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Call for Papaers European Transport Conference 2018 YOUNG RESEARCHERS' AND PRACTITIONERS' FORUM

  • AEM Institute
  • Independent Researcher


The 46th European Transport Conference (ETC) is taking place from 10th-12th October 2018 at Dublin Castle, Dublin (Ireland), hosted by the Association for European Transport (AET) and local partners. After the successful implementation of the Young Researchers’ and Practitioners’ Forum (YRPF) in 2013, ETC 2018 will again include a special format for young professionals. Early career researchers and practitioners are invited to present their work to the participants of the European Transport Conference. Early-stage and experimental projects and research ideas are explicitly welcome. This forum is intended to provide a special format which enables constructive and comprehensive feedback as well as more time for discussion than usual.
European Transport Conference 2018
The Idea
The 46th European Transport Conference (ETC) is taking place from 10th-12th October 2018 at Dublin
Castle, Dublin (Ireland), hosted by the Association for European Transport (AET) and local partners.
After the successful implementation of the Young Researchers’ and Practitioners’ Forum (YRPF) in
2013, ETC 2018 will again include a special format for young professionals.
Early career researchers and practitioners are invited to present their work to the participants of the
European Transport Conference. Early-stage and experimental projects and research ideas are
explicitly welcome. This forum is intended to provide a special format which enables constructive and
comprehensive feedback as well as more time for discussion than usual.
The Call for Papers
We are looking forward to receiving contributions from different disciplines involved in transport
research, transport planning and consulting. We welcome presentations ranging from early stage
researchers with project proposals and “work in progress” as well as final reports. We eagerly want to
provide a constructive atmosphere, allowing an open space for debate and networking for young
researchers and practitioners. An additional special session for PhD projects will provide valuable
feedback from experienced researchers and practitioners.
We invite contributions from young professionals (PhD candidates, postdocs 3 years after PhD,
practitioners ≤ 6 years of work experience). Please submit your abstract (250 to 750 words) for a 15
min presentation, including your name and affiliation, by February 6th, 2018 to the ETC website, or by
25 February by email to:
You will receive the decision upon the acceptance of your abstract during April 2018. After acceptance
the optional submission of a full paper is welcome with the possibility of publication in reputable
All the papers received from an author under the age of 35 and with a maximum of one (supervising)
co-author, will be considered for the Neil Mansfield Award, for the best paper. First prize for the award
gets a cash prize of EUR 350/GBP350. Second and third prizes will receive a mention from AET
AET offers very attractive attendance options to participants accepted to YRPF, such as reduced rover
tickets and a steward option. In addition, those who might have interest in the experience of co-
chairing a session, please also contact with us to get involved. Further details will be provided after
In case of any inquiries please do not hesitate to contact us by email:
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