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American-Eurasian Journal of Toxicological Sciences 6 (4): 131-135, 2014
ISSN 2079-2050
© IDOSI Publications, 2014
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.aejts.2014.6.4.91140
Corresponding Author: M. Asadujjaman, Department of Fisheries Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh. Tel: +8801681795559. E-mail: asad06.nstu@
Comparative Study on Proximate Composition and Heavy Metal
Concentration of Amblypharyngodon mola and Channa punctatus
Collected from Pond Water and Open Water
M.A. Rahman, F.H. Shikha, M.I. Hossain, M. Asadujjaman, N. Nahar and M.M. Rahman
1 11 2 1 3
Department of Fisheries Technology,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Department of Fisheries Management,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Department of Fisheries and Marine Science,
Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh
Abstract: Present study was conducted to evaluate proximate composition and heavy metal concentration of
Amblypharyngodon mola and Channa punctatus collected from pond water and open water in Mymensingh,
Bangladesh. Fresh fish were collected from nearby pond of Bangladesh Agricultural University and the
Brahmaputra River during February, 2014. Moisture content of the studied fishes was most abundant
composition. Protein, lipid and moisture content were higher in pond water fishes than open water fishes.
Protein and ash content was higher in C. punctatus but lipid and moisture content was higher in A. mola. Level
of proximate composition of A. mola and C. punctatus was as Moisture> Protein>Lipid>Ash. Arsenic (As) and
Copper (Cu) concentration in A. mola and C. punctatus were within the permissible limits. Cadmium (Cd)
concentration was exceeded the permissible limit in both fishes collected from pond water and open water.
Arsenic concentration was not detected in C. punctatus. The study revealed that open water fishes
accumulated more heavy metal in the muscle than pond water fishes.
Key words: Nutrient content Heavy metal SIS Pond water Open water
INTRODUCTION feed on small fishes, zooplankton, rotifers, insects,
Small Indigenous Species (SIS) is the main, indeed The proximate analysis is a set of methods to get
the only source of the protein and most of the fat soluble information about the nutritional value of fish. It includes
vitamins for the rural poor people [1]. Amblypharyngodon major components of nutritional value of fish such as
mola, locally known as Mola, is a naturally occurring protein, lipid, moisture and ash. So, it is important to
auto-stocked cyprinid fish in Bangladesh. The fish is know the level of proximate composition of A. mola and
generally surface feeder and planktivorus [2]. At present, C. punctatus as these are highly demanded and
frozen block of A. mola is exported to Europe, USA and economically valuable fish of the country.
Middle-east from Kulierchar region of Kishoreganj district Heavy metals are toxic or poisonous even at low
[3]. concentration [6]. The aquatic pollution caused by heavy
Channa punctatus, locally known as Taki, is well metals is of major concern due to their persistence and
known for its taste, high nutritive value and medicinal accumulative nature. Amongst animals, fishes are the
qualities. The fish is recommended as a diet during inhabitants that cannot escape from the detrimental
convalescence [4]. Taki macher bhorta is a traditionally influence of these pollutants [7]. Fish living in the
tasty food item especially to the rural people of polluted water may accumulate higher amount of toxic
Bangladesh. C. punctatus is carnivore in nature primarily heavy metals through their food chain [8]. Fish reared in
crustacean larvae etc. [5].
µg/g conc. observed final vol. of sample in
Heavy Metal Concentration (µg/g) = Weight of tissues taken in gm
Am-Euras. J. Toxicol. Sci., 6 (4): 131-135, 2014
ponds and lakes with artificial feed sometimes contain method of Clesceri et al. [14]. The wave length of As, Cd
heavy metal. The metal once absorbed is transported via and Cu was 193.7 nm, 217 nm and 383.7 nm, respectively.
blood to muscles, bone, liver, kidney, gills and hepatic Metal concentration was calculated by the following
tissues. Accumulation of metals in fish may cause formula:
structural lesions and functional disturbances [9]. Stress
due to heavy metals present does create hematological
disturbances, erythrocyte destruction (hemolysis) and
leukocytosis in fish population, affecting the immune
system and making the fish vulnerable to diseases [10]. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Almost all of the heavy metal cause health hazard to the
consumers. Most cause renal disease, some cause Proximate Composition: Moisture content was the most
problem in stomachs, damage central nervous system, abundant composition of the studied fishes collected
retard growth in children, cause cancer and so on. from pond water and open water (Table 1). C. punctatus
The pollution levels in the rivers of Bangladesh from contains more moisture than A. mola. Pond water fishes
industrial effluents, urban and agricultural waste has had more moisture than the fishes collected from open
reached alarming situation [11]. In Bangladesh the water. The total moisture content of A. mola is 77.19%
surface water qualities of the rivers are getting highly [15], 76.68% [16], 75.79±0.88 [17] and 76.38% [18].
