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The Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium - A protocol for building a national environmental exposure data platform for integrated analyses of urban form and health


Abstract and Figures

Background: Multiple external environmental exposures related to residential location and urban form including, air pollutants, noise, greenness, and walkability have been linked to health impacts or benefits. The Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE) was established to facilitate the linkage of extensive geospatial exposure data to existing Canadian cohorts and administrative health data holdings. We hypothesize that this linkage will enable investigators to test a variety of their own hypotheses related to the interdependent associations of built environment features with diverse health outcomes encompassed by the cohorts and administrative data. Methods: We developed a protocol for compiling measures of built environment features that quantify exposure; vary spatially on the urban and suburban scale; and can be modified through changes in policy or individual behaviour to benefit health. These measures fall into six domains: air quality, noise, greenness, weather/climate, and transportation and neighbourhood factors; and will be indexed to six-digit postal codes to facilitate merging with health databases. Initial efforts focus on existing data and include estimates of air pollutants, greenness, temperature extremes, and neighbourhood walkability and socioeconomic characteristics. Key gaps will be addressed for noise exposure, with a new national model being developed, and for transportation-related exposures, with detailed estimates of truck volumes and diesel emissions now underway in selected cities. Improvements to existing exposure estimates are planned, primarily by increasing temporal and/or spatial resolution given new satellite-based sensors and more detailed national air quality modelling. Novel metrics are also planned for walkability and food environments, green space access and function and life-long climate-related exposures based on local climate zones. Critical challenges exist, for example, the quantity and quality of input data to many of the models and metrics has changed over time, making it difficult to develop and validate historical exposures. Discussion: CANUE represents a unique effort to coordinate and leverage substantial research investments and will enable a more focused effort on filling gaps in exposure information, improving the range of exposures quantified, their precision and mechanistic relevance to health. Epidemiological studies may be better able to explore the common theme of urban form and health in an integrated manner, ultimately contributing new knowledge informing policies that enhance healthy urban living.
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S T U D Y P R O T O C O L Open Access
The Canadian Urban Environmental Health
Research Consortium a protocol for
building a national environmental exposure
data platform for integrated analyses of
urban form and health
Jeffrey R. Brook
, Eleanor M. Setton
, Evan Seed
, Mahdi Shooshtari
, Dany Doiron
and CANUE The Canadian
Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium
Background: Multiple external environmental exposures related to residential location and urban form including,
air pollutants, noise, greenness, and walkability have been linked to health impacts or benefits. The Canadian Urban
Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE) was established to facilitate the linkage of extensive geospatial
exposure data to existing Canadian cohorts and administrative health data holdings. We hypothesize that this
linkage will enable investigators to test a variety of their own hypotheses related to the interdependent
associations of built environment features with diverse health outcomes encompassed by the cohorts and
administrative data.
Methods: We developed a protocol for compiling measures of built environment features that quantify exposure; vary
spatially on the urban and suburban scale; and can be modified through changes in policy or individual behaviour to
benefit health. These measures fall into six domains: air quality, noise, greenness, weather/climate, and transportation
and neighbourhood factors; and will be indexed to six-digit postal codes to facilitate merging with health databases.
Initial efforts focus on existing data and include estimates of air pollutants, greenness, temperature extremes, and
neighbourhood walkability and socioeconomic characteristics. Key gaps will be addressed for noise exposure, with a
new national model being developed, and for transportation-related exposures, with detailed estimates of truck
volumes and diesel emissions now underway in selected cities. Improvements to existing exposure estimates are
planned, primarily by increasing temporal and/or spatial resolution given new satellite-based sensors and more
detailed national air quality modelling. Novel metrics are also planned for walkability and food environments, green
space access and function and life-long climate-related exposures based on local climate zones. Critical challenges
exist, for example, the quantity and quality of input data to many of the models and metrics has changed over time,
making it difficult to develop and validate historical exposures.
(Continued on next page)
* Correspondence:
Processes Research Section, Air Quality Research Division, Environment and
Climate Change Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Brook et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:114
DOI 10.1186/s12889-017-5001-5
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
(Continued from previous page)
Discussion: CANUE represents a unique effort to coordinate and leverage substantial research investments and will
enable a more focused effort on filling gaps in exposure information, improving the range of exposures quantified,
their precision and mechanistic relevance to health. Epidemiological studies may be better able to explore the
common theme of urban form and health in an integrated manner, ultimately contributing new knowledge informing
policies that enhance healthy urban living.
Keywords: Urban form, Exposure, Air pollution, Noise pollution, Green space, Transportation, Climate, Public health
Multiple external environmental exposures related to
residential location and urban form including, air pollut-
ants [13], noise [46], greenness [7], and walkability
[810] have been linked to health impacts or benefits. In
Canada, more than 80% of the population lives in urban
areas [11], and with clear evidence that health impacts
can occur even at exposure levels that are considered to
be low [12], there is an urgent need to learn how to
design and modify cities to improve, not degrade, popu-
lation health [13]. A concerted effort to address this
need could provide the informative science to support
urban planners and population health-related policy
makers who are faced with very real issues such as,
urban sprawl, traffic congestion, car-dependency, social
equity and sustainability.
We hypothesize that a coordinated program capitaliz-
ing on: 1)the opportunity of emerging big data relating
to our physical environment; 2) improvements in
methods for managing and analyzing large data streams;
3) learning from efforts to increase power for epidemio-
logical discovery by initiating large prospective cohorts
[1417], combining existing cohorts [18] or building
large administrative cohorts [1921]; can support the
production of substantial new knowledge about how the
environment contributes to chronic disease. Hu et al.
(2017) suggested that population health stands to benefit
from the big data and precision medicine agendas if a
parallel effort to introduce measures that capture poten-
tial health risks at multiple levels of influence can be re-
alized [22]. We view such an effort as bringing big
environmental datainto the equation and the insights
gained could have applications from the individual to
the population level [23].
In 2015 the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
(CIHR) called for a new national consortium that would
bring together scientific and other expertise from a wide
variety of disciplines and fields from academia, government,
non-governmental organizations and industry to focus on
specific research priorities that can only be addressed
through interdisciplinary and intersectoral research. This
included developing a data and methodological hubwhere
environmental researchers could collaborate with cohorts
and health researchers on focused health projects using
innovative measurement models and analysis-readydata
[24]. Responding to this call, the Canadian Urban Envir-
onmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE) was
established and aims, through a coordinated program, to
capitalize on Canadas growing big data capacity by facili-
tating the linkage of extensive geospatial exposure data to
the wealth of established cohorts and administrative
health data holdings ( This linkage will
enable investigators to test a variety of hypotheses related
to the interdependent associations of built environment
features with diverse health outcomes encompassed by
the cohorts and administrative data.
The goal of this paper is to present CANUEs protocol
for acquiring, developing and indexing exposure data for
integration with health databases, and to discuss some
of the challenges associated with developing accurate
exposure estimates related to urban form. In addition,
we provide examples of plans and opportunities to gen-
erate big environmental data to advance our understand-
ing of environmental health and help optimize urban
planning to benefit public health.
Data protocol
CANUEs vision is to increase scientific understanding
of the interactions among the physical features of the
urban environment and health. This understanding will
lead to cost-effective actions that promote healthy child-
hood development and aging, reduce the burden of
chronic disease, and minimize the impact of changing
environments. To achieve this vision, CANUE is estab-
lishing and implementing a protocol for compiling envir-
onmental measures or metrics that: quantify exposure,
behaviour patterns or effect modifiers; vary spatially on
the urban and suburban scale; can be obtained for
multiple urbanized regions in Canada and; could be
modified through changes in policy or individual behav-
iour to benefit health. While urban areas are the focus,
exposures across rural Canada are also being compiled.
CANUEs main data-related products are: (1) multiple
spatial maps or surfaces (Fig. 1), one for each environ-
mental exposure metric, that can linked to individuals
Brook et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:114 Page 2 of 15
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included in health studies based upon the locations
where they spend time (e.g., home); (2) computational
tools to derive new exposure metrics; (3) documentation
of the methods and data, how they were derived, by
whom and key information relevant to data usage (e.g.,
potential limitations) and; (4) facilitation of exposure
data extraction for individual-level data merging with
major Canadian health databases (Table 1), including
consideration of residential mobility.
CANUE currently focuses on collating and generating
exposure metrics in six domains: Air Pollution, Noise,
Greenness, Weather and Climate, Transportation, and
Neighbourhood Factors, which include land-use, urban
design and social determinants. These factors are
grouped together, recognizing that much of our health
and well-being begins at the neighbourhood level and
there has been a great deal of theoretical guidance as to
which factors at this scale are paramount, influencing
key behaviours such physical activity and diet [25, 26].
Also, it is at this scale that patterns in socioeconomic
factors manifest, creating a backdrop of individual sus-
ceptibility that must be considered in the context of
Fig. 1 Schematic of the main data products and linkages being compiled through CANUE
Table 1 Major Canadian Health Databases
Type Name Participants Start Year
Cohort Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project 300,000 20002009
Cohort Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging 50,000 2010
Cohort Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development Study 10,059 2008
Cohort All Our Babies and All Our Families 6774 2008
Cohort Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition 5841 2009
Cohort TARGet Kids! 5062 2008
Cohort Ontario Birth Study 2748 2013
Cohort 3D Study - Design, Develop, Discover 2456 2010
Cohort Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals 2000 2008
Cohort Canadian Cohort of Obstructive Lung Disease 1400 2009
Cohort - administrative Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohort (1991) 2,500,000 1991
Cohort - administrative Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohort (1996) 3,500,000 1996
Cross-sectional survey Canadian Health Measures Survey 23,000 20072015
Linked Administrative Database Population Data BC > 5,000,000 1980s
Linked Administrative Database Manitoba Centre for Health Policy > 1,000,000 1970s
Linked Administrative Database Institute for Clinical Evaluative Science 13,000,000 1986
Network (26 pregnancy and birth cohorts) Research Advancement Through Cohort Cataloguing and Harmonization ~ 125,000 varies
Brook et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:114 Page 3 of 15
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public health. Active within CANUE are domain-specific
working groups assessing the state of knowledge and re-
search nationally and internationally, identifying critical
gaps and conducting strategic research to improve the
available exposure metrics. Fig. 2 places the six domains
in the context of key external forces influencing urban
form: population growth, economic growth, and wea-
ther/climate which includes factors such as extreme heat
and cold events and longer-term climate change. In gen-
eral, the main public responses to these forces are land-
use planning and transportation infrastructure decisions;
in turn, this leads to individual options around housing,
employment and education locations. Choices made
based upon these options or constraints subsequently
impact an individuals access to or interaction with
urban features of health relevance and dictates individual
behaviour such as time spent commuting and working
or time available for leisure and family. All ultimately
impact the magnitude of a range of harmful or beneficial
exposures and thus individual and public health.
