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Understanding Household Education Expenditure in Sudan: Do Poor and Rural Households Spend Less on Education?


Abstract and Figures

This paper examines the factors that influence households’ expenditure on education in Sudan, using the National Baseline Household Survey (NBHS) data (2009) for national, urban and rural levels. The results of Tobit model indicate that household income, head education, head age, household size, number of school-age children and residing in urban areas are the most significant factors affecting education expenditure. Interestingly, the results show that the income elasticity of education in urban sample model is greater than that of rural model, implying that households residing in urban areas are likely to spend more on education. In addition, the effect of household income is found to be positive and significant in the highest income quintile. Overall, the results revealed that households with higher income, whose heads are educated and reside in urban areas tends to spend more on education compared to poor and rural households. These results signify the lack of inter-generational educational and income mobility in Sudan, implying that children from poor households are caught permanently in low income and educational levels, and are not able to “catch up” their peers in high income families.
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African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
Understanding Household Education Expenditure in Sudan: Do Poor and Rural
Households Spend Less on Education?
Ebaidalla M. Ebaidalla
This paper examines the factors that influence households’ expenditure on education in Sudan, using
the National Baseline Household Survey (NBHS) data (2009) for national, urban and rural levels. The
results of Tobit model indicate that household income, head education, head age, household size,
number of school-age children and residing in urban areas are the most significant factors affecting
education expenditure. Interestingly, the results show that the income elasticity of education in urban
sample model is greater than that of rural model, implying that households residing in urban areas are
likely to spend more on education. In addition, the effect of household income is found to be positive
and significant in the highest income quintile. Overall, the results revealed that households with
higher income, whose heads are educated and reside in urban areas tends to spend more on education
compared to poor and rural households. These results signify the lack of inter-generational
educational and income mobility in Sudan, implying that children from poor households are caught
permanently in low income and educational levels, and are not able to “catch up” their peers in high
income families.
Keywords: Education Expenditure, Tobit models, Sudan
JEL Classification: I21, I22, I24, C24
Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Khartoum,Email:
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
1. Introduction
Education has been considered as a key factor for supporting economic growth and
development and alleviating poverty in developing countries. According to human capital
theory, education allows individuals to gain better skills and knowledge needed to access
jobs, hence enhances productivity and economic growth; which in turn help in eradicating
extreme poverty and hunger (Bryant, 1990; Becker, 2009 Mincer, 1970 and Schultz, 1961).
Therefore, the issue of education expenditure by both governments and households has
gained a sizable attention from researchers and international development organizations.
In Sudan, the education system has been affected by many economic transformations that the
country undergone in the last three decades. Specifically, the adoption of liberalization and
free market policies in early 1990s have resulted in reducing public spending on education.
Since then, the size of private investment in education has expanded remarkably.
Accordingly, households’ expenditure on education has gone up although basic education
such as, primary and secondary education, is still delivered through public sector. Moreover,
the reduction of government expenditure on education has contributed greatly in lessening the
quality of public education; hence a large segment of population is pushed into private
education. This leads to a significant increase in household education expenditure,
particularly in urban areas and among high income households.
Against this backdrop, many questions can be raised in accordance with the aims of this
study, including: What are the key determinants of the households’ education expenditure in
Sudan? Does the poor and rural household spend less than urban and rich household? To
what extent could the factors that affecting education expenditure vary across rural and urban
areas as well as among different categories of income groups?
Regarding the importance and policy relevance, the empirical investigation to be undertaken
by this study is useful for several reasons. First, investigating household education
expenditure is crucial to provide evidence, which can be used to formulate relevant policies
targeting planning and reforming education system in Sudan. Second, understanding the
factors that affecting educational spending in Sudan may help policymakers and key
stakeholders (i.e. national and international NGOs) to design effective strategies that ensure
better access to education so as to create more jobs and reduce poverty. Finally, by
identifying the factors affecting education expenditure among different areas (i.e. urban and
rural) and income quintiles, the study would place strong foundation in designing effective
education programs for disadvantaged groups of population.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The next section outlines some stylized
facts about education system and its finance in Sudan. Section three discusses the theoretical
and empirical literature on the determinants of household educational spending. While
section four outlines data and research methodology, section five presents the empirical
results and discussions. Section six ends with a conclusion and possible ways forward.
2. Education in Sudan: An Overview
Gaining its independence in January 1956 from British colony, Sudan inherited an education
system designed to provide civil servants and professionals to serve the colonial
administration. The distribution of education facilities such as, teachers and enrollment was
biased in favor of the needs of the British administration and Western curriculum. Thus, the
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
education services were clustered in urban cities, although about 70 percent of population
resides in rural areas. However, at that time the education was fully sponsored by government
and the public expenditure on education was about 20 percent (Nour, 2012). Most of
education during the colonial era was focused on the basic education (i.e. primary,
intermediate and secondary), while tertiary education was limited to the University of
Khartoum. In addition, a few number of students of wealthier parents received secondary and
university education abroad.
After the independence, the education system in Sudan has received considerable attention
from national governments. The national education policies concentrated on the target of
achieving universal and compulsory education with aim of equitable distribution of facilities
among urban and rural areas. Therefore, the education system has experienced a significant
change in terms of years of schooling and distribution of schools. For instance, the Nimeiri
regime (1969) considered the education system as inadequate for the needs of social and
economic development, hence reorganized the education system in the 1970s as a result
(Elmagboul, 2014). The basic education system was changed from 4-4-4 to 6-3-3 (6 primary
years compulsory, 3 year for intermediate and 3 for secondary). The technical and vocational
education also has gained more attention during Nimeiri government. Moreover, during the
era of 1970s the tertiary education has expanded by establishment two new universities (i.e.
University of Juba and University of Gaziera) in addition to oldest one: the University of
During the 1980s, Sudan underwent a remarkable expansion in basic education with the
opening of hundreds of primary and secondary schools, despite economic and political
instability. The technical and vocational education also increased remarkably. All these
efforts led to a significant increase in the rate of enrollment from 1980.
In early the 1990s, the education system in Sudan witnessed a great transformation. First, it
was further reorganized into eight years of primary education followed by three years
secondary schooling. In addition, Arabic language was adopted as instruction language in all
public universities. Moreover, the tertiary education expanded and more than thirty
universities were established. The number of private schools grew rapidly following
economic policies lifting government subsidies to service sectors, including education.
