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Reviewers' comments:
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
Whilst the PRODGENY method clearly outperforms he other methods (Reactome, GO, Pathifier,
SPIA etc.) it is not experimentally validated nor exhaustively validated computationally. The
authors utilizes published perturbation data and response data (drugs sensitivity, patient outcome)
but there is no direct experimental validation. This leads to some major concerns:
1. The study claims to solve the problem of gene expression data not reflecting PTMs, however this
is not validated in the manuscript. There is no direct evidence provided that gene expression even
when generated in response to a perturbation (e.g. EGF stimulation) provide insight that capture
PTMs or signaling states. This is the major claim of the work, but it is not validated or proven in
the current manuscript.
2. Related to this problem is the use of static pathway maps. These maps are inherently
incomplete and with errors as the physical interactions comprising them are dynamically changed
in response to perturbations, PTMs, tissues, cell lines. Thus the starting point for the PRODGENY
method is not reflective of the actual networks present at the time of stimulation, it is unclear how
the method deals with this problem and how the networks highlighted are indeed
causal/mechanistic in nature. They are found to be associative and predictive but it is not clear this
infers causality. Related to point below.
3. The authors do not provide experimental evidence that the identified patterns are causal and
real mechanisms underlying e.g. drug/patient response/outcome. The authors identifies
correlations but it is not clear these are causal nor that they are real as no direct validation is
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
This is a very interesting paper that describes a simple yet apparently effective method for
deriving pathway activity scores from RNA expression data. The authors apply this method to
prediction of the effect of cancer driver mutations on pathway activities, to the prediction of the
effects of small molecules on pathway activities, and to stratification of cancer patients by their
survival. The authors benchmark their method against several other widely used methods and
show a marked improvement in sensitivity and accuracy. They are also able to show that the
differential response of cell lines to drugs can be explained in some cases by the predicted effects
of cell line specific mutations. Potentially, this method will find multiple research applications, most
importantly the identification of drug response biomarkers for precision medicine.
My enthusiasm for this paper is tempered by difficulties understanding some of the key assertions
due to poor writing. There are numerous examples of this. I will pick out a few that stood out:
"These responsive genes are specific to the perturbed pathway (Supplementary Fig. 3) and do
almost not overlap with genes that comprise it (Supplementary Fig. 4)" This sentence doesn't
parse, and the easiest interpretation, which is that genes that respond to a pathway perturbation
are usually not contained in the pathway, is hard to comprehend.
Another example:
"Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC) shows a significant survival increase with p53 activity (FDR<10-
3), supported by the fact that it not harbor any previously reported 6 gainof-
function TP53 variants."
And another:
"For the pancancer cohort, we regressed out the effect of the study and age of the patient, and
fitted the more for each pathway and method used."
I would like to see a resubmission of this paper after a careful re-read by a native English speaker
and correction of these
Methodologically, the main problem that occurred to me during review is that the testing data sets
from GDSC and TCGA have previously been submitted to ArrayExpress and GEO and may have
contaminated the training set. However, review of the supplementary materials revealed that this
is not the case. A statement to this effect would help future readers.
When comparing PROGENy to other pathway-based activity prediction methods, it would be
informative to directly describe the overlap between the genes that define a pathway set in each of
the other methods (example, the EGFR Reactome genes) and those that have the strongest
coefficients in the PROGENy linear regression. It is likely that the most of the differences in
predictive power have to do with the fact that curated pathways focus on post-translational events
and are relatively weak with respect to describing downstream transcriptional effects.
Reviewer #3 (Remarks to the Author):
The paper touches upon important point, which is the usefulness of gene expression signatures
learned from perturbation experiments, and specifically of focusing on the core common to many
different contexts. These points are not novel, and very similar approaches have been reported
before, but the study is comprehensive, the data available today allows more accurate signatures
than before, and the authors apply it to several interesting analyses, showing relevance to drug
response and patient prognosis. If the points below are addressed well, I think the paper should be
considered for publication.
