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Abstract and Figures

Individuals with autism and intellectual impairments tend to be excluded from research due to their difficulties with methodological compliance. This study focuses on using Teaching with Acoustic Guidance-TAGteach-to behaviorally prepare children with autism and a IQ ≤ 80 to participate in a study on neurofeedback training (NFT). Seven children (ages 6-8) learned the prerequisite skills identified in a task analysis in an average of 5 h of TAGteach training, indicating that this is a feasible method of preparing intellectually-impaired children with autism to participate in NFT and task-dependent electroencephalography measures. TAGteach may thus have the potential to augment this population's ability to participate in less accessible treatments and behavioral neuroscientific studies.
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Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders
ISSN 0162-3257
Volume 48
Number 6
J Autism Dev Disord (2018)
DOI 10.1007/s10803-018-3466-4
Facilitating Neurofeedback in Children
with Autism and Intellectual Impairments
Using TAGteach
Kristen LaMarca, Richard Gevirtz, Alan
J.Lincoln & Jaime A.Pineda
1 23
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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2018) 48:2090–2100
1 3
Facilitating Neurofeedback inChildren withAutism andIntellectual
Impairments Using TAGteach
KristenLaMarca1,3· RichardGevirtz1· AlanJ.Lincoln1· JaimeA.Pineda2
Published online: 27 January 2018
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
Individuals with autism and intellectual impairments tend to be excluded from research due to their difficulties with meth-
odological compliance. This study focuses on using Teaching with Acoustic Guidance—TAGteach—to behaviorally prepare
children with autism and a IQ 80 to participate in a study on neurofeedback training (NFT). Seven children (ages 6–8)
learned the prerequisite skills identified in a task analysis in an average of 5h of TAGteach training, indicating that this is
a feasible method of preparing intellectually-impaired children with autism to participate in NFT and task-dependent elec-
troencephalography measures. TAGteach may thus have the potential to augment this population’s ability to participate in
less accessible treatments and behavioral neuroscientific studies.
Keywords Autism· Low-functioning· Intellectual impairment· TAGteach· Conditioned reinforcement· Auditory
secondary reinforcement· Mirror neurons· Mu rhythms· Neurofeedback
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)—a neurodevelopmental
condition characterized by social-communication deficits,
and restrictive or repetitive behaviors (American Psychi-
atric Association 2013)—is currently estimated to affect
15 per 1000 children (Christensen etal. 2016). The highly
heterogeneous nature of impairments and range of sever-
ity, along with an elevated rate of comorbidities (Hofvander
etal. 2009; Lugnegard etal. 2011; Simonoff etal. 2008),
complicate the understanding, treatment, and study of the
disorder. While the standard behavioral interventions for
autism show improvements in psychosocial outcomes, they
tend to be costly, time-consuming, and limited in efficacy
(Krebs-Seida 2009). Prognosis is generally poor in terms
of social, occupational, and independent functioning later
in life. This is particularly true for those who have more
intellectual or language deficits (Ben-Itzchak and Zachor
2011; Howlin etal. 2013; Levy and Perry 2011; Matson and
Shoemaker 2009).
Numerous neurobiological anomalies in ASD have been
identified (Anagnostou and Taylor 2011; Parellada etal.
2013) though the cause remains unknown. The disorder is
thought to arise from a wide variety of genetic and environ-
mental factors that play a role in the diverse expression of
phenotypic traits (Hall and Kelley 2013). Converging find-
ings from brain imaging research have given rise to theories
on the neuroetiology of ASD. Studies on functional commu-
nication across brain networks have been reporting patterns
of hypo-coherence in long-range default mode networks,
inter- and intra- hemispheric hypo-connectivity, and hyper-
connectivity in local and long-distance networks (Kahn etal.
2015; Mohammad-Rezazadeh etal. 2016; Müller etal. 2011;
Rane etal. 2015), although the methodologies applied and
results reported have been inconsistent. Moreover, the man-
ner in which dysfunctional connectivity specifically impacts
core ASD symptoms or the degree of severity has not been
clearly delineated thus far.
This manuscript is based on the doctoral dissertation of the first
author. Preliminary data from this study was included in the
publication, Pineda etal. (2014b).
* Kristen LaMarca
1 Department ofClinical Psychology, California School
ofProfessional Psychology, Alliant University, SanDiego,
2 Department ofCognitive Neuroscience, University
ofCalifornia, SanDiego, CA, USA
3 Vista, CA92081, USA
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An alternate framework has linked ASD social impair-
ments with abnormal activation during action observation
of the mirror neuron system (MNS) and 8–12Hz electroen-
cephalographic (EEG) frequency band (mu) over the sen-
sorimotor cortex, which is proposed to index MNS activity
(see Pineda etal. 2012, 2014b). While research on the MNS
and mu suppression has garnered support generally and as
related to ASD deficits (Arnstein etal. 2011; Bernier etal.
2007; Dapretto etal. 2006; di Pellegrino etal. 1992; Fox
etal. 2016; Iacoboni and Dapretto 2006; Mukamel etal.
2010; Perkins etal. 2010; Oberman etal. 2005, 2013; Pineda
2005a, b; Williams etal. 2001), it has also been a prominent
subject of scientific debate with a number of researchers
providing contradictory evidence and alternative viewpoints
(Enticott etal. 2013; Dinstein etal. 2010; Hamilton 2013;
Hickock 2009; Hobson and Bishop 2016; Mostofsky etal.
2006; Stiegliz Ham etal. 2011).
Limitations to traditional behavioral therapies and emerg-
ing neuroetiological theories have led researchers to explore
if neurofeedback training (NFT) can normalize the electro-
physiological profiles of individuals with ASD, thereby
reducing core symptomology. NFT uses a brain-computer
interface system to display real-time electrophysiological
signals to users—usually in the form of a game—to facilitate
the self-regulation of EEG through operant learning (Marz-
bani etal. 2016). The applications of NFT are widespread,
and efficacy evidence is available for a variety of disorders
associated with abnormal electrophysiology (LaVaque and
Moss 2003), such as epilepsy (Tan etal. 2009; Walker 2008)
and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (Cortese etal.
2016; Mayer and Arns 2016).
Several NFT studies of individuals with ASD have shown
positive changes in social behavior, attention, and connec-
tivity using various protocols guided by clinical symptoms
or individualized based on a quantitative EEG assessment
(For a review, see Coben etal. 2010, 2014; or; Pineda etal.
2012). NFT research from our laboratory, reviewed in more
detail by Pineda etal. (2014a), has targeted mu waves by
up-training 8–12Hz rhythms over the central motor strip
while inhibiting beta and theta waves (which are associ-
ated with general movement and eye blinks, respectively).
Results suggest that learning to control mu-related oscil-
lations though NFT can normalize mu suppression during
action observation tasks and improve behavior in individuals
with ASD and an IQ > 80 (Datko etal. 2017; Pineda etal.
2008; Pineda etal. 2014a; Friedrich etal. 2015). Relevant
criticisms of these studies have highlighted potential con-
founds, such as the control of attentional factors, highly
localized evidence of the effect NFT on neurophysiology,
and the overlap of occipital alpha with the mu frequency
band. Additional, contrasting views on connectivity and mu-
based NFT paradigms in ASD are discussed by Holtmann
etal. (2011). Although there is a need for clearer theoretical
and empirical alignment between the electrophysiological
targets of NFT and core symptoms, NFT for ASD overall
(whether the protocol targets mu activity or other local or
more broadly distributed functional networks) appears to be
a promising, noninvasive means of clinically intervening at
the neurobiological level as opposed to solely focusing on
the behavioral manifestations of the disorder.
