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Abstract and Figures

The effect of adverse weather conditions on the safety of vehicles moving on different types of roads and measuring its margin of safety have always been a major research issue of highways. Determining the exact value of friction coefficient between the wheels of the vehicle and the surface of the pavement (usually Asphalt Concrete) in different weather conditions is assumed as a major factor in design process. An appropriate method is analyzing the dynamic motion of the vehicle and its interactions with geometrical elements of road using dynamic simulation of vehicles. In this paper the effect of changes of friction coefficient caused by the weather conditions on the dynamic responses of three types of vehicles: including Sedan, Bus, and Truck based on the results of Adams/car Simulator are investigated. The studies conducted on this issue for different weather conditions suggest values ranging from 0.04 to 1.25. The results obtained from simulation based on Adams/car represent that the friction coefficient in values of 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6 do not effect on braking distance significantly and it is possible to attribute them all to dry weather condition. However, as it was anticipated the values of 0.5, 0.4, 0.28 and 0.18 have significant differences in braking distance. Hence, the values of 0.5, 0.4, 0.28 and 0.18 can be attributed to wet, rainy, snowy and icy conditions respectively.
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Civil Engineering Journal
Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2018
Effect of Adverse Weather Conditions on Vehicle Braking
Distance of Highways
Ali Abdi Kordani a, Omid Rahmani b
, Amir Saman Abdollahzadeh Nasiri c, Sid
Mohammad Boroomandrad c
a Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran .
b Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran ,Iran.
c Master of science Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Highway and Transportation Engineering, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran.
Received 23 November 2017; Accepted 20 January 2018
The effect of adverse weather conditions on the safety of vehicles moving on different types of roads and measuring its
margin of safety have always been a major research issue of highways. Determining the exact value of friction
coefficient between the wheels of the vehicle and the surface of the pavement (usually Asphalt Concrete) in different
weather conditions is assumed as a major factor in design process. An appropriate method is analyzing the dynamic
motion of the vehicle and its interactions with geometrical elements of road using dynamic simulation of vehicles. In this
paper the effect of changes of friction coefficient caused by the weather conditions on the dynamic responses of three
types of vehicles: including Sedan, Bus, and Truck based on the results of Adams/car Simulator are investigated. The
studies conducted on this issue for different weather conditions suggest values ranging from 0.04 to 1.25. The results
obtained from simulation based on Adams/car represent that the friction coefficient in values of 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6 do not
effect on braking distance significantly and it is possible to attribute them all to dry weather condition. However, as it
was anticipated the values of 0.5, 0.4, 0.28 and 0.18 have significant differences in braking distance. Hence, the values of
0.5, 0.4, 0.28 and 0.18 can be attributed to wet, rainy, snowy and icy conditions respectively.
Keywords: Road Conditions; Friction Coefficient; Dynamic Responses of the Vehicle; Braking Distance; Simulation.
1. Introduction
The effect of undesirable road conditions on the safety of current vehicles on different types of roads is constantly
considered as a major subject in Transportation engineering in all over the world. The statistics of fatality represent
that winter, as the most adverse weather condition, not only can it have significant effect on road surface, but also is
considered as a major factor particularly where transportation and weather condition are interconnected, this means,
Geometric Design and Road Safety, Figures 1 and 2 show the number of fatality of accidents in the US between 2009
and 2010 clearly [1].
The role of Geometric Design, by defining the exact value of the friction coefficient between the surface of the road
(usually Asphalt Concrete) and the tire of vehicle which occurs in different weather conditions as major factor, on the
other hand the dynamic response of the vehicle as a second factor, have to be investigated. When the parameters of
Geometric design and vehicles are investigated interactively, it could be said that designing is close to reality.
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Civil Engineering Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2018
In this paper, according to neglect the effect of weather conditions on the road surface and consequently the change
in the interaction between the vehicle and the road and effect of the type of vehicle (weight, dynamic conditions), the
codes valid geometric design, to simulate and present a model for estimating the effect of the mentioned factors on
braking distance. In this paper, in order to investigate the interaction between road and vehicle on each other precisely,
Adams/car is used.
Figure 1. Number killed of roads in various states of America in freezing conditions during the years 2009-2010 [1]
Figure 2. Zones with the possibility of creating frosts on the road (in winter), The United States of America [1]
1.1. Weather Effects on Safety
There are over 5,760,000 vehicle crashes annually. Roughly 22% of which are related to weather, almost 1,259,000
(1,258,978 crashes). These crashes are recognized as those taking place in adverse weather (i.e., blowing
snow/sand/debris or rain, sleet, snow, fog, severe crosswinds) or even on slick pavement (i.e., , snowy/slushy
pavement, icy pavement, or wet pavement). On average, approximately 6,000 (5,879 fatalities) are killed and over
445,000 (445,303 people injured) are injured in weather-related crashes annually (Figure 3). (Source: Ten-year
averages from 2004 to 2014 analyzed by Booz Allen Hamilton, based on NHTSA data). The majority of most
weather-related crashes take place on wet pavement while rainfall: 73% on wet pavement and 46% during rainfall. A
very smaller percentage of weather-related crashes take place in winter conditions: 17% while snowing or sleet, 13%
take place in icy pavement and 14% of them occur on snowy or slushy pavement. Not more than 3% occur in foggy
weather. (Source: Ten-year averages from 2004 to 2014 analyzed by Booz Allen Hamilton, based on NHTSA data)[2].
