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Amino acid composition and nutritional value evaluation of Chinese chestnut ( Castanea mollissima Blume) and its protein subunit

Royal Society of Chemistry
RSC Advances

Abstract and Figures

The amino acid composition, nutritional value and proteins subunit of chestnuts (Castanea mollissima Blume) from three regions of China (Henan, Hunan, and Guangdong) were investigated. Experimental results showed that the albumin fraction dominated the chestnut protein composition, but globulin and prolamin were nondetectable. All the Chinese chestnut proteins had a nutritionally balanced amino acid composition. Their amino acid score (AAS) could reach the FAO/WHO (2013) requirement for essential amino acids for older children, adolescents and adults. Leucine was the first limiting amino acid for all the Chinese chestnut protein isolates and digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) were more than 90 (Leu). The sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) spectra showed that different Chinese chestnut protein isolates had almost the same band components, which were mainly comprised of seven polypeptide segments with the molecular weights of (91–93) kDa, (70–72) kDa, (53–55) kDa, 37 kDa, (27–33) kDa, 20 kDa and (5–15) kDa. The amino acid compositions and the abundance of low molecular weight proteins indicated that Chinese chestnut could be utilized as a good source of plant protein for human nutrition.
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Amino acid composition and nutritional value
evaluation of Chinese chestnut (Castanea
mollissima Blume) and its protein subunit
Fang Yang,
Xingjian Huang,
Conglan Zhang,
Mei Zhang,
Chao Huang
and Hao Yang *
The amino acid composition, nutritional value and proteins subunit of chestnuts (Castanea mollissima
Blume) from three regions of China (Henan, Hunan, and Guangdong) were investigated. Experimental
results showed that the albumin fraction dominated the chestnut protein composition, but globulin and
prolamin were nondetectable. All the Chinese chestnut proteins had a nutritionally balanced amino acid
composition. Their amino acid score (AAS) could reach the FAO/WHO (2013) requirement for essential
amino acids for older children, adolescents and adults. Leucine was the rst limiting amino acid for all
the Chinese chestnut protein isolates and digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) were more
than 90 (Leu). The sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) spectra
showed that dierent Chinese chestnut protein isolates had almost the same band components, which
were mainly comprised of seven polypeptide segments with the molecular weights of (9193) kDa, (70
72) kDa, (5355) kDa, 37 kDa, (2733) kDa, 20 kDa and (515) kDa. The amino acid compositions and
the abundance of low molecular weight proteins indicated that Chinese chestnut could be utilized as
a good source of plant protein for human nutrition.
Chestnut is an important edible fruit, which has a long growing
history over 2000 years in China. It contains considerable
essential fatty acids, bers, saccharides, vitamins, and
In addition, chestnut is also an excellent source of
plant protein. The average crude protein of 100 g fresh chestnut
fruit was estimated to be 3.5 g, which represented approxi-
mately 9.2% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for females
and 7.6% of the RDI for males.
It is well known that plant
protein is an alternative to animal protein for human nutrition,
which contributes about 65% of the per capita supply of protein
within the scope of the global. Furthermore, plant protein can
be used as a complete and well-balanced source of amino acids
to meet the physiological needs of the human body.
A recent
study showed that the predominant free amino acids in
chestnut were aspartic acid, asparagine and glutamic acid.
Therefore, chestnut has a great potential to be used as a nutri-
tional food.
In addition to amino acids, protein subunits have caused
extensive attention because amino acids from single peptides or
peptide containing protein hydrolysates are easier to be absor-
bed than those from equivalent mixtures of free amino acids.
Besides, protein subunits have relationship to their specic
For example, Wang and Ng isolated a novel
antifungal protein from Chinese chestnut seeds and the active
protein exhibited a molecular mass of 37 kDa.
Collada et al.
puried a 20 kDa protein from cotyledons of recalcitrant
chestnut seeds. The isolated protein could increase the rena-
turation yields of chemically denatured citrate synthase and
prevent the irreversible thermal inactivation.
Chestnut is geographically distributed in three major areas:
Europe with Castanea sativa Miller, Asia with Castanea crenata
Sieb. et Zucc. (Japan) and Castanea mollissima Blume (China
and Korea), and North America with Castanea dentata (Marsh.)
Borkh. As far as we know, the nutritional value evaluation and
the protein subunit of fresh Chinese chestnut (Castanea mol-
lissima Blume) has not been reported yet. In this study, the
nutritional properties of chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume)
from three dierent regions of China were evaluated, which
included amino acid composition, amino acid score (AAS), the
predicted protein eciency ratio (PER), essential amino acid
index (EAAI), and digestible indispensable amino acid score
Their dierence in subunit components was also
Key Laboratory for Green Chemical Process of Ministry of Education, Wuhan Institute
of Technology, Wuhan, 430205, China. E-mail:; Tel:
Key Laboratory of Environment Correlative Dietology, Ministry of Educatio n,
Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, China
Department of Biological Engineering, Hubei University Zhixing College, Wuhan,
430011, China
Co-rst author contributed equally to this work.
Cite this: RSC Adv.,2018,8,2653
Received 3rd December 2017
Accepted 5th January 2018
DOI: 10.1039/c7ra13007d
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 RSC Adv.,2018,8,26532659 | 2653
RSC Advances
investigated by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The purpose of this study is to
provide a fundamental information of amino acid composition
and nutritional value of Chinese chestnut. In addition, it also
provides a reference for future study on the relationship
between protein subunit structure and functionality of chestnut
Materials and methods
Chestnuts (Castanea mollissima Blume) from three dierent
regions of China from North to South (Henan, Hubei, and
Guangdong) with a 23to 34latitude span, harvested in the fall
of 2014, were used in this study. They were purchased fresh
either from chestnut processors or from the distributors, and
they were kept in a cooler for no more than 2 weeks if long
distance shipment was required. The acquisition was done
through local contacts (collaborators or colleagues) to ensure
that only regionally grown chestnuts were collected. Hence,
chestnut samples were named as their geographic growing
locations from north to south in China: HEN (Henan province),
HUN (Hunan province), and GD (Guangdong province). The
three dierent regions (Henan, Hunan and Guangdong) were at
the same longitude (113 degree), and the average temperatures
in the fall season (AugustOctober) were 20.6 C, 23.8 C, and
26.2 C, respectively. Their average precipitations were 641 mm,
1400 mm, and 1777 mm, respectively.