Regarding financing education in Sudan, the country inherited a tax-based education system
from the British colony, in which the state provides free educational services for the entire
population. Thus, successive national governments adopted free education and this continued
until the adoption of free market policies in the decade of the early 1990s. However, after the
implementation of the Structural Adjustment Program (SAP), the government began its
sudden withdrawal from the provision of educational services. The austerity measures
adopted in 1992 resulted in a great reduction in public spending on education. To fill the gap
in financing education resulting from these policies, the government provided licenses to
private schools. In line with this system, parents were requested to pay some fees for public
schools in order to utilize education.
To understand the contribution of government in education, Table 1 below presents the public
spending on education in Sudan and a sample of Sub-Saharan African countries. The table
shows that public spending on education in Sudan is accounted for a small proportion from
the country’s GDP compared to other countries in the sample.
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
Table 1: Public Education Expenditure (% of GDP) in Sudan and a sample of SSA countries
Cote d'Ivoire
South Africa
Source: World Bank, World Bank Indicator (2016)
Table shows that Sudan has the smallest public education spending ratio to its GDP compared
to other SSA countries in our sample. Specifically, the government expenditure on education
(% of GDP) remained rotating around 1 percent during 1990-1999. During 2000-2009, it
increased to the rate of 1.8 percent, indicating the expansion in education expenditure, which
may be due to oil revenue at such a period. Moreover, during the last period (2010-2014) the
spending on average progressed to 2.1 percent. However, in all periods, the public spending
on education in Sudan lags far behind the levels of public expenditure in SSA countries.
Regarding the contribution of government education spending to the total public spending,
Table 2 below presents data on public spending on education as a percentage of total
government expenditures for Sudan and a sample of SSA.
Table 2: Public Education Expenditure (% of Total Government Expenditure) in Sudan and a
sample of SSA countries
Public Education expenditure (% of Total Government Spending)
Cote d'Ivoire
South Africa
Source: World Bank, World Bank Indicator (2016)
Table 2 indicates that Sudan has the second lowest percentage of public education spending
(percentage of total government spending) after Angola. For instance, during the period
(1990- 1999), Kenya holds the highest rate of public spending on education, which is about a
threefold of that of Sudan. The low rate of public educational spending as a percentage of
GDP and total government expenditure implies low public investment in education in Sudan.
This also indicates that public education spending falls below the standardized international
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
adequacy criterion, which was earlier adopted in the 1960s and related to the supply side and
implies the allocation of either 8 percent of GDP on education or 20 percent of total
government or public spending on education (Nour, 2013). The reduction in government
spending on education resulted in a significant deterioration in efficiency indicators like
education attainment and enrollment.
Regarding the demand for education, Table 3 presents the gross enrolment ratio for the three
educational levels, primary, secondary and tertiary, respectively
Table 3: Gross Enrolment Ratio by Educational Level in Sudan and a Sample of SSA Countries
Primary level
Secondary Level
Tertiary Level
Cote d'Ivoire
South Africa
Source: World Bank, World Bank Indicator (2016)
The table shows that the enrolment ratio for primary education in Sudan was close to some
African countries that belonging to poor income group like Angola. However, the primary
enrolment ratio falls below some of SSA counties like Kenya and Ghana. Regarding the
secondary enrolment ratio, Sudan also has a lower rate compared to some SSA countries like
Botswana, Ghana and Kenya. The low enrolment ratio in primary and secondary education in
Sudan may be attributed to poverty and economic instability. During the period under
consideration, the tertiary enrolment ratio in Sudan has the second highest ratio during all
periods after South Africa. This high tertiary enrolment ratio may be due to expansion in
tertiary education over the last three decades.
Regarding the educational attainment, Figure 1 below shows the average years of total
schooling in Sudan and a sample of SSA countries
. As indicted from the Figure, Sudan has
the lowest rate of educational attainment among other SSA countries in comparison. The low
level of educational attainment confirms the relatively low level of school enrollment. This
also supports the high rate of illiteracy in Sudan, which is about 26 percents in 2013 (World
Bank, 2013). However, there are many factors that may be held responsible for low
educational attainment, including the high cost of education, poverty and unemployment. In
general, the low rate of educational attainment and enrollment indicates low commitment to
Gross primary or secondary school enrolment ratio - The number of children enrolled in a level (primary or secondary),
regardless of age, divided by the population of the age group that officially corresponds to the same level (World Bank,
Educational attainment refers to the highest level of schooling that a person has reached. Here we use average years of
total schooling as calculated by Baroo and Lee (2010).
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
the standardized international adequacy and equity criterions in the demand side as measured
by the lack of adequacy in enrollment rate in primary, secondary and tertiary education and
literacy rate of population (Nour, 2013).
Figure 1: Education Attainment of population aged 15 and older in Sudan and a sample of SSA
countries (average of years of total schooling)
Source: World Bank, World Bank Indicator (2016)
3. Literature Review
Given the importance of education in economic growth and development, the determinants of
household educational expenditure have gained a considerable attention from both
researchers and policy makers in last decades. However, most of the exiting literature has
focused on the macroeconomic perspective and government expenditure on education. On the
other hand, the issue of household' expenditure on education has gained a few attention
particularly in developing countries. In this section we briefly review some empirical studies
on this issue.
The empirical literature indicates that household education expenditure is influenced by many
variables, including household characteristics, parents’ education level and household
income, among them. However, the main consensus among most of empirical studies is that
household income is the most significant factor affecting education expenditures (e.g.
Hashimoto and Heath, 1995; Panchamukhi, 1965); and Kothari, 1966 and Tilak, 2002).
Huston (1995) analyzed the impact of income and household characteristics on education
expenditure in US. Using a sample from the 1990-1991’ Consumer Expenditure Survey, he
found that head age, education level, income, region, race, and family size are the most
significant factors affecting household education expenditure.
Kanellopoulos and Psacharopoulos (1997) investigated the factors that affect private
expenditure on education in Greece, using household Expenditure Survey of 1988. They
found that household size and number of children under six years of age have negative effect
on private spending on education, while the head’s years of education and income have a
positive impact on education expenditure. In the same vein, Psacharopoulos and
Papakonstantinou (2005) examined the household expenditure on university education in
Greece, using a sample of 3000 university freshmen. They argued that private education is
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
highly inelastic, indicating its importance in Grecian household budget. They also found that
private out of pocket spending to prepare for the entrance exams and study at college exceeds
that of public spending. In addition, they found that poorer families spend a higher share of
their income on education of their children. Moreover, using data from household surveys for
1990 and 1992, Psacharopoulos et al. (1997) examine the extent of private expenditure on
education in Bolivia and calculate an income elasticity of 0.23. They conclude that education
expenditure is not a luxury good for Bolivian families.