Civil Engineering Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2018
Note: "Weather-Related" crashes are those that occur in the presence of adverse weather and/or slick pavement conditions
Figure 3. Weather-Related Crash Statistics (10-year Percentages) NHTSA data
It can be seen in Figure 4, segregated, accident statistics (damage, injury and death) in a variety of road weather
Figure 4. Weather-Related Crash Statistics (Annual Averages) 10-year Average (2005-2014) NHTSA data [2]
AASHTO the Green Book regulations, focuses more on the road surface which attributes the wet condition as the
worst friction coefficient (Current AASHTO: Green Book 2011, Previous AASHTO: book 1994) (See Table 1) this is
while many vehicles and their drivers experience the icy and snowy road conditions. Obviously, the weather condition
such as rainfall can change the road surface condition. For instance, in snowy condition surface frustration, compacted
snow, soft snow, and slush can be observed which makes the investigation essential.
Table 1. Investigating on suggested values for friction coefficient in different editions of AASHTO [5]
Suggested values for the coefficient of friction
Code and year
The whole maximum and minimum
suggested values are based on speed
parameter that the highest value is for
speed of 112 km/h, and the lowest
value is for speed of 48 km/h
(Wet Pavement and locked wheel)
(previous AASHTO)
AASHTO 1965[4]
Slightly higher at higher speeds than 1970 Values
AASHTO 1984 & 1990
Current AASHTO
Suggested values in these editions of AASHTO are
based on speed and deceleration rather than friction
AASHTO 2011[3]
Since in Geometric Design of roads Stopping Sight Distance (SSD), Passing Sight Distance (PSD) and Decision
Sight Distance (DSD) are directly related to the value of friction coefficient, defining the exact value particularly in
Vehicle Crashes
Weather-Related * Others
Crash Injeries
Weather-Related * Others
Crash fatalities
Weather-Related * Others
55,942 739
151,94438,770 559
41,597 538 28,533 10,448 495
persons injured
persons killed
persons injured
persons killed
persons injured
persons killed
persons injured
persons killed
persons injured
persons killed
persons injured
persons killed
Wet Pavement Rain Snow/Sleet Icy Pavement Snow/Slushy
Pavement Fog
Weather-Related Crash Statistics10-
year Average (2004-2013)
Road Weather Conditions
Civil Engineering Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2018
modes that most drivers brake while accelerating, and this study becomes more important. In this paper, the effect of
motion features of heavy vehicles such as bus and truck, driver behavior while Braking which usually occurs steering
free (wheels with lateral movement) or locked steering (wheels with very little lateral movement) are investigated in
addition to what mentioned previously.
2. Literature Review
Studies run on friction are divided into three different categories:
1. The changes of surface texture and pavement materials, Geometric features and the fabric of tire on the friction
2. Relation between Geometric Design parameters (such as radius of horizontal curves and vertical alignments,
stopping sight distances the speed of vehicle, slope and Super elevation).
3. The effect of weather conditions on road surface and on friction coefficient
In studies that are divided into category 1, the values of friction are acceptable unless the road surface loses its
primary state, as an example, in case of snow drop and compacted snow or ice which causes the road surface to
become unusual, the same friction coefficient cannot be used. This is because porous surface is covered with
compacted snow and ice and low surface roughness has low impact on the friction coefficient (for example [6]).
In studies in category 2, usually the friction coefficient is obtained by harvesting field of acceleration, speed and
stopping distance of vehicles and also slope and geometric features (for example [7]).
Studies of category 3, the effect of weather conditions directly on road conditions and the value of friction
coefficient is measured which is the subject of this paper as well.
In AASHTO Green Book 2011[3], the effect of weather conditions derived from designing parameters such as
weight, size, the effect of center of mass and so are not considered numerically and precisely in sudden stops. The
studies show that most drivers to stop suddenly while facing an unexpected object brake with the rate of deceleration
greater than 4.5 meter per square seconds, and also about 90% of drivers under normal conditions brake with the
deceleration rate of 3.4 meter per square seconds [5]. In order to compare and include the value of friction coefficient
in different weather conditions and relate its effect on Road friction coefficient while braking, it is necessary to use a
relationship for manual calculations that the value of friction coefficient is applicable. Therefore, because current
AASHTO (2011) is according to the changes of suggested values of speed and acceleration, instead of using current
AASHTO (2001, 2004, 2011), AASHTO (1990 and before) is used in which friction coefficient is directly based on
vehicle type and physical relationships. (Gained relationship is in [4]).
As it is shown in Figure 5, there is no force toward forward and vehicle movement is gained through force
interaction between friction and engine:
Figure 5. Forces Diagram
The force that moves the vehicle forward = 0
     
Newton's Second Law:
       
Independent of time:
     
  
Civil Engineering Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2018
v = Design Speed (km/h)
d = Braking Distance (m)
Fk = Longitudinal Friction Force
N= Normal Reaction Force
V = Design Speed (km/h)
a = Deceleration Rate (m/s2)
m= Mass of Vehicle (Kg)
µ= Coefficient of Friction
g = Gravitational acceleration (m/s2)
Equation 3 can be chosen according to friction coefficient value choices by designer in different road surface
conditions caused by different weather conditions. Table 2 shows the research that directly gives friction coefficient
based on road surface conditions. In some studies, [8] it also suggested different equations for calculating braking
distance (Table 3) based on road surface conditions (without considering direct effect of friction coefficient).
