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Comparison of linoleic acid-containing water-in-oil emulsion with urea-containing water-in-oil emulsion in the treatment of atopic dermatitis: a randomized clinical trial

Taylor & Francis
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
  • Center For Research And Training In Skin Diseases And Leprosy
  • Center for Research & Training in Skin Diseases & Leprosy

Abstract and Figures

Background Application of topical moisturizers is an essential part of the management of atopic dermatitis (AD). Linoleic acid (LA), the most abundant fatty acid in the epidermis, and its derivatives have an essential role in the structure and function of the epidermal barrier, and their defects are prominent in AD. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy and safety of two cosmetic products containing either LA or urea in patients with AD. Patients and methods A total of 20 patients with AD who met the eligibility criteria and provided written informed consents were enrolled in this randomized, intra-individual split-body, single-center trial. Symmetrical lesions of patients were randomized for treatment with LA- or urea-containing water-in-oil (w/o) emulsions applied two to three times daily for 4 weeks. The efficacy of the two products was evaluated by local Scoring Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) of both lesions and also patient (or guardian) satisfaction. In addition, trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL), stratum corneum (SC) hydration, pH, sebum, temperature, erythema, melanin content, and ultrasonographic thickness and echo density of epidermis and dermis were measured before, and 2 and 4 weeks after, treatment. Results Four weeks of treatment with the LA-containing product resulted in a significant decrease in local SCORAD, TEWL, erythema, and echo density of dermis, as well as an increase in SC hydration compared to baseline. The urea-containing product also reduced the local SCO-RAD and echo density of dermis and increased SC hydration. In contrast to the LA-containing product, changes in TEWL and erythema were not significant. Moreover, the reduction of erythema was significantly higher in the LA-containing product-treated side compared to the urea-containing product-treated side (p = 0.006). Conclusion Both LA- or urea-containing w/o emulsions can significantly improve barrier dysfunction and clinical severity of AD. In agreement with literature, it was confirmed that an LA-containing w/o emulsion exhibited erythema-reducing effects. Since emollients should be used on a regular basis, patients should choose a product by individual preference following recommendation by their dermatologists.
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Comparison of linoleic acid-containing water-
in-oil emulsion with urea-containing water-in-oil
emulsion in the treatment of atopic dermatitis:
a randomized clinical trial
Saman Ahmad Nasrollahi1
Azin Ayatollahi1
Taraneh Yazdanparast1,2
Aniseh Samadi1
Hamed Hosseini3
Mansour Shamsipour4
Ali Asghar Akhlaghi5
Somayeh Yadangi1
Christoph Abels6
Alireza Firooz1,2
1Center for Research and Training
in Skin Diseases and Leprosy,
2Telemedicine Research Center,
National Research Institute of
Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases
(NRITLD), Shahid Beheshti University
of Medical Sciences, 3Clinical Trial
Center, 4Department of Research
Methodology and Data Analysis,
Institute for Environmental Research,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
5Department of Epidemiology and
Reproductive Health, Reproductive
Epidemiology Research Center,
Royan Institute for Reproductive
Biomedicine, ACECR, Tehran, Iran;
6Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co. KG
Arzneimittel, Bielefeld, Germany
Background: Application of topical moisturizers is an essential part of the management of
atopic dermatitis (AD). Linoleic acid (LA), the most abundant fatty acid in the epidermis, and
its derivatives have an essential role in the structure and function of the epidermal barrier, and
their defects are prominent in AD. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy and safety
of two cosmetic products containing either LA or urea in patients with AD.
Patients and methods: A total of 20 patients with AD who met the eligibility criteria and
provided written informed consents were enrolled in this randomized, intra-individual split-body,
single-center trial. Symmetrical lesions of patients were randomized for treatment with LA- or
urea-containing water-in-oil (w/o) emulsions applied two to three times daily for 4 weeks. The
efficacy of the two products was evaluated by local Scoring Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) of
both lesions and also patient (or guardian) satisfaction. In addition, trans-epidermal water loss
(TEWL), stratum corneum (SC) hydration, pH, sebum, temperature, erythema, melanin content,
and ultrasonographic thickness and echo density of epidermis and dermis were measured before,
and 2 and 4 weeks after, treatment.
Results: Four weeks of treatment with the LA-containing product resulted in a significant
decrease in local SCORAD, TEWL, erythema, and echo density of dermis, as well as an increase
in SC hydration compared to baseline. The urea-containing product also reduced the local SCO-
RAD and echo density of dermis and increased SC hydration. In contrast to the LA-containing
product, changes in TEWL and erythema were not significant. Moreover, the reduction of
erythema was significantly higher in the LA-containing product-treated side compared to the
urea-containing product-treated side (p = 0.006).
Conclusion: Both LA- or urea-containing w/o emulsions can significantly improve barrier
dysfunction and clinical severity of AD. In agreement with literature, it was confirmed that an
LA-containing w/o emulsion exhibited erythema-reducing effects. Since emollients should be
used on a regular basis, patients should choose a product by individual preference following
recommendation by their dermatologists.
