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Global Water Governance and Climate Change: Identifying Innovative Arrangements for Adaptive Transformation


Abstract and Figures

A convoluted network of different water governance systems exists around the world. Collectively, these systems provide insight into how to build sustainable regimes of water use and management. We argue that the challenge is not tomake the systemless convoluted, but rather to support positive and promising trends in governance, creating a vision for future environmental outcomes. In this paper, we analyse nine water case studies from around the world to help identify potential 'innovative arrangements' for addressing existing dilemmas. We argue that such arrangements can be used as a catalyst for crafting new global water governance futures. The nine case studies were selected for their diversity in terms of location, scale and water dilemma, and through an examination of their contexts, structures and processes we identify key themes to consider in the milieu of adaptive transformation. These themes include the importance of acknowledging socio-ecological entanglements, understanding the political dimensions of environmental dilemmas, the recognition of different constructions of the dillema, and the importance of democratized processes.
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Global Water Governance and Climate Change:
Identifying Innovative Arrangements for
Adaptive Transformation
Maria de Lourdes Melo Zurita 1,*ID , Dana C. Thomsen 2,3,4, Neil J. Holbrook 5ID , Timothy F. Smith 2,3,4,
Anna Lyth 2, Paul G. Munro 6, Annemarieke de Bruin 7ID , Giovanna Seddaiu 8, Pier Paolo Roggero 8ID ,
Julia Baird 4, Ryan Plummer 2,4,9, Ryan Bullock 10, Kevin Collins 11 and Neil Powell 2,3
1School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, Camperdown 2006, Australia
2Sustainability Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs 4556, Australia; (D.C.T.); (T.F.S.); (A.L.); (R.P.); (N.P.)
3Swedish Centre for Education for Sustainable Development, Uppsala University, Carmegatan,
362157 Visby, Sweden
4Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON L2S 3A1, Canada;
5Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Battery Point 7004, Australia;
6School of Humanities and Languages, University of New South Wales, Kensington 2052, Australia;
7Stockholm Environment Institute, University of York, York YO10 5NG, UK;
8Desertification Research Centre and Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sassari,
viale Italia 39, 07100 Sassari, Italy; (G.S.); (P.P.R.)
9Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9, Canada;
11 Department of Engineering and Innovation, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +61-2-8627-6385
Received: 31 August 2017; Accepted: 21 December 2017; Published: 2 January 2018
A convoluted network of different water governance systems exists around the world.
Collectively, these systems provide insight into how to build sustainable regimes of water use and
management. We argue that the challenge is not to make the system less convoluted, but rather to support
positive and promising trends in governance, creating a vision for future environmental outcomes. In this
paper, we analyse nine water case studies from around the world to help identify potential ‘innovative
arrangements’ for addressing existing dilemmas. We argue that such arrangements can be used as a
catalyst for crafting new global water governance futures. The nine case studies were selected for their
diversity in terms of location, scale and water dilemma, and through an examination of their contexts,
structures and processes we identify key themes to consider in the milieu of adaptive transformation.
These themes include the importance of acknowledging socio-ecological entanglements, understanding
the political dimensions of environmental dilemmas, the recognition of different constructions of the
dillema, and the importance of democratized processes.
adaptive transformation; global environmental governance; water governance; institutional
analysis; innovative arrangements
Water 2018,10, 29; doi:10.3390/w10010029
Water 2018,10, 29 2 of 16
1. Introduction
The Anthropocene is predicted to compound the complexity of water issues around the world.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) notes that anthropogenic climate change is
increasing the intensity and variability of rainfall events and elevating water temperatures on a global
scale [
]. These impacts are projected to affect global water availability and its quality by exacerbating
many existing pollution and distribution issues [
]. Significant flow-on effects are also expected for
issues concerning food security, biodiversity, economic security and human conflict [
]. Thus, as
climate change impacts continue to affect access to, and the quality of, water, the need for innovative
water governance structures becomes more pressing [
]. This is particularly relevant as current water
management practices developed at local, regional and national scales may not adequately consider
the impacts of climate change. Furthermore, this is compounded by potential limitations in relying
on past hydrological experiences to secure waterscapes in the future [
]. In this context, water
governance has become an increasingly salient global environmental issue [13,14].
Water policy has tended to be approached in the context of a locality, country or catchment area;
however, scientific debates have produced compelling arguments for adopting a global perspective
on water management [
]. This has included an increased recognition that many problems with
water management are more associated with governance failures than with resource-based issues
(e.g., scarcity). As such, it has been argued that there is a need for a paradigm shift away from
technocratic strategies of water management towards regimes that appreciate institutional complexities
and human dimensions of water resources [
]. As Conca notes, a key issue with global water
governance—and indeed global environmental governance in general—has been that international
regimes have generally adopted an ‘adjustment-around-the-edges view’, shying away from approaches
where the challenge is to develop new mechanisms for engaging socio-ecological controversies.
The failure to push the world creatively towards more fundamental changes is a critical concern [
Compounding this challenge is the shift from government to governance, in that the governing position
of nation-states is being increasingly shared with other actors such as non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) and multi-lateral corporations [
]. Therefore, the nascent ‘system’ of global water
governance has ultimately become quite a convoluted affair. The challenge, however, is not to make
the system less messy; socio-ecological systems are complex, and as such messiness is an inevitable
part of governing them [
]. Rather, there is a need to support positive and promising trends,
‘creative’ changes (in Conca’s terminology), in governance and to work on creating constructive visions
for future environmental outcomes [24].
In response to the above, we argue that ‘innovative arrangements’ for water governance can be
found in the practices around existing water dilemmas. These can be mobilised as a starting point
for crafting new water governance futures. There is thus a need to identify and support positive
trends that are already underway to promote and enhance the current evolving system of global water
governance [
]. The challenge then is finding ways to identify such configurations. The objective of
this paper is to draw out themes from this messiness by using an analytical framework applied to
diverse case studies from various geographical locations that concern different scales of governance,
and that focus on a wide variety of different water dilemmas (e.g., flood, eutrophication, agricultural
impacts, etc.). This approach helps us to identify spaces where there is a potential for transformation
or where transformation has already taken place.
2. The Context, Structure, Process and Outcomes of Water Governance Institutions and Organisations
Our approach here is grounded in the precepts of an institutional and organisational perspective,
which helps us appreciate different structures and processes shaping governance outcomes [
We define institutions as being the systems of rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that
give rise to social practices, and guide interactions among the occupants of relevant roles. Institutions
represent socialised ways of facilitating, or constraining, societal action—the norms (informal), the
rules (formal) and the social arrangements that underpin a society [
]. Organisations, in contrast,
Water 2018,10, 29 3 of 16
are material entities that typically operate as actors in social practices. They include formalised agencies
such as government bodies or NGOs that participate as stakeholders in governance contexts [
A dialectical relationship ultimately exists between organisations and institutions. By examining
this dialectical relationship, a deeper understanding of how societies adapt to environmental change
can be achieved. Institutional analysis can highlight the decisions that people make about their
contexts and how the relationships between humans, nature and society are altered in the face of
new circumstances [
]. It can also reveal the diversity of relationships and how these are perceived,
maintained, challenged and re-made through time.