Fresh chestnuts (1000 g) per region were previously cross-cut
on the top according to a previous work,
then they were peeled
with a knife and the nuts were rapidly cut into small. Three
independent tests (replications) were performed. In each
replication, 2030 shelled nuts were diced into small pieces,
and approximately 200 g of the mixture was milled in a Model
FW80 high-speed grinder (Teste Instrument Co., Ltd., Tianjin,
China) to obtain ne particles. They were placed in sealed
plastic bags, kept at 2 C and analyzed within seven days.
Chemicals and reagents were of analytical grade and ob-
tained from Sinopharm (Shanghai, China) and Sigma Chemical
(St. Louis, MO, USA). Water used in the experiments was
ultrapure deionized water.
Proximate chemical analysis
The moisture content of chestnuts was analyzed by gravimetric
method using a drying oven (DHG-9075A, Yiheng, Shanghai,
China) at 101 2C until a constant weight was obtained. The
ash content and total protein nitrogen were analyzed using
AOAC methods (AOAC, 2000). Sample digestion was carried out
in a digestion system sealed with a cork, and copper was used as
a catalyst. The percentage of nitrogen was converted to crude
protein by multiplying with 5.30, which was specic for
chestnut fruit.
Protein fractionation
Dierent chestnut protein fractions were isolated by sequentially
extracting defatted chestnut powder with dierent solvents
according to the method described by Chavan et al.
defatted and dried chestnut powder was fully dissolved in
distilled water and extracted over 45 min at room temperature,
then the suspension was centrifuged at 4200 rpm for 20 min. The
residues were re-extracted twice with the same solvent. The
recovered ltrates were combined and designated the water-
soluble fraction (albumin). The residue from aqueous solu-
tion extraction was further fully dissolved with 0.5 M NaCl
solution (pH 7.0) in order to obtain globulin. The residue from
above salt solution extraction was further fully dissolved with
70% (v/v) ethanol solution at 65 C in a shaking water bath in
order to obtain prolamin. The residue from above ethanol
solution extraction was further fully dissolved with 0.1 M sodium
hydroxide in order to obtain glutelin. Filtrates containing the
desired protein fractions were dialyzed against distilled water for
48 h at 4 C and separately lyophilized. Protein content in each
fraction was determined according to AOAC 2000. All lyophilized
chestnut protein fractions were then stored in the refrigerator (4
C) in airtight plastic bottles until further use.
Amino acid composition and evaluation of nutritional
Two milligrams of defatted chestnut power samples were
hydrolyzed with 0.5 mL 6 M HCl in a sealed ampoule containing
8 mL phenol (for protection of tyrosine) and 0.25 mLnorleucine
(catalogue no. N8513, Sigma, as an internal standard) for 24 h at
110 C under vacuum. The acid hydrolysate was dried completely
using a Speedvac concentrator (Savant Instrument, Farmingdale,
NY) and the dry residue was re-dissolved in 0.5 mL of citrate
buer (Beckman A303084, CA). The sample was ltered through
a0.45mm nylon lter before being analyzed with an automated
Amino Acid Analyzer (Hitachi 835-50, Japan). Sulphur-
containing amino acids, cystine and methionine were deter-
mined aer a pre-hydrolysis oxidation with performic acids.
Cystine was analyzed according to Okuno's report.
contents of dierent amino acids recovered were presented as g/
100 g protein and were compared with the FAO/WHO (2013)
reference pattern. The ratio of essential to total amino acids was
reported as E/T(%). The essential amino acid (EAA) score was
calculated by the method of FAO/WHO as shown below:
EAA ¼mg of EAA in 1 g of test protein
mg of EAA in 1 g of egg protein 100
Essential amino acid index (EAAI) was calculated by the
method of FAO/WHO as shown below:
EAAI ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
The predicted protein eciency ratio (PER) values were
calculated from their amino acid composition based on three
equations developed by Chavan et al.,
as given below:
PER-1 ¼0.684 + 0.456(Leu) 0.047(Pro)
PER-2 ¼0.468 + 0.454(Leu) 0.105(Tyr)
2654 |RSC Adv.,2018,8,26532659 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018
RSC Advances Paper
PER-3 ¼1.816 + 0.435(Met) + 0.780(Leu)
+ 0.211(His) 0.944(Tyr)
The amino acid score (AAS) was calculated by the method of
FAO/WHO as shown below:
mg of AA in 1 g of test protein
mg of AA in 1 g of the FAO=WHO reference pattern
The digestible indispensable amino acid (IAA) reference
ratio was calculated to determine DIAAS of the samples, and
each IAA reference ratio was calculated according to the
following equation:
Digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) was
calculated as shown below:
DIAAS (%) ¼100 lowest value of digestible IAA reference ratio
Total protein isolate and protein fractions of three dierent
sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(SDS-PAGE) studies. SDS-PAGE was performed with 12.5% (v/v)
bisacrylamide gel and 4% (v/v) stacking gel in a DYCZ-24DN
mini-Protein electrophoresis (Sixty-one Instrument, Beijing,
China). The electrophoresis buer consisted of 125 mM Tris,
5 M urea at pH 6.8, 0.2% (v/v) SDS, 20% (v/v) glycerol, and
0.01% (w/v) bromophenol blue. Defatted chestnut sample
(6 mg) was mixed with 420 mLextractionbuer and incubated
for 1 h. The extraction buer was composed of 50 mM Tris, 5 M
urea at pH 8.0, 0.2% (v/v) SDS, 2% (w/v) reducing agent (2-
mercaptoethanol). The samples were then mixed with 420 mL
electrophoresis buer. This solution was heated at 95 C
for 5 min with constant shaking. Aliquots of 6 mLofprepared
sample were loaded into each well. The electrophoretic sepa-
ration was conducted at 200 V for 50 min. The gels were
stained with Coomassie blue solution for 30 min with
constant shaking, and then destained twice with 45% (v/v)
ultrapure water, 45% (v/v) methanol and 10% (v/v) acetic
acid solution respectively for 1 h, and once with 5% (v/v) acetic
acid and 22.5% (v/v) methanol solution for 12 h. The gels were
scanned by a Sharp JX-330 scanner (Amersham Biosciences,
Quebec), and the integrated intensities of electrophoresis
protein bands were analyzed with Image Master ID Elite so-
ware (Version 2.0, Amersham Biosciences). The protein
composition was calculated as the total areas under all the
Statistical analysis
All experiments were replicated three times (n¼3) and each
employed a new batch of ground chestnuts as an independent
test. Analyses of data from all replications were performed by
a one-way ANOVA test, followed by Duncan's new multiple
range test with a 0.05 signicance level using Statistical
program 10.0 (Stat SoInc., Tulsa, OK, USA).