Keywords: emollient, moisturizer, humectants, epidermal barrier, erythema
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory pruritic skin disorder characterized
by increased trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) which requires appropriate skin care
on a regular basis.1–3
The first line of skin protection against the environmental hazardous effects, water
loss, and conservation of electrolyte balance is the epidermal barrier (EB). The stratum
Correspondence: Alireza Firooz
Center for Research and Training in Skin
Diseases and Leprosy, Tehran University
of Medical Sciences, # 415 Taleqani
Avenue, Tehran 1416613675, Iran
Tel/fax +98 21 8896 3804
Email 
Journal name: Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
Article Designation: CLINICAL TRIAL REPORT
Year: 2018
Volume: 11
Running head verso: Nasrollahi et al
Running head recto: Comparison of LA- with a urea-containing w/o emulsion
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2018:11
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Nasrollahi et al
corneum (SC), a unique differentiation end product of the
epidermis, produces a set of protective/defensive functions.4
Inherited barrier abnormalities, exogenous and endog-
enous stressors with additional exacerbation of barrier
dysfunction, and compromised antimicrobial defense with
further impairment of barrier function are the main causes
of barrier dysfunction in AD.4–6
One of the most important clinical features of AD which
results from a dysfunctional EB is very dry skin (xerosis).
Moisturizers with different agents containing varying
amounts of emollients, occlusives, and/or humectants are
used to reduce TEWL, increase skin hydration, and thus
improve xerosis in AD patients.7 Emollients soften and
smooth the skin by filling the spaces between desquamating
corneocytes and provide increased cohesion leading to a
smoother surface with less friction.8
Occlusive agents (such as petrolatum, mineral oil, and
lanolin) retard evaporation of water by coating the SC. By
decreasing TEWL, these agents are one of the best choices
for treating xerosis.9
Humectants (such as glycerol, lactic acid, and urea) are
water-soluble agents with the capacity to complex and hold
water.10 Urea, as a humectant, decreases TEWL in normal
skin and dry skin of patients with AD.11–14
Linoleic acid (LA), the most abundant fatty acid in the
epidermis, and its derivatives have an essential role in the
structure and function of the SC permeability barrier, and
their defects are most prominent in AD.15,16 Moreover, it has
also been shown that LA has anti-inflammatory effects.17,18
In this study, we compared the efficacy and safety of a
water-in-oil (w/o) emulsion containing 1.5% LA with a dif-
ferent w/o emulsion containing 5% urea in patients with AD.
Patients and methods
This study was an open, randomized, intra-individual split-body,
single-center trial. The study protocol as well as other essential
documents was approved by the Ethics Committee of Tehran
University of Medical Sciences and was registered in Iran
Randomized Controlled Trial (IRCT; IR.TUMS.REC.1394.32)
Registry with registration number IRCT2015062017994N1.
A total of 20 patients with AD who were referred to the
outpatient skin clinic of the Center for Research and Train-
ing in Skin Diseases and Leprosy, met the eligibility criteria,
and provided written informed consent were enrolled in this
study. The inclusion criteria were female or male patients at
least 2 years old and with mild-to-moderate AD (defined as
Scoring Atopic Dermatitis [SCORAD] between 4 and 12,
erythema and pruritus score of at least 1) without any signs
of infection having at least two symmetrical lesions on arms
or legs with similar local SCORAD.
Patients with severe AD (SCORAD > 12), pregnancy
or lactation, drug addiction and alcoholism, AIDS or other
infectious diseases (such as hepatitis), active skin disease
(other than AD) at test area, documented allergies to any
ingredients of study products, use of other skin care prod-
ucts (e.g., creams, lotions, and sunscreens) at the treatment
areas throughout the course of the study, poor compliance,
or enrollment in any clinical trial within the past 3 months
were excluded from our study.
Symmetrical lesions of patients were randomized using
a software generated randomization list for treatment with a
1.5% LA-containing w/o emulsion (aluminum stearate, aqua,
beta-carotene, canola oil, cera alba, cetearyl alcohol, decyl
oleate, Helianthus annuus, hydrogenated coco-glycerides,
lanolin, lanolin alcohol, isomerized safflower acid, magne-
sium stearate, paraffin, paraffinum liquidum, petrolatum,
sorbitan stearate; “Linola-F” cream; Dr. August Wolff GmbH
& Co. KG Arzneimittel, Bielefeld, Germany) or a 5% urea-
containing eucerin (cetylstearyl alcohol, white vaseline, and
wool wax alcohols), purified water, and urea in w/o emulsion
system (Samin Co., Tehran, Iran) applied two to three times
daily for 4 weeks.
The efficacy of the products was evaluated by local
SCORAD of both lesions and, in addition, by patient (or
guardian) satisfaction. Moreover, TEWL, SC hydration,
pH, sebum, temperature, erythema, melanin content, and
ultrasonographic characteristics of skin (thickness and echo
density of epidermis and dermis) were measured using the
corresponding probes of Tewameter, Corneometer, pH meter,
Sebumeter, Thermometer, and Mexameter of Cutometer®
MPA 580 (CK Company, Cologne, Germany) and 22 MHz
probe of high-frequency skin ultrasonography (DUB Skin
Scanner; TPM, Luneburg, Germany) in standardized condi-
tions of temperature and humidity. All the assessments were
performed at baseline and 2 and 4 weeks after beginning the
Furthermore, any local adverse events at the site of
applications were recorde, and the participants answered a
questionnaire regarding tolerability and acceptance of each
product (Figure S1).
