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Abstract and Figures

Negative emotions are usually avoided in daily life, yet often appreciated in artistic endeavours. The present study investigated emotional experiences induced by Death Metal music with extremely violent themes, and examined whether enjoyment of this genre of music is associated with personality traits. Fans (N=48) and non-fans (N=97) listened to 60-second excerpts of Death Metal music and rated their emotional experiences. Compared with non-fans, fans experienced a wide range of positive emotions including power, joy, peace, and wonder. In contrast, non-fans reported uniformly negative experiences, including tension, anger and fear. Fans and non-fans were also distinguished by personality traits, with fans lower in conscientiousness and agreeableness, and in their motivations for listening to music. Results suggest that individuals with certain personality and music-listening motivations are drawn towards aggressive music with violent themes, and their enthusiasm for this genre promotes a range of positive emotional responses to this music.
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© 2018 American Psychological Association
2160-4134/18/$1 2.00
Who Enjoys Listening to Violent Music and Why?
William Forde Thompson, Andrew M. Geeves, and Kirk N. Olsen
Macquarie University
Negative emotions are usually avoided in daily life yet often appreciated in artistic
endeavors. The present study investigated emotional experiences induced by death
metal music with extremely violent themes and examined whether enjoyment of this
genre of music is associated with personality traits. Fans (N
48) and nonfans (N
97) listened to 60-s excerpts of death metal music and rated their emotional experi-
ences. Compared with nonfans, fans experienced a wide range of positive emotions
including power, joy, peace, and wonder. In contrast, nonfans reported uniformrly
negative experiences, including tension, anger, and fear. Fans and nonfans were also
distinguished by personality traits, with fans lower in conscientiousness and agreeable-
ness, and in their motivations for listening to music. Results suggest that individuals
with certain personality traits and music-listening motivations are drawn toward ag-
gressive music with violent themes, and their enthusiasm for this genre promotes a
range of positive emotional responses to this music.
Keywords: aggressive behavior, emotions, music, preferences, violent media
Thompson, W. F., Geeves, A. M., & Olsen, K. N. (2018, March 26). Who enjoys
listening to violent music and why?. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. Advance
online publication.
Psychology of Popular Media Culture
Public Policy Relevance Statement
Music listening is a ubiquitous pastime for teenagers, but when that music contains
themes of extreme violence, questions arise as to who listens to this music and why.
Here, we show that fans of violent music differ from nonfans in personality, with
lower conscientiousness and agreeableness. They also have different motivations for
listening to music and contrasting emotional responses to violent music, with fans
reporting feelings of power and joy, and nonfans reporting feelings of tension, fear,
and anger.
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Music listening is a ubiquitous pastime for children and teenagers. Rideout, Foehr and
Roberts (2010) reported that American youths between the ages of eight and 18 listen to
music an average of two hours and 31 minutes every day, and the amount of music listening
increases with age. There are several motivations for listening to music, including pleasurable
changes in mood and energy, establishing and maintaining social bonds, and affirming one’s
identity (MacDonald, Miell & Hargreaves, 2017; Thompson, 2015). Music listening can also
confer temporary benefits for cognition, which may be mediated by transient changes in
mood and arousal (Ilie & Thompson, 2011; Thompson, Schellenberg & Husain, 2001).
Certain genres of music owe their success to the exploration of difficult emotions, and
sadness is a commonly reported emotional state induced by music (Juslin & Laukka, 2014).
The popularity of dark or violent themes in music, film, and visual art raises important
questions for the psychology and aesthetics of artworks (Davies, 1997; Eerola et al., 2018;
Garrido & Schubert, 2011; Huron, 2011; Menninghaus, et al., 2017). Why are so many
individuals drawn towards experiences that foster negative emotions such as fear and anger?
What are the emotional and cognitive effects of persistent exposure to artworks that feature
tragic or violent connotations?
In an examination of responses to tragic themes in film, De Wied, Zillmann, and
Ordman (1994) found that tragic events were more likely to be enjoyed by viewers with high
levels of empathy than by viewers with low levels of empathy. The authors argued that for
many, tragic themes induce positive feelings, such as those associated with friendship, love,
bravery, and perseverance. Along similar lines, Vuoskoski, et al. (2012) reported that people
experience a range of emotions in response to artistic expressions of sadness. They presented
16 excerpts of sad music to 148 participants who rated their emotional responses and
completed a personality questionnaire. Sadness was the most common emotion experienced,
but other emotions were also induced by the music, including nostalgia, peacefulness, and
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
wonder. Positive evaluations of sad music were mediated by personality. Participants who
reported a high level of preference for sad music were comparatively high on personality
variables Openness to Experience and Empathy, implying that a desire for novelty and
empathetic engagement may play important roles in the aesthetic enjoyment of sad music.
These findings are consistent with evidence that personality mediates preferences for
music (Rentfrow & Gosling, 2003; Vuoskoski & Eerola, 2011a, 2011b) and that, conversely,
music preferences communicate information about one’s personality (Rentfrow & Gosling,
2006). Rentfrow and Gosling (2003) examined the structure of music preferences, as well as
the association between personality and music preferences. They used exploratory and
confirmatory factor analysis to reveal that music preferences revolved around four major
types of music: Reflective and complex (classical, jazz, blues); intense and rebellious
(alternative, rock, heavy metal), upbeat and conventional (country, pop, religious), and
energetic and rhythmic (hip-hop, rap, soul, funk, electronic, dance). Preferences were also
dependent on personality variables. For example, people who preferred intense and rebellious
music – including heavy metal – tended to be open to new experiences, considered
themselves to be intelligent and athletic, and showed no signs of neuroticism or
Death Metal music – the focus of this investigation – falls within the category of
intense and rebellious music. However, the extremely violent lyrics and aggressive textures
associated with this subgenre are distinguishing characteristics, and hence the emotional
consequences for listeners may be unique. Relatively little research has examined the
emotional effects of listening to violent music, or the motivations for listening to such music.
This gap in the literature is surprising given that genres such as Death Metal often contain
lyrics with depictions of extreme sexual violence, murder, decapitation, suicide, and drug and
alcohol abuse (Christenson, Roberts & Bjork, 2012).
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
According to Guibert and Guibert (2016), fans of Heavy Metal music such as Death
Metal identify with the metal community and experience a powerful affinity to their
subculture, suggesting that social bonding is one motivation for this music preference (see
also Johnson & Cloonan, 2008). Membership to the community may overshadow any
reservations that fans may have towards the aggressive, often misogynist lyrical content.
Within the community of extreme metal fans, Kahn-Harris (2007) observed reluctance by
fans to acknowledge or confront questions surrounding the lyrical messages of male violence,
power and misogyny – a reluctance not borne of ignorance, but one that reflects a conscious
decision to avoid engaging in critical thought – a stance Kahn-Harris refers to as reflexive
Engagement with violent genres of music has also been linked with emotional and
behavioral problems, including aggressive behaviors and drug and alcohol use (Chen, Miller,
Grube, & Waiters, 2006; Selfhout, Delsing, ter Bogt, & Meeus, 2008). Indeed, there is an
extensive body of research on media violence that suggests that high exposure to violent
media, including video games with violent and anti-social content, is associated with
aggression, substance abuse, early sexual behaviors, misogynist attitudes, and suicide
(Gentile, 2014; Warburton & Braunstein, 2012). Some of this evidence comes from
experiments involving random assignment of participants to conditions of violent and non-
violent media exposure, permitting researchers to argue that exposure to violent media causes
an increase in aggression (Anderson, et al., 2010). However, most evidence concerning the
psychological and behavioral effects of media violence is correlational, restricting the kind of
inferences that can be drawn. At least some of the associations between media violence and
aggression reported in the literature can be explained by the fact that individuals with pre-
existing problems of aggression find pleasure or comfort in listening to violent music.
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Engagement with violent music may be a way for individuals who are already experiencing
anger and other difficult emotions to process their feelings.
The latter possibility is consistent with research by Sharman and Dingle (2015). In their
investigation, participants initially spent 16 minutes with an interviewer describing one or
more events that produced intense feelings of anger. Following this anger-induction stage,
one group of participants listened to extreme metal music from their own playlist, and the
other group sat in silence. Listening to extreme music did not make angry participants
angrier; instead, it triggered positive emotional experiences. The authors argued that listening
to extreme music may, in some circumstances, be a healthy strategy for processing anger. On
the other hand, the participants in this study only played music from their own playlist, so it
is possible that the positive reports of emotional experience reflected their pre-existing
enjoyment of this type of music. For individuals who do not already enjoy this music, such
benefits might not be observed.
The current investigation sought to examine the variegated emotional experiences that
are induced by music with violent themes in participants with a range of preferences for
Death Metal music. We also investigated motivations for listening to violent music by fans,
and the personality traits that may distinguish fans from non-fans. To that end, we
administered a survey to fans and non-fans of Death Metal music. We restricted our music
samples to Death Metal music that contains the following attributes: (a) lyrical content that
endorses actions resulting in serious physical or emotional harm, or death, to one or more
individuals; (b) non-linguistic (instrumental or prosodic) content associated with aggressive
emotions such as anger, usually because the music emphasizes acoustic attributes known to
induce heightened arousal and negative valence, such as high intensity, dissonance, extremes
of pitch register, unpredictability, and rapid tempo.
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
The design of our survey was driven by three research questions. First, what emotional
experiences are induced by music with extremely violent themes? Second, do fans and non-
fans of violent music experience the same emotions after listening to this music? Third, is the
tendency to enjoy music with violent themes associated with certain personality attributes?
To address these questions comprehensively, we employed established measures of
personality, empathic capacity, and propensity to use music for mood regulation, along with
rating scales designed to evaluate emotional and aesthetic experiences. These ratings scales
were derived from existing research on music and emotion, including research on negatively
valenced (sad) music.