The exposure data or metrics being compiled in
CANUE are georeferenced at the six-digit postal code
level (or other geographic level as appropriate) facilitat-
ing linkage with health research cohorts and administra-
tive health databases. Changes in the geographic
distribution of exposure over time are important to
consider given the potential time windows over which
environmental factors can contribute to adverse
health outcomes and chronic disease development.
The temporal resolution required and the number of
years back in time for which exposures can be
estimated varies across the domains based upon the
rate of change over time and available data sources.
Accurately accounting for short and long term expos-
ure time windows represents a considerable challenge
and will be discussed below.
Compilation of existing exposure information
Within each domain, existing data are being centralized
to improve accessibility for researchers and subsequent
integration with Canadian health data platforms. Work
with these initial datasets (Table 2) is also facilitating de-
velopment of CANUEs infrastructure for data transfers,
storage, manipulation into analysis-ready formats and
documentation, including terms of use that assure
requirements of the data originators are respected. This
initial phase is helping to identify challenges related to
harmonization of environmental data within and be-
tween domains and with similar efforts internationally.
Several of these existing exposure datasets have been
previously used in health research, nationally or region-
ally within Canada and are thus in analysis-ready format;
while others require further processing and quality
assessment before linkage with health data.
Three air pollutants have been used most often in recent
epidemiological research in Canada; fine particulate matter
), nitrogen dioxide (NO
) and ozone (O
). National
coverage for PM
is derived from the recently developed
1 × 1 km satellite-derived PM
surface [27]. Exposures for
are estimated empirically from a national Land-Use
Regression (LUR) model [28] and finer scale spatial patterns
in NO
are available from LUR models for 10 cities in
Canada [29]. Exposures to O
have been derived from a
combination of observations and output from the chemical
transport model developed by Environment and Climate
Change Canada for air quality prediction and used in recent
epidemiological studies [30, 31]. A national surface for
sulphur dioxide (SO
) is also available based upon recent
progress in satellite detection and extrapolation to surface
concentrations [32]. Temporal coverage of CANUE national
and urban-level air pollutant exposure surfaces will initially
extend from 2000 to the present.
The LUR method has also been used to model spatial
surfaces of urban environmental noise exposure in two
Canadian cities, Montreal [33] and Toronto [34], with
field monitoring also conducted in other cities (e.g., Van-
couver, Ottawa, and Halifax [35]). Vancouver noise maps
for 2003 have been generated using the deterministic
propagation model CadnaA [36]. A similar model is
currently being run for Montreal for 2008. CANUE is
documenting these noise exposure surfaces to make
them more-widely available for epidemiological research.
Fig. 2 Relationships among factors associated with urban form and
individual behaviours and environmental exposures. Land-use planning
controls the over-arching modifiable features of the urban environment
and, in addition to responding to external forces associated with population
and economic growth and local weather, including extreme events and
climate change, can potentially be optimized to have the greatest benefit
to public health
Brook et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:114 Page 4 of 15
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Table 2 Existing metrics
Existing Metrics Geographic Extent Spatial Resolution Time Periods Description Ref.
Air Pollution
Surface concentrations of PM
National 1 km 1998 to present Satellite-derived annual mean
Ambient concentrations of NO
National <100 m 19842012 National land use regression
model of annual mean
concentration, based on 2011
data and adjusted for historical
Ambient concentrations of NO
National <100 m 19842006 National model of annual mean
concentration based on 10 city
-specific land use regression
models (field monitoring between
2002 and 2010) and adjusted
using observational data for
each year
Ambient concentrations of O
National 10 km - 21 km 2003 - present Air quality forecast-based estimate,
adjusted with surface observation
data - annual and monthly
average concentration
Ambient concentrations of SO
National 30 km 20052015 Air quality model-based estimate
of 3-year running annual average
Noise Pollution
A-weighted sound pressure level
and related summary metrics
10 m ~ 2014 Land use regression-based model
based on field monitoring
conducted 20102014
A-weighted sound pressure level
and related summary metrics
10 m ~ 2013 Land use regression-based model
based on field monitoring
conducted 20122013
A-weighted sound pressure level
and related summary metrics
10 m 2003 Sound propagation model
Normalized Difference Vegetation
National + 30 m 1985 to present Satellite-derived (Landsat) [37,38]
Normalized Difference Vegetation
National + 250 m 2000 to present Satellite-derived (MODIS) [39]
Normalized Difference Vegetation
National + 1 km 1979 to present Satellite-derived (AVHRR) [40,41]
Green View Index National Postal code-specific 2017 only Google Street View-derived not published
(or use MIT)
Climate and Weather
Temperature metrics (daily, monthly,
annual averages, ranges, event
frequencies) and derived water
balance metrics (potential and actual
National 10 km 19502010 Interpolated continuous
surfaces based on observation
station data
Temperature metrics (max, min,
mean, heat deg. days, cool deg. days),
total precipitation, snow on ground
National N/A 1950- to present National Climate Data and
Information Archive -
observation station data
Neighbourhood Factors
Walkability National Postal code-specific circa 2015 GIS-derived walkability (based
on land use mix, street
connectivity and population
Walkability Regional Postal code-specific various specific
GIS-derived walkability
(land-use mix, residential
density, and street connectivity)
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The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI),
which is derived from satellite measurements of near in-
frared and visible red radiation reflected by vegetation, is
readily available as an indicator of greenness and the ex-
posures this metric may represent. This includes already
developed annual and peak growing season NDVI prod-
ucts using Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 [37, 38], the Moder-
ate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
[39] or the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
(AVHRR) data which provides annual coverage and po-
tentially seasonal variations as far back as 1981 [40, 41].
To facilitate research on how extreme weather and cli-
mate relate to the incidence of chronic disease, CANUE
is including climate data. At present, the spatial reso-
lution available across Canada is limited and originates
from interpolation of the available, largely routine obser-
vations and/or from re-analysis products combining
models and observations. As such, an observation-based
dataset of daily maximum and minimum temperatures
and precipitation produced by the Canadian Forest Ser-
vice and Environment and Climate Change Canada is
available at 10 × 10 km [42] and raw data can also be
accessed by station [43] to derive proximity-based met-
rics of weather and climate (i.e., summary statistics
based on nearest stations). The Climate Forecast System
Reanalysis [44] or the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis [45]
are comparable, while higher resolution observed grid-
ded data, such as the ~800 m data covering British
Columbia through the Parameter-elevation Regressions
on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) [46], are
expected to become available nationally in the future.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide the
tools for calculation of a variety of exposure metrics at a
fine scale across urban areas and within neighbourhoods.
Walkability, for which multiple measures have been de-
veloped [47, 48], will be included early in the CANUE
data holdings. The Canadian Census data includes socio-
economic data for the country from which several indi-
ces can be computed and mapped. The Canadian
Marginalization Index (CanMarg) [49] and the Pampa-
lon Index [50] have been or are being determined for
multiple cycles of the Canadian census from the 1980s
to the present. Light at night, which is derived from
satellite observations with 1 km resolution, is also avail-
able and is listed as part of the neighbourhood factors
domain [51].
Building on the existing exposure information
Limitations associated with the exposure measures cur-
rently available for each domain are being addressed by
the CANUE Working Groups. This involves the initi-
ation of research projects and/or targeted workshops to
guide future projects. Priorities for this work were devel-
oped at a national workshop held in December 2016
( Clearly, CANUE will not be
able to address all limitations within five years. In
Table 3, selected key exposure metric advances planned
for this time period (i.e., through ~2021) are summa-
rized and through new partnerships CANUE will be able
to further expand the amount and type of new exposure
data available for health research.
New exposure metrics and spatial surfaces
Transportation infrastructure is a key element of urban
form (Fig. 2). There are multiple pathways through
which it can affect health, from the resulting air and
noise pollution to commute times and commuting mode
choice to changes in active transportation behaviour.
Therefore, improving Canadian urban scale data on
transportation has potential benefits across domains.
With this in mind, the Transportation Working Group
is focusing on developing nationally consistent traffic
volume and traffic emission maps. Initially this will in-
clude private vehicle travel behaviour for Canadas three
largest cities; Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto, as well
as Halifax, Ottawa and Calgary. Maps have historically
been limited for trucks i.e., goods movement; however,
through CANUE, truck volumes and emissions will be
generated for Halifax (a single year) and the Greater To-
ronto and Hamilton areas (4 separate years), enabling
first ever maps for these cities of diesel emission pat-
terns and potential exposures, relative to gasoline engine
emissions, and applicable to urban populations. Depend-
ing on the level of success for this first set of cities and
on the availability of input information for modelling
private vehicle and truck flows, other cities will be
Table 2 Existing metrics (Continued)
Existing Metrics Geographic Extent Spatial Resolution Time Periods Description Ref.
Canadian Marginalization
Deprivation Index
National Census dissemination
Census years
Derived from census variables [49
Pampalon Deprivation Index National Census dissemination
Census years
Derived from census variables [50]
Nighttime light National + 1 km 1992 to present Satellite-derived from the
US Defense Meteorological
Satellite Programs Operational
Linescan System (DMSP-OLS) -
annual average
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Table 3 Future Metrics
Future Metrics Geographic Extent Spatial Resolution Time Periods Description Ref.
