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Preliminary trace element analysis of arsenic in Nepalese groundwater may pinpoint its origin


Abstract and Figures

Arsenic contamination of groundwater used as drinking water in South Asia poses a serious health threat to the inhabitants living on alluvial plains of the Himalayan foreland of countries like Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Myanmar. Although the geological and geochemical conditions favoring the release of the highly poisonous contaminant from the sediments hosting the groundwater are meanwhile quite well understood, there is still a significant debate about the origin of arsenic. The sediments forming a huge proportion of the Terai (lowlands of Nepal) aquifers are derived from two main sources, (i) sediments deposited by large rivers that erode the upper Himalayan crystalline rocks and (ii) weathered meta-sediments carried by smaller rivers originating in the Siwalik foothills adjacent to the Terai. In this article a so far underestimated source of As is discussed: the peraluminous leucogranites found ubiquitously in the Nepal Himalaya. The relationship between the trace elements analyzed in the groundwater in the Terai and trace elements found in such felsic rocks reflect the origin of the arsenic in the high Himalayas of Nepal. In addition to the high concentration of As, a striking feature is the presence of the lithophile trace elements like Li, B, P, Mn, Br, Sr and U in the groundwater. The mentioned elements point to a felsic initial source like metapelites or leucogranites—all rocks showing a high abundance of especially B, P and As as well as Cd and Pb.
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Environmental Earth Sciences (2018) 77:35
Preliminary trace element analysis ofarsenic inNepalese groundwater
may pinpoint its origin
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018
Arsenic contamination of groundwater used as drinking water in South Asia poses a serious health threat to the inhabitants
living on alluvial plains of the Himalayan foreland of countries like Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Myanmar. Although the
geological and geochemical conditions favoring the release of the highly poisonous contaminant from the sediments host-
ing the groundwater are meanwhile quite well understood, there is still a significant debate about the origin of arsenic. The
sediments forming a huge proportion of the Terai (lowlands of Nepal) aquifers are derived from two main sources, (i) sedi-
ments deposited by large rivers that erode the upper Himalayan crystalline rocks and (ii) weathered meta-sediments carried
by smaller rivers originating in the Siwalik foothills adjacent to the Terai. In this article a so far underestimated source of
As is discussed: the peraluminous leucogranites found ubiquitously in the Nepal Himalaya. The relationship between the
trace elements analyzed in the groundwater in the Terai and trace elements found in such felsic rocks reflect the origin of the
arsenic in the high Himalayas of Nepal. In addition to the high concentration of As, a striking feature is the presence of the
lithophile trace elements like Li, B, P, Mn, Br, Sr and U in the groundwater. The mentioned elements point to a felsic initial
source like metapelites or leucogranites—all rocks showing a high abundance of especially B, P and As as well as Cd and Pb.
Keywords Arsenic· Groundwater· Trace Elements· Felsic· Leucogranite· Himalaya
Arsenic contamination of groundwater used as drinking
water is meanwhile of major health concern in several coun-
tries of South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Myanmar,
China, Vietnam, Cambodia, China). Particularly inhabitants
living on alluvial plains of the Himalayan foreland are in
danger to develop severe signs of a range of adverse health
effects. Arsenic has a clear geogenic source and its elevated
concentrations in natural groundwaters are considered to be
due to natural weathering of the Himalayan belt (Acharyya
etal. 2000; Gurung etal. 2005; Guillot and Charlet 2007;
Guillot etal. 2015; Mueller 2017). The sediments carried
by the Ganga–Brahmaputra river system build up the Hima-
layan foreland basin and the Bengal fan—one of the larg-
est modern fluvial deltas of the world (France-Lanord etal.
1993; Garzanti etal. 2004).
Arsenic is not of high abundance in the Earth’s continen-
tal crust. The ubiquitous mineral pyrite represents the largest
reservoir of As. Beside pyrite, As is mainly concentrated
in hydrous iron oxides and clay minerals. Arsenic can be
easily solubilized in groundwater depending on pH, redox
conditions, temperature, and solution composition. A small
number of source materials are now recognized as signifi-
cant contributors to arsenic in water supplies: organic-rich or
black shales, Holocene alluvial sediments with slow flushing
rates, mineralized and mined areas (most often gold depos-
its), volcanogenic sources, and thermal springs.
There is still an ongoing debate about the initial source
of the arsenic contaminating the groundwater in the allu-
vial plains of Nepal and other countries in South East Asia.
The aim of this study is to relate the trace element contents
of several groundwater samples from Nawalparasi district
(Terai, Nepal) to the trace element contents of the initial
source rocks. These trace elements in groundwater reflect
the origin of the arsenic in the high Himalayas of Nepal.
In the lowland of Nepal (the so called Terai) all four
major Himalayan tectonic units are exposed: (1) the Tethys
Himalaya, delimited at the base by the South Tibetan
* Barbara Mueller
1 Bamugeobiochem, Horbenstrasse 4, 8356Ettenhausen,
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Detachment system (STDS); (2) the Higher Himalayan
Crystallines (HHC) delimited at the base by the Main
Central Thrust I (MCT I); (3) the Lesser Himalaya (LH)
divided into upper and lower Lesser Himalaya, delimited
at the base by the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT); and (4)
the Siwaliks, delimitated at its base by the Main Fron-
tal Thrust (MFT) and the Quaternary foreland basin. The
Archean crystalline formations deep beneath the Alluvium
of the Terai as well as the marine sedimentary deposits
forming the high Himalayas, and the Siwalik formation
built up by the then east–west flowing rivers can be found
within confined space (Yadav etal. 2015).
