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Strength and
Considerations for Youth
Frank J. Nugent, BSc, Thomas M. Comyns, PhD, and Giles D. Warrington, PhD
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
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Swimming is one of the largest
Olympic sports with 35 pool
events and 2 open water events.
Pool events range in distance from 50
to 1,500 m, whereas open water events
are competed over a distance of 10 km.
The demands of swimming are unique
because of the large variety of racing
distances spread across multiple swim-
ming stroke techniques—freestyle,
backstroke, butterfly, and breaststroke.
Most swimming races can be broken
down into 3 components—the start,
the turn(s), and the swim itself with
each component having specific techni-
cal requirements depending on the indi-
vidual stroke technique. The variety of
race distances, stroke events, and race
components makes swimming a complex
and demanding sport from a physical,
technical, and tactical standpoint.
Swimming is widely known as a sport
that demands a high level of training
commitment from a young age. It is
common practice for youth swimmers
to complete 6–8 sessions, or 11–15 hours
of training per week for an entire season
(21). Consequently, youth swimmers are
an athlete population that has been
found to be at greater risk of early spe-
cialization, where a bias is placed toward
intensive year round training in 1 sport at
skill development across a range of
sports (18). The risks surrounding early
specialization in youth athletes are
heavily debated in the literature with
a greater incidence of psychological
burnout, injury, and early dropout evi-
dent in sports that tend to specialize from
an early age (17–19). An age-appropriate
strength and conditioning (S&C) pro-
gram has been suggested as a valuable
tool in helping to decrease likelihood of
injury while providing opportunities to
develop a wide and varied array of
movement skills which are seen as vital
to long-term engagement in physical
activity and sport (8,16).
In addition to developing a wide variety
of movement skills, S&C programs for
youth swimmers should aim to lay
long-term foundations for enhancing
performance in sports-specific skills.
Swimming performance depends on a bal-
ance between the propulsive power gen-
erated by the arm and leg actions during
the swimming stroke and the resistance
created by the drag, or water resistance,
encountered by the body during swim-
ming (23). A swimmer will reach his/
her maximum velocity when he/she fails
to produce propulsive power that exceeds
the resistance acting on him/her (3).
Therefore, S&C programs for swimmers
should aim to increase propulsion
through the water by enhancing muscular
force and power production while at the
same time decreasing resistance through
the water by improving body position
(23). Optimizing the moments, a swimmer
has access to ground reaction forces
(GRFs) during a race, namely the start
an area that has potential to enhance
swimming performance (4,5,24).
Address correspondence to Frank J. Nugent,
fundamental movement skills; long-
term athlete development
Copyright ÓNational Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | 31
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Previous publications in this journal
have discussed S&C programs for senior
swimmers (4,15,20). The aim of this arti-
cle is to provide some important consid-
erations for planning S&C programs for
youth swimmers, aged 7–13 years, with
specific emphasis on the topics
of movement skill development, increas-
ing propulsion, decreasing resistance,
and optimizing GRFs. In addition, prac-
tical examples of exercises, swimming-
specific movement screens, and S&C
programs for youth swimmers are
Movement skill development encom-
passes the ability to perform fundamen-
tal movement skills (FMS) which
comprise locomotive skills (e.g., running,
Table 1
An example of ground-based movement (GBM) exercises for youth swimmers
Exercise Target mobility areas Target stability areas Progressions Supplemental digital content
Hips and ankles Shoulders and core Perform backwards
place KB on hips
Hips, ankles, shoulders, and
thoracic spine
Shoulders and core Perform with yoga
Crab walks Shoulders Shoulders and core Perform backwards/
place KB on hips,
or perform
with alternating
leg lifts
Hips, ankles, shoulders, and
thoracic spine
Shoulders and core Perform sideways 4,
Duck walks Ankles, shoulders, and thoracic
Ankles 5,
Bunny hops Hips, ankles, shoulders, and
thoracic spine
Ankles Perform backwards
Lizard crawl Hips and ankles Shoulders and core Perform as low to the
ground as possible
Shoulders Shoulders 8,
Seal crawl Shoulders Shoulders 9,
Shoulders and thoracic spine Core 10,
Plank walks Ankles Shoulders and core Perform sideways or
place KB on hips
KB walks Hips, ankles, shoulders, and
thoracic spine
Shoulders, ankles,
and hips
Perform backwards/
Bear crawl Hips and ankles Shoulders and core Perform backwards/
or place KB on hips
Ankles, shoulders, and thoracic
Ankles 14,
Hips and ankles Hips and ankles Perform with KB in
KB 5kick board.
S&C Considerations for Youth Swimmers
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jumping, hopping, and cutting), manip-
ulative skills (e.g., throwing, catching,
and kicking), and stabilizing skills (e.g.,
balance and core stability) (16). FMS
skills are suggested to be the foundation
for more complex sports-specific skills
(e.g., a tennis serve, a golf swing, and
a swimming start) and acquiring these
skills from a young age is seen as vital to
long-term engagement in physical activ-
ity and sport (8,16). The training re-
quirements of youth swimming, which
commonly involves highly specialized
training, may result in poor FMS levels
because of an over emphasis on partic-
ipation in 1 sport (i.e., swimming), thus
reducing the development of a wide and
varied movement skill portfolio (17,19).
This is a common occurrence not only
in swimming but also in other earlyspe-
cialization sports such as tennis, diving,
and gymnastics where highly special-
ized training is commonly undertaken
at a young age (17,19).