Tilak (2002) studied the household education expenditure in rural India using the national
survey on Human Development in rural India (HDI) (1994). The paper also examines the
household expenditure on education by different groups of population. He found that there is
nothing like free education in India and household expenditure on education represents a
considerable portion of household budget. In addition, households from lower socio-
economic background and low income groups spend considerable amounts on acquiring
education, including specifically elementary education, which is expected to be provided free
to all by the State. His results also indicate that household income, educational level of the
head of household and the household size are among the most significant factors affecting
education expenditure. Interestingly, he found that education is income inelastic in India by
compiling time series of household expenditure estimates over the period 1960-61 and 1984
Glewwe and Jacoby (2004) examined the relationship between household resources and
demand for education in Vietnam using household panel survey data covering the period
1993-1998. They found a positive relationship between household income and demand for
education, even after controlling for locality-specific factors such as change in education
returns, supply and quality of schools, and opportunity costs of schooling.
Tansel and Bircan (2006) studied the demand for private tutoring in Turkey, using household
expenditure survey (1994). Adopting tobit model, the authors showed that private tutoring is
neither a luxury nor a necessity item in a household’s budget. They also found that parents’
educational level, especially of mothers have positive and significant affect on private
tutoring expenditures, which means inequity in the intergenerational distribution of
education. Moreover, the results indicate that private tutoring expenditures increase at a
decreasing rate with the age of the household head, hence implying lifecycle considerations.
Their results also indicate that urban families spend more than rural household residents.
Finally, household private tutoring expenditures are found to be declined with the number of
children in the household.
Qian et al. (2011) examined parents’ expenditure on their children’s education, using
household survey data from 32 selected cities across China in 2003. Their results show that
household income has significant effects on both domestic and overseas educational
expenditures. The results also indicate that households whose mothers have secondary school
or college education and fathers who are working in professional occupations are likely to
spend more on education. Moreover, their study found that households belonging to the
highest income group, with a college-educated father, a mother who is a cadre or middle
professional and living in coastal areas, are most probable to spend on children’s education
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
Sulaiman et al (2012) examined the determinants of household expenditure on education in
Malaysia. Using household survey data, they found that household characteristics such as
parents’ income and educational level, mother’s work status, job category of head of
household and parents’ awareness of globalization in respect of their children’s education are
the most significant factors affecting education expenditure. Specifically, their results show
that the elasticity of income is very high (approximately 1 percent) indicating the importance
of household income in education expenditure.
Vu Quang (2012) investigated the factors that affecting household expenditure on children’s
education in Vietnam. Using the Vietnamese Household Living Standards Survey (VHLSS
2006) and adopting tobit model, he found that household income has a positive and
significant effect on household education expenditure. Meaning, increase in the income of the
household is always associated with an increase in educational expenditure. His result also
revealed that households whose heads have a higher level of education or with professional
jobs are more likely to spend more on education. Moreover, households with more primary-
school-age or secondary school-age children are likely to spend more on education compared
to households with pre-school-age or college-age children. Vu Quang shows that families
with more resources and better human capital are those who are able to spend more income
on their children’s education.
Andreou (2012) investigated the determinants of household education expenditure in Cyprus,
using expenditure surveys of 1996-1997, 2002-2003 and 2008-2009. He found that the level
of education expenditure increases with income across years. In addition, his results pointed
out that household income, number of children in household, region of residence and heads’
age and education level are the most important factors affecting the level of household
expenditure on education.
Recently, Acar et al (2016) using Turkish household budget surveys from 2003, 2007 and
2012, investigated the determinants of household education expenditures, adopting an Engel
curve framework. In particular, they estimate Tobit regressions of real educational
expenditures by income groups to examine if and to what extent the determinants of
educational expenditures differ by income groups. Their results indicate that the estimated
expenditure elasticity is low for the top- and the bottom-income quartiles while it is high for
the middle-income quartiles. The results also show that for all income groups the expenditure
elasticity of education increases over time, indicating that Turkish household allocates greater
share of their budgets to education expenditures.
The above discussion has made clear that there is a dearth of empirical studies on household
educational expenditure in Africa in general and Sudan in particular. Therefore, this study
would contribute to the existing literature by examining the factors that affecting household
health expenditure across national, urban and rural areas. Moreover, unlike the previous
studies, this paper emphasizes the role of income and regional disparities in household
educational expenditure.
4. Data and Methodology
4.1 Data and Variables
The data used in this study is sourced from the national baseline households survey (NBHS)
conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2009. The survey contains data on all
household' expenditures (e.g. food, education, health, utility, etc..) as well as demographic
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
and socio-economic characteristics of households and individuals. The survey comprises
48825 individuals of 7913 households and covering 15 states. However, information on
education expenditure for each individual in household is not exist, thus, we use household as
a unit of the analysis. The data include expenditure of the household in past 12 months (year).
Following previous studies (e.g. Qian and Smyth, 2010 and Quang, 2012) we focus on
households with dependent children of age is not older than 22, as most of households'
members are graduated from university by that age. Accordingly, there was 7,257 valid
households who hold such criteria
. Therefore, we ensure that there is no sample selection
problem, because most of the households with children have positive education expenditure.
Based on the literature review discussed in the previous section, the dependent variable in our
analysis is household education expenditure on education. The dependent variable is
explained by a vector of explanatory variables, which include household income and socio-
economic characteristics. The socio-economic characteristics include a set of variables that
are hypothesized to influence household education expenditure such as, household size,
education level of head of household, gender, age of the head of household, marital status and
dummy variables indicating region of residence, and occupation. Regional and seasonal
factors are also considered. The definition and descriptive statistics of the variables used in
the analysis is presented in table 4.
