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Relative age effects in Swiss talent development – a nationwide analysis of all sports

Taylor & Francis
Journal of Sports Sciences


Relative age effects (RAE) generate consistent participation inequalities and selection biases in sports. The study aimed to investigate RAE across all sports of the national Swiss talent development programme (STDP). In this study, 18 859 youth athletes (female N = 5353; mean age: 14.8 ± 2.5 y and male N = 13 506; mean age: 14.4 ± 2.4 y) in 70 sports who participated in the 2014 competitive season were evaluated. The sample was subdivided by sex and the national level selection (NLS, N = 2464). Odds ratios (ORs) of relative age quarters (Q1-Q4) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. In STDP, small RAE were evident for females (OR 1.35 (95%-CI 1.24, 1.47)) and males (OR 1.84 (95%-CI 1.74, 1.95)). RAE were similar in female NLS athletes (OR 1.30 (95%-CI 1.08, 1.57)) and larger in male NLS athletes (OR 2.40 (95%-CI 1.42, 1.97)) compared to athletes in the lower selection level. In STDP, RAE are evident for both sexes in several sports with popular sports showing higher RAE. RAE were larger in males than females. A higher selection level showed higher RAE only for males. In Switzerland, talent identification and development should be considered as a long-term process.
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Relative age effects in Swiss talent development –
a nationwide analysis of all sports
Michael Romann, Roland Rössler, Marie Javet & Oliver Faude
To cite this article: Michael Romann, Roland Rössler, Marie Javet & Oliver Faude (2018): Relative
age effects in Swiss talent development – a nationwide analysis of all sports, Journal of Sports
Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2018.1432964
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Published online: 02 Feb 2018.
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Relative age effects in Swiss talent development a nationwide analysis of all
Michael Romann
, Roland Rössler
, Marie Javet
and Oliver Faude
Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM, Section for Elite Sport, Magglingen, Switzerland;
Amsterdam Collaboration on Health and
Safety in Sports, Department of Public and Occupational Health & Amsterdam Movement Sciences, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam,
Department of Sport, Exercise and Health, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Relative age effects (RAE) generate consistent participation inequalities and selection biases in sports. The
study aimed to investigate RAE across all sports of the national Swiss talent development programme (STDP).
In this study, 18 859 youth athletes (female N = 5353; mean age: 14.8 ± 2.5 y and male N = 13 506; mean age:
14.4 ± 2.4 y) in 70 sports who participated in the 2014 competitive season were evaluated. The sample was
subdivided by sex and the national level selection (NLS, N = 2464). Odds ratios (ORs) of relative age quarters
(Q1-Q4) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. In STDP, small RAE were evident for females (OR
1.35 (95%-CI 1.24, 1.47)) and males (OR 1.84 (95%-CI 1.74, 1.95)). RAE were similar in female NLS athletes (OR
1.30 (95%-CI 1.08, 1.57)) and larger in male NLS athletes (OR 2.40 (95%-CI 1.42, 1.97)) compared to athletes in
the lower selection level. In STDP, RAE are evident for both sexes in several sports with popular sports showing
higher RAE. RAE were larger in males than females. A higher selection level showed higher RAE only for males.
In Switzerland, talent identification and development should be considered as a long-term process.
Accepted 19 January 2018
Youth sports; talent
selection; athletic
development; maturation
The phenomenon of relative age effects (RAE) is well-known in
youth sports. Children and adolescents are commonly pooled
into annual age groups to account for developmental differ-
ences and, thus, to allow for more equal inter-individual
opportunities for being successful in a particular sport. There
remains, however, a potential gap of up to 12 months in
chronological age between individuals. RAE is defined as the
overrepresentation of chronologically older participants within
one selection year relative to their chronologically younger
counterparts. This effect occurs during the early development
of youth athletes (Cobley, Baker, Wattie, & McKenna, 2009;
Musch & Grondin, 2001). RAE may lead to a biased view of
the potential of children in a particular sport as early-born
athletes may have advanced physical and cognitive abilities
compared to their late-born opponents and are, therefore,
more likely be identified as more talented (Cobley et al.,
2009; Delorme, Boiché, & Raspaud, 2010; Gil et al., 2014;
Hancock, Adler, & Côté, 2013; Wattie, Schorer, & Baker, 2015).
Consequently, these children may have a higher chance of
being selected for representative teams or talent centres and
may receive more comprehensive future training. It has been
shown in youth soccer and basketball players that those who
are born late in the selection year are more likely to drop out
of these sports than players who are born early in the
selection year (Delorme et al., 2010; Delorme, Chalabaev,
& Raspaud, 2011).
In a comprehensive meta-analytical review, Cobley et al. (2009)
reported a consistent risk for RAE, which is apparent across a
variety of different sports. These authors presented data on RAE
in 14 different sports (ice hockey, volleyball, basketball, American
football, Australian rules football, baseball, soccer, cricket, swim-
ming, tennis, gymnastics, netball, Rugby Union and golf) for male
and female athletes from 4 years of age to the senior professional
level. Most studies were conducted in soccer and ice hockey. The
largest RAE were found in basketball and soccer. RAE were present
in all age categories and increased with age until late adolescence.
In adult athletes, the RAE were lower, comparable to (pre)pubertal
children. Further, RAE were apparent in all levels of play. Whereas
the RAE were marginal at the lowest levels, they increased with
higher representative levels. However, on the elite level, the effect
size decreased to values of lower competitive levels. Meanwhile,
data on RAE in other sports, such as alpine skiing (Müller,
Hildebrandt, & Raschner, 2015), handball (Schorer, Cobley, Busch,
Brautigam, & Baker, 2009) and athletic sprinting (Romann
&Cobley,2015) are available, confirming the presence of RAE in
Data on RAE in the above-mentioned meta-analysis were,
however, not consistent between studies, and evidence for
some sports is based on only small samples. Particularly, for
female athletes, the number of available studies is limited and
CONTACT Michael Romann Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen (SFISM), Alpenstrasse 18, Magglingen
CH-2532, Switzerland
Co-Authors: Roland Rössler, Department of Sport, Exercise and Health, University of Basel, CH-4052 Basel, Switzerland.
Marie Javet, Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen (SFISM), CH-2532 Magglingen, Switzerland.
Oliver Faude, Department of Sport, Exercise and Health, University of Basel, CH-4052 Basel, Switzerland.
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
data are inconsistent. For instance, Delorme et al. (2010)found
categories. Interestingly, there was also an inverse RAE in drop-
outs who were overrepresented in the second half of the selec-
tion year and underrepresented in the first half. In contrast,
Vincent and Glamser (2006) observed marginal RAE among
female youth soccer players, whereas in their male counterparts
the RAE was clearly larger. The authors discussed complex inter-
actions of biological and maturational differences with socializa-
tion influences as possible reasons for these sex differences.
Goldschmied (2011) reported no RAE in elite level female soccer,
basketball and handball players. This report, however, was not
published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, is based on a
limited number of players and contains data from three different
countries and seasons. Overall, the inconsistent evidence on RAE
in females warrants further research in this population (Delorme
et al., 2010).
