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Missing stickman found: the first male of the parthenogenetic New Zealand phasmid genus Acanthoxyla Uvarov, 1944 discovered in the United Kingdom


Abstract and Figures

by Paul D. Brock, Malcolm Lee, Mary Morgan-Richards &
Steven A. Trewick
Three species of New Zealand phasmids have become naturalised in the UK: Prickly Stick-
insect Acanthoxyla geisovii since Edwardian times, Unarmed Stick-insect Acanthoxyla inermis
since the 1920s, and Smooth Stick-insect Clitarchus hookeri since the 1940s. Smooth Stick-
insect is only found on the Isles of Scilly, but the two Acanthoxyla species are found in
localised populations in the south-west of England, principally within Cornwall and Devon.
Around 250–300 reports of stick insects a year are now being received by Malcolm Lee, the
national recorder, almost exclusively through the online reporting system set up by the
Phasmid Study Group. Many of these are now also accompanied by an image enabling
ready confirmation of the species. There are now thought to be just three species of
Acanthoxyla in New Zealand following synonymy of several morphological forms (Brock &
Jewell, 2015), but males have never been recorded in the genus. The whole genus is
considered to be of hybrid origin and contains both diploid (with two copies of every
chromosome) and triploid (with three copies of every chromosome) lineages (Morgan-
Richards & Trewick, 2005; Buckley et al., 2008; Myers et al., 2013). In the light of this, males
have been assumed not to exist and all populations are regarded as parthenogenetic, that is
females lay viable eggs without the need for fertilisation by a male. Males of the similar
looking Smooth Stick-insect are not uncommon in New Zealand. They may account for up
to 50% of insects in some populations, but are absent in other populations which must breed
parthenogenetically (Morgan-Richards et al., 2010). No male Smooth Stick-insect has ever
been recorded in the UK population, which is therefore regarded as wholly parthenogenetic.
On 6 October 2016 a report was received from David Fenwick of a stick insect found that
morning on the side of his partner’s car outside his home in Heamoor, in the north-western
part of Penzance, Cornwall. David had sent an earlier report to ML in 2013 with a clear
image of a tiny stick insect found on his bathroom ceiling, which enabled it to be identified
as a recently hatched Unarmed Stick-insect nymph. He has subsequently come across other
nymphs within his house. The image accompanying this recent report was taken side-on,
and showed a spindly looking 75mm long phasmid, with the end of the abdomen being
quite a different shape to any of the naturalised stick insects previously seen. It was
assumed to have been an escaped or discarded individual from a nearby phasmid
enthusiast and was referred to PDB to see if he could identify the species. His quick
response was to wonder whether this was a eureka moment, and Acanthoxyla had finally
produced that missing male. A second email from David Fenwick included more close-up
16 Atropos 60
pictures of his phasmid, including dorsal views of the abdomen and head. When he saw
these images, PDB confirmed that, apart from a more spindly appearance and a slightly
more extended black line along the top of the abdomen, this stick insect had everything to
match female Unarmed Stick-insect, including red beneath the forelegs and spines beneath
mid and hind femora. However, this was definitely a male with genitalia broadly similar
to known males of Smooth Stick-insect.
A trip was taken by ML to Heamoor to check out the area around David Fenwick’s
home for more phasmids. Brambles Rubus spp. and other likely foodplants in nearby
hedgerows and gardens were inspected for evidence of the distinctive feeding damage of
phasmids, but no damage was seen and no stick insects were found. David had put the
insect in a cage, so it was taken back to ML’s home at Port Gaverne. An extended check of
hedgerows in adjacent Port Isaac located a female and the two were put together in the
hope of a pairing. There was no evidence seen of any interaction but, sadly, the male died Atropos 60 17
Figure 1. The above diagram shows the genetic similarity between individual Acanthoxyla stick-insects sampled
in New Zealand and the UK. Different colours represent different Acanthoxyla morphological ‘forms’ that were
sampled. All the ‘forms’ mentioned above are illustrated in Salmon (1991) and he considered them all to be
subspecies of just one valid species; A. prasina, rather than the current three valid species Black-spined Stick-insect
A. prasina, Prickly Stick-insect A. geisovii and Unarmed Stick-insect A. inermis of Brock and Jewell (2015). The
longer the line (branch) the more different are the DNA sequences represented by the coloured spots. The bigger
the spot the more individual stick-insects are represented. Some forms have the same DNA sequence and so spots
are subdivided. Two of the ‘forms’ (Unarmed Stick-insect and Prickly Stick-insect) are recorded in the UK, and we
found that the male (yellow) had the same sequence as a female Unarmed Stick-insect previously collected at
Mevagissey, Cornwall, in 2013. Genetic similarity was assessed by comparison of partial Cytochrome Oxidase I
mitochondrial DNA sequence.
the following day, as did the female a few days later. In average years, October is towards
the end of the annual life cycle for the naturalised phasmids so this was not unexpected.