To diversify a youth swimmer’s move-
ment skill portfolio, the inclusion of
short duration games which focus on
developing specific FMS skills can be
a valuable addition to an S&C pro-
gram. This helps to ensure that youth
swimmers have regular exposure to
FMS skills throughout their develop-
ment, particularly for those who do
not participate in additional sports (16).
For example, the game Olympic hand-
ball develops locomotive (e.g., running,
Table 2
An example of a possible model for progressing key S&C movement patterns for youth swimmers
Movement pattern Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
BL and UL jumping BL box
and lunge
CMJ and lunge
CMJ and
lunge jump
Broad jump and 1 leg
box landing
Drop jump and
1 leg jump
Continuous drop/
broad jump
and 1 leg broad
UB vertical pull Zombie
RB lat pull-
Thick RB-
Thin RB-assisted pull/
chin ups
BW pull/chin
Weighted pull/
chin ups
UB horizontal pull Half
RB row
BW knees bent
inverted row
BW inverted
Weighted inverted
DB row BB bench pull
UB vertical push Kick board
BH overhead
RB overhead
Half kneeling DB
overhead press
DB overhead
BB overhead
UB horizontal push Kneeling
BW push-ups Weighted push-ups DB bench press BB bench press
BL squat BW squat Kick board BW
BH overhead
RB overhead squat DB goblet
BB front, back, or
overhead squat
UL squat BW split
Kick board BW
split squat or
lateral split
BW forward,
and lateral
BW Bulgarian split
DB split squats/
lunges or
assisted 1
leg squat
BB split squats/
lunges or BW 1
leg squat
Hip hinge Wall-
assisted 1
leg RDL
BW 1 leg RDL DB 1 leg RDL DB deadlift BB RDL BB deadlift
Prone hold Front plank Front plank leg
Front plank
Front plank hand
walk outs
Front plank
Barbell roll outs
Lateral hold Side plank Side plank feet
on bench
Side plank leg
Side plank clamp (1
foot over bench
and 1 foot under
Side plank
Side plank hold
(legs on bench
and body off
BB 5barbell; BH 5broom handle; BL 5bilateral; BW 5body weight; CMJ 5countermovement jump; DB 5dumbbell; RB 5resistance band;
RDL 5Romanian deadlift; UB 5upper body; UL 5unilateral.
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 33
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jumping, and cutting) and manipulative
(e.g., throwing and catching) FMS skills in
a fun and interactive manner. In addition,
Olympic handball may help to develop
sports-specific skills for swimming such as
the ability to jump, which is a skill used
during the start and turn of a swimming
race, or the ability to throw and catch
a ball, which is a skill used in other aquatic
disciplines such as water polo. More prac-
tical examples of FMS games are pro-
vided later in the column.
Ground-based movement (GBM) ex-
ercises may also be used as a more
swimming-specific method of improv-
ing FMS-stabilizing skills which are
seen as vital to all swimming strokes,
namely the ability to stabilize through
the shoulders, hips, core, and ankles
(25,30). GBM exercises are a fun
and easily implemented method for
developing balance and core stability
as well as coordination, mobility, and
strength for all youth athletes. In addi-
tion, GBM exercises may help to pro-
vide the necessary foundations for
more structured movement pattern
progressions, such as those provided
in Table 1, as a swimmer develops.
To increase propulsion through the water,
an S&C program for youth swimmers
should aim to increase muscular force
and power production with particular
emphasis on developing the upper body
(1,7). Upper-body force and power has
been found to be significantly correlated
(r50.63–90) with swimming perfor-
mance over distances ranging from 25
to 400 m (9,27). Upper-body pulling and
pushing movement patterns are the dom-
inant arm actions seen in all 4 swimming
zombie crawl and the seal crawl (Table 1;
see Video, Supplemental Digital Content 8
and 9,,, respec-
tively) adequately represent these move-
ment patterns for very young swimmers.
As a swimmer develops, more structured
upper-body pulling and pushing move-
ment pattern progressions can be imple-
mented, such as those provided in Table 2.
Progression from level 1 to 6 is subjective
and based on the S&C coaches’ intuition
of the physical, psychological, and techni-
cal competency of the swimmer(s). An
S&C coach must ensure that a swimmer
has mastered the selected skill (e.g., upper-
body horizontal pull) at an initial level (i.e.,
level 1) through regular practice before
progressing to a higher level. This ensures
that the appropriate movement pattern
foundations are in place before a more
advanced progression is used.
Lower-body strength and power should
also be developed to improve leg kick pro-
pulsion (1,7) using movement patterns
such as squatting, hip hinging, and jumping
which are adequately represented by
GBM exercises such as bunny hops and
airplane walks for very young swimmers
(Table 1; see Video, Supplemental Digital
Content 6 and 15,
A237, respectively). These can then later
be progressed using the more structured
lower-body movement pattern progres-
Although increasing propulsion through
enhancing muscular force and power
production is important, optimizing
a swimmer’s range of motion in ankle
plantarflexion may also be vital to increas-
ing propulsion during the leg kick in
swimming (11). Swimming coaches and
sports scientists commonly suggest that
high levels of ankle plantarflexion increase
propulsion during the leg kick by provid-
ing a greater propulsive foot surface area
(i.e., the feet propel more water in
a lengthened position) and by allowing
Figure 1. The “ankle plantarflexion test” for swimmers. The swimmer begins the test in
a supine position. The swimmer then simultaneously plantar flexes the
ankles to maximum range, ensuring the knees remain extended and no hip
internal rotation occurs. Figure 1A displays a swimmer with full ankle
plantarflexion. Figure 1B displays a swimmer with poor ankle plantarflexion.
