
A Digitális Állampolgárság újraértelmezett kompetenciamodellje

  • Budapest Business University
  • Hungarian Dance University
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... A digitális kompetenciák fejlettsége három szinten határozható meg digitális állampolgárság 2017-es modellje alapján, amely alkalmazkodik a DigComp, az ECDL képzések, a Közös Európai Nyelvi Referenciakeret és az Europass CV sablonok hármas tagolásához egyaránt (PAPP-DANKA -LANSZKI, 2017). A modell meghatározása szerint alapszinten az alapvető fogalmak és összefüggések ismerete, problémahelyezetekben a kompetencia rutinszerű használatának képessége, és érdeklődő attitűd jelenik meg. ...
Digitális állampolgároknak nevezzük a digitális világban tevékenykedő, interakciókban és kommunikációs helyzetekben megjelenő egyéneket, akik ennek keretei közt végzik mindennapos tevékenységeiket, kapcsolattartó és ismeretközlő cselekedeteiket (OLLÉ ÉS MTSAI., 2013). A tanulmány a 2017-es hazai digitális állampolgárság modellen keresztül (HÜLBER szerk., 2017) mutatja be, hogy az elméleti modell hogyan vonatkoztatható egy konkrét eszközre, jelen esetben a Google Térképre és ezen belül is Helyi Idegenvezetői programra. Az ingyenesen, bárki számára elérhető szolgáltatás egy olyan funkció-együttes, amelyen keresztül a térkép helyszíneinek adatlapja releváns információkkal tölthető fel, például alapadatokkal, fényképekkel, videókkal vagy szöveges véleményekkel.Mit jelent a Google Térképen, ha a felhasználó a digitális állampolgárság kompetenciáival alap-, közép- vagy felső fejlettségi szinten rendelkezik? Melyik kompetencia milyen funkciókra vonatkoztatható, és hogyan mérhető vagy fejleszthető tanórai keretek között? A digitális állampolgárság 2017-es modellje 4 nagyobb kompetenciaterületet, ezen belül 14 kompetenciát és 3 a kompetenciaterületek közötti „átmeneti” kompetenciát tartalmaz. A tanulmány minden kompetenciához 3-3, összesen tehát 51 feladatötletet ad, amely segít felmérni és fejleszteni a diákok felkészültségét az adott digitális kompetenciával kapcsolatban. A Google Térkép csak egy a sok lehetséges digitális eszköz közül, amellyel a digitális állampolgárság kompetenciái fejleszthetők. A tanulmány célja a konkrét eszköz és a konkrét tantárgyi példák helyett inkább az, hogy megmutassa, hogyan lehet az elméleti definíciókat gyakorlati funkciókra és feladatokra vonatkoztatni a digitális állampolgárság modellben.
Technical Report
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Technologies are increasingly being used in society and the economy, and this is transforming ways of working, studying, communicating, accessing information and spending leisure time, among others. Attention must be paid to ensuring that everyone has digital competence as it provides important benefits while its lack can lead to various risks to children, young people, workers, elderly, groups at risk of exclusion and all citizens in general. It is not always clear however what is meant with digital competence. Therefore, the IS Unit at JRC-IPTS has launched a project to develop guidelines for supporting digital competence development in Europe on the request of DG Education and Culture. This report reviews needs for digital competence, different concepts used to describe and understand it, and related policy approaches and measurements. Based on these, it suggests a conceptual model with the following main areas: 1) Instrumental knowledge and skills for tool and media usage; 2) Advanced skills and knowledge for communication and collaboration, information management, learning and problem-solving, and meaningful participation; 3) Attitudes to strategic skills usage in intercultural, critical, creative, responsible and autonomous ways. Instrumental knowledge and skills are a precondition for developing or using more advanced skills. The objective of the conceptual model is to highlight the various knowledge, skill and attitude areas that should be considered when developing digital competence. The proposed structure allows flexibility and the concept to be tailored to different target groups of digital competence learners and users. The work developed in this report will contribute to the IPTS DIGCOMP project, where it will also be developed further. The reader is encouraged to follow the project’s progress and results at the project website:
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Empirikus kvalitatív kutatásunk célja az általános iskolás felsős tanulók (5-8. osztályos diákok) okostelefon-használati szokásainak, gyakorlatainak feltárása, a használatával kapcsolatos élmények, vélemények, attitűdök megismerése és bemutatása. Kutatási jelentésünkben a gyerekek okostelefon fogalmát értelmezzük, illetve az okostelefon általuk tapasztalt és/vagy gondolt előnyeit és hátrányait ismertetjük. Részletesen leírjuk és elemezzük a mai 11-14 éves korosztály első okostelefonjával kapcsolatos tapasztalatait és élményeit, a telefoncserék okát, kitérünk a telefon-alkalmazásokra. A diákok okostelefonjuk mellett használnak még laptopot, vagy tabletet, vagy asztali számítógépet, de mindegyik készüléket más feladatokra veszik igénybe. A szülők elvárásait és preferenciáit is érintjük, valamint az ÉN megjelenítés fontosságát. Kutatási eredményünk szerint a mai felsős általános iskolások okostelefon nélkül is el tudják elképzelni az életüket. Telefonjukat a középiskolásokkal ellentétben nem folyamatosan, hanem szakaszonként, változó mértékben és időtartamban használják.
