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Comparing Attention to Socially-Relevant Stimuli in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Coordination Disorder



Difficulties with social interaction have been reported in both children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), although these disorders have very different diagnostic characteristics. To date, assessment of social skills in a DCD population has been limited to paper-based assessment or parent report. The present study employed eye tracking methodology to examine how children attend to socially-relevant stimuli, comparing 28 children with DCD, 28 children with ASD and 26 typically-developing (TD) age-matched controls (aged 7–10). Eye movements were recorded while children viewed 30 images, half of which were classed as ‘Individual’ (one person in the scene, direct gaze) and the other half were ‘Social’ (more naturalistic scenes showing an interaction). Children with ASD spent significantly less time looking at the face/eye regions in the images than TD children, but children with DCD performed between the ASD and TD groups in this respect. Children with DCD demonstrated a reduced tendency to follow gaze, in comparison to the ASD group. Our findings confirm that social atypicalities are present in both ASD and to a lesser extent DCD, but follow a different pattern. Future research would benefit from considering the developmental nature of the observed findings and their implications for support.
Comparing Attention to Socially-Relevant Stimuli in Autism
Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Coordination Disorder
Emma Sumner
&Hayley C. Leonard
&Elisabeth L. Hill
#The Author(s) 2018. This article is an open access publication
Difficulties with social interaction have been reported in both children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and children with
developmental coordination disorder (DCD), although these disorders have very different diagnostic characteristics. To date,
assessment of social skills in a DCD population has been limited to paper-based assessment or parent report. The present study
employed eye tracking methodology to examine how children attend to socially-relevant stimuli, comparing 28 children with DCD,
28 children with ASD and 26 typically-developing (TD) age-matched controls (aged 710). Eye movements were recorded while
children viewed 30 images, half of which were classed as Individual(one person in the scene, direct gaze) and the other half were
Social(more naturalistic scenes showing an interaction). Children with ASD spent significantly less time looking at the face/eye
regions in the images than TD children, but children with DCD performed between the ASD and TD groups in this respect.
Children with DCD demonstrated a reduced tendency to follow gaze, in comparison to the ASD group. Our findings confirm that
social atypicalities are present in both ASD and to a lesser extent DCD, but follow a different pattern. Future research would benefit
from considering the developmental nature of the observed findings and their implications for support.
Keywords Autism spectrum disorder .Developmental coordination disorder .Eye tracking .Face processing .Social .Attention
The development of social skills, including socio-
cognitive abilities and being able to establish and main-
tain friendships, plays a major role throughout develop-
ment. Interacting with others requires interpreting a range
of behaviours, both verbal and non-verbal. For example,
the ability to interpret gaze can provide subtle clues as to
what another person is thinking or attending to (Thorup
et al. 2016), and developing selective attention to socially-
relevant information, such as facial expressions, is crucial
to understanding others and their intentions (Shepherd
2010). However, the task of processing these non-verbal
cues is difficult; the information changes quickly and of-
ten, and thus may be more challenging than processing
facial identity. Indeed, the complexity of face processing
has been acknowledged in neuropsychological and neural
models (Bruce and Young 1986; Haxby et al. 2000).
Notably, processing this changeable information (i.e., ex-
pression, gaze) relies on attending to the relevant parts of
result in problems in social interaction.
Difficulties with social interaction are not uncommon. In
particular, individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
are diagnosed based on marked impairments in social com-
munication and interaction, along with restricted interests and
repetitive behaviours (American Psychiatric Association
[APA], 2013). In addition, although diagnosed on the basis
of motor coordination difficulties (APA, 2013), research has
indicated that children with developmental coordination dis-
order (DCD) also experience a range of social problems
(Leonard 2016). The aim of the current study is to explore
how children with ASD and children with DCD view
socially-relevant information to understand whether the social
*Emma Sumner
Department of Psychology and Human Development, UCL Institute
of Education, University College London, 25 Woburn Square,
London WC1H 0AA, UK
School of Psychology, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London,
London, UK
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
problems evident in the two disorders rely on similar cognitive
processing of social information. Increasing our understand-
ing of the processes underlying similar behavioural outcomes
in neurodevelopmental disorders is a vital step in improving
diagnosis and treatment, allowing more focused interventions.
Research on Social Attention and Face
Processing in ASD
Research has highlighted difficulties with face recognition (see
Chawarska et al. 2003) and problems with accurately process-
ing emotions and gaze behaviour (Corbett et al. 2014;Dawson
et al. 2005) as prominent characteristics of ASD. Further, dur-
ing the last decade, the increased accessibility and accuracy of
eye tracking technology has enabled more detailed exploration
of how individuals with ASD view socially-relevant informa-
tion (see Falck-Ytter et al. 2013; Guillon et al. 2014,fora
review). Fixations and eye gaze patterns (i.e., scanpaths) pro-
vide a proxy for attention, as eye movements indicate overt
orientation of visual attention. A number of studies have report-
ed reduced attention to social stimuli. In particular, limited gaze
to people and faces has been reported early in development, in
toddlers and infants who are later diagnosed with ASD
(Chawarska et al. 2013; Chawarska and Shic 2009; Sasson
et al. 2011;vonHofstenetal.2009; although see Elsabbagah
et al. 2012). Reduced attention to another persons face or eyes
is believed to have repercussions for recognising subtle social
cues, such as expressions and gaze (Falck-Ytter et al. 2013)
and, therefore, could be argued to be an explanation for diffi-
culties with social interaction in ASD.
However, inconsistencies exist in the adolescent and adult
ASD literature on social attention and social processing (i.e.,
making sense of social cues, such as gaze). Some studies
report a preference for fixating on non-social parts of a scene
(i.e., the background and not the faces in the scene) when
viewing social scenes in video clips (Klin et al. 2002; Speer
et al. 2007), photographs of human faces (Dalton et al. 2005;
Riby and Hancock 2009;Sassonetal.2007)andnaturalistic
photographs of social scenes (Riby and Hancock 2008). There
have been reports of reduced time looking at the eyes (Dalton
et al. 2005; Riby and Hancock 2008,2009; Sasson et al. 2007)
and Freeth et al. (2010,2011) found individuals with ASD
were slower to initially fixate the face in a photograph.
Slower fixations to the face region were considered to provide
some indication of a reduced interest in social aspects of the
scene. In addition, difficulties with processing social cues
have been reported, as it has been found that adolescents with
ASD rarely spontaneously follow an actors gaze in a photo-
graph (Riby et al. 2013; Ristic et al. 2005) and preschoolers
with ASD did not respond to gaze cues to an object shown in
video clips (Vivanti et al. 2014). Others, however, report no
avoidance of the face region, nor problems with gaze follow-
ing in high-functioning young adults with ASD (Fletcher-
Watson et al. 2009; Freeth et al. 2010,2011). A possible ex-
planation for mixed findings may be due to differing method-
ologies, the heterogeneous nature of an ASD population, or
possibly the development of compensatory strategies in some
individuals, in response to social experiences in early life. Of
note, very little is known about the viewing patterns of
primary-aged children with ASD, and knowledge of how this
age group process social information would contribute to the
current body of work seeking to understand the development
of such skills.
Research on Social Skills and Cognition
in DCD
A number of studies have flagged poor social skills in chil-
dren with DCD. Although primarily a motor disorder, re-
search indicates that children with DCD experience addition-
al problems with peer relations (Chen et al. 2009; Dewey
et al. 2002; Poulsen et al. 2007; Smyth and Anderson 2000;
Wagner et al. 2012) and difficulty processing emotions from
the face (Cummins et al. 2005). A recent study by Sumner
and colleagues (Sumner et al. 2016b) directly comparing
children with ASD and those with DCD highlighted that
the two groups were comparable on paper- and laptop-
based face processing tasks in their ability to identify facial
expressions, speech sounds, and gaze; with both groups
performing worse than a control group. In addition, parents
reported lower social functioning (i.e., building friendships,
engaging in play activities) in the DCD and ASD groups
compared to typically-developing children, with ASD chil-
dren the most compromised. The authors were able to dem-
onstrate that motor ability predicted social functioning in
these two clinical groups, providing a possible explanation
for why social difficulties are found in DCD. This is in line
with Campos et al. (2000), who have argued that the devel-
opment of early gross motor skill (sitting, crawling, walking)
provides increasing opportunities for infants to interact with
the world and others. As infants become independent ex-
plorers, through crawling and walking, they develop skills
for social referencing and interaction (Clearfield et al. 2008).
