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Effects of Poultry Meat
Med One
MED ONE 2017, 2:e170018 | August 25, 2017
DOI: 10.20900/mo.20170018
Received: May 22, 2017
Accepted: July 24, 2017
Published: August 25, 2017
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Benecial Effects of Poultry Meat
Consumption on Cardiovascular
Health and the Prevention of
Childhood Obesity
Mustafa Metin Donma1*, Orkide Donma2
1 Prof. Dr. in Pediatrics, Namik Kemal University, Medical Faculty, Department
of Pediatrics, Tekirdag, Turkey;
2 Prof. Dr. in Medical Biochemistry, Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical
Faculty, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Istanbul, Turkey.
*Correspondence: Mustafa Metin Donma, Namik Kemal University,
Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatrics, Tekirdag, Turkey. Email:
Poultry meat is an animal product important in human nutrition. A
variable, and moderate energy content, highly digestible proteins of
good nutritional quality, unsaturated lipids, fat-soluble and B-complex
vitamins as well as minerals make poultry meat a valuable food.
Poultry meat is one of the recommended constituents of Dietary
Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet as well as the Mediterranean
Diet. The substitution of red meat with poultry as well as fish, nuts
and legumes decreases the risk of developing type 2 and gestational
diabetes mellitus, improves glycemic control and cardiovascular
risk factors. Low-fat diets supported by fruits, grains, nuts, fish and
poultry instead of red meat yields cardiovascular health benets. Anti-
inflammatory and antioxidative diet enriched with high-quality foods
reduces pro-inflammatory cytokines. This favors anti-inflammatory
milieu which in turn improves insulin sensitivity and endothelial function
and ultimately act as a barrier to obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2
diabetes mellitus and development of atherosclerosis.
The nutritive value of poultry meat depends on different factors
such as age, feeding, keeping, hybrids, carcass parts and type of
meat. Preventive measures against risky aspects of the matter should
be developed. Since the use of antibiotics leads to the development of
antibiotic resistant pathogens, antibiotics must be replaced by herbs
and spices with growth promoting effects, antimicrobial properties, and
other health related benefits to solve the problem. Enrichment and
fortication with nutrients may cause poultry meat to gain even more
functional food character.
Keywords: Poultry meat; Obesity; Childhood
Effects of Poultry Meat
Mustafa Metin Donma et al.
MED ONE 2017, 2:e170018 | August 25, 2017
Obesity is a chronic low-grade inammatory disease.
In recent years, it has become a major health
problem particularly in children. The prevention of
this disease particularly during childhood will inhibit
the development of obesity in adulthood as well as
obesity-associated diseases such as cardiovascular
diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, non
alcoholic fatty liver disease, hypertension and
cancer. Overweight children are potentially at risk
of early atherosclerosis as much as obese children
[1]. Overweight children are also susceptible to the
development of heart failure [2]. T cell immunity plays
important roles in chronic inflammatory diseases
such as obesity. Decreased regulatory T cells status
is noted in obese children [3].
The major concern is the reduction in the energy
intake of individuals, prevention of foods with high fat
and carbohydrate content. Poultry meat is an animal
product important in human nutrition. A variable, and
moderate energy content, highly digestible proteins
of good nutritional quality, unsaturated lipids, fat-
soluble and B-complex vitamins as well as minerals
make poultry meat a valuable food [4, 5].
Poultry meat is under the threat of oxidative
stress parameters, which impair the quality of it.
However, successful antioxidative strategies may
fight against oxidative damage produced and
supported by the harmful effects of reactive oxygen
species including those of free radicals (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Oxidative stress parameters and antioxidant sources affecting poultry meat.
Effects of Poultry Meat
Mustafa Metin Donma et al.
MED ONE 2017, 2:e170018 | August 25, 2017
Recent studies have shown that the magnitude
of changes in meat/poultry/fish consumption varied
between children and adults, and also, by meat
source as well as by gender. Also, compared with
1995, more people consuming poultry, mostly as
chicken, in 2011-2012 were reported [6]. Associations
of meat consumption during childhood with
measures of body composition during adolescence
have been investigated [7].
Consumption of poultry meat along with
vegetables and fruits is associated with a risk
reduction of developing overweight and obesity,
cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus,
cancer. The United Nations Food and Agricultural
Organization consider poultry meat widely available,
relatively inexpensive food to be particularly useful in
developing countries. Poultry meat consumption due
to its essential nutrients gains importance particularly
in pediatric and geriatric age groups and during
some physiological conditions such as pregnancy
and breast feeding periods [4].