S&C Considerations for Youth Swimmers
Copyright ªNational Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
a swimmer to maintain a more effective
angle during the downbeat of the kick
(11,13,31). Anecdotal evidence suggests
that high levels of ankle plantarflexion is
a common finding in elite swimmers;
however, only significant moderate cor-
relations (r50.51) between ankle
plantarflexion and leg kick speed over
22.9 m have been found so far (13).
Figure 1 displays a swimming-specific
movement screen for increasing propul-
sion—“ankle plantarflexion test.”
Figure 1A displays a high-level youth
swimmer with full range ankle plantarflex-
ion (toes touching the ground), whereas
Figure 1B displays a youth swimmer with
poor ankle plantarflexion. GBM exercises
such as plank walks and streamline walks
(Table 1; see Video, Supplemental Dig-
ital Content 11 and 14, http://links., http://links.lww.
com/SCJ/A236, respectively) can help
to develop the necessary mobility and
stability needed to improve ankle
plantarflexion from an early age.
There are 3 main components of drag
or resistance, which act on a swimmer
as they move through the water: fric-
tional drag (i.e., the resistance created
between the water and the swimmer’s
skin), form drag (i.e., the resistance cre-
ated by the profile of the swimmer in
the water), and wave drag (i.e., the
resistance created by waves when
swimming at or near the surface)
(12,28). To decrease resistance through
the water, an S&C program for youth
swimmers should aim to optimize
body position in the water, thus reduc-
ing the negative impact of form drag
during swimming (12,15,23,25). Two
primary areas of focus for decreasing
resistance across all swimming strokes
are the ability to hold a tight streamline
under the water and the ability to
maintain a high hip position in the
water during swimming (15,25).
Streamlining is a vital swimming skill
and occurs during the start (0–15 m)
and turn (5–10 m) of a swimming race.
A swimmer with a tight streamline will
experience less water resistance
because of a smaller frontal plane area,
therefore “punching” a smaller hole
through the water and thus reducing
form drag (12). In addition, the under-
water phases of a swimming race (i.e.,
when a swimmer is streamlining) have
been shown to be the second fastest
section of a race, after the dive itself,
because of the reduced wave drag asso-
ciated with swimming at or near the
surface (6). Therefore, optimizing the
underwater phase of a race and thus
streamlining ability is crucial to overall
Figure 2 displays a swimming-specific
movement screen for decreasing resis-
tance—“streamline test.” Figure 2A dis-
plays a high-level youth swimmer with
a perfect streamline (i.e., keeping heels,
hips, upper back, head, and arms against
the wall while maintaining a neutral pel-
vic position), whereas Figure 2B dis-
plays a youth swimmer with a poor
streamline. As a result, the swimmer
in Figure 2B will experience greater
resistance through the water while
streamlining and therefore will need to
produce greater propulsive power (3).
GBM exercises such as inchworm
walks, gorilla walks, and streamline
walks (Table 1; see Video, Supplemental
Digital Content 2, 4 and 14, http://, http://links., http://links.lww.
com/SCJ/A236, respectively) can help
to develop the necessary mobility and
stability needed to improve streamlining
from an early age.
Figure 2. The “streamline test” for swimmers. The swimmer begins the test with their
feet hip-width apart and heels against a wall. The swimmer then simul-
taneously elevates the arms into a streamline position, ensuring the heels,
hips, upper back, head and arms are against the wall while maintaining
a neutral pelvic position. Figure 2A displays a swimmer with a perfect
streamline. Figure 2B displays a swimmer with a poor streamline.
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 35
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A swimmer’s ability to hold a high hip
position in the water is controlled by the
core musculature (12,15,25). A widely
held belief among swimming coaches is
that swimmers must keep their hips high
in the water to minimize water resistance
and thus form drag (12,15,25). During the
early stages of development, S&C pro-
grams for youth swimmers should focus
on developing core stability in a fun and
interactive way using GBM exercises such
as inchworm walks, crab walks, streamline
rolls, and plank walks (Table 1; see Video,
Supplemental Digital Content 2, 3, 10 and
11,,,, http://, respectively).
Exercises can then be progressed
accordingly at a later stage using
the more structured movement pat-
tern progressions provided in Table 2.
To optimize GRFs, S&C programs for
youth swimmers should aim to improve
lower-body strength and power to enhance
start performance (0–15 m) (5,24,29) and
turn(s) (5–10 m) performance (4,22) during
a race. Squatting and hip hinging move-
ment patterns are key components of the
(4). GBM exercises such as duck walks,
bunny hops, and airplane walks (Table 1;
see Video, Supplemental Digital Content 5,
6 and 15,,, http://, respectively)
adequately represent squatting and
hip hinging actions and can be fur-
ther progressed using the more struc-
tured movement pattern progressions
provided in Table 2.
S&C programs for youth swimmers
should aim to develop movement
skills, increase propulsion, decrease
resistance, and optimize GRFs to
enhance swimming performance.
