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Modern Virtual Reality Technology: Cybersickness, Sense of Presence, and Gender


Abstract and Figures

This article reports the results of two experimental studies which investigated 1) differences in how virtual reality (VR) -induced cybersickness is experienced between men and women, and 2) how video game players experience cybersickness when using two generations of developing VR technology. Grounded in sensory conflict theory; the study discusses cybersickness as a function of the differing technical specifications of the VR head-mounted displays (HMDs) used in the experiments. In Study 1, 223 players played either a first-person shooter or a first-person space flight game on the Oculus Rift DK-1. Results indicated that women experienced more severe cybersickness symptoms than men, and that shooter players experienced more severe symptoms than space flight players. In Study 2, 136 players played Minecraft on either the Oculus Rift DK1 or its successor, the DK2 n m. Players in both headset conditions were compared on cybersickness and sense of presence. Results indicated that the advanced VR technology did not improve the experience of cybersickness or presence over the basic technology. Differences between the headsets were not significant. Both studies show that cybersickness affects women more than men; however, the reasons for the difference bear further investigation. More importantly, advanced VR technology made no significant difference to users in terms of cybersickness or sense of presence. DK2 users experienced cybersickness symptoms just as severe as their counterparts using the DK1 did. Further research will delve into cybersickness, presence and the newest consumer VR headsets; and will investigate the neuropsychological processes associated with the VR experience.
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Home / Featured / Modern Virtual Reality Technology: Cybersickness, Sense of Presence, and Gender
Modern Virtual Reality Technology: Cybersickness, Sense of
Presence, and Gender
Daniel M. Shafer, Ph.D.
Baylor University Department of Film and Digital Media
Corey P. Carbonara, Ph.D.
Baylor University Department of Film and Digital Media
Michael F. Korpi, Ph.D.
Baylor University Department of Film and Digital Media
This article reports the results of two experimental studies which
investigated 1) differences in how virtual reality (VR) -induced
cybersickness is experienced between men and women, and 2) how
video game players experience cybersickness when using two
generations of developing VR technology. Grounded in sensory conflict
theory; the study discusses cybersickness as a function of the differing
technical specifications of the VR head-mounted displays (HMDs) used in
the experiments.
In Study 1, 223 players played either a first-person shooter or a first-person space flight game on the
Oculus Rift DK-1. Results indicated that women experienced more severe cybersickness symptoms than
men, and that shooter players experienced more severe symptoms than space flight players. In Study 2,
136 players played Minecraft on either the Oculus Rift DK1 or its successor, the DK2 n m. Players in both
headset conditions were compared on cybersickness and sense of presence. Results indicated that the
advanced VR technology did not improve the experience of cybersickness or presence over the basic
technology. Differences between the headsets were not significant.
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Both studies show that cybersickness affects women more than men; however, the reasons for the
difference bear further investigation. More importantly, advanced VR technology made no significant
difference to users in terms of cybersickness or sense of presence. DK2 users experienced cybersickness
symptoms just as severe as their counterparts using the DK1 did. Further research will delve into
cybersickness, presence and the newest consumer VR headsets; and will investigate the neuropsychological
processes associated with the VR experience.
Shafer, D. M., Carbonara, C. P. & Korpi, M. F. (2017). Modern Virtual Reality Technology:
Cybersickness, Sense of Presence, and Gender. Vol. 11(2)
A number of companies are participating in the creation of a consumer market for Virtual Reality (VR)
Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) and the content to view on these displays. Oculus (Facebook), HTC,
Samsung, Sony, and Google are prominent in this group. This fresh attempt to develop VR for consumers is
largely enabled by advances in technologies originally developed for smartphones, like displays, GPS, low-
power processors, GPUs, sensors, and so on. Many are enthusiastic about the prospects for VR, especially
Oculus and HTC, who released their consumer devices in early 2016.
Much of the current enthusiasm for consumer VR is due to high quality and affordable technology now
available from the smartphone parts bin (Nield, 2016). Higher resolution, wider viewing angles, better
motion tracking, decreased latency, and other advancements promise to significantly improve the VR
experience as well as make modern devices more affordable. Thus, many – including developers,
technology enthusiasts, and companies like Oculus, Valve, and Sony — have renewed hope that the new
form of this technology will revolutionize user engagement and presence in virtual environments. Oculus, in
particular, released two development kits intended to encourage the development of software that would
work with their technology. Released in 2013, the Oculus Rift DK1, while rudimentary by comparison to
currently available commercial HMDs, was a significant achievement. Its successor, the DK2, followed in
2016 and marked a significant advancement as well. Table 1 compares the technical specifications of each
headset. The reader will note that at the time of this writing, the primary investigators did not have access
to the consumer Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive. More research using these headsets is forthcoming.
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One possible barrier to this VR revolution may be cybersickness. Cybersickness, a term often thought to be
interchangeable in popular usage and in the press with “motion sickness,” has symptoms similar to, but not
the same as, motion sickness. It has always been an unwelcome factor in VR. In addition, research shows
that gender is a factor in cybersickness; females are more likely to experience symptoms (Biocca, 1992).
Since women comprise 44% of gamers in the U.S. (“Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game
Industry,” 2014), this gender difference may be particularly problematic for consumer adoption of VR. The
present article considers cybersickness and gender in relation to technological improvements between
Oculus’s Development Kit 1 and Development Kit 2.
Definition of VR
Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that allows for immersion of a user in a multisensory virtual environment
(VE). Using a combination of hardware and software systems, virtual reality creates a three dimensional,
interactive world. There are two primary types: CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) and Head
Mounted Display (HMD). A CAVE consists of a room with projection screens lining the walls, floor and
ceiling. The user typically wears a headset in order to view 3-D imagery in the environment (Rouse, 2016).
