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Spooky Action at a Temporal Distance



Since the discovery of Bell’s theorem, the physics community has come to take seriously the possibility that the universe might contain physical processes which are spatially nonlocal, but there has been no such revolution with regard to the possibility of temporally nonlocal processes. In this article, we argue that the assumption of temporal locality is actively limiting progress in the field of quantum foundations. We investigate the origins of the assumption, arguing that it has arisen for historical and pragmatic reasons rather than good scientific ones, then explain why temporal locality is in tension with relativity and review some recent results which cast doubt on its validity.
Spooky Action at a Temporal Distance
Emily Adlam
Basic Research Community for Physics, Leipzig 04315, Germany;
Received: 25 November 2017; Accepted: 9 January 2018; Published: 10 January 2018
Since the discovery of Bell’s theorem, the physics community has come to take seriously the
possibility that the universe might contain physical processes which are spatially nonlocal,
but there
has been no such revolution with regard to the possibility of temporally nonlocal processes. In this
article, we argue that the assumption of temporal locality is actively limiting progress in the field of
quantum foundations. We investigate the origins of the assumption, arguing that it has arisen for
historical and pragmatic reasons rather than good scientific ones, then explain why temporal locality
is in tension with relativity and review some recent results which cast doubt on its validity.
Keywords: quantum foundations; nonlocality; retrocausality; Bell’s theorem
1. Introduction
Since the discovery of Bell’s theorem [
], the physics community has broadly come to take
seriously the possibility that the universe might contain physical processes which are spatially nonlocal.
However, there has been no such revolution with regard to “temporal locality”, i.e., the assumption
that the probabilities attached to the outcomes of a measurement performed at a given time depend
only on the state of the world at that time. Indeed, temporal locality remains almost ubiquitous in the
way that scientists think about science and about what constitutes a reasonable scientific hypothesis.
An assumption so widespread and yet so infrequently justified is in serious danger of becoming
a dogma. While it is true that temporal locality has previously been recognised as problematic by
parts of the physics community, we argue that this recognition is not sufficiently widespread and that
the assumption is actively limiting progress in the field of quantum foundations. In this article, we
investigate the origins of this way of thinking about physics, arguing that it has become dominant
for historical and pragmatic reasons rather than good scientific ones. We then explain why temporal
locality is in tension with relativity, and review some recent results which cast doubt on the status of
temporal locality in modern physics.
2. Temporal Locality
2.1. Definition
In seeking to set out a definition of temporal locality, a natural starting point is the standard
mathematical definition of spatial locality [2,3]:
Definition 1. Spatial Locality:
Suppose that two observers, Alice and Bob, perform measurements on a
shared physical system: Alice performs a measurement with setting
and obtains a measurement outcome
while Bob performs a measurement with measurement setting
and obtains a measurement outcome
. Let
the joint state of the shared system prior to the two measurements. Then:
p(A,B|a,b,λ) = p(A|a,λ)p(A|b,λ)
We can straightforwardly apply this language to the temporal case:
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Definition 2. Temporal Locality:
Suppose that two observers, Alice and Bob, perform measurements on a
shared physical system. At some time
, Alice performs a measurement with measurement setting
and at some
she obtains a measurement outcome
; likewise, at some time
, Bob performs a measurement with
measurement setting
and at some time
he obtains a measurement outcome
. Let
be the state of
the world at time taand let λ(tb)be the state of the world at time tb. Then:
p(A,B|a,b,λ(ta),λ(tb)) = p(A|a,λ(ta)) p(A|b,λ(tb))
The central idea of this definition is that in a temporally local world there would be “no action
at a temporal distance”, i.e., all influences on a measurement outcome would be mediated by the
state of the world immediately prior to the measurement. Of course, the definition does not lead to
any specific theoretical constraints without some specification of what is included in “the state of
the world at time
”, but in this article we will not single out any unique way of characterising this
state: instead, we will set out a range of options, acknowledging that there are a number of related
concepts floating around in modern physics which might reasonably be subsumed under the heading
of temporal locality.
It is helpful to approach this range of possibilities by describing some different ways in which
physics might fail to be temporally nonlocal. First, a theory might fail to be temporally local by
postulating non-Markovian laws, meaning that the results of a measurement at a given time can
depend on facts about earlier times even if there is no record of those facts in the state of the world
immediately prior to the measurement. Note that this is possible only within a theory in which the
state of the world at time
, if such a thing exists, does not always contain complete information
about everything that has happened before
. Alternatively, a theory might fail to be temporally
local by being retrocausal, meaning that the results of measurements at a given time may depend in
part on information about the future. We reinforce that retrocausality does not immediately imply
temporal nonlocality: a retrocausal theory is temporally nonlocal only if it tells us that the result of a
measurement can depend on facts about the future even if there is no record of those facts in the state
of the world immediately prior to the measurement. Therefore this type of temporal nonlocality is
possible only within a theory in which the state of the world at time
, if such a thing exists, does not
always contain complete information about everything that happens after
—in particular, it must
not be the case that the state of the world immediately prior to the measurement already contains a
record of the future outcome of the measurement, as for example in theories which are deterministic in
the traditional sense, meaning that the state of the world at a given time determines everything that
happens at later times. Finally, a theory might fail to be temporally local by being atemporal, meaning
that the course of history is determined “all at once” by external, global laws of nature,
in much
same way as the rules of the game of sudoku apply to the whole grid at once rather than dictating
the entries column by column from left to right. In such a theory, the result of a measurement at
a given time may depend on global facts even if there is no record of those facts in the state of the
world immediately prior to the measurement, and thus an atemporal theory will usually be temporally
nonlocal, unless of course the theory tells us that the state of the world at time
always contains
complete information about the history of the entire universe. Each of these alternatives singles out a
different sense of temporal (non-)locality, and all three raise interesting possibilities for new ways of
thinking about physics.
2.2. Motivation
Although physicists are certainly aware that the assumption of temporal locality is problematic,
as a methodological principle it remains very widespread in the field. Although, presumably, some
physicists would fight to the death for temporal locality, it seems likely that many others retain it
simply because they regard it as a harmless simplification. However, we argue that the assumption is
by no means harmless: temporal locality is deeply woven into many of the key results on which our
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present understanding of the interpretation of quantum theory is founded, and unpicking it would
require a radical reinterpretation of the significance of those results.
In particular, much recent work in quantum foundations has been based within the “ontological
models” framework introduced by Spekkens in [
], where it is supposed that every system has a
single real “ontic state”, which determines the probabilities for the outcomes of any measurement
on that system. An ontological model thus consists of a space
of ontic states
, a set of probability
giving the probability that the system ends up in the state
when we perform
the preparation procedure
, a set of response functions
giving the probability that we
obtain outcome
when we perform measurement
on a system whose ontic state is
, and a set
of column-stochastic matrices
representing the way in which the ontic state is transformed when
some operation
is applied to the system. Note that talk of “ontic states” does not imply that we are
postulating the existence of hidden variables, because the “ontic state” could simply be the quantum
state [
]. It should also be reinforced that one can make use of the formalism of ontological models
without necessarily interpreting it as an attempt at a faithful representation of reality—Spekkens
himself prefers to regard it as a classification schema which enables us to give precise mathematical
definitions for concepts like contextuality [
]. Nonetheless, it seems to be the case that this formalism,
or something
close to it, is often regarded as a description of reality, and indeed as the only possible
way of describing reality—for example, in [
], it is claimed that any model in which correlations are
not explained by appeal to ontic states should not really be regarded as a realist model at all.
The ubiquity of this method of analysis matters, because the ontological models framework is
explicitly temporally local. Not only that, temporal locality is the founding principle of the approach:
the entire project of constructing an ontological model is premised on the assumption that measurement
results must depend only on the information available in the ontic state at the time of the measurement.
Consequently, temporal locality is the keystone of a number of influential results parsed in the language
of ontological models, such as Spekkens’ generalized proofs of contextuality [
], the Colbeck–Renner
theorem [8], Hardy’s theorem [9], and the Pusey–Barrett–Rudolph (PBR) theorem [10].
As a case study, let us consider the PBR theorem, which states that no model in which the quantum
state is not an “element of reality” can reproduce all the quantitative predictions of quantum mechanics.
Now, the term “element of reality” is a reference to a definition set out by Harrigan and Spekkens [
but although this definition refers only to instantaneous facts, the proof of the PBR theorem depends
implicitly on assumptions not only about states at a given time, but about the persistence of those
states over time: PBR write that if there exists a set of four preparation procedures which all have
some probability of preparing the same ontic state, then when this state is prepared, “the measuring
device is uncertain which of the four possible preparation methods was used, and on these occasions it runs the
risk of giving an outcome that quantum theory predicts should occur with probability 0” [
]. This makes it
clear that the argument also requires the assumption that the outcome of the measurement can depend
on facts about the system’s preparation only via the mediation of an intervening state, so the PBR
theorem should really be glossed as follows: either the quantum state is ontological, or some quantum
measurement results must depend in a temporally nonlocal way on events at other times. In this
context, then, the assumption of temporal locality is decidedly non-trivial—for example, anyone who
wishes to push back against the ontological picture of quantum states should certainly be raising
questions about this assumption.