The male was preserved and has been deposited in the national collection at the Natural
History Museum, London. As stick insects often do, it had shed a leg shortly after capture
and fortunately David had immediately placed it in ethanol to preserve it. This leg was
forwarded to New Zealand, where DNA sequencing was used to confirm with a high level
of confidence that it came from an individual whose mother was an Acanthoxyla (Figure
1). A fragment of the DNA from the maternally inherited mitochondrial genome was
sequenced and compared to DNA sequences from numerous stick-insect species. The male
specimen had a sequence identical to female Unarmed Stick-insect specimens collected
from the UK and very similar to many New Zealand collected individuals.
In most stick insects, sex is determined by the number of X-chromosomes. Two X-
chromosomes creates a female, one X-chromosome results in a male. A simple mutation
during cell division can produce an egg with a missing X-chromosome, resulting in the
production of rare males from parthenogenetic females. Because many Acanthoxyla
individuals are triploid the accidental loss of a single X-chromosome is unlikely to result
in a male. Most of the Acanthoxyla individuals identified as diploid have had few or no
spines (Unarmed Stick-insect), similar to their putative paternal species (Smooth Stick-
insect). A mutation resulting in the loss of an X-chromosome in a diploid lineage is much
more likely to produce a son than a similar loss from a triploid individual, therefore it is
of no surprise that the first Acanthoxyla male should have had an Unarmed Stick-insect
The illustrations on pp. 19 & 20 highlight various features discussed in this section, with
the male images on the left and the corresponding female image on the right. These stick
insects come in green or brown colour forms in the female, and it just so happens the male
was brown and the female was the commoner green form.
Measurements: male: body length 75mm, head 3.6mm (width 2.2mm), antennae 28mm,
pronotum 3mm, mesonotum 14mm, metanotum 10.3mm (+ median segment 3.7mm),
femora: fore 22mm, mid 17mm, hind 21mm; tibiae: fore 2mm, mid 16mm, hind 20mm.
Cerci 1.7mm (Natural History Museum, London (NHMUK)).
Brown with bold black longitudinal stripe on pronotum, also black marks on abdominal
segments and at end of mesonotum/start of metanotum, otherwise only a faint indication
of a longitudinal line.
Head: Elongate, eyes brown. Laterally behind eyes and towards hind part of segment with
blackish marks. Antennae with 21 segments, basal segment elongate, segments 3 and 4
short. All segments hairy. Inner base of fore femora reddish.
Thorax: Pronotum shorter than head, with a bold central longitudinal black line. Depressed
towards the top of the segment and in the centre, forming an almost rectangular area,
18 Atropos 60 Atropos 60 19
Adult Unarmed Stick-insect Acanthoxyla inermis (Photos: D. Fenwick (left) and P. Brock (right)).
Head and thorax of Unarmed Stick-insect Acanthoxyla inermis (Photos: D. Fenwick (left) and P. Brock (right)).
surrounded by a slightly raised area. Mesonotum and metanotum generally smooth, only
very sparsely granulated. Mesonotum almost five times the length of the pronotum and
the same length as the mesonotum and median segment. Upper part of mesonotum with
a hint of a black line, which reappears at base. Underside reddish.
Abdomen: Elongate. Black marks prominent at the end and start of the abdominal
segments 1‒8. Ninth abdominal segment very elongate, the swollen subgenital plate not
reaching half the length of the segment. Tiny hairs ventrally on the ninth segment. Basal
part of anal (tenth) segment hairy; segment rounded at tip. Claspers broad, each clasper
with five unequal stout inner black teeth. Cerci short and hairy, tapering slightly to
rounded tip.
Legs: Elongate. Mid and hind femora with pair of basal spines.
Note: This sex is similar in general appearance to the female, but much more slender
(normal in stick-insects). Unarmed Stick-insect is the only known Acanthoxyla species with
a bold black line on the pronotum. The male is easily distinguished from the often less
plain-looking Smooth Stick-insect male, as the latter has a more conspicuous longitudinal
black line running along the body, which is sometimes broken but always on the head. It
also has expanded eighth abdominal segments, lacking in Acanthoxyla.
The most studied parthenogenetic Phasmid is the Indian Stick-insect Carausius morosus.
Numerous papers have been written about this species, all based on culture stocks first
introduced into Europe in 1898. Crotch (1970) stated, “If the Stick Insect had been a native
around Mount Ararat, Noah would have been hard put to it to find a pair of them for the
Ark! In no breeding culture does the male appear more than once in a thousand adults.