Results and discussion
Proximate chemical analysis
The proximate chemical compositions of the chestnut fruits
from three dierent regions of China (HEN, HUN, and GD) were
shown in Table 1. Chestnut from Hunan province had signi-
cantly higher moisture content than the samples from Henan
and Guangdong province (P< 0.05). All chestnut fruits had
a moisture content greater than 46%, while the mean moisture
content was 47.58%, which was lower than that of Spanish
chestnuts (54.00%).
The American chestnut variety had
a similar moisture content.
The average ash contents of these
Chinese chestnut fruits (1.59%) were similar to or less than the
Turkish chestnuts (1.003.20%).
The crude protein contents were 8.12% (HEN), 9.74% (HUN)
and 7.54% (GD) respectively, which were similar with that re-
ported by Pereira-Lorenzo (4.509.60%).
Soluble protein
content calculated by the protein fractions ranged from 4.86%
(GD) to 6.68% (HUN), which were also consistent with the report
of Pereira-Lorenzo.
Soluble protein content was lower than the
total protein contents in Table 1 because of the presence of
insoluble protein. The average soluble protein content of
Chinese chestnut fruits was 5.70% and there was not a deni-
tive geographic pattern. That is to say, the regional variation was
found to be relatively small.
Protein fractionation
Osborne solubility-based protein fractionation data (Table 2)
indicated that albumin (71.62% of the total soluble protein)
Table 1 Proximate chemical analysis (g/100 g)
of chestnut fruits from
three dierent regions of China (HEN, HUN, and GD)
Region Moisture Ash Crude protein Soluble protein
HEN 46.43 0.31
1.81 0.09
8.12 0.13
5.57 1.83
HUN 49.75 0.26
1.44 0.08
9.74 0.24
6.68 0.04
GD 46.55 1.01
1.51 0.04
7.54 0.22
4.86 0.05
Ave 47.58 1.88 1.59 0.20 8.47 1.14 5.70 0.92
Means (n¼3) standard deviations within a column with dierent
superscripts dier signicantly (P< 0.05).
For moisture, the unit is
on a wet weight basis; for all other components, the unit is on a dry
weight basis.
Digestible IAA reference ratio ¼mg of digestible IAA in 1 g pretein of food
mg of the same dietary IAA in 1 g of the reference protein
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 RSC Adv.,2018,8,26532659 | 2655
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were the most dominant, followed by glutens (28.38%). The
globulin and prolamin were nondetectable in all the Chinese
chestnut fruits. The albumin content of HUN was highest
(5.24%), followed by HEN (3.76%) and GD (3.35%). The ratios of
albumin to gluten of the three chestnut proteins (HEN, HUN,
and GD) were 2.1, 3.7, and 2.3, respectively. This obvious
dierence makes it possible to distinguish dierent sources of
chestnut proteins. The absence of globulins in the Chinese
chestnut protein is quite dierent from those from beans
and cowpea seeds (66.6%),
and it maybe the
distinctive features of Chinese chestnut protein.
Amino acid composition and nutritional value evaluation
The amino acid composition of chestnut fruits from three
dierent regions of China (HEN, HUN, and GD) were shown in
Table 3, while their AAS and DIAAS were shown in Table 4. All
the Chinese chestnut fruit proteins were found to be rich in
aspartic acid (16.620.1 g/100 g protein) and glutamic acid
(15.817.0 g/100 g protein), which agreed well with previous
According to Phat et al.,
the high levels of aspartic
and glutamic acids were responsible for the special favour and
taste. The sulphur-containing amino acid content (methionine
and cystine) was 3.9, 3.8 and 3.8 g/100 g protein for HEN, HUN
and GD, respectively, which indicated that the Chinese chestnut
fruits had higher content of the sulphur-containing amino acids
than that of FAO/WHO (2013) standard mode for older children,
Table 2 Protein fractionation yields
of chestnut fruits from three
dierent regions of China (HEN, HUN, and GD)
Osborne protein
fraction Albumin Globulin Prolamin Gluten
HEN 67.50 0.02
0 0 32.50 0.02
HUN 78.44 0.02
0 0 21.56 0.01
GD 68.93 0.02
0 0 31.07 0.01
Ave 71.62 5.95 0 0 28.38 5.95
Means (n¼3) standard deviations within a column with dierent
superscripts dier signicantly (P< 0.05).
For protein fractionation
yields, the data are percentage of total soluble protein.
