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Urbanization and Related Environmental Issues of Metro Manila

  • Tribhuvan University . Institute of Engineering . Pulchowk Campus

Abstract and Figures

p>Due to rapid urbanization, Metro Manila is facing many environmental challenges with its continuous accelerating urban growth rate. According to 2010 census of population Metro Manila accounts about one-third of the total urban population and about 13% of the total national population of Philippines. The impact of urban growth of the Metro Manila to its urban environment relating on demography, solid wastes problem and problems in water bodies as well as air pollution and greenhouse gas emissionis emphasized here in this study. The flood prone areas within the Metro Manila is about 31%, most of the risk areas located along creeks, river banks or coastal areas. Metro Manila produces total garbage equivalent to 25% of the national waste generation in which about 17% is paper wastes and about 16% are plastics. In terms of water quality classification the upper reaches of the Marikina River is of Class A, but all remaining river systems are of Class C. Accordingly, the classification of Manila Bay is of Class SB. Similarly, the quality of ambient air of the Metro Manila is also poor. Using 2010 as base year, the major contributor to greenhouse gas is from vehicular emissions followed by the stationary sources. An urgent need is felt to incorporate environmental issues into planning its urban area to reduce the risks of further environmental degradation. Journal of Advanced College of Engineering and Management , Vol. 3, 2017, Page: 79-92</p
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79 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 Urbanization and Related Environmental Issues of Metro Manila
Journal of Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Vol. 3, 2017
Ram Krishna Regmi
Environment and Resource Management Consultant, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email Address:
Due to rapid urbanization, Metro Manila is facing many environmental challenges with its continuous accelerating urban
growth rate. According to 2010 census of population Metro Manila accounts about one-third of the total urban population
and about 13% of the total national population of Philippines.The impact of urban growth of the Metro Manila to its urban
environment relating on demography, solid wastes problem and problems in water bodies as well as air pollution and
greenhouse gas emissionis emphasized here in this study.The flood prone areas within the Metro Manila is about 31%, most
of the risk areas located along creeks, river banks or coastal areas.Metro Manila produces total garbage equivalent to 25% of
the national waste generation in which about 17% is paper wastes and about 16% are plastics. In terms of water quality
classification the upper reaches of the Marikina River is of Class A, but all remaining river systems are of Class C.
Accordingly, the classification of Manila Bay is of Class SB. Similarly, the quality of ambient air of the Metro Manila is also
poor. Using 2010 as base year, the major contributor to greenhouse gas is from vehicular emissions followed by the
stationary sources. An urgent need is felt to incorporate environmental issues into planning its urban area to reduce the risks
of further environmental degradation.
Keywords: Metro Manila; urbanization; environmental issues; solid wastes;water quality; air pollution
1. Introduction
Urbanization is a process by which cities are formed and became larger due to industrialization and
economic development, and that encourages urban specific changes in specialization, labor division
and human behaviors (Uttara et al., 2012). It is one of the most powerful and visible anthropogenic
forces on Earth (Dawson et al., 2009). The rate of urbanization is very fast since the second half of the
twentieth century, particularly in developing countries (Chadchan and Shankar, 2009). Almost all of
the world’s population growth between 2000 and 2030 will be concentrated in urban areas in
developing countries (United Nations, 2005). Worldwide urban populations are expected to grow by
1.4 billion by 2030, with accounting 60% of the total world population in city and town; and expected
to reach 2.6 billion (USAID, 2013).
Urbanization is associated with the development and modernization of underdeveloped and
developing countries. This includes the very rapid growth of many cities without the needed
expansion in infrastructure and services and with a significant proportion of their population living in
informal settlements or ‘slums’ lacking any infrastructure or services (Hardoy et al., 2001). It has long
been common for urbanization to be blamed for a range of environmental problems, and over the last
several decades scientists and policy makers have paid attention to cities and urbanization (Hope,
1986; Zhang and Song, 2003; Siciliano, 2012).
Urbanization has created numerous local to the global scale environmental problems (Kim and Baik,
2005; Zhao et al., 2006); such as highly reduction in natural vegetation production and carbon storage
(Fang et al., 2003; Yuan, 2008), climate change and increase in energy demands (Zhou et al., 2004;
Gonzalez et al., 2005), increase in air and water pollution and decrease in water supply (Liu and
Diamond, 2005; Shao et al., 2006), and insufficient housing and sanitation facilities and traffic
80 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 Urbanization and Related Environmental Issues of Metro Manila
obstruction (Jago-on et al., 2009). Thus, recently many researchers (e.g., Foster, 2001; Chen, 2007; Li
and Yao, 2009; Martinez-Zarzoso and Maruotti, 2011) have been conducted studies with the goal of
better understanding the issues related to urbanization and its impacts on environments as a top
priority. Most of the major environmental problems of the next century probably will result from the
continuation and sharpening of existing problems that currently do not receive enough political
attention (Uttara et al., 2012).
The population of Metro Manila is one of the largest in the Asia Pacific Region and in the world.
Metro Manila is a megacity with the population exceeding 11.8 million people in 2010 spread over 17
local government units (NSO, 2012). According to the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
Study (UN-HABITAT, 2010), Metro Manila is considered one of the rapidly urbanizing megacities,
ranking 14thamong 20 megacities around the world with a population projected to reach 14.8 million
by 2025. As a highly urbanized area, Metro Manila experiences a lot of environmental problems
associated with urbanization such as flooding, solid waste management problems, air and water
pollution and climate change (Raflores and Regmi, 2015). The studies on urbanization of Metro
Manila directly connected to its size, population, solid waste problem, water sector quality and air
pollution and greenhouse gas emission have not been conducted yet. Therefore, this study aims to
highlight the implications of urbanization for Metro Manila urban environment focusing on
demography,solid wastes problem and problems in water sectorsas well asair pollution and
greenhouse gas emission.
