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Optimal Rate of Organic Fertilizer during the Flowering Stage for Cannabis Grown in Two Coir-based Substrates


Abstract and Figures

In the expanding North American medical cannabis industry, growers lack reliable and systematically investigated information on the horticultural management of their crops, especially with regard to nutrient management and growing substrates. To evaluate organic substrates and their optimal nutrient management, five rates that supplied 57, 113, 170, 226, and 283 mg N/L of a liquid organic fertilizer (2.00N-0.87P-3.32K) were applied to container-grown plants [Cannabis sativa L. 'WP:Med (Wappa)'] in two coir-based organic substrates. The trial was conducted in a walk-in growth chamber and the two substrates used were ABcann UNIMIX 2-HP (U2-HP) with lower container capacity (CC) and ABcann UNIMIX 2 (U2) with higher CC. U2-HP produced 11% higher floral dry weight (yield), 13% higher growth index (GI), 20% higher Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration, 57% higher THC yield (per plant), 22% higher D 9-tetrahydrocannabidiolic acid (THCA) yield, and 20% higher cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) yield than U2. Increasing fertilizer rate led to increased growth and yield but also to a dilution of THC, THCA, and CBGA. In U2-HP, to maximize both yield and cannabinoid yield, the optimal organic fertilizer rates were those which supplied 212-261 mg N/L. For U2, the highest applied rate, that supplied 283 mg N/L, maximized yield; although lower rates delivered higher cannabinoid concentrations in dry floral material. The results on these substrates and recommended fertilizer rates can serve as a guide when using other organic fertilizers and substrates; although results may differ with cannabis variety.
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HORTSCIENCE 52(12):1796–1803. 2017. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI12401-17
Optimal Rate of Organic Fertilizer
during the Flowering Stage for
Cannabis Grown in Two Coir-based
Deron Caplan, Mike Dixon, and Youbin Zheng
School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G
2W1, Canada
Additional index words. Cannabis sativa, cannabis growth, floral dry weight, marijuana, THC,
Abstract. In the expanding North American medical cannabis industry, growers lack
reliable and systematically investigated information on the horticultural management of
their crops, especially with regard to nutrient management and growing substrates. To
evaluate organic substrates and their optimal nutrient management, five rates that
supplied 57, 113, 170, 226, and 283 mg N/L of a liquid organic fertilizer (2.00N–0.87P–
3.32K) were applied to container-grown plants [Cannabis sativa L. ‘WP:Med (Wappa)’]
in two coir-based organic substrates. The trial was conducted in a walk-in growth
chamber and the two substrates used were ABcann UNIMIX 2-HP (U2-HP) with lower
container capacity (CC) and ABcann UNIMIX 2 (U2) with higher CC. U2-HP produced
11% higher floral dry weight (yield), 13% higher growth index (GI), 20% higher Δ
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration, 57% higher THC yield (per plant), 22%
higher D
-tetrahydrocannabidiolic acid (THCA) yield, and 20% higher cannabigerolic
acid (CBGA) yield than U2. Increasing fertilizer rate led to increased growth and yield
but also to a dilution of THC, THCA, and CBGA. In U2-HP, to maximize both yield and
cannabinoid yield, the optimal organic fertilizer rates were those which supplied 212–
261 mg N/L. For U2, the highest applied rate, that supplied 283 mg N/L, maximized yield;
although lower rates delivered higher cannabinoid concentrations in dry floral material.
The results on these substrates and recommended fertilizer rates can serve as a guide
when using other organic fertilizers and substrates; although results may differ with
cannabis variety.
The North American market for
government-regulated cannabis (Cannabis
sativa L.) is expanding at an increasing pace.
In 2016, spending on medical cannabis was
reported at 4.9 billion USD and is projected
to exceed 7 billion USD by 2020 in North
America (ArcView Market Research, 2017).
Cannabis is an annual herbaceous species
which has been widely cultivated and used as
a medicinal plant since around 2800 BCE
(Russo, 2007). The medicinal value of this
species is attributed to a group of secondary
metabolites called cannabinoids which are
concentrated in the essential oils of unfertil-
ized female flowers (Potter, 2014). Over 100
unique cannabinoids have been identified
(Ahmed et al., 2008, 2015; ElSohly and
Slade, 2005; Radwan et al., 2015); although
-THC and cannabidiol (CBD) have been
most widely studied for their psychoactive
and medicinal properties (Elzinga et al.,
2015; Mechoulam et al., 1970; Vemuri and
Makriyannis, 2015). In live plants, cannabi-
noids exist predominantly as carboxylic acids
such as D
-THCA and cannabidiolic acid
(CBDA) (Muntendam et al., 2012). These
acids decarboxylate during storage (Ross and
ElSohly, 1997; Taschwer and Schmid, 2015)
and upon heating (Kimura and Okamoto,
1970) to become neutral cannabinoids such
as THC and CBD. Some varieties of cannabis
have been selectively bred and cultivated
mainly for fiber or seed production; these
are characterized by low THC and high CBD
concentrations and are generally termed
hemp or fiber-type cannabis. Varieties with
high THC and low CBD are termed marijuana
or drug-type cannabis (van Bakel et al., 2011;
Vollner et al., 1986), hereafter referred to as
Our communications with Canadian med-
ical cannabis producers, relevant horticulture
literature relating to cannabis (Knight et al.,
2010; Potter and Duncombe, 2012; Vanhove
et al., 2011, 2012) and reviews on global
cannabis production (Farag and Kayser,
2015; Leggett, 2006; Potter, 2014) suggest
that modern day production occurs primarily
in controlled environments using artificial
lighting and either soilless growing substrates
(Caplan et al., 2017) or solution culture.
Furthermore, most indoor production of can-
nabis occurs in two growth stages, vegetative
and flowering, which are controlled by pho-
toperiod (Potter, 2014). Cannabis production
has been and continues to be illegal in much
of the world which has limited scientific
research on this species, particularly with
regard to its production. Growers have access
to horticultural guides and online resources
but few are based on scientific research.
Published information on hemp production
allows for some parallels to be drawn; how-
ever, hemp is a field-grown crop and has been
selectively bred for fiber or seed production
rather than for flower and essential oil pro-
duction (Amaducci et al., 2015). In addition,
recent studies have found low gene flow
between cannabis and hemp (Hillig and
Mahlberg, 2004; van Bakel et al., 2011)
making it difficult to relate cultivation tech-
niques between the two crops (Amaducci
et al., 2015). The lack of horticultural in-
formation on cannabis limits producers and
patients seeking to grow or consume consis-
tent, high quality medicine.
Fertilization is one of the most important
factors for indoor cannabis production. Over-
fertilization can lead to salt accumulation in
the root zone, whereas under-fertilization can
cause nutrient deficiency and lower yields
(Bar-Yosef, 1999). The suggested fertiliza-
tion rate for hemp ranges from 50 to 200 kg
N/ha (Aubin et al., 2015; Ehrensing, 1998;
Vera et al., 2004) which is similar to other
high-yielding field crops such as wheat (Tri-
ticum spp.; Baxter and Scheifele, 2008). It is
difficult, however, to base fertilizer rates for
cannabis on suggestions for hemp or other
crops because of the differences in species
and growing conditions (Wright and Niemiera,
1987). Furthermore, it is common for nutri-
ent requirements to vary based on growth
stage in flowering plants. The vegetative
growth stage in flowering plants is charac-
terized by an exponential growth rate (bio-
mass increase) and often a higher nutrient
demand (Raviv and Lieth, 2007). The flower-
ing stage is characterized by a linear growth
rate. In this stage, carbohydrates are trans-
located to reproductive organs such as
flowers and seeds and nutrient demand de-
creases (Raviv and Lieth, 2007). Varying
fertilizer requirements by growth stage have
been reported in greenhouse-grown crops
such as sweet peppers (Capsicum annum
L.), for which the highest total plant and fruit
yield was achieved by supplying 30% N from
-N in the vegetative stage and using
only NO
-N in the flowering stage (Xu et al.,
2001). A recent evaluation on the effects of
organic fertilization during the vegetative
stage for cannabis suggests that over-
fertilization during the vegetative stage may
decrease both THC concentration in floral
material and floral dry weight (yield; Caplan
et al., 2017) on harvest. An optimal fertilizer
rate of 389 mg N/L was proposed using
a liquid organic fertilizer (4.0N–1.3P–1.7K)
in two coir-based organic substrates. To our
knowledge, there is no research on flowering-
stage fertilizer rates for cannabis.
Received for publication 15 Aug. 2017. Accepted
for publication 24 Sept. 2017.
