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Advance technology, new innovation utilizes in warehouse, logistics and supply chain management.


Abstract and Figures

Logistics is traditionally driven by operational demands. Therefore innovations are mainly based on direct customer requests. However, logistics service providers (LSPs) have started to realize the importance of proactive innovation and advance technology to improvecompetitiveness. The development of new service concepts enables LSPs to increase customer Satisfaction and strengthen their competitiveness. Due to the fact that services cover specificCharacteristics, their development differs from traditional product development and requires adapted innovation and advance technology management processes. The production of services usually requires the participation of customers.
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Advance Technology, New Innovation Utilizes in
Warehouse, Logistics and Supply Change
Tarun Radadiya
Operation Engineer at Mahindra Logistic Ltd, Ahmedabad, Gujarat India
Abstract: Logistics is traditionally driven by operational demands. Therefore innovations are mainly based on direct customer
requests. However, logistics service providers (LSPs) have started to realize the importance of proactive innovation and advance
technology to improvecompetitiveness. The development of new service concepts enables LSPs to increase customer Satisfaction and
strengthen their competitiveness. Due to the fact that services cover specificCharacteristics, their development differs from traditional
product development and requires adapted innovation and advance technology management processes. The production of services
usually requires the participation of customers.
Keywords: New innovation, advance technology and customer satisfaction
1. Introduction
The word logistics has its origin from Greek word
―logistike‖ which means the art of calculating. However, the
modern interpretation of the term logistics has its origin in
the military, where it was used to describe the activities
related to the procurement of ammunitions, and essential
supplies for troops located at the front. Logistics not only
includes activities related to the physical movements of the
goods but also manages relationship with suppliers and
customers. However Logistic management is a means
whereby the needs of customers are satisfied through
integration and coordination of the supply chain.
IoT presents a unique technology transition that is impacting
allour lives and will have huge implications for the business
of logistics.As we move from 15 billion connected devices
today to some50 billion by 2020, and embed sensor
technology and analytics throughout our organizations,
companies will enjoy unprecedented visibility into
operations, enabling new sources of value. Thisvisibility, in
turn, will transform how logistics providers make decisions,
including about how goods are stored, monitored,
routed,serviced, and delivered to customers, as well as
operationalhealth and safety practices.
The development of logistics in the world is fast. Every day
there are more industrial and commercial enterprises, having
in the governance structure of logistics services. The
economy is constantly expanding the scope of application of
modern logistics systems and technologies. The business is
rapidly being introduced and a new management concept
survives SCM - Supply Chain Management with regard to
our country, only a few leading companies are paying
enough attention to it, creating the first SCM-units and
recruiting appropriate staff.
The importance and role of logistics in business over the
past few decades have undergonesignificant changes.
Logistics has risen to the level of a certain specific pattern in
the conduct ofbusiness. With the increasing competition,
individualization of markets, growth and formation of
new,ever-expanding network of creation cost, logistics
continues to grow and become a strategic resourcethat has
already requires a certain level of staff and a variety of in-
depth knowledge.For the existence of a market economy,
transport companies should focus on getting the singlemost
effective economic results in the supply chain. This may
contribute to a number of factors,namely formed market of
transport services, competition between enterprises and
various modes of transport, and others.
Main objective of this paper Advance technology and new
innovation utilizes in logistics and supply change
management and effect of customers Satisfaction. Logistics
industry is most importance research and development in
logistics and transportation technology. Logistic and supply
change industry use of technology is information
technology, communication technology and automatic
identification technology.
Latest technologies being used in logistics and supply
chain management
 Automatic Identification and data capture Technology.
2) Communication Technology.
3) Information Technology.
1) Automatic identification and data capture technology
Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) refers to
the methods of automatically identifying objects, collecting
data about them, and entering them directly into computer
systems, without human involvement. Technologies
typically considered as part of AIDC include bar codes,
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), biometrics (like iris
and facial recognition system), magnetic stripes, Optical
character recognition (OCR), smart cards, and voice
recognition. AIDC is also commonly referred to as
―Automatic Identification,‖ ―Auto-ID,‖ and "Automatic
Data Capture."
AIDC is the process or means of obtaining external data,
particularly through analysis of images, sounds or videos. To
capture data, a transducer is employed which converts the
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
actual image or a sound into a digital file. The file is then
stored and at a later time it can be analyzed by a computer,
or compared with other files in a database to verify identity
or to provide authorization to enter a secured system.
Capturing of data can be done in various ways; the best
method depends on application [1-8].
Nearly all of the automatic identification technologies
consist of three principal components, which also comprise
the sequential steps in AIDC- 1 Data encoder . A code is a
set of symbols or signals that usually represent alphanumeric
characters. When data are encoded, the characters are
translated into a machine readable code. A label or tag
containing the encoded data is attached to the item that is to
be identified. 2 Machine reader or scanner. This device reads
the encoded data, converting them to alternative form,
usually an electrical analog signal. 3 Data decoder. This
component transforms the electrical signal into digital data
and finally back into the original alphanumeric characters.
Barcode is an optical, machine-readable, representation of
data; the data usually describes something about the object
that carries the barcode. Originally barcodes systematically
represented data by varying the widths and spacings of
parallel lines, and may be referred to as linear or one-
dimensional (1D). Later two-dimensional (2D) codes were
developed, using rectangles, dots, hexagons and other
geometric patterns in two dimensions, usually called
barcodes although they do not use bars as such. Barcodes
were initially scanned by special optical scanners called
barcode readers. Later application software became
available for devices that could read images, such as
smartphones with cameras.
Barcodes became commercially successful when they were
used to automate supermarket checkout systems, a task for
which they have become almost universal. Their use has
spread to many other tasks that are generically referred to as
automatic identification and data capture (AIDC). The very
first scanning of the now ubiquitous Universal Product Code
(UPC) barcode was on a pack of Wrigley Company chewing
gum in June 1974.
Quality control and verification
A barcode verifier works the way a reader does, but instead
of simply decoding a barcode, a verifier performs a series of
tests. For linear barcodes these tests are:
1) Edge determination, 2) Minimum reflectance, 3) Symbol
contrast, 4) Minimum edge contrast, 5) Modulation, 6)
Defects, 7) Decode, 8)Decodability
2D matrix symbols look at the parameters:
1) Symbol contrast, 2) Modulation, 3) Decode, 4) Unused
error correction, 5) Fixed (finder) pattern damage 6) Grid
non-uniformity 7)Axial non-uniformity[17-19].
The bar coding offers the following advantages.
Ease in identification of inventory items during storage,
retrival, pickup, inspection and dispatch.
Reduce paper work and processing time leading
Reduce human error
Increases logistics system productivity through speed,
accuracy and reliability.
Impact of Bar code technology on operations of logistics and
supply chain management
Procurement operation The parts and components
brought from suppliers are assigned bar codes, which
contain information on item name, batch number, date of
manufacture, order no, serial no etc. The information in
bar code helps in identifying and tracking the component.
In the warehouse, when the goods enter through a
conveyor, they are further scanned by the hand held
scanner or scanner fixed alongside the conveyor. The
information decoded by the scanner is immediately logged
in the central computer which helps real time update of
inventory records.
Processing During the order processing the bar code will
help in keeping identification of items based on their date
of entry into the warehouse or store. This will ease
material storage, retrival and dispatch in FIFO (First in
First out) inventory management system.
Production operation During the production process the
identification of in-process and finished items become
easier due to bar coding. The various bathes at different
stages of production can be easily tracked.
Distribution operation During distribution, barcode
helps in identifying and tracking the transit of finished
goods to the customers[10-16].
2. Radio-Frequency Identification(RFID)
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic
fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to
objects. The tags contain electronically stored information.
Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader's
interrogating radio waves. Active tags have a local power
source (such as a battery) and may operate hundreds of
meters from the RFID reader. Unlike a barcode, the tag need
not be within the line of sight of the reader, so it may be
embedded in the tracked object. RFID is one method for
Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC). [20].
Yard management, shipping and freight and distribution
centers use RFID tracking. In the railroad industry, RFID
tags mounted on locomotives and rolling stock identify the
owner, identification number and type of equipment and its
characteristics. This can be used with a database to identify
the lading, origin, destination, etc. of the commodities being
carried [21]. Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems
have received increased attentions fromacademicians and
practitioners. It is a data acquisition and storage method,
providing accurate, real-time data without human
intervention. With its advent, various business processes are
poised for a new and rapid transformation. RFID technology
promises numerous benefits in supply chain management:
improved speed, accuracy, efficiency and security of
information sharing across the supply chain [22], reduced
storage, handling and distribution expenses; increased sales
through reduced stock outs; and improved cash flow through
increased inventory turns [23].
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Figure 1: RFID Reverse logistic process flow chart
RFTs The reader is connected to the central computer. Radio
Frequency Tags (RFTs) are a piece of silicon chip to store
data in the microcircuit. The RFTs are programmable with
erasable memory. Data is stored in coded form and
communicated to the reader through waves. The basic
principle of tag is that antenna emits the radio signals.RFTs
are very useful to accompany truck shipments. The tag will
contain information on consignor, consignee, inventory
items, quantity and value, what time the item travelled
certain zone; even the temperature etc.The reader receives
the tag signal with its antenna, decodes it and transfers the
data to the host computer system. RFTs can be attactched to
virtually anything-from a semi-tractor, to a pallet, containers
etc. RFTs will avoid paperwork and can be helpful in quick
clearance at octroi and custom posts. In the warehouse, the
barcodes can be applied to the individual inventory items
while RFTs can be applied to pallets, containers etc.These
will allow the staff to directly communicate to the
warehouse computer.
3. RFID benefits in Warehouse Management
Once production has been completed, FMCG producers
pack the products into cartons, and deliver the cartons to the
warehouse of the freight forwarder or the buying company.
After the cargo reaches its destination, it is not uncommon
that it ends up in a warehouse first.
Keeping track of the large number of cartons is a very
complex as well as time and labor consuming process.