Methodological confounding through differences in the talent
identification and development systems between countries or
country-specific popularity of a particular sport may also affect
results. Cohort studies analysing large homogeneous samples of
youth athletes over a variety of different sports from a single
country are rare. In most studies with large nationwide samples,
only a limited number of different sports (in most instances a single
sport) were analysed (Delorme et al., 2010,2011;Romann&
Fuchslocher, 2013). It has been suggested that the popularity of
a particular sport, the number of active participants, the impor-
tance of physical development and the competitive level affect the
existence of a RAE (Musch & Grondin, 2001). There is evidence
supporting these hypotheses. For example, Delorme and Raspaud
(2009) showed that no RAE is present in shooting sports, i.e. a sport
in which physical capabilities areofminorrelevanceforsports
performance. Similarly, it has been shown that in sports with
weight categories, RAE are not present (Albuquerque et al., 2012;
Delorme, 2014). Weight categories may counterbalance matura-
tional and physical differences between young athletes within age
categories and, thus, may prevent the occurrence of RAE.
Altogether, important questions remain, for instance, whether
RAE are indeed consistent through all sports or whether there
are inverse RAE in some sports as late-born talented age-groupers
might tend to change to specific sports with fewer competitive
demands and less rivalry. The analysis of RAE within a national
talent development programme including all selected youth ath-
letes of all organised sports, may facilitate to answer such ques-
tions within a homogenous talent development context.
The aim of the study was to investigate the RAE in all
organized sports based on a countrywide Swiss database
where youth athletes (7 to 20 years of age), who were selected
into a nationwide talent programme, were registered. It was
hypothesized that overall RAE are apparent in sports with high
rates of participation and high selection pressure (e.g. soccer,
alpine skiing), whereas sports with less public attention and
fewer participants (e.g. fencing, curling) do not necessarily
show RAE or even inverse RAE. As Olympic sports are usually
more popular, include more participants and show a high
competitive level already in young athletes, RAE should be
more pronounced in Olympic as compared to Non-Olympic
sports. Furthermore, it was expected that there are more
pronounced RAE in male as compared to female youth
athletes and that RAE are less pronounced in sports with
weight categories.
The Swiss system of talent identification, selection and develop-
ment is based on three levels of performance (Figure 1)(Romann
& Fuchslocher, 2013). The first level is a nationwide extracurricu-
lar programme called Jugend und Sport(J + S), which is offered
to all young children and adolescents aged 5 to 20 years. The
second level is the national Swiss talent development pro-
gramme (STDP) within J + S in 70 different sports starting at
the age of 7 years. All Swiss youth athletes in the STDP (N = 18
859; female N = 5353; age: 14.8 ± 2.5 y and male N = 13 506; age:
14.4 ± 2.4 y) who participated in the 2014 competitive season
were included in the present analysis. Athletes in STDP are
selected by the national talent selection instrument (PISTE),
which includes six major assessment criteria (competition per-
formance, performance tests, performance development, psy-
chological factors, athletes biography and biological
development) and a number of sub-components (e.g. resilience,
anthropometry, achievement motivation) (Fuchslocher, Romann,
&Gulbin,2013). Licensed coaches perform the practices in this
programme, and the athletes are expected to train more than
400 hours per year. J + S and Swiss Olympic jointly established
this cut-off criterion. The third level is the subgroup of the
national level selection (NLS). In the PISTE process, athletes
with the potential to successfully perform in national and inter-
national competitions are selected in the NLS.
Procedures and data analysis
Anonymised information on participants age, sex, date of
birth and sport disciplines was retrieved from the database
of J + S (Swiss Federal Office of Sport, 2015). The study was
approved by the institutional ethical review board of the Swiss
Federal Institute of Sport.
In Switzerland, the cut-off date for all sports is January 1
athletes were categorized into four relative age quarters (Q)
according to their birth month independently of birth year (i.e.,
Q1 = January to March; Q2 = April to June; Q3 = July to
September; and Q4 = October to December). The observed
birth-date distributions were calculated for every relative age
quarter. The expected birthdate distributions were obtained
from the actual corresponding distributions (19942009) as the
number of live births registered with the Swiss Federal Office of
Statistics. The relative age quarters of the Swiss population were
as follows: Q1 = 24.5%; Q2 = 25.2%; Q3 = 26.1%; and Q4 = 24.2%.
Sports were categorized into Olympic and Non-Olympic sports
and for clarity, into large (25 largest sports according to the
number of involved athletes for each sex separately; sports
with more than 43 selected athletes for females and more than
74 selected athletes for males on the STDP level) and small sports
(lower number of athletes in STDP). The reason for this categor-
isation is a higher participation, more funding and more scientific
support for Olympic sports (Swiss Olympic Association, 2017).
Data of the latter are presented in the supplementary files only.
Based on these data, odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence
intervals (95% CI) were calculated between Q1/Q4 as com-
monly used in RAE studies (Cobley et al., 2009). A relevant
RAE was assumed if the confidence interval of the OR did not
include 1. The OR for the Q1 vs. Q4 comparison was inter-
preted as follows: OR < 1.22, 1.22 OR < 1.86, 1.86 OR <
3.00, and OR 3.00, indicating negligible, small, medium and
large effects, respectively (Olivier & Bell, 2013). If the OR was <
1 and the confidence interval did not include 1, this finding
was interpreted as an inverse RAE. As population-based data
were analysed, inferential statistics were not applied (Gibbs,
Shafer, & Dufur, 2012).
In total, 18 859 youth athletes (5353, 28% girls) between 7 and
20 years of age were included in the STDP in the year 2014
(Figure 1). Thirteen percent (N = 2477) of these athletes (female,
N = 970; male, N = 1507) were included in the subgroup of NLS.
Tables 1 and 2show the relative age quarter distribution of
female and male youth athletes together with the odds ratios
for athletes born in the first quarter vs. last quarter of the
selection year for the 25 sports with the largest number of
participants in Switzerland. Detailed data for all sports
included in the STDP are shown in the appendices in the
online supplementary material (Tables SI and SII).
In female athletes in the STDP (Table 1), medium RAE in track
and field and synchronized swimming were observed. Small RAE
were present in tennis, volleyball, soccer and alpine skiing. No
relevant RAE were found in the NLS in female athletes.
In male athletes in the STDP (Table 2), track and field, soccer,
shooting, basketball, ice hockey, field hockey and volleyball
showed medium RAE. Small RAE were present in cross-country
skiing, alpine skiing, tennis, swimming, handball and floorball.
In athletes in the NLS, large RAE were found in tennis, rowing,
soccer, alpine skiing and ice hockey and medium effects in
basketball and handball.
When comparing small sports with the 25 biggest sports
for male youth athletes, on average medium RAE were found
in the 25 biggest sports for male athletes of the STDP and the
NLS, small RAE in small sports of the STDP and inverse RAE in
small sports in the NLS. The only single small sport with large
RAE was trampoline (OR = 9.92 (95%-CI 1.27, 77.50)). In female
youth athletes, no relevant RAE was present in small sports
(see online supplementary Tables SI and SII).
The ORs for selected athletes born in the first quarter vs. the
last quarter of the selection year are categorised for the STDP
and the NLS for Olympic and Non-Olympic sports separately in
Figure 2. Whereas there is medium RAE for Olympic sports in
male youth athletes with larger RAE in the NLS, female sports
and Non-Olympic sports merely showed small to negligible RAE.
