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Review Articles
Scientific Dental Journal
Optimization of Emergence Profile of Implant Prosthesis:
A Literature Review
Minoru Sanda1,Daisuke Sato2,Kazuyoshi Baba1
1Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Showa University –Japan
2Department of Implant Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Showa University –Japan
‘Corresponding Author:Kazuyoshi Baba, School of Dentistry, Showa University –Japan.
Received date:September 7, 2017.Accepted date:November 30,2017.Published date:January 25,2018.
Copyright:©2018 Sanda M, Sato D, Baba K. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original author and sources
are credited.
In order to achieve esthetically optimal outcome with implant prosthesis, appropriate topography of emergence profile is
crucial.The objective of this review is to explorer current evidence regarding this topic and relevant issue.Extent of
interproximal papilla is determined not by the shape of emergence profile but the length between interproximal alveolar
bone prominence and interproximal contact of crowns.There have been concerned that multiple times of disconnection
and reconnection of abutment enhance peri-implant marginal bone loss, but it’s certified not to be aclinically significant
level.Current digital workflow makes this step faster and easier, by copying emergence profile of contralateral tooth or
extracted teeth.
Keywords : aesthetic outcome, dental implant, emergence profile, prosthodontic, provisional restoration
An implant prosthesis is required not only to
survive, that is, remain stable inside patient’s mouth, but
also to be aesthetically pleasing, whereby the restoration
and the peri-implant tissue mimic the natural healthy
dentogingival complex.1According to the systematic
review and meta-analysis by Jung et al, survival of
implants supporting single crowns at 5years is up to
97.2% (95%CI:96.3–97.9%) and 95.2% (95%CI:91.8–
97.2%), respectively, at 10 years, whereas the cumulative
5-year aesthetic complication rate was 7.1% (95%CI:
3.6–13.6%).2In order to avoid compromised aesthetics,
the presence or absence of the papilla, level of
the mucosal margin,two-dimensional and three-
dimensional changes of the peri-implant tissues, as
well as fabrication of areconstruction that matches the
color,shape, and texture of the contralateral natural tooth
are important factors requiring consideration.3After
implant placement and uncovering surgery for abutment
connection, soft tissue around the transmucosal part
shows circular topography when observed from the
occlusal aspect, as shown in Fig.1,which is not in line
with the innate shape of the gingiva.4In order to modify
this soft tissue topography so that it resembles the
emergence profile of the soft tissue around anatural
tooth, it should be altered to an expanded shape as
shown in Fig. 2.5To accomplish this configuration,
emergence profile of the provisional restoration needs to
be modified by adding acrylic resins or grinding the
acrylic in astep-by-step manner.
Figure 1. Just after uncovering surgery, peri-implant mucosa shows a circular topography.
Figure 2. After emergence profile adjustment, peri-implant mucosa is shaped in harmony with surrounding structures.
Furze et al.conducted astudy that evaluated whether
tissue conditioning with provisional restoration has a
significant impact on objective aesthetic outcome.6Twenty
patients were randomly allocated two groups;the test
group received aprovisional restoration and the
emergence profile was altered, while the control group did
not receive aprovisional restoration before the final crown
was delivered.After one year, successful integration of the
implants was confirmed;the modified pink esthetic score
(modPES), which assesses the peri-implant soft tissue on
the basis of five variables (mesial and distal papilla,
curvature of the facial mucosa, level of the facial mucosa,
root convexity/soft tissue color, and texture at the facial
aspect of the implant site), and the white esthetic score
(WES), which evaluates the visible part of the implant
restoration itself with five parameters (general tooth form,
outline/volume of the crown, color, surface texture,
translucency, and characterization by ascore of 0, 1, 2),
were evaluated.7,8 The combined value of each parameter
for the test group (16.7 ±2.06)was significantly higher
than that for the control group (10.5 ±3.31,p<0.05),
suggesting that soft tissue conditioning by provisional
restorations would be highly recommended from the point
of view of aesthetics.
However, there are several concerns regarding the
methods used to achieve excellent pink and white
esthetics.First, since the favorable convexity/concavity
has not been discussed on the basis of evidence very well,
most of the clinicians or technicians design the outline of
the emergence profile empirically.In addition, it has been
demonstrated that multiple disconnections of the
provisional restoration would undermine the peri-implant
soft tissue attachment;this might lead to marginal bone
loss around the implant, which has the potential to
deteriorate esthetic outcomes.Regarding proximal papilla
formation, apart from the provisional emergence profile
considerable evidence suggests that the distance from
prominence of the bone to the proximal contact plays a
crucial role;thus, the clinician should have knowledge
about the prerequisite for papilla formation.