However, RFID can be implemented to ease the situation as
it can improve information management concerning cargo
flow. Usually, read-write equipment is installed at the entry
to a warehouse. Every cargo unit is equipped with RFID tags
and all the information relating to the tags is stored in the
central computer of the warehouse. When the cargo is
moved in or out of the warehouse, the read-write equipment
registers it and forwards the data to the backend system.
This allows the management center to manage the vast
amounts of products going into and leaving the storage,
recognize cargo and help with placement of the cargo in the
warehouse.In cases where read-write equipment is placed
within the warehouse, all in-house movements are
additionally registered in the system. This allows for
strategic planning of product locations within the warehouse.
The information that is gathered with RFID can lead to
significant improvements as the tracking and handling of the
products can be done in real-time and with great accuracy.
In the warehouse, products are easily located as all product
movements are tracked and this information is automatically
registered in the system. Whilst stock is accurately tracked
valuable information concerning losses is also recorded.
RFID in warehouse processes offers: 1) visibility of accurate
real-time information, 2) fast locating of products, 3)
possibility to record losses 4) ability to plan product
locations strategical.
RFID benefits in tracking and managing of shipping
Around the world, the most popular way to transport large
amounts of cargo is to use shipping containers. Container
transports are oftentimes chosen as they ensure safe and
secured transportation, low costs, standard packaging and
high transport density. Companies that use RFID in tracking
and managing of shipping containers are able to track
containers in each link of the supply chain. Active RFID
Tags can be used to track containers in real-time in yards
and docks. Ultra-high frequency RFID technology has long
identification distance and speeds up identification.
RFID in container management and tracking:1)offers
visibility of real-time cargo movement, 2)improves
efficiency, 3)increase accuracy.
4. Benefits in Distribution Processes
Implementation of RFID technology can also add
advantages to distribution processes. Usage of RFID will
greatly accelerate the speed of delivery management,
improve efficiency, and increase accuracy in selection and
distribution processes. It will also reduce distribution costs.
When products embedded with RFID tags enter a
distribution center, the RFID read-write equipment at the
entry gate can register the RFID tags, and send the
information to the distribution centers' backend system. This
information can be used to put the cartons in proper places,
sort them quickly and efficiently, and dispatch the cartons to
the retailing centers in less time with improved accuracy.
Usage of RFID also ensures accurate inventory control.
In 2014, the world RFID market was worth US$8.89 billion,
up from US$7.77 billion in 2013 and US$6.96 billion in
2012. This figure includes tags, readers, and
software/services for RFID cards, labels, fobs, and all other
form factors. The market value is expected to rise to
US$18.68 billion by 2026.[24].
5. Procter &Gamble (P&G) Company
Before P&G used bar codes to track shipments of goods
from factory to retail outlets, but couldn‘t do much to halt
the supply shortages on store shelves. After P&G used
RFID is tracking shipments, and eventually individual
products, so that they can be stocked on demand in stores.
P&G expects to cut its costs by $400 million a year.
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Ford Motor Company
Before Assembly-line workers running low on parts would
have to pick up a phone and call the replenishment
department to get more parts and then wait for parts. After
Ford puts RFID tags on each parts bin. Warehouse operators
now know in seconds, when supplies run low, and
automatically deliver parts as needed to workers on the
assembly line.
Paperless Processes in Warehouse Logistics
Especially in warehouse logistics incure tons of documents
that must be printed, signed and scanned to then be
electronically archived again.
In order to optimize these operations, delivery notes,
security declarations, CMR waybills (eg SAP) can be signed
electronically using the e-Sign Single Sign Clients as a PDF
and so on from any business application. Using a Sign Pad
can replace a handwritten signature on paper by an
electronic biometric signature on a document.
The e-Sign Single Sign Client ensures rapid implementation
and a simple, paperless handling at the daily business.
Documents in PDF format can be opened straight from the
business application, digitally signed and archived without
an extra program to open.
In the SAP System the world of e-Sign Single Sign Client is
seamlessly integrated via the Secure Store and Forward
interface and thus enabling automatic archiving. For all
other business application a web service interface is
provided. Everywhere in the enterprise documents incur to
be printed, signed and to be scanned and to be put into
archives afterwards again electronically. All signature
processes in the enterprise can be formed with the e-Sign
Single Sign Client user-friendly and economically with
lasting effect.
e-Sign Single Sign Client
Neither at the field of store logistics to electronic signing
of notes of delivery, security explanations, CMR shipping
notes and so on nor
to the documentation of servicing processes, e. g. from
airplanes, machines and so on nor
for paperless handling of all processes in the health
service like REHA applications, medical reports and so
onthe e-Sign Single Sign Client is suited for the area-
covering application in every enterprise.
With the help of the e-Sign Single Sign Client PDF
documents are signed electronically. Using a Sign Pad a
handwritten signature on paper can be substituted by an
electronic biometric signature in the document.
The e-Sign Single Sign Client guarantees quick
implementing and an easy handling at daily business.
Documents in PDF format can be opened out of the business
application, digitally signed and filed directly. There is no
need to open an extra programme.According to necessary
legal security signature [25-30].
Magnetic stripe card
magnetic stripe card is a type of card capable of storing data
by modifying the magnetism of tiny iron-based magnetic
particles on a band of magnetic material on the card. The
magnetic stripe, sometimes called swipe card or magstripe,
is read by swiping past a magnetic reading head. Magnetic
stripe cards are commonly used in credit cards, identity
cards, and transportation tickets. They may also contain an
RFID tag, a transponder device and/or a microchip mostly
used for business premises access control.
ID Badges for Transportation & Logistics Firm Alpha Card
is a veteran expert at supplying shipping companies,
logistics firms, and warehouses with robust, high-
performance ID card systems. Due to the high amount of
dollars in inventory kept in warehouses, and packaging
companies, a secure ID system is absolutely essential to
safeguarding the facility against unauthorized individuals
and non-personnel from illegally entering. ID card systems
also work exceptionally well for proper photo identification
make certain that every employee is visibly identified
while at work[31-34].
Magnetic Inventory Labeling Improves Accuracy.
One effective way to improve warehousing accuracy and
flexibility is using repositionable magnetic inventory labels.
Magnetic Inventory Labels, ideal for efficient inventory
control organization, are available in four styles: magnetic
data card holder kits, magnetic label holders with clear
plastic sleeves, magnetic strip with vinyl coating, and
standard flexible magnetic strip.
Easily repositionable and available in a range of widths and
lengths, magnetic inventory labels hold pre-printed or
handwritten inventory labels. Use to hold data cards that
contain important product information such as names,
SKUs, bar codes, prices, descriptions, and more. When
inventory changes or moves, relabeling is as quick and easy
as repositioning the magnet. No time consuming scraping
off of stickers and no damage to warehouse racking.
Magnetic Hooks Pull Their Strength in the Warehouse
A full line of magnetic hooks provides storage and safety
options in the warehouse. Available in a range of sizes and
pull strengths up to 65 lbs., magnetic hooks are a great
choice for aisle and lane chains; and storage of cables,
chains, wires, tools, and other items; and hanging and
mounting of repositionable items like work lights and
Simple to move and reuse in various locations throughout
the warehouse, this line of magnetic hooks features different
attachments, including carabineers, key ring hooks, swivel
hooks, and reversible hooks.
Optical character recognition
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Optical character recognition (also optical character reader,
OCR) is the mechanical or electronic conversion of images
of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded
text, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a
document, a scene-photo (for example the text on signs and
billboards in a landscape photo) or from subtitle text
superimposed on an image (for example from a television
broadcast).[1] It is widely used as a form of information entry
from printed paper data records, whether passport
documents, invoices, bank statements, computerised
receipts, business cards, mail, printouts of static-data, or any
suitable documentation. It is a common method of digitising
printed texts so that they can be electronically edited,
searched, stored more compactly, displayed on-line, and
used in machine processes such as cognitive computing,
machine translation, (extracted) text-to-speech, key data and
text mining. OCR is a field of research in pattern
recognition, artificial intelligence and computer vision [35].
This technology can be used to electronically translate
images of handwritten, text-written or printed text into
machine readable and editable form. For example, they can
be used to read and interpret serial numbers which can be
used for matching, tracking or sorting packages as they
move through various supply chain processes. However,
OCR technology is yet to improve in terms of accuracy and
speed in its applications.
The optical character recognition (OCR) system detects
numbers of transport vehicles and containers, arriving at the
terminals, and takes a photograph of the loads and vehicles.
SOLVO receives data from the OCR system and
automatically registers the visit as well as the containers.
The work station of the tallyman responsible for commercial
inspection automatically displays information about the
vehicle and container, significantly speeding up the process.
Speech recognition
Voice-directed warehousing (VDW) refers to the use of the
voice direction and speech recognitionsoftware in
warehouses and distribution centers. VDW has been in use
since the late 1990s, and its use is expected to increase
rapidly over the next five years due to advances in
technology and decreasing costs for the voice directed
software and for the mobile computers on which it runs.
In a voice directed warehouse, workers wear a headset
connected to a small wearable computer, similar in size to a
Sony Walkman, which tells the worker where to go and
what to do using verbal prompts. Workers confirm their
tasks by speaking pre-defined commands and reading
confirmation codes printed on locations or products
throughout the warehouse. The speech recognition software
running on the wearable computer 'understands' the workers'
Voice-directed warehousing is typically used instead of
paper- or mobile computer-based systems that require
workers to read instructions and scan barcodes or key-enter
information to confirm their tasks. By freeing a worker's
hands and eyes, voice directed systems typically improve
efficiency, accuracy, and safety. Whilst VDW was originally
used in picking orders, now all warehouse functions such as
goods receiving, put-away, replenishment, shipping, and
returns processing can be coordinated by voice systems
The first incarnations of voice directed warehousing were
implemented in distribution centers in the early 1990s. Since
then, voice has changed dramatically. Most notably, the
technology was originally limited to picking,whereas now
all warehouse functions (picking, receiving/put-away,
replenishment, shipping) can be coordinated by voice
systems. As these processes move from being paper-centric,
to RF-centric (barcode scanning) and now voice-centric. For
some, voice has become the starting point for re-engineering
warehouse processes and systems, rather than an after-
VDW technology has also undergone an evolution as more
competitors have entered the market. The first solutions
were based on dedicated and rugged voice appliances,
mobile computing devices that ran the speech recognition
software and that communicated with a server over a
wireless network. These special purpose voice appliances
use a speech recognition engine that was specially designed
for the warehouse and provided by the appliance
manufacturer. Since the early 2000s, more voice suppliers
have entered the market, providing voice recognition
systems for standard mobile computing devices that had
been used previously for barcode scanning applications in
the warehouse. These standard mobile computers from
companies like Motorola, Intermec and LXE also support
non-proprietary recognition software. The uncoupling of the
hardware and speech recognition software has resulted in
lower priced voice-directed warehousing solutions and an
increase in the number of software providers. These two
factors contributed to a rapid rise in adoption of VDW that
continues today.
