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First record of Bombus (Alpigenobombus) wurflenii Radoszkowski, 1860 in the Kola Peninsula, NW Russia


Abstract and Figures

In this paper we present the first record of Bombus wurflenii from northern Russia. This species was found in the southwestern part of the Kola Peninsula, near the town of Kandalaksha in 2016. The nearest confirmed record of the species is in northern Sweden. In Russia, B. wurflenii was known earlier but only from southern Ural. The status of the population of B. wurflenii in the Kola Peninsula is unknown and needs further research.
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Fauna norvegica 2018 Vol. 38: 9-12.
Short communication
First record of
Radoszkowski, 1860
in the Kola Peninsula, NW Russia
Grigory S. Potapov1, Yulia S. Kolosova1 and Alisa A. Vlasova1
Potapov GS, Kolosova YuS and Vlasova AA. 2018. First record of Bombus (Alpigenobombus) wurf lenii
Radoszkowski, 1860 in the Kola Peninsula, NW Russia. Fauna norvegica 38: 9-12.
In this paper we present the f irst record of Bombus wurf lenii from northern Russia. This species was found
in the southwestern part of the Kola Peninsula, near the town of Kandalaksha in 2016. The nearest confirmed
record of the species is in northern Sweden. In Russia, B. wurf lenii was known earlier but only from southern
Ural. The status of the population of B. wurf lenii in the Kola Peninsula is unknown and needs further research.
doi: 10.5324/fn.v38i0.2341. Received: 2017-09-13. Accepted: 2018-01-13. Published online: 2018 - 01-17.
ISSN: 1891-5396 (electronic).
Keywords: Bombus wurf lenii, European North of Russia, Kola Peninsula, fauna.
1. Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny 23, Arkhangelsk 163000,
Corresponding author: Grigory S. Potapov
Bombus (Alpigenobombus) wurflenii Radoszkowski, 1860 is
widespread in Europe and is typical of mountain regions of
Scandinavia, Central and Eastern Europe, norther n Spain,
the Balkans, the Caucasus and northern Turkey (Løken 1973;
Reinig & Rasmont 1988; Rasmont & Iserbyt 2010). There is one
old record from northern Finland (Suomussalmi Municipality,
Ruhtinansalmi Village, 30.06.1926, leg. O. Sorsakoski)
(Söderman & Leinonen 2003: 286), but it is doubtful, according
to the opinions of some authors (Söderman & Leinonen 2003;
Rasmont & Iserbyt 2010). In Russia, B. wurf lenii is only known
from southern Ural (Reinig & Rasmont 1988; Rasmont &
Iserbyt 2010). It is included in the Red Book of the Russian
Federation as a species with decreasing number (category 2)
(Panfilov & Berezin 2001).
Until recently, records of B. wurf lenii from the European
North of Russia, and particularly the Kola Peninsula, were not
known. Compared with neighbouring regions (northern parts
of Finland, Norway and Sweden), the bumblebee fauna of the
Kola Peninsula remains insufficiently studied (Potapov et al.
2015). Most of the collected materials have been collected from
the coast of the Barents Sea and from the Khibiny Mountains.
Particularly, the southern part of the region has been poorly
studied. A review of the bumblebee fauna of the Kola Peninsula
and other parts of the Murmansk Region is presented by
Paukkunen & Kozlov (2015).
In this paper, we present the first record of B. wurflenii
from the Kola Peninsula.
Bumblebees were collected in the vicinity of the town of
Kandalaksha, which is located in the southwestern part of
the Kola Peninsula (Figure 1). Bumblebee individuals were
Potapov, Kolosova and Vlasova:
Bombus wurflenii
in the Kola Peninsula
Fauna norvegica 38: 9-12. 2018
found near a roadside that runs alongside the coniferous forest
(67°08’43’’N; 32°25’55’’E) on the 26th and 28th of July 2016,
and they were caught with an entomological net on Cirsium
arvense (L.) Scop. The total number of specimens is 6. Three
individuals are workers and three are males.
Bumblebees were identified by using the key from Løken
(1973). The nomenclature follows Williams (2017). Images of the
specimens were taken by using a Leica EZ4D stereomicroscope
(Leica Microsystems GmbH, Germany).
All specimens are deposited in the Russian Museum of the
Biodiversity Hotspots (RMBH), Federal Center for Integrated
Arctic Research (FCIARctic), Russian Academy of Sciences
(RAS), Arkhangelsk, Russia.
The map in Figure 1 was produced by using ArcGIS 10.0
software (Environmental Systems Research Institute, ESRI®).