Table 3 Amino acid composition, E/T(100%), EAAI, and predicted
protein eciency ratio (PER) of chestnut fruits from three dierent
regions of China (HEN, HUN, and GD) (g/100 g of protein isolate)
Amino acid HEN HUN GD
FAO/WHO (2013) standard
mode for older children,
adolescents and adults
Ile 3.9 3.8 4.2 3.0
Leu 6.8 6.7 7.4 6.1
Lys 6.3 6.3 6.4 4.8
Met 1.8 1.6 1.9
Cys 2.1 2.2 1.9
Total sulphur
amino acids
3.9 3.8 3.8 2.3
Tyr 2.6 2.8 3.4
Phe 3.9 4.0 5.0
Total aromatic
amino acids
6.5 6.8 8.4 4.1
Thr 4.1 4.0 4.4 2.5
Val 5.8 4.7 4.9 4.0
His 2.9 2.8 2.7 1.6
Trp 1.2 1.3 1.0 0.66
Total essential
amino acids
38.5 37.4 40.5 27.5
Asp 18.3 19.1 16.6
Glu 16.0 15.8 16.5
Ser 4.3 4.1 4.6
Gly 4.7 4.6 4.9
Arg 7.5 9.3 6.8
Ala 5.6 6.0 6.1
Pro 5.2 3.7 3.9
Total non-essential
amino acids
62.3 62.6 59.4
E/T(%) 38.5 37.4 40.5
EAAI 77.7 76.0 79.0
PER-1 2.2 2.2 2.5
PER-2 2.4 2.3 2.5
PER-3 2.7 2.3 2.2
Table 4 Score of chestnut fruits from three dierent regions of China
(HEN, HUN, and GD). (a) AAS of chestnut fruits from three dierent
regions of China (HEN, HUN, and GD). (b) DIAAS of chestnut fruits from
three dierent regions of China (HEN, HUN, and GD)
Amino acids score HEN HUN GD
Ile 130.00
126.67 140.00
Leu 111.48
Lys 131.25 131.25 133.33
Met + Cys 169.57 165.22 165.22
Phe + Tyr 158.54 165.85 204.88
Thr 164.00 160.00 176.00
Val 145.00 117.50
Trp 181.82 196.97 151.52
His 181.25 175.00 168.75
Total essential amino acids 140.00 136.00 147.27
Digestible IAA reference
Ile 1.09 1.06 1.17
Leu 0.93 0.91 1.01
Lys 1.05 1.05 1.07
Met + Cys 1.45 1.41 1.71
Phe + Tyr 1.32 1.38 1.71
Thr 1.26 1.23 1.35
Val 1.16 0.94 0.98
Trp 1.64 1.77 1.36
His 1.27 1.23 1.18
93 (Leu) 91 (Leu) 98 (Val)
Means the rst limited amino acid.
Means the second limited amino
Indispensable amino acid (IAA) digestibility coecients are
based on predicted human values obtained from pig data.
Digestible IAA reference ratio (digestible IAA in 1 g protein of
chestnut fruit/mg of the same dietary indispensable amino acid in 1 g
of the reference protein).
DIAAS for chestnut fruit (lowest value of
the digestible IAA reference ratioexpressed as % for each reference
2656 |RSC Adv.,2018,8,26532659 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018
RSC Advances Paper
adolescents and adults (2.3 g/100 g). Total aromatic amino acid
content of the three chestnut proteins was higher than the
requirement of FAO/WHO (2013) for older children, adolescents
and adults, while total essential amino acid content was higher
than the requirement of FAO/WHO (2013) for older children,
adolescents and adults and all E/Tvalues were about 37%,
which was considered adequate for an ideal protein (FAO/WHO,
2013). The greater the EAAI, the more balanced amino acid
composition and the higher quality and eciency of the
The EAAI of the three chestnut proteins were all
higher than 100, which suggested that the amino acid compo-
sition of Chinese chestnut is superior to FAO/WHO (2013)
standard. The predicted PER-1 and PER-2 values (Table 3) of GD
were higher than those of HEN and HUN, suggesting that GD
might have higher digestibility.
Based on the analyse above, leucine was the rst limiting
amino acid for all the Chinese chestnut proteins (Table 4). The
second limiting amino acid was isoleucine for HEN, whereas for
HUN and GD, the second limiting amino acid was valine,
respectively. However, total essential amino acid scores for the
three Chinese chestnut proteins could reach the FAO/WHO
requirement (2013) for older children, adolescents and adults.
As a result, the essential amino acid composition of Chinese
chestnut protein was reasonable, which was similar with that of
Chinese kabuli and desi chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars.
DIAAS was calculated to evaluate the protein quality of
Chinese chestnut fruits. It is a new and advanced recommended
method of measuring protein quality (FAO, 2013) and is on the
basis of the lowest amount of the digestible dietary indispens-
able amino acid per unit of the dietary protein. Table 4(b)
Fig. 1 (a) SDS-PAGE spectra of the chestnut fruits protein from three dierent regions of China*, and (b) SDS-PAGE spectra of chestnut fruits
albumin and glutelin fractions**.*(1) HUN; (2) GD; (3) HEN. **(1) albumin of HUN; (2) albumin of HEN; (3) albumin of GD; (4) glutelin of HUN; (5)
glutelin of HEN; (6) glutelin of GD.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 RSC Adv.,2018,8,26532659 | 2657
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presents the DIAAS values for the proteins in the analyzed three
chestnut fruits. True ileal digestibility coecients for indis-
pensable amino acids in these proteins were obtained from
growing pigs,
which have been recommended by the FAO if
true ileal amino acid digestibility data derived from humans
were absent.