Major remarks:
1. The authors compare their method, which is based on learning gene signatures from
experimental data, to general pathway analysis approaches, which relays only on the knowledge of
the pathway and does not require many controlled experiments (nor are limited to signaling
pathways which this paper focus on). While they mention that others have tried to learn signatures
from perturbations before, they make it sound as if it was limited to breast cancer and proven
useless, where in fact these have been wildly used successfully in many contexts (such as PMID:
18937865, PMID: 17008526, PMID: 27098033, PMID: 22549044, PMID: 20215513, PMID:
20591134, PMID: 18652687 and many more). This should be better reflected in the text, and in
addition the authors should compare their method to these approaches, and not only to methods
of applying generic genes sets and pathways. If they want also to compare to such generic
methods, they should first clearly state the difference in approaches, their advantages and
disadvantages, and also use these methods to deduce pathway scores of the gene sets they
learned from the perturbation data, otherwise it is actually mostly a comparison of the
Reactome/KEGG gene set to their gene set.
2. The novelty of the research may lie in the claim of a robust method to infer a common core of
the pathways they study. As such, they should validate this claim in a more rigorous manner. One
thing that is clearly missing is validating the signatures on a validation set not used to learn these
signatures. A deeper look into the biological meaning of the key genes in their signatures, showing
that many of them correspond to known core members of these pathways will also help support
this claim. More generally all the analyses done on the same data used to derive the signatures
(e.g. the results shown in Figure 2) should be done on an independent validation set. Similarly, the
Cox proportional hazard model should be learned on a training set and applied on a disjoint
validation set.
We thank the reviewers for their comments, which we believe helped us to improve the
content and clarity of the manuscript.
A major concern was the experimental validation of the signatures. To address this point, we
performed two analyses to experimentally validate our pathway signatures obtained from
gene expression to orthogonal measures of pathway activation from phosphorylation
experiments. First, we used public data where both gene expression and phosphorylation
experiments were available upon pathway stimulation (Supplementary Fig. 5). Second, we
performed novel experiments with a cell line (HEK293) were we measured both
phosphorylation and gene expression after stimulation of the pathway (Fig. 2c, Fig. 2d). In
both public and our own data, we found a very good agreement between the scores
obtained with PROGENy from gene expression with phosphorylation markers of signaling,
hence providing experimental validation to our signatures. These new experiments were
performed by Anja Sieber, Florian Uhlitz, Sascha Sauer, who are now added as coauthors.
The other major additions to our manuscript are that we now (i) assess PROGENy
perturbation scores (Fig. 2a and Supplementary Fig. 6) in a leave-one-out manner; (ii)
validate our drug associations in the CCLE (Supplementary Table 7), as well as the survival
associations by bootstrapping the TCGA patients (Supplementary Table 8), and (iii) extend
the comparison to other methods to include two other signature methods (‘Iorio et al. 2016’,
and ‘Gatza et al., 2009’; Figs. 3-5).
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
Whilst the PRODGENY method clearly outperforms he other methods (Reactome, GO,
Pathifier, SPIA etc.) it is not experimentally validated nor exhaustively validated
computationally. The authors utilizes published perturbation data and response data (drugs
sensitivity, patient outcome) but there is no direct experimental validation. This leads to
some major concerns:
1. The study claims to solve the problem of gene expression data not reflecting PTMs,
however this is not validated in the manuscript. There is no direct evidence provided that
gene expression even when generated in response to a perturbation (e.g. EGF stimulation)
provide insight that capture PTMs or signaling states. This is the major claim of the work, but
it is not validated or proven in the current manuscript.
We agree with the reviewer that is important to show how our gene expression signatures
capture PTMs or signaling states. We have performed two set of analyses to investigate this
point. First, we have reviewed the literature and publicly available data for cases where for
the same stimulation signaling activity (typically via phosphorylation) and gene expression
changes are measured. We used PROGENy signatures (computed without these
experiments) to estimate pathway from expression, and compared these with the signaling
values. The results (Supplementary Fig. 7) confirm the agreement between the PTMs and
gene expression signatures for all pathways we studied.
To further validate our signatures, we performed novel experiments with the HEK293 cell
line. We stimulated them with five different ligands and inhibitors, and we measured
changes in phosphorylation of key proteins and gene expression changes. From the gene
expression we computed the PROGENy scores, that agreed with the stimulation usd and the
phosphorylation measurements (Fig. 2c, 2d).