Considering the development of children with DCD, it has
been shown that these children are significantly delayed in
achieving early gross motor milestones (Sumner et al.
2016b) and, therefore, they may well be missing out on vital
opportunities to develop socially. Thus, although social in-
teraction difficulties may appear similar in DCD and ASD,
they may differ in the causal pathways and subsequent de-
velopmental trajectory of social skill development.
The social abilities of children with DCD should be ex-
plored further. To date, no study has used eye tracking
J Abnorm Child Psychol
methodology to examine how children with DCD attend to
socially-relevant stimuli. Although similarities have been
identified between children with DCD and ASD in terms of
the number of correct responses they make when identifying
socially-relevant information, such as expressions and gaze,
(Sumner et al. 2016b), it is possible that this behavioural sim-
ilarity relies on different attention and processing in the two
groups. Given that social difficulties may persist through to
adolescence and adulthood in DCD, there is a need to better
understand the social problems experienced by this popula-
tion, which should increase recognition and inform appropri-
ate intervention.
The Present Study
Direct comparisons of neurodevelopmental disorders can help
to ascertain whether behavioural and cognitive phenotypesare
specific or general to a disorder. The overall aim of the present
study was to employ eye tracking methodology to examine
how children with ASD, those with DCD, and typically-
developing (TD) children view socially-relevant information.
In doing so, we contribute to the existing eye tracking litera-
ture on ASD, which is currently lacking with regards to
knowledge of primary-aged children. We also further our un-
derstanding of DCD by using this methodology, which has not
yet been used to analyse social behaviour within this
In the present study, spontaneous gaze was recorded and
later analysed while participants viewed images classified as
Individual(one person in the scene) and Social(two or
more people, depicting an interaction). For the Individual
images, a standard approach from previous research was used,
in which faces are presented in a frontal view, with direct gaze
towards the participants (e.g., Pelphrey et al. 2005; Speer et al.
2007). This allowed a direct comparison of individuals in the
current ASD group to those in previous research in terms of
the relative time spent looking at the eyes or face compared to
other parts of the scene. It also allowed the exploration of the
allocation of attention to these regions of interest in the DCD
group. However, this is not the most naturalistic task, and
therefore the social scenes were included to assess attention
to socially-relevant elements of more ecologically-valid stim-
uli and address the limitations of these more controlled im-
ages. Social scenes used in previous studies (e.g. Riby and
Hancock 2008;Ribyetal.2013)haveusednaturalisticpho-
tographs of people during an interaction, in which gaze is
often averted from the participant and appears more naturalis-
tic between people presented in the scene. The current study
adopted this approach for the Socialstimuli, presenting nat-
uralistic interactions between children. In addition to identify-
ing the regions of interest in social scenes, these stimuli also
allowed for consideration of gaze following behaviour. The
analyses therefore aimed to address a number of research
1. Do children with ASD, children with DCD, and TD chil-
dren differ in the amount of time they fixate on the face
and eye regions in a social scene?
2. Does symptom severity (i.e., ASD symptomology, and
motor skill in DCD) relate to the amount of time children
fixate the face?
3. Do children with ASD and those with DCD take longer to
first fixate the face region, in comparison to TD children?
4. Do the three groups show evidence of spontaneously fol-
lowing a personsgaze?
Based on previous research, a number of hypotheses were
proposed. We predicted that children with ASD would fixate
for less time on faces, and the eye region, and be slower to first
fixate the face region than their TD counterparts. It was also
hypothesized that children with ASD would be poorer at fol-
lowing gaze to an object than TD children. Children with
DCD were expected to demonstrate a similar profile to chil-
dren with ASD, although to a lesser extent, and thus perform
below that of the TD group.
Participants aged 710 years formed three groups: children
with ASD, children with DCD, and TD children. Groups were
matched on chronological age (p= 0.15). Importantly, chil-
dren in the two clinical groups (ASD and DCD) had an
existing diagnosis from relevant clinicians external to the re-
search team. Diagnoses were corroborated - and ruled out in
the TD group - using various background measures and the
following inclusion/exclusion criteria applied (see Table 1for
group characteristics):
1. All participants had a Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) 80 on the
Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children (WISC-IV;
Wech sler 2003).
2. Parents completed the lifetime version of the Social
Communication Questionnaire (SCQ, Rutter et al.
2003). The SCQ contains 40 questions, half of which
focus on the behaviour of the child at their present age
and the other half of questions relate to their childsbe-
haviour during the period of time between their 4th and
5th birthday. A score of 15 and above is suggestive of
ASD symptomology. All children in the ASD group were
required to score 15, while all TD children had to score
below the cut-off 15 (i.e., ruling out ASD characteristics
in this group). In fact, all TD children scored below 9 on
the SCQ (note: 72% of the TD group scored <5). The
SCQ was an exploratory measure for the DCD group
and, therefore, no cut-off was applied.
3. Motor competency was assessed using the Movement
Assessment Battery for Children, second edition
(MABC-2; Henderson et al. 2007), a standardised assess-
ment of fine and gross motor skill. Overall test perfor-
mance was converted to a percentile rank (UK norms).
As all children in the DCD group had an existing diagno-
sis, the MABC-2 inclusion criterion for this group was a
score 16th percentile. Children in the TD group scored
25th percentile. The MABC-2 was an exploratory mea-
sure for the ASD group and thus no exclusion criteria
were applied.
4. Prior to testing, parents completed a screening question-
naire. Parents of children in the ASD and DCD groups
reported no additional diagnoses, such as ADHD, ASD,
or dyslexia, no form of visual or neurological impairment,
nor a general medical condition; parents of children in the
TD groups did not identify diagnoses of any kind.
Thirty-one children with ASD were recruited through spe-
cialist schools and special educational needs units attached to
mainstream schools in South London, and also by advertise-
ments through a charitable organisation, the National Autistic
Society. One child was excluded due to a low FSIQ, two
children were excluded because they had difficulty complet-
ing the eye tracker calibration procedure (following four at-
tempts). The final sample comprised 28 children (24 male)
with ASD. As well as considering information from the
SCQ, children in this group scored 7 on Module 3 of the
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2; Lord
et al. 2012), demonstrating a group mean score of 8.67 (stan-
dard deviation, 1.11). ADOS data were not collected for 3
children in the sample because they had undergone their diag-
nostic assessment, which required completing the ADOS,
close to the time of the study. Fourteen children with ASD
(50%) had moderate to significant motor difficulties (16th
percentile) as assessed by the MABC-2.
The DCD group initially comprised 34 children, recruited via
an advertisement placed with a charitable foundation, the
Dyspraxia Foundation, and primary schools in South London.
One child was excluded due to a FSIQ below cut-off, and a
further 5 participants were removed from the sample due to
difficulties with eye tracking calibration requirements (again fol-
lowing four attempts to calibrate). Therefore, the final sample
comprised 28 children (21 male) that met the DSM-5 criteria
(APA, 2013) for DCD: motor ability below the level expected
given the childs age and measured-IQ, motor difficulties were
not explained by medical or neurological condition and were
present in the early developmental period. Of note, 5 children
with DCD (18%) scored above the SCQ cut-off.
Thirty-one TD children were recruited from mainstream
primary schools in the South London area. Adhering to the
inclusion/exclusion criteria, six children were excluded from
further study due to scoring below the motor difficulty cut-off
Table 1 Participant characteristics
Characteristics TD (n=25) ASD (n=28) DCD(n=28) F(df) p n
Post hoc
Gender (m;f) 22;3 24;4 21;7 ––
Age (in years)
Mean (SD) 9.10 (1.07) 8.58 (1.18) 8.53 (1.16) 1.97 0.15 0.05 All ns
Range 7.7010.74 7.0110.91 7.0410.99 (2, 78)
FSIQ standard score
Mean (SD) 110.64 (10.07) 101.32 (14.32) 95.93 (12.47) 9.30 0.001 0.19 (DCD = ASD) < TD
Range 89127 80136 80126 (2, 78)
Mean (SD) 63.20 (22.20) 31.87 (32.42) 3.23 (4.87) 47.030.001 0.58 DCD < ASD < TD
Range 2598 0.0195 0.0116
Mean (SD) 2.84 (2.67) 22.82 (6.13)
9.85 (6.43)
92.05 0.001 0.71 TD < DCD < ASD
Range 091538 127 (2, 76)
FSIQ = Full Scale IQ from the WISC, M=100, SD = 15. MABC-2 = Movement Assessment Battery for Children, percentile scores; SCQ = Social
Communication Questionnaire.