All of the six specimens of bumblebees belong to B. wurflenii
ssp. brevigena Thompson, 1870 (Reinig & Rasmont 1988;
Söderman & Leinonen 2003). General views of specimens of
worker and male with its genital capsule are shown in Figure
2. This subspecies is dark coloured, while females have black
Figure 1. Map of the study region. The sampling localities from
Kandalaksha (Russia, Murmansk Region) and Scandinavian
countries are shown as a black circles. The unverified localities
from Ruhtinansalmi (Finland) is shown as an open circle.
Figure 2. Morphological patterns of the studied specimens of Bombus wurflenii: general view of worker (a), male (b), and genital capsule
(c). Photo: Grigory Potapov.
Fauna norvegica 38: 9-12. 2018
Potapov, Kolosova and Vlasova:
Bombus wurflenii
in the Kola Peninsula
thorax and black three first tergites with very slight admixture
of yellow hairs (Løken 1973; Reinig & Rasmont 1988). This
subspecies inhabits Scandinavia. The nominate subspecies
occurs in the Caucasus and northern Turkey (Reinig & Rasmont
To the best of our knowledge, our f inding of B. wurf lenii is the
first for northern Russia. In the Kola Peninsula and other parts
of the Murmansk Region, this species has not been recorded
earlier (Paukkunen & Kozlov 2015; Potapov 2015). This species
has not been found in other regions of northern Russia, i.e.
either Karelia or Arkhangelsk Region (Söderman & Leinonen
2003; Potapov & Kolosova 2016). The nearest confirmed record
of B. wurflenii has been made in northern Sweden (Rasmont &
Iserby t 2010).
If we assume that B. wurf lenii appeared in the Kola
Peninsula recently, the possible migratory pathways of this
species can pass from northern Sweden and Norway through
northern Finland. On the other hand, there is a possibility that
the species has been overlooked in the Murmansk Region. It
is noteworthy that the colouration of workers of B. wurf lenii
bears some resemblance to B. lapidarius L., 1758, and the
colouration of males of this species bears some resemblance
to B. pratorum L., 1761. However, B. lapidarius is unknown
from the Murmansk Region and northern Karelia (Rasmont
& Iserbyt 2010). B. pratorum and B. wurf lenii have distinctly
different male genitalia (Løken 1973), hence it is unlikely that
these species would be wrongly identified. Some authors, who
based their f indings on large collections and summarised the
materials of the bumblebee fauna for the different districts of
the Murmansk Region, have never recorded B. wurf lenii in the
region (Potapov 2015; Paukkunen & Kozlov 2015). It is more
likely that the finding of B. wurflenii is caused by insufficient
knowledge of the bumblebee fauna in the Murmansk Region.
In support of the first assumption, it is noteworthy that
in recent decades some bumblebee species have expanded
their distribution northwards in Fennoscandia (Martinet et al.
2015). With respect to B. lapidarius (Linnaeus, 1758) and B.
terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758), both species dispersed to the North
above latitude 68°N (Martinet et al. 2015). Also, B. wurf lenii
has expanded its distribution in Scandinavia, and “now occurs
200 km north of its 1973 limits”, which is above latitude 69°N
(Martinet et al. 2015: 305). The eastwards expansion of B.
wurf lenii is also quite possible. According to the models of
the suitable areas for B. wurf lenii with respect to the future
(Rasmont et al. 2015), the areas adjacent to the Kola Peninsula
can be considered as future areas of occurrence for this species.
Further research is necessary in order to assess the status
of the population of B. wurf lenii in the Kola Peninsula and
adjacent areas.
This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic
Research (RFBR, project no. 16-34-60035 mol_а_dk). We are
grateful to Juho Paukkunen M.Sc. (Finnish Museum of Natural
History, University of Helsinki, Finland) for providing us with
valuable information concerning Bombus wurflenii in Finland.
Special thanks are due to Dr. Matthew Copley for improving
the language.
Løken A. 1973. Studies of Scandinav ian bumblebees (Hymenopt era,
Apidae). Norsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift 20(1): 1-218.
Martinet B, Rasmont P, Cederberg B, Evrard D, Ødegaard F,
Paukkunen J, Lecocq T. 2015. Forward to the nor th: two Euro-
Mediterranean bumblebee species now cross the Arctic Circle.
Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) 51 (4):
doi: 10.1080 /0 0379 271.2 015.1118357
Panfilov DV, Berezin MV. 2001. Bombus mastrucatus Gerstaecker,
1869. In: Red Book of the Russian Federation (animals).
Moscow. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the
Russian Federation.
php?I D =128273
. Accessed 2017-12-05
Paukkunen J, Kozlov MV. 2015. Stinging wasps, ants and bees
(Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of the Murmansk region, Northwest
Russia. Entomologica Fennica 26: 53-73.
Potapov GS. 2015. Structure of bumblebee communities
(Hymenoptera: Apidae, Bombus Latr.) in the European North
of Russia. PhD thesis. Tomsk. National Research Tomsk State
University. 147 p. (In Russian).