In view of the existing research on violent media, we considered four hypotheses. First,
fans and non-fans of violent music should exhibit different personality characteristics.
Second, fans and non-fans should exhibit different levels of empathic capacity. Third, fans
and non-fans should report using music for different psychosocial functions. Fourth (H4),
fans and non-fans of violent music should report different emotional and aesthetic responses
to Death Metal music, with fans reporting more positive experiences.
The sample comprised 145 Australian participants (101 females and 44 males; M =
21.83 years, SD = 5.41, range = 16-44 years). Forty-eight identified as “fans of Death Metal
music” and 97 identified as non-fans by responding to a question that required a categorical
response of yes or no. Non-fans were recruited from Macquarie University’s pool of first-
year psychology students and completed the task as part of course requirements. Fans of
Death Metal music were recruited from: (1) Macquarie University’s pool of first-year
psychology students; (2) a snowball sample targeting students of Sydney music colleges; and
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
(3) self-selection by responding to advertisements on Death Metal social media fan pages. All
recruitment and data collection were completed in four months.
At the beginning of each testing session, participants were allocated by quasi-random
assignment to either a ‘lyric’ or ‘no lyric’ condition. In the ‘lyric’ condition, the lyrics for
each stimulus were displayed on the computer screen as the music was playing. In the ‘no
lyric’ condition, participants listened to each stimulus item without the lyrics displayed. The
factorial design permitted consideration of several variables, including genre preference (fans
versus non-fans), the impact of lyrics, (lyrics displayed or not displayed), and sex
Demographic information for each fan and lyric group is reported in Table 1. We
recorded the amount of instrumental music training of each participant because past research
suggested that music training is associated with aesthetic judgments of music (Müller et al.,
2010). Participants in the fan group reported more years of music training (M =
6.17 years, SD = 7.54) than participants in the non-fan group (M = 2.75 years, SD =
4.19, t(143) = 3.51, p = .001, 95% CI [1.49, 5.34]). However, the amount of music training of
participants was uncorrelated with ratings for any emotion measure, and conclusions
remained the same whether or not music training was statistically controlled.
Fans and non-fans were similar in age but the average age difference of 2.83 years was
statistically reliable, t(143) = 3.05, p = .003, 95% CI [1.00, 4.67]. Preliminary analyses
revealed that one significant difference (anger ratings for fans and non-fans, p=.042) became
marginally significant (p=.066) when the age of participants was held constant. No other
statistical inferences were affected. Music training and age were excluded from further
consideration. All participants reported normal hearing.
Insert Table 1
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
The decision to recruit 145 participants was determined by an examination of effect
sizes observed in a parallel study that employed similar measures but considered preferences
for ‘sad’ music rather than violent music (Vuoskoski, et al., 2012). In that study, 148 Finnish
university students participated with an age range of 18-49 years (M = 23.50, SD = 4.84, 114
females and 34 males). The power in Vuoskoski, et al. (2012) was strong and effect sizes
were medium-to-large with generalized eta-squared values ranging between .10 and .53
(Bakeman, 2005). To avoid the practice of ‘optional stopping’ (Simmons, Nelson, &
Simonsohn, 2011), a sample size of no more than 150 was deemed sufficient for the present
study. This decision was corroborated using the G*Power software platform (version
to estimate the required number of participants for a medium-to-large effect size. No
participants were excluded from the analysis, all independent variables are reported, and all
dependent variables were analysed.
Stimuli and Measures
The music stimuli consisted of eight 60-second audio samples excerpted from Death
Metal songs released within the last 20 years. We selected songs that were described by self-
identified Death Metal fans as ‘most popular’, ‘best’ and ‘top’ Death Metal songs on online
forums, websites and social media groups. The eight songs sampled as stimulus items
appeared in multiple lists and were deemed to be suitably popular and representative of the
genre. They were entitled: Hammer Smashed Face (Cannibal Corpse, 1992), Blinded by Fear
(At the Gates, 1995), We Will Rise (Arch Enemy, 2003), Black Seeds of Vengeance (Nile,
2000), Waiting for the Screams (Autopsy, 2015), Slowly We Rot (Obituary, 1989), Corporal
Jigsaw Quandary (Carcass, 1991), and Eaten (Bloodbath, 2004). Participants were instructed
to press a ‘play’ button when they were ready to hear each excerpt. After each excerpt had
finished playing, participants were able to click forward to the next page of the survey.
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Participants were unable to move forward in the survey if they had not listened to a music
excerpt, and they were allowed to listen to each excerpt only once. The lyrics of each of these
songs are provided in the Supplemental Materials.
Quantitative measures were used to assess participants’ (a) personality; (b) empathic
capacity; (c) mood regulation strategies; (d) affective state; and (e) emotional and aesthetic
responses to the music presented. These measures are described as follows:
(a) Personality: The Big Five Inventory (BFI) was used to assess participants
personality across McCrae and Costa’s (1999) five personality dimensions: openness,
conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. This 44-item measure is
considered to have the best psychometric properties of all of the ‘Big Five’ short measures
(John, Donahue & Kentle, 1991; John, Naumann & Soto, 2008).
(b) Empathic Capacity: Participants’ empathic capacity was assessed using the
Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI; Davis, 1980, 1983), a 28-item measure of empathy
across four different subscales: perspective taking (capacity to adopt others’ point of view),
fantasy (tendency to imaginatively transpose oneself into the feelings and actions of fictitious
characters), empathic concern (other-oriented feelings of sympathy and concern for
‘unfortunate others’, which are described as “people less fortunate than me”, “people having
problems” or “someone being taken advantage of/treated unfairly”), and personal distress
(self-oriented feelings of personal anxiety and unease in tense interpersonal settings). A
hierarchical factor structure of the IRI found that these four subscales correspond to four
separate first-order factors, suggesting that each subscale of the IRI measures a distinct and
separate aspect of empathy (Pulos, Elison & Lennon, 2004).
(c) Mood regulation strategies: The 21-item Brief Music in Mood Regulation Scale (B-
MMR; Saarikallio, 2012) was used to assess participants’ use of seven different music-related
mood-regulation strategies: Entertainment, Revival, Strong Sensation, Diversion, Discharge,
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Emotional Experience and Solace. The B-MMR was employed to determine whether fans
and non-fans of Death Metal music differ in their motivations for engaging in musical
activities, for example to seek comfort, increase energy levels, or discharge difficult feelings
(DeNora, 1999; Saarikallio & Erkkilä, 2007; Thayer, Newman, & McClain, 1994). It has
been suggested that individuals with high levels of psychopathology may use music as a
means of alleviating symptoms, and use of the mood regulation strategy Discharge (venting
of negative emotions) predicts higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress (Thomson,
Reece, & Benedetto, 2014). Thus, a greater understanding of the motivations that fans and
non-fans have for engaging with music may help to elucidate any differences in their
emotional and aesthetic experiences to music with violent themes.
(d) Affective State: The positive and negative affect scale (PANAS) was used to
evaluate participants’ mood before and after listening to Death Metal music (Watson, Clark
& Tellegen, 1988). The PANAS is a self-report questionnaire consisting of two 10-item
scales to measure positive and negative affect. Items relating to positive affect include terms
such as excited, strong, inspired, and enthusiastic whereas items relating to negative affect
include terms such as irritable, ashamed, upset, and distressed.
(e) Emotional and aesthetic responses to the music: Quantitative and qualitative
measures were used to assess emotions and other experiences induced by listening to violent
music. The following measures were included in the survey: (1) 10 scales corresponding to
categorical emotions were used as quantitative measures of a range of music-induced
emotional responses. These 7-point rating scales were adapted from those used by
Vuoskoski, et al. (2011) to examine emotional responses to sad music. They consisted of
eight items from the Geneva Emotional Music Scale (GEMS-9, Zentner et al., 2008)
(wonder, transcendence, power, nostalgia, peacefulness, joyful activity, tension, and sadness),
and two additional categorical emotions of anger and fear (ratings of happiness were initially
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
obtained, but preliminary analysis indicated that they duplicated those obtained for “joyful
activity” (r = .95), so were excluded from the analysis). (2) Three ‘emotional reaction’ items
measured engagement, enjoyment, and evoked emotion (the overall magnitude of emotional
response). (3) Five items were used to assess affective responses associated with the three-
dimensional model of affect (Schimmack & Grob, 2000) (positive and negative valence, high
and low energy, and low tension). Ratings were obtained separately for each pole of valence
and energy to accommodate the possibility of mixed emotions (e.g., high ratings of both
positive and negative valence). For reasons of parsimony and to prevent double-measurement
of the same construct, the high-tension item from this measure was omitted as its wording
(“tense, clutched-up, jittery”) closely mirrored the GEMS-9 item measuring tension (“tense,
agitated, nervous”). The low-tension item asked participants to rate the extent to which the
words “relaxed, calm, at rest” described their emotional reaction to the song.
For measures derived from multiple items, we calculated the internal consistencies of
items (Chronbach’s alpha). As shown in Table 2, consistencies for the Big Five Personality
Index (BFI), Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), Brief Music in Mood Regulation Scale (B-
MMR), and Positive and Negative Affect Scale were satisfactory and comparable to
previously reported values. Only one item was rated for each emotional and aesthetic
response to the music. However, internal consistencies of the items from which the Geneva
Emotional Music Scales were derived are reported in the original article, and range from 0.74
to 0.84 (Zentner, Grandjean, & Scherer, 2008).