1 missing data point because parents did not return the questionnaire. ns = non-significant. Nonparametric analyses
conducted due to unequal variances (Kruskal-Wallis Hand post hoc Mann-Whitney reported)
The eye tracking analyses were also conducted excluding the 5 children with
DCD that presented with high SCQ scores and the pattern of results remained
the same. Therefore, the full sample is presented in subsequent analyses.
J Abnorm Child Psychol
on the MABC-2. The final TD sample group thus consisted of
25 children (22 male).
Ethical approval was obtained from Goldsmiths, University of
London. All schools and parents of the participating children
were provided with detailed information relating to the study
aims, planned tasks and the procedures relating to maintaining
anonymity for each participant. Informed consent was then
obtained by asking head teachers of the schools and the indi-
vidual parents to provide written consent confirming that they
were happy for the children to take part in the study. Further,
all children gave verbal assent after the tasks were explained
in full.
Materials and Apparatus
The stimuli consisted of 30 colour images. They were stock
images selected and purchased for the purpose of the experi-
ment through Fotolia. Each image was landscape orientation
and was presented at 800 × 600 pixels. The stimuli depicted a
range of social activities and included children of a similar age
to the participants in the study.
Stimuli were randomly divided into two sets of images: 15
images showing an Individualcharacter with their attention
directed towards the viewer; and 15 images showing Social
interactions between two or more characters (maximum, 4,
following a similar procedure to Riby and Hancock 2008).
In the latter, the charactersattention (gaze) was directed to
others or objects in the scene. All images contained either one
character (child) presented close to an everyday object
(Individual), or two or more characters interacting with the
object (i.e., with gaze directed towards it; Social). The object
was considered a non-social aspect of the scene, along with
the background of the scene, while the head and body of the
character(s) were considered to be social elements. Example
Individualscenes included a child sitting with a book open
but looking directly at the camera (see Fig. 1a), a child on a
scooter, etc.; and Socialscenes included children playing on
atablet(seeFig.1b), throwing a ball to each other, reading
together. Images were presented in a random order and divid-
ed into 2 blocks of 15 (mixed Individual/Social).
Eye movements were recorded using the Eyelink 1000
(SR-research; 1000 Hz sampling rate), and children viewed
the stimuli presented on a computer monitor from a viewing
distance of approximately 70 cm (1024 × 786 screen resolu-
tion). Each image was presented for 3000 ms. The stimuli
subtended a visual angle of approximately 29 × 18°. At the
beginning of the session, children completed a 9-point cali-
bration, requiring fixations to be made within 1° of each fix-
ation point, followed by a validation phase. This procedure
was also repeated after the break that followed the first block
of images. The camera was set up in the desktop mount and
was non-invasive. A combined forehead/chin rest was used to
keep the head stable and the eye movements within range. All
children were given the option to not use this rest, but all opted
to do so. A height-adjustable chair was used and the forehead/
chin rest could also be adjusted for height and size to accom-
modate the participant. The experiment was implemented
using Experiment Builder and analysed using Data Viewer
(both SR Research software). Data Viewer automatically iden-
tifies fixations and saccades using predetermined criteria.
Saccades are operationalised by velocity/acceleration criteria
(30° per second; acceleration > 8000° per second squared);
fixations are determined as when velocity drops back below
30° per second.
Eye Tracking Data Analyses
Areas of Interest (AOIs) Data Viewer (SR-research) enabled
the construction of AOIs over the viewed images. The first
step of analysis identified four AOIs: the background in the
image, the object, the face, and the body. Figure 1c and d
provides an example of how AOIs were drawn in the first
instance. This was then followed up to consider the eye and
mouth regions/AOIs. Analyses were conducted to investigate
fixations to specific AOIs. Following a similar procedure to
Riby and Hancock (2008), fixations to the backgroundwere
calculated by drawing an AOI around the outline of the image
and calculating all fixations to the image minus those directed
to the other AOIs (face, body, object). Therefore, back-
grounddoes not include the white border of the screen sur-
rounding the image (i.e., the image did not fill the whole
screen). A recent meta-analysis identified that percentage of
time spent in specific regions is the most widely and uniformly
reported measure in eye tracking studies that focus on ASD
population (Chita-Tegmark 2016). Therefore, overall time
spent fixating the AOIs was calculated as a percentage of the
time that the image was shown on screen.
Time to Fixate the Face This was calculated from the start time
at which the image was presented on the screen in relation to
when a fixation was first made to any part of the face AOI (in
seconds). First fixations were recorded as those that occurred
after the first saccade from the stimulus onset. This prevented
scoring fixations that occurred in the face region simply because
the eye position was there when the image was first shown.
Gaze Following The Social images contained 2 or more chil-
dren and their gaze was naturally directed either to another
child or the object in the scene. For ease of analysis, tendency
to follow gaze was investigated only during the images that
showed all children in the scene directing their gaze to the
same object. Six images met this criteria (the remaining im-
ages had mixed content - where children in the scene were
looking at different things, either the object or another child).
Figure 1b is an example of two children both looking at a
tablet device. Other examples include children reading a book
together, passing a ball, and completing a puzzle. Gaze fol-
lowing was confirmed if children fixated on the eye AOI of
the children in the photographs and then executed a saccade
immediately to the object AOI. Additional analyses were con-
ducted on scan paths where children fixated on the head AOI
followed by the object AOI. Number of valid gaze shifts were
recorded for each participant, as well as the time spent fixating
the object.
Statistical Analyses
Tests of normality and homogeneity were checked prior to
statistical test selection. Parametric tests were conducted un-
less otherwise indicated. To answer research questions 1 and
3, repeated measures ANOVAs were conducted to investigate
group differences and to compare Individual and Social im-
ages. Significant main effects and interactions were analysed
further using post-hoc comparisons and simple main effects.
Bonferroni-corrected values are indicated in the relevant sec-
tions of the results. To answer research question 2, bivariate
correlations were conducted. Sensitivity analyses revealed
that N=81 would be sufficient to detect a small to medium
effect size for both types of analyses (Faul et al. 2007).
Tab le 1revealed that children in the TD group had a sig-
nificantly higher FSIQ than children in the ASD and DCD
groups, while the clinical groups were comparable. In line
with existing ASD eye tracking studies (Fletcher-Watson
et al. 2009), correlations between FSIQ and the dependent
variables were considered. However, no significant correla-
tions were found between FSIQ and the eye tracking measures
(i.e., total fixation time, time to fixate an AOI, etc). Similarly,
correlations between age and gender and the eye tracking
measures were considered, but revealed non-significant re-
sults (ps > 0.12). Therefore, FSIQ, age, and gender were not
included as covariates in the subsequent analyses.
Following the same criteria applied by Fletcher-Watson et al.
(2009), trials with less than 500 ms of eye tracking data recorded
were excluded from the analysis. Using this criterion, only 1.3%
of the trials were removed and these were roughly split across the
three groups. A univariate ANOVA revealed that participants in
each group were engaged with the task (as measured by total
fixation durations per image) for comparable amounts of time in
the Individual (F(2, 78) = 1.68, p= 0.10, n
= 0.04: TD group
M= 2.56 s per image, SD = 1.97; ASD group M=2.34 s per
image, SD = 0.46; DCD group M= 2.60s per image, SD =
0.36) and Social images (F(2, 78) = 0.82, p=0.44, n
TD group M= 2.71 s per image, SD = 0.23; ASD group M=
2.33 s per image, SD = 0.43; DCD group M=2.63sperimage,
SD = 0.27). When participants were not engaged in the task (i.e.,
fixating on the screen), they were making saccades, blinking, or
looking away from the screen.
A 2 × 3 (Image Type x Group) ANOVA was conducted on
the number of saccades made per trial (Individual images: TD
group M= 11.16, SD = 1.36, ASD group, M= 10.45, SD =
1.87, DCD group, M= 9.97, SD = 1.73; Social images: TD
group M= 12.25, SD = 1.38, ASD group, M= 11.37, SD =
2.05, DCD group, M= 10.99, SD = 1.72). Significantly more
eye movements (saccades) were made in the Social images,
F(1, 78) = 144.56, p<0.001,n
= 0.65, presumably because
the images contained more information (characters) to look at.
