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A synthetic approach to the delimitation of the Prague Metropolitan Area

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Maps

Abstract and Figures

The main objective of this paper is to apply a synthetic approach to the delimitation of metropolitan areas, which combines traditional commuting data from the population census with alternative approaches. The presented delimitation, which was originally realized in response to a request from Prague’s planning authority, is based on three methodological pillars: the use of economic and social aspects of metropolization; suburbanization; and daily mobility within the Prague Metropolitan Area. Integrated systems of centers calculated from population census data are complemented with the use of mobile phone data. There was a surprising level of similarity in the spatial patterns gained from the two methods. Zones of residential suburbanization and time spent in the core city provided a complex perspective on the daily urban system within the Prague Metropolitan Area. A synthetic map based on the four methods is provided, accompanied by five analytical maps on a smaller scale.
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A synthetic approach to the delimitation of the
Prague Metropolitan Area
Martin Ouředníček, Jiří Nemeškal, Petra Špačková, Martin Hampl & Jakub
To cite this article: Martin Ouředníček, Jiří Nemeškal, Petra Špačková, Martin Hampl & Jakub
Novák (2018) A synthetic approach to the delimitation of the Prague Metropolitan Area, Journal of
Maps, 14:1, 26-33, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2017.1422446
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Social Science
A synthetic approach to the delimitation of the Prague Metropolitan Area
Martin Ouředníček ,Jiří Nemeškal, Petra Špačková, Martin Hampl and Jakub Novák
Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Urban and Regional Laboratory, Charles University, Prague,
The main objective of this paper is to apply a synthetic approach to the delimitation of
metropolitan areas, which combines traditional commuting data from the population
census with alternative approaches. The presented delimitation, which was originally
realized in response to a request from Pragues planning authority, is based on three
methodological pillars: the use of economic and social aspects of metropolization;
suburbanization; and daily mobility within the Prague Metropolitan Area. Integrated systems
of centers calculated from population census data are complemented with the use of
mobile phone data. There was a surprising level of similarity in the spatial patterns gained
from the two methods. Zones of residential suburbanization and time spent in the core city
provided a complex perspective on the daily urban system within the Prague Metropolitan
Area. A synthetic map based on the four methods is provided, accompanied by five
analytical maps on a smaller scale.
Received 24 May 2017
Revised 13 December 2017
Accepted 16 December 2017
Regionalization; commuting;
suburbanization; mobile
phone data; Prague
Metropolitan Area; Czechia
1. Introduction
The delimitation of metropolitan areas is one of the
traditional practical tasks in urban/settlement geogra-
phy and planning. Frey and Zimmer (2001) offer an
overview of different approaches to the delimitation
of metropolitan areas in which they distinguish eco-
logical, economic, and social aspects of delimitation.
Ecological approaches use basic criteria connected to
population size and density. Within the Czech tra-
dition of settlement geography, the so-called areas of
maximal population density developed by Jaromír Kor-
čák (1966) serve as an example of this approach. This
method was further developed by Martin Hampl
(Hampl, Gardavský, & Kühnl, 1987). Economic
approaches to the delimitation of metropolitan areas
employ measures such as the economic structure of
the population, commuting patterns, and concen-
tration of jobs. This approach led to the establishment
of various definitions of metropolitan areas in the form
of metropolitan statistical areas, functional urban areas,
or metropolitan labor areas (Hall & Hay, 1980;John-
ston, 2009;Kostelecký & Čermák, 2004;Kraft, Halás,
&Vančura, 2014;Sýkora & Mulíček, 2009;van den
Berg, Drewett, Klaassen, Rossi, & Vijverberg, 1982).
The incorporation of social aspects is relatively rare
in comparison with the former two approaches and
involves consideration of softcharacteristics such as
urban lifestyle, social climate, residential satisfaction,
and social cohesion (Doležalová & Ouředníček, 2006;
Špačková, Dvořáková, & Tobrmanová, 2016;Špačková
&Ouředníček, 2012).
The main objective of the present paper is to apply a
synthetic approach to the delimitation of metropolitan
areas, which combines traditional commuting data
obtained from the population census with alternative
approaches and new sources of data connected to
more economic and social aspects of metropolization
and suburbanization. The delimitation of the Prague
Metropolitan Area (PMA) originated from a request
from Pragues planning authority, the Institute for
Planning and Development of the Capital City of Pra-
gue, for Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI), which
is a new tool introduced by the European Structural
and Investment Funds. ITI aims to make it easier to
manage territorial strategies that require funding
from multiple sources and to promote a more place-
basedform of policy making (European Commission,
2014). This is of particular importance in the case of
the Prague Metropolitan Area, which is located at the
junction of two self-governed administrative regions
with different policies, strategies, and planning docu-
ments. For example, Prague and the Central Bohemia
Region have two separate regional master plans, and
the area within the administrative borders of the city
of Prague is coordinated independently from the
remainder of the metropolitan area. This leads to the
main research question in the present paper: Is it
© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of Journal of Maps
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted
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CONTACT Martin Ouředníček Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development,
Urban and Regional Laboratory, Charles University, Albertov 6, Prague 2, Prague 128 43, Czechia
VOL. 14, NO. 1, 2633
possible to employ a common tool for metropolitan
planning and more specifically to overcome the con-
temporary polarity of the self-governed administrative
division within the Prague Metropolitan Area? A deli-
mitation of the Prague Metropolitan Area can be per-
ceived as one of the first steps towards more
coordinated governance of the largest urban center in
In the Czech context, the term metropolitan areais
closely related to the process of metropolization, which
can be perceived as a high level of urbanization featur-
ing a profound spatial division of labor and a growing
inter-relationship between different parts of the
regional settlement system (Musil, 1967, p. 203). The
metropolitan area is a functional region that is formed
through the socio-spatial division of labor, and func-
tions between different settlements of the region. This
functional differentiation developed during the prein-
dustrial, industrial, and post-industrial periods of the
settlement system (see Figure 1). The contemporary
development of the settlement system and large metro-
politan regions features reciprocal (centripetal and cen-
trifugal) relationships, the organic cooperation of
settlements, and high spatial concentrations of contacts
within the metropolitan region (Hampl et al., 1987;
Hampl, 2005). The first pillar of our methodological
approach to the delimitation of the Prague Metropoli-
tan Region (Integrated systems of centers) is developed
from these ideas.