Nevertheless, many individuals with ASD may not have
the prerequisite behavioral, language or cognitive skills nec-
essary to participate in therapies that might improve their
symptoms or condition. While those with a higher degree
of severity have the greatest need for effective treatments,
these individuals tend to be understudied due to their dif-
ficulties with methodological compliance and ability to
provide useful data. Thus, the literature on ASD overall,
and as related to NFT, is more inclusive of high functioning
individuals rather than those described as low functioning,
often defined by investigators as an IQ below 70 or 80. There
is a strong need to develop novel, empirically-based methods
for behaviorally preparing intellectually-impaired individu-
als with ASD to participate in more experimental research
and improve their ability to engage in less accessible clinical
interventions, such as NFT.
Teaching with Acoustic Guidance (TAGteach) is a novel
teaching tool that is simple to learn and implement, and
appears to have the potential to facilitate lower-function-
ing children’s participation in more treatment and research
studies. The method is based on the classical and operant
principles that have been central to autism treatment for
decades (Granpeesheh etal. 2009; Skinner 1953), and uses
conditioned auditory markers to shape complex behavioral
sequences in successive approximations (http://www.TAGte The auditory marker is optimal for a population
with the social-communication impairments inherent in
autism because it removes the social and language features
of verbal praise. The sound marker is also more distinct and
temporally precise in reinforcing target behaviors than verbal
communication (Vargas 2009).
TAGteach interventions are structured to be flexible,
individualized, and arranged for high success rates (Vargas
2009). Caregiver involvement is encouraged in the concep-
tual teaching of a tag point, which is defined as the single,
observable action currently being trained. Trainers gener-
ally abide by the three-try rule, meaning that if the learner
fails to perform an action three times, then the trainer can
return to a point of success by choosing a more achievable
tag point. Tag points are described in five words or less and
attempts are made to devise tag points that resolve more
than one problematic behavior, known as value-added tag
points; for instance, the tag point of “put hands in pockets”
could potentially resolve a multitude of behaviors, such as
nail biting or hand flapping. TAGteach invites participants to
be involved in the naming of tag points, and also emphasizes
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2092 Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2018) 48:2090–2100
1 3
the offering of behavioral choices to learners to improve
their participation in performing tasks. Training sessions
should be shorter in duration to avoid focus fatigue, which
occurs when the learner’s ability to focus on task-learning
deteriorates because the duration of a training session is too
Through an AB design, Barbera (2010) showed it was
possible to teach a 14year-old with moderate to severe
autism who had been unable to learn to tie his shoes to
do so after 90min of TAGteach. Morien and Eshelman
(2010) examined sign-language behaviors and the number
of prompts required during signing trials in three nonverbal
children with autism (ages 6–9) across three communication
training conditions that included access to primary reinforc-
ers and verbal praise (1) at fixed intervals (Non-Contingent
Reinforcement; NCR), (2) immediately following a correct
response (Contingent Reinforcement; CR), and (3) after
auditory marking of a target behavior (TAGteach). With
ratings of treatment integrity and interobserver agreement
all above 97%, their results showed that TAGteach was more
effective at eliciting sign-language than the CR or NCR con-
ditions, and required prompting as much as the CR condition
did and at a lower rate than the NCR condition. For a review
of other case reports that support TAGteach in autism popu-
lations, see Pineda etal. (2014a).
In the present study, we sought to evaluate the feasibility
of using TAGteach to quickly prepare children with ASD
and an IQ 80 to perform skills required to participate in
a neurofeedback intervention (as discussed in Pineda etal.
2008, 2014a) and the corresponding behavioral tasks of an
encephalographic (EEG) imaging test, the mu suppression
index1 (MSI; see Oberman etal. 2005).
Design andParticipants
We employed a case-series design that used TAGteach to
train participants to perform prerequisite skills of NFT and
the MSI in 6h or less. Participants were seven boys and
one girl, ages 6–8 (M = 6.9 ± .8years) that met DSM-IV-TR
criteria for Autistic Disorder (American Psychiatric Asso-
ciation 2013). Diagnoses were based on the judgement of
an expert clinician and met cut-off criteria for autism using
standard diagnostic tests—the Autism Diagnostic Interview
Revised (ADI-R; Lord etal. 1994) and Autism Diagnostic
Observation Schedule (ADOS; Lord etal. 2002). Full scale
IQ scores, according to the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of
Intelligence (WASI; Wechsler 1999), ranged from 58 to 80
(M = 69 ± 8) while verbal IQ and performance IQ ranged
from 58 to 76 (M = 66 ± 6) and 63 to 99 (M = 78 ± 14),
respectively. One participant was dropped from the study
after beginning TAGteach due to a medical problem. Table1
provides descriptive data on individual cases.
Participants were recruited through a private San Diego
agency and a local autism e-newsletter. Each individual was
required to show an inability or unwillingness to perform all
prerequisite behaviors volitionally or with incentives. The
Institutional Review Board of Alliant International Univer-
sity, San Diego approved the study.
TAGteach‑Assisted Behavioral Preparation
We used TAGteach to train four core skills (see below) that
were required to participate in a subsequent study on mu
rhythm neurofeedback training (NFT). These prerequisite
skills were broken down into 26 discrete behaviors in a
task analysis. The prerequisite skills had to be sustained for
120s for the participant to meet behavioral criteria, and were
defined as follows:
1. Participant sits still and quietly in a chair.
2. Participant tolerates electrodes and skin preparation pro-
3. Participant performs a motor task of slowly opening and
closing the right hand.
4. Participant visually attends to a display screen with
video stimuli.
During the baseline assessment of participants’ ability
to perform prerequisite skills, we used verbal praise to pro-
mote compliance, and if unsuccessful, parents offered pri-
mary reinforcers (e.g., food and access to toys) as incentives.
Participants were offered up to three trials to demonstrate a
requested behavior.
We next introduced TAGteach, and structured sessions to
last an hour or less. After each session, participants received
a score of 1 or 0 for each of the 26-items of the task analysis
to indicate if they did or did not demonstrate a behavioral
criterion. We trained attention to visual stimuli using a video
of a circle shape oscillating from left to right. When par-
ticipants met all task analysis criteria at least one time, they
underwent NFT and MSI testing as part of another study
(LaMarca etal. 2013).
1 The Mu Suppression Index (MSI; Oberman et al. 2005) assesses
changes in EEG mu power in response to observing four 120 s vid-
eos of different types of movement: non-biological, biological,
goal-direction, and social. A ratio of power is calculated for the
four motion observation conditions relevant to a resting baseline,
and an action execution condition. Ratio data are transformed with
a log algorithm, such that positive and negative values indicated mu
enhancement and suppression, respectively.
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TAGteach‑Assisted Mu Suppression Testing
During MSI testing, participants earned tag points by
observing or executing specific motions, and by com-
pleting a resting baseline. Each participant had a single
attempt to maintain his/her visual attention when action
observation stimuli were presented, though the resting
baseline and the action execution tasks were conducted
more than once if needed since these tasks were not
impacted by habituation to stimuli. We used TAGteach to
facilitate MSI testing three times (pre-test, post-test, and
follow-up) to assess mu rhythm changes from NFT in the
subsequent study.
