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Smart textile: Exploration of wireless sensing capabilities


Abstract and Figures

E-textile is a developing technology joining the advantages of material science and information and communication technologies. In this work, we present the development and assessment of smart textile system containing sensing, processing and wireless communication capabilities. We demonstrate a wearable temperature sensing system based on resistance temperature detection approach utilizing graphene technology, which allows high flexibility and robustness of the electronic textile. The developed sensing system demonstrates experimental sensitivity as high as 80Ω/°C within the temperature detection range from 24 °C to 35 °C, which is the highest reported to date for wearable temperature sensors. In terms of wireless communication, the system operates at 2.4 GHz supporting Bluetooth low energy technology and securely transmits the measured data for up to 10 m which is proved by received signal strength and link quality indicators.
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Smart Textile: Exploration of
Wireless Sensing Capabilities
Andrey Somov
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Moscow, Russia
Elias Torres Alonso, Monica F. Craciun,
Ana I. S. Neves, Anna Baldycheva
University of Exeter, UK
Exeter, UK
{m.f.craciun, a.neves, a.baldycheva}
Abstract—E-textile is a developing technology joining the
advantages of material science and information and
communication technologies. In this work, we present the
development and assessment of smart textile system containing
sensing, processing and wireless communication capabilities. We
demonstrate a wearable temperature sensing system based on
resistance temperature detection approach utilizing graphene
technology, which allows high flexibility and robustness of the
electronic textile. The developed sensing system demonstrates
experimental sensitivity as high as 80Ω/°C within the temperature
detection range from 24 °C to 35 °C, which is the highest reported
to date for wearable temperature sensors. In terms of wireless
communication, the system operates at 2.4 GHz supporting
Bluetooth low energy technology and securely transmits the
measured data for up to 10 m which is proved by received signal
strength and link quality indicators.
Keywords—e-textile; smart textile; wireless sensing, wearable
temperature sensor
Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology aiming
at seamless and unobtrusive communication between smart
objects and services [1] and their adjustment to changing
environmental or situation conditions. Wearable technology is a
good example of IoT: wearables or “things” are able to talk to
another local and remote “things” as well as associate the owner
with a wearable sensor and context [2]. E-textile is among the
pillar technologies for wearables and IoT, which focuses on a
number of applications, e.g. sport, medicine, elderly people
support [3].
Currently, there is a tremendous progress in terms of
fabrication of sensors able to be deployed on textile [4][5][6]. At
the same time there is a number of approaches reporting on
integration of electronics in textile: e-stripes and conductive
threads [7] and other methods [8]. However, there are just a few
works available in the literature reporting on the e-textile
systems able to sense, process the measured data and
communicate them to a remote user or operator. For example, in
our recent work, we presented processing of the thermistor
into polyester textile. It
enables engineering of e-textile which can detect relatively
small temperature changes [13]. For feasibility purpose we
implemented the associated ‘proof-of-concept’ by designing a
wireless sensor node with the proposed thermistor [9]. Hence,
there is still a lack of multidisciplinary research which could
result in the state-of-the-art e-textile systems.
In this work, we present the concept of exploring graphene-
coated textile fibres [10] as vital sign sensors, for example for
monitoring body temperature, fully integrated on textiles and
enriched with wireless sensing option [14]. This versatile
method can be performed with textile fibres of different
materials and shapes, and with different types of graphene. Sheet
resistance of graphene-coated textile fibres is very sensitive to
external stimuli, such as temperature, strain and stress, or contact
with certain chemicals, and can therefore be explored as
wearable sensing devices.
In this section we present the e-textile platform with sensing,
processing and wireless communication capabilities and
describe its interfacing with a smartphone.
A. Platform Overview
The proposed e-textile platform includes four units: sensing,
processing, wireless communication and power supply (see
Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Block diagram of prototyped wireless sensing system.