4.2 Estimation Technique
To analyze the factors affecting household education expenditure, this paper uses tobit model,
which is appropriate technique to estimate household expenditure with zero observations
(Tobin, 1958). That is, because not all the households spend on education services, numerous
zero observations will exist in the data and we are facing with the so-called censored sample
problem (Barslund, 2007; Czarnitzki and Stadtmann, 2002; Dardis et al., 1994). The tobit
model was originally developed by Tobin in 1958 to accommodate censoring in the
dependent variable. This model also overcomes the bias associated with assuming a linear
functional form in the presence of such censoring. The tobit model considers that all zeros are
attributable to standard corner solutions. Negative values of the dependent variable are
assumed to be exist but are considered to be unobservable and bunched at zero. Based on the
Tobin’s model, it is assumed that a latent variable that measures the consumer’s propensity to
spend money on education (yh) is related to the vector of explanatory variables (Xh) and
undetectable influences, as specified in the following:
It is assumed that a household h spends ( ) on education if the latent variable ( ) is
positive. In contrast to the observed expenditure of household h ( ), the value of the
unobservable value ( ) can be negative. Negative values of the latent variable imply that
household will not spend any money on education:
The study does not discriminate between private and public education expenditure because there is no
information on the type of schooling and/or education expenditure in the NBHS' data.
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
The conventional estimators for these types of models are based on maximum likelihood
estimation (MLE). The MLE produces consistent estimates of the parameters of the tobit
model, under appropriate assumptions such as, homoscedasticity and normality of the error
terms. The likelihood function consists of two parts: the product of the probabilities that
households do not spend any money on education [Pr ( )] and the product of the
probabilities that households spend on education [Pr ( )]:
Assuming standard normal distributed errors ( , the likelihood function of censored model
can be rewritten using a probability density function ( ) and cumulative distribution function
( ) of the standard normal distribution as (Tobin, 1958):
Equation (3) will be estimated via the maximum likelihood (ML). The estimation is run for
different samples, namely full, urban and rural household samples, as well as for different
household income groups.
5. Empirical Results and Discussion
This section presents the empirical results and discussions. First, we present some descriptive
statistics about the variables that used in the analysis and then report the econometric results.
5.1 Descriptive Statistics
Before analyzing the factors influencing household educational expenditure in Sudan, it is
useful to present some descriptive statistics. Thus, table 4 below describes the definition and
mean as well as the standard deviation of variables employed in the analysis.
As can be read from the table, the reported statistics indicate that the mean of total household
income is SDG 6,846 per annum. This is somewhat consistent with the national statistics as
reported by NBHS (2009). However, the higher standard deviation of the total income point
to the prevalence of income inequality in Sudan. The mean of health expenditure is about
SDG 472 per month, representing about 17 percent out of non-food expenditure. This
suggests that a considerable portion of Sudanese households’ income is spent on education.
The standard deviation of household education expenditure is also high, indicating a great
disparity among households in terms of educational expenditure.
The table also indicates that the average of gender variable is very high (about 90 percent),
indicating the dominance of males in heading households. Regarding the mean and standard
deviation of education variables, the table shows that most heads of households and spouses
have low levels of educational attainment, confirming the widespread illiteracy in Sudan.
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
Table 4: Summary Statistics of Variables used in the Analysis
Std. Dev.
Education Expenditure
Household expenditure on education
Household total disposable income in SDG
Household's Head Characteristics
Age of head of household in years
Gender of head
Gender of the head of household (1 = male; 0 =
Education level of Household head
Primary school, dummy
Secondary school, dummy
University, dummy
Education level of
Spouse Primary
Primary school, dummy
Spouse Secondary
Secondary school, dummy
Spouse University
University, dummy
Number of children in household
The number of children aged 1 to 6 living in the
Primary school
The number of children aged 6 to 14 living in the
Secondary school
The number of children aged 15 to 17 living in the
University level
The number of children aged 18 to 22 living in the
Profession of Household's Head
A dummy variable where 1 =household’s head
being engage in agricultural activities, 0 otherwise.
A dummy variable where 1 =household’s head
being engage in industrial activities, 0 otherwise.
A dummy variable where 1 =household’s head
being engage in industrial activities, 0 otherwise.
Household Type of Dwelling
A dummy variable where 1 = being a resident in
house, 0 otherwise.
0 .068
A dummy variable where 1 = being a resident in
apartment, 0 otherwise.
A dummy variable where 1 = being a resident in
villa, 0 otherwise.
Household Characteristics
Household size
Number of household' members
Number of rooms
Married head
A Dummy variable, (1= married; 0= unmarried)
A Dummy variable, (1= electrified; 0= un-
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
Moreover, as can be read from the table, the mean of number of heads engaging in agriculture
and industry is very small, while the mean for service activity is very high. This implies that a
considerable portion of household income is generated from service activities, confirming the
dominance of the service sector in Sudan’s economy. Moreover, as can be fairly read from
the table, the average household size is about six persons, which is consistent with the 2009
NBHS. Interestingly, the mean of dummy variable (married) is high, implying that most
household heads are married. Finally, the mean of electricity is found to be relatively small,
demonstrating the weakness of infrastructure in Sudan, particularly in rural areas.
5.2 Econometrics Results
A. Determinants of Household' Health Expenditure
First, the results of tobit estimation of equation (3) for the full, urban and rural sample are
presented in Table 1 in Appendices. As can be observed from the table, most of the variables
carry their expected signs and in line with the theory. The result reveals that the coefficient of
household income is positive and significant in all estimated models. However, the results
show some differences in income coefficients across models, indicating variations in terms of
income impact on education between regions. For instance, the elasticity of income is higher
in urban sample compared to rural sample. This result indicates that households residing in
urban areas spend about 6 percent more on children’s education than those living in rural
areas. This result suggests that urban households devote a considerable portion of their
budget to children’s education. This can be explained by the fact that the extremely poor
quality of education in the country, led most of urban households to switch their children to
private institutions, which supply better educational services than their public counterparts.
On a national level, an increase in household income by a 1 percent elevates its education
spending by 8.4 percent. This strong association between household income and education
expenditure indicates the absence of free provision of education in Sudan. Alternatively
stated, due to the withdrawal of government from financing education, households are
pressed to cover education spending relying on their own resources. Furthermore, quality
deterioration of public schools pushes a considerable part of the population to private
Regarding the household head characteristics, the results show that age of head has positive
and significant impact of education expenditure. This result confirms many previous
empirical studies (e.g. Suliaman, 2012 and Andreos, 2012). Also, the coefficients of
education level of head and spouse are found to be positive and significant in full, urban and
rural sample models. This means that a household whose head received university degree or
diploma is likely to spend the more on their children’s education. This result indicates that
educated heads and mothers are likely to spend more in education. This finding is in line with
the previous studies of Acar (2016) and Vu Quang (2012).