HMD VR, on the other hand, currently consists of a headset and, for some applications, motion controllers
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which stand in as proxies for the user’s hands. HMD VR has spurred the recently revived interest in
consumer VR, and is the focus of this research. Gigante (1993), writing in Virtual Reality Systems
(Earnshaw, Gigante, & Jones, 1993) defines HMD VR as “the illusion of participation in a synthetic
environment rather than external observation of such an environment. VR relies on three-dimensional (3D),
stereoscopic, head tracked displays, hand/body tracking and binaural sound. VR is an immersive, multi-
sensory experience” (p. 3). Although this definition can also be used in describing virtual worlds or
environments, in the popular vernacular, VR has come to embody a stereoscopic 3D virtual environment
that uses some sort of HMD; either tethered or as a stand-alone device using some sort of mobile device
The fast start of Oculus and the rapid emergence of other VR and AR startups like Magic Leap ($542 million
of funding) have been accompanied by announcements of VR and/or AR projects from major corporate
players like Google, Sony, Microsoft, and Samsung (Hixon, 2015; Huet, 2014). Despite all this momentum
and enthusiasm, there is caution. John Carmack, well-known game designer and CTO of Oculus,
referencing the difficulties consumer VR experienced in the 1990s said: “It left a huge, smoking crater in
the landscape. We’ve had people afraid to touch VR for 20 years” (Wingfield, 2015).
One of the primary problems VR has had historically is cybersickness. Cybersickness is a repeatedly
observed side effect of VR. There are numerous symptoms associated with cybersickness which include
tiredness, drowsiness, nausea, disorientation, postural instability, sweating, headaches, eye strain, and
sometimes even vomiting (Burdea & Coiffet, 2003; Davis, Nesbitt, & Nalivaiko, 2014; LaViola, 2000). The
issue is complex as there can be variability between individual responses to the stimuli, the type of
technology used and the overall design of the virtual environment, and the tasks performed (Davis, Nesbitt,
& Nalivaiko, 2015; Johnson, 2005) As Vinson and colleagues (2012) state: “Cybersickness is essentially a
barrier to both adoption and production of VR technologies” (p. 69). There are a significant number of
studies examining cybersickness in virtual environments (Robert S. Kennedy, Stanney, & Dunlap, 2000;
LaViola, 2000; Stanney & Hash, 1998; Vinson et al., 2012).
Cybersickness can be caused solely by visual input (LaViola, 2000). Vestibular stimulation is often absent in
occurrences of cybersickness because the individual is sitting still, and therefore there may be a significant
mismatch between movement in the VE and the lack of movement from sitting. This visual versus
vestibular conflict results in an experience known as vection (LaViola, 2000). Vection is the experience of
self-motion even when you are not actually moving. As So, Ho and Lo (2001) put it, vection is a “visually
induced self-motion illusion” (p. 195). Many of us have experienced vection in the real world; while sitting
at a traffic light next to a large truck, you suddenly feel like you are moving backwards. In reality, the
truck’s wheel, which fills your field of view to the side, is moving forward slightly (LaViola, 2000; Riecke,
Väljamäe, & Schulte-Pelkum, 2009). Vection, then, is one contributor to cybersickness symptoms, but it is
insufficient to predict cybersickness in all cases. Several theories have been posited that attempt to predict
the conditions under which cybersickness will occur. Three of the leading perspectives are poison theory
(LaViola 2000; Kennedy and Frank 1985), postural instability theory (Riccio and Stoffregen 1991), and
sensory conflict theory (Brand 1978; Reason and Brand 1975).
Poison Theory
Poison theory posits that when the body encounters events that cause dissonance between what is felt and
what is being processed visually, the central nervous system interprets this dissonance as toxic (Kennedy
and Frank, 1985).. This perception of toxicity is thought to bring about symptoms of motion sickness. As
LaViola (2000) puts it, poison theory suggests that the body reacts to the ingestion of poison by disrupting
the coordination between the visual and vestibular systems (among others). One natural reaction to this
disruption is to vomit; which also serves as a way to expel the toxic substance that has been ingested
(LaViola 2000). For the purposes of this study, we do not consider the poison theory applicable, since it
cannot predict who will become ill to the point of vomiting, and cannot explain why some experience
sickness symptoms, and others do not (LaViola 2000).
Postural Instability Theory
The postural instability theory proposed by Riccio and Stoffregen (1991) posits that motion sickness occurs
when an entity (human or animal) experiences a loss of posture control. The theory is based in work on
control of self-motion and orientation, and is a departure from sensory conflict theory which focuses on
motion-sensing systems such as the vestibular system. To put it very simply; if postural instability (the
feeling that one is not in control of their own motion or orientation) is prolonged, motion sickness will
occur. Riccio and Stoffregen (1991) categorically reject the arguments of Reason and Brand (1975) which
attempt to explain motion sickness; instead proposing that motion sickness stems from loss of motion
control. However, it seems to us that sensory conflict theory is more suited to explaining the phenomenon
of cybersickness than postural instability theory, because many experiences of cybersickness occur when
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the body is at rest, not in motion. Results of research investigating postural instability theory have been
mixed (e.g., Smart et al 2002; Wang Kenyon and Keshner 2010), but recent research shows that the
relationship between postural instability and cybersickness is weak in some cases (Dennison and D’Zmura
2017) We therefore turn to sensory conflict theory and our application of it to the investigation of
Sensory Conflict Theory
Sensory conflict theory (Reason, 1978; Reason & Brand, 1975) was proposed in order to predict incidence
and severity of motion sickness. The basic principle of the theory asserts that motion sickness is likely to
occur when motion sensing systems (namely the eyes, the vestibular system, and the nonvestibular
proprioceptors) send signals that conflict with 1) each other or 2) what is expected based on previous
experiences (Bles, Bos, de Graaf, Groen, & Wertheim, 1998). According to the theory, motion sickness
occurs when a person fails to experience an expected physiological response to a certain visual stimulus
(Reason, 1978). Relevant examples for the purposes of the present study might be using a VR flight
simulator or a driving simulator that includes a great deal of surrounding movement. Turning one’s head in
such an environment may result in a conflict between the visual input and what one’s brain would normally
expect in real flight or driving because the simulator is fixed in place. The same conflict might be expected
when playing a first-person shooter video game or a space dogfighting game in VR. This is because in
reality, you are sitting still in a chair, while your avatar in-game appears to be making rapid movements or
moving through space quickly. The strength of the motion sickness response, Reason (1978) argues, is
dependent upon 1) how severe the conflict is between the perceived and expected stimulus, and 2)
exposure time to the same stimulus. The thrust of Reason’s (1978) argument is that symptoms of sickness
can be reduced by adaptation to the conflict perceived between the observed visual stimulus and expected
result of exposure to such stimulus (Reason, 1978).