A significant effect of group was seen, F(2, 78) = 3.77, p=
Fig. 1 Stimuli examples of (a)an
Individualimage (a: ©
contrastwerkstatt/Fotolia), and (b)
aSocialimage. (b: ©julaszka/
Fotolia). AOI examples (cand d)
are also shown. Yellow shading
indicates the background of the
image, red represents the object
AOI, the green is the face AOI,
and blue represents the body AOI
J Abnorm Child Psychol
0.03, n
= 0.08, with post hoc analyses revealing no differ-
ences for the TD vs ASD and DCD vs ASD comparisons
(ps > 0.24), but children with DCD made significantly fewer
saccades than the TD group (p= 0.02). No interaction was
found, F(2, 78) = 0.36, p= 0.69, n
= 0.01. Given that the
number of saccades made was different only for the DCD
and TD comparison, the correlation between the number of
saccades and the variables tested in subsequent analyses was
taken into consideration. However, no significant correlations
were found between number of saccades per trial and any of
the experimental eye tracking measures (viewing time to the
AOIs, time to first fixate the face). For this reason, the number
of saccades made was not included as a covariate in the sub-
sequent analyses.
Viewing Times to Areas of Interest
Figure 2illustrates how visual attention was distributed across
the Individual and Social scenes, considering percentage of
total viewing time per trial to the following AOIs: back-
ground, object, face, body.
A 2 × 4 × 3 (Image Type x AOI x Group) ANOVA was
conducted. Significance levels were Bonferroni-corrected to
p= 0.01. There was no main effect of Image Type, F(1, 78) =
5.70, p=0.02,n
= 0.07, but there was a main effect of AOI,
F(3, 234) = 272.53, p<0.001, n
= 0.78, revealing a larger
proportion of time spent fixating the face region in compari-
son to the other AOIs (p< 0.001). A significant interaction
between Image Type and AOI, F(2, 234) = 58.72, p<0.001,
= 0.43, was found, which showed longer viewing time to
the face in the Individual images than the Social images, and
more time spent on the background in the Social images than
in the Individual images.
There was a main effect of Group, F(2, 78) = 7.49, p=
0.001, n
= 0.16, and a significant interaction between AOI
and Group, F(6, 234) = 4.49, p<0.001,n
= 0.10, but not for
Image Type and Group (p= 0.02). Children with ASD did not
differ from the TD group in viewing time to the background,
object, or body AOIs in both image types (all ps > 0.14), but
they did fixate on the face significantly less than TD children in
the Individual, t(51) = 3.04, p= 0.003, d=0.84,andSocialim-
ages, t(51) = 4.68, p< 0.001, d= 1.28. Compared to TD chil-
dren, children with DCD were comparable in their viewing
times to all AOIs (all ps > 0.03) in the Individual images and
all in the Social images, except that children with DCD spent
significantly longer looking at the body AOI than TD children
t(51) = 2.88, p= 0.005, d= 0.80. The DCD and ASD groups
did not differ in attention to any of the AOIs (all ps > 0.07).
The next stage of analysis considered precisely where par-
ticipants were looking when fixating on the face (see Fig. Fig.
3). Statistical comparisons were made only between the eyes
and mouth region (not the other/remaining part of the face).
A 2 × 2 × 3 (Image Type x AOI x Group) ANOVA was con-
ducted. Significance levels were Bonferroni-corrected to p=
0.01. There was a main effect of Image Type, F(1, 78) =
54.33, p<0.001, n
= 0.41, such that a greater proportion of
viewing time was spent in the identified AOIs in the
Individual images across all groups. There was also a main
effect of AOI, F(1, 78) = 48.69, p< 0.001, n
= 0.38,
Background Object Face Body
Proportion of viewing time (%)
Background Object Face Body
Proportion of viewing time (%)
Fig. 2 Gaze to areas of interest for (a) Individual and (b)Socialacrossthe
three groups. The proportions do not total 100% because of time spent
looking at areas outside of the interest areas
Proportion of time split
across the face region (%)
Proportion of time split
across the face region (%)
Fig. 3 Gaze time directed to the eyes, mouth, and other AOI in the face
region, as a proportion of time spent fixating the face as a whole, for (a)
Individual and (b) Social images across the three groups
revealing a larger proportion of time spent fixating the eye
region in comparison to the mouth; and a significant interac-
tion between Image Type and AOI, F(1, 78) = 14.67,
p<0.001, n
= 0.16, which showed a greater difference be-
tween fixating the eyes and mouth in the Individual images.
There was a main effect of Group, F(2, 78) = 5.89, p=0.004,
= 0.13, revealing children with ASD spent significantly
less time fixating on the eyes (p< 0.01) than the TD group;
but no significant interactions involving Group (ps > 0.08).
Correlations with Symptom Severity
Time spent fixating the face region was combined for both the
Individual and Social performance. A significant negative cor-
relation was found for the SCQ score (all groups combined for
a full range of scores) and overall time spent fixating the face
(r=0.32, p= 0.006). Higher scores on the SCQ indicate
more ASD-like symptomology, thus those recognised by par-
ents as having more social difficulties spent less time fixating
the face region. However, when correlations were split by
group, no significant correlations remained for the SCQ and
overall time spent fixating the face (ps > 0.11). The MABC-2
total test score did not correlate with the overall time spent
fixating the face region (p= 0.13), suggesting no relationship
between motor ability and a preference to fixate the face. Of
note, the SCQ and MABC-2 performance were not signifi-
cantly correlated with the subsequent eye tracking measures:
time to fixate the face, or gaze following.
Time Taken to Fixate the Face
Tab le 2reports the time taken to first fixate the face region in
the images. The correlation between the number of saccades
made during the trials (reported at the beginning of the results)
and the time taken to fixate the face region was considered but
revealed a non-significant relationship (rs < 0.42 and ps>
0.93). Therefore, a link between more saccades and longer
times to fixate the face was not found.
A 2 × 3 (Image Type x Group) ANOVA revealed no effect
of group membership, F(2, 78) = 1.41, p= 0.25, n
= 0.04,
although a signficiant effect of image type was found, F(1,
78) = 125.47, p<0.001,n
= 0.62. All groups fixated the face
sooner in the Individual images. Further, a non-significant
interaction, F(2, 78) = 1.83, p=0.17,n
= 0.05, demonstrated
that this effect was similar across groups. Nevertheless, it was
noteworthy that, although not statistically significant, children
with DCD took longer to fixate the face than the TD and ASD
groups in the Individual images.
Gaze Following
Example scanpaths are shown in Fig. 4. As a reminder, this
analysis was focused on 6 Social images. Of note, 1 TD child
(3.8% of the group) did not make any valid gaze shifts (eye
AOI to object AOI) in any of the six images, neither did 6
children with ASD (21%) and 8 children with DCD (29%). Of
those children who did follow gaze at least once, the mean
number of valid gaze shifts from the eye to object AOI for the
TD group was M= 3.00, SD, 1.93 (range: 16), in the ASD
group, M= 2.26, SD, 1.37 (range: 16) and in the DCD group,
M= 2.56, SD, 1.15 (range: 15). No significant group differ-
ence was found for the mean number of eye to object gaze
shifts, F(2, 67) = 1.06, p=0.35, n
= 0.04. Time spent fixat-
ing the object was analysed as an indicator of interest in the
part of the scene to which the actors were directing attention,
and also revealed no significant group differences (F(2, 75) =
259, p= 0.06. n
= 0.06): TD, M= 0.60s per image, SD =
0.27; ASD, M= 0.46 s per image, SD = 0.26; DCD, M=
0.44 s per image, SD = 0.25).
Given that the direction/angle of the head can also provide
cues as to where attention is directed, we extended this anal-
ysis to look at gaze shifts from the face to object. Here we
found that all TD children made valid gaze shifts from the
(7%) still did not and, interestingly, 5 children with DCD
(18%) failed to do so: suggesting that a proportion of children
were not receptive to following othersvisual attention. When
the analysis was not constrained to the eye region, a higher
number of gaze shifts were found in all groups (TD, M=4.84,
SD, 2.05 (range: 18); ASD, M= 3.35, SD, 1.76 (range: 16);
DCD, M= 3.54, SD, 1.77 (range: 18). Here significant group
differences were found, F(2, 78) = 6.70, p=0.002,n
and post hoc analyses revealed that children with DCD (p=
0.005) and children with ASD (p= 0.007) made significantly
fewer gaze shifts from the head to object AOI than the TD
group. However, the DCD and ASD groups made a compa-
rable number of gaze shifts (p=0.99).