Moreoever, most mainstream interpretations of quantum mechanics, including the Everett
interpretation, spontaneous collapse models and the de Broglie Bohm approach, are prima facie
temporally local. (We do not mean to suggest that these models could not be phrased in a temporally
nonlocal way, nor even to assert that this has not already been done somewhere in the literature,
but it does seem to be the case that temporal nonlocality is not a central feature of any of these
interpretations). This suggests that fully embracing temporal nonlocality might open up untapped
possibilities for the interpretation of quantum theory, and hence the whole landscape of quantum
foundations becomes markedly different when temporal nonlocality is taken seriously.
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3. Origins
Given that temporal locality plays such a key role in our modern understanding of quantum
theory, it is important to understand the intellectual history of this idea. In this section, we argue
that a number of historical and psychological factors are likely to have contributed to its prominence;
indeed, temporal locality is, in a sense, built into the very structure of physics. Consider the long
tradition of presenting theories in terms of their kinematics (the space of physical states postulated by
the theory) and their dynamics (the set of laws by which these states evolve, according to the theory).
This distinction can be traced back at least to Newton, who may have been the first to make a clear
distinction between laws and initial conditions [
], and since Newton’s time the formulation has
become widespread: it is now almost mandatory to introduce a new physical theory by setting out
a space of physical states and a set of evolutionary laws [
]. However, a physical state is, almost
by definition, that which carries information from one time to another by means of its dynamical
evolution, and thus by employing this mode of presentation we are already very close to assuming
that information about one time can influence the results of measurements at other times only via a
mediating physical state, thus ruling out temporal nonlocality almost by fiat. Temporal locality is thus
very deeply ingrained in the way physicists are taught to think about physics.
There are also straightforward pragmatic reasons why temporal locality should have gained
such ascendancy in science. After all, we ourselves are local agents—if we wish to influence events
at a spatial or temporal distance we must do so via some spatiotemporally continuous process of
mediation—and the fact that these constraints are, for us, so immediate and insurmountable naturally
leads us to imagine that the laws of nature must be subject to similar constraints. The empirical results
of quantum mechanics, such as the violation of Bell’s inequality, have give us convincing reasons
to question the resulting attachment to spatial locality, but temporal nonlocality has not thus far been
subject to the same level of analysis and hence lives on in the ways we think and talk about quantum
mechanics. Furthermore, as scientists, our primary practical interest is in formulating laws which
enable us to predict the future given our knowledge of the present state of the world, and it is easy to
move from the fact that most of the laws proposed by physicists have this form to the conclusion that
the true underlying laws of nature must take the same form. However, it would be naive to suppose
that the true laws of nature look exactly like the type of laws that human agents are most interested in
formulating: as Wharton puts it: “There’s one last anthropocentric attitude that needs to go, the idea
that the computations we perform are the same computations performed by the universe”. Assuming
that our point of view is not central to the universe, it would be highly suspicious if the laws of nature
were to be arranged so conveniently for us.
It also seems likely that certain elements of temporal locality have their origin in the viewpoint
known in academic philosophy as “presentism”, which holds that the only things which are real
are the things which exist now [
]. A realist about science will clearly want to insist that
measurement results can depend only on things that are real, and hence a realist who subscribes
to presentism is compelled to believe that measurement results can depend only on facts about the
world immediately prior to the measurement. Presentism is a very old philosophical idea, appearing
in the writings of Aristotle and St. Augustine, and playing an important role in Buddhist philosphy,
although with the advent of special relativity it has gone somewhat out of vogue as an explicit
philosophical thesis:
much has
been written on the question of whether or not relativity makes
untenable [1619]
, but whether or not the two can be formally reconciled, they are certainly
in tension with one another. Nonetheless, although there are few modern physicists who would
self-describe as presentists,
the intuitive
picture of the present as somehow specially privileged remains
hard to shake,
and it
is likely that some element of this way of thinking contributes to the general
conviction that scientific theories should respect temporal locality.
We reinforce that although these historical and psychological observations go some way towards
explaining why our scientific theories tend to be temporally local, they do not offer any epistemic
justification for thinking that the world actually is temporally local. Of course, it may be the case
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that some epistemic justification can be provided, but if such a justification exists it is certainly not
commonly known and hence cannot be regarded as the main reason why our theories exhibit this
feature. This indicates that the prominence of temporal locality in our standard approaches to physics
may not be entirely rational and perhaps deserves greater scrutiny than it has thus far received.
The Pragmatic Argument
At this juncture, a defender of temporal locality might wish to suggest a different type of
justification, using pragmatic rather than epistemic arguments. In particular, one might worry that
if we accept that events at this moment may depend on events at any point in the past or future,
it will
become very difficult to track all the variables which might be relevant to the outcome of an
experiment, and the whole scientific enterprise will be under threat. Indeed, similar objections were
raised by Einstein concerning spatial nonlocality [20]:
An essential aspect of this arrangement of things in physics is that they lay claim, at a certain
time, to an existence independent of one another, provided these objects “are situated in different
parts of space”. Unless one makes this kind of assumption about the independence of the existence
(the “being-thus”) of objects which are far apart from one another in space ... physical thinking in
the familiar sense would not be possible. It is also hard to see any way of formulating and testing the
laws of physics unless one makes a clear distinction of this kind.
However, despite Einstein’s concerns, it has not proven to be impossible to formulate a theory
which allows for spatial nonlocality, because the nonlocal relations between events are governed
by laws which enable us to identify regularities in patterns of dependence even between spatially
separated events. Likewise, in principle it would not be impossible to move forward with a theory
which allows for temporal nonlocality, provided that events at a time depend on events at other times
in some regular, formalisable way—indeed, we already have a way of tracking patterns of dependence
both temporally and spatially, since the quantum state gives a concise summary of all the information
about the history of a system which we know to be relevant to the results of future measurements
performed on that system. Therefore the assumption of temporal locality is not forced upon us by
practical considerations, and it behoves us to consider the possibility that an explicitly temporally
nonlocal theory might enable us to identify and track further regularities.
4. Relativity
In addition to these general concerns about epistemic rationality, there are also more specific
technical reasons to be sceptical about temporal locality. In particular, as we describe in this section,
temporal locality is in tension with both special and general relativity.
4.1. Special Relativity
The astute reader will already have noticed a problem with our definition of temporal locality:
special relativity tells us there is no unique, observer-independent fact about what constitutes the
state of the world at a given time [
], and hence the category “the state of the world at time
” is
not even well-defined. It is possible to dodge this problem if we are working with a theory which
is also spatially local, since the probabilities for the outcome at time
of a measurement which
begins at a time
will then depend only on the state of the world at a fixed spacetime point, i.e., the
spatiotemporal location at which the measurement begins, which is well-defined even in a relativistic
However, the
combination of spatial nonlocality, temporal locality and special relativity is
straightforwardly inconsistent, since an instance of spatial nonlocality becomes an instance of temporal
nonlocality under a change of reference frame.
This fact has consequences for many approaches to the interpretation of quantum mechanics. It is
the main stumbling block for the de Broglie–Bohm pilot wave interpretation of quantum mechanics,
which combines spatial nonlocality with temporal locality and consequently fails to be relativistically
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covariant in its standard form [
]. Similarly, Tumulka recently put forward what was intended to
be a relativistically covariant version of the Ghirardi–Rimini–Weber (GRW) spontaneous collapse
model [
], based on Bell’s GRW flash ontology in which the point-like collapse events rather than
the quantum states are regarded as fundamental [
], but it was subsequently pointed out by Gisin
and Esfield that it is not possible to give a Lorentz invariant account of the temporal development of
the flashes, so this model is relativistically invariant only if “one limits oneself to considering possible
entire distributions of flashes, renouncing an account of the coming into being of the actual distribution
of the flashes” [
]. A theory with laws governing entire distributions of flashes, rather than the
temporal coming-into-being of the flashes, would be temporally nonlocal in the atemporal sense, and
hence it seems that a temporally nonlocal approach is more or less mandatory if one wishes to achieve
a Lorentz invariant version of the GRW flash ontology. A similar dilemma arises in the context of
causal set theory, which we will examine in detail in Section 6.2. We would conjecture that this point is
true more generally: to achieve relativistic covariance in an interpretation of quantum mechanics, it
will usually be the case that one has to abandon the notion of temporally local “coming-into-being.”
(The Everett interpretation might be raised as a counterexample, but since the evolution postulated by
the Everettian view takes place on configuration space rather than spacetime, it remains unclear what
one should say about temporal locality and “coming-into-being” in that theory).
4.2. General Relativity
This point is even clearer in General Relativity (GR), where a solution to the Einstein field
equations is not a state at a given time but rather an entire spacetime, a full history of a universe. It is
tempting in view of this fact to argue that general relativity forces us to take an atemporal, temporally
nonlocal viewpoint, but such a conclusion is not inevitable, because it has been shown that Einstein’s
equations are compatible with a well-posed initial value problem. We can split the Einstein equations
into a set of constraint equations (the equations for which both indices are spatial) and a set of evolution
equations (the equations for which one index is temporal); then, given a smooth three-manifold
and a set of initial conditions on that manifold which satisfy the constraint equations, there exists
a unique globally hyperbolic solution to Einstein’s equations—obtained by evolving the conditions
forwards and/or backwards using the evolution equations—for which
is a Cauchy surface,
meaning that the conditions on this surface determine the future and past uniquely [
]. This
makes it possible to interpret general relativity as a temporally local theory with a kinematical state
space restricted to the set of states which satisfy the constraint equations and a dynamics given by the
evolution equations.