2. Location and key characteristics
Metro Manila, also called National Capital Region (NCR) of Philippines, is located at 14°40' N and
121°3 E. It is bounded by the Sierra Madre Mountain Range in the east, the Manila Bay in the west,
the Laguna de Bay in the south-east and the fertile plains of Central Luzon in the north. The region is
bounded by Bulacan province to the north, Rizal province to the east, Laguna province to the south
and Cavite province to the southwest. It is composed of sixteen cities and one municipality (Fig. 1).
Metro Manila has a total land area of 63,600 hectares, approximately 0.21 % of the country’s land
area of 30 million hectares (Ragragio, 2003). It is divided into 1,694 barangays, the smallest
administrative division in the country. Metro Manila is generally flat with the average elevation of
about 10 meters on its western part. Elevation increases towards the eastern portion around the
Marikina Valley. Fig. 2 shows the elevation map of Metro Manila.
Metropolitan Manila was created by virtue of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 824 (1975) issued on
November 7, 1975. It was constituted as a special development and administrative region in 1995
through the passage of Republic Act No. 7924. Its affairs are being administered by the Metropolitan
Manila Development Authority (MMDA) which was created under the same law. MMDA executes
planning, monitoring and coordinative functions, and in the course of action, exercises regulatory and
supervisory authority over the delivery of metro-wide services such as development planning, urban
renewal, flood control and sewerage management, transport and traffic management, solid waste
disposal and management, zoning and land use planning, health and sanitation, urban protection and
pollution control, and public safety. The component cities and municipality retain their basic
autonomy and continue to be primarily responsible for the administration of specific problems and
issues concerning their respective political jurisdictions.
Metro Manila has a tropical wet and dry climate that borders on a tropical monsoon climate. Seasonal
temperature observed at three synoptic stations (Science Garden, NAI and Port Area) in the region
from 1980-2013 ranged from an average of 26.6°C during the cold months of December to February
to a high 28.4°C during the hot months of March to November. Observed seasonal rainfall during the
81 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 Urbanization and Related Environmental Issues of Metro Manila
same years reached as 297.4 mm during dry months of December to May and 2254.8 mm during rainy
months Jun to November.
Fig 1 Administrative Boundary Map of Metro Manila
Fig 2 Elevation Map of Metro Manila (Source:
82 | jacem, Vol. 3, 2017 Urbanization and Related Environmental Issues of Metro Manila
3. Urbanization and potential implications
3.1. Urban Expansion
The increasing prices of land in the Metro Manila area and the associated environmental problems
resulting from urbanization had directed to the growing movement of development in the surrounding
regions of Metro Manila (Magno-Ballesteros, 2000). According to Singruand Lindfield (2014), the
high level of urbanization of Regions III and IV-A, which is in close proximity to Metro Manila, is an
indication of suburbanization and peri-urban development. A study conducted by World Bank Group
(2015) also supports these findings. It showed that almost all the spatial growth in the Metro Manila
area occurred in the neighbouring provinces of Cavite located south of Manila, Bulacan in the north
and Laguna in the southeast. Fig. 3 shows the direction of the urban expansion from 2000-2010. The
estimated day time population of Metro Manila is 14,500,000 persons or 22.3% higher than the actual
census conducted in 2010 (Tolentino, 2013). This indicates that many people working in Metro
Manila actually live in its neighbouring areas.
Fig 3 Map Showing the Direction of Expansion of Metro Manila (Source: World Bank Group, 2015)
Despite these movements, Metro Manila still experiences the various environmental problems
associated with rapid and unplanned urbanization such as flooding, solid waste problems, a
proliferation of informal settler families (ISFs), deterioration of air quality and increasing greenhouse
gas emissions. With rapid urbanization of Metro Manila has resulted in the unregulated development
of informal settlements usually on dangerous and risky areas such as those near seashore or flood
zone (swampy areas), or on grounds prone to landslides (World Bank, 2010). Houses are also built
near or above esteros and along rivers, which pose a danger to the lives of these ISFs during flooding
events. The presence of informal settlers along the rivers and their tributaries also contributed to the
constriction of the drainage areas of Metro Manila, have caused flooding during heavy rains.
Moreover, these informal settlers add to the deterioration of the water quality of these water bodies
due to indiscriminate disposal of wastes. Records from the concerned LGUs show that there are about
60,130 ISFs as of June 2012 in all the 17 cities and municipality of NCR.
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3.2. Land use change
Based on MMEIRS (2004), residential areas constituted 44.8% of the region’s land area in 2003
(Table 1). About 28% were open spaces and parks, 12.2% commercial, 7.6% industrial and 6.9%
percent institutional. From a primarily agricultural area (55.6%) in 1938, lands in Metro Manila were
converted to residential uses (65%) in the 1990s (Magno-Ballesteros, 2000). The share of residential
areas, however, decreased in 2003 in favor of commercial, industrial and institutional uses as well as
open spaces including parks, roads, and other utilities. The land use trend in Metro Manila was
influenced by the response to socio-economic demands of a growing population and not necessarily
according to a plan (Ali and Porciuncula, 2001). The following trends have been identified to
characterize land use in the region:
Increase density and size of informal settlements in the city centers
Development of medium scale residential subdivisions for upper and upper-middle income
markets up to the peripheries of the inner and intermediate cores while low-cost housing has
moved to the outer core in the neighboring provinces of Rizal. Bulacan, Cavite and Laguna
The growth of big commercial centers along EDSA and other major thoroughfares, and
Infilling of the urban area with high-density housing.
