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Abstract and Figures

Organizational changes have a major impact on the competitiveness, growth, efficiency, and survival of any organization. This article deals with the issue of an organizational change and its management. The main objective of the research is to verify the existence of a statistically significant relationship between selected factors and the success of organizational changes in Slovak companies. In the short theoretical introduction, the article explains basic aspects of change management. The main part of the article deals with the analysis of variables affecting the outcome of changes taking place in companies. The empirical survey was carried out using the questionnaire method. The questionnaire was distributed to employees from different types of companies where the changes took place. The survey sample consists of 287 respondents. To test the statistical hypotheses, we used the Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The test hypotheses were processed through the program Gretl. Based on the tested relationship between the variables, a significant relationship between the variables was found - the time needed to prepare and implement the change and the success of the change. Other variables also showed an impact on the final outcome of the change. It has been shown that the process of planning changes, checking upon changes, and the time needed to implement changes have an important role and a major effect on the ultimate success or failure of change in a company.
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Dobrovič Ján, Timková Veronika
Organizational changes have a major impact on the competitiveness, growth, efficiency, and
survival of any organization. This article deals with the issue of an organizational change and
its management. The main objective of the research is to verify the existence of a statistically
significant relationship between selected factors and the success of organizational changes in
Slovak companies. In the short theoretical introduction, the article explains basic aspects of
change management. The main part of the article deals with the analysis of variables affecting
the outcome of changes taking place in companies. The empirical survey was carried out using
the questionnaire method. The questionnaire was distributed to employees from different types
of companies where the changes took place. The survey sample consists of 287 respondents. To
test the statistical hypotheses, we used the Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The test hypoth-
eses were processed through the program Gretl. Based on the tested relationship between the
variables, a significant relationship between the variables was found - the time needed to prepare
and implement the change and the success of the change. Other variables also showed an impact
on the final outcome of the change. It has been shown that the process of planning changes,
checking upon changes, and the time needed to implement changes have an important role and
a major effect on the ultimate success or failure of change in a company.
Keywords: organizational changes, organization, critical failure factors, success of changes
JEL Classification: M10, O30, O39
An important prerequisite for a long-term and successful operation of any organization is the
ability to predict events and the ability to adapt to market conditions. It is very important to be
able to respond to current market needs and keep pace with the market environment (Korauš et
al., 2017; Dobrovič, J. et al., 2016; Civelek, et al., 2016; Merkova et al., Musova, 2016; Nadanyio-
va, 2016; Belás et al., 2015; Dobrovič et al., 2011) Maintaining competitiveness on the market is
not easy. Belás & Sopková (2016), Rajnoha & Lesníková (2016), Vojtovic (2016) and Koisova et
al. (2017) claim that the business environment in Slovakia and the Czech Republic is character-
ized by a relatively low level of competitiveness. As a result, it is important to be prepared to
respond to market demands and be prepared to receive change. Therefore, successful change
management is the key to any organization that wants to survive and succeed in today’s highly
competitive environment. Organizations are dealing with various kinds of changes, for example
changes in market conditions, workforce demographics and diversity, technological innovations,
an increased focus on customer and quality, shortage of talent and economical changes (Noe,
Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp. 5 - 17, December 2017pp. 5 - 17, December 2017
ISSN 1804-171X (Print), ISSN 1804-1728 (On-line), DOI: 10.7441/joc.2017.04.01
Journal of Competitiveness
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Journal of Competitiveness 6
2002; Rajnoha & Dobrovič, 2017; Bož& Rajh, 2016; Arsov & Naumoski, 2016; Belás et al.,
2016; Misankova, 2016; Rajnoha & Dobrovič, 2011). When managing these changes, organiza-
tions face obstacles regarding their smooth implementation. These obstacles may include various
management mistakes, such as inadequate planning of changes, absence of training of employees
in the field the change takes place, lack of time needed to adapt to implement the change, de-
fending employees against change, an inappropriate culture of the company or not implementing
checks and verifications into the process of change.
Many studies have shown that most change processes failed. Beer & Nohria (2000, p. 88) say
that: “the brutal fact is that about 70% of all change initiatives fail”. According to Decker et al.
(2012), failure rates may be as high as 93%. One of the most commonly cited reasons for failure
of organizational change is resistance employee to organizational change (Kotter, 1995; Edmons,
2011; Rajnoha et al., 2016; Lines et al., 2015; Aleksic et al., 2015; Androniceanu & Ohanyan,
2016). These authors examine in particular the reasons and ways to overcome the resistance of
employees. Edmonds (2011) found out that the resistance of employees to organizational change
was mainly due to fear from the unknown. Lines et al. (2015) addressed the ways to overcome
resistance to organizational change, and they also looked at change management factors. They
identified six change management factors that minimize resistance to changes. These factors
include the scope of the change, the size and duration of change, the speed of implementation
of changes, the creation of formal change agents and their level of involvement in implementing
such changes. Some authors focused on other factors. For example, Decker et al. (2012) created a
list of critical failure factors of changes. On the other hand, Kash (2014) describes success factors
of changes based on existing models of changes. Many authors describe these factors differently.