While we may expect, then, that VR video game players might experience fewer symptoms the longer they
play, this may, in fact, be unlikely. Video game scenery and events change constantly, while the stimulus
material Reason (1978) used was repetitive and constant. In a video game, player attention can be drawn
suddenly to diverse portions of the display, causing sudden and erratic head and even body motion.
Therefore, it is more unlikely that VR video game players would become accustomed to the environment
and experience reduced cybersickness systems simply due to exposure time. However, based on the
arguments of sensory conflict theory, we might expect that games which produce more conflict between
the motion-detecting senses and the player’s expectations will be more sickness-inducing than games in
which the motion experienced and expected is more congruent. Reason (1978) asserted that the brain
compares incoming motion stimuli (e.g., immersive visual information) with previous responses experienced
under similar real-life conditions, now stored in a memory bank of “paired sensory and motor memory
traces” (Oman, 1993, p. 365). When the signals received do not align with the stored memory trace of that
stimulus, sensory conflict results. The longer one experiences this sensory conflict, the more likely sickness
is to occur. However, it is not possible to measure the level of conflict between the senses and the
physiological expectations an individual is experiencing.
Oman (1993) developed a mathematical formula designed to determine the intensity of sickness responses
based on a variety of measurable factors. The key element in both Oman’s (1993) and Reason’s (1978)
work is that the more the stimuli (e.g., the visual stimuli produced by a VR video game) sends motion cues
that are expected (by our physiological systems) to produce certain responses but in fact do not, the more
severe cybersickness systems are likely to be. “Increased sensory conflict is noted to result not only from
sensory rearrangement but also from exogenous disturbance forces acting on the body” (Oman, 1993, p.
367). These exogenous disturbance forces could be an involuntary movement made in response to intense
or surprising visual or auditory stimuli; which are common in action-packed video games.
Still, different VR games may produce widely varying levels of sensory conflict. Some games, such as a
virtual hunting game, for instance, would be unlikely to produce a great deal of sensory conflict because
the action on screen and the visual stimulus provided would generally match with what the body might
expect in real life. Similarly, a flight simulator may not produce extraordinary sensory conflict because the
player’s avatar is seated in a cockpit, with the action taking place around it. Being seated in real life would
lend some degree of similarity between the virtual and the real world. However, a first-person shooter, with
a great deal of running and turning, should produce a high level of sensory conflict because of the
discrepancy between the running action on screen and being seated in a chair in real life
Therefore, we predict that:
H1: A VR video game that is higher in sensory conflict (i.e., a first-person shooter) will produce more
cybersickness symptoms in players than a VR video game that is lower in sensory conflict (i.e., a
space dogfighting game).
Cybersickness and Gender
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The finding that women are more susceptible to cybersickness symptoms than men is common in the VR
literature. In fact, one study only used men as test subjects in order to better isolate the effects of VR on
cybersickness (Lo & So, 2001). A study by Kim and colleagues (2005) reported that over 78% of
participants who reported cybersickness symptoms were women. Kennedy and Frank (1985) and Biocca
(1992) also note that women are more likely to experience cybersickness than their male counterparts. In
one study, cybersickness scores were obtained after exposing participants to either a virtual environment
that provided coaching and direction intended to relieve or blunt the onset of cybersickness symptoms (a
cybersickness relief virtual environment, or CRVE); or by having participants use a non-CRVE environment
(Kim et al., 2008). Women in the study reported significantly greater cybersickness than men across
conditions; in fact, the average female cybersickness frequency score was over two times greater (10.5
times during exposure) than the average male frequency score (4.1). This means that women expressed
feelings of cybersickness verbally an average of 10.5 times during their exposure, whereas men verbally
expressed their symptoms an average of 4.1 times during exposure (Kim et al., 2008). Another study by
Stanney and colleagues (2003) analyzed men and women’s scores on the subscales of the SSQ. They found
that women experienced significantly higher levels of disorientation, oculomotor symptoms, and higher
total severity scores than men did. Men and women did report similar levels of nausea in that study
(Stanney et al., 2003).
On the other hand, a few studies have found that women and men do not differ in their experience of
cybersickness in VR. Knight and Arns (2006) report that men and women experienced similar levels of
cybersickness in the CAVE virtual reality environment. Larson and colleagues (1999), in their study of men
and women’s performance in a virtual reality spatial rotation (VRSR) test, found that men and women did
not differ in their post-exposure cybersickness symptoms. Other studies (e.g., Bonato, Bubka, & Palmisano,
2009; Howarth & Finch, 1999; Stanney & Hash, 1998) simply do not mention gender as a factor. Given this
evidence, it would appear that, despite some mixed results, women generally experience cybersickness
more frequently and/or more severely than men while using VR. Therefore, it is predicted that:
H2: Women will score higher than men across conditions on a measure of post-exposure
cybersickness after playing a VR video game.
In order to test these hypotheses, data was collected via a 2 condition randomized between-subjects
experiment (see Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002).
This research re-examines cybersickness with the latest readily available VR technology, the Oculus Rift.
(We used Oculus in favor of other VR HMDs because two distinct generations were available to developers
and scholars such as ourselves.) We also re-examine the notion that women are more susceptible to
cybersickness than men. In addition, we empirically test the notion that advanced VR technology reduces
cybersickness and increases the sense of presence for users. To these ends, this study employs Developer
Kit Version 1 (DK-1) and Developer Kit Version 2 (DK-2). Table 1 describes the technical specifications of
each headset.
Study 1 Methodology
Participants in Study 1 were 223 undergraduate students recruited via email and Internet announcements
from various courses at a research university in the southern-central United States. Participants were
offered extra credit for their participation, among other options for extra credit. The gender breakdown for
the sample was 48.4% male (n = 108) and 51.6% female (n = 115). Average age was 20.4 years.
Participants were randomly assigned to play either a first-person shooter (Half Life 2) or a space
dogfighting video game (Strike Suit Zero) using a VR HMD – the Oculus Rift DK-1.
Stimulus and Systems
Via random assignment, participants were selected to play in one of two conditions. The high sensory
conflict condition utilized Half Life 2. The game involves navigating through an obstacle-laden virtual
environment. The avatar in the game walks or runs through the environment, and the hand or weapon that
is recognizable as the player’s own digital self in the game makes a “bobbing” motion as movement takes
place. Players played a portion of the game which involved navigating through an area with obstacles, and
finally engaging some hostile non-player characters (NPCs) in combat with various weapons. Players are
able to command the avatar to move forward, backward, side-to-side, and up and down. The HMD gives
them the freedom to look in a 180-degree arc to either side, potentially giving a 360-degree view of the
environment no matter what the avatar is doing.