Table 1 Metro Manila’s Land Use, 1938-2003
As % to total land area
1938* 1980* 1990* 1994* 2003**
Residential 14.2a29.4 65.0 65.0 44.8
Commercial - 3.0 3.4 8.0 12.2
Industrial - 4.7 4.0 3.0 7.6
Institutional - 4.5 5.2 10.6 6.9
Utilities - 1.4 4.0 4.0
Agricultural 55.6b12.5b8.4 4.4
Open Space 5.1 24.3 8.0 4.0 28.4d
25.1 20.2 2.0 1.0c
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
aIncludes commercial and industrial
bIncludes fishery (4.4%) and mining and quarrying (0.2%)
cIncludes fishpond area
dIncludes parks and roads
Source: *Magno-Ballesteros, 2000; ** MMEIRS, 2004
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3.3. Demography
Based on 2010 census of population (NSO, 2012), Metro Manila registered a population of
11,855,975. This accounts for about one-third of the total urban population and about 13% of the total
national population of 92,337,852. Its total urban area, composing of the urban cluster which refers to
the continuous urban expansion of Metro Manila into the provinces of Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite and
Laguna has a population of 24,123,000 (Demographia, 2015). It is the most densely populated region
in the Philippines, more than 60 times denser than at the national level, with 186 persons per hectare.
Table 2 shows the trends in population for the component cities and municipalities of Metro Manila
over a period of 1990 to 2010.
Table 2 Population of Metro Manila by Component City and Municipality, 1990-2010
Province/City/Municipality 1990 2000 2010
City of Malabon 280,027 338,855 353,337
City of Navotas 187,479 230,403 249,131
City of Valenzuela 340,227 485,433 575,356
Caloocan City 763,415 1,177,604 1,489,040
City of Marikina 310,227 391,170 424,150
City of Pasig 397,679 505,058 669,773
Pateros Municipality 51,409 57,407 64,147
Taguig City 266,637 467,375 644,473
Quezon City 1,669,776 2,173,831 2,761,720
City of Makati 453,170 471,379 529,039
City of Mandaluyong 248,143 278,474 328,699
City of San Juan 126,854 117,680 121,430
City of Manila 1,601,234 1,581,082 1,652,171
City of Las Piñas 297,102 472,780 552,573
City of Muntinlupa 278,411 379,310 459,941
City of Paranaque 308,236 449,811 588,126
Pasay City 368,366 354,908 392,869
Metro Manila 7,948,392 9,932,560 11,855,975
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority website ( retrieved in May 13, 2015
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3.4. Flooding
Extreme flood events in Metro Manila are usually caused by heavy precipitation events lasting over 1
to 3 days generally resulting from typhoons and storm surges. Other causes of flooding are high tide
combined with excess runoff from rivers, heavy rains, and sea level rise (WB, 2010). In addition to
natural causes,WB (2010) said that extreme flood events are also caused by anthropogenic factors
such as: a) reduction in river channel capacity resulting from encroachment of houses, siltation from
deforestation, and garbage, b) disappearance of small river channels (esteros), c) reduced infiltration
due to urbanization, d) loss of natural retention areas, and e) land subsidence resulting from over
extraction of ground water. Drainage canals already clogged with rubbish is a major factor causing
severe flooding in the metropolis (Singru and Lindfield, 2014).
About 31% of Metro Manila’s land area is prone to flooding (Magno-Ballesteros, 2000).Pornasdoro,
et al. (2014) reported that the coastal cities of Valenzuela, Malabon, Caloocan, Navotas, Manila,
Pasay, Parañaque and Las Piñas are considered the most flood prone areas in Metro Manila. Tidal
movements in the Manila Bay and land subsidence particularly in Central Manila cause flooding in
these cities. The extensive rainfall brought by Tropical Storm Ondoy (Ketsana) and Typhoon Pepeng
(Parma) in 2009 had put most of the Metro Manila area under water. Even those areas that are not
considered flood risks areas were severely affected.
The number of lives lost as a percentage of total population based on reports of the National Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) has been steadily increasing from 0.003% in
2010 to 0.021% in 2011. Existing flood control structures in identified high risk areas are not enough
to handle unexpected storm water (Singru and Lindfield, 2014).
Pornasdoro, et al. (2014)carried out a study to assess the flood risk of Metro Manila at the barangay
level.They noted that most of the areas at risks are those located along creeks, river banks or coastal
areas.The maps of the affected barangays under the worst flood risk scenario for 2020 and 2030 based
on the study are shown in Figure 4.
Fig 4 Worst Scenario Flood Risks Maps of Metro Manila Barangaysfor 2020 and 2030
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In order to address flooding issue in the metropolis, the government has initiated the Formulation and
Implementation of a Flood Management Master Plan for Metro Manila. The Master Plan was
formulated based on a Flood Risk Study conducted after Tropical Storm Ondoy and Typhoon Pepeng
that hit Metro Manila. The study covers 435,400 hectares and includes the entire Metro Manila area as
well as the provinces of Rizal, Laguna and parts of Bulacan.The Flood Management Master Plan that
was formulated identified and short listed 11 long-term structural mitigation programs. These are
independent programs but part of the integral measures for mitigating floods in Metro Manila and
surrounding Areas.