polluting gradually [12]. Considering the facts it is Moisture content in A. mola collected from pond water
important to know the heavy metal concentration of and open water is about similar to the above findings.
fish living in open water (e.g. rivers) as well as in closed The moisture content of C. punctatus is 81.93% [16]
water (e.g. ponds). Therefore, the investigation was which is higher than the present study. Moisture content
carried out to determine the proximate composition and in C. punctatus is similar to Kamal et al. [19].
heavy metal concentration of A. mola and C. punctatus The small indigenous fishes occupy an important
collected from pond and open water systems. position in the popular food items of Bangladesh [20]. A.
MATERIALS AND METHODS and are good source of protein. In the present study pond
Study Area and Period: The present research work was from open water (Table 1). Protein content in freshly
undertaken in the Department of Fisheries Technology, caught A. mola is 17.95% [14], 15.40±0.24% [17] and
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, 18.46% [18] which are more or less similar to the present
during the month of February, 2014. Fish samples were study. Protein content (%) of C. punctatus, C. marulius
collected at morning and immediately transported to the and C. striatus is 15.22, 16.19 and 15.49, respectively [16].
laboratory. The fishes were kept at ambient temperature in The results showing that protein content of Channa spp.
a tray. is more or less similar but lower than the present study.
Determination of Proximate Composition: Proximate variation might be due to species, habitat, season, food
composition was determined in Fish Processing availability, food type etc. [21]. C. punctatus are
Laboratory of Department of Fisheries Technology, carnivorous and consume animal protein whereas A. mola
BAU. Moisture content was determined by oven drying is mainly plankton feeder [5].
the muscle samples at 105°C (about 12hr) until reaching In the present study lipid content was higher in
into a constant weight. Protein content was determined pond water samples. A. mola contains more lipid than C.
using the Kjeldhal method, lipid (Soxhlet acetone punctatus in case of both pond and open water fishes
extractives) and ash (residual after heating at 550°C for (Table 1). The lipid content of A. mola is 2.87% [16] which
6hr) were determined using standard methods described is lower than the present study. Lipid content of A. mola
by AOAC [13]. is 5.4% [15], 5.48% [17] and 4.10% [18] which are higher
Determination of Heavy Metals: The analysis was done 1.60% [14] and 4.55±1.18 % [19] which are not coincide
by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (HG-AAS, with the present study. Variation in lipid content is mainly
PG-990, PG Instrument Ltd. UK) at Agri-chemistry due to geographical location, habitat, food type, food
Laboratory, BAU, Mymensingh, followed by the availability, species etc. [21].
mola and C. punctatus is very common SIS of fish species
water fishes had more protein than the fishes collected
C. punctatus have protein content 19.13±2.40 % [19]. The
than the present study. C. punctatus have lipid content
Am-Euras. J. Toxicol. Sci., 6 (4): 131-135, 2014
Table 1: Proximate composition of A. mola and C. punctatus (mean±SD)
A. mola (20*) C. punctatus (20*)
--------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
Proximate composition (%) Pond water Open water Pond water Open water
Moisture content 74.40±1.51 73.03±0.82 73.44±1.87 72.73±1.65
Protein content 18.26±0.42 18.66±0.32 22.53±0.37 21.41±0.29
Lipid content 3.70±0.17 3.81±0.14 2.81±0.08 2.43±0.06
Ash content 1.23±0.11 1.19±0.12 1.41±0.05 1.27±0.09
* Number of samples given in parentheses
Table 2: Heavy metal concentration (µg/g) of A. mola and C. punctatus (mean±SD)
A. mola (20*) C. punctatus (20*)
-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Permissible
Heavy metal (µg/g) Pond water Open water Pond water Open water limit (µg/g)
Arsenic (As) 0.14±0.03 0.23±0.05 ND** ND** 0.26 [30]
Cadmium (Cd) 0.23±0.04 0.29±0.05 0.21±0.04 0.32±0.06 0.20 [30]
Copper (Cu) 2.27±0.17 2.42±0.14 2.35±0.15 2.69±0.19 10.00 [31]
* Number of samples given in parentheses
** ND = Not Detected
Present study recorded more ash content in C. (0.0004±0.0007 µg/g) in C. punctatus muscle from the river
punctatus than A. mola. Open water fishes are found more Khiru in Mymensingh. As concentrations in the present
ash content than the fishes collected from pond water study was within the recommended limits (Table 2). As
(Table 1). Ash content of A. mola is 2.50% [16], 1.60% accumulation in fish muscle tissue collected from North
[17], 1.64% [18]. Ahmed et al. [16] found ash content in C. East coast of India is 0.02-2.37 µg/g [29] which is more or
punctatus 1.25% but Kamal et al. [19] estimated less similar to the present study.