These four units span a wide range of various rocks of
metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous origin, making it
possible for their differential erosion to account for some
of the groundwater arsenic heterogeneity that can be seen
in the foreland and delta (i.e. Gurung etal. 2005; Shah
2008; Geen etal. 2008; Guillot etal. 2015). In the region
of provenance of the Terai sediments, the Tethys Hima-
laya includes 10km of various metasedimentary rocks
(limestones, calc-schists, shales, quartzites) ranging from
Cambrian to Jurassic. Leucogranites like the Manaslu
leucogranite are also found emplaced within the Tethyan
rocks (e.g. Guillot and Le Fort 1995).
The geology of the Terai region of Nepal itself is on
the whole comparable to the Bengal Delta Plain and it
is the continuation of Indo-Gangetic trough. The Terai
Plain is an active foreland basin consisting of Quaternary
sediments that include molasse units consisting of gravel,
sand, silt, and clay. Most of the rivers in the Terai flow
from north to south. All major rivers originate in the high
Himalayas, whereas minor rivers also emanate from the
nearby Siwalik Hills, and therefore deposit sediments in
the form of a fan along the flank of the Terai basin. Fine
sediments and organic material are deposited in inter-fan
lowlands, in wetlands and swamps (Sharma 1995; Kansa-
kar 2004; Yadav etal. 2011).
Nawalparasi is the most intensively studied Terai prov-
ince concerning arsenic-contaminated groundwater in
Nepal. The lithology of the Nawalparasi province sedi-
mentary basin belongs to Holocene alluvium including
the present-day alluvial deposits, channel sand and gravel
deposits as well as outwash deposits (Yadav etal. 2014).
One major river, the Narayani/Gandaki, which originates
in the Higher Himalaya, flows along the eastern boundary
of the Nawalparasi district and has had a major influence
on the underlying unconsolidated Holocene fluvial depos-
its that comprise the floodplain aquifer system. Unlike
other regions of Terai, where finer sediments typically
increase toward the south, fines predominate in the north
and sand and gravels are found near the Nepal–India bor-
der (Shrestha etal. 2004). In the areas with fine-grained
sediments, elevated concentrations of As are typically
recorded (Brikowski etal. 2004a, b; Diwakar etal. 2015).
Using trace element analysis
The initiative for groundwater sampling was first taken by
CAWST (Centre for Affordable Water Sanitation Technol-
ogy) Calgary, Canada, in cooperation with Eawag (Swiss
Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technol-
ogy), Dübendorf, Switzerland. Co-workers from CAWST
and ENPHO (Environment & Public Health Organization)
Kathmandu, Nepal, installed iron-assisted bio-sand filters
constructed on the basis of arsenic removal from water
using zero-valent iron (ZVI) media from the early 1990s.
The modified model now used in Nepal is known as the Kan-
chan filter (Ngai etal. 2006, 2007). As stated by Singh etal.
(2014) and CAWST, the efficacy of Kanchan filters under
field conditions operating for a long period has scarcely
been observed. Due to the growing concern that some of
the Kanchan filters still had effluent arsenic concentrations
exceeding the Nepal drinking water quality standard value
(50μg/l), a field campaign aiming to collect groundwater,
intermittently filtered and effluent water, inspect the filters
at household levels and analyse these samples for trace ele-
ments was organized in October 2015 (post-monsoon). A
second field campaign was arranged in the pre-monsoon
period (April 2017) in order to detect for differences in
arsenic concentration in the groundwater between the two
seasons. Measurements to improve the efficiency of the fil-
ters are under progress.
Ten water samples from Nawalparasi district were col-
lected from hand pumps in April 2017 for the analysis of a
wide range of trace elements. The pumps were all operated
before sample collection to remove all standing water in the
tube wells. Households for sample collections were chosen
according a register provided by ENPHO with filtered water
exceeding the Nepal drinking water quality standard value
(50μg/L). Sample locations include groundwater from pri-
vate tube wells found within the municipalities of Ramgram
(formerly Parasi, the capital of the Nawalparasi district),
Manari and Panchanagar (within proximity of Ramgram).
Water samples were acidified with HNO3 and sent to the
laboratory in Switzerland for further examination.
All trace elements in the groundwater samples were
determined by ICP-MS (Agilent Technology, 7500 Series,
Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany) at Eawag,
Dübendorf, Switzerland, after 1:2 dilution with 0.5 M
HNO3. Each measurement was conducted in triplicate. All
ICP-MS determinations agreed to within 3–5% standard
deviation (Wenk etal. 2014).
Average geochemical compositions (major and trace ele-
ments) of 10 groundwater samples of Nawalparasi boreholes
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are reported in Table1. Lithium, B, P, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn,
Se, Br, Sr, Mo, Cd, P and U are among the most prominent
main and trace elements beside arsenic and could be found in
relevant concentrations. The average content of arsenic was
0.25ppm (226.97µg/l), the range of arsenic concentration
in the water samples varied between 0.04ppm (41.04µg/l)
and 0.75ppm (745.2µg/l) with most data well above the
Nepal drinking water quality standard value (50μg/l). The
average concentration of Fe present is rather low (1.30mg/l).
The anion S was hardly detectable—in only 3 samples a
significant concentration was detected.