Tables 3 and 4 are examples of S&C
programs for a level 1 and level 3–4
swimmer. The levels are based on the
S&C movement pattern progressions
Table 3
Example S&C session for a level 1 swimmer
Session plan Number Exercise Sets Reps/duration/distance Rest
Warm-up 1a Spiderman crawl 3 10 m
1b Duck walks 3 10 m 30 s
2a Crab walks 3 10 m
2b Bunny hops 3 10 m 30 s
3a Seal crawls 3 10 m
3b Lizard crawls 3 10 m 30 s
4a Streamline rolling 3 10 m
4b Gorilla walks 3 10 m
FMS game Stepping stones
5 min
Main session 1a Lunge drop 2 5 30 s
1b BL box landing 2 5 1 min
2a KB squat 2 10
2b Kneeling push-up 2 10
2c Side plank 2 30 s 30 s
3a Kneeling RB row 2 10
3b KB overhead split squat 2 10 each side ——
3c Front plank 2 30 s 30 s
FMS game Rounder’s
10 min
Session aims: To develop movement skills and improve level 1 S&C movement pattern competency.
Stepping stones—a jumping and balancing game played between 2 teams that incorporate FMS locomotive and stabilizing skills.
Rounder’s—a bat and ball game played between 2 teams that incorporate FMS locomotive and manipulative skills.
BL 5bilateral; FMS 5fundamental movement skills; KB 5kick board; RB 5resistance band.
S&C Considerations for Youth Swimmers
Copyright ªNational Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
provided in Table 2. Readers should
take note of the inclusion of short dura-
tion FMS games, which focus on
developing FMS skills that youth
swimmers commonly lack because of
the training requirements of the sport.
The implementation of any youth
S&C program requires coaches to
be mindful of the maturation status of
the athletes within their group to iden-
tify prepubescent, pubescent, and post-
pubescent individuals. Growth spurts
that occur around puberty can often
result in poor coordination, increased
likelihood of injury, and reduced range
of motion (10,26). Therefore, monitor-
ing maturation status on a regular basis
using easily implemented methods
such as the Mirwald equation (14)
can help to guide program design to
better cater for the needs of pubescent
individuals. In addition, recent evi-
dence from the various long-term ath-
lete development models suggests that
the training emphasis (i.e., strength,
power, mobility, hypertrophy, etc.)
should shift depending on the matura-
tion status of the athlete(s) (2,10). Prior
knowledge of an individual’s matura-
tion status can help to individualize
the needs of the athlete or group,
therefore providing a better informed
S&C program design.
A well-structured and age-appropriate
S&C program can be a valuable tool in
helping to decrease likelihood of injury,
improve movement skills, and enhance
swimming performance in youth
swimmers. This is vital to ensuring
long-term engagement in physical
activity and sport. S&C coaches who
work with youth athletes should strive
to provide fun, interactive, and
Table 4
Example S&C session for a level 3 to 4 swimmer
Session plan Number Exercise Sets Reps/duration/distance Rest
Warm-up 1a Bear crawl 3 10 m
1b Crab walks 3 10 m 30 s
2a Duck walks 3 10 m
2b Lizard crawls 3 10 m 30 s
3a Zombie crawls 3 10 m
3b Lizard crawls 3 10 m 30 s
FMS game Snatch the bacon
5 min
Main session 1a 1 leg box landing 3 3 each side 30 s
1b Broad jump 3 3 1 min
2a RB overhead squat 3 8
2b RB-assisted pull-up 3 8
2c Half kneeling DB overhead press 3 8 each side
2d Front plank shoulder touches 3 30 s 2 min
3a BW Bulgarian split squat 3 8 each side
3b BW push-up 3 8
3c BW inverted row 3 8
3d Side plank leg lifts 3 30 s 2 min
FMS game Olympic handball
10 min
Cool down Static stretching 5 min
Session aims: To develop movement skills and improve level 3 to 4 S&C movement pattern competency.
Snatch the bacon—a reactive and evasive game played between 2 teams that incorporate FMS locomotive skills.
Olympic handball—a ball game played between 2 teams that incorporate FMS locomotive and manipulative skills.
BW 5body weight; DB 5dumbbell; FMS 5fundamental movement skills; RB 5resistance band.
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 37
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challenging S&C programs that suit
the developmental and sports-specific
needs of their athlete(s).
Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
The authors report no conflicts of interest
and no source of funding.
Frank J.
Nugent is
a strength and
coach with the
Aquatic Centre
Swimming Club,
Dublin and
a PhD candidate within the Physical
Education and Sport Sciences depart-
ment in the University of Limerick.
Thomas M.
Comyns is
a strength and
coach and lec-
turer in the
Physical Educa-
tion and Sport
Sciences depart-
ment in the University of Limerick.
Giles D.
Warrington is
an exercise phys-
iologist and
senior lecturer in
the Physical
Education and
Sport Sciences
department in the
University of
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Strength and Conditioning Journal | 39
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... These technical elements result in a different swimming technique with the characteristic straight arm during the overwater phase, which may not be easily learned for a middle-or long-distance swimmer, and may therefore explain the earlier and higher degree of specialization in sprint swimmers. Furthermore, the importance of the acyclic phases in sprint races underscores the need for neuromuscular skills, such as explosive leg strength [47,[50][51][52][53]. Since these skills are primarily developed through dry-land training and complex weightlifting exercises [47,50,51], earlier and more specific practice seems necessary to learn and refine these abilities and may contribute to the lower distance variety among sprint swimmers. ...
... These technical elements result in a different swimming technique with the characteristic straight arm during the overwater phase, which may not be easily learned for a middle-or long-distance swimmer, and may therefore explain the earlier and higher degree of specialization in sprint swimmers. Furthermore, the importance of the acyclic phases in sprint races underscores the need for neuromuscular skills, such as explosive leg strength [47,[50][51][52][53]. Since these skills are primarily developed through dry-land training and complex weightlifting exercises [47,50,51], earlier and more specific practice seems necessary to learn and refine these abilities and may contribute to the lower distance variety among sprint swimmers. ...