Table 2. Studies on the coefficient of friction
Year and Studied
The study are presented maximum and
minimum values
Max= 1.0799
2013 [9]
2010 [10]
2004 [11]
Jones and Childers reported
2013 [12]
)Black ice)
The study is carried out by the
coefficient of friction for icy to dry
conditions values of 0.2 to 0.8 to be
2012 [14]
The friction coefficient values are
based on observed speeds of 93 to 99
(Km / h)
1997 [15]
This study using simulation software
Adams / Car with five default values
of coefficient of friction are
2015 [16]
Longitudinal friction coefficient is
suggested between 0.15 and 0.5
2003 [17]
This study using simulation software
Adams / Car with four
values of coefficient of friction (for
Dry Concrete Pavement 1.1973 has
been considered.
2017 [18]
Simulations were carried out with
MATLAB/SIMULINK for different
initial velocities under various road
conditions and alignments
2015 [19]
Table 3. Stopping Distance in Jones & Childers study [8]
Compacted Snow
Soft, Loose Snow
Wet Surface
Dry Surface
Deferent Road
S.D= 4D
S.D= 3D
S.D= 2D
S.D=1.7 D
S.D= D
Civil Engineering Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2018
Conducted studies in Table 3, show that the values of friction coefficient range from 0.049 to 1.232. As it is
determined in Table 3, different studies on a road surface condition suggest different friction coefficient values that
many of them are based on field studies. In this study, by having different friction coefficient values for different types
of vehicles and various types of simulations, according to previous studies based on Adams/car simulation different,
suggested values were investigated and simulated. The results of this research can be used in the relationships of
AASHTO Green Book which is related to the friction coefficient, parts of the road which has not got any longitudinal
and terrain slopes, without any considerable roughness in the asphalt concrete road surface. For instance, stopping
sight distance (SSD) in direct routes (without horizontal and vertical curves) (Equation 1) is one of them [3]. Figure 6
is a simplified Diagram of acting forces on the wheels of vehicle while moving. According to Figure 6, the value of
friction coefficient () is obtained by dividing horizontal forces to vertical forces that is mentioned as a simplified
numerator and based on acting acceleration in AASHTO[6].
Figure 6. Simplified diagram of forces acting on a rotating wheel [6]
  
 
   
By applying default conditions of the simulation (G=0%) on Equation 4, Equation 5 will be linear (AASHTO
     
   
SSD= Stopping Sight Distance (m)
dB = braking distance(m)
dBR = brake reaction distance(m)
V = design speed (km/h)
a = deceleration rate (m/s2)
Due to years of using both Equations 3 and 4 or 5 to calculate braking distance, Many major geometric design and
road safety manuals have approved both equations (both braking distance equations are based on deceleration (a) and
longitudinal coefficient of friction(f))[17].
3. Methodology
In order to analysis of vehicle-highway design interaction, using vehicle dynamic simulation modeling is inevitable,
unless we should prepare a test track with all the vehicles, highway, and weather variables to make a lot of scenarios
and measure all the responses of vehicles in various situations that is too much expensive and almost impossible. In
this paper, the effect of friction coefficient changes due to the type of weather condition on the dynamic responses of
three types of vehicle (Sedan, Bus, Truck) based on outputs of Adams/car simulation environment is investigated.
Since generally the type of vehicle and its features such as size (length, width and height), weight can be effective
on friction coefficient, this research is done not only on Sedan, but on Bus and Truck for five different modes of
friction coefficient and dynamic response of the vehicle. Simulation includes Braking which is known as a common
driving behavior.
Civil Engineering Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2018
3.1. Simulation Process
Adams/car simulation software is based on artificial intelligence which can perform tests on the dynamic response
of vehicles in different highway designs. Moreover, is a module of the MSC Adams software package which can be
used as the importance of the multi-body vehicle models is concerned. Although the number of errors in this simulator
is high in delivering outputs, which increases the time of design and construction of the Roads, high accuracy and
reliable results of its output values have still led to more use of it in the research.
This paper presented crucial details of simulation process with Adams/car, consequently Simulation menu of
Adams/car Straight Line Events are used. Simulating to obtain dynamic responses of vehicle and full vehicle analysis
in Four-Step is run as it following: (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Four-Step Simulation in Adams/Car
3.2. Selected Models of Vehicles
Three types of vehicles which are selected are Sedan, Bus Rigid with Two Axle, Truck with three Axle in order to
simulate (See Figure 8).
Figure 8. 
The Sedan which is investigated [16] is lighter than Bus and Truck. Since friction coefficient is directly related to
the weight force (mg) and the mass of the vehicle, investigation on Bus and Truck is done based on weight. The
vehicle includes bus which is rigid body and the Truck with three axles, single-axle front and rear tandem, also rear
axle has four springs, and front has an Airbag-spring. Truck has six tensors (or moment of inertia at rest). Dynamic
features of the mentioned vehicles are shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Dynamic features of the mentioned vehicles
Vehicle Type
Center of Mass Height
Rigid Bus
Truck Unit
Entering the vehicle model on Adams/car software (Open Assembly)
Entering friction coefficients between road surface and the wheels of the
vehicle, entering the type of road and its features (Set Parameters)
Activating and running the simulation (Perform Analysis)
Obtaining the output graphs from Braking Mode (Animate and Plot)
Civil Engineering Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2018
3.3. Simulation Features
Conducted tests are considered for Braking for 40 seconds and with the speed of 80 (km per h). Start of Braking is
the fifth second in each test with a deceleration of 0.34 g’s (according to [3]). Also for braking test in Adams/car,
Close loop mode is used (See Figure 9).