Implementing voice systems in the warehouse has among its
benefits :1) Increased picking accuracy, 2)Increased
inventory accuracy, 3) Increased employee productivity,
4)Improved safety, 5)Reduced new worker training time, 6)
Increases job satisfaction for warehouse associates,
7)Eliminates cost of printing and distributing picking
documents, 8)Growing customer satisfaction[36-42].
Smart cards
A smart card, chip card, or integrated circuit card (ICC), is
any pocket-sized card that has embedded integrated
circuits[1] Smart cards are made of plastic, generally
polyvinyl chloride, but sometimes polyethylene-
terephthalate-based polyesters, acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene or polycarbonate. Since April 2009, a Japanese
company has manufactured reusable financial smart cards
made from paper [2].
Smart cards can be contact, contactless, or both. They can
provide personal identification, authentication, data storage,
and application processing[3]. Smart cards may provide
strong security authentication for single sign-on (SSO)
within organizations.
6. Benefits of Auto-ID technology
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
There are numerous benefits of Auto-ID technologies. A few
of them are listed below.
1) They help identify the right goods on time
2) Accurate data capturing helps in accurate forecasting
resulting in lesser stock outs.
3) Improved count and visibility of stocks, leading to lower
stock shrinkage.
4) Accurate data collection leads to accurate binning and
5) Auto-ID also helps in reducing labor costs.
6) Application of automatic identification processes
enforces picking rules such as FIFO, LIFO or FEFO so
that correct goods are delivered to the customer.
7) Accurate information about the package can be obtained
without physically opening the package.
8) Accurate package linking to a delivery order or invoice is
Role of Auto-ID technology in Warehouse Management
Warehouse Management is a key area of the entire supply
chain. The primary purpose of a WMS is to control various
processes such as identifying the right goods from the point
of reception, identification of proper storage locations,
sorting, picking, and shipping of the appropriate goods.
When it comes to a warehouse, there is a huge flow of
products in, out and within the warehouse. WMS uses Auto-
ID to effectively monitor this product flow.
In modern times, warehouse management is not limited to a
single warehouse anymore. The inbound, outbound and
warehouse processes have implications on production
management of a particular product. Close monitoring of
these products can send accurate information to the original
equipment manufacturer (OEM) or even help in accurate
forecasting of that product. In its simplest form, a WMS
looks at collecting data of a package or a product,
interpreting it and storing it on a central database which can
be either a standalone server in the warehouse or an ERP
suite. Here is an example of how an automatic identification
technique can help in effective warehouse management.
Barcodes and barcode scanners can capture the data of an
incoming part and assign it to the appropriate storage/
picking location. It can also provide you accurate
information about the inventory levels of a particular SKU.
RFID systems can help you monitor the flow of products,
collect the data and provide real-time transmission and
synchronization to a central warehouse. It can also help in
optimal utilization of the warehouse space and assets as well
as improve the efficiency of warehouse logistics in the areas
of receiving, storage, packing and shipping.
Auto-ID helps WMS in achieving the objective of
optimizing the cost of order fulfillment in a timely manner
by managing the resources economically.
7. Communication Technology
The communication, either oral or written has a very crucial
role in business success. The following are the few emerging
communications technologies, which are enablers to
superior customer service leading to competitiveness
through the speed and accuracy in communication.
8. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a standardized way to
exchange information related to inventory using electronic
documents; most EDI is generated as soon as an event
Warehouse Receiving and Shipping Services Aid in the
creation, scheduling and shipment of orders; the advance
ship notice is included in this set.
Warehouse Movement Inventory status changes, such as
transitions from one type of hold to another.
Inventory Reporting Inventory snapshots down to the
SKU and date code level; reporting on pallet platforms is
also available.
Transportation Provide the scheduling information
needed for load tendering and appointment status.
Communication is the key for us to guide you to
unprecedented levels of success. It‘s essential to every
engagement including the way our systems ‗talk‘ to each
other. Automating the exchange of supply chain data
between companies can greatly enhance business efficiency
and lower costs. Avnet can streamline the data exchange
between our companies by connecting with you via
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
Our team will work with you on data mapping to enable a
seamless, constant flow of information between our
companies. The data we exchange will automatically
populate each other‘s enterprise requirement planning (ERP)
systems without requiring manual intervention. You‘ll spend
more time being proactive and less time on data entry.
Once our systems are connected and the data is mapped,
we‘re ready for action. You‘ll find an EDI relationship with
Avnet saves your purchasing, materials and operations team
time a significant amount of time. They‘ll appreciate being
able to use the time saved for higher value activities.
Having an EDI relationship with Avnet also means you‘re
always in the know. You‘ll have access to your supply-chain
data and a number of essential reports, which are constantly
updated, providing you with the most current information.
We‘ll plan for your reporting requirements when we first
meet to get the EDI process underway [43-48].
Avnet processes millions of EDI transactions each year
saving our customers a significant amount of money and
EDI transactions
810 Invoice
820 Remittance Advice
824 Application Advice
830 Forecast
846 Inventory Advice
850 Purchase Order
855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment
856 Advanced Ship Notice
860 Purchase Order Change
862 Shipping Schedule
865 Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
867 Product Transfer Report.
Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT)
A very small aperture terminal (VSAT) is a two-way
satelliteground station with a dish antenna that is smaller
than 3.8 meters. The majority of VSAT antennas range from
75 cm to 1.2 m. Data rates, in most cases, range from 4
kbit/s up to 16 Mbit/s. VSATs access satellites in
geosynchronous orbit or geostationary orbit to relay data
from small remote Earth stations (terminals) to other
terminals (in meshtopology) or master Earth station "hubs"
(in star topology).
A star topology, using a central uplink site, such as a
network operations center (NOC), to transport data back and
forth to each VSAT via satellite,A mesh topology, where
each VSAT relays data via satellite to another terminal by
acting as a hub, minimizing the need for a centralized uplink
site, a combination of both star and mesh topologies. Some
VSAT networks are configured by having several
centralized uplink sites (and VSAT stemming from it)
connected in a multi-star topology with each star (and each
terminal in each star) connected to each other in a mesh
topology. Others configured in only a single-star topology
sometimes will have each terminal connected to each other
as well, resulting in each terminal acting as a central hub.
These configurations are utilized to minimize the overall
cost of the network, and to alleviate the amount of data that
has to be relayed through a central uplink site (or sites) of a
star or multi-star network [49-51].
The satellite communication channels are playing a crucial
role in real time data collection and its exchange, which is
vital for customer service. To trace and track the goods
carrier, a dish antenna is fixed on the vehicle. This allows
the communication between driver, consignor and
consignee. The real time interaction helps in having the
up-to-date information on the location of truck and the
delivery position.Wal-Mart the retail giant of USA is using
this system for controlling the inventory movement.
In the early 80s, LINKABIT (the predecessor to Qualcomm
and ViaSat) developed the world's first Ku-band (12
14 GHz) VSAT for Schlumberger to provide network
connectivity for oil field drilling and exploration units.
LINKABIT which had become part of M/A-COM went on
to develop Ku band VSATs for enterprise customers such as
Walmart, Holiday Inn, Chrysler, and General Motors. These
enterprise terminals made up the vast majority of sites for
the next 20 years for two-way data or telephony
applications. A large VSAT network, with more than 12,000
sites, was deployed by Spacenet and MCI for the U.S. Postal
Service in the 1980s. Today, the largest VSAT Ku-band
network containing over 100,000 VSATs was deployed by
and is operated by Hughes Communications for
Geographical positioning System (GPS)
The Global Positioning System (GPS), originally Navstar
GPS,[56-57] is a space-based radionavigation system owned
by the United States government and operated by the United
States Air Force. It is a global navigation satellite system
that provides geolocation and time information to a GPS
receiver anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an
unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites[58].
The GPS system does not require the user to transmit any
data, and it operates independently of any telephonic or
internet reception, though these technologies can enhance
the usefulness of the GPS positioning information. The GPS
system provides critical positioning capabilities to military,
civil, and commercial users around the world.
The ability to track assets in a broad geographic area,
typically outdoors, is key to transportation management.
Satellite and cellular network-based technologies are often
used for real-time asset tracking outdoors. But to track assets
indoors in factories, warehouses, or other controlled
environments Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and
cellular-based systems lack sufficient signal strength.
Alternative techniques employing low-cost location labels
such as bar-code and RFID tags are often used for indoor
asset tracking.
There is a supply chain visibility gap in the yards, however,
where over-the-road tracking ends but the assets have yet to
enter the confines of the warehouse.
Until recently, manual, resource-intensive processes were
typically used to track trailer and tractor location and status
in the yard. These methods leave data integrity vulnerable to
human error and a lack of real-time updates. Yard process
inefficiency may negate visibility gains from investments in
asset tracking during transportation or in warehouses.
Real-time location systems (RTLS) technology determines
an object's current position based on real-time information
gathered through a wireless system.
Increasing demand for real-time visibility in today's
globalized supply chains renders RTLS an indispensable
part of logistics technology investments. By combining
elements of GPS and passive RFID technologies, RTLS
solutions take advantage of both technologies' strengths.