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Objective: To conduct a longitudinal retrospective analysis, explore the relationship between success at peak performance age and the number of different race distances athletes competed in each year (within-sport distance variety), and compare the dose-time effect of this distance variety throughout the development process between male swimmers and track runners. Methodology: Male swimmers (n = 6033) and track runners (n = 19,278) still competing at peak performance age were ranked, and the number of different race distances was extracted retrospectively for each year until early junior age (13-14-year-old category) from the databases of the European Aquatics and World Athletics federations. Firstly, correlation analysis determined the relationship between ranking at peak performance age and distance variety. Secondly, Poisson distribution provided the probability and dose-time effect of distance variety for becoming an international-class athlete at peak performance age. Results: Generally, correlation analysis revealed low coefficients (r ≤ 0.22) but significant effects (p < 0.001) for larger distance variety and success at peak performance age. Poisson distribution revealed the highest probability of becoming an international-class swimmer when competing in 2-4 race distances at junior age, depending on the primary race distance. The dose-time effect indicated a gradual reduction in the number of race distances as athletes approached peak performance age, narrowing down to 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4 distances for sprint, middle-, and long-distance races, respectively. Track runners exhibited a lower distance variety than swimmers, with a consistent optimum of 1-2 race distances across the age groups. Conclusions: The present findings including data of the most combined race distances for each primary race distance and a comparison between swimming and track running provide new background information to challenge traditional training regimes and help establish new strategies for long-term athlete development.
... However, performance analysis variables do not always evolve linearly throughout adolescence (Barbosa et al., 2015;Born, Lomax, et al., 2022a). Biological maturation, muscle growth and learning experience may additionally alter KPI during long-term athlete development (Malina et al., 2015;Nugent et al., 2018). Therefore, separate reference values for the various performance levels and age categories are required for the interpretation of performance analysis data and identification of individual swimmers' strengths and weaknesses. ...
... As the countermovement seems of minor importance (Weimar et al., 2019) and a medium rather than short wall contact-times benefit turn performance (David et al., 2022), heavy deadlifts, rather than explosive countermovement jumps, may be of particular interest for strength and power development. Particularly, the early education of proper lifting techniques and quality of on-land movements is crucial to lay the technical foundation for a solid long-term strength and power development (Bishop et al., 2013;Nugent et al., 2018) and specifically tailored strength and conditioning regimes for the development of turn performances in young swimmers (Hermosilla et al., 2021). ...
... To increase variety yet prepare for the specific demand of swimming, the strategic implementation of other aquatic sports, i.e. water polo, underwater rugby, and competitive lifesaving, may help develop a broad range of motor skills, aerobic and anaerobic physiological capacity, as well as breath holding abilities [26,27]. Additionally, with the increasing importance of the acyclic phases, i.e. starts and turns, across all race distances [28,29], onland weight-bearing sports during junior age may help develop leg strength, core stability, and postural control, which are important prerequisites for the strength and conditioning regimes including heavy weight lifting in later age categories [30,31]. Previous studies showed that there actually is sufficient time in the development process of young swimmers to implement those alternative sports while allowing for specific training and competition routines [10]. ...
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Objective It is heavily discussed whether larger variety or specialization benefit elite performance at peak age. Therefore, this study aimed to determine technical (number of different swimming strokes) and physiological (number of different race distances) variety required to become an international-class swimmer (> 750 swimming points) based on 1′522′803 race results. Results Correlation analyses showed lower technical variety in higher ranked swimmers (P < 0.001), yet with small effects (0.11–0.30). However, Poisson distribution revealed dose-time-effects and specified number of swimming strokes required during each age group. Specifically, freestyle swimmers showed highest chances when starting to compete in three to four swimming strokes but reduced their variety to three swimming strokes at the ages of 12/13yrs with another transition to two swimming strokes at the ages of 19/21yrs (female/male swimmers, respectively). Although both sexes showed similar specialization pattern throughout their career, earlier specialization was generally evident in female compared to male swimmers. At peak performance age, freestyle was most frequently combined with butterfly. Swimmers who either kept competing in all five swimming strokes or focused on only one at the beginning of their careers showed lowest probability of becoming an international-class swimmer. Physiological variety increased during junior age but declined again to three race distances towards elite age.
... Traditional training methods, such as swimming with hand paddles and resisted inwater drills, have a larger effect on stroke rate and help to transfer strength gains to the sport-specific movement (Girold et al., 2006;Crowley et al., 2017). Therefore, current development toward higher awareness and implementation of on-land strength and conditioning and weight-lifting routines in elite swimmers (Crowley et al., 2018;Nugent et al., 2018;Pollock et al., 2019) may explain the increased distance per stroke across the Olympic cycle found in the present study. ...