It is considered as Excellent, if DIAAS $100%;
Good, if DIAAS between 75% and 99%; and Lowif DIAAS <
75%. When the FAO (2013) reference pattern for older children,
adolescents and adults was employed, the scores ranged from
91% (Leu) in HUN to 98% (Val) in HUN. DIAAS values for the
three chestnut fruits were close and were all higher than 90%,
which could be identied as goodquality. It should be noticed
that most of the plant proteins are of lowquality (DIAAS <
The DIAAS value of the Chinese chestnut fruits is
higher than many other plant proteins, for example, rice (DIAAS
¼73%), wheat our (DIAAS ¼51%), and lentils (DIAAS ¼54%).
This indicates that the protein of chestnut fruit is a good kind of
plant protein and it contains a surplus amount of indispensable
amino acids (total essential amino acids >37%), which can
greatly improve the developing countries' typical low-quality
Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
SDS-PAGE spectra of Chinese chestnut proteins were shown in
Fig. 1, which indicated that the molecular weight distributions
of all the Chinese chestnut proteins were similar. Fig. 1(a)
showed that the three Chinese chestnut proteins were mainly
comprised of seven polypeptide segments having the molecular
weights of (9193) kDa, (7072) kDa, (5355) kDa, 37 kDa, (27
33) kDa, 20 kDa, and (515) kDa. Fig. 1(b) showed that the
albumins from all the Chinese chestnut proteins were mainly
comprised of four polypeptide segments with the molecular
weights of Alb-1 (32 kDa), Alb-2 (27 kDa), Alb-3 (20 kDa) and Alb-
4(515 kDa). The glutelin from the three chestnut proteins were
mainly comprised of six polypeptide segments, which had the
molecular weights of Glu-1 (92 kDa), Glu-2 (71 kDa), Glu-3 (54
kDa), Glu-4 (37 kDa), Glu-5 (33 kDa) and Glu-6 (30 kDa).
The relative protein quantity in Table 5 showed that the
major proteins present in the Chinese chestnut were in the
range of 520 kDa (the bands 6 and 7) and 2753 kDa (the bands
3, 4, and 5). The result was similar as that of S´
et al.,
who reported that the major components of chickpea
protein were in the range of 4047 kDa and 2425 kDa. Total
relative protein quantity of the bands 5, 6, and 7, which con-
tained the albumins fraction of Chinese chestnut proteins was
78.3% for HEN, 72.2% for HUN and 74.7% for GD, whereas total
relative protein quantity of the bands 1, 2, 3 and 4 was 21.7% for
HEN, 27.8% for HUN and 25.3% for GD. Interestingly, the
albumins of the three Chinese chestnut proteins were very high
(more than 70%) and they were made up of subunits with low
molecular weight (532 kDa). It was thought that the lower
molecular weight may be helpful to improve water solubility
and digestibility of the chestnut protein.
To sum up, amino acid components of chestnut fruits from
three dierent regions of China (HEN, HUN and GD) were
analyzed in this paper to evaluate the nutritional value of
Chinese chestnuts. Albumin and gluten were the two major
protein components of Chinese chestnut, while globulin and
prolamin were absent. Leucine was found to be the limiting
amino acids for all the Chinese chestnut proteins, so chestnut
should be combined with leucine-rich food in future food
research and development to get better digestibility. According
to DIAAS based on the FAO/WHO (2013) requirement of the
essential amino acids for older children, adolescents and
adults, Chinese chestnut (DIAAS > 90%) was a good source of
plant protein with a better digestibility than other plant
proteins. SDS-PAGE indicated that the three Chinese chestnut
proteins were rich in albumins with low molecular weight
subunits (532 kDa) and they showed almost the same band
components. Therefore, Chinese chestnut protein can be
utilized as a good source of plant protein for human nutrition.
Conicts of interest
There are no conicts to declare.
This study was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant No. 31701604) and Scientic
Research Foundation of Wuhan Institute of Technology (Grant
No. k201633). Fang Yang expresses her gratitude for the post-
doctoral opportunity at the University of Kentucky where
a portion of the study was conducted.
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Table 5 Molecular weight and relative protein quantity of dierent
protein fragments of the chestnuts from three dierent regions of
China (HEN, HUN, and GD)
Band number
Molecular weight
Relative protein quantity
19193 3.5 4.9 4.1
27072 4.4 6.8 6.1
35355 10.0 12.0 11.2
4 37 3.8 4.1 4.0
52733 26.7 25.7 25.4
6 20 24.4 21.9 25.3
7515 27.2 24.6 24.0
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Paper RSC Advances
... Research indicated that the physical and chemical characteristics of eggs vary significantly among different breeds, greatly influencing consumer preferences [2]. In China, consumers prefer indigenous chicken eggs over commercial ones [3]. A notable example is the Taihe black-boned silky fowl (TS), a rare local breed with a history exceeding 2000 years. ...
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Taihe black-boned silky fowl (TS) is a native chicken breed in China with more than 2000 years of history. The present study aimed to characterize and evaluate the physical, nutritional, and flavor properties of TS eggs with a comparison to two other commercial breeds. Eggs from TS (n = 60) crossbred black-boned silky fowl (CB, n = 60) and Hy-line Brown (HL, n = 60) were used for physicochemical analysis. The evaluation system was divided into four parts based on nutrient and flavor profiles: protein and amino acids, lipids and fatty acids, mineral elements, and flavor-related amino acids and volatile compounds. Results showed that TS eggs were typically associated with the lowest egg weight and the highest yolk color, as compared with CB and HL eggs. No differences were found in crude protein, crude fat, triglycerides, and cholesterol content between eggs from the different breeds, but these eggs were distinct in terms of the amino acid, fatty acid, and volatile flavor compound profiles. Moreover, the differences in amino acid and fatty acid profiles might contribute to the specific flavor of TS eggs. Evaluation results indicated that TS egg whites may be suitable as a protein source for premature infants and young children under three years old and TS egg yolks could be considered a beneficial dietary lipid source due to their potential anti-cardiovascular properties. Additionally, TS whole eggs could serve as a valuable source of selenium (Se), molybdenum (Mo), zinc (Zn), and phosphorus (P) for adults aged 18 to 65. However, TS and CB eggs showed inferior Haugh units, eggshell quality, and essential amino acid compositions for older children, adolescents, and adults. These findings provide a better insight into the health benefits of TS eggs and contribute to the breeding and nutrition regulation of TS breeds.