Initial source ofthetrace elements
A striking feature besides the high concentration of As is the
presence of the lithophile trace elements like Li, B, P, Mn,
Br, Sr and U. But also Fe exhibits a significant concentration
in groundwater, while Cu, Zn, Mo, Cd and Pb could be found
in minor concentrations. Boron drew inasmuch the attention
immediately, as it is very rarely found in significant amounts
in common minerals like silicates. Tourmaline is one of the
very few minerals incorporating a significant portion of
boron in its structure. As already mentioned by Yousafzai
etal. (2010), boron in springwaters in the Peshawar basin
and surroundings in the Himalayan foreland of Pakistan is
closely associated with igneous complexes (most probably
with the tourmaline-rich Tertiary leucogranites). Boron is
well known to be an ubiquitous constituent of groundwater
e.g. in Bangladesh, Vietnam or Greece. The average con-
centration of boron in the 10 groundwater samples from the
Nepalese Terai is 56.92µg/l, the maximum concentration
of boron in Bangladesh is as high a 2.1mg/l and has been
ascribed to the presence of residual salt water in the aqui-
fers (Ravenscroft and McArthur 2008). Concentrations of
boron in Vietnam increase from <50µg/l inland to 260
to 2100µg/l towards the seashore (Winkel etal. 2011). In
Greece, boron was detected at concentrations above 1mg/L.
The high boron concentrations were detected only in the
groundwaters of the Kalikratia area and it was believed that
boron contamination was caused by the mixing of ground-
waters with underlying thermal waters rich in boron, which
are often found in the area (Katsoyiannis etal. 2007). As
Nepal presents a landlocked country having no link to the
ocean, an influence of salt water can be excluded. In the
Himalayas of Nepal some thermal springs can be found
but their influence is considered to be marginal taking the
widespread occurrence of Tertiary leucogranites besides
metapelites and black shales into account. Consistently Rai
(2003) reports about elevated boron in metasedimentary
rocks of the lesser Himalaya (up to 322ppm) and as well in
the Manaslu leucogranite (up to 950ppm) in which tourma-
line represents the boron-containing mineral. Stueben etal.
(2003) report about tourmaline-containing aquifers enriched
in As in West Bengal, India and concludes that the heavy
mineral assemblage of the these aquifers (opaque minerals,
garnet, tourmaline, kyanite, rutile, zircon) indicate a mixed
metamorphic and igneous provenance for the eroded and
deposited materials.
The anion S was hardly detectable. Despite this fact, some
authors like Acharyya etal. (1999) suggested an oxidation
of pyrite in the sediments that would lead to an increased
concentration of SO4 in the groundwater. This mechanism
can be clearly ruled out. Even pyrite oxidation is unlikely
to be a major source of arsenic to anoxic water, which is
a prevalent type beneath the southern lowlands of Nepal;
ophiolites were seen as the initial source of arsenic con-
tained in arsenopyrite (e.g. Stanger 2005; Guillot and Char-
let 2007). However, ophiolites do not exist in the Nepalese
Himalaya. In addition, Berg etal. (2008) report about an
average molar Fe/As ratio between 60 and 68 in arsenic-
contaminated groundwater in the Hanoi area of Vietnam.
The average molar Fe/As ratio from the samples of this study
adds up to 7.7. This ratio and the low value of Fe is another
good indicator for sediments representing a heterogenous
mixture of parent rocks of felsic origin (Gurung etal. 2005;
Guillot etal. 2015; Verma etal. 2016).
Figure1 shows the most prominent trace elements in
groundwater from Nawalparasi district compared with the
few available data of the Macusani obsidian glass (peralu-
minous in composition, enriched in As-B-F-P). The data for
comparison are taken from Borisova etal. (2010). In this
article Borisova etal. (2010) were the first to report about
a significant enrichment of arsenic in a peraluminous glass
from Macusani (SE Peru) that is representative of anatectic
Table 1 Average major and trace element concentrations in 10 groundwater samples from Nawalparasi district, Terai, Nepal. Standard deviation
3–5% (Wenk etal. 2014)
Only a limited number of analyses were feasible for S (3 samples). Therefore these results are not included in the table. All other elements ana-
lyzed were below LOD
Average Li (µg/l) B (µg/l) Na (mg/l) Mg (mg/l) Al (µg/l) Si (mg/l) P (mg/l) Cl (mg/l) K (mg/l) Ca (mg/l) V (µg/l) Cr (µg/l)
4.45 56.92 45.98 23.47 5.63 14.13 0.12 10.83 1.28 88.73 0.07 0.13
Average Mn (mg/l) Fe (mg/l) Cu (µg/l) Zn (µg/l) As (µg/l) Se (µg/l) Br (µg/l) Sr (µg/l) Mo (µg/l) Cd (µg/l) Pb (µg/l) U (µg/l)
0.06 1.34 0.38 10.12 226.97 0.01 0.04 453.80 7.44 0.02 0.07 0.06
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melts derived from metasedimentary crustal protoliths. The
glass used by Borisova etal. (2010) showed enrichments,
by factors of 10 to 100, in comparison with the mean con-
tinental crust values, for As and other incompatible trace
elements (e.g., Be, B, Rb, Sn, Sb, and Ta), and by factors
of 100 to 200 for Li, Cd, and Cs. Moreover, Borisova etal.
(2010) report about arsenic being present in the peralumi-
nous glass in trivalent state in the form of oxy-hydroxide
complexes like AsO(OH)2
and/or As(OH)3, similar to those
dominant in the aqueous fluid vapor phases at hydrothermal-
magmatic conditions. The depolymerized melt structure
caused by elevated H2O, F, and P contents would likely to
allow accommodation of high concentrations of metalloid
hydroxide/hydrated complexes. Thus, these melts may be
highly enriched in volatile and incompatible elements hav-
ing similar structures and affinities for water and hydroxide
ligands. Such enrichment is likely to occur by the presence
of large concentrations of the volatile components like B,
F, P, and H2O.