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The aims of the study were to (1) quantify the performance development of race times and key performance indicators of European swimmers across the last Olympic cycle (from 2016 to 2021) and (2) provide reference values for long-course swimming pool events for both sexes from 50 m to 1,500 m including butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle, and individual medley. Individual events from the 2016 and 2021 European swimming championships were included. Specifically, 246 men (age: 24.2 ± 3.4 years, FINA points: 890 ± 40) and 256 women races (age: 24.2 ± 4, FINA points: 879 ± 38) of the finalists were recorded and key performance indicators and split times analyzed. Performance differences in finalists of the 2016 and 2021 European championships were determined by an independent t-test and Cohen's d effect size. Reference values were retrieved from 2021 European championship finalists and are provided for all key performance indicators. Race times improved significantly (P < 0.05) or showed moderate (d = 0.5–1) to large effect sizes (d > 1) in 14 (men) and 6 (women) out of 16 events. Improvements were primarily evident in 100 m and 200 m events for males, as well as BR and sprint events for female swimmers. While start times improved in 15 (men) and 14 (women) events, turn times remained inconclusive in both sexes. Generally, breakout distances increased. Clean swimming velocities were faster in 12 (men) and 5 (women) events. In particular, for alternating swimming strokes, i.e., backstroke and freestyle, effect sizes indicated improved swimming efficiency with an inverse relationship between reduced stroke rate and increased distance per stroke. Coaches and performance analysts may use the present reference values as comparative data for race analyses and to specifically prepare swimmers for the various race sections. Data on the performance development should be used to analyze swimmers' potential and set goals for the various events and the next Olympic cycle.
... This ability requires both great arm and shoulder flexibility and muscle endurance [41]. Deficiency in the flexibility and strength of the shoulder girdle may result in a less optimal trajectory of the hand and forearm, a so-called low elbow stroke path of arm, lower generation of propulsion force [42], or lower SL [6]. In our study, in the group of swimmers, who were diverse in terms of morphology and training and who also prefer their own competitive distances, the 100 m front crawl performance (V total ) was related to TBL (r = 0.43, p < 0.05), functional hand range of motion (ROM D ) (r = 0.39, p < 0.05), and BM (r = 0.39, p < 0.05). ...
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between a unique complex of predictors and 100 m front crawl race kinematics and swimming speed. In 28 male competitive swimmers (age: 19.6 ± 2.59 years), the following groups of predictors were assessed: (a) the morphologic, (b) the functional upper limb range of motion, and (c) the anaerobic indices of arm-cranking and a series of countermovement jumps. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was calculated to distinguish the predictors and the swimming results. The main finding was that the indices of the power (arm-cranking) and the work (countermovement jump) generated in the anaerobic tests showed a significant and higher correlation with stroke length and stroke index than total body length, upper limb range of motion, or hand and forearm surface area. These results were obtained in accordance with the high swimming economy index relation to clear surface swimming speed. This study reveals that the strength generated by the limbs may represent a predictor of swimming kinematics in a 100 m front crawl performance.
... All the tests were performed within two days (standardized order), with dry-land measurements being taken on the first day and poolbased measurements on the second day. Table 3 and Fig. 3. [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33]. The choice of the types of HIIT and the length of the intervention period in these studies could explain these different results. ...
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Objective: Combined interventions of pool-based and dry-land workouts is a common practice in swimming training. However, the effects on strength, technique and swimming performance is still not clear. Through a randomized controlled trial study, we investigated the effect of combining high intensity interval training (HIIT) and maximum strength training (MST) on strength, technique and 100-m butterfly swimming performance. Methods: Competitive age-group swimmers (N=22, males) were randomly divided into two groups. The experimental group (EG: 14.1 ± 0.3 yr-old), performed 8-weeks combining short-moderate HIIT and MST. The control group (CG: 14.5 ± 0.3 yr-old) performed their usual training. Muscular strength, technique and swimming performance were evaluated before and after 8-weeks. Results: Substantial improvements were observed in maximum muscle strength (mean diff: 22-28%; p < 0.001; d = 3.25-3.61), technique (p < 0.05; d = 0.98-1.96) and 100-m butterfly swimming performance (3.5%; p=0.001; d = 1.81) when combining HIIT and MST during 8-weeks. Conclusion: Combining short-moderate HIIT and MST during 8-weeks can enhance maximum muscular strength, technique, and 100-m butterfly swimming performance. Coaches should adjust training programs accordingly since it could yield important difference in swimming performance during competitions. Keywords: Exercise, Aquatic Locomotion, Training and Testing, Combined Training, High Intensity Interval Training
... This is crucial for physical activity and providing long-term athlete participation in the sport. It is suggested to S&C coaches who work with young athletes to develop strong S&C programs that are suited for the developmental and sport-specific needs of their athletes (Nugent, Comyns, & Warrington, 2018). Studies on performance development have endeavored to reveal the importance of technology, equipment, and technical training (Smith, Norris, & Hogg, 2002). ...
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Objectives To compare performance progression and variety in race distances of comparable lengths (timewise) between pool swimming and track running. Quality of within-sport variety was determined as the performance differences between individual athletes' main and secondary race distances across (top-) elite and (highly-) trained swimmers and runners. Methods A total of 3,827,947 race times were used to calculate performance points (race times relative to the world record) for freestyle swimmers ( n = 12,588 males and n = 7,561 females) and track runners ( n = 9,230 males and n = 5,841 females). Athletes were ranked based on their personal best at peak performance age, then annual best times were retrospectively traced throughout adolescence. Results Performance of world-class swimmers differentiates at an earlier age from their lower ranked peers (15–16 vs. 17–20 year age categories, P < 0.05), but also plateaus earlier towards senior age compared to runners (19–20 vs. 23 + year age category, P < 0.05), respectively. Performance development of swimmers shows a logarithmic pattern, while runners develop linearly. While swimmers compete in more secondary race distances (larger within-sport variety), runners specialize in either sprint, middle- or long-distance early in their career and compete in only 2, 4 or 3 other race distances, respectively. In both sports, sprinters specialize the most ( P < 0.05). Distance-variety of middle-distance swimmers covers more longer rather than sprint race distances. Therefore, at peak performance age, (top-) elite female 200 m swimmers show significantly slower sprint performances, i.e., 50 m ( P < 0.001) and 100 m ( P < 0.001), but not long-distance performances, i.e., 800 m ( P = 0.99) and 1,500 m ( P = 0.99). In contrast, (top-) elite female 800 m middle-distance runners show significantly slower performances in all their secondary race distances ( P < 0.001). (Top-) elite female athletes specialize more than (highly-) trained athletes in both sports ( P < 0.05). Conclusions The comparison to track running and lower ranked swimmers, the early performance plateau towards senior age, and the maintenance of a large within-sport distance variety indicates that (top-) elite sprint swimmers benefit from greater within-sport specialization.