As expected, no relevant RAE were found in sports with
weight categories (judo, karate, wrestling, boxing; female,
OR = 1.42 (95%-CI 0.87, 2.30); male, OR = 0.85 (95%-CI 0.64,
1.12)) in athletes in the STDP. In contrast, athletes in the NLS
showed medium RAE in these sports (females, OR = 4.46 (95%-
CI 0.96, 20.66); males, OR = 1.75 (95%-CI 0.84, 3.17)).
In this study, data on RAE are presented in a population-based
approach comprised of all youth athletes who were registered
in the Swiss talent development programme (STDP) in the
year 2014. A large variability in RAE was found across different
types of sports and between girls and boys. The main findings
are (a) that in female athletes a small and in male athletes
medium overall RAE were present, (b) that in male athletes the
RAE were considerably larger in Olympic as compared to Non-
Olympic sports and (c) that in male athletes the RAE were
larger in athletes in the NLS as compared to the STDP. Small
sports showed negligible to small RAE. In sports with weight
categories, medium RAE were only present in the NLS athletes
of both sexes.
Key findings
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study analysing a
complete sample of a nationwide talent development pro-
gramme including all organized sports. Medium RAE were
found over all 68 male sports in the STDP sample. The effect
was clearly larger in the higher selection levels (NLS). This
finding is supported by the literature, showing an increasing
risk for RAE with higher levels of competition (Cobley et al.,
2009). Several factors may increase the risk of RAE in a particular
sport. For instance, RAE might be affected by the sports popu-
larity, the amount/rate of participation, the level of competition,
higher selection pressure, early specialization and the expecta-
tions of coaches who are involved in the selection process
(Cobley et al., 2009; Hancock et al., 2013; Wattie et al., 2015).
Also, differences between late- and early-born athletes in cog-
nitive, social, physical and maturational development might
result in RAE (Musch & Grondin, 2001). For instance, Reed,
Figure 1. Overview of the different levels of selection in the Swiss organized
sport system (J + S), the Swiss talent development programme (STDP) and the
national level selection (NLS).
Parry, and Sandercock (2016) suggested that social agents may
contribute to RAE in English school sports. A recent study of
German youth national football teams found RAE, but there
were no relevant differences in anthropometric and perfor-
mance characteristics between players of different relative
age quarters (Skorski, Skorski, Faude, Hammes, & Meyer,
2016). Thus, physical or maturational differences might be of
minor relevance for RAE on the highest performance level in an
already highly selected population. An interesting finding is
that male athletes in some NLS in sports with low participation
rates showed inverse (not significant) RAE, i.e., a higher propor-
tion of athletes was born in the last quarter of the year as
compared to the first quarter of the year. It might be speculated
that talented athletes, who were born late in the year, move
from sports with high participation rates to those with lower
participation rates in order to have the possibility to compete
on a high performance level (Delorme, 2014).
In contrast to male sports, there were merely small RAE
over all 63 female sports and no relevant difference between
the STDP and the NLS. Previous data also revealed differences
in RAE between girls and boys. For instance, Cobley et al.
(2009) summarised the results of 38 studies published
between 1984 and 2007 and found a larger OR (Q1 vs. Q4)
of 1.65 (95%-CI 1.54, 1.77) in male athletes as compared to
female athletes (OR 1.21 (95%-CI 1.10, 1.33)). Similarly,
Raschner, Müller, and Hildebrandt (2012) observed a differ-
ence between males (OR 3.32) and females (OR 1.89) in more
than 1000 athletes participating in the Youth Olympic Games
2012. Recently, Reed et al. (2016) reported data from more
than 10 000 children participating at the London Youth Games
and also found lower RAE in many sports for girls as compared
to boys. Thus, these results are in line with the current
evidence. Females generally mature earlier than their male
peers and after peak height velocity differences in athletic
performance are reduced or disappear (Vincent & Glamser,
2006). A possible additional explanation might be that the
number of male athletes was 2.5 times the number of female
athletes in the STDP. Further, the proportion of NLS athletes
was about 11% boys and 18% girls. This reflects a larger pool
for selection and a higher selection pressure in male athletes
and may explain the difference in RAE between boys and girls.
A further explanation for the smaller RAE in female youth
athletes might be that changes in body shape, which are
associated with early maturation (e.g. greater body mass per
stature, shorter legs, wider hips, greater body fat) are disad-
vantageous for performance (Vincent & Glamser, 2006).
This study reveals that Non-Olympic sports showed a lower
risk for RAE than Olympic sports. It could be speculated that this
is due to the greater attractiveness of Olympic sports as a result
of their greater media presence and higher funding, whereas
Non-Olympic sports are less popular and, hence, attract fewer
young people (Fuchslocher et al., 2013; Swiss Olympic
Association, 2017). A greater attractiveness might lead to larger
pools of athletes in Olympic sports, which increases selection
pressure (Musch & Grondin, 2001). This view is strengthened by
the fact that only about 10% of the sample was involved in Non-
Olympic sports, and the remaining athletes performed in
Olympic sports. Interestingly, 12.4% of the Olympic sports ath-
letes were selected to the NLS, whereas 21.6% of Non-Olympic
athletes achieved the NLS, confirming the higher selection pres-
sure in Olympic sports. Further, a higher professionalism in
Olympic sports in general, as well as their talent selection instru-
ments might be another underlying reason for an increased risk
of RAE (Fuchslocher et al., 2013).
Table 1. Nationwide data of relative age effects in female youth athletes in the Swiss talent development programme (STDP) and in the national level selection
(NLS) in the year 2014 for the 25 largest sports.
