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doi:10.5937/jaes15-14719 Paper number: 15(2017)4, 482, 518 - 523
Nikolay Sokolov1* Sergey Ezhov1 Svetlana Ezhova2
1Chuvash State defense University named after I.N. Ulyanov
2 Volga State Technological University, Russia
Development and extension of urban infrastructure increasingly frequently involves the areas with compound relief
forms. From the environmental point of view it is vitally important to preserve the unique landscapes for future gener-
ations. Innovative approaches meant to stabilize and reinforce ground on the building construction sites, particularly
on slopes, solve the defi ned engineering problem. The paper addresses a case study of geotechnical design and
construction practice in the complex conditions.
Key words: Ecology of capital construction, Conservation of landscape, Slope stability, Stabilization of geomorpho-
logical processes, Constrained environment, Drilling injection pile for electric-discharge technology
Original Scientifi c Paper
* Chuvash State defense University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Moscow Avenue 15, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic,
428003 Russia, ns_sokolov@mail.ru 518
As a result of geomorphological processes the ground
surface developed unique landscapes. Landscape is a
genetically homogeneous territorial complex with repre-
sentative conditions [01]. In the 21st century it is import-
ant to preserve the natural landscape by adjusting the
buildings and constructions to the established landscape
scene, non-destructively towards the existing harmony
and ecology, thus, supporting the current ecosystem.
The contemporary urbanized processes increasingly fre-
quently embrace the areas, which are not quite suitable
for the capital construction. Slope development requires
a particular approach ensuring soil stability. The core
concern in such geotechnical case is the landslide con-
trol planning and implementation aimed at stabilizing the
unique natural relief.
Nizhny Novgorod is located on the adjacent banks of the
Volga River with a typical river valley relief, signifi cant
elevation differences and complex hydrology. The situ-
ation on building sites is complicated by the presence
of various underground utility systems, which make the
solution of the engineering tasks of relief reinforcement
more diffi cult and enhance the necessity of slope stabili-
zation and further landslide control.
Drilling injection piles (electric-discharge technolo-
gy EDT -piles) (RU 2318961 C2, RU 2318960 C2, RU
2250958 C2, RU 2250959 C2, RU 2282936 C1) and
ground anchorages (electric-discharge technology EDT
-anchorages) (RU 161650 U1, RU 2605213 C1) [02-17]
produced based on electric-discharge technology (EDT)
were used as the construction elements ensuring slope
stability when constructing a municipal building in Nizhny
The technological consequence of EDT pile and EDT
anchorages installation (Figure 1) represents a number
of stages: 1. Well drilling (Stage 1); 2. Well fi ll-up with
fi ne concrete (stage 2); 3. Electrohydraulic processing
of the wellbore (stage 3); 4. Defi nition of absolute eleva-
tions of the possible enlargements along the well based
on elecro-hydraulic processing results (Stages 4-5);
5. Reinforcing of the well fi lled in with fi ne concrete by
eletro-hydraulic installation of reinforcement cage (Stage
Particular attention should be paid to Stage 4. Electro-
hydraulic processing of the pile shaft fi lled with fi ne con-
crete is examined for the loose ground layer (Stage 3).
Absolute elevations of loose ground are entered into a
site diary. It is worthwhile keeping in mind that a loose
ground layer (particularly for EDT technology) is charac-
terised by increased values of fi ne concrete subsidence
observed visually or using geodetic instruments. As a
rule the enlargements are established on the elevations
with the increased values of concrete subsidence. Elec-
tro-hydraulic processing on these elevations is carried
out until the zero values of subsidence are obtained
(Stage 5). The enlargement sizes (the volume measured
in cubic meters and the radius, measured in metres) can
be defi ned using formula 4 [02]. The fi nal stage (Stage 6)
involves reinforcing of the well of eletro-hydraulic instal-
lation with a reinforcement cage.
As a result of the patented innovative electric discharge
processing there are additional roughness and exten-
sions formed on the sidewall of a pile and the anchorage.
Due to the enlargements (Figure 1) the carrying capacity
of a pile increases signifi cantly due to the increase of
the contact surface between a pile and the ground. As a
result the anchorage provides a better and more reliable
support than an ordinary pile of the same length.
In terms of its geomorphology the construction site
is located on the high right bank of the Volga River
(Figure 2). The surface of the construction site is uneven.
The surface continuous gradient is to the North. The ele-
vations of the surface vary from 140 to 148 m. The slope
height on the site is 79-80 m. Accessibility to the shafts
are hindered.
Journal of Applied Engineering Science 15(2017)4
Figure 1: Technological structure system of EDT-piles
Stages 1 and 2 – design of piles and its fi lling with a concrete mix, Stages 3,4,5 – electric-discharge processing
of a wellbore wall and the bottom, Stage 6 – subsidence of the reinforcement cage
Designating symbols: 1 – fl ight auger, 2 – auger valve, 3 – electric emitter, 4 – spatial reinforced cage,
5 – enlargements (bearings)
Figure 2: Site plan of the construction project
Nikolay Sokolov - Preserving the natural landscape on the construction site for sustainable ecosystem
, 482 519
Journal of Applied Engineering Science 15(2017)4,
There are underground utility systems going across the
site (storm water sewage and drainage system).
The geological structure of the site to a depth of 20-60 m.