To further examine whether children with poor motor skill performed poorer
than those with age-appropriate motor skills, the mean scores on the eye
tracking measures for the subset of children with ASD performing below the
motor cut-off on the MABC-2 were also compared to children with DCD and
the remaining children with ASD who had age-appropriate motor skills. This
analysis revealed no differences in the time spent fixating the face region (p=
0.09)ortimetofixatetheface(p= 0.17) between the three groups.
Table 2 Mean time taken, in seconds, to fixate the face: all groups
Time to fixate TD (n=25) ASD (n=28) DCD(n=28)
Mean (SD) 0.53 (28) 0.59 (0.14) 0.75 (0.40)
Range 0.291.31 0.370.93 0.401.89
Mean (SD) 1.17 (0.55) 1.13 (0.18) 1.15 (0.48)
Range 0.551.92 0.781.47 0.462.07
J Abnorm Child Psychol
The main aim of the present study was to examine how chil-
dren with ASD, DCD and TD children view socially-relevant
information, and to determine whether groups differed in this
respect. Individual images showing direct gaze were used
alongside scenes that were more ecologically valid in showing
a natural interaction among two or more children. Confirming
our initial predictions, and in support of exisiting findings on
younger and older ASD populations (Klin et al. 2002;Riby
and Hancock 2008,2009; Sasson et al. 2007; von Hofsten
et al. 2009), primary-aged children with ASD were found to
fixate less on the face and eye regions than TD children. This
may, in part, contribute to the difficulties these children often
experience with recognising faces and processing facial ex-
pressions and gaze (Corbett et al. 2014; Dawson et al. 2005;
Sumner et al. 2016b). However, in comparison to TD chil-
dren, children with ASD were found to take a similar amount
of time to first make a fixation to the face region, conflicting
with exisiting data on adolescents with ASD (Freeth et al.
2010,2011) and suggesting that children with ASD do search
a scene for social information to some extent. Nevertheless, a
number of children with ASD (21%) did not spontaneously
follow the gaze (from the eye AOI to object) of the children in
the images. Thorup et al. (2016) found that infants at-risk of
ASD were less likely to follow gaze when information was
only provided from an adults eye and instead they were more
successful in doing so when a head shift was made alongside
gaze. In the present study, the eyes/head in the images were
always in the same direction, but we found that the percentage
of children with ASD who did not demonstrate a gaze shift to
the object decreased to 7% when looking at saccades made
from anywhere in the head AOI to the object, indicating that
some children may interpret clues from the angle of the head
rather than the eyes.
Using eye tracking methodology to better understand social
behaviour in a DCD population was a novel approach, and com-
parisons to ASD and TD children enabled the identification of
some atypicalities. In fact, this study provides the first experimen-
tal account of how children with DCD process socially-relevant
information. While the pattern of results were not as exaggerated
for children with DCD as they were for children with ASD (they
performed in between the TD and ASD groups on time fixating
the head and eye regions), some interesting patterns of behaviour
did emerge. Although not significantly different, overall children
with DCD were slower than the ASD and TD groups to first
fixate the face in the viewed images. Moreover, children with
DCD were the most impaired out of the three groups in the
examination of tendency to follow gaze. Nearly a third of the
DCD group did not follow the direction of gaze from the eyes to
the object on even one occasion. This decreased to 18% when the
head-to-object analysis was conducted, indicating that a signifi-
cant number of children with DCD did not utilise gaze cues when
passively viewing the social interactions. It is interesting that
although children with DCD, on average, spent longer looking
at the eye region than those with ASD, fewer children with DCD
interpreted these gaze cues. Gaze can reveal a personsintentions
and research has shown that other peoples eyes naturally guide
our own visual attention (Macdonald and Tatler 2013). A lack of
awareness in this respect may indicate poor understanding of
social conventions and would understandably have repercussions
for social interaction. Thus, these exploratory findings of unusual
gaze behaviour potentially support the notion of social atypical-
ities in a DCD population (Cummins et al. 2005;Sumneretal.
Fig. 4 Examples of gaze scan
paths by (a)TDchild,(b)child
with DCD and (c)childwith
ASD. Photograph © Serhiy
2016b), and this work could be usefully extended with more
specific gaze following tasks, discussed below.
In addition to the group comparisons discussed above, the
current study also assessed the influence of broader social
abilities on how children process socially-relevant information
across the three groups. As expected, a higher number of
atypical social characteristics, as measured by the parent re-
port SCQ, were shown to correlate with fewer fixations made
to the face region; although this correlation is likely driven by
group membership, given that when considered by individual
group the correlation diminished. The direction of a possible
relationship, however, remains unclear; thus, reduced atten-
tion to faces may influence how children act socially or social
experiences may influence how children with ASD and DCD
attend to faces. Future research might further explore this re-
lationship with more experimental measures of social skills,
rather than parent reports, in relation to eye-tracking perfor-
mance, over development, which will allow further interpre-
tations of cause and effect in these relationships.
Unexpectedly, when considering the earlier argument that
motor skills enable opportunities for social interaction (Campos
et al. 2000;Clearfield2011), poorer motor skill did not correlate
with fixations to the face. The interaction between motor and
social development may be better studied in early development,
which can be difficult in a DCD population when diagnoses are
often made from the age of 5 (Blank et al. 2011). Indeed, children
with DCD are significantly delayed in achieving early gross
motor milestones (Sumner et al. 2016b), and may therefore dem-
onstrate clearer social differences earlier in life than was studied
here. The fact that children with DCD in the current study did not
differ significantly from the typically-developing group but per-
formed at a slightly lower level overall across eye-tracking mea-
sures may suggest that the close relationship between motor and
social difficulties in this group is mediated over time. The social
difficulties reported in DCD at school age (e.g., Chen et al. 2009;
Dewey et al. 2002) may thus be a consequence of poor motor
skill and its effect on interaction, rather than the primary difficulty
in social skills seen in ASD. Future research would benefit from
exploring whether social difficulties (including difficulties fol-
lowing gaze cues) are present from an early age or emerge as a
possible repercussion of motor problems in children with DCD,
but also in an ASD population where motor difficulties are in-
creasingly reported (Landa et al. 2013).
The present study was careful to select the sample groups so
that co-occurring diagnoses were not present and, therefore,
social atypicalities found in the DCD group cannot be attributed
to these children having a dual diagnosis. However some lim-
itations related to the methodology can be raised. One potential
problem might be that the Individual and Social images differed
in not only the the number of people in the image, but also in
the gaze direction of those presented (i.e., direct gaze in the
Individual images, and averted gaze in the Social images).
Direct gaze has been shown to influence ASD performance,
as atypical activation in theory-of-mind networks in adults with
ASD has been shown when viewing direct gaze (Hamilton
2015; von dem Hagen et al. 2014) and increased physiological
responses have been noted which may interfere with face pro-
cessing (Joseph et al. 2008; Kylliainen and Hietanen 2006).
However, this argument does not hold true in the present study
as all groups made a higher proportion of fixations to the face
(and eyes) region in the Individual images where the gaze was
directed to the observer, than in the Social images where gaze
was directed between the characters/objects in the images. In
fact, for all groups, more saccades were made and participants
were slower to first fixate the face region and directed fewer
fixations to the face region in the Social images, suggesting that
the content of the scene influences eye movements. Comparing
highly-controlled direct-gaze images and more naturalistic so-
cial scenes within one study was important because it could
help to explain the mixed findings from previous studies.
Future research could take this further by comparing a range
of different stimuli (e.g., individual and social images with both
averted and direct gaze) across groups or consider whether the
present findings translate to real-life scenarios. We live in a
multi-sensory environment and it may be expected that these
findings would be more pronounced in real life, where more
distractions may occur and the information provided by the face
changes rapidly.
Another point to consider is that we found that children with
DCD made fewer saccades per trial, which could be argued to
limit the conclusions if basic oculomotor function was
interferring with social scene processing. Poor oculomotor con-
trol has in fact been reported in both ASD (Johnson et al. 2016)
and DCD (Sumner et al. 2016a) populations when using para-
digms designed to examine the execution of saccades and fix-
ations. Such paradigms are notably different to a social scene
task, as the latter in the present case does not impose any in-
structions for oculomotor behaviour (i.e., the present task in-
volved passive viewing). Previous research using oculomotor
paradigms suggests that children with DCD have difficulty
inhibiting saccades and maintaining fixations when given spe-
cific instructions that test executive skills (Gonzales et al. 2016;
Sumner et al. 2016a), however we find fewer saccades made
during the social scene task than their peers (but not those with
ASD) and no group differences in average fixation duration,
which suggests that the children with DCD did not present with
poor control of saccadic eye movements when participants are
asked to freely view images. It was beyond the scope of this
paper, but future research may investigate how fundamental
oculomotor processes impact on spontaneous social processing
for both children with ASD and DCD.
