... There are numerous substances, known from traditional medicine, that are currently reinvestigated for their healing properties. The active compounds of garlic can prevent the development of cancer (chemo prevention) (Fleischauer & Arab, 2001;Lau, Tadi, & Tosk, 1990;Milner, 2001), enhance anti-cancer immunity (Lau, Tadi, & Tosk, 1990) and beneficially influence an ongoing chemotherapy, by minimizing its side effects (Li, Ito, Sumi, Fuwa, & Horie., 2009;Piasek, Bartoszek, & Namieśnik, 2009), together with grapes, tomato, spinach and beet root (Piasek, Bartoszek, & Namieśnik, 2009). The garlic molecules were found to prevent stomach (Lau, Tadi, & Tosk, 1990;Fleischauer & Arab, 2001) and colorectal cancers (Fleischauer & Arab, 2001) ─ through killing colon cancer cells (Ban et al., 2007;Bat-Chen, Golan, Peri, Ludmer, & Schwartz, 2010) ─ and to cure leukemia, through inhibiting the growth of human leukemia cell lines (Siegers, Steffen, Röbke, & Pentz, 1999) Utiger (2013) points out that Adam and Eve were vegetarians before their fall from the state of grace and considers that humanity will return to a vegetarian lifestyle on the resurrected Earth. ...