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Imran et al., 2017. 10: 40-51. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (ISSN: 2313-8629)
Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Volume 10
Health Benefits of Grapes Polyphenols
Muhammad Imran1,*, Abdur Rauf2, Ali Imran3, Muhammad Nadeem4,
Zulfiqar Ahmad5, Muhammad Atif6, Muhammad Awais1, Muhammad Sami7,
Muhammad Imran6, Zareen Fatima8, Ahmed Bilal Waqar6
1Department of Diet & Nutritional Sciences, Imperial College of Business studies, Lahore
2Department of Chemistry, University of Swabi, Khyber, Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
3Department of Food Science, Institute of Home & Food Sciences, Government College University
4Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Vehari-Pakistan
5University College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences, Islamia University Bhawalpur, Pakistan
6Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Imperial College of Business Studies, Lahore, Pakistan
7Institute of Diet & Nutritional Sciences, University of Lahore-Pakistan
8Department of Radiological Sciences & Medical Imaging (DRSMI), Imperial College of Business Studies,
Edited by:
Muhammad Ammar
The Islamia University of
Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Reviewed by:
Rocío Gil Muñoz,
Institute of Agrarian and
Alimentary Development
(IMIDA), Murcia, Spain
Saqib Jabbar,
National Agricultural
Research Centre (NARC),
Islamabad, Pakistan
Tahira Batool Qaisrani,
Ghazi University, Dera
Ghazi Khan, Pakistan
November 15, 2016
March 20, 2017
Published Online
March 31, 2017
Abstract: Diet based therapies and other regimens from fruits are being used to recover
from health disorders since centuries. Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is not only used for
nutritional purposes, but also for exclusive therapeutics, owing to its antimicrobial,
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory perspective. Grapes are non-climacteric fruits and
grown on the deciduous and perennial woody vines. Grapes are abundant in polyphenols,
which are known for numerous biological activities and health-promoting benefits.
Resveratrol, a phytoalexin antioxidant produced when plants are exposed to various
abiotic and biotic stresses. Red grapes and its juices and wine are the major source of
dietary resveratrol in humans and have both chemo-preventive and therapeutic properties
against various ailments. Therefore have numerous implications for human health. Grape
has been useful for reducing the extent of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disorders and
digestive problems. This review elaborates the health claims of various chemical
components of grapes and their functional roles, with special reference to antioxidant
potential, immune-nutrition, anticancer perspectives and cardiovascular cure.
Keywords: Grape, phytochemicals, antioxidant potential, anti-aging, nutraceutical value,
stilbenes, phytoalexins, functional roles, viniferins.
Corresponding author: Muhammad Imran:
Cite this article as: Imran, M., A. Rauf, A. Imran, M. Nadeem, Z. Ahmad, M. Atif, M. Awais, M. Sami, M. Imran,
Z. Fatima and A.B. Waqar. 2017. Health benefits of grapes polyphenols. Journal of Environmental and
Agricultural Sciences. 10: 40-51.
Copyright © Imran et al., 2017
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
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1. Grape Polyphenols
Plants are sources of nutrients and several
bioactive moieties (Brenes al., 2016), responsible for
vital functions in humans, therefore possess numerous
health prospects (Joshi et al., 2001; Weseler and Past,
2017). Energy and dietetic regimes linkages are
mostly reported in literature; however, the extraction
of bioactive moieties and their impacts on human
metabolism need systematic and coherent research
investigations, for establishment of meticulous and
persuasive association for consumers (Waet al., 2013).
Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is a leading fruit crop
producing 70 million metric tons grapes annually in
the world with extraordinary taste and flavor
(Nowshehri et al., 2015). Various food products are
produced from its fruit. Its seeds and leaves are also
utilized for production of herbal medicines, as well as
dietary supplements (Ben-Arye et al., 2016; Liperoti,
et al., 2017; Saad et al., 2006; Sap Sapwarobol et al.,
Review Article Open Access
Imran et al., 2017. 10: 40-51. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (ISSN: 2313-8629)
Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Volume 10
Phytochemicals such as tannins, anthocyanins,
flavonols, flavan-3-ols, epicatechin, epigallocatechin,
catechin, gallocatechins, and epicatechin gallate,
proanthocyanidins (typically hexamers) or
procyanidins (Pezzuto, 2008) obtained from grape
fruit have been reported for their bioactive properties
(Doshi et al., 2006). Acylated procyandin, an ester of
gallic acid is obtained from grape seeds extract (GSE)
(Fuleki and Ricardo-da-Silva, 1997); while,
epicatechin monomers epicatechin-3-O-gallate,
catechin, 11 trimeric, 14 dimeric and 1 tetrameric
procyanidin are present in grapes (Gabetta et al.,
Flavonoids are phenylpropanoid derivatives with
tri-ring (C 6 -C 3 -C 6) structure. Their central ring is
responsible for the degree of oxidation and
substitution in flavonoid structure. Flavonoids are
comprised of flavonols, flavan-3-ols,
proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins. In grapes, large
numbers of structural modifications of flavonoids are
possible due to multiplicity of various innate products
(Kitamura, 2006). The flavonoids and their
conjugates exist in several plants, and these
compounds can be accumulated in plants and differ
based on plant phenological period, their localization
in organ and tissue and cell types (Schwinn and
Davies, 2004).