Processing (MCU) and wireless communication (RF) are
realized using the CC2560 controller relying on Bluetooth Low
Energy 4.1 (BLE) technology compatible with IEEE802.15.4
standard. This feature allows for communicating at 2.4 GHz
between the proposed e-textile and an external wireless devices
supporting Bluetooth, e.g. a smartphone. This idea adds extra
value to the user: the measured data can be forwarded to a cloud
Power supply
MCU and RF
CC2560 SensorCPU RF
Power supply
Smartphone E-textile
This work
WiFi / 4G
978-1-5090-1012-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
service for further powerful data processing, e.g. making
inference or prediction procedures. These procedures can not be
implemented on board of a low power micro controller. As a
power supply we use the button type Li battery CR-2477 (3 V,
1000 mAh) for experimenting and proof of concept reasons. We
do not investigate the power management strategy in details as
it is out of scope of this work. Instead we use the available on
board of CC2560 power management block. We present sensing
unit in details in Section II-B.
B. Sensor Design and Fabrication
The E-textile smart temperature sensor design is based on
the resistance temperature detection approach and consists of the
graphene-coated polypropylene (PP) fibres (see Fig. 2).
Utilising the graphene technology, we take an advantage of the
sharp change in sheet resistance of the graphene PP fibres upon
change of temperature and high robustness of graphene films to
bending and stretching, which was demonstrated in our previous
works [11][13].
Fig. 2. Vision of wireless communication wearable sensing devices based on
a system fabricated on fibers of textiles using graphene thin film technology.
The proposed sensors are prepared by coating the PP fibres
with single-layer graphene which is grown by chemical vapor
deposition with a cold-wall reaction chamber, using methane as
a carbon source and 0.025mm thick 99.999% pure copper foil.
The copper foils are annealed at 1035°C under H
(0.4 sccm)
for 10 minutes, the growth is performed under H
(2 sccm) and
(35 sccm) for 5 minutes, and then the chamber is rapidly
cooled to room temperature for 10 minutes with a large Ar flow
(50 sccm). The thickness and quality of the graphene film is
first tested by transferring a CVD-grown graphene film onto a
/Si substrate and examined by optical microscopy and
Raman. This is followed by the transfer process, a thin
poly(methyl metracrylate) (PMMA 950K A4) film is spin-
coated on top of the graphene, and submitted to Ar plasma to
etch any extra graphene on the backside. The copper is then
etched in an aqueous solution of ammonium persulfate 0.1M,
the floating graphene and PMMA sheet is washed several times
with DI water. After this step, the graphene and PMMA sheet
are transferred to the fibers. Finally, the PMMA is dissolved
with acetone, leaving the graphene on the surface of the fibers.
To take the measurements we create metallic pads for
connecting the controller device CC2560 (see Fig. 1) to the
sensor. We use the controller’s 12-bit Analogue-to-Digital
Converter (ADC) for measuring temperature. In terms of
measurements we evaluate the sensor conductivity by
measuring the current flowing through the sensor.
In this section we present the results obtained during the
experimental work with the proposed e-textile platform.
Fig. 3. Wireless link assessment using RSSI.
Fig. 4. Wireless link assessment using LQI.
A. Assessment of Wireless Link
In this section, we experimentally evaluate the quality of
wireless link between the e-textile and smartphone. In the scope
of this experiment we consider three scenarios: (i) direct line of
sight communication, non direct line of sight when the
smartphone is locked, for instance, in a washroom cubicle (ii)
with holes of 2 mm diameter and (iii) 20 mm diameter on its
front door. The assessment of wireless link between two devices
is effectuated using Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
and Link Quality Indicator (LQI) metrics shown in Fig. 3 and
Fig. 4, respectively. This experiment demonstrates that the link
with low RSSI might have high LQI and vice versa. Wireless
link assessment demonstrates that the link quality does not
degrade drastically within 10 m distance between the e-textile
and smartphone supporting BLE technology (see Section II).
B. Sensor Assessment
The electric conductivity is measured by a two-probe
method using tungsten probes and a Keithley 237 source-
measure unit [10]. We calculate the sheet resistance by
subtracting the contact resistance and by taking into account the
aspect ratio of the graphene section on each sample. To estimate
the contact resistance we utilize a method commonly used for
graphene devices [11][12], based on measuring the two-probe
resistance in devices with different contact separation keeping
the width of the channel constant. Fig. 5 shows the change in
EPSRC UK grants EP/N035569/1, EP/G036101/1 and EP/M002438/1, and
the European Commission grant H2020-MSCA-IF-2015-704963.
temperature (black curve) and corresponding change in sheet
resistance (blue curve) of two graphene-coated polypropylene
fibres, over time. The temperature detection range depends on
the initial resistance of graphene film. For example, as
presented in Fig 5, the resistances at 25 °C for Fiber 1 and
Fiber 2 are 8670 Ω and 8750 Ω, respectively. An increase
in temperature results in reduction of resistance for both fibers
down to 8550Ω, while Fiber 2 reaches this minimum at 35 °C,
Fiber 1 demonstrates its minimal resistance at already 30 °C.