Insert Table 2
Following these quantitative sections of the survey, qualitative items were included to
probe behavioral tendencies associated with induced emotional states and to augment the
validity of the survey. Participants were asked to nominate the strongest emotion/s they felt
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
during each trial and to describe why they believed listening to the music elicited this
emotional response. They were also asked to list the things they felt like doing while listening
to the music, given the strongest emotion/s they experienced. In addition, Death Metal fans
were asked to list the strongest emotion/s they felt before listening to Death Metal, and to list
what they would feel like doing if they were experiencing this emotional state, but were
unable to listen to Death Metal music.
Qualitative descriptions provided by participants were subjected to a summative content
analysis. Whereas a manifest content analysis involves tallying the frequency of the
appearance of specific words or content (Kondracki & Wellman, 2002), a summative
approach considers the underlying meaning of content reported by respondents (Babbie,
1992; Catanzaro, 1988; Morse & Field, 1995). For example, a summative approach would
classify words such as ‘infuriated’ and ‘bursting with rage’ into a single category of, for
example, ‘strong anger’. Drawing from the process outlined by Hsieh and Shannon (2005),
descriptions by death metal fans and non-fans for each qualitative question were transferred
into a spreadsheet. With a focus on identifying similarities in underlying meaning, words and
content were tallied and then grouped together under broader category tags. The broader
category tags that emerged for each question were then compared between fans and non-fans.
For example, responses by fans of ‘contentedness’, ‘cheerful’ (x3), ‘enjoyment’ (x3),
‘happiness’ (x3) and ‘pleasure’ to the question Describe the strongest emotion/s you felt
while listening to the four music excerpts you have just heard, were all classified under the
broader category ‘happiness’ which was then clustered under the overarching category of
‘positively valenced emotion’ (see Table 5). This could then be compared to the categories of
positively valenced emotion that arose for non-fans.
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Participants were sent a link and completed the questionnaire on their own through the
online platform Qualtrics using a personal or hand-held electronic device. After consenting to
participate in the survey, participants answered demographic questions about age, sex, Death
Metal fan status (yes or no), and if they played any musical instruments. Participants who
played a musical instrument were asked to indicate which instrument they played and the
years of instrumental music training. Participants then completed the PANAS, BFI, IRI and
B-MMR. Participants listened to four of the eight possible stimulus items, selected randomly
and independently for each participant. After hearing each stimulus item, participants
completed the 18 scales adapted from Vuoskoski, et al. (2011). After completing all four
trials, participants completed the PANAS for a second time, followed by all relevant
qualitative measures. Participants were not forced to answer every question; however, all
demographic information was provided and the proportion of missing ratings was only
0.0025, or 1 in 400 responses. Missing data were not replaced, given that the General Linear
Model that was used in the analyses can accommodate small numbers of missing cells, and
replacement of missing data can distort estimates of variability. The study was approved by
the Macquarie University Human Research Ethics Committee (ref: 5201600451) and was
carried out in accordance with the provisions of the World Medical Association Declaration
of Helsinki.
Hypothesis 1: Personality
Five 2 × 2 between-subjects ANOVAs (fan group x sex) were conducted across the five
dimensions of the ‘Big 5’ personality inventory (McCrae & Costa, 1999). There were
significant main effects for fan group and sex. As can be seen in Figure 1, fans of Death
Metal music scored significantly lower than non-fans on the dimensions of agreeableness,
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
F(1,141) = 4.63, p = .033, η2p = .032, and conscientiousness, F(1,141) = 3.92, p = .050, η2p =
.027. Female participants scored significantly higher than males on the dimension of
neuroticism, F(1,141) = 28.77, p < .001, η2p = .169, whereas male participants scored
significantly higher than females on the dimension of openness to experience, F(1,141) =
6.41, p =.012, η2p = .043. There were no significant fan group × sex interactions for all five
dependent variables (F-values < 2.15, p-values > .108).
Insert Figure 1
Hypothesis 2: Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI)
A series of 2 × 2 between-subjects ANOVAs (fan group x sex) were conducted on the
four dimensions of the IRI, as presented in Figure 2. There were no significant differences
between fans and non-fans on the four dimensions of empathy measured by the IRI (F-values
< .93, p-values > .338). However, female participants scored significantly higher than males
on the dimensions of empathic concern, F(1,141) = 17.66, p < .001, η2p = .111, and personal
distress, F(1,141) = 11.65, p = .001, η2p = .076. There were no significant fan group × sex
interactions for all four dependent variables (F-values < 2.35, p-values > .127).
Insert Figure 2
Hypothesis 3: Brief Music in Mood Regulation Scale (B-MMR)
A series of 2 × 2 between-subjects ANOVAs (fan group x sex) investigated the music-
related mood-regulation strategies of listeners (Figure 3). Of the seven different strategies
captured by the B-MMR, fans scored significantly higher on entertainment, F(1,141) = 4.36,
p = .039, η2p = .030, revival, F(1,141) = 5.06, p = .026, η2p = .035, discharge, F(1,141) =
5.99, p = .016, η2p = .041, and emotion experience, F(1,141) = 4.74, p = .031, η2p = .033.
Who enjoys violent music?
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There were no significant main effects of sex (F-values < 3.42, p-values > .066) and no
significant fan group × sex interactions (F-values < 2.27, p-values > .134).
Insert Figure 3
Hypothesis 4: Emotional and aesthetic responses to music
Changes in positive/negative affect. Difference scores between pre- and post-tests of
the PANAS were calculated separately for positive and negative affect. Positive numbers
indicate an increase and negative numbers indicate a decrease in each affective dimension
after listening to violent music. The analysis considered fan group, sex, and lyric group.
Therefore, two 2 × 2 × 2 between-subjects ANOVAs were conducted: one for the change in
positive affect and one for the change in negative affect.
For changes in positive affect, there was a significant main effect of fan group,
F(1,132) = 28.09, p < .001, η2p = .175. As seen in Figure 4, positive affect significantly
decreased for non-fans relative to fans after listening to violent Death Metal music. There
was no significant main effect of lyric group, F(1,132) = .11, p > .250, η2p = .001, no
significant main effect of sex, F(1,132) = .20, p > .250, η2p = .001, and no significant
interactions (F-values < 3.39, p-values > .067).
For changes in negative affect, there was also a significant main effect of fan group,
F(1, 132) = 13.47, p < .001, η2p = .093. As shown in Figure 4, negative affect significantly
increased for non-fans relative to fans after listening to violent Death Metal music. There was
also a significant main effect of lyric group, F(1, 132) = 6.15, p = .014, η2p = .044.
Participants who were presented with lyrics during each excerpt of violent music showed a
significant increase in negative affect (M = +2.98, SE = 1.10), relative to those who were not
presented with lyrics (M = -.74, SE = 1.03). There was no significant main effect of sex, F(1,
Who enjoys violent music?
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132) = .21, p > .250, η2p = .002, and no significant interactions (F-values < 3.15, p-values >
Insert Figure 4
Experiential measures. A series of 2 × 2 × 2 between-subjects ANOVAs (fan group ×
lyric group × sex) were conducted on each of the experiential measures. An overview of
results from these analyses for the two fan groups and two lyric groups is shown in Tables 3
and 4, respectively. There were no significant main effects of sex for any experiential
measure (F-values < 3.52, p-values > .062) and no significant interactions between any
combination of the three independent variables (F-values < 2.97, p-values > .087). Table 3
summarizes means and significant main effects for fans and non-fans collapsed across sex
and organized into three categories of findings: Categorical emotions (10 ratings), overall
measures (3 ratings), and dimensional measures of emotion (5 ratings). Table 4 summarizes
the significant main effects for conditions with and without lyrics collapsed across sex.
Insert Tables 3 and 4
Categorical emotions. As shown in Table 3, fans experienced significantly greater
experiences of power, joy, wonder, nostalgia, peace, and transcendence, and significantly less
tension, anger, and fear in response to Death Metal music, relative to non-fans. Figure 5 plots
the most salient emotions experienced by fans and non-fans, and illustrates the striking
difference in the experiences that these two groups had to Death Metal music. Whereas the
most salient emotions experienced by fans were power, joy and peace, non-fans tended to
experience tension, fear and anger in response to the music.
Who enjoys violent music?
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Insert Figure 5
The two most salient emotional experiences by fans, power and joy, were subjected to a
series of multiple regression analyses to determine the extent to which such experiences were
associated with (a) personality traits, (b) interpersonal reactivity, and (c) mood regulation
strategies. First, using the big five personality measures as predictors of the two strongest
emotions experienced by fans, feelings of Power and Joy were significantly predicted by
Openness to Experience (Power: ß = .23, t = 2.86, p = .005; Joy: ß = .31, t = 3.88, p < .001)
and (inversely) Neuroticism (Power: ß = -.18, t = -2.04, p = .044; Joy: ß =. -.24, t = -2.85, p =
.005) (all beta values in these results are standardized coefficients). Thus, across all
participants, those who were more open to experience and less neurotic were significantly
more likely to experience higher levels of power and joy while listening to the Death Metal
Second, using the four interpersonal reactivity index measures as predictors of the
strongest emotions experienced by fans, feelings of Power and Joy were significantly
predicted by (inversely) Empathic Concern (Power: ß = -.31, t = -3.47, p = .001; Joy: ß = -
.23, t = -2.58, p = .011). Thus, across all participants, those with less empathic concern were
more likely to experience higher levels of power and joy while listening to the Death Metal
excerpts than those with greater empathic concern.
Third, using the seven mood regulation measures (B-MMR) as predictors, feelings of
Power were predicted by a tendency to use music for discharge (ß = .23, t = 2.29, p = .024)
and (inversely) diversion (ß = -.35, t = -2.63, p =.010), whereas feelings of Joy were
predicted by discharge (ß = .25, t = 2.40, p = .018), strong sensation (ß= .24, t = 2.05, p =
.043), and (inversely) diversion (ß = -.34, t = -2.55, p = .012). Thus, across participants, those
who listen to music for discharging emotions, but not as a diversion, tend to experience
Who enjoys violent music?