Some authorities give the ratio as nearer 1/10,000.” PDB reared two males in about 200
insects in the 1980s. Eggs were not subjected to the very high temperatures that can result
in males appearing, according to some researchers, but most rearers never see a male. It is
generally believed that the male is incapable of fertilisation, although there have been no
studies in India, where males may occur in some natural populations, as is the case in other
Carausius species. Italian researchers and others have examined parthenogenesis in detail,
in the mainly Mediterranean genus Bacillus, where males occur in some populations of B.
rossius (for example, Scali et al., 2003). Other captive-bred phasmids from various countries
reproduce parthenogenetically in the absence of males, but there have been no detailed,
20 Atropos 60
End of abdomen, dorsal view of Unarmed Stick-insect Acanthoxyla inermis (Photos: D. Fenwick (left) and P. Brock
End of abdomen, lateral view of Unarmed Stick-insect Acanthoxyla inermis (Photos: D. Fenwick (left) and P. Brock
End of abdomen, ventral view of Unarmed Stick-insect Acanthoxyla inermis (Photos: D. Fenwick (left) and P. Brock
long-term studies. But
the genus Acanthoxyla
has been a mystery up
to now, uniquely with a
lack of male(s) in any
species, either in the
wild or in captivity.
The genus Acanthoxyla
appears to be of hybrid
origin, with the male of
Smooth Stick-insect
the putative parental
species, the female
unknown (Trewick et
al., 2008).
There are some
advantages to partheno -
genesis. A single insect,
or even a single egg,
transported to new
areas could soon lead
to a viable population able to exploit this fresh habitat. This will have been a prime factor
in the establishment of our UK populations. Such exploitation of new habitats is still
happening, as shown by the post-2000 range expansion of Unarmed Stick-insect. A
parthenogenetic population of the same size as one with equal number of males and females
may theoretically produce twice as many eggs. Of course, the eggs of parthenogenetic
insects may not be equally fertile, but a study on Smooth Stick-insect (Morgan-Richards et
al., 2010) showed only marginal differences, with 74% of eggs from parthenogenetic females
hatching out, compared to 85% for females from sexual populations.
In species where males occur only rarely, they may not be able to fertilize females, as
is the case with cultured Carausius morosus. As our male died before any interaction could
be observed, we do not know if it could take any part in fertilisation. The New Zealand
endemic Smooth Stick-insect exhibits a geographic split between sexual and
parthenogenetic populations, with sexual populations apparently restricted to New
Zealand’s North Island. No males have been found on South Island by recent researchers,
with a pinned male specimen in the Museum of New Zealand collected by J T Salmon in
1944 near Christchurch being the sole South Island male known. This could have come
about when cells in the egg of a parthenogenetic female lost an X chromosome during
division, since a single male hatched out of one of the 315 eggs from a parthenogenetic
female during the 2010 study by Morgan-Richards et al. That study also showed mated
females from sexual populations gave rise to eggs that hatched out in roughly equal male
to female ratio, but if such females were not allowed to mate, their unfertilized eggs gave
rise to all females. Where males from sexual populations were allowed to mate with
females from parthenogenetic populations, the vast majority that hatched out were females,
with males representing just 1 in 40 hatchlings. Atropos 60 21
Smooth Stick-insect Clitarchus hookeri (male). Waiorongomai Valley, New
Zealand, 28 February 2016 (Photo: P. Brock)
In the last 10 to 15 years, the Unarmed Stick-insect has undergone a massive surge in its
distribution, especially in Cornwall (see Figure 2). These stick-insects have little capacity
to distribute themselves, and such a spread is undoubtedly associated with this species
turning up within the grounds of several garden centres in Cornwall and Devon. As we
buy their plants and take them home, stick-insect eggs, or small nymphs may tag along
too. In Penzance there is an unsubstantiated report of stick-insect sightings in the town in
the late 1960s, but this could relate to Carausius morosus, so often kept, and then discarded,
by children. Such discards can occur anywhere in the UK. Apart from that anomalous one,
there are 39 verified stick-insect sightings in Penzance, including Heamoor, with the first
in 2003. The first for the Heamoor area itself was in 2010, so both dates are consistent with
the colonies being of recent introduction.