3.5. Solid Wastes Problem
Metro Manila resident generates 0.69 kg of solid wastes per day in 2010 which is higher than the
national average of 0.40 kg/capita/day (NSWMC, 2015). Total garbage produced by Metro Manila is
estimated at 8,400 to 8,600 tons each day or equivalent to 25% of the national waste generation.
About 17% of the daily total is paper wastes while 16% are plastics.
Wastes collected from NCR are disposed in the three disposal facilities, namely: the Rizal Provincial
Sanitary Landfill (SLF) located in Rodriguez, Rizal; the Payatas SLF in Quezon City and the Tanza
SLF in Navotas. These facilities service the 17 local government units of Metro Manila. They also
serve as disposal sites for the garbage collected by MMDA from the different esteros and pumping
stations in the region. The MMDA (2014) reported that more than 9.9 million cubic meters of
garbage/wastes were disposed in these in 2014. This is 1.7 percent increase over 2013.It was
estimated that only 70 % of the total garbage generated in Metro Manila are collected. The
uncollected garbage goes into the river systems and esteros resulting in the clogging of waterways.
This aggravates flooding in the metropolis.
3.6. Water Quality Problem
Water bodies in the Philippines, both inland surface waters and coastal and marine waters are
classified according to their current most beneficial use or, in special cases, according to their
intended or future beneficial use (DENR, 1990). Water classifications have been described according
to the degree of protection required, with AA and SA classifications for inland surface waters and
coastal and marine waters, respectively, corresponding to the most stringent levels of water quality
(Table 3).
Five river systems traverse Metro Manila: the Marikina River, San Juan River, Parañaque River, Pasig
River and Navotas-Malabon-Tullahan-Tenejeros River. Both the Marikina and San Juan rivers are
major tributaries of the Pasig River. Except for the upper reaches of the Marikina River, which are
classified as Class A, all five river systems were classified as Class C water bodies.Manila Bay was
classified as Class SB, which means that the area is to be used for contact recreation such as bathing,
swimming, skin diving, and similar activities and as spawning areas for milkfish and other similar
3.7. Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emission
The increasing population in the metropolis and the rapid development in the area caused the poor
quality of ambient air in the region. In 2013, total suspended particulates (TSP) or the amount of dust
in the air in Metro Manila (132 Pg/Ncm) exceeded the standard level of90 Pg/Ncm by 47% (EMB,
2014). The amount of particulate matters PM10 was recorded as 74 Pg/Ncm during the same year,
exceeding the standard of 60 Pg/Ncm by 23%. The high TSP and PM10 levels were due mainly from
vehicular emissions (80%) while stationary sources contributed only 20%.
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Table 3 Classification of Water Bodies in the Philippines
Class Beneficial Use
Fresh Surface Water (Rivers, Lakes, Reservoirs, etc.)
Public Water Supply Class I. For waters having watershed which are
uninhabited and otherwise protected and which require only approved
disinfection in order to meet the National Standards for Drinking Water
(NSDW) of the Philippines
Public Water Supply Class II. For sources of water supply that will
require complete treatment (coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and
disinfection) in order to meet the NSDW
Recreational Water Class I. For primary contact recreation such as
bathing, swimming, skin diving, etc. (particularly those intended for
tourism purposes).
1. Fishery Water for the propagation and growth of fish and other
aquatic resources
2. Recreational Water Class II (e. g., boating, etc.)
3. Industrial Water Supply Class I (for manufacturing processes after
1. For agriculture, irrigation, livestock watering, etc.
2. Industrial Water Supply Class II (e. g., cooling, etc.)
3. Other inland waters, by their quality, belong to this classification.
Coastal and Marine Waters
1. Waters suitable for propagation, survival and harvesting of shellfish
for commercial purposes
2. Tourist zones and national marine parks and reserves established
under Proclamation 1801; existing laws and/or declared as such by the
appropriate government agency
3. Coral reef parks and reserves designated by law and concerned
1. Recreational Water Class I (areas regularly used by the public for
bathing, swimming, skin diving, etc.)
2. Fishery Water Class I (spawning areas for “Bangus” and other similar
1. Recreational Water Class II (e. g., boating, etc.)
2. Fishery Water Class II (commercial and sustenance fishing)
3. Marshy and/or mangrove areas declared as fish and wildlife
1. Industrial Water Supply II (e. g., cooling, etc.)
2. Other coastal and marine waters, by their quality, belong to this
Source: DENR (1990)
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Fig 5 Total Suspended Particulates (TS) and PM 10 Level for Metro Manila, 2010-2013 (Source:
EMB, 2014)
Aside from air pollution, a growing concern is on the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted in
the atmosphere resulting from rapid urbanization. Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming,
which in turn, causes climate change. Using 2010 as base year, DENR (2013) showed that net
emissions for Metro Manila amounted to 23,521.66 Gg of carbon dioxide equivalent. The energy
sector accounted for 89.27% (21,025.97 Gg) of the total emissions while the waste sector contributed
10.60% (2,495.69 Gg). The contribution of the industrial, agricultural and land use sectors are
insignificant.CO2accounted for almost all (99.10%) of emissions from the energy sector, while CH4
and N2O represent less than 1% of emissions (0.28% and 0.62%, respectively).
Emissions from the waste sector are segregated into three: solid waste disposal, biological treatment
and wastewater treatment and discharge. The major contributor is wastewater treatment and discharge
(67.20%), followed by solid waste disposal (30.73%). In terms of GHGs, CH4 was the predominant
gas at 98.89%, with the balance coming from N2O.