With these two additional analyses, we verify that our signatures agree with
phosphoproteomic measurements when activating the corresponding pathways.
2. Related to this problem is the use of static pathway maps. These maps are inherently
incomplete and with errors as the physical interactions comprising them are dynamically
changed in response to perturbations, PTMs, tissues, cell lines. Thus the starting point for
the PRODGENY method is not reflective of the actual networks present at the time of
stimulation, it is unclear how the method deals with this problem and how the networks
highlighted are indeed causal/mechanistic in nature. They are found to be associative and
predictive but it is not clear this infers causality. Related to point below.
We agree with the reviewer that pathway maps are incomplete and unable to capture per se
dynamic and cell-specific aspects of signal transduction. To circumvent this limitation, our
method does not explicitly model pathway structure and activation dynamics. Rather, we
solely rely on the link between a known perturbagen of a pathway and the effect on gene
expression it mediates. This is in line with how gene expression signatures generally work
and are used in large-scale projects such as the Connectivity Map.
It is also true that while our model reflects gene expression changes caused by pathway
activation or inhibition, it does not immediately follow that these changes are present and
detectable as intrinsic steady state footprints of signaling activity. To investigate the causality
of the signatures, we used well established cancer driver mutations in an independent
dataset (cancer patient data from the TCGA; Fig. 3) showing that when key pathway
components are mutated and thereby the pathway hyper- or deactivated, the signatures
change accordingly. We confirm this with independent activity and gene expression
measurements upon perturbation (Fig. 2c, Fig. 2d and Supplementary Fig. 7; also mentioned
3. The authors do not provide experimental evidence that the identified patterns are causal
and real mechanisms underlying e.g. drug/patient response/outcome. The authors identifies
correlations but it is not clear these are causal nor that they are real as no direct validation is
The reviewer is correct that there is no causal association between the pathway activations
and drug/patient response/outcome. What we do believe is (a) that pathway perturbations
are causal to gene expression changes and (b) that those gene expression changes can be
used to infer upstream signaling activity.
In response to this, we added evidence of a causal link between each pathway modulator
and its effect on the corresponding pathway activity (Supplementary Note 2).
Biomarkers are correlative per se. As such, they are usually evaluated by deriving them from
one data set and evaluating them in another data set. We derive them from perturbation
experiments that are independent of TCGA cancer drivers, differential drug response due to
oncogene addiction and differential survival for oncogenic vs. tumor suppressor pathways
(cf. Fig. 3-5).
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
This is a very interesting paper that describes a simple yet apparently effective method for
deriving pathway activity scores from RNA expression data. The authors apply this method
to prediction of the effect of cancer driver mutations on pathway activities, to the prediction of
the effects of small molecules on pathway activities, and to stratification of cancer patients
by their survival. The authors benchmark their method against several other widely used
methods and show a marked improvement in sensitivity and accuracy. They are also able to
show that the differential response of cell lines to drugs can be explained in some cases by
the predicted effects of cell line specific mutations. Potentially, this method will find multiple
research applications, most importantly the identification of drug response biomarkers for
precision medicine.
We thank the reviewer for his kind words and we are glad that he finds our work so
interesting and useful.
My enthusiasm for this paper is tempered by difficulties understanding some of the key
assertions due to poor writing.
We apologize for this. We have thoroughly revised the manuscript to improve clarity.
There are numerous examples of this. I will pick out a few that stood out:
"These responsive genes are specific to the perturbed pathway (Supplementary Fig. 3) and
do almost not overlap with genes that comprise it (Supplementary Fig. 4)" This sentence
doesn't parse, and the easiest interpretation, which is that genes that respond to a pathway
perturbation are usually not contained in the pathway, is hard to comprehend.
This is now rewritten to:
These responsive genes are specific to the perturbed pathway and have little overlap with
genes encoding for its signaling proteins (Supplementary Fig. 4).
Another example:
"Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC) shows a significant survival increase with p53 activity
(FDR<10-3), supported by the fact that it not harbor any previously reported 6
gain-of-function TP53 variants."