The most important urban process contributing to
the internal differentiation of metropolitan regions in
post-socialist countries is suburbanization (Ouřední-
ček, 2007;Pászto, Brychtová, Tuček,Marek,&Burian,
2015 in this journal). Suburbanization can be defined
as the movement of populations and their activities
(residential function, jobs, services, administration,
etc.) from the core cities to the hinterland. Both the
residential and commercial forms of suburbanization
are developed around Prague (Sýkora & Ouředníček,
2007), but monitoring residential suburbanization is
more useful for the delimitation of a metropolitan
region. While locations alongside the main highways
and radial patterns are more characteristic of the dis-
tribution of commercial functions (logistics, hyper-
markets, and offices), residential suburbanization
creates concentric patterns of new development. The
distinctive features of residential suburbanization
are new housing construction and the migration of
the population from the core city of the metropolitan
area (similarly Halás, Klapka, & Tonev, 2016). There-
fore, these two measures migration from the core
city to the hinterland and intensity of housing con-
struction are used in the present paper for the deli-
mitation of zones of residential suburbanization
(Ouředníček, Špačková, & Novák, 2013), which rep-
resents the second pillar of our methodological
There is another form of spatial mobility, in
addition to migration, that can be used to identify
daily urban systems (Doxiadis, 1970). In accordance
with concepts of timespace geography (Hägerstrand,
1982), individual mobility within the metropolitan
area for various kinds of activities can structure the
social and functional environment of that metropolitan
region (Giddens, 1984;Novák & Sýkora, 2007). The
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University
College London has developed systematic studies of
daily mobilities within cities (Kitchin, 2014;Zhong
et al., 2016). Daily routines within the metropolitan
area can be traced using data from mobile phone oper-
ators on an aggregate level (Ahas, Laineste, Aasa, &
Mark, 2007,2009,2010;Pospíšilová & Novák, 2016).
For example, such data were used for mapping com-
muting patterns and functional regionalization in Esto-
nia (Novák, Ahas, Aasa, & Silm, 2013 in this journal).
In the case of Pragues hinterland, mobile phone data
were employed in a case study of the Dolní Břežany
suburb (Novák & Novobilský, 2013). Mapping of
daily paths using mobile phone data is, therefore, the
third pillar of our methodological approach.
The main map presented here is a cartographic syn-
thesis of these three different pillars used to deliminate
the Prague Metropolitan Area based on statistical ana-
lyses and the combination of results from each pillar.
The area consists of 14 administrative units the Capi-
tal City of Prague and 13 adjacent areas of municipali-
ties with extended powers (MEPs) (official units of
public administration). Each partial pillar is visualized
in one or two smaller scale maps.
2. Methods and data
2.1. General approach to the delimitation of the
Prague Metropolitan Area
The delimitation of the Prague Metropolitan Area is
based on several inter-related requirements. First, we
aim to use theoretically and methodically verified con-
cepts and to base the final delimitation on the triangu-
lation of these concepts. At the same time, however, we
test the relevance of new data sources used for such
Second, the delimitation must reflect primarily the
socio-economic relations in the regions. The Prague
Metropolitan Area should represent the region of
intensive daily contacts (thus being smaller than the
settlement agglomeration) of a centripetal, centrifugal,
or tangential character. Also, the spatial arrangements
of both existing and planned structures and networks
(mainly connected to transport) should be reflected.
While reflecting these requirements, we delimit the
Prague Metropolitan Area through a synthesis of four
different methods, which combine population census
data, annual statistics of migration and housing
construction, and mobile phone location data. The
different methods are used to delimit (i) the integrated
system of centers based on commuting patterns (first
pillar); (ii) the integrated system of centers based on
mobile phone location data (first pillar); (iii) residential
suburban zones (second pillar); and (iv) the average
time spent in Prague by local populations (third pillar).
The essential basic requirement of policymakers and
practitioners is to delimit the Prague Metropolitan
Area at the level of administrative areas where planning
authorities already exist. Therefore, we chose the
spatial unit of delimitation to be the administrative dis-
tricts of MEPs,
representing areas of decentralized
state government (building offices, cadastral offices,
planning offices etc.). For very similar reasons, the Pra-
gue Metropolitan Area should not exceed the area of
the Central Bohemia Region. In addition, integrated
functional units in the form of sub-regions, micro-
regions, catchment areas, or daily contact areas should
be delimited on the borders of the Prague Metropolitan
Area to enable local actors to participate actively in the
ITI program.
We present a mosaic of six maps. First, there are five
smaller scale analytical maps: two showing the inte-
grated system of centers (commuting patterns and
mobile phone location data; first pillar)), two for resi-
dential suburban zones (second pillar), and one for
the average time spent in Prague (third pillar). Second,
we provide one synthetic map displaying the final deli-
mitation of Prague Metropolitan Area. We describe the
different maps below.
2.2. The integrated system of centers
The methodology used to produce the integrated sys-
tem of centers (ISC) is derived from the ideas of
socio-geographic regionalization, and particularly the
theory of Martin Hampl (Hampl, 2005). It is based
on an analysis of the mutual commuting relationships
within the municipalities of the Central Bohemia
Region. The density/concentration of spatial contacts
within inner units of metropolitan areas are measured
through the combined distances involved in work and
school commutes between different pairs of municipa-
lities, measured according to the road distance between
units. The data are derived from the results of the last
Population Census conducted by the Czech Statistical
Office in 2011, where places of residence and places
of work are combined with commuting streams of all
municipalities. By road distance, we mean the shortest
distance by motorway or first or second class roads.