Table 4 GHG Emissions by Sector by Gas
Sector and Source
Gg CO2e %of Sector
Energy Sector
Stationary and Mobile Sources 20,836.73 58.03 131.21 21,025.97 100.0%
Waste Sector
Solid Waste Disposal - 767.05 1 767.05 30.73%
Biological Treatment of Waste - 24.50 27.13 51.63 2.07%
Wastewater treatment &
discharge -1,501.02 175.88 1,677.00 67.20%
Total - 2,292.67 203.01 2,495.69 100.0%
Source: DENR (2013)
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4. Conclusion
Metro Manila is one of the rapidly urbanizing megacities in the word with a population projected to
reach 14.8 million by 2025. Like other mega cities of the developing countries, it has also experienced
alot of environmental problems related to urbanization such as flooding, solid waste problems, a
proliferation of informal settler families, deterioration of water quality, deterioration of air quality and
increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
The land use trend in Metro Manila was the impact of socio-economic demands of theincrease in
population.The informal settlers along the riversystemshave been partly responsible for the
constriction of the drainage areas causing floods during heavy rains, and deterioration of the water
quality of thewater bodies as well.Themost of the flood risk areas located along creeks, river banks or
coastal areas those covering about 31% of the Metro Manila. At present the government has initiated
the formulation and implementation of a Flood Management Master Plan for Metro Manilaand its
surroundings that covers 435,400 hectares area.
Total garbage generated by Metro Manila is about 25% of the national waste generation in which only
about 70% of the total generated garbage are collected and disposed in the disposal facilities. The
uncollected garbage goes into the river systems and esteros thereby clogsthe entire
waterways.Looking for the water quality of the water bodies of the Metro Manila, the upper reaches
of the Marikina River is of Class A quality, and the remaining river systems are of Class C. The
Manila Bay exhibits the water quality classification of Class SB.
The major contribution of deterioration of ambient air of the Metro Manila is from vehicular
emissions and the stationary sources are the minor contributor. In terms of greenhouse gas emission
the major contributor is the energy sector accounted for about 89.27% of the total emissions while the
waste sector contributed about 10.60% as a minor contributor. The industrial, agricultural and land
use sectors contribution to greenhouse gas emissionis insignificant.
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... Navotas is adjacent to highly urbanized, overpopulated, and industrialized cities in the southern and eastern portions of Manila City and Caloocan City. The surrounding cities around Navotas have high levels of particulate matter originating from vehicular emissions [56,57]. For Bohol, municipalities along the Bohol Strait and the Bohol Sea have a higher PM2.5 concentration than inland municipalities. ...
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Fast-developing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia, are critically susceptible to high concentrations of inhalable fine particulate pollution (PM2.5), which threatens public health and economic development. This study evaluates the incremental reduction in PM2.5 concentrations and its potential health and economic benefits, focusing on sustainable air quality management in vulnerable communities, particularly in the fisheries sector in the Philippines. Using satellite-derived PM2.5 data and the Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program–Community Edition (BenMAP-CE) model, the estimated premature mortality rates and the associated costs under various concentration reduction scenarios (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) for the regions of Navotas, Bohol, and Davao Del Sur revealed substantial health and economic benefits. Under 25–50% reduction scenarios, it could prevent annual premature mortalities of 55–104 in the three regions, generating approximately USD 1.15 million in monetary benefits. A more considerable 75–100% reduction scenario could prevent up to 206 mortalities annually, yielding USD 2.07 million in monetary benefits. These benefits were notable in areas with higher baseline PM2.5 concentrations, such as Navotas and Davao Del Sur, which experienced significant reductions in premature mortality within the range of 1–3% of the fisherfolk population. These findings highlight the incremental reduction strategies in a sector-specific approach to protect vulnerable communities crucial for economic development. The developed approach aims to improve the air quality in fishing-dependent regions to ensure sustainable livelihoods across the Philippines while meeting national and global health targets.
... Both cities have implemented flood control systems, though Dhaka's flood management strategies lag behind in terms of infrastructure maintenance and technological advancement [40]. In contrast, Manila, another flood-prone city, has developed a hybrid flood mitigation strategy that combines structural measures (e.g., levees, floodways) with non-structural approaches, such as improved early warning systems and community-based flood preparedness [41]. Dhaka, while making strides in flood forecasting, still lacks the comprehensive, city-wide flood defense systems that Manila has begun to implement. ...
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Dhaka, one of the fastest-growing megacities, is highly vulnerable to urban flooding due to rapid urbanization, inadequate drainage systems, and climate change-induced extreme weather events. This study describes the development of a comprehensive urban flood forecasting system for Dhaka City using the MIKE+ hydrodynamic model. The system integrates hydrological and hydraulic components, modeling complex interactions among surface runoff (pluvial), riverine overflow (fluvial), drainage networks, and overland flow dynamics. The model utilizes real-time data from river gauges, rainfall stations, and pump stations to enhance forecasting accuracy. Sensitivity analysis identified ten key parameters influencing model performance, which were adjusted during calibration. The model was calibrated and validated using historical flood events from 2019 to 2022, achieving strong performance metrics, including Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) greater than 0.65, Coefficient of Determination (R²) above 0.80, and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) less than 0.1 meters. The system was further tested using significant flood events from 2020 and 2021, cross-validated with flood marks and community-reported observations, ensuring reliability. This advanced urban flood forecasting tool supports decision-making and emergency response by providing early warnings and flood scenarios, enabling proactive flood management for a rapidly urbanizing city like Dhaka.