Each subject was asked to rate the severity of itching and
burning in both treatment areas from 0 (none) to 5 (severe).
Patients were also asked to rate the level of satisfaction from
treatment, on a 5-grade scale (5 = very satisfied, 4 = somewhat
satisfied, 3 = indifferent, 2 = somewhat dissatisfied, 1 = very
dissatisfied). In case of younger children and infants who
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2018:11 submit your manuscript |
Comparison of LA- with a urea-containing w/o emulsion
were not capable of answering/filling the questionnaire,
patients’ parents were asked to fill it.
Results were presented as median (quartile 1 – quartile 3),
and differences were compared between two treatment groups
using Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
The SPSS software version 18 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
USA) was used for statistical analyses. Data are presented as
mean ± SD or median (quartile 1 – quartile 3) unless stated
otherwise and analyzed by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
The statistical significance level was defined as p < 0.05.
In this pilot study, 20 patients (12 females and 8 males) with a
mean age of 16.75 years (SD = 13.67, range 2–45 years) and
a mean SCORAD of 10.46 (SD = 1.02, range 8.7–11.9) were
included, and 16 patients completed the study. The local SCO-
RAD and the biophysical measurements at baseline and after 2
and 4 weeks of treatment on both sides are shown in Figure 1.
At baseline, there was no significant difference in local
SCORAD and in any of the measured variables, except for
the mean erythema level which was significantly higher in
site designated to be treated by LA-containing product.
There was no significant differences between the two
treated sides in any parameter, except for a higher pH in LA-
containing product-treated side after 2 weeks of treatment
(p-value = 0.003).
Four weeks of treatment with a LA-containing product
resulted in a significant decrease in local SCORAD, TEWL,
and erythema as well as an increase in SC hydration compared
to baseline (Figure 1).
Treatment with a urea-containing product cream resulted
in a significant decrease in local SCORAD and an increase
in SC hydration. TEWL and erythema reduction after appli-
cation of the urea-containing product, however, was not
significant. The erythema was significantly reduced after
the application of the LA-containing product-treated side
compared to the side treated with the urea-containing product
(p = 0.006). There was a clear, but not statistically significant
trend (p = 0.098) regarding the reduction in skin melanin
content in the LA-containing product-treated side, whereas
skin melanin content even increased in the urea-containing
product-treated side (Figure 1).
The ultrasonographic measurements showed a decrease at
week 4 for both products; however, there was no statistically
significant difference (Table 1).
Moreover, patients’ satisfaction with treatment was higher
for the LA-containing product, and this difference was sta-
tistically significant (p = 0.046).
No statistically significant differences were found in the
severity of itching and burning between two groups (p-value=
0.912 and 0.961, respectively). No other adverse reactions
were reported or observed in any of the two treatment groups.
It is well known to dermatologists and just recently confirmed
by a Cochrane Review that topical application of emulsions
prolongs the time to flare, decrease the number of flares,
and reduce the amounts of topical corticosteroids needed.19
Therefore, the current available guidelines recommend the
use of emulsions as a key and basic step in the treatment of
AD, 20–23 in particular, since several recent studies showed that
preventing degradation and repairing the barrier dysfunc-
tions are critical strategies for reducing the risk of relapse
in AD.4,24,25
In this study, we assessed the effects of two w/o emulsions
in AD lesions in a randomized, intra-individual, controlled
clinical trial. One of the products contained 1.5% LA as cos-
metic active ingredient, whereas the other one contained 5%
urea. After 4 weeks of treatment, both products significantly
decreased local SCORAD and significantly increased SC
hydration, although reduction in skin erythema and TEWL
was only significant in the lesions treated with the LA-
containing product. An impaired skin barrier function and
clinical signs of dryness are usually expected to be improved
after use of the appropriate topical emulsion. Unfortunately,
clinical improvement in xerosis and eczematous lesions may
not necessarily induce normalization of TEWL.26
The beneficial effects of the two products, both w/o emul-
sions (appropriate pharmaceutical formulation for xerosis),
can be explained by the measured increase in skin hydration
and through possible effects on the barrier function, although
only for the LA-containing product, a statistically significant
change was observed for the TEWL. Components of the
LA-containing product, such as complex mixture of esters,
diesters and hydroxy esters of high molecular weight, lanolin
alcohols, and lanolin acids, form an inert layer on the skin
and can also penetrate the damaged skin and repair the EB
leading to a reduction in TEWL.27–31 Thus, occlusion is the
most predictable mechanism by which water loss is reduced
from the skin.32 However, since the two products tested in
this clinical study are not identical in their composition, they
exhibit different effects on the skin (as shown).
Moreover, different effects of products used for the
treatment of xerosis in AD patients are well described in the
literature.12,33–35 Patients with similar disease characteristics
have been considered to benefit from different topically
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2018:11
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Nasrollahi et al
applied emulsions with different ingredients.36 Unfortunately,
up to now, there is no unifying clinical classification system
available to decide which type of products are best suited for
different degrees of xerosis due to different AD phenotypes.36
Humectants such as urea in emulsions are absorbed into
the SC and can increase skin hydration by attracting water.
