To gain a better understanding of induced seismicity in northeast British Columbia and western Alberta, we conducted an intensive analysis of seismic data to locate earthquakes that occurred within the area of 52˚N–61˚N, 126˚W–115˚W for the years of 2014 through 2016. Continuous seismic waveforms from as many as 43 stations operated by various organizations in the region were used in this study. A total of 5478 events were identified and located; but only 4916 solutions were deemed acceptable by our quality criteria. The number of earthquakes in our final catalogue is approximately three times the base level of the Canadian National Seismograph Network catalogue. In this report, we describe in detail our location procedures and how each source parameter (origin time, epicenter, focal depth, and magnitude) is determined. The earthquake catalogue is summarized in a table, while the phase picking data for individual events are presented in an ASCII file as a supplement to this report. The total numbers of events in 2014, 2015, and 2016 are 1287, 1575, and 2057, respectively. The overall magnitude of completeness of our catalogue is ML 1.8, an improvement from the value of 2.3 for the CNSN catalogue.