The research refers to a study of the profitability of the freestyle turning action in school swimmers. The objective of the research was focused on evaluating the temporal characteristics during the action of the turn in swimmers of the 13 and 14 years old category in the province of Sancti Spíritus. For the collection of information, the empirical level methods used were: scientific observation, as well as measurement. Two video cameras, placed in series, and a Sony underwater camera were used. For the temporal analysis, the Kinovea software, ver 0.9.3, was used. The 15 m test was applied to check the profitability of the turn.It was possible to verify a poor effectiveness of this technical element in the freestyle in the swimmers evaluated, which showed, in a generalized way, deficiencies during the impulse phase and the formation of very open angles of the legs that favored adeficit in the use of the power of the legs during the wall push, This aspect helped to decrease the sliding and to begin to perform the exit movements to the surface prematurely, increased the time in general in the execution of the turn, concluding thatfor the school categories it is appropriate to obtain angles between the ankle, knee and hip joints in the range of 90° and 110° at the moment of initiating the wall push.
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The research refers to a study of the profitability of the freestyle turning action in school swimmers. The objective of the research was focused on evaluating the temporal characteristics during the action of the turn in swimmers of the 13 and 14 years old category in the province of Sancti Spíritus. For the collection of information, the empirical level methods used were: scientific observation, as well as measurement. Two video cameras, placed in series, and a Sony underwater camera were used. For the temporal analysis, the Kinovea software, ver 0.9.3, was used. The 15 m test was applied to check the profitability of the turn. It was possible to verify a poor effectiveness of this technical element in the freestyle in the swimmers evaluated, which showed, in a generalized way, deficiencies during the impulse phase and the formation of very open angles of the legs that favored a deficit in the use of the power of the legs during the wall push, This aspect helped to decrease the sliding and to begin to perform the exit movements to the surface prematurely, increased the time in general in the execution of the turn, concluding that for the school categories it is appropriate to obtain angles between the ankle, knee and hip joints in the range of 90° and 110° at the moment of initiating the wall push.
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The debate over low-volume, high-intensity training versus high-volume, low-intensity training, commonly known as Quality versus Quantity, respectively, is a frequent topic of discussion among swimming coaches and academics. The aim of this study was to explore expert coaches' perceptions of quality and quantity coaching philosophies in competitive swimming and to investigate their current training practices. A purposeful sample of 11 expert swimming coaches was recruited for this study. The study was a mixed methods design and involved each coach participating in 1 semi-structured interview and completing 1 closed-ended questionnaire. The main findings of this study were that coaches felt quality training programmes would lead to short term results for youth swimmers, but were in many cases more appropriate for senior swimmers. The coaches suggested that quantity training programmes built an aerobic base for youth swimmers, promoted technical development through a focus on slower swimming and helped to enhance recovery from training or competition. However, the coaches continuously suggested that quantity training programmes must be performed with good technique and they felt this was a misunderstood element. This study was a critical step towards gaining a richer and broader understanding on the debate over Quality versus Quantity training from an expert swimming coaches' perspective which was not currently available in the research literature.
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Background The majority of propulsive forces in swimming are produced from the upper body, with strong correlations between upper body strength and sprint performance. There are significant gaps in the literature relating to the impact of resistance training on swimming performance, specifically the transfer to swimming performance. Objective The aims of this systematic literature review are to (1) explore the transfer of resistance-training modalities to swimming performance, and (2) examine the effects of resistance training on technical aspects of swimming. Methods Four online databases were searched with the following inclusion criteria: (1) journal articles with outcome measures related to swimming performance, and (2) competitive swimmers participating in a structured resistance-training programme. Exclusion criteria were (1) participants with a mean age <16 years; (2) untrained, novice, masters and paraplegic swimmers; (3) triathletes and waterpolo players; (4) swimmers with injuries or illness; and (5) studies of starts and turns specifically. Data were extracted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, and the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale was applied. ResultsFor optimal transfer, specific, low-volume, high-velocity/force resistance-training programmes are optimal. Stroke length is best achieved through resistance training with low repetitions at a high velocity/force. Resisted swims are the most appropriate training modality for improving stroke rate. Conclusion Future research is needed with respect to the effects of long-term resistance-training interventions on both technical parameters of swimming and overall swimming performance. The results of such work will be highly informative for the scientific community, coaches and athletes.