The number of secondary school and university age children has positive and significant
impact on education expenditure. This implies that household with children in high education
institutions tend to spend more on education compared to those with more children in low
education levels. In addition, household head who engage in the service activities tends to
spend more in education compared to those participating in agricultural activities. This is
because most of service activities are located in urban areas, where households have higher
opportunity to spend more on education compared to rural households who engage in
agricultural sector.
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
Moreover, the results show that the coefficients of household size, number of room and
access to electricity have positive and significant impact on household education expenditure
in Sudan. This can be justified by that fact that larger household with urbanized facilities
tends to spend more in education. This finding is also confirms the positive and significant
coefficient of urban dummy variable, which indicates that households residing in urban areas
tend to spend more in education than those living in rural area.
In terms of geography, households residing in the Northern, eastern, central and Kurdofan
regions are likely to spend less on their children’s education than households residing in the
capital city (Khartoum). This confirms the fact that households in Khartoum devote a large
investment for their children’s education. Expectedly, the coefficient of Darfur region is
found to be negative but not significant. This finding can be justified by the fact that people
of Darfur suffer from civil war and a large portion of Darfur population live in IDP camps
and spend nothing in education, as most of education services provided by government and
non-governmental organizations.
Overall, households with higher income and residing in urban areas tend to spend more on
education of their children. This finding confirms our hypothesis that rural and poor
household spend less in education in Sudan. In addition, households whose head and mother
have higher education level are likely to invest more on education.
Regarding the factors affecting education expenditure by income quintile, Table 2 in
Appendices reports the marginal effects for the tobit estimates. As can be read from the table,
the coefficient of household income in the bottom four income quintiles are insignificant. On
the other hand, the effect of household income in the highest (fifth) income quintile is found
to be positive and statistically significant. This indicates that households belonging to high
income quintile are likely to spend more on children education. This result confirms the
previous results of full, urban and rural models. This also implies that children’s education is
an important investment for rich population. However, the result suggests that an increase in
income of household that belonging to low income quintiles does not raise the education
expenditure, as poor households devote a greater part of their budget to food and health
Similar to the results obtained from the full, urban and rural samples, the education level of
household head is found to be very significant in influencing household expenditure,
particularly for the highest income group. This finding supports the previous analysis that
household with higher income and educated head tends to spend more on education than poor
and less educated heads. In addition, the number of secondary and university-age children
increases household education expenditure in both fourth and fifth quintile. In addition,
households whose head is working in service sector and belonging to third and fourth income
quintile spend more on education compared to other income quintiles. Moreover, the results
shows that households reside in other regions than Khartoum spend less. Finally, the
coefficient of Darfur is not significant, confirming the pervious analysis.
6. Conclusion and Policy Implications
This paper examines the factors influencing household educational expenditure, with
emphasis on the role of household income. The study used the NBHS data (2009) for
national, urban and rural levels and employed a tobit model. For further understanding of the
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
impact of income on children’s education, the analysis is executed for different income
The results of the tobit estimation reveal that household income, heads’ educational level,
heads’ age, household size, number of school-age children and residing in urban areas are the
most significant factors affecting educational expenditure in full, urban and rural samples of
the surveyed households. Interestingly, the empirical results show some variations between
the effects of household income on educational expenditure across urban and rural areas.
Specifically, the income elasticity of education in the urban sample model is greater than that
of the rural model, implying that household resides in urban areas tends to spend more on
education than rural households. In addition, the effect of household income is found to be
positive and significant in the highest income quintile, implying that rich households tend to
spend more than poor households.
Overall, our results indicate that households with higher income, residing in urban areas tend
to spend more on education in Sudan. In addition, household whose head and mother have
higher education level are likely to spend more on education than the others. These results
signify the weakness of inter-generational educational and income mobility in Sudan. This
also suggests that children from poor household are caught permanently in low income and
low education levels and are not able to “catch up” their peers of high income families.
Accordingly, education policies in Sudan need to take into account the equality of
opportunity in education to ensure that children from low education families have as much
access to education as their richer counterparts; thus leading to higher intergenerational
mobility in Sudan. Accordingly, liberalization of education that adopted in 1992 should be
revised with cautions so as to achieve income and educational equality.
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African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
Table 1: Tobit Estimation Results for Household Education Expenditure in Sudan (Full, Urban
and Rural Sample)
Full Sample
Household's Head
Gender of head
Education level of
Household head
Education level of the
Spouse Primary
Spouse Secondary
Spouse University
Number of children in
Primary school
Secondary school
University level
Profession of household's
head (agriculture as
Household type of
dwelling (house as
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
Other Household
Household size
Region (Khartoum as
Pseudo R2
LR chi2
1589.20 (0.000)
491.25 (0.000)
767.91 (0.000)
Log likelihood
Note: p-values in parentheses
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
Table 2: Tobit Estimation Results for Household Education Expenditure by Income quintile
1st quintile
2nd quintile
3rd quintile
4th quintile
5th quintile
Household's head
Gender of head
Education level of
household head
(illiterate as reference)
Education level of
the Spouse (illiterate
as reference)
Spouse Primary
Spouse Secondary
Spouse University
Number of children
in household
Primary school
Secondary school
University level
Profession of
household's head
(agriculture as reference)
Household Type of
Dwelling (house as
African Journal of Economic Review, Volume VI, Issue I, January 2018
Other Household
Household size
Region (Khartoum
and reference)
Pseudo R2
LR chi2
Log likelihood
Note: p-values in parentheses
... In a study in Somalia, Moyi (2012) found that boys were more likely to be enrolled in school than girls. In an extended view, household income was found to greatly influence school enrolment decisions as children from poor households in Sudan were less likely to enroll in school (Ebaidalla, 2018). Moreover, Fincham (2018) revealed that even after enrolment, girls were more likely to drop out of school as compared to boys in the Red Sea State of Sudan. ...
... Employment status acts as a proxy to a household's income level. If a parent is employed, then he or she will earn a certain amount of wage which can be channeled towards offsetting both the household and school expenditures for their children (Ebaidalla, 2018). Surprisingly, this variable was found to be statistically insignificant. ...