Figure 9. Braking test settings
3.4. Reasons of Driving Behavior
Two distinct modes of operation can be identified: free-rolling and full skidding. In free rolling mode (without any
braking), there is not any relative speed between the pavement and the tire circumference. At full skidding, the
circumferential tire speed is zero and the slip speed is equal to the speed of the vehicle. In typical braking conditions,
the slip speed varies between these two extremes [6]. Figure 10 shows a portion of the simulation performed in the
free steering mode of the sedan vehicle with 8 different friction coefficients.
Figure10. Sedan Vehicle in Simulation test
As it can be observed in Adams/car:
In sliding movement of truck, there is a significant difference between two steering behavior (free steering and
locked steering) is done by driver which is clearly shown in Figure 11.
Civil Engineering Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2018
Figure 11. Difference Value between Locked and Free Steering (Speed = 80 Km/h)
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. The Analysis of Outputs and Investigating the Relationship between Friction Coefficient and the Length of
Stopping Distance of Different Types of Vehicles in Free and Locked Steering
There are 48 tests altogether in order to obtain the values of Braking Distance, different values of 0.18, 0.28, 0.4,
0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 are entered in the simulation environment, and to define each of them to a specific weather
condition and consequently a specific road condition, according to previous studies (Table 3), are named respectively
for Icy, Snowy, Rainy, Wet, Dry, Dry-2, Dry-3. The outputs of Adams/car simulation environment for three types of
vehicles of Sedan, Bus and truck in two different driving behavior modes of free and locked steering are obtained
(Table 5).
Table 5. Braking Distance Based on Road Conditions for types of Vehicle (Speed = 80 Km/h)
Road Surface Conditions
(Coefficient Friction)
Braking Distance
(Truck-Free) (m)
Braking Distance
(Truck-Locked) (m)
Braking Distance
(Bus-Free) (m)
Braking Distance
(Bus- Locked) (m)
Braking Distance
(Sedan-Free) (m)
Braking Distance
(Sedan- Locked) (m)
Current AASHTO
(2001,2004,2011) (m)
Previous AASHTO
(1940-1990) (m)(Sedan)
Jones & Childers
(2001) (m) (Sedan)
4.1. Obtained Models from Simulation
In order to calculate stopping distance for variety of roads, particularly those with high passing volume of heavy
vehicles, the following models (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) based on selected friction coefficient according to the dominant
weather condition in the area of design, by selecting 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.28, 0.18 and putting them into the
following models, the values which are really close to reality will be obtained.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
lateral displacement (mm)
Time (s)
free steering
locked steering
Civil Engineering Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2018
  
  
  
  
  
  
Figure 12. Compare between ADAMS simulation, AASHTO and Jones & Childers Study (Speed= 80 Km/h)
Because the most important studies on the values of the coefficient of friction in the longitudinal direction and its
effect on braking distances is on the sedan vehicles, Table 6 for comparing the Values obtained from the simulation
sedan vehicle than the values of AASHTO and Jones & Childers (All values in percentage terms & increased).
Table 6. Percentage difference once for Sedan in Free mode and once in locked mode (Speed= 80 Km/h)
According to models 6 to 11, the corresponding equilibrium points are obtained with friction coefficients of 0.42,
0.52, 0.78 (see Figure 13). At the equilibrium point of 0.42, it was close to what was assumed in the simulation input
Braking Distance (Truck-Free) (m)
Braking Distance (Truck-Locked) (m)
Braking Distance (Bus-Free) (m)
Braking Distance (Bus- Locked) (m)
Braking Distance (Sedan-Free) (m)
Braking Distance (Sedan- Locked) (m)
Current AASHTO (2001,2004,2011) (m)
Previous AASHTO (m)(Sedan)
Jones & Childers (2001) (m) (Sedan)
CF = Coefficient of Friction
µ (Friction Coefficient)
Steering Mode
Sedan (free)
Jones& Childers
Sedan (locked)
Jones& Childers
Civil Engineering Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2018
for rainy weather conditions (μ = 0.4), The difference between the braking distance of Sedan and Truck vehicles is
almost zero. At the equilibrium point of 0.52, close to what was assumed in the simulation input for wet conditions (μ
= 0.5), The braking distances for Sedan and Bus are approximately equal. At the equilibrium point of 0.78, among
input values for simulation in dry weather conditions (Dry1 and Dry 2), the braking distance also equals to Sedan and
Bus vehicles.
Figure 13. Obtained Curves from Simulation models
Examined values of the models represent that according to Literature Review )Table 2), the assumed friction
coefficients for weather conditions are significant Values And can be considered as a friction coefficient with a
precision in order to calculate the braking distance in the geometric design of road components in different road
surface conditions.