This definition of spatial contacts density is signifi-
cantly conditioned by a units population, the number
of jobs it contains, and its school sizes. It is, therefore,
appropriate to limit the monitoring to relatively large
units. Therefore, Hampl introduced a criterion of com-
plex functional size (CFS) and, based on the results of
previous studies (e.g. Hampl, 2005), set its minimum
threshold to 2500. CFS is defined as an average of
shares according to two functions: residential (one-
third; the number of people living there) and working
(two-thirds; the number of jobs) parts (see Hampl,
1999, p. 43). These weights can better describe the
Figure 1. Development of the spatial structure of the socio-geographical system. Source: Hampl et al. (1987).
significance of cities not only as residential but also as
job centers. The centers are mainly identified with
municipalities, but in some cases, municipalities are
merged into agglomerations (e.g. Beroun and Králův
There is a relative continuity in the distribution of
the intensity of interactions between pairs of centers
in the Central Bohemia Region. However, it is appro-
priate to distinguish at least three levels of intensity
(strong, medium, and weak) and to define a three-
tier ISC. In the particular case of the Prague Metropo-
litan Area, it is possible to distinguish only two distinct
zones: the core zone connected by strong ties, and the
wider/marginal zone connected primarily by weak ties
(see the map Integrated system of centers 2011). The
core zone represents a dominant part of the entire
PMA and consists of a circle of centers including Ber-
oun, Kladno, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Neratovice, Bran-
dýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, Říčany a Černošice.
The wider delimitation includes the MEPs of Český
Brod, Slaný, Mělník, and Lysá nad Labem. Two
MEPs in the southern part of the Central Bohemia
region have ties that are too weak to be incorporated
in the ISC of the Prague Metropolitan Area.
2.3. The integrated system of centers based on
mobile phone location data
The characteristics of mobile phone data allow us to
repeat methodically almost the same procedure as in
the previous case of the ISC based on census data.
However, the different nature of the data should be
highlighted. While the population census data cover
the entire population, mobile phone spatial data
show a representative sample of the population only.
Therefore, it is not possible to assume the same
thresholds for the density of spatial contacts, and two
partial changes are made in the delimitation by mobile
phone spatial data. First, we use a different set of spatial
units among which the density of spatial contacts is
assessed. In addition to centers with a CFS of 2500
and higher, the set is further extended to centers that
do not reach this CFS threshold, but which have a
population of over 2500. This change makes the ISC
delimitation more precise. Second, the thresholds for
distinguishing various levels of spatial contact density
are set differently, and we use a relativization according
to the average value of spatial ties between selected cen-
ters. Subsequently, three categories for the intensity of
ties based on frequency distribution are defined as
weak (300600), medium (6011500), and strong
(1501 and more).
At this point, the basic three-tier framework of the
Prague ISC is created. The presence of any town in
the set of spatial units implies the inclusion of that par-
ticular MEP in the Prague Metropolitan Area. The
maximum value of the intensity in each MEP then
determines its classification in the three-tier metropo-
litan area delimitation. Although it does not meet the
defined criteria, the MEP of Český Brod in the eastern
part of the metropolitan area is also included in the ISC
because of the character of its spatial ties at lower levels
(municipalities) and its territorial integrity (see the
map Integrated system of centers based on mobile
phones location data 2014).
2.4. Residential suburbs
Residential suburbanization is operationalized as
migration (the change of permanent residence) of the
population from the core cities of metropolitan regions
to their hinterlands (see the detailed description of the
theoretical framework in Ouředníček et al., 2013). The
spatial level of a municipality is chosen as a basic stat-
istical unit to monitor the extent of suburbanization.
Although suburban development can also be found
within the administrative borders of cities (especially
in Prague), we do not take these cases into account
when assessing macro-regional patterns of suburbani-
zation. The delimitation of the zone of residential sub-
urbanization is carried out in two consecutive steps.
First, all municipalities with at least 10,000 inhabi-
tants are labeled as possible cores of suburban
migration, except large suburban municipalities in
the close hinterland of Prague (among which Brandýs
nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, Říčany, Čelákovice, and
Milovice exceed this size). Second, we set the criteria
for selecting municipalities affected by the suburbani-
zation process. These criteria include: (i) the new devel-
opment of residential function, defined as the intensity
of housing construction (a minimum of 20 dwelling
units in the period of 19972012), (ii) a high intensity
of migration from the core city to the suburb, defined
as a minimal share of suburban in-migrants originating
in the core city (a minimum of 30% or 40% in the case
of two core cities, e.g. Prague and Kladno), and (iii) a
high ratio between population sizes of suburb and
core city (a minimum of 1:20 or 1:5 in the case of
less populated core cities). All data were collected by
the Czech Statistical Office; the intensity of housing
construction use the number of finished dwellings
during the period 19972012, migration data cover
all registered changes of permanent living during the
same period. More details on the delimitation criteria
can be found in Ouředníček, Nemeškal, Hampl, Špačk-
ová, & Novák, 2014;Špačková, Ouředníček, Novák, &
Křivka, 2014).
In total, we delimit three suburban zones based on
the different intensity of the suburbanization process
in the hinterland of core cities in the Central Bohemia
Region, and 376 of these municipalities are located in
Pragues hinterland (see the map Residential suburban
zones in the hinterland of Prague 2012). In the next
step, we determine the share of suburban municipalities
within the total number of municipalities in terms of
MEPs in which at least five Prague suburban municipa-
lities are located. The threshold for the inclusion of an
MEP into the Prague Metropolitan Area is defined as
25% (i.e. at least a quarter of municipalities must be Pra-
gue suburbs). Supplementary threshold values to cap-
ture the intensity of suburbanization in the
metropolitan region are set at 4070% (see the map
Structure of residential suburban zones in the hinterland
of Prague 2012).
2.5. Average daily time spent in Prague
Mobile phone location data (see description in note 2)
also allow us to capture how intensively the Central
Bohemian Region inhabitants use the territory of Pra-
gue. In general, the intensity of use is defined as the
average time which municipal inhabitants spend in
different parts of Prague and the Central Bohemian
Region. We used the indicator of average time spent
in Prague as an alternative way to delimit the metropo-
litan area. Based on the distribution of indicator values,
we define the thresholds to distinguish various degrees
of the intensity of use of the territory of Prague. Then a
four-tier scale of the choropleth map was prepared,
using intervals of 5.1 hours and more, 2.15 hours,
1.12 hours, and 1 hour and less.
The MEP regions are included in the metropolitan
area if they meet the criterion of a minimum share of
municipalities in particular categories defined accord-
ing to the average daily time spent in Prague. The distri-
bution of municipalities according to the average daily
time spent in Prague depicts fairly sharp boundaries
that allow us to delimit a three-tier metropolitan area.