In another article Borisova etal. (2012) report about Cd
(up to~300ppm) found in quartz-hosted fluid and melt
inclusions in hydrous peraluminous systems (pegmatites
and leucogranites) for the first time. Some of the ground-
water samples in Nawalparasi show detectable concentra-
tions of Cd. In a fluid inclusion study of the Huanuni tin
deposit in Bolivia (hosted in peralumious granites with
ASI≥1.1), Mueller etal. (2001) detected Li, B, Zn, As
and Pb in quartz-hosted inclusions. The indicative trace ele-
ments in leucogranites (Li, B, P, Mn, Zn, As, Sr, Pb, U) are
similarly detected in the groundwater in Nawalparasi. The
high concentration of Sr in groundwater can be explained by
frequent occurrence of calcium carbonates in the soil hosting
the groundwater.
Low-grade metapelites are often considered as proto-
liths of peraluminous granites [see e.g. Guillot and Le Fort
(1995), Godin etal. (2006), Searle etal. (2016)] and in turn
demonstrate concentrations of As, Sb, Be, B, Ba and Rb by
a factor of 5 to 10 higher than their average crustal abun-
dances [2–5ppm, Onishi and Sandel (1955); Turekian and
Wedepohl (1961); Rudnick and Gao (2003)]. Therefore, such
enrichments allow the use of arsenic as a geochemical tracer
of subduction-zone and collision-zone environments (Bori-
sova etal., 2010). The leucogranites found in the Himalayas
of Nepal are clearly peraluminous in composition [see e.g.
Guillot and Le Fort (1995); Guo and Wilson (2012); Carosi
etal. (2013)] and therefore a comparison with the findings
from Borisova etal. (2010) is clearly warranted. Most of the
leucogranites analyzed by Guo and Wilson (2012) are per-
aluminous (ASI>1) to strongly peraluminous (ASI≥1.1).
According to Finger and Schiller (2012), lead is one of
the few elements that behave generally incompatibly dur-
ing crustal melting. Pb can become significantly enriched in
low-T S-type granite melts, particularly if the proportion of
partial melting remains low. In addition, muscovite, a major
constituent of metapelitic sources, can accumulate relatively
high Pb contents. The leucogranites in the Nepal Himala-
yas are therefore considered to be of crustal origin and are
formed from vapour-absent muscovite-dehydration melting
of pelitic and psammitic protoliths during the Late Miocene
(see e.g. Deniel etal. 1987; Inger and Harris 1993; Ayres
and Harris 1997; Streule etal. 2010; Rubatto etal. 2013;
Bikramaditya Singh 2013; Searle etal. 2016).
This study links the detected trace elements of groundwa-
ter samples from the lowlands in Nepal to known trace ele-
ments contained in peraluminous obsidian glasses from Peru
enriched in As-B-F-P. Significant enrichments of arsenic in
these peraluminous glasses are representative of anatectic
melts derived from metasedimentary crustal protoliths. The
peraluminous leucogranites of the high Nepal Himalayas
are also reported being derived from such crustal protoliths.
As a consequence, trace elements including As reported to
be found in peraluminous glasses and melts turn up again
in the groundwater in the Terai of Nepal. They have been
deposited as sediments by large rivers that erode the upper
Himalayan crystalline rocks containing minerals exhibiting
elevated As concentrations.
The help and analytical skills of Dr. Stephan Hug, Eawag,
Dübendorf, Switzerland greatly contributed to this work.
Preparations for fieldwork and assistance in the field were
possible through the support of Tommy Ngai and Candice
Young-Rojanschi (CAWST, Calgary, Canada), Bipin Dan-
gol and Hari Boudhatoki (ENPHO, Kathmandu, Nepal), and
Gyan Prakash Yadav (Parasi, Nepal). Special thanks go to
Shankar Rai and Som Rai, my loyal expedition and trekking
guides in Nepal who were responsible for the logistics over
many years.
Fig. 1 The most noticeable trace elements in groundwater from
Nawalparasi district (blue squares) compared with the few available
data of the Macusani obsidian glass (peraluminous in composition,
enriched in As-B-F-P). The data for comparison (red circles) are
taken from Borisova etal. (2010). Note the logarithmic scale for com-
parison of concentrations
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... The tectonic uplifts and mountain development processes are believed to have made the issue of As distribution in Nepal complicated Mukherjee et al., 2019;Paudel et al., 2018). The coal seams and rocks with sulfide minerals present in the Himalayan rocks in the North are thought to be the major sources of As in Nepal (Fendorf et al., 2010;Guillot et al., 2015;Mueller, 2018). As also has a very strong affinity towards pyrite which is one of the most common minerals in the Earth's crust (Mueller, 2018;Nordstrom, 2002;Smedley & Kinniburgh, 2002). ...
... The coal seams and rocks with sulfide minerals present in the Himalayan rocks in the North are thought to be the major sources of As in Nepal (Fendorf et al., 2010;Guillot et al., 2015;Mueller, 2018). As also has a very strong affinity towards pyrite which is one of the most common minerals in the Earth's crust (Mueller, 2018;Nordstrom, 2002;Smedley & Kinniburgh, 2002). From the Himalayas, the weathered rocks bearing As are transported and deposited by the glacial rivers to the Terai lowlands of Nepal lying in the Gangetic plain over 63 m south to 200-300 m north elevation from mean sea level. ...