Sport N Q1 (%) Q2 (%) Q3 (%) Q4 (%)
OR Q1 vs. Q4
(95% CI) N Q1 (%) Q2 (%) Q3 (%) Q4 (%)
OR Q1 vs. Q4
(95% CI)
Soccer 1042 27.6 26.2 27.7 18.4 1.49 (1.23, 1.79) 121 20.7 29.8 36.4 13.2 1.55 (0.83, 2.90)
Volleyball 557 29.3 27.5 24.2 19.0 1.53 (1.19, 1.95) 45 33.3 35.6 15.6 15.6 2.13 (0.87, 5.21)
Alpine skiing 412 31.6 24.5 22.3 21.6 1.45 (1.10, 1.90) 61 37.7 23.0 19.7 19.7 1.90 (0.95, 3.82)
Swimming 375 25.3 25.6 26.1 22.9 1.10 (0.82, 1.47) 12 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 0.99 (0.20, 4.91)
Handball 277 25.6 33.9 20.6 19.9 1.28 (0.90, 1.82) 42 26.2 38.1 16.7 19.0 1.36 (0.55, 3.39)
Gymnastics artistic 240 28.3 23.3 27.5 20.8 1.35 (0.93, 1.95) 58 17.2 32.8 20.7 29.3 0.58 (0.27, 1.27)
Tennis 201 29.9 26.9 23.9 19.4 1.53 (1.02, 2.29) 34 29.4 17.6 26.5 26.5 1.10 (0.45, 2.71)
Athletics (track and field) 183 31.7 29.0 23.5 15.8 1.98 (1.27, 3.10) 29 27.6 37.9 17.2 17.2 1.59 (0.52, 4.85)
Basketball 174 25.3 26.4 26.4 21.8 1.15 (0.74, 1.78) 47 21.3 25.5 36.2 17.0 1.24 (0.49, 3.14)
Equestrian jumping 163 26.4 28.2 20.2 25.2 1.04 (0.68, 1.60) 38 28.9 21.1 21.1 28.9 0.99 (0.43, 2.29)
Figure skating 148 21.6 23.0 33.8 21.6 0.99 (0.61, 1.62) 21 33.3 14.3 38.1 14.3 2.31 (0.60, 8.95)
Cross-country skiing 116 26.7 31.0 19.0 23.3 1.14 (0.68, 1.91) 15 33.3 26.7 0.0 40.0 0.83 (0.25, 2.71)
Orienteering (running) 111 21.6 25.2 27.0 26.1 0.82 (0.48, 1.41) 11 18.2 27.3 36.4 18.2 0.99 (0.14, 7.04)
Synchronized schwimming 104 27.9 29.8 27.9 14.4 1.92 (1.03, 3.58) 42 26 28.6 33.3 11.9 2.18 (0.76, 6.28)
Judo 84 28.6 25.0 25.0 21.4 1.32 (0.72, 2.44) 13 23.1 46.2 30.8 0.0
Sports climbing 81 35.8 17.3 21.0 25.9 1.37 (0.78, 2.41) 13 23.1 15.4 30.8 30.8 0.74 (0.17, 3.32)
Rhythmic gymnastics 73 28.8 23.3 30.1 17.8 1.60 (0.80, 3.21) 33 33.3 30.3 21.2 15.2 2.18 (0.76, 6.28)
Shooting 71 36.6 23.9 18.3 21.1 1.72 (0.91, 3.25) 9 44.4 33.3 11.1 11.1 3.97 (0.44, 35.5)
Ice hockey 67 26.9 29.9 17.9 25.4 1.05 (0.54, 2.04) 26 26.9 23.1 23.1 26.9 0.99 (0.35, 2.83)
Badminton 65 24.6 40.0 21.5 13.8 1.76 (0.78, 3.99) 18 22.2 38.9 22.2 16.7 1.32 (0.30, 5.91)
Rowing 57 29.8 29.8 24.6 15.8 1.87 (0.83, 4.21) 13 7.7 30.8 38.5 23.1 0.33 (0.03, 3.18)
Karate 53 26.0 21.0 36.0 17.0 1.54 (0.67, 3.57) 17 29.4 0.0 58.8 11.8 2.48 (0.48, 12.8)
Synchronized skating 50 30.0 26.0 24.0 20.0 1.49 (0.67, 3.31)
Snowboarding 49 26.5 22.4 26.5 24.5 1.07 (0.49, 2.36) 17 29.4 11.8 17.6 41.2 0.71 (0.22, 2.23)
Cycling mountainbike 43 34.9 25.6 23.3 16.3 2.13 (0.87, 5.22) 11 36.4 9.1 27.3 27.3 1.32 (0.30, 5.91)
Total 4796 28.0 26.7 25.1 20.2 1.38 (1.26, 1.51) 746 26.5 27.3 26.4 19.7 1.34 (1.08, 1.65)
Notes: Q1 to Q4 = Quartile 1 to 4; OR = Odds ratio; 95% CI = 95% Confidence Interval.
In line with existing evidence (Albuquerque et al., 2012;
Delorme, 2014), no relevant RAE were found in sports with
weight categories for male athletes in the STDP. Similar evi-
dence has already been revealed in combat sports (Delorme,
2014). This phenomenon might be explained by a strategic
adaptation, which is a voluntary shift of children to another
sports where their physical capacities will be less determining
for performance. Albuquerque et al. (2012) also did not find
RAE within Olympic taekwondo athletes over 12 years of age.
He assumed that RAE are reduced or diminished in taekwondo
due to its competitive categories (weight categories and belt
level), which are determined by the level of technical skills.
Thus, the younger athletes are less disadvantaged because of
lower physical capacities. This system of categorization may
act as a key against drop out of younger athletes.
Methodological considerations
The obvious strength of the present study is that it ana-
lysed a complete countrywide data pool comprised of all
selected youth athletes in Switzerland in 2014. Therefore,
comparisons between sports are not affected by possible
differences between countries in, for instance, the talent
identification, selection and development systems or the
popularity of particular sports. However, Switzerland is a
small country with small samples available for analyses in
several sports. Thus, the results in small sports should be
interpreted with care and the generalizability to other
countries is limited. Swiss sports federations are aware of
the problems associated with RAE, and coaches are
educated in this regard. Additionally the current approach
to counter RAE on the national level, which was introduced
in 2008, did not reduce the effect. In this approach, the
RAE phenomenon was educated to coaches and the fed-
erations had to integrate bonus points for RAE disadvan-
taged athletes in the PISTE-selection process (Fuchslocher
et al., 2013). In international professional football, it has
been shown that awareness of the problem and 10 years
of research did not solve the problem as well, indicating
that RAE is a robust phenomenon and cannot easily be
changed (Helsen et al., 2012).
investigate possible causal factors of the RAE (e.g., biolo-
gical maturity status or physical performance). Additionally,
the evolution of RAE in different age categories have not
been analysed. Therefore, future research should focus on
the underlying mechanisms behind the RAE and investi-
gate differences of RAE between age categories and spe-
cific types of sports.
Conclusions and practical implications
RAE are present in several sports in the talent develop-
ment system of Switzerland, particularly in male youth
athletes in Olympic sports on the highest selection level.
This implies that talent and resources are being wasted,
which is especially problematic for a small country like
Switzerland. The present data support the detection of
high-risk sports or groups of sports and, thus, a tailored
implementation of preventive measures. Such measures,
Table 2. Nationwide data of relative age effects in male youth athletes in the Swiss talent development programme (STDP) and in the national level selection (NLS)
in the year 2014 for the 25 largest sports.