This is now rewritten to:
Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC) shows a significant increase of survival with p53 activity
(FDR<10-3). This positive effect of p53 on survival is supported by the fact that ACC samples
do not harbor any previously reported gain-of-function TP53 variants 29
And another:
"For the pan-cancer cohort, we regressed out the effect of the study and age of the patient,
and fitted the more for each pathway and method used."
This is now rewritten to:
For the pan-cancer cohort, we fitted the model for each pathway and method separately,
regressing out the study of origin and age of the patient.
I would like to see a resubmission of this paper after a careful re-read by a native English
speaker and correction of these
We appreciate the reviewer’s points about some phrasing errors that happened during our
internal revisions. We apologize, they are fixed now.
Methodologically, the main problem that occurred to me during review is that the testing data
sets from GDSC and TCGA have previously been submitted to ArrayExpress and GEO and
may have contaminated the training set. However, review of the supplementary materials
revealed that this is not the case. A statement to this effect would help future readers.
We agree with the reviewer; we also now explicitly state that the three data sets do not
When comparing PROGENy to other pathway-based activity prediction methods, it would be
informative to directly describe the overlap between the genes that define a pathway set in
each of the other methods (example, the EGFR Reactome genes) and those that have the
strongest coefficients in the PROGENy linear regression. It is likely that the most of the
differences in predictive power have to do with the fact that curated pathways focus on post-
translational events and are relatively weak with respect to describing downstream
transcriptional effects.
We have now expanded our depiction of the overlap between different gene sets in the
methods we used to include other signatures to be able to compare the relative overlap
(Supplementary Fig. 4).
Reviewer #3 (Remarks to the Author):
The paper touches upon important point, which is the usefulness of gene expression
signatures learned from perturbation experiments, and specifically of focusing on the core
common to many different contexts. These points are not novel, and very similar approaches
have been reported before, but the study is comprehensive, the data available today allows
more accurate signatures than before, and the authors apply it to several interesting
analyses, showing relevance to drug response and patient prognosis. If the points below are
addressed well, I think the paper should be considered for publication.
Major remarks:
1. The authors compare their method, which is based on learning gene signatures from
experimental data, to general pathway analysis approaches, which relays only on the
knowledge of the pathway and does not require many controlled experiments (nor are limited
to signaling pathways which this paper focus on). While they mention that others have tried
to learn signatures from perturbations before, they make it sound as if it was limited to breast
cancer and proven useless, where in fact these have been wildly used successfully in many
contexts (such as PMID: 18937865, PMID: 17008526, PMID: 27098033, PMID: 22549044,
PMID: 20215513, PMID: 20591134, PMID: 18652687 and many more). This should be
better reflected in the text, and in addition the authors should compare their method to these
approaches, and not only to methods of applying generic genes sets and pathways.
It is true that many signatures have been published that contrasted two different conditions
in terms of their gene expression. We included 208 of such ArrayExpress submissions,
many of which have been published as gene expression signatures (we now link to the
respective publications in Supplementary Note 2). The potential problem with those
differentially expressed genes is that they are heterogeneous up to a point where they
provide no clear pattern which pathway was perturbed.
In terms of the previous publications that the reviewer lists, we agree that we should better
clarify how our study relates and goes beyond them, which in brief is as follows:
18937865: This presents an alternative way to derive consensus signatures;
unfortunately, it is not readily available as a tool to use it for comparison. In addition,
the nature and use of the signatures is different:
PROGENy derives consensus signatures from many cell lines, while this study uses
many (~600) perturbations, but on only 3 cell lines. The authors also look at patients,
but not in a systematic way, and they do not relate signatures to mutational drivers or
drug efficacy, main aspects of our study.
17008526: This is the original Connectivity Map; it contains gene expression upon
drug treatment, however, the drugs used are (in almost all cases) not specific
pathway modulators
27098033: This is not a perturbation-response but rather a steady state signature
22549044: We already include this experiment in our set (E-GEOD-32975)
20215513: This is not a perturbation-response but rather a steady state signature
20591134: This experiment does not publish gene expression data; the signatures
themselves have been redone later in Gatza et al. (2009) that we discuss in the
18652687: This experiment does not publish raw gene expression data and hence
we can not compare to it or include it. However, we include similar perturbations (a
PIK3CAH1047R activation mutant and the inhibitors GDC0941, BKM120, PI-103,
among others)
We have revised the introduction and discussion in order to reflect this.