TAGteach‑Assisted Neurofeedback
To participate in the NFT intervention, participants were
to complete a total of 30min of NFT twice per week for
approximately 20weeks. Participants earned tag points for
completing a resting baseline at the start of each NFT ses-
sion, and for completing an NFT segment, each of which
ranged from 2.5 to 10min. Participants were rewarded for
Table 1 Descriptive
characteristics of individual
WASI Wechsler abbreviated scale of intelligence, FS full scale, V verbal, P performance, ADI-R autism
diagnostic interview—revised, ADOS autism diagnostic observation schedule, S social, C communication,
NV nonverbal, R restricted, repetitive, stereotyped behavior or interests, I imagination/creativity, P play
Case Age, sex WASI IQ [95% CI] ADI-R algorithm ADOS
RC 7years, male FS: 73 [68, 80]
V: 72 [67, 82]
P: 79 [73, 87]
S: 24
C: 21 (V)
R: 11 (NV)
Onset: 3
Module 3
C: 5
S: 14
I: 2
R: 6
CR 6years, male FS: 80 [75, 86]
V: 68 [63, 77]
P: 99 [92, 106]
S: 30
C: 19 (V)
11 (NV)
R: 11
Onset: 4
Module 2
C: 7
S: 11
I: 0
R: 2
ZB 7years, male FS: 73 [68, 80]
V: 76 [70, 85]
P: 74 [69, 82]
S: 21
C: 20 (V)
11 (NV)
R: 11
Onset: 2
Module 3
C: 8
S: 14
I: 2
R: 7
SR 7years, female FS: 63 [59, 70]
V: 61 [56, 71]
P: 70 [65, 79]
S: 26
C: 20 (V)
13 (NV)
Onset: 4
Module 1
C: 7
S: 10
P: 1
R: 4
XD 8years, male FS: 58 [54, 65]
V: 58 [54, 68]
P: 64 [59–73]
S: 29
C: 20 (V)
11 (NV)
R: 10
Onset: 5
Module 1
C: 5
S: 9
I: 0
R: 4
SK 6years, male FS: 72 [67, 79]
V: 67 [62, 67]
P: 83 [77, 91]
S: 27
C: 22 (V)
14 (NV)
R: 13
Onset: 3
Module 1
C: 4
S: 9
P: 2
R: 4
TT 6years, male FS: 75 [70, 82]
V: 64 [59–74]
P: 93 [87, 100]
S: 27
C: 22 (V)
13 (NV)
R: 8
Onset: 4
Module 1
C: 8
S: 10
P: 0
R: 2
ET 8years, male FS: 59 [55, 66]
V: 59 [55, 69]
P: 65 [60, 74]
S: 28
C: 18 (V)
14 (NV)
R: 8
Onset: 4
Module 2
C: 7
S: 14
I: 2
R: 6
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2094 Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2018) 48:2090–2100
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modulating EEG mu rhythms by the progression of video
games or by an increase in the size of the display screen
playing preferred DVD movies. The acoustic marker was
also incorporated into the neurofeedback software and was
heard when thresholds were met.
General Feasibility ofTAGteach
Results are summarized for all seven cases regarding the
use of TAGteach to train prerequisite skills, and facilitate
MSI testing and NFT. Individual case details are presented
TAGteach‑Assisted Behavioral Preparation
At baseline, participants met behavioral criteria for an aver-
age of 12.6 (± 3.8) items, or 49%, of the 26-item task analy-
sis; all cases had difficulty tolerating the skin preparation
procedures and/or electrode placements, and all were unable
to sustain the prerequisite skills for their required durations
of 120s. Following an average of 5.0 (± 1.0)h of TAGteach
intervention over 5.9 (± 1.2) training sessions, six partici-
pants demonstrated 100% and one demonstrated 92% of
behavioral criteria identified in the task analysis (see Fig.1).
Learning was initially facilitated by tagging parents or a
toy doll, or by first using a dry swab or water instead of the
skin preparation gel. We used the value-added tag point to
“Dry off” the preparation gel. During training, three cases
had more difficulty progressing in visually attending to the
non-biological motion video of an oscillating shape of a cir-
cle, presumably because of a lack of interest in the content.
Adding another video stimulus of more interesting content,
a train moving along a railroad, was successful in facilitating
progress. All cases needed an occasional verbal prompt in
one or more of their discrete trials when learning to sustain
behaviors for 120s.
TAGteach‑Assisted Mu Suppression Testing
TAGteach facilitated the participation in MSI testing for
all seven cases. Each case demonstrated artifact-creating
behaviors during part of one or more MSI testing tasks, for
instance, speech, noncommunicative vocalizations, fidg-
eting, or biting or licking the chin rest. During the action
execution task, two participants executed the hand motion
with a notably variable pace and size of the grasping com-
pared to learning trials, two exhibited some unusual hand
or finger mannerisms, and one ceased the motion entirely
without resuming after verbal prompts. Five cases had dif-
ficulty attending to the action observation videos, and verbal
prompts were provided at the clinician’s discretion; one case
peered out of the corner of her eye. Three cases commented
on or imitated the actions observed in the videos upon stimu-
lus presentation, potentially related to the novelty of video
stimuli presented during MSI testing relative to the stimuli
used to train visual attention, a feature that was not consid-
ered when creating the task analysis of prerequisite skills. At
post- and follow-up testing, it was necessary to reshape the
self-generated hand motion using TAGteach for four cases.
TAGteach‑Assisted Neurofeedback
TAGteach facilitated participation in NFT for all seven
cases. Over 23 (± 4) weeks, participants completed a mean
of 17.5 (± 3.4)h of NFT over 36.3 (± 7.0) sessions. Neuro-
feedback training segments were kept shorter at first, then
gradually lengthened up to 10min. Upon the introduction
of NFT, four cases seamlessly and immediately engaged in
NFT. Three cases had difficulty engaging in NFT upon treat-
ment introduction for the required 30min per session, but
TAGteach was successfully used to assist these individu-
als to engage in NFT in gradually increasing durations (see
RC is a 7year-old male with a history of seizures and
significant difficulties with aggression, anxiety, and inat-
tention. Though he was able to demonstrate sitting still
and quietly, he made odd facial expressions at times so
he earned tag points for relaxing his muscles. He was
observed to engage in increasing hand-flapping behavior
while learning the self-performed hand motion, presum-
ably due to focus fatigue; thus, we ended this session at
Fig. 1 Percent behavioral criteria met across TAGteach sessions rela-
tive to baseline
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a point of success and hand-flapping was not problematic
when he resumed training in his next session.
CR is a 6year-old male with a history of marked hyper-
activity and disruptive behavior, and a tendency to be
oppositional, noncompliant, and destructive. Other chal-
lenging behaviors included frequent screaming; crying;
repetitive vocalizations; aggressive outbursts; and compul-
sive or stereotyped behaviors. He made frequent demands
to alter the behavior of the experimenter or the environ-
ment, and when reasonable, his preferences were accom-
modated. Though CR already demonstrated tolerance of
sensor placement at baseline, he was unwilling to do so
after commencing TAGteach training. He had difficulty
performing the hand-movement, preferring to use his left
or both hands. His willingness to perform the hand move-
ment correctly was contingent on being allowed to earn
tag points for performing it with his other hand. In accord
with TAGteach philosophy, we strongly emphasized the
offering of choice to CR to help address his tendency
to demand control and compulsively complete specific
behavioral sequences.
During NFT, disruptive behaviors included unplugging
electrodes and equipment power cords, removing sensors,
and expressing displeasure for sounds or elements within
NFT scripts. After minimizing access to lab equipment
and environmental distractions, TAGteach was used to
shape his ability to engage in NFT in increasingly longer
training segments. We also individualized some NFT
scripts, and made more neurofeedback games available to
increase his interest.
SR is a 7year old female who has shown limited response
to traditional behavioral therapies. She is suspected to have
a seizure disorder which has never been confirmed due to
her inability to tolerate EEG testing. She is known to display
trichotillomania behaviors when under increasing stress;
thus, her sessions were kept short to avoid focus fatigue and
discontinued if she displayed any signs of hair-pulling. She
named the tag point for performing the skill of quietly sitting
motionless, “Sit like a statue.” Despite past intolerance of
EEG testing, SR learned all required behaviors after 4h of
TAGteach training.
ZB is a 7year-old male whose challenging behaviors include
tantrums and aggressive outbursts. His willingness to toler-
ate sensor placements was at times dependent on earning
tag points for attaching the electrodes himself. The experi-
menter also assigned a tag point to “leave wires on” to fade
ZB’s behavior of removing sensors between each trial. When
training the hand movement, ZB required the experimenter
to verbally count down till the task was completed. The use
of an audio/visual timer ameliorated this by gradually mov-
ing it out of view across discrete trials.