We thank ABcann Medicinals Inc. for providing
funding as well as materials, expertise, and ground-
level support. We also thank Millenniumsoils Coir
and EZ-GRO Inc. for providing materials and
technical support.
Corresponding author. E-mail: yzheng@
Appropriate choice of a growing substrate
is also important for indoor cannabis pro-
duction. Substrates vary in physical and
chemical properties; therefore, to ensure
a suitable root zone environment it is impor-
tant for fertigation to be tailored to the
growing substrate (Zheng, 2016). Substrates
with low CC (drier substrates) require more
frequent irrigation to keep moisture levels
constant, whereas substrates with higher CC
(wetter substrates) require less frequent irri-
gation and may conserve irrigation water
(Raviv and Lieth, 2007). Although there is
scant research on growing substrates for
cannabis, the information we collected from
the industry indicates that many North
American cannabis producers are using ei-
ther coir- or peat-based substrates, or inert
substrates such as stone wool. Caplan et al.
(2017) evaluated two coir-based substrates
for vegetative-stage cannabis production. At
the end of the vegetative stage, plants were
transferred into a growth chamber for the
flowering stage under similar conditions to
determine if treatment effects carried forward
to harvest. The substrates differed in CC by
11% but no differences in growth, yield, or
cannabinoid content were reported between
the two. Vegetative-stage cannabis may grow
well in substrates with CCs within a certain
range; however, there are no similar evalua-
tions for flowering stage cannabis production.
The objectives of this study were to
1) evaluate two coir-based organic growing
substrates for flowering-stage cannabis pro-
duction in a controlled environment growth
chamber, and 2) determine the optimal or-
ganic fertilizer rates for these substrates.
Materials and Methods
Plant culture. Fifteen-day-old rooted cut-
tings (10 cm high with 6leaves)ofC.
sativa L. ‘WP:Med (Wappa)’ were trans-
planted into round peat-based pots (9.5 cm
diameter ·10.2 cm high; Jiffy Products
N.B. Ltd., Shippagan, Canada) filled with
ABcann UNIMIX 1-HP growing substrate
(ABcann Medicinals Inc., Napanee, Can-
ada) with one plant per pot. Pots were placed
in a walk-in growth chamber (15 m
density of 97 plants/m
The chamber air temperature was main-
tained at 24/23 C(
SD ± 0.04/1.0 C) and
relative humidity (RH) was 76/76% (SD ± 3.8/
3.9%) during the light/dark period through-
out the vegetative stage. Carbon dioxide
) concentration was maintained at 545
ppm (SD ± 45 ppm) from 1 to 4 d after
transplant (DAT), 570 ppm (SD ± 18 ppm)
from 5 to 10 DAT and 613 ppm (SD ± 18 ppm)
from days 11 to 19 DAT during the light
period and 529 ppm (SD ± 18 ppm) during the
entire dark period. Using dimmable fluorescent
lighting (Philips Lighting, Markham, Canada)
with an 18-h photoperiod, the photosyntheti-
cally active radiation (PAR)atthetopofthe
canopy was maintained at 100 mmol·m
(SD ±1mmol·m
(SD ±6mmol·m
DAT, 300 mmol·m
(SD ±2mmol·m
from 8 to 10 DAT, and 337 mmol·m
(SD ±
49 mmol·m
Beginning 3 DAT, plants were hand-
fertigated, as per Caplan et al. (2017), using
Nutri Plus Organic Grow liquid organic
fertilizer (4.0N–1.3P–1.7K; EZ-GRO Inc.,
Kingston, ON, Canada) at a rate that supplied
389 mg N/L amended with 1 mL·L
calcium–magnesium supplement (0.0N–
0.0P–0.0K–3.0Ca–1.6Mg; EZ-GRO Inc.),
and with a 20% leaching fraction. Other
nutrient element concentrations of Nutri Plus
Organic Grow were (in mg·L
): 14.5 Zn,
12.0 B, 2.6 Mo, 2.1 Cu, and 8.5 Fe. Irrigation
was administered when mean substrate mois-
ture was 30%, measured using a WET-2
soil moisture sensor (Delta-T Devices Ltd.,
Cambridge, UK).
Treatments. At 19 DAT, 60 plants with
similar height and canopy size were selected
and transferred into a larger walk-in growth
chamber (130 m
) for the flowering stage.
This was considered the first day of the
flowering stage (DFS). Four additional plants
were harvested at this stage to measure initial
growth attributes. Plants were up-potted into
6 L blow-molded black pots (220 mm di-
ameter ·220 mm height) filled with one of
two growing substrates, ABcann UNIMIX
2-HP (U2-HP) or ABcann UNIMIX 2 (U2)
(physical and chemical properties presented
in Tables 1 and 2, respectively; ABcann
Medicinals Inc.). The substrates were
coir-based organic substrates with two dis-
tinct CCs: U2-HP with lower CC and better
drainage than U2. Coir weed control disks
were used on top of the growing substrate to
prevent algae growth.
The experiment was a completely ran-
domized design with two factors: five fertil-
izer rates and two substrate types, with six
replicates for each factor combination. Each
potted plant was an experimental unit. Plants
were fertilized at one of five rates that
supplied 57, 113, 170, 226, and 283 mg N/L
using Nutri Plus Organic Bloom (2.00N–
0.87P–3.32K; EZ-GRO Inc.), diluted with
RO water. Other nutrient element concentra-
tions in Nutri Plus Organic Bloom were (in
) 100 Mg, 10.0 Zn, 12.8 B, 0.1 Mo,
2.3 Cu, and 6.8 Fe. All fertigation solutions
were amended with 1 mL·L
of calcium–
magnesium supplement (3.0Ca–1.6Mg;
EZ-GRO Inc.) and with Organa ADD micro-
nutrient supplement, at a rate that supplied
22.9 mg N/L (2.0N–0.0P–0.0K; EZ-GRO
Inc.). Other nutrient element concentrations
in Organa ADD were (in mg·L
) 100.0 Ca,
29,851 Zn, 4892 Mn, 1239 B, 12.7 Mo, 2419
Cu, and 2917 Fe. Fertilizer rates were se-
lected based on recommendations for
vegetative-stage organic fertilizer rates from
Caplan et al. (2017) and previous studies on
organic fertigation of greenhouse-grown to-
matoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.; Surrage
et al., 2010; Zhai et al., 2009).
Plants were spaced on growing tables at
a density of 5.3 plants/m
.PAR was maintained
at 581 mmol·m
(SD ±93mmol·m
throughout the flowering stage under MAS-
TER GreenPower Plus 1000W high pressure
sodium lamps (Philips Lighting) with a 12-h
photoperiod. Growth chamber air tempera-
ture was maintained at 22/21 C(
SD ± 0.8/0.5
C) from 1 to 6 DFS, 20/20 C(
SD ± 0.5/0.8
C) from 7 to 9 DFS and 18/17 C(
SD ± 0.7/
1.0 C) from 10 to 53 DFS during light/dark
periods. RH was maintained at 70/76% (SD ±
2.9/2.3%) from 1 to 6 DFS, 64/66% (SD ± 2.5/
2.7%) from 7 to 43 DFS, and 56/62% (SD ±
2.6/1.5%) from 44 to 53 DFS. Chamber CO
was maintained at 594/659 ppm (SD ± 56/42
ppm) from 7 to 9 DFS, 673/705 ppm (SD ± 83/
44 ppm) from 7 to 9 DFS, and 781/838 ppm
(SD ± 83/78 ppm) from 44 to 53 DFS during
light/dark periods.
During the first 11 DFS, plants were hand-
fertigated at a rate that supplied 389 mg N/L
of Nutri Plus Organic Grow and from then
on, with the corresponding nutrient solution
of Nutri Plus Organic Bloom (including
calcium–magnesium and micronutrient sup-
plements) whenever the mean substrate
moisture content reached 30%. Between
Table 1. Physical properties of growing substrates ABcann UNIMIX 2-HP (U2-HP) and ABcann UNIMIX
2 (U2).
Growing substrate
Total porosity
Air space
Bulk density
U2-HP 83 ± 0.5 49 ± 0.4 34 ± 0.4 0.10 ± 0.001
U2 91 ± 0.9 55 ± 2.2 35 ± 1.3 0.09 ± 0.001
Data are means ± SEM (n= 3). CC = container capacity.
Table 2. EC, pH, and nutrient content measured using the saturated media extract procedure (Warncke, 1986) for growing substrates ABcann UNIMIX 2-HP
(U2-HP) and ABcann UNIMIX 2 (U2).
