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A comprehensive earthquake catalogue for northeastern British Columbia and western Alberta, 2014–2016



To gain a better understanding of induced seismicity in northeast British Columbia and western Alberta, we conducted an intensive analysis of seismic data to locate earthquakes that occurred within the area of 52˚N–61˚N, 126˚W–115˚W for the years of 2014 through 2016. Continuous seismic waveforms from as many as 43 stations operated by various organizations in the region were used in this study. A total of 5478 events were identified and located; but only 4916 solutions were deemed acceptable by our quality criteria. The number of earthquakes in our final catalogue is approximately three times the base level of the Canadian National Seismograph Network catalogue. In this report, we describe in detail our location procedures and how each source parameter (origin time, epicenter, focal depth, and magnitude) is determined. The earthquake catalogue is summarized in a table, while the phase picking data for individual events are presented in an ASCII file as a supplement to this report. The total numbers of events in 2014, 2015, and 2016 are 1287, 1575, and 2057, respectively. The overall magnitude of completeness of our catalogue is ML 1.8, an improvement from the value of 2.3 for the CNSN catalogue.
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... Second, coupled matrix poroelastic effects during HF in a fractured rock cause stress changes. 34 and Visser et al. 8 . Not all these earthquakes are within the Montney Formation; the colored circles outside of the area of the Montney Formation are natural tectonic earthquakes. ...
... This fact is important in assessing fault/ fracture stability because, in overpressured regions where the difference between the minimum and maximum principal stresses is smaller, a fault in the optimum orientation is likely to slip more easily. Of the 15,609 induced earthquakes presented by Visser et al. 34 and Visser et al. 8 , only 13 are located in stress area 1, whereas more than 13,000 occurred in stress area 4, where the mean pore pressure gradient is 13.5 MPa/km. Around Grande Prairie, where the Montney Formation's pore pressure gradient is around 7 MPa/km, no significant and large seismicity (M ≥ 4) has been reported even though more than 680 HF wells (represented by black circles in Fig. 5) have been stimulated with around 9 × 10 6 m 3 cumulative fluid injection (geoLOGIC™ Systems) into both the Duvernay and Montney Formations. ...
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Hydraulic stimulation to enhance energy extraction from geothermal and unconventional resources is typically accompanied by seismicity because injection changes pore pressures and temperatures, facilitating slippage of fractures and faults. Induced seismicity carries potential risk if events are large enough to damage infrastructure. The uncertainty invariably associated with the state of stress measurements and subsurface geomechanics parameters affects the analysis of fault slip and seismicity induced resulting from hydraulic fracturing. In this study, a probabilistic approach is used to assess the slip tendency of known faults crossing the compartmentalized Montney Formation of western Alberta and northeastern British Columbia. We first divide the formation into four different stress areas based on pore pressure deviations from hydrostatic. In each stress area, geomechanics parameters are expressed as probability distributions using multivariable datasets from borehole petrophysical data to injection-induced focal mechanisms. Monte Carlo simulations are applied to assess the potential slip tendency of local faults. We display the cumulative distribution function of critical pore pressure to cause slip on each fault by using analyses of the parameters of the Mohr–Coulomb shear failure criterion and local tectonic stress state. The results provide useful input for seismic hazard assessment and risk mitigation for local faults affected by high-rate fluid injection.
... Map of faults in the Grande Prairie region colored according to the probability of slip. The red circles represent seismicity reported by Visser et al. (2017Visser et al. ( , 2020. Fox Creek earthquakes were caused by HF in the Duvernay Formation, where the Pp gradient is 18 MPa/km. ...
... For example, three M4.5+ HF earthquakes occurred since 2015 in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) [4][5][6][7] , as well as the 2017 M W 4.7, 2018 M L 5.7, 2019 M L 4.9, and 2019 M L 5.3 earthquakes in the Sichuan Basin, China [8][9][10] . Studies suggest many M3+ events near HF wellbores are generated on seismogenic faults that are critically stressed, where injection facilitates rupture by shifting the stress state toward failure through pore pressure increase 11,12 or poroelastic stress transfer 10,13,14 . ...