Air Pollution
Surface concentrations
of NO2, SO2 and CO
National + 7 km 2016 onward New satellite and sensor, TropOMI,
upgrading the current OMI
measurements to provide increased
spatial resolution with daily global
Surface concentrations
of PM2.5
2 km 2016 onward GOES-R geostationary satellite
observing aerosol optical depth
on an hourly or better time
resolution during daylight hours.
Surface concentrations
of PM2.5, NO2, SO2
National + 5+ km planned for 2019
New geostationary satellite and
sensor, TEMPO, upgrading the
current OMI measurements and
enhancing TropOMI with hourly
or better time resolution during
daylight hours; similar satellites
planned for Europe (Sentinel-4)
and Asia (GEMS).
Ambient concentrations
of O3, PM2.5 and NO2
National (and city-
10 km Daily, monthly and
annual starting in 2000
Operational forecast chemical
transport model (GEM-MACH)
with objective analysis for NO2,
O3 and PM2.5 produced by
Environment and Climate Change
Canada; For NO2, additional
chemical transport model (CTM)
runs are being combined with
local LUR models (hybrid approach)
by Health Canada. Where the LUR
and CTM are combined the spatial
resolution is ~50 m.
Ambient concentrations
of PM2.5 and NO2
National <100 m Annual National empirical models using
surface observations and multiple
predictors from diverse sources
such as satellites, CTMs, GIS,
transportation models.
Noise Pollution
A-weighted sound pressure
level and related summary
National <100 m 2017, with plans to adjust
for historical estimates
New LUR model(s) to be developed
based upon future noise measurements
in selected Canadian cities.
Metrics reflecting greenness
accessibility and type (land
use and land cover)
National Neighbourhood-
To be determined Metrics to be identified by Greenness
Working Group, and may include
seasonal NDVI, measures of tree
cover/canopy, tree species inventories
at city scale, etc. and data from
Sentinel-2 or Planet satellites.
Climate and Weather
Local Climate Zones National + Varies depending
on landuse/cover
2017 with plans to adjust
for historical estimates
Method to be developed and
evaluated for using image classification
and deep machine learning to map
local climate zones based on
building type, height, and vegetation.
Long term climate metrics National + 32 km 1979 to present Derived from Climate Forecast
System Reananlysis data, metrics
to be identified by Weather and
Climate Working Group.
Long term climate metrics National + 60 km 1958 to 2012 Derived from Japanese 55-year
reanalysis, metrics to be identified
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added. Identification of areas of higher proportions of
truck traffic versus automobiles will enable new research
into the health effects of these major sources of near-
road exposure potentially leading to more-informed
transportation policies.
Another key function of CANUE is to facilitate inter-
action among Working Groups for consistency in devel-
opment of exposure data, sharing of measurements and
models, and to be better able to conduct integrated
studies of urban form and health. For example, the Air
and the Noise Pollution Working Groups are aligned
with the Transportation Working Group to enable each
to capitalize on the new traffic maps for development of
improved exposure surfaces. Due to the limited amount
of previous research, substantial gaps exist with regards
to noise exposure in Canada (i.e., spatially-resolved ex-
posure estimates are currently only available for dispar-
ate times for Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver).
However, building upon experience from these three
cities and improved traffic information from the
Transportation Working Group, a consistent method-
ology for estimating noise exposure will be developed
and applied for other major Canadian cities. Given
that the application of noise dispersion models such
as CadnaA to all of Canada or even all cities is not
feasible, a land-use regression-based approach will be
applied (Table 3). In parallel, a survey of existing field
data will be conducted and an approach will be devel-
oped for adjusting the new national LUR model to
represent historical noise levels.
National exposure surfaces and separate urban LUR
models are relatively well-developed for air pollution.
However, limitations remain and thus the Air Pollution
Working Group aims to update the national exposure
maps for PM
and O
. The currently available
maps were generated independently, with differences in
methodology and temporal coverage. For example, the
surface includes the influence of near-road expo-
sures [31] while PM
and O
do not. To address incon-
sistencies and/or to improve the current exposure
estimates, two different approaches are being followed.
The first is based upon chemical transport models.
Hourly output from the current Environment and Cli-
mate Change Canada (ECCC) operational chemical
transport model - the Global Environmental Multi-scale
Modelling Air Quality and Chemistry (GEM-MACH)
- which is combined with surface observations using an
objective analysis approach [52], is being provided to
CANUE for development of exposure metrics. This
approach is being further developed by Health Canada
to provide finer scale exposure estimates for NO
combining the chemical transport model with LUR
models in a hybrid approach. The second approach is
to update the national NO
and PM
surfaces, which
were empirically derived, through inclusion of larger
amounts of data, including near-road conditions, and
use of new methods (e.g., machine-learning) in the
model development.
Improvements in NDVI spatial resolution and devel-
opment of more health-relevant greenness exposure
Table 3 Future Metrics (Continued)
Future Metrics Geographic Extent Spatial Resolution Time Periods Description Ref.
by Weather and Climate
Working Group.
Long term climate
(British Columbia)
800 m Climate normal 30
year periods (19712000
and 19812010)
Derived from PRISM data,
metrics to be identified by
Weather and Climate Working
Neighbourhood Factors
Walkability National To be determined New metrics to be developed
reflecting age-specific and
season-specific patterns and
may consider landuse and
landcover data; Representativeness
of physical activity to be evaluated
with surveys, GPS and accelerometry.
Food environment National New metrics to be developed using
a variety of information sources
including GIS databases, ground-truth
observations and Google StreetView.
Car and truck volumes
and traff emissions
(CO, PM2.5, NOx, BC,
selected VOCs)
Regional Road segment 2016 - Halifax; 2006,
2011 - Montreal,
Winnipeg; 1986, 2001,
2006 and 2011 -
Toronto, Hamilton
Method development to be extended
to other Canadian cities, and key
input data for noise and air quality
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metrics are being pursued through CANUE to advance
their utility. The integration of land use and land cover
data, biophysical measures of greenness such as tree
canopy cover, tree species data and NDVI seasonality is
being undertaken in order to explore how this approach
could lead to more accurate or representative greenness
metrics. Furthermore, increases in NDVI resolution to
better than 30 m may be feasible using a combination of
Planet images [53] and Landsat 8 data. The potential of
Sentinel-2 [54] multispectral imagery for providing fre-
quent (up to every 5 days) land use and land cover map-
ping, greenness and leaf area index at high spatial
resolution is also being explored.
NDVI by itself does not directly capture salient aspects
of the links between greenness and health outcomes.
Thus, other related metrics have employed additional
landcover information (i.e., percent canopy cover) and/
or land use information (park boundaries, accessibility
via transportation networks) [55, 56] in attempts to ad-
dress this limitation. The CANUE Greenness Working
Group is conducting a review to inform future develop-
ment of a larger suite of metrics that will reflect the
underlying features associated with greenness that could
impact health. For example, proximity to greenness
could influence physical activity levels within the popu-
lation if the areas observed to be greencontain certain
infrastructure like walking paths.
Independent, but related to greenness is walkability.
Associations between walkability and health outcomes
such as obesity, cardiovascular health, and physical activ-
ity have been observed in many regions of the developed
world [57, 58]. Similar observations have been made re-
lating neighbourhood food environments, although not
consistently across regions and among countries [59].
Over the past several decades, many methods have been
used for quantitatively characterizing aspects of walk-
ability and food environments [60, 61]. The Neighbour-
hood Factors Working Group within CANUE is leading
a review of extant metrics with a focus on identifying
those that are applicable in Canada and can be imple-
mented nationally, given large geographic and seasonal
differences, and varying behaviours by age.
Urban morphology interacts with climate and extreme
weather creating local conditions that can potentially
impact population health. The sensitivity of the currently
available meteorological or climatological data to these
interactions is limited due to their complexity and the
spatial resolution of the data. The local climate zone
(LCZ) framework, which uses urban morphology charac-
teristics to estimate the magnitude of the urban heat is-
land and other hazards [62], will be assessed by the
Climate Working Group for its utility in health research.
LCZs were originally developed to characterize the en-
vironment surrounding meteorological field sites to
better account for urban influences on observed
temperature [63]. Factors evaluated include built types
(i.e., compact high-rise buildings, sparsely built, indus-
trial, etc.) and land cover types (i.e., dense trees, low
plant, water, etc.). Currently, the World Urban Database
and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT) project is facilitat-
ing mapping LCZs using Google Earth and crowd-
sourcing techniques. City-specific volunteers around the
world [64] are providing valuable local-scale observa-
tions to reliably map LCZs. Through CANUE, LCZs will
be developed for all of Canada, and then linked to air
quality, vegetation, aeroallergen exposure, urban flood-
ing, and other hazard indicators as well as future climate
conditions, to assess how the LCZ framework can in-
form environmental health studies.
Increases in the volume, variety and velocity of big
environmental data
A range of new data sources have the potential to greatly
increase the quantity of the environmental exposure data
available for health research. Satellite-based measure-
ments of spatial patterns in a variety of physical and
chemical features at the Earths surface have been of tre-
mendous value to a wide range of disciplines. However,
the amount of data collected with each satellite overpass
or image is a challenging big data stream to manage. In
the study of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols, satel-
lite measurements, which have come of age in the last
two decades, have been highly beneficial. Estimates of
chronic exposure to air pollution are now possible for
much of the globe [65] leading to improved
characterization of exposure-response relationships [66,
67] and estimates of the role of particulate air pollution
in the global burden of disease [68] .