Growing substrate EC
Nitrate N P K Ca Mg SO
Na Cl
Zn Mn Cu Fe B Mo
U2-HP 2.2 ± 0.02 6.2 ± 0.03 5 11.8 423 <1 4.0 34.0 118.9 534 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.2 0.09 0.01
U2 1.9 ± 0.04 6.4 ± 0.02 5 9.8 353 <1 3.2 37.0 109.4 488 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.7 0.12 <0.01
Data are means ± SEM (n= 3). EC = electrical conductivity; N = nitrogen; P = phosphorus; K = potassium; Ca = calcium; Mg = magnesium; SO
= sulfate; Na =
sodium; Cl
= chloride; Zn = zinc; Mn = manganese; Cu = copper; Fe = iron; B = boron; Mo = molybdenum.
days 45 and 53 in the flowering stage, no
fertilizer was applied and the substrates were
flushed, as per current industry practice, with
RO water when mean substrate moisture
content reached 30%. Fertigation solution
pH was adjusted to maintain substrate pH
between 5.5 and 6.3, measured using the
pour-through method (Wright, 1986) during
both vegetative and flowering stages.
Substrate electrical conductivity (EC) and
pH measurement. Substrate pH and EC dur-
ing the flowering stage were determined weekly
using pour-through method. Pour-through solu-
tions were measured using a HI991300 portable
pH/EC/TDS/Temperature Meter (Hanna Instru-
ments, Woonsocket, RI).
Growth and yield measurements. During
the flowering stage, branch number, canopy
area, and plant height were measured every
7 d on five randomly selected plants from
each treatment. Repeated measurements
were made on the same plants throughout
the vegetative stage. During the flowering
stage, branch number, canopy area, and plant
height were measured on all plants at 15, 27,
and 53 DFS. Canopy area for each plant was
calculated using two perpendicular length
measurements at the widest part of the
canopy using plant tags as reference points
for repeated measurements. Growth index for
each plant was calculated as height (cm) ·
length (cm) ·width (cm) ·300
1992). At 34 DFS, leaf greenness was mea-
sured as chlorophyll content index (CCI),
using a CCM-200 chlorophyll content meter
(Opti-Sciences Inc., Hudson, NH) from the
center of the most recent fully expanded leaf.
Plants were harvested at 53 DFS when floral
resin on most plants had 50% amber color-
ation. Stems were cut at substrate level;
above-ground fresh weight was measured;
large leaves were removed from stems and
plants were hung to dry at 18 C(
SD ± 0.1 C)
and 49% RH (SD ± 4.4%) for 6 d then cured at
18 C(
SD ± 0.5 C) and 58% RH (SD ± 3.5%)
for 11 d. Floral material was then cut from
stems and leaves were trimmed using
a Twister T4 mechanical trimming machine
(Keirton Inc., Surrey, BC, Canada) before
floral dry weight (yield) measurement.
Floral cannabinoid analysis. The dried
and cured floral material was stored in dark
and cool conditions according to United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2009)
before being analyzed by an independent
laboratory (RPC Science and Engineering,
Fredericton, NB, Canada). Analysis of the
neutral cannabinoids Δ9-THC, CBD, canna-
binol (CBN), cannabichromene (CBC), and
cannabigerol (CBG) as well as acid forms,
Δ9-THCA, CBDA, and cannabigerolic acid
(CBGA) were conducted by high-
performance liquid chromatography as de-
scribed in section 5.4.8 of United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime (2009).
Statistical analysis. Data were analyzed
using JMP Statistical Discovery Version 13.0
(SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) at a Type 1
error rate of #0.05. Full-factorial analysis of
variance with repeated measures was used to
determine the effects of substrate, fertilizer
and their interaction on substrate EC, pH,
plant height, GI, leaf number, and branch
number over time. Differences among means
were tested using Tukey’s multiple means
comparison test. Pearson correlation coeffi-
cients were calculated to compare cannabi-
noid concentrations with yield and CCI with
GI index and yield. Orthogonal partition and
regression analysis (Bowley, 1999) was used
to relate substrate EC, pH, plant growth,
yield, and cannabinoid yield/concentrations
with fertilizer rate. If the partitioning vari-
ance analysis indicated a significant treat-
ment effect, then the treatment effects were
partitioned into one or more regression ef-
fects followed by an estimation of regression
parameters for the best-fit regression. If there
was no significant treatment effect, then data
were presented as the average of all the
treatments (pooled). If cannabinoid concen-
trations were below the detection limit
(<0.05%), the values were excluded from
the analysis. The residuals of the above
analyses were tested for normality and equal-
ity of variance using The Shapiro–Wilk test
and Bartlett’s test, respectively.
During both the 19-d vegetative stage and
the 53-d flowering stage,plants grew normally
and without any symptoms of nutrient disor-
der. Pistillate flowers were visible around 12
DFS in all treatments. During the flowering
stage (from 0 to 53 DFS), the average above-
ground fresh weight increased from 7.1to 296
g/plant, branch number increased from 4.5 to
11 branches/plant, and GI increased from 29
to 462 combined across treatments.
Four plants were removed during the trial
because of root rot, three in U2 (two at the
rate that supplied 57 mg N/L and one at the
rate that supplied 113 mg N/L), and one in
U2-HP (at the rate that supplied 57 mg N/L).
In these cases, both younger and older leaves
began to show interveinal purpling, leading
to chlorosis and necrosis. There was also
visible leaf purpling in treatments of U2, at
the rates that supplied 223 and 286 mg N/L;
most of these plants had entirely purple
leaves from 32 DFS until harvest.
Generally, plants with higher fertilizer
rates had greener leaves. At 34 DFS, there
was a positive linear relationship between
fertilizer rate and CCI measurements taken
from the center of the newest fully expanded
leaf (Fig. 1; pooled from both substrates), and
there was no difference in CCI between sub-
strate treatments. There was also a positive
correlation between CCI and floral dry weight
(r=0.64,P< 0.0001) and GI at 53 DFS (r=
0.39, P= 0.0184). Taking CCI measurements
became difficult after 34 DFS when trichomes
were abundant on the proximal region of
leaves which interfered with the readings.
There were signs of foliar senescence begin-
ning around week 6 of flowering when older
leaves became chlorotic and ultimately ne-
crotic before harvest. These signs of senes-
cence are typical for cannabis.
Growth index did not show any treatment
effect at 15 DFS, but increased linearly with
increasing fertilizer rate at 27 DFS and
exhibited a quadratic response at 53 DFS
(Fig. 2) for both substrates. At the final
Fig. 1. Response of leaf ‘greenness’ [chlorophyll
content index (CCI) readings] measured on the
newest fully expanded leaf to organic fertilizer
rate [indicated by nitrogen (N) concentration]
at day 34 of the flowering stage. Data were
pooled from both substrates. Values are means ±
SEM (n= 8) and line is the best-fit regression
relationships at P<0.05.
Fig. 2. Response of cannabis growth index to
organic fertilizer rate [indicated by nitrogen
(N) concentration] in two growing substrates
(U2-HP and U2) measured on different days
during the flowering stage (DFS). Values are
means ± SEM (n= 5 for U2-HP at the rate that
supplied 170 mg N/L on day 53; for U2 at the
rate that supplied 57 mg N/L on day 15 and at
the rate that supplied 113 mg N/L on day 53;
n= 4 for U2 at the rate that supplied 57 mg N/L
on day 27 and 53 and n= 6 for all other means)
and lines are the best fit regression relationships
at P< 0.05.
measurement (53 DFS), the interpolated
maximum GI (558) for U2-HP was achieved
at a rate supplying 211 mg N/L, and for
U2 the interpolated maximum (510) was
achieved at a rate supplying 239 mg N/L.
Averaged across all fertilizer rates, plants
grown in U2-HP had a 13% higher final GI
than in U2 (F= 9.6, P< 0.01). No interactive
effect was detected between substrate and
fertilizer rate on GI.
Branch number did not differ among
fertilizer rates or between substrate treat-
ments, and there was no interactive effect of
these treatments on branch number. Pooled
across all treatments, branch number was 11
± 0.1 (± SEM) at 53 DFS.
In both substrates, yield increased with
increasing fertilizer rate; however, in U2-HP
yield reached a maximum, and in U2 yield
increased linearly (Fig. 3). The interpolated
maximum yield in U2-HP was 50 g/plant at
a rate supplying 261 mg N/L. In U2, the
highest yield was 47 ± 3.0 g/plant (mean ±
SEM) at the rate that supplied 283 mg N/L. At
the highest fertilizer rate, yield was 2.1
times greater than at the lowest administered
rate in U2-HP, and 2.2 times higher in U2.