Sport N Q1 (%) Q2 (%) Q3 (%) Q4 (%)
OR Q1 vs. Q4
(95% CI) N Q1 (%) Q2 (%) Q3 (%) Q4 (%)
OR Q1 vs. Q4
(95% CI)
Soccer 6010 35.9 27.8 20.9 15.3 2.33 (2.13, 2.54) 217 48.8 23.0 17.5 10.6 4.57 (2.91, 7.18)
Ice hockey 1501 33.3 26.9 23.3 16.5 2.01 (1.71, 2.35) 226 38.9 28.8 23.0 9.3 4.16 (2.58, 6.69)
Handball 601 29.8 25.6 24.5 20.1 1.47 (1.16, 1.85) 66 36.4 22.7 24.2 16.7 2.16 (1.06, 4.42)
Alpine skiing 580 30.7 27.4 24.3 17.6 1.73 (1.35, 2.22) 74 40.5 27.0 23.0 9.5 4.25 (1.87, 9.68)
Tennis 432 32.4 24.5 22.9 20.1 1.60 (1.22, 2.09) 39 53.8 23.1 17.9 5.1 10.41 (2.44, 44.4)
Gymnastics artistic 339 25.1 27.1 26.0 21.8 1.14 (0.83, 1.56) 67 23.9 35.8 19.4 20.9 1.13 (0.55, 2.32)
Swimming 335 30.1 25.7 23.9 20.3 1.47 (1.08, 2.01) 21 28.6 14.3 14.3 42.9 0.66 (0.24, 1.86)
Floorball 299 28.4 25.4 26.4 19.7 1.43 (1.02, 2.00) 24 29.2 33.3 25.0 12.5 2.31 (0.60, 8.95)
Basketball 273 31.9 28.9 23.8 15.4 2.05 (1.42, 2.98) 60 38.3 33.3 13.3 15.0 2.53 (1.17, 5.48)
Judo 250 20.4 24.4 29.6 25.6 0.79 (0.55, 1.14) 23 30.4 30.4 26.1 13.0 2.31 (0.60, 8.95)
Volleyball 223 29.6 30.0 24.7 15.7 1.87 (1.24, 2.82) 34 32.4 32.4 17.6 17.6 1.82 (0.67, 4.92)
Athletics (track and field) 179 35.8 25.7 24.0 14.5 2.44 (1.54, 3.86) 34 26.5 35.3 23.5 14.7 1.79 (0.60, 5.33)
Water polo 174 31.0 23.0 20.7 25.3 1.22 (0.82, 1.82) 72 33.3 26.4 18.1 22.2 1.49 (0.79, 2.80)
Orienteering (running) 164 22.0 25.0 25.6 27.4 0.79 (0.51, 1.23) 12 0.0 16.7 41.7 41.7
Snowboarding 163 27.0 20.2 25.8 27.0 0.99 (0.65, 1.51) 20 35.0 15.0 40.0 10.0 3.47 (0.72, 16.71)
Badminton 162 25.9 25.9 30.9 17.3 1.49 (0.92, 2.40) 26 23.1 23.1 46.2 7.7 2.98 (0.60, 14.74)
Cross-country skiing 160 28.8 31.9 23.1 16.3 1.75 (1.08, 2.84) 22 36.4 27.3 22.7 13.6 2.64 (0.70, 9.97)
Cycling mountainbike 109 27.5 29.4 25.7 17.4 1.57 (0.88, 2.79) 29 37.9 20.7 20.7 20.7 1.82 (0.67, 4.92)
Sports climbing 106 26.4 23.6 34.0 16.0 1.63 (0.89, 2.99) 11 27.3 27.3 45.5 0.0
Shooting 97 30.9 27.8 27.8 13.4 2.29 (1.19, 4.39) 8 12.5 37.5 50.0 0.0
Field hockey 95 28.4 26.3 30.5 14.7 1.91 (1.00, 3.65) 49 28.6 24.5 22.4 24.5 1.16 (0.54, 2.50)
Karate 87 21.8 26.4 16.1 35.6 0.61 (0.34, 1.08) 22 31.8 27.3 13.6 27.3 1.16 (0.39, 3.44)
Table tennis 86 22.1 36.0 20.9 20.9 1.05 (0.55, 2.00) 22 22.7 36.4 13.6 27.3 0.83 (0.25, 2.71)
Rowing 85 27.1 27.1 28.2 17.6 1.52 (0.79, 2.92) 24 45.8 25.0 20.8 8.3 5.46 (1.21, 24.6)
Ski jumping 74 33.8 13.5 24.3 28.4 1.18 (0.66, 2.11) 10 20.0 10.0 30.0 40.0 0.50 (0.09, 2.71)
Total 12,584 32.7 27.1 22.9 17.3 1.87 (1.76, 2.00) 1212 36.9 26.8 21.7 14.6 2.50 (2.10, 2.98)
Notes: Q1 to Q4 = Quartile 1 to 4; OR = Odds ratio; 95% CI = 95% Confidence Interval.
which have been already described and discussed in lit-
erature, might include (a) improving coach education in
sports at high risk of RAE, (b) building categories by bio-
logical age, weight or height (Musch & Grondin), (c) quotas
of same RAE quarters, (d) rotating cut-off dates (Cobley
et al., 2009) and (e) RAE correction factors in centimetre-
gram-second sports (Romann & Cobley, 2015). As every
selection increases RAE, selection as late as possible, at
best after age at peak height velocity, may also contribute
to reducing RAE. In Switzerland, talent identification, selec-
tion and development should be considered as a long-
term process. Moreover, reducing RAE in the Swiss sport
system would make long-term athlete development more
legitimate and effective.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
Michael Romann
Roland Rössler
Marie Javet
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Supplementary resources (2)

... On the basis of which we often do not talk about the targeted selection of talents (according to the selection criteria), but rather about the recruitment of players, which is a recurring mistake of coaches and clubs. Romann, Rössler, Marie, & Faude (2018) showed in their results that popular sports, which include football, show a higher influence of RAE. The study included 18,859 athletes in all sports of the national Swiss talent development program (70 types of sports). ...
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The aim of this research is to expand knowledge about the influence of relative age on the selection of players for elite junior football events (UEFA European Championship, Confederation of African Football, ASEAN Football Federation Championships, UEFA Youth League). Among elite clubs, we have included national teams for the UEFA European Championship U19, U17 2022, men and women, UEFA Youth League in the years 2019/2020, 2021/2022, 2022/2023, CAF U20 2021, AFF U19 2022. In individual teams, we determined the months in which the players were born and then assigned them to the respective quarter. In total, we tracked 4048 players from 158 teams in categories from U17 to U20 at national and club level. To obtain the necessary data, we used the basic mathematical-statistical method Chi-square (goodness-of-fit test). Among men, we found the smallest differences between the first and last quarter, in the number of players born in each quarter of the calendar year in CAF 2021. This means that the influence of relative age on the inclusion of a player on the roster in this age category disappears. We found the biggest quarterly differences in all years of UEFA Youth League 2019/2020, 2021/2022, 2022/2023. We also compared two women's championships, namely EURO WU17 and WU19. In this case, there was a difference in the number of female players born in one month, especially in the first and second quarters of the calendar year. Based on the results, we recommend that coaches utilise somatic acceleration (biological age) as a selection criterion during the initial screening of talented players along with other factors when assessing the appropriateness of including a player on the team roster.
... The constitution of age categories in sport, which is based on annual or biannual age-grouping cohorts, leads indubitably to a chronological age difference up to 12 or 24 months among athletes in the same age group [81]. This skewed distribution of athletes has been demonstrated among girls [82,83] and boys [84], in several sports [83,[85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92], with a weaker and earlier effect in female individuals, when compared with male individuals [82]. The RAE also exhibits potentiation effects with the level of performance: the higher the level, the greater the effect [82,83,92,93]. ...
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The scientific literature on talent identification is extensive, with significant advancements made over the past 30 years. However, as with any field, the translation of research into practice and its impact on the field have been slower than anticipated. Indeed, recent findings highlight a pervasive relative age effect, the effects of maturation being often overlooked, disparate populations between young and senior performers, and a necessity to embrace a holistic approach. However, simple elements can be implemented to avoid some of these known biases. This review synthesizes recent advancements, critically examines key elements to consider in talent identification, and proposes promising avenues for enhancement. These include (1) understanding and illustrating early performance influences, (2) implementing individualized performance trajectory models, (3) applying corrective adjustments based on relative, biological, and training age, and (4) improving estimation of potentials through a holistic approach that integrates “life pathways”. In light of these necessary improvements, it seems opportune to propose a semantic shift to generate a change in both conceptual and operational paradigms. The proposed terminology of “estimation of potential” is based on a semantic and mathematical definition, which operationalizes its conceptualization. This study suggests that understanding the trajectories of transitions from youth to senior categories in each sport, coupled with a holistic approach centered on individual performance progressions across the three ages, would be a possible path toward estimating potential.