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Aseismic slip loading has recently been proposed as a complementary mechanism to induce moderate-sized earthquakes located within a few kilometers of the wellbore over the timescales of hydraulic stimulation. However, aseismic slip signals linked to injection-induced earthquakes remain largely undocumented to date. Here we report a new type of earthquake characterized by hybrid-frequency waveforms (EHWs). Distinguishing features from typical induced earthquakes include broader P and S-pulses and relatively lower-frequency coda content. Both features may be causally related to lower corner frequencies, implying longer source durations, thus, either slower rupture speeds, lower stress drop values, or a combination of both. The source characteristics of EHWs are identical to those of low-frequency earthquakes widely documented in plate boundary fault transition zones. The distribution of EHWs further suggests a possible role of aseismic slip in fault loading. EHWs could thus represent the manifestation of slow rupture transitioning from aseismic to seismic slip.
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We use a machine learning approach based on the Extreme Gradient Boosting algorithm to analyze the controlling factors of injection induced earthquakes (IIE) in northeast British Columbia (NE BC), particularly hydraulic fracturing induced seismicity within the Montney unconventional resource play. We compile comprehensive datasets incorporating seismological, operational, and stratigraphic features corresponding to various spatiotemporal grids to rank the controlling factors in terms of their importance. Our results show that, in general, the number of hydraulic fracturing stage is the most important factor controlling IIE, followed by cumulative volume of injected fluid and two depth-related features: depth difference between hydraulic fracturing injection and Montney formation and depth difference between Precambrian basement and Montney formation. Out of 168 datasets with varying spatiotemporal grids, the best model performance is achieved for the dataset with spatial grid of 0.1 degree and temporal grid of 10 days. Based on the Shapley Additive exPlanations values, we observe that a threshold of ~ 2200 in the number of hydraulic fracturing stages significantly encourages the occurrence of IIE while the threshold for cumulative volume of injected fluid is ~ 500,000 m³. Moreover, the occurrence of IIE is mostly encouraged when injections occur within ~ 300 m below the top of Montney formation (associated with the maximum thickness of this formation in NE BC) and at ~ 1700 m above the top of Precambrian basement.
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One of the key challenges in assessing, managing and mitigating induced-seismicity hazards related to hydraulic fracturing and fluid injection activities is understanding how geological and operational features influence the likelihood and severity of an event. Geological features point to the pre-existing conditions that affect a well’s susceptibility to generating induced seismicity. In contrast, operational features are controllable and can be engineered to mitigate and minimize potential hazards. In recent years, with increased data availability and the rapid development of machine learning techniques, the application of these statistical tools has been proposed to investigate induced seismicity. However, this raises the question of the performance and interpretability of these methods, which requires thorough investigation. This paper presents the results of a detailed study utilizing data for the Montney region of northeastern British Columbia that investigates the robustness of several machine learning algorithms in predicting induced seismicity likelihood and severity and compares the importance of geological and operational features on the triggering and maximum magnitude of these events. The analyses include seismic monitoring, regional geology and well completions data, and the novel use of geophysical well log data to provide a more comprehensive database of geological features.
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Alberta No. 1 (ABNo1) is a geothermal project targeting deep carbonate, conglomerates, and sandstone formations in a potential production and injection zone for geothermal energy exploitation within the Municipal District of Greenview south of Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada. In geothermal systems without a steam fraction (typically systems under 170 °C), rapid widespread pore pressure changes and slow temperature changes have led to increased deviatoric stresses, resulting in induced seismicity. A concern for the ABNo1 Geothermal Project is that anthropogenic seismicity from oil, gas, and well field fluid injection has created felt events in Alberta. Thus, at the beginning of this type of project, it is prudent to review the potential for induced seismicity. In this study, a geomechanical study of the Leduc and Granite Wash Formations, two potential geothermal fluid exploitation zones, has been undertaken based on borehole geophysics and regional injection-induced earthquake data. Determining subsurface properties such as state of stress, pore pressure, and fault properties, however, poses uncertainties in the absence of actual data from the target formations. Geomechanical analysis results (with associated uncertainties) are used to assess the potential for injection-induced earthquakes. A Monte Carlo probability analysis is employed to estimate the likelihood of slippage of the known faults close to the ABNo1 Geothermal Project. A cumulative distribution function of the critical pore pressure on each fault is derived from the local tectonic stress state and Mohr–Coulomb shear parameter analyses. The resultant probabilistic fault stability maps can serve as a baseline for future fluid injection projects in the region including wastewater disposal, hydraulic fracture stimulation, CO2 sequestration, as well as geothermal energy extraction.