... The Philippines had not been an exemption as the reported primary causes of morbidity and mortality in 2010 were mostly respiratory infections (DOH, 2010). The ambient air quality in Metro Manila is not excluded from the world's list of problems with air pollution as records on the presence of air pollutants such as total suspended solids (TSP) and PM10 are higher than the set standard by the regulating government agencies (Regmi, 2017;). In Metro Manila, the identified sources of air pollution are the power plants, industries, and the transport sector with PM10, PM2.5, SOx, NOx, CO, and VOCs the primary contributors to air emissions (ADB, 2018). ...
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The study's main objective is to identify key environmental problems in the City of Valenzuela and recommend feasible technology that can determine the quality of air and water being released by the companies. A survey was conducted with 127 industries in Valenzuela City aimed at knowing the city's plastic production and recycling, wastewater management, solid waste management, air pollution reduction as well as its governance to the problems being encountered by the city. The study revealed that about 55% of the industries' wastes are plastics which is quite alarming as plastics are one of the biggest polluters on earth. It also shows that most of the company representatives who answered the survey admitted that they (about 46%) barely knew if plastic neutrality is practiced in their place. Interestingly, about 86% of the participating industries claimed that they did not produce air emissions yet have no available records of their air emissions inventory. With this, the researchers recommend a strict implementation of the Republic Act 9003 also known as Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 in Valenzuela City. It is interesting to note that, about 56.10% expressed their willingness to collaborate with the Scoping team to conduct studies on possible technology that would be able to resolve Valenzuela City's problems on waste.
... Another aspect that highlights the increase in surface temperature is the high amount of solar radiation received in the region. It is also worth noting that during the same period as the natural disturbances, the urban core areas of Rizal, which are San Mateo, Cainta, Taytay, Angono, and Binangonan, have significantly contributed to the intensification of the UHI effect by means of increasing the distribution of hotspots through the establishments of several medium scale residential areas, including subdivisions (Regmi, 2017). In these highly concretized areas, NDVI values are at their lowest. ...
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The Rizal Province was subjected to a series of natural and human-induced disturbances throughout the years. Currently, the area is undergoing urbanization which in turn results in shifts in the extent of impervious surfaces that can intensify heat-related health concerns, increase energy consumption for cooling, and alter local weather patterns. This study uses remote sensing images from to quantify the various environmental considerations that remain undocumented and unmapped for areas caused by changes in land use and land cover from Landsat Collection 1- Level 1 (Landsat 4-5 ™ C1- Level 1 & Landsat 8 OLI/ TIRS C1 Level 1) and calculated three parameters namely, (i) Land surface temperature (LST), (ii) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and (iii) the Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI). The results showed the following: (i) an increase in the vegetation cover from 1993-2020 showed a decrease in LST from 29.34°C to 24.03°C, (ii) the relationship between LST and NDBI is directly proportional, whereas an inversely proportional relationship can be observed between LST and NDVI, and (iii) there is a fluctuating LST due to the changes in the land cover of the study site for almost three decades. This implicates the extensive shift in the ambient temperature of Rizal which further emphasizes the effects of the modification in certain land use land cover classifications, especially in vegetation cover and urban development. This highlights how human-induced and natural factors significantly contribute to the release of heat and ambient temperature, thus, accentuating the need for sustainable urban planning.
... Extreme floods in Metro Manila are due to heavy precipitation, high tide, sea-level rise, excess river runoff, and various anthropogenic factors. For instance, notable typhoons Ondoy (Ketsana) and Pepeng (Parma) placed both the flood-prone areas and non-flood-prone areas of Metro Manila underwater (Regmi, 2017). The extreme rainfall brought by Typhoon Ketsana alone affected 872,097 people in Metro Manila, with 241 fatalities, 394 injuries, 65,521 damaged infrastructures. ...
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One of the evacuation decisions that households resolve during flood disasters is the destination choice. The lack of studies for destination choice modeling can be addressed through the assessment of model transferability. This study evaluated the ability of previously developed Quezon City (QC) flood evacuation destination choice models to predict evacuation travel behavior of households in Marikina City. The QC models developed include household decisions to go to a public shelter, church/seminary, or to the family/relatives. Data from households in Marikina City that were affected by the flood event due to the Tropical storm Yagi in 2018 was collected. Results show that the Quezon City public shelter model can predict the decisions of households in Marikina City. However, the church/seminary model showed poor results. Further investigation of transferability of the QC flood destination choice model to a greater population should be done.
... Most importantly, the City of Manila struggles to find sufficient manpower to implement its programs and to get the private sector involved (Madarang, 2019;Ranada, 2020). In light of these challenges, Regmi (2017) stresses the importance of incorporating environmental issues into the planning of urban areas as it is crucial in reducing the risk of environmental degradation. ...
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The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in recent years highlighted the need for more urban green open space as is evident in the crowding of parks especially in metropolitan areas. However, in today's new normal, the development of programs concerning green spaces in the capital City of Manila is currently facing several challenges which revolve around complications in LGU-NGO partnerships, particularly concerning funding and technical assistance. The aim of this research is to investigate and explore the relationship and partnership between the local government of Manila and environmental non-government organizations as well as the significance of green spaces in the City of Manila through the lens of Urban Political Ecology. The research used a qualitative method particularly the Case Study method and utilized interviews from key informants in the local government, non-government organizations, and urban experts. In order to determine the success of the relationship between the LGU and NGOs in terms of creating sustainable programs and how it transforms the city, the study also made use of documents such as ordinances. The findings indicate that the past and present administrations have engaged and collaborated with various NGOs in the urban planning process and in implementing the NGOs' programs. The NGOs are also instrumental in the city's development as they provide their expertise and aids in managing the green spaces without utilizing government funds.