The threshold for the inclusion of an MEP into the Pra-
gue Metropolitan Area is defined as at least 60% of
municipalities whose inhabitants spend at least 1 hour
per day in Prague. Supplementary threshold values to
capture the intensity of the daily use of Prague are set
at 50% and 90% of municipalities whose inhabitants
spend at least 2 hours per day in Prague.
This analysis of mobile phone location data shows
somewhat different areas compared to previous delimi-
tations and also includes the MEPs of Benešov, Dobříš
or Český Brod; generally, MEPs with small population
sizes. Along with the use of residential suburbanization
zones, this method rectifies the significant influence of
center size, which is inherent in the calculation of the
integrated system of centers.
3. Results and discussion: The delimitation
of the Prague Metropolitan Area
The final step in the delimitation of the Prague Metro-
politan Area is to synthesize the research outcomes of
the four partial approaches described above. We used
the following criteria for inclusion of a MEP into the
Prague Metropolitan Area: (i) the presence of a city
integrated into Pragues integrated system of centers
as delimited on the basis of data from the 2011 Census
(commuting data) and a strong level of relationship
(the thresholds of spatial contact density are set at 90
and 40 respectively), (ii) the presence of a city inte-
grated into Pragues integrated system of centers as
delimited on the basis of mobile phone location data
(2014) and a strong level of relationship (the thresholds
of relativized spatial contact density are set at 1500,
600, and 300, respectively), (iii) a high proportion of
the municipalities within the MEP are included in Pra-
gues residential suburban zone (the thresholds are set
at 50% and 25% respectively), and (iv) a high pro-
portion of municipalities whose inhabitants spend on
average at least one (or two) hours per day in Prague
(the threshold was set at 40%). The thresholds were
set by the authors on the basis of natural breaks within
the empirical distribution of values with the aim to
clearly differentiate three levels of integration of
MEPs into the PMA, which is expressed by two, one,
or no asterisks within the individual cells of Table 1.
By applying these criteria, we can delimit the Prague
Metropolitan Area and within this distinguish two
types of metropolitan area based on the level of inte-
gration of MEPs into the PMA (see the main map Pra-
gue Metropolitan Area). The Inner Prague
Metropolitan Area (IPMA) includes those administra-
tive districts of MEPs which show a very strong level of
integration with Prague in at least three out of four cri-
teria and a strong level of integration in the remaining
one. The IPMA is comprised of seven administrative
districts of MEPs, which either share administrative
boundaries with Prague (Černošice, Brandýs nad
Labem-Stará Boleslav, Říčany) or have strong long-
term commuting ties to Prague (Kladno, Neratovice,
Kralupy nad Vltavou, and Beroun).
The delimitation of the Outer Prague Metropolitan
Area (OPMA) consists of administrative districts of
MEPs that show a strong level of integration with Pra-
gue in at least two criteria. It is interesting to note that
the IPMA and the OPMA are distinguishable when
commuting patterns are considered (the integrated sys-
tems of centers). The OPMA includes six administra-
tive districts of MEPs with different functions in
relation to Prague. Northern districts constitute the
commuting area (to work and school) and have good
transport accessibility to Prague (Slaný and Mělník).
They have good economic relations with Prague and
other centers in the metropolitan area. On the contrary,
southern and eastern districts represent the residential
and recreational hinterland of Prague with smaller cen-
ters and with potential for the development of suburba-
nization (Český Brod, Lysá nad Labem, Benešov, and
Dobříš). In general, the OPMA is an area of anticipated
(and to a large extent also certain) future growth within
the Prague Metropolitan Area.
In total, the Prague Metropolitan Area consists of 14
administrative districts of MEPs and 515 municipali-
ties. More than 2 million inhabitants live there in an
area of 5000 km
. Although it occupies only 5% of
the total area of the Czech Republic, almost 20% of
the Czech population is concentrated in the Prague
Metropolitan Region. For more detailed information,
see Table 2.
4. Conclusions
The synthetic delimitation of the Prague Metropolitan
Area includes the capital city of Prague, an inner
metropolitan area consisting of seven districts of
MEPs, and an outer metropolitan area with six other
districts of MEPs. While the inner part of the metropo-
litan area is strongly integrated into the capital, the
outer part represents a potential area of the city for
future spatial development and influence. Four differ-
ent approaches were used to delimit the Prague Metro-
politan Area. First, we used the traditional method of
defining an integrated system of centers on the basis
of data on commuting to work and school from the
2011 Population census. Second, the delimitation was
based on three zones of residential suburbanization;
i.e. the connectivity of suburbia with the core cities
and the intensity of housing construction. Third and
fourth, a completely new approach was applied for
the first time in the Czech Republic using mobile
phone data to show the integrated systems of centers
and average time spent in Prague.
While the results of the two methods based on com-
muting (either from census data or mobile data) pro-
duced very similar spatial patterns, the delimitation
of the metropolitan area based on average time spent
in Prague showed surprising outcomes in the form of
a relatively narrow area in which intensive contact
takes place between suburban residents and Prague.
This raises the possibility of the establishment of new
suburban nodes with relatively autonomous micro-
regional centers including education (kindergartens
and elementary schools), basic healthcare, local admin-
istration, retail, and other services meeting the daily
needs of people within the catchment areas around
these centers. In the case of residential suburbaniza-
tion, the results have confirmed the relatively intensive
development of the southern part of the metropolitan
area with its attractive natural conditions for residential
functions, which is also the traditional recreational hin-
terland of Prague. Although the methods used in the
analysis could not cover the recreational function
(weekend commuting to cottages), we believe that
most concentrations of second homes are included
within the delimited area.
Table 1. The delimitation of Prague Metropolitan Area: a synthetic evaluation.