Flavonoids prevent from UV rays, production of
reactive O2 and signaling molecules, because they are
responsible for color to flowers, fruits and seeds, as
well as also prevent from the microbial contamination
(Kitamura, 2006). Anthocyanins, tannins, flavonols
and flavan-3-ols are major classes of flavonoids.
They give organoleptic properties to wine and other
by-products (Adams, 2006). The anthocyanins
contents range from 11.5 to 29.8 mg/g in different
cultivars of red grape. Moreover, grape peel consists
of free flavan-3-ol monomers e.g., epicatechin and
catechin (Downey et al., 2003).
These polyphenols also possess numerous
biological activities and health-promoting potential.
Grape skins primarily comprise of anthocyanins,
flavonols, flavanols, phenolic acids and stilbenes
(resveratrol) (Chacona et al., 2009). Different parts of
grapes such as seeds, leaves, stems and peels contains
flavonoids predominantly (+)-catechins, (−)-
epicatechin and procyanidin polymers.
Cardiovascular diseases and various kinds of cancers
can be cured by using polyphenoles from different
fruits in diet (Shanmuganayagam et al., 2007).
Makris et al., (2008) reported approximately
2178.8 mg/g, 374.6 mg/g, 23.8 mg/g and 351.6 mg/g
total phenols in seed, skin, flesh, and leaf of probus,
frankovka and rumenika grape varieties, respectively.
However, the quantity of polyphenols in a particular
cultivar may vary with climate, geographic condition,
soil composition, and cultivation practices.
Grape juice phenolics can also prevent from the
carcinogen-induced DNA and DNA amalgamation in
case of breast cancer cells, and also induce apoptosis
in prostate cancer cell lines. Despite several beneficial
effects, the elevated concentration these compounds
may cause toxic effects and can induce cell death.
These polyphenolic antioxidants scavenge the free
radicals prevent oxidative damage to organs and
tissues. Releasing of dopamine from striatal muscles
and cognitive performance were observed in rats after
consumption of 10% of grape juice. Rats fed with diet
supplemented with GSE (100 mg/kg BW) for a
month prevented from the age-related oxidative DNA
indemnity, and lowered the free radical-induced lipid
peroxidation in neural tissue (Balu et al., 2006).
2. Antioxidant Potential of Grape Polyphenols
Toxic effects of oxidant metabolites caused
oxidative stress and ultimately developing chronic
diseases. Absolute prevention of oxidative damage is
rarely achieved through endogenous defence
mechanism. Therefore role of dietary antioxidants is
very crucial in prevention and management of chronic
diseases. Dietary vitamins (A, C and E), polyphenols
and minerals are of significant implications for stress
and disease management (Landete, 2012).
Wide range of flavonols is found in grapes mainly
flavonol glycosides such as kaempferol 3-O-
galactoside, kaempferol 3- Oglucoside, quercetin 3-
O-glucoside and quercetin 3-O-glucuronide (Lu and
Foo, 1999). Grape juice contained minute quantity of
quercetin glycosides (7.2 to 9 mg/L) (Spanos and
Wrolstad, 1992) flavonol glycosides (5.7 to 8.6 mg/L
rutin equivalents) Frankelet al., (1998).
Total flavonols in white grape extract ranged
between 1.6 to 10.4 mg/L, which significantly differ
among grape genotypes (Breksa et al., 2010; Burns et
al., 2001; Karakaya and Nehir 1999; Weidner et al.,
2013). In juice of red grapes, relatively higher total
flavonols contents (21.1 to 24.6 mg/L) whereas
myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol contents ranged
from 13.4 to 100.9 mg/L (Frankel et al., 1998; Talcott
and Lee, 2002).