Another result of this article is that the braking distance values are less than 0.4 (related to the road surface
conditions in Rainy scenarios, see Figure 12) This suggests that with the changing road surface conditions on the rainy
way (μ = 0.4) to icy = 0.18), there is a lot of difference due to the weight and dynamic conditions of the heavy
vehicles (BUS and Truck) than light vehicles (Sedan). For example, in a friction coefficient of 0.4 (Rainy), The
difference in braking distance in a Locked Steering Truck Vehicle and is 25% greater than the Sedan's braking
distance in locked steering. These value increase to 29.27% for the Snowy condition and μ =0.28, and the friction
coefficient of 0.28 (icy condition) reaches 42.47%, which is a big difference.
5. Conclusions
In this paper conducted studies on different coefficient factors (µ) which every one of them is according to previous
studies on different pavement surface conditions, are caused by different weather conditions. Since in Geometric
design of roads coefficient friction is essential in designing elements, studies on stopping distance is done. In order to
compare the result of this research to other related previous ones, the braking distance relationships of current
AASHTO (2001, 2004 and 2011) and previous AASHTO (1994) and other studies are investigated. The results
obtained from simulation based on Adams/car indicate that friction coefficients of 0.9, 0.8, 0.7and 0.6 do not have
intensively significant differences in the values of braking distance and all of them can be attributed to dry weather
condition. Although it was anticipated there were significant differences in braking distances in values of 0.5, 0.4, 0.28
and 0.18. Therefore 0.5, 0.4, 0.28 and 0.18 can be allocated to wet, rainy, snowy and icy weather conditions
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Braking Distance (m)
Coefficient of Friction (µ)
braking distance truck free steering braking distance truck locked steering
braking distance bus free steering braking distance truck locked steering
braking distance sedan free steering braking distance sedan locked steering
Poly. (braking distance truck free steering) Poly. (braking distance truck locked steering)
Poly. (braking distance bus free steering) Poly. (braking distance truck locked steering)
Poly. (braking distance sedan free steering) Poly. (braking distance sedan locked steering)
Civil Engineering Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2018
respectively. For further clarification, the percentage differences are indicated in Table 6, this means that the
percentage difference once for Sedan in Free mode and once in locked mode and also their comparisons to Jones &
Childers and AASHTO are stated. The mentioned values in previous AASHTO are considered in inputs of simulation
due to considering coefficient friction, consequently braking distance are obtained. Also braking distances from
simulation with Adams/car for Sedan, Bus and Truck in both modes of free and locked steering owing to the
significant difference in lateral displacement and to investigate more precisely are obtained. The results obtained from
the comparison of relationships of AASHTO, Jones & Childers 2001 and simulation represent that the lowest vales of
friction coefficient for geometric design belong to AASHTO, while Jones & Childers suggest higher values, also the
values of simulation suggest the highest values which there is no difference in free steering or locked mode.
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... These values are typically obtained through testing and analysis specific to the site. However, for our study, we rely on values reported in the literature (Younes, 2023;Kordani et al., 2018). Our focus is on assessing the practical application of NHSRM, particularly in predicting outcomes under challenging weather conditions. ...
... Coefficient of friction for different weather conditions(Younes, 2023;Kordani et al., 2018).Fig. 3. The flow-density relationship subjected to assorted during various traffic conditions with = 500 m. ...
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The macroscopic continuum traffic flow models are being investigated to predict and ameliorate traffic more efficiently. These models are beneficial implementation tools to comprehend and complement the shortfalls in traffic evolution. Despite the significant enhancements in devising the traffic dynamics, the practical utilization of these macroscopic models is not being fully explored. In this study, the Non-Homogeneous Stimulus-Response Model (NHSRM) (Imran et al., 2023) is investigated for its application in forecasting traffic flow on a curvy highway during various weather conditions. The weather impact, in the specific, dry, light rainfall, moderate rainfall, and heavy rainfall on the travel time, velocity, and density spatiotemporal evolution on a curvy highway is analyzed. The flow during different weather conditions is investigated over two curved roads with 120 m, and 500 m radii. As evident from the results, significant velocity breakdowns during heavy rainfall impact the upstream traffic which contributes to congestion development. The average velocity of traffic depletes significantly, and the congestion formation upstream is significant. While the travel time of particular highway segments elevates sharply during heavy rainfall. A comprehensive understanding of the insights, and the criticality associated with the parameters of the model, in particular, on the choice of the maximum velocity of the highway has been presented for NHSRM.
... Both methodologies continue to advance through innovation and refinement. One of the earliest methods for testing pavement skid resistance was the vehicle braking distance measurement [4,5]. This straightforward technique involves conducting braking tests on wet roads at 64 km/h, measuring the distance traversed until the wheels lock and the vehicle comes to a halt. ...
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In view of the fact that there is no suitable measurement method for tire driving resistance during the operation of a transporter on soil pavement, this paper proposes a simple measurement and estimation method for driving resistance on a soil runway based on the Bekker settlement model. In this paper, using the driving resistance equation based on the Bekker model, a simplified equation of driving resistance related to mass is proposed. Using the principle of kinematics, a simple test device for driving resistance was developed, and the test data of the test device were used to determine the parameters of the driving resistance estimation equation of the road surface. The driving resistance of the wheel running state was tested by the simulated aircraft load loading vehicle through the mechanical sensor, and the consistency between the theoretical value and the actual value of the driving resistance value under 8T, 10T, and 12T loads was verified. This research shows that the test method and estimation method have low cost and good accuracy and are suitable for wide promotion. The results of this paper provide a new idea and method for estimating the driving resistance of a wheel when a transporter runs on a soil road and also provide a reference for designing the length of a soil runway.