Name of MEP
Integrated system of
centers (Census data,
2011): spatial contact
Integrated system of
centers (mobile phone
location data, 2014):
relative spatial contact
Residential suburban
zone: the share of
Pragues suburbs
Average daily time spent in Prague:
the share of municipalities whose
inhabitants spend on average at least
one (two) hours daily in Prague
Type of
Černošice 204 (Roztoky)** 3817** 93.7** 100.0 (98.7)** Inner
Brandýs nad
132** 5613** 86.2** 100.0 (98.3)**
Říčany 155** 2832** 84.6** 100.0 (96.2)**
Kladno 276** 2507** 62.5** 89.6 (33.3)*
Beroun 104** 509* 45.8** 97.9 (64.6)**
Neratovice 97** 581* 50.0** 100.0 (33.3)**
Kralupy nad
90** 606* 50.0** 94.4 (50.0)**
Český Brod 31 147 45.8** 100.0 (91.7)** Outer
Lysá nad
41* (Milovice) 459* (Čelákovice) 33.3* (3 municipalities
100.0 (66.7)**
Slaný 51* 594* (Kladno) 13.5 76.9 (7.7)*
Mělník 42* 216 15.4 61.5 (12.8)*
Benešov 36 105 52.9** 84.3 (33.3)*
Dobříš27 131 29.2* 96.0 (56.0)**
Note: The level of integration into Prague: **a very strong level of integration, *a strong level of integration.
Sources: CE Traffic a.s. (2014), Database of migration (19972012), Housing construction (19972012), and Population and housing census 2011.
Table 2. Basic statistics for the Prague Metropolitan Area (2016).
Region Area (km
Number of MEPs
(municipalities) Population
Population density
The capital city of Prague (administrative boundaries) 496.2 1 (1) 1,267,449 2554
Inner Prague metropolitan area 2346.9 7 (315) 550,857 235
Outer Prague metropolitan area 2140.0 6 (199) 209,441 98
Prague Metropolitan Area 4983.1 14 (515) 2,027,747 407
Note: MEP administrative districts of municipalities with extended powers.
Source: Czech Statistical Office (2016).
Today, there is no accepted definition of metropoli-
tan areas in the Czech Republic, which to a great extent
relates to the inability of spatial planning to address
problems at the level of metropolitan areas. Regional
planning formerly used so-called Large Regional
Areas but has now changed to focus on the territories
of entire self-governed regions (Territorial Develop-
ment Policy) or MEPs. Particularly in the case of the
division of territory between the two autonomous
self-governed regions (Prague vs. Central Bohemia
Region), this approach creates problems for both
analytical purposes and practical activities (statistical
monitoring, coordination of activities of regional
activities, regional planning, etc.). This study should
thus largely eliminate these problems and, together
with alternative methods of defining the metropolitan
areas of other large Czech cities (within ITI), also con-
tribute to reviving a discussion of this topic at the
boundaries of research and practical applications.
Microsoft Excel 2013 was used for initial data sorting and
calculation of variables shown in the map. ESRI ArcGIS
10.3.1 was used for map processing and final visualization.
1. We can distinguish between a municipalityand an
administrative districtof MEPs. When using the
term MEP, we always mean the whole administrative
district. In total, the Central Bohemia Region consists
of 26 districts of municipalities with extended powers.
2. We employed T-Mobile data, which cover approxi-
mately 40% of the total population within the Central
Bohemia Region. Then we used an origindestination
matrix on the level of municipalities. The location of
the person during the time interval between 1 am
and 5 am was set as place of residence and 10 am to
2 pm as place of work.
3. Recently, the Institute for Planning and Development
of the Capital City of Prague produced a web appli-
cation for Prague and Central Bohemia Region using
mobile phone data
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
This work was supported by the Czech Science Foundation
[grant number GA16-20991S Spatial Mobility, Everyday Life
and Personal Ties: The Case Study of Women in Prague Metro-
politan region] and by Charles University [UNCE/HUM 018].
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... Nová intenzita väzieb je založená na dynamických informačných a dochádzkových tokoch, a práve druhé menované sú jedným z tradičných nástrojov hodnotenia metropolitných areálov rôznych krajín (Hall a Hay 1980, Frey a Zimmer 2001, Hampl 2005, Swianiewicz a Lackowska 2007, García-Palomares 2010, Liu et al. 2010, Office of Management and Budget 2010, Göddecke-Stellmann 2011, Boix et al. 2012, Brezzi et al. 2012, Halás et al. 2012, Veneri 2013, Tong a Plane 2014, Tonev et al. 2017, Ouředníček et al. 2018. Cieľom kapitoly je identifikácia rozsahu dochádzkovej zóny Bratislavy s využitím lokalizačných údajov mobilnej siete. ...
... Demonštrovaná je predovšetkým použiteľnosť lokalizačných údajov mobilnej siete ako vhodného zdroja údajov zachytávajúceho vzájomnú prepojenosť sídiel, ktorá je kľúčovým atribútom pre delimitáciu metropolitných areálov. Hoci lokalizačné údaje mobilnej siete predstavujú nový, a doposiaľ menej frekventovaný zdroj údajov, v akademickom prostredí sa používajú čoraz častejšie (Ouředníček et al. 2018, Wang et al. 2018. V československom prostredí sa vymedzením a hodnotením metropolitných území, ich hierarchizácii a následnej komplexnej funkčnej makrodiferenciácii venoval kolektív autorov pod vedením M. Hampla (Hampl et al. 1987) nadväzujúc na J. Korčáka (Korčák 1966), a neskôr viaceré ďalšie štúdie (Kostelecký a Čermák 2004, Halás et al. 2016, Ouředníček et al. 2018. ...
... Hoci lokalizačné údaje mobilnej siete predstavujú nový, a doposiaľ menej frekventovaný zdroj údajov, v akademickom prostredí sa používajú čoraz častejšie (Ouředníček et al. 2018, Wang et al. 2018. V československom prostredí sa vymedzením a hodnotením metropolitných území, ich hierarchizácii a následnej komplexnej funkčnej makrodiferenciácii venoval kolektív autorov pod vedením M. Hampla (Hampl et al. 1987) nadväzujúc na J. Korčáka (Korčák 1966), a neskôr viaceré ďalšie štúdie (Kostelecký a Čermák 2004, Halás et al. 2016, Ouředníček et al. 2018. Snahy o rigoróznu delimitáciu metropolitných areálov na území Československa teda siahajú do 60. ...