Although, in our study, the TEWL following application
of urea-containing product decreased from baseline, the
Figure 1 The local SCORAD (A), hydration (B), melanin content (C), erythema level (D), TEWL (E), temperature (F), pH (G), and sebum content (H) at baseline and after
2 and 4 weeks in LA- and urea-containing products. *p<0.05.
Abbreviations: LA, linoleic acid; SCORAD, Scoring Atopic Dermatitis; TEWL, trans-epidermal water loss.
Linola-F Urea 5% Linola-F Urea 5%
5.98 5.89 5.79 5.84
22.19 20.69
30.48 30.57
400 372.17
292.05 309.31
324.27315.88 321.63
199.27 201.14
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
Urea 5%
Urea 5%
Urea 5% Linola-F
Urea 5%
Linola-F Urea 5%
Linola-F Urea 5%
Melanin content (AU)
TEWL (g/(h.m2))
Temperature (ºC)
Sebum (µg/cm2)Erythema level (AU) Hydration (AU)
30 28.04
40.05 43.18
41.3 42.9
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2018:11 submit your manuscript |
Comparison of LA- with a urea-containing w/o emulsion
difference was not statistically significant, whereas skin
hydration increased, which can be explained by the same
mechanism mentioned earlier.
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) such as LA are necessary
for the synthesis of ceramides, e.g., CER[EOH], CER[EOS]
and CER[EOP], which play a critical role in barrier func-
tion of the epidermis.14,15 In contrast to the urea-containing
product, the LA-containing product significantly decreased
erythema (one of the signs of inflammation) in this clini-
cal study. According to the experimental literature, this
is not surprising knowing that LA has anti-inflammatory
effects.17,18,37 Since LA is a potent naturally occurring ligand
and activator of PPRAα,38 skin inflammation of irritant
contact dermatitis is reduced by the topical application of
LA in a mice model.39 Moreover, an erythema-reducing
effect was already reported in a previous clinical study in
an irritative contact dermatitis model using a different LA-
containing product. The effect of LA-containing product
in that study was comparable to a 0.25% hydrocortisone-
containing formulation.40
Although skin pigmentation was not in the focus of our
study, a clear trend toward a reduction in the melanin content
in the LA-containing product-treated side was observed.
This effect of the LA-containing product on melanin content
may be explained via the abovementioned anti-inflammatory
properties of LA leading to a reduction in post-inflammatory
hyperpigmentation.41 Of course, anti-pigmentary effect of other
components in the LA-containing product cannot be ruled out.
Furthermore, unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid
and LA can decrease tyrosinase activity (via posttranscrip-
tional events and acceleration of the proteolysis of tyrosinase)
and thus subsequently reduce melanin synthesis.42
In this study, we also used high-frequency ultrasonogra-
phy to assess dermal changes after treatment with the w/o
emulsions. Both creams decreased dermal echo density
significantly, which might be the result of a decrease in
inflammation in the dermis. In contrast to another study that
compared the results of ultrasound images with pathologic
findings in AD, the echogenicity of dermis had a strong nega-
tive correlation with the intensity of inflammation.43
It is worth to mention that, in this study, patients were more
satisfied using the LA-containing w/o emulsion compared to
the urea-containing product. This may be explained by the
stinging and burning sensation of urea immediately after its
application, which has been reported in previous studies.14,44
Finally, we are aware of limitations of our study. First,
this study was a small pilot study and exploratory in nature
with low number of patients (n = 20). Second, we used split-
body design to compare two products. Third, although we
focused on urea and LA, we cannot and are not excluding the
effect of whole product on seen clinical improvements. On
the other hand, strengths of this study are direct comparison
of products with objective as well as subjective assessment
of efficacy.
Both products, the LA- and the urea-containing w/o emul-
sion, increased skin hydration and thus improved the clini-
cal severity of AD in this clinical study. However, only the
LA-containing product due to the known anti-inflammatory
effects of LA reduced erythema significantly after treatment.
In general, the choice of moisturizers can be determined by
individual preference, safety, and efficacy, and the absence
of fragrances, additives, or other sensitizing agents.45
This study was supported by research grant from Sina Tejarat
Pishgam Co., Tehran, Iran.
Table 1 Comparison of high-frequency ultrasonography (22 MHz) parameters at visit 0 (day 0), visit 1 (day 14 + 2), and visit 2 (day
28 + 4) between treatment groups
p-valueControlLinola-FOutcome measurement#
Visit no.
0.114138.81 (23.61)151.44 (32.28)Epidermis thicknessVisit 0
0.637131.02 (24.04)134.29 (33.80)Epidermis density
0.9051310.62 (385.94)1319.25 (392.00)Dermis thickness
0.24626.86 (13.89)31.79 (21.35)Dermis density
0.844134.17 (29.23)141.17 (37.62)Epidermis thicknessVisit 1
0.814137.95 (29.71)131.53 (31.67)Epidermis density
0.9691255.58 (259.63)1227.25 (332.52)Dermis thickness
0.81474.38 (136.27)38.52 (25.51)Dermis density
0.240150.7 (40.91)143.10 (52.01)Epidermis thicknessVisit 2
0.721143.76 (29.76)139.10 (45.86)Epidermis density
0.8781281.40 (324.67)1254.30 (444.93)Dermis thickness
0.61042.25 (29.20)49.74 (35.80)Dermis density
Note: #Data are shown as mean (SD) and analyzed by Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2018:11
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Nasrollahi et al
Christoph Abels, MD, PhD, a board-certified dermatologist,
is an employee of Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co. KG Arz-
neimittel, Bielefeld, Germany. The other authors report no
conflicts of interest in this work.