The low sensory conflict condition utilized Strike Suit Zero. The game involves flying a space fighter to
various coordinates, doing target practice on space junk, and finally, engaging hostile NPCs’ ships in a
dogfight. The avatar in the game sits still in the cockpit of the ship. Its hands grip the control sticks, and its
legs are visible and unmoving. Pitch, roll, and yaw are all represented in the game, and the player is able to
fly their ship in any direction. As with Half Life 2, the HMD gave players the ability to look in a 180-degree
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arc to either side, potentially giving a 360-degree view of the environment. However, it is clearly
represented that the avatar is sitting motionless in the cockpit of a ship.
After giving informed consent, participants were asked to watch a 5-minute video tutorial (Half Life 2) or
follow a built-in tutorial for the game (Strike Suit Zero). The function of each tutorial was to explain the
controls of the game and how to make progress. Upon completion of the tutorials, players played the game
for 20 minutes. Immediately after exposure, participants were directed to the 30-question online
questionnaire which assessed their level of cybersickness, spatial presence, and demographics. Total
experiment time was approximately 45 minutes.
Cybersickness was assessed using the negative feelings subscale of the ITC-Sense of Presence Inventory
(Lessiter, Freeman, Keogh, & Davidoff, 2001). The subscale assesses the level of virtually all symptoms of
cybersickness. Specifically, the items measured disorientation, tiredness, dizziness, eyestrain, headache,
and nausea on a 5-point Likert-type scale. While these may not cover the entire scope of symptoms of
cybersickness, they certainly assess those symptoms that are most salient to players (Kolasinski, 1995;
Lang, 2013; LaViola, 2000). This measure had an observed Cronbach’s α = .86. Gender was assessed via a
simple single-item question: “Sex”, with “Male” and “Female” as answer choices.
Study 1 Results
Hypothesis 1 predicted that a high sensory conflict VR game (Half-Life 2, a first-person shooter) would
produce more cybersickness symptoms in players than a low sensory conflict VR game (Strike Suit Zero, a
space dogfighting game). Results of a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) show that H1 was supported.
Half-Life 2 players experienced significantly higher levels of cybersickness (M = 4.02, SD = 0.91) than
Strike Suit Zero players (M = 3.30, SD = 0.94), F (1, 210) = 31.54, p < .001, η2part = .13. Results of
Levene’s test of equality of error variances indicated that error variances were statistically equal across
groups, F (1, 210) = 2.68, p = .103.
A follow-up ANOVA analyzed players according to gender. Results indicated that men who played Half-Life
2 reported significantly more cybersickness (M = 3.68, SD = 1.05) than men who played Strike Suit Zero
(M = 3.01, SD = 0.95), F (1, 100) = 11.03, p = .001, η2part = .10 (Levene’s F (1, 100) = 0.001, p =
.970). Women who played Half-Life 2 reported significantly more cybersickness (M = 4.30, SD = 0.67) than
women who played Strike Suit Zero (M = 3.59, SD = 0.83), F (1, 108) = 23.88, p < .001, η2part = .18. For
the women, Levene’s test was significant (F (1, 108) = 4.46, p = .037), indicating unequal error variances,
however GLM procedures including ANOVA are robust to violations of the equal error variances assumption
when group sizes are relatively equal (Howell, 2012). For this test, 51 women were in the Half-Life 2
condition and 59 women were in the Strike Suit Zero condition. Half-Life 2 produced more cybersickness
both generally and when broken down by gender.
Hypothesis 2 predicted that women would report higher levels of cybersickness than men in both the high
sensory conflict (Half-Life 2) and low sensory conflict (Strike Suit Zero) conditions. Results of a one-way
ANOVA show that H2 was supported. Women who played Half-Life 2 reported significantly more
cybersickness (M = 4.30, SD = 0.67) than men who played Half-Life 2 (M = 3.68, SD = 1.05), F (1, 91) =
12.03, p = .001, η2part = .12 (Levene’s F (1, 91) = 6.28, p = .014). Women who played Strike Suit Zero
reported significantly more cybersickness (M = 3.59, SD = 0.83) than men who played Strike Suit Zero (M
= 3.01, SD = 0.96), F (1, 117) = 12.30, p = .001 η2part = .10 (Levene’s F (1, 117) = 1.32, p = .252).
However, further follow-up correlation analysis revealed that playing computer games more often is
negatively related to cybersickness (r = -0.28, p < .001), as is knowledge of how VR works (r = -0.19, p =
.005). Those with more gaming experience and more in-depth knowledge of how VR works tended to
experience less severe cybersickness than their counterparts.
Study 2: Cybersickness and VR Technology
In Study 1 we investigated the problem of cybersickness as it relates to virtual reality. In Study 2, we focus
on the potential for improvements in VR technology to reduce the symptoms of cybersickness. The general
notion among VR device developers is that a higher resolution display, increased framerate, increased
refresh rate, decreased latency, and a low persistence display will all contribute to reduced cybersickness.
As of the writing of this article, there were only two available headsets that allow a direct comparison of
these factors: the Oculus Rift DK-1 and DK-2. In all cases, the DK-2 is superior technologically. Table 1
compares the technical specifications of the two headsets, and demonstrates that the DK-2 outstrips the
DK-1 in each area of interest (as it was designed to do).
What cannot be said simply by looking at the technical specifications is how users react to VR experiences
using the DK-2 as compared to the DK-1. In order to make such a comparison, we designed an experiment
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that held the virtual environment and control method constant, and only varied the Oculus Rift version used
by the participants.
Our primary goal for this experiment was to determine if DK-2 produced significantly less cybersickness
than DK-1, as the technological advancements suggest it should. Oculus developers themselves that the
DK-2 would reduce cybersickness in their announcement of the release of the device: “Like the Crystal
Cove prototype, DK-2 uses a low persistence OLED display to eliminate motion blur and judder, two of the
biggest contributors to simulator sickness. Low persistence also makes the scene appear more visually
stable, increasing the potential for presence” (“Announcing the Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 (DK2),”
2014). Therefore, we propose the following hypotheses:
H3: Users of the Oculus Rift DK-1 will report significantly more cybersickness than users of the DK-2.