Imran et al., 2017. 10: 40-51. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (ISSN: 2313-8629)
Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Volume 10
Figure 1: Active compounds in grapes
Cantos et al., (2000) reported that concord and de
chaunac grapes contained an average of 34.95 mg/kg
quercetin 3-O-galactoside, whereas Napoleon cultivar
contained 21.6 mg/kg quercetin 3-Oglucoside and
quercetin 3-Oglucuronide, each. Similarly, Cabernet
Sauvignon and two Merlot grapes cultivars contained
84.6 and 327.9 nmol/g flavonols in free and
conjugated (kaempferol, myricetin, quercetin, and
iso-rhamnetin) forms, respectively.
Grape polyphenols employ antioxidant
mechanism through (i) scavenging peroxyl radicals
and lipid alkoxyl (ii) chelating metal ions (iii)
producing α-tocopherol during reduction of the α-
tocopheroxyl radical (Bors et al., 1990).
3. Bioavailability of Resevratrol
Resveratrol (3, 5, 4'-trihydroxy-Trans-stilbene) is
a polyphenolic parent compound of diversified family
of molecules, consisting of polymers and glucosides
exist in both trans and cis configurations (Soleas et
al., 1997). Glycosylated piceid (3-O-B-d-glucosides)
is generally existing form of resveratrol in a variety of
plants, while some forms are conjugated, having
sulfate group, methyl groups (pterostilbene) and a
fatty acid (trans-resveratrol-3-sulfate).
Resveratrol is involved in inducible as well as
constitutive defense mechanisms of plants and
produced as stress metabolite in response to various
biotic e.g., pathogenic attach (Dixon and Paiva, 1995;
Jeandet et al., 1995; Hassan and Bae, 2017), injury
and abiotic stresses e.g., UV-irradiation, O3, growth
hormone and heavy metals (Soleas et al., 1997;
Bavaresco, 2003; Chong et al., 2009; Hassan and Bae,
2017). Resveratrol is believed to be a precursor of
viniferins, which is antifungal stress metabolites, and
potentially have significant role in disease resistance
of grape plants (Langcake and McCarthy, 1979).
Although resveratrol found in almost 70 plant
species (berries, grapes, peanuts and pines) however,
it is found in very limited range of edible materials
mainly skin of red grapes, juice and red wine
produced from these grapes (Kundu et al., 2004;
Hassan and Bae, 2017).
Genotype, grape cultivar, location of cultivation,
growing season, environmental conditions and
nutrient supplementation significantly influence
resveratrol accumulation (Hassan and Bae et al.,
2017; Zhu et al., 2017). Different parts including
grapevine leaf, shoot, stem, bud, root, seed and
Imran et al., 2017. 10: 40-51. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (ISSN: 2313-8629)
Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Volume 10
grape skin differ in their resveratrol contents (Li et
al., 2006; Zhu et al., 2017). However, higher
resveratrol concentration found in grape skin as
compared to its wine and juice.
Red grapes contain higher concentration of
resveratrol than white grapes, consequently red
grapes and its products are considered as major
source of resveratrol in human diet (Delmas et al.,
2006). Skin of fresh grapes has resveratrol in range of
50 to 100 μg/g of fruit weight, which results in a
comparatively higher resveratrol concentration in red
wine and grape juice (Baliga et al., 2005).
Since 1997, resveratrol received intense scientific
attention as it was believed to be cure for various
interconnected but broad range of diseases or health
issues including cancer and aging, neurodegenerative
and heart diseases, inflammation, diabetes and
obesity, and ultimately promotes human health
(Borriello et al., 2014; Brisdelli et al., 2009; Joseph et
al., 2016). Resveratrol-induced effects on various
pathways e.g., angiogenesis, antioxidant production,
apoptosis, inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction,
oxidative stress or pro-survival have serious
implication in the pathogenesis of age-related
ocular, dermal glycemic, neural, kidney,
hematological and cardiovascular disorders (Abou-
Amero et al., 2016; Baxter, 2008; Bhatt et al., 2012;
Das and Das, 2010; Diaz et al., 2016; Kelkel et al.,
2010; Phyu et al., 2016; Pinheiro et al., 2017;
Saldanha et al., 2013).
Resveratrol posses wide range of anti-aging
properties. As a phenolic compound it stimulates
expression and activity of endothelial nitric oxide
synthase (eNOS), causing increased nitric oxide (NO)
and may provide protection to cardiovascular tissues.