Examining diverse water governance processes can assist in and assess if practices can enable
potential contributions to adaptive and systemic transformations and the constraints upon the
emergence of ‘new’ arrangements. It can provide a pathway for envisaging potential governance
transformations in the context of climate change [
], by asking how such changes take place [
As Preston et al. note, the focus on transformation ‘shifts the discourse around adaptation from
one focused on incremental adjustments that yield incremental benefits to one focused on system
transformation’ [
]. This adaptive transformation involves the fundamental alteration of different
actors’ perspectives on social and ecological objectives and in the manner in which they can be
achieved [
]. The necessity for such transformation has increasingly been recognized in the climate
change adaptation literature, as existing norms and practices are likely to be insufficient for dealing
with future environmental events [3236].
In our approach, we recognize that institutional forms are emerging and shaping water-related
actions and that water and water events shape institutions and organisations in return. To see
promising configurations, however, there is a need to step outside of the box of a managerial paradigm,
with its specific formulations about governmental authority, sovereign territory, and universal scientific
knowledge [
]. Furthermore, there is a need to understand the geography of adaptation [
with a significant part of this being “what climate means for people and places and the relationship
between people and places over time” [
]. In essence, there is a need for a governance approach
based on reflexive decision-making, whereby adaptive outcomes are continuously monitored for
promising configurations, as they can often emerge from non-linear circumstances, embodying
dislocated actions, ideas and pathways [
]. This includes a focus on learning, which includes,
in the context of sustainability, a range of cognitive, normative and behavioural changes in individuals,
groups and organisations that promote processes and substantive improvements in environmental
outcomes [
]. Thus, by considering transformative adaptation in terms of (self-reflective) learning,
institutional alterations can be a genuine adaptive strategy [4042].
Such transformative adaptive capacity approaches can therefore enhance the ability of actors
(collectively and individually) to respond, to create and shape variability within socio-ecological
systems [
]. As such, additional or adjusted institutional design propositions are necessary to
facilitate learning processes to deal with the complexities and uncertainties related to climate change
impacts. It is not a case of developing specific blueprints, but rather encouraging adaptation tuned to
socially accepted features of local geography, ecology, economies and cultural beliefs and practices [
In this sense, the discussion here does not provide instructions for adaptation, but rather an analytical
process that can be used as a vehicle for the understanding of water governance dilemmas and their
potential transformations. We argue that it is in such dilemmas that innovative processes of governance
can be found, not just by formally enquiring about them (i.e., evaluation) but by understanding their
context, structure, process and outcomes.
3. Methodology
For our methodological approach, we draw upon the CSPO (context, structure, process and
outcomes) framework developed by Bellamy et al. to understand the historical institutional structures
and processes that cause transformations [
]. This is an approach that has some parallels with
the sustainable livelihoods framework (SLF) developed by the United Kingdom’s Department for
Water 2018,10, 29 4 of 16
International Development [
], which has been used for analysing adaptive capacity in the context
of climate change [
], but it is different in that it identifies change in governance systems more
broadly, rather than just focusing on livelihood outcomes. Thus CSPO provides a holistic frame to
capture the institutional processes that can shape adaptive transformations.
Adaptive transformation ultimately emerges from a certain context; therefore, Context in
CSPO specifically refers to the social, economic, environmental, institutional and technological
influences that characterise the emerging issue, as well as the underlying policy responses and
implementation processes. Structure refers to organisational and institutional arrangements, both
informal relationships and more formalised rules and policy mechanisms that are involved for
natural resource management across different governmental scales. Process refers to the events,
activities, strategies, operations and relationships that represent the interpretation of organisational
and institutional arrangements and shape the functionality of planning systems that could also
drive institutional and organisational change. Finally, Outcomes refers to the outputs produced
as well as the impacts realised, both anticipated and unanticipated, as a result of institutional
and organisational processes [
]. The overall process is situated within a certain water dilemma
(e.g., floods, eutrophication) and is the product of a specific context. Governance responses to the
dilemma are then influenced by the dialectical interaction between societal structures and processes,
and are conditioned by the responses and actions taken by the actors involved in the system.
In employing this framework, we are particularly interested in the structure–process combinations
that could be enabling transformative changes, creating a new and iterative moment of CSPO.
The case studies presented here are part of the CADWAGO project, “Climate change adaptation
and water governance: reconciling food security, renewable energy and the provision of multiple
ecosystem services”. The project aimed to improve water governance by developing a more robust
knowledge base and enhancing capacity to adapt to climate change. CADWAGO was led by the
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and brought together ten partners from Europe, Australasia
and North America with extensive experience in climate change adaptation and water governance
issues, and aimed at extending global knowledge base by sharing methods and findings to inform
environmental policy-making within the European Union. The nine case studies (see Figure 1)
represent water governance research projects that had been conducted by researchers across six
research institutes. They were selected to represent a range of water dilemmas including those
associated with: water scarcity, trans-boundary governance, flood disaster management, agricultural
practices, coastal management, catchment management and eutrophication. Specifically, the case
studies were:
Baltic Sea Case Study—Focused on the Baltic Sea region, this case study explores how mainstream
regulatory and market-based instruments are complemented with ‘institutional measures’ for
stakeholder negotiation toward trans-boundary collective action in relation to the use and
distribution of mineral phosphate (research led by the Stockholm Environment Institute).
South East Queensland Floods (Australia) Case Study—Focused on the South East Queensland
flood event of 2010–2011, this case study focuses on the institutional and organisational
arrangements that emerged in response to the disaster, as well as the transformative path that
disaster management has gone through since in the region (research led by the University of the
Sunshine Coast).
English Case Study—The impetus for this case study emerged after a legal challenge (in 2010)
was launched by the UK branch of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Angling Trust against
the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) for not adhering to the
2009 EU Water Framework Directive (WFD); a legal challenge that ultimately led to organisational
changes (research led by the Open University).
Integrated Coastal Management (Australia) Case Study—The focus of this case study is to explore
the mechanisms by which institutional and organisational approaches can facilitate or hinder
integrated coastal management (research led by the University of the Sunshine Coast).
Water 2018,10, 29 5 of 16
Indonesian Case Study—This case study examines new ‘hybrid’ (coercive/non-coercive)
accountability mechanisms that can enable the mobilisation of European policies on trade in
palm oil and renewable energy to leverage improved water management in the palm oil industry.
From an institutional perspective, this case study seeks to identify ways to overcome vertical
channels of accountability (e.g., voting and lobbying) and to search for ‘new’ ways in which actors
can influence formal processes of decision-making and action (research led by the Stockholm
Environment Institute).
Swedish Case Study—This case study looks at how existing ideas of masculinity and femininity
in the Swedish County Administrative Boards (CABs) affect natural resource management (NRM)
actions in marine and coastal areas. The case is interested in understanding what gendered norms
look like in practice in NRM organisations in Sweden (research led by the Swedish University of
Agricultural Science).
Tunisian Case Study—Focused on an arid region in the southeast of Tunisia, this case study
is focused on the link between agricultural practices and the high levels of variability that
communities experience in terms of water accessibility (research led by the University of Sassari).
