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New species of the genus Spectracanthicus (Loricariidae, Hypostominae, Ancistrini) from the Rio Javaés (Rio Araguaia basin), with a description of gross brain morphology

Journal of Fish Biology

Abstract and Figures

A new species of Spectracanthicus is described from the Rio Javaés, Rio Araguaia basin. The new species is distinguished from its congeners (except Spectracanthicus immaculatus) by colour pattern: body dark grey to dark brown without dots or blotches (v. body colour with yellowish small dots in Spectracanthicus murinus, Spectracanthicus punctatissimus and Spectracanthicus tocantinensis and large white dots in Spectracanthicus zuanoni). It can be further distinguished from S. immaculatus by having thicker and less numerous teeth, with up to eight premaxillary and 20 dentary teeth (v. teeth thinner and more numerous with up to 22 premaxillary and 30 dentary teeth); dorsal and caudal fins without curved spines (v. dorsal and caudal fins with curved spines). Other osteological characters can also diagnose the new species from its congeners. In addition, a gross brain description and brief comments on the new species' ecological habitat are given.
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Journal of Fish Biology (2018)
doi:10.1111/jfb.13526, available online at
New species of the genus Spectracanthicus (Loricariidae,
Hypostominae, Ancistrini) from the Rio Javaés (Rio
Araguaia basin), with a description of gross brain
C. C. Chamon*, T. N. A. Pereira*, M. B. Mendonçaand A. Akama
*Laboratório de Ictiologia Sistemática, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Campus
Universitário de Porto Nacional, Setor Jardim dos Ipês, Rua 3, Quadra 17, s/no, Caixa
Postal 136, CEP: 77500-000 Tocantins, TO, Brazil and Museu Paraense Emílio
GoeldiCampus de Pesquisa, Setor de Ictiologia, Av. Perimetral, 1901, CEP: 66077-530,
Belém, PA, Brazil
(Received 28 July 2017, Accepted 1 December 2017)
AnewspeciesofSpectracanthicus is described from the Rio Javaés, Rio Araguaia basin. The new
species is distinguished from its congeners (except Spectracanthicus immaculatus) by colour pattern:
body dark grey to dark brown without dots or blotches (v. body colour with yellowish small dots in
Spectracanthicus murinus, Spectracanthicus punctatissimus and Spectracanthicus tocantinensis and
large white dots in Spectracanthicus zuanoni). It can be further distinguished from S. immaculatus by
having thicker and less numerous teeth, with up to eight premaxillary and 20 dentary teeth (v.teeth
thinner and more numerous with up to 22 premaxillary and 30 dentary teeth); dorsal and caudal ns
without curved spines (v. dorsal and caudal ns with curved spines). Other osteological characters
can also diagnose the new species from its congeners. In addition, a gross brain description and brief
comments on the new species’ ecological habitat are given.
© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles
Key words: brain anatomy; sh trade; Ilha do Bananal; Neotropical; taxonomy.
Loricariidae is the largest family among Siluriformes with more than 900
species described (Eschmeyer et al., 2017), representing about a quarter of cat-
sh diversity (Reis et al., 2003; Ferraris, 2007). Species of the family are widely
distributed in the Neotropical region, from south-eastern and south-western
Costa Rica (Pacic drainage) to north-eastern Argentina (Isbrücker, 1980) and
occur in a large variety of freshwater environments. Spectracanthicus Nijssen
& Isbrücker 1987 was established as a monotypic genus to include Spectra-
canthicus murinus Nijssen & Isbrücker 1987 from the Rio Tapajós basin. The
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: +55 63 33639472; email:
genus Oligancistrus Rapp Py-Daniel 1989 was proposed as a junior synonym of
Spectracanthicus by Armbruster (2004) by the absence of diagnosis between Oli-
gancistrus punctatissimus (Steindachner 1881) and S. murinus and by the argument
of an unnecessary recognition of two closely related genera without exclusive
has indicated that Spectracanthicus is closely related to the Acanthicus clade, which
includes the genera Acanthicus Agassiz 1829,MegalancistrusIsbrücker 1980,Lepora-
canthicus Isbrücker & Nijssen 1989 and Pseudacanthicus Bleeker 1862 (Armbruster,
2004). On the other hand, a molecular hypothesis has suggested that Spectracanthicus
is closely related to Para ncistrus Bleeker 1862 and Baryancistrus Rapp Py-Daniel
1989 (Lujan et al., 2015). Recently, Chamon & Rapp Py-Daniel (2014) provided
diagnostic characters for Spectracanthicus and a taxonomic revision of the genus,
recognizing ve valid species: S. murinus,S. puctatissimus (Rio Xingu basin), S.
immaculatus (Rio Tapajós basin), S. tocantinensis (Rio Tocantins basin) and S.
zuanoni (Rio Xingu basin).
Recent expeditions to the Rio Javaés, at the Centro de Pesquisa Canguçu (CPC-UFT),
revealed the presence of a new species of the genus that is described here. In addition,
ecological habitat
are given.
