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Діалог поліції та громади як соціальна технологія впровадження принципів community policing у місцевій громаді


Abstract and Figures

Методичні рекомендації присвячено проблемі використання соціальної технології діалогу у процесі взаємодії поліції та громади з метою впровадження принципів community policing на прикладі проекту «Діалог між поліцією та громадою», реалізованого Фондом Місцевої Демократії та Лабораторією мирних рішень в об’єднаній територіальній громаді Нової Водолаги Харківської області The methodical recommendations are devoted to the problem of using social technology of dialogue in the process of interaction between the police and the citizens in order to implement the principles of community policing on the example of the project "Dialogue between the police and the community" implemented by the Local Democracy Foundation and the Peacebuilding Laboratory in the united territorial community of the New Vodolaga of the Kharkiv region.
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The term interactive conflict resolution refers to a collection of small-group discussion approaches to the analysis and resolution of intergroup conflict that bring together members of conflicting parties in dialogue and problem solving facilitated by a team of knowledgeable and skilled social scientists. The invention of this method is attributed to John Burton and his colleagues at University College, London in the mid-1960s. They creatively combined the forum of an academic seminar with group problem solving such that the participants could enter into a mutual analysis of the sources and dynamics of their conflict, followed by the development of ideas and options that could be fed into official peace negotiations. Burton initially labeled this workshop approach as controlled communication in order to denote the non-adversarial, open and supportive atmosphere created by the third party, but later used the term problem solving to distinguish the method from traditional negotiations (Burton, 1969).
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