Canadian Case Study—The main focus of this case study is on water scarcity, defined as
water quality and quantity, in the Niagara watershed. The multi-jurisdictional complexity
of governmental agencies, legislations and norms at the different levels of government,
combined with an array of actors with varied interests over water draws an intricate portrait
of water governance that is challenged under the conditions of climate change (research led by
Brock University).
Italian Case Study—This case study focuses on the Arborea Region, an area located in Sardinia,
Italy. This region has been classified as a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) according to the EU
“Nitrate Directive” and there are concerns about the actual quality of groundwater and wetlands
in the NVZ catchment. The study looks at the integration of local and scientific knowledge
to enhance better understandings of agri-environmental issues (research led by the University
of Sassari).
Water 2018, 10, 29 5 of 16
industry. From an institutional perspective, this case study seeks to identify ways to overcome
vertical channels of accountability (e.g., voting and lobbying) and to search for ‘new’ ways in
which actors can influence formal processes of decision-making and action (research led by the
Stockholm Environment Institute).
Swedish Case Study—This case study looks at how existing ideas of masculinity and femininity
in the Swedish County Administrative Boards (CABs) affect natural resource management
(NRM) actions in marine and coastal areas. The case is interested in understanding what
gendered norms look like in practice in NRM organisations in Sweden (research led by the
Swedish University of Agricultural Science).
Tunisian Case Study—Focused on an arid region in the southeast of Tunisia, this case study is
focused on the link between agricultural practices and the high levels of variability that
communities experience in terms of water accessibility (research led by the University of
Canadian Case Study—The main focus of this case study is on water scarcity, defined as water
quality and quantity, in the Niagara watershed. The multi-jurisdictional complexity of
governmental agencies, legislations and norms at the different levels of government, combined
with an array of actors with varied interests over water draws an intricate portrait of water
governance that is challenged under the conditions of climate change (research led by Brock
Italian Case Study—This case study focuses on the Arborea Region, an area located in Sardinia,
Italy. This region has been classified as a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) according to the EU
“Nitrate Directive” and there are concerns about the actual quality of groundwater and wetlands
in the NVZ catchment. The study looks at the integration of local and scientific knowledge to
enhance better understandings of agri-environmental issues (research led by the University
of Sassari).
Figure 1. Locations of CADWAGO case studies.
An iterative interview process with leading researchers (key informants) in each water dilemma
was conducted, as well as them providing recommendations for key pieces of policy-orientated
literature. The interviews and literature provided the key data and foundation for our research
analysis. Interview questions were structured around the different frames of CSPO. The interviews
were subsequently transcribed, codified and analysed for key themes. The theme then provided the
basis for the analytical discussion of the article. Case study contacts were invited to contribute to the
paper after the analysis of the data, to help deepen the overall conclusions and to act as a form of
‘epistemic checking’ [51]. Overall, the data and approach of article is the emergence of a discussion
Figure 1. Locations of CADWAGO case studies.
An iterative interview process with leading researchers (key informants) in each water dilemma
was conducted, as well as them providing recommendations for key pieces of policy-orientated
literature. The interviews and literature provided the key data and foundation for our research
Water 2018,10, 29 6 of 16
analysis. Interview questions were structured around the different frames of CSPO. The interviews
were subsequently transcribed, codified and analysed for key themes. The theme then provided the
basis for the analytical discussion of the article. Case study contacts were invited to contribute to
the paper after the analysis of the data, to help deepen the overall conclusions and to act as a form of
‘epistemic checking’ [
]. Overall, the data and approach of article is the emergence of a discussion on
water governance by a diverse international collaboration of academics. This approach complements
recent research that uses multiple case studies to help illuminate emerging trends and issues in global
water governance and climate change [
], and contributes to the debates surrounding
‘tailored frameworks’ on water governance as they help in identifying transformative adaptation.
In order to achieve this, the following section of the paper details the assumptions and analytical
framework that we have drawn upon to analyse the nine CADWAGO case studies. This is followed by
a discussion of the results and analysis, where we develop and discuss key thematic areas of water
governance and their relevance for transformation.
4. Promising Configurations in Water Governance
Our contribution to the CSPO framework is to identify moments where incremental changes
(i.e., different from transformational) are taking place and define them as such, but at the same
time to identify spaces where there is a potential for transformation or where transformation has
taken place. While conducting the analysis, our focus was to provide a clear contribution to current
debates about water governance and climate change and explore the implications in the context of the
critical social sciences (e.g., in certain sub-fields of human geography). While many topics emerged
in different case studies, the themes of: democratised performance; the presence of multiple types
of knowledge; the prescribing of solutions that pay attention to broader political economy issues;
and the acknowledgement of socio-ecological entanglements all emerged as lynchpin thematic areas
for identifying promising configurations. The presence of these themes was not equal across the case
studies, rather strength of their presence varied, and the areas of weakness can be interpreted as
potential barriers to realising more adaptive transformation.
4.1. Democratised Performance
A key attribute across a number of the case studies relates to effective participation of actors
outside the public sphere—the private sector, NGOs and local communities. The English case study
was exemplary of this:
“With the first round of river basin planning, 2005 to 2009, the UK Government proposed
that the water governance system should have a river basin planning approach. This was
pretty conventional and didn’t transform the water governance agenda for practice or
policy. Somewhere along the way WWF [World Wildlife Fund] and the Angling Trust
got involved, and threatened a judicial review to DEFRA [Department of Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs]. To avoid this situation, DEFRA agreed to introduce a more
collaborative catchment-based approach ...” (English Case Study Contact 2013).
In the English, Indonesian and South East Queensland case studies, NGOs have the resources
and the political space to assert themselves (i.e., substantially influence policy outcomes) in the context
of their dilemmas and shape water governance scenarios in a positive manner. While, in the Tunisian
case study, mechanisms were put in place to enhance the participation of local (to the water dilemma)
communities, but varying degrees of success were shown mainly due to local resource limitations
(human and financial). This reflects two key themes in terms of democratised performance. First, that
there needs to be a critical political space that allows for non-governmental actors from multiple sectors
to be able to engage with and influence the governing process [
], or that someone within the
system is able to identify such spaces in practice. And second, that these entities need sufficient
resources (human, social, financial capital) to be able to realise and enact such potential change [
Water 2018,10, 29 7 of 16
Time is also an important consideration for democratic participation [
]. For example, in the
Italian case study, a long-term collaboration process between researchers and farmers has helped
in the emergence of democratised performances, where unprompted participation has aided in
identifying not only the ‘needs’ of farmers, but also has helped to transform farmers’ understandings
of the relationships between agricultural practices and associated ecological impact on water bodies
(i.e., water pollution). Such changes are aligned with the need to maintain livelihoods that comply
with regulatory framings and the consideration of socio-ecological impacts, while, in the South East
Queensland case study, overtime capacities have shifted, allowing for the development of disaster
management expertise at the local government level. Thus, an aspect to consider here is how long-term
relationship processes between researchers and participants of a certain water dilemma can be effective
in shaping the ‘practice’ of research as well as of those related with the specific dilemma.