These modifications are vital in the in cardiovascular
disease prevention in humans (Bonnefont-Rousselot,
2016; Delmas et al., 2005; Frémont, 2000; Li et al.,
2012; Wallerath et al., 2002). Moreover it regulates
lipid metabolism and cause inhibition of lipoproteins
oxidation and platelets adhesion and aggregation
(Bonechi et al., 2017). Resveratrol has potential to
curtail the development of three basic stages in
carcinogenesis and inhibit phosphorylation of
extracellular signal-regulated kinase and
inflammatory diseases (Borriello et al., 2014;
Frémont, 2000). Beta-amyloid breakdown by
resveratrol and direct influence on neural tissues can
improve Alzheimer's patients (Baxter, 2008).
Considering its chemopreventive properties and
diversified role in various stresses resveratrol family
have numerous implications for disease resistance
and human health (Chong et al., 2009). However,
limited bioavailability of resveratrol along with its
rapid metabolization is key issues and cause of
criticism (Abou-Amero et al., 2016). Oxidative
deprivation of resveratrol can be avoided by a process
glycosylation, which makes glycosylated resveratrol
highly stable, and be readily solublized and absorbed
in gastrointestinal tract (Regev-Shoshani et al., 2003).
Subsequent to absorption of glycosylated resveratrol
is quickly metabolized (in liver) by the activity of
phase-II drug metabolizing enzymes, which
ultimately biotransforms it into water-soluble trans-
resveratrol-3-O-sulfate and trans- resveratrol-3-O-
glucuronide, and thus predominantly excreted
through urine (Walle et al., 2004).
Plasma half-life of resveratrol varies from 8 to 14
min, however its metabolites posses 9.2 h plasma
half-life (Walle et al., 2004). Efficacy and
bioavailability of resveratrol metabolites are not well
known (Baur and Sinclair, 2006; Soleas et al., 2001).
Administration of trans-resveratrol significantly
increased resveratrol concentration in plasma in rats
and humans (Crowell et al., 2004; Soleas et al., 2001).
Resveratrol is rapidly increasing globally,
however its natural synthesis and accumulation are
very low in grapes. Consequently, consistent
research efforts may induce accumulation of
resveratrol in grape skin (Hassan and Bae, 2017).
4. Health Perspectives of Grape Polyphenols
4.1 Anticancer properties
Cancer is associated with the uncontrolled growth
of cells in human body. There are multiple categories
of cancer, but the most frequent human sarcoma is
skin cancer (Bode and Dong, 2000; Baliga and
Katiyar, 2006). Administration of resveratrol (25
μmol) in bald mice hindered the ultraviolet B (UVB)
(180 mJ/cm2)-mediated phototoxicity, including
augmentation of bifold thickness and edema of skin
in SKH-1 (Afaq et al., 2003).
Aziz et al., (2005) found that resveratrol lowered
the expressions of cyclins D1 and D2; Cdk 2, 4 and 6;
and multiplication cell nuclear antigen, but can be
amplified the p21WAF1/CIP1. It also suppressed the
anti-apoptotic proteins e.g., tumor promotion markers,
survivin, ornithine decarboxylase and cyclo
oxygenase. Kapadia et al., (2002) reported that
resveratrol caused 98% diminution in skin tumors
such as TPA-promoted and DMBA-initiated murine
skin cancer model, and also in the SKH-1 bald mouse
Imran et al., 2017. 10: 40-51. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (ISSN: 2313-8629)
Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Volume 10
Grape polyphenols caused arrest of G1-phase cell
cycle, decreased the cell cycle regulators such as
cyclins D1/D2/E and C (dks, hyperphosphorylated
pRb proteins, AP-1, and MEK1 > ERK1/2 signaling)
and enhanced the p21WAF1/CIP1. Moreover,
increased production of 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2′-
deoxyguanosine in UVA-irradiated genomic DNA of
HaCat human keratinocyte cells is also reported
(Ahmad et al., 2001; Adhami et al., 2001; Kim et al.,
2006). UVA stimulates DNA strand splintering and
cell death in presence of resveratrol (Seve et al.,
2005). Resveratrol administration (1 mg/L; 4
μg/mouse) prevented from the development of
mammary tumor in vitro (Provinciali et al., 2005).
Resveratrol administration (25 mg/kg/day) in MDA-
MB-231 tumors of experimental mice and human
breast cancer xenografts inhibited the tumor growth,
reduced angiogenesis and induced apoptotic cell
death (Mahady and Pendland, 2000; Atten et al.,
2005). Similarly, resveratrol in cancer cells caused
arrest of cell cycle, induced apoptosis during nitric
oxide development (Holian et al., 2002; Atten et al.,
2005; Riles et al., 2006).