A previous research shows that it is important to examine the issue further (Decker et al., 2012).
Therefore, the submitted article examines the selected factors that affect the final outcome of
the change. These factors are, e.g. planning for the change process, the time needed to change,
or checking upon change.
Business as such has a negative image in our country, especially among older generations. This is
caused mainly by historical and cultural reasons. However, the entrepreneurial environment and
access to entrepreneurship for younger generations is gradually changing to the better (Smékalová
et al., 2014). As a result, it is not easy to be competitive on the market nowadays. The dynamics of
the environment, a constantly growing competition, and, last but not least, the continuous innova-
tion require organizations to change. The concept of change is very common in business. However,
the question is what the organizational change means. Many authors describe this concept from
different angles. Kubíčková & Rais (2012) define change as a continuous, ambiguous and partially
unpredictable process through which the company copes not only with changes in the market but
also with changes within the company. Rocha et al. (2015) understand the change as seeking ways
to maintain and develop competitiveness, viability, productivity and innovation in the company.
Garg & Singh (2006) argue that an organizational change is associated with a visible change of
organization in the areas such as technology, organizational structure, systems, strategies as well
as corporate culture.
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The decision to change something comes from a variety of reasons. The need for change can be
the result of needs of the company itself. In this case, we talk about internal factors that cause the
change. Sometimes change is the result of the external environment, such as competitive pressure.
Whether the reason for change comes from the inside or the outside environment, the goal of all
changes is to bring some improvement and progress in a certain area. Elearn (2007) argues that
behind every change, there should be dissatisfaction with how things work. Consequently, compa-
nies ought to think it over and consider whether the change is really necessary. Companies should
determine their position, where they would like to be, and when they would be when the change
really takes place. Figure 1 describes an organizational transformation process (Clarke, 2004, p. 37;
In: Bold, 2010). The stimulus for change is the economic environment that is known for its instabil-
ity. Instability is a driving force behind changes. Factors like “people“, “systems“, “structure“ are
like plates that rotate on top of the sticks – there is always the danger that one of the plates will be
shacked, threatening to fall and that requires a quick trick to maintain its position (Weiss, 2003, p.
56; In: Bold, 2010).
Fig. 1 - How to organize for a change. Source: Clarke (2004, p. 37; In: Bold, 2010)
Change management is a systematic approach that helps organizations and individuals cope with
change and its effects. In fact, this is a crucial process that allows companies to use new strategies
(Malek & Rashad, 2011). Change management has at least three different aspects, including: adapt-
ing to change, controlling change, and effecting a change (Tamilarasu, 2012). The change process
goes through a series of phases, and in this process, companies meet with various kinds of obsta-
cles. Critical mistakes in any of the phases can have a devastating impact, slowing momentum and
negating hard-won gains (Kotter, 1995). According to existing studies, Decker et al. (2012) created
a list of critical failure factors of changes (CFFs). This list shows that there are at least 60 critical
failure factors of changes. The authors have grouped the CFFs into four possible categories. The
first category is process CFFs, the second category is organizational CFFs, the third category is
focus on people CFFs and the last category is communication culture CFFs. The submitted article
examines factors that belong to the process category. Therefore, Table 1 shows a list of selected
process critical failure factors of changes.
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Journal of Competitiveness 8
Tab. 1 - List of process critical failure factors. Source: Decker et al. (2012)
Metrics and
Decision Mak-
ing & Planning
& Politics
Transfer Staffing Process
No Clear
State of Re-
Poor decision
Little Inter-
Lack of Train-
Lack of
not in
No Clear
Vision &
changing cus-
tomer require-
Too much
and Politics
CM process-
es/ strategy
tic proc-
Little Role
definition &
Presence of
Poor Project
plan, schedule
Poor IT/
ERP system
No Metrics/
Feedback or
not aligned
Little user
involvement in
DM or planning
Rewards not
aligned to
Overreliance on
Not Com-
profitable for
the contrac-
Planning, i.e.
cost and time
Poor Strategy/
Project Fit
The success of changes affects many attributes. Table 1 is a summary of many of the studies that
Decker et al. (2012) carried out based on their review of the implementation and organizational
change literature. In their contribution, they state different critical failure factors. As for the Slovak
Republic, we have not found any studies focused on critical failure factors of organizational change.
Therefore, the presented research deals with the selected variables that act as factors influencing
the future success or failure of organizational changes. The selected factors are very important in
joc4-2017-v2b.indd 8 18.12.2017 18:03:42
the process of change. These variables are factors like planning for the change process, the time
needed for the change, or checking upon the change. The following section focuses on verifying
the existence of a statistically significant relationship between selected factors and the success of
organizational changes in Slovak Republic.
The main objective of the research is to verify the existence of a statistically significant relation-
ship between selected factors and the success of organizational changes in Slovak companies. The
survey sample consists of 287 respondents (N = 287), with the majority of respondents being em-
ployees (64%) and managers (22%). This sample was randomly selected, based on specified require-
ment (respondents had to be employees who took part in the organizational change). The research
includes employees working in the Slovak Republic who took part in the organizational change.