In the agricultural science domain, the political response to negative consequences of agricultural
practices on water quality (e.g., nitrate pollution of groundwater) through science-informed best
practice protocols or top-down rules (e.g., the EU Nitrates Directive) were often recognized by
participants as ineffective and inefficient [
] when compared with investments in long lasting
processes leading to the development of hybrid knowledges [
]. This discussion on democratised
performance has aided in the mapping and understanding of who participates where and when
independently of the prescribed roles [
]. This, for a long time has been the focus of governance
studies [
] and multiple categories have been created to explain them [
]. The thematic area we
present here, however, departs from the assumption that the members of the system are already in
place, emerging out of siloed prescribed job descriptions, but also that innovative arrangements may
emerge out of an entanglement of understandings about what the ‘other’ is doing in the system. These
can be seen as ‘collaborative approaches,’ where understandings emerged from collective interactions
among scientists, managers and other stakeholders [53,63,64].
Sometimes it can take a crisis to create the critical space for different forms of participation to
emerge. The 2001 tragedy in the Canada town of Walkerton is an example of this: the Walkerton
community had its water supply contaminated with E. coli bacteria, which in turn caused seven deaths
and 2300 people to fall ill. Public panic about the drinking water spread throughout the province,
forcing the government to make an in-depth inquiry into the issue [
]. What emerged out of this
inquiry process was new forms of engagement between the public and government:
“The Walkerton Commission used a framework referred to as the multi-barrier approach
for safe drinking water. As part of the legislation they actually went to a government led,
but collaborative decision-making process. They set terms of reference of how many
representatives from different sectors had to be part of the decision-making process.
They nested it at the local water basin as the scale of decision-making. This represented
a shift from the way we did things 10–15 years ago, we are heading towards a hybrid
collaborative way of decision-making” (Canadian Case Study Contact 2013).
Shifting from a recent history of funding cutbacks for monitoring and evaluation of water quality,
the Walkerton crisis provided the impetus for new legislation and a stronger regulatory framework
to not only monitor water quality, but also for better integration between land use planning and
watershed management [66,67].
Even though resources, skills and capacities are valued as necessary to promote adaptation
and action [
], the starting point for change seems to be strongly related to the idea of letting
people organise, mobilise their own arrangements to plan and take decisions. This, therefore, is an
understanding of democratisation in its broadest and pluralist sense: that relevant actors are able to
realise their potential within a complex system. This is not a criterion that advocates for the suppression
or promotion of hierarchies, but one that understands the differences in the position of actors in the
field (the arena where the dilemma is taking place) and how this determines their responsibilities [
Democratised performance is therefore about knowing what to do and having the tools to act
accordingly. It considers collaboration and coordination as being essential in this process, but it differs
Water 2018,10, 29 8 of 16
from forced forms of participation as it also considers creating a critical space that allows for actors to
create their own arrangements. Ascribed identities must be challenged for transformations to take
place [69].
4.2. Recognising Multiple Constructions of a Dilemma
It is an axiom in contemporary critical social science to recognise, with varying ontologies [
that there are multiple, often contested, social constructions of reality [
]. Knowledge is contested, as
noted with the Baltic Sea case study:
“Existing policy frames are optimising a particular norm, that is they are continuously
reproduced and it is based on certain assumptions that are not necessarily changing the
system [...] But there are clearly different worldviews and there are different grounds for
knowing what you know in the system [...] we have just basically put phosphorus into a
black box and said it is an issue but it may not be deconstructed as an issue, it is more or
less a problem for different stakeholders in the system. For example, nutrient enrichment
related with phosphorus may not be considered as an issue to some stakeholders” (Baltic
Sea Case Study Contact 2013).
Often hegemonic knowledges, shaped and developed by elite actors, are privileged in the
contexts where the dilemmas occurred, constructing problems and solutions that are often incoherent
or contradictory [
]. In contrast, governance arrangements where multiple (and alternative)
interpretations are recognised and considered can offer a critical space for potentially innovative and
nuanced responses to water dilemmas [
]. There are plenty of studies advocating for the inclusion
of multiple types of knowledges, with many of them considering transdisciplinary studies as an
essential component [
]. Nonetheless, how does the recognition of multiple knowledges aid in the
adaptation path? This question recognises that knowledges matter for the development of ideas and
innovation and that the course of bringing them to the space where discussion and decision-making
takes place is part of innovative processes [79,80].
In the context of the case studies, there was great variation in the acknowledgement of different
knowledge constructions. For the Tunisian and Italian case studies, a trans-disciplinary approach
that incorporates local knowledges and scientific perspectives has been a key component both for
water- and climate-related issues [
]. This trans-disciplinarity was the original intent of the projects.
The Tunisian case was based on the recognition that, at the local level, knowledge and techniques for
water harvesting have been around for thousands of years, and, while still pertinent and relevant,
need to be complemented by contemporary rehabilitation interventions and techniques to help realise
adaptation to future climate changes. This was realised through pilot study experiments. In the
Sardinian case, the intermeshing of knowledges was achieved through a long-term collaboration
between farmers, policy makers and academics, where institutional constraints were identified from a
number of different perspectives.
“We organised a workshop, the idea was to develop a collective reflection on the expected
impacts of Climate Change on farming and develop options for adaptation. It was useful
for all to learn what are the constraints at the institutional level to implement Climate
Change adaptation strategies. Many of the strategies proposed by farmers and researchers
were not seen by policy makers as feasible or suitable to invest specific subsidies on the
agro-climatic measures, because of constraints in the way the different regulations are
framed and designed or because their adoption was far from the “business as usual” way
of policy implementation at local scale” (Italian Case Study Contact 2013).
In other case studies, such as the English and the Baltic Sea, there has been an increasing
recognition that knowledge has been lost or marginalised, largely due to modernist managerial
approaches that emerged during the 1970s and 1980s [
]. In both contexts, contemporary research
Water 2018,10, 29 9 of 16
approaches attempt to reverse this trend, where localised knowledge is seen as critical to realising
adaptation. Overall in the case studies, there is no simple prescription in terms of how multiple
knowledges might be integrated or utilised, but rather their presence and acknowledgement has
helped new and innovative forms of understanding water dilemmas and responses to emerge.
The connection between the current knowledge arrangement in the context and related actions
have consequences for the immediate and long-term future, this correlation is also present in the nine
water dilemmas. Such notions were strongly linked to what is known about the system, something
that we can call the legacy of knowledge.
The notion of nutrient enrichment involves both nitrogen and phosphorus. Previous
research suggests that it was nitrogen that was the harmful component—blue-green
algae—so CAP [The European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy] has been nitrogen
centred. Recently, science suggests that the key driver of eutrophication is phosphorous,
but still the [nitrogen] legacy prevails. (Baltic Sea Case Study Contact 2013).
The notion of legacy includes the conceptualisation of the dilemma as an issue (the social
construction), the institutionalisation of it, and the praxis. Legacy permeates CSPO and it could ‘stay’
in the system as long as the institutional arrangements put in place allow it to do so. In the case of the
Baltic Sea case study, the response to the issue could be to change the EU agricultural policy to include
phosphorus, but that would reproduce issues of the Structure–Process relationship (i.e., incremental
change). Legacy is also reflected in methodologies—scientific ones—mainly used to gather data and
build instruments to define a certain dilemma (e.g., ocean eutrophication). The South East Queensland
Case Study is an example of this: historically engineering approaches have been privileged for disaster
mitigation work and while there are shifts towards more social-focused approaches, the engineering
one still maintains a strong influence [85,86].