Of course, this reformulation will work in our actual universe only if the initial state of the
actual universe does indeed satisfy the constraint equations. Do we know that this is the case?
Arguably, yes—we know that on any hypersurface embedded in a spacetime which satisfies the
Einstein equations, the conditions on the hypersurface must satisfy the constraint equations [
so if we take it for granted that the universe as a whole satisfies the Einstein equations, then we
can conclude that the initial state of the universe must satisfy the constraint equations. Nonetheless,
something may be learned from considering the possibility of universes where the initial conditions do
not satisfy the constraint equations. A key feature of the initial value formulation is that the constraint
equations must be preserved under the evolution equations: if we vary the constraint equations while
keeping the evolution equations the same, then in general we will find that initial states belonging the
the kinematical state space will be taken to states outside the kinematical state space by dynamical
evolution. This means that dynamics and kinematics are not fully independent in the initial value
formulation of general relativity.
As Wharton points out [
], the traditional view of temporally local time evolution would have it
that the laws of nature really do work like an initial value problem: the universe is presented with
some initial state and must evolve it forward to produce a final state, just like a computer presented
with an initial value and programmed to predict some value at some later time. The computer is not
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allowed to refuse the given value on the grounds that this is not the type of problem it prefers to deal
with, and likewise, the dynamical laws of nature are not allowed to pick and choose the initial state on
which they operate. Thus, even though general relativity can be given an initial value formulation, it is
not at all clear that the traditional picture of temporally local time evolution can be maintained within
this formulation, and thus general relativity may fit more naturally within a temporally nonlocal
picture. (We pause here to note that general relativity is not the only theory in which a difficulty of
this kind arises; the set of allowed kinematical states in Maxwell’s electrodynamics is also subject to
constraint equations, about which, one presumes, similar arguments could be made. We do not regard
this as a weakness of our argument; indeed, it may be regarded as a further piece of evidence in favour
of the view that the laws of physics are in fact temporally nonlocal).
4.2.1. Objection: The Independence of Dynamics and Kinematics
One might object to the argument given in Section 4.2 on the grounds that the independence of
kinematics and dynamics on which the computational picture of the universe depends was never
really realised even in pre-relativistic physics—after all, in any reasonable theory, the set of kinematical
states must take a mathematical form such that the action of the dynamical laws is well-defined
on every state in the set, so kinematics and dynamics can never be wholly independent. Moreover,
the kinematics of a theory often makes ineliminable reference to dynamical quantities—witness the
appearance of velocities in the characterisation of Newtonian phase space [
]. To which we say,
first, so much the worse for the traditional view of time evolution! We will return to this theme in
Section 6.1; however, we will also note here that the dependence in general relativity is of a more
problematic kind. In Newtonian dynamics, a state belongs to the allowed kinematical set if and only if
the action of the dynamical laws is well-defined on that state. This is a simple mathematical feature
which can straightforwardly be regarded as a property of an individual state: it is, at least prima
facie, a temporally local property.
On the other hand, in
general relativity a state belongs to the allowed
kinematical set provided that it can be taken only into other members of the allowed kinematical set
under allowed dynamical evolutions.
How is
this set defined? Can we simply say that the actual initial
state of the world is chosen arbitrarily and the allowed kinematical set is then simply equal to the
maximal set of states into which this state can be taken by allowed dynamical evolutions? This would
restore the original picture in which the universe is presented with an initial state that it is not allowed
to refuse.
However, such
a move would be a reasonable only if it is the case that a generic initial state
will in this way give rise to an allowed kinematical set governed by a set of constraint equations which
are not only comparably simple (
by some
appropriate measure of simplicity) to the actual constraint
equations but which also can be unified with the actual dynamical equations in such a way as to
produce a GR-like theory which is comparably simple (
by some
appropriate measure of simplicity) to
the actual theory of GR; otherwise it would seem an implausible coincidence that we ended up with a
universe governed by the simple, elegant laws of general relativity from an arbitrarily selected initial
state. The argument thus hinges on a technical question whose answer is not presently known so for
now we will content ourselves with noting that the equations of general relativity were derived in large
part by appeal to the criterion of simplicity [
], and so it would seem quite surprising if there were
a multitude of equally simple theories which would split into two parts to give the same dynamical
equations but different constraint equations. If this move cannot be made, it seems as though the
“initial” state must have been singled out on the basis that it would give rise to a particularly simple
allowed kinematical set—which means that the choice of initial state actually depends on the state
of the universe later in its evolution, so temporal nonlocality seems to be sneaking in through the
back door.
4.2.2. Objection: Modality
One might also object to this argument of Section 4.2 on the grounds that there is something fishy
about the modal step. Indeed, the argument is superficially similar to a well-known argument due to
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Gödel, in which he argued that time cannot be absolute in general relativity because “the compatibility
with the laws of nature of worlds in which there is no distinguished absolute time ... throws some
light on the meaning of time also in the worlds in which an absolute time can be defined” [
This argument
is regarded as problematic: in particular, the modal step has been challenged by
Earman, who pointed out that it is not clear that “absoluteness”, must be an essential property of time,
and therefore perhaps we should simply say that the status of time varies along with the distribution
of matter, so time is absolute in worlds where there is a distinguished absolute time and not absolute
in worlds where there can be no distinguished absolute time [
]. In the same way, one might object
to our appealing to worlds with different constraint equations but the same dynamical equations on
the grounds that perhaps the dynamical equation should be varied along with the allowed kinematical
set in such a way to ensure a suitably simple GR-like theory. However, the difficulty with the modal
step of Gödel’s argument stems precisely from the fact that in general relativity, spacetime and matter
are not independent and therefore it is not reasonable to expect that questions about the nature of
spacetime can be entirely divorced from facts about the constitution of matter in a particular universe;
by contrast, on the traditional conception of time evolution, kinematics and dynamics are supposed to
be independent, and therefore if this picture is correct it should be permissible to draw conclusions on
the basis of holding the dynamics constant and varying kinematics, as we have done here.
4.3. Objection: Spacetimes That Are Not Globally Hyperbolic
Finally, one might worry that since we have only discussed the Cauchy problem in globally
hyperbolic spacetimes, our argument might fail to go through if one allows the possibility of spacetimes
that are not globally hyperbolic. We will not consider this case in detail here, but it seems likely that
allowing spacetimes which are not globally hyperbolic would actually strengthen our argument. It is
known that some but not all spacetimes with closed timelike curves admit a well-posed initial value
problem, [
] yet a number of physicists have had the intuition that the laws of nature should not
allow the existence of closed timelike curves, and to achieve this within the initial value formulation
whilst not ruling out spacetimes which are not globally hyperbolic, it is necessary to place further
constraints on the initial conditions to ensure that no closed timelike curves can be produced under
the dynamical evolution [
]. Alternatively, one might want to allow closed timelike curves under
the stipulation that they must be self-consistent, meaning that they do not produce “grandfather
paradoxes” or comparable physical contradictions; and, again, this requires us to place constraints
on the initial conditions to ensure that the local initial state can be extended to be part of a global
solution which is well-defined throughout the non-singular regions of spacetime [
]. Either way, the
specification of the allowed initial conditions once again makes reference to what are most naturally
construed as global properties of an entire solution rather than temporally local properties of the initial
state, which seems to support the temporally nonlocal viewpoint.
5. Three Options for Temporal Nonlocality
In this section we return to the three types of temporal nonlocality that we identified in Section 2.1,
and review some relevant recent results.
5.1. Non-Markovian Laws
If the laws of nature do indeed prescribe a temporally local time evolution for the universe,
this evolution
must have the Markov property—that is, it must be possible to determine the
probabilities for future evolution solely from the present state, without needing to know anything
about the history [
]. However, we have good reason to be cautious about the Markov property
in the context of quantum theories, because Montina has shown that any ontological Markovian
theory of quantum mechanics requires a number of variables which grows exponentially with the
physical size [
]. Montina concludes: “In order to avoid the exponential growth of the number of
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ontic variables, we have one possibility, to discard some hypotheses of the theorem. In our opinion,
the Markovian property is the only one sacrificable”.
Indeed, on reflection, it is clear that there is something rather strange about regarding quantum
mechanics as a Markov process. As a general rule, Markov processes lose information over time,
because details of the system’s history which fail to be recorded are subsequently no longer accessible.