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In this study, we develop an integrated framework for simultaneous detection of seismic events and picking phase arrival times, phase association, and locating earthquakes. The proposed model combines the accuracy of convolutional neural networks for classification tasks and the efficiency of waveform-based algorithms for identifying coherent seismic arrivals. We find that our model strongly dominates the classic techniques, especially in identifying small magnitude earthquakes. We apply our model to one month of continuous seismic data recorded in western Canada for monitoring seismic activity associated with fluid injection operations. In comparison with previously developed deep-learning models, our technique reveals a nearly identical performance without human interaction during the entire process of picking the phase arrival times and locating the associated events.
Hydraulic fracturing operations to support production from unconventional oil and gas reservoirs have been subject to public concerns and regulatory oversight regarding the generation of induced seismicity. These concerns have been shaped by experiences such as those for the Montney Formation in northeastern British Columbia that have seen an increase in seismic activity in response to hydraulic fracturing activities. Although the geological conditions present play a central role in the susceptibility of a well to induced seismicity, operational factors such as fluid injection volume and rate are of special interest as these can be engineered and controlled to mitigate the induced seismicity hazard. Results are presented in this paper from an empirical investigation analyzing data from the Montney that explore the influence of injection volumes and rates to the triggering of induced seismicity. The results from the empirical analysis indicate that injection volume correlates more strongly with induced seismicity for wells that target the Middle Montney formation, whereas injection rate was seen to be a more significant influencing factor for wells targeting the Upper Montney formation. Our hypothesis is that this difference is due to the presence of a more dense and interconnected natural fracture network in the Middle Montney that influences the likelihood of fluid-flow diffusion and connectivity with a critically stressed fault. Results are provided from a series of advanced 3-D numerical models used to support this hypothesis and provide mechanistic understanding.
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For tectonic earthquakes, slip rate spans a continuum from creep to supershear earthquakes, where slow slip events (SSEs) are important in releasing stress without radiating damaging seismic energy. Industrial-scale subsurface fluid injection has caused induced earthquakes, but the role of SSEs in fault activation is currently unclear. Ground-deformation observations, measured by satellite radar, show that SSEs up to magnitude 5.0 occurred during hydraulic fracturing (HF) operations in northwestern Canada, corroborated by reported deformation of the steel well casing. Although the magnitude 5.0 SSE exceeded the magnitude of the largest induced earthquake in this region (magnitude 4.55), it was undetected by seismograph networks. The observed SSEs occurred within a buried thrust belt and their magnitude and duration are consistent with scaling behavior of SSEs in unbounded natural systems, e.g. slab interfaces in subduction zones.
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We generate short‐term seismic hazard maps for the province of Alberta, Canada, from 2011 through 2020. First, we describe the required adaptations to probabilistic seismic hazard analysis to generate short‐term seismic hazard maps, following the Monte Carlo simulation approach. Second, we identify the natural and induced seismic source areas in Alberta and estimate their earthquake recurrence parameters revealing considerable spatio‐temporal variations in the a a‐ and b b‐values in the different seismic clusters in the province. Areas with the highest short‐term seismic hazard during the last decade in Alberta are related to cases of induced seismicity, including hydraulic fracturing activities in the Duvernay Fm., near Fox Creek, and waste‐water disposal activities near the Musreau Lake. These maps provide a valuable tool to quantify the short‐term evolution in the seismic hazard, which is particularly important considering past and emerging cases of induced seismicity related to the energy sector in Alberta. Furthermore, using parameters from the previous year, we make a seismic hazard forecast for the year 2021. Our analysis provides a baseline of expected short‐term seismic hazard, with inheren uncertainty due to the assumption of unchanged recurrence parameters from the previous year; yet our study reveals pertinent seismicity patterns in line with changing human activities.