A final point to consider for future research relates to the
gaze following analysis. The present study used images that
contained only one object, whereas in other gaze following
studies in adults with ASD the actors gaze is directed to one
of two competing objects (the congruentobject; Freeth et al.
J Abnorm Child Psychol
2010). Now that we have established potentially reduced ten-
dency to follow gaze in DCD and ASD, future research using
the congruent vs incongruent gaze approach in children ASD
and DCD would be beneficial. It may be that individuals with
ASD and DCD are able to use gaze information if they are
directed to the eyes, but that this is not spontaneous.
Regarding ASD, it has been suggested that this lack of auto-
maticity of gaze following could be related to atypical function-
ing of the superior temporal sulcus, which is involved in the
processing of dynamic aspects of faces (Pelphrey et al. 2005).
Brain imaging studies in both ASD and DCD would be neces-
sary to support this claim in relation to the current results.
In summary, the present study identified subtle differences
between children with ASD and children with DCD. Those
with ASD directed their attention to social aspects of a scene
(the face, eyes) significantly less than their typically-
developing peers, while children with DCD demonstrated less
clear differences in their allocation of attention to these areas of
interest compared to TD children. Exploratory analysis re-
vealed that, in comparison to their TD peers, fewer children
with DCD had a reduced tenedency to follow gaze in the social
stimuli. Taken together, these findings hint at some atypicalities
in allocating attention to social stimuli in DCD, but suggest that
this may be linked to different causal mechanisms than in those
with ASD. This work extends exisiting findings from
standardised social measures to consider the allocation of visual
attention to social stimuli. While this goes some way to im-
proving our understanding of underlying processes affecting
social behaviour in DCD, further research is required to under-
stand the neural and cognitive underpinnings of social prob-
lems in the disorder. Future cross-syndrome comparisons are
also warranted to aid understanding of the overlap of ASD and
DCD and to determine effective avenues for intervention.
Acknowledgements This study was funded by The Leverhulme Trust
(RPG-2012-742). Special thanks go to all participating schools, parents
and children. Thanks are also due to our departmental technician, Maurice
Douglas, for technical assistance.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
Ethical Approval All procedures were approved by the Goldsmiths,
University of London, ethics committee and were in accordance with
the ethical standards laid down in the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its
later amendments.
Informed Consent Schools and parents of all participating children were
fully informed about the study and subsequently provided written consent;
while all children provided verbal assent to participate in the named tasks.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appro-
priate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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... 91,92 Both ASD and DCD children tend to reach key motor milestones (crawling, standing, walking) later than NT peers. 64 Some researches even argue that motor impairments can be considered a fundamental feature of ASD implying that no additional diagnosis of DCD is mandatory. 93 Additional difficulties that are mutual to both ASD and DCD, and may further complicate differential diagnosis, include visual face processing, eg, identification of the same face with different expressions. ...
... Also noted are difficulties in social interaction, personal relationships, and coping skills, although social deficits in the DCD group may not be as marked as those seen in children with ASD. 64 There is evidence indicating that deficits in nonverbal communication behaviors that typically emerge in early development, such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, as well as the capacity to share enjoyment and participate in simple back-and-forth games (eg, peek-a-boo), are mostly specific to ASD. 94,95 However, such behaviors may also be delayed in children with DCD, especially in those with difficulties in face processing, gaze following, and imitation. 64 The co-occurrence of motor deficits in ASD and the fact that motor delays may be the first sign for a developmental problem that later is diagnosed as ASD may complicate differentiation between ASD and early DCD. ...
... 64 There is evidence indicating that deficits in nonverbal communication behaviors that typically emerge in early development, such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, as well as the capacity to share enjoyment and participate in simple back-and-forth games (eg, peek-a-boo), are mostly specific to ASD. 94,95 However, such behaviors may also be delayed in children with DCD, especially in those with difficulties in face processing, gaze following, and imitation. 64 The co-occurrence of motor deficits in ASD and the fact that motor delays may be the first sign for a developmental problem that later is diagnosed as ASD may complicate differentiation between ASD and early DCD. This is especially true in infants and toddlers under age 2, a developmental period in which other characteristics of the ASD diagnosis such as impaired social interaction and communication, and RRBs are not fully demonstrated. ...
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This comprehensive thematic review aims to highlight and familiarize readers with the challenges and pitfalls encountered in differential diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in children to facilitate the process of accurate identification by stakeholders. Accordingly, articles that best answer our questions and highlight our concerns were chosen from well-established publishers with prime peer reviewed journals. Included are studies showing alternate views of the issues so as to point readers to other possibilities. ASD, a complex dynamic biological-neurodevelopmental disorder, is underscored by its heterogeneous symptomology, severity, and phenotypes – all characterized by social communication deficits and presence of restricted interests and repetitive behaviours (RRBs), the core symptoms in ASD. Language and intellectual capacities do not form ASD core symptoms although vary considerably. Accurate identification is challenging as ASD is often enmeshed with other neurodevelopmental disorders, and medical comorbidities, a situation now recognized as the rule rather than the exception in child psychiatry and developmental medicine. ASD is a disorder with varying performance and severity of symptoms over time, including unexpected loss of early skills, and lost diagnosis in some children following treatment. The review reiterates the urgency in accurate diagnosis in face of the rapid rise in ASD prevalence globally, and risk-increase in delayed or denied treatment with undesirable life-long consequences for most of the affected children. In addition, a call for change is advised to circumvent the ethical dilemma posed by the present “deficit model” in ASD diagnosis. Here, ASD prevalence is presented first, followed by emphasis on importance of accurate early diagnosis, and challenges in its accomplishment due to flaws in diagnostic instruments and other contributing factors. Next follow the required criteria for accurate identification, and its difficulties attributed to comorbid conditions, gender differences, and socio-economic and cultural influences. The conclusion includes future directions and a take away message.
... In contrast, in clinical practice we often see children with DCD who have very strong communicative skills and actively use this as a social compensation strategy. Most importantly, also non-verbal social skills seem to be affected with children spending less time looking at the face/eye regions, showing a reduced tendency to follow gaze, 13 and demonstrating poorer emotion recognition, [14][15][16] similar to children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 17 Indeed, DCD and ASD often co-occur with four to nine percent of children with DCD having co-occurring ASD 18 and more than 90% of children with autism meeting the diagnostic criteria of DCD. ...
... About half of the children also had unfavorable scores on other subscales. The difficulties in 'Social Awareness' can partly be related to a reduced tendency to follow gaze (item 45; focus on what others look or hear) 13 and the problems children with DCD experience with personal hygiene (items 32; good personal hygiene). 34 Next, the difficulties in 'Social Cognition' confirm poorer emotion recognition (item 15; understand facial expressions) [14][15][16] and sensory modulation issues (item 30 and 42; getting upset in busy situations; hypersensitivity) 35 in children with DCD. ...
... Children with DCD display atypical eye-movement behavior in various tasks. Atypicalities in the location, duration of fixation and number of fixations have been reported in everyday tasks such as mathematical tasks (Gomez et al., 2017;Gomez and Huron, 2020), reading (Warlop et al., 2020a;Bellocchi et al., 2021), social image reading (Sumner et al., 2018), writing but also stairs negotiation (Parr et al., 2020) and walking (Warlop et al., 2020b). ...
... In-lab studies of oculomotor control point to several mechanisms responsible for such atypicalities. Children with DCD show more fixations and a shorter duration of fixation on targets than their peers (Sumner et al., 2018). They also present reduced gain in pursuit eye movements, that is children with DCD showed more saccadic eye movement patterns when asked to smoothly follow a target (Langaas et al., 1998;Robert et al., 2014). ...
... According to the researchers, it is likely that subjects with ASD attribute little importance to the social aspects of the scene. These data are in line with other studies in the literature according to which, for subjects with ASD, social stimuli do not represent a "distinct" category of stimuli, as is the case in typical development (Mo et al., 2019;Sumner et al. , 2018Kröger et al., 2013Campatelli et al., 2013). These first results have changed the way scientists understand developmental differences in attention and social stimuli in children with ASD, where it is generally expected that diagnosis made before age 3 may provide some information on the variability of typical attentional responses of subjects. ...