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Cieľom kapitoly je identifikácia rozsahu dochádzkovej zóny Bratislavy s využitím lokalizačných údajov mobilnej siete. Nepokúšame sa pritom o explicitné vymedzenie metropolitného regiónu Bratislavy, zámerom je skôr spoznať aktuálny obraz priestorových väzieb, ktoré v tomto prípade reprezentuje denná priestorová mobilita držiteľov SIM kariet, a poukázať na značný nesúlad medzi územnosprávnym členením a regiónom dennej dochádzky užívateľov mobilnej siete. Popri analýze dennej dochádzky sa tak kapitola zároveň snaží prispieť k diskusii o vymedzovaní metropolitných regiónov. Demonštrovaná je predovšetkým použiteľnosť lokalizačných údajov mobilnej siete ako vhodného zdroja údajov zachytávajúceho vzájomnú prepojenosť sídiel, ktorá je kľúčovým atribútom pre delimitáciu metropolitných areálov. Hoci lokalizačné údaje mobilnej siete predstavujú nový, a doposiaľ menej frekventovaný zdroj údajov, v akademickom prostredí sa používajú čoraz častejšie
... They considered the role of geographic location, historical background, demographic and socioeconomic features, changes in land use and soil imperviousness, etc. The development of Prague agglomeration can be described by intensive suburbanization and migration impact, as well as a gradual revitalization completed by signi cant new residential, commercial, and warehouse constructions (Ouředníček et al. 2018;Ouředníček, Temelová 2009). -Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have witnessed more rapid suburbanization, particularly around their capital cities during the post-socialist transition. ...
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The paper studies the agglomeration area of Bulgaria’s capital, Sofia. The territorial scope of the metropolitan agglomeration encompasses 7 (LAU 1) municipalities including Sofia, Bozhurishte, Elin Pelin, Gorna Malina, Kostinbrod, Slivnitsa and Svoge, and comprises 146 (LAU 2) individual settlements. The total area of Sofia agglomeration covers almost 3,550 km² (3.2% of national territory), while it had 1,359,270 inhabitants (almost 21% of national population) according to the last population census (7 September 2021). During the whole period between 2001 and 2021, Sofia agglomeration has grown in population by more than 95,000 people (7.6%). Bozhurishte, Kostinbrod and Elin Pelin, along with Sofia municipality itself, are the municipalities with the best demographic indicators within the agglomeration area. According to the typology of Webb, type 6 agglomeration settlements (migratory and natural decrease, natural > migratory) are predominant during the first subperiod (2001-2011), while type 8 (migratory increase compensates for natural decrease) has become the leading type in the second subperiod (2011-2021). Despite the increasing number of type 8 settlements, however, the population decline of Sofia city alone (19,361 people) exceeds more than twice the combined population growth of all type 8 settlements (8,929 people), and as a result – the total population number of the agglomeration declined during the second subperiod. In 2021, the GDP in Sofia agglomeration represented 43% of the national economy, while the GDP per capita in Sofia (BGN 38,891) was more than double of the national average. A significant number of the industrial sites are located in the neighbouring municipalities that fall within the agglomeration, with leading economic activities in manufacturing, transport and logistics. The distribution of FDI, however, is uneven: some 97% of them concentrated in Sofia municipality alone. Sofia agglomeration is distinguished by a relatively stable and balanced labour market, characterized by high economic activity and low unemployment rate compared to other agglomerations in the country. Together with the demographic processes, the increasing soil sealing is another evidence of the spatial expansion of suburbanization. The largest share of new soil sealing was observed in Sofia municipality itself (approximately 370 ha), followed by Elin Pelin (105 ha), Bozhurishte (46 ha) and Kostinbrod (32 ha). Based on the intensity of new constructions and population change, the so-called zone of active inbuence of the agglomeration core has been outlined. The zone is made up of settlements meeting two conditions: they have a high intensity of new constructions and they are type 8 or type 7 according to the typology of Webb in the period between 2011 and 2021. During the considered period, the northern, eastern, southern and western peripheries of the agglomeration area developed each in its own speciac way, with dieerent new construction intensity, morphological structure and inter-settlement spaces. Suburbanization processes observed in Sofia are generally comparable to those of other post-socialist European capitals in terms of historical legacies, demographic transformation, spatial dynamics, and land use shifts.
... Some of the recent works explored such approaches as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry (Esch et. al, 2014;Hoffmann et al., 2017), clusters of census tracts and adaptation of the Urban Morphological Zones methodology for smaller size cities (Nicolau & Cavaco, 2018), and in the case of metropolitan area delineation processing data on commuting patterns, mobile phone location and usage, residential suburban zones and average time spent in the city by local populations (Ouředníček et al., 2018). Delineation studies have been dominated by geographers and urban planners, leaving behind economists and their applied methods. ...
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elineation of urban functional areas helps policymakers and urban planners understand the connections between the core cities and areas surrounding them, and subsequently develop policies and solutions that can serve local populations. This article develops a readily applicable econometric method for delineation that considers functional aspects of cities and their surroundings. We perform delineation analysis using the data for 78 Polish core cities, grouping them by population size. Using the satellite data on lights emitted at night, population density, commuter numbers as well as the number of houses and apartments built in each commune, we apply a threshold regression model to determine the boundaries of functional urban areas. Our main results suggest that the mean radius of functional urban areas (FUAs) around the largest (most populous) cities is, on average, 21 km, while it is between 13 and 16 km for smaller cities. We then test how the econometric results compare with the perceptions of local inhabitants through a citizen science project (CSP) conducted as a robustness check.
... Some of the recent works explored such approaches as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry (Esch et. al, 2014;Hoffmann et al., 2017), clusters of census tracts and adaptation of the Urban Morphological Zones methodology for smaller size cities (Nicolau & Cavaco, 2018), and in the case of metropolitan area delineation processing data on commuting patterns, mobile phone location and usage, residential suburban zones and average time spent in the city by local populations (Ouředníček et al., 2018). Delineation studies have been dominated by geographers and urban planners, leaving behind economists and their applied methods. ...
Delineation of urban functional areas helps policymakers and urban planners understand the connections between the core cities and areas surrounding them, and subsequently develop policies and solutions that can serve local populations. This article develops a readily applicable econometric method for delineation that considers functional aspects of cities and their surroundings. We perform delineation analysis using the data for 78 Polish core cities, grouping them by population size. Using the satellite data on lights emitted at night, population density, commuter numbers as well as the number of houses and apartments built in each commune, we apply a threshold regression model to determine the boundaries of functional urban areas. Our main results suggest that the mean radius of functional urban areas (FUAs) around the largest (most populous) cities is, on average, 21 km, while it is between 13 and 16 km for smaller cities. We then test how the econometric results compare with the perceptions of local inhabitants through a citizen science project (CSP) conducted as a robustness check. JEL Classification: R12, R58, R11, O18
... For example, Mulíček, Osman, Seidenglanz (2016) or Osman, Ira, Trojan (2020) studied transformations of daily mobility rhythms in industrial and post-industrial city through the changing public transport timetables. A great challenge for the study of daily mobility rhythms are location data of mobile phones (e.g., Krygsman, De Jong 2007;Ahas et al. 2010or Ouředníček et al. 2018. It was precisely due to the use of mobile positioning data that the knowledge of daily mobility rhythms became markedly enhanced. ...
