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Kalite Prensiplerinin Görsel Haritalama Tekniğine Göre Bibliyometrik Analizi


Abstract and Figures

EDİTÖRDEN Değişmeyen tek şeyin değişim olduğu, teknolojik ve inovatif yeniliklerin baş döndürücü bir hızla hayatımıza girmeye devam ettiği ve "hayal çağı" olarak da adlandırılabileceğimiz günümüz dünyasında, bilgi kaynağı, erişimi, ayıklanması, etkin kullanımı ve bilgi devinimine uyum sağlanılabilmesi oldukça zorlaşmıştır. Bu nedenle bilgi okyanusunda, bizleri doğru yöne doğru zamanda yönlendirebilecek "akademik ve bilimsel pusulalara" olan ihtiyaç da her geçen gün daha da fazla önem kazanmaktadır. Bilgi deryasında ihtiyacımız olan her türlü bilimsel materyaller; kitap, makale, dergi, bilgi, belge, doküman…belki yüz binlercesi artık avucumuzun içinde ve elimizin altındadır. Ancak bizim temel ihtiyaç ve önceliklerimizi belirleme ve bu ihtiyacın gerektirdiği kaynaklara çok kısa sürede erişme, inceleme ve değerlendirmeye yönelik bizleri aydınlatıcı projeksiyonlara ihtiyacımız bu ölçüde karşılanamamıştır. Bu bağlamda bizlere bilimsel bir konu ile ilgili nasıl en hızlı şekilde araştırma yapılabileceği konusunda bir fikir verebilmesi amacıyla hazırlanan bu çalışmanın odak noktası,-güncelliğini hiç kaybetmeyen ve eskimeyen-"kalite" konusu olarak belirlenmiştir. İşletmelerin misyon ve vizyon hedeflerine odaklanabilmeleri, etkenlik, etkililik ve verimlilik gibi unsurlara ulaşabilmeleri, rekabet üstünlüğü elde edebilmeleri için vazgeçilmez ve olmazsa olmaz sihirli bir araç olarak kıymetlendirilebilecek kalite konusunun beş temel saç ayağı bu çalışmada resmedilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu beş temel saç ayağı, "ilişki yönetimi, liderlik, müşteri odaklılık, proses yaklaşımı ve sürekli iyileştirme" gibi literatürde çok fazla tartışılan bölümlerinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma metodolojisi açısından öncelikle tüm bu kalite odak noktaları yazarlar tarafından makro planda incelenmiş ve uluslararası yayın kalitesi anlamında tüm bilim dünyasının kabul ettiği "Web of Science Core Collection" veri tabanı ile bibliyometrik analize tabi tutulmuştur. Elde edilen ham veriler ise "VOSviewer Programı" kullanılarak görsel haritalama yöntemiyle belirli bir metodoloji dahilinde okuyucuya sunulmuştur. Sonrasında bu beş temel kalite odak noktası ile ilgili ülkemizde yapılan tüm lisans üstü tezler de incelenerek-okuyucunun konulara mikro, mezo ve makro planda ve holistik bir bakış açısıyla bakabilmesi için-bütüncül bir metodoloji kurgulanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmanın, bilgi okyanusunda motivasyonu bozulmuş, birçok araştırmacı için bir can simidi olabilmesi, inovatif bir bakış açısı ile bilimsel araştırmalar için bir pusula vazifesi görebilmesi ve en azından farklı bir bakış açısıyla bilimsel bir farkındalık oluşturabilmesi önem arz etmektedir. Saygılarımızla…
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In developing CI capability, organisations need to move to a level of development in which strategic goals are communicated and deployed and where improvement activity is guided by a process of monitoring and measurement against these strategic objectives. Policy deployment of this kind is more prevalent in Japanese examples and in a handful of cases in Western firms. Implementing it poses significant challenges and requires a different and additional toolkit of enabling resources. This paper reports on the experience of policy deployment in Japan and in Western enterprises and explores some of the implementation issues raised.
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Continuous improvement (CI) has played a key role in Japan's quality management. U.S. companies have begun to adopt CI in recent years. This paper studies the implementation of CI in seven U.S. manufacturing companies. We view values as the core concept of culture that impacts CI effectiveness. Using both qualitative and quantitative data with a sample of seven companies, we observe empirically a relationship between process-oriented values and CI effectiveness. We also find that communications involving workers is strongly associated with CI effectiveness. Finally, we find an association between process orientation and communication frequency, and argue that communications act as an intervening variable between process orientation and effectiveness.