H4: Users of the DK-2 will report significantly higher levels of spatial presence than users of the DK-1.
H5: Users of the Oculus Rift DK-1 will drop out of the study significantly more frequently than users of
the DK-2.
Study 2 Methodology
Participants in Study 2 were 136 undergraduate students recruited via email and digital announcements
from various courses at a research university in the southern-central United States. Participants were
offered extra credit for their participation, among other options for extra credit. The gender breakdown for
the sample was 56% male (n = 76) and 44% female (n = 60). Average age was 20.6 years. Via random
assignment, 56.6% of participants were assigned to the DK-1 condition, and 43.6% of participants were
assigned to the DK-2 condition.
Stimulus and Systems
The technical specifications of the DK-1 and the DK-2 have been summarized in Table 1. The two headsets
comprised the two conditions for the experiment. Participants played a modified version of the popular
sandbox game Minecraft . Minecraft was chosen as stimulus material for this study (just as Half Life 2 and
Strike Suit Zero were chosen for Study 1). Specifically, participants played Minecrift 1.7.10 Pre5; a
modification of Minecraft that adapts the game for use with the Oculus Rift DK-2, and is backward
compatible with the DK-1. The participants were randomly assigned to play using the DK-1 (basic VR) or
the DK-2 (advanced VR). They played in a pre-constructed tutorial world originally created for
MinecraftEdu. The tutorial world is a valid stimulus for both experienced players and players new to
Minecraft, because it covers all the basics of the mechanics of the game, yet is in-depth enough to offer
experienced players small challenges to complete as they make their way through the environment.
Players controlled their avatar using an XBOX 360 USB controller, which interfaced with Minecraft via a
piece of software called Keysticks ( n.d.). Keysticks allows users to customize each button on
the controller. Using an XBOX 360 controller allowed players to control their avatars without the need to
look at their hands on the keyboard; particularly useful when using a visually occlusive VR HMD like the
Oculus Rift.
After giving informed consent, participants were asked to play Minecraft in VR for 20 minutes. They were
told they could end their participation at any time for any reason. Sixty-six participants (37.5%) reported
that they ended their play session early (4.7% did not answer the question). Ending the play session early
was positively and significantly associated with cybersickness scores (r = .383, p < .01), indicating that
cybersickness symptoms may have been related to ending play sessions early.
Spatial presence was measured using the Spatial Presence subscale of the ITC-Sense of Presence Inventory
(ITC-SOPI; Lessiter et al., 2001). Some example items include: “I had a sense of being in the scenes
displayed”; “I felt as though I was in the same space as the characters and/or objects”; “I felt surrounded
by the displayed environment”. Observed Cronbach’s α = .92.
Cybersickness was assessed using the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (Robert S. Kennedy, Lane,
Berbaum, & Lilienthal, 1993). This measure improves upon the negative feelings portion of the ITC-SOPI in
measuring possible negative reactions to virtual reality environments. The scale had an observed
Cronbach’s α = .93. Gender was assessed via a simple single-item question: “Sex”, with “Male” and
“Female” as answer choices.
Study 2 Results
The hypotheses for Study 2 were tested using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedure. Hypothesis 3
predicted that DK-1 users would experience higher levels of cybersickness than DK-2 users. The results
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indicate that H3 was not supported. DK-1 users reported an average cybersickness score of 0.93 (on a
scale from 0-3, SD = 0.64), while DK-2 users reported an average score of 0.78 (SD = 0.66). This
difference was not statistically significant, F(1, 134) = 1.79, p = 0.18, η2part = .013 (Levene’s F(1, 134) =
.051, p = 0.82).
Hypothesis 4 predicted that DK-2 users would experience significantly higher levels of spatial presence than
users than DK-1 users. This hypothesis was also not supported. DK-2 users (M = 3.44, SD = 0.60) did not
experience a significantly greater sense of spatial presence than DK-1 users (M = 3.42, SD = 0.64), F(1,
134) = 0.02, p = 0.90 η2part = .00 (Levene’s F(1, 134) = .035, p = 0.85).
Hypothesis 5 predicted that DK-1 users would drop out of the study significantly more frequently than DK-2
users. A frequencies comparison indicated that both conditions had nearly the same dropout rate. For DK-1
users, 36.4% reported that they had to end their play session early, while 39% of DK-2 users reported
having to drop out early. A t-test analysis indicated that these values were not significantly different t =
-0.311, p = 0.76. H5 is not supported.
Follow-up ANOVA analyses were conducted to explore possible alternative explanations of cybersickness.
Comparisons were made based on gender, which Study 1 indicated is an important factor in understanding
cybersickness. We also compared players with experience playing Minecraft and games like it with those
without such experience. Results of the gender comparison indicate that males reported significantly less
severe cybersickness symptoms (M = 0.74, SD = 0.66) than women (M = 1.03, SD = 0.61), F(1, 134) =
7.01, p = .009 η2part = .05 (Levene’s F(1, 134) = .603, p = 0.44). However, gender only explained about
5% of the variance in cybersickness, indicating several other factors at play. In terms of previous exposure,
players who had previously played Minecraft reported significantly less severe cybersickness symptoms (M
= 0.70, SD = 0.62) than those who had not (M = 1.03, SD = 0.64), F(1, 134) = 9.02, p = .003. Players
who had played a game similar to Minecraft before reported significantly less severe cybersickness
symptoms (M = 0.71, SD = 0.65) than those who had not (M = 1.00, SD = 0.62), F(1, 134) = 7.27, p =
.008 η2part = .06 (Levene’s F(1, 133) = .488, p = 0.49). Previous exposure also explained a small portion
of the variance (6%) in cybersickness scores.
In this article, we have investigated how players react to playing games in virtual environments; both from
an individual differences (i.e., gender) and a technological standpoint. Results of our first experiment show
that a high sensory conflict game (Half Life 2) produced more severe cybersickness symptoms than a low
sensory conflict game (Strike Suit Zero). This finding supports our arguments that sensory conflict theory
as formulated by Reason and Brand (1975) and modified by Oman (1993) can help explain the occurrence
and severity of cybersickness.