Technical Report
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The European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, also known as DigComp, offers a tool to improve citizens’ digital competence. DigComp was first published in 2013 and has become a reference for many digital competence initiatives at both European and Member State levels. This document introduces DigComp 2.0. It constitutes phase 1 of the update of the framework which focuses on the conceptual reference model, new vocabulary and streamlined descriptors. The document also gives examples of how DigComp is used at the European, national and regional levels.
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Digital competence is one of the eight key competences for lifelong learning and is essential for participation in our increasingly digitalised society. It is therefore necessary to understand and define what digital competence is and consists of. The paper discusses various aspects of digital competence firstly differentiating it from other similar or overlapping concepts, then discussing the implication of the historic evolution of the term, finally detailing the digital competence framework in its constituting parts.
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Az oktatásban is használják már az IT-t, és elérkeztünk a fordulóponthoz, amikor a számítógépek és laptopok után már az e-Learning módszereken alapuló, internettel összekötött táblagépek korszaka következik. A Futures managementből ismert Eltville modelljének segítségével elemezzük az oktatási rendszer hatásait, és a módszer lehetőségfeltárás szakaszában a Jövőkerék (eredeti angol nevén Futures Wheel) jövőkutatás módszerrel ábrázoljuk a lehetséges jövőbeni hatásokat. Az Eltville-módszer alkalmazását követően meghatározunk négy lehetséges szcenáriót, jövőképet. Az ICT eszközök lehetséges hatásai közül rendezőelvként kettőt emelünk ki: a fizikai, mentális és szociális lét dimenzióját és a tudásmegszerzésre, -megosztásra vonatkozó aspektust.
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The digital age beckons us to usher in a new era of character education, aimed directly at addressing the opportunities and challenges of living a digital lifestyle.
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In this introduction, the definition of cyberbullying will be discussed, instruments to measure cyberbullying will be described, and the state of the art of research on cyberbullying will presented. To date, most studies of cyberbullying investigate demographic factors such as the prevalence of bullying and being victimized, gender, age, and negative outcomes. Some studies investigate responses to cyberbullying, but most of them are limited to technological solutions and informing adults. Hardly any attention is paid to the underlying social psychological mechanisms in relation to antisocial behaviour in online communities and to the role of peer groups. Moreover, most studies are cross‐sectional self‐reports. The present special issue aims to fill these gaps by presenting studies which are focused on alternative topics using alternative methodologies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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The Survey of Schools: ICT in education commissioned in 2011 by the European Commission took place between January 2011 and November 2012, with data collection in autumn 2011. This article presents the main findings of the Survey based on over 190,000 questionnaire answers from students, teachers and head teachers in primary, lower and upper secondary schools randomly sampled. The article details the analytical framework design and the survey methodology implemented. It then presents the main ‘state of the art’ indicators that have been built, concerning ICT infrastructure and access to it, frequency of students' ICT based activities during lessons, level of teachers' and students' confidence in their digital competences, their opinion about using ICT for teaching and learning, and the school strategies to support ICT integration in teaching and learning. The article also presents the main findings of the exploratory part of the analysis, introducing the concepts of digitally supportive school, digitally confident and supportive teacher and digitally confident and supportive student, estimating their respective proportion at EU level on average and by country and investigating whether high percentage of digitally supportive schools include high percentages of digitally confident and positive teachers and students. A few recommendations for policy making at European, national, regional/local and institutional levels conclude the article.