Overall, the fabricated textile sensors demonstrate an average
sensitivity as high as 80 Ω/°C.
Fig. 5. Experimental demonstration of sensing capabilities (sensitivity and
range of operation) of two sensors fabricated using the technology described in
Section II-B, but with different initial resistance (Fiber 1 and Fiber 2).
The effect of bending on the electrical resistance of the
graphene-coated PP
fibers was tested
for analyzing its
flexibility and suitability as a true multiple use smart textile
sensing system. The sheet resistance of graphene-coated PP
fibers were monitored during bendings of fibers down to 5mm.
The samples demonstrate stability upon bending for 1000 times
and, for approximately one third of the samples, the sheet
resistance showed little variation [new 9]. The limiting factor
for the graphene textile samples seems to be the textile fiber
itself, which is more fragile, and shreds upon bending, forming
breaks and discontinuities on the graphene sheet which lead to
debonding of graphene. However, utilizing a photo-sensitized
oxidation process on the fibers prior to the graphene deposition,
employing ultraviolet-ozone (UVO) treatment [10], we can
reduce the variation down to a bending radius of 2.4 mm
(approximate tensile strength of 2%). This is due to the fact that
the UVO treatment not only smoothes the textile fiber surface
and increases
the adhesion of graphene, but it also improves the
mechanical strength of the fibers [10].
In this paper, we have presented an e-textile temperature
sensing system enriched with processing and wireless
communication capabilities aiming at the applications in the
medical and sport domains. For the first time, we demonstrate
a wearable temperature sensing system based on resistance
temperature detection approach and fabricated on textile fibers
using graphene technology. The developed sensing system
demonstrate sensitivity as high as 80Ω/°C, high robustness to
bending and stretching. In terms of wireless communication,
the system was tested in three scenarios including direct line of
site and non direct line of site conditions. In all cases the
designed e-textile system is able to securely transmit the
measured data for up to 10 m using BLE wireless
Our future work includes both vital signs sensing (body
temperature, heartbeat and breathing) and context aware sensing
based on the mutli-plexed sensing e-textile system using the
smartphone sensors. In particularly, it is also important to
understand the effects of multiple sensors on the operation of the
entire system, as well as to evaluate the error threshold. This idea
helps to add extra value to raw sensor data measured by the
sensors. The resultant data flow will be forwarded to a cloud
service for creating knowledge and inference procedures out of
measured data. It will be helpful for predicting health issues and
suggesting a proper training load at particular day time.
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... Now, complex flexible electronic devices and systems can be realized on, or within, textile substrates (Wicaksono et al., 2020;Komolafe et al., 2021), and have found use in wearable applications such as consumer electronics (Fromme et al., 2021), healthcare monitoring (Yao et al., 2021;Lahmann et al., 2022) and light-emitting display (Cinquino et al., 2021;Shi et al., 2021). E-textiles also exploit enabling-technologies such as wireless sensing (Somov et al., 2017), data transmission (Atalay et al., 2019), programmable logic array (Cleary et al., 2021) and flexible circuits (Komolafe et al., 2019). These systems all require a power supply to meet their electrical energy demands and this is typically achieved using conventional rigid batteries (Peppler and Glosson, 2013;Mauriello et al., 2014). ...
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... Attached electronic sensor with a number of wires cause discomfort, may interrupt patients' sleeping, restrict patients movements, consequently may interrupt communications be-tween patients and others, and sometime causes a pain while releasing the sticky sensor [10]. Flexible electronics can be the best solution for the next generation of the wearable temperature sensors [11] -lightweight and bendable resistive sensors can be seamlessly attached to the skin, at the same time can be integrated with a low energy-consumption microprocessors in the scope of IoT [12] [13] [14]. ...