It seems a puzzle why the first male Acanthoxyla should turn up in a small offshoot
population on the other side of the world from their native land. It may be that males are
to be found in New Zealand, but their rarity means they have yet to come to the notice of
researchers in this field. An indication of the likely rarity of this male comes from the
22 Atropos 60
Figure 2. Unarmed Stick-insect Acanthoxyla inermis tetrad distribution in Cornwall, Devon & Dorset (inset)
at 30 June 2015, showing original pre-2000 tetrads in red.
database kept by the national recorder. At the time of receiving David Fenwick’s report,
there were 2,646 separate phasmid records. Excluding records which came from the few
UK recorders who regularly search for them in the field, this leaves 2,343 reports that
represent truly random encounters by individuals who come across, typically, a single
insect in their homes or gardens. Of those reports, 1,019 were accompanied by an image of
what they had found. If we assume those images are of a single insect (around 98% are),
this suggests a rarity for this male of at least one in a thousand, a similar ratio to that
estimated for male Carausius morosus (Crotch, 1970). These masters of camouflage are so
difficult to spot, even to experts, that it is unlikely researchers in New Zealand have seen
anything like this number of Unarmed Stick-insect. Were a male Unarmed Stick-insect to
be within a colony of the similar Smooth Stick-insect it could easily be overlooked as a
male of the latter species.
No doubt this find will spur the search for Acanthoxyla males in New Zealand.
Our thanks go to David Fenwick for bringing this, so far unique, phasmid male to our
attention, and for taking the excellent close-up images whilst the insect was still alive.
Brock, P.D. & Jewell, T., 2015. An updated checklist of New Zealand phasmids. Phasmid Study Group
Newsletter 134: 13–14.
Buckley, T.R., Attanayake, D., Park, D., Ravindran, S., Jewell, T.R. & Normark, B.B., 2008.
Investigating hybridization in the parthenogenetic New Zealand stick insect Acanthoxyla
(Phasmatodea) using single-copy nuclear loci. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 48: 335–349.
Crotch, W., 1970. Rearing Stick Insects. London: AES Leaflet 30: 1–20.
Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, SA., 2005. Hybrid origin of a parthenogenetic genus? Molecular
Ecology, 14: 2133–2142.
Morgan-Richards, M., Trewick, S.A. & Stringer, I., 2010. Geographic parthenogenesis and the
common tea-tree stick-insect of New Zealand. Molecular Ecology 19: 1227–1238.
Myers S.S., Morgan-Richards, M. Trewick, S.A., 2013. Multiple lines of evidence suggest mosaic
polyploidy in the hybrid parthenogenetic stick insect lineage Acanthoxyla. Insect Conservation and
Diversity 6(4): 537–548.
Salmon, J.T., 1991. The Stick Insects of New Zealand. Reed Books, Auckland, New Zealand.
Scali, V., Passamonti, M., Marescalchi, O., & Mantovani, B., 2003. Linkage between sexual and
asexual lineages: genome evolution in Bacillus stick insects. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
79: 137–150.
Trewick, S.A, Morgan-Richards, M. & Collins, L.J., 2008. Are you my mother? Phylogenetic analysis
reveals orphan hybrid stick insect genus is part of a monophyletic New Zealand clade. Molecular
Phylogenetics and Evolution 48: 799–808.
Paul D. Brock¹, Malcolm Lee², Mary Morgan-Richards³ & Steven A. Trewick³
¹ Scientific Associate, Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum,
Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD
² National Phasmid Recorder, Gullrock, Port Gaverne, Port Isaac, Cornwall
³ Ecology Group, Institute of Agriculture & Environment, Massey University,
Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North, New Zealand Atropos 60 23
... In Brock et al (2018), discussions were made on why the first male Acanthoxyla (of inermis) might turn up in a small population on the other side of the world from their native land. It was considered that males may well be somewhere in New Zealand (this second Acanthoxyla species find indicates they should), but their rarity means they have yet to come to the notice of researchers in this field. ...
Full-text available
The first male of Acanthoxyla prasina is described and illustrated. Comments are made on the genus Acanthoxyla with a comparison of the males of A. prasina and A. inermis, each so far only known from a single UK specimen.
... However, females can also reproduce via thelytoky, whereby females that avoid mating produce all-female broods from unfertilized eggs. Some phasmids occasionally produce male offspring from unfertilized eggs (Pijnacker and Ferwerda 1980;Scali 2009;Brock et al. 2018), but it is not known whether M. batesii can do so. Cermak and Hasenpusch (2000) reported the existence of a mixed-sex population near Cape Tribulation, Queensland, and two isolated all-female populations ∼150 km farther south. ...