Grape polyphenols triggered a variety of caspases
and induced apoptosis, accretion of the pro-apoptotic
proteins Bax and Bak, as well as reorganization of the
Fas receptor in membrane rafts of colon cancer cells
(Delmas et al., 2003). Tessitore et al. (2000) reported
that administration of drinking water contained
resevratrol (200 μg/kg/day) decreased the AOM-
induced anomalous crypt foci (ACF) linked with
alterations in Bax and p21 appearances (Tessitore et
al., 2000). Administration of resveratrol (0.01% in the
drinking water) in Min mice exhibited 70% reduction
in tumors development in small intestine via down
regulating the genes (DP-1 transcription factor,
cyclins D1 and D2, and Y-box binding protein)
(Schneider et al., 2001).
In xenograft gastric tumor models of Apc(Min+)
mouse, resveratrol exhibt the suppressive effect on
progress of adenomas and significantly prevented
from the development of tumors in colons and small
intestines (Zhou et al., 2005; Sale et al., 2005;
Schneider et al., 2001). Resevratrol can slow down
FGF2-induced angiogenesis and hindered the
platelet/fibrin clot-promoted human colon and
fibrosarcoma tumor enlargement in the chick
chorioallantoic membrane tumor model. Oral
treatment of resveratrol (1 mg/kg/day) reduced the
proliferation of murine T241 fibrosarcoma in
C57Bl6/J mice (Mousa et al., 2005).
4.2 Cardioprotective properties
Cui et al., (2002) found that the oral dose of grape
extracts (100 and 200 mg/kg) provides significant
cardio protection by enhancing post-ischemic
ventricular recuperation and reduction of rat
myocardial infarction. Similarly, Tebib et al., (1994)
reported that tannins obtained from grape seed
exhibited anti-hypercholesterolemic properties by
reducing cholesterol transportation, increasing bile
acid excretion and reduced absorption of intestinal
cholesterol in rats.
Low reperfusion damages of heart after
procyanidin supplementation, along with increased
antioxidant activity of blood plasma in rat and rabbit
(Berti et al., 2003). In human internal mammary
aortic rings aperoxynitrite damage to vascular cells
could be prevented by layering on the facade of
coronary endothelial cells, and increasing the
relaxation of endothelial NO- synthase-mediated
(Aldini et al., 2003).
Table 1: Phenolic compounds in different parts of grape and its product
Makris et al., 2008
Huang et al., 2005; Nowshehri et
al., 2015
Hernandez-Jimenez et al., 2009;
Li et al., 2006
Laurent et al., 2007
Red wine
Rivero-Perez et al., 2008;
Panico et al., 2006
Imran et al., 2017. 10: 40-51. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (ISSN: 2313-8629)
Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Volume 10
Mendesa et al., (2003) reported that the catechin
and epicatechin from grape help in maintenance of
endothelium integrity, and released nitric oxide (NO).
Furthermore, Edirisinghe et al., (2008) demonstrated
that GSE contained polyphenolic complexes, which
caused AKT/PI3 kinase induced blood vessels
endothelium relaxation. Similarly, GSE rich in
proanthocyanidins had cardioprotective properties to
reduce reperfusion-induced damages in secluded
hearts of rats (Pataki et al., 2002; Sato et al., 2001).
Quercetin (50 to 100 mol /L) and catechin (10 to 20
mol /L) can synergistically reduced platelet linkage to
collagen and collagen-induced platelet combination
(Pignatelliet al., 2000) together with resveratrol
inhibited platelet combination, in vivo as well as in
vitro (Wang et al., 2002).
Likewise, purple grape juice (4 to 8 mL/kg/day, 4
weeks) administered to coronary heart disease
patients increased the flow-mediated vasodilatation
(FMD) of the brachial artery. Moreover, treatment of
purple grape juice (7 mL/kg/day) for about 14 days
lowered the superoxide release, augmented platelet-
derived NO production and inhibited platelet
aggregation (Freedman et al., 2001).