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This paper summarizes the current state of understanding regarding the induced seismicity in connection with hydraulic fracturing operations targeting the Duvernay Formation in central Alberta, near the town of Fox Creek. We demonstrate that earthquakes in this region cluster into distinct sequences in time, space, and focal mechanism using (i) cross-correlation detection methods to delineate transient temporal relationships; (ii) double-difference relocations to confirm spatial clustering; and (iii) moment tensor solutions to assess fault motion consistency. The spatiotemporal clustering of the earthquake sequences is strongly related to the nearby hydraulic fracturing operations. In addition, we identify a preference for strike-slip motions on subvertical faults with an approximate 45° P-axis orientation, consistent with expectation from the ambient stress-field. The hypocentral geometries for two of the largest magnitude (M ~4) sequences that are robustly constrained by local array data provide compelling evidence for planar features starting at Duvernay Formation depths and extending into the shallow Precambrian basement. We interpret these lineaments as subvertical faults orientated approximately north-south, consistent with the regional moment tensor solutions. Finally, we conclude that the sequences were triggered by pore-pressure increases in response to hydraulic fracturing stimulations along previously existing faults.
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An important factor in mitigation of seismic hazard from induced seismicity is properly established seismic networks suitable for consistent identification of small-to-moderate events (magnitudes less than four). Here, we evaluate the performance of the newly established regional broadband seismic network in northeast British Columbia, Canada. The seismic network was designed for monitoring of induced seismicity due to oil and gas operations related to hydraulic fracturing and fluid injection in the region. We use regional and local earthquake catalogs for the period 1985-2015 to analyze magnitude of completeness and epicentral uncertainty. We also perform a theoretical assessment of minimum detectable magnitude across the study region based on analysis of ambient noise and simulated ground motions. From the frequency-magnitude distribution of the reported events in the regional earthquake catalog, the magnitude of completeness has decreased ∼1 magnitude unit from ∼3 in the periods 1985-2013 to ∼2 in the period 2013-2015 as a result of the establishment of new stations. The minimum detectable magnitude in the region is 1.6-2.6 based on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 10 and higher at four or more stations. By comparing the regional and dense array catalogs, we determine that the error in epicentral location in well-constrained areas by seismic stations is below 3 km in both east-west and north-south directions. However, location uncertainties can be up to 10 km in the east-west direction in areas where the current regional network is sparse. The magnitude detection threshold in the Montney Play, where most of the current oil and gas activities are taking place, can be further reduced by up to 1 magnitude unit with the addition of four new stations.
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The development of most unconventional oil and gas resources relies upon subsurface injection of very large volumes of fluids, which can induce earthquakes by activating slip on a nearby fault. During the last 5 years, accelerated oilfield fluid injection has led to a sharp increase in the rate of earthquakes in some parts of North America. In the central United States, most induced seismicity is linked to deep disposal of coproduced wastewater from oil and gas extraction. In contrast, in western Canada most recent cases of induced seismicity are highly correlated in time and space with hydraulic fracturing, during which fluids are injected under high pressure during well completion to induce localized fracturing of rock. Furthermore, it appears that the maximum-observed magnitude of events associated with hydraulic fracturing may exceed the predictions of an often-cited relationship between the volume of injected fluid and the maximum expected magnitude. These findings have far-reaching implications for assessment of inducedseismicity hazards.
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We systematically re-analyzed historical seismograms to verify the existence of background seismicity in the Horn River Basin of northeast British Columbia before the start of regional shale gas development. We also carefully relocated local earthquakes that occurred between December 2006 and December 2011 to delineate their spatiotemporal relationship with hydraulic fracturing (HF) operations in the region. Scattered seismic events were detected in the Horn River Basin throughout the study periods. The located seismicity within 100 km of the Fort Nelson seismic station had a clearly increasing trend, specifically in the Etsho area where most local HF operations were performed. The number of events was increased from 24 in 2002–2003 (prior to HF operations) to 131 in 2011 (peak period of HF operations). In addition, maximum magnitude of the events was shifted from ML 2.9 to ML 3.6 as the scale of HF operation expanded from 2006–2007 to 2011. Based on our relocated earthquake catalog, the overall b value is estimated at 1.21, which is higher than the average of tectonic/natural earthquakes of ∼1.0. Our observations highly support the likelihood of a physical relationship between HF operation and induced seismicity in the Horn River Basin. Unfortunately, due to the sparse station density in the region, depth resolution is poor for the vast majority of events in our study area. As new seismograph stations are established in northeast British Columbia, both epicentral mislocation and depth uncertainty for future events are expected to improve significantly.