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E-textile is an emerging technology which takes the advantages of material science, electronic engineering and wireless communications. We present a pilot study on smart textile system. Our study aims at developing a graphene temperature sensor and its interfacing with a commercial wireless sensor node providing the graphene sensor with processing and wireless communication capabilities. Flexible planar structure sensor was fabricated using CVD-processed single-layer graphene following its transfer to the polyvinyl chloride substrate by hot lamination method. For calibrating the graphene temperature sensor we connect it in series with a calibrated resistor and to the calibrated power source (battery). Afterwards we measure the sensor resistance via the analogue-to-digital converter of wireless sensor node, process the data and send it to the user over wireless channel.
Conference Paper
The article presents a research focused on reliability testing of glued joints on conductive textile ribbons during the washing and drying cycles. For the experiment, the textile ribbons with electrically conductive silver coated copper threads were used. The SMD chip resistors were conductively connected onto the ribbons by UV curable non-conductive adhesive. The prepared samples were exposed to the 30 washing and drying cycles. The result shows that reliability of conductive joints after washing and drying is sufficient and these joints on ribbons can be recommended.
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Conducting fibres are essential to the development of e-textiles. We demonstrate a method to make common insulating textile fibres conductive, by coating them with graphene. The resulting fibres display sheet resistance values as low as 600 Ωsq⁻¹, demonstrating that the high conductivity of graphene is not lost when transferred to textile fibres. An extensive microscopic study of the surface of graphene-coated fibres is presented. We show that this method can be employed to textile fibres of different materials, sizes and shapes, and to different types of graphene. These graphene-based conductive fibres can be used as a platform to build integrated electronic devices directly in textiles.
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Transparent and flexible electrodes are widely used on a variety of substrates such as plastics and glass. Yet, to date, transparent electrodes on a textile substrate have not been explored. The exceptional electrical, mechanical and optical properties of monolayer graphene make it highly attractive as a transparent electrode for applications in wearable electronics. Here, we report the transfer of monolayer graphene, grown by chemical vapor deposition on copper foil, to fibers commonly used by the textile industry. The graphene-coated fibers have a sheet resistance as low as ~1 kΩ per square, an equivalent value to the one obtained by the same transfer process onto a Si substrate, with a reduction of only 2.3 per cent in optical transparency while keeping high stability under mechanical stress. With this approach, we successfully achieved the first example of a textile electrode, flexible and truly embedded in a yarn.
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Electronic Textiles (e-textiles) are fabrics that feature electronics and interconnections woven into them, presenting physical flexibility and typical size that cannot be achieved with other existing electronic manufacturing techniques. Components and interconnections are intrinsic to the fabric and thus are less visible and not susceptible of becoming tangled or snagged by surrounding objects. E-textiles can also more easily adapt to fast changes in the computational and sensing requirements of any specific application, this one representing a useful feature for power management and context awareness. The vision behind wearable computing foresees future electronic systems to be an integral part of our everyday outfits. Such electronic devices have to meet special requirements concerning wearability. Wearable systems will be characterized by their ability to automatically recognize the activity and the behavioral status of their own user as well as of the situation around her/him, and to use this information to adjust the systems' configuration and functionality. This review focuses on recent advances in the field of Smart Textiles and pays particular attention to the materials and their manufacturing process. Each technique shows advantages and disadvantages and our aim is to highlight a possible trade-off between flexibility, ergonomics, low power consumption, integration and eventually autonomy.
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This paper provides a review of recent developments in the rapidly changing and advancing field of smart fabric sensor and electronic textile technologies. It summarizes the basic principles and approaches employed when building fabric sensors as well as the most commonly used materials and techniques used in electronic textiles. This paper shows that sensing functionality can be created by intrinsic and extrinsic modifications to textile substrates depending on the level of integration into the fabric platform. The current work demonstrates that fabric sensors can be tailored to measure force, pressure, chemicals, humidity and temperature variations. Materials, connectors, fabric circuits, interconnects, encapsulation and fabrication methods associated with fabric technologies prove to be customizable and versatile but less robust than their conventional electronics counterparts. The findings of this survey suggest that a complete smart fabric system is possible through the integration of the different types of textile based functional elements. This work intends to be a starting point for standardization of smart fabric sensing techniques and e-textile fabrication methods.