... RAE has been investigated from various perspectives and for diverse purposes. Research has explored its prevalence in both team and individual sports [10][11][12], assessed its influence within specific competitions [13,14], and examined the extent to which factors such as gender, age, or competition categories in clubs and federations shape its impact [15,16]. Moreover, some studies have proposed interventions aimed at mitigating its potential consequences [17][18][19]. ...
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This study investigated the relative age effect (RAE) in junior padel players participating in the 2024 European Junior Championships by Teams. The sample included 285 athletes (165 boys from 16 boys’ teams and 120 girls from 12 girls’ teams). Dates of birth were categorized into quartiles, and data analysis employed Chi-squared goodnessof-fit tests, Fisher’s exact goodness-of-fit tests, Chi-squared tests, Fisher’s exact tests with Monte Carlo correction (95% CI), and Spearman correlations. The results showed no consistent RAE overall. However, in boys, players born in Q1 (CSR = 2.2) and in the last year of eligibility (CSR = 2.0) were more prevalent in higher-ranked teams. Position directly correlated with quartile (boys: p = 0.015; girls: p = 0.001) and category year (boys: p = 0.032; girls: p = 0.038). These findings suggest that while RAE was not observed across all junior padel players, boys’ teams, particularly in higher ranks, exhibited trends favoring early birth quartiles and the final year of eligibility. Such patterns may influence competitive performance and talent identification. Further research is needed to understand the implications of RAE in youth sports, particularly regarding talent development and team selection processes.
... The RAE has been investigated from various perspectives and for diverse purposes. Research has explored its prevalence in both team and individual sports (10)(11)(12), assessed its influence within specific competitions (13,14), and examined the extent to which factors such as gender, age, or competition categories in clubs and federations shape its impact (15, 16). Moreover, some studies have proposed interventions aimed at mitigating its potential consequences (17)(18)(19). ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the relative age effect (RAE) in junior padel players participating in the 2024 European Junior Championships by Teams. The sample comprised 285 junior athletes (165 boys from 16 boys’ teams, and 120 girls from 12 girls’ teams). Dates of birth were categorized into quartiles. Data analysis included Chi2 goodness-of-fit tests, Fisher’s exact goodness-of-fit tests, Chi2 tests, Fisher’s exact tests with Monte Carlo correction (95% CI), and Spearman correlations. Results indicated no consistent RAE overall. However, in boys, a higher proportion of players were born in Q1 (CSR = 2.2), and in the last year of eligibility (CSR = 2.0), in the highest-ranked teams. Additionally, position correlated directly with both quartile (boys: p = 0.015; girls: p = 0.001) and category year (boys: p = 0.032; girls: p = 0.038). These findings provide new insights into how RAE and multi-year age categories influence talent identification in junior padel, highlighting the need for equitable selection strategies such as adjusted age classifications.
... The Relative Age Effect (RAE) is considered widespread in various sports Romann et al., 2018) and has been particularly highlighted in young male athletes aged 15 to 18 years old, including soccer and basketball players (Brustio et al., 2019). January 1 st is the commencement of the sporting calendar year and is often employed to categorize players into specific age groups for training and competitive match-play (Bezuglov et al., 2022), although in elite soccer the competitive season is from August through to May. ...
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The purpose of the study was to examine the prevalence of the Relative Age Effect (RAE) across an international soccer programme in male and female players aged 12 years old to seniors. One hundred forty-five male (age: 18.8 ± 4.6 years; body mass: 68.1 ± 10.2 kg; body height: 177.3 ± 10.5 cm) and 218 female (age: 15.9 ± 4.6 years; body mass: 66.2 ± 10.5 kg; body height: 170.6 ± 8.3 cm) players from a National Association were assessed. All participants were divided into four quartiles: January to March (BQ1), April to June (BQ2), July to September (BQ3), and October to December (BQ4). The results showed that the distributions for all male squads were significantly skewed, with more players than expected from BQ1 in the U-21, U-19, and U-17 and less players than expected from BQ4 in the U-19 squad. The distributions for all female squads showed significantly more players than expected from BQ1 in the U-16 and less players than expected from BQ4 in the U-14 squad. The distributions across the different positions for the male squads combined were significantly skewed with more forward players than expected from BQ1 and less forward and midfielder players than expected from BQ4. For the female squads, there were significantly more BQ1 defenders from the U-16 squad than expected. In conclusion, this study unveils significant disparities in quartile distributions among male and female squads. Moreover, the data emphasize the potential impact of heightened physical demands in certain positions on the RAE.
... An overrepresentation of early-born athletes in sport teams is referred to as the "relative age effect" [13]. With adequate training and sufficient time to mature physically, these talented late-developers have the chance to become more successful athletes, compared to The two US-based assessments help to estimate the biological maturity status and are therefore relevant to the determination of biological age. ...
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During puberty, the biological maturity of children of the same chronological age differs. To generate equal opportunities for talent selection in youth sports, the athlete’s biological maturity should be considered. This is often assessed with a left hand and wrist radiography. Alternatively, ultrasound (US) could be advantageous, especially by avoiding ionizing radiation. This pilot study aimed to assess intrarater and interrater reliability of an experienced and a non-experienced examiner in an US-based examination of the knee in 20 healthy females (10–17 years). Epiphyseal closure at five anatomical landmarks was staged (stages 1–3) and its interrater and intrarater reliabilities were analyzed using Cohen’s kappa (k). Interrater reliability of the calculation of the ossification ratio (OssR) was analyzed using the Bland-Altman method and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). Interrater reliability for the stages was almost perfect for four landmarks. Interrater reliability ranged from k = 0.69 to k = 0.90. Intrarater reliability for the stages was almost perfect for four landmarks. Intrarater reliability ranged from k = 0.70 to k = 1.0. For the OssR, ICC was 0.930 and a minimal detectable change of 0.030 was determined. To conclude, experienced and non-experienced examiners can reliably assign individuals to different ossification stages and calculate an OssR using US-based imaging of the knee.
... The above ndings indicate that young players with great potential are less likely to persist in the sport or move on to high-level of athletes when they are affected by the RAE effect, thus opting out of the sport. According to Roman's ndings, 35% of children in the United States drop out of organized sports, thus wasting too much talented athletic talent (45). ...
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Background The relative age effect (RAE) has been a hot topic in the field of sport research, and although the phenomenon has been found in most sports in China, there is currently no literature on the RAE phenomenon in Chinese basketball, which has implications for explaining some of the phenomena in that sport. A large body of research suggests that RAE contributes significantly to the phenomena of brain drain and inequality in sport participation. The purpose of this study was to analyses whether RAE exists in Chinese youth men's basketball and whether RAE has an impact on the performance of athletes and teams, thus supporting the subsequent proposal of measures to balance the age effect. Methods This study analyzed the date of birth and performance rankings of all male athletes (n = 3926) who participated in the Chinese Youth Basketball Championships (U14, U15, and U17) from 2021–2023. The study divided the month of birth into quarters and semesters. Differences between actual observed and theoretical birth date distributions were statistically analyzed using the chi-square test, and subsequent calculations were made using the dominance ratio test. Results It was found that RAE was present in all three groups of Chinese youth male basketball players (p < 001). The percentages of athletes born in the first half of the year were 61.2% (U14), 59.9% (U15), and 59.0% (U17), and the percentages of athletes born in the first quarter were 38.6% (U14), 35.8% (U15), and 34.8% (U17). Conclusions As a result of RAE, U15 athletes born closer to the beginning of the year are likely to achieve better results, whereas athletes born closer to the end of the year are less likely to achieve athletic excellence.