The volume and velocity and the potential variability
and value of satellite air pollution measurements are ex-
pected to increase substantially during the first five years
of CANUEs program with the launch of new geostation-
ary satellites. The Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring
of Pollution instrument (TEMPO) [69], Geostationary
Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) [70]
and Sentinel-4 [71], for North America, Asia and Eur-
ope, respectively, will provide daytime hourly observa-
tions with increased spatial resolution compared to the
previous satellites providing information on trace gases
in the troposphere (Fig. 3). The full potential of this new
big data stream cannot be fully appreciated, but for
chronic and even sub-acute exposure estimation going
forward into the 2020s these satellites and, the new
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R
series (GOES-R) [72] satellites enhancing information
on aerosol optical depth (PM
), will represent the state-
of-the-art. CANUE is developing the infrastructure and
algorithms to be able to capitalize on these data for
Brook et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:114 Page 9 of 15
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
environmental health research and monitoring. Given
the new data streams becoming available it may be feas-
ible in the future to link the temporal and spatial pat-
terns in urban NO
and PM
levels from the
geostationary satellites to traffic flow patterns derived
from tracking mobile phone locations (from global
positioning systems or tower signals) leading to new
understanding of the dynamic between urban form,
traffic, air pollution, and ultimately health. Mobile
phone data are already being used to refine air
pollution exposure estimates by tracking population
movements during the day [73, 74].
Climate, weather and air quality forecasting models
are another source of big data with potential value in en-
vironmental health research. The GEM-MACH model
and its objective analysis product, described above
(Table 3), has provided data for national ground-level O
exposure estimates (Table 2) [30]. CANUE is collaborat-
ing with ECCC to make data from 2013 to the present
available for a variety of exposure time windows. This
modelling system currently produces a large volume of
data year-round at 10 km resolution across North Amer-
ica. Methods are being developed through CANUE to
routinely capture data on hourly ozone, PM
and NO
concentrations in near real-time and preparing exposure-
relevant variables. Future versions of the model and
objective analysis product will likely increase spatial reso-
lution (e.g., 2.5 km) leading to larger volumes of data and
potentially better exposure precision. Ultimately, air qual-
ity researchers expect to integrate the hourly satellite data
with these modelling tools to further improve accuracy.
Such advances have the potential to benefit environmental
health research far into the future.
The meteorological models that support weather
forecasting and are essential to the air quality modelling
represent another big environmental data stream of po-
tential value to health research. In the near future these
models are expected to be capable of resolving urban scale
features leading to more-realistic characterization of cli-
mate phenomena such as heat islands. Such output, which
CANUE is aiming to utilize in partnership with OURA-
NOS [75], will support future research exploring how
current and future climate and extreme weather events
impacts public health. New knowledge in this area could
help Canadas urban areas prepare for climate change (i.e.,
adaptation to build resiliency).
Google Earth Engine [76] was introduced in 2010 to en-
able the global-scale monitoring and measurement of
changes in the environment. The Earth Engineprovides
two key functions: 1) the curating and management of his-
torical and ongoing satellite data; and 2) an easy to use ana-
lytical platform that allows researchers to create and
implement scripts and algorithms to process the data into
useful metrics of environmental characteristics and their
change over time. For example, with annual 30 m NDVI
data from Landsat in Google Earth Engine for 1984 onward
it will be possible to generate greenness exposure maps or
maps of areas of urban development (e.g., road coverage) at
a spatial resolution, temporal coverage and geographic ex-
tent not easily accomplished without the big data function-
ality of Google Earth Engine. This temporal information
has the potential to improve exposure estimates for cohorts
by integrating over a larger portion of each individualslife-
time especially if residential history data can be obtained.
Useful metrics of green canopy coverage, which is
relevant to urban heat and likely a range of other is-
sues (e.g., aeroallergens), have recently been shown to
be computationally feasible from Google Street View
images [77], and are comparable to audits conducted
by direct observation [78]. While this virtual audit
saves time and money and it is repeatable among dif-
ferent observers, automation could lead to even
greater savings and consistency, also generating large
amounts of data from which to derive exposure metrics.
There is a rapidly growing literature illustrating the auto-
mation of index calculations using Google Street View, for
example, a Green Vegetation Index (GVI) [79]. CANUE
will explore a street level-based greenness indicator in the
near term and continue to refine and develop new
methods and indicators using available imagery.
Fig. 3 Relative differences in spatial resolution of trace gas
measurements (e.g., NO
) from satellite-based measurements over
Ottawa, Canada. Rectangles show the minimum sizes areas covered
(pixel size) with three generations of satellites. The blue square
corresponds to the less than daily observation frequency of GOME 2.
The green square, the daily frequency OMI measurements and, the
daylight, hourly frequency of TEMPO (yellow square). The new
TEMPO satellite will be capable of collecting data in the ultraviolet
and visible wavelengths at approximately 2 km × 5 km spatial
resolution. Once in operation TEMPO will produce data for
approximately 2.5 million grid cells every daylight hour, equivalent
to 1 terabyte of data daily
Brook et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:114 Page 10 of 15
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Prospectively, new tools being developed for collecting
mobility data to inform transportation planners, including
smart-phone applications, which collect GPS coordinates
to infer locations, movement, mode of transportation and
activity can be used to determine individual activity-travel
diaries [80]. These appscould be adopted for use in large
cohorts (e.g., Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project
[15]) to obtain mobility data for tens of thousands of sub-
jects. They could also be enhanced to prompt, in a minim-
ally burdensome fashion, for longitudinal information
related to personal behaviours (e.g., recent meals and exer-
cise) and to process measurement data from sensors in
the phone (e.g., accelerometer, microphone) or from com-
panion sensors to improve exposure assessment. Consid-
erable effort is currently being focused in this area (e.g.,
The Pediatric Research using Integrated Sensor Monitor-
ing Systems (PRISMS) [81]; and, while not the primary
focus of CANUE, measurement sub-studies exploring
youth physical activity are being planned to support some
of Canadas active birth cohorts (e.g., Canadian Healthy
Infant Longitudinal Development Study (CHILD) [82]).
Key challenges for large environmental health studies,
particularly those aiming to implement an exposome-
based approach, continue to be enrichment of cohorts
with individual-level exposures, harmonization across
cohorts and, and ultimately identification of modifiable
risk factors leading to interventions that have benefits
on population health. To help meet these challenges
Stingone et al. [83] suggested that exposome studies
would be well-served by centralized support and coord-
ination to ensure that potential exposure assessment
strategies are rigorously evaluated. CANUE represents
an attempt to meet these challenges with respect to
exogenous factors and, while CANUE is the largest coor-
dinated effort in Canada around environmental exposure
data, many challenges remain.
There is a long-standing need to better understand
temporal change in spatial exposure patterns going back
decades and how this contributes to exposure misclassi-
fication and subsequent epidemiological results [84, 85].
Detailed characterization of spatial patterns with high
resolution that are indicative of chronic exposure is typ-
ically only accomplished for snapshotsin time because
of the effort and expense required. It is therefore neces-
sary to estimate temporal changes in these spatial expos-
ure patterns by extrapolation of the spatial detail. This
could include estimates covering longer time periods
(i.e., decades) or particular months to years before or
after the time of the snapshot. For air pollution a variety
of extrapolation approaches have been used [8487];
however, in order to have reasonable confidence in the
estimates it is necessary to have monitoring site data
with temporal coverage for the time periods and pollut-
ants of interest and ideally from multiple locations de-
pending upon the size of the spatial domain modelled.
This is problematic because long-term exposures over
relatively large geographic areas require estimates
much further back in time pre-dating the monitoring
of some pollutants (e.g., PM
). In these cases, there
is likely much greater uncertainty in the exposure
estimates [85], but they are difficult to quantify given
lack of evaluation data.
The need for temporal extrapolation and uncertainty
arising from lack of historical exposures are limitations
impacting most of the exposure domains of interest to
CANUE. The noise pollution maps are available for a
limited number of cities and specific snapshots in time.
New noise maps to be developed through CANUE will
also face this limitation and their applicability to other
time periods or longer time windows relies on the as-
sumption of temporal stability. Given that a key source
of noise is traffic and other transportation activities (e.g.,
airports) and the infrastructure for these is stable over
relatively long periods, extrapolation is reasonable.
However, road, air and train movements have changed
overtime as well as emissions; the locations of many
other noise sources can change more-rapidly; and even
changes such as construction of noise barriers will alter
exposure patterns. Further, fitting noise models to simi-
lar geospatial predictors as air pollution contributes to
collinearity hindering attempts to isolate effects due to
these two exposures [88].
Coordination through CANUE offers promise that
some progress on these and other challenges can be
achieved. Googles Earth Engine, for example, is hypoth-
esized to facilitate the analysis of big geospatial data with
a temporal coverage that will be informative of changes
in urban environment exposure metrics going back into
the 1980s. CANUE provides the critical mass to explore
this idea. Given high resolution surfaces of noise and air
pollution, other health-relevant neighbourhood features
and maps of local climate zones that indicate poten-
tial for heat islands, it may be possible, using local
land use variables as model inputs, to develop algo-
rithms that can relate land use classifications derived
from the 30 m Landsat images. These algorithms, if
robust and mechanistically-based, could then enable
reliable estimation of a variety of urban form expos-
ure variables back to 1984.
Residential mobility is also an important cause of
misclassification when exposure assessment relies on
geographic location. Often exposure is based upon a sin-
gle home address, such as might be acquired at time of
study recruitment or baseline. The potential for differen-
tial exposure misclassification has been demonstrated in
birth cohorts [89], and can be expected to increase the
Brook et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:114 Page 11 of 15
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
longer the follow-up period or the longer the exposure
time window of interest. Crouse et al. [30] reported that
nearly 50% of the Canadian population moved at least
once in the 5 year period from 2001 to 2006. They
accounted for residential mobility during the 16 year of
follow-up of Canadian Census Health and Environment
Cohort and found that this led to larger hazard ratios
compared to those determined using exposures assigned
using a single baseline address. This attenuation in haz-
ard ratio was greatest for NO
, less for PM
and negli-
gible for O
Residential history on study individuals, if available,
can be used to determine time-weighted exposures,
assuming exposure data are available for the different
addresses reported. Ideally, such information is obtained
in prospective cohorts through questionnaires. In
practice this is not always the case and/or the data are
incomplete. Administrative data housed at the federal
and provincial level represents a different option, taking
the burden away from the subjects, while standardizing
the approach. CANUE is working with Statistics Canada
through the Social Data Linkage Environment [90] to
obtain annual residential history data for individuals in
some cohorts following the method used by Crouse
et al. [30]. Provincial health care records also retain
addresses and these data are being assessed for recon-
struction of residential history.