In addition, the reviewer is correct that we have not compared PROGENy to specific
published pathway signatures. In order to amend this, we have now extended our functional
evaluation (mutations, drug response, and patient survival in Figures 3-6) to also include
SPEED-derived Iorio et al. and the Gatza et al. signatures that we reference.
If they want also to compare to such generic methods, they should first clearly state the
difference in approaches, their advantages and disadvantages, and also use these methods
to deduce pathway scores of the gene sets they learned from the perturbation data,
otherwise it is actually mostly a comparison of the Reactome/KEGG gene set to their gene
We included a more detailed description of the advantages and disadvantages of pathway
mapping vs. signatures in the introduction. We also perform Gene Ontology enrichment
using our signature genes to better characterize the processes involved (now in
Supplementary Fig. 5).
We would, however, like to point out that SPIA, Pathifier and PARADIGM are not just gene
set methods and require a graph representation of the pathways, so that we do not compare
only against other gene sets.
2. The novelty of the research may lie in the claim of a robust method to infer a common
core of the pathways they study. As such, they should validate this claim in a more rigorous
manner. One thing that is clearly missing is validating the signatures on a validation set not
used to learn these signatures.
We agree that the robust method to compute signature of pathways is a main component of
our study, although we believe that the curation effort of obtaining a much larger collection
of perturbation-induced gene expression changes than previous studies (e.g. SPEED and
Gatza et al.; Supplementary Fig. 2) is also a major contribution towards our functional
Nevertheless, the reviewer is right that we should further validate our signatures. In order to
do so, we now (1) provide an additional orthogonal validation using phosphorylation
measurements in experiments not included in model building (Fig. 2c and d, Supplementary
Fig. 7), (2) performed novel experiments in HEK293 cells where we validated signatures with
phosphorylation data (Fig 2b), and (3) perform leave-one-out cross-validation when
assessing PROGENy on our curated set of experiments (Fig. 2a and Supplementary Fig.
A deeper look into the biological meaning of the key genes in their signatures, showing that
many of them correspond to known core members of these pathways will also help support
this claim.
We thank the reviewer for this comment. We now characterize the 100 genes that comprise
each pathway using Gene Ontology enrichment to show the processes that are driven by
pathway activation (Supplementary Fig. 5).
More generally all the analyses done on the same data used to derive the signatures (e.g.
the results shown in Figure 2) should be done on an independent validation set.
We agree with the reviewer that a completely separate set of perturbation experiments
would be ideal to assess model performance. We now validate our model with completely
independent gene expression and pathway activity measurements (Fig. 2c and 2d,
Supplementary Fig. 7).
Similarly, the Cox proportional hazard model should be learned on a training set and applied
on a disjoint validation set.
For TCGA mutations, drug associations and Cox survival models we actually do not learn
any model parameters in these data sets. Nevertheless, we now validate our associations
for overlapping drugs in the CCLE (Supplementary Table 7) and assess the stability of the
survival associations in the TCGA by bootstrapping (Supplementary Table 8). For the
survival associations, we were unfortunately not able to use an independent data set as we
could not find independent cohorts for the three cancer types we highlight (ICGC largely
overlaps with TCGA data; cBioPortal does not list additional cohorts; projects like the AACR
GENIE do not have gene expression data to derive our pathway scores from).
Reviewers' comments:
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
The authors have replied to my concerns.
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
I have reviewed the revised manuscript with respect to the points raised by my own and the other
three reviewers. I feel that the authors have done a credible job addressing most if not all of the
concerns. In particular, the addition of direct measurements of the predicted phospho-protein
changes in response to perturbations of signaling pathways in the HEK293 cell line greatly
improves the impact of the paper.
The specific comments I made with respect to language and readability have been addressed.
I am comfortable recommending this paper for publication.