The data needed for the analysis were obtained through the questionnaire which was the primary
source of data. The data collection was conducted in March 2016. The questionnaire was distrib-
uted in an electronic as well as printed form to employees working in different types of companies
which had some changes. The questionnaire consisted of two basic parts. The first part contained
closed questions that focused on classifying employees according to various attributes such as job
position, length of employment, size of the company, the field in which the company operates and
the question that examined whether the employee was part of the organizational change or not.
The second part of the questionnaire included 20 questions about organizational changes. The
questionnaire was created by the authors of this article. The individual items were evaluated by
respondents on a 5-point Likert scale, which expresses the degree of consent, where: 1 = strongly
agree, 2 = agree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = disagree, 5 = strongly disagree.
The data was analyzed using the Gretl program. The individual variables (job position, length of
employment, field in which the company operates, size of the company) were subjects to normality
tests (Doornik-Hansen test, Shapiro-Wilk test, Lilliefors test and Jarque-Bera test) which showed
that none of these variables had a normal distribution. Based on this, we have subsequently se-
lected the test that does not require normal distributions. To test a statistical relationship between
the variables, we used Spearman correlation coefficient. For hypothesis visualizations, we used
the output of the program Gretl, X-Y chart which shows the existence of possible relationships
between the two variables. To meet the objective of the research, three statistical hypotheses were
tested, using the significance level of p = 0.05. For this article, we have identified three alternative
working hypotheses:
H1: We assume that there is a link between the variables “change planning” and the “success
of the change”.
H2: We assume a significant correlation between the variables “time needed to implement
change” and “success of the change”.
H3: We assume a relationship between the variables “checking upon the change” and “success
of the change”.
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Journal of Competitiveness 10
By means of Spearman’s rank correlation, the selected factors and the result of an organizational
change were analyzed. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient is a nonparametric (distribution-
free) rank statistic measure of the strength of an association between two variables (Hauke &
Kossowski, 2011). In this research, three basic variables which we assume to be related to the
final outcome of the change have been identified. These variables act as factors influencing the
change, namely, change planning, and the time needed to implement change and checking upon
the change.
According to Bold (2010), the process of change must be controlled and must be planned. It is gen-
erally known that planning is one of the dominant activities in management. As has already been
mentioned, the process of change is going through some phases, one of which is pure planning. In
the process of change, the main problem seems to be ineffective planning process or no planning.
Therefore, our first hypothesis aims at verification of relationship between the variables ,,change
planning’’ and the variable ,,the final result of the change’’ (its success or failure to make changes).
We expect that between the variables, the correlation exists. that is, in the case of organizational
change planning, the result of the change is positive and therefore, the change is successful with
the company. Of course, the opposite may happen as well - the change was not scheduled in ad-
vance, the change was not successful/ it failed to be successfully implemented in the company.
H1: We assume that there is a link between the variable “change planning” and the “success of the change”.
Tab. 2 - Testing results of the first hypothesis. Source: own processing
Correlation is significant on the level p < 0.05000
N = 278
p – value 0.0156
Spearman’s rank correlation coef-
ficient rho 0.1449
joc4-2017-v2b.indd 10 18.12.2017 18:03:42
Fig. 2 - X – Y chart: Testing results of the first hypothesis. Source: own processing using Gretl
These results point to the existence of a link between the variables. We can see that the p - value
is at the level 0.0156. Fig. 2 shows the relationship between the variables. The results show that
if the change was planned properly, it is ultimately successful. The same goes for the other way,
that is, if the change is not planned properly, it is not successful. Change planning can be seen
as a necessary part of the whole process of introducing changes. In the process of change plan-
ning, it is necessary to create a plan for the whole project, incorporating the possible risks, events
and situations that may occur during the change. Through the change planning and the plan,
we can predict undesirable situations. Every change is different and unique, so there is no ideal
procedure or manual that would give perfect instructions on how to handle the situation or how
a plan should look like. However, it should be noted that each change is unique and individual;
therefore, every change requires special planning.
Errors and management problems often arise due to lack of time. It is generally known that if
any task is done in haste, errors occur in the process. Kotter (1995) states that the change process
goes through a series of phases which, in total usually require a considerable length of time. But
what if the business does not allow enough time for a change? What if the entire change proc-
ess is very quick? Can it affect the final outcome of the change? In previous studies, there was
no attention given to the fact whether the time needed for change is or is not a critical factor of
success. Therefore, this research drew attention to the variable of time. We expect this variable
to act as a factor influencing the final outcome of the change. We assume the following assump-
tion when testing:
H2: We assume a significant correlation between the variable “time needed to implement change” and “success
of the change”.
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Journal of Competitiveness 12
Tab. 3 – Testing results of the second hypothesis. Source: own processing
Correlation is significant on the level p < 0.05000
N = 278
p – value 0.0000
Spearman’s rank correlation coef-
ficient rho 0.5728
Fig. 3 - X – Y Chart: Testing results of the second hypothesis. Source: own processing using Gretl
The hypothesis H2 was confirmed - there is a statistically significant relationship between the
variables. Spearman’s correlation coefficient is at the level of 0.5728, indicating a strong correla-
tion between the variables. Given the time needed for the preparation and actual implementation
of the change, the impact of the change was positive in the end, so the change was successfully
implemented in the company. In the event the time for the implementation of the change would
be inadequate, it is possible that the change would not be successfully implemented.