Daily mobility and time spent indoors poses another
challenge for exposure assessment. Accounting for time
at work or school and proximate exposures is feasible
given sufficient information and resources. While where
a person lives plays a major role in their relationship
with all of the urban form features related to CANUEs
exposure domains, all locations where significant time is
spent, including in transit (i.e., commuting), are poten-
tially important (Fig. 2). CANUE is aiming to provide
exposure metrics for many potential locations allowing
for additional time-weighting of outdoor exposures.
However, reliable time activity behaviour at the individ-
ual level represents a key limitation.
CANUE is compiling a wide range of geospatial datasets
of exposure metrics that are known to be or hypothe-
sized to be relevant to public health. However, these
postal code specific metrics are just that; metrics that act
as surrogates for more complex underlying processes
that manifest as a health effect, adverse or beneficial. It
is critical that we understand these processes as much as
possible and consider whether the metric or surrogate
being used is appropriate and ultimately informative of
the root causes. Consequently, one criterion for
CANUEs efforts in refining exposure metrics is to im-
prove their ability to reflect the underlying processes or
mechanisms and to better understand these relation-
ships. Through this approach we aim to improve our un-
derstanding of the uncertainties in the exposure metrics,
which continue to be difficult to quantify. Furthermore,
future studies involving multiple, interacting exposures
can then be more informative.
The body of research is relatively large for impacts of
single air pollutants or urban form characteristics such
as greenness or walkability in isolation. There is less re-
search evaluating different features of the urban form or
exposures in combination [9193]. Clearly, there is the
potential for joint as well as counter-acting effects. For
example, current understanding suggests that in coun-
tries with moderate to low air pollutant levels (e.g.,
Canada) the benefits of active transportation (i.e., phys-
ical activity) far outweigh the dis-benefits of enhanced
air pollution exposure from greater inhalation rates [94].
Furthermore, transportation polices that reduce air pol-
lution and increase active transportation are estimated
to have large economic benefits [95]. However, these ex-
amples are based upon risk analysis using current epi-
demiological data, while the original epidemiological
studies have tended to explore exposures separately.
With CANUE facilitating linkage of air pollutant expo-
sures and metrics related to physical activity, as well as
other exposures (e.g., noise, stress associated with neigh-
bourhood factors), to individuals cohorts, future epi-
demiological studies may be able to assess the effect of
interactions in different regions of Canada with different
socioeconomic and climatic conditions and for different
members of the population.
CANUE will also focus on data that are available inter-
nationally, such as those derived by satellite instruments or
global data collection initiatives such as those conducted by
Google. By building on existing methods for deriving useful
exposure metrics, implementing them nationally, and sharing
newly developed methods using widely available input data,
CANUE has the potential to contribute significantly to ad-
vancing environmental health studies globally. Making a wide
variety of standardized metrics available will increase the
comparability among studies, and potentially support the for-
mation of very large virtual cohorts by combining results of
studies from multiple countries. The statistical power these
meta-studies may be capable of achieving is likely key to un-
derstanding the subtle interactions among environmental ex-
posures related to urban form [87].
CANUEs potential impact is based in large part on
the willingness of its members to share methods and in
some cases, proprietary input data or already-developed
exposure metrics suitable for a national platform.
CANUE is positioned as a neutral data broker, providing
standardized metadata for each shared dataset, as well as
a formal data sharing agreement with terms set by the
data developer. Exposure data will be provided to
Brook et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:114 Page 12 of 15
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
established cohorts and administrative data holders, who
then follow their own standard approval processes for
providing access to both the confidential health data and
related, and where possible, pre-linked exposure data.
The challenges of working with multiple data devel-
opers, data sharing requirements, and varying capacities
and procedures for data integration by health data
holders are complex, but not insurmountable.
CANUEs protocol for establishing a centralized, coor-
dinated effort in deriving and linking urban-related en-
vironmental exposures to Canadas wealth of cohorts
and administrative health data holdings will increase effi-
ciency by reducing duplication and insuring consistency
in the exposure measures used. As such, CANUE will
enable a more focused effort on filling gaps in exposure
information, improving the range of exposures quanti-
fied, their precision and mechanistic relevance to health.
Epidemiological studies will thus be better able to har-
ness big environmental data in order to explore the
common theme of urban form and health in an inte-
grated manner, ultimately contributing new knowledge
informing policies that enhance healthy urban living.
AVHRR: Advanced very high resolution radiometer; BC: Black carbon;
CanMarg: Canadian marginalization index; CANUE : Canadian Urban
Environmental Health Research Consortium; CHILD: Canadian Healthy Infant
Longitudinal Development Study; CIHR: Canadian Institutes for Health
Research; CO: Carbon monoxide; ECCC: Environment and Climate Change
Canada; GEM-MACH: Global Environmental Multi-scale Modelling Air
Quality and Chemistry; GEMS: Geostationary Environment Monitoring
Spectrometer; GIS: Geographic information systems; GOES-R: Geostationary
Operational Environmental Satellite-R series; GVI: Green vegetation index;
LCZ: Local climate zone; LUR: Land use regression; MODIS: Moderate
resolution imaging spectroradiometer; NDVI: Normalized Difference
Vegetation Index; NO2: Nitrogen dioxide; NOx: Nitrogen oxides; O3: Ozone;
PM2.5: Fine particulate matter; PRISM: Parameter-elevation regressions on
independent slopes model; PRISMS: Pediatric research using integrated
sensor monitoring systems; SO2: Sulphur dioxide; TEMPO: Tropospheric
Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution instrument; VOCs: Volatile organic
compounds; WUDAPT: World Urban Database and Access Portal
The Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium is funded
by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research. We would like to
acknowledge the contributions of our membership, now comprised of over
180 individuals, under the direction of CANUEs leadership and the co-
authors of this paper.
The CANUE collaboration group (co-authors of this paper) includes:
Philip Awadalla, Michael Brauer, Howard Hu, Kim McGrail, Dave Stieb,
Padmaja Subarrao, Paul Demers, Doug Manuel, John McLaughlin, Chris
Carlsten, Meghan Azad, Stephanie Atkinson, Rick Burnett, Wendy Lou, Daniel
Rainham, Greg Evans, Ray Copes, Olimpia Pantelimon, Audrey Smargiassi,
Hugh Davies, Paul Villeneuve, Matilda van den Bosch, Diane Chaumont,
Johannes Feddema, Tim Takaro, Amir Hakami, Markey Johnson, Marianne
Hatzopoulou, Ahsan Habib, Daniel Fuller, Michael Widener.
The Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium is funded
by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research.
Availability of data and materials
Not applicable.
JRB was the major contributor to the manuscript. EMS and EDS also
contributed to the manuscript. DD and MS critically reviewed the
manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affiliations.
Author details
Processes Research Section, Air Quality Research Division, Environment and
Climate Change Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Dalla Lana School of Public
Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Geography Department,
University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada.
Research Institute of McGill University
Health Centre, Montreal, Canada.
Received: 3 October 2017 Accepted: 19 December 2017
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... The size, shape, density, and connectivity of metropolitan regions have continuously altered due to urban growth and form change, having an impact on neighboring natural resources and socio-ecological functioning (Quan, 2019;Xu et al., 2019;Zhou & Wang, 2011). Urban form trajectory affects efficient land use, environmental sustainability, and daily urban activity (Brook et al., 2018;Hankey & Marshall, 2010). In particular, urban sprawl, which is low-density and geographically dispersed urban growth, leads to high private car ownership, longer commutes, and air pollution (Feng & Gauthier, 2021;Kashem & Irawan 2014). ...
... Urban air pollution is one of the critical public health issues causing many deaths in the US and other developed countries (Ramyar et al., 2019). The concentration of particulate matter like PM2.5 and PM10 and greenhouse gases from complex chemical reactions affects the health of urban residents (Brook et al., 2018;Lee, 2020). Particulate matter from automobile usage, construction sites, unpaved roads, fields, smokestacks, fires, and industries is higher at sprawl settlements (Clark et al., 2011;She et al., 2017). ...
... For instance, urban fragmentation and high population results in high travel demand also attributed to rises in air pollutants (e.g., PM2.5,COx,SOx,and NOx). Despite this, high population density may also initiate transit-oriented development and reduce car dependency in cities, potentially minimizing air pollution (Brook et al., 2018;Clark et al., 2011;Lee, 2020). ...
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This study comprehensively reviewed empirical research published in peer-reviewed journals to identify and classify the urban landscape development effects (ULDE). The preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA) and descriptive pattern-matching method were approaches applied in this study. A total of 50 ULSDE were identified after reviewing 56 selected empirical studies. A framework comprises five main categories of ULDE: energy consumption impacts, transport and mobility, climate change, land use change, and livability and resilience. The spatial distribution of ULDE research has mainly focused on high and upper-middle-income states where China, United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), and Canada are the leading countries. Most of the reviewed papers address the specific ULDE. Moreover, this study reveals the significance of holistic ULDE assessment methods and integrated urban spatial growth strategies encapsulating population growth, climatic change, and technological innovations for sustainable urban development. The checklist of ULDE and the framework would be a solid foundation for future studies and guide urban planning and policy-making decisions for urban land use efficiency and city sustainability.
... The development of these exposure datasets has been documented elsewhere [16][17][18] and they have been used in multiple Canadian epidemiological studies, including the recent Mortality-Air Pollution Associations in Low Exposure Environments (MAPLE) study [19]. Briefly, annual average exposures for the five years prior to the start of CAHHM recruitment (2008-2012), data distributed by the Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE) [20] (, were linked to CAHHM using the six-character residential postal code of participants at the time of recruitment. ...