However, the dynamics of unitary quantum mechanics is reversible, so if we take the quantum
formalism literally, we conclude that in the absence of measurement, information about the past is
never strictly lost—it just gets more and more spread out due to decoherence. Moreover much of this
information will end up being stored in global properties of highly entangled systems which cannot be
reduced to collections of properties of individual systems [
], so under the Markovian assumption
we are forced to say that the information ends up stored in a “state” which is nonetheless not the state
of any specific thing. However, if the formalism tells us that no information about the past is ever lost
(except possibly in a measurement process) and also that most of this information usually cannot be
attached to any single system or any particular physical location, then are we really saying anything
particularly meaningful when we assert that the information is nonetheless all stored in the present
state of the world? Under these circumstances, it is certainly more ontologically economically and
arguably also more natural to say simply that measurement results at the present time depend directly
on the history of the system, without any need for mediation via a nebulous state-like entity.
5.2. Retrocausality
Recently there has been renewed interest in “retrocausal” approaches to quantum theory [
including a striking result due to Leifer and Pusey [
], expanding on an argument by Price [
], which
demonstrates that if we insist on a certain kind of time-symmetry, quantum mechanics must allow
for retrocausality, i.e., we must say that an experimenter ’s decision to choose a certain measurement
setting can influence the properties of particles in the past.
This increase in support for retrocausality is exciting in that it represents an attempt to move
away from standard paradigms for the laws of nature. However, the invocation of retrocausality may
also be a retrograde step, if the notion is employed as a way of salvaging temporal locality even in
the face of increasing evidence against it. To see this, we must disambiguate several different ways of
thinking about retrocausality. One important distinction is introduced in ref [
], where the author
distinguishes between theories which are retrocausal only in the sense of invoking “reverse causality”,
i.e., a simple global reversal of the direction of time, and retrocausal theories which allow causal
influences from both the past and the future. But for our purposes, it is important to make a second
distinction within this latter category, distinguishing between retrocausal theories which incorporate
both backwards and forwards causal mediation, and retrocausal theories in which the universe is
solved “all at once” without causal mediation in either direction. The first type of theory is perhaps best
exemplified by the two-state vector interpretation of quantum mechanics [
], where measurement
results at a given time still depend only on the state of the world at the time of the measurement,
but this state now includes a “forward-evolving” state carrying information into the future from the
past, and a “backward-evolving” state carrying information into the past from the future. This type
of retrocausality, as in ref [
], still depends crucially on mediating states which carry information
through time and thus such retrocausal theories look a lot like temporally local theories. However,
retrocausal theories of the “all at once” type are naturally interpreted as temporally nonlocal, since
although there is certainly a sense in which events in the future will have an influence on events in the
past within such models, this influence need not be mediated by a record of those future events in the
state of the world at the time of the measurement.
The distinction between these different ways of thinking about retrocausality is seldom made
explicit in the literature on the subject, and thus it is not always straightforward to deduce into which
camp various types of models are intended to fall. On the one hand, a number of recent models work
by imposing global constraints and solving a constraint satisfaction problem across time [
], which
Entropy 2018,20, 41 10 of 20
tends to suggest the atemporal picture.
On the
other hand, it is common to motivate these models
by arguing that retrocausality offers a means of salvaging spatial locality—the apparent nonlocality
of the Bell experiments is to be explained by invoking a spatially local causal influence mediated via
the future [
]—and this argument seems more at home within a picture in which influences from both
the past and the future are mediated via a temporally and spatially local state. Similarly, the arguments
of [
] are based on an assumption that Leifer and Pusey refer to as “
-mediation”, which asserts that
any correlations between a preparation and a measurement made on a system should be mediated by
the ontic state of the system—by which, presumably, they mean the ontic state immediately prior to the
measurement. The term “ontic state” is deliberately used in a general way here so as to make the result
applicable to a wide range of theories, in much the same way as we refrained from specifying in detail
what constitutes “the state of the world at time
” in our definition of temporal locality, but it seems
clear that any reasonable precisification of these two notions would imply that the state of the world at
includes, at the least, all the ontic states of all systems which exist at time
(if and when such
ontic states exist), and therefore “
-mediation” is essentially identical to the assumption of temporal
locality. Leifer and Pusey acknowledge that their mathematical formulation of
-mediation cannot be
precisely correct for a theory which includes retrocausality, but they hope to replace it by something
salvaging the notion that measurement results depend only on the present ontic state, which they
regard as “a core feature of a realist theory”. Thus even within the retrocausality community the
intuitive picture of mediation via a temporally local ontic state appears to persist.
However, this type of temporally local retrocausality requires a very finely tuned balancing
act, because the backwards-evolving state must contain instructions which are compatible with the
instructions from the forwards-evolving state—for example, the backwards-evolving state cannot
enforce that a given particle must have some particular property if the forwards-evolving state
enforces that it must have some mutually exclusive property. Formally, this balance is maintained
because the future events which determine the backwards-evolving state are themselves determined
by the forwards-evolving state at that time, but once we acknowledge this we are implicitly moving
away from the picture of states evolving in fixed temporal directions and towards a kind of global
coordination across time. In this picture, the assumption of temporal locality begins to seem highly
artificial, and talk of a “backwards-evolving state” [
] or “influences that travel back in time” [
] look
like rhetorical devices designed to preserve the appearance of temporal locality in a theory whose
underlying structure is really temporally nonlocal.
We therefore suggest that the arguments of [
], along with other arguments that have been put
forward in favour of retrocausality in quantum mechanics [
], are best interepreted as pointing us
towards the atemporal type of temporal locality. Of course, this may be what has been intended by the
proponents of retrocausality all along; if so, it would likely work in their favour to make this position
clear. Indeed, it seems plausible that one major contribution to the reluctance of the wider physics
community to take retrocausal theories seriously results from an implicit awareness of the tension
that arises from attempting to balance information contained in forward and backward evolving
and thus
a significant conceptual barrier would be removed by moving explicitly to temporally
nonlocal retrocausality.
5.3. Atemporal Laws
5.3.1. The Lagrangian Schema
The paradigm of temporal locality is closely linked to what Smolin has dubbed the “Newtonian
schema” [
], which is the assumption that “the universe is a computational mechanism that takes
some initial state as an input and generates future states as an output” [
]. Wharton points out
that even within classical physics, an alternative approach was available to us in the form of the
“Lagrangian schema”, in which an experimental situation is described by a Lagrangian, a scalar function
of various local parameters and their local derivative; the value of the Lagrangian for a given history is
Entropy 2018,20, 41 11 of 20
referred to as its “action”, and the classical action principle (an example of a “variational principle”)
requires us to obtain predictions by choosing a set of boundary conditions and then extremizing
the action [
]. For example, when the experimental situation under consideration is a ray of light
travelling some unknown path, the Lagrangian is equal to the time taken to travel a given path,
the boundary
conditions are the initial and final positions of the ray of light, and thus we obtain
Fermat’s principle, which states that light will always take the path which minimizes the total time of
travel [
]. The two pictures can be related to one another via the Euler–Lagrange equations, which
allow us to obtain a set of dynamical equations of the Newtonian type from any Lagrangian.
Furthermore, there exists a Lagrangian-schema formulation of quantum physics—namely,
the path
integral approach to quantum field theory, which generalizes the classical action principle
by requiring us to calculate the probability of an event as a sum over contributions from all possible
histories including that event; the contribution of a history is proportional to
, where
is the action
for the history, equal to the time integral of the Lagrangian along the history. Like classical Lagrangian
methods, the path integral formalism is a powerful calculational tool, and indeed, certain interpretative
approaches advocate treating path integrals as the fundamental object of the theory [52,53].
Since the action is a property of an entire history rather than a feature of moment-by-moment
temporal evolution, a naive interpretation of these Lagrangian-schema versions of our physical theories
leads naturally to a temporally nonlocal view, and in particular, to the atemporal variant of temporal
nonlocality. Of course, we cannot argue that the mere existence of the Lagrangian schema forces us
to adopt this atemporal view, as for simple mechanical systems, the extremization of the action is
both necessary and sufficient for the satisfaction of the Euler–Lagrange equations, and hence for such
systems the two pictures are exactly equivalent. Even in more complex systems, the extremization is
still always sufficient for the satisfaction of the Euler–Lagrange equations [
], so we can always
pass from the Lagrangian schema to the Newtonian schema. However, let us observe that it is by
no means inevitable that world should have been governed by laws of nature that admit these two
formulations: a set of dynamical equations can be derived as the Euler–Lagrange equations of a
variational principle if and only if, after transformation into a certain canonical form, the right-hand
sides of all the equations are derivable by differentiation from a single function
]. If nature
is really best described by something like the Newtonian schema, the fact that the actual laws of
nature are indeed so derivable is simply an inexplicable coincidence, whereas this property can easily
be explained if we postulate that the Lagrangian picture is in fact closer to reality and therefore all
dynamical laws are necessarily the Euler–Lagrange equations of some variational principle.
A more formal version of this argument must wait upon an answer to the complementary
question about the necessary and sufficient conditions under which “atemporal” laws of nature admit
a formulation in terms of temporally directed dynamical laws; we hope to address this technical
question in future work, but at present we must acknowledge the possibility that the answer will
make the Lagrangian schema seem equally in need of explanation, in which case the comparison
would yield no clear argument in favour of either approach. Nonetheless, it is sufficient for our
purposes here to note that there exists a well-developed atemporal alternative to the Newtonian
schema. Historically,
the Lagrangian
schema has been regarded as a mere mathematical tool, whereas
the Newtonian picture of states evolving forward in time is treated as an approximate description of
reality; however,
there does
not seem to be an obvious justification for this preference, other than a
preexisting prejudice in favour of temporal locality. If we look past this prejudice, there seem to be
good reasons to consider taking the Lagrangian schema seriously as a possible description of reality,
and if we do so, we must necessarily take atemporal variants of temporal nonlocality seriously as well.