... These first results have changed the way scientists understand developmental differences in attention and social stimuli in children with ASD, where it is generally expected that diagnosis made before age 3 may provide some information on the variability of typical attentional responses of subjects. with ASD (Sumner et al., 2018;. ...
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As mentioned in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) (APA, 2013), the main features of Autism Spectrum Disorder include (a) the presence of abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication, and (b) the presence of activities /interests/restricted and stereotyped behaviors (APA-DSM-5, 2013). Manifestations of the disorder vary based on the individual's developmental level (DL/IQ) and chronological age. In most cases, the diagnosis of ASD is accompanied by mental retardation, usually of moderate severity. About 75% of children with ASD show abnormalities in cognitive development regardless of the general level of intelligence (Armstrong, 2017; Shyman, 2016; Shic, & Scassellati, 2006). Received: 05 May 2022 / Accepted: 19 May 2023 / Published: 20 May 2023
... Most of the included studies (7/11; 63.6%) were descriptive and compared different clinical features of children with autism and/or DCD. Many studies used motor assessment tools commonly used for identifying DCD, such as the DCD-Q [13,14] and the MABC-2 [15][16][17][18]. Others reported that the A-TAC commonly used in identifying autism could also be used to identify children with DCD [19]. ...
... Examining social abilities, Sumner et al. [18] demonstrated that children with autism spent significantly less time looking at face regions on an image but had a higher tendency to follow gaze directed to another child or to an object in the scene compared to children with DCD. As some social abilities seem to follow a different pattern between children with autism and those with DCD, further studies may be useful to assess whether those differences might be indicators of DCD in autistic children. ...
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Purpose of Review Children with autism who present with motor difficulties may now be given a diagnosis of developmental coordination disorder (DCD) when they meet DCD diagnostic criteria. However, determining whether the motor deficits present in some autistic children are related to DCD, or to autism alone, may be challenging. Our goal was to synthesize recommendations from the literature regarding when to seek a DCD diagnosis in autistic children. We conducted a systematic review of articles published between 2013 and 2019. To be eligible, studies needed to differentiate groups of autistic children with and without DCD, or compare autism with DCD or provide specific recommendations on seeking a DCD diagnosis in autistic children presenting with motor difficulties. Recent Findings Among the 507 records identified, 11 studies were included. Most studies compared clinical presentations of autism and DCD, but few recommendations were found that would guide health professionals in seeking a diagnosis of DCD. Some authors recommended providing a diagnosis when DCD criteria were met while others were more nuanced in their approach. Summary Motor difficulties are common in autistic children. However, no consensus currently exists regarding clinical recommendations for situations when autistic children present with motor difficulties beyond those expected for the disorder. More research is needed to inform guidelines regarding seeking a DCD diagnosis in autistic children that can be applied in clinical practice. In addition, it appears important to develop needs-based services rather than diagnostic-driven services in order to respond to all children’s needs, independent of their diagnosis.
... Indeed, prior research has shown that children with probable DCD performed poorly on tasks involving recognition of emotional facial expressions (Sumner et al., 2016). Moreover, children with DCD showed differences compared to ASD and TD in attending to socially relevant stimuli (Sumner et al., 2018). Further, motor ability was a significant predictor of social behavior in DCD [using the social competence scale of the Child-Behavior Checklist (CBCL)], even when controlling for emotion recognition and visual-spatial organization (Cummins et al., 2005). ...
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This study aimed to better understand how autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and developmental coordination disorder (DCD) differ in types of praxis errors made on the Florida Apraxia Battery Modified (FAB-M) and the potential relationships between praxis errors and social deficits in ASD. The ASD group made significantly more timing sequencing errors in imitation of meaningful gestures, as well as more body-part-for-tool errors during gesture-to-command compared to the other two groups. In the ASD group, increased temporal errors in meaningful imitation were significantly correlated with poorer affect recognition and less repetitive behaviors. Thus, in ASD, aspects of imitation ability are related to socioemotional skills and repetitive behaviors.
... Face/head (N = 33) Avni et al. (2020), Shic (2009), Chawarska et al. (2012), Cole et al. (2017), Del Bianco et al. (2021), Del Valle Rubido et al. (2018, Gillespie-Smith, , Greene et al. (2020), Griffin and Scherf (2020), Grynszpan and Nadel (2014), Hanley et al. (2014), Kaliukhovich et al. (2020), Kirchner et al. (2011), Macari et al. (2021, Murias et al. (2018), Nadig et al. (2010), Parish-Morris et al. (2013), Plesa-Skwerer et al. (2019), Riby and Hancock (2009a), Riby and Hancock (2009b), Rigby et al. (2016), Sasson et al. (2007), Sasson et al. (2016), Shic et al. (2011, Snow et al. (2011), Sumner et al. (2018, Swanson and Siller (2013), Vivanti et al. (2014), White et al. (2015), Wilson et al. (2012), Xavier et al. (2015), Zantinge et al. (2017). ...
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by significant social functioning impairments, including (but not limited to) emotion recognition, mentalizing, and joint attention. Despite extensive investigation into the correlates of social functioning in ASD, only recently has there been focus on the role of low‐level sensory input, particularly visual processing. Extensive gaze deficits have been described in ASD, from basic saccadic function through to social attention and the processing of complex biological motion. Given that social functioning often relies on accurately processing visual information, inefficient visual processing may contribute to the emergence and sustainment of social functioning difficulties in ASD. To explore the association between measures of gaze and social functioning in ASD, a systematic review and meta‐analysis was conducted. A total of 95 studies were identified from a search of CINAHL Plus, Embase, OVID Medline, and psycINFO databases in July 2021. Findings support associations between increased gaze to the face/head and eye regions with improved social functioning and reduced autism symptom severity. However, gaze allocation to the mouth appears dependent on social and emotional content of scenes and the cognitive profile of participants. This review supports the investigation of gaze variables as potential biomarkers of ASD, although future longitudinal studies are required to investigate the developmental progression of this relationship and to explore the influence of heterogeneity in ASD clinical characteristics. Lay Summary This review explored how eye gaze (e.g., where a person looks when watching a movie) is associated with social functioning in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We found evidence that better social functioning in ASD was associated with increased eye gaze toward faces/head and eye regions. Individual characteristics (e.g., intelligence) and the complexity of the social scene also influenced eye gaze. Future research including large longitudinal studies and studies investigating the influence of differing presentations of ASD are recommended.
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Visual joint attention, the ability to track gaze and recognize intent, plays a key role in the development of social and language skills in health humans, which is performed abnormally hard in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The traditional convolutional neural network, EEGnet, is an effective model for decoding technology, but few studies have utilized this model to address attentional training in ASD patients. In this study, EEGNet was used to decode the P300 signal elicited by training and the saliency map method was used to visualize the cognitive properties of ASD patients during visual attention. The results showed that in the spatial distribution, the parietal lobe was the main region of classification contribution, especially for Pz electrode. In the temporal information, the time period from 300 to 500 ms produced the greatest contribution to the electroencephalogram (EEG) classification, especially around 300 ms. After training for ASD patients, the gradient contribution was significantly enhanced at 300 ms, which was effective only in social scenarios. Meanwhile, with the increase of joint attention training, the P300 latency of ASD patients gradually shifted forward in social scenarios, but this phenomenon was not obvious in non-social scenarios. Our results indicated that joint attention training could improve the cognitive ability and responsiveness of social characteristics in ASD patients.
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The ability to use advance information to prepare and execute a movement requires cognitive control of behaviour (e.g., anticipation and inhibition). Our aim was to explore the integrity of saccadic eye movement control in developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and typically developing (TD) children (8–12 years) and assess how these children plan and inhibit saccadic responses, the principal mechanisms within visual attention control. Eye movements and touch responses were measured (separately and concurrently) in Cued and Non-Cued conditions. We found that children with DCD had similar saccade kinematics to the TD group during saccade initiation. Advance information decreased hand movement duration in both groups during Cued trials, but decrements in accuracy were significantly worse in the DCD group. In addition, children with DCD exhibited greater inhibitory errors and inaccurate fixation during the Cued trials. Thus, children with DCD were reasonably proficient in executing saccades during reflexive (Non-Cued) conditions, but showed deficits in more complex control processes involving prediction and inhibition. These findings have implications for our understanding of motor control in children with DCD.