Anthropogenic activities periodically alter the land cover of the Earth's surface, significantly diminishing agricultural land in favor of built-up areas. Therefore, a comprehensive investigation of past and future Land Cover (LC) changes is essential for sustainable development. The main objective of this research is to determine the extent of agricultural land cover change and its spatial pattern from 2018 to 2022 and to predict its probable extent in 2027 in Bautista, Pangasinan. The extent of agricultural land cover change decreased from 3,480.95 hectares in 2018 to 3,417.04 hectares in 2022, primarily near road networks and within the identified urban barangays of the municipality. The change exhibited a clustered distribution, as per the summary report from the Average Nearest Neighbour using the Geographic Information System. In contrast, built-up land cover change expanded by 60.68 hectares from 2018 to 2022, following an increasing pattern trend. Furthermore, agricultural land cover change is projected to continue decreasing from 3,417.039 hectares in 2022 to 3,406.875 hectares in 2027. The results indicate a conversion of agricultural land to built-up areas between 2018 and 2022 and a further decrease in 2027, reflecting a shift from agriculture to man-made structures. This research underscores the importance of monitoring land conversions and provides a basis for sustainable solutions to address the growing demand for urbanization without compromising the future extent of agricultural land cover in Bautista, Pangasinan.
We study the emergence of New Clark City, Philippines, which is part of the country's development programme “Build‐Build‐Build”. Triangulating data from field observations, interviews, and documents, we analyse the social, economic, and ecological consequences of this “city of the future”. The city enables capital to be fixed into space, which (i) creates new accumulation opportunities for investors, (ii) lubricates capital circulation, shortening turnover times and lowering costs, and (iii) staves off a multitude of longstanding barriers faced by capital and state actors by reordering space along the lines of the Philippines’ geographical expansion and spatial restructuring strategy. Aiming to address a geographical‐switching crisis, this socio‐ecological fix goes hand‐in‐hand with the stark reality of an internal colonialist agenda, resulting in negative consequences for local and Indigenous communities. We contribute to the socio‐ecological fix literature by arguing that internal colonialism offers a vital lens to understand capital expansion from the centre to the periphery.
Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) such as natural and synthetic hormones as well as phenolic industrial chemicals are considered contaminants of emerging concern in environmental waters. While EDCs carried through the rivers may impact ecosystem health and productivity, these compounds are still not widely studied nor regulated. In this study, we report the occurrence of EDCs in urban rivers in Mega Manila namely Marikina, Pasig, Angat, and Pampanga Rivers that drain into Manila Bay. EDCs may have reached these rivers through domestic wastewater and industrial effluents. Water samples from the rivers were extracted by solid phase extraction before instrumental analysis using a liquid chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer. The analytical method exhibited good linear response (>99% in the concentration range of 1‐50 µg/L) and low instrument detection limits (0.14‐1.46 µg/L) for the hormones estrone, estradiol, ethinylestradiol, progesterone, and testosterone, and the industrial chemicals bisphenol A, nonylphenol, and octylphenol. Of the hormones, estrone was detected up to 11 ng/L. Bisphenol A, nonylphenol, and octylphenol were measured up to 54 ng/L, 1878 ng/L, and 62 ng/L, respectively. EDCs are not yet monitored in water bodies in the Philippines and there are no local guidelines yet on occurrence, pollution prevention, and mitigation.
The compact city model has been an accepted alternative to urban sprawl. However, the densification of cities has led to a loss of urban green spaces, which provide important ecosystem services such as health benefits, climate regulation, and recreation opportunities. This study focuses on the dynamics of landscape change in Metro Manila from 1992 to 2022, using spatiotemporal analysis and remote sensing technology. The study found that there is an overall loss of urban green spaces in Metro Manila, with 77.69% of the city being composed of impervious land cover and 16.15% being pervious cover with urban greens and vegetation, and 4.27% is water. Much of the undisturbed vegetation are within the region’s protected landscapes and private parks and golf courses. Environmental variables such as NDVI show a decrease (-0.03) in the average vegetation health and an increase in the average land surface temperature (+1.60°C) highlighting the urban heat island. The study presents how a low-cost rapid assessment of urban green spaces in Metro Manila can be achieved to identify and map changes in the landscape, understand the drivers of change, and introduce appropriate interventions and management paradigms to enhance the city's resilience in the face of climate change. It is essential to have objective environmental assessment and territorial planning and decision-making stages to consider the needs of the landscape and improve the quality and quantity of urban green spaces.
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Land use and land‐cover (LULC) data provide essential information for environmental management and planning. This research evaluates the land‐cover change dynamics and their effects for the Greater Mankato Area of Minnesota using image classification and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) modelling in high‐resolution aerial photography and QuickBird imagery. Results show that from 1971 to 2003, urban impervious surfaces increased from 18.3% to 32.6%, while cropland and grassland decreased from 54.2% to 39.1%. The dramatic urbanization caused evident environmental impacts in terms of runoff and water quality, whereas the annual air pollution removal rate and carbon storage/sequestration remained consistent since urban forests were steady over the 32‐year span. The results also indicate that highly accurate land‐cover features can be extracted effectively from high‐resolution imagery by incorporating both spectral and spatial information, applying an image‐fusion technique, and utilizing the hierarchical machine‐learning Feature Analyst classifier. This research fills the high‐resolution LULC data gap for the Greater Mankato Area. The findings of the study also provide valuable inputs for local decision‐makers and urban planners.