... Ultrasound measurement of cIMT is widely used because it is inexpensive, non-invasive, and does not involve exposure to a magnetic field, but it has limited clinical usefulness beyond traditional CVD risk factors [20]. Carotid wall thickness, determined by MRI, generates more reproducible measurements than ultrasound and is a superior measure of early plaque development [12,13]-ideal for the investigation of healthy middle-aged populations. ...
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Objectives Long-term exposure to air pollution has been associated with higher risk of cardiovascular mortality. Less is known about the association of air pollution with initial development of cardiovascular disease. Herein, the association between low-level exposure to air pollutants and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in adults without known clinical cardiovascular disease was investigated. Design Cross-sectional analysis within a prospective cohort study. Setting The Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds Cohort Study; a pan-Canadian cohort of cohorts. Participants Canadian adults (n = 6645) recruited between 2014–2018 from the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia, were studied, for whom averages of exposures to nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were estimated for the years 2008–2012. Main outcome measure Carotid vessel wall volume (CWV) measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Results In adjusted linear mixed models, PM2.5 was not consistently associated with CWV (per 5 μg/m³ PM2.5; adjusted estimate = -8.4 mm³; 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) -23.3 to 6.48; p = 0.27). A 5 ppb higher NO2 concentration was associated with 11.8 mm³ lower CWV (95% CI -16.2 to -7.31; p<0.0001). A 3 ppb increase in O3 was associated with 9.34 mm³ higher CWV (95% CI 4.75 to 13.92; p<0.0001). However, the coarse/insufficient O3 resolution (10 km) is a limitation. Conclusions In a cohort of healthy Canadian adults there was no consistent association between PM2.5 or NO2 and increased CWV as a measure of subclinical atherosclerosis by MRI. The reasons for these inconsistent associations warrant further study.
... The present study uses data from baseline (2011)(2012)(2013)(2014)(2015) and from the first follow-up (2015-2018, dataset versions 4.1 and 3.0). Participants have been linked by a 3-character forward sortation area with measurements of the Canadian Active Living Environment [Can-ALE] and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index from the Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (Brook et al., 2018). ...
We explored the relationship between neighbourhood and social participation among older adults using a Living Environments and Active Aging Framework. This prospective cohort study used baseline data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) with a 3-year follow-up. Three aspects of social participation were the outcomes; walkability and greenness at baseline were exposure variables. The sample consisted of 50.0% females (n=16,735, age 72.9± 5.6 years). In males, higher greenness was associated with lower loneliness and less variety in social activities. No significant associations between greenness and social participation were found in females. High walkability was related to a higher variety of social activity and higher loneliness in males but not females, and less desire for more social activity in both sexes. Greenness and walkability impact social participation among older adults. Future research should include sex and gender-based analyses.
... (Markham: DMTI Spatial Inc., 2015) and the Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE). 21 The MSDI are composite indices calculated from CANUE data which reflect the deprivation of relationships among individuals in the family, the workplace, and the community (i.e., social disadvantage), and the deprivation of wealth, goods, and conveniences (material disadvantage). Scores are calculated at the level of the dissemination area which, in turn, can be linked to participants' home postal codes. ...
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Background There are likely many contributors to variation in the rate of cognitive decline in middle and late adulthood, including individual and neighborhood socio‐economic factors. This study examines whether individual socio‐economic factors, namely income and wealth, correlate with cognitive decline, in part, through neighborhood‐level social and material disadvantage. Methods Using the three waves of data collection from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), this study included 51,338 participants between the age of 45 and 85 years at baseline (51% female). Individual socio‐economic status (SES) was assessed by annual household income and by the current value of savings and investments. Neighborhood disadvantage was measured by area‐based material and social deprivation indices. Cognition was measured at each wave using verbal fluency, mental alternations, and delayed word recall. Latent change score models, incorporating direct and indirect pathways, were constructed to estimate the indirect effect of individual SES on cognitive change through area‐level disadvantage. Multi‐group models were constructed on the basis of age‐group (45–64 years; 65–74 years; or 75+ years) to allow for varying estimates across age. Results Among 45–64‐year‐olds, income and wealth had indirect effects on initial cognitive level and on rate of cognitive decline through material disadvantage (standardized indirect effects = 0.01, p < 0.001), but only wealth had an indirect effect through social disadvantage ( p = 0.019). Among 65‐74‐year‐olds, income and wealth had indirect effects on initial cognitive level ( p < 0.01) but not on rate of cognitive decline ( p > 0.05), and among 75+ year‐olds, no indirect effects were observed ( p > 0.05). Wealth and income had direct effects, independent of neighborhood disadvantage, on cognition in all age groups ( p < 0.05). Conclusions Among middle‐aged adults, greater individual SES may mitigate cognitive decline, in part, by allowing individuals to live in more materially and socially advantaged neighborhoods.
... The novel CHiESS technological platform involves developing automated and semi-automated systems for data integration, advanced analytics, visualization, and monitoring, which is similar to other platforms (32,33). This is intended to facilitate meaningful exposome research and empower researchers and stakeholders to derive significant conclusions from integrated data and advanced analytics. ...
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The double burden of diseases and scarce resources in developing countries highlight the need to change the conceptualization of health problems and translational research. Contrary to the traditional paradigm focused on genetics, the exposome paradigm proposed in 2005 that complements the genome is an innovative theory. It involves a holistic approach to understanding the complexity of the interactions between the human being’s environment throughout their life and health. This paper outlines a scalable framework for exposome research, integrating diverse data sources for comprehensive public health surveillance and policy support. The Chilean exposome-based system for ecosystems (CHiESS) project proposes a conceptual model based on the ecological and One Health approaches, and the development of a technological dynamic platform for exposome research, which leverages available administrative data routinely collected by national agencies, in clinical records, and by biobanks. CHiESS considers a multilevel exposure for exposome operationalization, including the ecosystem, community, population, and individual levels. CHiESS will include four consecutive stages for development into an informatic platform: (1) environmental data integration and harmonization system, (2) clinical and omics data integration, (3) advanced analytical algorithm development, and (4) visualization interface development and targeted population-based cohort recruitment. The CHiESS platform aims to integrate and harmonize available secondary administrative data and provide a complete geospatial mapping of the external exposome. Additionally, it aims to analyze complex interactions between environmental stressors of the ecosystem and molecular processes of the human being and their effect on human health. Moreover, by identifying exposome-based hotspots, CHiESS allows the targeted and efficient recruitment of population-based cohorts for translational research and impact evaluation. Utilizing advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain, this framework enhances data security, real-time monitoring, and predictive analytics. The CHiESS model is adaptable for international use, promoting global health collaboration and supporting sustainable development goals.
Введение: Изучение влияния факторов окружающей среды на состояние психического здоровья населения является широко распространенным подходом среди современных ученых, что позволяет охарактеризовать состояние психического здоровья, как на индивидуальном, так и на популяционном уровнях. Оценка состояние психического здоровья необходима для разработки программ первичной и вторичной профилактики нарушений здоровья. Не смотря на закрытие Семипалатинского ядерного полигона (СИЯП) в 1989 году, многие социальные, демографические и экономические вопросы остались нерешенными. Отмечается усугубление психологической напряженности среди жителей прилежащих к полигону территорий за счет появления в средствах массовой информации сведений, недостоверно отображающих реальную радиоэкологическую ситуацию в регионе, а также последствия радиационного воздействия на здоровье населения. Цель: изучение распространенности и тяжести депрессивных расстройств и тревожности у жителей Абайского и Бородулихинского районов, пострадавших от многолетних испытаний на СИЯП, в сравнении с жителями экологически благополучного Курчумского района. Материалы и методы.Дизайн данного исследования был поперечным. Для достижения поставленной цели, нами были сформированыгруппы исследования из населения Восточно-Казахстанской области, в соответствии с радиационным маршрутом. Объем выборки по Абайскому району составил 222 человека, по Бородулихинскому району – 233 человек, по Курчумскому району (контрольная группа) – 245 человек. Для оценки наличия и тяжести депрессивных расстройств и тревожности использовались клинические шкалы PHQ-9 и GAD-7, соответственно.