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Nasrollahi et al
Supplementary material
Patient questionnaire
Please mark on the lines below the severity of the following symptoms:
Itching None(0)_____________________2.5_____________________ (5)Very strong
Burning None(0)_____________________2.5_____________________ (5)Very strong
Satisfaction with the routine moisturizer: Very satised Somewhat satised Indifferent
Somewhat dissatised Very dissatised
Figure S1 Patient questionnaire.

Supplementary resource (1)

... One of the most important clinical features of AD which results from a dysfunctional epidermal barrier (EB) is very dry skin (xerosis) (Nasrollahi et al., 2018). Moisturizers are often used as supplements to topical and/or systemic anti-inflammatory drugs in various types of skin conditions and disorders, such as contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and ichthyosis, in order to bring relief and break a dry skin cycle (Lodén and Maibach, 2012). ...
... Moisturizers are often used as supplements to topical and/or systemic anti-inflammatory drugs in various types of skin conditions and disorders, such as contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and ichthyosis, in order to bring relief and break a dry skin cycle (Lodén and Maibach, 2012). Moisturizers with different agents containing varying amounts of emollients, occlusives, and/or humectants are used to reduce transepidermal water loss (TEWL), increase skin hydration, and thus improve xerosis in AD patients (Nasrollahi et al., 2018). Humectan, this class of moisturizer is used to improve the appearance and texture of skin by filling in the crevices between corneocytes (Nolan and Marmur, 2012). ...
... As found in the study of Hayati and Nasrollahi et al, urea was shown to be effective in increasing skin hydration in patients with mild-to-moderate AD within 4 weeks. These results are not much different from the effectiveness of 4% niacinamide cream (Hayati et al., 2015), and 1.5% linoleic acid-containing water-in-oil emulsion (Nasrollahi et al., 2018). However, with a concentration of 5% urea also managed to show its benefits in increasing skin hydration. ...
... Fish oil containing long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) has also been shown to have beneficial effects on AD management (Sardana & Sachdeva, 2022). In clinical studies, linoleic acid (LA)-containing water-in-oil emulsions have been demonstrated to improve skin barrier dysfunction and the clinical severity of AD (Nasrollahi et al., 2018). γ-linolenic acid (GLA) was also effective and had no side-effects in the treatment patients with AD (Fiocchi et al., 1994;Andreassi et al., 1997;Simon et al., 2014). ...
... Beneficial effects of PUFAs in the management of AD have long been described. In clinical trials, LA-containing water-in-oil emulsions have been shown to significantly improve skin barrier dysfunction and the clinical severity of AD (Nasrollahi et al., 2018). Dietary supplementation with ALA and LA at a ratio of 4:1 or 1:1 has also been shown to be effective in treating IgEmediated symptoms in 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene-induced AD mice (Tang et al., 2020). ...
... Linoleic acid, therefore, improves the epidermal barrier, protects against transepidermal water loss, and normalizes skin metabolism. Linoleic acid is also a natural component of sebum [62,63]. Improving skin hydration through the use of emollient mixtures (from the group Isostearyl Isostearate, Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate, PPG-3 Benzyl Ether Ethylhexanoate, PPG-3 Benzyl Ether Myristate, Triethylhexanoin, and Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride) in prototypes of olive-oil recipes for children in relation to olive oil containing only mineral oil was also demonstrated in work [64]. ...
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Emollients are valued ingredients of many cosmetic products and medical devices used to support the treatment and prevention of many skin diseases. Despite the fact that they are one of the oldest cosmetic ingredients, raw materials as well as new recipe solutions are constantly being sought, the main goal of which is to obtain products with the most favorable physicochemical properties while improving the hydration of the stratum corneum and softening and smoothing the skin. It should be noted that there are few scientific articles on the effect of emollients on the physicochemical and usable properties of emollient preparations of the body-oils type. The obtained formulations were subjected to physicochemical tests (dynamic viscosity, surface tension, contact angle, and color evaluation), and the degree of skin hydration and lubrication after application of the developed cosmetic oils was evaluated. Cosmetic oils based on natural emollients were characterized by weaker spreading abilities, which was confirmed by their higher viscosity, surface tension, and contact-angle results relative to those obtained for cosmetic oils based on synthetic emollients. In addition, it was found that the use of both groups of cosmetic oils based on natural and synthetic emollients leads to an increase in the degree of hydration of the skin and an increase in its oiliness. However, a higher increase in the degree of hydration and a lower decrease in the level of skin lubrication are observed after the application of body oils based on natural emollients.