Our results also show that women experience higher levels of cybersickness than men in both low sensory
conflict and high sensory conflict games. However, it is unclear that the difference can simply be explained
away by gender. In fact, our follow-up analysis suggests that video game playing experience and previous
knowledge of how VR works (or the lack thereof) may contribute to cybersickness just as much as gender.
These findings resonate with past research on gender differences and video game performance (Brown,
Hall, Holtzer, Brown, & Brown, 1997) which suggests that men perform better in video game competitions
than women across a variety of conditions. In fact, susceptibility or resistance to cybersickness may stem
from life experiences that are merely associated with typical (or stereotypical) gender roles such as
participation in sports (Selby & Lewko, 1976). Some research suggests that athletes develop better object
tracking skills than non-athletes; which transfers well to skillful video game play (Cavanagh & Alvarez,
2005). Other research by NASA suggests that familiarity and experience with motion-sickness causing
stimuli reduces symptoms during spacecraft test flights (Cowings, Toscano, Reschke, Gebreyesus & Rocha,
2017). This study aligns with our findings that familiarity with cybersickness-inducing VR games helps to
mitigate cybersickness symptoms. Such considerations are rich ground for future research.
Findings of our second experiment have serious implications for VR developers. We designed the study to
determine whether the technological improvements of the Oculus Rift DK-2 over the DK-1 would improve
user’s experiences in terms of cybersickness. Our findings show that despite the evolution of VR technology
used in the DK-2 over the DK-1, this made no significant difference to users in terms of cybersickness.
Users of the DK-2 experienced cybersickness symptoms just as severe as their counterparts using the DK-1.
The DK-2 also failed to produce a greater sense of spatial presence than the DK-1. In fact, users of both
headsets reported the same rate of dropout during their play sessions. For all intents and purposes, the
two headsets seemed to perform nearly the same in terms of cybersickness and spatial presence.
One notable limitation to our study is that none of the games used were originally designed with the Oculus
Rift in mind. Instead, all three games utilized in these experiments were retrofitted to support the binocular
display of the Rift. It is possible that other games, designed to work natively with the Oculus Rift DK-1 or
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DK-2 would have produced better user experiences, or perhaps more distinct differences between DK-1 and
DK-2 users. However, in experiment 1, users reported very similar experiences between high and low
sensory conflict games; indicating that games of different types and (arguably) different quality produce
similar user experiences. Further, simply from an anecdotal standpoint, the adaptations of all three games
(Half Life 2, Strike Suit Zero, and Minecraft) were very good. The representations of the environments as
displayed in the Oculus Rift’s field of view were seamless. The only moments of strangeness may have
been when players moved their heads in certain extreme ways while using the DK-2, their in-game avatars
appeared as decapitated bodies. This was no doubt due to the Oculus DK-2’s ability to sense depth and
movement along the Z-axis. The avatar’s bodies, particularly in Strike Suit Zero and Minecraft, failed to
respond to movement along the Z-axis. This may have caused some discomfort for players that may not
have been experienced in games specifically designed for the Oculus Rift.
One additional consideration here is that there may be a certain technological threshold where technology
ceases to make a significant impact of users’ sense of cybersickness. It is possible that both headsets used
in this study exceed that threshold. Finally, we were also unable to manipulate frame rate to truly test the
DK-2’s latency reduction capability.
Conclusions and Future Research
Despite these limitations, our results have a few implications. First, we may be seeing evidence that men
and women experience different degrees of cybersickness due to the physiological differences in the way
the eye and brain process the VR experience. This finding leads us to advocate for more research to test
for these differences. In addition, work needs to be done across more samples of emerging VR technology.
Consumer versions of the Oculus Rift, the HTC Vive, and the Sony PSVR have now been released, and
other competitors are close to unleashing their products.
It will soon be possible to judge whether claims that the issue of cybersickness has been solved are valid.
Not only are we determined to continue our work in this realm, but we are now poised to venture into the
investigation of the motion imaging characteristics of games designed specifically for the newest VR HMDs
(such as Lucky’s Tale; “Playful,” n.d.), as well as VR narratives and simulations.
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... Jansen and Heil (2010) reported sex differences in cybersickness across three age groups, namely, 20-30, 40-50, and 60-70 years, with males outperforming females in all age groups [8]. Shafer et al. (2017) conducted a study on cybersickness induction on the basis of sex, sensory conflicts, and improvements in VR technology [9]. They analyzed data from 223 participants and concluded that females experienced more pronounced cybersickness than males did. ...
... Jansen and Heil (2010) reported sex differences in cybersickness across three age groups, namely, 20-30, 40-50, and 60-70 years, with males outperforming females in all age groups [8]. Shafer et al. (2017) conducted a study on cybersickness induction on the basis of sex, sensory conflicts, and improvements in VR technology [9]. They analyzed data from 223 participants and concluded that females experienced more pronounced cybersickness than males did. ...
Full-text available
As online shopping has increased, the business models of online stores have diversified. When consumers cannot experience an actual product, merchants will promote products through a display to attract customers. Virtual reality (VR) provides an immersive platform for consumers to interact with virtual scenarios. Unfortunately, cybersickness remains a problem in VR. The uncomfortable effects of VR hinder its commercial expansion and the broader adoption of 3D virtual stores. Cybersickness has many causes, including personal characteristics, hardware interfaces, and operation behavior. This study develops a fuzzy-control anti-cybersickness intelligent system (FCACIS) with these factors dynamically and actively. The system retrieves the operation value and inferences the cybersickness symptom value (CSSV). When the CSSV exceeds the alarm value, a dialog mode is introduced to remind users to be aware of possible cybersickness. If the CSSV continues to increase, a cybersickness defense mechanism is activated, such as decreasing the field of view and freezing the screen. The experimental results revealed a significant difference in SSQ scores between subjects who navigated a 3D virtual store with and without the FCACIS. The SSQ scores of subjects with the FCACIS (SSQ = 20.570) were significantly lower than those of subjects without the FCACIS (SSQ = 32.880). The FCACIS effectively alleviated cybersickness for subjects over 40 years old. Additionally, the FCACIS effectively slowed the onset of cybersickness in men and women. The anti-cybersickness effect of the FCACIS on flat-panel displays was greater than that on HMDs. The symptoms of cybersickness for a 3DOF controller were also reduced.