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A hordozható számítógépek osztálytermi bevezetésével új taneszköz jelent meg. Ez az IKT-val segített oktatás módszertanát is alapjaiban befolyásolta. Míg az interaktív tábla elsősorban a tanári bemutatót, a frontális oktatást színesíti, a laboratóriumi, helyhez kötött számítógépek elsősorban az egyéni munkát, addig a mobil számítógépekkel viszont a tanulók önállóan, párban és csoportban is, az iskola bármely, vezetékmentes hálózati hozzáféréssel ellátott helyszínén, kollaboratív módszerekkel dolgozhatnak. Kutatásunkban egy iskolai laptopprogram hatásvizsgálatán keresztül arra az oktatási innovációk értékelésénél mindig felmerülő alapkérdésre keressük a választ: inspirált-e korszerű pedagógiát ez az eszköz, a szoftverekbe kódolt interaktív megoldások életre kelnek-e, a mobil gépekkel rugalmasan, a tanulók képzeletét megmozgatva folyik-e az oktatás?
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Bullying in a school setting is an important social concern that has received increased scholarly attention in recent years. Specifically, its causes and effects have been under investigation by a number of researchers in the social and behavioral sciences. A new permutation of bullying, however, has recently arisen and become more common: Techsavvy students are turning to cyberspace to harass their peers. This exploratory article discusses the nature of bullying and its transmutation to the electronic world and the negative repercussions that can befall both its victims and instigators. In addition, findings are reported from a pilot study designed to empirically assess the nature and extent of online bullying. The overall goal of the current work is to illuminate this novel form of deviance stemming from the intersection of communications and computers and to provide a foundational backdrop on which future empirical research can be conducted.
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This paper analyses how an elementary-level future school in Singapore implements and uses various open-source online platforms, which are easily available online and could be implemented with minimal software cost, for the purpose of teaching and learning. Online platforms have the potential to facilitate students’ engagement for independent and collaborative learning, enhance student–teacher interactions, and develop students’ technological skills. A framework is constructed to facilitate the conceptualisation of the various pedagogical approaches for learning using such online platforms – learning from and with technology is proposed. Learning from technology leans itself more towards the didactic and behaviouristic theories whereas learning with technology has its origin from the constructivism and social constructivism paradigms. In addition, both the didactic and constructivist pedagogical approaches are applicable for online learning as they could be used to achieve different outcomes depending on the learning objectives. Implicit in the findings is also the importance of the teachers’ commitment and competencies and good infrastructural and technical support in the use of technologies for teaching and learning in an educational setting.
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This article reviews research on pedagogies associated with the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in primary and secondary schools. We propose a framework for examining pedagogical practices based on an analysis of the nature of pedagogy as revealed in the literature. In the light of this framework we discuss empirical evidence of the use of different types of ICT in different subjects and phases of education. We identify pedagogical issues associated with ICT use and their implications for teachers' pedagogical reasoning and practices. The evidence suggests that new affordances provided by ICT-based learning environments require teachers to undertake more complex pedagogical reasoning than before in their planning and teaching that incorporates knowledge of specific affordances and how these relate to their subject-based teaching objectives as well as the knowledge they have always needed to plan for their students' learning. In addition the research shows that teachers' beliefs about the value of ICT for learning and the nature of successful learning environments are important in teachers' pedagogical reasoning
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This paper explores some of the ideas behind the Personal Learning Environment and considers why PLEs might be useful or indeed central to learning in the future. This is not so much a technical question as an educational one, although changing technologies are key drivers in educational change. The paper starts by looking at the changing face of education and goes on to consider the different ways in which the so-called 'net generation' is using technology for learning. It goes on to consider some of the pressures for change in the present education systems. The idea of a Personal Learning Environment recognises that learning is ongoing and seeks to provide tools to support that learning. It also recognises the role of the individual in organising his or her own learning. Moreover, the pressures for a PLE are based on the idea that learning will take place in different contexts and situations and will not be provided by a single learning provider. Linked to this is an increasing recognition of the importance of informal learning. The paper also looks at changing technology, especially the emergence of ubiquitous computing and the development of social software. The paper believes that we are coming to realise that we cannot simply reproduce previous forms of learning, the classroom or the university, embodied in software. Instead, we have to look at the new opportunities for learning afforded by emerging technologies. Social software offers the opportunity to narrow the divide between producers and consumers. Consumers themselves become producers, through creating and sharing. One implication is the potential for a new ecology of 'open' content, books, learning materials and multimedia, through learners themselves becoming producers of learning materials. Social software has already led to the widespread adoption of portfolios for learners, bringing together learning from different contexts and sources of learning and providing an ongoing record of lifelong learning, capable of expression in different forms. The paper considers how Personal Learning Environments might be developed through the aggregation of different services. The final section provides examples of practices that show how PLEs may be used in the future.