For all these reasons, this narrative review discusses
the basic techniques for adjustments of provisional
restorations in relation with biological considerations,
such as papilla formation, as well as the effect of abutment
disconnection on the surrounding tissue and concavity of
transmucosal part,in order to achieve aesthetically
successful outcomes.Alternative techniques by involving
specific components or digital technologies are introduced
as well.
Technical Perspective:Adjusting
Emergence Profile
The emergence profile is contoured according to the
following principle steps:9
Facial emergence:Starting from the implant shoulder,
with aslightly flat/concave profile, towards the height of
convexity at the point where the mucosal margin will be
Interproximal emergence:Starting from the implant
shoulder, with astraight emergence, towards aslight
convexity just apical to the contact area, providing support
for the interproximal tissue.
Palatal emergence:Starting from the implant shoulder,
with astraight to slightly convex emergence, towards the
mucosal margin, focusing on matching the palatal
contours of the adjacent teeth so that there is asmooth
transition between the two.
In order to achieve the emergence profile described
by the steps above, Wittneben et al.introduced atechnique
for conditioning the soft tissue around the implant
prosthesis and the emergence profile, which is the so
called “dynamic compression technique”.10 This technique
at involves pushing and compressing the mesial and distal
proximal peri-implant papillae by means of an over
contoured provisional restoration.Selective pressure is
applied by adding the material on selected sites, thus
causing ischemic changes in the peri-implant mucosa.
After two weeks, for modifying the shape of the soft
tissue, some amount of material is removed from around
the interproximal and cervical areas.This creates space for
the soft tissue and allows the papillae to shift into the
prepared space.
Convexity at The Transmucosal Part
The latest ITI consensus statement recommends that
the provisional restoration should respect the emergence
profile of the restoration apical to the planned mucosal
margin (highest convexity) to allow for maximum tissue
Several studies have been conducted to identify the
correlation between the convexity/concavity of
emergence profile and the peri-implant tissue reaction.
Huh et al.compared three types of transmucosal profiles
for different implant surfaces, straight-machined
(SM), concave-machined implants (CM), or concave-
roughened implants (CR), in beagle dogs.In radiographic
and histometric evaluation, the least bone resorption was
observed for CM implants, and SM implants were
associated with the greatest bone resorption (p<0.05).
Further, histometric analysis showed that the highest
connective tissue attachment was observed around CM
From the aesthetic point of view, astraight slope of
the emergence profile can cause apical migration of the
free gingival margin.13 Therefore, in order to obtain
symmetric mucosal margin around implant, concavity of
the root form would be suitable for the labial aspect.
However, in astudy by Sancho-Puchades et al.,
which compared two abutment designs (concave or
convex) in terms of cement remnants after cementation of
prosthesis on individualized abutments and
removal,14 the concave abutments presented significantly
more cement remnants than CV abutments in the entire
abutment area.This study implies that an
profile with excessive concavity makes it difficult to
eliminate excess cement;this remaining cement may lead
to adverse effects, such as peri-implant disease.
Considering the above findings, it may be concluded that
the transmucosal part, especially the labial aspect, should
keep convexity insofar as it not too convex to cause
functional problems.
Relationship With Proximal Bone
Height, Papilla Filling, and Contact
It is well known that distance from the proximal
contact point to the crest of the bone has significant effect
on the interproximal papilla adjacent to the implant
restoration.Choquet et al.conducted aclinical and
radiographic retrospective evaluation of the papilla level
around single dental implants, and their adjacent tooth
was performed in the anterior maxilla in 26 patients
restored with 27 implants.15 When the measurement from
the contact point to the crest of the bone was 5mm or
less, the papilla was present almost 100%of the time.
When the distance was ≥6mm, the papilla was present
50%of the time or less.Degidi et al.and Lops et al.
evaluated the incidence of inter-proximal papilla between
atooth and an adjacent immediate implant placed into a
fresh extraction socket in 1-year prospective study.16
Among forty-six patients with atotal of 46 teeth
scheduled for tooth extraction and immediate implant
placement, when inter-implant–tooth distance was 3–4
mm, and the distance from the base of the contact point to
the inter-dental bone was 3–5 mm, the inter-proximal
papilla was significantly present (p<0.05). Therefore,
clinicians should predict the prospects of papilla filling
according to the patient’s clinical situation and discuss
the expected final result with patients in advance.
Effect of Abutment Disconnection
and Reconnection
Along with the adjustment of emergence profile, the
clinician needs to remove and connect the provisional
restoration several times.Some experiments suggest that
disconnection or reconnection of the provisional
restoration or abutment can jeopardize the integrity of the
peri-implant tissue.
Abrahamsson et their experiment on adog
studied this effect on the marginal peri-implant tissues
following repeated abutment removal and subsequent
reconnection.17 They installed Branemark implants,
which has an external platform-matching connection, to
the beagle dog’s bilateral mandibular premolar area.On
one side, the abutment was disconnected and reconnected
5times during the 6months of observation period,
whereas the other abutment was remained as it was.