... In Nawalparasi, about 50% and 25.7% of the tube wells are contaminated by As levels above 10 and 50 ppb respectively (Nakano et al., 2014). The range of As content in groundwater in Nawalparasi is normally found in the range of 41.04 and 745.2 ppb (Mueller, 2018). van Geen et al. (2003) noted that 100 μg/kg As elution in solid phase is capable of enriching groundwater As by 200 ppb. ...
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Nawalparasi-West/Parasi is one of the severely affected districts in the Terai lowlands of Nepal by arsenic (As) contamination in groundwater, exceeding standards of 10 ppb (WHO) and 50 ppb (Nepal Drinking Water Standard). This study presents the spatial and temporal distribution of As across 6 km × 10 km region in Parasi via meteorological, hydrogeological, physio-chemical, and sedimentological investigations in 31 communities for about 5 years. In this study, water balance analysis was carried out for understanding the groundwater dynamics in the study area and its contribution to As elution. Gentle flow gradient and little to no infiltration was observed in the central region with relatively impervious silty clayey flood plain, where higher As concentrations were obtained compared to the northern Siwalik foothills and southern parts with coarser sediments. Similarly, higher As concentration (1048 ppb) was recorded in the drier pre-monsoon season than the wet season (529 ppb). The aquifer at 12 to 23 m depth feeding 73% wells in the study area exhibited higher As concentration in reduced environment as opposed to the oxidizing state at 5- to 6-m and 30- to 50-m deep aquifers. Other constituents such as Fe, B, and Cr and their relation with As were analyzed. The results of GERAS model analysis done for health risk assessment are also presented which show that under long-term exposure, the residents in Parasi were undertaking intolerable cancer risk of 1.1 to 6.4 × 10-3. This study further incorporates socio-economic sentiments vital to analyze, and propose sustainable and cheap countermeasures for immediate implementation to reduce As exposure and health risk in Nepal, which is also highly applicable for other affected regions in South Asian Region.
... Arsenic was long time supposed to be leached out by reductive dissolution of As-rich Fe(III) hydr(oxides) [6]. However, according to other ample investigations, As is most likely concentrated in clayey sediments since it preferentially associated with some specific elements (Al, Na, K, and C) and obviously decoupled from Iron [3][4][7][8]. In addition, Fe(III)hydr(oxides) unlike clay minerals were hardly detected by Xray analysis in a drill core from the district Nawalparasi [9]. ...
... To the east this district is bordered by the Narayani River which is replenishing the unconsolidated Quaternary fluvial deposits. Within areas built up by fine-grained sediments, specifically high concentrations of as are recorded [3,5,10]. In order to remove the toxic agent from the ground water used as drinking water, so called Kanchan filters (single household filter) were installed in the Nepal during the early noughties [11][12]. ...
... As already mentioned, the design and operation mode of the filters uses in the lowlands of Nepal are unique in South-East Asia. The peculiar geologic situation of Nepal next to the high Himalayas is the cause of a particular composition of the ground water in the Terai [3][4][5]. Filters being in use for the removal of arsenic therefore have to be evaluated carefully as hardly any literature about the commonplace functioning of the Kanchan filters is available warranting a closer inspection of those filters. ...
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In the Terai region of Nepal (the southern lowlands of the country) the arsenic concentration of extracted ground water used as drinking water frequently exceeds the actual World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water guideline concentration of 10 μg/L. Single household filters (so called Kanchan filters) are employed to eliminate as from the well water. Being assembled to remove as utilizing zero-valent (ZVI) media, their efficiency was observed to vary to a high degree depending on design, ground water composition and the current operating conditions. Based on these concerns three field campaigns were organized in order to test ground water composition and filter handling on spot. This report depicts for the first time the results of this screening regarding removal efficiencies and clearly disclose future adaptation of the design and enhancement of the Kanchan filters uniquely used in Nepal. Removal efficiency varied between 5.81 % to 97.1 % depending on material, usage and mode of operation. The measurements of improvement include the replacement of nails and sand regularly; increasing the contact time between ground water and nails; preventing the nails from drying in order to maintain oxidizing settings; proper and regularly repeated instructions of the users. Keywords: Arsenic; Kanchan filters; Removal efficiency
... A recent study reported a relatively high concentration (μg level) of As and Se in sediment samples from the bottom-axis of MT and pointed out the potentially important role of prokaryotes in redox balancing [28]. However, the concentration of As and Se in ME was reported to be two orders of magnitude lower than that in MT [72], and a similar relative abundance of genes enabling utilization of As and Se compounds was observed in ME in this study, which indicates a possible general requirement of cells for these two heavy metals and functions in their cycling [114][115][116]. Furthermore, both ME and MT can be considered nutrient-poor environments. ...
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Background Mount Everest and the Mariana Trench represent the highest and deepest places on Earth, respectively. They are geographically separated, with distinct extreme environmental parameters that provide unique habitats for prokaryotes. Comparison of prokaryotes between Mount Everest and the Mariana Trench will provide a unique perspective to understanding the composition and distribution of environmental microbiomes on Earth. Results Here, we compared prokaryotic communities between Mount Everest and the Mariana Trench based on shotgun metagenomic analysis. Analyzing 25 metagenomes and 1176 metagenome-assembled genomes showed distinct taxonomic compositions between Mount Everest and the Mariana Trench, with little taxa overlap, and significant differences in genome size, GC content, and predicted optimal growth temperature. However, community metabolic capabilities exhibited striking commonality, with > 90% of metabolic modules overlapping among samples of Mount Everest and the Mariana Trench, with the only exception for CO 2 fixations (photoautotrophy in Mount Everest but chemoautotrophy in the Mariana Trench). Most metabolic pathways were common but performed by distinct taxa in the two extreme habitats, even including some specialized metabolic pathways, such as the versatile degradation of various refractory organic matters, heavy metal metabolism (e.g., As and Se), stress resistance, and antioxidation. The metabolic commonality indicated the overall consistent roles of prokaryotes in elemental cycling and common adaptation strategies to overcome the distinct stress conditions despite the intuitively huge differences in Mount Everest and the Mariana Trench. Conclusion Our results, the first comparison between prokaryotes in the highest and the deepest habitats on Earth, may highlight the principles of prokaryotic diversity: although taxa are habitat-specific, primary metabolic functions could be always conserved.