Mobile asset tracking in the yards illustrates the unique use
of RTLS, in that the environment is outdoors, yet within a
contained physical space.
In the yard's outdoor environment, using proven
technologies such as GPS to monitor tractors' speed and
position eliminates the need to establish location-detecting
On the other hand, you can draw an analogy between trailers
in the yard and pallets in the warehouse: They remain
immobile until hooked up to the equipment used to move
them to the next destination.
Passive RFID tags have longer read ranges than bar codes
but don't require direct line-of-sight to acquire data, making
them one of the most economical ways to obtain real-time
trailer position in the yard.
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Combining GPS and RFID leverages existing yard
processes. While yard tractors carry out their regular duties,
attached GPS-enabled RFID readers recognize trailers by the
tags, and report the location data in real time.
RTLS also enables management to monitor yard operations'
key performance indicators (KPIs) based on quantifiable
productivity metrics measured by the actions of the yard
trucks. Managers cannot reliably and accurately collect
information such as average time per move and percentage
of idle time by manual tracking or other means.
The benefit of having real-time electronic data for asset-
location yard activities extends beyond improving supply
chain visibility at a particular locale.
Not only do corporations gain actionable data to facilitate
process redesign and increase operational efficiency, they
now also have information to drive best practices across all
organizations and sites.
Finally, being able to share real-time visibility data within
the enterprise as well as with supply chain partners is crucial
for enabling collaboration and transforming to a more
responsive and agile global supply chain.
By minimizing the dependency on infrastructure investment,
the new breed of RTLS-enabled yard management solutions
combines the cost and availability advantages of passive
RFID and GPS technologies.
Geographic information system (GIS)
A geographic information system (GIS) is a system designed
to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present
spatial or geographic data. The acronym GIS is sometimes
used for geographic information science (GI Science) to
refer to the academic discipline that studies geographic
information systems and is a large domain within the
broader academic discipline of Geoinformatics. What goes
beyond a GIS is a spatial data infrastructure, a concept that
has no such restrictive boundaries.
In general, the term describes any information system that
integrates, stores, edits, analyzes, shares, and displays
geographic information. GIS applications are tools that
allow users to create interactive queries (user-created
searches), analyze spatial information, edit data in maps, and
present the results of all these operations. Geographic
information science is the science underlying geographic
concepts, applications, and systems.
GIS can refer to a number of different technologies,
processes, and methods. It is attached to many operations
and has many applications related to engineering, planning,
management, transport/ logistics, insurance,
telecommunications, and business.[4] For that reason, GIS
and location intelligence applications can be the foundation
for many location-enabled services that rely on analysis and
GIS can relate unrelated information by using location as the
key index variable. Locations or extents in the Earth space
time may be recorded as dates/times of occurrence, and x, y,
and z coordinates representing, longitude, latitude, and
elevation, respectively. All Earth-based spatialtemporal
location and extent references should be relatable to one
another and ultimately to a "real" physical location or extent.
This key characteristic of GIS has begun to open new
avenues of scientific inquiry [59-63].
A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution
options that performs the functions of procurement of
materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate
and finished products, and the distribution of finished
products to customers. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is
the process of planning and management of materials,
information and financial flow in a network consisting of
manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and customers with the
objective of reducing the costs, increasing the business and
improving the customer service. GIS can be used as a tool to
map manufacturing, clients, processing units, supplier
locations, distribution centers, and routing of vehicles. GIS
can be used as a decision support for effective supply chain
management. In the system, the data of the processing units,
the customers, the distribution centers, the suppliers, and the
topologies of the roads are stored and managed by the
geographic information system (GIS). Badaun district of
western U.P. region is considered as the study area. The
supply chain management is facilitated for the parag co-
operative milk production units.
The routing of vehicles and the management of logistics
operations in any company that services a fairly large
geographical area can easily become quite a very complex
task. The task can be simplified by the applying Geographic
Information Systems, which automatically reduce the
complexity by bringing out subtle geographic patterns and
relationships that can form the basis of good decisions.
Systems like ArcLogistics Route can take pain out of
applications like Vehicle Tracking and Dispatch, Route
Analysis, Warehouse Operations, Facilities and Depot
Management, Routing and Scheduling. The ease of work has
to be looked at though in the light that all of the data
required for maximum accuracy may not be available. The
system‘s potential would suggest that reasonably accurate
decisions can still be arrived at with less that complete data
sets and in time, India too would grow into a mature GIS
market where data would not longer be a constraint.
GISs endeavor to unleash the inherent potential of the
geography in most data sets we deal with today. This paper
discusses how GIS can help us streamline logistics related
business processes like inventory management, fleet/truck
management and warehousing applications. ESRI has
always had strong networking and analysis tools with
products like ArcNetwork and/INFO.ESRI has expanded
this feature-loaded toolkit with other focussed products like
ArcLogistics Route, RouteXpert and NetEngine for
networking and logistics operations. Sears Roebuck and Co.,
one of the largest retail chains in the United States recently
put to use ESRI GIS software to take care of in-warehouse
routing and direct delivery systems. The system not only
functioned well but also received recognition for its
efficiency and success at its work.
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
GSI Benefit in warehouse operation
Vehicle Tracking and Dispatch involves being able to
keep track of the location and the inventory on board
every vehicle in the field and having the latest information
on its position and operating status.
Route Analysis is the operation which aims at minimizing
the cost of travel involved in transporting goods from one
location to another whether in terms of trips required or
time or distance or a combination of these.
Warehouse Operations become significant in cost
reduction when the operation grows big and each
warehouse becomes a very large operation in itself.
Facilities and Depot Management involves minimizing
waste by considering the locational aspects, the available
capacity, the inventory in question and the range or
effective covered area of each facility.
Routing and Scheduling aims at minimizing all kinds of
costs including mileage, overtime and maximizing all
attendant benefits including customer satisfaction,
adherence to schedules etc.
Web Feature Service (WFS): It is one of the GIS web
service interoperable specifications defined by OGC (OGC,
2002). It is the most powerful data service of OGC Web
Services. WFS allows a client to retrieve geospatial data
from multiple geospatial data servers. It also supports
operations on geographic features using HTTP as the
distributed computing platform. WFS define three main
operations: GetCapabilities operation describes capabilities
of the web feature service using XML (it indicates which
feature types it can service and what operations are
supported on each feature type); DescribeFeatureType
operation describes the structure of any feature type it can
serve; GetFeature operation services a request to retrieve
feature instances. In addition, the client should be able to
specify which feature properties to fetch and should be able
to constrain the query spatially and non-spatially. Web Map
Service (WMS): It is capable of creating and displaying
maps that come simultaneously from multiple sources, in
standard image formats such as Scalable Vector Graphics
(SVG), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), Graphics
Interchange Format (GIF) or Joint Photographic Expert
Group (JPEG) (OGC, 2004). It provides three operations:
GetCapabilities allows a client to instruct a server to provide
its mapping content and processing capabilities and return
service-level metadata; GetMap enables a client to instruct
multiple servers to independently craft "map layers" that
have identical spatial reference system, size, scale, and pixel
geometry (the client can then display these overlays in a
specified order and transparency such that the information
from several sources is rendered for immediate human
understanding and use); GetFeatureInfo enables a user to
click on a pixel to inquire about the schema and metadata
values of the feature(s) represented there.
Figure 2: Methodology chart
The present work is done to develop a GIS based supply
chain management system. The enterprise for which the
work is carried out is PARAG co-operative dairy limited.
Badaun district of western UP region is taken as the study
area. ArcGIS 9.3 has been used for creating various thematic
maps including road network map and the map showing
different Samities and the processing plants. The system will
answer two types of queries. One is the network related
queries and the other is the location related queries. The
system can be used as an information system and also as a
decision support system for the decision makers. Figure 2
Shows the overall methodology adopted for creating the
system architecture for the GIS based DSS for supply chain
Figure 3: Web GIS Architecture Used
Development of the Web and expansion of the Internet
provide two key capabilities that can greatly help
geoscientists. First, the Web allows visual interaction with
data. By setting up a Web Server, clients can produce maps.
Since the maps and charts are published on the Internet,
other clients can view these updates, helping to speed up the
evaluation process. Second, because of the near ubiquitous
nature of the Internet, the geospatial data can be widely
accessible. Clients can work on it from almost any location.
Both of these features altars the way geoscientists do their
work in the very near future. The combination of easy access
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
to data and visual presentation of it addresses some of the
primary difficulties in performing geosciences evaluations.
For the creation of integrated geospatial database, the
present work uses ArcGIS software. Geoserver and Apache
Tomcat have been integrated for imparting the geospatial
web capabilities with respect to Web Map Services (WMS),
Web Feature Services (WFS) and Web Coverage Services
(WCS). Geospatial web capabilities indicate to a web based
GIS which can be modelled using the client-server
architecture. In the present Web GIS architecture, a thin
client model is used, where most of the processing work is
done on demand in the server and the client does not
perform any task other than to display the data on screen.
MySQL is used for storing of security aspects and non-
spatial data for decision making. PHP: Hypertext
Preprocessor language has been used for dynamic server
side scripting in the framework. PostgreSQL and PostGIS
are the Geospatial databases where the shape files are stored.
Figure 3 Shows the Web GIS Architecture used.
For development of Web GIS Architecture, the main focus
has been on the use of a practical approach to explore and
extend the concept of Supply chain Management in context
with GIS. The framework should provide an effective and
efficient means of sharing geospatial data and non- spatial
data on the web using GIS in a secure way.
Automated Guided Vehicle System (AGVS)
Automated guided vehicle or automatic guided vehicle
(AGV) is a portable robot that follows markers or wires in
the floor, or uses vision, magnets, or lasers for navigation.
They are most often used in industrial applications to move
materials around a manufacturing facility or warehouse.