Point-to-point measurements were made to the nearest 0·1 mm with digital callipers on the left
side of the specimens, following Chamon & Rapp Py-Daniel (2014). Osteological nomencla-
ture and vertebral counts follow Schaefer (1987), Armbruster (2004) and Geerinckx & Adriaens
(2006) for compound pterotic and parieto-supraocciptal bones. Specimens were cleared and
stained (CS) according to the protocol of Taylor & Van Dyke (1985). Vertebral counts include
the rst ve vertebrae modied into the Weberian apparatus and fused pre-ural centrum counted
as a single element according to Lundberg & Baskin (1969). Terminology for the laterosensory
system of the head follows Arratia & Huaquin (1995); homologies of the pre-opercular sensory
canal follow Schaefer (1987). Material examined is described in the following order: Institution
and catalogue number, count, minimum and maximum standard length (LS), locality, geograph-
ical coordinates, date of collection and collectors. Examined specimens are deposited at the
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG),
Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ), Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo
(MZUSP) e Coleção de Peixes do Laboratório de Ictiologia Sistemática da Universidade Federal
do Tocantins (UNT).
Five brains were extracted for examination. All specimens were previously stained
using the technique of Datovo & Bockmann (2010) that allows a better visualization
of neurocranial bones and its sutures in prepared specimens without any undesirable
changes caused to the brain. Procedures for brain dissection and description follow
Pereira & Castro (2016), with a few modications related to the anatomical structure
of the siluriform head as described by Abrahão & Shibatta (2015). Brain images were
captured with a camera attached to a stereomicroscope and edited through software
© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journa l of Fish Biol ogy 2018, doi:10.1111/jfb.13526
Fig. 1. Holotype of Spectracanthicus javae, MPEG 34993, 74·2 mm standard length,in (a) dorsal, (c) lateral and
(c) ventral views.
(Figs 1 and 2 and Table I)
MPEG 34993, 74·2mmLS, Rio Javaés, Ilha do Bananal, Pedral da Sambaíba, Pium,
Tocantins, Brazil. 100001′′ S; 500129′′ W; 2 November 2016, C. Chamon, T.
Pereira, T. Krolow, E. Oliveira, J. Silva and C. Bezerra.
© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journa l of Fish Bio logy 2018, doi:10.1111/jfb.13526
Fig. 2. Colour in life of Spectracanthicus javae.
Para t y p e s
All from Brazil, Tocantins, Pium, Ilha do Bananal, Rio Javaés. INPA 53289, 20,
5042·9′′ S; 501207·2′′ W; 20 May
2016, M. Mendonça and A. Akama. MPEG 35271, 20, 36·6–51·5mmLS,Pedralda
Sambaíba, 1 July 2016, C. Chamon, T. Krolow, E. Oliveira and J. Silva. MNRJ 50453,
20, 26·3–71·9mmLS, collected with the holotype. UNT 15073, 6, 28·5–54·4mmLS;
1CS,46·6mmLS, Pedral da Sambaíba, 18 May 2016, A. Akama, C. Chamon and M.
Mendonça. UNT 15615, 74, 17·8–57·95 mm LS;4CS,46·0–52·5mmLS,Pedralda
Sambaíba. UNT 15662, 56, 15·3–85·7mmLS,collectedwiththeholotype.MZUSP
121726, 20, 21·4–67·5mmLS,collectedwiththeholotype.
UNT 16857, 30, 13·7–48·9mmLS,collectedwiththeholotype.
Spectracanthicus javae can be diagnosed from its congeners (except S. immaculatus)
by colour pattern: dark grey body, without dots or spots (v.withsmalltomid-sized
yellowish dots in S. punctatissimus,S. murinus and S. tocantinensis; and large white
spots in S. zuanoni). It further differs from S. murinus and S. immaculatus by hav-
ing a sickle-shaped opercle (Fig. 3) (v.triangular-shapedopercleandlongitudinal
bar-shaped opercle, respectively). It also differs from S. immaculatus by having thicker
and less numerous teeth, with up to eight in the premaxilla and up to 20 in the dentary
(v. teeth ner and more numerous, up to 22 in the premaxilla and up to 30 in the den-
tary); by having dorsal and caudal-n spines straight and short (v.dorsalandcaudal-n
spines curved and elongated); by having the anterior process of the metapterygoid
elongated and conspicuous (Fig. 3) (v. anterior process of the metapterygoid short
and inconspicuous) and by the anterior process of the basipterygium not reaching the
anteromesial process (v.anteriorprocessreachingtheanteromesialprocess).
© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journa l of Fish Biol ogy 2018, doi:10.1111/jfb.13526
Table I. Morphometric and meristics data of Spectracanthicus javae based on 33 specimens
plus the holotype
Holotype Range Mean s.d.
Standard length (LS, mm) 74·219·0–73·3
Percentage of LS
Head length (LH)37·535·6–42·838·21·7
Head depth 22·820·0–24·927·52·0
Head width 32·029·9–36·333·21·6
Body depth 22·620·0–29·725·12·8
Body width at dorsal 29·121·5–33·030·42·6
Body width at anal 15·510·8–20·116·22·1
Predorsal length 45·741·5–49·544·91·9
Postdorsal length 28·218·2–32·426·23·5
Postanal length 25·520·6–27·424·11·6
Dorsal spine length 22·826·1–33·028·91·9
Pectoral spine length 30·027·3–33·530·81·5
Pelvic spine length 26·818·6–30·528·22·2
Dorsal base length 32·127·5–37·532·52·6
Caudal Peduncle depth 12·912·5–15·614·00·7
Percentage of LH
Snout length 61·540·1–64·057·87·4
Interorbital width 34·632·5–38·835·81·6
Orbital diameter 17·115·8–21·818·31·5
Dentary length 15·16·9–16·412·12·4
Meristics Mode
Premaxilary teeth 6 38 7
Dentary teeth 19 720 16
Dorsal plates 21 17–21 20
Mid-dorsal plates 20 19–22 21
Lateral plates 22 20– 24 21
Mid-ventral plates 21 18– 23 21
Ventral plates 15 11– 16 12
Supracaudal plates 7 5 7 7
LH, Head length.