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This article documents a recently-initiated, collaborative study of seismicity in northeast British Columbia. Induced seismicity is a topic of increasing, and global interest, in particular with respect to shale-gas extraction activities. There are many important questions regarding linkages between induced seismicity and hydraulic fracturing activities. Addressing these questions requires robust datasets, including earthquake catalogues and three-component broadband seismic waveforms. Here, we describe the historical datasets available for understanding the background seismicity of northeast BC (NEBC), the deployment of new seismic stations in the area, and the resulting improvements in earthquake monitoring capability. Our preliminary investigations show an increase in both the number of small earthquakes, and a slight increase in the average magnitude of earthquakes in regions of NEBC experiencing HF activities. Deployment of additional seismic stations in mid-2013 has substantially enhanced the monitoring capability, lowering the earthquake detection threshold from ~ M 2.5 to ~ M 1.5. This has resulted in a ten-fold increase in the number of M< 2.5 earthquakes recorded, from 14 for the 4-year period of 2009-2013 to 186 for the one-year period between August 2013 and August 2014. As additional seismic stations are deployed in the neighboring regions (Northwest Territories and Alberta) and additional data are collected, much better constraints on precise earthquake locations and depths will become available, and will help to answer the numerous key questions related to hydraulic fracturing and related seismicity.
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Unconventional oil and gas production provides a rapidly growing energy source; however, high-production states in the United States, such as Oklahoma, face sharply rising numbers of earthquakes. Subsurface pressure data required to unequivocally link earthquakes to wastewater injection are rarely accessible. Here we use seismicity and hydrogeological models to show that fluid migration from high-rate disposal wells in Oklahoma is potentially responsible for the largest swarm. Earthquake hypocenters occur within disposal formations and upper basement, between 2- and 5-kilometer depth. The modeled fluid pressure perturbation propagates throughout the same depth range and tracks earthquakes to distances of 35 kilometers, with a triggering threshold of ~0.07 megapascals. Although thousands of disposal wells operate aseismically, four of the highest-rate wells are capable of inducing 20% of 2008 to 2013 central U.S. seismicity.
An increase in regional seismicity has been documented for the Horn River Basin (HRB) since the development of shale gas began in late 2006. Operational parameters of all hydraulic-fracturing (HF) treatments in the HRB between November 2006 and December 2011 were compiled from completion reports collected by the British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission (BCOGC). This database was compared with regional earthquake catalogs to delineate a quantitative relationship between the observed variation of regional seismicity and local HF operations. Taking the HRB as a whole, results suggest that the total injected volume from hydraulic fracturing is a more significant factor in affecting the pattern of local seismicity than injection pressure is. However, no clear change in background seismicity can be observed when the total monthly injected volume is less than ∼ 20,000 m3. The initial effect of increasing injected volume is an increase in earthquake frequency but not magnitude. Relatively large seismic- moment release (> 1014 N m) occurred only when the monthly injected volume exceeded ∼ 150,000 m3. Variable time lags, from days to four months, are observed between intense HF and the occurrence of a significant local earthquake. The hydrologic properties of the source formations and local geologic conditions (such as distribution, geometry, and dimension of preexisting faults) also might play important roles in induced seismogenesis, in addition to the total volume of injection.
Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) is an open-source software package for the analysis and display of geoscience data, helping scientists to analyze, interpolate, filter, manipulate, project, and plot time series and gridded data sets. The GMT toolbox includes about 80 core and 40 supplemental program modules sharing a common set of command options, file structures, and documentation. Its power to process data and produce publication-quality graphic presentations has made it vital to a large scientific community that now includes more than 25,000 individual users. GMT's website ( exceeds 20,000 visits per month, and server logs show roughly 2000 monthly downloads.
Earthquakes in unusual locations have become an important topic of discussion in both North America and Europe, owing to the concern that industrial activity could cause damaging earthquakes. It has long been understood that earthquakes can be induced by impoundment of reservoirs, surface and underground mining, withdrawal of fluids and gas from the subsurface, and injection of fluids into underground formations. Injection-induced earthquakes have, in particular, become a focus of discussion as the application of hydraulic fracturing to tight shale formations is enabling the production of oil and gas from previously unproductive formations. Earthquakes can be induced as part of the process to stimulate the production from tight shale formations, or by disposal of wastewater associated with stimulation and production. Here, I review recent seismic activity that may be associated with industrial activity, with a focus on the disposal of wastewater by injection in deep wells; assess the scientific understanding of induced earthquakes; and discuss the key scientific challenges to be met for assessing this hazard.