XD is an 8year-old male who presented with avoidant and
self-injurious behaviors, hyperacusis, tantrums, sensory
hypersensitivities, and frequent insistence on sameness. He
often avoided sitting down or the experimenter by leaving
the room or building. After noting that avoidant behaviors
increased following approximately 40min of TAGteach, we
structured sessions to be shorter. When training to sustain
visual attention to stimuli while wearing sensors, he first
tagged his doll to do so, then he tagged himself, and subse-
quently allowed his mother and then the experimenter to tag
him. XD had difficulty engaging in NFT upon introduction
as evidenced by removing electrodes. TAGteach facilitated
his ability to engage in NFT in increasingly longer durations.
SK is a 6 year-old male whose challenging behaviors
included hyperactivity, hyperacusis, inattention, anxiety
and obsessive–compulsive symptoms. SK learned to per-
form 92% of behavioral criteria following 6h of TAGteach
over six sessions. He learned sufficient skills to participate in
NFT through TAGteach but was unable to adequately sustain
Fig. 2 Minutes of neurofeedback completed per session. Note the
reduction in minutes of neurofeedback completed for session 31–32
of case CR was due to equipment
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all behaviors for the full 120s, though an attempt was none-
theless made to administer MSI testing by offering verbal
reminders of the current tag point as needed.
TT is a 6year-old male with anxiety, frequent tantrum
behavior, and small bowel disease who tends to communi-
cate nonverbally before resorting to verbal communication.
His mother was heavily involved in skill teaching. Reinforce-
ment items that were highly desirable to TT were distracting
to his learning, and his selection of primary reinforcers was
limited by dietary restrictions. Individualized phrasing of
tag points was necessary for him to cooperate, for instance,
he refused to execute the hand motion with the phrasing,
“Open close hand,” but agreed after he suggested the modi-
fication, “Open shut hand.” His ability to perform the hand
motion deteriorated mid-training and he was reshaped to
execute the movement through the use of physical aid first,
through imitation next, and ultimately, independently. One
session was terminated early due to TT becoming so dis-
tressed due to difficulty communicating a choice preference.
We also removed the auditory marker from NFT scripts,
which resolved avoidant behaviors (e.g. covering his ears or
humming) likely related to hyperacusis. TT lost his ability to
execute the hand movement task at post- and follow-up MSI
tests so the behavior was reshaped via TAGteach.
ET was an 8year old male who, similar to his brother TT,
had an extremely restrictive diet, small bowel disease, and
anxiety that required close involvement of his mother during
TAGteach training. He was withdrawn from the study due
to an exacerbation in gastrointestinal symptoms after two
TAGteach sessions. Relative to baseline, he showed progress
in learning to tolerate all skin preparation procedures and
sensor placements, cease vocalizations, and quietly sit still
for 30s. Sessions lasted 30min since his interest in primary
reinforcers after this amount of time declined. Though ET
was withdrawn early from the study, he did show learning
during TAGteach training and his case contributes to high-
lighting the difficulties in studying and treating children with
autism and more severe functional deficits.
Investigating the feasibility of using TAGteach methodol-
ogy to behaviorally prepare intellectually-impaired children
with autism to undergo MSI testing and NFT resulted in
three main findings. TAGteach was a viable method for (1)
training behavioral criteria identified in a task analysis as
required to participate in NFT and MSI testing, (2) facilitat-
ing task performance during the MSI, and (3) facilitating
participant engagement in NFT.
Findings suggest that applied behavioral analytic meth-
odology that uses conditioned auditory reinforcers, or
TAGteach, is a feasible method for preparing children with
autism who lack skills necessary for a particular research or
clinical intervention to successfully participate. Our results
converge with the literature on classical and operant learning
in animals (McSweeney and Murphy 2014; Neuringer 2002)
and a small body of case report research on TAGteach with
humans and those with autism (see Pineda etal. 2014a)—
albeit accelerated learning was not examined in this study.
Theoretically, the use of conditioned reinforcement is con-
sistent with learning paradigms as simple as Pavlovian con-
ditioning or a rat in a Skinner box, and the widely accepted
effects of auditory reinforcers on animal learning and
behavior could feasibly be extended to facilitate learning in
children with greater autism severity. TAGteach may serve
as a practical tool for clinicians, researchers, parents and
teachers for enhancing independent functioning and access
to promising treatments. Rates of research study participa-
tion for individuals in the lower functioning range of the
autism spectrum also have the potential to be enhanced by
Since commencing our study, Persicke etal. (2014) used
a modified TAGteach procedure to correct toe-walking in
a 4year-old male with autism. Using an ABAB design,
they examined: (a) Correction alone (i.e. gently push-
ing downward on the child’s shoulders), and (b) Correc-
tion + TAGteach (reinforcing correct steps). Correct foot-
steps were observed at a mean rate of 24.6% at baseline,
63.6% in the Correction Alone phase, and 90.5% in the Cor-
rection + TAGteach phase. A visual inspection showed that
correct steps clearly reduced in the reversal phases, and were
maintained above a rate of 73% in the fading and generaliza-
tion phases. Although promising, more research is needed to
determine if TAGteach can assist other children with autism
to reduce toe-walking behavior or other impairments. This
peer-reviewed case study is congruent with our results that
show TAGteach facilitates learning and provides additional
support by showing a powerful reversal effect.
Even though our participants demonstrated the ability to
sustain the four core skills during shaping procedures, our
results indicate that this requirement was not sufficient to
procure the level of mastery needed for reliable skill dem-
onstration during MSI testing, as several artifact-creating
behaviors were documented in multiple recording trials.
This was more problematic for action observation trials,
which could only be administered a single time whereas
we restarted EEG recording trials during resting baselines
and motor tasks if necessary. Herein, we discuss possibili-
ties to address limitations related to training this population
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through a combination of TAGteach and more advanced
methods of artifact-identification and technology usage,
principally biofeedback.
Limitations andFuture Directions
Future researchers using TAGteach ought to consider devel-
oping a sham or replica protocol of actual outcome test-
ing tasks and stimuli for assessing participant readiness to
undergo actual testing, identifying probable artifact-creating
behaviors that may need to be (re)targeted with TAGteach,
and identifying an acceptable level of behavioral and elec-
trophysiological artifact in data samples. For example, it is
more likely we would have pre-identified the problematic
effect of novelty in stimulus presentation had we performed
mock testing of the MSI, preempting the inclusion of a wider
variety of visual content when training subjects to complete
action observation trials. Mock testing conditions would also
aid future investigators in developing a thorough task analy-
sis prior to commencing shaping procedures.
One limitation of this study was the poor means of train-
ing sustained visual attention, which was subject to clinical
judgement. In future studies, stimuli content of a moderate
interest level should be elected for optimum results, as too
low a level of interest appeared to disengage participants,
and content with too high of a reinforcement value was dis-
tracting. Another means of verifying visual attention may
be to include an attention or counting task (see Pineda etal.
2008), albeit developing a uniform attention task that is
appropriate to all participants may be challenging given the
heterogeneity in cognitive and language abilities typical of
children who are low-to-mid range functioning. Neverthe-
less, the creative flexibility inherent in the TAGteach meth-
odology may allow the successful shaping of participant
ability to count and communicate the events of an attention
task, whether verbally or through a picture-communication
or computer-based program, or some other means. What is
more important is that more advanced software integrations
have the potential to not only help improve participant com-
munication through game-like user interfaces, but also to
enhance interest and motivation levels by rewarding their
cooperation, and perchance successively, their accuracy.
TAGteach may be a viable candidate to facilitate this sort of
research in lower functioning populations, ideally, in con-
junction with gaze tracking technology or other means of
enhanced artifact rejection.
Duffy and Als (2012) reported that they facilitated com-
pliance with EEG protocols in a group of children with low
functioning autism by using technologists experienced in
the special management of pediatric populations. Their
study posits that more sophisticated artifact-rejection and
unspecified behavior management techniques coupled with
relaxation breaks is sufficient to maintain a relatively low
level of EEG artifact in children with autism who are less
than high functioning—highlighting that conditioned audi-
tory reinforcers may not be a requirement. Alternatively,
the comparability of their study population to the present
one is weakened since they did not clarify their criteria for
low functioning autism or use standardized diagnostic or IQ
assessments, and instead relied on subjective diagnoses of
independent clinicians.