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Context: Many coaches, parents, and children believe that the best way to develop elite athletes is for them to participate in only 1 sport from an early age and to play it year-round. However, emerging evidence to the contrary indicates that efforts to specialize in 1 sport may reduce opportunities for all children to participate in a diverse year-round sports season and can lead to lost development of lifetime sports skills. Early sports specialization may also reduce motor skill development and ongoing participation in games and sports as a lifestyle choice. The purpose of this review is to employ the current literature to provide evidence-based alternative strategies that may help to optimize opportunities for all aspiring young athletes to maximize their health, fitness, and sports performance. Evidence acquisition: Nonsystematic review with critical appraisal of existing literature. Study design: Clinical review. Level of evidence: Level 4. Conclusion: Based on the current evidence, parents and educators should help provide opportunities for free unstructured play to improve motor skill development and youth should be encouraged to participate in a variety of sports during their growing years to influence the development of diverse motor skills. For those children who do choose to specialize in a single sport, periods of intense training and specialized sport activities should be closely monitored for indicators of burnout, overuse injury, or potential decrements in performance due to overtraining. Last, the evidence indicates that all youth should be involved in periodized strength and conditioning (eg, integrative neuromuscular training) to help them prepare for the demands of competitive sport participation, and youth who specialize in a single sport should plan periods of isolated and focused integrative neuromuscular training to enhance diverse motor skill development and reduce injury risk factors. Strength of recommendation taxonomy sort: B.
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Context: There is increased growth in sports participation across the globe. Sports specialization patterns, which include year-round training, participation on multiple teams of the same sport, and focused participation in a single sport at a young age, are at high levels. The need for this type of early specialized training in young athletes is currently under debate. Evidence acquisition: Nonsystematic review. Study design: Clinical review. Level of evidence: Level 4. Conclusion: Sports specialization is defined as year-round training (greater than 8 months per year), choosing a single main sport, and/or quitting all other sports to focus on 1 sport. Specialized training in young athletes has risks of injury and burnout, while the degree of specialization is positively correlated with increased serious overuse injury risk. Risk factors for injury in young athletes who specialize in a single sport include year-round single-sport training, participation in more competition, decreased age-appropriate play, and involvement in individual sports that require the early development of technical skills. Adults involved in instruction of youth sports may also put young athletes at risk for injury by encouraging increased intensity in organized practices and competition rather than self-directed unstructured free play. Strength-of-recommendation taxonomy sort: C.
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During the underwater phase of the swimming start drag forces are constantly acting to slow the swimmer down. The current study aimed to quantify total drag force as well as the specific contribution of wave drag during the underwater phase of the swimming start. Swimmers were towed at three different depths (surface, 0.5 m, 1.0 m) and four speeds (1.6, 1.9, 2.0, 2.5 m·s-1), totalling 12 conditions. Wave drag and total drag were measured for each trial. Mixed modelling and plots were then used to determine the relationships between each towing condition and the amount of drag acting on the swimmer. The results of this study show large decreases in total drag as depth increases regardless of speed (-19.7% at 0.5 m and -23.8% at 1.0 m). This is largely due to the significant reduction in wave drag as the swimmers travelled at greater depth. It is recommended that swimmers travel at least 0.5 m below the surface to avoid excessive drag forces. Swimmers should also perform efficient breakouts when transitioning into free-swimming to reduce the duration spent just below the surface where drag values are reported at their highest.
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The aquatic sports competitions held during the Summer Olympic Games include diving, open-water swimming, pool swimming, synchronized swimming and water polo. Elite level performance in each of these sports requires rigorous training and practice to develop the appropriate physiological, biomechanical, artistic, and strategic capabilities specific to each sport. Consequently, the daily training plans of these athletes are quite varied both between and within the sports. Common to all aquatic athletes, however, is that daily training and preparation consumes several hours and involves frequent periods of high-intensity exertion. Nutritional support for this high-level training is a critical element of the preparation of these athletes to ensure the energy and nutrient demands of the training and competition are met. In this paper, we introduce the fundamental physical requirements of these sports and specifically explore the energetics of human locomotion in water. Subsequent papers in this series explore the specific nutritional requirements of each aquatic sport. We hope that such exploration will provide a foundation for future investigation of the roles of optimal nutrition in optimizing performance in the aquatic sports.
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Purpose: To quantify the effects of a 12-wk isolated core-training program on 50-m front-crawl swim time and measures of core musculature functionally relevant to swimming. Methods: Twenty national-level junior swimmers (10 male and 10 female, 16±1 y, 171±5 cm, 63±4 kg) participated in the study. Group allocation (intervention [n=10], control [n=10]) was based on 2 preexisting swim-training groups who were part of the same swimming club but trained in different groups. The intervention group completed the core training, incorporating exercises targeting the lumbopelvic complex and upper region extending to the scapula, 3 times/wk for 12 wk. While the training was performed in addition to the normal pool-based swimming program, the control group maintained their usual pool-based swimming program. The authors made probabilistic magnitude-based inferences about the effect of the core training on 50-m swim time and functionally relevant measures of core function. Results: Compared with the control group, the core-training intervention group had a possibly large beneficial effect on 50-m swim time (-2.0%; 90% confidence interval -3.8 to -0.2%). Moreover, it showed small to moderate improvements on a timed prone-bridge test (9.0%; 2.1-16.4%) and asymmetric straight-arm pull-down test (23.1%; 13.7-33.4%), and there were moderate to large increases in peak EMG activity of core musculature during isolated tests of maximal voluntary contraction. Conclusion: This is the first study to demonstrate a clear beneficial effect of isolated core training on 50-m front-crawl swim performance.