2.1 The Nutritive Value of Poultry Meat
The nutritive value of poultry meat depends on
different factors such as age, feeding, keeping,
hybrids, carcass parts and type of meat. Breast
meat is richer in protein and poorer in fat than meat
of drumsticks and thighs. Poultry meat is a good
quality protein source. The low content of collagen
is another positive aspect of poultry meat, because
collagen reduces the digestibility of the meat [4, 5].
Aside from fat soluble vitamins B group vitamins
such as niacin, pyridoxine and pantothenic acid
are found in considerable amounts in poultry meat.
Variable concentrations of physiologically essential
trace elements (iron, zinc and copper) essential for
the human body are found across different types
of meat. Poultry meat is also an excellent source
of selenium, another essential trace element with
antioxidative and anticarcinogenic properties [4, 5].
2.2 The Effect of Oxidative Stress
Protein oxidation takes place at the center of
biochemical reactions, which affect the poor quality of
pale, soft and exudative poultry meat. Proteins of the
breast meat are more susceptible to oxidative stress
due to lower pH, an impaired activity of endogenous
antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase,
catalase, superoxide dismutase [8].
Cooking techniques as well as the length of
cooking are two major contributors to the production
of oxidation products, particularly the oxidation
of thiols, tryptophan, alkaline amino acids and
protein cross-linking, in poultry meat. Out of grilling,
roasting, frying and sous-vide techniques, the last
one seems to be the most advantageous cooking
methods to obtain high-quality meat devoid of protein
carbonylation and disulfide bond formation. Free
thiol groups, Schiff base formation and hardness are
impacted by the length of the cooking [9].
2.3 Risky aspects, antioxidant strategy
and preventive measures
The nutritive value of poultry meat is indisputable.
However, hygienic conditions should also be
considered. There are suggestions on improving the
environmental sustainability of poultry production [10].
There are also studies trying to discuss persistent
risky practices of backyard poultry [11, 12]. Preventive
measures against risky aspects of the matter should
be developed. Some of them may help in fighting
microorganisms. Poultry products enriched with
micronutrients will possess beneficial effects on
human health [5]. Enrichment of feeds with some
selected nutrients is quite important. Enrichment of
the corn in the diet of chickens with key carotenoids
maintains poultry health, increases the nutritional
value of poultry products and protects them against
coccidiosis [13]. Another nutrient with antioxidant
properties is L-carnitine. It plays important roles
in fatty acid metabolism by directing fatty acids to
oxidation in mitochondria. L-carnitin also promotes
growth and strengthens the immune system [14].
Since the use of antibiotics leads to the
development of antibiotic resistant pathogens,
antibiotics must be replaced by botanical
alternatives to antibiotics such as herbs and spices
with antimicrobial properties, and other health
related benefits to solve the problem [15]. Poultry
meat enriched with herbs and spices containing
phytochemicals possessing beneficial effects
also for human health exerts various antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antihelmintic
functions. Some may also act as growth promoter,
immunomodulator, immunostimulant, hypoglycemic,
hypolipidemic agents [16, 17] (Table 1).
Effects of Poultry Meat
Mustafa Metin Donma et al.
MED ONE 2017, 2:e170018 | August 25, 2017
Elevated methylmercury concentrations observed
in muscles and organs of chickens, ducks and
geese suggest that poultry meat can be an important
human methylmercury exposure source in some
areas of the world [18].
Mycotoxins in foods and feeds are a major
problem throughout the world. Aflatoxins,
biologically active mycotoxins, constitute a great
risk causing anorexia, listlessness, hepatotoxicosis,
haemorrhage. Natural sodium bentonite and
sepiolite, aluminum and magnesium silicates,
respectively, added to poultry feed without harmful
effects are capable of absorbing aatoxins and thus,
act as toxin-binding agents [19, 20].
Phytase supplementation improves the growth
performance and reduces the phosphorus levels [21].
2.4 Allergy to Poultry Meat and Hen’s
Allergy to poultry meat and hen’s egg are important
risks associated with the higher worldwide
consumption of these foods. Allergy to poultry meat
is rare, but affects both children and adults. Primary
poultry meat allergy is mainly seen in adolescents
and young adults however, hypersensitivity may
start at an earlier age. Oral allergy syndrome,
gastrointestinal complaints, urticaria and angioedema
are typical symptoms [22].