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Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) fail to acquire adequate motor skill, yet surprisingly little is known about the oculomotor system in DCD. Successful completion of motor tasks is supported by accurate visual feedback. The purpose of this study was to determine whether any oculomotor differences can distinguish between children with and without a motor impairment. Using eye tracking technology, visual fixation, smooth pursuit, and pro- and anti-saccade performance were assessed in 77 children that formed three groups: children with DCD (aged 7–10), chronologically age (CA) matched peers, and a motor-match (MM) group (aged 4–7). Pursuit gain and response preparation in the pro- and anti-saccade tasks were comparable across groups. Compared to age controls, children with DCD had deficits in maintaining engagement in the fixation and pursuit tasks, and made more anti-saccade errors. The two typically developing groups performed similarly, except on the fast speed smooth pursuit and antisaccade tasks, where the CA group outperformed the younger MM group. The findings suggest that children with DCD have problems with saccadic inhibition and maintaining attention on a visual target. Developmental patterns were evident in the typically developing groups, suggesting that the pursuit system and cognitive control develop with age. This study adds to the literature by being the first to systematically identify specific oculomotor differences between children with and without a motor impairment. Further examination of oculomotor control may help to identify underlying processes contributing to DCD.
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Motor and social difficulties are often found in children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), to varying degrees. This study investigated the extent of overlap of these problems in children aged 7-10 years who had a diagnosis of either ASD or DCD, compared to typically-developing controls. Children completed motor and face processing assessments. Parents completed questionnaires concerning their child's early motor and current motor and social skills. There was considerable overlap between the ASD and DCD groups on the motor and social assessments, with both groups more impaired than controls. Furthermore, motor skill predicted social functioning for both groups. Future research should consider the relationships between core symptoms and their consequences in other domains.
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Throughout development, we gain increasing control over our bodies, allowing us to move around our environment and manipulate and use objects. This developing motor control is key to our understanding of the properties of our environment (Piaget, 1953). Being able to crawl or walk affects infants' understanding of the distance between objects, as well as the feel of different surfaces and slopes (Adolph and Joh, 2007). They will also be exposed to different risks in the environment, leading to a change in the relationships with their caregivers as they learn to use social information, such as facial expressions or tone of voice, to guide their exploration (Campos et al., 2000). The development of motor skills can therefore be viewed as part of an interactive developmental process with perceptual, social, and cognitive abilities (Thelen, 1992), which is subject to the constraints of the body and the environment. One theme of research which could help to provide more insight into these typical developmental processes is the study of neurodevelopmental disorders, in which expected interactions between different abilities may be disrupted. Motor difficulties have been highlighted in a number of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (Provost et al., 2007), specific language impairment (Hill, 2001) and dyslexia (Nicolson et al., 2001), all of which have core deficits in other domains, such as language or social communication. The current article will focus on developmental coordination disorder (DCD), in which motor impairments are central to the diagnosis (see Table 1). DCD is relatively understudied and under-recognized in comparison to many other neurodevelopmental disorders, despite its prevalence of around 5–6% in the population (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). However, given the close connections between motor development and the other skills outlined above, this article will argue that DCD provides a model case for investigating the impact of poor motor skills on perceptual, social and cognitive development. A review of pertinent research will demonstrate the impact that poor motor skills can have on functioning in a number of different domains. Finally, the article will suggest that raising awareness of the relationships between these skills is a vital next step to aid earlier intervention for a range of perceptual, social and cognitive difficulties in individuals with motor difficulties. This will not only benefit those with DCD, but could also improve outcomes in a range of other neurodevelopmental disorders.
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The ability to follow gaze is an important prerequisite for joint attention, which is often compromised in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The direction of both the head and eyes provides cues to other people’s attention direction, but previous studies have not separated these factors and their relation to ASD susceptibility. Development of gaze following typically occurs before ASD diagnosis is possible, and studies of high-risk populations are therefore important. Eye tracking was used to assess gaze following during interaction in a group of 10-month-old infants at high familial risk for ASD (high-risk group) as well as a group of infants with no family history of ASD (low-risk group). The infants watched an experimenter gaze at objects in the periphery. Performance was compared across two conditions: one in which the experimenter moved both the eyes and head toward the objects (Eyes and Head condition) and one that involved movement of the eyes only (Eyes Only condition). A group by condition interaction effect was found. Specifically, whereas gaze following accuracy was comparable across the two conditions in the low-risk group, infants in the high-risk group were more likely to follow gaze in the Eyes and Head condition than in the Eyes Only condition. In an ecologically valid social situation, responses to basic non-verbal orienting cues were found to be altered in infants at risk for ASD. The results indicate that infants at risk for ASD may rely disproportionally on information from the head when following gaze and point to the importance of separating information from the eyes and the head when studying social perception in ASD.
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Direct gaze is an engaging and important social cue, but the meaning of direct gaze depends heavily on the surrounding context. This paper reviews some recent studies of direct gaze, to understand more about what neural and cognitive systems are engaged by this social cue and why. The data show that gaze can act as an arousal cue and can modulate actions, and can activate brain regions linked to theory of mind and self-related processing. However, all these results are strongly modulated by the social meaning of a gaze cue and by whether participants believe that another person is really watching them. The implications of these contextual effects and audience effects for our theories of gaze are considered. © 2015 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
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Background Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show impairment in reciprocal social communication, which includes deficits in social cognition and behavior. Since social cognition and social behavior are considered to be interdependent, it is valuable to examine social processes on multiple levels of analysis. Neuropsychological measures of face processing often reveal deficits in social cognition in ASD including the ability to identify and remember facial information. However, the extent to which neuropsychological measures are associated with or predictive of real-world social behavior is unclear. Methods The study investigated 66 children (ASD 34, typically developing (TD) 32) using neuropsychological measures of face processing (identity, affect, and memory). Children also participated in a peer interaction paradigm, which allowed observation and coding of natural social interaction behaviors during play with peers (e.g., Self-Play, Cooperative Play, Verbal Bout). ANCOVA, regression, and correlation models analyzed between-group differences, the ability of neuropsychological measures to predict social behavior, and the strength of the associations. Results Between-group differences were shown on Memory for Faces Delayed and the peer interaction variables Self-Play and Verbal Bout. Regression models indicated that Memory for Faces Delayed predicted the amount of Self-Play, Equipment use alone, and Cooperative Play with peers on the playground. Autism symptomology only predicted verbal exchange with peers. Conclusions Face memory strongly predicts relevant social engagement patterns in both children with and without ASD. Impairment in facial memory is associated with reduced ‘real-world’ social interaction and more self-play, whereas higher performance in face memory predicts more cooperative play. Results highlight the strong connection between face memory and reciprocal social interaction, suggesting that improvement in one may benefit the other.
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The onset of locomotion heralds one of the major life transitions in early development and involves a pervasive set of changes in perception, spatial cognition, and social and emotional development. Through a synthesis of published and hitherto unpublished findings, gathered from a number of converging research designs and methods, this article provides a comprehensive review and reanalysis of the consequences of self-produced locomotor experience. Specifically, we focus on the role of locomotor experience in changes in social and emotional development, referential gestural communication, wariness of heights, the perception of self-motion, distance perception, spatial search, and spatial coding strategies. Our analysis reveals new insights into the specific processes by which locomotor experience brings about psychological changes. We elaborate these processes and provide new predictions about previously unsuspected links between locomotor experience and psychological function. The research we describe is relevant to our broad understanding of the developmental process, particularly as it pertains to developmental transitions. Although acknowledging the role of genetically mediated developmental changes, our viewpoint is a transactional one in which a single acquisition, in this case the onset of locomotion, sets in motion a family of experiences and processes that in turn mobilize both broad-based and context-specific psychological reorganizations. We conclude that, in infancy, the onset of locomotor experience brings about widespread consequences, and after infancy, can be responsible for an enduring role in development by maintaining and updating existing skills.
There has been considerable focus placed on how individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) visually perceive and attend to social information, such as facial expressions or social gaze. The role of eye movements is inextricable from visual perception, however this aspect is often overlooked. We performed a series of meta-analyses based on data from 28 studies of eye movements in ASD to determine whether there is evidence for ocular motor dysfunction in ASD. Tasks assessed included visually-guided saccade tasks, gap/overlap, anti-saccade, pursuit tasks and ocular fixation. These analyses revealed evidence for ocular motor dysfunction in ASD, specifically relating to saccade dysmetria, difficulty inhibiting saccades and impaired tracking of moving targets. However there was no evidence for deficits relating to initiating eye movements, or engaging and disengaging from simple visual targets. Characterizing ocular motor abnormalities in ASD may provide insight into the functional integrity of brain networks in ASD across development, and assist our understanding of visual and social attention in ASD.