Pooled across fertilizer rates, yield was 11%
higher in U2-HP than in U2 (P=0.0013;n=
29 for U2-HP and n= 27 for U2) with means
SEM) of 40 ± 2.2 g and 36 ± 2.0 g,
respectively. No interactive effect was de-
tected between substrate and fertilizer rate
on yield.
Fertilizer rate. Of the analyzed cannabi-
noids, only THC, THCA, CBG, and CBGA
were above the detection limit (0.05%). Also,
CBG concentration data were not normally
distributed and could not be fit into the
model; therefore, only treatment means are
presented for this data.
As fertilizer rate increased, there were
varied responses in floral concentrations and
cannabinoid yield per plant (Fig. 4). In U2,
THC concentration had a quadratic response
to increasing fertilizer rate with a minimum
of 0.36% at a rate supplying 193 mg N/L.
Averaged across fertilizer rates, THC con-
centration in U2-HP was 0.44% ± 0.018%
(mean ± SEM) and in this substrate, there was
no effect of fertilizer rate on THC concen-
tration. In both substrates, THCA concentra-
tion decreased linearly with increasing
fertilizer rate. THCA concentration from
lowest to highest fertilizer rate was 21.6% ±
0.64% to 16.7% ± 0.51% for U2-HP and
21.0% ± 0.63% to 18.1% ± 0.85% for U2
(mean ± SEM). In U2, CBGA concentration
decreased linearly as fertilizer rate increased,
ranging from 0.64% ± 0.02% to 0.54% ±
0.03% from lowest to highest fertilizer rate.
In U2-HP, floral CBGA concentration aver-
aged across fertilizer rates was 0.57% ±
0.01% (mean ± SEM) and in this substrate,
there was no effect of fertilizer rate on CBGA
concentration. Mean CBG concentration
pooled across all treatments was 0.06% ±
0.002% (± SEM).
Fertilizer effects were more evident when
analyzing cannabinoid yield (g/plant) as
a function of fertilizer rate (Fig. 4, right). In
U2-HP yield of floral THC responded qua-
dratically to increasing fertilizer rate, reach-
ing a maximum of 0.27 g/plant at a rate
supplying 223 mg N/L and in U2, reaching
minimum of 0.11 g/plant at a rate supplying
103 mg N/L. Yield of floral THCA increased
linearly in U2 and responded quadratically in
U2-HP with a maximum of 9.4 g/plant at
a rate supplying 212 mg N/L. For both sub-
strates, yield of floral CBG increased linearly
with increasing fertilizer rate. Finally, yield
of floral CBGA responded quadratically to
fertilizer rate in U2-HP with a maximum of
0.29 g/plant at a rate supplying 228 mg N/L
and increased linearly in U2.
To determine if increasing yield influ-
enced cannabinoid concentrations, Pearson
correlation coefficients were calculated to
relate cannabinoid concentrations with floral
dry weight. Pooled across treatments, floral
THCA concentration decreased with increas-
ing dry floral weight (r= –0.44, P= 0.0047),
but there was no correlation between THC,
CBG, or CBGA concentration and dry floral
Substrate type. In presenting the effects of
substrate on cannabinoids, means were
pooled across fertilizer rates; however, sta-
tistical analysis was based on the complete
model. There were no differences in the floral
concentration of THCA or CBGA between
the two substrates; although, U2-HP had
a THC concentration 20% higher than U2
[0.53% ± 0.016% and 0.44% ± 0.025%
(means ± SEM), respectively; F= 16.9, P=
0.0008; n= 20]. There was also an interactive
effect of substrate and fertilizer rate on THC
concentration (P= 0.01852; n= 4). At the
lowest and highest fertilizer rates, THC
concentrations did not differ between sub-
strates; but, at all other rates, THC concen-
tration was higher in U2-HP.
As with fertilizer rate, differences be-
tween substrates were more evident when
comparing cannabinoid yield per plant. THC
yield, THCA yield, and CBGA yield were all
higher in U2-HP than in U2: THC yield by
57% (F= 9.3, P#0.0001; n= 20), THCA
yield by 22% (F= 10.7, P#0.0001; n= 20),
and CBGA yield by 20% (F= 8.3, P#
0.0001; n= 20). THC yield in U2-HP was
0.22 ± 0.017 g/plant (means ± SEM) and in U2
was 0.14 ± 0.010 g/plant; THCA yield in U2-
HP was 7.9 ± 0.47 g/plant and in U2 was 6.5 ±
0.44 g/plant; and CBGA yield in U2-HP was
0.24 ± 0.016 g/plant and in U2 was 0.20 ±
0.013 g/plant. Substrate had no effect on
CBG yield [0.019 ± 0.002 g/plant (mean ±
SEM) across all treatments].
Substrate EC, pH, and irrigation. In both
substrates, EC increased linearly or
responded quadratically over time at each
fertilizer rate except at the lowest rate that
supplied 57 mg N/L, in which EC decreased
linearly (Fig. 5). At the final measurement
before harvest (at week 6 of the flowering
stage), EC from the lowest to the highest
fertilizer rate was 1.6 ± 0.01 to 6.0 ± 0.31
for U2-HP and 1.9 ± 0.08 to 6.3 ±
0.35 mS·cm
for U2 (means ± SEM). Aver-
aged across fertilizer rates and time, EC was
6.3% higher in U2-HP than in U2 [3.1 ± 97.2
and 3.3 ± 119.0 mS·cm
(means ±
SEM), respectively; F= 4.8, P= 0.03].
Substrate pH decreased over time in all
fertilizer rates and in both substrates (Ta-
ble 3). Starting at 4 weeks in the flowering
stage (WFS) until the end of the trial, pH was
lower in U2-HP than in U2, differing by 0.4–
0.9 during this time. There were no interac-
tive effects of substrate and fertilizer rate on
substrate EC or pH.
To maintain a minimum substrate moisture
content of 30%, plants grown in U2-HP were
fertigated 17 times during the flowering stage
compared with 13 times for U2. Fertigation
volume was 1 L/plant each time; therefore,
during the flowering stage, plants grown in U2-
HP were given 31% more water (4Lmore)
and fertilizer than those grown in U2. For
example, at the rate supplying 170 mg N/L,
plants grown in U2-HP received 2.89 g N/L of
Nutri Plus Organic Bloom during the flowering
Both growing substrates, U2-HP and U2,
performed well for cannabis production dur-
ing the flowering stage; however, plants
grown in U2-HP had higher GI, yield, THC
concentration, THC yield, THCA yield, and
CBGA yield than those grown in U2.
Yield increased with increasing fertilizer
rate, reaching a plateau in U2-HP and until
the highest applied rate for U2; however, as
fertilizer rate increased, the concentration of
most measured cannabinoids (THC, THCA,
and CBGA) decreased. This suggests that for
cannabis, high fertilizer rate during the flow-
ering stage may have a dilution effect on
THC, THCA, and CBGA. Although the di-
lution effect was apparent with increasing
fertilizer rate, it did not have a substantial
Fig. 3. Response of cannabis yield to organicfertilizer
rate [indicated by nitrogen (N) concentration]
applied during the flowering stage in two growing
substrates (U2-HP and U2). Values are means ±
SEM and the curves are best-fit regression relation-
ship with P< 0.05. For U2-HP, n=5attherate
that supplied 170 mg N/L and n= 6 at each other
fertilizer rate; for U2, n= 4 at the rate that
supplied 57 mg N/L, n= 5 at the rate that supplied
113 mg N/L and n= 6 at each other rate.
impact on the total per-plant yield of most
cannabinoids. This was evidenced by a lack
of correlation between yield and THC, CBG,
or CBGA concentrations. There was, how-
ever, a negative correlation between floral
THCA concentration and yield, suggesting
a slight dilution of THCA as yield increased.
This illustrates that growing higher yielding
cannabis plants is appropriate to maximize
the yield of THC and CBGA with only minor
losses of THCA. To maximize floral yield
without sacrificing THC, THCA, and CBGA
concentration due to the dilution effect, it is
recommended that excessive organic fertil-
izer application during the flowering stage be
In U2-HP, peak yield, THC yield, THCA
yield, and CBGA yield were at rates supply-
ing 261, 223, 212, and 228 mg N/L, re-
spectively. Therefore, for U2-HP, the
optimal rate of this organic fertilizer is
between 212 and 261 mg N/L, depending
on grower preference for high yield or indi-
vidual cannabinoid yield. For U2, yield did
not reach a plateau over the applied fertilizer
rates; therefore, growers may choose to
maximize yield using the highest fertilizer
rate that supplied 283 mg N/L or chose
a lower rate to maximize cannabinoid con-
centration. Growing substrate U2-HP is pref-
erential to achieve maximum yield and
cannabinoid content, whereas U2 has the
potential to reduce water and fertilizer use
if the nutrient solution is not reused.