... For example, natural certified skin care products often contain vegetable oils, due to their effectiveness in the dermal treatment or relief of dry skin, atopic eczema, and psoriasis. In particular, the essential unsaturated fatty acid γ-linolenic acid is metabolized in skin lipids to form intracellular ceramides and prostaglandins, which increase skin hydration and have anti-inflammatory effects [5][6][7][8][9][10]. ...
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The demand for natural cosmetics has steadily increased in recent years. However, challenges occur especially in quality preservation regarding oxidative spoilage of natural cosmetic products, as the use of synthetic preservatives and antioxidants is limited. Therefore, it is important to find nature-based ingredients to ensure shelf life in natural cosmetic formulations. As a result, potential is seen in the use of plant-based antioxidant extracts. The aim of this work was to determine the suitability of the method combination by measuring the antioxidant activity, oxygen concentration, and volatile oxidation products via gas chromatography (hexanal) for the characterization of the influence of some plant extracts on the oxidative stability of natural cosmetic emulsions. Plant extracts of Riesling (Vitis vinifera) pomace, apple (Malus domestica) pomace, coffee (Coffea arabica) grounds, cocoa (Theobroma cacao) husk, and coffee (Coffea arabica) powder extract were incorporated in stable O/W emulsion formulations, while an emulsion without extract functioned as blank. Afterwards, the emulsions were subjected to 3-month accelerated storage tests with and without light exposure. Their oxygen uptake was investigated, and headspace gas chromatography measurements were performed to detect the fatty acid oxidation products formed during oxidative processes in the samples. The results showed that all emulsion samples under light exposure had a higher oxygen uptake and an increase in the characteristic fatty acid oxidation products compared with those stored under light exclusion. However, differences in oxygen uptake under light exposure were observed depending on the plant extract. Therefore, for O/W emulsions, the daily oxygen consumption rate correlated exponentially with the antioxidant activity, and the hexanal concentration correlated linearly with the daily oxygen consumption rate.
... However, the prediction of oxidation reactions in emulsions is not trivial due to numerous influencing factors, such as droplet size, interfaces, and oxidation kinetics [24]. During oxidation, degradation of the oxidation-sensitive unsaturated fatty acids occurs, which are known for their positive effect on the skin such as anti-inflammatory effect [25] or effect against atopic dermatitis [26,27]. The resulting oxidation products and free radicals have been shown to accelerate skin aging [28] and lead to skin damage [29,30]. ...
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Preservatives are typically used to protect cosmetic products from microbial spoilage. However, there is evidence that some preservatives can increase oxidation in O/W emulsions. This could have disadvantages for product quality, efficacy, and consumer health and well-being. Therefore, the impact of preservatives or multifunctionals on oxidation should be quantified. For this purpose, five O/W emulsions with different preservatives were prepared and stored. During storage, the oxygen concentration in the headspace of the samples was studied. The samples showed significant differences in their oxygen uptake and daily oxygen consumption rate. Thus, the preservatives used in this study had an influence on oxidation.
... The results of the current study confi rmed the Nasrollahi et al. (19) report, where treatment with a commercial urea 5% hydrophilic petrolatum product resulted in a signifi cant improvement in SC hydration and TEWL in patients with atopic dermatitis. Despite similar main ingredients, there were some differences in the composition of excipients of two creams, which can be the reason for the slight variation of their effects on skin barrier function. ...
Although several commercial moisturizers are available in the market, the continued role of pharmaceutical compounding has been still felt in dry skin management. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a ureabased compounded moisturizer on barrier function, compared with a similar commercial product. Thirty volunteers with a mean age of 36.15 ± 9.55 years (range 21-56 years) and dry skin were recruited in two groups, one group to apply 5% urea containing hydrophilic petrolatum and the other 10% urea containing hydrophilic petrolatum. In each cohort, the upper parts of right and left forearms were randomly assigned for twice a day application of commercial or compounded products. Whereas the right lower forearm was assigned for application of a cream-based formulation, the left lower one served as the control site and with application of no topical product. Biophysical assessments [transepidermal water loss (TEWL), skin hydration, friction coeffi cient, pH, and surface lipids], were performed before intervention, at 1 and 4 h after single application, and at 24 h and 1 week twice daily application. In both groups, commercial and compounded moisturizers showed an appropriate and comparable effect on skin barrier function compared with creambased formulation and no treatment area. However, commercial products led to better improvement in TEWL, 4 h after single application in both groups (p-value = 0.04). In case of 10% urea base formulation, the rate of increase in skin hydration was also signifi cantly higher for a commercial emollient than a compounding product (57.48 ± 11.23 vs. 50.59 ± 11.42, p-value = 0.02). Commercial formulation led to higher acceptability and better improvement in the skin barrier function after single application, probably because of the influence of excipients. The present study did not find sufficient added value for cream-based pharmacy product relative to commercial one and suggests to be replaced in a similar condition.