Potapov GS, Kolosova YuS. 2016. Fauna of bumblebees
(Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombus Latr.) in the mainland
part of Arkhangelsk Region, NW Russia. Annales de la
Société entomologique de France ( N.S.) 52 (3): 150-160. doi:
10.1080/0 0379271. 2016.1217167
Potapov GS, Kolosova YS, Kondakov AV. 2015. Bumblebee
assemblages (Hymenoptera, Apidae) of ruderal habitats in the
Kola Peninsula, NW Russia. Fauna norvegica 35: 3-8. doi:
Rasmont P, Iserbyt S. 2010. Atlas of the European Bees: genus
Bombus. 3rd Edition. STEP Project. Atlas Hymenoptera.
. Accessed
2017-12 - 0 5
Rasmont P, Franzén M, Lecocq T, Harpke A, Roberts SPM,
Biesmeijer JC, Castro L, Cederberg B, Dvořák L, Fitzpatrick
U, Gonseth Y, Haubruge E, Mahé G, Manino A, Michez D,
Neumayer J, Ødegaard F, Paukkunen J, Pawlikowski T, Potts
SG, Reemer M, Settele J, Straka J, Schweiger O. 2015. Climatic
risk and distribution atlas of European bumblebees. Biorisk 10
(Special issue).
Reinig WF, Rasmont P. 1988. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der
Bergwaldhummel Alpigenobombus wurfleini (Radoszkowski,
1859). Spixiana 11(1): 37-67.
Söderman G, Leinonen R. 2003. Suomen mesipistiäiset ja niiden
uhanalaisuus. Helsinki. Tremex Press. 420 p.
Potapov, Kolosova and Vlasova:
Bombus wurflenii
in the Kola Peninsula
Fauna norvegica 38: 9-12. 2018
Williams PH. 2017. Bumblebees of the World. London. Natural
History Museum.
projects/bombus/index.html. Accessed 2017-12-05.
Editorial responsibility: Torkild Bakken.
This ar ticle is open-access and distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. This
permits all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
... Among the species of the present study, the recent record for this region is B. wurflenii (Potapov et al. 2018). ...
... We assume that this record of B. wurflenii in the Murmansk Region is due to the recent appearance of this species in the region (Potapov et al. 2018). One of the possible reasons for expanding the range of this species, which adapted to the mountain regions, is climate change (Potapov et al. 2018). ...
... We assume that this record of B. wurflenii in the Murmansk Region is due to the recent appearance of this species in the region (Potapov et al. 2018). One of the possible reasons for expanding the range of this species, which adapted to the mountain regions, is climate change (Potapov et al. 2018). For example, in northern Norway, B. wurflenii is currently recorded "200 km north of its 1973 limits" (Martinet et al. 2015). ...
Full-text available
This article presents the results of research focussed on the local bumblebee fauna in the southwest of the Kola Peninsula (near the town of Kandalaksha). In general, if we include the published data, the local fauna have 16 species of bumblebees. Among the species of the present study, the recent record for this region is Bombuswurflenii Radoszkowski, 1860. This species was previously unknown in the European North of Russia. It is typical for mountain ecosystems in Europe (Scandinavia, the mountains of Central and Western Europe, the Balkans, Northern Turkey and the Caucasus). We assume that the record of B.wurflenii on the Kola Peninsula is the recent appearance of this species in the region. One of the possible reasons for the expansion of this species is climate change. Other species of bumblebees in the local fauna are typical for the region. The species present wide ranges, i.e., Transpalaearctic, Holarctic and one species of West-Central Palaearctic. In the outskirts of Kandalaksha, there are 2 species ( B.distinguendus Morawitz, 1869 and B.veteranus (Fabricius, 1793)) which belong to the group of meadow species according to their habitat preference. They are not common for the taiga habitats in the European North of Russia. We can explain their presence in the local fauna by noting the presence of anthropogenic meadow habitats in the studied area.
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The focus of this study is to present bumblebee fauna of Arkhangelsk Region (north-western Russia). This research is based on the museum collections and materials collected by the authors. Collecting localities and data of faunistic records are given in the species list. We include 34 species in the fauna of bumblebees of Arkhangelsk Region. The regional fauna is dominated by Transpalaearctic species. Bumblebee fauna in the study region has low specificity. The recent distribution of bumblebee species in the study region is a result of post-glacial immigration.
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A total of 123 species of aculeate Hymenoptera are reported from the Murmansk region based on museum collections, unpublished datasets and previously published records. Collection localities are provided for each species. Erroneous or doubtful records of additional 19 species are discussed. Noteworthy findings include e.g. Ammophila campestris, Bombus consobrinus, B. hyperboreus, Crabro maeklini, Dipogon vechti, Formica suecica, Gorytes neglectus, Osmia cf. disjuncta and O. maritima. The species Ammophila campestris, Bombus veteranus, Crossocerus varus, Formica polyctena, Lindenius albilabris, Megachile analis and Osmia cf. disjuncta have their northernmost known localities in the Murmansk region. We estimate that approximately 100 additional aculeate species could still be found from the area.