TAGteach may be able to assist in other methods for com-
pensating for group-specific artifact or skill deficits during
outcome testing, for instance, training participants to toler-
ate additional sensors. Technological advances in equipment
that minimize the participant or instructor demands and the
behavioral criteria needed for task compliance are also rec-
ommended, such as using a cap with dry leads or wireless
sensors. Lastly, as some cases had difficulty sustaining or
entirely ceased skill demonstration during some of the task-
related EEG trials, researchers may consider developing
formal criteria to determine when or if a discrete trial may
be restarted or if a uniform reminder of the present tag point
can be given and then sourced out during data analyses.
A more innovative extension of this study would be to
integrate biofeedback into TAGteach procedures for shap-
ing prerequisite skills, which could be useful for training
actions with greater specificity or for sustaining skill dem-
onstrations. For instance, a learner could receive real-time
auditory feedback about their muscle movement or visual
attention, which must be maintained above a predetermined,
cumulative threshold in order to earn a tag point at the end of
a discrete trial. A biofeedback-assisted TAGteach approach
such as this for shaping sustained skill demonstrations would
help resolve problems associated with depending on a sin-
gle auditory marker to mark the completion of performing
the skill at the end of a discrete trial, which unintentionally
reinforces behaviors that increase artifact even if they only
occur to a minor degree. Furthermore, customizable soft-
ware with multimedia capabilities, with which participants
can interact, may be useful in enhancing their communica-
tion about events and choosing preferred rewards, increasing
their interest and motivation to comply with task require-
ments. The feasibility of integrating biofeedback approaches
into TAGteach for shaping skills, particularly prolonged
skill demonstrations, is encouraged to continue carving a
path toward including more lower functioning children with
autism in more rigorous neuroscientific studies or behavioral
Lastly, we recommend starting neurofeedback treatment
with lower functioning autism populations by selecting
shorter NFT segments (i.e. an estimate of 2–5min) inter-
spersed with breaks to improve the generalization of skills
from TAGteach training to NFT. Practitioners may opt to
use novel NFT games or movies rather than participants’
preferred DVD movies to minimize the chance that they will
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disengage due to psychological distress about familiar movie
content functioning in a different way than it has in their
other environments. More broadly, TAGteach could be of
use to some laboratories studying low- and high-functioning
children that are designing interactive environments (e.g.
video-games, e-learning applications, virtual realities) with
neurofeedback-integration capabilites to optimize electro-
physiological activity and reward desired behavior in direct
correspondence with the underlying significance of per-
ceived stimuli (for instance, see Friedrich etal. 2014).
Regarding the aforementioned suggestions, TAGteach
appears worthy of further exploration to determine if it can
prepare more highly-impaired individuals with sufficient
skills to comply with treatment and research tasks, and if
the method can be supplemented in research studies by more
sophisticated means of electrophysiological measurement,
computational, or artifact rejection techniques; technological
advances in human–computer interfaces; or other individual-
ized, teaching adaptations. Findings from the present case
series begin to impart support for TAGteach as a means of
exploring whether the prerequisite skills of such adaptations
to research and teaching methods can be successfully incor-
porated into TAGteach training.
As in all single-subject research, the effects of TAGteach
cannot be causally determined from the present design.
Without independent raters, TAGteach findings were bound
to the sole judgment of the experimenter. Additionally, the
nonrepresentative sample used in the current case series
restricts the external generalizability of case results.
This case series shows that it is feasible to use conditioned
auditory reinforcers to teach intellectually-impaired chil-
dren with autism to cooperate with a neurofeedback study
and task-dependent EEG outcome tests. However, research
is still needed to determine (a) if TAGteach is preferable
to other teaching methods, (b) if TAGteach can facilitate
improved skill performance during EEG outcome testing or
NFT, and (c) whether incorporating skills required of more
demanding or rigorous research methods into TAGteach
training is a viable means of improving skill generalization
to treatment and outcome measure tasks. Unquestionably,
intellectually-impaired children with autism are deserving of
a greater rate of inclusion in treatment and other studies by
developing empirically-supported, skill-teaching methods to
improve their participation. TAGteach appears to be a candi-
date to help amend this problem—warranting further study.
Acknowledgments Thanks to Yvonne Searcy and Theresa McKeon
for their assistance in training the instructors to implement TAGteach.
Author Contributions All authors contributed to the research design,
data analyses and interpretation, and writing and preparing of the man-
uscript. KL conducted the diagnostic assessments, TAGteach training,
and data collection. AL supervised the diagnostic testing. All authors
read and approved the final manuscript.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Conflict of interest The authors disclose no conflicts of interest.
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ioral Reviews, 25, 287–295.
Author's personal copy
... Our previous work showed that it is feasible for intellectually-impaired children with ASD to overcome barriers to participate in NFT using conditioned auditory reinforcers (LaMarca et al., 2018). To examine this, we first had to select a promising neurofeedback protocol with low task demands that would be appropriate for low IQ ASD children. ...
... To address barriers to implementing mu-NFT in intellectually impaired children with ASD, we applied a behavioral analytic variation called TAGteach (LaMarca et al., 2018) that marks and shapes behaviors in successive approximations using conditioned auditory reinforcers, which enhances learning across a wide range of species and situations (Pančocha, 2018). The distinct sound marker is well-suited for those with ASD since it does not rely on traditional social communication to shape behavior. ...
... Details of the behavioral preparation procedures preceding mu-NFT are provided in LaMarca et al. (2018). We aimed to provide 20 h of NFT over 20 weeks, typically completing two 45-min sessions that allowed for 60 min of NFT per week. ...
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Prior studies show that neurofeedback training (NFT) of mu rhythms improves behavior and EEG mu rhythm suppression during action observation in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, intellectually impaired persons were excluded because of their behavioral challenges. We aimed to determine if intellectually impaired children with ASD, who were behaviorally prepared to take part in a mu-NFT study using conditioned auditory reinforcers, would show improvements in symptoms and mu suppression following mu-NFT. Seven children with ASD (ages 6-8; mean IQ 70.6 ± 7.5) successfully took part in mu-NFT. Four cases demonstrated positive learning trends (hit rates) during mu-NFT (learners), and three cases did not (non-learners). Artifact-creating behaviors were present during tests of mu suppression for all cases, but were more frequent in non-learners. Following NFT, learners showed behavioral improvements and were more likely to show evidence of a short-term increase in mu suppression relative to non-learners who showed little to no EEG or behavior improvements. Results support mu-NFT's application in some children who otherwise may not have been able to take part without enhanced behavioral preparations. Children who have more limitations in demonstrating learning during NFT, or in providing data with relatively low artifact during task-dependent EEG tests, may have less chance of benefiting from mu-NFT. Improving the identification of ideal mu-NFT candidates, mu-NFT learning rates, source analyses, EEG outcome task performance, population-specific artifact-rejection methods, and the theoretical bases of NFT protocols, could aid future BCI-based, neurorehabilitation efforts.
... Research using Teaching with Acoustical Guidance (TAGteach) has found success with populations with significant language or intellectual deficits (LaMarca et al., 2018). TAGteach has been used with dancers (Quinn et al., 2015), golfers (Fogel et al., 2010), and medical residents studying to become surgeons (Levy et al., 2016). ...
... For some individuals, whose disabilities might accompany greater social and language deficits, the use of an auditory marker removes the complexities of language used with praise. Additionally, individuals with significant delays may benefit from the inclusion of an auditory marker to precisely mark and reinforce the desired behavior (LaMarca et al., 2018). For example, TAGteach has been found to decrease the number of prompts and increase independence with imitation and requesting (i.e., manding) in individuals diagnosed with autism (Pineda et al., 2014) and to reduce problematic toewalking (Persicke & Jackson, 2013). ...