Morphometric and meristic data are summarized in Table I. Dorsal prole of body
slightly convex from tip of snout to a vertical through dorsal-n origin; concave nearly
straight from that point to dorsal-n origin to caudal-n origin. Ventral prole straight
from snout tip to origin of caudal n. Ventral prole straight from snout tip to origin of
pelvic n; from pelvic n to caudal n slightly convex. Ventral surface from pectoral
region to urogenital papillae lacking plates, except for few small plates at pectoral and
pelvic-n origins. Greatest body width at pectoral girdle. Head and trunk without keels
or ridges. Greatest body depth at dorsal-n origin; lowest at caudal peduncle.
Head wide, dorsally convex; snout and cheeks completely covered by numerous
small plates, except for small naked area on tip of snout. Snout rounded in dorsal pro-
le. Nasal short, bar-shaped. Frontal short, with a slight contact with nares anteriorly
and orbit posteriorly. Parieto-supraoccipital short with posterior edge narrow, lacking
© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journa l of Fish Bio logy 2018, doi:10.1111/jfb.13526
2 mm
anterior process
Cheek plates
Fig. 3. (a) Ventral and (b) lateral views of the suspensorium of Spectracanthicus javae, UNT 15073, 46·6 mm
standard length.
crest. Sphenotic short, with narrow contact with IO6, lacking conspicuous odontodes.
Orbit moderate in size (15·8–21·8% head length; LH) placed dorsolaterally. Iris opercu-
lum present. Pterotic-supracleithum short with few fenestrae; anterior process forming
most posterior margin of orbit. Posterior area of pterotic-supracleitrhum with one plate.
Mouth moderate in size, nearly as long as wide. Lips moderate in size, covered with
papillae; size of papillae decreasing towards posterior margin of lower lip; central buc-
cal papilla absent. Upper lip folded over itself. Maxillary barbel short; base of barbel
united to lips with free tip. Lower lip not reaching anterior margin of coracoid. Medial
end of premaxillary tooth series curved inwards. Premaxillae and dentaries narrow and
elongate. Dentary strongly curved inwards. Teeth moderate in size, well developed,
with long crown and large lateral cusp, its distal edge slightly curved. Evertible cheek
plates with associated hypertrophied odontodes form unique block connected to oper-
cle, evertible to approximately 90from head by opercular movements.
Body covered by ve longitudinal series of plates supporting odontodes. Keels
absent. Three to four predorsal plates; some small azygous predorsal plates sometimes
present. Eight bid neural spines below dorsal n. Dorsal-n pterygiophores located
© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journa l of Fish Biol ogy 2018, doi:10.1111/jfb.13526
above neural spines of vertebral centra seven to 1516. Dorsal-n base very long, its
length equivalent to nine to 10 dorsal plates, reaching pre-adipose plate and connected
to adipose n by thick membrane. Dorsal-n II,7; spinelet V-shaped with locking
mechanism functional. Pectoral and pelvic ns well developed, medial portion larger
than base; distal margins rounded. Pectoral-n rays I,6; unbranched ray covered with
conspicuous odontodes. Tip of adpressed pectoral n almost reaching vertical through
medial, unbranched, pelvic-n ray. Pelvic-n rays i,5; unbranched ray reaching
vertical through anal-n base when adpressed. Anal-n rays I,4; located posterior to
haemal spines of vertebral centra 1417. Caudal-n rays i,14,i. Caudal n obliquely
truncated; supracaudal plates 2 (5), 6 (7) or 7 (24). Three procurrent caudal-n rays.
Caudal peduncle strongly deep in lateral view. Total vertebrae 25– 26, precaudal eight
to nine. Sixth rib strongly thickened, remaining ribs slender.
Most individuals have background colour evenly dark grey to dark brown without
blotches or spots. Ventral surface ochre to light brown, with chromatophores more con-
centrated on the pectoral and pelvic-n insertions. Some specimens (most remarkable
in specimens up to 40·0mmLS)withthin,whitebandonedgeofdorsalandcaudal
ns. Colour pattern similar, but less intense in alcohol.
Brain gross morphology (Fig. 4)
The brain limits established herein for S. javae follow Pereira & Castro (2016) with
some modications, i.e. the anterior portions of the bulbus olfactorius anteriorly, usu-
ally ending at the semi-oval olfactory epithelium (Fig. 4); and the insertion of the
complex of the spino-occipitales nerves on the ventral surface of the medulla spinallis,
posteriorly. The encephalon is slightly robust and wide; wider in its middle portion near
the mesencephalon (tectum opticus) and diencephalon. The brain occupies the entire
cranial cavity, from the region near the mesethmoid and lateral ethmoid to the region
anterior to the third neural arch, not contacting the Weberian apparatus.
Although, the olfactory epithelium is not considered as part of the telencephalon
proper, they are semi-oval structures with a robust support rod surrounded by 34 lamel-
lae that are variable in size, the anteriormost being more developed than those posterior.