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The recent development of modern intelligent transport systems has caused not only a major innovation in the organization and management of traffic but has also enabled a pronounced integration of new data on the transport phenomena and processes. The goal of the study is to analyse the daily mobility rhythms in an urban environment through data from intelligent transport systems. To study the daily mobility rhythms, we make use of hitherto unutilized data from inductive loops and strategic traffic detectors (parts of the ITS) within the urban area of České Budějovice, Czechia. We particularly focus on the assessment of the overall daily mobility rhythms as well as the daily rhythms of individual locations within the urban area with a goal to reveal the main conformities and differences. The research has attained two key results. It was found out that the daily mobility rhythms differ especially in the individual types of vehicles (cars, medium vehicles, and long vehicles). In the assessment of spatial differences in the daily rhythms of individual locations significant differences were revealed in the courses of daily mobility rhythms in the city centre, residential areas, and shopping areas.
... Aliás, essa é uma exigência não apenas de caráter técnico, mas, também, ecológico e ambiental. A delimitação de áreas é fundamental para o planejamento da finalidade da mesma (OUŘEDNÍČEK et al., 2018). Diante do exposto, as tecnologias mobile demonstram potencial em diversas áreas, podendo auxiliar no monitoramento ambiental, delimitação de áreas, cadastramento de imóveis, gerenciamento de áreas agrícolas. ...
Conference Paper
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The study of the topography of a surface is essential for the development of any anthropic activity and the use of geotechnologies to measure certain topographic aspects has been widely used in recent decades. With the technological advancement of smartphones and their popularization in our society, geotechnologies now fit in our pocket and, due to the ease of access, specific mobile software for geosciences becomes more and more frequent, being developed for the most diverse activities, from monitoring the delimitation of areas and perimeters, replacing the old GPS devices. Given this, this study aimed to analyze the applicability of mobile software for use in determining areas, perimeter, and collecting any point. The Fields Area Measure PRO software was used, where their respective generated polygons were compared with a predetermined homologous polygon using Google Earth PRO. Area calculations were performed using the Gauss method to determine whether the results generated by the software coincide with this consolidated model. The Fields Area Measure PRO generated a polygon with an approximate area of 4.15 ha, the pre-determined reference polygon showed an area of approximately 4.38 ha, in addition to no statistical difference at 99% probability between the value calculated by the software and the method of Gauss, a standard error of ± 2.53m was found for latitude and ± 2.56m for longitude, in the coordinates related to the same collection point. It can be concluded that the software has applicability for determining areas and delimiting perimeters, in addition to being able to collect the coordinates of a point.
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This paper aims to map daily mobility to work and services within the suburban zone of Prague and to explain temporal changes in the structuration of the suburban zone during the day. This involves the identification of local centres outside Prague's administrative boundaries, defining their catchment areas, and exploring the temporal variability of daily mobility. Using mobile phone data, the paper identifies the main flows of commuting to work and mobility for services or leisure activities. The focus on two distinct timeframes presented in two synthetic maps compares the mobility patterns of these activities. Empirical findings identify 53 local centres of inter‐suburban mobility and delimitate their commuting areas. Noticeable variation in mobility patterns throughout the day was observed. Beyond empirical insights relevant to Prague and similar Central and Eastern European cities, the paper contributes to theoretical knowledge by introducing a hierarchical classification of mobility relationships within metropolitan areas.
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Mobilný telefón sa stal neoddeliteľnou súčasťou každodenného života a unikátnym zdrojom údajov o obyvateľstve, jeho priestorovom rozmiestnení, pohybe a aktivitách. Aký je charakter lokalizačných údajov pochádzajúcich z mobilnej siete, v čom nachádzame ich hlavné prednosti a aké sú ich limity? Ako môžeme prostredníctvom týchto údajov zachytiť priestorové rozmiestnenie populácie a jej mobilitu v rôznych častiach dňa? Na podobné otázky budeme hľadať odpovede v tejto vysokoškolskej učebnici.
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The article proposes a conceptual substantiation of the possibility of using the cellular operators data in order to assess the population vulnerability in the natural risk studies. Cellular operators data allow obtaining information on the differentiation of the population vulnerability in a large city (the article provides the case of Moscow) to natural and manmade hazards, taking into account the actual population size and its movement within different time cycles (daily, weekly, seasonal). A reliable information of how many people are at each point of the urban space at a certain point in time will allow not only to timely assess the most likely number of people in the potential danger area, thereby simplifying the work of specialized emergencies services, but also to competently develop a set of preventive measures in accordance with the real need.
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V českém prostředí nebyla institucionalizace metropolitní spolupráce dosud významněji podporována na žádné z klíčových prostorově-hierarchických úrovní (obecní, regionální, národní), zatímco její význam je v mnoha vyspělých zemích zdůrazňován a rozvoj metropolitních regionů je v EU velmi podporován. Navíc se plnohodnotná odborná interdisciplinární diskuse k této problematice, která by poskytla platné závěry pro potřeby plánovací praxe, vyvíjí poměrně pomalu. Předkládaný příspěvek se snaží zaplnit tuto mezeru v českém prostředí, zejména prostřednictvím výsledků z dotazníkového šetření a empirických zkušeností z modelového území Brněnské metropolitní oblasti (BMO). Výsledky výzkumu naznačují ochotu obcí k formálnější institucionalizaci metropolitní spolupráce a vybrané kompetence obcí mohou být do budoucna přenositelné na nově zřízenou metropolitní platformu/agenturu. Spolupráce obcí je však stále významně limitována finančními aspekty a požadavkem na zachování základních samosprávných kompetencí podvázaných silnou historickou pamětí.