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Introduction: The urea composition has a profound effect on skin disorders, specifically xerosis, desquamation, and scaling, which are some of the main concerns of the current health industry. The application of urea is relatable and more bioactive than alternate treatments. The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the effectiveness of topically applied urea in the treatment of ichthyosis, psoriasis, and other dermatologic conditions. Data and sources: Research articles were retrieved through electronic databases, including Google Scholar, PubMed, EMBASE, Elsevier, and Sage, selected based on the provision of online free literature from its inception till November 2023. The significant findings were skin dryness, transepidermal water loss (TEWL), and eczema. Study selection: A total of 1826 studies have been found, of which 31 were selected based on inclusion criteria. The primary reason for the exclusion of the studies was the application of urea as a control. All in vivo studies disclosed the effectiveness of urea treatment separately or in addition to another compound on skin conditions. The selected studies have reported findings related to the improvement in xerosis, erythema, scaling, and reduction in TEWL. Conclusion: According to the in-depth review of the research articles, the application of urea has a tremendous effect on different skin diseases. Still, its role as monotherapy is overlooked due to the presence of more susceptible alternate products that need to be addressed. However, in the future, the evaluation of the effects of treatment containing urea with antibiotics on skin diseases would be more beneficial for practical knowledge.
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Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder associated with significant morbidity, including pruritus, recurrent skin lesions, and immune dysregulation. This study aimed to investigate the antioxidative and anti-AD effects of peptides derived from hydrolyzed Sebastes schlegelii (Korea rockfish) tail by-products. Hydrolysates were prepared using various enzymes, including Alcalase, Flavourzyme, Neutrase, and Protamex. Among them, Protamex hydrolysates demonstrated the highest ABTS radical scavenging activity with an RC50 value of 69.69 ± 0.41 µg/mL. Peptides were further isolated from the Protamex hydrolysate using dialysis, fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The most active peptide, STPO-B-II, exhibited a single peak and was identified as a sequence of Glu-Leu-Ala-Lys-Thr-Trp-His-Asp-Met-Lys, designated as MP003. In vivo experiments were conducted using a 2,4-dinitrochlorbenzene (DNCB)-induced AD model in NC/Nga mice. The isolated peptide, MP003, showed significantly reduced AD symptoms, including erythema, lichenification, and collagen deposition. Additionally, MP003 decreased epidermal and dermal thickness, eosinophil, and mast cell infiltration and downregulated the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and IgE in serum and skin tissues. These findings suggest that peptides derived from Sebastes schlegelii tail by-products may serve as potential therapeutic agents for AD.
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With the increased global public health awareness, there is an increase in ultimatum calls for functional foodstuff with various health impacts. The utilisation of therapeutic foodstuff to avert illnesses like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease is obtaining motion among people. Chia seeds are dietary and medicinal species used as a herb in the ancient period by Aztec and Mayan communities. Chia is receiving scientific attention in the present time and is a non-conventional seed that has been recognised as a novel food. It is a customary food in Southern and Central America. It contains large amounts of phytochemicals and proteins, making it more consumed worldwide for its numerous health benefits to sustain healthy serum fat levels. These seeds contain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids with anti-inflammatory effects, promote cognitive performance, and lower cholesterol levels. Caffeic acid found in the seeds has antioxidant compounds that protect the body from free radicals, cancer and contains anti-ageing properties. Fibres are present in high concentrations, are connected with lowering inflammation, controls bowel movement, and reduce cholesterol levels. Chia seeds contain the nutritional value that aid in disease control, such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer, obesity, and heart disease. The presence of omega-6 and omega-3 present in chia seed and active compounds makes the chia seed contain crucial health benefits. Nevertheless, the efficacy and safety of natural food require validation by numerous scientific research and studies. Nowadays, most species are utilised worldwide for their nutritional characteristics and beneficial impacts on human health. The review summarises the recent information on chia seed, emphasising the phytochemicals, bioactivities, and applications.
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or moisturisers are widely recommended, but are these effective and safe? We searched for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in the Cochrane Skin Group Specialised Register, CENTRAL in The Cochrane Library, Medline, Embase, LILACS, GREAT database and five trial registers to December 2015. We included 77 RCTs with 6603 participants. Seven studies (9.1%) were at low risk of bias, 34 (44.2%) at unclear and 36 (46.8%) at high risk. The quality of the evidence was mainly low or moderate for the prespecified outcomes. The most important comparison ‘moisturiser versus no moisturiser’ showed an improved SCORAD in the moisturiser group compared to no moisturiser (mean difference (MD) -2.42, 95% confidence interval (CI) -4.55 to -0.28), but did not meet the minimal important difference (MID) of 8.7. Fewer flares were seen (risk ratio (RR) 0.40, 95% CI 0.23 to 0.70) and rate of flare was reduced (hazard ratio (HR) 3.74, 95% CI 1.86 to 7.50). The groups applying moisturiser used less topical corticosteroids over six to eight weeks (MD -9.30 g, 95% CI 15.3 to -3.27). Glycyrrhetinic acid-containing cream, urea-containing and glycerol-containing creams worked better than their control (vehicle, placebo or no moisturiser) according to both participants and physicians. More flares were reported with moisturiser alone than when combined with twice weekly fluticasone propionate (RR 2.17, 95% CI 1.55 to 3.11). Adding moisturisers to topical anti-inflammatory treatment was more effective than anti-inflammatory treatment alone and with fewer flares
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Natural oils include mineral oil with emollient, occlusive, and humectant properties and the plant-derived essential, coconut, and other vegetable oils, composed of triglycerides that microbiota lipases hydrolyze into glycerin, a potent humectant, and fatty acids (FAs) with varying physico-chemical properties. Unsaturated FAs have high linoleic acid used for synthesis of ceramide-I linoleate, a barrier lipid, but more pro-inflammatory omega-6:-3 ratios above 10:1, and their double bonds form less occlusive palisades. VCO FAs have a low linoleic acid content but shorter and saturated FAs that form a more compact palisade, more anti-inflammatory omega-6:-3 ratio of 2:1, close to 7:1 of olive oil, which disrupts the skin barrier, otherwise useful as a penetration enhancer. Updates on the stratum corneum illustrate how this review on the contrasting actions of NOs provide information on which to avoid and which to select for barrier repair and to lower inflammation in contact dermatitis genesis.