... Despite the success of TAGteach procedures in teaching skills to individuals diagnosed with developmental disabilities, TAGteach has not yet been implemented to increase attending skills. The advantage of implementing TAGteach to increase attending skills is the ability to precisely mark and immediately reinforce the target behavior, a benefit that has been recognized by previous research (LaMarca et al., 2018). Precisely marking and reinforcing the target behavior may be especially beneficial when developing an intervention aimed at increasing skills in an individual with a significant deficit in social and communicative skills (Pineda et al., 2014). ...
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Skill acquisition can be particularly difficult when prerequisites are lacking (e.g., attending to learning materials) that are necessary to expand academic abilities. However, behavioral technologies exist that can help individuals overcome, or at least improve their quality of life despite these difficulties. The current case study used a quasi-changing-criterions-design to examine the effectiveness of a Teaching with Acoustical Guidance (TAGteach) technique to increase attending to learning materials in an eight-year-old participant with Down syndrome. The TAGteach technique was effective in increasing the percentage of trials in which the participant looked at materials and the duration of looking at presented materials during learning trials. Furthermore, results generalized to a leisure task, showing that the intervention was not only academic, but also has the ability to improve on quality of life.
... Neurofeedback therapy in the form of using games is quite effective, especially for children, as it increases their curiosity and concentration, which motivates them to perform a greater number of tasks. In Friedrich and coworkers' research (33), children (thirteen participants with ASD) took part in 16 sessions of based on a game neurofeedback therapy. They compared the standard method of enhancing mu to the bidirectional training of EEG mu suppression and enhancement (8-12 Hz over somatosensory cortex). ...
... Solutions for lessfunctioning children are needed to participate in a greater number of tests and therapies. A novel teaching tool could be the Acoustical Guidance (TAGteach) (33). A new method based on the principles of standard treatment for autism (34,35), and using conditioned auditory markers to shape complex behavioral sequences in successive approximations. ...
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In this review we present the behavioral aspects of interaction in people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), taking into account some aspects of pharmacotherapy. In the treatment of people with ASD, an individual approach to emotional, social and cognitive functioning is very important. The specificity of symptoms and their severity in people with ASD results from deficits/disfunction of various areas of the brain and is associated with different levels of intelligence. This manuscript considers selected methods of interaction with ASD patients with normal IQ. Due to the different ways of functioning, these people often find it difficult to adapt to social expectations. The most important thing is to understand their perception of themselves and the world around them in order to support them in coping with the daily challenges. Due to the increasing problem, more and more attention is being focused on early detection of ASD, what allows to intervene as fast as possible and in consequence affect the quality of life of people with this dysfunctions. However, participants with mild autism symptoms are still difficult to diagnose in the practice. The effectiveness of the therapy depends largely on the cooperation of educational institutions. It is also necessary to contact specialist clinics, including a mental health counseling center. However, in the case of children and adolescents, the cooperation between the therapist and their parents is the basis. Systemic family therapy is also important in adults with ASD. An overview of the methods of therapeutic interactions in ASD, what may be helpful in diagnosing of mild ASD, were presented in our manuscript.
... Существует теория, которая связывает нарушения аутистического спектра с отсутствием активации зеркальных нейронов, а следовательно, и процесса подавления мю-ритмов, при наблюдении за действиями другого чело-века у пациентов РАС [39,40]. В связи с этим в последнее десятилетие идет развитие направления коррекции аутизма путем обучения пациентов подавлению мю-ритмов методами БОС-терапии с помощью игровых приложений с интерфейсом мозг-компьютер [41] и с акустическим сопровождением [42]. ...
In the past decades, biofeedback has become a widely adopted non-pharmacological option in the management of a variety of somatic, neurological, and psychiatric conditions. The biofeedback method is based on the associations between one’s vegetative and mental functions; during a session with the device, information about the change in his/her condition over time is “returned” to the patient as accessible audial or visual stimuli. The efficacy of biofeedback treatment may primarily be attributed to improvements in the state of the patients based on establishing an individual model of his/her best psychophysiological state, enabling effective rehabilitation activities at a rate suitable for each patient along with ensuring better awareness of the patient of his/her body functions; such an intervention is stepwise and helps sustain the patient’s motivation for success, thus affecting the pathological condition. This review describes the historical prerequisites for the development of biofeedback techniques and the principal mechanisms of their action; a brief summary of studies looking at the efficacy of this method in various somatic, neurological, and psychiatric conditions is also provided. The presented data clearly indicate that the use of biofeedback results in a decreased medication load in patients suffering from conditions such as arterial hypertension, epilepsy, ADHD, chronic pain, anxiety disorders, autism etc. while there are practically no contraindications for this method, except for acute psychosis, photosensitive epilepsy, and severe cognitive impairment. In this connection, clinical implementation of biofeedback techniques should be intensified in a variety of conditions.
... Neurofeedback has many clinical applications and has been used to reduce the symptoms caused by various diseases and conditions. Some of them concern neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD 25, 30, 32, 34 , ASD 16,23 and specific and non-specific learning difficulties 23 . It has also been reported to target mental and neurological disorders such as anxiety, depression, epilepsy, insomnia, drug addiction, schizophrenia 21 . ...
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DCD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects many levels of a person's functioning, displaying a multitude of features that persist throughout the person's life. Neurofeedback is a widely used form of non-invasive intervention that is implemented worldwide in non-DCD populations and is presented to be effective targeting a lot of difficulties and common features of DCD. The purpose of this literature review is to highlight the impact of NF showcasing several studies of its effectiveness to several populations with main key characteristics that are found to be presented also in DCD. In the introduction, the basic definitions concerning the concepts of DCD and neurofeedback are described and in the main part, an analysis of DCD is made to further investigate its key characteristics that aligns with other populations (especially ADHD) in which further investigation using neurofeedback is proposed due to its effectiveness.
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Introduction Interpersonal synchronization involves the alignment of behavioral, affective, physiological, and brain states during social interactions. It facilitates empathy, emotion regulation, and prosocial commitment. Mental disorders characterized by social interaction dysfunction, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), often exhibit atypical synchronization with others across multiple levels. With the introduction of the “second-person” neuroscience perspective, our understanding of interpersonal neural synchronization (INS) has improved, however, so far, it has hardly impacted the development of novel therapeutic interventions. Methods To evaluate the potential of INS-based treatments for mental disorders, we performed two systematic literature searches identifying studies that directly target INS through neurofeedback (12 publications; 9 independent studies) or brain stimulation techniques (7 studies), following PRISMA guidelines. In addition, we narratively review indirect INS manipulations through behavioral, biofeedback, or hormonal interventions. We discuss the potential of such treatments for ASD, RAD, and SAD and using a systematic database search assess the acceptability of neurofeedback (4 studies) and neurostimulation (4 studies) in patients with social dysfunction. Results Although behavioral approaches, such as engaging in eye contact or cooperative actions, have been shown to be associated with increased INS, little is known about potential long-term consequences of such interventions. Few proof-of-concept studies have utilized brain stimulation techniques, like transcranial direct current stimulation or INS-based neurofeedback, showing feasibility and preliminary evidence that such interventions can boost behavioral synchrony and social connectedness. Yet, optimal brain stimulation protocols and neurofeedback parameters are still undefined. For ASD, RAD, or SAD, so far no randomized controlled trial has proven the efficacy of direct INS-based intervention techniques, although in general brain stimulation and neurofeedback methods seem to be well accepted in these patient groups. Discussion Significant work remains to translate INS-based manipulations into effective treatments for social interaction disorders. Future research should focus on mechanistic insights into INS, technological advancements, and rigorous design standards. Furthermore, it will be key to compare interventions directly targeting INS to those targeting other modalities of synchrony as well as to define optimal target dyads and target synchrony states in clinical interventions.