... It was also observed that both the stopping distance and slip of the tractor were higher for tilled soil followed by dry compacted soil and asphalt road. This effect might be due to the less coefficient of friction between soil and tyre in the tilled soil compared to the dry compacted soil and asphalt road (Abdi Kordani et al., 2018;Choi, 2008;Harned et al., 1969). Nastasoiu and Ispas (2014) observed a decreasing trend in the stopping distance from 23.287 to 6.164 m as the coefficient of friction of the road increased from 0.4 to 0.8 for two wheel driven tractors. ...
Braking system is a crucial component of tractors as it ensures safe operation and control of the vehicle. The limited space availability in the workspace of a small tractor exposes the operator to undesirable posture and a maximum level of vibration during operation. The primary cause of road accidents, particularly collisions, is attributed to the tractor operator's insufficient capacity to provide the necessary pedal power for engaging the brake pedal. During the process of engaging the brake pedal, the operator adjusts the backrest support to facilitate access to the brake pedal while operating under stressed conditions. In the present study, a linear actuator-assisted automatic braking system was developed for the small tractors. An integrated artificial neural network proportional–integral–derivative (ANN-PID) controller-based algorithm was developed to control the position of the brake pedal based on the input parameters like terrain condition, obstacle distance, and forward speed of the tractor. The tractor was operated at four different speeds (i.e., 10, 15, 20, and 25 km/h) in different terrain conditions (i.e., dry compacted soil, tilled soil, and asphalt road). The performance parameters like sensor digital output (SDO), force applied on the brake pedal (Fb), and deceleration were considered as dependent parameters. The SDO was found to good approximation for sensing the position of the brake pedal during braking. The optimized network topology of the developed multilayer perceptron neural network (MLPNN) was 3-6-2 for predicting SDO and deceleration of the tractor with a coefficient of determination (R2) for the training and testing datasets of the SDO and deceleration were obtained as 0.9953 and 0.9854, and 0.9254 and 0.9096, respectively. The Ziegler–Nichols (Z-N method) method was adopted to determine the initial optimal gains of the PID controller and later these coefficients were optimized using response surface methodology. The optimized proportional (Kp), integral (Ki), and derivative (Kd) coefficient values were 4.8, 6.782, and 3.15, respectively. The developed integrated ANN, that is, MLPNN and PID-based algorithm could successfully control the position of the brake pedal during braking. The stopping distance and slip of the tractor during automatic braking increased with an increase in the forward speed for the tractor from 10 to 25 km/h in all the selected terrain conditions.
... Many studies indicated that crash rate increases when roadway sections have low adhesion [2][3][4][5]. Pavement adhesion is the result of a complex interplay between pavement texture and vehicle tire, which is prone to variation due to rainfall, ice and snow, environmental temperature, and texture decay, thus influencing vehicular travel safety [6,7]. Therefore, fast, correct, and real-time assessment of pavement adhesion is an important task faced by transportation agencies all over the world, many have performed pavement adhesion testing on their highways to monitor the safety and condition for years. ...
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Pavement adhesion plays a crucial role in driving safety, while traditional test methods exhibit some limitations. To improve the efficiency and accuracy of asphalt pavement texture characterization and adhesion assessments, this paper uses three-dimensional (3D) laser technology to detect the continuous point cloud data of road surface and reconstruct the 3D topography of pavement texture. On this basis, a volume parameter Volume of peak materials (Vmp) is innovatively proposed to comprehensively characterize the 3D spatial characteristics of road surface texture. The correlation analysis between the proposed Vmp and the traditional adhesion evaluation index Transversal Adhesion Coefficient (CAT) is conducted, and then refined graded adhesion prediction models based on the proposed Vmp are proposed. Results show that the proposed volume parameter Vmp can reliably and accurately characterize the asphalt pavement texture by considering more structural properties of the road surface texture. According to the research findings of this paper, it is feasible to achieve rapid and correct assessment of asphalt pavement adhesion using 3D laser detection technology by comprehensively considering the 3D characteristics of the road surface texture.
... The above two methods are in the process of continuous innovation and development. Vehicle braking distance measurement method [4,5] is an early original method of pavement skid resistance test. This method uses a vehicle to perform a braking test on a wet road at a speed of 64km / h. ...
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In view of the complexity of the calculation of tire running resistance during transport aircraft running on the soil surface, this paper presents two types of characterization methods of tire running resistance under the force state and the motion state based on the Bekker settlement model. Then a soil runway was established. According to the stress state of the tires, a simulated aircraft loading vehicle was used to test the running resistance of the wheels through mechanical sensors. According to the state of tire movement, position measuring equipment was selected and test software was developed, and the running resistance of tires was tested by changes in speed and distance of common vehicles. On this basis, the method of estimating wheel driving resistance based on vehicle test data is established, and the effectiveness of the estimation method is verified, and the estimation process is given. The results of this paper provide a new idea and method for estimating the running resistance of conveyors on soil pavement, and can also provide a reference for the design the of soil runway length.