Some of the differences between the two
substrates may have been accounted for by
differences in irrigation frequency. Because
irrigation frequency was based on substrate
moisture content, the drier substrate (U2-HP)
was irrigated, and consequently fertilized,
more frequently than U2. The differences in
performance between the two substrates were
greater than that could be accounted for by
the additional fertilizer applied in U2-HP
over the duration of flowering stage. For
example, yield was higher in U2-HP at the
rate that supplied 170 mg N/L than yield in
U2 at the rate that supplied 226 mg N/L,
whereas the total fertilizer applied was 2.89
and 2.94 g N/L, respectively. High irrigation
frequency is known to increase plant growth
in some species (de Kreij and Straver, 1988;
Katsoulas et al., 2006; Morvant et al., 1998;
Silber et al., 2003, 2005). In greenhouse-
grown roses (Rosa hybrid L., ‘First Red’),
doubling irrigation frequency while main-
taining constant total irrigation volume in-
creased the dry weight of cut flower shoots by
30% over a lower frequency irrigation
(Katsoulas et al., 2006). Similar effects have
been reported in greenhouse-grown
Codiaeum variegatum L.; using a flood and
drain irrigation system, de Kreij and Straver
(1988) found that high irrigation frequency
combined with high-porosity substrates in-
creased plant growth and reduced substrate
nutrient leaching. Increased irrigation fre-
quency can also increase aboveground bio-
mass in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., ‘Iceberg’;
Silber et al., 2003) and peppers (C. annum L.,
‘Selika’; Silber et al., 2005). The increased
Fig. 4. Relationshipbetween cannabinoid concentration in dry floral material (left) and cannabinoidyield per
plant (right) and organic fertilizer rate applied during the flowering stage in two substrates (U2-HP and
U2). Fertilizer rate is indicated by nitrogen (N) concentration. Values are means ± SEM. The curve is the
best fit regression relationship with P< 0.05. In U2-HP, for CBG concentration and yield at the rate that
supplied 113 mg N/L, n= 3 and at the rate that supplied 283 mg N/L, n= 2. In U2, for CBG concentration
and yield at the rates that supplied 57, 170, and 283 mg N/L, n= 3 and at the rate that supplied 113 mg
N/L, n= 2. For all other values, n=4.THC=Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol; THCA = D9-tetrahydrocanna-
bidiolic acid; CBG = cannabigerol; CBGA = cannabigerolic acid.
Fig. 5. Response of growingsubstrate electrical conductivity(EC) to organic fertilizer rateapplied during the
flowering stage for cannabis in two substrates (U2-HP and U2). Fertilizer rateis indicated by nitrogen(N)
concentration. Dataare means ± SEM (For U2-HP, n= 4 at weeks 2, 4, and 6 a nd n= 8 at weeks 3 and 5; for
U2, n= 4 at each week) and lines are the best-fit regression relationships with P<0.05.
growth from frequent irrigation has been
attributed to enhanced nutrient uptake, spe-
cifically improved P mobilization and uptake
(Silber et al., 2003, 2005).
Another factor that may have contrib-
uted to the differences in growth and canna-
binoid concentrations/yield between the
two substrates is root zone oxygen availabil-
ity. With a higher CC (Table 1), U2 holds
more water, consequentially displacing more
air and reducing the oxygen diffusing rate
in the root zone compared to U2-HP. A well-
oxygenated root zone is vital for good plant
health, improving nutrient uptake, root
growth and preventing root-borne disease
(Jackson and Colmer, 2005; Zheng et al.,
2007). Furthermore, there was some evi-
dence of root disease in the present study
that may have been caused by low root zone
oxygen. While there was no statistical dif-
ference, three plants were removed during
the trial due to root rot in U2 compared with
one in U2-HP. To our knowledge, there is
no research into the effects of irrigation or
root zone oxygen on cannabinoid concentra-
tions, but it is speculated that these factors
may have contributed to the higher cannabi-
noid concentrations seen in U2-HP. Results
from the present study suggests that cannabis
may benefit from high irrigation frequency
and/or high root zone oxygen; however,
further study is required to control for these
variables and to optimize irrigation fre-
quency and root zone oxygen concentration
for cannabis.
Plant growth responded as expected to
varying fertilizer application rates; plants
increased in size as fertilizer rate increased
until a maximum at a rate supplying 211 mg
N/L for U2-HP and at a rate supplying
239 mg N/L for U2 at final harvest. The
fertilizer rates which delivered optimal
growth and yield in this trial were generally
higher than typical recommended synthetic
fertilizer rates used in container crop pro-
duction, which rarely exceed 200 mg N/L
(Raviv and Lieth, 2007); this was likely
due to the slow releasing and less soluble
nature of N and P in organic fertilizer when
compared with most synthetic fertilizers
(Prasad et al., 2004). Improved performance
from high organic fertilizer rates (at rates
supplying around 389 mg N/L) was also
reported for vegetative stage cannabis
(Caplan et al., 2017), suggesting that canna-
bis has high organic fertilizer requirements
in both growth stages.
Caplan et al. (2017) also demonstrated
that with varying fertilizer rate and substrate
type applied to vegetative-stage cannabis,
that cannabinoid yield and concentration
did not differ substantially in the variety
‘OG Kush ·Grizzly’ when the plants were
grown under similar flowering-stage condi-
tions. During the vegetative stage, substrate
had no effect on floral cannabinoid concen-
tration, and of all the detected cannabinoids
only THC concentration responded to fertil-
izer rate, increasing to a maximum at a rate
supplying 418 mg N/L. Fertilizer effects were
more substantial in the present study, likely
because cannabinoid concentration increases
mainly during the flowering stage when
glandular trichome development is at its peak
(Aizpurua-Olaizola et al., 2016; Muntendam
et al., 2012). In addition, Caplan et al. (2017)
found that an increase in yield due to optimal
vegetative-stage fertigation was associated
with an increase in the concentration of
THC and cannabinol (CBN) in dry floral
material. In the present study, there was
negligible CBN detected in the floral material
of the variety ‘WP:Med (Wappa)’, and re-
sults differ from Caplan et al. (2017) with
regards to THC concentration. The can-
nabinoid dilution effect, attributed to in-
creased fertilizer rate, may therefore only
apply to the flowering stage. This difference
illustrates a varying effect between vegeta-
tive stage and flowering stage fertilizer rate
for cannabis.
The relationship between fertilizer rate
and yield differed between the two substrates.
In U2-HP, yield decreased at rates that
supplied above 261 mg N/L, yet yield in-
creased linearly with increasing fertilizer rate
in U2. The concentration of fertilizer in the
irrigation water remained constant; therefore,
more fertilizer was used for U2-HP than U2
over the 53-d period. It was presumed that
since more fertilizer was administered for
U2-HP, that substrate EC would accumulate
to a higher level in U2-HP compared with U2.
In fact, the opposite was observed; substrate
EC was slightly higher in U2 than in U2-HP
(Fig. 5). Plants grown in U2-HP also grew
larger, potentially because of increased irri-
gation frequency and/or substrate aeration as
previously described. Increased plant growth
may have facilitated greater nutrient uptake,
accounting for lower EC accumulation in U2-
HP. Silber et al. (2003) found that in lettuce,
increased irrigation frequency improved the
availability of immobile elements such as P
and K allowing for increased uptake. In U2-
HP, at rates that supplied above 261 mg N/L,
plants may have accumulated nutrients to
above-optimum levels, which could account
for the yield reduction at the higher rates. By
contrast, the lesser amount of total adminis-
tered fertilizer in U2 might have not reached
an optimum level.
Low substrate pH may have also con-
tributed to the yield reductions seen at the
highest fertilizer rate in U2-HP. The opti-
mal pH range for cannabis that is suggested
by grey resources (Cervantes, 2006) and
during the vegetative stage (Caplan et al.,
2017) is 5.8–7.2. The pH in both substrates
remained mostly within this range; how-
ever, at the highest fertilizer rate at 6 WFS,
pH in U2-HP was 5.1. Within the measured
range of substrate pH (means of 5.1–7.4 in
the flowering stage) there were no visual
signs of pH-induced disorders. This obser-
vation overlaps the acceptable range cited
in Caplan et al. (2017) of 6.7–7.2 for the
flowering stage. If the lowest substrate pH
measured (5.1) is excluded, a range of sub-
strate pH of 5.5–7.4 appears suitable in the
flowering stage for container production of
organic cannabis. More research is needed
to confirm the optimal range for multiple
Leaf ‘greenness’ increased linearly with
increasing fertilizer rate and was positively
correlated to the proceeding GI measurement
as well as yield. The CCI is often a reliable
indicator of leaf N-status; however, the re-
lationship must be determined for a given
species using leaf tissue analysis for accurate
results (Xiong et al., 2015), and to our
knowledge has not been characterized for
cannabis. Current results suggest that CCI
may be an indicator of plant N-status for
Table 3. Response of substrate pH to organic fertilizer rate applied during the flowering stage for cannabis.