... Chestnut agriculture has furnished them with palatable fruits and robust wood, whereas in previous years, the acronym "chestnut" was utilized as a synonym for the tree itself and the fruits (3). Total sugar, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, crude fat, fiber, protein, ascorbic acid, and polyphenols are nutritional and chemical constituents of chestnuts (4). The phytochemical descriptions, flavan-3-ol compounds that gave antioxidant efficacy inside the cells versus hydroxyl and superoxide radicals, as well as peroxynitrite, and the nutraceutical nature of chestnut cultivars, were researched in up-to-date research by Chang and colleagues in 2020, they concluded that the total amount of phenolic compounds varied between 42.8 and 58.6 mg/100 g weight (5). ...
... Cysteine, which was dramatically reduced during hydrolysis, was also excluded from data processing. The essential amino acid index (EAAI) [32] was used to evaluate the protein quality. EAA was obtained through the following calculation: where n is the number of essential amino acids. ...
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Microbial proteins represent a promising solution to address the escalating global demand for protein, particularly in regions with limited arable land. Yeasts, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are robust and safe protein-producing strains. However, the utilization of non-conventional yeast strains for microbial protein production has been hindered, partly due to a lack of comprehensive understanding of protein production traits. In this study, we conducted experimental analyses focusing on the growth, protein content, and amino acid composition of nine yeast strains, including one S. cerevisiae strain, three Yarrowia lipolytica strains, and five Pichia spp. strains. We identified that, though Y. lipolytica and Pichia spp. strains consumed glucose at a slower rate compared to S. cerevisiae, Pichia spp. strains showed a higher cellular protein content, and Y. lipolytica strains showed a higher glucose-to-biomass/protein yield and methionine content. We further applied computational approaches to explain that metabolism economy was the main underlying factor for the limited amount of scarce/carbon-inefficient amino acids (such as methionine) within yeast cell proteins. We additionally verified that the specialized metabolism was a key reason for the high methionine content in Y. lipolytica strains, and proposed Y. lipolytica strain as a potential producer of high-quality single-cell protein rich in scarce amino acids. Through experimental evaluation, we identified Pichia jadinii CICC 1258 as a potential strain for high-quality protein production under unfavorable pH/temperature conditions. Our work suggests a promising avenue for optimizing microbial protein production, identifying the factors influencing amino acid composition, and paving the way for the use of unconventional yeast strains to meet the growing protein demands.
... treated at pH 10 obtained in the current study were above 2 as well as significantly higher than those of other pH-shifted SMPI and without pH-shifted SMPI. The PER values of previously reported chestnut protein isolate (2.2-2.7) were considerably lower than those obtained for SMPI treated at pH 10(Yang et al., 2018). The BV of protein means the actual amount of protein involved from the T A B L E 3 Effect of pH treatment on the nutritional profile of soybean meal protein isolates.extracted ...
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Soybean meal is an underutilized byproduct of the soybean oil processing industry, which is rich in high quality protein but mostly used as an animal feed. Valorization of soybean meal on a large scale is possible by extracting protein isolate and modifying its structural characteristics through pH‐shifting or ultrasonic treatment, which has a direct association with the better functional properties of protein isolate. The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of pH‐shifting treatment on the structural characteristics and nutritional quality of ultrasonically extracted soybean meal protein isolate (SMPI). The results showed that the pH shifted SMPI had higher hydrophobicity (60.5–104.3) and free sulfhydryl group (22.67–24.45 μmol/g) than without pH shifted SMPI (53.5 and 19.67 μmol/g, respectively). The fluorescence intensity of the SMPI treated at extreme acidic and alkaline pH was higher than that of other pH‐treated samples. The ꞵ‐sheet (39.68%) components of SMPI treated at pH 10 showed the highest value when compared to other pH‐treated (38.18–39.26%). The alkaline pH‐treated sample had higher concentration of essential amino acids (36.16 g/100 g) than other acidic or near neutral pH‐treated sample (30.06–32.30 g/100 g). The quality parameters such as biological value (67.62), and amino acid index (72.77) were higher for the SMPI treated at pH 10 as compared to the SMPI treated at other pH conditions. Hence, the pH‐treatment method can be utilized as an effective technique to improve the characteristics of SMPI, which will increases its applications in various food sectors. Practical Applications The current investigation demonstrated that pH‐shifting treatment had a substantial impact on the structural and nutritional quality of the soybean meal protein isolate extracted by ultrasonication. Improvements in soybean meal protein's surface hydrophobicity, free sulfhydryl groups, and secondary structural components will expand its uses in the dairy, bread, meat, and infant food development industries, among other food sectors as these structural changes improve the functionality of protein. Furthermore, the treatment of soybean meal protein isolate with pH shifting led to a considerable increase in nutritional quality, as measured by the essential amino acid composition, essential amino acid index, and protein efficiency ratio, which is expected to increase its utilization in novel food product development.
... Following enzymatic digestion with 6 N HCl and tryptophan at 110 °C for 24 h, the amino acid (AA) composition of the samples was analyzed using HPLC equipped with a reversed-phase column (Novapack C18, 4 μm, Water, Milford, MA). The results were expressed as milligrams per gram of dry sample [23] and were used to measure essential amino acids (EAA) and protein efficiency ratio (PER Following a 30-second vortexing and a 6-minute incubation, the UV spectrophotometer measured absorbance at 734 nm. The Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) was determined by comparing the absorbance to a standard curve, indicating the peptides' ability to scavenge free radicals [5]. ...