... Notably, a study showed no significant effect of distinct age quartiles on physical performance and motor coordination assessments(36). Players exhibiting advanced maturation status, denoted as post-peak height velocity ('post-PHV'), often manifest transient, maturity-related enhancements in anthropometric proportions and physical fitness attributes(37), including better speed, strength, and aerobic fitness levels attributed to hormonal responses from earlier puberty onset(38,39). Such hormonal influences can augment physical attributes, including strength and sprint capacity(40).In the current study, the age groups spanning U10 to U15 showed associations between maturation and strength. ...
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Soccer academies are vital in identifying and nurturing young talent for senior-level competition. Relative age and biological maturation influence player performance and selection in youth soccer. While often grouped by Chronological Age (CA), variations within a CA category can lead to differences in maturation, with the Relative Age Effect (RAE) favoring older players' performance. Maturation, marked by physical and cognitive development, can significantly affect performance. Therefore, this study examined the interrelations between relative age, maturation status, and bio-banding in youth soccer players in U10 to U15 age cohorts. This study examined 60 male soccer players aged 10 to 15 (mean ± standard deviation; age: 12.6 ± 1.7 years; Weight: 49 ± 15.1 kg; Height: 157.2 ± 12.8 cm; sitting height: 69.7 ± 6.7 cm), assessing anthropometric measurements, maturation status, and physical performance. Players' physical attributes and performance levels were influenced by their maturation status rather than their relative age, with maturation-related disparities in strength and jump performance observed among age groups. Bio-banding, a strategy categorizing players by maturation status, created more equitable groups with homogenized physical attributes and performance. Early-maturing players showed advantages in physical attributes, while late-maturing players displayed enhanced leadership and self-confidence. Understanding maturation status is crucial for accurate performance assessment and equitable player grouping in youth soccer. This study underscores the significance of considering maturation status as a distinct determinant in evaluating young soccer players.
The relative age effect (RAE), as a widely recognized phenomenon in the field of sports, reveals the bias in talent selection across various sporting disciplines and the neglect of certain potentially gifted athletes. The study aims to analyze RAE incidence and athletic performance among the top 100 world-ranked high jump and long jump athletes, as well as to examine the differences across the five continents. Finally, successful professional athletes are divided into two groups, namely the "All-Phase Success (AS)" and the "Senior Success (SS)" based on their success during their youth. A comparison is made between the performance and age differences of these two groups. The results indicate: 1) the RAE is present across all age groups (U18, U20, Senior) and both sexes in the high jump and long jump events (except for the senior male high jump). 2) Athletes in the AS group are consistently 2-3 years younger at each key stage of their athletic careers compared to those in the SS group. 3) Relatively younger athletes exhibit higher transition rates during their youth period compared to relatively older athletes. However, despite the larger number of relatively older athletes, AS athletes still outperform SS athletes in high jump and long jump events.
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Climbing is an activity involving many major muscle groups and, therefore, it is suitable for assessing general physical fitness. The Austrian pole climbing test (APCT) was developed as a reliable and valid test for the assessment of general fitness levels in children, adolescents, and young adults. In this cross-sectional pilot study, 677 participants (aged 6 to 19 years) were assessed via the APCT. Subsequently, test quality criteria (reliability and objectivity) were assessed, and the test’s validity was evaluated through comparisons with other established fitness tests (hand grip strength, standing long jump, and pull- and push-ups). Additionally, age- and gender-specific reference values were generated. The reliability (ICC2.1 = 0.97, 95%CI 0.95 to 0.98) and objectivity (ICC2.1 = 0.99, 95%CI 0.99 to 0.99) of the APCT were found to be excellent. The APCT results correlated strongly with the hand strength per kilogram of body weight (right: r = 0.58; left: r = 0.53), number of pull-ups (with upper grip: r = 0.74; with lower grip: r = 0.69) and standing long jump (r = 0.61); a moderate correlation with the push-up test was observed (r = 0.44). The APCT is reliable, objective, and suitable for children, adolescents, and young adults with an affinity for sports. It offers a novel opportunity to assess fitness without time pressure, considering the anthropometric requirements.
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Annual age-grouping is a common organizational strategy in sport. However, such a strategy appears to promote relative age effects (RAEs). RAEs refer both to the immediate participation and long-term attainment constraints in sport, occurring as a result of chronological age and associated physical (e.g. height) differences as well as selection practices in annual age-grouped cohorts. This article represents the first meta-analytical review of RAEs, aimed to collectively determine (i) the overall prevalence and strength of RAEs across and within sports, and (ii) identify moderator variables. A total of 38 studies, spanning 1984–2007, containing 253 independent samples across 14 sports and 16 countries were re-examined and included in a single analysis using odds ratios and random effects procedures for combining study estimates. Overall results identified consistent prevalence of RAEs, but with small effect sizes. Effect size increased linearly with relative age differences. Follow-up analyses identified age category, skill level and sport context as moderators of RAE magnitude. Sports context involving adolescent (aged 15–18 years) males, at the representative (i.e. regional and national) level in highly popular sports appear most at risk to RAE inequalities. Researchers need to understand the mechanisms by which RAEs magnify and subside, as well as confirm whether RAEs exist in female and more culturally diverse contexts. To reduce and eliminate this social inequality from influencing athletes’ experiences, especially within developmental periods, direct policy, organizational and practitioner intervention is required.
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Relative Age Effects (RAEs) refer to the selection and performance differentials between children and youth who are categorized in annual-age groups. In the context of Swiss 60m athletic sprinting, 7761 male athletes aged 8 – 15 years were analysed, with this study examining whether: (i) RAE prevalence changed across annual age groups and according to performance level (i.e., all athletes, Top 50%, 25% & 10%); (ii) whether the relationship between relative age and performance could be quantified, and corrective adjustments applied to test if RAEs could be removed. Part one identified that when all athletes were included, typical RAEs were evident, with smaller comparative effect sizes, and progressively reduced with older age groups. However, RAE effect sizes increased linearly according to performance level (i.e., all athletes – Top 10%) regardless of age group. In part two, all athletes born in each quartile, and within each annual age group, were entered into linear regression analyses. Results identified that an almost one year relative age difference resulted in mean expected performance differences of 10.1% at age 8, 8.4% at 9, 6.8% at 10, 6.4% at 11, 6.0% at 12, 6.3% at 13, 6.7% at 14, and 5.3% at 15. Correction adjustments were then calculated according to day, month, quarter, and year, and used to demonstrate that RAEs can be effectively removed from all performance levels, and from Swiss junior sprinting more broadly. Such procedures could hold significant implications for sport participation as well as for performance assessment, evaluation, and selection during athlete development.