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Transitions from sexual to asexual reproduction have occurred in numerous lineages, but it remains unclear why asexual populations rarely persist. In facultatively parthenogenetic animals, all-female populations can arise when males are absent or become extinct, and such populations could help to understand the genetic and phenotypic changes that occur in the initial stages of transitions to asexuality. We investigated a naturally occurring spatial mosaic of mixed-sex and all-female populations of the facultatively parthenogenetic Australian phasmid Megacrania batesii. Analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms indicated multiple independent transitions between reproductive modes. All-female populations had much lower heterozygosity and allelic diversity than mixed-sex populations, but we found few consistent differences in fitness-related traits between population types. All-female populations exhibited more frequent and severe deformities in their (flight-incapable) wings but did not show higher rates of appendage loss. All-female populations also harbored more ectoparasites in swamp (but not beach) habitats. Reproductive mode explained little variation in female body size, fecundity, or egg hatch rate. Our results suggest that transitions to parthenogenetic reproduction can lead to dramatic genetic changes with little immediate effect on performance. All-female M. batesii populations appear to consist of high-fitness genotypes that might be able to thrive for many generations in relatively constant and benign environments but could be vulnerable to environmental challenges, such as increased parasite abundance.
... ate, they create a mixed-sex brood of sexually produced offspring. However, females can also reproduce via thelytoky, a process by which males are not required and females that avoid mating produce all-female broods from unfertilized eggs. While some phasmids can produce male offspring from unfertilized eggs (Pijnacker & Ferwerda, 1980;Scali, 2009;Brock et. al., 2018), it is currently unknown how common parthenogenetically produced males are in this species. Cermak & Hasenpusch (2000) reported the existence of two isolated all-female populations at the southern end of the range of M. batesii in Australia, but pilot surveys (conducted by RB and NWB) identified a geographic mosaic of populations with c ...
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Transitions from sexual to asexual reproduction have occurred in numerous lineages across the tree of life but many questions remain about how such transitions occur and why asexual populations rarely persist. In facultatively parthenogenetic animals, all-female populations can arise when males are absent or become extinct and, if such populations can persist asexually for many generations, they could ultimately give rise to obligately asexual species. However, the initial stages of this process remain poorly understood. The facultatively parthenogenetic Australian phasmid Megacrania batesii exhibits a spatial mosaic of mixed-sex populations that reproduce predominantly sexually and all-female sites that reproduce exclusively via parthenogenesis. We used this system to compare genetic and phenotypic parameters among multiple natural populations that vary in reproductive mode and geographic location. Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) collected from reduced representation whole genome data showed populations grouping by geographic location rather than reproductive mode, with little gene-flow between them. Mixed-sex populations had drastically higher heterozygosities than all-female populations. Phenotypic analysis revealed considerable inter-population variation in rates of deformities in (non-functional) wings, with higher mean frequency and severity of deformities in all-female sites. All-female sites also harboured more parasites, but only in swamp habitats. However, reproductive mode did not explain variation in mean female fecundity, egg hatching success, or missing appendages. These results indicate that local transitions to parthenogenetic reproduction can lead to increased rates of developmental abnormalities and increased vulnerability to disease but can also occur without substantial fitness consequences despite dramatic reductions in genetic diversity and heterozygosity.
... Numerous animal lineages have undergone evolutionary transitions from sexual to asexual reproduction, but many questions remain about how such transitions occur. In facultatively parthenogenetic animals, female individuals are capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction: females that mate produce both sons and daughters from fertilised eggs (although mated females can also produce some offspring parthenogenetically, as occurs in Timema stick insects; Arbuthnott et al., 2015;Schwander et al., 2010), while females that avoid mating usually produce only daughters that develop parthenogenetically from unfertilised eggs (although it is possible for virgin females to occasionally produce sons parthenogenetically through the rare loss of an X chromosome, as occurs in a number of stick insect species; Brock et al., 2012;Morgan-Richards et al., 2019;Pijnacker, 1969). In facultatively parthenogenetic organisms, allfemale populations can be established if females do not mate. ...