... This underscores why employment is very instrumental as it informs child school enrolment. These disparities are also consistent with previous findings by Bedi et al. (2004) and Ebaidalla (2018) that associate higher primary school enrolment with increased household incomes. ...
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Despite the consensus on the vital role of human capital investment towards a country’s socio-economic development, school enrolment levels in South Sudan remain dismal with no empirical study conducted to unravel the same. Using the 2016 South Sudan Frequency Survey data, this study sought to unravel the determinants of primary school enrolment in South Sudan with a central focus on the role of the community characteristics. The study also aimed at exploring the disparities in primary school enrolment along the gender and employment perspective lens. The probit model findings revealed that the more time is taken in accessing a primary school, hospital, or food outlet facilities, the lower the probability of a child enrolling in school. School enrolment levels were found to be highest in the Central Equatoria state but lowest in the Lakes state. Furthermore, wide employment and gender differentials in school enrolment rates exist with boys being accorded more preferences than girls. Gender sensitization at the household, community, and state levels as well as the subsidization of primary education are vital in incentivizing parents to enroll their children in school. Similarly, high investment in better infrastructural facilities would ensure schools, hospitals, and water sources are within the reach of school-going children.
... Therefore, investigation of socio-economic factors affecting A/L tuition expenditure, with empirical evidence drawn from a reasonably large sample would significantly contribute to the literature. Evidence can be found for the factors affecting education expenditure from countries such as Sudan (Ebaidalla, 2018), Malaysia (Jelani & Tan, 2012), and Vietnam (Huy, 2012). Household income, level of household head's education, level of schooling are the key factors identified in many of the prior studies. ...
... Household income, level of household head's education, level of schooling are the key factors identified in many of the prior studies. Besides, the factors such as ethnicity, marital status, household head's age, household size, number of school-age children, and residing in urban areas have been found in earlier studies (Ebaidalla, 2018;Jelani & Tan, 2012). The positive impact of household income and the level of education of the head of household on education expenditure has mostly been evident in developing countries. ...
... The positive impact of household income and the level of education of the head of household on education expenditure has mostly been evident in developing countries. According to Ebaidalla (2018), households with higher income, whose heads are educated, and who reside in urban areas tend to spend more on education compared to poor and rural households in Sudan. Providing supporting evidence from Vietnam, Huy (2012) confirmed that families with college-age children spend more on education compared to those with pre-school-age children. ...
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School education as well as university education (up to undergraduate level) is mostly government-owned and free in Sri Lanka. However, the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (G.C.E A/L) Examination has become a huge challenge for students as this is the only eligibility criterion for university entrance which is extremely competitive. Consequently, parents increasingly spend on getting private tuition for their children. This study investigates the socio-economic factors affecting monthly household expenditure on A/L students’ tuition. A stratified random sample of 200 out of 1160 students who sat for the A/L examination in 2019 in each subject stream: Arts, Biological Science, Commerce, Physical Science, and Technology in Embilipitiya educational zone of Rathnapura district in Sri Lanka was selected for the study. Based on the current literature and the Sri Lankan context related to the area of research, 11 factors were identified as the potential determinants of monthly tuition expenditure of Advanced Level students. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The multiple linear regression analysis performed in the study re-vealed that household income, total tuition hours, type of class, and subject stream are the major factors determining the monthly expenditure on private tuition classes. The finalized regression model including the above factors explains more than 71% of the variation in monthly tuition expenditure. Furthermore, the highest and the lowest median monthly tuition expenditures were ob-served for the students from Physical Science and Arts streams respectively. The findings of this research provide important insights to educators and policymakers while extending the limited current knowledge on private tuition in Sri Lanka. Keywords: Multiple linear regression, Prediction, Private tuition, Socio-economic factors, Tuition expenditure
... Using a comprehensive data set with a sample size of 5840 students gathered in Jinan, China, this study found that the average impact of household education spending on NCEE performance was not significant, but could have a significant and positive effect on those with higher test scores. Ebaidalla (2018) reviewed the factors that influence the education expenditures of household in Sudan using National Baseline Household Survey (NBHS) data from 2009 for national, urban, and rural areas. The study used the Tobit model. ...
... Therefore, this finding in the analysis is consistent with expectations. The results found for household income and percentage income quintiles exhibit similarities with the results of Qian and Smyth (2011) and Ebaidalla (2018). As the age of the head of household increases, it is observed that the level of catastrophic education expenditures and out-of-pocket education expenditures increase compared to the 5% threshold value for the household. ...
... As the age of the head of household increases, it is observed that the level of catastrophic education expenditures and out-of-pocket education expenditures increase compared to the 5% threshold value for the household. This is consistent with the results obtained by Acar et al. (2016), Ebaidalla (2018), Sulaiman et al. (2012) and Andreou (2012). It was seen that the catastrophic education expenditures for households in which the head has completed high-school, university, or postgraduate studies increased compared with the households in which the head is illiterate or is a primary school graduate and that out-of-pocket education expenditures similarly increased. ...
... Inclusive education refers to enhancing the participation for every learner by creating systems that evaluate all individuals equally (Kefallinou et al., 2020). In attempting to meet the SDG education target 4.1 by 2030, the household-level spending on education is as crucial to ensure educational quality as the government spending on education (Ebaidalla, 2018). Accordingly, this paper examines the itemized educational spending instead of examining only the total educational spending because the households' spending on specific educational items is the better indicator of the educational condition of the vulnerable households than the total educational spending alone. ...
... In all the figures above, the horizontal axis represents land ownership in acres, and the vertical axis shows the probability density function supposed to secure children's education by covering the education expenses. An increase in the households' spending on education is an essential indicator of accelerating the SDG of inclusive quality education (Ebaidalla, 2018). In this study, the total spending on education, the spending on school tiffin, educational stationery, uniforms, admission, examination, textbooks, education-related Internet, and education-related transportation are considered as indications of the households' willingness to invest in education and to ensure the quality of education for the household members. ...
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The vulnerable households in the rural coastal regions of Bangladesh have been suffering from chronic poverty because of a lack of resources to invest in the human capital development, such as education and training. The unconditional cash and food (UCF) assistance programs in Bangladesh have been designed to combat chronic poverty. This study examines the impact of the UCF assistance receipt on the itemized educational spending: the total spending on education, school tiffin, educational stationery, uniforms, admission fees, examinations, textbooks, education-related Internet, and education-related transportation by the households. A Fuzzy regression discontinuity design (RDD) is used as an identification strategy, in which the assignment variable is the land ownership by the households. The RDD method is based on the idea that the households just below and above the cutoff of the assignment variable are locally randomized, therefore free from any selection bias. The results consistently show that the UCF assistance increases the spending on all educational items, except for textbooks and education-related transportation. This study suggests that the UCF assistance can be used as a policy tool to accelerate the sustainable development goal of inclusive quality education for rural coastal areas by increasing the itemized spending on education.