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higher levels of power while listening to the Death Metal excerpts. Similarly, those who
listen to music for discharging emotions and to experience a strong sensation, but not as a
diversion, tend to experience higher levels of joy while listening to the Death Metal excerpts.
As seen in Table 4, listeners who were visually presented with lyrics as they listened
to each excerpt of violent music experienced significantly lower levels of wonder,
peacefulness, and joyful activity, relative to listeners who were presented with only the audio
Overall measures of experience. These three scales consisted of overall ratings of
engagement and enjoyment, as well as the global magnitude of evoked emotions – a measure
of the capacity of the music to elicit an emotional response, irrespective of the emotion
elicited. As shown in Table 3, fans of Death Metal music responded with significantly higher
levels of engagement, enjoyment, and evoked emotions when listening to violent music
excerpts. As shown in Table 4, listeners who were visually presented with lyrics as they
listened to each excerpt of violent music showed significantly lower levels of engagement
than those who were not presented with lyrics.
Three-dimensional model of affect. Five scales capturing key dimensions underlying
the three-dimensional model of affect were also measured (Schimmack & Grob, 2000). As
shown in Table 3, fans of violent Death Metal music experienced significantly greater levels
of positive valence, high energy, and low tension, and significantly lower levels of negative
valence than non-fans. As shown in Table 4, listeners who were presented with lyrics while
listening to excerpts of violent music responded with significantly lower levels of positive
valence and low tension. Conversely, with no lyrics, listeners found the music more pleasant
and less tense than those who were presented with lyrics.
Qualitative Measures
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Qualitative data were subjected to summative content analysis (Hsieh & Shannon,
2005). The analysis corroborated and extended the quantitative measures. Compared to non-
fans, fans identified more positively valenced emotions and fewer negatively valenced
emotions as the strongest emotions that arose while listening to the music. Both fans and non-
fans listed musical features (e.g., “strong, deep guitar notes, constant drums, deep
throaty/‘screamo’ vocals”) and the ‘direct triggering of emotional experience’ (e.g., “The fast
pace of most Death Metal, combined with its grooves makes me excited, it hypes me up. This
sort of music makes me feel energetic when I'm down, and when I'm angry it brings me to a
dark place internally so that I can work through these feelings”) as reasons why they believed
that the music elicited particular emotions. Non-fans also identified the lyrics and personal
preference as further reasons why the music elicited particular emotions. In relation to
behavioral tendencies associated with the strongest emotions generated by the music, fans
mostly described a propensity to maintain and harness the emotional experience, while non-
fans largely identified a desire to change or end the emotional experience. As such, emotions
generated by exposure to violent music were associated with a predominantly excitatory
behavioral effect (i.e., ‘approach’ behaviors) for fans and a predominantly inhibitory
behavioral effect for non-fans (i.e., ‘retreat’ behaviors).
Emotions induced by violent music. As shown in Table 5, fans reported experiencing
more positively valenced emotions than negatively valenced emotions while listening to the
Death Metal music excerpts, while non-fans reported the opposite. For fans, positively
valenced emotions clustered around themes of stimulation, strength, happiness, interest and
stress reduction, while negatively valenced emotions clustered around themes of anger and
fear. For non-fans, negatively valenced emotions clustered around themes of anger,
distress/agitation, disgust, fear, boredom and sadness, while positively valenced emotions
clustered around themes of stimulation, curiosity/interest and amusement.
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Insert Table 5
Participant-identified reasons behind emotion induction. Whereas both fans and non-
fans listed musical features and psychological factors as reasons for why they believed music
induced the emotion/s identified, the degree of specificity of descriptions differed between
groups. Fans’ descriptions of musical features tended to be characterised by greater technical
and analytic knowledge than those of non- fans. For example, one fan wrote, “Death Metal is
an extremely energetic and evocative musical genre. With its repetitive fast-paced tempo,
down-tuned instruments and blast beats, it is virtually impossible not to be excited!”. In
contrast, non-fans’ descriptions of musical features tended to be more general and
descriptive, for example “It sounds like messed up teenagers making throaty, irritating noises
about how bad their lives are. It's annoying. My ears were attacked” and “It’s really in-your-
face music…loud and irritating”.
Similarly, fans typically provided more involved descriptions of relevant
psychological factors than non-fans, identifying three main factors: resonance (e.g., “The
music elucidates my current feelings and stresses”), a capacity for processing and
transformation (e.g., “When I'm angry, this music brings me to a dark place internally so that
I can work through the emotions”) and a cathartic function (e.g., “The sound releases a lot of
negative emotions and stress and focuses your attention on something you enjoy”). Again,
non-fans tended to list psychological factors only at a general level of abstraction (e.g., “My
body tensed and the music took me by surprise each time”).
Curiously, whereas an equal proportion of fans and non-fans were exposed to the lyric
and no-lyric conditions, only non-fans identified song lyrics as a reason for why the music
induced a particular emotion. Non-fan participants expressed strong opinions about the lyrics.
For example, one non-fan wrote “The thoughts and ideas portrayed were very confronting in
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a negative way. They painted horrible pictures in my mind”, while another stated “The lyrics
are intense and negative, taking my mind to dark places”. Other non-fans described the lyrics
as “really scary”, “very graphic and concerning”, “perverted and gross” and “gruesome and
intense”. Non-fans also identified personal preference as another reason behind emotion
induction, writing statements such as “I can’t understand how anyone finds this music
pleasant to listen to”, “Not being a huge fan of Death Metal music, I've never been able to
connect to it on any level AT ALL”, “This is not my type of music” and “I have never heard
anything like it and do not relate to it at all”. It seems worth noting the emotional strength of
these non-fan responses, especially given the frequency of negatively-valenced emotion that
was aroused in non-fans by the music.
Behavioral tendencies associated with the strongest emotion/s induced by the music.
Marked differences emerged between fans and non-fans when identifying what they would
like to do when they concentrated on the strongest emotion they felt during each trial. For
most fans, the experience of positively valenced emotions such as those induced by the music
was associated with increased levels of motivation to engage in a wide variety of activities in
the following domains: physical (e.g., working out, running, surfing), social (e.g., meeting up
with friends and/or family), music-related (e.g., performing and listening to Death Metal
music), domestic (e.g., organise room, cook a meal), work/study-related (e.g., conduct
research, study for exams, work on assignments) and creative (e.g., paint, draw, engage in a
new activity). Most fans indicated a desire to remain with and turn towards such a positively
valenced emotional experience and to use it to fuel engagement in constructive activities. A
smaller number of fans identified more restful and relaxing activities such as sleeping, going
on a holiday, and having a bath or shower as being associated with emotional experiences
similar to those induced by the music. Only five fans associated the emotion/s they
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experienced most strongly while listening to the music with antisocial behavior such as
reckless driving and violent behavior towards others.
The predominantly excitatory effect of death metal music on fans is consistent with
the emotions they reported experiencing before listening to that music. Most fans described
feeling energised before listening to Death Metal music, using adjectives such as ‘excited’,
‘attentive’, ‘enthusiastic’ and ‘animated’ to describe their pre-listening emotional experience.
Fans described how they would “find another way of capitalising on these feelings” if they
were unable to listen to Death Metal music when undergoing such an emotional experience.
Behaviors listed by fans included vigorous physical activity, social and domestic activity, and
active reflection on the emotion they were experiencing. In this way, listening to Death Metal
seemed largely to be a strategy used by fans of the genre to further capitalise on the
constructive potential of positively valenced emotions they were experiencing. Fans did not
identify a need to engage in anti-social behavior if they experienced the emotion/s that
usually preceded listening to Death Metal music, but were then unable to listen to the music.
In contrast to fans, non-fans predominantly experienced negatively valenced emotions
in response to the music. Consequently, some non-fans commented that, were they to
experience emotions similar to those induced by the music, they would behave in ways that
would help terminate these emotional experiences and/or help them tolerate the emotional
experiences until they became more pleasant. Such behaviors identified by non-fans fell into
four main categories: regulation of emotional experience (e.g., listen to music that evoked
more pleasant emotions, seek physical comfort with another person), relaxation (e.g., watch a
movie, go to sleep, eat food, drink tea, meditating), physical escape (e.g., move away from
situation that triggered emotional experience) and distraction (e.g., engage in vigorous
physical activity, socialise and share feelings of discomfort with friends and/or family). Only
ten non-fans indicated that such emotional experiences would make them feel like engaging
Who enjoys violent music?
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in antisocial behaviors, including swearing, provoking an argument, drinking to excess, and a
range of aggressive or violent behaviors such as pushing, punching, hitting, attacking,
stabbing and murdering other humans and animals. In contrast to fans of the genre, exposing
non-fans to Death Metal music typically induced unpleasant emotional experiences that gave
rise to self-preserving avoidant behaviors, and to a lesser extent, antisocial behaviors.
The aim of this investigation was to elucidate the characteristics, motivations, and
emotional experiences of individuals who regularly listen to and enjoy music with aggressive
sounds and violent themes. To that end, we examined the personality traits and empathic
capacity of fans and non-fans of violent music, their motivations for engaging with music,
and their emotional and aesthetic responses to this music. Our results revealed differences
between fans and non-fans of violent music in their personalities and motivations for
listening to music, and striking differences in the way fans and non-fans respond emotionally
and aesthetically to this genre of music. Our findings are consistent with Rentfrow and
Gosling’s (2003) suggestion that personality, self-views, and cognitive abilities all have roles
to play in the formation of music preferences, and with results of Vuoskoski, et al. (2012)
showing that individuals who gravitate to music with negative connotations (sad music) have
distinctive personality profiles.