... The groundwater arsenic carves many origin with both natural and artificial sources such as industrial landfills, pesticides, fuel-burns, Holocene aquifers (Bhattacharya et al., 2004), reducing aquifers (Bhattacharya et al., 2003), mining leachate, microbial oxidation, weathering (Bundschuh et al., 2010) and pyrite dissolution (Ali et al., 2019;Podgorski and Berg, 2020;Ahmad et al., 2020aAhmad et al., , 2020bAhmad et al., , 2020c. The arsenic contamination has been attributed as an eroded product of perennial rivers that scour the crystalline peraluminous leucogranites derived from the metasedimentary crustal protoliths at higher Himalayas and transmit it along with other trace elements to the Gangetic plains (Mueller, 2018). ...
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Groundwater arsenic contamination has been a global threat due to its pernicious health impacts on people. Many studies have revealed the status of severe arsenic contamination and its health hazards in many districts in Terai region of Nepal. Of the many technologies available for arsenic treatment, very few are suitable for rural terai region, and the most widely used Kanchan Arsenic Filters (KAF) have shown inefficient performance by recent studies, depicting the need for enhancement of existing filters or finding better alternatives. This study suggests a better method of arsenic treatment using laterite soil as an efficient adsorbent. Batch study done with adsorbent (treated laterite dose kept in between (0–40) g/L at lab temperature (25 ± 2) °C) showed the most efficient/optimum particle size for treated laterite as 0.165 mm, adsorbent dose 40 g/L and detention time 4 h with initial arsenic concentration of 1000 μg/L. The maximum removal of As(III) (98.84%) and As(V) (99.66%) was observed near pH value of 8 and 3 respectively. The overall reaction was observed to follow pseudo second-order kinetics and Langmuir isotherm curve was best fit for the process data with the highest regression coefficient (R² = 0.99). Fixed-bed column study was also conducted to access the quality and applicability of laterite soil as filter media for a newly proposed system. The modification viability of existing filter by adding beds of activated carbon and acid-activated laterite for enhancing performance are discussed as well as its application in a new filter system is proposed.
Despite the fact that arsenic contamination of groundwater used as drinking water in various countries in South East Asia leads to adverse health effects there is so far hardly any evidence found where this highly poisonous element originally is derived from. So far, basic or ultrabasic rocks found in the Himalayas have been outlined as a possible source of As. However, an other possible source found ubiquitously in the Himalayas have been completely underestimated as a source of As: Felsic and peraluminous rocks often being formed during uplift. Hence As analyzed in ground-water (with the focus on the Terai of Nepal) is mostly conjoined with boron, it appears obvious to look for a common source. Owing to this observation that this two trace elements (among others) reflect the origin of the As and B in the high Himalayas, it seems clearly warranted to review the origin of both elements regarding their origin in felsic rocks.
Heavy metals contamination in soil and water resources is a great threat to developing countries because of the lack of waste treatment facilities. A majority of wastewater treatment methods are known to be expensive and out of reach for municipalities and small pollution treatment enterprises. Phytotechnology is a promising, sustainable, environment-friendly, and cost-effective technique for domestic and industrial wastewater treatment in places where land is available. However, interest in conventional remediation methods and the lack of information on recent advances in a significant portion of the society in developing countries have restrained the applications of phytoremediation. This review discusses the concept of phytoremediation, mechanisms of heavy metals removal by the plants, and the potential application of enhanced phytoremediation technologies in developing countries like Nepal. The authors also review the commercially viable hyperaccumulator species with their native distribution, heavy metals intake capacity, and their availability in Nepal. Those native plants can be utilized locally or introduced strategically in other parts/countries as well. Thus, for a flora-rich country like Nepal, the study holds great potential and presents enhanced phytoremediation as an effective and sustainable strategy for the future.
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Arsenic concentrations in groundwater extracted from quaternary alluvial sediments pose a serious health issue for inhabitants living in several countries in Southeast Asia. A widely approved hypothesis states that reductive dissolution of Fe-bearing minerals releases As oxyanions to ground water and the original source of As has to be located in mafic rocks occurring across the entire Himalayan belt. Yet, recent trace element analyses of ground water from the lowlands (Terai) of Nepal show a clear decoupling of As and Fe. The positive correlation of K, Na, and trace elements like Li, B, and Mo with arsenic points out to clay minerals hosting the toxic element. This pattern of trace elements found in the ground water of the Terai also advocates against an original source of As in mafic rocks. The lithophile elements like Li, B, P, Br, Sr, and U reflect trace element composition typical for felsic rocks as an origin of As. All the mentioned elements are components of clay minerals found ubiquitously in some of the most characteristic felsic rocks of the Nepal Himalaya: metapelites and leucogranites—all these rocks exhibiting a high abundance of especially B, P, and As besides Cd and Pb.