... Other empirical studies (Adam, 2013;Ebaidalla, 2018;Fincham, 2018) show that the decision to leave school is significantly affected by household income level, particularly in rural areas. ...
... In contrast, Ethiopia spent the largest proportion of its total ET budget on tertiary education (51%) due to the construction of the third generation of universities ( 96 In 1989, there were only three universities in the Sudan, namely: The University of Khartoum, the University of Gezira, and the University of Juba (Ebaidalla, 2018). During the 1990s, tertiary education was expanded by establishing 28 universities. ...
Allgemeine Gleichgewichtsmodelle (Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models) werden oft genutzt, um Erkenntnisse über die gesamtwirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen bildungspolitischer Maßnahmen zu gewinnen. Eine Literaturrecherche zur Integration des Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystems in CGE-Modellen zeigt klare Limitationen bisheriger Studien bezüglich der Darstellung des Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystems und identifiziert damit eine wichtige Forschungslücke, der sich diese Dissertation widmet. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist das Hauptziel dieser Dissertation die Entwicklung eines neuartigen Ansatzes zur Einbeziehung der anerkannten Bildungs- und Berufsbildungssysteme in CGE-Modellen, einschließlich aller potenziellen Verbindungen zwischen diesen beiden Systemen. Das entwickelte Modell ermöglicht die Akkumulation von Arbeitskräften entsprechend der Veränderungen der Anzahl der Absolventen und Schulabbrecher eines integrierten Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystems. Es handelt sich um ein rekursiv-dynamisches Ein-Land-CGE-Modell (STAGE-Edu), das die mittel- bis langfristigen gesamtwirtschaftlichen Effekte verschiedener Bildungs- und Ausbildungspolitiken abbildet. Der Sudan gehört zu den Ländern der unteren mittleren Einkommensklasse, die bezüglich der Förderung der menschlichen Entwicklung vor zahlreichen Herausforderungen stehen. Aus diesem Grund werden in der vorliegenden Dissertation verschiedene bildungspolitische Maßnahmen analysiert und deren Auswirkungen auf das Wirtschaftswachstum und die Humankapitalbildung im Sudan bewertet. Der entwickelte Modellierungsrahmen leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur gesamtwirtschaftlichen Darstellung der durch Bildung und Ausbildung bewirkten menschlichen Entwicklung sowie der drauf abzielenden politischen Maßnahmen. STAGE-Edu bietet politischen Entscheidungsträgern ex-ante Erkenntnisse bezüglich der potenziellen Auswirkungen von Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsqualifikation und letztlich zur Erhöhung des Lebensstandards der Bevölkerung.
... It is also a focus of researchers' attention. Many studies have found clear urban biases in education expenditure, indicating that urban families are more likely to allocate a higher proportion of their income to education [10,11]. Additionally, family characteristics and income levels influence education expenditures. ...
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Scholars have shown interest in education expectations, education expenditures, and academic achievement. However, there is limited research investigating how parents’ educational expectations influence their children’s academic performance through the mediating role of educational expenditures. Based on the 2020 China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) data, this study employs logistic regression analysis, path analysis, and mediation analysis to uncover the following findings: parents’ educational expectations positively impact both objective and subjective academic performance of children; education expenditures positively influence objective academic performance but negatively influence subjective academic performance; education expenditures play a partial mediating role in the relationship between educational expectations and academic performance.
... In addition, the effect of household income is found to be positive and significant in the highest income quintile. Overall, the results revealed that households with higher income, whose heads are educated and reside in urban areas tend to spend more on education compared to poor and rural households" (Ebaidalla M. Ebaidalla, 2018). ...
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This study investigates the determinants of households’ educational expenditure in the Mekong Delta through the Viet Nam Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) data in 2022. The Tobit model is used to identify factors that may influence and explain the households’ expenditure on education in the Mekong Delta. The findings found that eight factors have a statistically significant impact of 1% to 10% on the households' educational expenditure. They include 06 factors (age of household head, ethnicity of household head, household’s size, place of residence, households with additional studying members and household’s average income) which positively impact on the households’ educational consumption and the other factors (educational level of household head and participation in local government) which have negative impacts on the educational consumption of the households. Given findings enable us to propose various suggestions to optimize the investment and expenditure for the education of households in the Mekong Delta.
... Ghana households are unlikely to spend more on a female at higher-level education. Ebaidalla (2018) uses the dataset of the National baseline household survey 2009, Sudan. The findings confirm that household income, head education level, head age, household size, number of school-age children, and residence status are the key determinants for education expenditure. ...
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This comparative study aims to examine household educational expenditure in Pakistan. The data was collected from Pakistan household budget surveys 2013-14, 2015-16 and 2018-19. To meet the objectives of study, descriptive, two sample t-test and Working-Leser model through econometric regression were performed for the confirmation of hypotheses. Results of the study show that educational expenditure increased from US$213.29 household-1 in 2013-14 to US$280.94 household-1 in 2015-16 and there is obtained slightly increased in educational expenditure (i.e., from US$280.94 household-1 to US$281.06 household-1) from 2015-16 to 2018-19. A significant increase in household educational expenditure in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces obtained while educational expenditure of households belongs to Balochistan decreased (i.e., from US$211. 94 household-1 in 2015 to US$128.76 household-1 in 2018). There is obtained positive and statistically significant impact of logarithm income on budget shares of education. Education expenditure elasticity turns out greater than one, which advocates households treat education as expensive one. Findings of study reveals that expenditure on fees and books accounts for more than 80 per cent share of household total educational expenditure. Keeping in view the findings of study, some lucrative policies are recommended for educational development at household level in Pakistan.
... The expenditure on children's education significantly increases with the increasing levels of household income. Furthermore, that household head's level of education has an increasingly positive and significant effect on expenditure on children's education, with households in which the heads have received at least college education spending the most on children's education [38], [4], [12]. ...