The most rostral components of the telencephalon are the bulbus olfactorius. Each
nervus tractus olfactorius is composed of a slender and relatively shortened olfactory
peduncle with a terminal expansion. The olfactory bulbs are oval and shortened, nar-
rower proximately and less enlarged distally. The nervus tractus olfactorius are inserted
directly on the ventral surface of the telencephalon.
The telencephalon is divided into two distinct parts: a conspicuous and well-
developed area dorsale on its dorsal surface and a small, narrow area ventrale on
its ventral surface, both parts widely and closely interconnected; the area ventrale is
located entirely on the ventral surface of the area dorsale and it extends posteriorly to
the basement of the tectum opticum.
The diencephalon is well developed, located between the telencephalon and mesen-
cephalon and composed of the following parts: the almost inconspicuous epithalamus,
as well as a conspicuous pineal gland; both structures are easy to remove accidentally
during dissection and are located on the dorsal surface; the pineal gland is in contact
with the telencephalon and corpus cerebelli; a reduced and inconspicous saccus
© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journa l of Fish Bio logy 2018, doi:10.1111/jfb.13526
Telen Dien
Tect Cocb EgLobX
Tv Mo
Pob Telen Ch Tl
Mo Ms
HytHypLih 2 mm
Fig. 4. Brain of Spectracanthicus javae,UNT15615,in(a)dorsal,(b)lateraland(c)ventralviews.Apt,area
postrema; Bol, bulbus olfactorius; Ch, chiasma opticum; Cocb, corpus cerebelli; Dien, diencephalon; Eg,
eminentia granularis; Hyp, hypophysis; Hyt, hypothalamus; Lih, lobus inferior hypothalami LobVII, lobus
fascialis; Lobx, lobus vagi; Mo, medulla oblongata; Ms., medulla spinallis; Pob, nervus tractus olfactorius;
Sv, saccus vasculosus; Tect, tectum opticum; Telen, Telencephalon Tl, Torus lateralis; Tv, tela ventriculi.
Scale bar =2 mm.
vasculosus; a vertically developed hypothalamus that is seen as a small prominence
on the ventral surface of the diencephalon, in ventral and lateral views; an oval lobus
inferior hypothalami, which is kidney-shaped in ventral view and almost the same size
as the hypothalamus; and a small, oval, stalked hypophysis connecting to the posterior
edge of the hypothalamus.
The thalamus dorsalis arises from grooves between the tecta optici and the telen-
cephalon, being well developed along their entire length and thicker than the olfac-
tory tracts. The chiasma opticum is located anteriorly to the posterior margin of the
The mesencephalon is composed of the tecta optici, tegmentum, torus longitudinalis
and the torus lateralis. The tecta optici are well developed, divided in two symmet-
rical rounded halves that are equal to approximately one-third of the brain length;
© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journa l of Fish Biol ogy 2018, doi:10.1111/jfb.13526
the tegmentum is small and partially covered by the tectum opticus, in dorsal view
is inconspicuous; the torus longitudinalis is conspicuous and located between the tecta
optici, near the telencephalon complex; the torus lateralis is small and located in front
of the lobus inferior hypothalami and the anterior portion of tectum opticum, with
well-dened limits, both in lateral and ventral views.
The rhombencephalon comprises the associated cerebellar complex and medullary
areas; the crista cerebellaris region is a conspicuously clear area between the eminetia
granularis and lobus vagi (in lateral view); the eminentia granularis is located at the
posterior region of the corpus cerebelli, but totally disconnected from it externally; the
corpus cerebelli is triangular and larger than the tectum opticum, being the dorsalmost
structure of the brain; the lobus vagi is reduced and like a small prominence on the
corpus cerebelli; the lobus facialis is conspicuous, located as a small structure below
the corpus cerebelli (in dorsal and lateral views).
The medulla spinalis is slightly cylindrical throughout its length, except for
its anterior portion, near the lobus vagi and corpus cerebelli, where it is at-
tened and cone-shaped, in dorsal view; the area postrema, usually is small and
short resembling an elongated oval depression in dorsal view and is almost
as wide as long throughout its length, but precise delimitation of it is pos-
sible only in stained histological preparations; the ventriculi quarti region is
The specic epithet (a noun in apposition) is in reference to the Javaé peo-
ple, an indigenous branch of the Karajá people in Brazil who inhabit the Ilha do
Bananal and confer the name of the river (Rio Javaés), where the new species was
Distribution and habitat
Spectracanthicus javae is only known from rocky areas near the Rio Javaés,
Araguaia system, near Praia da Sambaíba and the conuence with the Rio Araguaia,
at Ilha do Bananal (Figs 5 and 6). The Rio Javaés bypasses the eastern margin of
the Ilha do Bananal, which, with a length of 400 km, a width of up to 120 km and
an area of approximately 20 000 km2,isconsideredthelargestuvialislandofthe
world (Goulding et al., 2003). The species inhabits bedrock covered by alluvial
sediment, which is typical of the median portion of the Rio Araguaia basin. This
kind of geomorphological formation, known as laterite, originates from the weath-
ering of lateritic crusts that cover the geological units of the region (Latrubesse &
Stevaux, 2002).