5.3.2. New Models
The existence of the Lagrangian-schema formulations of both classical physics and quantum
field theory makes it reasonable to argue that our best physical theories, as they currently stand,
might be
interpreted in a temporally nonlocal way. However, we can go further. Historically, the
Entropy 2018,20, 41 12 of 20
development of our physical theories has been constrained by the fact that research was by and large
conducted within the Newtonian schema, and there has always been an expectation that new theories
can be parsed in this framework—witness the great importance that was placed in the early history
of General Relativity on showing that it could be given an initial-value formulation [
]. Thus we
may well find that new avenues open up if we move to working directly on atemporal theories and
indeed allow ourselves to consider theories which may ultimately turn out not to be susceptible to a
Newtonian-schema formulation at all. Indeed, as noted in Section 5.2, a number of such models are
already under development [
]. These toy models demonstrate that atemporal models are capable
of reproducing in a natural way a number of prima facie puzzling features of quantum theory, such as
the close resemblance between quantum wavefunction collapse and Bayesian updating [
], and thus
provide motivation for further research into models of this kind.
6. Dynamics and Kinematics
We earlier identified the distinction between dynamics and kinematics as an important
contribution to the status of temporal locality in physics. In this section we review recent work on this
subject and discuss some resulting insights for the status of temporal locality in modern physics.
6.1. Spekkens on Dynamics vs. Kinematics
Spekkens has singled out the distinction between kinematics and dynamics as a potentially
problematic feature of our standard physical paradigms: in [
], he argues that when new experimental
data appears to falsify our existing theory, we can always choose freely whether to respond by
altering the kinematics or the dynamics, and he gives a number of illustrative examples. He thus
concludes that the distinction between kinematics and dynamics is doing no explanatory work in our
theories, and appeals to ontological parsimony to motivate his call for physicists to move past this
particular paradigm.
While we concur that the kinematics/dynamics split is problematic, we note that care must be
taken with this line of argument to avoid slipping into conventionalism about the whole of science.
Spekkens asserts that his approach “does not force us to operationalism”, because he advocates
only the rejection of distinctions which we can freely transform away without changing empirical
predictions, and which are therefore not doing explanatory work. However, as Quine has shown, it
can reasonably be argued that physical theories have empirical consequences only taken as a whole,
and that consequently we always have freedom to choose which element of a theory to change in
response to new empirical evidence, which would suggest that by Spekkens’ criterion no distinction
in any scientific theory is doing explanatory work [
]. Thus Spekkens’ line of argument would
seem to lead to the conclusion that we should simply give up on trying to formulate theories whose
ontologies are endowed with nontrivial structure, a conclusion which realists about science will surely
wish to avoid.
To do so, we must understand why Spekkens’ argument has particular relevance in the context
of the kinematical-dynamical distinction. In particular, let us reinforce that the distinction between
kinematics and dynamics is not simply an individual element of some specific theory; the fact that it
has become de rigueur to present new theories in this framework has made the kinematical-dynamical
split into a meta-principle which physicists educated in this tradition may well regard as a defining
feature of any meaningful scientific theory. By pointing out that the kinematical-dynamical distinction
is not forced on us by any empirical evidence, Spekkens demotes it from a meta-principle back to a
specific ontological hypothesis which should be subject to the same scrutiny and criticism as any other
ontological hypothesis. The argument can then be understood as follows: as realists we choose to
attach credence to certain ontologies, despite underdetermination by the empirical evidence, on the
grounds of theoretical virtues like simplicity and explanatory power, and the same sorts of assessments
should be applied to the distinction between kinematics and dynamics. Since theoretical distinctions
in general do not have empirical content in and of themselves, it is no good insisting on a distinction
Entropy 2018,20, 41 13 of 20
between kinematics and dynamics in advance of specifying a particular ontology: we must evaluate
the theoretical virtues of complete ontologies, some of which may incorporate such a split, others of
which may not.
For clarity, at this point, we must mention a different way of thinking about the kinematics/dynamics
distinction that has arisen through recent work on the philosophy of special relativity. In this tradition,
“what it means for a phenomenon to be kinematical ... is that it is nothing but a specific instance of
some generic feature of the world ... (and that) there is nothing more to learn from that particular
phenomenon, neither about the specific system in which it occurs nor about the generic feature it
instantiates”. In other words, the dynamics/kinematics distinction is regarded as a stipulation about
which things need to be explained and which things can be taken for granted. This is clearly quite a
different concept from the notion of kinematics and dynamics that we have thus far referred to in this
article, and to which Spekkens’ argument pertains. Certainly it presupposes much less—in particular,
such a distinction would still be perfectly meaningful within a theory which does not postulate a
space of states and a set of evolutionary laws, whereas the more traditional way of distinguishing
between kinematics and dynamics would be inapplicable in such a case. Nonetheless, we conjecture
that similar arguments can be made about this more general distinction. Brown points out that “the
distinction between kinematics and dynamics is not fundamental” and cites Pauli as making the
same point in 1921, and, again, once this point is accepted it seems unreasonable to demand that all
new theories must be presented in the framework of kinematics and dynamics: we may well find
it heuristically useful to employ such a distinction in any particular case, but the judgement of its
usefulness must be made in context, not in advance of the specification of a theory. We leave a more
detailed development of this line of argument to future work.
6.2. Example: Causal Set Theory
As an example of a theory in which the kinematics/dynamics distinction may be less useful,
consider the case of causal set theory, an approach to quantum gravity which holds that spacetime
is fundamentally discrete. The “state space” of this theory is the space of causal sets—that is, sets of
spacetime events with a partial order event defined over them. A causal set is, essentially,
an entire
history of a universe, with time and space being emergent from the partial order between pointlike
events. However, it is not sufficient for the theory to simply specify this kinematical state space,
because without further restrictions we will find that the majority of causal sets do not give rise to any
low-dimensional emergent spacetime (a spacetime is said to emerge from a causal set iff it faithfully
approximates the causal set—that is, we can embed the causal set into the spacetime in such a way
that the causal relations are preserved (
lies before
in the partial order iff the embedding of
is in
the past lightcone of the embedding of
), and on average one element of the causal set is mapped
onto each Planck-sized volume of the spacetime, and the spacetime does not have structure at scales
below the mean spacing of the events) so we must add in some way of singling out the permissible
causal sets.
The standard way of doing this is to impose “dynamics”, such as the classical sequential growth
model in which elements are probabilistically added to the set one by one [
]. Proponents of causal
set theory like to advertise it as an advantage of their approach that this dynamics provides us with a
relativistically covariant notion of “becoming”, allowing us to rescue the notion of temporal becoming
and hence salvage our intuitive notion of time [
]. However, this claim cannot quite be taken at
face value, because we encounter a difficulty akin to Smart’s objection to the A-theory of time. Smart
famously pointed out that if time really passes, we ought to be able to specify the rate at which it passes,
which would require a second time-dimension with respect to which the passage of ordinary time can
be measured [
]; and likewise in causal set theory, talking about the growth of the causal set seems to
presuppose an external time dimension in which this growth can take place. The difficulty is all the
more pertinent since the founding principle of the theory is that spacetime supervenes on the causal
set [
] and thus proposing a dimension of time external to the causal set would seem to undermine
Entropy 2018,20, 41 14 of 20
the whole project. Rideout and Sorkin attempt to get around this by arguing that the birthing of
events should be regarded as “constituting” time rather than occurring in time [
], but this seems
like overkill: since spacetime supervenes on the causal set, a complete causal set already “constitutes”
time, without any need to add in a process of growth. Furthermore, to ensure that the growth process
satisfies general covariance, it is necessary to impose the requirement of discrete general covariance
on the dyamics, meaning that the probability of reaching a particular final causet is independent of
the path taken to reach that final causet—i.e., the probability does not depend on the order in which
the elemets of the causet were “birthed”. It is standard to interpret this by saying that there is no fact
of the matter about which path was taken—the choice of path is pure gauge [
]—but this makes it
implausible to regard the growth of the causal set as a real physical process, since probabilities are
ultimately attached to the causal sets themselves rather than to the transitions that occur during the
supposed growth [
]. Wütrick and Callender argue that these considerations simply show that
modern physics requires us to adopt a ‘novel and exotic’ notion of becoming in which we are generally
prohibited from saying which elements of the causal set exist at any stage of its growth [
]. However,
this novel notion of “becoming” is so far removed from our intuitive notion of becoming that it is
doubtful whether it can really be said to salvage our intuitive notion of time; moreoever, given that the
dynamics cannot be taken literally, there is prima facie no way in which the growth of the causal set
could even serve to explain why we have the subjective experience of becoming. The growth model,
in fact, does not seem to add anything to the theory in terms of explanatory power: insofar as the
dyamics succeeds in explaining why certain causal sets are permissible while others are not, and/or
why the world is constituted by one causal set rather than another, the real explanatory work is done
by the final probability distribution over causal sets rather than by the process of growth.