We can say that planning is closely linked to checks. On the basis of the plan, we can check
whether the change has been implemented in line with the plan, whether the expected outcome
has been achieved and, last but not least, whether the change really works. Westover (2010) states
that the critical point of success in the process of change implementation is the ability of the
leader to stabilize and maintain the new state, that is, the state of change. The initial enthusiasm
for the new state or the situation gradually subsides. There is a risk that employees will return to
the old ways. Therefore, after the new state is established, the consolidation phase is important,
where the company should strive to stabilize changes and implement them across the company.
A common mistake or problem connected with the above-mentioned is an inappropriate number
joc4-2017-v2b.indd 12 18.12.2017 18:03:42
of checks. It is then possible that employees return to their usual habits and fail to follow the in-
structions regarding new activities. The last hypothesis assumes that checking upon the change
plays an important role in its successful implementation.
H3: We assume a relationship between variables to “checking upon the change” and “success of the change”.
Tab. 4 - Testing results of the third hypothesis. Source: Own processing
Correlation is significant on the level p < 0.05000
N = 278
p – value 0.0000
Spearman’s rank correlation coef-
ficient rho 0.3955
Fig. 4 - X – Y chart: Testing results of the third hypothesis. Source: Own processing using Gretl
Based on the results, we can confirm the third hypothesis - the p-value is at the level of 0.0000.
Based on the results, we can see a relationship between the variables, which in our case means
that if the checks upon the implemented changes are done, changes are likely to be more posi-
tive. The Spearman’s correlation coefficient is at the level of 0.3955 and points to the moderate
correlation between the variables. It is clear from the findings that in the event when the im-
plemented changes are being checked upon, their results are likely to change the company for
the better. Conversely, if there was lack of checks in the company, employees returned to their
original habits and failed to successfully implement the change. The confirmed hypothesis 3
clearly highlights the importance of checking upon the implemented changes. The risk that the
change will not succeed is always present. The biggest mistake a business can make is to ignore
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Journal of Competitiveness 14
the phase of checking upon the implementation of changes. Every phase of change has its mean-
ing. In our article, we drew attention to two basic and fundamental phases, namely planning
and checking upon the change. In our opinion, these phases are fundamental in the process of
change, and therefore, we consider them to be critical factors for the success of changes. Based
on our research, the factor “time needed for change implementation” is to be ranked among the
crucial success factors.
On the basis of the analysis, we can assert that the process of planning the change, its checks
and enough time to implement the change are important factors that have an effect on the final
result of change implementation. If a change is carefully planned in advance, there is a presump-
tion that we can expect it to be successfully implemented. However, it must be borne in mind
that the change process may encounter many unexpected situations in advance. Therefore, it is
important for management to have a plan in case of such situations. As has been shown, every
change needs sufficient time for its preparation and implementation. In conclusion, we can say
that the variables planning, enough time and checks can be considered as factors influencing the
success rate of the change implementation in the company.
Every change should bring something new, better and more efficient. In general, we can say that
the change is seldom a one-piece task, mostly it is a process that requires a sequence of steps and
activities. Every company is unique and requires an individual approach to changes. Before any
change occurs in a company, one has to make sure that the company is ready for the change.
The main objective of the article was to verify relationship between the selected factors and
the final outcome of the change. These factors are as follows: careful planning, regular checks
and enough time for change implementation. The individual variables were tested on the basis
of correlation analysis, and it was shown that all three variables were linked to the variable suc-
cess of the change. The change management process is influenced by several factors that affect
its outcome. The article addressed three chosen factors. On the basis of the findings, we can
say that if the change is planned carefully, we can expect it to be successful. The same applies
if there is sufficient time to implement the change and check its implementation. If businesses
pay close attention to the change process, they have successfully introduced the change in the
enterprise. Many authors deal with the issue from different perspectives, for example Witting
(2012), Perkov et al. (2014), who deal with the problem of employee resistance to changes, Garg
& Singh (2006), Kras, Rudes & Taxman (2015), Edmonds (2011), Lines et al. (2015) devote their
attention to the change management as such. In any case, the area of change management is a
very comprehensive and frequently discussed topic that will offer us further research opportuni-
ties in the future.
The current study has some limitations. First, this research used the Spearman correlation,
which measures the strength of association between two variables without making any assump-
tions about any other variables. For future studies, it is suggested to use a regression analysis,
joc4-2017-v2b.indd 14 18.12.2017 18:03:42
which allows determining the strength and direction of the relationship between two or more
variables. Furthermore, the regression results show whether this relationship is valid. Second,
the article’s aim was to research the organizational change in Slovak companies. Slovak market is
rather small compared to foreign markets. In future, it is recommended to enlarge a geographical
scope of the study. This article provides a number of questions and space for more detailed re-
search into the issue of organizational change management. Our future aim is to clarify as many
factors as possible affecting the success of the organizational change.