The new species was collected with other loricariids such as Hypostomus spp., Lep-
oracanthicus galaxias Isbrücker & Nijssen 1989, Par a n c i s t r u s a u r a n t i a c us (Castelnau
1855), Peck o l t i a spp. and taxa of other families such as: Crenicichla sp., Ituglanis sp.,
Microglanis sp., Centromochlus spp., Ta t i a sp. and a new genus of gymnotiform (C.
D. de Santana, pers. com.). The sampling effort was made in the twilight and daytime,
precisely at mid-morning with most specimens collected during the morning. Spectra-
canthicus javae as well as other species were collected from holes and cracks inside
the rocks during daytime.
© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journa l of Fish Bio logy 2018, doi:10.1111/jfb.13526
10˚ 0’
12˚ 0’
50˚ 0’ 48˚ 0’
Ilha do Bananal
Rio Araguaia
Fig. 5. Distribution of Spectracanthicus javae, type-locality indicated by star.
In addition to the diagnosis proposed by Chamon & Rapp Py-Daniel (2014), Arm-
bruster (2004) proposed the following characters as synapomophies for Spectracanthi-
straight anterior process on metapterygoid; and presence of a deep lateral ethmoid
pouch. The new species has all these characters, however the anterior process of the
metapterygoid is elongate and pointed (not spoon shaped), which also occurs in S. mur-
inus and S. punctatissimus. Others features proposed for the genus by Chamon & Rapp
Py-Daniel (2014) and that also occur in S. javae are: contact between sphenotic and
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Rio Javaés, at (a) Pedral da Sambaíba, type locality of S. javae, with (b) close-up of the holes and cracks
that the species inhabits.
© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journa l of Fish Biol ogy 2018, doi:10.1111/jfb.13526
IO6; the elongate anterior metapterygoid process; and the elongate lateropterygium,
surpassing the vertical through the anterolateral process of the basipterygium.
ible cheek plates bearing developed odontodes. Usually this condition in Ancistrini is
associated with changes to the shape of the opercle. Among Ancistrini, the genera
that present these evertible plates commonly have bar-shaped or sickle-shaped oper-
cles (v. oval or triangular-shaped opercles). In Spectracanthicus most species have a
sickle-shaped opercle with the exception of S. murinus,whichhastriangular-shaped
opercle and S. immaculatus,whichhasalongitudinalbar-shapedopercle.Armbruster
(2004) proposed that the bar-shaped opercle is basal in relation to the sickle-shaped
one, whereas the triangular opercle is plesiomorphic for all Loricariidae taxa and the
presence of this condition in S. murinus is due to reversion.
Although the species of Spectracanthicus,likeotherLoricariidae,arebasicallydis-
tinguished by colour pattern, S. javae is very similar to S. immaculatus,withadarkgrey
body, lacking dots or spots. Several other anatomical characters separate the species,
however, such as number of teeth and the shape of the opercle, suggesting that the
colour pattern in this case is not a diagnostic character.
The geographic distribution of the genus is restricted to the Brazilian shield, including
the Tocantins-Araguaia, Xingu and Tapajós Rivers basins and Spectracanthicus javae
is the rst record for the genus in the Rio Araguaia basin, but this may be due to lack
of sampling since species of Spectracanthicus are small (129·0mmofLS), inhabit
bedrocks and are usually captured manually, being rare in most sh faunal inventories.
For instance, Ferreira et al. (2011) provided a sh inventory from the Cantão State Park
where 271 species of sh were reported, but no Spectracanticus spp. were collected.
All species of Spectracanthicus have commercial interest as ornamental shes. The
ornamental sh trade is a common practice in the Amazon Basin and species of Spec-
tracanthicus are exploited in Altamira (Rio Xingu basin), Itaituba and Santarém (Rio
Tapajós basin) and Marabá (Rio Tocant i n s b a sin). There are no reports of these pra c -
tices, however, in the Rio Araguaia basin. The region where Spectracanthcius javae
was captured is between two conservation areas, the Araguaia National Park and the
State Park of the Cantão, which comprise an ecotone between the Amazon and the
Cerrado Biomes. For this reason, the area is well preserved, but there are some defor-
ested areas nearby and nearby agricultural operations use irrigation, which could pose
problems for aquatic species during the dry season.
Most characters frequently used to diagnose and hypothesize relationships among
sh taxa are based on osteology and external morphology. Only a few studies have been
based on other anatomical systems, such as myology and neuroanatomy (Datovo &
Var i , 2 0 14 ). R ec en t st u d i es h ave p ro po se d t h a t gr os s br ai n an a t o my c ou ld b e ver y in fo r-
mative for phylogenetic hypothesis reconstruction for Otophysi taxa and to infer rela-
tionships between brain morphology and ecological and behaviour attributes (Abrahão
& Shibatta, 2015; Pereira & Castro, 2016).
Even though Pereira & Castro (2016) and Abrahão & Shibatta (2015) described the
brain gross anatomy of Brycon orbignyanus (Valenciennes 1850) (Characiformes) and
Pseudopimelodus bufonius (Valenciennes 1840) (Siluriformes), respectively, there are
fewer studies in the current literature that examined the brains of loricariid species
(Rosa et al., 2014; Rosa, 2015; Angulo & Langeani, 2017). Thus, the description pro-
posed here may contribute to further studies in this area.
© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journa l of Fish Bio logy 2018, doi:10.1111/jfb.13526
The brain of Spectracanthicus javae is similar to the brains of other siluriform species
(Abrahão & Shibatta, 2015; Rosa, 2015; Angulo & Langeani, 2017). Pereira & Castro
(2016) described six putative synapomorphies for Siluriformes, all of them are present
in the new species: the area postrema is almost as wide as long throughout its length;
the rhombencephalon is well developed when compared to the size of the midbrain; the
lobus vagi is developed; the lobus fascialis is present, although it is reduced in S. javae;
the corpus cerebelli is horizontally developed; the tectum opticum is relatively smaller
than the corpus cerebelli. These aforementioned features corroborate with ecological
observation of the new species nocturnal lifestyle.
Abrahão & Shibatta (2015) suggested that the corpus cerebelli is relatively large in
all Pseudopimelodus Bleeker 1858 species when compared with species of Characi-
formes (c.f . Pereira & Castro, 2016). In S. javae, the corpus cerebelli is very con-
spicuous and larger than in Pseudopimelodus.ConsideringthatS. javae inhabits holes
and cracks inside rocks, the relatively large corpus cerebelli suggests that the species
has rened swimming movements to hide and escape from predators, because it is
accepted that this part of the brain is responsible for sensorimotor integration, which
provides spatial orientation, proprioception and coordination (Kotrschal et al., 1998).
Furthermore, the reduced lobus fascialis is probably related to small or absent bar-
bels because the lobus fascialis is responsible for sensing the environment. In Silu-
riformes, these structures generally have an important inuence on positioning and
Angulo & Langeani (2017) analysed the gross brain morphology of Rineloricaria
heteroptera sbrücker & Nijssen 1976. They found that the olfactory organ has 1224
lamellae and suggested that the enlarged olfactory bulbs in R. heteroptera could be
linked to reproductive behaviour in mature specimens, possibly associated with detec-
tion of reproductive pheromones. In S. javae,theolfactoryorganislarger(with34
lamellae) than in R. heteroptera and could be associated with the same factors. In this
study, however, the brain of only ve specimens were analysed, therefore more anatom-
ical and physiological studies would be necessary to corroborate these assumptions,
which are beyond the scope of this study.
Despite the fact that the central nervous system has been highly conserved in teleosts
during evolution, recent studies are demonstrating that there is signicant infor-
mation for reconstruction of phylogenies and for understanding sh behaviour and
Spectracanthicus murinus
MZUSP 22011, holotype 59·7mmLS.S. punctatissimus: NMW 47206, holotype
103·9mmLS.S. immaculatus: MZUSP 92797, holotype 63·8mmLS.S.tocantinensis:
MZUSP 110989, holotype 49·5mmLS.S. zuanoni: INPA 25874, holotype 122·4mm
Authors wish to thank to T. Alvim (UFT) and all outsourced employees (Marilza, Sulene and
Roberto) for the facilities and hospitality in the CPC. Further thanks to V. Abrahão (MZUSP)
for help in brain images. The manuscript was beneted from reviews and suggestions by J.
Armbruster (AUM). M.B.M. and A.A. were nancially supported by the National Biodiversity
Research Program PPBio.
© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journa l of Fish Biol ogy 2018, doi:10.1111/jfb.13526
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© 2018 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journa l of Fish Biol ogy 2018, doi:10.1111/jfb.13526
... The general pattern of the brain, which is the general condition found in all specimens analysed, is described before the comparisons are presented, and compared with data from literature (e.g., Kotrschal et al., 1998). Identification and nomenclature of the different brain regions were based on studies of the brain anatomy of different catfishes, including trichomycterids, available in the literature (Abrahão et al., 2018a;Abrahão et al., 2018b;Abrahão et al., 2021;Abrahão & Shibatta, 2015;Chamon et al., 2018;Espíndola et al., 2018;Langecker & Longley, 1993;Nalbant & Linares, 1987;Northcutt et al., 2000;Pouilly & Miranda, 2003;Rosa et al., 2020;Trajano, 1994), to facilitate comparisons with other studies on catfish brain anatomy. Besides the different brain regions, we compared the following sense organs: olfactory organ (including the number of olfactory lamellae, which were counted on both sides of the specimens), eye, and semicircular canals of the inner ear, and the swim bladder. ...
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Subterranean organisms provide excellent opportunities to investigate morphological evolution, especially of sensory organs and structures and their processing areas in the central nervous system. We describe the gross morphology of the brain and some cephalic sensory organs (olfactory organ, eye, semicircular canals of the inner ear) and the swim bladder (a non‐sensory accessory structure) of subterranean species of pencil catfishes of the genus Ituglanis Costa and Bockmann, 1993 (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae) and compare them with an epigean species of the genus, Ituglanis goya Datovo, Aquino and Langeani, 2016. We compared qualitatively the size of the different brain regions and sense organs of the subterranean species with those of the epigean one, searching for modifications possibly associated with living in the subterranean environment. Our findings suggest that species of Ituglanis exhibit sensory characteristics that are preadaptive for the subterranean life, as only slight modifications were observed in the brains and sense organs of the subterranean species of the genus when compared with the epigean one. Because most subterranean fish species belong to lineages putatively preadapted for subterranean life, our results, discussed in the context of available information on the brain and sense organs of other subterranean species, help identify general trends for the evolution of the brain and sensory organs of subterranean fishes in general.