An examination of the big five personality traits indicated that fans in our sample
were significantly lower than non-fans in the traits of agreeableness and conscientiousness.
As scores on these measures were normally distributed in both groups, this difference cannot
be attributed to a subset of fans with abnormally low scores on these traits, but represents a
general difference between groups. There are two interpretations of this finding. First,
individuals who are high in agreeableness and conscientiousness may find violent music
Who enjoys violent music?
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unappealing, because depictions of violence are incompatible with their personal sensibilities.
However, as distributions for personality measures were highly overlapping among fan and
non-fan groups, this interpretation should be understood as a subtle but reliable statistical
trend, and not an indication that fans are uniformly less agreeable or conscientious than non-
fans. Indeed, research on the enjoyment of negative emotions in the arts suggests that there
are many reasons for appreciating artistic depictions of negative circumstances and emotions
(Menninghaus, et al., 2017; Eerola, et al., 2018).
A second possibility is that long-term, persistent exposure to violent media may lead
to subtle changes in one’s personality, desensitizing fans to violence and reinforcing negative
social attitudes. This interpretation is compatible with evidence that persistent engagement
with other forms of media violence such as video games is associated with increased
aggressive behaviors and decreased empathy and prosocial behaviors (Anderson & Bushman,
2002; Anderson, et al., 2010). However, the correlational nature of such research makes it
difficult to draw strong conclusions about causation, and research findings have not always
been consistent (Ferguson, 2015; Ferguson et al., 2015).
Interestingly, we observed no group difference between fans and non-fans in any of
the Interpersonal Reactivity Indices, suggesting that fans and non-fans had similar reactions
to and understandings of the experiences of others. The lack of any group difference in IRI
measures is somewhat surprising, given that fans derived pleasure from Death Metal music in
spite of its explicitly violent lyrical content. One interpretation is that fans employ a
psychological distancing strategy when encountering violent content in music (Menninghaus
et al., 2017), but have normal empathic abilities during non-artistic experiences. In other
words, fans may frame their engagement with Death Metal music as an aesthetic experience
that can be distinguished from real-life circumstances of violence.
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Fans and non-fans differed in the degree to which they used music for different mood
regulation strategies. Compared with non-fans, fans were more likely to report that they
engaged in musical activities (of any kind) for the purposes of entertainment, revival,
discharge, and emotional experience. However, because our fan and non-fan groups were not
matched for their degree of enthusiasm for music, it is possible that such differences partly
reflect a higher overall ‘passion’ for music by fans than non-fans, rather than mood regulation
strategies that are unique to this group (Vallerand et al., 2003). Moreover, the pattern of
ratings of different mood regulation strategies was similar in the two groups, with overall
ratings somewhat higher across categories for fans and non-fans. Future research may resolve
this ambiguity by comparing the mood regulation strategies for fans of distinct genres of
music, such as jazz, classical, heavy metal, and dance music.
Fans of Death Metal extracted numerous positive emotional effects from the music,
including power and joy, with few or no negative emotional reactions. In contrast, non-fans
experienced mainly negative emotions such as tension, fear, and anger following exposure to
violent music. Indeed, non-fans reported none of the positive experiences reported by fans,
and examination of Figure 5 highlights the remarkable differences in the emotional
experiences of these two groups to this music. One of the most striking differences in the
emotional responses of fans and non-fans was the strong experience of power reported by
fans. Power is often conceived with respect to social structure and may be transformed into a
psychological experience characterized by a sense of control over one’s circumstances
(Galinsky, Gruenfeld, & Magee, 2003). Research suggests that music has a unique capacity
to induce feelings of power (Gabrielsson, 2010), especially if it emphasizes low-frequency
spectral information (Hsu et al., 2015). The strong experience of power reported by fans
implies that the emotion is highly desirable, and attainment of this experience, coupled with a
strongly positive emotional valence (joy), may be a primary motivation for engaging with
Who enjoys violent music?
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this genre of music. Although more research is needed to understand the set of personal and
contextual conditions that promote positive responses to violent music, our exploratory
modelling suggests that such experiences are associated with factors such as personality,
empathic capacity, and mood regulation strategies.
Results from emotion ratings in the quantitative phase of the research were reinforced
by a summative content analysis of participant descriptions in the qualitative phase of the
investigation. When given the opportunity to expand upon their experiences of listening to
Death Metal music, fans predominantly listed positive experiences relating to stimulation and
empowerment, whereas non-fans reported negative experiences such as confusion, disgust,
and irritation. The range of emotional experiences reported by fans and non-fans in both the
quantitative and qualitative phases of the survey suggest that the classification of Death Metal
music as “violent” does not capture the complex set of experiences associated with this genre.
It should be acknowledged that the qualitative phase was preceded by the quantitative
phase in which participants rated explicit emotion terms. In rating pre-selected emotion terms
during the quantitative questions, it is possible that participants were primed to contemplate
those same experiences while responding to the qualitative phase of the investigation.
However, such priming should not make it more likely that participants would report one
emotion as more prevalent than any other emotion, and several questions in the qualitative
phase of the survey had no parallel in the quantitative phase. Moreover, descriptions by
participants contained numerous emotion and aesthetic labels that were not represented in the
quantitative phase of the research, such as enthusiastic, sick, disgusted, curious, intrigued,
triumphant, and amused. Such idiosyncratic descriptions suggest that participants reported
genuine experiences, and were not merely drawing from the set of terms that they had been
exposed to in the quantitative phase of the research.
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What can explain the apparent dissociation between the explicitly violent content of
the music and the complex emotional responses to that music? According to Schubert (1996),
emotional responses to music with negative emotional connotations can be positive if
listeners appraise that the music is not a genuine threat to one’s wellbeing. Interpreting a
stimulus as an aesthetic or artistic phenomenon may trigger a dissociation of perceived and
felt emotion, thereby permitting the experience of positive emotions. Along similar lines, the
Distancing-Embracing Model suggests that the enjoyment of negative emotions in artistic
contexts derives from two components: a process of psychological distancing which is
enabled by the lack of real-world consequences, and a process of psychological embracing
whereby factors such as meaning construction and aesthetic virtue transform induced
negative emotions into pleasure and appreciation (Menninghaus et al., 2017).
Such explanations account for individuals who report positive emotional and aesthetic
experiences after listening to music with negative connotations. However, they do not
account well for listeners who embrace negative emotional states in artistic contexts as a
critical part of their aesthetic appreciation. Huron (2011) argued that many people who listen
to sad music report feeling “genuine sadness”, which suggests that listeners extract benefits
from negative emotions in response to music. Such benefits may include detail-oriented
thinking and reduced stereotyping (Clore & Huntsinger, 2007), and a narrowing of attentional
scope (Gable, Poole & Harmon-Jones, 2015). Thus, certain negative emotional states may be
adaptive and sought instinctively (Huron, 2011).
Interestingly, fans in our investigation reported mainly positive experiences to Death
Metal music, in spite of the aggressive themes conveyed by that music, a finding that is
compatible with mechanisms of dissociation or psychological distancing. Non-fans, in
contrast, were left with feelings of tension, anger and fear. One interpretation of this
difference in experience is that fans conceptualized the violent themes as non-threatening
Who enjoys violent music?
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aesthetic stimuli and hence were able to dissociate their emotional responses from the violent
connotations, whereas non-fans were unable or unwilling to engage in such psychological
A related possibility is that fans and non-fans attended to different qualities of the
music, with fans focusing their attention on textures that are energetic and empowering (e.g.,
rhythm, tempo, textural density), and non-fans focusing on the aggressive qualities of the
music (distortion, lyrical depictions of violence). Although this possibility awaits future
investigation, recent evidence suggests that the lyrical content of Death Metal music, which is
the most important source of violent content, is more intelligible to fans than to non-fans
(Olsen, Thompson, & Giblin, in press). Presumably, fans are familiar with the vocal effects
employed, and thus are better able to selectively attend to the linguistic content from the
dense and distorted musical textures.
A limitation of the present study is its reliance on self-report, which may be
susceptible to response biases. The distinct emotional responses reported by fans and non-
fans may partially reflect differences in how these two groups responded to the demand
characteristics of the task, with non-fans exaggerating ratings of negative emotions such as
anger and fear, and fans declaring that they experienced positive emotional states. According
to this interpretation, participants may have responded in a manner that they assumed was
expected of them, given the likely experimental hypotheses. Related to this idea, fans and
non-fans may have differed in how they assessed the social desirability of their responses.
Whereas it would be socially desirable for non-fans to report negative feelings towards
violence, it may be socially desirable for fans to affirm their commitment to the Death Metal
subculture by reporting only positive experiences.
However, the convergence of evidence from multiple quantitative and qualitative
measures, and the enthusiasm with which fans embrace this musical genre, suggest that the
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dramatic differences in emotional and aesthetic responses between fans and non-fans were
genuine. Our interpretation of the current findings is that individuals with particular
personality traits and music-listening motivations gravitate towards or away from aggressive
and violent musical styles, and their preference or dislike for this form of music and the
associated subculture fuels their emotional responses to the music. As argued by Eerola, et al.
(2018), emotional responses are also dependent on biological, psychosocial, and cultural
factors, whereby each level of explanation contributes to experience in a specific but
interconnected manner.
At the biological level, aggressive music characterized by high amplitude, fast tempo,
and high levels of distortion may lead to the release of hormones and neurochemicals such as
cortisol and epinephrine (Chanda & Levitin, 2013), which may then trigger or amplify
experiences of power reported by fans, and experiences of tension, fear and anger reported by
non-fans. Participation in aggressive and violent music can also be understood within an
evolutionary framework, as an instance of adaptive activities designed to promote group
cohesion for aggressive collective activities such as hunting, or as an intimidation display
(Jordania, 2011; Quignard, 2016; Volcler, 2013).