Drinking pure red grape juice (twice a day 50 mL,
for 14 days) enhanced the antioxidant capability of
plasma, reduced the oxidation of low density
lipoprotein concentration and increased the high-
density lipoproteins in healthy persons and patients
suffering from hemodialysis. The red grape juice
consumption lead to remarkable reduction in
plasmamonocyte chemo attractant protein 1, an
inflammatory biomarker linked with cardiovascular
disease in hemodialysis patients (Castilla et al., 2006;
Coimbra et al., 2005). It also exhibited antithrombotic
effects in patients. Similarly, proanthocyanidin-rich
GSE administration (300 mg) prevented from the
postprandial oxidative stress via diminishing the
oxidation and escalating the antioxidant plasma level
(Natella et al., 2002).
4.3 Healing of Wounds
Resveratrol (5000 ppm) administration in mice
speed up wound tightening and curing in mice
(Khanna et al., 2002). It assisted oxidant induced
vascular endothelial growth factor appearance in
keratinocytes by transformation of pathways, which
are pervasive equally to H2O2 and signaling of TNF-a.
Likewise, Khanna et al. (2001) reported that GSE
exhibited the healing of wounds through regulating
oxidant-induced modifications in keratinocytes.
Resveratrol markedly suppresses the murine
fibrosarcoma growth in mice, and lead to impediment
of angiogenesis-dependent healing of wounds
(Bråkenhielm et al., 2001; Kumar et al., 2007).
4.4 Diabetes Prevention
Involvement and influence of dietary polyphenols
in carbohydrate metabolism forced to support finding
about their antihyperglycemic effects and significant
potential for diabetes management and prevention in
animals and humans (Bahadoran et al., 2013;
Gonzalez-Abuin et al., 2015; Han and Lao, 2007;
Hanhineva et al., 2010; Johnston et al., 2005; Kim et
al., 2016; Zunino et al., 2007). Procyanidin present in
GSE acts as insulinomimetic agent as it induces
phosphorylation of insulin receptor and ultimately
enhanced uptake of glucose (Pinent et al., 2004). This
induced phosphorylation pathway is different from
that of insulin (Montagurt et al., 2010).
Polyphenols rich GSE has been found efficient in
curing diabetic nephropathy, through changes in body
functional proteins (Weidner et al., 2013; Vislocky
and Fernandez, 2010). The exposure of GSE to
diabetic rats returned the nine kidney proteins to their
normal levels. These proteins were linked with
glycosylation damage, oxidative stress and amino
acid metabolism (Li et al., 2008; Cheng et al., 2007).
Similarly, quercetin supplemented for 56 days
exhibited marked reduction in serum glucose level
and glycated hemoglobin in C57BL/KsJdbdb mice
(Kim et al., 2011). Likewise, quercetin has been
found to prevent the diabetic rats glucose level
(Coskun et al., 2005). Quercetin based diet
significantly prevented from the destruction of β-cells
damage in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice
(Kobori et al., 2009). It also protected from the
oxidatively stressed human erythrocytes and depleted
concentrations of antioxidant enzymes. In diabetic
rats antidiabetiv effect of resveratrol is attributed to
increased uptake of glucose and enhanced expression
of the insulin-dependent glucose transporter (GLUT4)
(Penumathsa et al., 2008; Chi et al., 2007).
5. Conclusion
Grapes have been renowned for remedial
properties throughout human history. Current
advancements in the fields of immuno-nutrition,
pharmacology and physiology have further
emphasized their significance as a nutraceutical food
against various ailments. Much research work has
been carried out on the health promoting potential of
grapes, often referred to its bioactive component, i.e.
resveratrol. Grapes bioactive compounds maintain
Imran et al., 2017. 10: 40-51. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (ISSN: 2313-8629)
Journal of Environmental & Agricultural Sciences (JEAS). Volume 10
cell integrity through scavenging free radicals and
protecting membranes from damage.
Competing Interest: The authors declare that there is
no potential conflict of interest.
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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is an emerging infectious disease that has infected more than 13 million people with over 500,000 deaths just within 7 months. Unfortunately, no effective treatment have been approved so far for this contagious infection. The first line of defense against this disease is the immune system. Several naturally derived antioxidant compounds play fundamental roles in boosting immunity against COVID-19. In this chapter, we introduce the concept of oxidative stress and immune system for the management of viral infections, particularly SARS-CoV-2. The indispensable roles of the antioxidant phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals were discussed.