Reviewer #3 (Remarks to the Author):
The manuscript has indeed improved, but there still significant concerns, mostly revolving around
how this proposed method is better than previous work, especially studies that are based on a
similar approach of gene-expression derived signatures:
1. The authors should state what makes their method better than previous similar approach. While
the revised version now include comparison to results of a few previous approaches, it is not clear
in what their proposed method is better is it simply the inclusion of additional data? Is it
something about their computational approach? What exactly? Is it the way they learn they
signatures or the way the apply them to deduce activity? They should make their claims clear and
prove them.
2. The authors should test the different contribution of signature learning and application with
other approaches, using their approach to predict activation based on signatures other have
learned, and more importantly use other methods to predict activation based on the signatures the
authors have derived. Their response to this previous request (point 1 of reviewer #3) is missing
the point, I hope this comment is more clear now, and will be taken more seriously. The response
states they performed Gene Ontology enrichment using their signature genes to better
characterize the processes involved, which is nice but unrelated as they did not use these
signatures to predict activation by other means, hence it is not clear if their prediction algorithm
(regardless of the gene sets used) is better or worse than other previously suggested methods.
They claim Pathifier requires graph representation of the pathways, but this is not the case, and it
could be applied on any gene set, and there are also other published methods and approaches
they can apply on the gene sets they have learned. They claim they revised the introduction to
include a “more detailed description of the advantages and disadvantages of pathway mapping”,
but they do not state anywhere that purpose of methods such as Paradigm and Pathifier is to
derive activation or deregulation scores of hundreds of pathways, and not just a few select well-
studied signaling pathways for which expression based signatures are indeed more suited. As a
side note, the point of the few papers mentioned was not that they should or should not include
that data in their analysis, but that they should acknowledge previous work that suggested very
similar approaches to gene expression derived signatures.
3. Line 68-71. This part is not clear. What do they mean by “those different experiments, however,
are heterogeneous”? How is this heterogeneity measured and why does this render previous work
non-relevant? Can they show that their method solves this issue and does better than some of the
seminal work in the field (e.g. Bild et al. Nature 2006?). It as also not clear what is the point of
supplementary fig. 1. Why does inability to cluster by tSNE suggests that their pathway activity
predictions are inconsistent? I’m also a bit confused because a very similar plot in the earlier
submission (figure 2a) based on their consensus pathways with similar separation was used to
suggest that their consensus pathways are working well.
Response to Reviewers
Reviewer #3 (Remarks to the Author):
The manuscript has indeed improved, but there still significant concerns, mostly revolving
around how this proposed method is better than previous work, especially studies that are
based on a similar approach of gene-expression derived signatures:
1. The authors should state what makes their method better than previous similar approach.
While the revised version now include comparison to results of a few previous approaches,
it is not clear in what their proposed method is better is it simply the inclusion of additional
data? Is it something about their computational approach? What exactly? Is it the way they
learn they signatures or the way the apply them to deduce activity? They should make their
claims clear and prove them.
2. The authors should test the different contribution of signature learning and application
with other approaches, using their approach to predict activation based on signatures other
have learned, and more importantly use other methods to predict activation based on the
signatures the authors have derived. Their response to this previous request (point 1 of
reviewer #3) is missing the point, I hope this comment is more clear now, and will be taken
more seriously. The response states they performed Gene Ontology enrichment using their
signature genes to better characterize the processes involved, which is nice but unrelated
as they did not use these signatures to predict activation by other means, hence it is not
clear if their prediction algorithm (regardless of the gene sets used) is better or worse than
other previously suggested methods.
In her/his points #1 and #2 above, the reviewer raises two valid questions: (1) whether the
number of included signatures or the way we derive our scores improves over previous
consensus signature methods (SPEED, EPSA) and (2) how, given the genes we found in
our signatures, alternative methods of computing pathway scores perform.
To address these points:
(1) We have extended our comparison to include (a) SPEED with their original set of
signatures, (b) SPEED with our set of signatures, and (c) EPSA using our set of signatures.
We now show (Supplementary Fig. 6a) that
(a) PROGENy outperforms the original SPEED using their signatures
(b) PROGENy performs similarly well (binomial test; p=0.5) to the original SPEED, but
SPEED relies on lists of differentially expressed genes, and is hence unsuitable for panels
of samples as those in our analyses;
(c) PROGENy performs better than EPSA (binomial test; p<0.05) on perturbations and also
better than our previous modification of SPEED to make it suitable for panels (Iorio et al.; cf.