... Amino acid extraction was performed by using hydrochloric acid (HCL) hydrolysis, following the method of Tsugita et al. [8] and the national standards of China (GB /T18246-2000), and the amino acid composition was then determined using an automatic amino acid analyzer (Hitachi L-8800, Tokyo, Japan). Amino acid scores (AASs) refer to amino acid ratios (mg of an essential amino acid in 1.0 g of test protein/mg of the same amino acid in 1.0 g of the FAO/WHO reference pattern) [9,10]. AAS is a widely used method to evaluate the nutritional value of sample proteins, which is not only suitable for the evaluation of single-sample proteins, but also for the evaluation of mixed-sample proteins. ...
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The aim of this study was to clarify the “morphological-trait–body weight” correlation, gonadal development characteristics, and pleopod (main edible part) nutrient composition of the whelk (Volutharpa perryi perryi). Live body mass (BM), soft tissue mass (STM), and eight other morphological traits of the whelk were measured, and path coefficients, correlation indices (R2), and coefficients of determination were then calculated. Gonadal development characteristics were investigated by histological observation. Pleopod nutrient composition was analyzed by standard biochemical assays. The results indicated that 1) shell aperture width (SAW) and body whorl height (BWH) were positively correlated with both live BM and STM (p < 0.01), and shell height (SH) was positively correlated with both live BM and STM (p < 0.01) in male whelks; 2) similar gonadal development characteristics were observed in both female and male whelks; and 3) pleopod nutrient composition was consistent in both female and male whelks, whereas sex-specific variation in pleopod nutrient content was observed in the whelks. The observations in this study will provide theoretical support for the development of the whelk aquaculture industry.
... In order to investigate the proper balance of EAAs integrity, the EAA index (EAAI) was calculated to evaluate the quality of ACD protein, the high value of EAAI usually indicates a good quality and efficiency of proteins (Yang, Huang, Zhang, Zhang, Huang, & Yang, 2018). In this context, EAAI value of ACD protein (148.85 %) and ACLP (196.80 %) were both higher than 100, which suggested that the ACD and ACLP AA composition was superior to WHO/FAO standard and may perfectly meet WHO/FAO protein quality expectations. ...
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The nutritional and functional properties of leaf proteins is a decisive factor for their use in food. This work was aimed to extract defatted Artemisia capillaris Thunb. (ACD) leaf proteins (ACLP), and assess ACLP nutritional quality, functional properties and in vitro antioxidant activity, as well characterize the structure. ACLP had a balanced amino acid profile and high bioavailability (protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) 99.29 %). Solubility, foaming capacity and emulsifying ability of ACLP correlated positively with pH. Water and oil holding capacity were increased with temperature. Gel electrophoresis shown the protein molecular size was mainly ∼25 kDa, and random coil was the mainly secondary structure while β-sheet was dominant regular conformation as indicated by circular dichroism (CD). ACLP performed in vitro antioxidant activity which was better after digestion. All data implied ACLP met the WHO/FAO protein quality expectations and had application potential in food.
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Studies have shown that there are variations in the chemical and nutritive composition of canola meal (CM) produced in Canada, some of which may result from differences among the canola seed crushing plants. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the variability in the nutritive value of CM as its end users desire increased meal consistency and more information on any potential variability in AA digestibility. Thus, 18 ileal cannulated barrows (average initial BW = 23.3 kg) were used to determine the apparent (AID) and standardized (SID) ileal digestibility of N and AA and standardized ileal digestible N and AA contents in CM from 6 processing plants in Canada. Two processing plants provided CM in both mash and pellet forms, whereas the other 4 provided it only in mash form, giving a total of 8 CM samples. The barrows were fed 9 cornstarch-based diets. The first 8 diets were formulated to contain the CM samples as the only source of AA. The ninth diet was a casein-cornstarch diet to determine ileal endogenous AA losses. All diets contained 0.3% titanium dioxide as an indigestible marker. Pigs were housed individually in pens and were fed the 9 diets in a completely randomized design for 3 periods to give 6 pigs per diet. Each experimental period lasted for 7 d, consisting of 5 d of adaptation and 2 d of ileal digesta collection at 2-h intervals from 0800 to 2000 h on d 6 and 7. There was an effect ( < 0.05) of CM source on 1) the AID of N, Met, Cys, Thr, Val, Gly, and Ser; 2) the SID of N, Met, and Cys; and 3) the standardized ileal digestible content of all AA. Pelleting reduced ( < 0.05) the standardized ileal digestible content of Arg, Ile, Glu, and Gly in 1 of the CM samples tested and of all AA except His in the other CM sample. The SID values for Arg, Lys, Met, and Thr averaged 87.2%, 78.2%, 84.5%, and 74.1%, respectively. The standardized ileal digestible contents of Arg, Lys, Met, and Thr averaged 2.10%, 1.71%, 0.50%, and 1.01%, respectively. In conclusion, there were variations in the AID, SID, and standardized ileal digestible AA contents of CM among crushing plants in Canada.
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The aim of the present work was to study the effect of hot-air drying on the quality of chestnut slices, regarding fatty acid and vitamin E composition. Chestnut slices of two varieties, Longal and Judia, were dried in a tray dryer at 50 °C, for 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 h. Concerning fatty acids, at beginning both varieties presented significant different contents in C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2cc, C20:0 and C20:1, being C18:2cc the most abundant. Concerning vitamin E, both varieties had similar γ- and δ-tocopherol contents; however, after 10 h of drying their concentrations decreased in Longal (19.2 and 14.4 %, respectively). It was also in slices of Longal variety that a significant decrease was observed in C18:0 (15.0 %), C18:1 (19.4 %), C20:0 (14.3 %) and C20:1 (11.1 %) after 10 h of drying, suggesting this variety to be a little more heat sensible than Judia. Even though some variation on lipid composition was observed along drying of chestnuts, the variety showed to have a higher effect than the drying process itself. Thus, hot air convective drying seems to be an interesting process to apply in the future to this nut in order to produce a healthy snack, not causing potential losses from a nutritional point of view.