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A road‐weather information system (RWIS) is an attractive application in the context of intelligent transportation systems (ITSs), which is used where climatic conditions and meteorological events worsen traffic safety. The primary goal is to significantly reduce potential accidents by sending early warning messages to prompt immediate action. For this purpose, road weather information stations are placed at critical points on the highways. In addition to responsible transportation agencies, enabling direct warning message transfer from roadside infrastructure to vehicles can significantly improve the effectiveness of a typical RWIS application. Dedicated short range communication (DSRC) and cellular vehicle to everything (C‐V2X) technologies are extensively used for data exchange between vehicles (V2V) and between vehicles and road infrastructure (V2I or I2V) under the umbrella term of vehicle‐to‐everything (V2X) communications. Latency and coverage are key performance indicators of the vehicular network that determine how drivers react to risks in adverse road and weather conditions. V2X‐based connectivity mainly aims to offer low latency in message delivery, but it is not possible to obtain a wide‐range coverage due to significant propagation loss in the dedicated 5.9 GHz ITS frequency band. In this study, we presented a long range (LoRa)‐based RWIS application that uses I2 V communication at sub‐GHz bands. Our main contribution is proposing a novel method for RWIS implementations, where the LoRa gateways run in a half‐duplex way to collect information from road weather information stations in the uplink channel and then broadcast warning messages to vehicles in the downlink channel. To validate the applicability of the proposed method, we presented a feasibility study that includes transmission range and latency analysis. Our theoretical calculations' results validate the more extended transmission range and applicability of LoRa connectivity on RWIS applications, especially for common scenarios like black ice where the climate risks do not occur suddenly. We also showed that our methodology would be beneficial due to the ability to offer wide coverage, especially in the areas where cellular base stations have not yet existed or V2X road infrastructure has not yet been established.
Testing autonomous vehicles (AVs) under various environmental scenarios that lead the vehicles to unsafe situations is challenging. Given the infinite possible environmental scenarios, it is essential to find critical scenarios efficiently. To this end, we propose a novel testing method, named EpiTESTER , by taking inspiration from epigenetics, which enables species to adapt to sudden environmental changes. In particular, EpiTESTER adopts gene silencing as its epigenetic mechanism, which regulates gene expression to prevent the expression of a certain gene, and the probability of gene expression is dynamically computed as the environment changes. Given different data modalities (e.g., images, lidar point clouds) in the context of AV, EpiTESTER benefits from a multi-model fusion transformer to extract high-level feature representations from environmental factors. Next, it calculates probabilities based on these features with the attention mechanism. To assess the cost-effectiveness of EpiTESTER , we compare it with a probabilistic search algorithm (Simulated Annealing, SA), a classical genetic algorithm (GA) (i.e., without any epigenetic mechanism implemented), and EpiTESTER with equal probability for each gene. We evaluate EpiTESTER with six initial environments from CARLA, an open-source simulator for autonomous driving research, and two end-to-end AV controllers, Interfuser and TCP. Our results show that EpiTESTER achieved a promising performance in identifying critical scenarios compared to the baselines, showing that applying epigenetic mechanisms is a good option for solving practical problems.
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سیستم‌های رانندگی خودکار) ( ADSدامنه‌ای جدید برای صنعت خودرو باز کرده و امکانات نوینی را برای حمل و نقل آینده با کارایی بالاتر و تجربیات راحت ارائه می‌دهند. با این حال، ادراک و حس در شرایط آب و هوایی نامساعد، چالشی است که ممکن است موانعی را برای رانندگی خودکار ایجاد کند. این مقاله به بررسی تأثیرات و چالش‌هایی که شرایط آب و هوایی بر سنسورهای ADS ایجاد می‌کند، به صورت سیستماتیک می‌پردازد و راه‌حل‌های مقابله با این چالش‌ها را بررسی می‌کند. در این مقاله، الگوریتم‌های پیشرفته و روش‌های یادگیری عمیق جهت افزایش ادراک در شرایط مختلف آب و هوا، طبقه‌بندی وضعیت آب و هوا، و سنجش از راه دور به طور جامع گزارش شده‌اند. وسایل نقلیه خودمختار در حال تبدیل شدن به مرکزی برای آینده تحرک هستند و پیشرفت در یادگیری عمیق این تحول را پشتیبانی می‌کند. عملکرد یک سیستم خودران به شدت به کیفیت کارادراک بستگی دارد.پیشرفت‌ها در فناوری‌های حسگر، منجر به افزایش در دسترس بودن اسکنرهای سه‌بعدی مانند LiDAR شده است. این اسکنرها امکان نمایش دقیق‌تری از محیط اطراف خودرو را فراهم می‌کنند و به سیستم‌های ایمنی تسریع می‌بخشند. توسعه سریع این فناوری و افزایش مطالعات تحقیقاتی در زمینه سیستم‌های خودران از اوایل دهه 2010، منجر به افزایش چشمگیر در تعداد و روش‌های نوین تشخیص اشیاء شده است.این مقاله به بررسی ادبیات موجود در زمینه تشخیص اشیاء با استفاده از داده‌های LiDAR در حوزه خودرانی می‌پردازد و روشی سیستماتیک برای تجزیه و تحلیل این اطلاعات ارائه می‌دهد.