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From summary: This paper provides a conceptual framework for the identification of indicators of information literacy (IL) and proposes a pathway for cost effective and timely development. The paper includes a definition of IL; a model that links information literacy with other adult competencies including Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills; and a description of IL standards in education. Issues of IL equality and the implications of cultural diversity are identified.
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Significant investments are being made in the application of new information and communications technologies (ICT) to teaching and learning in higher education. However, until recently, there has been little progress in devising an integrated cost‐benefit model that decision‐makers can use to appraise ICT investment options from the wider institutional perspective. This paper describes and illustrates a model that has been developed to enable evaluations of the costs and benefits of the use of ICT. The strengths and limitations of the model are highlighted and discussed.
Háttér és célok: Ma már szinte közhelynek számít, hogy az infokommunikációs technológiák terjedése teljesen megváltoztatta a mindennapjainkat, legyen szó akár tanulásról, akár munkáról vagy kikapcsolódásról. Ez különösen igaz a digitális bennszülöttek, a Z generáció tagjaira, akik a korábbi generációkhoz képest már igen korán találkoznak a digitális technológiákkal, életük szerves részévé válik. Tanulmányunkban arra kerestük a választ, hogy milyen mintázatokat mutat az IKT-eszközök használata a 10–18 éves korosztály körében napjainkban. Kutatásunk célja feltárni, hogy a Z generációhoz tartozó („millenials”) három korosztály (10, 14 és 18 évesek) között különbségeket találunk-e az IKTeszközhasználati szokások, ismeretek és attitűdök terén. Feltételezhetően ugyanis kora gyerekkorukban még az egymáshoz közel eső korosztályokba tartozó tanulók is eltérő hatásoknak voltak kitéve ezen a téren a gyors technológiai változások következtében. Módszer és minta: 2014 februárjában lezáruló keresztmetszeti vizsgálatunkban 492 fős iskolás mintán (194 fő 10 éves; 166 fő 14 éves és 132 fő 18 éves) vizsgáltuk az IKT-eszközhasználati szokásokat. A vizsgálat egri és Eger környéki általános és középiskolákban zajlott. A nemek aránya a mintában kiegyensúlyozottnak tekinthető (205 fiú és 287 lány). Kutatócsoportunk által kifejlesztett online IKT-használati kérdőívet használtunk, mely 42 itemet tartalmaz (főként 5 fokú Likert-típusú skálák és zárt kérdések), és az IKT-eszközhasználati szokások, ismeretek és attitűdök, valamint a párhuzamos feladatvégzés (multitasking) gyakoriságának vizsgálatát tűzi ki célul. Eredmények: Korosztályonként azonosítottuk az eszközhasználat mennyisége szerint elkülöníthető csoportokat, így a mérsékelt IKT-használók, az átlagos IKT-használók és a gyakori IKT-használók csoportjai képezték a további vizsgálatok (például online kognitív próbák) összehasonlítási alapját. Ezen csoportok mind az eszközhasználat módjában, mint az eszközök iránti attitűdökben szignifikáns eltérést mutattak. A számítógépes eszközök (asztali számítógép, laptop, táblagép) birtoklása terén nagy szórást mutat a minta, átlagosan 2,25 eszköz található egy családban. Elmondható, hogy míg a 18 éves korosztály gyakran 10 éves kora után használta először az IKT-eszközöket (átlagosan 9,5 évesen kezdték el), addig a 14 és a 10 éves korosztálynál nem ritka a 4-5 éves korban elkezdett eszközhasználat sem (előbbi korcsoport átlag 8, utóbbi 6,5 éves korában kezdte el használni). A multitasking leginkább a 18 éves korosztályra jellemző. Következtetések: Az egyre korábbi és egyre kiterjedtebb IKT-eszközhasználat következtében érdemes a különböző korosztályok eltérő szükségleteit figyelembe venni az oktatásban. A vizuális túlterhelés egyre több kutatásban kerül elő mint olyan tényező, amely az iskolai eredményességet csökkentheti.