From a CSPO perspective, promising configurations, when taking place, will do so in the
Structure–Process relationship. Hegemonic knowledge, and the traces that the legacy knowledge
and practice can leave are thus key considerations [
]. This is not just about the creation of a
conceptual space for hybrid knowledge, but also a space where hegemonic ideas and practices could
be successfully deconstructed, challenged and hence transformed—a new context.
4.3. Framing the Dilemma Politically
Political aspects embedded in the nine water dilemmas include dimensions of social justice,
gender equality, knowledge integration, social class and livelihoods. The political also relates to the
previous theme, as politics influences how different actors construct and frame dilemmas. Indeed, in
this vein, there has been a tendency to propose solutions about water dilemmas that favour programs
where ‘green marketization’ is an important component (i.e., payment for hydrological environmental
services). This is largely due to the influence of a neoliberal ideology across all aspects of society, where
the need to transform water into an economic good to ensure its security has become increasingly
hegemonic in water governance policies [
]. Thus, market-based approaches have become dominant
mechanisms for addressing water dilemmas and other environmental issues [
]. Such approaches,
however, can implicitly deny the political dimensions of water, abstracting it from local, social, cultural,
religious, and ecological contexts [
]. Thus, even though some policy programs have been successful
in ameliorating environmental dilemmas (e.g., reducing the pollution of downstream water bodies),
in the context of climate change, agreements beyond economic transactions will almost certainly
be necessary.
This paper does not argue against the use of market-based mechanisms in water governance per se,
but suggests they should emerge through a contested politicised process, rather than being presented
as axiomatic green-economy solutions. As critics of ‘green marketisation’ have noted, markets are
powerful mediums for producing outcomes and therefore will always play a role, nevertheless they
should not supplant the decision-making of political arenas and local communities [96,97].
Water 2018,10, 29 10 of 16
Environmental justice—rather than just environmental management or conservation—provides
a conceptual lens (and a normative project) to challenge the dominance of market-based processes.
This is an approach centred on social justice, and builds on the premise that the fights for human rights
and environment are inseparable [
]. It is well argued that environmental issues and conflicts are
not merely environmental, but rather need to be contextualised in broader social processes [
Environmental justice analyses, therefore, tend to have an emphasis on revealing “winners and losers,
hidden costs, and the differential power that produce social and environmental outcomes” [
also see [
]. Solving environmental issues, thus, is recognised as being a highly political process.
The Sardinian case study is a good example of this, as the payment for environmental services scheme
has been put in place for farmers to improve agricultural practices. The cost of the ‘improvement,’
however, was only affordable to a limited group of people, reinforcing existent inequalities and social
exclusion (Italian Case Study Contact, 2013).
This can also be seen in the Indonesia case study, in the context of palm oil being imported into the
EU to help its countries comply with the EU’s renewable energy directive. The companies importing
palm oil do not have a legal responsibility to mitigate the negative impacts on water resources overseas
(e.g., Indonesia, the Philippines). Voluntary mechanisms, like the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
(RSPO), exist, but in the contractual relationship between the buyer and the producer there is a lack of
clarity about how to deal with the environmental outcomes of palm oil production:
When it comes to private civil law, it is private companies that have a duty of care towards
society, but what does that duty mean? ... You have to have a monitoring authority at the
European level, not to monitor what Indonesians are doing but to monitor what European
actors are doing in Indonesia. But that’s a political question ..., to what extent can the
EU regulate what a European citizen or a legal entity is doing in Indonesia in terms of
business abuse? (Indonesian Case Study Contact 2013).
Palm oil farmers have exacerbated extractive practices in their geographical locality by being part
of the biofuel production process of the EU [
]. In the context of climate change, countries with the
resources and political will to implement mitigation practices may be exporting related environmental
and social issues to other contexts (e.g., social inequalities, corruption). CSPO has helped to identify
this by understanding the political capital existent in the context and the investment placed in the
organisational and institutional structures.
4.4. Socio-Ecological Entanglements Acknowledged
[The catchment approach] was a real shift in the way policymakers are thinking about
water governance ... that is a real keepsake and the language as a result is changing ... you
can hear them talking about learning, you can hear them talking about catchments in a
way which suggests that they understand catchments as not just a biophysical entity but a
socio-ecological entity. (England Case Study Contact 2013).
The conceptualisation of nature as something separate from society has been challenged in recent
social science research, with arguments focusing on the need for a nuanced understanding of dynamic
socio-natural systems [
]. In the context of water, recent geographical scholarship has used the
notion of the ‘hydrosocial cycle’ to highlight how water is moderated by social, political, economic, and
cultural relations and that these relations are, in turn, influenced by the materiality and physicality of
water [
]. Siloed understandings of the non-human world have influenced our managerial
practices [
]. It is implicitly assumed within the hydrosocial cycle approach that good water
governance would be looking to an integrated socio-ecological system rather than simply H
O as a
material entity [107].
Organisational epistemologies and practices (i.e., structures and processes) in most of the
nine water dilemmas were backed up by an understanding of a separation between the human
and natural world. In the English case study, however, it was shown that the entanglement of
Water 2018,10, 29 11 of 16
socio-ecological systems was acknowledged and enacted through the establishment of catchment
authorities. Learning—reflective learning—was an essential component of the process, something that
CSPO supports. The governing innovation, or its potential, then is found here, in the reframing of the
more-than-human as a socio-ecological system. The role of the social sciences in this transformational
process seems to be critical to help breakdown the divide. The Queensland Flood case study also
showed some potential in this regard. While historically there has been a focus on disasters being
seen as ‘natural disasters’ and thereby being mitigated via engineered responses, recent changes
in Queensland’s disaster governance indicate a nascent paradigm shift, where social approaches
(e.g., addressing social vulnerability) to disasters are becoming more prominent [85,110].
The final consideration is that the socio-ecological divide may be identified in the context of
CSPO, but its enactment would have ramifications through the structure (formalised divisions of
environmental management practices) and process (siloed practices organised through departmental
jurisdictions) relations.
5. Conclusions
A central challenge of global water governance is to find ways to address transnational socio-
ecological controversies in a socially just and ecologically effective manner [
]. Water governance
dilemmas are multi-faceted and constantly changing, and therefore a flexible analytical apparatus is
needed to appreciate emerging themes and enablers for positive change. In this paper, we utilised and
built upon the CSPO framework [
] to analyse nine water governance case studies. While the
case studies were diverse in terms of their geographies (i.e., Africa, Australia, Europe, North
America and Asia), scales (i.e., local dilemmas to trans-national issues) and specific water dilemmas
(e.g., flooding, pollution and agriculture), they help to illustrate some of the underlying perspectives
and implementations that underpin promising configurations in water governance, aiding our
understanding of what innovative arrangements might help to promote more adaptive forms of
transformation. For one, it is critical to recognise that water issues are inherently political, and therefore
solutions will not emerge with neat technological or economic panaceas, but rather paying attention to
messy political dynamics. Water dilemmas are products of complex socio-ecological entanglements, and
recognition of this means that our analytical focus is not just on an ‘external’ Nature that should be
managed; but rather on reshaping broader socio-ecological contexts. This is why forms of democratised
performance are necessary. There needs to be a critical space that allows for actors’ actions to help
facilitate important forms of collaboration and coordination that allow for transformations to take place.