The AGV can tow objects behind them in trailers to which
they can autonomously attach. The trailers can be used to
move raw materials or finished product. The AGV can also
store objects on a bed. The objects can be placed on a set of
motorized rollers (conveyor) and then pushed off by
reversing them. AGVs are employed in nearly every
industry, including pulp, paper, metals, newspaper, and
general manufacturing. Transporting materials such as food,
linen or medicine in hospitals is also done.
An AGV can also be called a laser guided vehicle (LGV). In
Germany the technology is also called Fahrerlose
Transportsysteme (FTS) and in Sweden förarlösatruckar.
Lower cost versions of AGVs are often called Automated
Guided Carts (AGCs) and are usually guided by magnetic
tape. AGCs are available in a variety of models and can be
used to move products on an assembly line, transport goods
throughout a plant or warehouse, and deliver loads.
AGVs automatically transport loading units using unmanned
vehicles and connect different warehousing and material
handling systems within the warehouse, resulting in time,
energy and space savings within the company logistics.
These systems are easy to extend and are characterized by
high efficiency and versatility, with the aim of optimizing
internal logistics and reducing pallet transport costs.
Optimisation of transport flows in accordance with vehicle
fleet, traffic and missions
Work flows distributed dynamically between the same
Possibility of 24/7 operation without human intervention
No conventional material-handling infrastructures
Increase of AGVs in line with the growth in volume of
Updating possible without shutting down the system
Easy reconfiguration of routes or addition of new
Reintroduction of vehicles after manual repositioning
Just-in-time delivery
No destination errors
Improved stock management precision
Excellent price/quality ratio
Low running costs
Low maintenance costs
A slot is cut in to the floor and a wire is placed
approximately 1 inch below the surface. This slot is cut
along the path the AGV is to follow. This wire is used to
transmit a radio signal. A sensor is installed on the bottom of
the AGV close to the ground. The sensor detects the relative
position of the radio signal being transmitted from the wire.
This information is used to regulate the steering circuit,
making the AGV follow the wire.
Guide tape
AGVs (some known as automated guided carts or AGCs)
use tape for the guide path. The tapes can be one of two
styles: magnetic or colored. The AGC is fitted with the
appropriate guide sensor to follow the path of the tape. One
major advantage of tape over wired guidance is that it can be
easily removed and relocated if the course needs to change.
Colored tape is initially less expensive, but lacks the
advantage of being embedded in high traffic areas where the
tape may become damaged or dirty. A flexible magnetic bar
can also be embedded in the floor like wire but works under
the same provision as magnetic tape and so remains
unpowered or passive. Another advantage of magnetic guide
tape is the dual polarity. small pieces of magnetic tape may
be placed to change states of the AGC based on polarity and
sequence of the tags.
Laser Target Navigation
The navigation is done by mounting reflective tape on walls,
poles or fixed machines. The AGV carries a laser transmitter
and receiver on a rotating turret. The laser is transmitted and
received by the same sensor. The angle and (sometimes)
distance to any reflectors that in line of sight and in range
are automatically calculated. This information is compared
to the map of the reflector layout stored in the AGV's
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
memory. This allows the navigation system to triangulate
the current position of the AGV. The current position is
compared to the path programmed in to the reflector layout
map. The steering is adjusted accordingly to keep the AGV
on track. It can then navigate to a desired target using the
constantly updating position.
Modulated Lasers The use of modulated laser light gives
greater range and accuracy over pulsed laser systems. By
emitting a continuous fan of modulated laser light a
system can obtain an uninterrupted reflection as soon as
the scanner achieves line of sight with a reflector. The
reflection ceases at the trailing edge of the reflector
which ensures an accurate and consistent measurement
from every reflector on every scan. By using a modulated
laser a system can achieve an angular resolution of ~ 0.1
mrad (0.006°) at 8 scanner revolutions per second.
Pulsed Lasers A typical pulsed laser scanner emits pulsed
laser light at a rate of 14,400 Hz which gives a maximum
possible resolution of ~ 3.5 mrad (0.2°) at 8 scanner
revolutions per second. To achieve a workable
navigation, the readings must be interpolated based on
the intensity of the reflected laser light, to identify the
centre of the reflector.
Inertial (Gyroscopic) navigation
Another form of AGV guidance is inertial navigation. With
inertial guidance, a computer control system directs and
assigns tasks to the vehicles. Transponders are embedded in
the floor of the work place. The AGV uses these
transponders to verify that the vehicle is on course. A
gyroscope is able to detect the slightest change in the
direction of the vehicle and corrects it in order to keep the
AGV on its path. The margin of error for the inertial method
is ±1 inch.
Inertial can operate in nearly any environment including
tight aisles or extreme temperatures.Inertial navigation can
include use of magnets embedded in the floor of the facility
that the vehicle can read and follow.
Natural features (Natural Targeting) navigation
Navigation without retrofitting of the workspace is called
Natural Features or Natural Targeting Navigation. One
method uses one or more range-finding sensors, such as a
laser range-finder, as well as gyroscopes or inertial
measurement units with Monte-Carlo/Markov localization
techniques to understand where it is as it dynamically plans
the shortest permitted path to its goal. The advantage of such
systems is that they are highly flexible for on-demand
delivery to any location. They can handle failure without
bringing down the entire manufacturing operation, since
AGVs can plan paths around the failed device. They also are
quick to install, with less down-time for the factory.
Vision guidance
Vision-Guided AGVs can be installed with no modifications
to the environment or infrastructure. They operate by using
cameras to record features along the route, allowing the
AGV to replay the route by using the recorded features to
navigate. Vision-Guided AGVs use Evidence Grid
technology, an application of probabilistic volumetric
sensing, and was invented and initially developed by Dr.
Hans Moravec at Carnegie Mellon University. The Evidence
Grid technology uses probabilities of occupancy for each
point in space to compensate for the uncertainty in the
performance of sensors and in the environment. The primary
navigation sensors are specially designed stereo cameras.
The vision-guided AGV uses 360-degree images and build a
3D map, which allows the vision-guided AGVs to follow a
trained route without human assistance or the addition of
special features, landmarks or positioning systems.
A geoguided AGV recognizes its environment to establish
its location. Without any infrastructure, the forklift equipped
with geoguidance technology detects and identifies columns,
racks and walls within the warehouse. Using these fixed
references, it can position itself, in real time and determine
its route. There are no limitations on distances to cover
number of pick-up or drop-off locations. Routes are
infinitely modifiable.
Steering Control
To help an AGV navigate it can use three different steer
control systems.[5] The differential speed control is the most
common. In this method there are two independent drive
wheels. Each drive is driven at different speeds in order to
turn or the same speed to allow the AGV to go forwards or
backwards. The AGV turns in a similar fashion to a tank.
This method of steering is the simplest as it does not require
additional steering motors and mechanism. More often than
not, this is seen on an AGV that is used to transport and turn
in tight spaces or when the AGV is working near machines.
This setup for the wheels is not used in towing applications
because the AGV would cause the trailer to jackknife when
it turned.
The second type of steering used is steered wheel control
AGV. This type of steering can be similar to a car's steering.
But this is not very manoeuvrable. It is more common to use
a three-wheeled vehicle similar to a conventional three
wheeled forklift. The drive wheel is the turning wheel. It is
more precise in following the programmed path than the
differential speed controlled method. This type of AGV has
smoother turning. Steered wheel control AGV can be used in
all applications; unlike the differential controlled.[1] Steered
wheel control is used for towing and can also at times have
an operator control it.
The third type is a combination of differential and steered.
Two independent steer/drive motors are placed on diagonal
corners of the AGV and swivelling castors are placed on the
other corners. It can turn like a car (rotating in an arc) in any
direction. It can crab in any direction and it can drive in
differential mode in any direction.
Path decision
AGVs have to make decisions on path selection. This is
done through different methods: frequency select mode
(wired navigation only), and path select mode (wireless
navigation only) or via a magnetic tape on the floor not only
to guide the AGV but also to issue steering commands and
speed commands.
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Frequency select mode
Frequency select mode bases its decision on the frequencies
being emitted from the floor. When an AGV approaches a
point on the wire which splits the AGV detects the two
frequencies and through a table stored in its memory decides
on the best path. The different frequencies are required only
at the decision point for the AGV. The frequencies can
change back to one set signal after this point. This method is
not easily expandable and requires extra cutting meaning
more money.
Path select mode
An AGV using the path select mode chooses a path based on
preprogrammed paths. It uses the measurements taken from
the sensors and compares them to values given to them by
programmers. When an AGV approaches a decision point it
only has to decide whether to follow path 1, 2, 3, etc. This
decision is rather simple since it already knows its path from
its programming. This method can increase the cost of an
AGV because it is required to have a team of programmers
to program the AGV with the correct paths and change the
paths when necessary. This method is easy to change and set
Magnetic tape mode
The magnetic tape is laid on the surface of the floor or
buried in a 10mm channel; not only does it provide the path
for the AGV to follow but also strips of the tape in different
combinations of polarity, sequence, and distance laid
alongside the track tell the AGV to change lane, speed up,
slow down, and stop.
Traffic control
Flexible manufacturing systems containing more than one
AGV may require it to have traffic control so the AGV‘s
will not run into one another. Traffic control can be carried
out locally or by software running on a fixed computer
elsewhere in the facility. Local methods include zone
control, forward sensing control, and combination control.
Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.
Zone control
Zone control is the favorite of most environments because it
is simple to install and easy to expand.[1] Zone control uses a
wireless transmitter to transmit a signal in a fixed area. Each
AGV contains a sensing device to receive this signal and
transmit back to the transmitter. If the area is clear the signal
is set at ―clear‖ allowing any AGV to enter and pass through
the area. When an AGV is in the area the ―stop‖ signal is
sent and all AGV attempting to enter the area stop and wait
for their turn. Once the AGV in the zone has moved out
beyond the zone the ―clear‖ signal is sent to one of the
waiting AGVs. Another way to set up zone control traffic
management is to equip each individual robot with its own
small transmitter/receiver. The individual AGV then sends
its own ―do not enter‖ message to all the AGVs getting to
close to its zone in the area. A problem with this method is if
one zone goes down all the AGV‘s are at risk to collide with
any other AGV. Zone control is a cost efficient way to
control the AGV in an area.