In this chapter, we introduce a framework, called technological pedagogical content knowledge (or TPACK for short), that describes the kinds of knowledge needed by a teacher for effective technology integration. The TPACK framework emphasizes how the connections among teachers’ understanding of content, pedagogy, and technology interact with one another to produce effective teaching. Even as a relatively new framework, the TPACK framework has significantly influenced theory, research, and practice in teacher education and teacher professional development. In this chapter, we describe the theoretical underpinnings of the framework, and explain the relationship between TPACK and related constructs in the educational technology literature. We outline the various approaches teacher educators have used to develop TPACK in pre- and in-service teachers, and the theoretical and practical issues that these professional development efforts have illuminated. We then review the widely varying approaches to measuring TPACK, with an emphasis on the interaction between form and function of the assessment, and resulting reliability and validity outcomes for the various approaches. We conclude with a summary of the key theoretical, pedagogical, and methodological issues related to TPACK, and suggest future directions for researchers, practitioners, and teacher educators.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) as a framework to understand and foster teachers' knowledge for efficient technology integration has the value of unveiling new types of knowledge and departing from technocentric approaches. In this article, we consider two approaches to advance this framework. One of these opens the discussion on a more complex conception of context, along two dimensions: scope and actor. The second is an example of how TPACK can be useful in the phenomenological approaches of teachers reflecting on their practice using narratives in the tradition of European and Latin-American bodies of knowledge on systematization.
Today, billions of people all over the planet interact using various technologies. This interaction has created a digital society that affords its members opportunities for education, employment, entertainment, and social interaction. As in any society, it is expected that digital citizens act in a certain way—according to accepted norms, rules, and laws. Most of today's students are entirely comfortable with technology, but are they using it appropriately? Do they understand their roles and responsibilities in digital society? How can teachers help students become responsible digital citizens? In this excerpt the authors discuss digital communication and its appropriate (and inappropriate) use.
Technological pedagogical content knowledge TPACK refers to the knowledge set that teachers currently use to further improve the quality of their teaching and assist their students in learning. Several TPACK models have been proposed, either for discussing TPACK's possible composition or its practical applications. Considering that teachers' practical experiences should also be critical to the development of those teachers' knowledge, this study invited a research panel (six researchers) and an expert panel (54 science-related educators) to propose and validate the framework of TPACK-practical. After two rounds of anonymous communications that followed Delphi survey techniques, a total of eight dimensions of TPACK-practical and corresponding indicators were identified and rated as having high levels of importance. Among these knowledge dimensions, the knowledge of direct information and communication technology uses for enhancing teachers' professionalism and students' conceptual comprehension was rated with a high level of importance. Also, disciplinary differences were found to exist between the different groups of experts. Biology teachers showed significantly higher ratings across all knowledge dimensions, whereas physics teachers' ratings were comparatively low. Such findings suggest that the structure and content of subject matter shapes not only the way they teach with technology but also the thinking logics they build longitudinally from their learning experiences.
This paper describes a framework for teacher knowledge for technology integration called technological pedagogical content knowledge (originally TPCK, now known as TPACK, or technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge). This framework builds on Lee Shulman's construct of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) to include technology knowledge. The development of TPACK by teachers is critical to effective teaching with technology. The paper begins with a brief introduction to the complex, ill- structured nature of teaching. The nature of technologies (both analog and digital) is considered, as well as how the inclusion of technology in pedagogy further complicates teaching. The TPACK framework for teacher knowledge is described in detail, as a complex interaction among three bodies of knowledge: Content, pedagogy, and technology. The interaction of these bodies of knowledge, both theoretically and in practice, produces the types of flexible knowledge needed to successfully integrate technology use into teaching.