Hen’s egg is an important and inexpensive source
of high-quality proteins in the human diet. It is a key
ingredient in many food products due to its nutritional
value and unique functional properties. However,
egg is also known for its allergenic potential. Hen’s
egg allergy mainly affects young children worldwide
and may be potentially life-threatening [23]. It is the
second most common food allergy particularly in
children, next to cow’s milk allergy [24, 25]. Hen’s egg
allergy is mainly caused by hypersensitivity to four
allergens (ovomucoid, ovalbumin, ovotransferrin
and lysozyme) found in the egg white. Alpha-livetin
appears to be the main allergen in egg yolk [25, 26].
In children with hen’s egg allergy, these allergens
may cause itching, atopic dermatitis, bronchial
asthma, vomiting, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, laryngeal
edema, chronic urticaria and anaphylaxis [25,
27]. Elimination of eggs and products containing
eggs from the diet is the most effective way of
avoiding future hypersensitivity reactions. Oral
immunotherapy is promising as a tolerance induction
protocol. Induction of Treg cells has been reported
after oral immunotherapy [25, 26, 28].
Table 1. Some herbs as well as spices and their main functions for the improvement of poultry
Garlic Growth promoter, antioxidant, immunostimulant, augment T cells
Curcumin Growth promoter, immunomodulator, antioxidant, anti-inammatory, antiseptic,
hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic
Ginger Growth promoter, antioxidant, effective in diarrhea, eye diseases
Onion Antioxidant, antihelmintic, effective in diarrhea, skin infections
Echinacea Immunostimulant, effective in upper respiratory tract infections, gut infections
Thyme Growth promoter, antioxidant, immunomodulator, antimicrobial, antilipidemic
Rosemary Growth promoter, antioxidant
Cinnamon Growth promoter, antioxidant, immunomodulator, antimicrobial
Effects of Poultry Meat
Mustafa Metin Donma et al.
MED ONE 2017, 2:e170018 | August 25, 2017
Poultry meat is one of the recommended constituents
of Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet as
well as the Mediterranean Diet [29-31]. The substitution
of red meat with poultry as well as fish, nuts and
legumes decreases the risk of developing type 2
and gestational diabetes mellitus, improves glycemic
control and cardiovascular risk factors. Low-fat
diets supported by fruits, grains, nuts, fish and
poultry instead of red meat yields cardiovascular
health benefits. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidative
diet enriched with high-quality foods reduces pro-
inammatory cytokines. This favors anti-inammatory
milieu which in turn improves insulin sensitivity and
endothelial function and ultimately act as a barrier
to obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes
mellitus and development of atherosclerosis [32-34].
Introduction of some meat including poultry to
children in later ages is detected in populations with
low nutritional status compared to populations with
middle and good nutritional status [35].
Adequate consumption of poultry meat can
facilitate the control of body weight due to its high
protein content and help to counteract against the
development of obesity, cardiovascular diseases,
diabetes mellitus and cancer [4].
Poultry is one of the most common dietary
sources of L-arginine, the precursor amino acid for
nitric oxide synthesis. L-arginine supplementation
may be a novel therapy for obesity and metabolic
syndrome [36].
Supplementation or fortification with selenium
contributes to the matter with its anti-inflammatory
and antioxidative properties. Selenium is also
considered for the treatment of obesity [37].
Poultry meat is particularly susceptible to oxidative
damage. Lipid oxidation is a major threat to the
quality of processed poultry meat. Low feed intakes,
poor performance, diseases, rancidity, formation
of toxic compounds are some of the impacts of
oxidation [38]. Protein oxidation plays important roles
in the impaired quality poultry meat. Therefore,
it will contribute to the productivity in this field to
avoid from applications, which may lead to oxidative
Fortification and enrichment of poultry meat
with nutrients such as vitamins, trace elements,
phytochemicals and omega-3 fatty acids may result
in gaining even more functional food character
because they promote optimal health and help to
reduce the risk of diseases.
Poultry meat prepared in optimum conditions
will favor the healthy growth and development of
children. The replacement of high-calorie foods,
commonly consumed at present by the young
population, with this valuable protein source will help
children to avoid obesity and obesity-associated
chronic diseases both during childhood and also
their adulthood.
The authors declare that there is no conflict of
interest regarding the publication of this paper.
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