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The accurate estimation of road friction coefficient in the active safety control system has become increasingly prominent. Most previous studies on road friction estimation have only used vehicle longitudinal or lateral dynamics and often ignored the load transfer, which tends to cause inaccurate of the actual road friction coefficient. A novel method considering load transfer of front and rear axles is proposed to estimate road friction coefficient based on braking dynamic model of two-wheeled vehicle. Sliding mode control technique is used to build the ideal braking torque controller, which control target is to control the actual wheel slip ratio of front and rear wheels tracking the ideal wheel slip ratio. In order to eliminate the chattering problem of the sliding mode controller, integral switching surface is used to design the sliding mode surface. A second order linear extended state observer is designed to observe road friction coefficient based on wheel speed and braking torque of front and rear wheels. The proposed road friction coefficient estimation schemes are evaluated by simulation in ADAMS/Car. The results show that the estimated values can well agree with the actual values in different road conditions. The observer can estimate road friction coefficient exactly in real-time and resist external disturbance. The proposed research provides a novel method to estimate road friction coefficient with strong robustness and more accurate.
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In this paper the friction coefficient at contact surface of the road and tire of ground vehicle has been estimated for the anti-lock braking system. The non-linear Dugoff's friction model has been taken here to characterize the tire forces. The main aim is to update the controller with current information about the friction so that the vehicle can be manoeuvred by anti-lock braking controller in an emergency braking situation. A robust non-linear sliding mode observer has been suggested to observe the tire force and the longitudinal velocity of the vehicle. Simulation is carried out for different road conditions for a quarter car model and the results are evaluated. (c) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education
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Road surface slipperiness caused by ice and snow increases risk of traffic incidents. Wintry road conditions may exist during several months in countries located at high latitudes or in mountainous areas. Icy and snowy road conditions reduce the friction, which is defined as the grip between the car tire and the underlying road surface. The value of friction reduces markedly in cases of freezing rain or snowfall. Also, wet road surface may become icy if temperature cools down below zero degrees. The Finnish Road Administration has defined limits for the minimums of friction and the acceptable durations for low friction values. Good friction – with values around 0.8 – is observed when road surface is dry and clear. The most slippery situations are experienced when roads are covered by ice and with a small water layer above the ice -friction is then typically close to 0.1. There is nowadays a network of Vaisala DSC111 instruments along the Finnish road network for monitoring the prevailing friction. Previously there were no direct means to observe or forecast friction. Finnish Meteorological Institute has developed a statistical friction model to forecast friction several hours ahead. The formulae of the model were developed based on statistical analysis utilizing road weather station data. The friction model has lately become part of FMI's operational road weather forecast model. This paper presents the development process of the model and some first test results. Also, problems and future scenarios will be shown. This study is associated with the EU/FP7 Project ROADIDEA and the EU/COST Action TU0702. The major goals of these undertakings are to study the adverse effects of weather on traffic and to develop new and innovative methods and tools to increase traffic fluency and safety.
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With the use of the ADAMS/Car and vehicle dynamics model, we established a road model and coupled model of the car and road. By changing the road surface friction coefficient of the ADAMS/Car, the vehicle driving conditions were studied on dry pavement, wet pavement, pavement in rainy weather, pavement in snowy weather, and icy pavement. Through the simulation analysis of the three driving conditions, the curves of lateral displacement, curves of lateral force, and braking distance curves were obtained under different road surface friction coefficients, which can be used to analyze the safety of a car in rainy and snowy weather.
The relationship between side friction factor and longitudinal grade is investigated for horizontal curves considered in three dimensions, and new models for estimating side friction factors for different vehicle types are presented. The study consists of three parts: (1) a series of simulation tests using the CarSim and TruckSim multi-body simulation software packages; (2) multiplex regression analysis; and (3) presentation of recommended formulas for the side friction factor. Two different driving behaviors are considered in the simulation process: in one, the driver negotiates the curve at constant speed; in the other, the driver brakes while passing downgrades. Side friction factors are also studied separately for each axle of a vehicle. Greater side friction factors are found on downgrades for all vehicle types when cornering. From the viewpoint of skidding, the most critical situation is found for the rear axle of a sedan. In addition, braking is found to have a significant effect on side friction factors. The results and models from this study can be used in the geometric design phase by highway engineers to design safer roads.
Conference Paper
Friction plays a key role in causing slipperiness as a low coefficient of friction on the road may result in slippery and hazardous conditions. Analyzing the strong relation between friction and accident risk on winter roads is a difficult task. Many weather forecasting organizations use a variety of standard and bespoke methods to predict the coefficient of friction on roads. This article proposes an approach to predict the extent of slipperiness by building and testing an expert system. It estimates the coefficient of friction on winter roads in the province of Dalarna, Sweden using the prevailing weather conditions as a basis. Weather data from the road weather information system, Sweden (RWIS) was used. The focus of the project was to use the expert system as a part of a major project in VITSA, within the domain of intelligent transport systems
Association of State Highway and Transportation officials)A policy on geometric design of highways and streets
AASHTO (Association of State Highway and Transportation officials). "A policy on geometric design of highways and streets", Washington, D.C. USA. (1965).
Determination of Stopping Sight Distances
NCHRP400 (National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report). "Determination of Stopping Sight Distances". Transportation Research Board, Washington DC. (1997).