Collision avoidance
Forward sensing control uses collision avoidance sensors to
avoid collisions with other AGV in the area. These sensors
include: sonic, which work like radar; optical, which uses
an infrared sensor; and bumper, physical contact sensor.
Most AGVs are equipped with a bumper sensor of some sort
as a fail safe. Sonic sensors send a ―chirp‖ or high frequency
signal out and then wait for a reply from the outline of the
reply the AGV can determine if an object is ahead of it and
take the necessary actions to avoid collision.[7] The optical
uses an infrared transmitter/receiver and sends an infrared
signal which then gets reflected back; working on a similar
concept as the sonic sensor. The problems with these are
they can only protect the AGV from so many sides. They are
relatively hard to install and work with as well.
Combination control
Combination control sensing is using collision avoidance
sensors as well as the zone control sensors. The combination
of the two helps to prevent collisions in any situation. For
normal operation the zone control is used with the collision
avoidance as a fail safe. For example, if the zone control
system is down, the collision avoidance system would
prevent the AGV from colliding [60-82].
9. Information Directed System (IDS)
In this a centralized computer controls the material handling
equipment. The communication between the equipment and
the computer is through radio frequency. The required
movement are fed into computer and it assigns the jobs to
the individual equipment‘s considering its maximum loading
capacity and handling speed.IDS can perform variety of
complex material handling jobs such as multiple order
picking or multiple vehicles loading by the same material
handling equipment leading to enhancement in warehouse
productivity and flexibility in handling variety of jobs.
All material handling movements are directed and monitored
by the command of microprocessors.
To begin with all required handling movements are fed
into the computer for analysis and equipment
Analysis of handling requirements and equipment
assignment is done in such a way that direct movements
are emphasized and deadhead movements are minimized.
Work assignments are provided to individual forklifts by
terminals located on the truck.
Communication between the computer and the truck uses
radio frequency (RF) waves with antennae located on the
forklifts and high up in the warehouse.
Information-directed systems can increase productivity
by tracking material handler performance and allowing
compensation to be based on activity level.
A single handling equipment may be involved in loading
or unloading several vehicles, selecting many orders, and
completing several handling assignments, thus increasing
the complexity of work direction.
Information-directed Systems by BMS Team
IDS are a system with centralized control of material
handling equipment. This is achieved through coordinated
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
communication between the central computer system and
the equipment through radio frequency. The co-ordinated
activity allows the system to achieve maximum handling
speed and loading capacity.
10. Information Technology (IT)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the integrated
management of core business processes, often in real-time
and mediated by software and technology. These business
activities can include:
product planning, purchase, production planning,
manufacturing or service delivery, marketing and sales,
materials management, inventory management.
ERP is usually referred to as a category of business-
management software typically a suite of integrated
applicationsthat an organization can use to collect, store,
manage and interpret data from these many business
ERP provides an integrated and continuously updated view
of core business processes using common databases
maintained by a database management system. ERP systems
track business resourcescash, raw materials, production
capacityand the status of business commitments: orders,
purchase orders, and payroll. The applications that make up
the system share data across various departments
(manufacturing, purchasing, sales, accounting, etc.) that
provide the data[83] ERP facilitates information flow
between all business functions and manages connections to
outside stakeholders.[84]
Enterprise system software is a multi-billion-dollar industry
that produces components supporting a variety of business
functions. IT investments have become the largest category
of capital expenditure in United States-based businesses
over the past[which?] decade. Though early ERP systems
focused on large enterprises, smaller enterprises increasingly
use ERP systems.[85]
The ERP system integrates varied organizational systems
and facilitates error-free transactions and production,
thereby enhancing the organization's efficiency. However,
developing an ERP system differs from traditional system
development.[86] ERP systems run on a variety of computer
hardware and network configurations, typically using a
database as an information repository.[87]
The acronym ERP stands for enterprise resource planning. It
refers to the systems and software packages used by
organizations to manage day-to-day business activities, such
as accounting, procurement, project management and
manufacturing. ERP systems tie together and define a
plethora of business processes and enable the flow of data
between them. By collecting an organization‘s shared
transactional data from multiple sources, ERP systems
eliminate data duplication and provide data integrity with a
―single source of truth.‖
Today, ERP systems are critical for managing thousands of
businesses of all sizes and in all industries. To these
companies, ERP is as indispensable as the electricity that
keeps the lights on.
ERP systems are designed around a common, defined data
structure (schema) that usually has a common database. ERP
systems provide access to enterprise data from multiple
activities using common constructs and definitions and
common user experiences.
A key ERP principle is the central collection of data for
wide distribution. Instead of several standalone databases
with an endless inventory of disconnected spreadsheets, ERP
systems bring order to the chaos so that all users from the
CEO to accounts payable clerks create, store, and use the
same data derived through common processes. With a secure
and centralized data repository, everyone in the organization
can be confident that data is correct, up to date, and
complete. Data integrity is assured for every task performed
throughout the organization, from a quarterly financial
statement to a single outstanding receivables report, without
deploying error-prone spreadsheets.
It‘s impossible to ignore the impact of ERP in today‘s
business world. As enterprise data and processes are
corralled into ERP systems, businesses are able to align
separate departments and improve workflow, resulting in
significant bottom-line savings. Examples of specific
business benefits include:
1) Improved business insight
From real-time information generated by reports
2) Lower operational costs
Through defined and more streamlined business
3) Enhanced collaboration
From users sharing data in contracts, requisitions, and
purchase orders
4) Improved efficiency
Through a common user experience across many
business functions and managed business processes
5) Consistent infrastructure
From the back office to the front office, all business
activities have the same look and feel
6) High user-adoption rates
From a common user experience and design
7) Reduced risk
Through improved data integrity and financial controls
8) Lower management and operational costs
Through uniform and integrated systems
Present: ERP Today
From On Premises to the Cloud
From the 1990s until the beginning of the twenty-first
century, ERP adoption grew rapidly, as more organizations
relied on ERP to streamline core business processes and
improve data visibility. At the same time, the cost of
implementing ERP systems began to climb. Not only were
on-premises hardware and software expensive capital
investments, enterprise ERP systems often required the
additional costs of custom coding, consultants, and training.
Meanwhile, ERP technology evolved to embrace the
internet, with new features and functionality, such as
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
embedded analytics. As time went on, many organizations
discovered that their on-premises ERP systems couldn‘t
keep up with modern security demands or emerging
technologies, such as smartphones.
Enter the cloudor the software-as-a-service (SaaS)
delivery modelfor ERP. When ERP software is "in the
cloud," it simply means that it is kept on a network of
remote servers, instead of at a company‘s location. The
cloud offers a more affordable alternative for ERP that
lowers both operational expenses (OpEx) and capital
expenses (CapEx) because it eliminates the need for
companies to purchase software and hardware or hire
additional IT staff. With no costly infrastructure to support,
resources can be invested in growth opportunities.
Employees can shift their focus from managing IT to more
value-added tasks.
11. Next-Generation ERP
Built for Any Size Business while the legacy ERP systems
of the past were often too expensive for small to medium
businesses (SMBs), the cloud has broken that barrier. With a
SaaS solution, smaller companies can leverage the same
proven, industrial-strength ERP software that larger
enterprises have been using for years. A cloud-based ERP
solution can be implemented quickly, with no CapEx
investment. For small to medium businesses looking to
innovate quickly and seize new business opportunities, cloud
ERP offers the flexibility to quickly add new users and
support changing business needs.
Delivering an Extended Enterprise to Fuel Opportunities
When cloud ERP extends its core financial architecture to
include integrated customer relationship management
(CRM), supply chain management (SCM), human capital
management (HCM), and enterprise performance
management (EPM), the system seamlessly ties all the
applications together with a single data repository and a
common user experience. An extended cloud ERP system
enables all departments to be managed with improved
visibility and collaboration, as if they were a single
organization. It also provides seamless access to advanced
reporting features, such as data visualization and advanced
analytics. With access to emerging technologies, such as the
Internet of Things (IoT), organizations gain a
comprehensive, real-time understanding of business
activities not only in the front office, but also in warehouses
and on factory floors. This knowledge is readily available to
employees on their mobile devices through social tools.
ERP helps in optimization of supply chain management and
develop competitiveness by ensuring the following
Quicker response to customer requirement.
Reduction in inventory costs.
Improvement in service levels- internal and external.
Improvement in inventory turnover rate
Reduction in logistics cost.
Distribution resource planning (DRP)
Distribution resource planning (DRP) is a method used in
business administration for planning orders within a supply
chain. DRP enables the user to set certain inventory control
parameters (like a safety stock) and calculate the time-
phased inventory requirements. This process is also
commonly referred to as distribution requirements planning.
DRP uses several variables:
The required quantity of product needed at the beginning
of a period
The constrained quantity of product available at the
beginning of a period
The recommended order quantity at the beginning of a
The backordered demand at the end of a period
The on-hand inventory at the end of a period
DRP needs the following information:
The demand in a future period
The scheduled receipts at the beginning of a period
The on-hand inventory at the beginning of a period
The safety stock requirement for a period
Distribution requirements planning (DRP) in Service Parts
Planning (SPP) organizes replenishment planning within
bills of distribution (BODs) (see Bill of Distribution
DRP determines the new demands of all locations in your
BOD, rounds them, and aggregates them along the BOD to
the entry location. On the basis of this it creates scheduling
agreement releases and purchase requisitions. DRP also
allows for efficient checking of the planning results and a
multilevel release process as required.
Other additional functions (see More Functions in DRP),
such as stability rules and anticipated demand coverage,
ensure that planning runs optimally, products are available at
demand, and that you can thus achieve a high level of
service for your customers.
You have set up the master data for DRP (see Setting Up
Master Data for DRP).
You have executed all Customizing activities for DRP.
For more information, see Customizing for Advanced
Planning and Optimization, under Supply Chain Planning
Service Parts Planning (SPP) Distribution Requirements
Planning (DRP) .