Plants are a rich source of biologically active compounds such as essential fatty acids, flavonoids, carbohydrates, glycosides, vitamins, essential oils, proteins, and minerals. These compounds show, among others nourishing, soothing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activities. Of all vitamins, Vitamin D and vitamin C can play a major role in reducing the risk of respiratory infections caused by SARS-Cov-2. Vitamin D supplementation may be a useful risk-reducing agent for SARS-Cov-2. Through several mechanisms, vitamin D can significantly reduce the risk of Plants sources of vitamins against SARS-CoV-2 Chapter | 8 165 infection. Because vitamin D occurs naturally only in a few foods, such as in some fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines), fish liver oils, vitamin D-fed chicken eggs, and mushrooms exposed to sunlight or UV rays, various enrichment attempts should be made for vitamin D fortification.
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is currently the most challenging challenge worldwide. To fight it, it is necessary to achieve and maintain good nutritional status. Human nutrition is influenced by factors such as gender, age, health status, lifestyle, medication and supplement intake. Human nutrition has been used as the basis for resistance to stress during the pandemic. Optimal nutrition and nutrient intake affect the immune system, which is why the only balanced way to survive a pandemic is to strengthen the immune system. There is no evidence that dietary supplements can heal the immune system, except for vitamin C, which is one of the better ways to improve human immunity. Good eating practices, proper nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle can ensure the body’s well-being in overcoming the virus.
Devising strategies to synthesize nanoformulations against infectious diseases is an actively growing area of research in recent times. Especially, plant-based nanoformulations against human viral infections have gained more importance due to the superior properties such as low cytotoxicity, biocompatibility, enhanced therapeutic effect, and low side-effects. Considering the pandemic situation due to COVID-19, it is important to revisit the nanoformulations developed using plant systems against wide range of infectious diseases caused by RNA viruses in humans, which could be useful to identify the potential antiviral agents to combat new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. This chapter presents a comprehensive overview of the phyto-derived nanoparticles used as antiviral agents against RNA virus known to cause human viral diseases. Also, the possible ways that these nanoparticles could inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 is presented with supporting literature. The recent developments in nanoformulations against COVID-19 are also discussed.
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Herbal medications are commonly used for clinical purposes, including the treatment of cardiovascular conditions. Compared with conventional medications, herbal medications do not require clinical studies before their marketing or formal approval from regulatory agencies, and for this reason their efficacy and safety are rarely proven. In this review, we summarize available evidence on herbal medications mostly used in cardiovascular medicine. We show that the use of these medications for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is often not supported by scientific evidence. Despite most of these herbs showing an effect on biological mechanisms related to the cardiovascular system, data on their clinical effects are lacking. Potential relevant side effects, including increased risk of drug interactions, are described, and the possibility of contamination or substitution with other medications represents a concern. Physicians should always assess the use of herbal medications with patients and discuss the possible benefits and side effects with them.
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Careful characterization and standardization of the composition of plant-derived food supplements is essential to establish a cause-effect relationship between the intake of that product and its health effect. In this review we follow a specific grape seed extract containing monomeric and oligomeric flavan-3-ols from its creation by Jack Masquelier in 1947 towards a botanical remedy and nutraceutical with proven health benefits. The preparation's research history parallels the advancing insights in the fields of molecular biology, medicine, plant and nutritional sciences during the last 70 years. Analysis of the extract's flavanol composition emerged from unspecific colorimetric assays to precise high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and proton nuclear magnetic resonance fingerprinting techniques. The early recognition of the preparation's auspicious effects on the permeability of vascular capillaries directed research to unravel the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms. Recent clinical data revealed a multitude of favorable alterations in the vasculature upon an 8 weeks supplementation which summed up in a health benefit of the extract in healthy humans. Changes in gene expression of inflammatory pathways in the volunteers' leukocytes were suggested to be involved in this benefit. The historically grown scientific evidence for the preparation's health effects paves the way to further elucidate its metabolic fate and molecular action in humans.
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The increased incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) has stimulated research for substances that could improve cardiovascular health. Among them, resveratrol (RES), a polyphenolic compound notably present in grapes and red wine, has been involved in the “French paradox”. RES is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and for its ability to upregulate endothelial NO synthase (eNOS). RES was able to scavenge • OH/O2 •– and peroxyl radicals, which can limit the lipid peroxidation processes. Moreover, in bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) under glucose-induced oxidative stress, RES restored the activity of dimethylargininedimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH), an enzyme that degrades an endogenous inhibitor of eNOS named asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA). Thus, RES could improve • NO availability and decrease the endothelial dysfunction observed in diabetes. Preclinical studies have made it possible to identify molecular targets (SIRT-1, AMPK, Nrf2, NFκB …); however, there are limited human clinical trials, and difficulties in the interpretation of results arise from the use of high-dose RES supplements in research studies, whereas low RES concentrations are present in red wine. The discussions on potential beneficial effects of RES in CVDs (atherosclerosis, hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction, heart failure) should compare the results of preclinical studies with those of clinical trials.