This study is stimulated by the discovery of high sensitivity of nanostructured layers of organic semiconductor α′-BEDT-TTF)2IxBr3-x [BEDT-TTF = bis(ethylendithio)-tetrathiafulvalene] to heat radiation. We present the development and assessment of the flexible lightweight highly sensitive film-based thermistor as (i) a separate sensor, (ii) a sensor integrated in e-textile and (iii) a sensor embedded in a wireless sensor node. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT), being two promising technologies, have already been applied in a number of monitoring scenarios. In spite of great progress achieved in sensing technologies and wireless embedded systems there is a gap in multidisciplinary research aimed at investigating the aggregate potential of these technologies. Experimental results demonstrate that the developed bi-layer organic thermistor has high potential for environmental and biomedical monitoring. They can be used as a part of wearable units or as sensing units on board of wireless sensing devices.
Extant literature has largely not examined how users critically engage with their physical activity monitors, as objective data sense-making is often deemed superior to users' subjective realities. Our research, however, examines how middle-school youth encounter the representation of their data, as it is converted and actionable in an online game. This ethnographic study illustrates how youth negotiate conflicts between their data and embodied experience. Using a grounded theory approach, our analysis of interviews and focus groups reveals emergent categories of resistance such as youth evaluating the incompatibility of the device, disputing the device's step-count accuracy and syncing, and disputing the game's conversion of steps. In particular, we highlight the ways youth sometimes privileged their embodied recollections over the device's seemingly accurate data. The article also provides a case of a day during implementation when youth converged on a single form of resistance, game conversion, and examines their reasoning and alternate forms of data validation that we saw in-action on that day. Finally, we discuss benefits to learning and critical engagement that result from users' disputes and conclude by positing the promise in designing physical activity monitors for engagement, instead of exclusively persuasion or reward.
This paper presents the optimization of a bismuth tellurium (Bi 1.8 Te 3.2 )-antimony tellurium (Sb 2 Te 3 )-based thermoelectric generator (TEG) fabricated by screen-printing technology on flexible polyimide (Kapton) and textile substrates. New formulations of screen printable thermoelectric pastes are presented with optimized composition, curing conditions, and printing parameters. The modifications of the thermoelectric materials enable them to be successfully deposited on flexible textile substrates. The optimized values of resistivity of the BiTe and SbTe thick films on Kapton were 9.97 × 10 -3 and 3.57 × 10 -3 Ω · cm, respectively. The measured figure of merit at room temperature was 0.135 and 0.095 for BiTe and SbTe thick films on Kapton, respectively. The dimension of each printed thermoleg was 20 mm×2 mm×70.5 μm. For the TEG on Kapton, the printed assembly comprising eight thermocouples was coiled up and generated a voltage of 26.6 mV and a maximum power output of 455.4 nW at a temperature difference of 20 °C. For a printed TEG on textile, the maximum power output reached 2 μW from the same temperature difference.
This paper presents a technology to integrate electronics at the thread level in woven textiles. Flexible plastic substrates are cut into stripes and serve as carriers for electronics, including ICs, thin-film devices, interconnect lines, and contact pads. These functionalized plastic stripes, called e-stripes, are woven into textiles. Conductive threads perpendicular to the e-stripes electrically interconnect the devices on the individual e-stripes. The integration of e-stripes and conductive threads into the woven textiles is compatible with commercial weaving processes and suitable for large-scale manufacturing. We demonstrate the technology with a woven textile containing five e-stripes with digital temperature sensors. Conductive threads interconnect the e-stripes among each other to form a bus topology. We show that the contacts between the conductive threads and the pads on e-stripes as well as the contacts between the temperature sensors and e-stripes withstand shear forces of at least 20 N. The integration of the temperature sensors into the textile increases the bending rigidity of the textile by 30%; however, it is still possible to obtain a textile-bending radii of <;1 mm. This technology seamlessly integrates electronics into textiles, thus advancing the field of smart textiles and wearable computing.
The term “Internet-of-Things” is used as an umbrella keyword for covering various aspects related to the extension of the Internet and the Web into the physical realm, by means of the widespread deployment of spatially distributed devices with embedded identification, sensing and/or actuation capabilities. Internet-of-Things envisions a future in which digital and physical entities can be linked, by means of appropriate information and communication technologies, to enable a whole new class of applications and services. In this article, we present a survey of technologies, applications and research challenges for Internet-of-Things.