Fig. 3, 4, and 5).
Furthermore, we quantify the importance of the number of perturbation experiments using
PROGENy and find that indeed an increased number of experiments included to derive the
signature leads to an improved performance (Supplementary Fig. 6b).
(2) We apologize for misunderstanding the previous comment (point 1 of reviewer #3). We
have now also included a comparison to GSEA on our 100 signature genes (using the
p-value of the KS-statistic; Supplementary Fig. 6a). We show that GSEA performs similarly
overall but is prone to infer the wrong sign of pathway activation (cf. PI3K, VEGF panels
and Supplementary Fig. 2b), as our gene sets rely on the sign of the z-scores to distinguish
between up- and downregulation (as is SPEED).
To complement this, we already compare to published high quality signatures (Gatza et al.)
in Fig. 3, 4 and 5.
They claim Pathifier requires graph representation of the pathways, but this is not the case,
and it could be applied on any gene set, and there are also other published methods and
approaches they can apply on the gene sets they have learned.
We did not intend to imply Pathifier uses an external pathway structure, but we agree that
the statement about Pathifier in the legend of Fig. 1a can be misleading.
We have grouped methods that make use of structure in some capacity (Pathifier infers
signal flow, it does not merely use the set as a set with equal weights) to:
infer or incorporate
They claim they revised the introduction to include a “more detailed description of the
advantages and disadvantages of pathway mapping”, but they do not state anywhere that
purpose of methods such as Paradigm and Pathifier is to derive activation or deregulation
scores of hundreds of pathways, and not just a few select well-studied signaling pathways
for which expression based signatures are indeed more suited.
This is a good point. We have now extended the paragraph in the introduction to not only
refer to previous work, but also state that the primary limitation of perturbation-based
methods is the number of signatures for which there is enough experimental data allowing
to build consensus models.
In the results, we further refine this statement to compare performance of the actual method
to EPSA and SPEED (which are the two methods for consensus signatures, i.e. similar
approaches to ours):
In order to address the fact that expression-based methods can be more easily applied to
any number of pathways, we have added the following statement in the introduction:
And in the discussion:
As a side note, the point of the few papers mentioned was not that they should or should
not include that data in their analysis, but that they should acknowledge previous work that
suggested very similar approaches to gene expression derived signatures.
We thank the reviewer for the clarification. Besides the individual studies we discuss
(Connectivity Map, Bild, Gatza, EPSA, SPEED), we now cite a general review on this topic.
3. Line 68-71. This part is not clear. What do they mean by “those different experiments,
however, are heterogeneous”? How is this heterogeneity measured and why does this
render previous work non-relevant?
For clarity, we have rewritten the paragraph to:
Can they show that their method solves this issue and does better than some of the seminal
work in the field (e.g. Bild et al. Nature 2006?).
We agree with the reviewer that we should do additional comparisons, in particular: (1)
compare the consensus signature of our method to previously published consensus
methods in terms of how well they represent pathway activation in different conditions and
(2) compare the GDSC and TCGA application of our consensus to previously published
individual signatures.
For point 1, we now compare to EPSA and SPEED using our curated set of experiments (cf.
response above).
For point 2, we use the high quality signatures of Gatza et
instead of Bild et
they used the same experiments and the latter published neither their microarray data nor
an implementation of their method.
It as also not clear what is the point of supplementary fig. 1. Why does inability to cluster by
tSNE suggests that their pathway activity predictions are inconsistent? I’m also a bit
confused because a very similar plot in the earlier submission (figure 2a) based on their
consensus pathways with similar separation was used to suggest that their consensus
pathways are working well.
We intended to show a better pathway clustering by PROGENy pathway scores than
differential expression of genes.
While we did not intend to claim that pathway activity predictions are inconsistent but rather
the global gene expression differences in the perturbation experiments are, we agree that
this plot did not convey the message sufficiently well.
As Supplementary Fig. 5 already shows the relative activation patterns of the inferred
pathway scores for different methods, we removed Supplementary Fig. 1.
Reviewer #3 (Remarks to the Author):
The authors have replied to my concerns.
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