Growing substrate
U2-HP U2
Fertilizer rate [indicated by nitrogen (mg·L
N) concn]
57 113 170 226 283 All
57 113 170 226 283 All
Growing substrate pH
2 7.4 a
7.2 a 7.3 a 7.2 a 7.2 a 7.3 ± 0.04 7.4 a 7.3 a 7.1 a 7.6 a 6.9 a 7.2 ± 0.09 NS
3 7.0 a 6.7 ab 6.4 b 6.7 ab 6.5 ab 6.7 ± 0.06 7.0 a 6.4 a 6.6 a 6.4 a 6.3 a 6.6 ± 0.09 NS
4 6.0 a 6.0 a 5.7 a 6.0 a 5.9 a 5.9 ± 0.10 6.6 a 6.2 a 6.3 a 6.3 a 6.0 a 6.3 ± 0.09 **
5 5.9 a 5.6 a 5.6 a 5.9 a 5.8 a 5.8 ± 0.08 6.9 a 6.4 a 6.1 a 6.4 a 6.4 a 6.5 ± 0.09 ***
6 6.0 a 5.5 ab 5.5 ab 5.8 ab 5.1 b 5.6 ± 0.10 6.9 a 6.4 a 6.5 a 6.5 a 6.4 a 6.5 ± 0.07 ***
6.5 ± 0.13 6.2 ± 0.14 6.1 ± 0.15 6.3 ± 0.13 6.1 ± 0.14 6.2 ± 0.06 7.0 ± 0.08 6.5 ± 0.12 6.5 ± 0.10 6.6 ± 0.12 6.4 ± 0.09 6.6 ± 0.05
Data are means of substrates pooled across fertilizer rates.
WFS = weeks in the flowering stage.
*, **, ***
Nonsignificant, or significant at P< 0.05, 0.01, and 0.0001, respectively, within week intervals among substrate treatments.
Data followed by the same letter within the same column do not differ at P< 0.05.
Data are means of 6 weeks; for U2-HP, n= 4 at 2, 4 and 6 WFS and n= 8 at 3 and 5 WFS; for U2, n= 4 at each WFS.
cannabis since yield and growth generally
increase with optimal N fertilization.
Finally, further research is required to
evaluate the effects of fertilizer rate and
substrate on other cannabinoids of interest,
such as CBD, which was not detected in the
current variety ‘WP:Med (Wappa)’. This
would require the use of additional cannabis
Our results suggest that to produce high-
yielding, cannabinoid-rich, organic cannabis
plants, lower CC coir-based substrates, such
as U2-HP, are preferable to those with higher
CC, such as U2. The drier substrate produced
higher floral yield, GI, THC concentration,
THC yield, THCA yield, and CBGA yield
than U2, possibly because of higher fertiga-
tion frequency or adequate root zone oxygen
leading to a more favorable root zone envi-
ronment. Both substrates generally main-
tained suitable substrate pH between 5.5
and 7.4 and were effective for cannabis pro-
duction during the flowering stage. Increas-
ing fertilizer rate was found to have a dilution
effect on THC, THCA, and CBGA; therefore,
excessive organic fertilizer application dur-
ing the flowering stage should be avoided
despite increased biomass yield. To maxi-
mize both yield and cannabinoid yield, the
optimal organic fertilizer rate for U2-HP was
determined to be within a range supplying
212–261 mg N/L using the Nutri Plus Or-
ganic Bloom liquid organic fertilizer during
the flowering growth stage. Higher rates
within this range favor increased floral yield,
whereas lower rates favor higher yield of
some cannabinoids. For U2, the optimal rate
was one supplying 283 mg N/L to maximize
yield; although, lower rates may be desirable
to increase cannabinoid concentrations.
These recommendations could be general-
ized for similar organic fertilizer and sub-
strates; however, results may vary with
cannabis variety.
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... Undoubtedly, nutrition plays a pivotal role in shaping the development, functionality, and metabolic processes of various plant organs and tissues (Shiponi and Bernstein, 2021b;De Prato et al., 2022). Existing knowledge has extensively documented the ideal thresholds of specific macronutrients, including N, P and K, along with micronutrients like Fe, necessary for ensuring the normal growth and functioning of both root systems and above-ground biomass (Shiponi and Bernstein, 2021a;Shiponi and Bernstein, 2021b;Malıḱ et al., 2022;Saloner and Bernstein, 2022;Llewellyn et al., 2023), as well as the production of valuable secondary metabolites in medicinal cannabis plants (Caplan et al., 2017;Bernstein et al., 2019b;Shiponi and Bernstein, 2021b;Saloner and Bernstein, 2022). It is crucial to emphasize that nutrient solution fertigation was provided to the plants only up to the ninth week of cultivation. ...
... Since cannabinoids are the constituents conferring exceptional value to cannabis, it is imperative to conduct additional research into the influence of mineral nourishment on cannabis productivity and the association between yield and potency (Bevan et al., 2021). Prior research suggests that plants' mineral nutrition can influence the production of secondary metabolites in cannabis (Caplan et al., 2017;Saloner and Bernstein, 2021;Saloner and Bernstein, 2022). An inverse correlation between cannabis yield and cannabinoid concentrations has been observed in previous studies. ...
... An inverse correlation between cannabis yield and cannabinoid concentrations has been observed in previous studies. These studies have consistently reported a linear decrease in cannabinoid concentrations with increasing yield (the dilution effect) (Caplan et al., 2017;Yep et al., 2020;Shiponi and Bernstein, 2021a). This effect was not observed to a significant extent in our case. ...
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Growing evidence underscores the role of nutrients and fertigation systems in soilless production, influencing medicinal cannabis biomass and secondary metabolite content. This study delves into the impact of enhanced nutrient regimes on the ‘ionome’ and its ramifications for biomass and cannabinoid production in medicinal cannabis, comparing two distinct fertigation systems: recirculation and drain-to-waste. Notably, we assess the optimal harvest time for maximizing profitability. In comparing the experimental variant with elevated levels of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and iron (Fe) in the nutrient solution to the control variant, we observe distinct patterns in element composition across stems, leaves, and flowers, with significant differences between fertigation systems. Total nitrogen content was determined through the Kjeldahl method. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) were employed for elemental analysis. Cannabinoid identification and quantification used high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode-array detector (HPLC/DAD). Followed statistical analyses included ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test. Although the augmented nutrient regimen does not substantially increase plant biomass, interesting differences emerge between the two fertigation systems. The recirculation fertigation system proves more profitable during the recommended harvest period. Nonetheless, the altered nutrient regime does not yield statistically significant differences in final inflorescence harvest mass or cannabinoid concentrations in medicinal cannabis. The choice of fertigation system influences the quantity and quality of harvested inflorescence. To optimize the balance between the dry biomass yield of flowers and cannabinoid concentration, primarily total THC yield (sum of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol, and Δ⁸-tetrahydrocannabinol), we propose the 11th week of cultivation as the suitable harvest time for the recirculation system. Importantly, the recirculation system consistently outperformed the drain-to-waste system, especially after the ninth week, resulting in significantly higher total THC yields. Enriched nutrition, when compared with control, increased THC yield up to 50.7%, with a remarkable 182% surge in the recirculation system when compared with the drain-to-waste system.
... During the last decade, cannabis research related to the genetic and photochemical characteristics of the different varieties has increased (Rull 2022). More than 100 unique cannabinoids have been identified (Ahmed et al. 2015;Caplan et al. 2017), predominantly Δ 9-tetrahydrocanbinolic acid (THCA) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA). These acids undergo a decarboxylation process during storage and when heated to become neutral cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) (Strzelczyk et al. 2021). ...
... During the assays, the pH gradually decreased in all the substrate percolates. These results are consistent with those reported by Caplan et al (2017), who observed a gradual decrease in pH over time. Some authors reported that cannabis plants yield was the highest when soil pH was 6.6-6.8 (Coffman and Gentner 1975) due to nutrient availability. ...