In this study, Fe3O4/MgO/Activated carbon composite was used to remove arsenic ion (As (III)) from aqueous media. To this end, Frangula Alnus was used to prepare activated carbon (AC) by calcination in the furnace at 700 °C for 4 h and was then used to synthesize the MgO/Fe3O4/AC composite. To study the surface properties of the composite, various analyses such as SEM, EDX/Mapping, FTIR, DLS, BET and VSM were applied. According to the BET analysis, the specific surface area and average pore size of the Fe3O4/MgO/AC composite were obtained as 190.92 m2/g and 7.57 nm, respectively, which showed that the aforementioned nanocomposite had a mesoporos structure with an excellent specific surface area. Also, VSM analysis indicated that the composite had a superparamagnetic property and could be easily separated from the solution by a magnet. Moreover, the results of the As (III) sorption indicated that the highest uptake efficiency was obtained 96.65% at pH = 7, adsorbent dosage = 0.13 g/L, t = 35 min, T = 45 °C and Co = 6 mg/L. In addition, the pseudo-second-order model could better describe the kinetic behavior of the sorption process. Furthermore, Langmuir model was the best model to describe the equilibroium behavior of the As(III) ion sorption. Besides, according to the the thermodynamic study, enthalpy change and entropy change were obtained 58.11 kJ/mol and 224.49 J/mol.K, respectively, indicating that the sorption process was spontaneous and endothermic. According to the results, the Fe3O4/MgO/AC composite was a good adsorbent with the extraordinary properties, which can be used on an industrial scale.
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As in several other countries of Southeast Asia (namely Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, China, Vietnam, and Cambodia) arsenic (As) concentrations in the groundwater of the lowlands of Nepal (the so called Terai) can reach concentrations that are unsafe to humans using the groundwater as drinking water. Whereas Bangladesh has received much international attention concerning the As crisis, Nepal was more or less neglected. The first report about As contamination of the groundwater above toxic levels in Nepal was published in 1999. Twenty-four percent of samples analyzed (n = 18 635) from the Terai Basin exceeded the WHO guideline of 10 μg/L. Since the first overall survey from 2001, only sporadic information on the situation has been published. The geological and geochemical conditions favour the release of the contaminant as As can be easily solubilized in groundwaters depending on pH, redox conditions, temperature, and solution composition. The thin alluvial aquifers of the Terai are some of the most severely As contaminated. These sediments constituting a hugh proportion of the Terai aquifers are derived from two main sources: (i) sediments deposited by large rivers that erode the upper Himalayan crystalline rocks, and (ii) weathered meta-sediments carried by smaller rivers originating in the Siwalik forehills. The generally low redox potential and low SO4²⁻ and high DOC, PO4³⁻, and HCO3⁻ concentrations in groundwater signify ongoing microbial-mediated redox processes favoring As mobilization in the aquifer. Other geochemical processes, e.g., Fe-oxyhydroxide reduction and carbonate dissolution, are also responsible for high As occurrence in groundwaters. Originally, gagri filters (a two-filter system with chemical powder) and later iron (Fe)-assisted biosand filters were commonly used to remove As and Fe from well water in Nepal—these two options were believed to be the best treatment option at household levels. This review focus on the description of the overall situation, including geogenic issues, occurrence of As in the sediments of the Terai, mechanisms for the release of As to the groundwater, and mitigation options.
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Boron content in the rocks of central Nepal Himalaya depends upon the lithology and the grade of metamorphism. The concentration of boron is abundant (up to 322 ppm) in the metasedimentary rocks of the Lesser Himalaya. There seems to be a rather good correlation between the boron content in the rocks and the grade of metamorphism. The boron content progressively increases from chlorite to garnet isograds, then it systematically decreases in the staurolite±kyanite, kyanite and sillimanite isograds, respectively. This trend may be related to the inverse metamorphism associated with movement along the Main Central Thrust. The Manaslu leucogranite contains very high amount of boron (950 ppm). The enrichment of boron in this rock may be due to the release of boron from the Lesser Himalayan rocks during the partial melting of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (Tibetan Slab) as a result of the movement along the MCT. Tourmaline from the Manaslu Granite is also highly rich in boron (8460 ppm).
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A sedimentological and geochemical study was carried out to explore the origin of arsenic contamination in sediments in Nawalparasi district, in the western Terai of Nepal. The investigation tools include major, trace and rare earth element analyses of core sediments, as well as 14C datings, and O, C isotopic analyses on mollusk shells. The results show that black schists from the Lesser Himalaya highly contributed to the detrital input in Parasi during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition because of focused erosion related to rapid uplift and high rainfall along the Main Central Thrust zone. In addition, aquifer silts, sands, and most of the brown clays underwent a certain degree of chemical weathering and physical reworking, and show possible inputs from the Siwaliks during the Late Holocene. A possible correlation between late Quaternary climate regimes and the concentration of arsenic in sediments is suspected, with arsenic preferentially concentrated during the drier periods of the last 25 kyr BP. The process of arsenic eluviations in sandy and silty sediments can explain the lower arsenic concentrations in sediments during humid periods. During the drier periods, seasonal precipitation was smaller and temperature was lower, leading to wet (less evaporative) soils in swampy environments. This environment favoured the development of aquatic plants and bacteria growing within in the moist land areas, enhancing the strong weathering of initially suspended load particles (micas and clays), which were preferentially deposited in quiet hydraulic environments. These sorting and weathering processes presumably allowed the arsenic to be concentrated in the finest sediment fraction.
