environment. Proper planning and assessments are required to determine the results of the particular or a group of infrastructures. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a method that can incorporate every single condition. This task is performed at several steps. Doing some studies on the present conditions all required information are collected and then experiments are performed to determine impacts on environments. Social impact assessment (SIA) is also important to evaluate the result of social and impact of the respective improvement. These assessments help to eliminate or reduce the additional costs of further problem solving regarding social & environmental hazards because required preventive steps can be taken before. This paper overviews total EIA and SIA along with a complete relation between those assessment methods.

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Waste water treatment is an important issue because of lessening water resources. The primary reason for waste water treatment process is to expel the different constituents of the polluting load: solids, natural carbon, supplements, inorganic salts, metals, pathogens and so on. In this paper, mainly decentralized method is considered as a solution. A new rural wastewater treatment process is introduced with proper planning and designing by using empirical equations. This paper exhibits the waste water treatment technologies present in Bangladesh, to expel contaminants from wastewater, for example, halogenated hydrocarbon mixes, overwhelming metals, colors, pesticides, and herbicides, which speak to the fundamental toxins in waste water. This research shows that the proposed decentralized system is more feasible economically and environmentally (about 75% BOD removal), since the centralized system needs modern machineries and high initial investment. To design a sustainable wastewater treatment system for developing area, further assessment on environmental, health, social and institutional aspects are recommended.
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An inspection of signal processing approach in order to estimate underwater network cardinalities is conducted in this research. A matter of key prominence for underwater network is its cardinality estimation as the number of active cardinalities varies several times due to numerous natural and artificial reasons due to harsh underwater circumstances. So a proper estimation technique is mandatory to continue an underwater network properly. To solve the problem we used a statistical tool called cross-correlation technique, which is a significant aspect in signal processing approach. We have considered the mean of cross-correlation function (CCF) of the cardinalities as the estimation parameter in order to reduce the complexity compared to the former techniques. We have used a suitable acoustic signal called CHIRP signal for the estimation purpose which can ensure better performance for harsh underwater practical conditions. The process is shown for both two and three sensors cases. And last of all, we have verified this proposed theory by a simulation from the MATLAB programming environment.
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Water pollution is one of the significant dangers to general wellbeing in Bangladesh. Drinking water quality is inadequately overseen and checked. Bangladesh positions at number 86 among 142 countries with respect to drinking water quality. Drinking water sources, both surface and groundwater are debased with coliforms, harmful metals and pesticides all through the nation. Different drinking water quality parameters set by WHO are every now and again damaged. Human exercises like uncalled for transfer of civil and mechanical effluents and aimless utilizations of agrochemicals in agribusiness are the principle factors adding to the crumbling of water quality. Microbial and substance contaminations are the primary elements mindful solely or in mix for different general medical issues. This paper presents a detailed layout of water quality in Bangladesh with unique accentuation on significant poisons, sources and causes of pollution. The information introduced in this paper are extracted from different surveys and reports distributed in national and global journals. Likewise reports discharged by the government and NGO associations are incorporated.
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Research policy makers, funding agencies, universities and government organizations evaluate research output or impact based on the traditional citation count, peer review, h-index and journal impact factors. These impact measures also known as bibliometric indicators are limited to the academic community and cannot provide the broad perspective of research impact in public, government or business. The understanding that scholarly impact outside scientific and academic sphere has given rise to an area of scientometrics called alternative metrics or “altmetrics.” Moreover, researchers in this area incline to center around gauging scientific activity via social media, namely Twitter. However, these count-based measurements of impact are sensitive to gaming as they lack concrete references to the primary source. In this work, we expand a conventional citation graph to a heterogeneous graph of publications, scientists, venues, organizations based on more reliable social media sources such as mainstream news and weblogs. Our method is composed of two components: the first one is combining the bibliometric data with social media data like blogs and mainstream news. The second component investigates how standard graph-based metrics can be applied to a heterogeneous graph to predict the academic impact. Our result showed moderate correlations and positive associations between the computed graph-based metrics with academic impact and also reasonably predict the academic impact of researchers.
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The “International Principles for Social Impact Assessment” is a statement of the core values of the SIA community together with a set of principles to guide SIA practice and the consideration of ‘the social’ in environmental impact assessment generally. It is a discussion document for the impact assessment community to be used as the basis for developing sector and national guidelines. In the process of being developed explicitly for an international context, increasing pressure was placed on the conventional understanding of SIA and a new definition, with official imprimatur of an international professional body, has been formalised. “Social Impact Assessment includes the processes of analysing, monitoring and managing the intended and unintended social consequences, both positive and negative, of planned interventions (policies, programs, plans, projects) and any social change processes invoked by those interventions. Its primary purpose is to bring about a more sustainable and equitable biophysical and human environment.”
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This paper discusses why integration is important in doing research for developing policy and practice of sustainable environmental management. The imperative of integration includes environmental, social, economic, and other disciplinary considerations, as well as stakeholder interests. However, what is meant by integration is not always clear. While the imperative is being increasingly enunciated, the challenges it presents are difficult and indicate a long term pursuit. This paper clarifies the different dimensions of integration, as an important preliminary step toward advancing mutual understanding and the development of approaches. The paper identifies the driving forces for integration, discusses when integration is required, categorises forms of integration, and proposes principles to inform research programs and projects.
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Public health professionals often are asked to investigate apparent clusters of human health events, or "disease clusters." A cluster is an excess of cases in space (a geographic cluster), in time (a temporal cluster), or in both space and time. This is part I of an introductory-level review of the analysis of disease clusters for physicians and health professionals concerned with infection surveillance in hospitals. It reviews the status of the field with the hope of expanding the use of cluster analysis methods for the routine surveillance of infectious disease in the hospital environment.