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optimization of process-oriented models of the nancial administration management with a focus on transfer
pricing and tax harmonization in the terms of EU.”
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Assoc. Prof. Ing. Dobrovič Ján, PhD.
University of Prešov in Prešov, Faculty of Management, Department of Management,
Konštantínova 16, 080 01 Prešov,
Slovak Republic
Mgr. Timková Veronika
University of Prešov in Prešov, Faculty of Management, Department of Management,
Konštantínova 16, 080 01 Prešov,
Slovak Republic
joc4-2017-v2b.indd 18 18.12.2017 18:03:42
... To thrive, expand, and sustain a competitive advantage (Hatch & Cunliffe, 2012), organizations continually strive to adjust and evolve in response to changing circumstances (Battilana et al., 2010). Nevertheless, all attempts to change are unsuccessful; 70% of change initiatives fail to achieve the intended objectives (Beer & Nohria, 2000;Dobrovič & Timková, 2017). Vakola (2014) claimed that significant change efforts failed owing to the factors such as an absence of managers and directors' commitment, lack of long-term purpose, inadequate inter-personal communication channels, and overwhelming opposition to change. ...
... Similarly, Boyatzis & Saatcioglu (2008) argued that developing employees' planfulness ability is crucial for enhancing individual readiness ability, as it equips employees with the skills to plan strategically and execute the new change initiatives effectively, particularly during the adoption of new technologies at the workplace. Dobrovič & Timková (2017) collected a sample of 287 respondents and found a positive relationship between planfulness and readiness for change. ...
... Planful individuals are likely to be more change-oriented and productive, which enhances their readiness for change. These findings are in line with past findings (Altamony et al., 2016;Dobrovič & Timková, 2017). ...
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In the prevalent VUCA (volatile-uncertain-complex-ambiguous) environment, the readiness for change has become an antidote to survive and thrive. Drawing on change readiness theory, the present study investigates the hypothesised framework, which elucidates whether and how intentional behaviour influences the readiness for change through planfulness and learning through experimentation as mediators in series. Data has been collected from 271 employees working in the manufacturing and I.T. service industries in North India. Structural equation modeling results indicated that intentional behaviour is positively related to readiness for change; furthermore, planfulness and learning through experimentation partially mediated the relationship. The findings highlight important implications for researchers, and management practitioners in developing a proactive mindset, planfulness ability, and fostering a learning culture among employees to enhance their change readiness for successful change initiatives and technology adoption.
... Recently there exist many types of research that investigate organisational change from different point of view (e.g., Gemra et al., 2022;Kement et al., 2021;Khan et al., 2022). According to Dobrovič and Timková (2017) organisational changes have a meaningful impact on corporate growth, survival, efficiency or competitiveness. Rocheville et al. (2021) describe how communities external to organisations can also initiate change within organisations. ...
... On the other hand, if the change is not scheduled correctly, it is not successful. Change planning can be seen as a necessary part of implementing change in enterprise (Dobrovič & Timková, 2017). Some authors describe organisational changes as a necessity to gain competitive advantage. ...
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The crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic affects the daily operation of organisations, which also brings changes in the life of their workforce. Managing organisational change has been a significant challenge for organisations for several decades. The aim of the research is to assess the behaviour of affected employees toward organisational change. It is examined how different groups of employee’s experience change in general and what they think about organisational change. Furthermore, it is explored whether employees understand the motivation behind the change and how does the change impact their organisation. To answer the research questions, a comprehensive questionnaire survey of small and medium-sized enterprises in Hungary was conducted in autumn 2021. The suitability of the application of factor analysis evaluating the dependence of selected areas of the questionnaire was supported by Barlett test a Cronbach’s alfa coefficient. For individual hypotheses two-sample t-test, contingency table analysis, and Pearson’s Chi-squared test, were applied. The evaluation of the 215 questionnaires shows that the behaviour of employees toward organisational changes is different. The difference in attitudes to the benefit of organizational change for employees were identified, but not for enterprise. Furthermore, the difference in attitudes between employees who have undergone organizational change in the enterprise and those who have not undergone organizational change, were identified too. It is interesting that contingency between the extent to which managers play a role in change and the well-executed nature of change were detected. The practical usage of the research can be helpful for SME management, especially in the HR field. The management can consider that employees may be afraid of the changes if they are ahead of them, but if the change is handled well, people will think positively of it.
... the implementation of human resources management aims to expedite commercial processes and enhance operational efficiency for organizations. however, it is important to enhance the workers' functional capacity while ensuring alignment with the corporate growth strategy (Dobrovič & timková, 2017;iqbal et al., 2014). Management of human resources is the ideal combination of the workforce, training level, ethics, and employees' skills to support the development of business plans for enterprises. ...