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The purpose of the research is to study the cost difference in household expenditure on senior students' accessibility to higher education in Danang of Vietnam. This study implements a quantitative research design in a survey method using 788 questionnaires (including 394 12th grade students – seniors at high schools and 394 parents of these students) in Danang of Vietnam. Research results show that, factors such as location, income and education level of parents are correlated with the tuition costs for children accessibility to higher education. There is an inequality of household investment in relation to these factors. In which, families living in the city center with high income and education have higher education spending than those living in suburban and rural areas with income and low education levels, and vice versa. The results of a sociological study show that families with a parent whose average income is from VND 1.1 million to VND 3 million/month (equivalent to USD 55 to USD 150) must spend up to 1⁄2 of the total monthly income for their Twelfth-grade students. This research can be used for state management agencies, universities, families of student.
Afghanistan’s education development has been one of the top priorities of government and international organizations in the last two decades. Despite the efforts and huge amount of budgets which were consumed in this sector still the rate of literacy is very low and more than half of adults in Afghanistan cannot read and write. Public investments in education provide the necessary facilities and would guarantee equal access to education for all citizens, however, utilizing these facilities would be based on the household’s investment. This study pursued to investigate the factors that determine the level of educational investment by Afghan households. In general, the findings show that the income level, residential area, and the household head’s age, gender, and educational awareness have a positive and significant impact household’s investment in education. The Tobit regression analysis for Income and Expenditure & Labor Force Survey data of 2020 estimates that there is a considerable disparity in demand for education between urban, rural, and Kuchi (nomadic tribes) areas. In addition, the findings estimate that educated people are more willing to pay for education than illiterate and less educated ones. The lower spending on female children’s education indicates that more awareness programs should be implemented to decrease gender inequality in Afghanistan, especially in the education sector. Since there is a lack of research and studies about the demand side of the education market in Afghanistan such studies provide the information and pieces of evidence that would be beneficial for policymakers and international organizations that work for education development in Afghanistan.
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The role of formal education in the socio-economic development of a country cannot be overemphasized. It is in this light, that over the years, governments of Ghana and other organizations have supported the education sector in many ways. Despite the efforts, many people think that a lot more can be done, but resources are not unlimited. Against this backdrop, it will be helpful if stakeholders are in the known as to what sections of the populace need urgent support. This is the primary motivation for this study. A logit model was estimated to find out the socio-economic determinants of a household’s probability of spending on education. The data used was the 2006/2007 Ghana Living Standards Survey Round Five (GLSS-V). We found that high education expenditure does not necessarily mean high probability of spending on education. Two categories of households with high probability of education expenditure were identified. The first category consists of households whose heads have formal education, households who own land, vehicles, and other durable assets, as well as households living in the forest belt. The second category includes: female-headed households; households with greater number of children of school going age; rural households; and households living farther away from the nation’s capital. Households in the second category are those that must be targeted for urgent support. Governments support in the form of capitation grant, free feeding and free supply of uniforms and stationery are in the right direction, but this must be stepped up in a sustainable manner.
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This chapter uses some secondary data and the macro and firm surveys (2010) to analyse the educational, training and skill development policies in Sudan. We show that skill development depends on: reforming the educational system; enhancing the provision of training; planning skill needs and matching educational output with market needs; enhancing the transfer of knowledge/schooling effect; and incentives and collaboration between public and private institutions. We explain that the promotion of local technologies and adoption of appropriate foreign technologies and the interaction between both these to foster economic growth in Sudan depends on skill development. Our results show the low commitment to the standardised international adequacy, equity and efficiency criterion related to the supply and demand sides of educational and training policies. Moreover, we interpret the regional disparity in the demand and enrolment in education due to demographic reason, economic reasons and other reasons across the main regions in Sudan. Notably, our results imply that the incidence of high poverty rate seem to be the most important factor determining or limiting the demand and enrolment, notably, in basic education. We confirm our hypothesis 8 that the effective institutional environment and consistent policies of public and private institutions will enhance upskilling plan and skill development.
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Analysing survey data from 32 selected cities across China in 2003, this article examines parents' expenditure on their children's education from two aspects: factors affecting domestic education expenditure and factors affecting expenditure on overseas education. The main findings that emerge from this study are as follows. First, household income has significant effects on the magnitude of the domestic and overseas educational expenditures. Second, households where mothers have senior secondary school or college education, and fathers are working in professional occupations are likely to spend more on education for their children. Third, being in the highest income category, having a college-educated father, having a mother who is a cadre or middle professional and living in a coastal area significantly enhances the probabilities for the households sending their children overseas for education.
The objective of this research was to investigate the impact of household socioeconomic characteristics on three categories of leisure expenditures. Tobit analysis was applied to data from the U.S. 1988–89 Consumer Expenditure Surveys. The dependent variables were household expenditures on active leisure, passive leisure and social entertainment The results indicated that household income, the number of adults, and the age, race and education of the household head had a significant impact on leisure expenditures.
Surveying the field of the economics of the household, the second edition of this text reviews the theory of the consumer at the intermediate undergraduate level. It then applies and extends it to consumer demand and expenditures, consumption and saving, time allocation among market work, home work, and leisure, human capital emphasizing investment in education, children and health, fertility, marriage, and divorce. Influenced by Gary Becker and his associates, the models developed are used to help explain modern U.S. trends in family behavior. Topics are discussed with the aid of geometry and a little algebra. For those with calculus, mathematical endnotes provide the models on which the text discussions are based and interesting applications beyond the scope of the text.
Using a sample of over 3000 first year university entrants in Greece, we investigate the time and expense incurred in preparation for the highly competitive higher education entry examinations, as well as what students spend privately while attending university. It is shown that in a constitutionally “free for all” higher education country, families spend privately more than the state in order to prepare for the entrance examinations and while studying at the university. In addition, poorer families spend a higher share of their income on the education of their children. Private education expenditure seems to be a necessity for all, the income elasticity being of the order of 0.2–0.3.
Human capital investment in developing countries is thought to be significantly constrained by household resources. This paper studies the relationship between household resources and the demand for education using recent household survey data from Vietnam. The data cover a period, 1993–1998, of exceptional income growth in Vietnam, during which secondary school enrollment rose substantially. Using consumption expenditures to measure household wealth, we find a positive and significant relationship between changes in wealth and changes in the demand for education. This wealth effect persists even after controlling for locality-specific factors such as changes in education returns and the supply and quality of schools, and for the opportunity costs of schooling.