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Aims The objective of this study was to identify the most suitable substrate for Cannabis sativa L. cultivation based on its effects on water relations and Cannabidiol (CBD) production. Methods Biomass, physiological parameters, minerals, changes in the expression levels of plasma membrane intrinsic Proteins (PIP) and CBD concentration was measured in C. sativa (var. Tiborszallasi) plants cultivated on 5 substrates with different physical–chemical characteristics. Results The substrates available water (AW) was the main factor affecting growth and production. The efficiency of the water use was governed fundamentally by transpiration. Experimental substrates(S) 1 and 3 (S1 and S3) were those in which the plants grew optimally and allows plants to invest energy in secondary metabolites production acquiring high levels of CBD. The plants grown in S2 and S5, composed by coconut fiber and perlite, showed the lowest growth in agreement with low transpiration rates which reduce the water uptake. S5 substrate, with some available water (AW) still present, is forcing plants to invest energy in improving water and nutrient transport, as observed by the high levels of nutrients in planta and PIPs expression levels. S4 plants presented the highest inflorescence production and CBD content, which can be attributed to plant stress due to the low levels of AW and high pH and electrical conductivity (EC). Conclusion The absorption of water and minerals by plants has been affected by PIP-mediated water transport, playing key roles for the optimal utilization of the water present in the substrates, with specific isoforms involved in these responses.
... In coir, optimal nitrogen rates during the vegetative growth period of THC cultivars of C. sativa have been found to be around 28 mM (Caplan et al., 2017a). A drop in N content from 28 to 15-18 mM in the generative period optimized growth and cannabinoid content of THC and CBG, demonstrating a negative correlation between fertilizer rate and cannabinoid concentrations (Caplan et al., 2017b). In contrast, in a study with medicinal cannabis in perlite the application of 2. 1, 5.7, 11.4, 17.1 and 22.8 mM N at corresponding EC levels of 1.6, 1.73, 2.1, 2.5 and 2.8 mS cm -1 showed that the growth during the vegetative period was optimal at 11.4 mM N (Saloner and Bernstein, 2020). ...
... Hence, differences in total THC yield (g plant -1 ) were largely similar to the differences in bud weights. These results appear to differ from studies where decreased cannabinoid concentrations were found at increasing fertilizer rates (Caplan et al., 2017b;Anderson et al., 2021;Yep et al., 2020). Yep et al. (2020) also found a linear decrease in total CBD, THCA and CBCA concentrations at increasing salinity, but surprisingly a linear increase in Δ9-THC and CBD concentrations. ...
... However, a complete transition away from chemical fertilizers in agriculture is not immediately feasible, as agricultural sustainability hinges on maintaining adequate income and food security [167]. Instead, a balanced approach that integrates renewable, natural materials with organic sources, while judiciously utilizing chemical fertilizers, is essential for preserving soil fertility, enhancing biological activity and improving soil structure [168]. Numerous studies have explored the combined application of organic and chemical fertilizers across various crops, showing promising results, particularly in increasing oil yield [169]. ...
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Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), renowned for its applications in environmental, industrial, and medicinal fields, is critically evaluated in this comprehensive review focusing on the impacts of chemical and organic fertilizers on its cultivation. As hemp re-emerges as a crop of economic significance, the choice between chemical and organic fertilization methods plays a crucial role in determining not only yield but also the quality and sustainability of production. This article examines the botanical characteristics of hemp, optimal growth conditions, and the essential biochemical processes for its cultivation. A detailed comparative analysis is provided, revealing that chemical fertilizers, while increasing yield by up to 20% compared to organic options, may compromise the concentration of key phytochemicals such as cannabidiol by approximately 10%, highlighting a trade-off between yield and product quality. The review presents quantitative assessments of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) from both fertilizer types, noting that K significantly influences the synthesis of terpenes and cannabinoids, making it the most impactful element in the context of medicinal and aromatic hemp varieties. Optimal rates and timing of application for these nutrients are discussed, with a focus on maximizing efficiency during the flowering stage, where nutrient uptake directly correlates with cannabinoid production. Furthermore, the challenges associated with the U.S. industrial hemp market are addressed, noting that reducing production costs and improving processing infrastructure is essential for sustaining industry growth, especially given the slow expansion in fiber and cannabidiol markets due to processing bottlenecks. The review concludes that while chemical fertilizers may offer immediate agronomic benefits, transitioning towards organic practices is essential for long-term environmental sustainability and market viability. The future of the hemp industry, while promising, will depend heavily on advancements in genetic engineering, crop management strategies, and regulatory frameworks that better support sustainable cultivation practices. This nuanced approach is vital for the industry to navigate the complex trade-offs between productivity, environmental health, and economic viability in the global market.
... The "dilution effect" shows how total THC concentration decreases as the N input increases. [23][24][25][26]55,56 However, one treatment (low N and high K) significantly affected the total THC content in this study. This could be the first report of a fertilizer treatment affecting cannabinoid content at this magnitude (∼30% increase). ...
Environmental impacts of cannabis production are of increasing concern because it is a newly legal and growing industry. Although a handful of studies have quantified the impacts of indoor production, very little is known about the impact of outdoor cannabis agriculture. Outdoor production typically uses little direct energy but can require significant fertilizer and other inputs due to dissipative losses via runoff and mineralization. Conversely, fertilizer high in nitrogen can be counterproductive, as it produces flowers with decreased cannabinoid content. This study has two aims: (1) To identify reduced-fertilizer regimes that provide optimal cannabis flower yields with reduced inputs and (2) to quantify how this shifts greenhouse gas emissions, resource depletion (fossil and metal), terrestrial acidification, and the eutrophication potential of outdoor cannabis production. Primary data from a fertilizer response trial are incorporated into a life-cycle assessment model. Results show that outdoor cannabis agriculture can be 50 times less carbon-emitting than indoor production. Dissemination of this knowledge is of utmost importance for producers, consumers, and government officials in nations that have either legalized or will legalize cannabis production.
... Environmental factors also play a role in determining the phytocannabinoid profile of C. sativa. These include light spectra (Danziger and Bernstein, 2021c); choice of growing media (Caplan et al., 2017); drought stress, which increases concentrations and yields of main phytocannabinoids in drought-affected hemp compared to adequately irrigated plants (Caplan et al., 2019); and salinity stress, which leads to decreased cannabinoid concentrations as NaCl levels rise (Yep et al., 2020). ...
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Phytocannabinoids represent the hallmark of the secondary metabolism of Cannabis sativa. The content of major phytocannabinoids is closely related to genetic variation as well as abiotic elicitors such as temperature, drought, and saline stress. The present study aims to evaluate hemp response to saline irrigation supplied as NaCl solutions with an electrical conductivity (EC) of 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0 dS m⁻¹ (S1, S2, and S3, respectively) compared to a tap water control (S0). In addition, the potential beneficial effect of a plant-based biostimulant (a legume protein hydrolysate) in mitigating the detrimental effects of saline irrigation on crop growth and phytocannabinoid composition was investigated. Sodium chloride saline irrigation significantly reduced biomass production only with S2 and S3 treatments, in accordance with an induced nutrient imbalance, as evidenced by the mineral profile of leaves. Multivariate analysis revealed that the phytocannabinoid composition, both in inflorescences and leaves, was affected by the salinity level of the irrigation water. Interestingly, higher salinity levels (S2-S3) resulted in the predominance of cannabidiol (CBD), compared to lower salinity ones (S0-S1). Plant growth and nitrogen uptake were significantly increased by the biostimulant application, with significant mitigation of the detrimental effect of saline irrigations.
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Cannabis sativa L. is an annual dioecious species native from Central Asia, which has mainly been used for medical purposes by many ancient cultures and is currently used for the treatment of several diseases. The pharmacological properties of C. sativa are related to cannabinoids, a class of secondary metabolites entirely unique to this crop that are produced and stored at high levels in the inflorescences and leaves. In addition to cannabinoids, C. sativa plants also produce a large number of non-cannabinoid secondary metabolites including terpenes, phenolic compounds and others, which have also been associated with health-promoting activities. In recent decades, the interest in secondary metabolites from C. sativa has been increasing due to their potential applications not only as pharmaceuticals, but also as nutraceuticals, food additives, drugs, fragrances, and biopesticides. This has generated a significant increase in the development of effective strategies for improving the production of such bioactive compounds. In this context, elicitation has emerged as an effective tool based on the application of abiotic or biotic factors that induce physiological changes and stimulate defense or stress-related responses in plants, including the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. The current review gives a comprehensive overview of the available studies on the different elicitation approaches used to enhance the accumulation of the major bioactive compounds in C. sativa, and highlights challenges and opportunities related to the use of external elicitors for improving the added value of this crop.