Thus it seems that all the growth picture is really doing is making causal set theory subjectively
more palatable by soothing our uneasiness about attaching probabilities to entire courses of history,
and, of course, allowing the causal set theorists to express their theory in the traditional framework of
‘kinematics vs. dynamics”. Thus, although it is possible to make a distinction between kinematics and
dynamics within causal set theory, in this particular case the distinction seems not to be very useful
and may in fact be holding us back from understanding the theory properly: perhaps the causal set
theorists would do better to embrace the global nature of their theory and explicitly attach probabilities
to entire causal sets, retaining the “growth” dynamics only as a calculational tool or perhaps even
getting rid of it entirely in favour of a different way of calculating the relevant probabilties.
We have singled out the causal set approach here because the awkwardness of attempting
to distinguish between kinematics and dynamics is particularly clear in this context, but we
would contend that similar points apply more generally. Theories should not be forced into the
kinematics-dynamics framework if they are not a natural fit for that framework: this practice
imposes an artifical form of temporal locality on theories which are not inherently temporally local
in their mathematical structure, which is likely to impede both understanding and also further
theoretical progress.
7. Temporal Bell Inequalities and Entanglement in Time
The stark differences between contemporary attitudes to spatial and temporal locality can largely
be traced back to the existence of Bell’s inequalities and the fact that quantum mechanics is known
to violate them [
], an experimentally verified fact which has led the physics community to at take
seriously the possibility that spatially nonlocal processes may exist. Of course, the implication is
not undisputed; although a number of experimental loopholes in Bell’s theorem have been closed
in recent years [
], there remain untested assumptions, such as the possibility that the choices
of measurement on the two sides of the apparatus are not truly independent [
]. Furthermore,
proponents of the Everett interpretation claim their approach can account for the Bell statistics in
a spatially local way, and antirealists can avoid spatial nonlocality simply by denying that there
exists any underlying process, local or otherwise, which accounts for the measurement statistics.
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However, each of these ways around the conclusion of the theorem requires us to accept a fairly
extreme proposition of one type or another, so it is fair to say that, conditional on a set of assumptions
which seem very plausible to many people, the violation of Bell’s inequality does indeed imply the
existence of spatial nonlocality.
Thus it is very natural to consider whether some analogous set of equations are violated in the
temporal case. The first point to be made is that the derivation of Bell’s theorem assumes both spatial
and temporal locality. If we relax the assumption of temporal locality, then we could say, for example,
that the result of the measurement may depend directly on the state of the system being measured at
times other than the time of measurement, including future times: as we noted above,
the proponents
retrocausality have used this possibility to explain the violation of the Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt
(CHSH) inequality via a local interaction which is mediated via the future [
]. Thus, it is not really fair
to say that we have better evidence for spatial nonlocality than temporal nonlocality: we have exactly
the same evidence
for both
. However, physicists have largely chosen to respond to this evidence by
discarding spatial locality and retaining temporal locality (or indeed by arguing that we can salvage
both), and therefore to have convincing evidence that points specifically to temporal locality, we would
need not just a temporal analogue of Bell’s inequalities, but a stronger result which shows that spatial
nonlocality is not enough to explain the empirical results of quantum mechanics: the quantum world
must be temporally nonlocal as well.
There exist several inequalities—mostly governing sequences of measurements performed on
a single quantum system—which have been referred to as “temporal Bell’s inequalities”, and we
will now consider whether any of them might be capable of providing the right sort of evidence.
First, it should be clear that in the context of repeated measurements on a single quantum system,
the assumption of temporal locality alone will not allow us to derive anything, since we can always
choose to retain temporal locality by assuming that the entire history of a system is recorded in its
present state. Thus, to obtain meaningful results, some further assumption
must be made, so we are
never going to obtain a result stronger than “if this inequality is violated, then either
, or quantum
mechanics is not temporally local”. For this to provide a convincing argument in favour of temporal
would need to be an assumption so plausible that many people would be willing to abandon
temporal locality before abandoning p.
In the case of the Leggett–Garg inequalites, the additional assumption is “macrorealism”,
which is the claim that a macroscopic object is at any given time in a definite ontic state and it
is possible to determine which state it is in without changing the state or the subsequent system
dynamics. Macrorealism is a strong assumption—too strong, in fact, for our purposes, because the only
measurements referenced in the Leggett–Garg inequalities are measurements which reveal the definite
ontic state of the system at the time of the measurement. As noted in Section 5.2, it is reasonable to
assume that the state of the world at time
includes all the definite ontic states of all systems which
exist at time
, and thus by definition the measurements referenced in the Leggett–Garg inequalities
are only allowed to depend on the state of the world at the time of the measurement, which makes
temporal locality irrelevant: whether or not the world is temporally nonlocal in general, for this specific
type of measurement there is no freedom for the measurement result to depend on anything other
than the present state of the world. There exist later reformulations of the Leggett–Garg inequalities
which replace macrorealism with a weaker assumption, but most of these reformulations retain the
assumption of “operational eigenstate realism”, that is, the assumption that quantum systems are
necessarily in states in which the quantity being measured has a definite value which is revealed
deterministically by the measurement, and again this makes the assumption of temporal nonlocality
irrelevant [
]. A similar issue arises for the set of temporal Bell inequalities derived in [
], and used
to demonstrate the phenomenon of “entanglement in time”. Here the derivation depends on temporal
locality and also “realism”, defined as the assumption that measurement results are determined by
hidden properties that the particles carry prior to and independently of observation; one assumes
that the state of the world at the time of the measurement would be expected to includ these “hidden
Entropy 2018,20, 41 16 of 20
properties” and, thus under this assumption measurement results can depend only on the state of the
world at the time of the measurement, so the auxiliary assumption already implies temporal locality,
in the sense in which we have used the term.
Thus, if we are to derive a temporal Bell’s inequality has something to say about temporal locality
in particular, we should look for an assumption
which does not itself imply temporal locality.
A possible candidate is put forward in [
]: here, the derivation of the inequalities is based on the
assumption that the results of measurements on a system of dimension
should be simulable by
an ordered set of classical systems with no more than
bits of communication between any
consecutive pair of systems. It is helpful to split this assumption into two parts: first,
the total
of information about its history that can be carried forward in time by a quantum state of fixed
dimension is upper bounded by
bits; and second, the result of a measurement on the system is
statistically independent of all information about its history which is not stored in its present state,
i.e., the measurements in question are temporally local. Ref. [
] use this assumption to derive a
bound on the minimum dimension of a system which can solve a certain sort of sequential problem,
and then show that the problem can be solved by quantum systems of dimension smaller than this
bound, indicating that quantum mechanics does not satisfy their assumption. This is exactly the kind
of result needed to provide an argument for temporal locality: if we find it sufficiently unpalatable to
postulate that quantum states may carry information greater than
forward in time, we will
have to conjecture instead that the later measurement results depend directly on earlier measurement
settings and outcomes without being mediated via information carried forward in the state, and thus
we may regard the violation of this inequality as a direct demonstration of temporal nonlocality at
work in quantum mechanics, in the same way that a Bell experiment is a direct demonstration of
spatial nonlocality at work in quantum mechanics. Admittedly, it may not be the case that there are
many people who find the bound
more intuitively plausible than temporal locality, but at least
the result seems to be of the right form.
The Problem of Records
It may seem that the existence of records of past measurement results must always stymie any
attempt to use the violation of some inequality to prove that the world must be both spatially and
temporally nonlocal, since even if we do make an assumption like that of [
] to the effect that a given
system can only carry a bounded amount of information forward in time, a proponent of temporal
locality could always claim that a given result depends on the record of a given measurement result
stored elsewhere in the present state of the world, rather than directly on the past events constituting
the measurement. After all, in practice such records are very difficult (perhaps impossible!) to erase,
and in
any case, if a past measurement result could be permanently erased so that no record of it
existed in the state of the world at the time of the next measurement, then we would never be able to
observe the violation of the relevant inequality, since we could never have all the necessary results
available to be compared at the same time.
We suggest the best way of resolving this difficulty is to adopt a halfway position inspired by
our discussion in subsection “The Pragmatic Argument”. The problem that we are facing can be
understood as a particular instance of the general problem identified by Einstein: if spatial locality
is simply abandoned wholesale,
it becomes
impossible to identify and control all the factors which
might possibly influence the results of an experiment, and thus we lose the ability to draw meaningful
conclusions from experimental results. Therefore, as noted in subsection “The Pragmatic Argument”,
to make progress we must assume that there are limits on spatial nonlocality. The most straightforward
approach is to assume that the world is only as spatially nonlocal as quantum mechanics says it is,
because then, provided the system being measured is in a sufficiently pure state, we can justify the
assumption that the result of the measurement is independent both of records stored elsewhere in the
world and of the state of the observer’s brain. The resulting inequality will still be theory dependent,
but at the very least the violation of such an inequality, assuming we are not willing to abandon the
Entropy 2018,20, 41 17 of 20
assumption that quantum states of dimension
may only carry
bits of information forward
in time, would force us to say either that the world must be temporally nonlocal or it must be more
spatially nonlocal than quantum mechanics currently suggests.