... with the new species: such as Centromochlus schultzi, Tatia intermedia, Auchenipterichthys longimanus (Auchenipteridae) Rhinodoras boehlkei, Platydoras armatulus (Doradidae), Rhamdia quelen (Pimelodidae), Leporacanthicus galaxias, Peckoltia vittata, P. sabaji, Parancistrus aurantiacus, Pseudacanthicus sp., and Spectracanthicus javae (Loricariidae) (Chamon et. al., 2018). The sampling effort to collect the specimens were made in the twilight and daytime, with most specimens collected during the morning. At periods of capture, the collected specimens were in lethargic condition. ...
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The genus Centromochlus includes eight catfish species in the Amazon and Orinoco river systems: C. schultzi from Xingu and Tocantins-Araguaia rivers; C. melanoleucus from Tapajós and Teles Pires rivers; C. macracanthus from Negro River; C. orca from Nhamundá River; C. heckelii and C. existimatus from Amazon and additionally at the Essequibo rivers; C. carolae and C. musaica from Orinoco River system. Recent field expeditions and collection examination revealed an undescribed species of Centromochlinae that has compatible features with Centromochlus. We herein describe a new species of Centromochlus from the Tocantins-Araguaia River drainage, diagnosed among most Centromochlinae by having a vermiculated color pattern on the dorsum and included in Centromochlus by sharing the derived features: ventrolateral position of eye socket; sphenotic notched for the exit of infraorbital canal; and posterior serrations along pectoral-fin spine numerous. The new species is diagnosed from congeners by having the pectoral-fin spine with dark bars, alternating with light bars (vs. pectoral-fin spine with light and uniform color in all Centromochlus); and it is further distinguished from its congeners (except C. carolae) by the ventral surface of head moderate to largely pigmented (vs. ventral surface of head unpigmented in C. heckelii, C. existimatus, C. orca, C. musaicus, C. schultzi, with few scattered dark chromatophores in C. macracanthus and C. melanoleucus; see diagnosis). A discussion about the systematics of the genus, plus the conservation status of the new species, and an identification key to species of Centromochlus, are also provided.
... Nocturnal Siluriformes such as Pseudopimelodus spp. and Spectracanthicus javae have a large cerebellum and a relatively small tectum opticum compared to Characins (Chamon et al., 2018). The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is hold part of the peripheral nervous system. ...
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The gross morphology of the brain of Rineloricaria heteroptera and its relation to the sensory/behavioural ecology of the species is described and discussed. The sexual and ontogenetic intraspecific variation in the whole brain length and mass, as well as within/between the eight different brain subdivisions volumes, is also examined and discussed. Negative allometry for the whole brain length/mass and relative growth of the telencephalon and optic tecta was observed. Positive allometry was observed for the relative growth of the olfactory bulbs and medulla oblongata. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses did not reveal significant differences in the brain subdivision growth rates among sexes and/or developmental stages, except for the optic tectum and some portions of the medulla oblongata, with juveniles and males showing more developed optic tecta and medullary subdivisions, respectively. The growth rates for each brain subdivision were relatively constant, and the slopes of the growth equations were almost parallel, except for those of the olfactory bulbs and medulla oblongata subdivisions, suggesting some degree of tachyauxesis of subdivisions against the entire brain. The corpus cerebelli was the more voluminous brain subdivision in most specimens (principally adults), followed by the optic tectum (the more voluminous subdivision in juveniles), hypothalamus, and telencephalon, in that order. Differences in the number of lamellae and relative size of the olfactory organ were also detected among developmental stages, which were more numerous and larger in adults. Based on these results, it is possible to infer an ontogenetic shift in the habitat/resource use and behaviour of R. heteroptera. Vision, primarily routed through the optic tectum, could be fundamental in early stages, whereas in adults, olfaction and taste, primarily routed through the olfactory bulbs and medulla oblongata, play more important roles.
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The brain of Brycon orbignyanus is described as a model for future studies of the gross morphology of the central nervous system in Characiformes. The study of brain gross morphology of 48 distinct taxa of Characiformes, one of Cypriniformes, two of Siluriformes and two of Gymnotiformes, allowed us to propose, for the first time, six putative brain synapomorphies for the Characiformes and also two possibly unique gross brain morphology characters for the Siluriformes. A detailed protocol for the extraction of the brain in Characiformes is also provided. © 2016, Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia. All rights reserved.
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The Catalog of Fishes covers more than 61,700 species and subspecies, over 11,000 genera and subgenera, and includes in excess of 34,000 bibliographic references. Entries for species, for example, consist of species/subspecies name, genus, author, date, publication, pages, figures, type locality, location of type specimen(s), current status (with references), family/subfamily, and important publication, taxonomic, or nomenclatural notes. Nearly all original descriptions have been examined, and much effort has gone into determining the location of type specimens. Online version:
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With a drainage area of 377,000 km the Araguaia River is the main tributary of the Tocantins River. This paper describes the general geomorphic and hydrologie characteristics of the Araguaia. The Araguaia River can be divided in three units: upper, middle, and lower. The middle (main focus of this paper) is characterized by a well developed and active alluvial belt but the channel on bedrock is relatively fixed in the upper and lower reaches. The floodplain is complex, formed by three main morpho-sedimentary units: a flat surface of accreted banks and island, a palaeomeander dominated unit, and the sector of the floodplain with impeded drainage. The current extensive deforestation and land use changes in the Araguaia basin are affecting the present day fluvial dynamics, leading to accelerated erosion and sedimentation in the middle reach where the river flow through a wide alluvial plain.