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Background: Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that has reached epidemic proportions in children worldwide and is increasing in prevalence. Because of the significant socioeconomic effect of atopic dermatitis and its effect on the quality of life of children and families, there have been decades of research focused on disease prevention, with limited success. Recent advances in cutaneous biology suggest skin barrier defects might be key initiators of atopic dermatitis and possibly allergic sensitization. Objective: Our objective was to test whether skin barrier enhancement from birth represents a feasible strategy for reducing the incidence of atopic dermatitis in high-risk neonates. Methods: We performed a randomized controlled trial in the United States and United Kingdom of 124 neonates at high risk for atopic dermatitis. Parents in the intervention arm were instructed to apply full-body emollient therapy at least once per day starting within 3 weeks of birth. Parents in the control arm were asked to use no emollients. The primary feasibility outcome was the percentage of families willing to be randomized. The primary clinical outcome was the cumulative incidence of atopic dermatitis at 6 months, as assessed by a trained investigator. Results: Forty-two percent of eligible families agreed to be randomized into the trial. All participating families in the intervention arm found the intervention acceptable. A statistically significant protective effect was found with the use of daily emollient on the cumulative incidence of atopic dermatitis with a relative risk reduction of 50% (relative risk, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.28-0.9; P = .017). There were no emollient-related adverse events and no differences in adverse events between groups. Conclusion: The results of this trial demonstrate that emollient therapy from birth represents a feasible, safe, and effective approach for atopic dermatitis prevention. If confirmed in larger trials, emollient therapy from birth would be a simple and low-cost intervention that could reduce the global burden of allergic diseases.
Burr and Burr reported in 1929 “a new deficiency disease produced by the rigid exclusion of fat from the diet.”1 Rodents fed a fat-free diet showed reduced growth and reproductive failure, accompanied by two prominent changes in the skin, that is, increased scaliness and impaired barrier function.1,2 Reversal of the features of deficiency by administration of linoleic acid (LA), led to the concept of essential fatty acids (EFA) that cannot be synthesized by the higher animals.2 Similarities between the clinical features of EFA deficiency and atopic dermatitis led Hansen in 1937 to discover low blood levels of unsaturated fat in atopic children,3 and he later reported that EFA-deficient infants developed an eczematous rash, which responded to LA supplements.4 Several studies had previously examined a range of dietary oil supplements in atopic dermatitis,5-8 with generally reported benefit.
The combination of sodium chloride and urea in equal parts has shown a synergistic effect in regard to the water-retaining property of human skin. A cream with 4% sodium chloride and 4% urea, called 'salt cream' was tested in a double-blind investigation on asteatosis, with the symptoms dryness and scaling but without any inflammation, and showed a good clinical effect. There was a statistically higher significant difference (p<0.001) between the cream with sodium chloride and urea and the same cream but without these components. A second double-blind investigation was then made in order to evaluate the effect on inflammatory skin disorders - e.g., dry and scaly eczemas. Cortesal® (a cream with 4% sodium chloride, 4% urea and 0.5% hydrocortisone alcohol) was significantly better than a conventional hydrocortisone acetate cream 1%, on the symptoms dryness (p<0.01), erythema (p<0.05) and scaling (p<0.05) and equally good on itching and lichenification. The total effect, estimated by the doctor, was also in favour of Cortesal® (p<0.01).
The epidermis protects human subjects from exogenous stressors and helps to maintain internal fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. Filaggrin is a crucial epidermal protein that is important for the formation of the corneocyte, as well as the generation of its intracellular metabolites, which contribute to stratum corneum hydration and pH. The levels of filaggrin and its degradation products are influenced not only by the filaggrin genotype but also by inflammation and exogenous stressors. Pertinently, filaggrin deficiency is observed in patients with atopic dermatitis regardless of filaggrin mutation status, suggesting that the absence of filaggrin is a key factor in the pathogenesis of this skin condition. In this article we review the various causes of low filaggrin levels, centralizing the functional and morphologic role of a deficiency in filaggrin, its metabolites, or both in the etiopathogenesis of atopic dermatitis.
Atopic dermatitis is a common and chronic, pruritic inflammatory skin condition that can affect all age groups. This evidence-based guideline addresses important clinical questions that arise in its management. In this second of 4 sections, treatment of atopic dermatitis with nonpharmacologic interventions and pharmacologic topical therapies are reviewed. Where possible, suggestions on dosing and monitoring are given based on available evidence.