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Continuous improvement (CI) unceasingly strives to improve the performance of production and service firms. The learning curve (LC) provides1988 Department of Industrial Engineering and a means to observe and track that improvement. At present, however, the concepts of CI are abstract and imprecise and the rationale underpinning the LC is obscure. For managers to improve processes effectively, they need a more scientific theory of CI and the LC. This paper begins to develop such a theory. Our approach is based on learning cycles, that is, in each period management takes an action to improve the process, observes the results, and thereby learns how to improve the process further over time. This analysis suggests a differential equation that not only characterizes continuous improvement but also reveals how learning might occur in the learning curve. This differential equation might help management to evaluate the effectiveness of various procedures and to improve and enhance industrial processes more quickly.
We propose a performance measurement model for providing feedback to total quality teams with the purpose of improvement. This model empowers the teams for their own performance measurement. The management should provide necessary training and facilitation to the teams for effective use of the model. The model has four components: team structure, inputs, processes, and outputs. It suggests methods for developing measures in each component, as well as use of radar charts for presenting measurement results. Teams should work together for developing the measures and necessary data collection mechanisms. The management should validate the appropriateness of the measurement systems developed with regard to organizational policies, goals and objectives. The model has been applied to a health care team for a measurement period. Results are discussed, and suggestions are made for implementing the model in other environments far from a total quality setting.
This article is the second of two articles aboutcurrent and prospective clean coal technologies. The first article discussed the source and formation mechanism of the major pollutants in coal-fired power generation together with pre-combustion and post-combustion pollutant control strategies. This article provides an overview of the existing and developing coal-fired electricity production options. The influence of the efficiency improvements on the CO2 mitigation and different applications of CO2 capture and storage technologies are also examined from both current and future perspectives.
In today's complex and turbulent environments the need for continuous improvements in products and processes is widely recognised. But the mechanisms whereby such a continual stream of innovation can be achieved are often less clearly identified. One option is to mobilise a high proportion of the workforce in a process of sustained incremental problem-solving, but experience with this approach suggests that successfully doing so is far from simple. Although many programmes for ‘kaizen’ or ‘continuous improvement’ based on employee involvement are started, the failure rate is high. This paper reports on extensive case-study based research exploring how high involvement in continuous improvement can be built and sustained as an organisational capability. It argues that this phenomenon needs to be viewed as a cluster of behavioural changes which establish innovation routines in the enterprise, and presents a reference model for assessment of progress in the evolution of such capability.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the total quality management (TQM) practice and the continuous improvement of international project management (CIIPM) practice. Based on a literature review and qualitative interviews with TQM and project management experts, four hypotheses are posed on how TQM elements affect CIIPM. A cross-sectional survey collected from over 100 mid to senior level international managers is used to validate these hypotheses. The study suggests that the relationship between ‘soft’ TQM elements and CIIPM is more significant than the relationship between ‘hard’ TQM elements and CIIPM.
We examine the content of continuous improvement strategies and identify infrastructure decision areas that are important for continuous improvement initiatives. We present a framework of infrastructure based on the idea that continuous improvement can serve as a dynamic capability when it includes a comprehensive organizational context. Further, we study continuous improvement initiatives in five companies to investigate the practices used by them in each of the decision areas of our framework. This research adds to the conceptual understanding of continuous improvement and results in grounded propositions about critical areas of infrastructure for continuous improvement.
Imagine two assembly lines, monitored by two foremen. Foreman 1 walks the line, watching carefully. "I can see you all," he warns. "I have the means to measure your work, and I will do so. I will find those among you who are unprepared or unwilling to do your jobs, and when I do there will be consequences. There are many workers available for these jobs, and you can be replaced." Foreman 2 walks a different line, and he too watches. "I am here to help you if I can," he says. "We are in this together for the long . . .
The Department of Veterans Affairs Cardiac Surgery Consultants Committee is responsible for reviewing the quality of cardiac surgical treatment at the 43 Veterans Affairs cardiac surgical centers where these procedures are performed. It does so by reviewing both the unadjusted and risk-adjusted operative mortality data and the incidence of perioperative complications. These data are reviewed by the committee semiannually, and the overall summary and hospital-specific data are shared with the individual cardiac surgical program directors. Paper audits and site visits are performed when indicated by increased unadjusted and risk-adjusted operative mortality. Constructive criticism is shared with the program director and medical center administration. The relative risk of death for numerous patient risk factors has been estimated, and is now used in prospective clinical decision making. During the 7-year period that risk-adjusted outcomes have been utilized, there has been an overall significant reduction in the observed-to-expected operative mortality ratio. Although many factors could have contributed to this, including continually improving surgical techniques, it is also likely that part of this improvement has occurred because of the continuous feedback of these quality improvement data to our cardiothoracic surgeons and cardiologists.