The plant kingdom offers a wealth of molecules with potential efficacy against various human, animal, and plant crop infections and illnesses. Cannabis sativa L. has garnered significant attention in recent decades within the scientific community due to its broad biological activity. Key bioactive compounds such as cannabinoids and phenolic compounds have been isolated from this plant, driving its bioactivity. Numerous studies have highlighted the impact of different agronomic practices, particularly fertilization, on the phytochemical composition, notably altering the percentage of various chemical groups. This review aims to present updated fertilization recommendations, crop requirements, and their implications for the chemical composition of C. sativa plants, along with major biological properties documented in the literature over the past five years. Various databases were utilized to summarize information on fertilization and crop requirements, chemical composition, bioassays employed, natural products (extracts or isolated compounds), and bioactivity results. Through this review, it is evident that C. sativa holds promise as a source of novel molecules for treating diverse human diseases. Nonetheless, careful consideration of agronomic practices is essential to optimize chemical composition and maximize therapeutic potential.
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Cannabis producers, especially those with organic operations, lack reliable information on the fertilization requirements for their crops. To determine the optimal organic fertilizer rate for vegetative-stage cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.), five rates that supplied 117, 234, 351, 468, and 585 mg N/L of a liquid organic fertilizer (4.0N–1.3P– 1.7K) were applied to container-grown plants with one of two coir-based organic substrates. The trial was conducted in a walk-in growth chamber and the two substrates used were ABcann UNIMIX 1-HP with lower water-holding capacity (WHC) and ABcann UNIMIX 1 with higher WHC. No differences in growth or floral dry weight (yield) were found between the two substrates. Pooled data from both substrates showed that the highest yield was achieved at a rate that supplied 389 mg N/L (interpolated from yield-fertilizer responses) which was 1.8 times higher than that of the lowest fertilizer rate. The concentration of Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in dry floral material was maximized at a rate that supplied 418 mg N/L, and no fertilizer rate effects were observed on Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabidiolic acid (THCA) or cannabinol (CBN). The highest yield, cannabinoid content, and plant growth were achieved around an organic fertilizer rate that supplied 389 mg N/L during the vegetative growth stage when using the two coirbased organic substrates. © 2017, American Society for Horticultural Science. All rights reserved.
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Nutrient absorption and subsequent plant growth is related to an adequate supply of the nutrient in the soil solution. Thus, fertilizer practices in a nursery and greenhouse should attempt to maintain nutrient levels in the soil solution that promote optimal growth (2, 3). Maintenance of nutrients for greenhouse and nursery crops is usually via slow-release fertilizer or frequent additions through the irrigation water, where mass flow rather than diffusion is probably the predominant process by which nutrients move to plant root surfaces. In effect, the container medium serves primarily as mechanical support for the plant, and, in contrast to mineral soil systems, nutrients adsorbed to the medium are insignificant in relation to the rate of nutrient uptake and subsequent plant growth. This is particularly true for macronutrients, although the extent that it applies to micronutrients is still not clear.
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The evolution of major cannabinoids and terpenes during the growth of Cannabis sativa plants was studied. In this work, seven different plants were selected: three each from chemotypes I and III and one from chemotype II. Fifty clones of each mother plant were grown indoors under controlled conditions. Every week, three plants from each variety were cut and dried, and the leaves and flowers were analyzed separately. Eight major cannabinoids were analyzed via HPLC-DAD, and 28 terpenes were quantified using GC-FID and verified via GC-MS. The chemotypes of the plants, as defined by the tetrahydrocannabinolic acid/cannabidiolic acid (THCA/CBDA) ratio, were clear from the beginning and stable during growth. The concentrations of the major cannabinoids and terpenes were determined, and different patterns were found among the chemotypes. In particular, the plants from chemotypes II and III needed more time to reach peak production of THCA, CBDA, and monoterpenes. Differences in the cannabigerolic acid development among the different chemotypes and between monoterpene and sesquiterpene evolution patterns were also observed. Plants of different chemotypes were clearly differentiated by their terpene content, and characteristic terpenes of each chemotype were identified.
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Growth media used for growing containerized plants in greenhouses have changed greatly since the initiation of the Spurway test procedure (8). Well-aggregated field soils gradually gave way to mixtures of soil and manufactured coarse amendments and eventually to soilless growth media. Along with these changes in growth media composition came changes in physical and chemical properties—some desirable, some not so desirable. Field soils generally have a high-nutrient capacity value and a low-intensity factor. The level of the capacity factor has decreased as the change in growth media composition has taken place. Geraldson (1-3) developed an “intensity and balance” analysis system for the unique, sandy soils of Florida; soils that provide little buffering capacity. He found the concentration (intensity) and balance of nutrients in the soil solution to be important when the capacity factor was small. Similarly, the concentration and balance of nutrients in the solution phase of greenhouse growth media today have become important to plant growth and quality.
The objective of this study was to establish the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization requirements of industrial hemp grown in eastern Canada. Earn 0.5 CEUs in Nutrient Management by reading this article and taking the quiz at‐study/780 .
Plant production in hydroponics and soilless culture is rapidly expanding throughout the world, raising a great interest in the scientific community. For the first time in an authoritative reference book, authors cover both theoretical and practical aspects of hydroponics (growing plants without the use of soil). This reference book covers the state-of-the-art in this area, while offering a clear view of supplying plants with nutrients other than soil. Soilless Culture provides the reader with an understanding of the properties of the various soiless media and how these properties affect plant performance in relation to basic horticultural operations, such as irrigation and fertilization. This book is ideal for agronomists, horticulturalists, greenhouse and nursery managers, extension specialists, and people involved with the production of plants. * Comprehensive discussion of hydroponic systems, irrigation, and control measures allows readers to achieve optimal performance * State-of-the-art book on all theoretical aspects of hydroponics and soilless culture including a thorough description of the root system, its functions and limitation posed by restricted root volume * Critical and updated reviews of current analytical methods and how to translate their results to irrigation and fertilization practices * Definitive chapters on recycled, no-discharge systems including salinity and nutrition management and pathogen eradication. * Up-to-date description of all important types of growing media.
The concentration of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBN) in cannabis plant material (marijuana) of different varieties stored at room temperature (20-22°Celsius (C)) over a four-year period was determined. The percentage loss of THC was proportional to the storage time. On average, the concentration of THC in the plant material decreased by 16.6% ±7.4 of its original value after one year and 26.8% ±7.3, 34.5% ±7.6 and 41.4% ±6.5 after two, three and four years, respectively. A relationship between the concentration ratio of CBN to THC and the storage time was developed and could serve as a guide in determining the approximate age of a given marijuana sample stored at room temperature.
Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) has sparked renewed interest in western Canada in recent years, and there is very little research information available on its fertilizer requirements. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of surface-broadcast ammonium nitrate and seedrow placed monoammonium phosphate fertilizers on the production and seed quality attributes of industrial hemp (cv. Fasamo and Finola). Field experiments were conducted on a Black Chernozem silty loam soil at Melfort, Saskatchewan, Canada, in 2000, 2001 and 2002. Increasing N rates significantly increased plant height, biomass, seed yield and seed protein content of hemp in all years. Seed-applied P fertilizer increased plant height in all years, and biomass in 2000, but reduced plant density, biomass and seed yield in 2001 and 2002. Finola consistently had lower plant height, earlier maturity, heavier seeds, and higher seed yield, seed protein content and seed oil content than Fasamo. The average amount of nitrate-N in the 0-60 cm soil was 40 kg N ha-1. Seed yield kg -1 of N was 9.4, 5.9, 4.5 and 3.7 kg ha-1 for Fasamo, and 10.6, 7.7, 6.0 and 4.5 kg ha-1 for Finola, respectively, at 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha-1 of soil plus fertilizer N.
Leaching and nutrient uptake by grass was used to study the nutrient release characteristics of seven commercial and experimental fertilisers. An inorganic soluble and a controlled release fertiliser (CRF) were included for comparative purposes. The effect of addition of organic fertilisers to peat on bacterial and fungal activity was also studied. The results showed that over a period 140 days with seven leachings, the organic fertilisers released between 25% and 60% of their N content. Most of the N release occurred within the first 56 days. By contrast the N release pattern of the CRF was very even while the soluble fertiliser released nearly all its N content at the first leaching. The pattern of release for P and K for the CRF and the soluble fertiliser was similar to that of N. The P and K release characteristics of the organic fertilisers were much faster than for N. The addition of organic fertilisers to peat fertilisers to peat resulted in increased bacterial and fungal activity. Tomato seedling growth with some of the organic fertilisers was equal to that with soluble fertiliser but the efficiency of N in organic fertilisers was lower.