Part of this process is a recognition of epistemological pluralism, meaning that there are multiple ways
water dilemmas can be constructed and understood, and the objective should not be about establishing
the correct construction (if such a thing exists), but rather understanding that the responses need to
be crafted with an appreciation of different perspectives. Creative and innovative responses often
emerged in the context of such hybridised knowledge.
The research for this paper is a part of the “CADWAGO: Climate change adaptation
and water governance—reconciling food security, renewable energy and the provision of multiple ecosystem
services” project funded as part of the “Europe and Global Challenges programme” by Compagnia di San Paolo,
VolkswagenStiftung and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. We would also like to acknowledge the valuable critical
feedback provided by three anonymous reviewers.
Author Contributions:
Maria de Lourdes Melo Zurita, Dana C. Thomsen, Neil J. Holbrook,
Timothy F. Smith
and Anna Lyth conceived the paper; Timothy F. Smith designed its methodological approach (CSPO).
Maria de Lourdes Melo Zurita
analysed the data. Maria de Lourdes Melo Zurita was the paper’s lead author, with
detailed writing input provided by Dana C. Thomsen, Neil J. Holbrook and Paul G. Munro.
Annemarieke de Bruin
Giovanna Seddaiu, Pier Paolo Roggero, Julia Baird, Ryan Plummer, Ryan Bullock, Kevin Collins and Neil Powell
contributed towards developing the paper’s final analysis and discussion.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... In the water sector, for instance, the adverse impact of ongoing changes in the climate system is increasingly being recognized as one of the greatest threats to the sustainable management of water resources [9][10][11]. The expected increase in the variability of the hydrologic cycle could have adverse implications for water quality and access, thereby presenting challenges for the attainment of water security [12][13][14]. An increase in the frequency and severity of extreme hydroclimatic events, such as floods and drought, as well as the uncertainties that characterize the patterns and impacts of these events, also presents challenges for current water management institutions that are built around the idea of stationarity [1,9,15]. ...
... Shortfalls of this management paradigm include flawed assumptions about the predictability of hydrologic systems, a lack of flexibility for responding to surprise, the neglect of cross-scale interactions, an overreliance on technical experts, and the failure to promote stakeholder engagement in the water management process [9,15,20]. In spite of the awareness about the shortfalls of the conventional paradigm, the water sector has been slow to transition toward innovative governance mechanisms for responding to climate change impacts [12,13,16]. The failure to adopt proactive and transformational adaptation policies in spite of the availability of relevant knowledge could be attributed to path dependencies created by established values, paradigms, and infrastructure, as well as by funding limitations and governance arrangements that constrain the capacity of actors to act [16,19,[21][22][23]. ...
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The growing realization of the inadequacies of the conventional approach to climate change adaptation has generated interest in sustainable forms of adaptation that could promote long-term ecosystem health and social equity. In this regard, the concept of ecosystem-based adaptation has been receiving attention as an integrative framework for maintaining healthy ecosystems, with the aim of building the resilience and reducing the vulnerability of social–ecological systems to climate change impacts. However, there is currently an inadequate understanding of the institutional requirements for the transition towards ecosystem-based adaptation. A promising institutional mechanism for addressing these governance challenges is adaptive governance, a governance mechanism that relies on flexible, multi-level institutions to connect actors across multiple scales in managing conflicting values and uncertainties in ecosystem-based management processes. This paper discusses four roles of adaptive governance in the transition of water resource systems towards ecosystem-based adaptation: (1) creating awareness about climate change through social learning and the integration of diverse sources of knowledge; (2) generating interest for policy change through the provision of economic and non-economic incentives; (3) creating opportunities for change through the promotion of vertical and horizontal interactions among actors; and (4) building capacities for change through enhanced access to relevant institutions and resources.
... O planejamento e a gestão adequados estão em consonância com os relatórios das Nações Unidas, que têm buscado realizar negociações e acordos, como as da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre a Mudança do Clima, que orientam principalmente os gastos públicos e as tomadas de decisão nos mais diferentes setores da sociedade que poderão ser impactados. Esses recursos possibilitam transformar a hidrologia, frequentemente marcada por alta variabilidade e eventos extremos, em benefícios estáveis e socialmente desejáveis.Com o progresso das sociedades modernas, a demanda por água aumentou, tornando os sistemas hídricos progressivamente mais complexos e exigindo uma evolução das práticas técnicas, analíticas e de governança(Melo Zurita et al., 2018). Essa evolução busca não apenas suprir as necessidades atuais, mas também incorporar métodos que atendam às demandas futuras. ...
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O livro Geopatrimônio de Pernambuco, é composto por 10 capítulos escritos por pesquisadores em suas respectivas áreas de conhecimento. Idealizado durante o desenvolvimento do doutorado de Ítalo Arruda (um dos organizadores) junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências da UFPE, desde a concepção da ideia, à busca dos pesquisadores para a redação de cada um dos 10 capítulos, transcorreram, aproximadamente, dois anos. Este livro visa cobrir uma lacuna no Estado de Pernambuco, no que tange a sua Geodiversidade, servindo de base para estudos futuros e o melhor conhecimento desta área de fundamental importância para a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável do nosso Estado. O livro é encerrado com o capítulo dez trazendo um levantamento fotográfico sobre as belezas naturais de Pernambuco. As imagens superam quaisquer palavras, visitem este capítulo e conhecem belezas do nosso estado. Geopatrimônio de Pernambuco representa um marco na divulgação e valorização da geodiversidade do estado, uma base sólida para futuras pesquisas e iniciativas de geoconservação, auxiliando na tomada de decisões que visem promover um desenvolvimento sustentável que beneficia toda a comunidade
... O planejamento e a gestão adequados estão em consonância com os relatórios das Nações Unidas, que têm buscado realizar negociações e acordos, como as da Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre a Mudança do Clima, que orientam principalmente os gastos públicos e as tomadas de decisão nos mais diferentes setores da sociedade que poderão ser impactados. Esses recursos possibilitam transformar a hidrologia, frequentemente marcada por alta variabilidade e eventos extremos, em benefícios estáveis e socialmente desejáveis.Com o progresso das sociedades modernas, a demanda por água aumentou, tornando os sistemas hídricos progressivamente mais complexos e exigindo uma evolução das práticas técnicas, analíticas e de governança(Melo Zurita et al., 2018). Essa evolução busca não apenas suprir as necessidades atuais, mas também incorporar métodos que atendam às demandas futuras. ...