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In facultatively parthenogenetic populations, the prevalence of sexual reproduction depends on whether females mate and therefore produce sons and daughters or avoid mating and produce daughters only. The relative advantage of mating in such species may depend on a female's own reproductive origin (i.e. development from a fertilised or unfertilised egg) if parthenogenesis reduces heterozygosity similar to sexual inbreeding, or if it inhibits mating, sperm storage or fertilisation. But effects of reproductive origin on development and performance are poorly understood. Using the facultatively parthenogenetic stick insect, Extatosoma tiaratum, we quantified morphology, mating probability, and reproductive success in mated versus unmated females of sexual versus automictic (parthenogenetic) origin. We found strong evidence that increased homozygosity negatively impacted some traits in parthenogenetically produced females: compared to sexually produced females, parthenogenetically produced females were smaller and more prone to deformities in vestigial wings, but not more prone to fluctuating asymmetry in their legs. Parthenogenetically produced females received fewer mating attempts and avoided mating more often than sexually produced females. Yet, contrary to the expectation that sex should rescue parthenogenetic lineages from the detrimental effects of increased homozygosity, parthenogenetically produced females gained no net reproductive benefit from mating, suggesting that physiological constraints limit fitness returns of sexual reproduction for these females. Our findings indicate that advantages of mating in this species depend on female reproductive origin. These results could help to explain spatial distributions of sex in facultatively parthenogenetic animals and evolutionary transitions to obligate asexuality. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... Both landmasses have a maritime climate of mild winters and warm summers. In addition, numerous other organisms from New Zealand have established themselves in the United Kingdom, including the New Zealand flat worm (Arthurdendyus triangulates (Dendy 1896)) (Cannon et al. 1999), and several Acanthoxyla Uvarov, 1944 phasmid species (Brock et al. 2018), alongside various plants such as the neckless vine (Muehlenbeckia complexa Cunn (Polygonaceae)). Thus, demonstrating the transferability of temperate climate tolerant species from Australasia to the Western Palaearctic. ...
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Ants are continually introduced into regions outside of their natural biogeographic ranges via global trade. The genus Strumigenys Smith 1860 (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) are minute predators with a growing history of global introductions, although tropical introductions into temperate zones are rarely able to establish outside of heated infrastructures. We report the first record of the Australasian Strumigenys perplexa (Smith 1876) to Europe and the British Isles from four sites on Guernsey, Channel Islands. This novel discovery is likely attributable to the species wide climatic and habitat tolerances, enabling the species to establish away from its natural range in Australasia and from heated-infrastructure. A key to the West Palaearctic Strumigenys species is provided alongside a preliminary and critical checklist of ant species recorded from the Channel Island archipelago, listing 32 species.
... Alternatively, successful natural male genesis could occur via in situ nondisjunction of the sex chromosome. Loss of X chromosomes during egg production in some parthenogenetic insects can produce locally derived males (e.g., Brock, Lee, Morgan-Richards, & Trewick, 2018;Pijnacker & Ferwerda, 1980;Scali, 2009). If these males are fertile and restore sexual reproduction to the population, it will contain only alleles and mtDNA haplotypes from the local lineage, but observed heterozygosity will rise from levels when males were rare (if parthenogenetic reproduction is automictic). ...
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The outcome of competition between different reproductive strategies within a single species can be used to infer selective advantage of the winning strategy. Where multiple populations have independently lost or gained sexual reproduction it is possible to investigate whether the advantage is contingent on local conditions. In the New Zealand stick insect Clitarchus hookeri, three populations are distinguished by recent change in reproductive strategy and we determine their likely origins. One parthenogenetic population has established in the United Kingdom and we provide evidence that sexual reproduction has been lost in this population. We identify the sexual population from which the parthenogenetic population was derived, but show that the UK females have a post‐mating barrier to fertilisation. We also demonstrate that two sexual populations have recently arisen in New Zealand within the natural range of the mtDNA lineage that otherwise characterizes parthenogenesis in this species. We infer independent origins of males at these two locations using microsatellite genotypes. In one population, a mixture of local and non‐local alleles suggested males were the result of invasion. Males in another population were most likely the result of loss of an X chromosome that produced a male phenotype in situ. Two successful switches in reproductive strategy suggest local competitive advantage for outcrossing over parthenogenetic reproduction. Clitarchus hookeri provides remarkable evidence of repeated and rapid changes in reproductive strategy, with competitive outcomes dependent on local conditions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
During hybrid speciation, homoeologues combine in a single genome. Homoeologue expression bias (HEB) occurs when one homoeologue has higher gene expression than another. HEB has been well characterized in plants but rarely investigated in animals, especially invertebrates. Consequently, we have little idea as to the role that HEB plays in allopolyploid invertebrate genomes. If HEB is constrained by features of the parental genomes, then we predict repeated evolution of similar HEB patterns among hybrid genomes formed from the same parental lineages. To address this, we reconstructed the history of hybridization between the New Zealand stick insect genera Acanthoxyla and Clitarchus using a high‐quality genome assembly from Clitarchus hookeri to call variants and phase alleles. These analyses revealed the formation of three independent diploid and triploid hybrid lineages between these genera. RNA sequencing revealed a similar magnitude and direction of HEB among these hybrid lineages, and we observed that many enriched functions and pathways were also shared among lineages, consistent with repeated evolution due to parental genome constraints. In most hybrid lineages, a slight majority of the genes involved in mitochondrial function showed HEB towards the maternal homoeologues, consistent with only weak effects of mitonuclear incompatibility. We also observed a proteasome functional enrichment in most lineages and hypothesize this may result from the need to maintain proteostasis in hybrid genomes. Reference bias was a pervasive problem, and we caution against relying on HEB estimates from a single parental reference genome.