You have defined packaging specifications for rounding
on the SAP Easy Access screen, under Advanced
Planning and Optimization Service Parts Planning (SPP)
Environment Packaging Specification Maintain Packaging
Specification . For more information, see Rounding
You have defined a planning profile in Customizing for
SCM Basis , under Planning Service Manager Define
Planning Profile that contains the planning service SPP:
DRP Service (SPP_DRP).
You have implemented SAP Note 801109 to allow SPP to
distinguish receipts from purchase orders within the
network as opposed to receipts from purchase orders from
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
1) The system calculates the unrounded net demand for a
location product. For more information, see DRP Matrix.
2) The system rounds the net demand calculated in step 1.
3) For more information, see DRP Rounding Rules.
4) The system aggregates the net demands along the BOD
from the child locations via the parent locations to the
entry location. For more information, see Aggregation of
Demands within the BOD.
5) The system performs backwards scheduling over the
procurement lead time (see Procurement Lead Times in
Service Parts Planning). The procurement lead time is
dependent on the deployment indicator (see Deployment
6) For more information, see Calculation of Lead Times in
7) The system checks whether it can perform product group
procurement (see Product Group Procurement) for the
product to optimize the total ordering and stockholding
8) The system creates DRP stock transport requisitions,
scheduling agreement delivery schedule lines, and
purchase requisitions.
9) The system performs DRP approval (see DRP Approval).
In this independent process step, the system compares the
DRP planning results with certain rules in an automatic
approval process after the DRP run, before the results are
released for the supplier.
10) The system generates releases by informing external
suppliers about approved scheduling agreement releases
and purchase orders. At regular intervals, the system
automatically transfers all approved scheduling
agreement releases and purchase requisitions, and
triggers the creation of scheduling agreement releases
and purchase orders. In addition to automatic transfer,
you can also create scheduling agreement releases and
purchase orders manually.
11) For more information about the APO scheduling
agreement, see Procurement via an APO Scheduling
Figure 4: DRP Model
The DRP is a supply chain business process, which enables
to anticipate the goods supply to the distribution centers, to
the customers ‗platforms (collaborative planning) over the
whole horizon. It also helps to prioritize the stocks
distribution in the short term. Finally, it is one of the entry
points to the MPS (refer to our MPS brochure) because it
provides production with a plan of accurate needs.
Our preconfigured DRP solution sticks to the APICS
concepts. This ensures consistency between solution and
process, while maintaining a flexible, simple and ergonomic
Based on the sales forecasts, open orders and dependent
requirements, the DRP is calculated with APO-SNP using
the calculation called ―Heuristic‖ (MRP Logic).
The planning suggests a DRP of items, mainly finished
products, according to the replenishment rules defined by
the Supply Chain and / or the distribution.
You can determine:
Stock coverage profiles per day or quantity, min, target or
Quota arrangements on the distribution centers,
Lot sizing rules (min, max, rounded value)
Allocation and deployment rules,
Periods of high or low stock levels,
Parameters to be updated as time goes by, to make the
management tools more precise.
Throughout your Supply Chain, you set up your
procurement rules, which will be used to calculate the
replenishment. This calculation will obviously take into
account the customer demand: working on one single set of
data! This illustration highlights this integration in order to
get the right stock at the right place all over the Supply
Chain. Thus you play an active role in improving the
customer service as you increase the percentage of products
delivered on time, (right product references and right
quantities), compared to the customer requirement.
On top of the distribution scheduling, the DRP, combined
with the MPS in our solution, calculates the best optimized
stock assignment. For example, from the DRP planning
book, just by clicking on the ―Deployment‖ button, you
visualize in real time, your stock situation, your stock
coverage and your projected stocks, on the one hand, and
your stocks transfers, on the other. You also have the
opportunity to build your transport orders using the
―Transport Plan‖ (see illustration here below), which allows
you to build optimized loading (volume, weight, pallets,
Distribution resource planning (DRP) is a method used in
business administration for planning orders within a supply
chain. DRP enables the user to set certain inventory control
parameters (like a safety stock) and calculate the time-
phased inventory requirements. This process is also
commonly referred to as distribution requirements planning.
DRP uses several variables:
The required quantity of product needed at the beginning
of a period
The constrained quantity of product available at the
beginning of a period
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
The recommended order quantity at the beginning of a
The backordered demand at the end of a period
The on-hand inventory at the end of a period.
Distribution resource planning (DRP) is a method used in
business administration forplanning orders within a supply
chain. DRP enables the user to set certain inventory control
parameters (like a safety stock) and calculate the time-
phased inventory requirements.
Automated Inventory Tracking System (AITS)
An inventory control system is a set of hardware and
software based tools that automate the process of tracking
inventory. The kinds of inventory tracked with an inventory
control system can include almost any type of quantifiable
good, including food, clothing, books, equipment, and any
other item that consumers, retailers, or wholesalers may
purchase. Modern inventory control systems are almost
exclusively based on barcode technology. Though barcodes
were initially developed to automate the process of grocery
store checkout, their ability to encode a wide variety of
alphabetic and numeric symbols makes them ideal for
encoding merchandise for inventory applications. Inventory
control systems work in real-time using wireless technology
to transmit information to a central computer system as
transactions occur.
Inventory control systems are employed in a wide variety of
applications, but they all revolve around tracking delivery of
goods to customers. Inventory control is crucial in retail
stores, especially those with a large number or variety of
merchandise items for sale. Inventory control is also used in
warehouses to track orders and shipments, and for
automated order processing. Other important applications of
inventory control systems are in manufacturing, shipping,
and receiving.
Inventory control is important to ensure quality control in
businesses that handle transactions revolving around
consumer goods. Without proper inventory control, a large
retail store may run out of stock on an important item. A
good inventory control system will alert the retailer when it
is time to reorder. Inventory control is also an important
means of automatically tracking large shipments. For
example, if a business orders ten pairs of socks for retail
resale, but only receives nine pairs, this will be obvious upon
inspecting the contents of the package, and error is not
likely. On the other hand, say a wholesaler orders 100,000
pairs of socks and 10,000 are missing. Manually counting
each pair of socks is likely to result in error. An automated
inventory control system helps to minimize the risk of error.
In retail stores, an inventory control system also helps track
theft of retail merchandise, providing valuable information
about store profits and the need for theft-prevention systems.
Automated inventory control systems work by scanning a
barcode either on the item. A barcode scanner is used to read
the barcode, and the information encoded by the barcode is
read by the machine. This information is then tracked by a
central computer system. For example, a purchase order may
contain a list of items to be pulled for packing and shipping.
The inventory control system can serve a variety of
functions in this case. It can help a worker locate the items
on the order list in the warehouse, it can encode shipping
information like tracking numbers and delivery addresses,
and it can remove these purchased items from the inventory
tally to keep an accurate count of in-stock items. All of this
data works in tandem to provide businesses with real-time
inventory tracking information. Inventory control systems
make it simple to locate and analyze inventory information
in real-time with a simple database search.
Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment
CPFR refers to a business model for cooperative planning,
forecasting and management of goods flows and stock
between retailers and consumer products manufacturers. The
purpose is to jointly forecast the sales of goods to consumers
and to plan promotion measures (for example, promotions
by vendors, retail promotions and product price reductions).
Having more information available reduces the markup risk
for everyone involved in the supply chain. The vendor
benefits by making optimum use of production capacity,
whereas the retailer benefits from increased availability of
merchandise and reduced risk of overstocking or under
Operational forecast: This provides a sales forecast for
stores and/or goods issue forecast for distribution centers,
and is intended for internal use only.
Tactical forecast: A tactical forecast is used for CPFR
purposes and is calculated in exactly the same way as an
operational forecast (same parameters, same forecast
basis). The only differences between them are the forecast
horizons and the fact that the tactical forecast is always
based on a specified number of weeks (typically 13 weeks,
but can be up to 52 weeks). Like the operational forecast,
the tactical forecast is a unified forecast. This means that it
already contains the effects of the DIF. For stores, a
tactical forecast is a sales forecast and for distribution
centers it is a goods issue forecast. This forecast is
provided in SAP F&R and the related data transfer takes
place by calling a standard function module to export the
information, such as consumption, tactical forecast, DIF
effects, to external applications and allows the vendor to
have input into and react to the retailer's stock
Tactical order forecast: This provides detailed data for
future or projected orders where an outside vendor
delivers products directly to the stores.
You can flag the specific products for which information
(tactical forecast, DIF effects, consumption, operational
forecast) can be exchanged with the vendor. These can be
maintained on the vendor/product level and are included in
the CPFR product list. The products and the vendors must
exist in the SAP F&R master data as well as the
transportation lanes.
You cannot import vendor forecasts from an external source
to SAP F&R for collaborative forecasting.
To maintain the CPFR parameters:
1) On the SAP Easy Access Screen, choose Forecasting and
Replenishment Collaborative Planning Maintain CPFR
Parameters .
Paper ID: ART20178086
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
2) Enter the vendor in the Source Location field, along with
the desired selection criteria (for example, products
having a particular vendor as a possible source of supply,
merchandise categories or subranges for which you want
to share a tactical forecast, cumulated DIF effects with
this vendor).
3) Choose Perform Selection.
4) When the system updates the screen, it displays a grid
with the vendor products corresponding to your
5) For each line in the list, enter the following:
Tactical Horizon: Enter the number weeks of tactical
forecast to be shared. This setting triggers the creation
of the tactical forecast and defines the number of
weeks relevant for the length of the tactical forecast.
Detail Level: Choose either cumulative (totals for
tactical forecast, cumulated tactical DIF effects for all
directly supplied locations combined, broken out by
product and week), detailed (tactical forecast, tactical
DIF effects broken out by individual directly supplied
location, product, and week), or both.
SN Det. Date: Enter the date for the first/next
determination of the directly supplied locations.
SN Det. Frequency: Enter the frequency (in days) with
which the system is to determine the directly supplied
locations; that is, how often the report is run.