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O livro Geopatrimônio de Pernambuco apresenta, de maneira abrangente e detalhada, as principais características da geodiversidade e biodiversidade do estado de Pernambuco. A obra aborda elementos como geologia, geomorfologia, solos, clima, paleontologia, recursos hídricos, fauna, flora e a influência da ação humana. Composto por 10 capítulos escritos por especialistas em suas áreas, o livro foi idealizado durante o doutorado de Ítalo Arruda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências da UFPE, e levou cerca de dois anos para ser concluído. O objetivo central do livro é suprir uma lacuna no estudo da geodiversidade em Pernambuco, incluída como uma base sólida para pesquisas futuras e promover um conhecimento mais aprofundado dessa área estratégica para o desenvolvimento sustentável do estado. Ao integrar informações de diversas disciplinas, a obra oferece uma visão holística e acessível sobre a riqueza natural e cultural de Pernambuco, contribuindo para a valorização e preservação do seu geopatrimônio.
... Transdisciplinarity and coproduction thus appear as valid instruments in constructing an integrated perspective of transformation in conservation. However, literature on transformation specifically focused on conservation is relatively scarce when compared to other topics such as water resource management, energy transition, or climate change (Blackmore et al., 2016;Zurita et al., 2018;Starck et al., 2022). Among other reasons, this is due to an apparent paradox between transformative actions and the maintenance or resistance to change implicit in the idea of conservation. ...
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A necessidade de conservar o que resta da biodiversidade do planeta tornou-se um consenso tácito ao longo dos últimos 40 anos, colocando a questão de forma definitiva no rol da agenda de problemas ambientais globais a serem socialmente resolvidos. Entretanto a decisão sobre os melhores caminhos para a conservação segue sendo alvo de intensas disputas políticas e a necessidade de compatibilização entre efeitos socioculturais e ecossistêmicos na implementação de projetos de conservação permanece atual. O presente artigo tem como intuito apresentar as bases conceituais da proposta da ‘conservação convivial’, identificando contribuições desta para a construção coletiva de alternativas realistas centradas nas dimensões político-econômicas do desafio de promover a diversidade da vida humana e não humana no planeta. Realizamos uma genealogia do contexto discursivo, histórico e atual, onde a proposta emergiu. Em primeiro lugar, situamos a emergência da conservação convivial no contexto da literatura das ‘transformações para sustentabilidade’, destacando especificamente a contribuição das ciências sociais críticas para a transformação da conservação da biodiversidade. Em seguida, apresentamos as características das principais tendências e linhas paradigmáticas que guiaram as ações e políticas para a conservação da biodiversidade historicamente no Brasil e no mundo, a saber, a ‘conservação fortaleza’, a ‘conservação participativa’ e a ‘conservação neoliberal’. Ademais, avaliamos o estado da arte das atualizações destas linhas no debate global atual, ao apresentar as características principais das tendências ‘neoprotecionista’ e da ‘nova conservação’, em seus distanciamentos e aproximações em relação à ‘conservação convivial’. Por fim, apresentamos os princípios da conservação convivial e as ações que materializam a proposta, em sua interface com o contexto brasileiro e latino-americano. Esperamos que esta apresentação sistemática e criteriosa da conservação convivial possa contribuir para a construção de ferramentas transdisciplinares e democráticas de pesquisa e intervenção em conservação da biodiversidade, especialmente no Brasil.
... It has been estimated that, to meet food demand in 2050, global production needs to increase by 70% (Wu & Ma 2015), either to meet the demand for vegetal products or for animal production, especially intensive livestock production. In a low production scenario, meeting this target will require an increase in global water use of 53% (De Fraiture & Wichelns 2010), about 60% in developing countries and 16% in developed countries (Melo-Zurita et al. 2018). ...
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Abstract This paper aims to study the determinants of the governance model of water resources in the agriculture of the Hermosillo-Coast (Mexico). To achieve this objective, a literature review, in-depth interviews and a workshop were carried out. The results show that the main threats to the system come from the model of granting concessions for access to water resources, the lack of supervision by the competent authority and the control of a group of stakeholders over water in relation to the rest of the interested parties. Finally, measures aimed at improving the sustainability of agricultural activity in the area are proposed.
... As global water security becomes increasingly complex and uncertain, attention has turned to governance approaches that embrace different ways of knowing, learning, and doing: all attributes of adaptive governance (Ison 2010, Melo Zurita et al. 2018. In this paper we adopt a systemic, learning-based conceptualization of AWG by drawing on the definition proposed by Folke et al. (2005:463), where, in the context of natural resources management, they regard adaptive governance as "flexible and learning-based collaborations and decision-making processes involving both state and non-state actors, often at multiple levels, with the aim to adaptively negotiate and coordinate management of social-ecological systems and ecosystem services across landscapes and seascapes." ...
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This paper contributes to scholarship on adaptive water governance (AWG), following policy reforms in South Africa, through a focus on systemic feedbacks for learning and adaptation as critical aspects of AWG. We draw insights from three innovative and evolving water governance experiments. In 1998 South Africa adopted integrated water resources management (IWRM) as a transformative approach for achieving an equitable, sustainable, and decentralized stakeholder-centered water resources governance: all hallmarks of an enabling environment for a two-decade history of AWG, although not named as such. Progress in AWG is explored by using a longitudinal, evaluative exploration of three cases in two transboundary basins in South Africa, with a focus on the unfolding enabling environment for achieving sustainability and equity. Building on previous work, we present and discuss a range of enablers that are shown to function systemically to support feedbacks and build adaptive capacity and resilience in complex and uncertain river systems. In the Crocodile Basin, meta-governance arrangements that created an enabling space for collaborative experimentation and learning proved critical as feedbacks were progressively strengthened and embedded through evolving social and institutional arrangements. The enabling environment also supported a networked, blended system of stakeholder- and state-led platforms that have co-evolved through experimentation and learning. Despite progress, long-term persistence of action-learning feedbacks appears less certain in the Olifants Basin cases. We suggest that enabling meta-governance arrangements that offer an institutional home within which to embed learning is critical. The need to explore alternative networked governance arrangements and to explicitly manage for feedbacks that enhance learning at multiple scales is emphasized. We conclude with recommendations for future work on AWG, including reconciling differences between AWG and IWRM that originally framed South African reforms.
... A produção de flores e plantas ornamentais está relacionada ao alto consumo de água (GARCÍA-CAPARRÓS; LAO, 2018). Assim, a melhoria da eficiência do uso da água tornou-se uma prioridade frente a atual escassez desse recurso (DAMKJAER; TAYLOR, 2017;ZURITA et al., 2018). Nesse sentido, o cultivo em ambiente protegido é uma alternativa para a gestão eficiente dos recursos hídricos, além de influenciar no padrão de qualidade das flores de corte (SLATHIA et al., 2018). ...