Bringing together an international team of scholars, this pioneering book presents the first truly systematic, cross-linguistic study of variation in literacy development. It draws on a wide range of cross-cultural research to shed light on the key factors that predict global variation in children's acquisition of reading and writing skills, covering regions as diverse as North and South America, Asia, Australia, Europe and Africa. The first part of the volume deals with comprehensive reviews related to the variation of literacy in different regions of the globe as a function of socio-political, sociocultural, and language and writing system factors. The second part of the volume deals with comprehensive reviews related to the variation of literacy in different world regions. Offering a pioneering new framework for global literacy development, this groundbreaking volume will remain a landmark in the fields of literacy development and literacy teaching and learning for years to come.
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Dog bites are a common danger to children. Behavioral safety training strategies are more effective than nonbehavioral strategies, but questions remain about whether learned responses generalize to new dogs and settings. Three preschool-aged girls who exhibited unsafe dog-greeting behavior during in situ assessments were taught to safely greet unfamiliar, leashed dogs using TAGteach™ ( TAGteach International, 2016 ). The children acquired the six-step behavior chain, but responding did not generalize to a novel dog, handler, and setting even after completing the training three times in progressively more-naturalistic settings. These results suggest a need to investigate effective strategies for teaching safety skills around dogs. They also question whether dog-safety training via online modules, classroom-based instruction, or video modeling is sufficient to improve young children’s behavior around dogs in natural settings.
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As a method of training neurofeedback has proved to be effective in education and therapy of children (e.g., with ADHD, autism spectrum or specific learning disorders). However, there are no neurofeedback training protocols targeting individuals with a mild intellectual disability. Therefore, I designed a neurofeedback procedure for children with this disability; it focuses on attention span training. In this study I presented the pre-planned procedure to the child’s parent to determine whether the proposed method is feasible for work with a child with a mild intellectual disability. After learning the parents’ opinion, I indicate the possible further stages of developing a neurofeedback strategy for working with children with a mild intellectual disability. Finally, I demonstrate the future directions of research and planning of neurofeedback procedures for individuals with special needs.
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Problem/condition: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Period covered: 2012. Description of system: The Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network is an active surveillance system that provides estimates of the prevalence and characteristics of ASD among children aged 8 years whose parents or guardians reside in 11 ADDM Network sites in the United States (Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah, and Wisconsin). Surveillance to determine ASD case status is conducted in two phases. The first phase consists of screening and abstracting comprehensive evaluations performed by professional service providers in the community. Data sources identified for record review are categorized as either 1) education source type, including developmental evaluations to determine eligibility for special education services or 2) health care source type, including diagnostic and developmental evaluations. The second phase involves the review of all abstracted evaluations by trained clinicians to determine ASD surveillance case status. A child meets the surveillance case definition for ASD if one or more comprehensive evaluations of that child completed by a qualified professional describes behaviors that are consistent with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision diagnostic criteria for any of the following conditions: autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (including atypical autism), or Asperger disorder. This report provides ASD prevalence estimates for children aged 8 years living in catchment areas of the ADDM Network sites in 2012, overall and stratified by sex, race/ethnicity, and the type of source records (education and health records versus health records only). In addition, this report describes the proportion of children with ASD with a score consistent with intellectual disability on a standardized intellectual ability test, the age at which the earliest known comprehensive evaluation was performed, the proportion of children with a previous ASD diagnosis, the specific type of ASD diagnosis, and any special education eligibility classification. Results: For 2012, the combined estimated prevalence of ASD among the 11 ADDM Network sites was 14.5 per 1,000 (one in 69) children aged 8 years. Estimated prevalence was significantly higher among boys aged 8 years (23.4 per 1,000) than among girls aged 8 years (5.2 per 1,000). Estimated ASD prevalence was significantly higher among non-Hispanic white children aged 8 years (15.3 per 1,000) compared with non-Hispanic black children (13.1 per 1,000), and Hispanic (10.2 per 1,000) children aged 8 years. Estimated prevalence varied widely among the 11 ADDM Network sites, ranging from 8.2 per 1,000 children aged 8 years (in the area of the Maryland site where only health care records were reviewed) to 24.6 per 1,000 children aged 8 years (in New Jersey, where both education and health care records were reviewed). Estimated prevalence was higher in surveillance sites where education records and health records were reviewed compared with sites where health records only were reviewed (17.1 per 1,000 and 10.4 per 1,000 children aged 8 years, respectively; p<0.05). Among children identified with ASD by the ADDM Network, 82% had a previous ASD diagnosis or educational classification; this did not vary by sex or between non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black children. A lower percentage of Hispanic children (78%) had a previous ASD diagnosis or classification compared with non-Hispanic white children (82%) and with non-Hispanic black children (84%). The median age at earliest known comprehensive evaluation was 40 months, and 43% of children had received an earliest known comprehensive evaluation by age 36 months. The percentage of children with an earliest known comprehensive evaluation by age 36 months was similar for boys and girls, but was higher for non-Hispanic white children (45%) compared with non-Hispanic black children (40%) and Hispanic children (39%). Interpretation: Overall estimated ASD prevalence was 14.5 per 1,000 children aged 8 years in the ADDM Network sites in 2012. The higher estimated prevalence among sites that reviewed both education and health records suggests the role of special education systems in providing comprehensive evaluations and services to children with developmental disabilities. Disparities by race/ethnicity in estimated ASD prevalence, particularly for Hispanic children, as well as disparities in the age of earliest comprehensive evaluation and presence of a previous ASD diagnosis or classification, suggest that access to treatment and services might be lacking or delayed for some children. Public health action: The ADDM Network will continue to monitor the prevalence and characteristics of ASD among children aged 8 years living in selected sites across the United States. Recommendations from the ADDM Network include enhancing strategies to 1) lower the age of first evaluation of ASD by community providers in accordance with the Healthy People 2020 goal that children with ASD are evaluated by age 36 months and begin receiving community-based support and services by age 48 months; 2) reduce disparities by race/ethnicity in identified ASD prevalence, the age of first comprehensive evaluation, and presence of a previous ASD diagnosis or classification; and 3) assess the effect on ASD prevalence of the revised ASD diagnostic criteria published in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.
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Autism has been characterized by atypical task-related brain activation and functional connections, coinciding with deficits in sociocommunicative abilities. However, evidence of the brain's experience-dependent plasticity suggests that abnormal activity patterns may be reversed with treatment. In particular, neurofeedback training, an intervention based on operant conditioning resulting in self-regulation of brain electrical oscillations, has shown increasing promise in addressing abnormalities in brain function and behavior. We examined the effects of ≥20 hours of sensorimotor mu-rhythm based neurofeedback training in children with high functioning autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and a matched control group of typically developing children (ages 8-17). During an fMRI imitation and observation task, the ASD group showed increased activation in regions of the human mirror neuron system following neurofeedback training, as part of a significant interaction between group (ASD vs. controls) and training (pre- vs. post-training). These changes were positively correlated with behavioral improvements in ASD participants, indicating that mu-rhythm neurofeedback training may be beneficial to individuals with ASD. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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The use of electroencephalogram neurofeedback has been studied in a number of psychiatric disorders, especially for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, many clinicians are not aware of this treatment and the level of evidence supporting its use. In this article, we review the evidence for the efficacy of neurofeedback in several psychiatric disorders and also discuss the specific neurofeedback protocols that have been found effective in the treatment of ADHD, such as slow cortical potential, theta/beta ratio, and sensorimotor rhythm neurofeedback.