An alternative would be to assume that we need only worry about spatial and/or temporal
entanglement when the systems concerned can be connected via some reasonably simple
spatiotemporal path, as for example in the case of two entangled particles which have interacted locally
at some point in their shared past. This would have the advantage of removing any dependence on
the present formalism of quantum mechanics, which may be desirable given that we do not know
how much of that formalism would survive the move to a temporally nonlocal context, but on the
other hand to make the criterion precise we would likely need a reasonably concrete proposal for an
alternative theory, and at present only toy models are available to us for this purpose.
8. Conclusions
There already exists a small body of interesting work examining the possibility of what might
be interpreted as temporally nonlocal approaches to quantum theory, although most of it has not yet
reached the mainstream. Wharton, advocating the view that “the universe (runs) not as a computer,
but as a global four-dimensional problem that (is) solved all at once” [
], has made progress with
retrocausal models [
]; the consistent histories approach offers an approach to formulating laws of
nature which constrain entire histories rather than moment-by-moment evolution [
], although
there are a number of significant conceptual difficulties to be resolved, not least the question of what the
probabilities prescribed by the theory are probabilities for [
]; and Ref. [
] puts forward a theoretical
model, in which “one particle at N times is ... equivalent to N (entangled) particles at one time”, which,
by emphasizing the parallel between spatial nonlocality and time-evolution, seems to lead naturally
to a temporally nonlocal view. Similarly, there exist interpretations of quantum mechanics whose
ontology consists entirely of pointlike events, such as the GRW flash ontology [
] or Kent’s solution
to the Lorentzian quantum reality problem [
], and one possible interpretation of these approaches
would be to say that they have done away with the need for an ontic state as the carrier of information
from the past to the future and hence should be regarded as temporally nonlocal.
This existing work is very promising, but we would argue that it does not go far enough. These
approaches have been postulated as part of the project of interpreting the existing framework of
quantum mechanics (and/or quantum field theory), and yet, once we accept that the universe may be
generically nonlocal across both time and space, it becomes at least plausible that quantum theory as
we know it is simply the local limit of a global theory which applies constraints across the whole of
space and time. This means there is scope to be more ambitious: temporal nonlocality may ultimately
point us not just to a new interpretation of quantum mechanics but to a new theory altogether.
Thanks to Jeremy Butterfield for helpful suggestions on an early draft of this article, and
to anonymous reviewers for detailed and insightful comments. Thanks also to the Franklin Fetzer fund and
the organizers of the EMQM17 workshop.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... On the picture of neighbouring distinct points based is a notion of 'locality', in the sense of interaction only between neighbouring points, that is such situated directly next to each other (namely, with no other points in between), with the possible interactions between objects considered as not neighbouring termed action at a (potentially also temporal) distance [23,24]. Such a distance can be considered a measure of numerosity of a collection of points of a given fixed size, as discussed already above, and thus our considerations pertain also to this notion of locality. ...
... As to this latter point, what is left seems very concrete indeed, for think of the curve from our example above (going right and downwards, clearly), or, to give another example, the BZ reaction as observed unfolding on a Petri dish. 24 The central issue is in our view this: how it is that the natural phenomena seem so concrete, so 'vivid', yet (arguably) they are never in any specific state. ...
... In short, the solution to this problem is in our view simply to find some better term that will work for the reader (our take: '(not) continuously changing'). The point is that CC is simply something different from the familiar picture of states situated next to each other (possibly at distinct instants of time).24 Here we suggest to consider our perception of color as sort of a dynamical variable, somewhat like advocated for example in Mach's 'phenomenalism'[4]. ...
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In a recent paper as an alternative to models based on the notion of ideal mathematical point, characterized by a property of separatedness, we considered a viewpoint based on the notion of continuous change, making use of elements of a non-classical logic, in particular the fuzzy sets theory, with events represented as spatiotemporally blurred blobs. Here we point out and discuss a number of aspects of this imperfect symbolic description that might potentially be misleading. Besides that, we analyze its relation to various concepts used commonly to model physical systems, denoted by terms like: point, set, continuous, discrete, infinite, or local, clarifying further how our viewpoint is different and asking whether, in light of our main postulate, any of these notions, or their opposites, if exist, are in their usual meanings suitable to accurately describe the natural phenomena.
... Then, however, they would become simply one point. 7 It seems that there is just no third way within the SF, and we are forced to deal with all "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin"-sort of 'problems'. ...
... Also, it is not possible, for example, to take a strict intersection of two or more events, finding points where the corresponding functions would overlap (by taking the lowest value at each point), as there can be no two or more distinct objects, or functions (representing actual objects) defined, at exactly the same point 9 (due to there being, in the first place, no exact points strictly distinct from others, and thus no functions to be defined at such points). 7 Undoubtely oversimplifying greatly, we could also remark here that then, if there were to be regions in the natural world with different matter density, with matter represented by the points, without the emptiness, there would need to be points of different kinds, with different intrinsic 'physical' properties, that is lighter or heavier (whatever that would mean). 8 On such strict assignment of specific values appear to be based approaches in various areas of what is called fuzzy mathematics [5]. ...
... On the picture of neighbouring distinct points based is a notion of locality, in the sense of interaction only between neighbouring points, that is such situated directly next to each other (with no other points in between), with possible interaction between objects considered as not neighbouring termed action at a (potentially also temporal) distance [6,7]. Such a distance can be considered a measure of numerosity of a collection of points of a given fixed size, as discussed already above, and thus our considerations pertain also to this notion of 'locality'. ...
In a recent paper as an alternative to models based on the notion of ideal mathematical point, characterized by a property of separatedness, we considered a viewpoint based on the notion of continuous change, making use of elements of a non-classical logic, in particular the fuzzy sets theory, with events represented as spatiotemporally blurred blobs. Here we point out and discuss a number of aspects of this imperfect symbolic description that might potentially be misleading. Besides that, we analyze its relation to various concepts used commonly to model physical systems, denoted by terms like: point, set, continuous, discrete, infinite, or local, clarifying further how our viewpoint is different and asking whether, in light of our main postulate, any of these notions, or their opposites, if exist, are in their usual meanings suitable to accurately describe the natural phenomena.
... See Wharton (2014), Adlam (2018;2022a,b, 2023; Friederich and Evans (2023); Barandes (2023). that we live in a world where the present moment is enough to produce the future (the arbitrarily-short past is not needed as input)-in their words, "our universe is Markovian." ...
... In addition, recent works indicate that time symmetry may actually be a fundamental feature of quantum theory, and either modify the theory to incorporate time symmetry [19,20] or argue that the existing theory is fundamentally time symmetric [21]. Moreover, there exist numerous proposals in the literature for retrocausal interpretations of quantum mechanics, which are often motivated by the possibility of rescuing locality from EPR-type arguments [19,[22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]. ...
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We investigate two types of temporal symmetry in quantum mechanics. The first type, time symmetry, refers to the inclusion of opposite time orientations on an equivalent physical footing. The second, event symmetry, refers to the inclusion of all time instants in a history sequence on an equivalent physical footing. We find that recent time symmetric interpretations of quantum mechanics fail to respect event symmetry. Building on the recent fixed-point formulation (FPF) of quantum theory, we formulate the notion of an event precisely as a fixed point constraint on the Keldysh time contour. Then, considering a sequence of measurement events in time, we show that both time and event symmetry can be retained in this multiple-time formulation of quantum theory. We then use this model to resolve conceptual paradoxes with time symmetric quantum mechanics within an 'all-at-once', atemporal picture.
... Central to this topic is the idea of locality in time, which was explored in [24] and formulated as follows: the results of measurement performed at time t 2 are independent of any measurement performed at some earlier or later time t 1 . Despite this formulation, a consensus on the precise meaning of locality in time remains elusive, and it is still debated whether quantum mechanics should be interpreted as adhering to temporal locality [25,26]. It is therefore an interesting open question how to relate it to the principle of locality "in space", as discussed earlier in this paper. ...
Two of us recently proposed an entanglement-based witness of non-classicality, which can be applied to testing quantum effects in gravity in what is known as the Bose-Marletto-Vedral (BMV) effect. The witness is based on this idea: if a system can create entanglement between two quantum probes by local means only, then it must be non-classical. In this note we discuss the role of locality as an assumption for the theorem supporting the witness; we also discuss other related notions of locality and comment on their mutual relations.
... A limitation of these notions is that they presuppose the existence of preparation-independent response functions, i.e. they assume that the ontic state λ of the system prior to measurement screens off any correlation between the preparation and the measurement ("λ-mediation" [Leifer and Pusey, 2017, Assumption V.5], "λ-sufficiency" [Hofer-Szabó, 2022]). Adlam [2018], in our view persuasively, cautions against taking this assumption for granted when developing single world-realist accounts of quantum theory. Kochen-Specker non-contextuality, in contrast to the dynamical accounts of non-contextuality, does not rely on any assumptions about the dynamics of the values of dynamical variables and is in that sense more widely applicable. ...