Статистическая обработка результатов проводилась с помощью статистического пакета программы SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) версия 20.0 для Windows (ГМУ г. Семей). Хи-квадрат Пирсона использовался при сравнении двух независимых групп номинальных переменных. Различия между группами считались достоверными, если имели 5% уровень значимости (р<0,05) Результаты: Исследование распространенности большого депрессивного расстройства (БДР) с помощью шкалы PHQ-9 показало, что минимальная степень расстройства (0-4 балла) встречалась у жителей села Курчум чаще (199 человек – 81,2%), чем у жителей Абайского и Бородулихинского районов (65,7% и 65,8%, соответственно). Аналогичная закономерность наблюдалась и в случае умеренной (10-14 баллов), тяжелой (15-19 баллов) и крайне тяжелой (20-27 баллов) степеней депрессии: их частота в контрольной группе была ниже, чем в основной. Оценка степени тяжести генерализованного тревожного расстройства (ГТР) в группах исследования показала существенное превышения показателей умеренной и средней степени тревожности жителей как Абайского, так и Бородулихинского районов в сравнении с контрольными показателями (23,2%; 23,4% и 13,1% соответственно для умеренной степени и 4,3%; 3,6% и 2,9 % соответственно для тревожности средней степени). Выводы: результаты, полученные в ходе нашего исследования, подтвердили гипотезу о том, что фактор радиационного воздействия вследствие длительного проживания на экологически неблагоприятных территориях негативно влияет на показатели распространенности и степени выраженности большого депрессивного и генерализованного тревожного расстройства среди экспонированных радиацией лиц. Background: studying the influence of environmental factors on mental health of the population is a widespread approach among modern researchers, which allows us to characterize the state of mental health both at individual and population levels. Assessment of mental distress is a necessary measure for the development of primary and secondary prevention programs on mental disorders. Despite the closure of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site (SNTS) in 1989, many social, demographic and economic issues remained unresolved. There is an aggravation of psychological tension among residents of the territories adjacent to the Site due to the spread of information by mass media unfairly reflecting the real radio-ecological situation in the region, as well as the consequences of radiation impact on public health. Aim: to study the prevalence and severity of depressive disorders and anxiety among the residents of Abay and Borodulikha districts, who were affected by long-term tests due to the activity of the SNTS, in comparison with inhabitants of ecologically safe Kurchum district. Materials and methods. The study had cross-sectional design. To achieve the study aim, we formed the study groups from the population of the East Kazakhstan region, in accordance with their radiation route. The sample size for the Abay district of comprised 222 people, while the sample size for Borodulikha district composed 233 people, and 245 people were recruited in Kurchum district (control group). PHQ-9 and GAD-7 scales were used to assess the presence and severity of depressive disorder and anxiety, respectively. The statistical processing of the study results was carried out using the SPSS statistical package (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 20.0 for Windows (GMU Semey). Pearson’s chi-square was used to compare two independent groups of nominal variables. Differences between groups were considered to be significant if they had a 5% significance level (p <0.05) Results: the prevalence of major depressive disorder (MDD) using the PHQ-9 scale showed that minimal degree of depression (0-4 points) was seen in residents of Kurchum district more often (199 people - 81.2%) than in the residents of Abay and Borodulikha districts (65.7% and 65.8%, respectively). A similar pattern was observed in case of moderate (10-14 points), severe (15-19 points) and extremely severe (20-27 points) degrees of depression: their frequency in the control group was lower than in the study group. An assessment of the severity of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in the study groups showed a significant excess of mild to moderate anxiety levels in both Abai and Borodulikha districts in comparison with indicators of the control group (23.2%, 23.4% and 13.1% respectively for a mild degree and 4.3%, 3.6% and 2.9% respectively for moderate anxiety). Conclusions: our results confirm the hypothesis that exposure to radiation due to the prolonged residence in ecologically unfavorable territories, negatively affects the prevalence and severity of a major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder among the exposed individuals. Кіріспе: Қоршаған орта факторларының тұрғындардың психикалық денсаулығына әсер етуін зерттеу осы заманғы ғалымдарының арасында кең таралған әдіс болып саналады, өз кезегінде психикалық денсаулық жағдайын индивидуалды және популяциялық деңгейде сиппаттауға мүмкіндік береді. Психикалық денсаулық жағадайын бағалау денсаулық бұзылысының біріншілік және екіншілік алдын-алу бағдарламасын жасап шығаруда ауадай қажет. Семей ядролық полигонының (ССЯП) жабылуына қарамастан 1989 жылы көптеген әлеуметтік, демографиялық және экономикалық сұрақтар шешусіз қалды. БАК-да шынайы радиоэкологиялық жағдайды дәйексіз суреттейтін ақппарттардың туындауына байланысты сонымен қатар сәулелік әсердің тұрғындар денсаулығына әсері салдарынан полигонға жапсарлас орналасқан аумақтарда психологиялық қауырттылықтың асқынуы байқалуда. Мақсат: көп жылдық ССЯП-нының сынағынан зардап шеккен Абай және Бородулиха аудандарының тұрғындары арасындағы депресивті бұзылыстар және мазасыздықтың таралуы мен ауырлығын экологиялық жағынан қолайлы болып келетін Күрішім ауданының тұрғындары жағдайымен салыстыра отырып зерттеу. Материалдар мен әдістер: Берілген зерттеудің дизайны көлденең болды. Алға қойған мақсатқа қол жету үшін біз Шығыс Қазақстан тұрғындары арасынан радиационды маршрутқа сәйкес зерттеу тобын жинақтадық. Абай ауданы бойынша іріктеме көлемі 222 адамды құрады, Бородулиха ауданы бойынша -233 адамды құрады, Күрішім ауданы бойынша (бақылау тобы) -245 адамды құрады. Депрессивті бұзылыстар мен мазасыздықты анықтау және ауырлығын бағалау үшін PHQ-9 және GAD-7 шкалалары сәйкесінше қолданылды нәтижелердің статистикалық өңделуі SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) бағдарламасының статистикалық пакеті Windows –ке арналған (ГМУ г.Семей) 20.0 нұсқасы көмегімен жүргізілді. Пирсон Хи-квадраты номиналды ауыспалылардың қос тәуелсіз топтарын салыстыруда қолданды. Мәнділік деңгейі 5 % болғанда топтар арасындағы айырмашылықтар дәйекті болып есептелінді. Нәтижелер:Үлкен депрессивті бұзылыстардың (ҮДБ) тарамдылығын PHQ-9 шкаласымен зерттеу бұзылыстың ең төменгі деңгейі (0-4 балл) Күрішім ауылының тұрғындары арасында (199 адам - 81,2%) Абай және Бородулиха аудандарымен салыстырғанда (65,7% және 65,8% сәйкесінше). Дәл сондай заңдылық ынсапты (10-14 балл), ауыр (15-19 балл) және өте ауыр (20-27 балл) депрессия деңгейінде байқалды: олардың жиілігі бақылау тобында негізгі топтармен салыстырғанда төмен болды. Зерттеу топтарындағы Жалпыланған мазасыздық бұзылысы (ЖМБ) Абай ауданы тұрғындары арасында да Бородулиха ауданының тұрғындары арасында бақылау көрсеткіштерімен салыстырғанда (23,2%,23,4%,13,1% ұстамды деңгейге сәйкесінше және 4,3%, 3,6%, 2,9% орташа деңгейдің мазасыздығына сәйкесінше) мазасыздықтың ұстамды және орташа деңгей көрсеткішінің айтарлықтай жоғарлауын көрсетті. Тұжырым: Зерттеуіміздің барысында алынған нәтижелер эколлогиялық қолайсыз аумақта ұзақ уақыт өмір сүру салдарынан сәулелену фактор әсеріне ұшырау радиациямен экспонатталған тұлғалар арасындағы үлкен депрессивті және жалпыланған мазасыздық бұзылыстарының таралу мен айқындылық көрсеткіштеріне жағымсыз әсер етеді деген гипотезаны растайды.
Prospective longitudinal cohort studies and national health datasets play a key role in understanding the mechanisms of cancer and chronic disease. The Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath) is a prospective longitudinal cohort study that supports evidence-based health decision-making using genomic, clinical and behavioural data that was provided by participant volunteers across Canada. The Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE) is a geospatial database of environmental exposure metrics characterizing various aspects of urban form to help conceptualize the associations between urban environments and health. CanPath participants have been linked to CANUE environmental datasets using residential postal codes. This chapter provides an overview of the CanPath and CANUE data platforms. Two case studies from the BC Generations Project, a regional CanPath cohort, are included as exemplars of research utilizing these linked data. The first case study examines the relationship between the built environment and two preventable cancer risk factors: physical activity and body composition (body mass index). The second case study investigates the effects of greenness, walkability, and nitrogen dioxide air pollution on bladder cancer risk. The studies utilizing the successful linkage of geospatial environmental data from CANUE with CanPath participant data highlight the value of integrating these databases for geospatial cancer prevention research.
This chapter introduces the concept of “digital ethology,” as envisioned during the Ernst Strüngmann Forum convened in July 2022. By “digital ethology,” we mean the observation of human behavior in the “wild,” that is behavior unfolding in its natural context and without interference by the observer. We focus on the “digital footprints” left by our behavior at the area level (neighborhoods, cities, counties) and on the constraints of human behavior by the surrounding physical and built environments modeled from digital sources. We point out the potential of linkages between the area-level characteristics of our physical, built, and social environments and individual-level (health) outcomes, with the latter captured in administrative health databases and large community-based cohorts. In this way, we see digital ethology as a conceptual and practical framework complementing population neuroscience.
Data stand as the foundation for studying, evaluating, and addressing the multifaceted challenges within environmental health research. This chapter highlights the contributions of the Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE) in generating and democratizing access to environmental exposure data across Canada. Through a consortium-driven approach, CANUE standardizes a variety of datasets – including air quality, greenness, neighborhood characteristics, and weather and climatic factors – into a centralized, analysis-ready, postal code-indexed database. CANUE’s mandate extends beyond data integration, encompassing the design and development of environmental health-related web applications, facilitating the linkage of data to a wide range of health databases and sociodemographic data, and providing educational training and events such as webinars, summits, and workshops. The operational and technical aspects of CANUE are explored in this chapter, detailing its human resources, data sources, computational infrastructure, and data management practices. These efforts collectively enhance research capabilities and public awareness, fostering strategic collaboration and generating actionable insights that promote physical and mental health and well-being.
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An increasing number of people are exposed to aircraft and road traffic noise. Hypertension is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and even a small contribution in risk from environmental factors may have a major impact on public health. The HYENA (Hypertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports) study aimed to assess the relations between noise from aircraft or road traffic near airports and the risk of hypertension. We measured blood pressure and collected data on health, socioeconomic, and lifestyle factors, including diet and physical activity, via questionnaire at home visits for 4,861 persons 45-70 years of age, who had lived at least 5 years near any of six major European airports. We assessed noise exposure using detailed models with a resolution of 1 dB (5 dB for United Kingdom road traffic noise), and a spatial resolution of 250 x 250 m for aircraft and 10 x 10 m for road traffic noise. We found significant exposure-response relationships between night-time aircraft as well as average daily road traffic noise exposure and risk of hypertension after adjustment for major confounders. For night-time aircraft noise, a 10-dB increase in exposure was associated with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.14 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.01-1.29]. The exposure-response relationships were similar for road traffic noise and stronger for men with an OR of 1.54 (95% CI, 0.99-2.40) in the highest exposure category (> 65 dB; p(trend) = 0.008). Our results indicate excess risks of hypertension related to long-term noise exposure, primarily for night-time aircraft noise and daily average road traffic noise.