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Significant changes in spatiotemporal relationships have transformed the organisation of society in recent decades. Therefore, new approaches are required to understand the spatiotemporal aspects of human behaviour and the dynamics of society in the modern world. This paper introduces the possibilities and limitations of mobile phone location data in an attempt to initiate wider discussion among demographers about future research based on data obtained from new technologies.
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To discover regularities in human mobility is of fundamental importance to our understanding of urban dynamics, and essential to city and transport planning, urban management and policymaking. Previous research has revealed universal regularities at mainly aggregated spatio-temporal scales but when we zoom into finer scales, considerable heterogeneity and diversity is observed instead. The fundamental question we address in this paper is at what scales are the regularities we detect stable, explicable, and sustainable. This paper thus proposes a basic measure of variability to assess the stability of such regularities focusing mainly on changes over a range of temporal scales. We demonstrate this by comparing regularities in the urban mobility patterns in three world cities, namely London, Singapore and Beijing using one-week of smart-card data. The results show that variations in regularity scale as non-linear functions of the temporal resolution, which we measure over a scale from 1 minute to 24 hours thus reflecting the diurnal cycle of human mobility. A particularly dramatic increase in variability occurs up to the temporal scale of about 15 minutes in all three cities and this implies that limits exist when we look forward or backward with respect to making short-term predictions. The degree of regularity varies in fact from city to city with Beijing and Singapore showing higher regularity in comparison to London across all temporal scales. A detailed discussion is provided, which relates the analysis to various characteristics of the three cities. In summary, this work contributes to a deeper understanding of regularities in patterns of transit use from variations in volumes of travellers entering subway stations, it establishes a generic analytical framework for comparative studies using urban mobility data, and it provides key points for the management of variability by policy-makers intent on for making the travel experience more amenable.
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The paper presents initial steps into the research of commuting patterns and functional regions using mobile phone location data. The main aim is to introduce and discuss the potential of mobile phone location data as an alternative data sources to censuses for mapping commuting flows and subsequent functional regionalization. A set of analytical maps covering various aspects of regular daily movements of population and functional regionalization is provided. Estonia is serving as a pilot laboratory for analyses based on commuting flows derived from mobile phone location data. The maps give to reader a synthetic overview of contemporary settlement system in Estonia and introduce the potential of mobile phone location data for research in this field.
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Due to the suburbanisation process, it is becoming more difficult to properly define rural and urban areas in the Czech Republic. This delimitation problem has been intensively studied in Europe, including the Czech Republic, for decades, but only so-called 'crisp' rules have been set for the categorisation of urban and rural. This is no longer satisfactory because of substantial population movements. Our research focuses on applying fuzzy set theory to the delimitation of rural and urban areas and on the subsequent advanced cartographic visualisation. We used the principles of fuzzy regulation, or fuzzy inference systems, on socio-economic data to show the transitional character of municipalities. The generated Main map is at scale of 1:500,000, whereas secondary maps are at scale of 1:2,500,000. Map visualisation of municipalities in the Czech Republic provides a very unique combination of geographical information science, cartography and modern geo-computational methods. Information perception via a map is an adequate way to analyse geographic information, and the problem of delimiting rural and urban areas can be suitably visualised using these methods.
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‘Smart cities’ is a term that has gained traction in academia, business and government to describe cities that, on the one hand, are increasingly composed of and monitored by pervasive and ubiquitous computing and, on the other, whose economy and governance is being driven by innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, enacted by smart people. This paper focuses on the former and, drawing on a number of examples, details how cities are being instrumented with digital devices and infrastructure that produce ‘big data’. Such data, smart city advocates argue enables real-time analysis of city life, new modes of urban governance, and provides the raw material for envisioning and enacting more efficient, sustainable, competitive, productive, open and transparent cities. The final section of the paper provides a critical reflection on the implications of big data and smart urbanism, examining five emerging concerns: the politics of big urban data, technocratic governance and city development, corporatisation of city governance and technological lock-ins, buggy, brittle and hackable cities, and the panoptic city.
Suburbanization has been a particularly significant process in transforming the metropolitan regions in Central and East European countries in the past two decades. Many critics emphasize the negative consequences of suburbanization, such as a low level of residential environment quality, and some of them anticipate that suburbanites' expectations would remain unfulfilled. Moreover, a growing body of literature describes the tendency for reurbanization and discusses the importance of back-to-the city moves. Few authors, however, have paid attention to the empirical evidence of the residential stability of suburban areas. Therefore, this paper seeks to investigate the relationship between the quality of the suburban environment, the everyday life experiences associated with suburbia, and reurbanization tendencies. Various aspects of residential satisfaction and intentions to move in the medium term were analysed using data from a questionnaire survey which was carried out in three case study sites within Prague's hinterland. In addition, major differences between groups of potential “stayers” and “movers” were examined to reveal key factors which lie behind intentions to move from current suburban homes. The results suggested a relatively high degree of stability and a reasonable overall satisfaction of new suburbanites with their residential environment. They also indicated that trigger moments in the decision-making process were more closely related to the changing needs of households than the wider residential environment. Based on the research results, we were able to hypothesize that (1) a strong out-migration from the suburban zone is rather unlikely in the near future, and (2) only a small proportion of new suburbanites are likely to engage in the reurbanization process. © The authors 2016 Geografiska Annaler: Series B
The paper analyses migration flows with the purpose of defining functional regions at a micro level. It proposes an innovative approach to the processing of migration data. It includes a reflection on local level migration analysis in relation to local labour markets, and it is inspired by time geographical concepts and research into human spatial behaviour. Relevant identified migration flows are those that occur when a migrant only changes the place of permanent residence, and does not necessarily need to change workplace or most of the localities within a daily timespace context. The paper uses these migration data to delineate local migration areas (daily spatial systems) of the Czech Republic through the application of a standard rule-based procedure of functional regional taxonomy.
Methodological problems of research and zoning of residential suburbanization in the Czech Republic
Designed for professional geographers and tertiary-level students, this volume places the various words, terms and concepts that it defines within their contextual situation and thus contains a series of essays on geography and human geography as a whole and on various sub-disciplines. Both cross-referencing and in index provide linkages. The dictionary is arranged alphabetically, and many entries contain figures, references, and suggested readings. -Geo Abstracts