Full-text available Over 260 stick and leaf-insects (phasmids) are described and illustrated by biogeographical zone. Descriptions allow non-specialists to help identify the presented species, and learn about habitat, food plants and distribution. Phasmid systematics are approached from perspectives of taxonomy and phylogeny, along with bibliographic notes on major phasmid explorers and main publications. An extensive checklist of currently described species and their distribution is included. A comprehensive guide to the biology of phasmids. This book covers phasmid biology (anatomy, main biological functions, ecology) as well as basic advice on collecting and rearing phasmids. Trivia like myths and legends on phasmids and pop culture references are also presented.
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Checklist of species is based on a provisional list published in Jewell & Brock, 2003, but is now updated to take account of later publications and is rearranged following detailed examination of type material in Christchurch and Wellington Museum collections, also associated eggs
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The hybrid stick insect genus Acanthoxyla Uvarov 1944 is unusual for an obligate parthenogen, in the extreme morphological diversity it exhibits that has led to eight species being recognised. The New Zealand sexual species Clitarchus hookeri [White, A. 1846. The zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror. In: 1 Insects of New Zealand. E.W. Janson, London.] is the putative parental species in the hybridization that gave rise to the hybrid lineage Acanthoxyla. In an effort to identify the maternal ancestor of Acanthoxyla we sequenced nuclear 28S rDNA and/or mtDNA COI & COII of all nine endemic New Zealand stick insect genera, representing 17 of the 22 described species. We also sequenced 28S from eight non-New Zealand stick insects to supplement published 28S sequence data that provided a taxonomically and geographically broad sampling of the phasmids. We applied a novel search algorithm (SeqSSi=Sequence Similarity Sieve) to assist in selection of outgroup taxa for phylogenetic analysis prior to alignment. Phylogenetic reconstructions resolved an exclusively New Zealand clade to which the maternal lineage of Acanthoxyla belonged, but did not support existing higher level taxonomy of stick insects. We did not find a sexual maternal species for Acanthoxyla but phylogenetic relationships indicate that this species lived in New Zealand and could be classified among the New Zealand Phasmatinae. Among the available taxa, the nearest evolutionary neighbours to the New Zealand phasmid fauna as a whole were predominantly from the New Zealand region (Fiji, Australia, New Guinea, New Caledonia and South America). As it appears to be an orphan, it is interesting to speculate that a combination of parthenogenetic reproduction and/or hybrid vigour in Acanthoxyla may have contributed to the extinction of its mother.
Although hybridisation is common in animals, it rarely results in speciation. Yet, many examples of hybrid species have been documented in one animal group, the stick insects (Phasmida). The N ew Z ealand stick insect A canthoxyla is of particular interest as the entire genus is of hybrid origin and consists of eight morphological forms recognised as species, all of which are obligate parthenogens. Using five complementary techniques on the same individuals, our study confirms that both triploids and diploids are present in A canthoxyla populations, and further, that some individuals contain both diploid and triploid cells. Chromosome spreads and estimates of relative DNA content from flow cytometry provided contrasting information about the ploidy of this unusual parthenogenetic genus. Analysis of morphometric variation showed no correlation with ploidy level in A canthoxyla , and also mtDNA sequence networks failed to distinguish morphospecies or ploidy level. Unexpectedly, cloned sequences of a putatively single‐copy nuclear marker were also unhelpful in distinguishing ploidy, instead indicating that phosphoglucose isomerase is likely to be a multiple copy gene. We propose a mechanism for the evolution of the Acanthoxyla lineage and suggest that interpretation may be complicated by the presence of individuals that are diploid and triploid mosaics.
The sexually reproducing stick insects Bacillus rossius and B. grandii are sharply differentiated in terms of allozyme gene alleles; B. atticus is a polyclonal automictic parthenogen sister to B. grandii grandii . Although well differen-tiated for coding genes, these hybridize to produce diploid (B. whitei = rossius/grandii) or triploid (B. lynceorum = rossius/grandii/atticus) clonal forms which reproduce apomictically. Allozyme analyses of unisexual Bacillus clearly establish their relationships from bisexual ancestor species as does the existence in all of them of several clones (especially in B. atticus) whose egg maturation allows regular recombination to occur. Bacillus taxa share the Bag320 satellite DNA family within different reproductive frameworks, allowing satellite variant homogenization to be uncoupled from fixation. The nested analysis of monomers reveals different patterns of sequence diversity: sexual reproduction includes both homogenization and variant fixation, whereas the slowing of molecular turnover pro-cesses and the absence of syngamy in the parthenogens realizes a similar range of sequence diversity at the level of the individual and supra-individual, but with no fixation. On the other hand, the actual values of sequence diversity appear mostly linked to species traits – range size, copy number of repeats, number of hybrid crosses – and possibly transposon activity, rather than to the reproductive mode. In addition, the mitochondrial genome reveals a compa-rable level of cox2 sequence variability in sexual and parthenogenetic taxa, thus adding to clonal variability. From Bacillus and other stick insect complexes, an overall picture of genomic diversification of parthenogens is therefore beginning to emerge. To define those animals that reproduce by non-canonical sexual modes (i.e. parthenogenesis, hybridogenesis), but make use of egg and meiotic mechanisms, the term meta-sexual is proposed.