6.81±0.94%. The results are not similar to the present Cadmium (Cd) levels usually increase with the age of
study that might be due to geographical location, food fish and the level pollution [32, 33]. Large sized fishes
availability, season, sex etc. [21]. accumulate more Cd in muscles than small sized fish of the
Heavy Metal Concentration: Generally, accumulation and C. punctatus (0.28±0.06 µg/g) was found higher Cd
depends on metal concentration, time of exposure, way of concentration in the muscle than pond water fishes.
metal uptake, environmental conditions (water Average Cd accumulation was higher in C. punctatus
temperature, pH, hardness, salinity) and intrinsic factors than A. mola (Table 2). C. punctatus muscle contains
(fish age, feeding habits) [9]. Various factors such as 0.0012±0.0018 µg/g Cd found by Hasan et al. [28].
season, physical and chemical properties of water can Concentration of Cd in fish muscle tissue ranges from 0.01
play a significant role in metal accumulation in different to 1.10 µg/g dry weight [29] which is similar to the present
fish tissues [22]. Moody et al. [23] stated that there is study. The Cd concentration in C. carpio muscle is 0.02-
high accumulation of heavy metals in river fishes. Metal 0.13 µg/g [26]. This indicates that C. carpio accumulate
accumulation in fish muscle is lower than liver, kidney and lower Cd in the muscle than A. mola and C. punctatus.
gills [24, 25, 26]. In the present study, the trend of heavy Islam et al. [35] showed that Cd contaminants (µg/g) in
metals concentration can be represented as: Cu> Cd> As fish edible muscles varied between 0.13±0.05 – ND (not
in pond water and open water A. mola and C. punctatus detected). Acute toxicity of Cd is related to the free ionic
(Table 2). concentration of the metal and is variable to aquatic
Arsenic (As) is a devastating environmental pollutant organisms. Cd causes abnormally low calcium levels
that causes severe ground water pollution in Bangladesh. (hypocalcaemia), by inhibiting calcium uptake from the
Organic arsenic compounds (such as arsenobetaine) are water. Islam et al. [35] stated that fish can be protected
primarily found in fish by Jarup [27]. In A. mola, average from Cd uptake by increasing calcium concentration at the
arsenic content was higher in open water fishes than uptake sites. In the present study Cd concentration in A.
pond water fishes but it was absent in C. punctatus.mola and C. punctatus crossed the permissible limit
Hasan et al. [28] determined minor amount of arsenic (Table 2).
same species [34]. Open water A. mola (0.27±0.05 µg/g)
Am-Euras. J. Toxicol. Sci., 6 (4): 131-135, 2014
Copper (Cu) concentration of open water A. mola and 5. Talwar, P.K. and A.G. Jhingran, 1991. Inland Fishes of
C. punctatus was higher in the muscle than pond water
fishes. Cu accumulation was also higher in A. mola than
C. punctatus (Table 2). The difference is mainly due to
species, sex, food and feeding habit variation. In a heavily
polluted river of Bangladesh, Buriganga River, highest Cu
was found in C. punctatus (5.27 µg/g) [36] which were
higher than the present study. Cu concentration in C.
punctatus was near the concentration (3.46±0.85 µg/g)
found by Hasan et al. [28]. Cu contaminants in fish edible
muscles varied between 3.13±2.53 and 0.63±0.06 µg/g [35]
which is supported by the present study.
Most of the people do not care about the nutritional
value of fishes but fish is essential food to prevent most
of the life threatening diseases. In Mymensingh there are
so many indigenous fishes in ponds and in the
Brahmaputra River which are left for studying nutritional
value. Therefore, further study has to be done for finding
their nutritional value in time so that nutritionists can
easily suggest the fish requirement for daily meal. It is
recommended that further research should be done on the
accumulation and concentration of heavy metals in fish in
order to monitor and prevent them from exceeding
permissible limits that make them toxic to human. Health
screening should be undertaken on the inhabitants to
check for symptoms of some of these heavy metals.
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