At a psychosocial level, engaging with violent music may function as a mechanism
for mood regulation, for example to process and discharge feelings of anger, or as a source of
distraction. Such functions may help listeners to either avoid or confront difficult feelings,
thereby enhancing wellbeing. The extremely aggressive and violent lyrical content may also
function to sharpen the boundary between in-group members and outsiders, simultaneously
attracting fans while vehemently and violently repelling non-fans. Such a strongly articulated
group boundary may help to heighten feelings of identity and belonging among the Death
Metal community.
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At a cultural level, fans understand Death Metal music in contrast to their
understanding of commercial genres such as glam and pop metal, and their emotional and
aesthetic experiences are bound up with this cultural understanding. According to Hanlon
(2006), fans of Death Metal appreciate this music as an alternative to the “impersonal,
conformist, superficial, and numbing realities of commercialism” (p. 33). Unlike the standard
verse-chorus structure of most popular music, Death Metal music also disrupts traditional
conventions, in some cases by exhibiting a paratactic sequence of loosely related segments
that encourage episodic listening rather than the extraction of an overall narrative (Phillipov,
2012). Finally, Death Metal lyrics – with their explicit depictions of violence – may be
appreciated by fans precisely for their representation of forbidden themes, which may bring
relief from the abiding prohibitions and censorships in society at large.
These three levels of analysis also highlight the importance of initial predispositions
and learning for understanding the unique experiences of fans of violent music. Personal
predispositions and motivations for music listening help to explain why some individuals are
drawn towards aggressive music in the first place. At an early stage of exposure to this music,
psychophysical attributes of sound may dominate perceptions and experience, with features
such as high amplitude, rapid tempo, and non-linearities triggering basic arousal responses.
Long-term exposure to this music, in turn, should lead to increasing sensitivity to genre-
specific emotional signals, permitting the construction of complex emotional experiences
(Thompson & Balkwill, 2010). Thus, fans are differentiated from non-fans both by their
sensitivity to psychophysical and genre-specific emotional signals, and how they
differentially attend to and weight the various emotional signals available. Building on this
framework to achieve a multi-level, integrative understanding of the popularity of violent
music is a challenge that awaits future research.
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Author Contributions
W. F. Thompson developed the study concept and preliminary design. All authors
contributed to the final design. A. M. Geeves coordinated testing and data collection. K. N.
Olsen and W.F. Thompson performed quantitative data analysis and A. M. Geeves performed
qualitative data analysis. All authors contributed to data interpretation and manuscript
preparation, and all authors approved the final version of the manuscript.
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
This research was supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery Project
grant (DP160101470) awarded to WFT. We thank members of the Macquarie University
Music, Sound, and Performance Research Group for helpful comments on an earlier draft.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to William Forde Thompson,
Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, New South Wales 2109, Sydney,
Australia. Email:
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Table 1
Demographic Information
Group Means (SD)
Participant Group
Years of Training
23.56 (6.34)
6.12 (7.73)
No Lyrics
23.91 (7.02)
6.22 (7.50)
20.40 (3.20)
2.81 (4.25)
No Lyrics
21.39 (5.39)
2.69 (4.18)
Note. ‘Years of Training’ refers to years of formal instrumental music training
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Table 2
Item Reliability Coefficients (Cronbach’s Alpha) for Each Measure Based on the Current
Data and Previously Published Alpha Levels
Scale Set
Scale Item
Estimated Alpha
Published Alpha
Perspective Taking
Empathic Concern
Personal Distress
Strong Sensation
Emotion Experience
PANAS Time 1
Positive Affect
Negative Affect
PANAS Time 2
Positive Affect
Negative Affect
Note. BFI = Big Five Inventory; IRI = Interpersonal Reactivity Index; B-MMR = Revised
Brief Music in Mood Regulation Scale; PANAS = Positive and Negative Affect Schedule.
Previously determined alphas: BFI = John, Naumann, & Soto (2008); IRI = Davis (1980); B-
MMR = Saarikallio (2012); PANAS = Watson, Clark, & Tellegen (1988).
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Table 3
Summary of Means and Significant Main Effects for Fans and Non-Fans, Collapsed Across
Lyric Conditions and Sex
Group Means (SEM)
Scale Set
3.93 (.23)
1.58 (.09)
3.58 (.23)
1.41 (.08)
2.73 (.20)
1.26 (.07)
2.51 (.20)
1.37 (.09)
2.38 (.19)
1.35 (.08)
2.37 (.20)
1.38 (.09)
2.36 (.19)
3.51 (.20)
2.17 (.19)
2.87 (.19)
1.91 (.17)
2.95 (.20)
1.89 (.17)
1.73 (.12)
4.18 (.19)
2.27 (.15)
4.35 (.19)
1.61 (.10)
Evoked Emotions
4.08 (.19)
3.00 (.17)
3D Affect
Positive Valence
3.66 (.24)
1.32 (.07)
Negative Valence
2.37 (.21)
4.12 (.20)
High Energy
3.91 (.22)
2.40 (.15)
Low Energy
1.82 (.15)
1.52 (.10)
Low Tension
3.01 (.21)
1.33 (.08)
Note. SEM = standard error of the mean; η2p = partial eta squared; ‘GEMS’ = Geneva
Emotional Music Scale; ‘3D Affect’ = Three-dimensional model of affect (Schimmack &
Grob, 2000); For each scale, listeners rated how they felt when listening to each excerpt of
music. A rating of 1 = ‘does not describe my reaction’ and a rating of 7 = ‘describes my
reaction very well’.
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Table 4
Summary of Means and Significant Main Effects for Lyrics and No Lyrics Conditions,
Collapsed Across Fan Conditions and Sex
Group Means (SEM)
Scale Set
No Lyrics
2.22 (.18)
2.50 (.20)
1.92 (.17)
2.34 (.19)
1.59 (.13)
1.90 (.15)
1.52 (.11)
1.97 (.16)
1.59 (.12)
1.79 (.14)
1.57 (.13)
1.85 (.14)
3.37 (.21)
2.88 (.22)
2.67 (.19)
2.60 (.22)
2.80 (.19)
2.41 (.22)
1.91 (.14)
1.65 (.13)
2.61 (.17)
3.20 (.21)
2.36 (.19)
2.68 (.21)
Evoked Emotions
3.40 (.19)
3.32 (.20)
3D Affect
Positive Valence
1.90 (.17)
2.29 (.19)
Negative Valence
3.76 (.23)
3.32 (.24)
High Energy
2.92 (.19)
2.89 (.21)
Low Energy
1.57 (.13)
1.67 (.12)
Low Tension
1.73 (.14)
2.05 (.17)
Note. SEM = standard error of the mean; η2p = partial eta squared; ‘GEMS’ = Geneva
Emotional Music Scale; ‘3D Affect’ = Three-Dimensional Model of Affect (Schimmack &
Grob, 2000); For each scale, listeners rated how they felt when listening to each excerpt of
music. A rating of 1 = ‘does not describe my reaction’ and a rating of 7 = ‘describes my
reaction very well’.
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Table 5
Emotions Experienced During Trials as Identified by Fans and Non-fans of Death Metal
Examples of adjective/s used
Energetic, Enthusiastic, Excited,
Determined, Powerful, Inspired,
Happy, Joyful, Cheerful
Curious, Intrigued
Stress Reduction
Relaxed, At Ease
Angry, Annoyed
Anxious, Fearful, Apprehensive
Annoyed, Irritated, Angry, Frustrated
Tense, Stressed, Disturbed, Confused
Scared, Nervous, Anxious
Disgusted, Sick
Energetic, Motivated, Excited
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Figure 1. Group mean ratings from fans and non-fans and males and females for the
personality dimensions in the Big 5 personality inventory. Error bars report standard error of
the mean. *p .05, *** p < .001.
Extr aver sio n Agreeableness Conscientiousness Neuroticism Openness
Extr aver sio n Agreeableness Conscientiousness Neuroticism Openness
*** *
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Figure 2. Group mean ratings from fans and non-fans and males and females for the four
dimensions of empathy captured in the Interpersonal Reactivity Index. The index ranges from
a score of 0-28 – the greater the score, the greater the empathic capacity. Error bars report
standard error of the mean. *** p .001.
'()*+(,-./(0123.45 624-2*7 89+2-: .,0 ;<4 ,()4 '()*<42=0>.*-)(**
'()*+(,-./(0123.45 624-2*7 89+2-: .,0 ;<4 ,()4 '()*<42=0>.*-)(**
*** ***
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Figure 3. Group mean ratings from fans and non-fans and males and females for the seven
music-in-mood regulation strategies captured by the Brief Music in Mood Regulation Scale
(B-MMR). The scale ranges from a score of 0-21 – the greater the score, the greater the use
of each particular mood-regulation strategy. Error bars report standard error of the mean. * p
< .05.
Entertainment Revival
Diversion Discharge
Experien ce
Entertainment Revival
Diversion Discharge
Experien ce
* * * *
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Figure 4. Reports changes in positive and negative affect between pre- and post-tests of the
Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) for fans and non-fans. Higher scores indicate
greater experience of positive/negative affect with a maximum score of ±10. Error bars report
standard error of the mean. *** p < .001.
Positive.Affect Negative.Affect
*** ***
Who enjoys violent music?
Thompson, Geeves & Olsen
Figure 5. Reports the five highest rated emotions experienced by fans of Death Metal music
(top panel) and non-fans (bottom panel) when listening to four excerpts of violent Death
Metal. The scale ranges from a score of 1-7 – the greater the score, the greater the strength of
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=+36:)3 ?+0, E39+, F043+66 ()*+,-
=) >- ? : @+ - A B )7 : ) 36 - A C > +, : + 3 1 + 4- D / - 5 )3 G?036
... Pain studies involving music have primarily focused on "relaxing music" [10], potentially biased by the researchers' own preferences (pure speculations from our part), often comparing it to no music or placebo in the form of equal soft non-rhythmic noises [7][8][9]. One study found that heavy metal fans experienced empowerment and joy when listening to death metal while non-fans reported fear and tension [10]. ...