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EFICIÊNCIA DO USO DA ÁGUA E COEFICIENTE DE CULTIVO PARA LISIANTHUS DE CORTE CULTIVADO EM AMBIENTE PROTEGIDO JÉSSICA DARIANE PIROLI1; MARCIA XAVIER PEITER2; ADROALDO DIAS ROBAINA3; MARCELO ANTONIO RODRIGUES4; ANDERSON CRESTANI PEREIRA5 E LAURA DIAS FERREIRA6 1 Eng. Agrônoma, Doutora em Engenharia Agrícola, UFSM, Avenida Roraima, nº 1000, bairro Camobi, CEP: 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Email: 2 Eng. Agrônoma, Doutora, Professora Associada do Departamento de Engenharia Rural, UFSM, Avenida Roraima, nº 1000, bairro Camobi, CEP: 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Email: 3 Eng. Agrônomo, Doutor, Professor Titular do Departamento de Engenharia Rural, UFSM, Avenida Roraima, nº 1000, bairro Camobi, 97195-000, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil, CEP. Email: 4 Eng. Agrônomo, Doutor, Professor do Colégio Politécnico da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM, Avenida Roraima, nº 1000, bairro Camobi, CEP: 97105-900, Santa Maria. Email: 5 Eng. Agrônomo, Mestre, Doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, UFSM, Avenida Roraima, nº 1000, bairro Camobi, CEP: 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Email: 6 Eng. Agrônoma, Mestra, Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Agrícola, UFSM, Avenida Roraima, nº 1000, bairro Camobi, CEP: 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Email: 1 RESUMO O lisianthus é considerado uma das espécies de maior relevância econômica no mercado nacional e internacional. Contudo, para alcançar a qualidade que o mercado exige, é necessário um manejo hídrico eficiente durante o período de produção. Uma das alternativas capaz de otimizar a eficiência no uso da água é a adição de hidrogel ao substrato, associada à irrigação. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar peso fresco, consumo hídrico, eficiência do uso da água e os coeficientes de cultura do lisianthus de corte, sob o efeito combinado entre diferentes manejos de irrigação e doses de hidrogel, em ambiente protegido, em duas épocas de cultivo. O delineamento adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 5x4, sendo cinco lâminas de irrigação: 40, 60, 80, 100 e 120% da capacidade de retenção do vaso, e quatro doses de hidrogel (0, 3, 6 e 9 gramas por vaso). Foram utilizadas quatro repetições para cada tratamento, totalizando 80 vasos. Em conclusão, o peso fresco, consumo hídrico e a eficiência do uso da água, foram significativamente afetadas pela interação entre lâminas de irrigação e doses de hidrogel nas duas épocas de cultivo. Palavras-chave: Eustoma grandiflorum, consumo hídrico, evapotranspiração, otimização de uso da água. PIROLI, J. D.; PEITER, M. X.; ROBAINA, A. D.; RODRIGUES, M. A.; PEREIRA, A. C.; FERREIRA, L. D. EFFICIENCY OF WATER USE AND CROP COEFFICIENT FOR LISIANTHUS AS CUT FLOWER CULTIVATED IN GREENHOUSE 2 ABSTRACT Lisianthus is considered one of the most economically important species in the national and international market. However, to achieve the quality demanded by the market, efficient water management during the production period is necessary. An alternative capable of optimizing the water use efficiency is the addition of hydrogel to the substrate, associated with irrigation. In this sense, the objective of this work was to determine fresh weight, water consumption, water use efficiency and crop coefficients of cut lisianthus under the combined effect of different irrigation management and hydrogel doses in a protected environment in two growing seasons. The design adopted was completely randomized, with a 5x4 factorial distribution, with five irrigation depths, namely: 40, 60, 80, 100, and 120% of the pot's holding capacity, and four doses of hydrogel (0, 3, 6, and 9 grams per pot). Four replicates were used for each treatment, totaling 80 pots. In conclusion, fresh weight, water consumption and water use efficiency were significantly affected by the interaction between irrigation depths and hydrogel doses in the two growing seasons. Keywords: Eustoma grandiflorum, water consumption, evapotranspiration, optimization of water.
Climate change influences the environment and natural resources, especially water resources. There is a growing demand for water resources from competing uses by different sectors. Diverse water management policies have evolved toward sustainable development, effective water resources governance, and balancing water demand and supply worldwide. Water governance approaches have been developed to achieve the long-term sustainability of water resources, but there are substantial challenges in dealing with water constraints posed by climate change. This chapter systematically reviews a broad body of literature produced by scholars and policy analysts to compare water governance regimes in response to water scarcity and challenges in sustainable development in the context of ongoing climate change (including climate variability and extremes). The results suggest the necessity, key components, and knowledge gaps of effective water governance. This chapter conceptualizes the nexus between water governance, climate adaptation, and sustainable development.
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Proceedings of the international Dniester River basin conference dedicated to the transboundary cooperation of Moldova and Ukraine in the promotion of the integrated river basin management in frames of the transboundary bilateral water treaty (2012).
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This paper explores how social networks and bonds within and across organisations shape disaster operations and strategies. Local government disaster training exercises serve as a window through which to view these relations, and ‘social capital’ is used as an analytic for making sense of the human relations at the core of disaster management operations. These elements help to expose and substantiate the often intangible relations that compose the culture that exists, and that is shaped by preparations for disasters. The study reveals how this social capital has been generated through personal interactions, which are shared among disaster managers across different organisations and across ‘levels’ within those organisations. Recognition of these ‘group resources’ has significant implications for disaster management in which conducive social relations have become paramount. The paper concludes that socio-cultural relations, as well as a people-centred approach to preparations, appear to be effective means of readying for, and ultimately responding to, disasters.
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We empirically examine relationships among the conditions that enable learning, learning effects and sustainability outcomes based on experiences in four biosphere reserves in Canada and Sweden. In doing so, we provide a novel approach to measure learning and address an important methodological and empirical challenge in assessments of learning processes in decision-making contexts. Findings from this study highlight the effectiveness of different measures of learning, and how to differentiate the factors that foster learning with the outcomes of learning. Our approach provides a useful reference point for future empirical studies of learning in different environment, resource and sustainability settings. © 2017 The Authors. Environmental Policy and Governance published by ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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Stresses on water resources are considerable and will intensify in the future due to climatic and non-climatic drivers. The emerging shift from science-based command and control ‘old’ water management approach to a dynamic and integrative systems view of water—a ‘new’ water management approach—was explored using the concept of capacity, operationalized using the livelihoods capitals approach (i.e. physical, natural, financial, human and social capitals), as a conceptual lens in a multiple case study of notable cases of urban flooding from Canada and Australia. The findings show that there are changing conceptualizations of capacity in both cases over time. Physical and financial capitals have been emphasized for decades and are associated with the old water management approach, responding to major flood events with the construction of large control structures. While the importance of these capital inputs persists, the approach to building capacity under the emergence of the new water management approach places an increasing relative emphasis on social and human capitals. The lack of emphasis on natural capital persisted over time and should be considered explicitly in flood management. This study demonstrates how the capitals approach contributes to the very much needed understanding of how the shift from the old to a new water management approach is being expressed for both present-day decisions and long-term trajectories.
Six key themes that emerged from the European Union (EU) funded LEARNing project designed to develop and test a systemic approach to research practice are reported. The focus was on the learning and knowing processes experienced by individuals, groups and institutions that emerges from collective action and results in changes in practices or in the potential to change practices of those involved. The authors, drawn by the idea that the key to understanding knowledge is to be found in ‘how we know what we know’, or, in other words, in the processes of ‘learning and knowing’ present these themes: processes, theory, evaluation, institutionalisation and social and professional practice as a basis for further innovation in the conduct of R&D and as a basis for future capability-building of researchers.