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Neurofeedback is a kind of biofeedback, which teaches self-control of brain functions to subjects by measuring brain waves and providing a feedback signal. Neurofeedback usually provides the audio and or video feedback. Positive or negative feedback is produced for desirable or undesirable brain activities, respectively. In this review, we provided clinical and technical information about the following issues: (1) Various neurofeedback treatment protocols i.e. alpha, beta, alpha/theta, delta, gamma, and theta; (2) Different EEG electrode placements i.e. standard recording channels in the frontal, temporal, central, and occipital lobes; (3) Electrode montages (unipolar, bipolar); (4) Types of neurofeedback i.e. frequency, power, slow cortical potential, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and so on; (5) Clinical applications of neurofeedback i.e. treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, insomnia, drug addiction, schizophrenia, learning disabilities, dyslexia and dyscalculia, autistic spectrum disorders and so on as well as other applications such as pain management, and the improvement of musical and athletic performance; and (6) Neurofeedback softwares. To date, many studies have been conducted on the neurofeedback therapy and its effectiveness on the treatment of many diseases. Neurofeedback, like other treatments, has its own pros and cons. Although it is a non-invasive procedure, its validity has been questioned in terms of conclusive scientific evidence. For example, it is expensive, time-consuming and its benefits are not long-lasting. Also, it might take months to show the desired improvements. Nevertheless, neurofeedback is known as a complementary and alternative treatment of many brain dysfunctions. However, current research does not support conclusive results about its efficacy.
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Mu suppression has been proposed as a signature of the activity of the human mirror neuron system (MNS). However the mu frequency band (8–13 Hz) overlaps with the alpha frequency band, which is sensitive to attentional fluctuation, and thus mu suppression could potentially be confounded by changes in attentional engagement. The specific baseline against which mu suppression is assessed may be crucial, yet there is little consistency in how this is defined. We examined mu suppression in 61 typical adults, the largest mu suppression study so far conducted. We compared different methods of baselining, and examined activity at central and occipital electrodes, to both biological (hands) and non-biological (kaleidoscope) moving stimuli, to investigate the involvement of attention and alpha activity in mu suppression. We also examined changes in beta power, another candidate index of MNS engagement. We observed strong mu suppression restricted to central electrodes when participants performed hand movements, demonstrating that mu is indeed responsive to the activity of the motor cortex. However, when we looked for a similar signature of mu suppression to passively observed stimuli, the baselining method proved to be crucial. Selective suppression for biological versus non-biological stimuli was seen at central electrodes only when we used a within-trial baseline based on a static stimulus: this method greatly reduced trial-by-trial variation in the suppression measure compared with baselines based on blank trials presented in separate blocks. Even in this optimal condition, 16–21% of participants showed no mu suppression. Changes in beta power also did not match our predicted pattern for MNS engagement, and did not seem to offer a better measure than mu. Our conclusions are in contrast to those of a recent meta-analysis, which concluded that mu suppression is a valid means to examine mirror neuron activity. We argue that mu suppression can be used to index the human MNS, but the effect is weak and unreliable and easily confounded with alpha suppression.
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Problem/condition: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Period covered: 2012. Description of system: The Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network is an active surveillance system that provides estimates of the prevalence and characteristics of ASD among children aged 8 years whose parents or guardians reside in 11 ADDM Network sites in the United States (Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah, and Wisconsin). Surveillance to determine ASD case status is conducted in two phases. The first phase consists of screening and abstracting comprehensive evaluations performed by professional service providers in the community. Data sources identified for record review are categorized as either 1) education source type, including developmental evaluations to determine eligibility for special education services or 2) health care source type, including diagnostic and developmental evaluations. The second phase involves the review of all abstracted evaluations by trained clinicians to determine ASD surveillance case status. A child meets the surveillance case definition for ASD if one or more comprehensive evaluations of that child completed by a qualified professional describes behaviors that are consistent with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision diagnostic criteria for any of the following conditions: autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (including atypical autism), or Asperger disorder. This report provides ASD prevalence estimates for children aged 8 years living in catchment areas of the ADDM Network sites in 2012, overall and stratified by sex, race/ethnicity, and the type of source records (education and health records versus health records only). In addition, this report describes the proportion of children with ASD with a score consistent with intellectual disability on a standardized intellectual ability test, the age at which the earliest known comprehensive evaluation was performed, the proportion of children with a previous ASD diagnosis, the specific type of ASD diagnosis, and any special education eligibility classification. Results: For 2012, the combined estimated prevalence of ASD among the 11 ADDM Network sites was 14.6 per 1,000 (one in 68) children aged 8 years. Estimated prevalence was significantly higher among boys aged 8 years (23.6 per 1,000) than among girls aged 8 years (5.3 per 1,000). Estimated ASD prevalence was significantly higher among non-Hispanic white children aged 8 years (15.5 per 1,000) compared with non-Hispanic black children (13.2 per 1,000), and Hispanic (10.1 per 1,000) children aged 8 years. Estimated prevalence varied widely among the 11 ADDM Network sites, ranging from 8.2 per 1,000 children aged 8 years (in the area of the Maryland site where only health care records were reviewed) to 24.6 per 1,000 children aged 8 years (in New Jersey, where both education and health care records were reviewed). Estimated prevalence was higher in surveillance sites where education records and health records were reviewed compared with sites where health records only were reviewed (17.1 per 1,000 and 10.7 per 1,000 children aged 8 years, respectively; p<0.05). Among children identified with ASD by the ADDM Network, 82% had a previous ASD diagnosis or educational classification; this did not vary by sex or between non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black children. A lower percentage of Hispanic children (78%) had a previous ASD diagnosis or classification compared with non-Hispanic white children (82%) and with non-Hispanic black children (84%). The median age at earliest known comprehensive evaluation was 40 months, and 43% of children had received an earliest known comprehensive evaluation by age 36 months. The percentage of children with an earliest known comprehensive evaluation by age 36 months was similar for boys and girls, but was higher for non-Hispanic white children (45%) compared with non-Hispanic black children (40%) and Hispanic children (39%). Interpretation: Overall estimated ASD prevalence was 14.6 per 1,000 children aged 8 years in the ADDM Network sites in 2012. The higher estimated prevalence among sites that reviewed both education and health records suggests the role of special education systems in providing comprehensive evaluations and services to children with developmental disabilities. Disparities by race/ethnicity in estimated ASD prevalence, particularly for Hispanic children, as well as disparities in the age of earliest comprehensive evaluation and presence of a previous ASD diagnosis or classification, suggest that access to treatment and services might be lacking or delayed for some children. Public health action: The ADDM Network will continue to monitor the prevalence and characteristics of ASD among children aged 8 years living in selected sites across the United States. Recommendations from the ADDM Network include enhancing strategies to 1) lower the age of first evaluation of ASD by community providers in accordance with the Healthy People 2020 goal that children with ASD are evaluated by age 36 months and begin receiving community-based support and services by age 48 months; 2) reduce disparities by race/ethnicity in identified ASD prevalence, the age of first comprehensive evaluation, and presence of a previous ASD diagnosis or classification; and 3) assess the effect on ASD prevalence of the revised ASD diagnostic criteria published in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.
Objective: We performed meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials to examine the effects of neurofeedback on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and neuropsychological deficits in children and adolescents with ADHD. Method: We searched PubMed, Ovid, Web of Science, ERIC, and CINAHAL through August 30, 2015. Random-effects models were employed. Studies were evaluated with the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Results: We included 13 trials (520 participants with ADHD). Significant effects were found on ADHD symptoms rated by assessors most proximal to the treatment setting, that is, the least blinded outcome measure (standardized mean difference [SMD]: ADHD total symptoms = 0.35, 95% CI = 0.11-0.59; inattention = 0.36, 95% CI = 0.09-0.63; hyperactivity/impulsivity = 0.26, 95% CI = 0.08-0.43). Effects were not significant when probably blinded ratings were the outcome or in trials with active/sham controls. Results were similar when only frequency band training trials, the most common neurofeedback approach, were analyzed separately. Effects on laboratory measures of inhibition (SMD = 0.30, 95% CI = -0.10 to 0.70) and attention (SMD = 0.13, 95% CI = -0.09 to 0.36) were not significant. Only 4 studies directly assessed whether learning occurred after neurofeedback training. The risk of bias was unclear for many Cochrane Risk of Bias domains in most studies. Conclusion: Evidence from well-controlled trials with probably blinded outcomes currently fails to support neurofeedback as an effective treatment for ADHD. Future efforts should focus on implementing standard neurofeedback protocols, ensuring learning, and optimizing clinically relevant transfer.