... systems when the senses do not receive the usual sensory feedback that would be expected in such a scenario. This lack of synchronization is believed to cause cybersickness [30]. ...
Full-text available
The use of virtual reality (VR) in medicine is rapidly expanding, particularly in areas like pain management, surgical training, and mental health therapy. This study examines the implementation and effects of the Cold River VR application, a fully immersive tool designed to help manage pain and anxiety during dressing changes for burn trauma patients in a Czech hospital. The Cold River application immerses patients in a peaceful, interactive virtual environment, utilizing eye-tracking technology to engage them without the need for physical controllers, which could interfere with wound care. The study included 67 participants and found that Cold River effectively distracted patients, making the often painful and anxiety-provoking dressing changes more bearable. While stakeholder interviews indicated that the VR application was generally well-received and seen as a valuable tool in reducing patient discomfort, challenges such as lengthy calibration and occasional issues with nausea and headset discomfort were noted. Importantly, the Cold River application increased patient engagement and reduced the psychological burden associated with burn care, though it also highlighted the need for customization based on individual patient preferences and conditions. Overall, the experience with Cold River suggests that immersive VR holds significant potential for improving patient care during burn treatment, particularly when tailored to specific patient needs and contexts.
... The network teaching based on technical support is mostly concentrated in English, medicine, computers and other disciplines, and there is very little network teaching for music disciplines. The traditional piano teaching mode and method are far from meeting the requirements of quality education, in which the lack of piano education resources is particularly prominent [12][13][14]. The interactive platform for piano teaching based on a virtual reality environment is created based on the current situation of piano teaching in China, which integrates multimedia learning resources and multidimensional communication [15][16]. ...
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Under the impact of the wave of new technology, the form of piano teaching is no longer limited to the classroom and paper textbooks, and modern information technology, such as the Internet and virtual reality, is constantly integrated into traditional piano teaching. This paper utilizes the Unity3D engine to create a virtual reality environment for piano teaching interaction, based on VR technology, and to construct an interactive platform for piano teaching. Firstly, based on binocular stereo vision for the three-dimensional reconstruction of the teaching interactive scene, based on the improvement of the LeNet5 network for the user’s head gesture tracking, the constructed virtual scene realizes the real-time movement with the movement of the human head. The test set images using CPU-i76700HQ and GTX960 graphics cards consume 78ms and 25ms per frame, respectively, which meets the real-time system requirements. In this paper, the improved LeNet5 algorithm for head pose estimation without face detection is applicable and has a high detection accuracy of 99.31%, which is better than the algorithms such as Adaboost+Hough, LBF+BP, CNN+Heatmaps, DCNN, and FSA-Net, and is able to satisfy the real-time detection requirements of the virtual scene. The virtual piano teaching interactive platform has an average rating of more than 4 in attractiveness, subjectivity, interactivity, and convenience, but the running speed is only 3.46, so it is necessary to strengthen the technical support and improve the software and hardware level to break through the development bottleneck. Traditional piano teaching is given new vitality and kinetic energy by the interactive platform constructed in this paper for piano teaching in a virtual reality environment.
... Their study showed that female users are more likely to suffer from motion sickness and other discomfort issues when using VR headsets, although the underlying reasons are still being investigated. A significant number of studies have confirmed this and suggested that other examples of gender bias exist regarding the headsets (more appropriate for men) (Lee, 2022), the sense of presence and perceived realism (higher for men) (Felnhofer et al., 2012;Melo et al., 2018), perception of avatar (Regal et al., 2022;Schwind et al., 2017), learning and performance patterns (Grantcharov et al., 2003;Makransky et al., 2019;Sagnier et al., 2020;Xia et al., 2021), cybersickness (higher in women) (Shafer et al., 2017), and attention patterns (Porras-Garcia et al., 2019). ...
... CS is a type of motion sickness characterized by symptoms of nausea, oculomotor dysfunction, or disorientation when viewing virtual environments with devices like screens or HMDs (Stanney et al., 2020b;Rebenitsch et al., 2016). CS primarily occurs when visual, vestibular, and somatosensory cues conflict (Lackner, 2014;Gallagher and Ferrè, 2018), with the likelihood of experiencing it to a greater or lesser extent in VR environments ranging from 20% to 80% (Munafo et al., 2017;Kim et al., 2021), depending on several factors (Tian et al., 2022), such as age (Rey et al., 2016), gender (Shafer et al., 2017;Stanney et al., 2020a), exposure time (Stanney et al., 2003), displacement control (Saredakis et al., 2020), and device type (Geršak et al., 2020;Caserman et al., 2021), among others. ...
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Improvements in the performance and graphical quality of Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) have led to their increasing use in Virtual Reality (VR) for product presentation and virtual prototype (VP) evaluations. Various locomotion techniques in VR make it possible to move through a virtual scenario and approach the VP for evaluation purposes. The integration of eye-tracking devices into recent HMDs allows the trajectory and gaze behavior of observers to be reported during the evaluation, often more objectively than self-report questionnaires. However, very few studies have used physiological measures for the evaluation of products embedded in VR environments. Therefore, this paper offers a study in which 95 people evaluated three VPs of street furniture presented in their environment of use using Meta Quest Pro headset and explored through teleport and natural walking. The influence of the locomotion techniques on the ratings recorded using a semantic differential, sense of presence, cybersickness, and the role of eye-tracking in understanding gaze behavior while evaluating products' Areas of Interest (AOIs), are investigated. This study found no evidence that the way of approaching the product influences the evaluation of some of its features, overall product evaluation, confidence in responses, sense of presence, or cybersickness differently. On the other hand, this work evidences that the locomotion technique had an impact on how the user approached the products, which could significantly influence the viewing time of some AOIs. The study revealed that the most observed AOIs coincided with those parts closely related to important features, generally located at the top of the products, so paying special attention to these parts when designing and evaluating similar VPs is recommended.
... Gender is also known to affect cybersickness, with studies indicating that females are more prone to these symptoms than males [5], [10], [16], [18]. However, the underlying cause is still discussed. ...