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The gross morphology of the brain of the pseudopimelodid Pseudopimelodus bufonius is described and compared with congeners. Observations were made on removed brains after elimination of bones from the top of the skull and severing of the cranial nerves and the spinal cord. Nine morphometric characters associated with the major subdivisions of the brain were identified, seven of which revealed significant differences among the species examined. The corpus cerebelli in all examined species of the genus is the largest structure of the brain. The behavior of the species of Pseudopimelodus is still unknown, but in other teleosts that condition is typically correlated with a higher degree of motor coordination. Relative size proportions of the tectum opticum, eminentia granularis, lobus facialis and lobus vagi, might be related to carnivory and an enhanced capacity for food selection. A morfologia externa do encéfalo de Pseudopimelodus bufonius é descrita e comparada com seus congêneres. As análises foram feitas no cérebro removido após a eliminação dos ossos do topo da cabeça e secção dos nervos cranianos e cordão espinhal. Nove caracteres morfométricos foram obtidos das principais subdivisões do encéfalo, dos quais em sete ocorreram diferenças significativas entre as espécies. Em todas as espécies examinadas do gênero o corpus cerebelli é a maior estrutura do encéfalo. O comportamento das espécies de Pseudopimelodus ainda é desconhecido, mas em outros teleósteos esta característica é normalmente correlacionada com uma boa coordenação motora. Além disso, as proporções relativas do tectum opticum, eminentia granularis, lobus facialis e lobus vagi podem ser relacionadas a hábitos carnívoros e boa capacidade de selecionar alimentos.
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Many species of freshwater fishes are considered miniatures, nevertheless, their identification as miniatures is frequently based only on an arbitrary criterion of small body size. Although some species of Otothyris had been suggested to be miniature, informations about the process and consequences of miniaturization in the genus are lacking. Here, we detail developmental events of loss, fusion, and modifications in several bones, the laterosensory system, and even the brain, that in sum demonstrate miniaturization in all species of the genus. Our results may be useful in the recognition of other miniature species of loricariids. Muitas espécies de peixes de água doce são consideradas miniaturas, entretanto, sua identificação é frequentemente basea-da apenas no critério arbitrário que é seu reduzido tamanho corporal. Apesar de algumas espécies de Otothyris terem sido propostas como miniaturas, informações acerca do processo de miniaturização no gênero e suas consequências são escassas. Aqui detalhamos eventos de perda, fusão, modificações em muitos ossos, sistema laterossensorial e no cérebro, que juntos evidenciam a miniaturização em todas as espécies do gênero. Nossos resultados podem ser úteis na identificação de outras espécies miniaturas dentro de Loricariidae.
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A taxonomic review of Spectracanthicus Nijssen & Isbrucker, including Oligancistrus Rapp Py-Daniel, following a phylogenetic study, is presented. Additionally to S. punctatissimus (Steindachner) and S. murinus Nijssen & Isbrucker, three new species are recognized based on the examination of 159 specimens: S. immaculatus n. sp. from rio Tapajos basin, differs from its congeners by its color pattern consisting of a dark gray body, with no dots or spots, and by having very slender teeth; Spectracanthicus tocantinensis n. sp., from the rio Tocantins drainage is distinguished by the color pattern consisting of dark brown or black body with small, yellowish dots (except in S. punctatissimus), presence of thick teeth, infraorbital 4 forming most of the posterior edge of the orbit and the large basipterigium fenestrae; and Spectracanthicus zuanoni n. sp., from the rio Xingu basin is diagnosed by its color pattern consisting of large, white spots and by the larger orbital diameter. Other characters based on osteological features are also usefull to distinguish the species. A key to the species of the genus and a brief discussion of their threats and conservation are also provided.
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The Neotropical catfish family Loricariidae is the fifth most species-rich vertebrate family on Earth, with over 800 valid species. The Hypostominae is its most species-rich, geographically widespread, and ecomorphologically diverse subfamily. Here, we provide a comprehensive molecular phylogenetic reappraisal of genus-level relationships in the Hypostominae, based on our sequencing and analysis of two mitochondrial and three nuclear loci (4293 bp total). Our most striking large-scale systematic discovery was that the tribe Hypostomini, which has traditionally been recognized as sister to tribe Ancistrini based on morphological data, was nested within Ancistrini. This required recognition of seven additional tribe-level clades: the Chaetostoma Clade, the Pseudancistrus Clade, the Lithoxus Clade, the 'Pseudancistrus' Clade, the Acanthicus Clade, the Hemiancistrus Clade, and the Peckoltia Clade. Results of our analysis, which included type- and non-type species for every valid genus in Hypostominae, support the reevaluation and restriction of several historically problematic genera, including Baryancistrus, Cordylancistrus, Hemiancistrus, and Peckoltia. Much of the deep lineage diversity in Hypostominae is restricted to Guiana Shield and northern Andean drainages, with three tribe-level clades still largely restricted to the Guiana Shield. Of the six geographically widespread clades, a paraphyletic assemblage of three contain lineages restricted to drainages west of the Andes Mountains, suggesting that early diversification of the Hypostominae predated the late Miocene surge in Andean uplift. Our results also highlight examples of trophic ecological diversification and convergence in the Loricariidae, including support for three independent origins of highly similar and globally unique morphological specializations for eating wood.