The 25th April 2015 magnitude 7.8 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal ruptured the Main Himalayan thrust (MHT) for ~ 140 km east-west and ~ 50 km across strike. The earthquake nucleated at a depth of ~ 15–18 km approximating to the brittle-ductile transition and propagated east along the MHT but did not rupture to the surface, leaving half of the fault extent still locked beneath the Siwalik hills. Coseismic slip shows that motion is confined to the ramp-flat geometry of the MHT and there was no out-of-sequence movement along the Main Central Thrust (MCT). Below 20 km depth, the MHT is a creeping, aseismic ductile shear zone. Cumulated deformation over geological time has exhumed the deeper part of the Himalayan orogen which is now exposed in the Greater Himalaya revealing a tectonic history quite different from presently active tectonics. There, early Miocene structures, including the MCT, are almost entirely ductile, with deformation occurring at temperatures higher than ~ 400 °C, and were active between ~ 22–16 Ma. Kyanite and sillimanite-grade gneisses and migmatites approximately 5–20 km thick in the core of the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) together with leucogranite intrusions along the top of the GHS were extruded southward between ~ 22–15 Ma, concomitant with ages of partial melting. Thermobarometric constraints show that ductile extrusion of the GHS during the Miocene occurred at muscovite-dehydration temperatures ~ 650-775 °C, and thus brittle thrusting and critical taper models for GHS deformation are unrealistic. As partial melting and channel flow ceased at ~ 15 Ma, brittle thrusting and underplating associated with duplex formation occurred along the Lesser Himalaya passively uplifting the GHS.
Occurrence of arsenic in shallow aquifers was studied from the Nawalparasi district in west Nepal. A higher concentration of arsenic was found in the wells from the north as compared to those from the south. The arsenic level in the north reaches a maximum of 694ppb as compared to a value of 27 ppb in the south near the Nepal-India border. The arsenic concentration analyses carried out in selected sites from March to September 2003 indicate a large variation (exceeding 200%) in the north as compared to the central and southern regions. A general increase in grain size from north to south was observed in the well logs. Generally, fine sediments like clay and silt constitute more than 80% of the drilled depth in the north (i.e., at Panchnagar), while the fines are about 32% in the south (i.e., at Bhujawa). This type of grain size distribution is in contrast to the generally observed fining-southwards pattern in the Terai.
The Asian Arsenic Crisis has expanded into the headwaters of the Ganges River, now including the plains (Terai) of Nepal. This study seeks a non-invasive predictive tool to estimate groundwater arsenic concentration prior to drilling, enabling "arsenic avoidance" in contaminated areas. Detailed chemical studies indicate that in Himalayan-sourced aquifers arsenic is released by microbially-mediated redox reactions. Likely hydrogeological settings for oxidizing chemical conditions (immobile arsenic) should be more porous (higher in filtration rate for oxygenated waters) and contain fewer fine organic sediments (oxygen-consuming material). Both conditions should yield higher electrical resistivity, and such aquifer heterogeneity effects should be most prominent in head water regions such as Nepal. To test this approach, a series of vertical electrical resistivity soundings were made near Parasi, Nepal, constituting a profile extending 2 km across a known high-arsenic area. Correlation of the horizontal and vertical distribution of measured resistivity and ENPHO groundwater arsenic measurements demonstrated a distinct inverse relationship between these variables. Out of 240 arsenic sample points, 75% of those extracted from high resistivity zones (>100 ohm-m, inferred lower clay content) exhibited arsenic <150 ppb. Conversely, 7S% of samples from low resistivity zones exhibited arsenic >150 ppb. Given these preliminary results, the resistivity technique appears to hold great promise as a predictive tool for finding low-arsenic groundwater zones within contaminated areas, thereby allowing "well-switching" from highly toxic to new safe or more readily treatable wells. The method should be applicable in most circum- Himalayan high-arsenic areas.
This chapter reviews the present-day composition of the continental crust, the methods employed to derive these estimates, and the implications of the continental crust composition for the formation of the continents, Earth differentiation, and its geochemical inventories. We review the composition of the upper, middle, and lower continental crust. We then examine the bulk crust composition and the implications of this composition for crust generation and modification processes. Finally, we compare the Earth's crust with those of the other terrestrial planets in our solar system and speculate about what unique processes on Earth have given rise to this unusual crustal distribution.
Zero-valent iron (ZVI)-based filters are able to remove arsenic and other pollutants from drinking water, but their performance depends on the form of ZVI, filter design, water composition and operating conditions. Kanchan filters use an upper bucket with ZVI in the form of commercial iron nails, followed by a sand filter, to remove arsenic and pathogens. We evaluated factors that influence the removal of arsenic and uranium with laboratory columns containing iron nails with six different synthetic groundwaters with 500gL(-1)As(III), 50gL(-1) U, 2mgL(-1) B, and with 0 and 2mgL(-1) P (added as o-phosphate), 0.25 and 2.5mM Ca, 3.2 and 8.3mM HCO3-, at pH 7.0 and 8.4 over 30 days. During the first 10 days, As removal was 65-95% and strongly depended on the water composition. As removal at pH 7.0 was better than at pH 8.4 and high P combined with low Ca decreased As removal. From 10-30 days, As removal decreased to 45-60% with all columns. Phosphate, in combination with low Ca concentrations lowered As removal, but had a slightly positive effect in combination with high Ca concentrations. U removal was only 10-70%, but showed similar trends. The drop in performance over time can be explained by decreasing release of iron to solution due to formation of layers of Fe-III phases and calcite covering the iron surface. Mobile corrosion products contained ferrihydrite, Si-containing hydrous ferric oxides, and amorphous Fe-Si-P phases. Comparisons with another type of ZVI filter (SONO-filter) were used to evaluate filter design parameters. Higher ZVI surface areas and longer contact times should lead to satisfactory As removal with Kanchan-type filters.