According to the histomorphometric analysis, the
reconnected group showed more apical connective tissue
attachment and marginal bone resorption compared to the
intact group.
Rodríguez et al.compared platform-switched (PS)
and platform-matched (PM) implant with regard to the
effect on horizontal and vertical bone resorption
accompanied with 1-4 times of abutment
dis/reconnection.18 Rodríguez et al.compared platform-
switched and platform-matched implant with regard to
the effect on horizontal (H) and vertical (V) bone
resorption with abutment dis/reconnection performed 1-4
times.18 For simplicity, we have named the groups as
follows:PM-1, platform-matched (single abutment
disconnection);PM-4, platform-matched (abutment
disconnection performed 4times);PS-1, platform-
switched (single abutment disconnection);and PS-4,
platform-switched (abutment disconnection performed 4
times).The average horizontal and vertical bone
resorption were as follows:PM-1 (H: 0.31, V: 0.72), PM-
4(H: 0.98 mm, V: 1.09 mm), PS-1 (H: 0 mm, V: 0.03
mm), and PS-4 (H: 0.37 mm, V: 0.41 mm).
PM-1 with PM-4, there were no significant differences.
Paris of PM-1/PS-1, PM-4/PS-4, and PS-1/PS-4, the
extent of bone resorption was significantly different (p
<0.05). However, the difference in bone
between PS-1 and PS-4 seems clinically insignificant.
Esposito et al.compared arepeated
group and ano disconnection group in amulticenter
randomized controlled trial.19 Patients requiring one
single crown or one fixed partial prosthesis supported
amaximum of three implants were treated in four centers,
and each patient was followed up for 1year after initial
loading.They concluded that one year after loading,
although repeated dis/reconnection of the abutment
significantly increased bone loss of 0.16 mm, this
difference is clinically negligible;thus, clinicians can use
the procedure they prefer.Considering the results of these
studies, the literature generally suggests that the shape of
the connection has amore significant effect on peri-
implant tissue than the number of times dis/reconnection
of the abutments is performed.
Alternative Techniques for Emergence
Since the stepwise conditioning procedure requires
multiple sessions and prolonged chair-time, several
methods have been investigated for achieving optimal
emergence profile without involving atime-consuming
Becker et al.introduced atechnique utilizing a
prefabricated emergence profile.20 Neoss Implant System
(Neoss Ltd, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, UK) employs a
standard root measurement of six maxillary anterior teeth
at the CEJ and duplicated in PEEK material (polyether
ether ketone), for acustomized healing abutment.This
material is flexible and fits according to the patient’s
specific anatomy.After implant placement surgery or
uncovering surgery, the abutment is seated and the height
and shape are adjusted.Thus, after the healing period, the
optimal emergence profile is already shaped according to
the customized abutment.This reduces chair-time and the
number of sessions required for stepwise conditioning of
the provisional restoration.
Joda et al.introduced atechnique to fabricate
individualized CAD/CAM healing abutment prior to
uncovering surgery.21 According to their method, the
shape of the emergence profile of the contralateral tooth
is copied from the DICOM data.After implant placement,
digital impression with an intra-oral optical scan (IOS) is
performed to identify the final three-dimensional position
of the implant.Digitally flipped (mirrored) DICOM data
of contra-lateral tooth and the STL-file of the IOS are
superimposed to fabricate an individualized healing
abutment using CAD/CAM from PMMA-based material,
which is delivered to the patient at the uncovering
Vafiadis et al.introduced adigital fabricating method
for immediate implant placement and immediate loading
protocol.22 Their method involves copying the shape of
the tooth to be extracted and its emergence profile using
the preoperative CBCT image.The data obtained is used
to fabricate acrown-root matrix (resin shell) by
CAD/CAM.The matrix is connected with the temporary
abutment intra-orally and used as an immediate
provisional restoration.
However, in order to administer these protocols, the
clinician must predict the tissue volume changes
precisely;this requires more advanced knowledge and
experience compared to the straightforward method.23
Aclinician is responsible for determining the
treatment needs and establishing aesthetically and
functionally optimal implant prosthesis by
of the emergence profile at the provisional state.
According to the currently available evidence, labial
emergence should have some concavity to
accommodate sufficient peri-implant mucosa, while the
palatal emergence may be convex in order to align
harmoniously with neighboring teeth.Proximal profile
should be controlled with regard to the height of the
proximal bone because it has acritical role in papilla
formation. Although it has been suggested that
repeated disconnection of the abutments should be
avoided in view of peri-implant soft tissue
preservation,17 literature suggests its effects in terms of
causing peri-implantitis are limited.Within the
limitations of this narrative review, it is evident that
comprehension of aesthetics, peri-implant tissue
biology, and prosthetic procedure is crucial.
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