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While the use of inferential statistics is a nearly universal practice in the social sciences, there are instances where its application is unnecessary or, worse, misleading. This is true for most research on the Relative Age Effect (RAE) in sports. Given the limited amount of data needed to examine RAE (birth dates) and the availability of complete team rosters, RAE researchers are in a unique positioninference is not needed when interpreting findings because the data is from a population. We reveal, over the course of five years, the misapplication of inferential statistics using census data in 10 of 13 RAE studies across 12 sports journals. Thus, perhaps by inertia, the majority of RAE researchers use inferential statistics with their census data, misusing analytic techniques and, in some cases, undervaluing meaningful patterns and trends.
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The relative age effect (RAE) refers to an asymmetry in the birth-date distribution favouring players born early in the selection year and discriminating against participants born later in the year. While the RAE effect was initially reported in sport more than two decades ago, there have been few attempts to examine whether player selection strategies have changed over time in light of our improved understanding of the phenomenon. We compared the birth-date distributions of professional soccer players in ten European countries over a 10-year period involving the 2000–2001 and 2010–2011 competitive seasons, respectively. Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests were used to compare differences between the observed and expected birth-date distributions across selection years. Generally, results indicated no change in the RAE over the past 10 years in professional soccer, emphasizing the robust nature of this phenomenon. We propose a change in the structure of youth involvement in soccer to reduce the impact of the RAE on talent identification and selection.
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The high performance unit within the Swiss Federal Institute of Sports Magglingen (SFISM) is chartered with supporting talented athletes via its collective inputs to students, athletes, coaches and national sporting federations. This is achieved by drawing upon the multi-disciplinary expertise of practitioners in the areas of sports medicine, recovery and rehabilitation, training science, sports psychology, nutrition, endurance and power physiology, strength and conditioning, and data management. This critical mass of specialists provides opportunities to collaborate "broadly" across a specific talent theme (e.g. on what basis should we select future sporting talent?), as well as the provision of sufficient content expertise to provide "deeper" knowledge and insights related to these interdisciplinary discussions (e.g. how can we account for biological maturity?). Therefore, this paper presents an example of the "broad" interdisciplinary work undertaken by SFISM to improve talent selection, and the complementary "deep" work used to investigate biological maturation as one component of this process. New and ongoing projects will continue to harness the collective potential of the multidisci-plinary experts to better understand the processes of talent identification, selection, and development at the broadest and deepest levels. Our collective ability to support Switzerland's best and brightest talent will require us to maximise the considerable expertise of the many stakeholders which influence and impact on development.
Few studies have investigated whether relative age effects (RAEs) exist in school sport. None have sought to test the competing maturational and social-agent hypotheses proposed to explain the RAE. We aimed to determine the presence of RAEs in multiple school sports and examine the contribution of maturational and social factors in commonplace school sports. We analyzed birth dates of n=10645 competitors (11-18 years) in the 2013 London Youth Games annual inter-school multisport competition and calculated odds ratio (OR) for students competing based on their yearly birth quarter (Q1-Q4). Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine the relative contribution of constituent year (Grade) and relative age in netball and football which used multiyear age groupings. In girls, RAEs were present in the team sports including hockey, netball, rugby union, cricket and volleyball but not football. In boys, RAEs were stronger in common team sports (football, basketball cricket) as well as athletics and rowing. In netball and football teams with players from two constituent years, birth quarter better-predicted selection than did constituent year. Relatively older players (Q1) from lower constituent years were overrepresented compared with players from Q3 and Q4 of the upper constituent years. RAEs are present in the many sports commonplace in English schools. Selection of relatively older players ahead of chronologically older students born later in the selection year suggests social agents contribute to RAEs in school sports.
We investigated whether anthropometric profiles and fitness measures vary according to birth date distribution in the German national youth soccer teams. It was further analysed if there is a difference in the chance of becoming a professional soccer player depending on birth quarter (BQ). 554 players were divided into 6 age groups (U16-U21), each subdivided into 4 BQs. Every player performed at least one 30m-Sprint, Counter-Movement Jump (CMJ) and an incremental test to determine individual anaerobic threshold (IAT). For players performing more than one test within a team, the best one was included. Since some players were part of several different teams, a total of 832 data sets from 495 individual soccer players, all born between 1987 and 1995 divided into six age categories (U16 to U21) were included. Overall, more players were born in BQ1 compared with players in all other BQs (P < 0.05). No significant difference between BQ could be observed in any anthropometric or performance characteristics (P > 0.18). Players born in BQ4 were more likely to become professional compared to BQ1 (odds ratio: 3.04; Cl: 1.53-6.06). A relative age effect exists in elite German youth soccer but it is not explained by an advantage in anthropometric or performance-related parameters. Younger players selected into national teams have a greater chance to become professional later in their career.
The relative age effect (RAE), which refers to an over representation of athletes born early in a selection year, recently was proven to be present in alpine skiing. However, it was not made apparent whether the RAE exists as early as at the youngest level of youth ski racing at national level, nor whether the relative age influences racing performance. As a consequence, the purpose of the present study was twofold: first, to examine the extent of the RAE and second, to assess the influence the relative age has on the overall performance at the youngest levels of youth ski racing. The study included the investigation of 1,438 participants of the Austrian Kids Cup and 1,004 participants of the Teenager Cup at the provincial level, as well as 250 finalists of the Kids Cup and 150 finalists of the Teenager Cup at the national level. Chi(2)-tests revealed a highly significant RAE already at the youngest level of youth ski racing (Kids Cup) at both the provincial and national levels. There are not again favorably selected the relatively older athletes from the first into the second level of youth ski racing (Teenager Cup). Among the athletes of the Kids Cup, the relative age quarter distribution differed highly significantly from the distribution of the total sample with an over representation of relatively older athletes by comparison taking the top three positions. The data revealed that relative age had a highly significant influence on performance. This study demonstrated that the RAE poses a problem as early as the youngest level of youth ski racing, thereby indicating that many young talented kids are discriminated against, diminishing any chance they might have of becoming elite athletes despite their talents and efforts. The RAE influences not only the participation rate in alpine skiing, but also the performances. As a result, changes in the talent development system are imperative.
The policies that dictate the participation structure of many youth sport systems involve the use of a set selection date (e.g. 31 December), which invariably produces relative age differences between those within the selection year (e.g. 1 January to 31 December). Those born early in the selection year (e.g. January) are relatively older-by as much as 12 months minus 1 day-than those born later in the selection year (e.g. December). Research in the area of sport has identified a number of significant developmental effects associated with such relative age differences. However, a theoretical framework that describes the breadth and complexity of relative age effects (RAEs) in sport does not exist in the literature. This paper reviews and summarizes the existing literature on relative age in sport, and proposes a constraints-based developmental systems model for RAEs in sport.
Abstract Exemplary scientific methods describe concepts and provide theories for further testing. For the field of relative age effects (RAEs) in sport, the scientific method appears to be limited to description. The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical model to explain RAEs in sport, which researchers can use to test the effects, as well as to generate new hypotheses and recommendations. Herein, we argue that social agents have the largest influence on RAEs. Specifically, we propose that parents influence RAEs through Matthew effects, coaches influence RAEs through Pygmalion effects and athletes influence RAEs through Galatea effects. Integrating these three theories, we propose a model that explains RAEs through these various social agents. This paper provides a theoretical foundation from which researchers can further understand, explain and eventually use to create policies aimed at limiting the negative effect of relative age in sport.