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A 20-kD protein has been purified from cotyledons of recalcitrant (desiccation-sensitive) chestnut (Castanea sativa) seeds, where it accumulates at levels comparable to those of major seed storage proteins. This protein, termed Cs smHSP 1, forms homododecameric complexes under nondenaturing conditions and appears to be homologous to cytosolic class I small heat-shock proteins (smHSPs) from plant sources. In vitro evidence has been obtained that the isolated protein can function as a molecular chaperone: it increases, at stoichiometric levels, the renaturation yields of chemically denatured citrate synthase and also prevents the irreversible thermal inactivation of this enzyme. Although a role in desiccation tolerance has been hypothesized for seed smHSPs, this does not seem to be the case for Cs smHSP 1. We have investigated the presence of immunologically related proteins in orthodox and recalcitrant seeds of 13 woody species. Our results indicate that the presence of Cs smHSP 1-like proteins, even at high levels, is not enough to confer desiccation tolerance, and that the amount of these proteins does not furnish a reliable criterion to identify desiccation-sensitive seeds. Additional proteins or mechanisms appear necessary to keep the viability of orthodox seeds upon shedding.
Concentrations of standard amino acids were determined in the composite samples (representing 30 agro-ecological zones of Bangladesh) of six prioritized key dietary protein sources: Oryza sativa (rice), Triticum aestivum (wheat flour), Lens culinaris (lentils), Pangusius pangusius (pangas), Labeo rohita (rohu) and Oreochromis mossambicus (tilapia). Digestible indispensable amino acid scores (DIAAS) was calculated using published data on amino acids’ digestibility to evaluate the protein quality of these foods. Indispensable amino acid (IAA) contents (mg IAA/g protein), found to be highest in pangas (430) and lowest in wheat (336), of all these analyzed foods exceeded the FAO recommended daily allowance (277 mg IAA/g protein) and contributed on average 40% to total amino acid contents. Untruncated DIAAS values ranged from 51% (lysine) in wheat to 106% (histidine) in pangas and distinguished pangas, rohu, and tilapia containing ‘excellent quality’ protein (DIAAS > 100%) with potential to complement lower quality protein of cereals, fruits, and vegetables.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recently recommended the adoption of a new and improved scoring system (Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score [DIAAS]) to quantify dietary protein quality. The DIAAS is based on the relative digestible content of the indispensable amino acids (IAAs) and the amino acid requirement pattern. Factors involved in calculation of DIAAS include: use of the content and profile of IAAs as the basis for quality; methods for the determination of the protein and amino acid content of the protein source; accuracy of individual requirement values for IAAs; normalization of IAA requirements by the estimated average requirement for protein; and basing the DIAAS on the true ileal digestibility of each IAA in the test protein. This review outlines the rationale for including each of these factors in the calculation of the DIAAS and describes associated potential errors.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different cooking methods on the content of important nutrients and volatiles in the fruit of Chinese chestnut. The nutritional compounds, including starch, water-soluble protein, free amino acids, reducing sugar, sucrose, organic acids and total flavonoids, of boiled, roasted and fried chestnuts were significantly (P<0.05) lower than those of fresh chestnuts after cooking, while the amylose, fat, crude protein and total polyphenol content varied slightly (P>0.05). l-Aspartic acid, l-glutamic acid and l-arginine were found to be the main reduced free amino acids in cooked chestnuts. The main aromatic compositions in fresh chestnuts were aldehydes and esters, while ketones, furfural and furan were formed in cooked chestnuts due to the Maillard reaction and degradation of saccharides, amino acids and lipids. Principle component analysis demonstrated that roasting and frying had a similar effect on the nutritional composition of chestnuts, which differed from that of the boiling process.
The aim of this research was to study the chemical composition and processing adaptability of Chinese chestnuts grown in ten different ecological regions. Results, based on the harvest season 2012, showed that geographic locations significantly influenced the nutritional contents and quality traits of Chinese chestnuts. Chestnuts from the central region of China (such as Hubei province) had higher carbohydrate contents than from other regions, those from Guangdong province (deep south) had the highest protein content, and those from Hunan province (south) had the lowest fat content. Moreover, chestnuts from Zhejiang province (south) had the highest polyphenol content and those from Hunan province had the highest flavonoid content. Owing to their high sugar content, Hunan chestnuts were the sweetest. However, principal component analysis indicated that factors other than geographic regions also contributed to compositional and quality variations, indicating the necessity for further investigations.
Introduction. Chestnut represents one of the most important crops for the Portuguese economy. The most common consumption mode of these fruits is roasted or boiled. In this context, the major aim of our study was to evaluate the amino acid contents and the mineral composition of raw and cooked chestnuts. Materials and methods. Amino acids were determined by HPLC and minerals were determined by molecular absorption spectrophotometry, by atomic absorption spectrophotometry or by flame emission photometry. The most important Portuguese cultivars were evaluated: Aveleira, Boaventura, Cora, Judia, Lada, Lamela, Longal Padrela, Longal Soutos da Lapa, Negra and Martainha. Results and discussion. The cooking method significantly affected the total amino acid composition with contents in roasted samples 13% and 12 % higher than in boiled and raw chestnuts, respectively. Roasted chestnuts presented higher alanine, arginine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, threonine, tyrosine and valine contents than either raw or boiled chestnuts. Moreover, serine presented the highest content in raw or roasted chestnut kernels. Regarding the mineral composition, potassium (K) was the predominant macronutrient in the chestnuts, whereas phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) were found in low contents. Cooking significantly affected the mineral composition, except for iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and manganese (Mn) contents. In general, calcium decreased upon cooking. K. Ca, Mg and B decreased with boiling. The present data confirm that cooked chestnuts are a good source of amino acids and minerals, both affected by boiling and roasting, which have been associated with positive health benefits.