Operational Forecast: Select this checkbox if you want
to share operational forecast data with this vendor.
POS Period: If you want to share POS information
with this vendor, enter the number of weeks of
consumption data you want to provide.
Listing Check: Choose whether or not you want the
system to take into account the listing status of a
location product when providing a tactical forecast,
operational forecast, DIF effects and consumption
data. The listing status check influences the values of
the data provided, depending on the option chosen. See
the field help (F1) for more details.
6) Choose Save.
After maintaining the CPFR parameters, you must do the
If you have defined a tactical forecast to be provided,
you must determine the directly supplied locations. To
do this, you must run program
it in SAP F&R (transaction SE38) before any tactical
forecasts can be created. Afterwards, tactical forecasts
will be created during the FRP run in SAP F&R.
To provide the tactical forecast, use the standard SAP
F&R RFC function
/FRE/CPFR_PROVIDE_DATA,which can be called
from an external system.
7) Set up an Online Self-Serve Portal Harness the power
of supplier self-service by deploying internet-based
portal with multiple web front possibilities, customized
styling and linking to external sources.
8) Streamline Transactions By taking advantage of an
online portal to support many transactions, warehouse
inefficiencies are reduced, as are opportunities for errors
resulting from manual processes.
9) Lower Your Costs Rather than having administration at
several sites, manage all of your sites out of a single,
integrated system and lower your costs.
10) Take Control of Your Inventory Manage your
inventory proactively, even when it is stored in
outsourced warehouses. Adjust or audit your inventory
and ensure you never miss an order with inbound order
receipt and outbound order ship confirmation
12. Conclusion
Today technology is very fast and innovation for totally
change the logistic, warehousing, transportation and supply
change. Very effective, efficiency and standard quality of
service. Very Easy to management to warehouse,
transportation and inventory.
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Paper ID: ART20178086
... Close relationship with customer in understanding the needs and wants has become the key concept of Marketing innovation. This helps to know current trends and demands, Management concepts and techniques for product and process innovation [10,11,13,17,18,19,23,24,36,40,43,44]. Institutional Innovation consists of concepts related to the Human Resource of an organization which promotes innovational performance, incentive mechanism and reward system to encourage innovative consciousness and innovative actions of the employees of an organization [11,13,17,23] C,J,O,P,S Life Cycle Innovation focuses on working closely with customers and their processes to get a deep understanding of customer s values, which will be the key element in producing innovation, which satisfies customer requirements. ...
... These are significant factors laying the foundation for a sustainable innovation in order to maintaining a competitive edge in the Global market. Hence structuring the organization for a sustainable innovation can be achieved through Organizational, Management, Structure, culture, Cooperative, Human resource, Institutional and Enterprise Innovations [11,12,13,17,18,19,21,23,24,28,31,32,33,36,37,41,43,45,46,52]. Peripheral Innovation -Information outside the organization for a sustainable Innovation ...
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Innovation is the key concept that drives creativity in to a reality. Irrespective of the field, striving for Innovation marks the survival as well as the success of any business. Innovation can be introduced for any stage of a supply chain in any organization, achieving the organizational strategies. It comes in different concepts according to its application across the supply chain. Perfect knowledge in innovation concepts and their categorization is crucial in applying them in the most effective way. Else would bring disastrous outcomes to the company which may even go bankrupt. This paper presents different innovation concepts, based on the literature, and attempt to establish their inter-relationship using the Graph Theory and the categorizing into main themes, with key innovation concepts related to each theme, using the Grounded Theory. Consistency of the categorization has been endorsed using the information collected through questionnaires. The data gathered following the Likert Scale have been illustrated in the graphs and furthermore tested according to Independent samples for Kruskal Wallis Test and a Hypothesis testing for all Innovation concepts. Sound knowledge on different innovation concepts, their interrelationships and categorization are imperative in constructive decision making, which enhances the ability of applying the most appropriate innovation concepts in the most effective way. Further categorizing of Innovation concepts will eliminate the confusions which may arise with the Innovations with similar concepts, but with different names. Precise application of the findings of this research across the Supply Chain would definitely support organizations for the survival and excel in the Business world, even bearing more opportunities in earning better ranks amongWorld’s most innovative Businesses.
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Publication reveals the current literature knowledge, intersection of 3PLs and warehouse management systems. The systematic literature review found 58 relevant publications, which were studied and classified to five most apparent and clearly present main groups. Groups were: a clear reference in the publication to WMS and 3PLs, WMS warehouse characteristics, WMS taxonomy division, WMS functions scope and WMS deployment considerations. Only eight publications were found to consider 3PLs using WMSs. The found literature did not contain any publications directly discussing 3PLs running and installing a WMS with the goal of running customers’ warehouses. Some found publications used IMS as a substitute for WMS, even when the meaning is not the same. Given the systematic review process, the large number of covered database and wide range of keywords, the scarcity of results was surprising. Not even a publication with content of 3PLs selection a proper WMS for customer warehouse operations was found. Results indicate strong need to fill this research gap.
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Geographic Information Systems (GISs) are computer assisted systems for the capture, storage, retrieval, analysis and display of spatial data. The increase in the use and sophistication of these systems has led to a new academic interest which has resulted in a vigorous and expanding research community. Despite some lack of formalized definitions, categorizations, terminologies and standard data structures. published work shows a remarkable degree of cross disciplinary work. This paper examines published GIS research, in particular on GIS data structures, and concludes that the next generation of graduates will be far better prepared to meet the demand of this new technology.
Conference Paper
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ERP systems are widely used by large enterprises for managing functional areas of the enterprise. However, recently ERP systems have also been introduced to the small enterprise market. ERP systems are now considered an important small enterprise management aid that may contribute to the sustainability and growth of the small enterprise. Although there are several acceptance factors that may impact on the acceptance of ERP systems, limited research has been done to understand the acceptance of ERP systems by small enterprises. This paper addresses this gap by considering the strategic, business, technical and human factors that influence the acceptance of ERP systems in small manufacturing enterprises in South Africa. The consultative list of acceptance factors flowing from this research may guide future initiatives aiming to ensure the acceptance of ERP systems by small manufacturing enterprises.
Purpose Most small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) use some business management software to manage their daily operations. Ultimately they consider transitioning to an enterprise resources planning (ERP) system. However, implementing ERP system successfully is costly and complex, and often shows high disappointment rates or even abandonment due to need of fit with the business or social culture. In Jordan, large businesses have been using the ERP system for a long time, but SMEs usage of the system is relatively new. The aim of this research is to study the effect of ERP implementation success antecedents which consists of training, supportive leadership and ease of use on ERP implementation success itself through a mediating effect of user satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach Empirical data was collected using a survey questionnaire which was distributed to ERP users in Jordanian healthcare organizations. A total of 175 responses were collected and analyzed using structure equation modelling. Findings A significant relationship was found between these antecedents and ERP implementation success. Furthermore, user satisfaction plays a significant mediating role between ease of use and ERP implementation success Practical implications The outcomes of this study are useful to ERP users as they would be able to strategize future ERP system implementation in different sectors such as education, manufacturing and insurance industry. Finally, the findings may be useful to ERP system adopters in different developing countries Originality/value This is one of the first studies which adequately covers the relationships between antecedents of user satisfaction and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation success which consists of training, supportive leadership and ease of use on ERP implementation success itself through a mediating effect of user satisfaction.
he field of information technology continues to impact more organizations worldwide as new technologies and applications are implemented to strengthen everyday business processes. Individuals within these organizations continue to face the challenge of developing and implementing the latest innovative programs that successfully apply information technology applications within various types and sizes of companies and businesses. Emerging Trends and Challenges in Information Technology Management presents the latest issues surrounding the management of information technology in organizations, and explains how these issues are addressed and used for the benefit of practitioners and educators around the world. These proceedings from the 17th Annual Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) International Conference provide knowledge related to the latest trends and challenges dealing with all aspects of information technology applications and management. Topics presented within the proceedings include: distance learning technologies, data warehousing and mining, information quality management, geographic information systems, knowledge management, information technology education, and many more. Emerging Trends and Challenges in Information Technology Management includes the latest research in the area of IT utilization and management, and supports those involved in the research and teaching of information technology aspects worldwide.
In 1967, the airlines were flying Boeing 727s and Douglas DC-8s. Air travel was still special, and the airlines were raking in cash. But a problem loomed, and it was potentially calamitous. The airlines had placed their orders for the first widebody aircraft–the 747 and the DC-10–and these giant planes would dramatically boost the number of people arriving simultaneously at customer service counters. So to prevent chaos at those counters, the airlines had to find a way to speed up ticket sales and passenger processing.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to construct a consensus from previous research and develop a comprehensive success model for enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation in small to medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) that incorporates additional empirical observation. Design/methodology/approach This study clusters 94 critical success factors (CSFs), already identified by other researchers, into 15 categories using validity, reliability, principal component and multicollinearity analyses. This study applies a stakeholder perspective, taking into consideration both users, developers, managers, suppliers and consultants. Findings It seems that different categories and different sub‐factors affect an ERP project according to its phase in the life cycle and that each category and each phase of an ERP project focuses on different success factors. Executive attention should be focused on the relevant categories and sub‐factors accordingly. Research limitations/implications Respondents' experience relates to small and medium‐sized enterprises operating in the local market. Differences in the scope of implementation, organizational, technological and environmental characteristics were not taken into consideration. Finally, this study did not distinguish between different levels of ERP system usage. Practical implications The paper provides practical guidelines as to which categories and sub‐factors need to be considered and how one should manage them along the ERP life‐cycle. The paper elaborates, strengthens and illustrates insights, delivered within the research, for readers in a summarized and informative manner. The authors describe several major potential failures and these potential failures are discussed for the planning phase, widely cited as a very important phase that is often unacknowledged, along with preventive and corrective measures executed by organizations. In addition, it compares and contrasts the results with larger enterprise implementation reported by literature. Originality/value The paper presents an empirical study that delivers an additional empirical observation through the construction of consensus from previous research.