Though literacy has been measured throughout Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, and indeed, the world, we are still far from assessing a comprehensive set of competencies, particularly key competencies. The project Definition and Selection of Competencies: Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations (DeSeCo), under the auspices of the OECD, is led by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office in collaboration with the US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Its goal is to conduct research that will help foster the development of the needed framework for defining and selecting key competencies. The contributions published in this volume represent the result of the scholarly work conducted during the 1st phase of the DeSeCo project. This book sounds out perspectives on competencies from different academic principles, as well as from various areas of policy and practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Preservice teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) development was investigated with respect to integrating technology. Four components of PCK were adapted to describe technology-enhanced PCK (TPCK). The study examined the TPCK of student teachers in a multi-dimensional science and mathematics teacher preparation program that integrated teaching and learning with technology throughout the program. Five cases described the difficulties and successes of student teachers teaching with technology in molding their TPCK. Student teachers view of the integration of technology and the nature of the discipline was identified as an important aspect of the development of TPCK.
Research in the area of educational technology has often been critiqued for a lack of theoretical grounding. In this article we propose a conceptual framework for educational technology by building on Shulman's formulation of "pedagogical content knowledge" and extend it to the phenomenon of teachers integrating technology into their pedagogy. This framework is the result of 5 years of work on a program of research focused on teacher professional development and faculty development in higher education. It attempts to capture some of the essential qualities of teacher knowledge required for technology integration in teaching, while addressing the complex, multifaceted, and situated nature of this knowledge. We argue, briefly, that thoughtful pedagogical uses of technology require the development of a complex, situated form of knowledge that we call Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK). In doing so, we posit the complex roles of, and interplay among, three main components of learning environments: content, pedagogy, and technology. We argue that this model has much to offer to discussions of technology integration at multiple levels: theoretical, pedagogical, and methodological. In this article, we describe the theory behind our framework, provide examples of our teaching approach based upon the framework, and illustrate the methodological contributions that have resulted from this work.
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The concrete future objectives of education systems. Commission, revised COM(2001) 59 final. Euroean Commission
  • Európai Bizottság
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eLearning. Designing Tomorrow's Education-. A Mid-Term Report. Európai Bizottság
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Online learning: eLearning Programme (2004-06) Európai Bizottság
  • Európai Bizottság
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Council Decision 1999/382/EC of 26 April 1999 establishing the second phase of the Community vocational training action programme
  • Európai Bizottság
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Az európai digitális menetrend. Európai Bizottság
  • Európai Bizottság
Európai Bizottság (2010): Az európai digitális menetrend. Európai Bizottság, Luxemburg. URL: Utolsó elérés: 2017. 09. 18.
Európa 2020-Kiemelt uniós célok a gazdasági növekedés terén Az Európa 2020 stratégia célkitűzései. Európai Bizottság
  • Európai Bizottság
Európai Bizottság (2010): Európa 2020-Kiemelt uniós célok a gazdasági növekedés terén. Az Európa 2020 stratégia célkitűzései. Európai Bizottság, Brüsszel. URL: Utolsó elérés: 2017. 07. 21.
Az informatikai "tennivalók" listája: új digitális prioritások a 2013-2014-es időszakra Európai Bizottság
  • Európai Bizottság
Európai Bizottság (2013): Az informatikai "tennivalók" listája: új digitális prioritások a 2013-2014-es időszakra (IP/12/1389). Európai Bizottság, Brüsszel. URL: Utolsó elérés: 2013.09.22.
Memorandum az egész életen át tartó tanulásról. Oktatásügyi és Kulturális Főigazgatóság
  • Európai Közösségek
  • Bizottsága
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A Bizottság közleménye a Tanácsnak, az Európai Parlamentnek, az Európai Gazdasági és Szociális Bizottságnak és a Régiók Bizottságának »i2010: európai információs társadalom a növekedésért és a foglalkoztatásért«
  • Európai Gazdasági
  • Szociális Bizottság
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