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During the past pandemic, digital business activities have developed enormously, and many businesses have undergone a significant transformation to participate in the digital revolution. However, for the digital transformation to take place successfully, Industry 4.0 comes from breakthroughs in many fields, including the digital wave of the manufacturing sector. Many countries have paid attention to and concretized priorities for developing a digital economy. Vietnam also faces challenges that the digital trend brings, including the risk of competition for small and medium enterprises, especially high-quality human resources in today’s businesses. This article analyzed the current situation and applied descriptive statistics to summarize and apply the structural equation model (SEM) from a set of data, a research sample in numbers, and visual charts that surveyed 850 enterprise managers. Human resource management is a multifaceted process that has wide-ranging effects. Presently, several variables are influencing the field of human resource management. These elements often undergo changes and can be categorized into fundamental influencing factors: The attributes of the external factors, including the economy, people, legislation, culture, rivals, science, and technology. The internal environment encompasses several variables: the working environment, labor recruitment and selection, training and development, remuneration, bonuses, and welfare. The article’s goal is to explore factors that influence human resource management. Based on the results, the article’s contributions had several policy recommendations for developing human resources at small and medium enterprises for Vietnam’s post-Covid-19 pandemic. The application of the research is to strengthen and build a cultural working environment and create conditions and opportunities for human resources to develop; business leaders must be exemplary in words and deeds. Human resource development strategies must be implemented in an environment of fairness, discipline, ethics, and respect for the law as standards; create a cultural environment, leading the development of human resources.
... According to CNBC, habitual employee procrastination costs businesses $10,396 per employee annually (CNBC, 2012: https:// Scholars also suggest that employee work habits can impede organizational change programs (Golden-Biddle, 2020;Dobrovic & Loumova, 2017;Nesterkin, 2013;Polites & Karahanna, 2013). ...
Research indicates that half of employee work behaviors may be habits and that employee work habits can either facilitate or undermine efficient and effective task performance. Yet, management scholars lack standard definition of employee work habits that promotes actionable knowledge and cumulative research. In addition, although research suggests that employee goal-directed and habitual behavior interface in several ways, the management literature does not address the relationship between these two types of work behavior. After reviewing previous research, we provide a new definition of the employee work habit construct. Our definition distinguishes employee work habits from general habits in three ways: a) they affect organizational effectiveness criteria, b) they are embedded in an organizational context, and c) they are associated with using organizational rewards. We also providea process model that explains how em ployee goal-directed behavior can evolve into work habits. With this new precision in understanding employee work habits, management scholars can explore this common but overlooked type of work behavior, rigorously connect employee work habits to other theories and constructs, and greatly expand our knowledge of employee work habits.
Conference Paper
Change management is a very dynamic managerial discipline that has been gaining importance in the last few years. Environmental turbulence calls for ever faster and more effective responses from managers and organizations. Small and medium-sized enterprises are an important part of the Czech economy. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor their ability to respond to coming changes and observe whether they manage the changes at all and what are the main determinants of successful change management in these organizations. Managers of organizations should focus on selected available options in order to be able to more effectively implement and apply changes in their business. A questionnaire survey was conducted among SMEs in the Czech Republic. The research was limited to the territory of the Czech Republic and to the online environment through a questionnaire survey, where the questionnaire was sent to random companies. The research works with 60 respondents from the field of small and medium-sized organizations.
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This paper explored factors for infusing change management practices in the public sector and gave recommendations for policy execution of technology. The Western Cape Department of Community Safety (DoCS) launched the Expanded Partnership Programme (EPP) in 2010, as provided for in section 206 of the Constitution to reorient social crime prevention by Community Policing Forums Educate and Share towards Monitoring Guided Actions to increase sustainability, the efficiency of Community Police Forums (CPFs), and the accountability of the police. Even with an investment of R18 million, participation levels were still low and there was no service delivery improvement by the police, thus the need for a change management was borne. The study pointed out the need of strategic methods such as Kotter's 8-Step Process, Prosci ADKAR, and McKinsey Influence Model to implement institutionalised changes. The research pursued a practical stance and therefore merged objectivist and constructivist positions with an abductive approach. Count data were collected through the use of a Likert scale questionnaire since it was quantitative in nature while qualitative data was obtained from semi-structured focus group discussions. Data analysis was performed using qualitative and quantitative methods such as descriptive statistics, Pearson's Chi-square, and content analysis, among others. The research findings highlighted key factors such as organizational culture, interests of stakeholders, politics, resources, and the external environment a determinants of change management. The creation of detailed guidelines that are supported by evidence to direct decision making, resource allocation and prioritisation of policies by the government was advocated for in the study. These findings closed the loop between the research academic domain and the practical field, and demonstrated clear steps towards improving accountability, transparency and adequacy of change implementation.
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Despite numerous reforms, the Judiciary of Kenya has seen a rise in complaints about its service delivery. Common issues include slow service, missing files, corruption, delayed rulings, and delayed orders. This increase in complaints is surprising given the efforts to improve the judiciary's service delivery. Consequently, it is important to examine the planning strategies within the Judiciary and how they impact service delivery. This area has rarely been studied, leading to a lack of understanding in the existing literature about the effects of planning on service delivery in Kenya's Judiciary. This study aimed to fill that gap by focusing on the Meru High Court. The study aimed to examine the impact of planning strategy on service delivery at the Meru High Court, with a target population of 86 respondents. The research was guided by Kotter’s Eight Step Change Model. A descriptive survey design was employed. Before collecting the main data, a pilot test with 9 respondents was conducted at the Chuka Law Courts to assess the questionnaire's reliability and validity. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, percentages, mean, and SD, along with regression and correlation analyses. The findings showed that a plan is created prior to implementing any changes. Respondents confirmed that the information provided by the Judiciary regarding changes is both reliable and pertinent. The research is significant as it helps the Judiciary understand how planning strategies affect service delivery.