... Pain studies involving music have primarily focused on "relaxing music" [10], potentially biased by the researchers' own preferences (pure speculations from our part), often comparing it to no music or placebo in the form of equal soft non-rhythmic noises [7][8][9]. One study found that heavy metal fans experienced empowerment and joy when listening to death metal while non-fans reported fear and tension [10]. However, the analgesic effects of heavy metal vs soft music, and the role of music preference, remain underexplored. ...
... Most likely the obtained sensation of well-being from listening to music is related to the passion for the melody and rhythm rather than lyric content [34]. This passion induces joy and empowerment, which are factors that in turn may impact pain processing [10]. As the American philosopher Henry David Thoreau said, "When I hear music, I fear no danger. ...
Full-text available
Objectives Music festivals are often a source of joy, but also a risk of injury. While previous studies suggest music can relieve pain, its effect has not been tested in festival settings, nor has the effect of high-energy vs soothing music been compared. We hypothesized that guests at a heavy metal music festival would experience less pain when listening to thrash heavy metal compared to relaxing music, with the effect being influenced by music preference and increased with higher alcohol intake. Methods This factorial randomized non-blinded crossover trial assessed pain during a 5°C cold pressor test (CPT) at a heavy metal festival. Participants were randomized to listen to either Slayer’s “Raining Blood” or Enya’s “Orinoco Flow” during their first CPT, and the opposite song during the second CPT. The primary outcome was pain during the CPT, assessed as area under the curve (AUC). Music fondness and breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) were measured before each CPT. Results Forty-five adults, aged 19–58 years, were included, and completed both CPTs. Significantly more pain was reported while listening to Enya (AUC 1,155 [IQR 588–1,507]) vs Slayer (AUC 975 [IQR 682–1,492]) (p = 0.048). Higher BrAC was associated with decreased pain (p = 0.042). Participants with higher fondness of Enya experienced significantly more pain than those who liked the song less (p = 0.021). Fondness of Slayer had no effect on pain perception (p = 0.7). Conclusion Listening to thrash heavy metal, specifically “Raining Blood” by Slayer during painful stimuli results in lower pain intensity than listening to relaxing music in the form of “Orinoco Flow” by Enya. The findings’ impact on pain in a clinical setting should be explored.
... energy, dissonance, extreme pitch ranges, unpredictability, and rapid tempo shifts (Thompson et al., 2018). Its transgressive sound is further intensified by heavily distorted guitars and bass employing advanced techniques like tapping; powerful drumming with blast beats; and vocals that incorporate screaming, grunting, growling, and 'pig squeals,' a vocal technique that is reminiscent of the word 'bree.' ...
... Its transgressive sound is further intensified by heavily distorted guitars and bass employing advanced techniques like tapping; powerful drumming with blast beats; and vocals that incorporate screaming, grunting, growling, and 'pig squeals,' a vocal technique that is reminiscent of the word 'bree.' These guttural vocalizations often evoke an inhuman, monstrous, or animalistic quality, frequently causing discomfort for non-fans (Thompson et al., 2018). ...
... For instance, Sharman and Dingle (2015) found that listening to EM increased their physiological arousal and positive emotions. Similarly, Thompson et al. (2018) discovered that fans of extreme music genres, such as death metal, often experience joy, peace, wonder, or empowerment while listening to EM, whereas non-fans consistently report negative emotions such as tension, fear, anger, and disgust. More recently, a study by Powell and colleagues (2022) revealed that EM fans displayed greater morbid curiosity than fans of other music genres. ...
... Whereas non-fans displayed significant decreases in PA paired with elevations in high arousal NA states, fans showed an opposite pattern of significant increases in PA after heavy metal listening. Thompson et al. (2019) reported similar results whereby death metal fans displayed significant increases in a variety of positive mood states following exposure to their preferred genre, whereas non-fans displayed significant increases in high arousal negative moods. In particular, death metal fans and non-fans listened to four different 60 s excerpts of popular death metal songs, completing an affect scale prior to and after the music listening period. ...
... Moreover, heavy metal music preference predicted significant reductions in hostility and NA associated with the heavy metal music stimulus. Collectively, these findings resonate with previous literature whereby heavy metal genre fans display favorable mood changes after listening to their preferred genre, whereas non-fans show an opposite effect with increases in negative mood states and provide further support for the stereotyped theory of emotion in music (e.g., Bodner & Bensimon, 2016;Olsen et al., 2023;Susino & Schubert, 2020;Thompson et al., 2019). Indeed, evidence suggests that fans experience a more complex set of affective experience after listening to a preferred genre as illustrated by increases in PA (e.g., active, excited, and interested) alongside increases in joviality (e.g., lively, cheerful, and joyful). ...
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of music type on mood and the influence of music preference for predicting mood induction. Ninety undergraduate participants ( M age = 22.19 years, SD = 6) completed a music preference inventory prior to listening to heavy metal and classical music stimuli, presented in counterbalanced order. Participants completed the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale inventory to measure baseline mood and then re-completed the inventory after each music stimulus presentation. Multivariate analysis of variance on repeated measures evaluated the effects of music type on mood, whereas multiple regression analysis tested the influence of preference on mood following music exposure. Heavy metal music induced a state of high arousal/negative mood via increases in hostility, whereas classical music induced a state of low arousal/positive mood via increases in serenity. Preferences for heavy metal music predicted significant reductions in negative affect and hostility following heavy metal music, coupled with increases in serenity, joviality, and positive affect. Likewise, classical music preference predicted significant increases in joviality and PA following classical music listening. The results of the current study demonstrate how differential music exposures influence mood and reveal the importance of listener preferences for predicting mood change.
... Music can trigger a sense of social inclusion for fans (social affiliation) or social exclusion for non-fans 2,14 . Music can also convey feelings of social status, ranging from empowerment (dominance) to submissiveness and disempowerment 11,15 . ...
Full-text available
Humans perceive a range of basic emotional connotations from music, such as joy, sadness, and fear, which can be decoded from structural characteristics of music, such as rhythm, harmony, and timbre. However, despite theory and evidence that music has multiple social functions, little research has examined whether music conveys emotions specifically associated with social status and social connection. This investigation aimed to determine whether the social emotions of dominance and affiliation are perceived in music and whether structural features of music predict social emotions, just as they predict basic emotions. Participants (N = 1513) listened to subsets of 750 music excerpts and provided ratings of energy arousal, tension arousal, valence, dominance, and affiliation. Ratings were modelled based on ten structural features of music. Dominance and affiliation were readily perceived in music and predicted by structural features including rhythm, harmony, dynamics, and timbre. In turn, energy arousal, tension arousal and valence were also predicted by musical structure. We discuss the results in view of current models of music and emotion and propose research to illuminate the significance of social emotions in music.
... This initial bias may explain why positive lure words were selected at high rates across all music conditions on Day 2. This pattern is nevertheless interesting when viewed through our proposed theoretical lens, because it could help to explain why paired positive music, compared with negative music, appeared to have a greater memory-modulating effect when analyzing the Day 3 episode recall. One possibility relates to the fact that negative music often evokes mixed emotional responses, and sometimes even positive responses (Eerola et al., 2018;Thompson et al., 2019). Thus, compared with positive music, negative music may be less effective in modulating memory toward one particular emotion direction. ...
Music is a powerful medium that influences our emotions and memories. Neuroscience research has demonstrated music’s ability to engage brain regions associated with emotion, reward, motivation, and autobiographical memory. While music's role in modulating emotions has been explored extensively, our study investigates whether music can alter the emotional content of memories. Building on the theory that memories can be updated upon retrieval, we tested whether introducing emotional music during memory recollection might introduce false emotional elements into the original memory trace. We developed a 3-day episodic memory task with separate encoding, recollection, and retrieval phases. Our primary hypothesis was that emotional music played during memory recollection would increase the likelihood of introducing novel emotional components into the original memory. Behavioral findings revealed two key outcomes: 1) participants exposed to music during memory recollection were more likely to incorporate novel emotional components congruent with the paired music valence, and 2) memories retrieved 1 day later exhibited a stronger emotional tone than the original memory, congruent with the valence of the music paired during the previous day’s recollection. Furthermore, fMRI results revealed altered neural engagement during story recollection with music, including the amygdala, anterior hippocampus, and inferior parietal lobule. Enhanced connectivity between the amygdala and other brain regions, including the frontal and visual cortex, was observed during recollection with music, potentially contributing to more emotionally charged story reconstructions. These findings illuminate the interplay between music, emotion, and memory, offering insights into the consequences of infusing emotional music into memory recollection processes.
... Variations in trait empathy do not seem relevant to the enjoyment of violent music. Instead, the motivations for listening to violent music are characterised by specific appraisals of what violent music offers, including experiences of power, joy, and peace ( Thompson et al., 2019). ...
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Psychology of Music is a flourishing area of research in the Western Balkans. However, much of its findings and insights have remained relatively unknown outside the region. Psychological Perspectives on Musical Experiences and Skills features recent research from the Western Balkans, foregrounding its specific topics, methods, and influences, and bringing it into productive conversation with complementary research from Western Europe and further afield. The essays in this collection investigate the psychology of listening and performance and their relevance to music practice. Employing a range of research methodologies, they address divergent themes, from a cross-cultural understanding of aesthetic experiences and innovations to attract new audiences, to developmental perspectives on musical growth and the challenges of mastering performance skills. Authors reflect independently and collaboratively on how these psychological processes are shaped by the different traditions and geopolitical conditions inside and outside the Western Balkans. The result is a volume that emphasizes how musical experiences and practices happen not in isolation but in socio-cultural environments that contribute to their definition. This work will appeal to musicians, music educators, students, researchers, and psychologists with an interest in the psychology of music and exemplify ways forward in decolonizing academia.