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Beautiful and breezy cities on small tropical islands, it turns out, may not be exempt from the same local climate change effects and urban heat island effects seen in large continental cities such as Los Angeles or Mexico City. A surprising, recent discovery indicates that this is the case for San Juan, Puerto Rico, a relatively affluent coastal tropical city of about two million inhabitants that is spreading rapidly into the once‐rural areas around it. A recent climatological analysis of the surface temperature of the city has revealed that the local temperature has been increasing over the neighboring vegetated areas at a rate of 0.06°C per year for the past 30 years. This is a trend that may be comparable to climate changes induced by global warming.
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This study offers a broad overview of the urbanization dilemma in the Third World — within the context of elusive development — with particular attention to its current trends, components, consequences and policies to manage it.
This paper links urbanization strategies to changes in land use and associated impacts on rural communities and agro-ecosystems in a rural area of China. Energy, monetary and human time variables as well as information on environmental pressures, have been combined to compare different typologies of households and the metabolism of different patterns of land use from an integrated perspective. The results show that urbanization strategies, aimed at shifting the current land use and at displacing the local population, while increasing the economic efficiency is also associated with an increase in fossil energy consumption and environmental pressure, as well as a reduction of the multifunctional characteristic of the area under investigation. Based on these findings the paper also offers a critical discussion of the Chinese rural development policy arguing that the multifunctionality of rural areas should be taken into account by Chinese policy-makers and planners as a viable strategy to achieve rural development targets.
The spatial and temporal structure of the urban heat island in Seoul, Korea, is investigated using near-surface temperature data measured at 31 automatic weather stations (AWSs) in the Seoul metropolitan area for the 1-yr period from March 2001 to February 2002. The urban heat island in Seoul deviates considerably from an idealized, concentric heat island structure, mainly because of the location of the main commercial and industrial sectors and the local topography. Relatively warm regions extend in the east-west direction and relatively cold regions are located near the northern and southern mountains. Several warm cores are observed whose intensity, size, and location are found to vary seasonally and diurnally. Similar to previous studies, the urban heat island in Seoul is stronger in the nighttime than in the daytime and decreases with increasing wind speed and cloud cover, but it is least developed in summer. The average maximum urban heat island intensity is 2.2°C over the 1-yr period and it is 3.4°C at 0300 local standard time (LST) and 0.6°C at 1500 LST. The reversed urban heat island is occasionally observed in the afternoon, but its intensity is very weak. An empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis is performed to find the dominant modes of variability in the Seoul urban heat island. In the analysis using temperature data that are averaged for each hour of the 1-yr period, the first EOF explains 80.6% of the total variance and is a major diurnal mode. The second EOF, whose horizontal structure is positive in the eastern part of Seoul and is negative in the western part, explains 16.0% of the total variance. This mode is related to the land use type and the diurnal pattern of anthropogenic heat release. In the analysis using temperature data at 0300 LST, the leading four modes explain 72.4% of the total variance. The first EOF reflects that the weakest urban heat island intensity is in summer. It is found that the urban heat island in Seoul is stronger on weekdays than weekends.
This paper analyzes the impact of urbanization on CO2 emissions in developing countries from 1975 to 2003. It contributes to the existing literature by examining the effect of urbanization, taking into account dynamics and the presence of heterogeneity in the sample of countries. The results show an inverted-U shaped relationship between urbanization and CO2 emissions. Indeed, the elasticity emission-urbanization is positive for low urbanization levels, which is in accordance with the higher environmental impact observed in less developed regions. Among our contributions is the estimation of a semi-parametric mixture model that allows for unknown distributional shapes and endogenously classifies countries into homogeneous groups. Three groups of countries are identified for which urbanization's impact differs considerably. For two of the groups, a threshold level is identified beyond which the emission-urbanization elasticity is negative and further increases in the urbanization rate do not contribute to higher emissions. However, for the third group only population and affluence, but not urbanization, contribute to explain emissions. The differential impact of urbanization on CO2 emissions should therefore be taken into account in future discussions of climate change policies.
The People's Republic of China and its 1.3 billion people have experienced a rapid economic growth in the past two decades. China's urbanisation ratio rose from around 20% in the early 1980s to 45% in 2007 [China Urban Research Committee. Green building. Beijing: Chinese Construction Industrial Publish House; 2008. ISBN 978-7-112-09925-2.]. The large volume and rapid speed of building construction rarely have been seen in global development and cause substantial pressure on resources and the environment. Government policy makers and building professionals, including architects, building engineers, project managers and property developers, should play an important role in enhancing the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the building energy efficiency process in forming the sustainable urban development. This paper addresses the emerging issues relating to building energy consumption and building energy efficiency due to the fast urbanisation development in China.
Groundwater is of major importance in providing municipal water-supply and for private domestic and industrial use in many urban centres. The subsurface has also come to serve as the receptor for much urban and industrial wastewater and for solid waste disposal, especially in the developing world. In result, there are rather widespread indications of degradation of the groundwater resource-base caused by excessive exploitation and/or inadequate pollution control. This paper is based primarily on the detailed investigation of six cities in Latin America and Asia. Fuller details are to be found in a related World Bank publication entitled `Groundwater in Urban Development' (Foster, Lawrence, & Morris, 1998). The objective of the present paper is to raise awareness of the interdependence of groundwater and urbanisation among urban policy-makers and to provide a framework for systematic consideration of groundwater in urban management.