This paper critically examines the role of a police planner and of planning units. Data were collected from a 32-question electronic survey that was sent to the members of the International Association of Police Planners. Using descriptive statistics to analyse the data, the results of the study revealed that although police planners were undertaking a number of primarily administrative and financial roles, there were a number of other management and research related roles that they could also undertake, indicating that police planning is more than an administrative or data gathering role. These findings suggest that police planners are under-utilized and that their role could be expanded to assist with increasing the effectiveness of police agencies and with agencies introducing evidence-based practices. The article concludes that police planners are well placed to facilitate organisational change and to drive practices that can have a profound impact on the effectiveness of the agency’s service delivery.
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The present research aims to examine whether learning from the supervisor influences readiness for change with the mediating impact of planfulness. Drawing upon the theory of planned behavior, it is hypothesized that learning from the supervisor positively impacts planfulness ability in individuals, which in turn enhances the readiness for change. Through using convenience sampling, the sample of 451 was collected from employees working full-time in the manufacturing and I.T. service organizations in India. Structural equation modeling and regression analysis indicate that learning from the supervisor is positively associated with readiness for change and planfulness. Additionally, planfulness fully mediated the relationship between learning from the supervisor and readiness to change. The findings of the present research highlight that continuous support and learning from the supervisor enhances the planfulness ability of the individual and consequently enhances individual readiness for change. The current research is pioneering in testing the hypothetical model associating learning from the supervisor, planfulness, and readiness for change.
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Gamification has become increasingly common in employee training. Simultaneously, our scientific understanding of gamified learning has grown. However, there are few resources that provide specific recommendations for science‐based gamification in employee training to address the research–practice gap. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to describe our current scientific understanding of gamification as it can be used to realistically improve web‐based employee training. First, because gamification is commonly misunderstood, we explain what gamification is in the context of training. Second, because gamification is commonly misapplied, research on the effectiveness of gamified learning as related to training design is reviewed. Finally, to provide a clear roadmap for training design, we describe a formal process for gamifying web‐based training in a scientifically supported way.
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The aim of every healthy economy is to reduce differences between regions in economic life, living standards and employment. It is a difficult task for most countries and especially in the Slovak Republic, because of the hard-pressed situation in decreasing regional differences. Paper's aim was to determine whether from a regional perspective, exist differences between entrepreneurs' opinion in obtaining loans in Slovak banks. In this context; we focused on the perception of bank involvement with SMEs, the transparency of bank lending, the information gap in bank loan terms and perception of the contemporary loan terms compared with the past ones. We conducted the survey on the sample of 541 respondents, in 2016. We found that more than one-half of them did not believe in bank transparency and about the same number considered information gap as significant. Approximately 60% of entrepreneurs thought that credit conditions are more acceptable than the past ones.
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In accordance with the rise and rapid growth in e-commerce in thepastfewdecades, the use of payment cards for online purchases has significantly increased in the payment cards market. This situation has led to an explosion in payment card fraud and it is costing billions of euros and dollars in losses in the card payment industry. The understanding of security has thereforeundergone a significantdevelopment. Due to the inaccurate evaluation of their personal security status, people tend to underestimate the safety features related to the protection of their financial data on the internet. This claim is supported by the high level of interest that cyber attackers show in persons operating in the public and economic spheres. The collection and data analysis carried out suggests that the target sample group has not had experience with cyber-attacks, predominantly because this group was made up of 'ordinary' people, presumably outside of the cyber attackers' sphere of interest. It is therefore important to further investigate the opinion and consumer approach to security and payment card fraud. As a result of rising losses, financial institutions and card issuers are constantly searching for new technologies and innovations in payment card fraud detection and prevention. This article provides several views on personal safety and quality of security to payment cars and cyber- attacks.The data collection and analysis was carried out in Slovakia via electronic sample surveys. With sample surveys the data is collected from a base sample unit, which in this case consisted of a sample of residents of the Slovak Republic. The research sample for this investigation consisted of 287 respondents, out of which there were 164 men (57,14%) and 123 women (42,86%). For the purposes of the analysis, the respondents were divided into categories, based on their age, level of education and occupation. The study results can help the issuers of payment cards and banks as well as clients using payment cards, especially in order to improve the prevention against fraud and the unauthorised use of payment cards.