Introduction: Hypertension is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. A major pathophysiological factor contributing to hypertension is reduced nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability. Strategies to address this pathophysiological mechanism could offer significant advantages. Areas covered: In this review we aimed at examining a variety of drugs (statins, beta-adrenergic receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II type-1 receptor blockers) used to treat hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, particularly with respect to their potential of increasing NO bioavailability and activity in the cardiovascular system. There is now evidence supporting the notion that many cardiovascular drugs activate NO signaling or enhance NO bioavailability as a contributing mechanism to their beneficial cardiovascular effects. Moreover, other drugs may attenuate NO inactivation by superoxide and other reactive oxygen species by exerting antioxidant effects. More recently, the NO oxidation products nitrite and nitrate have been acknowledged as sources of NO after recycling back to NO. Activation of the nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway is an alternate pathway that may generate NO from both anions and exert antihypertensive effects. Expert Opinion: In this review, we provide an overview of the possible mechanisms by which these drugs enhance NO bioavailability and help in the therapy of hypertension.
The effect of resveratrol (RSV) in inhibiting platelet adhesion and aggregation, as well as fibrinogen (FBG) conformational changes promoted by epinephrine (EP), were studied, by using complementary experimental techniques. NMR and IR spectroscopies were used to investigate possible protective effects by RSV towards FBG, in presence of EP. The protective effect of RSV towards FBG was highlighted by spin nuclear relaxation experiments that were interpreted for determining the thermodynamic equilibrium constants of FBG-EP interaction, and by infrared measurements, that showed EP-induced conformational changes of FBG. The ability of RSV in inhibiting platelet adhesion and aggregation promoted by EP was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), measuring the platelet adhesion and aggregation degree, in comparison to data obtained for platelet aggregation in platelet rich plasma (PRP). The experimental combined approach pointed out that RSV is able to protect both FBG and platelets from the denaturant and aggregating action of EP at stress level concentration.
Aging is a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. Despite a significant reduction in the mortality and morbidity rates over the last decade, the socio-economic burden of cardiovascular disease is still substantial. Consequently, there is a considerable need for alternative strategies, such as nutraceutical supplementation, that delay the functional vascular decline present in the elderly. Compromised autophagy and oxidative stress (OS) are considered major causes of the age-related endothelial dysfunction. OS reduces the bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO), which has been associated with hypertension, arteriosclerosis and a reduced vasodilatory response. High levels of free radicals and the low bioavailability of NO lead to a positive feedback loop of further OS, organelle damage, poor repair and endothelial dysfunction. Here we draw attention to the relationship between OS and autophagy in the aged vasculature. We have reviewed the published literature and provided arguments that support that treatment with resveratrol stimulates autophagy and thereby has the potential to restore oxidative balance in the endothelium, which indicates that treatment with resveratrol might have therapeutic potential to restore endothelial function in the elderly.
Diabetes-induced CVD is the most significant complication of prolonged hyperglycaemia. The aim of this study was to determine whether resveratrol, a polyphenol antioxidant compound, when administered at a dose that can be reasonably obtained through supplementation could prevent the development of cardiovascular complications in older, obese, diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced in 6-month old, obese, male Wistar rats via a single intravenous dose of streptozotocin (65 mg/kg). Randomly selected animals were administered resveratrol (2 mg/kg) via oral gavage daily for 8 weeks. Body weights, blood glucose levels, food intake and water consumption were monitored, and assessments of vascular reactivity, tactile allodynia and left ventricular function were performed. Resveratrol therapy significantly improved tactile allodynia and vascular contractile functionality in diabetic rats ( P <0·05). There were no significant changes in standardised vasorelaxation responses, plasma glucose concentrations, water consumption, body weight, left ventricular hypertrophy, kidney hypertrophy, heart rate or left ventricular compliance with resveratrol administration. Resveratrol-mediated improvements in vascular and nerve function in old, obese, diabetic rats were associated with its reported antioxidant effects. Resveratrol did not improve cardiac function nor mitigate the classic clinical symptoms of diabetes mellitus (i.e. hyperglycaemia, polydypsia and a failure to thrive). This suggests that supplementation with resveratrol at a dose achievable with commercially available supplements would not produce significant cardioprotective effects in people with diabetes mellitus.