Protected areas are the most widely applied policy tool for biodiversity conservation. However, effective management of protected areas is often obstructed by conflicts mainly associated with the social impacts imposed on local communities and other users by their establishment. Despite the importance of these social impacts they remain significantly under-researched. There is now an increasing need to incorporate social impacts in decision making processes by providing accurate estimations and develop ways to forecast their change in the future. Considering the increase of studies identifying this need, the present paper aims to indicate three main directions that will assist in designing effective tools for measuring and most importantly understanding social impacts: a) perceptions on social impacts of individuals who are directly affected by protected areas need to be incorporated in management evaluation techniques in a meaningful and accurate way and be combined with objective measurements of impact; b) understanding the factors determining the actual and perceived levels of social impacts is a key step for the design of effective management frameworks of protected areas and c) social impacts should not be seen as static concepts but should be seen as a dynamic and long-term factor which needs to be incorporated in decision-making processes.
The derived waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE, or e-waste) has become a global issue in the areas of environmental pollution, resource recycling, and sustainable industry. China is not only the largest producer and consumer of EEE, but also the country seriously polluted from illegal e-waste importation and informal recycling. In the past decade, China demonstrated a whole process of e-waste adventure: from serious pollution in the start to regulation controlling in the present. Here, we specifically examine the past adventure of e-waste management related to legislation system, and seek to outline the lessons and gaps. The proposed corresponding suggestions of policy could contribute to future China's e-waste management and provide a valuable reference for other countries and regions.
Cleaner production methods and environmental management practices are tools that strive for production process efficiency, the use of its input and the generation of industrial waste. These tools can significantly contribute to sustainable product innovation, due to the rational use of natural resources and the minimization of generated wastes. This study aims to measure the relations between the conditions for sustainable product innovation, considering the constructs of cleaner production and environmental management. It also examines the relationship between sustainable conditions and product innovation and financial performance as well as the size of the moderating effect of the companies on the relationship between the constructs. In this context, a Survey in 762 companies of different sizes was carried out in a leading metal-mechanic sector in Brazil. Structural Equation Modeling methods were used for results analysis. The research highlights that both Cleaner production and Environmental Management influence positively the achievement of Sustainable Product Innovation. The surveyed companies developing Sustainable Product Innovation Financial had higher performance in comparison to other companies. Another result of this study shows the strong relationship between the constructs “Cleaner production” and “Environmental Management”. It is recommended that companies combine these constructs to increase the results of sustainable innovation and financial gain. Accordingly, the way for companies to produce new environmentally sustainable products is through the presence of cleaner production and environmental management practices. The scientific value of this research is to provide for the academic community a framework for the analysis of the relations of the categories constitutes the main contribution, as well as providing management information to decide on the implementation of sustainability programs, resulting in higher financial gains through product innovations sustainable.
Proactive environmental management initiatives such as pollution prevention, cleaner production and sustainability are inherently multi-objective processes that require joint considerations of environmental, industrial, economic and social criteria in all stages of decision making. The success of such initiatives, however, depends on the solidity and the relevance of their strategic frameworks. This paper proposes strategic positioning of pollution prevention and clean production projects via design of a sustainable environmental management system (SEMS) that is responsive to regulatory requirements, and is relevant to industry culture and business structure. Built on the traditional and familiar environmental management system platform and the requirements of the multi-criteria decision making models ELECTRE III, the SEMS is capable of supporting design and implementation of defensible solutions to environmental problems industry face today according to sustainability criteria. The ELECTRE III model was selected as an integral part of the framework due to its ease of application, flexibility in design and selection of performance criteria, and capability to identify the best management solutions by giving an order of preference to multiple alternatives. The proposed SEMS framework is also in line with the Rio+20 sustainable development goals, objectives and guidelines that call for action and result-oriented strategies and institutional frameworks that could account for multiple stakeholders' key issues while suggesting environmental solutions according to the three dimensions of sustainable development. A case study that demonstrates the management of waste streams at a manufacturer of energy drinks and diet bars is provided to demonstrate how the SEMS can be designed and implemented.
A review of methods for the analysis of the geographical distribution of disease is presented. The topic is of increasing interest to statisticians, though much groundwork has been done by epidemiologists and medical geographers. Methods for the detection and testing for apparent clusters of disease, including those near a possible environmental hazard, are reviewed. Estimating regional mortality rates, possibly to construct disease maps, and methods for investigating the association between disease rates and social, demographic and environmental factors are discussed. In addition, statistical analysis of the spatial spread of epidemics is mentioned.
Social learning in environmental management: towards a sustainable future
  • Meg Keen
  • A Valerie
Keen, Meg, Valerie A. Brown, and Rob Dyball, eds. Social learning in environmental management: towards a sustainable future. Routledge, 2005.
  • K J Rothman
SolarAssisted Micro Hybridized Auto-Rickshaw (Engine Driven)
  • Md Arefin
  • Avijit Arman
  • Mallik
Arefin, Md Arman, and Avijit Mallik. "SolarAssisted Micro Hybridized Auto-Rickshaw (Engine Driven)."
Cluster investigation chapter
  • M Busby
  • A Kreis
  • I Kreis
  • I A Busby
  • A Leonardi
  • G S Meara
  • J Murray
Netherlands guidance: in Drijver, M, Busby, A., Kreis, I.A (2013) Cluster investigation chapter, in Essentials of Environmental Epidemiology for Health Protection, A handbook for field professionals, Kreis, I. A, Busby, A., Leonardi, G.S, Meara, J. and Murray, V. chapter 19, pages 199-211.