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In recent decades, several animal and plant species have been in regression (population size decrease and geographical distribution shrinking). This loss of biodiversity can be due to various factors such as the destruction and fragmentation of habitat, urban development, pesticides or climate change. However, some species benefit from these changes and expand their distribution. Here we report observations of two Euro-Mediterranean bumblebee species, Bombus terrestris for the first time and Bombus lapidarius, beyond the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia.
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p>Bumblebee assemblages of ruderal habitats were studied in the Kola Peninsula in 2012. The number of species in the assemblages varies from 7 to 11. Of cryptic species Bombus sensu stricto in the Kola Peninsula only Bombus cryptarum was registered. The most abundant species in the study habitats are B. jonellus and B. cryptarum . Abundances of tundra species B. lapponicus , B. alpinus , B. balteatus are low in all localities. B. distinguendus and B. veteranus are southern immigrants in the region. Ruderal habitats in the Kola Peninsula are potentially important for bumblebee conservation. </p
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The paper studied the structure of bumblebee communities in some ecosystems of Karelia. The structure of the studied taxocenes was rather similar to that of the Finnish agricultural landscapes. The most abundant species in the majority of the surveyed sites was Bombus lucorum. A specific group of bumblebees was found on Russkiy Kuzov Island (the White Sea), the dominant species being B. jonellus and B. pascuorum. Its structure is similar to the topical complexes of bumblebees on the Solovetsky Islands.
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Alpigenobombus wurfleini (Radoszkowski, 1859) belongs to a bumblebee-genus widespread tlroughout the palearctic Tertiary mountains. It is morphologically near A. kashmirensis (Friese, 1909) from Himalaya. It can be found in most of the West-Palearctic mountains where it lives in forest biotopes without tresspassing the tree-line. It does not exist in the British Isles nor in the South Iberian and Italian peninsulae, European Russia and West-Anatolia. A group of light coloured subspecies includes the following taxa: ssp. wurfleini from Caucasus and NW-Anatolia, ssp. uralicus (Pittioni, 1938) from Ural, ssp. pyrenaicus (Vogt, 1909) from Pyrenees and Cantabrian mountains. A group of dark subspecies (mastrucatus auct.) inhabits Scandinavia, the Massif Central, Alps, Tatras, Balkans and Carpathian mountains. - The males are everywhere light coloured and show only slight colour variations. This suggests that dark coloration is a recent genetic acquisition. Alpine and Fennoscandian populations are widely separated from one another but share certainly a common geographic origin. Phenotypic and ethologic characters of the Scandinavian population provide evidence to assign it a subspecific rank. Their prioriry name is ssp. brevigena (Thomson, 1870). In the Balkan mountains two populations can be found that are morphologically very close but, nevertheless well isolated. They constitute together the ssp. apfelbecki Reinig nov. The Carpathian population must be treated also as a good subspecies, knechteli Reinig nov. The population from Ligurian Apennines shows a coloration near from the ssp. apfelbecki but their status cannot be clarified because of a shortage of material. The populations of the Massif Central, the Alps and Tatra Mountains belong all to the ssp. mastrucatus (Gerstaecker, 1869) but show slight colour differences which can be explained by their isolation in separated fauna refuges during the last iceage: - the population of the southern side of the Alps has probably spread from a fauna refuge in the Po plain; - the French Alps population could be coming from a refuge in the Durance, Isère, Rhône and Saône valleys; - lighter Massif Central population is likely coming from a refuge located in the Garonne basin, it could have been hybridized there with the ssp . pyrenaicus . This would explain its slightly lighter coloration; - - population of Jura, Switzerland and Vorarlberg can be coming from a refuge in the high Rhein valley; - population of East-Alps (North of Tauern), South-Germany, Bohemian, Tatra and North -Carpathlan Mountains as, perhaps, North-German and Fennoscandian populations could have a common origin in an arboreal fauna refuge located in Lower-Austria in Wien area and in South-Slovenia.The common behaviour of Alpigenobombus wurfleini making holes in flower corollas is shortly discussed.
Diss.--Bergen, Norway. Extra t.p., with thesis statement, inserted. Bibliography: p. 210-216.
Bombus mastrucatus Gerstaecker, 1869
  • D V Panfilov
  • M V Berezin
Panfilov DV, Berezin MV. 2001. Bombus mastrucatus Gerstaecker, 1869. In: Red Book of the Russian Federation (animals).
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
  • Moscow
Moscow. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation. php?ID=128273. Accessed 2017-12-05