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Cybersickness refers to the negative symptoms caused by exposure to a Virtual Reality (VR) experience. The literature is consensual that cybersickness is a key factor in an experience, as the non-existence of cybersickness provides an optimal virtual experience. Thus, it is of utmost importance to evaluate cybersickness when assessing VR applications to understand the impact of this factor on the user experience and, ultimately, on the VR application viability. However, there is a lack of Portuguese instruments to evaluate this variable. To tackle this, this aimed to translate and validate the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) to Portuguese so it can be used with the Portuguese population and maintain its psychometric properties. The new instrument was validated using a sample of 603 Portuguese subjects aged between 16 and 79. Based on the observed results, the obtained theoretical model shows that the Portuguese version of the SSQ is valid for properly evaluating cybersickness in VR experiences with Portuguese samples.
While the use of virtual reality (VR) in education has been gaining traction, the gap in understanding the efficacy and possible limitations of this technology is increased. Numerous studies reported certain physiological and psychological reactions during VR sessions, commonly known as VR-sickness, or cybersickness. Symptoms of cybersickness involve fatigue, nausea, stomach discomfort, oculomotor distress, and disorientation. These uncomfortable conditions raise a severe problem for safe virtual reality technology use. The aim of our study was to investigate factors and individual differences in virtual reality side effects after twenty-minute educational VR sessions. For that, participants’ data on cybersickness symptoms severity, past experience in virtual reality, as well as psychological and demographic characteristics were collected and analyzed. The study sample consisted of 31 healthy individuals aged 18 to 36, including 16 men and 15 women. We found no sex differences in cybersickness severity. Past experience in virtual reality did not influence the symptoms of cybersickness. At the same time, positive correlations between both state anxiety and trait anxiety and disorientation symptoms after a VR session were found. Our results contribute to a better understanding of individual differences in virtual reality induced effects and may help overcome the barriers for a safe use of VR technology in education.
Cybersickness, a factor that hinders user immersion in VR, has been the subject of ongoing attempts to predict it using AI. Previous studies have used CNN and LSTM for prediction models and used attention mechanisms and XAI for data analysis, yet none explored a transformer that can better reflect the spatial and temporal characteristics of the data, beneficial for enhancing prediction and feature importance analysis. In this paper, we propose cybersickness prediction models using multimodal time-series sensor data (i.e., eye movement, head movement, and physiological signals) based on a transformer algorithm, considering sensor data pre-processing and multimodal data fusion methods. We constructed the MSCVR dataset consisting of normalized sensor data, spectrogram formatted sensor data, and cybersickness levels collected from 45 participants through a user study. We proposed two methods for embedding multimodal time-series sensor data into the transformer: modality-specific spatial and temporal transformer encoders for normalized sensor data (MS-STTN) and modality-specific spatial-temporal transformer encoder for spectrogram (MS-STTS). MS-STTN yielded the highest performance in the ablation study and the comparison of the existing models. Furthermore, by analyzing the importance of data features, we determined their relevance to cybersickness over time, especially the salience of eye movement features. Our results and insights derived from multimodal time-series sensor data and the transformer model provide a comprehensive understanding of cybersickness and its association with sensor data. Our MSCVR dataset and code are publicly available:
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Cybersickness, a syndrome resulting from exposure to virtual reality displays, raises ethicalk kand liability issues. We have found that contrary to the majority of previous reports in the literature, cybersicjness can be induced by desktop virtual reality. Moreover, our findings suggest that some individuals susceptible to cybersickness can be screened out on the basis of their self-reported susceptibility to motion sickness.
Virtual reality (VR) has received an enormous amount of publicity over the past few years. Along with this publicity has arisen a great deal of conflicting terminology, some unrealistic expectations, and a great deal of uninformed commentary. This chapter discusses that VR is an interactive, participatory environment that could sustain many remote users sharing a virtual place. VR is characterized by the illusion of participation in a synthetic environment than external observation of such an environment. It relies on three-dimensional, stereoscopic, head-tracked displays, hand/body tracking, and binaural sound. VR is an immersive, multisensory experience. It is also referred to as virtual environments, virtual worlds, or microworlds. It has the potential to provide additional power to its users through increased perceptual fidelity. It can also improve the performance of users by lowering the cognitive load in the completion of a task. VR can improve the quality of life for workers in hazardous or uncomfortable environments and may eventually have impact on the whole society.
Conference Paper
The uptake of new interface technologies, such as the Oculus Rift have generated renewed interest in virtual reality especially for private entertainment use. However, long standing issues with unwanted side effects, such as nausea from cybersickness, continue to impact on the general use of devices such as head mounted displays. This in turn has slowed the uptake of more immersive interfaces for computer gaming and indeed more serious applications in training and health. In this paper we report a systematic review in the area of cybersickness with a focus on measuring the diverse symptoms experienced. Indeed the related conditions of simulator sickness and motion sickness have previously been well studied and yet many of the issues are unresolved. Here we report on these issues along with a number of measures, both subjective and objective in nature, using either questionnaires or psychophysiological measures that have been used to study cybersickness. We also report on the factors, individual, device related and task dependent that impact on the condition. We conclude that there remains a need to develop more cost-effective and objective physiological measures of both the impact of cybersickness and a person's susceptibility to the condition.
The widespread diffusion of immersive virtual environments (VE) is threatened by persistent reports that some users experience simulation sickness, a form of motion sickness that accompanies extended use of the medium. Experience with the problem of simulation sickness is most extensive in the military where the illness has accompanied the use of various simulators since the 1950s. This article considers the obstacles presented by simulation sickness to the diffusion of VE systems, its physiological and technological causes, and, finally, the remedies that have been suggested to fix the problems. This issue is also considered in light of previous reports of purported illnesses that accompanied the diffusion of other communication technologies.
From the Publisher: This in-depth review of current virtual reality technology and its applications provides a detailed analysis of the engineering, scientific and functional aspects of virtual reality systems and the fundamentals of VR modeling and programming. It also contains an exhaustive list of present and future VR applications in a number of diverse fields. Virtual Reality Technology is the first book to include a full chapter on force and tactile feedback and to discuss newer interface tools such as 3-D probes and cyberscopes. Supplemented with 23 color plates and more than 200 drawings and tables which illustrate the concepts described.
Oculus rift: Virtual reality (VR) is a burgeoning field that has the inherent potential of manipulating peoples mind with a superlative 3D experience. Oculus rift is one such application that assists in achieving the same. With the fleeting enhancements in VR it now seems very feasible to provide the user with experiences that were earlier thought to be merely a dream or a nightmare.