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The Kochen-Specker theorem shows that it is impossible to assign sharp values to all dynamical variables in quantum mechanics in such a way that the algebraic relations among the values of dynamical variables whose self-adjoint operators commute are the same as those among the operators themselves. We point out that, for quantum theories obtained by quantizing some classical theory, this condition -- Kochen-Specker non-contextuality -- is implausible from the start because quantization usually changes algebraic relations. We illustrate this point and its relevance using various examples of dynamical variables quantized via Weyl quantization and coherent state quantization. Our observations suggest that the relevance of the Kochen-Specker theorem to the question of whether one can assign sharp values to all dynamical variables is rather limited.
... This have inspired much work in this area such as [58][59][60][61], and as Norton believes, we should not mistake cause and causal principles for the fundamental principles of nature [62]. Another topic that we did not address in this study is the consideration of retrocausality [61,[63][64][65][66][67]. Future research, taking into account the retrocausality, may make it possible to address some of the criticisms raised against CTCs. ...
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The concept of time poses one of the most formidable challenges in both science and philosophy; defining the present moment, the passage of time, our perception of this passage, the direction of time, and the mesmerizing notion of time travel. In 1937, Willem Jacob van Stockum came up with some exact solutions to Einstein's field equations of General Relativity (GR). His proposal took more than a decade to be reconsidered by Kurt Gödel in 1949. Today, it is widely accepted, particularly among physicists, that GR provides a suitable framework for non-trivial geometries generating Closed Timelike Curves (CTCs). CTCs, characterized by a journey along a curved path through spacetime that returns to its starting point, permitting the possibility of time travel. However, this risky voyage could potentially cost a fortune due to the emergence of paradoxes and violations of causality, such as consistency paradoxes and causal loops. This paper will commence with a concise introduction to CTCs and their profound relevance to time and causality. By the use of Penrose diagrams (conformal diagrams) and noting the effect of topology on the existence of closed timelike paths and considering related junction conditions, we will propose CTCs by spacetime surgery in two parallel schemes -spacelike and timelike- for both Minkowski and Schwarzschild spacetimes.
... 44 See Wharton (2014); Adlam (2018Adlam ( , 2022aAdlam ( ,b, 2023; Friederich & Evans (2023); Barandes (2023). 45 Adlam (2022a, sec. ...
The view that the laws of nature produce later states of the universe from earlier ones (prominently defended by Maudlin) faces difficult questions as to how the laws produce the future and whether that production is compatible with special relativity. This article grapples with those questions, arguing that the concerns can be overcome through a close analysis of the laws of classical mechanics and electromagnetism. The view that laws produce the future seems to require that the laws of nature take a certain form, fitting what Adlam has called "the time evolution paradigm." Making that paradigm precise, we might demand that there be temporally local dynamical laws that take properties of the present and the arbitrarily-short past as input, returning as output changes in such properties into the arbitrarily-short future. In classical mechanics, Newton's second law can be fit into this form if we follow a proposal from Easwaran and understand the acceleration that appears in the law to capture how velocity (taken to be a property of the present and the arbitrarily-short past) changes into the arbitrarily-short future. The dynamical laws of electromagnetism can be fit into this form as well, though because electromagnetism is a special relativistic theory we might require that the laws meet a higher standard: linking past light-cone to future light-cone. With some work, the laws governing the evolution of the vector and scalar potentials, as well as the evolution of charged matter, can be put in a form that meets this higher standard.
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Forthcoming in 2025, in "Sciences & métaphysiques. Regards croisés", Philippe Huneman et François Papale (Ed.), Éditions Matériologiques. Draft version. Minor revisions will be implemented in the final text. Résumé: La mécanique quantique est une théorie physique décrivant le comportement de la matière à petite échelle. Bien qu'elle bénéficie d'un excellent succès empirique, cette théorie soulève un ensemble de questions conceptuelles quant à son interpréta-tion et aux diverses hypothèses et implications (épistémiques ou métaphysiques) qui y sont associées. Dans le cadre d'une approche réaliste scientifique, la nonlocalité quantique trouve sa source dans la nature elle-même (et non dans notre rapport à celle-ci), et les concepts théoriques tels que la superposition et l'intrication quan-tiques sont pris en compte dans le développement d'une ontologie adéquate. Un large panorama de possibles descriptions du réel a été proposé sous ces contraintes. Toutes ces descriptions sont nécessairement non-classiques, impliquant une ontologie ou dynamique rompant avec un ou plusieurs principes physiques qui prévalent en physique classique. L'interprétation de la mécanique quantique dans une perspective réaliste soulève ainsi divers questionnements d'ordre métaphysique, allant de la nature des objets jusqu'à la conception de l'espace et du temps, en passant par celle des lois de la nature et la caractérisation de la causalité.
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Huw Price has proposed an argument that suggests a time-symmetric ontology for quantum theory must necessarily be retrocausal, i.e. it must involve influences that travel backwards in time. One of Price's assumptions is that the quantum state is a state of reality. However, one of the reasons for exploring retrocausality is that it offers the potential for evading the consequences of no-go theorems, including recent proofs of the reality of the quantum state. Here, we show that this assumption can be replaced by a different assumption, called λ\lambda-mediation, that plausibly holds independently of the status of the quantum state. We also reformulate the other assumptions behind the argument to place them in a more general framework and pin down the notion of time symmetry involved more precisely. We show that our assumptions imply a timelike analogue of Bell's local causality criterion and, in doing so, give a new interpretation of timelike violations of Bell inequalities. Namely, they show the impossibility of a (non-retrocausal) time-symmetric ontology.
Almost from its inception, Einstein’s general theory of relativity was known to sanction spacetime models harboring singularities. Until the 1960s, however, spacetime singularities were thought to be artifacts of the idealizations of the models. This attitude evaporated in the face of a series of theorems, due largely to Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, which showed that Einstein’s general theory implies that singularities can be expected to occur in a wide variety of conditions in both gravitational collapse and in cosmology. In the light of these results some physicists adopted the attitude that, since spacetime singularities are intolerable, general relativity contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction. Others hoped that peaceful coexistence with singularities could be achieved by proving a form of Roger Penrose’s cosmic censorship hypothesis, which would place singularities safely inside black holes. Whatever the attitude one adopts toward spacetime singularities, it is evident that they raise a number of foundational problems for physics and have profound implications for the philosophy of space and time. However, philosophers of science have been slow to awaken to the significance of these developments. Indeed, this is the first serious book-length study of the subject by a philosopher of science. It features an overview of the literature on singularities, as well as an analytic commentary on their significance to a number of scientific and philosophical issues.
The treatment of time in quantum mechanics is still an important and challenging open question in the foundation of the theory. This book describes the problems, and the attempts and achievements in defining, formalizing and measuring different time quantities in quantum theory, such as the parametric (clock) time, tunneling times, decay times, dwell times, delay times, arrival times or jump times. This multiauthored book, written as an introductory guide for the non-initiated as well as a useful source of information for the expert, covers many of the open questions. A brief historical overview is to be found in the introduction. It is followed by 12 chapters devoted to conceptual and theoretical investigations as well as experimental issues in quantum-mechanical time measurements. This unique monograph should attract physicists as well as philosophers of science working in the foundations of quantum physics.
The book presents state-of-the-art results on the analysis of the Einstein equations and the large scale structure of their solutions. It combines in a unique way introductory chapters and surveys of various aspects of the analysis of the Einstein equations in the large. It discusses applications of the Einstein equations in geometrical studies and the physical interpretation of their solutions. Open problems concerning analytical and numerical aspects of the Einstein equations are pointed out. Background material on techniques in PDE theory, differential geometry, and causal theory is provided.
An Introduction to Lagrangian Mechanics begins with a proper historical perspective on the Lagrangian method by presenting Fermat’s Principle of Least Time (as an introduction to the Calculus of Variations) as well as the principles of Maupertuis, Jacobi, and d’Alembert that preceded Hamilton’s formulation of the Principle of Least Action, from which the Euler–Lagrange equations of motion are derived. Other additional topics not traditionally presented in undergraduate textbooks include the treatment of constraint forces in Lagrangian Mechanics; Routh's procedure for Lagrangian systems with symmetries; the art of numerical analysis for physical systems; variational formulations for several continuous Lagrangian systems; an introduction to elliptic functions with applications in Classical Mechanics; and Noncanonical Hamiltonian Mechanics and perturbation theory. This textbook is suitable for undergraduate students who have acquired the mathematical skills needed to complete a course in Modern Physics. © 2008 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Three decades ago, talk of other universes was not seen by most physicists to be part of science. Most research in theoretical physics and cosmology concerned observable FEs in our universe and most papers and seminars referred to experimental results. However, since then there has been a gradual shift, during which it first became acceptable to work on theories that described not only our universe, but other possible universes, universes with less or more dimensions, or universes with different kinds of particles and forces. In the last few years, we have moved further away from theories of our one universe, as these other worlds went from being logically possible to hypothetically actual. It is now common to hear about the multiverse – a quantum cosmology that takes for granted that the visible universe that we see around us is just one of a vast or infinite number of universes.