Worldwide, parthenogenetic reproduction has evolved many times in the stick insects (Phasmatidae). Many parthenogenetic stick insects show the distribution pattern known as geographic parthenogenesis, in that they occupy habitats that are at higher altitude or latitude compared with their sexual relatives. Although it is often assumed that, in the short term, parthenogenetic populations will have a reproductive advantage over sexual populations; this is not necessarily the case. We present data on the distribution and evolutionary relationships of sexual and asexual populations of the New Zealand stick insect, Clitarchus hookeri. Males are common in the northern half of the species' range but rare or absent elsewhere, and we found that most C. hookeri from putative-parthenogenetic populations share a common ancestor. Female stick insects from bisexual populations of Clitarchus hookeri are capable of parthenogenetic reproduction, but those insects from putative-parthenogenetic populations produced few offspring via sexual reproduction when males were available. We found similar fertility (hatching success) in mated and virgin females. Mated females produce equal numbers of male and female offspring, with most hatching about 9-16 weeks after laying. In contrast, most eggs from unmated females took longer to hatch (21-23 weeks), and most offspring were female. It appears that all C. hookeri females are capable of parthenogenetic reproduction, and thus could benefit from the numerical advantage this yields. Nevertheless, our phylogeographic evidence shows that the majority of all-female populations over a wide geographic area originate from a single loss of sexual reproduction.
The origin of the obligate-parthenogenetic New Zealand stick insect genus Acanthoxyla was investigated using cytogenetics and sequencing of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Little mitochondrial DNA sequence variation (COI-II) was found among seven species of the genus Acanthoxyla and we found no evidence for monophyly of the morphologically distinguished lineages. In contrast, two distinct clades of nuclear sequence (ITS) were obtained, one is restricted to the genus Acanthoxyla, while the other includes sequences obtained from its sister genus Clitarchus. Although Acanthoxyla appears to be diploid (2n = 36-38), it has two ill-matched chromosome pairs. We hypothesize that two or more hybridization events involving the parental sexual species Clitarchus hookeri and an unknown taxon probably resulted in the formation of the parthenogenetic genus Acanthoxyla. However, the karyotype of Acanthoxyla bears little resemblance to the karyotype of the putative paternal species C. hookeri so the exact nature of Acanthoxyla remains in question.
The New Zealand stick insect genus Acanthoxyla Uvarov is extremely unusual among higher taxa of animals in that all known species are obligate parthenogens. We have used a combination of the mitochondrial DNA genes cytochrome oxidase subunits I and II, 28S nuclear ribosomal RNA, and the two single-copy nuclear genes elongation factor 1alpha and phosphoglucose isomerase to test hypotheses on the role of hybridization in the evolution of this genus. Alleles at the single-copy nuclear loci in three sampled species of Acanthoxyla were resolved by cloning the PCR products. Analysis of multilocus genotypes shows that most sampled individuals of Acanthoxyla possess three alleles at the single-copy nuclear loci, which we have interpreted to indicate triploidy. Because most of the alleles from Acanthoxyla form a monophyletic group, including sets of alleles possessed by the putative triploids, we have inferred that the extant parthenogenetic lineages formed via hybridization between species of Acanthoxyla, at least one of which must have been sexual. More recently, there have been multiple introgression events from the related species Clitarchus hookeri White, although C. hookeri does not appear to be involved with the origin of parthenogenesis in Acanthoxyla. Our study demonstrates the utility of cloning alleles from multiple single-copy nuclear genes for resolving the origins of parthenogenetic lineages.
Rearing Stick Insects. london: AES leaflet
  • W Crotch
Crotch, W., 1970. Rearing Stick Insects. london: AES leaflet 30: 1-20.
The Stick Insects of New Zealand. reed Books
  • J T Salmon
Salmon, J.T., 1991. The Stick Insects of New Zealand. reed Books, Auckland, new Zealand.