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The article deals with the analysis of the use of EU Structural Funds as the main tool of cohesion policy. The cohesion policy aims to reduce economic and social disparities in regional development. A part of that policy is financing of small and medium-sized enterprises from the Structural Funds for the purposes of their impact on the economic development of underdeveloped regions and to increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises. The main focus is on determining the effect of EU Structural Funds on competitiveness of SMEs in Slovakia in the programming period 2007-2013. Based on the empirical research, we have analysed the data and we found out how the management of small and medium-sized enterprises assesses the use of EU Structural Funds and their impact on the competitiveness of enterprises managed by them. The results of our analysis and research indicate signs of an inefficient use of financial support from the Structural Funds, which is often directed to solve diverse acute economic problems. However, these funds do not increase their c competitiveness.
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Nowadays, a well-performing enterprise can be considered the one that is able to use many opportunities, to adapt to continual changes in the environment, to achieve better performance. Business performance is often seen as an indicator of the enterprise’s results and effects. In the area of business performance and strategic performance measurement system, many studies have been realized which identify the major factors affecting the performance of the company itself. The paper is focused on the analysis and identification of specific factors in the form of localization, turnover of enterprise and others which may have a potential impact on performance. Current trends are focused not only on the performance, but also the consequences of corporate activities of environment. This leads to better competitiveness of companies. In this context, attention is drawn to the orientation of enterprises on particular dimensions of corporate sustainability concept and factors such as company size or capital structure in relation to its application.
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The aim of the article is to compare significant determinants of the competitive environment for small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of financial and credit risk in Czech Republic and Slovakia. The survey on the quality of business environment was carried out in 2015 through a questionnaire on the sample of 1,141 respondents in Czech Republic. The total number of 438 questionnaires was collected during the research in Slovakia. Based on our own model, we quantified the index of perception of financial and credit risk (IFCR) for Czech Republic and for Slovakia. We compared the approach to risk by gender and education of the businessmen and company’s age through Pearson statistics at the significance level of 5%. Our research has shown that business environment in both countries is characterized by relatively low level of competitiveness in the researched area. The value of the resulted index in Czech and Slovak business environments is less than the median interval value. We also determined that the value of IFCR is significantly higher in Slovakia. Our research indicates there are significant differences in the assessment of business environment quality through IFCR in both countries, depending on gender and education of entrepreneurs and depending on company’s age. That index in Czech Republic is significantly higher in case of women as compared to men and in Slovakia it is the opposite. We have also found that businessmen with lower level of education have higher IFCR in both countries. Older firms showed better conditions for doing business in both countries because of their higher value of IFCR in both Czech Republic and Slovakia.
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This paper presents a theoretical and methodological model of measurement of the quality of business environment in the segment of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and introduces an IQSME index. The paper presents the way of selection and definition of the important factors that form business environment, the analysis of their interconnections and quantification of their influence. According to the results of the application of the created model we can state that the conditions for doing business in the Czech Republic are quite challenging. The value of IQSME for the Czech Republic is at the lower end of the range of possible values. We found that Czech entrepreneurs quite negatively evaluate the government’s approach and its attempts to develop suitable conditions for doing business, the attitude of the financial market players in providing the opportunities of external financing for their entrepreneurial activities, current level of business risks, but are satisfied with the attitude of their surroundings to their business activities.
In the area of business performance and strategic performance measurement system, many studies have been realized which identify the major factors affecting the performance of the company itself. The world of business environments in modern economies has changed dramatically the way of pursuing business and depends nowadays heavily on the performance in generating and utilizing new knowledge, information systems, innovations and management techniques and tools for creating of the higher business performance. From several studies carried out in the management and measurement performance issue, it is evident that performance is affected by many factors. These factors are important for improving business performance. The objective of this paper was to analyze selected management methods and tools that can potentially have an effect on the performance. The results of our empirical scientific study provide interesting and valuable findings that the overall performance of industrial enterprises in Slovakia. Relationship between the use of MIS and overall business performance ROE is a strong statistically significant. The use of the MIS achieved business performance of ROE between 2-10%. Enterprises that use only basic ERP Information System reach under-average business performance most often with negative or very low ROE to maximum 2%. © 2017, Czestochowa University of Technology. All rights reserved.
In a complex and dynamic business environment, managers widely appeal to modern methods and techniques that would help them cope with the competition and offer their customers new, attractive, good quality products and services and at competitive prices. In this context, total quality management is a viable and sustainable option that can systematically contribute to the consolidation of the capacity of organizations. The aim of this paper was to put forth a three-dimensional approach of total quality management and provide some concrete action ways through which organizations in Romania that implement total or partial quality management integrated systems would produce significant competitive advantages. The main research methods used were: the questionnaire, document analysis, applications offered by Word and Excel and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, one of the most complete software packages with which we calculated means and standard deviations and determined and analysed correlations between variables and various quality parameters. In this research, have been identified the main key success factors, the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of the systems, their causes and the necessary changes through which the three-dimensional approach of total quality management could become a preferred strategic option with a major positive impact upon business excellence. The most important results obtained are a three-dimensional approach of the Total Quality Management and a substantial number of certain proposals for the Romanian firms in order to achieve business excellence.
This paper analyzes business performance based on the return on equity indicator, and reveals certain common aspects for companies with better business performance. The results of statistical testing proved positive dependences between turnover, performance and foreign ownership as well as the importance of foreign capital origin for companies. Certain signs typical for companies with participation of foreign capital against local firms are identified.