(Figure 3) is represented by Middle Quaternary diluvial
and solifl ual formations – loess soils sediments of the
Middle Permian - clays with interbedded marls and al-
euritic, pulverescent and fi ne polymictic sands. The sed-
iments are topped off with contemporary formations- fi ll
up ground, represented by fi ne quartz sand, loam with
crushed bricks, stones and construction waste amount-
ing to 10-30%. In the pile wells No 6 and No 7 the fi ll-up
ground is represented by break stone and slack with in-
clusion of organic substances.
The hydrological conditions to a depth of 60 m (elevation
mark 88.0 m) are characterized by the presence of a wa-
Nikolay Sokolov - Preserving the natural landscape on the construction site for sustainable ecosystem
Engineering and geological section
along the line I-I
Engineering and geological section
along the line II-II
ter bearing formation dating back to Permian deposits. In
the course of borehole surveying (June 2012), the water
bearing formation was broached by the bore pile No 3 at
a depth of 29.0. marked 101.6 m. The established lev-
el was fi xed at a depth of 28 m. marked 102.6 m. The
horizon is with weak fl ow, the velocity value is 1.0 m.
Water bearing materials are represented with polymict
sands as well as fractured marl and clay. Aquicude rep-
resent compact varieties and Middle Permian deposits.
The horizon is recharged with atmospheric precipitations
at places where the formations are coming out to the
Table 1 provides performance standard and estimated
ground characteristics of engineering and geological el-
ements (for α = 0.95).
Figure 3: Engineering and geological sections
(1- loam solid; 2- solid clay; 3- marl; 4- pulverescent sand; 5- backfi ll soil)
Name of an engineering and geological
element (EGE)
Estimated characteristics,
Estimated characteristics,
ρII,g/cm3сII, kPa φII,degree ρI, g/cm3сI, kPa φI,degree
1Loess loam, loam solid, semi-solid,
low-plastic, subsiding 2.02 25/21 15/14 2.01 13/11 14/13
2Solid clay with marl and
aleurite interlayers 1.94 99 25 1.93 95 24
3Loamy marl with clay and
aleurite interlayers 1.91 51 15 1.89 27 7
4Fine, pulverescent, polymict,
slightly wet sand 1.85 1.4 30 1.81 0.18 24
5Backfi ll soil: breakstone,
slack of carbonaceous rock Not defi ned by tables СП 22.13330.2011
Table 1
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, 482 521
The analysis of slope stability taken together with a piling
wall of drilling injection EDT-piles and EDT anchorages
was carried out using GeoWall and GeoStab software.
Based on the research results of the soil force (Figure 4),
a piling wall was designed (Figure 5) of drilling injection
EDT-piles Ø 400 mm spaced at intervals of 700 mm and
two layers of ground anchorage.
Construction of the anchored piling wall presumes the
following operating procedure:
1. Fencing of excavation made from drilling injection
piles spaced at intervals of 700 mm (Figure 6);
2. Ground digging for the fi rst layer of EDT ground an-
3. Installation of the EDT ground anchorages of the fi rst
4. Upon the completion of the routine break necessary
for solidifying of fi ne concrete at the anchorage root
there is a post-tensioning of EDT anchorages along
the preliminarily mounted anchorage belt;
5. Ground digging for the second layer of EDT ground
6. Installation of the EDT ground anchorages of the
second layer;
7. Upon the completion of the routine break necessary
for solidifying of fi ne concrete at the anchorage root
there is a post-tensioning of EDT anchorages along
the preliminarily mounted anchorage belt;
8. Ground digging up to the low foundation plate.
Accurate estimation of geological and hydrologic condi-
tions on a construction site and the engineering analysis
based on the GeoWall and GeoStab software in terms
of designation of ground anchoring construction and a
pile wall, which enabled to provide stability of the slope
ground against landslide which is proved by the two
years of exploitation of the constructed building, Thus,
the use of the patented method of EDT pile and EDT
anchorage installation enabled to build a capital con-
striction in complex conditions with minimum damage to
the natural environment preserving its uniqueness. The
intervention on the construction stage didn’t disturb the
ecology and preserved the geomorphological process-
es, which in its turn exerted a minimum impact on the
change of ecosystem on the construction site on a high
and beautiful bank of the Volga River.
Figure 4: Displacement and bending moment diagrams
(1- loam solid; 2- solid clay; 3- marl; 4- bending moment diagram; 5- displacement diagram)
Journal of Applied Engineering Science 15(2017)4, 482
Nikolay Sokolov - Preserving the natural landscape on the construction site for sustainable ecosystem
Diagram layout of the ground anchorages –EDT of the 1st layer
Diagram layout of the ground anchorages –EDT of the 2nd layer
Figure 5: The scheme of the piling wall with ground anchorages
Figure 6: Section of the piling wall
(1- loam; 2- solid clay; 3- clay; 4- ground anchorages for electric discharge technology; 5- drilling injection piles
for electric discharge technology; 6- foundation slab; 7- fl oor slabs; 8- beam; 9- ground surface; 10- railing;
11 –truck mounted crane at the stage of pile drilling)
Journal of Applied Engineering Science 15(2017)4, 482 523
Nikolay Sokolov - Preserving the natural landscape on the construction site for sustainable ecosystem
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Paper submitted: 03.08.2017.
Paper accepted: 02.11.2017.
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