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We are at the dawn of a data deluge in health that carries extraordinary promise for improving the health of populations. However, current associated efforts, which generally center on the 'precision medicine' agenda, may well fall short in terms of its overall impact. The main challenges, it is argued, are less technical than the following: (1) identifying the data that matter most; (2) ensuring that we make better use of existing data; and (3) extending our efforts from the individual to the population by exploiting new, complex, and sometimes unstructured, data sources. Advances in Epidemiology have shown that policies, features of institutions, characteristics of communities, living and environmental conditions, and social relationships all contribute, together with individual behaviors and factors such as poverty and race, to the production of health. Examples are discussed, leading to recommendations that focus on core priorities for data linkage, including those relating to marginalized populations, better data on socioeconomic status, micro- and macro-environments, collaborating with researchers in the fields of education, environment, and social sciences to ensure the validity and accuracy of multilevel data, aligning research aims with policy decisions that must be made, and heightening efforts to protect privacy.
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Objectives The complex interaction between lifestyle, behaviours, genetic factors and the social and physical environment have a fundamental role in modulating risk and/ or progression of health outcomes, especially cancer. To address this complexity, access to large-scale cohorts involving hundreds of thousands of participants and collecting comprehensive and valuable information are required. In the real world however, attaining adequate statistical power presents a major challenge. Retrospective data harmonization and integration across multiple cohort studies has been shown to be an effective analytical approach to attaining statistical power, with the potential to support population health research and policy related questions and improve our understanding of the complex factors affecting health outcomes. ApproachLarge cohorts, with at least 50,000 participants, initiated in countries all over the world, focused on innovative research on cancer and other chronic diseases were invited to participate in this retrospective data harmonization initiative. Cohorts shared their comprehensive metadata related to their study content and design. Almost 150 variables, selected for their relevance to be part of a generic set of information useful for a broad range of research question, were assessed for their harmonization potential and made available on an online searchable study catalogue. Lastly, a proof of concept research question on the retrospective harmonized data was conducted and aimed to investigate methods to analyze individual patient data from multiple studies by studying the determinants associated with age at menopause. ResultsEight cohorts from multiple countries shared their comprehensive metadata related to their study content and design, resulting in over 2 million study participants. Of the 150 potential variables, the majority of them were harmonizable for co-analysis. The proof of concept research question, applied to these variables generated interesting results, widely supported by other research on this topic, found in the literature. This work demonstrates the value of retrospective data harmonization and integration to be an effective analytical approach to attaining statistical power. The searchable study catalogue, available online for researchers to use in their own international research projects offers a new innovative tool for potential co-analysis of similar measures collected by separate cohort studies. Conclusion Retrospective harmonization offers an innovative approach to optimize use of existing research data with increased statistical power.
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Background: Exposure to ambient air pollution increases morbidity and mortality, and is a leading contributor to global disease burden. We explored spatial and temporal trends in mortality and burden of disease attributable to ambient air pollution from 1990 to 2015 at global, regional, and country levels. Methods: We estimated global population-weighted mean concentrations of particle mass with aerodynamic diameter less than 2·5 μm (PM2·5) and ozone at an approximate 11 km × 11 km resolution with satellite-based estimates, chemical transport models, and ground-level measurements. Using integrated exposure-response functions for each cause of death, we estimated the relative risk of mortality from ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and lower respiratory infections from epidemiological studies using non-linear exposure-response functions spanning the global range of exposure. Findings: Ambient PM2·5 was the fifth-ranking mortality risk factor in 2015. Exposure to PM2·5 caused 4·2 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 3·7 million to 4·8 million) deaths and 103·1 million (90·8 million 115·1 million) disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) in 2015, representing 7·6% of total global deaths and 4·2% of global DALYs, 59% of these in east and south Asia. Deaths attributable to ambient PM2·5 increased from 3·5 million (95% UI 3·0 million to 4·0 million) in 1990 to 4·2 million (3·7 million to 4·8 million) in 2015. Exposure to ozone caused an additional 254 000 (95% UI 97 000-422 000) deaths and a loss of 4·1 million (1·6 million to 6·8 million) DALYs from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 2015. Interpretation: Ambient air pollution contributed substantially to the global burden of disease in 2015, which increased over the past 25 years, due to population ageing, changes in non-communicable disease rates, and increasing air pollution in low-income and middle-income countries. Modest reductions in burden will occur in the most polluted countries unless PM2·5 values are decreased substantially, but there is potential for substantial health benefits from exposure reduction. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Health Effects Institute.
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Investigating a single environmental exposure in isolation does not reflect the actual human exposure circumstance nor does it capture the multifactorial etiology of health and disease. The exposome, defined as the totality of environmental exposures from conception onward, may advance our understanding of environmental contributors to disease by more fully assessing the multitude of human exposures across the life course. Implementation into studies of human health has been limited, in part owing to theoretical and practical challenges including a lack of infrastructure to support comprehensive exposure assessment, difficulty in differentiating physiologic variation from environmentally induced changes, and the need for study designs and analytic methods that accommodate specific aspects of the exposome, such as high-dimensional exposure data and multiple windows of susceptibility. Recommendations for greater data sharing and coordination, methods development, and acknowledgment and minimization of multiple types of measurement error are offered to encourage researchers to embark on exposome research to promote the environmental health and well-being of all populations. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Public Health Volume 38 is March 20, 2017. Please see for revised estimates.
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Introduction Built environment attributes have been linked to cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Therefore, identifying built environment attributes that are associated with CVD risk is relevant for facilitating effective public health interventions. Objective To conduct a systematic review of literature to examine the influence of built environmental attributes on CVD risks. Data Source Multiple database searches including Science direct, CINAHL, Masterfile Premier, EBSCO and manual scan of reference lists were conducted. Inclusion Criteria Studies published in English between 2005 and April 2015 were included if they assessed one or more of the neighborhood environmental attributes in relation with any major CVD outcomes and selected risk factors among adults. Data Extraction Author(s), country/city, sex, age, sample size, study design, tool used to measure neighborhood environment, exposure and outcome assessments and associations were extracted from eligible studies. Results Eighteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Most studies used both cross-sectional design and Geographic Information System (GIS) to assess the neighborhood environmental attributes. Neighborhood environmental attributes were significantly associated with CVD risk and CVD outcomes in the expected direction. Residential density, safety from traffic, recreation facilities, street connectivity and high walkable environment were associated with physical activity. High walkable environment, fast food restaurants, supermarket/grocery stores were associated with blood pressure, body mass index, diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. High density traffic, road proximity and fast food restaurants were associated with CVDs outcomes. Conclusion This study confirms the relationship between neighborhood environment attributes and CVDs and risk factors. Prevention programs should account for neighborhood environmental attributes in the communities where people live.
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Planet Labs ("Planet") operate the largest fleet of active nano-satellites in orbit, offering an unprecedented monitoring capacity of daily and global RGB image capture at 3–5 m resolution. However, limitations in spectral resolution and lack of accurate radiometric sensor calibration impact the utility of this rich information source. In this study, Planet's RGB imagery was translated into a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI): a common metric for vegetation growth and condition. Our framework employs a data mining approach to build a set of rule-based regression models that relate RGB data to atmospherically corrected Landsat-8 NDVI. The approach was evaluated over a desert agricultural landscape in Saudi Arabia where the use of near-coincident (within five days) Planet and Landsat-8 acquisitions in the training of the regression models resulted in NDVI predictabilities with an r 2 of approximately 0.97 and a Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) on the order of 0.014 (~9%). The MAD increased to 0.021 (~14%) when the Landsat NDVI training image was further away (i.e., 11–16 days) from the corrected Planet image. In these cases, the use of MODIS observations to inform on the change in NDVI occurring between overpasses was shown to significantly improve prediction accuracies. MAD levels ranged from 0.002 to 0.011 (3.9% to 9.1%) for the best performing 80% of the data. The technique is generic and extendable to any region of interest, increasing the utility of Planet's dense time-series of RGB imagery.
The urban heat island is a particular challenge for tropical cities, which receive year-round high inputs of solar radiation. Plants can help mitigate elevated urban temperatures by providing shade and increasing evaporative cooling, although the resulting increase in humidity may negatively affect thermal comfort. Street trees offer particular potential for cooling urban microclimates, as well as providing other ecosystem services, because they can be integrated within dense urban street networks. However, we have little quantitative information about the role of street trees in providing regulating ecosystem services in tropical cities. In this study, we analysed hemispherical photographs extracted from Google Street View to quantify the proportion of green canopy coverage at 50 m intervals across more than 80% of Singapore’s road network. Canopy coverage data were then used to estimate the proportion of annual radiation that would be blocked from reaching ground level by the canopy. Across all locations, a median of 13% of the annual diffuse and direct solar radiation was shaded, and over 70% of this shading effect was due to the tree canopy. There was significant variation between different urban landuse types, with trees providing more shade in parks and low-density low-rise areas than in industrial and higher-density residential areas. Mapping the provision of street tree ecosystem services could help to prioritise areas for new planting by identifying streets or street sections with low shading. The approach developed in this article could be readily applied to quantify the proportion of canopy coverage and proportion of solar radiation shaded across other tropical cities. The method may also be applicable in temperate cities if Google Street View photographs were collected during the growing season.
Environment Canada routinely issues twice-daily, 48-h public forecasts of (a) gridded surface and near-surface O3, PM2.5, and NO2 concentration fields made by the GEM-MACH15 on-line chemical weather forecast model on a 15-km North American grid plus (b) point-specific forecasts for Canadian cities of the national Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) prepared by a statistical postprocessing package called UMOS-AQ. The AQHI is a health-based, additive, no-threshold, hourly AQ index that ranges from 0 to 10C and is based on a weighted sum of local O3, PM2.5, and NO2 concentrations. An objective analysis scheme for surface O3, PM2.5, and NO2, which will provide model-measurement data fusion and model error diagnostics, is now being tested. These recent advances as well as plans for further improvements to the AQ forecasting system are described.