... Variability is also evident in the types of feelings evoked. For example, fans of Heavy Metal experience feelings of power and joy when listening to metal music, whereas non-fans experience tension and anger (Thompson et al., 2019). ...
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Social emotions have figured prominently in recent research pertaining to music-related emotions. If music is indeed able to evoke social emotions in listeners, the implication is that music may be perceived in some way as akin to a human agent. Yet music, especially instrumental music, is not obviously an agent capable of feeling. Following up on past research linking liking sad music to the fantasy facet of trait empathy, the results of three studies are reported. The first two were online surveys involving 112 and 137 participants, respectively, who rated sets of words in terms of their implied agency, synonymousness, or applicability for describing music. The third involved a listening task in which 299 participants listened to 24 short excerpts of instrumental music, and selected up to 3 words, from a list of 16, that best described each excerpt. The list of 16 words was compiled based on the results of the first two studies and comprised 8 pairs of words that differed in terms of their level of implied agency but were matched in terms of their meaning and applicability to music. Participants also completed the Fantasy subscale of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index. The results did not support the hypothesis that high-fantasy listeners would be more likely to impute (virtual) agency to music. Instead, the attribution of agency was significantly associated with enjoyment and musical arousal.
Individuals evidently have different tastes in and preferences for music. The purpose of this study was to develop two scales for measuring music preference based on genres (text-based) and excerpts (clip-based), using a Chinese sample to explore the relationship between music preference and personality. Specifically, we collected measures of people’s self-reported preferences for a wide range of music genres for further analysis in Study 1. In Study 2, we developed two music preference scales based on the genres identified in Study 1, one text- and the other clip-based. The results of two principal component analyses suggest three-dimensional psychological structures of music preference using both versions of the scale: (1) Traditional and Retro, (2) Exotic and Complex, and (3) Intense and Rebellious. Correlation and regression analyses of music preferences and personality also indicated that music preference is a relatively stable construct that reflects personality traits. Moreover, the three factors identified from the results of studying music preferences in a Chinese sample differ from those identified in studies of music preference in Western countries, suggesting that music preference is influenced by culture. The two scales yielded similar but slightly different outcomes reflecting their discrete emphases and characteristics; they can be used separately or together, depending on the research topic and question. In this study we verified the structure of music preference among a Chinese sample. It provides a reference point for theoretical research on music preference and personality and has practical applications.
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Death Metal music with violent themes is characterised by vocalisations with unnaturally low fundamental frequencies and high levels of distortion and roughness. These attributes decrease the signal to noise ratio, rendering linguistic content difficult to understand and leaving the impression of growling, screaming, or other non-linguistic vocalisations associated with aggression and fear. Here, we compared the ability of fans and non-fans of Death Metal to accurately perceive sung words extracted from Death Metal music. We also examined whether music training confers an additional benefit to intelligibility. In a 2×2 between-subjects factorial design (fans/non-fans, musicians/non-musicians), four groups of participants (n=16 per group) were presented with 24 sung words (one per trial), extracted from the popular American Death Metal band Cannibal Corpse. On each trial, participants completed a four-alternative forced-choice word recognition task. Intelligibility (word recognition accuracy) was above chance for all groups and was significantly enhanced for fans (65.88%) relative to non-fans (51.04%). In the fan group, intelligibility between musicians and non-musicians was statistically similar. In the non-fan group, intelligibility was significantly greater for musicians relative to non-musicians. Results are discussed in the context of perceptual learning and the benefits of expertise for decoding linguistic information in sub-optimum acoustic conditions.
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Most previous studies investigating music-induced emotions have applied emotion models developed in other fields to the domain of music. The aim of this study was to compare the applicability of music-specific and general emotion models – namely the Geneva Emotional Music Scale (GEMS), and the discrete and dimensional emotion models – in the assessment of music-induced emotions. A related aim was to explore the role of individual difference variables (such as personality and mood) in music-induced emotions, and to discover whether some emotion models reflect these individual differences more strongly than others. One hundred and forty-eight participants listened to 16 film music excerpts and rated the emotional responses evoked by the music excerpts. Intraclass correlations and Cronbach alphas revealed that the overall consistency of ratings was the highest in the case of the dimensional model. The dimensional model also outperformed the other two models in the discrimination of music excerpts, and principal component analysis revealed that 89.9% of the variance in the mean ratings of all the scales (in all three models) was accounted for by two principal components that could be labelled as valence and arousal. Personality-related differences were the most pronounced in the case of the discrete emotion model. Personality, mood, and the emotion model used were also associated with the intensity of experienced emotions. Implications for future music and emotion studies are raised concerning the selection of an appropriate emotion model when measuring music-induced emotions. © 2011, European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. All rights reserved.
The recent surge of interest towards the paradoxical pleasure produced by sad music has generated a handful of theories and an array of empirical explorations on the topic. However, none of these have attempted to weigh the existing evidence in a systematic fashion. The present work puts forward an integrative framework laid out over three levels of explanation - biological, psycho-social, and cultural - to compare and integrate the existing findings in a meaningful way. First, we review the evidence pertinent to experiences of pleasure associated with sad music from the fields of neuroscience, psychophysiology, and endocrinology. Then, the psychological and interpersonal mechanisms underlying the recognition and induction of sadness in the context of music are combined with putative explanations ranging from social surrogacy and nostalgia to feelings of being moved. Finally, we address the cultural aspects of the paradox - the extent to which it is embedded in the Western notion of music as an aesthetic, contemplative object - by synthesising findings from history, ethnography, and empirical studies. Furthermore, we complement these explanations by considering the particularly significant meanings that sadness portrayed in art can evoke in some perceivers. Our central claim is that one cannot attribute the enjoyment of sadness fully to any one of these levels, but to a chain of functionalities afforded by each level. Each explanatory level has several putative explanations and its own shift towards positive valence, but none of them deliver the full transformation from a highly negative experience to a fully enjoyable experience alone. The current evidence within this framework ranges from weak to non-existent at the biological level, moderate at the psychological level, and suggestive at the cultural level. We propose a series of focussed topics for future investigation that would allow to deconstruct the drivers and constraints of the processes leading to pleasurable music-related sadness.
Why are negative emotions so central in art reception far beyond tragedy? Revisiting classical aesthetics in light of recent psychological research, we present a novel model to explain this much-discussed (apparent) paradox. We argue that negative emotions are an important resource for the arts in general rather than a special license for exceptional art forms only. The underlying rationale is that negative emotions have been shown to be particularly powerful in securing attention, intense emotional involvement, and high memorability—and hence precisely in what artworks strive for. Two groups of processing mechanisms are identified that conjointly adopt the particular powers of negative emotions for art's purposes. The first group consists of psychological distancing mechanisms that are activated along with the cognitive schemata of art, representation, and fiction. These schemata imply personal safety and control over continuing or discontinuing exposure to artworks, thereby preventing negative emotions from becoming outright incompatible with expectations of enjoyment. This distancing sets the stage for a second group of processing components that allow art recipients to positively embrace the experiencing of negative emotions, thereby rendering art reception more intense, more interesting, more emotionally moving, more profound, and occasionally even more beautiful. These components include compositional interplays of positive and negative emotions, the effects of aesthetic virtues of using the media of (re)presentation (musical sound, words/language, color, shapes) on emotion perception, and meaning-making efforts. Moreover, our D istancing –E mbracing model proposes that concomitant mixed emotions often help to integrate negative emotions into altogether pleasurable trajectories.
A hedonic theory of music and sadness is proposed. Some listeners report that nominally sad music genuinely makes them feel sad. It is suggested that, for these listeners, sad affect is evoked through a combination of empathetic responses to sad acoustic features, learned associations, and cognitive rumination. Among those listeners who report sad feelings, some report an accompanying positive affect, whereas others report the experience to be solely negative. Levels of the hormone prolactin increase when sad – producing a consoling psychological effect suggestive of a homeostatic function. It is proposed that variations in prolactin levels might account for the variability in individual hedonic responses. Specifically, it is conjectured that high prolactin concentrations are associated with pleasurable music-induced sadness, whereas low prolactin concentrations are associated with unpleasant music-induced sadness. © 2011, European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. All rights reserved.
To facilitate a multidimensional approach to empathy the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) includes 4 subscales: Perspective-Taking (PT) Fantasy (FS) Empathic Concern (EC) and Personal Distress (PD). The aim of the present study was to establish the convergent and discriminant validity of these 4 subscales. Hypothesized relationships among the IRI subscales between the subscales and measures of other psychological constructs (social functioning self-esteem emotionality and sensitivity to others) and between the subscales and extant empathy measures were examined. Study subjects included 677 male and 667 female students enrolled in undergraduate psychology classes at the University of Texas. The IRI scales not only exhibited the predicted relationships among themselves but also were related in the expected manner to other measures. Higher PT scores were consistently associated with better social functioning and higher self-esteem; in contrast Fantasy scores were unrelated to these 2 characteristics. High EC scores were positively associated with shyness and anxiety but negatively linked to egotism. The most substantial relationships in the study involved the PD scale. PD scores were strongly linked with low self-esteem and poor interpersonal functioning as well as a constellation of vulnerability uncertainty and fearfulness. These findings support a multidimensional approach to empathy by providing evidence that the 4 qualities tapped by the IRI are indeed separate constructs each related in specific ways to other psychological measures.